#paid leave
mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Countries with both maternal and paternal leave, only maternal leave, or no paid leave.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Illinois will become one of three states to require employers to offer paid time off for any reason after Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law on Monday that will take effect next year.
Starting Jan. 1, 2024, Illinois employers must offer workers paid time off based on hours worked, with no need to explain the reason for their absence as long as they provide notice in accordance with reasonable employer standards.
Just Maine and Nevada mandate earned paid time time off and allot employees the freedom to decide how to use it, but Illinois’ law is further reaching, unencumbered by limits based on business size. Similarly structured regulations that require employers to offer paid sick leave exist in 14 states and Washington, D.C., but workers can only use that for health-related reasons.
Illinois employees will accrue one hour of paid leave for every 40 hours worked up to 40 hours total, although the employer may offer more. Employees can start using the time once they have worked for 90 days. Seasonal workers will be exempt, as will federal employees or college students who work non-full-time, temporary jobs for their university.
Pritzker signed the bill Monday in downtown Chicago, saying: “Too many people can't afford to miss even a day's pay ... together we continue to build a state that truly serves as a beacon for families, and businesses, and good paying jobs.”
Proponents say paid leave is key to making sure workers, especially low-income workers who are more vulnerable, are able to take time off when needed without fear of reprisal from an employer.
Bill sponsor Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, a Peoria Democrat, said the bill is the product of years of negotiations with businesses and labor groups.
“Everyone deserves the ability to take time off,” she said in a statement. “Whether it’s to deal with the illness of a family member, or take a step back for your mental health, enshrining paid leave rights is a step forward for our state."
“This is about bringing dignity to all workers," she said at the signing."
-via ABC News, 3/13/23
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lookingforcactus · 1 year
Non-paywall version here.
"Shawna Freeman Lane, 34, continued to teach college-level business by laptop after she gave birth by C-section in 2017. Her husband, Eric Lane, was home with her in Fircrest, Wash., for three weeks. The same thing happened in 2018, when their second child was born—except this time, Mr. Lane only got two weeks at home.
Having to leave his still-healing wife in the lurch was hard for Mr. Lane, as was tracking his children’s development via text messages while at work. But when their third was born last May, things were different. In 2020, Washington state had passed a new law entitling working parents to 12 weeks of paid leave, to bond with their newborn.
“It felt like winning the lottery, honestly,” said Mr. Lane, who stayed home for six weeks after their son was born, then another six weeks when Ms. Freeman Lane went back to work.
They are part of an explosion in the number of workers taking parental leave. In the 12 months through February [2023], a monthly 406,000 workers were absent on average due to paid or unpaid parental leave, up 13.5% from 2021, according to Labor Department data. The 478,000 working parents absent in January was the most since records began in 1994.
One driver behind the upswing is likely the increase in births in the past two years versus the prepandemic trend. The pandemic itself may also be a factor, as lockdowns and Covid kept many workers home.
But the main factor appears to be government and employer policies. While the U.S. remains the only advanced economy without nationally mandated paid parental leave, the share of workers with access to leave is growing, to 25% in March last year versus 19% in 2019, according to the Labor Department. Seven states plus the District of Columbia now require employers to provide paid leave, up from four in 2018, while private employers are also expanding the benefit. Four more states will require paid parental leave by 2026.
“As the state laws have passed, there has been a culture change, and more awareness and support for mothers and—especially—fathers around taking leave,” said Jane Waldfogel, a public affairs professor at Columbia University.
A greater propensity by fathers to take leave is an important contributor. The number of men on parental leave tripled to an average of 76,500 in the six months ended in February [2023] from five years earlier, whereas the number of women rose 11% to 336,000, according to census data.
More parental leave-taking benefits the economy in the impact on families’ well-being, said Emily Oster, economics professor at Brown University—ranging from near-term outcomes such as infant mortality rates to longer-term measures, including child test scores and adult earnings. “In this sense, leave now is an investment in the economic future,” Ms. Oster said...
Leave policies are a small but increasingly key way that firms compete for workers, according to Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter. About 3% of currently active online job postings nationwide explicitly advertise parental leave, about a fivefold increase from before the pandemic, ZipRecruiter data show.
Industries seeing the biggest increase are retail, and transportation and warehousing, said Ms. Pollak—something she calls the “Amazon effect.” The e-commerce giant was at the forefront of offering parental-leave benefits, prompting competitors to do the same...
