#or: which one gives you the most coins per game I guess
asherasgayagenda · 3 months
+ why they work best for you!
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Back with another "completed" old game:
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This is one of two notoriously bad games within the same attempt to reimagine Sonic. Shattered Crystal being the 3DS version, not the much more heavily mocked Wii U version Rise of Lyric. RoL is incredibly glitchy, tanks in framerate, pissed off the Sonic fan base with the redesign, etc. Shattered Crystal kinda flew under the radar, aside from mostly being mentioned as a companion thing that unlocked stuff in RoL. There is also apparently a sequel(?) on 3DS that came out 2 years later (Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice), which is... brave.
Personal history/experiences, a rundown of my thoughts about SC and why I put completed in quotations under the cut
First off, I am not a Sonic fan. Never have been, and I've tried pretty much all the recommended games. I bought Sonic Mania on release, I played the first two games on multiple occasions, I have played the Sonic Adventure games through at least twice, as well as having Sonic Heroes and Sonic'06 under my belt. I have seen most facettes of the core Sonic experience and it's just not my cup of tea. I understand what people like and I'm glad they find things to enjoy. This is mostly so my position is more understandable I guess.
Now, for my time with Shattered Crystal:
It's a level based adventure platformer/collectathon, with the main gimmick that you can switch between 4 characters (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and... Sticks) at any time. Each of them has unique traits that mostly aid exploration. Sonic has a dash that can open new path ways, Tails can ride on air streams, Knuckles can burrow and Sticks can throw a boomerang that can it switches. Each of the characters can also fight enemies. Sonic and Sticks with their ability, Knuckles and Tails with an additional attack. Tails can also glide, as well as play a tiny U-Boat minigame for collectables.
There are up to five goals of interest per level. The ones that always appear are having completed a level, having beaten it under a certain amount of time and finishing with a minimum amount of rings. Most levels also add the two big collectables: Blueprints and Crystal Shards. The former unlocks new abilities (like seeing collectables on your mini map) and the latter is a story McGuffin. Finishing a level, finding all blueprints and crystal shards each give you one emblem, which lets you unlock other levels. Speed and ring goals only giving you tokens to redeem for a pretty rubbish gacha system.
Sadly, to actually finish the game, you need 30/34 emblems. Which means you need to find most blueprints and crystal shards anyways. I was already going to do that (because I'm that kind of player), but it didn't feel great having to repeat a level I didn't want to play again at that time.
The game has a few different types of levels: The most common are exploration based levels, temple run type levels and racing levels.
Going from least interesting to most:
Racing levels are most like traditional Sonic levels, where you try to reach the goal as fast as possible. You race against another character which is effectively the minimum time to beat. When you're head to head, you generally overtake them as they move slightly slower than you, which is good design imo.
Temple Run levels are pretty simple. You automatically run along a track, this time into the screen instead of left to right. You have to dodge obstacles, collect coins and break some things with your boost. I found those very chill for the most part. The lack of major collectibles, the simplicity of the levels and self selecting the level of difficulty was a good change of pace. The levels would only be challenging when you tried to go as fast as possible by constantly boosting wheny you can. So when you just want to collect all the rings, that's easy enough to do. Unless sometimes. The game sometimes has a problem with understanding when you want to switch tracks. You cannot change while boosting, but you also have a short window after boosting where that is the case as well. Which means, if you are a real maverick trying to boost until the very last opportunity and then change lane like the sick skate boarder you always wanted to be, you can die from mushy controls. I have tested those levels with 2 3DS', that is not a hardware problem. All in all, they are quite nice though.
Exploration levels make up the bulk of the content. They are mostly small branching levels, where you move between two compact environments. They are interspersed with enemies, major collectables and Sonic Level Parts™, i.e. the times where you it a booster and see your character zoom off to the other side of the level without you able to intervene. These are fine, the branching noticably drops off toward the later levels and the abilities aren't always integrated well. That is mostly true for Sticks, who just feels rough to play. I generally played those levels with Tails as much as possible, since his glide could get me out of a jam most of the time. Sonic's unique dash was helpful a few times, but too clunky for me to actually use him a lot. Knuckles was there too :)
I think, all in all, Shattered Crystal was a decent game. It's definitely not enough interesting content for the original price and it feels rushed towards the end. The high bar of completion to even access the last level feels like them trying to make it last longer than it normally would and there is a general tendency to padding going through the entire game. That being said, I do like the idea of a smaller adventure title. I think this would've been a good foundation for a more retro style level based platformer. Maybe with a metroidvania twist, as the different abilities kinda were (but without the progression). If I view it as the low budget, lower end development title that it is, it's okay and I enjoyed it in places more than I thought I would. Viewing it as a title of the Sonic franchise, however, makes it understandable why most people didn't like it. There is little emphasis on speed, the exploration levels are really unsuited for fast play with their branching and if you aren't a speedrunner who has practiced the levels a ton, you likely need 3 or more goes on any given level to fully complete it.
