#outside of contracted hours to get projects done on time
wizardlyghost · 8 months
fuckin. i thought i was done with the "agonizing over career choices" part of job hunting when i submitted a resume, but out of goddamn nowhere another apprenticeship opportunity has fallen right into my lap. with applications closing tomorrow. so now on this day when i am so very exhausted i have been launched straight into the incredibly stressful business of asking myself what i want. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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blackbackedjackal · 1 month
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I was the one who started the server and founded the studio. I invited DogBlud to the server.
I was an investor on the project, quoted a total of $5200 out of the full $13,600 on a website that DogBlud commissioned Angela and her team to make.
One of the first red flags I noticed as an investor was that DogBlud never patched me through to Angela and her team. She said she would after I read over and agreed to the contract that Angela wrote up, but she never did. She promised to add me and Rex to a server with Angela so we could keep up to date with the progress. This never happened.
I messaged DogBlud several times about my payments. My first one was due February 12th. I didn't know where to send the funds and brought it up with her several days before. It was around this time that I suspected she was hiding me away from Angela and her team, and now I know why.
According to Angela's own account, DogBlud is saying she invited ME to the project. Which is a blatant lie. So let's go ahead and add taking credit for space a Black woman created, a space that was predominantly women of color (DogBlud being the ONLY exception) to the pile.
Dog was not the "group leader". She was tasked with being an investor, my business partner/consultant, a writer, and an inker. Since we agreed to start on her project, Same As Always, first, I asked her to be a project manager so that she could tell us the art direction she wanted us to take. She was asked to do these things, by me, the studio founder and lead who was working on contracts, setting up meetings with lawyers/other investors and participants, researching for and planning a KickStarter campaign that was intended to help us raise more money for the studio, set up an LLC for the studio, be a character/writing consultant, cultural consultant, art director, colorist, and more.
The reason I "wasn't able to hit my deadlines" is because A. She made completely unrealistic deadlines on a project that I and Rex were under the impression was volunteer work since none of us were getting paid. We agreed to this because we knew that a lot of work needed to be completed before the site launched.
B. Because I was in the process of moving (a move that DogBlud encouraged me to do due to my horrid living situation at the time) and did not have access to my PC for certain working hours that was had agreed to. I was working consistently on the off-hours to make up for any scheduled time I missed (my art updates were posted in the server) and kept the team updated with my moving situation. I assured Dog that once I was done moving, I'd be on a proper schedule. My move was delayed and complicated due to external factors outside of my control. After about a week and a half into what was a three week process, Dog either stopped acknowledging my updates in the chat or said that she "wasn't happy" with me even though she was harassing me and pressuring me to work on pages nearly every day when I physically could not work on them.
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hpowellsmith · 11 months
How do you manage working both on games and on IFs? Both are industries I'd love to work in some day so any advice would be deeply appreciated!
Small background info: as of May 2023, I'm doing a variety of freelance narrative design and consulting work for game studios plus my work for CoG projects.
A lot of people I know who do narrative in the games industry started out with IF in various ways, whether they continued doing that or moved into other types of games. The skills you learn making small (or big!) interactive pieces are essential for understanding narrative design and game writing. Job application requirements often ask for Twine or Ink excerpts in portfolios. Although game studios won't always use those tools out of the box (ink or ink-plus-custom-tech is more common, but often proprietary tools will be used, or something like articy) building your knowledge of the possibilities of what can be done with interactive storytelling is vital. So if you are interesting in pursuing game writing or narrative design, creating some IF is a great thing to look into.
I don't know if I have good advice, exactly, because 2019-2022 I was working full-time in games and making my CoG games during lunch breaks, evenings and weekends and... it wasn't easy especially at the points where I was doing Royal Affairs and Noblesse Oblige sort-of at the same time while making King of the Castle (in practice, I alternated between the two CoG projects but switching between three very different games was quite the endeavour!)
So my primary advice would be to keep an eye on your mental and physical health because the risk of burnout is huge. Especially if you're working in a creative field already - you can get into a cycle of leisure time turning into work time and you don't really get decompression.
One thing that not everyone knows is that some (not all!) game studio policies restrict the creative work you're allowed to do on the side, with varying levels of strictness. For example:
-you may be required to ask permission to do side projects at all, with the possibility that they will say no
-you may be required to specify what you're working on and state that it isn't related to what you're doing in your day job
-you may be required to sign a contract stating that if you don't get written confirmation otherwise, the company will own your side project and be owed revenue from it, even if it's done outside of work hours and not using any work related equipment or software
-and many other possible restrictions. I have had the experience of having to ask permission to work on side projects when working a job that was entirely unrelated and outside the game industry
So: if you have a salaried job and you want to do a side project, especially but not only if you're getting money from it, really do your research and make sure you're on solid ground legally.
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literaticat · 1 month
Hi Jenn. After all these years agenting, do you still find it exciting and challenging (in a good way) or do you sometimes have to find new ways to keep it from becoming mundane at times? Hope I'm asking this right. I guess what I mean is, what advice do you have for others in the publishing field - agents, editors, authors - or even any job (!) to keep things fresh and stimulating without becoming dull and repetitive?
I find it exciting and challenging, and very rarely would I characterize it as dull or repetitive or mundane, actually. (Even theoretically "dull" activities like data entry or whatever -- while maybe ANNOYING sometimes -- are still of short enough duration that they aren't really any of those other things!)
There's just always some new project, challenge, puzzle to figure out, and one day rarely looks just like the next. (I guess it might from an outside perspective -- like "okkkkkay, she's sat at her computer for 8 hours... the next day she's sat at her computer for 8 hours..." these seem the same! BUT I PROMISE THEY ARE DIFFERENT!)
So where MY problem comes in is not in boredom or anything like that -- it's more: A) PANIC because no matter how much I do, there's literally always more to do. I can't get to inbox zero, the inbox doesn't have a bottom. I can't finish a to-do list this week, or any week, things are just getting added as fast as I can do them. and B) PROCRASTINATION - like right now is my "day off" but I started to low-key panic about the things I have to do. Like, I have to -- HAVE TO!!! -- do my taxes and clean my house, because my mom is coming in a couple of days and the house is a wreck AND I know while she's here I won't have time to do my taxes and whatever whatever -- so instead I'm SCREWING AROUND ON TUMBLR. -- so B is both a result of, and cause of, A. That's my struggle. (And if anyone has advice, hmu.)
I guess my advice if you DO have a repetitive job is, try and break it up into smaller bits, and do other things in between? Like, I can't give notes on multiple books in a row, or read multiple contracts in a row -- I can do ONE, and then I have to do something entirely different, using a different part of my brain. Like I can edit a book, then update social media -- then I can do a contract, but then go outside and just read a published book -- then I can look at queries, etc. But if I tried just editing a book or reading contracts or looking at queries all day long, I'd die.
So if you are a writer, maybe you have dedicated time that you know you can be head down, butt in chair, just writing your face off -- a time when you are by yourself and don't have to worry about feeding any children or animals or anything like that. Focus on that for that dedicated stretch of time -- no looking at email or the news. Then take a break that is totally different -- walk the dog! Make an omelette! Call your mom! -- then, go back to work, but this time, you are editing something you wrote last week. Then, give yourself a treat, have a cup of tea, look at social media. Then, go back to work, but this time you are doing admin -- updating your website, or getting shit together for an event next week, or whatever.
ALSO, I got this piece of advice from a productivity expert (paraphrasing, and also, advice that I should actually take myself but I just remembered about it right now!) Basically, rather than having a lengthy to-do list that feels daunting -- your daily to-do list should be THREE ITEMS. Pick three. ONLY. THREE.
Then when you do those three things, you're done for the day -- you can give yourself a gold star and stop -- OR, you can try for another three.
I do find that when I actually focus -- like, OK, I have ONE HOUR to do this task and only this task, head down, timer on -- or OK, I am going to sit here and do THREE AGENDA ITEMS -- then I actually do them. Whereas if I have a nebulous long list, it's much harder to do!
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
All Roads To The Sea - Chapter One
OKAAAY SO. I CAN'T WAIT!!! can't promise every chapter will be up at midnight pst, or that they'll even be all done on time but at the very least this and chapter two will be.
HAPPY JAYTIM WEEK EVERYONE 💖 i cannot wait to read all the wonderful works everyone's been working on for this week it's going to be a blast!
Jaytim Week Day One - Mermaid/Roadtrip
Ao3 link will be in the replies to prevent tumblr from sending me to the shadow realm
It starts, as all things in Tim's life, with a phone call from his parents.
Janet’s voice is pleading and Jack’s is stoic as they tell him about the new contract that they’ve picked up for Drake Industries. How important it would be for the company and his future, since he would definitely be coming back to Gotham someday and why can’t that day be… well, today. Right now, actually.
Tim hates the way his mother pitches her voice, sickly sweet, on the other end of the call, as if he could ever say no. As if he ever had a choice in the matter to begin with.
“It’s the perfect opportunity,” she says in that saccharine tone of voice that’s meant to make Tim feel like this was actually all his idea, “you need to start somewhere if you want to take over the company someday.”
Tim really doesn’t want to do that actually, but try telling his parents that.
Which is how Tim finds himself sitting in a motel later that night, five hours outside of San Francisco, sitting across from one man that looks like he just stepped out of a Terminator casting call and another that looks like he would much rather be conducting lightning into a stitched together corpse.
Sergeant Nicholas Danger clearly took his job too seriously, if you ask Tim. He was in charge of security for this little jaunt to Gotham and acted like that made him “God”. Tim had seen him screaming at three of the other guards, spittle flying from his lips that Tim could almost picture in slow motion. Right now, his smile stretched over his lips like a Cheshire Cat, eyes obscured by dark sunglasses he apparently insists on wearing at all times (even indoors.)
Doctor Luis Hadley, on the other hand, looked about as thrilled as Tim felt to be sitting at a table next to Sergeant Danger. He kept glancing furtively towards the small window that overlooked the motel parking lot as if reassuring himself that the 18 wheel transport truck that was coming with them was still there. Between glances, he busies himself flipping through a tan coloured folder at a rate that either suggests he reads very quickly or that he’s just trying to look busy to avoid Danger saying anything to him.
Tim decides this is the most uncomfortable meeting he’s been in since the time in highschool where the principal tried to have a teleconference with his parents via very spotty satellite phone.
“Alright, kiddo” – Tim is twenty-seven, thanks – “your parents' company is very, very lucky, you know. The government could have chosen any number of companies for this project” – okay, get to the point – “and they want you to have the honour of leading it!”