Parents are also taking longer leaves. The typical mother now takes 120 days of bonding leave, up from 110 in 2019, and the median father is out for 60 days, a 15-day increase, according to Sparrow, a leave-management platform. New York state family bonding claims data show a similar trend, with moms claiming 9.9 weeks in 2021, a three-week gain from 2018, and dads extending their average leave by 2.3 weeks, to 6.9...
“My son is so much fun now. He’s getting to the stage where he’s his own human,” [Jonathan Leslie, a 36-year-old software engineer] said. “Having the open-ended play with him—that opportunity won’t come again.”
-via The Wall Street Journal, 4/8/23. Non-paywall version via ProgramBusiness, 4/10/23.
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nimthirielrinon · 25 days
You know what would go a long way toward peace on earth? Just giving everybody one discretionary day of paid leave per month which doesn’t have to accrue, so that we can get menstrual leave without using up our other leave or causing issues of unfairness to people who don’t menstruate.
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yearofthetiger25 · 1 year
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revhopepunk · 1 year
Everything I’ve been trying to help people understand for the last three years, with bonus expertise science that I don’t have:
“From the moment humanity learned of the novel coronavirus, uncertainty swirled. SARS-CoV-2, named for its terrifying viral cousin, seemed to be even worse than SARS: more deadly, more transmissible, better at evading detection. A singular question arose in the minds of two very different classes of people: “How do we survive this?” For one of those classes, the question was literal: how do we avoid being killed by a disease that seems to be spreading and killing invisibly and indiscriminately? For the other class, the question being asked in boardrooms and capitols was really: “Could this dislodge our grip on power?””
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Finland's Women-Led Government Has Equalized Family Leave: 7 Months For Each Parent Under the new policy, families are entitled to a total 14 months of paid leave. The health minister says the goal is to both improve gender equality and boost a declining birth rate. That’s Fourteen Months Fully Paid Leave.
Compare and contrast with the United States. We offer ZERO paid maternity leave to anyone. Guess who always stands in the way of paying women?
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coldwellrealtyservices · 11 months
Now Hiring!!
Job Tittle: Executive Assistant.
Reporting To: Shane Rishell
Salary: $600/Weekly, then $900 after 2 weeks of Job satisfaction.
Hours: Part time, 36 hours weekly
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mapsontheweb · 11 months
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Number of minimum mandated paid vacation and paid public holidays.
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imkeepinit · 1 year
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Universal Paid Family and Medical Leave Under Consideration in Congress
States pick up tatters of Democrats' paid leave, child care agenda
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learnwithmearticles · 2 months
Working in France
In this article, I examine how working conditions and their impact on French living compare to those of the United States.
While I have been a citizen of the U.S.A. for my entire life and have first-hand experience of the working conditions and work benefits, I have never lived in France. The knowledge used to make the comparisons here comes from quantitative reports and first-hand accounts.
Benefits and Pay
Compared to the U.S., workers in France have wonderful benefits. Full-time work weeks are usually 35 hours, of course varying by industry, and employees are assured about 25 days of paid vacation per year, not including holidays. When sick, an employee is guaranteed 50% of their daily pay for up to six months, as long as they have worked there for at least three.
The U.S. currently has no federal minimums for sick leave. However, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to many companies and public agencies, and mandates twelve weeks of unpaid leave “for certain medical situations”, if an employee has worked for at least twelve months 7.
On average, a U.S. worker has about 11 paid vacation days every year 4. Paid vacation leave is not a legal requirement.
Maternity leave in France is generally around 16 to 48 weeks of paid time off, while paternity leave is up to 28 days of paid leave 2. In the case of paternity leave, employers must pay for three days and social security pays for the rest. In the United States, only 13 states have mandatory amounts of paid parental leave. The time off ranges from 6 to 8 weeks 3. In both countries, the earnings during time off largely depend on what the employee was making during regular work hours.
French health insurance covers employees, retirees, the self-employed, and the unemployed 5. It generally covers 70%-80% of medical fees, or 100% if one has a major illness 6. Major illnesses include Parkinson’s disease, stroke, Crohn’s disease, cancers, diabetes, bipolar disorder, and serious anxiety disorders, as well as many other conditions. Many citizens have secondary insurance to help with what isn’t covered, which is generally around €14-30 per month.
Most health insurance in the United States is private and depends on the agreements negotiated between employers and insurance companies. On average, a U.S. citizen pays around $117 a month through employer health insurance, or about $477 per month if they cannot enroll through their employment 17.
One might qualify for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance plan depending on household size and income. For example, a single person making up to $1,677 each month would qualify for Medicaid and not have to pay a monthly premium or copays 8. Usually, one also has to have lived in the United States for at least five years to qualify, and applying and receiving Medicaid approval can take over six months and be very difficult to navigate 9.