Which is a good segue to my use of "completed". I found all Crystal Shards, all Blueprints and finished all stages, getting tokens for ring amount in most of them. I did not really finish any speed challenges, which means that I'm missing a lot of the gacha items. That means I'm currently at 87% completion. That's where it's gonna stay, as I'm really not interested in getting it to 100% through the speed challenges. Luckily, it seems that the missing percentage is counted through gacha, not through level completion. There is a mechanic where you can get a token a day for next to no effort. The problem is that you can't just reset your date, so I would have to check in daily for a month to lazily 100% it. I don't think there will be anything special to get by getting it there, so that's fine.
So, thank you for reading (if you did) and here is to another one of these in [unspecified timeframe]!
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thelucidestofthemall · 10 months
Volcano Princess guide: how to cycle through endings
If you haven't played the game fully at least once, please save this guide for a bit later.
1. Go to the archive of endings and plan out all of the endings you wanna get
Archive is very useful in that you don't have to guess what you have to do but you just get the requirements. So once you have settled in and are really in that completionist mindset, look at what stats you can get with your achievement points and plan out how many, and what endings you wanna get.
2. Mystery man at the Abandoned harbor
Now, this is the tool you will want to utilize in almost every single run, because of how useful he is in 2 aspects.
1) Quickly raising darkness levels(I will expand on this more in the next section of the post)
2) And helping you achieve different star versions of the same career.
Now you can get as many endings of different careers as you want, but if you have, say, a 4 star version of a religious career, the game won't give you the option of getting a 3 star version of that same career. And that's a waste, you have all the stats needed, they're just a little higher. And this is where the mystery man comes in. You buy the needed potion and lower the stats to the point that they don't meet the requirements for the 4 star ending, but still do for the 3 star ending. WARNING: don't drink the potions until last turn, because if you forget to make a save file and just down all the potions too early - you have pretty much lowered your stats for nothing and may now even get 1 ending instead of 2.
SECOND WARNING: As soon as the mystery man appears, talk to him and learn how to steal Learning how to steal takes 3 turns and he doesn't start selling stat-lowering potions until winter. So you wanna start the process as soon as possible in case you need more potions or if you forget to talk to him on some turns.
3. Darkness
Many endings require having low darkness, some endings require high darkness. And if you want to have a run with endings that are both of these, you gotta have a way to quickly build up and purge darkness.
Building up darkness is easy, talk to the mystery man, learn how to steal, and there you have it. You can also go into the back alley in case that 80 darkness a turn isn't enough for you.
Purging darkness on the other hand isn't as easy. Doing it through letters is the most ineffective way. Church is ok, but iirc it removes max. 20 darkness per turn and is costly. The best option is the Holy Fruit which you can obtain from high tier horses and takes off -5 darkness per item. However, if you don't have good means to remove darkness, make a save 6 or more turns before the end and reach all the endings that require low darkness or vice-versa and then start the game again from that save point and go the opposite route.
4. Priest, additional courses and books
If you want to get endings that require many different majors do use the priest because there is only so much you can learn in one turn.
You don't really need additional courses unless you're going for an ending which requires over 700 points in a major. But additional courses usually give major points faster so it's not a bad idea if you have spare coin.
Also, talk to a lot of ppl as you pass them by so you can get books. Those aren't usually a huge boost, but it builds up overtime.
And that's about it. I'll make a guide on how to cycle through romance endings next.
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caesarflickermans · 2 years
the thg series is filled with interesting characters who have captured our imaginations. do you have any headcanons about a character from the series who was not given a last name? (ex: cato, thom, portia, etc). could be from any of the four books. 😀
Well, first thing I had to do was look up on wikia to see which characters only had first names so I guess that tells you plenty about how many first-name-only characters I focus on. Whops! And as per usual, it’s going to be Capitol characters.