Tim grimaces through the rest of Danger’s speech, which goes mostly in circles without actually telling Tim anything of substance except that Danger is absolutely full of himself, hot air and not much else. He gestures wildly as he talks about Super Secret Missions that he’s led, the battlefields he’s been on etcetera, etcetera. It all sounds very fantastical, sure, in broad strokes. Apparently, he is unable to elaborate on the finer details of most of his stories or else, “I’d have to kill you.”
“Here is your contract,” Dr. Hadley says, interrupting Danger’s current tangent which Tim thinks has something to do with fighting ninjas. He removes a sheath of paper from the folder, sliding it across the table towards Tim. “You just need to sign the non-disclosure and we can actually begin.”
Danger sputters, clearing his throat in an effort to recover, “right, yes. Time is of the essence, isn’t it, Hadley?”
Hadley does not deign Danger with a response.
Tim meets Hadley’s eyes, one eyebrow raised, before putting his own quick reading skills to use. Predictably, the contract only vaguely alludes to… whatever the fuck his parents have gotten themselves into. There’s several mentions of The Specimen, which is to remain property of the United States of America Government while being loaned to Drake Industries. Any breach of contract would be met with immediate termination and information leaks would be met with “appropriate punishment.” Yikes. That sounded like code for nobody will find your body.
 This… sucks, Tim decides. He would absolutely rather not be doing this. Vaguely he wonders how much trouble he’d be in with his parents if he just walked out. They don’t actually need him for this project, whatever it is, and even if they did it only appears to be at a management level. Sometimes Tim wishes he had an older sibling, maybe they would be more interested in taking over Drake Industries than he is.
Nevertheless, Danger and Hadley are both watching him like hawks and Tim isn’t sure he wants to test Danger’s patience.
Whatever. An NDA wasn’t an assurance that Tim would stay on the project. He could just get to Gotham, spend enough time there to either appease his parents or annoy them into agreeing he isn’t right for the project and hopefully fuck right off back to San Fran.
So. He initials the bottom right corner of every page and then signs Timothy Jackson Drake in his best cursive on the last page.
“Alright, are you going to tell me what we’re transporting now?”
Hadley gathers the contract in front of him, tapping it thrice on the table before placing it precisely back into the file folder. “You may attend the debrief meeting I will be having with the staff tomorrow morning, six AM sharp. I would rather not have to repeat myself multiple times.”
“Don’t be like that, Luis,” Danger laughs, reaching out to clap Hadley, who flinches out of reach, on the back. Unfazed, he continues, “kid’s signed the papers, he deserves to know what all the hubbub is about.”
“You will refer to me as Doctor Hadley and if you wish to take Mr. Drake to the truck, be my guest as long as you don’t touch anything. I will be retiring for the night.” Patience run out, Hadley stands in one fluid motion, nods at Tim and marches himself right out the door.
“Ha. Touchy guy, huh?” Danger chuckles humourlessly. “Well, I can’t explain any of that fancy science they’re doing but what’dya say, kid? You wanna see a monster?”
There are two guards posted outside of the truck, one of which Tim recognizes as being one of Danger’s earlier victims. They both bolt upright from where they had been previously leaning against the back of the truck, snapping their arms up in a salute as Danger approaches. He barely acknowledges them, striding right up and pounding his fist several times against the trailer door.
Tim chokes on a laugh, trying quickly to disguise it as a cough into the crook of his arm, when the door swings open and very nearly nails Danger in the face.
“What?” the young woman standing at the edge of the truck asks, an accusatory eyebrow raised directly at Tim.
“Ah, Chrystina!” Danger exclaims, revealing himself from behind the open door that nearly took his head off. Chrystina’s expression sours considerably. “Have you had a chance to meet with Timothy yet? He’s going to be the supervisor on your little project.”
Chrystina turns her attention back to Tim, eyes raking him up and down. “Is he now?”
Danger either doesn’t hear her or decides to entirely ignore it (probably the latter) and barrels right on, “I told him he could get a little peek at what you science folk have been up to.”
Chrystina’s eyes narrow, still staring at Tim. She doesn’t seem much older than him and yet Tim feels a lot like a bug under a microscope, trying not to squirm under the weight of her gaze. Then she snorts once, moving backwards from the door to let them in. 
“Just don’t touch anything,” she calls, echoing the sentiment Hadley had given them earlier.
The inside of the trailer is… about what Tim was expecting, if he was being honest. A large computer console took up the front half of the left wall, a screen showing different statistics and clearly monitoring various vital signs. In the far back several tanks were set up side by side, pipes running along the walls and into a singular five foot cube with a singular glass front. 
“Get the lights, would ‘ya?” Danger’s voice takes on a slightly manic edge, his weight shifting from left to right and back again as he stands, one foot tapping against the steel flooring.
Chrystina lets out a long suffering sigh but obediently taps something into the computer console that Tim doesn’t quite catch. Light floods the large container, illuminating the water from the inside and.
Tim’s mind stutters to a halt because, hey, that’s a whole person that’s crammed themself into the far left corner of the tank.
“Incredible, isn’t it?” Danger bangs his fist against the glass, causing a low reverberating boom that Tim can feel in his teeth.
“Hey! I said no touching,” Chrystina protests right as the person looks up, glaring balefully up at Danger who just takes that to mean he should definitely bang on the glass more.
“C’mon, you stupid creature, can’t get a good look at you like that!”
Tim’s brain is still playing catch up, trying to reconcile the fact there’s a person, underwater, alive, and… really, that’s not a person at all. Not in the way his mind first thought when he saw them curled up in the corner. No, there’s a long black tail, pock marked by splotches of white that remind Tim of a koi fish, delicate fins fanned out against the bottom of the tank. Most of their torso is blocked from the way they’re hugging the large tail up to their chest, Tim can see tanned skin dotted by black patches of scales that spread over their shoulders and face. The hands and forearms are covered in the same black skin and scales, fingers ending in large deadly looking claws.
“Holy shit,” Tim breathes as the creature half heartedly bares their sharp teeth at Danger.
“Didn’t believe me, did you, kid?” Danger reaches over and claps Tim on the back, further knocking the wind out of him. “Picked it up off the coast of Africa.”
“He,” Chrystina hisses from over by the computer console.
Tim continues staring, even as Danger launches into what he’s sure is only about fifty percent truth on how they captured an honest to god merperson. Electric teal eyes move from Danger to Tim, white fringe floating around his temples like a halo.
Tim breathes in sharply through his teeth, suddenly understanding all those myths about sailors throwing themselves into the sea for beautiful creatures beyond their comprehension.
Danger taunts the merman again, smacking his hand flat against the glass with a loud BANG. The merman startles from the noise, baring his teeth again and Tim can’t help but imagine him hissing like a cat.
“Alright, that’s enough, Sergeant, I have important work to do,” Chrystina intones through clenched teeth, sounding all the world like she was considering murder. Tim doesn’t blame her.
All at once, the lights inside the tank blink out, shrouding it in mystery once more. Even with the inside lights off, now that Tim knows what to look for he can barely make out the muted glint of scale here and there, can see the edge of torn fins pressed up against the bottom edge of the glass.
Tim blinks slowly, dragging his gaze away from the tank. Chrystina is still standing by the console, her expression stormy as Danger laughs, nudging Tim in the ribs with his elbow and making a joke about that time of the month.
Danger talks to him all the way to the door of his motel room, not that Tim truly processes any of it. No, his mind lingers on the merman, on the dark circles beneath his eyes, the flaking scales off his tail. The resigned look on his face as he warily watched Danger taunt him. 
There’s a feeling building in the back of Tim’s mind. An unease that crawls its way up from the pit of his stomach from the way the merman was being treated. Taunted by Danger… tested on by Hadley and his scientists and now being transported to be tested on by his parents’ company.
Tim doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand what his parents would want with a merperson like this, or why the government would agree to let them. But he definitely intends to find out.
Tim pulls back the paltry curtain covering the small window by the door, looking out over the parking lot towards the trailer. Chrystina has to leave eventually, if not to sleep then surely for something to eat. Tim pulls up a chair to the window, figuring he won’t be getting any sleep either, and waits.
Tim’s jolted awake by the sound of the trailer doors closing, barely blinking the sleep from his eyes in time to watch Chrystina nod to the two guards and then make a beeline towards the motel block. Tim scrambles to catch up with her, which culminates in him swinging the motel door shut behind him and starting to run before he’s even looked where he’s going.
In other words: he runs right into her.
“Oh! Uh, hey, sorry about that,” Tim says in a rush, taking a couple steps back out of her space.
“It’s… fine,” Chrystina says warily, dusting off one lab coat sleeve.
She stares at him like a puzzle, the silence stretching out between them like a chasm.
“Uh, so I was wondering,” Tim starts.
“I’m not going to have sex with you,” Chrystina says directly, face unmoved even as Tim begins to sputter.
“No, that’s not- look, the, uh” -Tim flounders, waving a hand vaguely in the air- “specimen?”
“Cool, yeah, Jason. I had some questions?”
She considers him, head tilted slightly and eyes narrowed, the same way she had at the trailer. Tim isn’t sure what she sees.
“Okay. Come with me.” Chrystina doesn’t wait for a response, marching forward past Tim without so much as a backwards glance.
Tim follows her into another bland motel room, a perfect mirror image to his own: walls painted a muted yellow, floral pattern bed sheets with permanent staining, dingy curtains hanging over a single window looking over the parking lot.
“You better be serious,” Chrystina says over her shoulder, one hand rummaging through a black suitcase, “because I have pepper spray if you’re not.”
“No! I just… Doctor Hadley isn’t very… approachable.” Hadley was the opposite, actually, projecting an aura of Don’t Even Look At Me even when interaction was necessary.
Chrystina snorts, pocketing the small spray bottle before sitting at the small round table. “That’s an understatement. What’d Danger say your name was? Timothy?”
“Just Tim is fine.” The chair makes a god awful screeching noise against the linoleum floor as Tim pulls it out.
“Chrys then. Okay, what is it you want?”
Tim stares at her from across the table. He had all these thoughts spinning through his head before but in the face of a single raised eyebrow he suddenly finds his mind turning up blank.
“You named him?” Tim blurts after the silence has built just long enough for his brain to decide to say whatever the first thing that comes to mind is.
Chrys sighs, rubbing her thumb and forefinger against the bridge of her nose. “No, I didn’t name him. That’s his name. I know it might seem hard to believe but he’s not just some mindless animal like Danger seems to think.