It’s Not Perfect
While employees are more secure in France, they do still face some of the issues that American workers do.
The French minimum wage, as of 2023, is €11.27 before taxes. This is about €1,600 per month. The estimated average cost of living is about €1,027, not including rent 11. As of 2018, about 40% of people also had rent costs to pay 12. It is generally less expensive to live in France than in the United States, but many people there are also facing the housing crisis and inflated costs of basic living.
About 17% of France’s population makes minimum wage 15. This compares to about 1.4% of U.S. workers 16, but the minimum wage there is $7.25 compared to €11.27 in France (12.23 USD).
While the average monthly salary in France is around €2,340 (varying by region) 13, about 14.6% of the population lived in poverty in 2020 14.
Overall, the employee benefit requirements and federal policies of France reflect an investment in its people and a belief in basic rights. Compared to the United States, the government puts effort into taking care of its citizens. They are facing cost of living issues and have not increased the minimum wage to reflect that, but still beat the U.S. in wage minimum, health coverage, and paid time off.
If you have personal experiences relating to French employee benefits and wages, please feel free to add what information you can!
Additional Resources
1. https://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1110&langId=en&intPageId=4535
2. https://www.safeguardglobal.com/resources/employee-benefits-in-france/
4. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/pto-statistics/
6. https://www.internations.org/france-expats/guide/healthcare
7. https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/sickleave
8. https://njfamilycare.dhs.state.nj.us/who_eligbl.aspx
10. https://www.eurodev.com/blog/understanding-employee-benefits-in-france
11. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=France
12. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/france-rental-housing-markets/
13. https://joinhorizons.com/countries/france/hiring-employees/average-salary/
14. https://www.statista.com/statistics/460446/poverty-rate-france/
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
जानें मतदान के दिनों क्यों दी जाती है पेड लिव, इसके बारे क्या है कानूनी प्रावधान
जानें मतदान के दिनों क्यों दी जाती है पेड लिव, इसके बारे क्या है कानूनी प्रावधान
Paid Leave in India: भारत के चुनाव आयोग (ECI) ने 16 मार्च को घोषणा की कि लोकसभा चुनाव 19 अप्रैल से 1 जून तक सात चरणों में होंगे। चुनाव 19 और 26 अप्रैल, 7 मई, 13 13 मई, 20, 25, और 1 जून को होंगे। बता दें कि 25 मई को छोड़कर ये सभी कार्यदिवस हैं। इससे एक मन में सवाल उठता है कि क्या वोटिंग के दिन कर्मचारियों के लिए पेड लिव हैं? इसको लेकर कानून क्या कहता है और इसका उल्लंघन करने पर क्या परिणाम होंगे?…
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stoppopulationdecline · 6 months
Japan's Health Ministry Panel Proposes 100% Paternity Leave
Japan's health ministry panel has recommended a significant enhancement to the country's paternity leave benefits to encourage parents, especially fathers, to take more paid leave and spend more time with early child care.
Japan’s health ministry panel has recommended a significant enhancement to the country’s paternity leave benefits to encourage parents, especially fathers, to take more paid leave and spend more time with early child care. The proposed plan, announced Monday, is set to increase paternity leave allowances to full income coverage, up from the current rate of approximately 80%. Key…
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hrfit · 7 months
The Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act was signed into law earlier this year and will go into effect January 1, 2024.  We encourage our clients to review their paid leave policies to be compliant with this new law while maintaining a healthy workplace through time off benefits for employees. Read the HR Fit blog to learn what you need to know about this new legislation.
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mc-posts · 10 months
Military paid leave for abortion but not death in the family?
Military paid leave for abortion but not death in the family? Senator Cotton is out there fighting for our troops. But what the Pentagon has done is just plain crazy. This from Senator Cotton. “It shouldn’t be taxpayer funds giving them three weeks of paid, uncharged leave and then also paying for travel and lodging and meal.” Now if a family member dies, there is a charged leave, and none of the…
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worldnewsspot · 1 year
The Vice President and Glamour Co-Host Women’s History
Then she welcomed Karina Garcia, who was joined by Abi Akintolayo, Tiffany Mroktek, and Shukura Wells from our paid leave project, who shared her own story about her experiences postpartum, and why coming together to mark Women’s History Month is so important, before introducing the Vice President and Glamour.  She told the audience: “Last year, on May 12, I gave birth to my first daughter…
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