“Everyone out there is so focused on finding out what they can do to him, what they can get out of it! It’s absurd!” Chrys gestures wildly, slapping one hand down on the table as she rants, “we could learn so much from Jason if we just… asked, you know? I love biology and this is… this is important, I know that, but.” She stops short, looking up at Tim with pleading eyes.
“He seems so human?” Tim offers.
Chrys deflates, slumping over the table to rest her head on one arm. “Yeah, that.”
They sit in silence for a while, Chrys staring at a spot on the wall and Tim picking at the hem of his sleeve.
“I would’ve quit when I got the job. Would’ve just walked away,” Chrys says, muffled into the crook of her arm. “When I saw what was happening. This isn’t research for the sake of better understanding the world. But, I saw Jason and I realized… Nobody was doing anything and none of them were going to. Somebody had to stay and protect him. So, here I am.” She opens her hands, waving them around in a mock rendition of jazz hands.
“Okay,” Tim says. His mind buzzes as an idea begins to take shape, fingers drumming against the table while he thinks. Chrys turns her head to look at him, one eyebrow raised. “Okay, then. We protect him until we can get him out.”
“Are you insane? Did you not see all the armoured guards Danger’s in charge of?” Chrys sits bolt upright in alarm, eyes taking on a wild look. “I appreciate where you’re coming from, but we’re going to be driving through the middle of the States for at least the next four days. When and where exactly did you want to do this?”
“River?” Tim supplies hopefully.
“No, even if all rivers flow to the sea he wouldn’t be able to survive in freshwater long enough to get there.” Chrys waves her hand dismissively.
“Well… It doesn’t have to be right now.”
Now Chrys is drumming her fingers against the tabletop too, mind probably similarly buzzing with ideas. They sit together for the next couple hours, ideas and plans being proposed and shot down for numerous logistics reasons. A map is spread out on the table, Chrys plotting out the route the convoy was likely to take and where and when the truck would need to stop to cycle the tanks.
“I know how to hotwire a car,” Tim suppolies while she’s tracing lines onto the map. “Among other things.”
“Among other things?” Chrys repeats incredulously. “Just who are you?”
Tim shrugs, nonchalant. “Just someone who had a lot of time on my hands as a kid and not a lot of supervision. The point is, I could steal a car.”
Well, Tim hasn’t done it in a long time. Long past were the days where the only way into Gotham proper was to hotwire one of his father’s cars. He was pretty confident he could remember the basic steps, though, and Tim had always been a fast thinker when it came to puzzles.
“Next you’re going to tell me you can make a pipe bomb or something,” Chrys snorts. Her face falls when Tim grimaces. “No. No!”
“Listen, are you really gonna complain when something like that could help us here?”
“Yes, because you’re clearly insane! But, you also have a point.” Chrys yawns, scrubbing at her eye with the heel of one hand. “You know what, it is really too late for this right now. Doctor Hadley told you to be ready for debrief at six, right? That’s in three hours.”
Right. Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day. They weren’t going to solve this in a single night either.
Tim is late to the debrief, earning a truly impressive stink eye from Doctor Hadley. Chrys stands beside him, arms held behind her back. She makes eye contact with Tim once before her gaze slides away to stare over the motel roof. Two more interns joined them this morning, looking bright eyed and excited about the opportunity. Considering the way Hadley talks about them getting the chance of a lifetime to work on this project, he’s not sure they’ll be any help.
Getting “The Specimen” to Gotham safely is to be their number one priority. He explains the use of the water cycling tanks, how they will need to be refilled every 24 hours, how to check the salinity and when and what to feed him when the times come.
It’s overall not a particularly illuminating debrief, though Tim supposes that most of the actual research was in his and Chrys’ hands.
With a sharp nod, Hadley dismisses them to join the rest of the guards and Danger in packing up the remaining cars and trucks before leaving. Chrys sidles up to Tim, bumping shoulders while whispering, “when we stop tonight, come to the trailer after we’ve done the cycling. After nine should be good.”
Tim nods and Chrys splits off, climbing into the back of the trailer with the two new interns.
“Got yourself a girlfriend for the trip, huh?” Danger claps Tim hard on the back, mouth stretched wide in a fully toothed grin. “I was thinking of making a move on her myself but good on ya, kid!”
Tim looks down pointedly at Danger’s hand, where a wedding band rests on his finger.
“Ah, what the missus don’t know never hurt her. Besides, she knows us men have got needs!” Danger positively howls with laughter while Tim grimaces. Just when he thought this guy couldn’t get any worse, he wraps one arm around Tim’s shoulders and steers him towards a black SUV with dark windows. “You’re riding with me, kid! We’ll have ourselves a ball.”
Oh, wonderful. Trapped for the next twelve or so hours with a man who made Saturday morning cartoon villains look reasonable. Tim couldn’t wait.
[next chapter]
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 Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
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Devil in The Details: Mercury Retrograde in Virgo This retrograde found me sitting in front of a medical center waiting for a deliver service to pick me up, in a malfunctioning wheelchair. I spent hours calling a call center to connect me with a driver who would pick me up. While I tend avoid personal matters in my forcast, wanting you to view the transit from your own personal lens, my recent surgery urges me to share my perspective with regard to the nature of all transits and this one in particular. We understand the planets through our own experiences and observations. The astrologer can only provide the framework what you may encounter. Retrogrades are times of personal reflection and review, where we evaulate our lives from the now clinical way and from the position of a human being who past decisions and effort demand reappraise and context. Mercury Retrograde will begin on Thursday, August 23th. It will remain in the sign of Virgo for the whole of the transitt. It ends on Friday September 15 at EDT, and 1:21 pm PDT..
Virgo is a sign that are governed or under the direct influence of the planet, Mercury. Virgo (Earth) represents thought applied with pragmatic, practical approach to the physical world. Stickler for rules, Virgo is able break things down to their components, determining how they work and what ways will make them work better. Virgo, as a sign, can be practical, hardworking, supportive and observant. They can also be hypercritical, demanding, insincere and preoccupied.
Mercury Retrogrades is a time of reflection and review, where one is encouraged to reexamine important past issues. During the transit, your daily routines may be shaken up; you may encounter mental challenges, or be required to make some alternate plans regarding some daily matters. Expect to be distracted and made to improvise a great deal into the coming weeks. You may find unpredictability and randomness to be the order of the day.
This transit will ask that you re-examine and re-evaluate some important questions of your life. Determine where you’ve allowed rote, mechanical thinking to supplant your intuition or sense of spontaneity. You may possibly revisit a past experience in service to fostering an exciting new one. Remember, Retrogrades are not the time to initiate new endeavors, but review past ones. The information you uncover from revisiting issues from the past will serve you in good stead in weeks following the end of the transit on September 15th.
Mercury retrogrades are notorious for their affect upon devices of planning and communication. Telephones, computers, written message and contracts may experience problems during its passage. Try not to initiate new projects or make commitment wherever possible at this time. Keep your focus upon existing concerns instead. In light of this transit it might be in your best interest to get a second opinion or an outside observer to help review your work. Reach out to those you trust and support your research with another set of eyes.
Virgos, This retrograde is not about what you need to do, but about what have you not yet done. It will ask you to look back upon previous efforts, determining if they can help you in the future. Rediscoveries you’ll make in the coming weeks may feed and renew concerns you are truly passionate about.
Pisces, at this time, expect important breakthroughs to occur, especially with regards to your personal plans. Rather than choosing a specific course, allow yourself to explore a variety of possibilities. Once the retrograde ends you’ll possess a wide array of knowledge that will help you make best the possible choice in service to your plans. Let your internal cues provide the answer you will need.
Gemini and Sagittarius, This retrograde may ask you to revisit some past matter and to determine its importance to your future. You may have to confront a dilemma that cannot be easily overlooked or ignored. Unraveling the knot that Mercury presents you with may prove highly productive, even cathartic.
In the next few weeks get in touch with your humanity, both acknowledging your frailties and allowing for a new perspectives. Spend time in spiritual practices and creative endeavors during this period. Any creative projects should prove helpful and instructive at this time. You should dwell upon things that predate the retrograde and be mindful of starting any new works during this period.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo may provide solutions to questions that honor the life you want to live. Listen to your inner truth and this transit may set you upon a course to an existence that is productive, bright and vigorous.
Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 20 years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living.
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kiribread · 1 year
Monster Hunter Au!
Idk something dawned on me that i can actually post this so im gonna!
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So here's shinii [kamui woods] for the au! It took me a lil bit to figure out his design but im happy with it 💃
Here's some more info!
So he's not a hunter but witch herbalist!
This would mean he falls into the "monster" category
He's from a family of witches that specialize in the magics of herbs and other plants
With that being said he's not biologically related to any if them!
He was found by one of the witches in the family while searching for certain flowers
The witch was a lil young to be a mom (13) so one of the aunts took him in
The particular aunt couldn't have children of her own so it worked out nice 👍🏻
anyways so they taught him there magics not really expecting him to learn much of it due to many spells only able to be learned if ur blood related but were surprised when he was able to learn them all :0
like i said earlier the family specializes in herb and other plant magics but most well known for the herbs
Their herbs are said to be some of the best of the best in this part of the world!
This is what helps them keep hunters from messing with them because if a hunter were to kill one for whatever reason the comission could take the offense quite seriously
They may be witches but their herbs and medicines are of great value!
With this said, all members of the family are required to put some efforts into the herbs they grow
But once they've done their duties for the day with the herbs they can work on other personal projects!
Just bc the witch family as a whole specializes in herbs/medicines doesn't mean every individual does as well
[Ima cut to something else for a quick second but it'll make sense]
To help out with the plants the witches make contracts with these plant dragons [as shown above]
These lil guys are on the smaller side when it comes to dragons but there a big help with the herbs and stuff!
But while making the contract the witches body mutates a bit
This mutation includes gaining some characteristics from a plant they truely specialize in
So someone specializing in mint for example could have like mint leaves in their hair and or have minty breathe!
So when it was time for shinji to pick his dragon he picked Boop!
Yeah.... I he couldn't come up with a better name 💀
But anyways!
So they get along great untill shinji starts to fall ill
Falling ill after the contract is normal since the body is going through a change
But shinji was ill for an abnormal amount of time
Normally they can be sick for 1 to 2 days but it was going on to shinji's 6 and he was only getting worse
The family tried their herb medicines on him with little to no luck
Poor Boops was feeling guiltily about him being sick due to the contract
Suddenly one morning shinji asks for Boops to help him outside
Boop agrees and places him in a sunny patch of clovers
They curl up with eachother and a few hours later a complete transformation had been made!
He qas feeling much better but still tired
he went back to sleep only to be woken up by his family
They were shocked by the transformation since now he had bark skink and a full head of leaves
But they were happy the he was feeling better!
Okay one more thing 💃💃💃💃
I don't have much down for her yet but heres what i got so far! (That relates to shinji ofc)
So yu is a rookie hunter based near this forest
Since she's a rookie shes still learning the ropes but is doing well considering
Also that shes nearby shinji's family the commission often has her pick up stuff from their for them
This is all dany but she kinda has a grudge for them for whatever reason
While picking up suplies she meets shinji who wraps the goods up and gives them to her
She didn't make a very friendly impression to say the least
Although, the more and more times she went the more she warmed up to him
She's atleast not a jerk to him anymore!
Well, not as much at times anyway haha
One time when she picked the stuff up she had a bit of a limp and a few scratches
Shinji notices it and makes her stay so he can tend to the wombs
Most of the cuts weren't that bad but some were pretty deep and her ankle was spranged
She refused to say where the injuries where from and she barely let him tend to her
She fell asleep there and tried to leave in the morning but shinji wouldn't let her go alone with her ankle
Luckly they made it there and back with no issues!
That's all for now bc the post is getting pretty long and im tired of typing 😭
If y'all got any question lemme know bc ik i kinda skimmed over some of these parts for times sake lol
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salt-volk · 1 year
post707883411295043585 thats part of the problem tho is yall assume that just bc stuff doesnt come out on time means theyre not working on it. as if they just sit twiddling thumbs. shit isnt slow bc they need more motivation. its slow bc they have a bare bones staff of maybe 1-2 ppl & all else is contracted work they barely have the cash for.
"right now basically nothing ever gets done" & you think adding a few dates to a list would fix that? you think they dont know theyre falling behind? that its not obvious? as if they dont already have internal set dates they aim for that just havent been shared w the userbase? 
they dont need more motivation or accountability. they need more staff & more funds. all the accountability in the world cant add extra hours in the day. you can be working as hard as you possibly can & still not meet deadline bc its just not humaenly possible w the resources you have. look at the underlying problem instead of just surface optics.
they could put dates just to placate yall. but it would be an empty gesture. theyd still be just as behind as always bc the dates are not tackling the base issue. itd be the same old shit but more to get mad abt as they still fail to meet dates you asked them to set.
some of yallve never worked on large amateur creative ventures & it shows lmao. youd be amazed how fast a few months can go by & youre only doing background shit so theres still no visible progress you can share publicly. you worked every single day but still feel theres nothing tangible enough to show for it. a few months can go by fast esp when you dont have just one job & are juggling 10 different tasks w simultaneous importance bc its just you or mayb 1 other person taking on 6 ppl worth of work. 
 just remember were all looking from the outside. theres always backend stuff goign on we never know abt. (i know. ironically im making assumption too. but its based on so much experience w these sorts of teams. dv has all the signs. plus context clues given on stream & rare times staff communicates. textbook understaffed scope creepy amateur project tbh.) 
if this were neopets or some shit own by a large company w hundreds of employees maybe itd be different. but some of yall are always gonna be miserable if you dont manage your expectations. see it for what it is instead of what you want it to be. & sometimes look at whats been accomplished. they DO get stuff done. theyre not dropping 80 updates a month, but to me it looks like they make slow steady progress. miss goals but do follow up eventually. they are literally completing tasks. & show signs of taking feedback into account. just not at the speed ppl want. 
criticism makes for a better convo topic bc negative emotional response sticks in the brain longer. but were always gonna have bias if we dont appreciate good shit too. sometimes theres an attitude like "okay cool i like this, now wheres the NEXT thing" or "great finally an improvement, now why isnt THIS other thing fixed?". moving on to the next thing so quick you dont notice the effort of whats in front of you.
but once you match dvs pace & get what postion theyre coming from its not terrible. i have plenty of criticisms from a project management perspective. but in terms of other aspects ive a more lenient view considering what theyre likely working w (esp not having a dev or anyone who codes as part of core staff. im surprised theyve been able to keep afloat this long even lmao)
you dont hold an amateur experimental musician to the same standards as an international pop star w a whole team behind them, yea? but the amateur is not inherently worse, or less worthy of support. you can still enjoy both, just recognizing theyre different things. i see the vision of the amateur & choose to support patiently knowing its got a different pace than the pop idol. theyre at different spots in their career timeline & will have their own unique issues based on that. but both can be plenty good. context matters.
  TLDR; there is much staff can do better at ofc (namely communication & interpretation of user feedback (like not knowing in the first place that "roadmap" usually implies dates -_-). but imo dates are not gonna fix shit bc lack of "motivation" is def not the core issue. such focus on the dates is thus unhelpful. i think some of yall dont get where dv is actually at & then put up expectations that are built to fail bc of that. not saying to let everything slide. but yk. appreciate the good where it happens. have patience. be aware what the underlying problems actually are & contextualize. tempering realistic expectations will make you much happier & able to enjoy the game for what it is.
or idk. i personaly used to be one of the main harsher critics so much i almost quit dv entirely & this perspective helped ME at least lmfao. now i play regularly much less stressed/angry abt it. ymmv.
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skyler10fic · 1 year
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When Carol and Daisy try to get involved in a cliquish corporate LGBTQ group full of gossipy gatekeepers and walking queer stereotypes, Daisy teaches them a lesson in queer inclusion and decides to bring more bi visibility to work.
Trigger warnings for office diversity and equity group social dynamics and measuring up to their standards of queerness. IYKYK haha
Read on Ao3 
Submitted for @ficwip Tiny Ship Fleet Fest!
Traveling back from a work trip on the Sunday after Thanksgiving was hell. The busy airport was draining Carol of the last bit of her energy. The noise and lights and stress of travel grated on her nerves as she rolled her suitcase toward the exit. At least she was on her way home. The train would take half an hour, and then a bit of a walk from there, but at the other end, Daisy would be getting home from work around the same time she arrived. 
Her Stark Industries coworker, Lee, had been sitting next to her on the plane and walked alongside her through the terminal. They offered to drive Carol home so she could surprise her wife by being home earlier than anticipated. 
It’s only been six months since the wedding, so Carol still thrilled at people calling Daisy her wife. Carol gratefully agreed, and they crossed through the hallway outside the bounds of airport security. But when she looked up, those plans were no longer necessary. There, in the open area on the other side, was her beautiful Daisy, looking anxiously for her in the crowd. 
Carol beamed and waved, and Daisy’s smile bloomed at she saw her. 
“There you are,” Daisy said as she wrapped her in an embrace that relaxed Carol immediately. All the tension and noise of the airport and poorly timed travel faded as she held Daisy once more. 
“I missed you so much,” Carol said and kissed her. “Exactly the surprise I needed today.” 
Lee spotted them. “I guess you won’t be needing a ride, then.” They winked and waved goodbye, thanking Carol one more time for her contributions on their work project, before disappearing into the crowd. 
“The drive home might take a while,” Daisy warned. “Traffic is pretty bad. Do you want to stop somewhere for dinner first?”
“Yeah,” Carol agreed, just now noticing her hunger since Daisy mentioned it. “Maybe it will clear up by the time we’re done.” 
A cold rain had started in the time Daisy had been inside the airport, so they opted for a nearby pho chain. The cozy, quiet restaurant and warm broth did wonders to restore Carol, so she was ready when Daisy asked how the trip had gone. They had texted and shared a few brief goodnight calls throughout the week, but Daisy wanted the real, full debrief. 
“I, uh, I think this contract is going to work out,” Carol answered, nodding as she stirred her soup. “They seem to be really on board.” 
Daisy furrowed her brow. “Why do you say it like a funeral announcement?” 
Carol sighed. “Everything about these guys pissed me off. They were constantly talking over us and only listened when we said things came from Rhodey or from Tony himself. They made jokes about Pepper being too hot to be president of a company. One saw my ring and asked if my husband was okay with me being away so much. Another hit on the waitress in every restaurant. It was gross and weird, but they really liked the project and are willing to put millions into it, so we did what we were there for.” She shrugged, resigned to the situation. 
“God, that sucks. I’m sorry.” 
Carol felt a twinge of guilt for complaining, a feeling that was becoming familiar over the last few days. “Honestly, I had it pretty easy. Lee, though...” Carol shook her head. “I don’t know how they kept things so professional. They were constantly misgendered the whole time. They kept correcting these guys, but it didn’t matter. I was furious for them, but they said it happens all of the time, even back at the office.” 
“That’s awful!” Daisy scowled. “I had no idea.” The waiter came by the refill their drinks and check on them, giving Carol time to watch the same guilt she was feeling come over Daisy. 
Carol took a sip of her soup and then said out loud what she’d been wondering. “Maybe we need to get involved. At work.”
“Involved how?” 
“There’s a group, an advocacy group, that meets at lunch. Lee told me that some of the group can be intense, but it is trying to make changes like this. We could help.”
“Okay. Let’s do it.” 
Knowing that Daisy was with her on this lifted Carol’s spirits further. A miserable week away—working through and traveling over a holiday weekend—was ending with something positive after all. They couldn’t solve all of the prejudice in the world, but at least they could raise some awareness and help their fellow queer coworkers feel heard and supported. Sure, coming out and marrying Daisy had cost Carol her already-strained relationship with her parents, but she had had it comparatively easy professionally. Aside from some heteronormative assumptions and industry-standard sexism, of course. But she had handled those all her life. In a company with corporate Pride events, in a diverse part of the city, in a liberal state, the homophobia she encountered in recent years had been mostly confined to rude comments and awkward social interactions. She’d never had to do the work her nonbinary and trans colleagues had to do, and what was worse, until now she’d never been all that aware of what they were up against even in a comparatively safe part of the country. But down in a red state in a conservative STEM bro enivronment, seeing Lee’s courage challenged her. Especially knowing Lee faced it back home in their own “welcoming” office as well.      
Carol resolved to chat Lee at work on Monday and ask both how she could help and how she could support Lee personally in their project with these contractors. She wasn’t optimistic they would see much change, much less an apology, but the important part was that Lee knew they weren’t alone. 
Daisy fully supported Carol’s good intentions, but the reality turned out to be that the advocacy group’s December meeting fell on a day Carol and Lee had a follow-up video conference with the contractors and project leads. It was also a year-end pizza party celebrating all they had done that year, meeting in an unfamiliar maze of a building, which made Daisy feel even more awkward about going alone. 
But, moved by Carol’s words and her own guilt at not being aware of the issues their own community faced within their company, Daisy went anyway. Free pizza, at least, she reasoned. Couldn’t go wrong there.
She mingled hesitantly, picking at her pizza slice while these coworkers who knew each other well chatted and laughed over inside jokes and ate their salads, hardly touching the pizza boxes on the table in the corner. Daisy couldn’t help but notice all the model-thin and beautiful white women and nonbinary 20-somethings who looked like they had stepped out of a fashion catalog. 
“Hey, mind if I sit by you?” she greeted a few coworkers she recognized sitting at a conference table. They welcomed her politely but immediately turned away to continue their conversation.
One gay man she remembered from a company Pride video last year looked at her in curiosity. “This is your first time, isn’t it?” 
Daisy smiled in relief that someone was no longer ignoring her. “Guilty! Sorry to just come for the party. We really do plan on getting involved in the next year.” 
“We?” a woman from marketing with a stylish short haircut asked. But Daisy didn’t have time to answer. An enthusiastic man in a pale pink suit plopped down and started a conversation about some hot new show Daisy hadn’t seen. Decidedly shut out, Daisy slipped away to grab another slice of the neglected pizza. 
“Daisy?” She turned around to see her former teammate at the next pizza box over. “It’s been a long time!” 
“Wow, Dedra!” Daisy blinked and tried to recall the last time she’d heard from her. Daisy had been just a college intern when they’d worked together, and Dedra was a tall butch woman with a friendly voice but an intimidating amount of talent at the top of her field (and several hobbies). She led taught workshops at the major data privacy conferences, won various 55+ senior division athletic competitions, and had an office covered in photos of her Harley in gorgeous destinations all over the US and Canada. 
“Didn’t expect to see you here,” Dedra said. “Not that you can’t be, of course, we’re open to all. Just surprised.” 
“Yeah! Trying to get more involved,” Daisy explained. “I know I probably should have been around before. I honestly didn’t even know about any of this until last week.” She looked around at the room. She noticed a few were sneaking looks in her direction. Sure, it was hard to come into an established social group, but she saw how their tight friendships probably made them a force for good. 
Dedra tilted her head. “And you got married since we last talked?” 
Daisy showed off her ring proudly. “I did! Last June. I know, I know, a June wedding, very original,” she joked. “We literally went to Pride on our honeymoon. Well, accidentally. It is a long story.” 
Daisy’s queer bonding humor fell flat as Dedra looked even more puzzled. Instead of asking to hear the story, Dedra asked, “Now, remind me, is your husband’s name Fitz? That guy in engineering and dev, right?” 
Daisy nearly choked on a bite of pizza. “No,” she coughed. “No, Fitz is a friend, but he’s married to Jemma.” 
“Oh!” Dedra handed her a napkin. “That’s right. Jemma was a medic for our Pride parade last year. My road trip girls and I rode our bikes in it. Well, regardless, we’re always grateful for ally involvement. You’re always welcome here.” 
Daisy took a moment to process what Dedra meant, but by that point, Dedra was pulled into another conversation. Instead, Daisy returned to the long conference table and picked at the remaining bits of pizza on her plate. The people closest to her glanced at her but continued their conversation about social media influencers she had never heard of and queer in-group/out-group politics. She had to admit to herself, this party was not exactly what she hoped. 
“So,” the marketing woman struck up a conversation with her again from across the table, “what made you want to come to our group? Digital or print?”
“Sorry?” Daisy pulled herself from her thoughts to focus on the question.
“It’s a bit of a competition,” the woman explained. “I did the digital promotion and Andy did the posters by the coffee stations. What was most effective for you? Or do you have like a gay kid or something?”
“Neither,” Daisy admitted. “I heard about it through my wife, who heard about it from her coworker, Lee?” 
Daisy hoped mentioning Lee would be her ticket into this community, the way knowing a member of a club granted entrance into it. Alas, her attempt at bonding failed again. 
“Wait.” The woman tapped the arm of the man next to her, and he turned around to pay attention, as did those next to him. 
She didn’t take her eyes off Daisy, however. “Did you say your wife?” 
“Yes?” Daisy noticed the group was staring with a bit too much interest, like they were hungry lions and she was their next gossip prey. One of the men left the group and whispered to another, who came over.
“We had a little debate if you were one of us or not,” the marketing woman explained. “But I knew it. Allies never shut up and you’ve hardly said a word.” 
“But,” one of the younger men of the group spluttered, “she doesn’t LOOK like a lesb—”
“Okay,” Daisy sighed and got up from the table. She was done with this clique and their speculations and assumptions. She raised her voice to the room. “Hi. Hi everyone. My name’s Daisy, and I’m bisexual.” She realized it sounded a bit like she was joining Alcoholics Anonymous, so she added, “My wife came home from a meeting with some contractors recently who treated our nonbinary coworker with disrespect, and they said it was normal here at the office too, and we just wanted to do something to help. They said you guys did that kind of work here. So. That’s why I came.” 
The room stared at her as her speech ran out of steam. Some of them started clapping hesitantly, unsure if she was done or if this was a round of introductions of some sort. Daisy felt her face grow hot and the only thing she could think of to do was get out. She waited a bit, hoping someone would reassure her she was in the right group, but eventually they all returned to their conversations. Time seemed to resume after being frozen. She threw away her pizza plate and walked out, heart racing and breath shallow after that experience. 
She didn’t get far before Dedra caught up with her. “Oh Daisy, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine, you didn’t know,” Daisy dismissed. She took deep breaths to get her emotions in check.
“They can be a tough crowd, but they really do some good work when they aren’t butting into each other’s personal business for entertainment.” Dedra rolled her eyes in frustration. “Don’t let them get to you, though. You’re right. That’s what this is supposed to be about. Helping each other.” 
Daisy stopped in an empty hallway before she got herself lost in the labyrinthine building. “How can I if all people can talk about is if I look queer enough to be ‘one of them’? I mean, I’m bi, I get this isn’t just me having this problem, but I guess I thought—”
Dedra smiled kindly. “You thought marrying a woman would stop the erasure. Yeah, I get that.” 
Daisy frowned. “You’re like the queen of butch. What, do they judge you for not being in a softball league?” 
Dedra laughed and joked, “No, though I do have to be seen at the hardware store once in a while, just to keep up my street cred.” She winked and continued more seriously. “Daisy, my wife is very feminine and loves it. She had kids with her ex and she drives a minivan, and not a single person at the spa where she works would assume she’d be with someone like me if they didn’t know her. But she’s just as much a part of this community as I am. And you are. You don’t have to fit their ideas of ‘gaydar’ or who is enough to belong.” 
Daisy rubbed her neck where tension had built. “Yeah, and it’s not even about me to begin with. Carol and I wanted to get involved because she saw our coworker facing stuff we never have and we realized we’d had it pretty easy here. And she’s had it harder than I have. My whole family supports us. I guess I just wanted everyone else to have that too, or at least not have it be a concern at work.”
Dedra placed a gentle hand on Daisy’s shoulder and looked down at her with empathy. “That’s admirable. But you also deserve that same support and community too. I have to say, a lot of people I think you’d like were missing today. Some trans, some asexual, some more bi folks. You’re not the only one who has felt uncomfortable with that dynamic.” She jerked her head toward the conference room where the party was breaking up. “Our meeting in January is more focused and will have a different tone. Maybe try it again? And bring your wife too. Maybe between you two and Lee and I, and several others in the group who feel the same way, we can make a real change around here.”
Daisy considered it. “I’ll talk to Carol. Maybe I’ll see you then.” 
Dedra nodded and walked down the hallway toward the elevator to return to her office. Daisy faced her next challenge: how to get out of this building and back to her own. 
Carol’s heart sank as Daisy recalled the story for her that evening as they waited for their dinner to cook. 
“I’m so so sorry.” She leaned against the counter and covered her mouth in horror as Daisy paced the kitchen.
“Dedra says we should go back, but I don’t know. Do you think she’s right that we can really make a difference there?” Daisy paused and checked the roasting pan in the oven. 
Carol tried to stay focused on the question instead of the way Daisy’s butt looked bending over in those pants. 
“Oh, we’re going back,” Carol insisted. Daisy stood up and walked over to Carol, who pulled her close. “I have some ideas.” 
Daisy raised an eyebrow. “Be nice. Some of these people hold a lot of power in the office.” 
Carol laughed. “I didn’t mean anything like that. You’ll see.” 
Daisy parted her lips to ask for more details of this plan, but Carol used the opportunity to kiss her and they stayed distracted by each other until the oven timer beeped. 
The next day, Daisy had a meeting just after lunch. Carol waited until she knew Daisy would be out of her office and snuck in, even using the back stairs so she wouldn’t walk past the glass conference room the meeting was in. It felt very spy-like until one of Daisy’s coworkers said hi casually. 
“Sorry, I think Daisy’s in the big meeting.” He pointed down the hallway. “But they should be done in another hour.” 
“Oh, no, it’s fine.” Carol held up the plastic bag she was carrying. “I just have something to drop off for her.” 
“Aw, bringing her lunch. That’s sweet.” He held up his empty coffee mug. “Off for a refill. See you later.” 
Carol looked around to make sure no one else was coming and closed the door to Daisy’s office behind her. 
Taking items out of the bag one by one, she replaced Daisy’s company-issued pen holder with a sparkly rainbow-handled mug they never used at home because metallic paint kept it from being microwave safe. Once all the pens and such were inside, she placed a small bi flag in it and adjusted it to stick out just right, then admired her work. Carol drew a heart on a notepad and wrote her name after it. She never wore lipstick except on the most formal of occasions, but she’d do anything for Daisy, so she sighed and applied a thick layer before pressing her lips to the piece of paper. It wasn’t bad, actually. Not quite like the movies, but definitely kiss-shaped. 
She left the note in front of the pen-holding mug and moved their wedding photo on Daisy’s desk next to it. Before she left, she checked the decorative mirror on the wall and used a tissue to wipe the remaining smudged lipstick off her lips. 
She closed the door behind her so Daisy would see it before other random passersby and could choose to keep the little display or not. She thought about texting her there was a surprise waiting but didn’t want to interrupt her meeting. The closed door would be a tip-off that something was up. 
Carol prayed she was making the right call. She knew Daisy better than anyone and was fairly certain it would make her smile. As far as she knew, everyone on the team who might come into Daisy’s office was well aware of their marriage, from those who had merely seen the photo on her desk to a few who had even been at their wedding. Still. Daisy should see it first and be the one to decide.
She heard Daisy’s voice from down the hall: “Yeah, I’ll grab it and be right back.” 
Carol ducked around the corner and hid out of sight. 
Daisy paused when she saw her door shut, but then opened it and went inside. After a few nervous seconds for Carol, Daisy laughed.
“Lashawn!” she called to the man Carol had talked to earlier. “Come look at this.” 
Lashawn peeked into Daisy’s office and laughed too. “I saw her in here earlier. I thought she was bringing you lunch. I was so jealous.” 
“You mean you’re not jealous of my mug?” Daisy teased, standing in her doorway.
“That is adorable,” he admitted. “It’s even got your little ugly flag in it.”  
“Uh, my flag is gorgeous, thanks.” Daisy defended. Then she called down the hall in Carol’s direction. “You going to let him talk to your wife like that?”
Carol poked her head out around the corner. “Hi.” 
Daisy laughed. “Thank you for the surprise.” 
“You like it?” Carol came out of her hiding place and walked toward them. “How did you know I was there?” 
“Superpowers.” Daisy shrugged. “And I saw your reflection.” She tapped the glass of the window in the office door. 
“Ahhh.” Carol nodded. “Caught me.” 
“And yes, I like it. Was this your idea from last night?” 
“That and being insufferable newlyweds at the next advocacy group meeting.” 
Lashawn chuckled. “Y’all are too cute. I can’t handle it. Bye, Carol.” He returned to his office, leaving them in the hallway outside Daisy’s door. 
“I really have to get back to my meeting. I just came back for this report.” Daisy dipped back into her office and grabbed a file. “See you tonight.” 
She looked around to make sure the coast was clear and pecked a kiss to Carol’s lips. Office PDA was frowned upon, but no one was watching anyway to be bothered by it. 
That afternoon, Carol tried to stay focused on her complicated equations and research but then a text came in. 
DAISY: “Keep the lipstick. I have an idea for tonight.” 
The text was followed by four emojis: a wink, a lipstick stain, a bed, and the three water drops.
Sexting at work was even more frowned upon than PDA, so Carol simply responded with the overheated red face emoji, the lipstick emoji, and the heart-kiss-blowing face emoji. 
How Carol was supposed to focus on work with visions of Daisy covered in lipstick stains dancing through her head, she didn’t know. Luckily, she only had a few hours at the office left to go.
After the meeting, Daisy tried focusing on her email inbox, but her eyes kept floating to the note Carol had left. She finally slipped it into her desk drawer where it would be safe and not tempt her to think about her plans for the night. 
“Hi there!” The cheery greeting from Linda the office admin made Daisy jump. She turned in her chair to face the woman at her door. 
Linda continued, “Do you happen to know my stapler might have hopped off to? No worries if it took a little trip in here, just trying to locate it and bring it on home.” 
“No, sorry. Hope you find it though.” 
“Thanks, sweetie. Hey, can I ask, what is that for?” Linda pointed to Daisy’s bi flag. 
Daisy was prepared for this inevitability of being more visible and responded, “It’s a Pride flag, like the rainbow one, you know? This one is specifically for bisexuality.” 
“Oh? Huh. Okay. Okay.” Linda seemed to be having a revelation so Daisy gestured to the chair next to her desk. Linda sank down into it. “I have a 15-year-old,” she began. “I’ve been seeing that symbol on her things lately. It started with a button, then a patch on her backpack, then a T-shirt with a cat with those colors.” 
Daisy listened as Linda shared. “Has she said anything to you about it?” 
“No, I tried to ask, but I may not have had the best approach. I hadn’t dreamed it would be a, uh, Pride-y thing.” Linda blushed a bit. “I was worried it was some sort of drug symbol, so I might have offered to get her help with whatever it was, or if there was any pressure that her friends were putting on her... Now I realize that sounds, well. But you know me, I’d never! It’s just they are always warning us to watch for the drugs. If I’d known, I would have been happy for her, honestly.” 
“Ohhh. Yeah.” Daisy grimaced. Still unsure of how to handle Linda’s regrets, she encouraged, “You should tell her you have a coworker who is bi and ask her again. She may not be ready to talk about it, but at least let her know you’re not going to try to change her and that you’re accepting.” 
Linda nodded and swallowed. In a small voice, she asked, “This is so embarrassing, Daisy. But I’d rather ask you than put that on my kid coming out to me. What does bi, uh, bisexual, mean, exactly?” 
Linda’s earnest desire to be a supportive parent, albeit a clueless one, shone through her vulnerability. So Daisy took a deep breath and answered. 
“Well, mostly it means that someone is attracted to more than one gender. So for me, sure, I had crushes on boys, but I also discovered in high school that I like girls too. At first, I was so scared, but my parents assured me that it was okay. They didn’t love me any less if I dated girls, and dating boys wouldn’t make them love me more. Whoever I bought home was welcome regardless of their gender. And then in college, I met Carol.” She picked up their wedding photo and showed Linda. “But, even married to a woman, I’m still bi. And she supports that. Clearly.” 
Daisy picked up the little flag as evidence. She waved it playfully at Linda, who took it and contemplated it a bit. She handed it back to Daisy, and Daisy stuck it back in her rainbow mug. 
Linda leaned in and whispered, “I haven’t told anyone this, but I did wonder if my daughter had a crush on her best friend. She mentioned the other day if they didn’t have boyfriends in the spring, they should go to prom together, but that’s so far away! And the way that she looks at her friend too, it makes sense now.” 
Daisy felt like she was getting somewhere. “There you go, maybe she does and maybe she doesn’t. But I know from experience, having parents who were there for me through all of it made all the difference.” 
Linda took a deep breath and stood up. “Thank you, Daisy. This meant a lot.” 
“Sure thing. Good luck! With that, and with the stapler.” 
“Oh! Right.” Linda had completely forgotten about the stapler by now. She jerked her thumb to the door. “I better go find that. Two dozen conference registration forms to send out before the end of the day.” 
Linda bustled out of Daisy’s office and down the hall, stopping briefly at each office.
Daisy sent an amused look to her bi flag. “You are doing your job, I’ll give you that.” 
The office heating system came on, fluttering the flag. Daisy, however, imagined it was a wave of pride.
While there was great satisfaction and pleasure in covering Daisy’s body in evidence of her kisses, and Carol was mutually rewarded in turn, the grand finale of the week’s saga wasn’t limited to giving Carol a sexy use for her previously neglected lipstick. 
On Friday night, they headed out on the town for their friend Piper’s birthday at a queer dance club. 
“Aw, there’s the old married couple now,” Piper called as she spotted them. “Get these two some drinks.” 
Carol had to admit, the old married couple comment wasn’t far off. If it hadn’t been Piper’s birthday, they probably would have canceled to spend the night in, recovering from the last two weeks. Carol was already looking forward to tomorrow, a simple, quiet Saturday in with just the two of them. For the night, though, they were good friends who brought a gift and a card and their readiness to party the way Piper wanted. 
As the night dragged on, the alcohol flowed, the music entranced them, and the dancing in the club grew decidedly more sensual. Carol had to admit, now that she was out on the floor with Daisy dirty dancing against her, she was glad they had come to the party. A dude behind Carol tried to grab her hand and entice them to dance with him. 
“No thanks,” she shouted over the music and brushed him off. “I’m with her.” She pointed to Daisy, who wrapped her arm around Carol’s lower back possessively. 
“Mine,” Daisy claimed with a naughty smile. Carol captured her lips before they resumed dancing. When they did, Carol had the sensation of someone staring at them. She was afraid it was going to be the man, but it was an entirely different group at the edge of the dance floor. Fine, if they wanted a show, Carol would give it to them. If they were shocked by queer couples, they were in the wrong club. She let her ring-clad left hand slip down to Daisy’s butt, and Daisy rolled against her in time with the music. 
Some of those staring gestured with their drinks in Carol and Daisy’s direction as they talked amongst themselves. Another pulled out their phone and took a picture when they thought Carol wasn’t looking. This was clearly personal. Carol stopped dancing and Daisy turned to follow her gaze. 
“Oh my GOD,” Daisy sighed in exasperation. 
“Do you know them?” Carol shouted.  
“YES.” Daisy rolled her eyes and pulled Carol off the dance floor toward the group. When they arrived at the gawkers, Daisy greeted them with fake enthusiasm, “Hey! Good to see you guys. We just met the other day. I’m Daisy, remember?”
“Is this your wife?” one of the gay guys who hadn’t believed her asked in awe. 
Carol showed him her ring but kept the other arm firmly across Daisy’s shoulder. 
“Is this gay enough for you?” Carol shouted as the music crescendoed. 
“What?” the guy shouted back. 
“Is this gay enough for you?!” she shouted louder just as the music dropped out completely. 
The club went wild, thinking it was a party cry. Someone shouted back, “Say it again!” The DJ complied from the mic, “Is it gay enough in here tonight for you, Club Q-ties?!” 
The subsequent screaming made it hard to hear anything else. Daisy was laughing, which made it worth it, but Carol was still mad at how the group had treated her wife at their meeting. She and Daisy walked away from their rude coworkers, and they returned to Piper’s table to say goodnight and grabbed their coats. As they reached the exit, a few of the advocacy group members followed. In the quieter night air, they spoke up. 
“Hey, we just wanted to say sorry,” one of them started, “for, well, everything tonight and the other day.” 
“When we saw you two tonight,” another, one of the youngest, spoke up, “we realized how dumb it was that we were trying to guess who you were based on how you looked at work. Obviously, like it’s work, so…” The sentence hung in the air unfinished, but they got the gist of where it was going.  
“Here’s the thing, though,” Daisy replied, “I’d still be queer even if I married a guy. You know that, right? I’d still be bi. Maybe some people you assume are ‘just allies’ are actually part of the community too. Maybe you don’t know their gender based on their work style. Or maybe they are bi or pan or ace or whatever. You see people all the time and just assume…”
Carol noticed a small audience was forming of people leaving the club stopping to listen to Daisy’s speech. 
“Being part of this community isn’t about a haircut or what influencers you follow or living up to some bullshit stereotypes or trends that are going to change in a year anyway. We have to support each other as our whole selves. And that means those of us who aren’t just white. Or those who aren’t skinny or don’t look gay on the outside.” 
Some of the crowd that had gathered clapped and a plus-sized Black woman said, “Yes, preach!” 
The coworker group had learned their lesson and apologized again before heading back into the club. The rest of the crowd turned to listen to the Black woman, who continued where Daisy had left off. Carol and Daisy stayed for a while agreeing with those discussing, but the December night air chilled them to the bone. Eventually, they waved goodnight as the crowd grew and the discussion got drunker and more passionate. “EGG-ZACTLY!” someone shouted and hiccuped loudly. Carol and Daisy giggled as they walked away. 
“Oh my god, what a week,” Daisy exhaled as they rode the subway home, leaning on Carol, who held her close. 
“I think you were wonderful,” Carol mumbled into Daisy’s hair. 
“This is all your fault,” Daisy teased. “You and your damn good heart.” She patted Carol’s chest a little too low.
“Me? You’re the activist one now. You could be the next influencer. Maybe it will be your article they are all gossiping about, hm?” 
Daisy snorted. “I don’t know about that. I am pretty happy just being me.” 
“I love you being you.” Carol emphasized the “love,” so it was directly in response to Daisy’s “me.”
“I love you too,” Daisy replied happily and cuddled in close to her wife’s side. At one of the stations, a busker played “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” and Daisy remembered how gay used to mean happy. If there was one thing they were good at by now, Daisy mused, it was making the yuletide gay, in both meanings of the term. 
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motsimages · 1 year
A thing that bothers me above all else in Star Trek is that they are constantly working and seem to take little to no time off. Which, fine, sure, US work culture, except: they live in a society where all needs are met and money doesn't exist.
So... why is O'Brien not going down to Bajor to see his wife and kid once a week for days? He speaks to Keiko like "Oh, I won't see you again for 3 months". Because you don't want to, Miles. You could just transport there if you didn't want to get on a ship for *check's notes* 3 fucking hours. What is 3 hours in a world with interstellar travel? What is your excuse?
Why don't we see them out of uniform more often, even if they are showing up at Ops? Why don't they speak more often of their holidays, plans for days off, etc.? They did this in CSI Las Vegas, they made sure they showed through costuming choices and writing alone that they had a life outside of work, that they were overworked through complaining. They forced Sara to take days off and stop working in the field because she had done more hours than she had in her contract. And that was in the US 1990s, so....
Apparently, getting a project/a job position approved in DS9 is as simple as saying "I'd like to open a school, is there a room for this?" and they give you the room, the computers and whatever else you need for it. So why is not O'Brien going "Ask Command to send me 10-15 engineers, I need rotation here because this station is falling apart and so is my mental health. Also, I'm going to Bajor for the weekend."
I understand that the important plot points and things that happen happen while they are working, but I have yet to see Sisko saying "take a couple of days off, you're overworked". Bashir has forced Kira to stop working because she was stressed, but Sisko said nothing? Why?
Sisko, btw, who is rarely out of uniform and out of duty, another one who is overworked in exchange for what? What are the work laws in a society where you don't have to work if you don't want to?
Also... Why was Benjamin so interested in Jake getting to work with Chief O'Brien as an apprentice at age 15? He said he also started working at age 15. Again, what are the laws regarding child work in a society like this?
And again, in exchange for what? Replicator credit? Transporters credit? Time off that nobody takes because apparently is not mandatory? And this is a station near a planet, not a ship in the middle of fucking nowhere, they really could just go to Bajor. Or is it because Bajorans have other work laws and they have to adapt? Why don't they comment on it then?
I understand there are budget and technical limitations to make the series outside of the station. That's why I mentioned using costuming and writing to show what happens in their time off or explain why they are not taking time off. Or is it because if they did it, people would realise in real life that they could live better?
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gratitudelogs · 1 month
Everything is coming together naturally
Today was such a naturally flowy day where different aspects of my life are falling into place without me forcing. I'm grateful for the universe for aligning things progressively for me.
First I'm so glad that I was able to catch up with a friend I haven't seen for a few months and she was so generous to treat me for a meal that wasn't cheap it was $18 with tax and tea. She said it's an opportunity for mother to treat her child. She was also nice to say I can come and use her pool to swim next time.
I really love having her in my life, she shares a lot of helpful information with me.
This month I won't be earning much until I work full-time, which will be in a month. But fortunately, another contract project is starting that will be just enough to cover my expenses at least, which is good. I just need enough to hold me over.
It was such a nice coincidence today that the temperature was perfect for a walk outside while my car was getting serviced. My friend also called me to just chat while I walked. The weather was not hot or cold, just a nice cloudy temperature. And it JUST started to drizzle and rain gradually right after my car servicing was done, which took an hour and a half. So it was perfect timing.
I'm so lucky to have wonderful friends in my life and my wonderful wife as my steady supports.
I feel like April onwards is going to keep getting better and better. I'm incredibly grateful that my mind, energy, and body are aligning, settling down, and I feel lighter, looser, and have less energetic blocks. My nervous system is calmer.
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goinspectblog · 2 months
5 Essential Steps for a New Build Handover Inspection in Brisbane
Wrapping up a big construction project and getting the keys from the contractor is a thrilling and relieving moment for new homeowners. But, hidden problems might be there if not checked by tough independent handover inspection in Brisbane before you officially get the keys. These thorough new build handover inspections in Brisbane are crucial for checking the quality before moving in and making the place your own. Expert inspectors carefully check that the building was made according to the plans and note any issues that don't meet the standards.
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Schedule the Inspection in Advance
As soon as the builders are mostly done with the house, it's time for owners to get professional inspectors booked, in line with when you're supposed to get the keys. But don't leave it to the last second! Good inspectors need to plan their visits ahead of time so they can spend enough hours checking out the place while the builders can still fix things quickly. It's really smart to do the inspection before you put all your furniture and decorations in, so nothing gets in the way of a thorough check. And with how things can get delayed these days, you'll want to book your inspector as soon as you know when the building is supposed to be finished, to avoid a rush that might make you miss something.
Define Detailed Checklist Requirements
When it comes to what the inspectors should look at, it's best not to just go with a basic checklist. Top-notch inspectors will tell you to make a list that's all about what's important to you and your family. Make a detailed list that covers what you're worried about during the build, any questions you have about how long things will last or how they'll work, anything that came up in earlier checks, parts of the house that are unique to your plans, and even stuff that's specific to how you want to live in your home. When your checklist is really specific to you, the inspection and any talks about fixing things will be way more on point.
Conduct Diligent Room-by-Room Inspections
Certified new build inspection Brisbane specialists invest significant onsite time slowly evaluating every inch of interior spaces first. This includes assessing flooring, paint, cabinetry, lighting, appliances, windows, doors,trim, exits, storage, ceilings, walls and infrastructure components in each room against contract plans and building codes. Inspectors also test functionality facets like electrical, drainage, ventilation and more during initial rounds. Additionally, inspectors examine how separate spaces and infrastructure link together across the home hunting for integration flaws. No detail goes unchecked in exhaustive room-by-room reviews.
Extend Reviews to Outdoor Areas
Thorough handover checks don't just focus on the inside; they also cover everything outside like the building's outer parts, roofs, windows and doors, attached garages, heating and cooling systems, how water runs off the property, and hard surfaces such as driveways and paths. If the builder was supposed to do the landscaping and put up fences, that's checked too. Inspectors also look at other structures like sheds and identify any risks from the way the land is shaped, using their knowledge of construction. They make sure to take a close look at everything outside before signing off.
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Deliver Reporting and Recommendations
When it comes to reporting and giving advice, skilled inspectors turn their detailed notes from the field into well-organized reports with pictures for homeowners. These reports point out immediate fixes and suggest things that can improve home ownership in the long run. These careful checks are key to ensuring families can start enjoying their new homes without worrying about hidden problems.
Omit headaches from your new family abode in Brisbane through GOInspect’s buyer-first tailored Handover Inspection Gold Coast guidance. Their 5-star service delivers peace of mind during monumental moves.
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dumpspacefornotes · 7 months
March 2023
Reflection on past jobs:
-Enjoy focusing on the task at hand and not having too much overstimulation
-Working at a computer might be a good path because of the ability to work alone and from anywhere with wifi
-Working in a creative field where I’m in charge allows for personal focus
-Enjoy being paid for something that I can physically see the outcome
-Enjoy working one on one
-I don’t need to be 100% in love with it, I need to see the value it would bring to others/my own life and run with it
Ideas for future work:
1.Psychology masters degree to become a licensed therapist, work in research, work in schools/hospitals/private practice/etc.
4 years and 80K+ debt most likely
Job with benefits
Usually make 50-100K per year
I enjoy learning about it
I enjoy helping others
2. Part-time to eventual Full-time
*Graphic Designer -- Community college to freelance
*Photographer -- Work with friend/family to learn to freelance
What am I skilled in?
Problem solving
Mental healthcare knowledge
Creative Thinking/Problem solving
How can I show my skills?
- Photography portfolio
- Art portfolio
- Music portfolio
- Writing portfolio
- Childcare portfolio
- Mental healthcare portfolio (comics, therapy journal, screenshot info, book info)
6. Who will my skills benefit?
- Creative people looking for things they also enjoy/inspiration
- People who want perspective
- People suffering with mental health issues to feel less alone/seen
-Because it’s the only thing that has truly filled me with a sense of being known and liking myself
-Because it’s fun
-Because doing other things is less enjoyable
-Because when I’m doing other things I’m thinking of doing art/music/writing/etc
-Because it is good enough
-Because fuck it
-Because I can look back at all the creative endeavors, rather than working for someone else
7. Journal questions
* Who do I want to help most in this world?
Animals, people with mental health conditions, children
* What is so unique to my personality that it naturally helps others?
Caregiving, creativity, desire to figure things out, desire to seek out wellness
*What jobs are these qualities associated with?
Mental healthcare, Childcare, Animalcare, Healthcare
Personal trainers, workshop facilitators, Vet techs, RNs/CNA, therapist, school psychologist, holistic medicine
8. What do you feel is stopping you?
I want to get these other things completed before I work on anything else
The other things being-
Organized into books:
- Notes
- Photos
- Physical items
Why are they so important?
It’s the work that I’ve been doing all throughout my 20’s - I want it to have a home to rest. To be seen. I don’t want it to stay in my phone, I want to be seen.
After you get those things done, what will you feel free to work on?
I don’t know - I feel like I'll only know after they’re done.
1. Lessons book
2. Photography book - chronological
3. Comics from art ideas
4. Folder of my singing and guitar
5. Childcare binder
6. Mental healthcare binder
7. Philosophy binder
And maybe trying to spend 2-3 hours OUTSIDE the house, trying to get these done, rather than at home.
Home can be where you workout, eat, relax
It can also be a place to get work done, but it might be better to try somewhere else if you can’t
Career Journal
No teaching - no dealing with administrative bullshit, being underpaid, asked to work outside of contract hours, and cater to parents
1. Being paid directly for the projects that I create
2. Creative freedom
3. Purposeful work that will directly benefit - animal care, childcare, adult-care (emotional support- grief book, life lessons, art made to make them feel better, ideas on how to use art therapy/music therapy/somatic therapy in daily life, yoga
Steps to becoming an art teacher
- Writing to school about why I want to enter into and why I would be a good candidate
- Portfolio of 10-20 pieces showing a variety of my work
- If possible, enter into some art galleries or shows to show involvement
- Create a better social media page to display
- Get involved in an art discussion board on discord or Reddit
- Comment on your favorite art pages and start becoming familiar
- How my love for mental health could be a valuable skill in a teaching environment - as well as background in childcare, improv, therapy and yoga
-Work somewhere with benefits
-NYS certified to go wherever
-Co-workers and students that have similar interests
-Eventually go into art therapy in 5-10 years
Accepting where I’m at and working with it
One day at a time,
One moment at a time
Aim - instant messenger discord server - if you see me on feel free to message me
Or writing prompt style
All the things I do for my sanity and income for the next 5-10years while
acquiring this degree:
1. Childcare: babysitting
2. Animal-care: pet sitting, pet walking
3. Yoga instructor: / TT / workshops
4. Artist: small business for holiday gifts
5. Photography small business for infant and pet photography and maybe some nature photos to sell to hotels/wherever
Main source of income/debt:
1. Work toward degree to become a certified mental health therapist over however many years it takes to do two classes a semester
2. Audit all art, philosophy and music classes possible
Bucket list:
1. Create a design and Apply to make a mural somewhere
2. Social media - artist: Comics about mental health and funny whatever and photography
3. Researcher/writer/publish findings as well as a memoir and grief journal
4. Post music that I write and perform that feels deeply meaningful or I’m proud of in general
5. Become as physically and mentally healthy through therapy, weight lifting, yoga, and developing friendships/strengthening relationships with family for my own peace of mind
Call MVP and ask about healthcare if you’ve made ___ this year -
start figuring out quickbooks and how to do all of these things legally and file taxes with it
Investing time
in things I love to learn about
1. Art
2. Music
3. Writing
4. Philosophy
5. Psychology
6. Early childhood development and how the relation of genetics/support/culture supports how our personalities develop and more importantly adapt over time
Working on for the rest of my life:
Childcare provider, researcher, and childrens book writer
Artist working with watercolor, collage, mixed media painting, epoxy resin flowers, embroidery, recreating furniture, photography
Writer working on a series of children’s books, a mental health book geared for all ages, a short “what I think kids need to know and feel growing up”, a fiction book that's based on real life events; sort of an embellished memoir,
Photographer and Filmmaker working on a series of creative explorations of the vast differences in perception, morality, human emotion, birth/death
Singer and songwriter working only a truly enjoyable process, not to share necessarily
Main work that provides the money I require:
April 5
Part of me just wants to accept that I’m not good enough at anything, and the other part of me knows that isn’t true, but isn’t sure either what it is I'm going to do. I feel so confused. Math, science, literature/writing, art, sports/fitness, cooking, history, computers, animals, plants - none of it is interesting enough to go all the way with? Have a little faith in yourself at this point, or at 40, 50, 60, you’ll be feeling the same- why didn’t I just shut up and try?
I can’t do them all, and trying to just makes me shitty at a lot of things.
Time to get focused.
I’m constantly in awe, envious of, and desiring the path of an artist. But, I hardly make art anymore. But, I have been wildly depressed the last few years AND I have made a lot of art in that time- just nothing “good enough”
What would it be like to be consistent with art for hours a day?
What always comes up is- what about the real work? What is the real work I’m doing that
allows me to do the art?
What am I good at, have some sort of experience in, and won’t burn me out?
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halcyonknightsaus · 1 year
Strategies For Finding High-Quality It Recruitment Services
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When you're looking for a new IT Recruitment Brisbane company, it can be hard to figure out which one will be the best fit. Sometimes, you have to work with multiple companies before finding the one that's just right. However, there are steps you can take to make sure that your search goes smoothly and that you find someone who can help your business get ahead in this competitive industry.
1. Look for the right company
When you're looking for a company to help you find your next IT recruit, it's important to consider the following:
Reputation. Look for a company that has a good track record and high ratings. You can usually find this information on their website or social media accounts.
References. Before deciding which recruitment agency to work with, ask them if they have references from previous clients who might be willing to talk about their experience working with them (this is also called "testimonials").
Case studies/projects completed by recruiters at the agency in question are another way of evaluating whether or not an agency is worth hiring--they show how well they've done in similar situations as yours!
2. Ask the right questions
When you're interviewing a candidate, you want to know that they have a proven track record. Ask the recruiter about their experience and success rate, as well as references from past clients. This will help you gauge whether or not they are capable of finding the best candidates for your company.
You should also inquire about their process for finding IT talent--it's important that they understand what makes up an ideal candidate so that they can match them with the right role at your company.
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3. Find out more about their process
If you want to find out more about the recruitment agency's process, ask them.
How will they communicate with you? Do they use email, phone calls or text messages? Are there times when it's okay for them to contact you outside of business hours (like during dinner)?
How will they find candidates? Do they have their own database of people who are looking for jobs in IT and technology or do they rely on external sources such as job boards and social media platforms like LinkedIn for their leads.
How will they screen candidates before presenting them to me for interviews (or other steps in the process). This could be anything from checking references from past employers, verifying educational credentials and certifications, checking criminal background checks etc...
4. Know what you can expect from them
Know what you can expect from them
A good IT recruitment agency will be able to provide you with a clear plan and timeline of how they will work with you. This should include:
The role of the recruitment agency in finding candidates
The process of working with a recruitment agency
Costs involved (this may vary depending on your needs)
How long it takes to find a candidate (this depends on how much information is provided at the outset)
After all this has been explained, make sure that both parties agree on all aspects before signing any contracts or paying any fees!
We hope that you find these tips helpful in your search for the right IT Recruitment Brisbane agency. The industry is changing rapidly and it can be difficult to keep up with all of the latest developments, but there are still plenty of great companies out there who can help you find the best talent for your company.
Source :- Strategies For Finding High-Quality It Recruitment Services
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kayla1993-world · 2 years
Alberta consumers face ‘unprecedented’ utility costs
The price of power in Alberta has taken another big jump. “The cost of generating electricity has gone through the roof as a result of the price of natural gas increasing,” said Sophie Simmonds, the director of Anova Energy.
The regulated rate has increased by over 150 per cent in the past 18 months, she says. “It is unprecedented in the market at the moment.” In Alberta, customers can choose their electricity service provide and can also choose between a fixed or variable regulated rate option.
Utility bills are based on power consumption for the billing period, calculated consistent with kilowatt-hour. The Alberta Utilities Commission approved the regulated rate option prices for the month of August and they remain at historical highs.
Both Enmax and Epcor have had rates higher than 17 cents/kWh approved — 17.341 cents/kWh and 17.129 cents/kWh respectively. Direct Energy’s regulated rate sits at 16.879 cents/kWh.
Outside Edmonton, the utilities commission shows Epcor’s regulated rate at about 17.345 cents/kWh. Energy analysts say the rising prices come from a few factors, including high demand on tight supply and the high cost of natural gas.
Experts say the best thing consumers can do is get on a contract. “Anyone who is looking at their residential electricity, that would be our number one suggestion… fix your power sooner rather than later,” Simmonds said.
She doesn’t expect to see much relief in the high prices for the next couple of years. The UCP government is providing $50-per-month rebates directly on bills until the end of the year, a total of $2.3 billion in relief.
Associate minister of natural gas and electricity Dale Nally said the Alberta government “understands the challenges that rising energy costs” present, which is why it also got rid of the provincial fuel tax.
Nally said he’s concerned federal Liberal policies will push energy and electricity prices even higher. “Alberta’s government is prioritizing affordability as we look at different options to keep our electricity system reliable while decarbonizing. We are pursuing all avenues — maximizing the efficiency of existing infrastructure, integrating new technologies into our grid and better managing system costs.
“Our commitment to maintaining a competitive energy-only market has also led to more than $13.9 billion in new generation projects since 2019, the vast majority of which are for renewable power.”
The NDP says more can be done and these steps are not enough. “I think it’s an incredible challengefor Albertans, and it’s a challenge for Albertans at a time when people are facing a lot of other challenges,” said NDP energy critic Kathleen Ganley.
Ganley says the province should consider a price cap — like the NDP government had in place — and pass legislation protecting Albertans from being cut off if they’re late on their bill.
“We have offered to come back to the house, we have offered to work on policies, we worked on draft legislation to prevent disconnections that they didn’t even want to look at.”
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abillups-usc · 2 years
Self-Interest and Ambivalence
Genuine interest in real-estate, RE development, DIY, and home improvement for years
I’m in the process of developing a disruptive business of my own which this should help
I like working in team settings and haven’t had many of those opportunities in the consulting role I’ve been working on full time. 
I look forward to learning from my team as well and gaining additional knowledge from their areas of expertise 
Personal Priorities
In the process of starting a renovation project at home (trying to convert one side of the house into an ADU)
I’m committed to be a life-long learner especially researching and learning within industries that I’m passionate about
Priorities include: Currently working on a consulting project full-time, developing my own business (part time), and taking this course
Juggling travel, quality time with my girl friend, friends, and family, and golfing occasionally  
Thankfully, this is my only class so it shouldn’t be too difficult to allot a few hours outside of the classroom to work towards our end-goal
Go-Getter Mentality and Self-Control
I try to get up early and get a somewhat healthy breakfast and coffee after a good night’s rest
Having a to-do list each day helps on getting things accomplished day-to-day
Listening to music while working is a good tool for helping my stay engaged/energized to get things done
Giving myself time to do things I enjoy are good ways to recharge and get back to my go-getter mentality (i.e. concerts, music festivals, beach activities, travel, and golf)
I’ve gotten away from yoga and meditation over the past couple years, but I want to get back into a routine of at least 15-30 sessions throughout the week
I’ve been making a conscious effort to try to eat a healthier diet and juicing somewhat regularly 
Picture Success
Our team has already got off to a very solid start and I feel like success will be inevitable 
I think the biggest reward will be having an MVP of some sort that could be a disruptor of the DIY industry as we know it
Also, the team having mutual respect and growth along the way in the overall creative problem-solving process will be a big win  
Declaration of Acceptance and Self-Actualization
As a team, we signed a Team Contract, and we all are committing to the task at hand 
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