Let's start with Cressida, Pollux and Co. Along with Messalla's comments on the apartments, I headcanon all of them to have originated from middle class with Cressida being the most well off and Pollux and Castor's family having experienced a fall from grace with Pollux becoming an avox. This, treachery, being one of the main reasons why families will fall down the social ladders. In addition, I picture them to have met in the Capitol before they left to 13. As they are a film crew, and as the only show we truly know being Caesar's, I have headcanoned them as having met as part of Caesar's crew. My personal views here are that Caesar usually keeps a similar crew between the Hunger Games show and his (my HC) own "Late Night" show, hence them having grown acquainted with different types of live television. Those are valuable skills they obtained before fleeing to 13 (maybe when freeing Pollux?). This connection of them with Caesar fits neatly into the throwaway line that "Cressida and Pollux have been sent out into the districts to cover the wreckage of the war". Meaning, Caesar is the one interviewing people to document what is missing and while Cressida directs and Pollux handles the camera work. I think it would be a fitting fate to Caesar, alas, he has a surname so I shall not elaborate.
There's some loose thoughts I have about Cinna's joining to the rebel cause. Why and when he chose District 12 and when exactly he was aiding the rebellion has remained a mystery to us, but I imagine those two as being related. This splits into two possible versions to me: Either He was a rebel from the beginning and Plutarch instigated his stylist career at District 12 OR he joined District 12 due to Katniss' volunteering and was contacted by Plutarch right away. In any case, I headcanon that Cinna knew exactly what he was doing when meeting Katniss for the first time and dressing her in the first fire outfit. Cinna might be a great guy, but he was certainly more scheming and knowing than Katniss (or we) give him credit for. We perceive many of the adult characters—Snow, Coin, Plutarch, sometimes Haymitch, too—as forces manipulating Katniss and removing her own agency and place in the rebellion. However, most certainly, Cinna was among those adults as well. We don't know his intentions, but he certainly knew more about what he was doing and what effect it would have. Katniss simply perceived him as kinder and more willed to listen to Katniss as a person than many other adults in the book series. [And, of course, I have a small and fun ship idea about Cinna/Caesar because they fit well together when one thinks about it. Caesar, obsessed with clothes, and Cinna, designing them. Secret love story with a tragic ending of one surviving lover]
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Fantastic Office Game: It Helps The Employees To Boost Up Their Creative Thinking
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Continuously working for 8 hours is hard right? I guess many employees will agree with this. And the reason is no one can work for 8 hours or more than 8 hours by only sitting in the same place.
As human beings, we all have the same tiredness. And as per the research, the human brain gets tired within 30 or 45mins while working. But there are so many ways that help you in refreshing your mind or brain every time.  
You may play office games. But now the main question is how can employees play games at an office or while working?  
I know the above-asked question always comes to your mind. That's why we are here to give its answer. So why are you guys waiting?
Just keep reading!
Why Does A Employee Need To Play Games At Office?
You have realized that constantly working for long hours can make employee feel tired. And sometimes, while doing so much work, the employees don’t bring out their best efforts in their work.
In addition, if an employee is tired, he may not be able to complete his work effectively. By implementing some fun games as a part of work schedule, you can make your employees relax a bit. And that may help them to enhance their non cognative skills like communication, conscientiousness, perseverance, teamwork etc.
Following Are The Games Which An Employee May Play:-
Word Games
Maths Puzzle Games
Exercise Games
Guess The Movie
Heads Up
Two Truths and a Lie
Who Am I?
Never Have I Ever
Human Snakes
Broken Telephone
Code Names
So these are the office games to play when bored. Furthermore, let us also discuss the other office games that help employees build a strong bonds with their colleagues. 
Secret Santa:-
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This secret Santa game is a popular game played in all organizations. This game is so easy and funny to play. So, in this game, basically, a person created chits by writing all the employees' names. Further, one by one, all employee starts picking up the chits. 
And the chit picked by employees, they are supposed to give them a present secretly, without telling anyone. And the person who gives the gift to others will get a unique present from other employees. It is an interesting office games that every employee is ready to play. 
Musical Chair:-
It is one of the finest games most people play in office party games. Also, it is easy to play for everyone. I guess you might have played it in your office too. 
It starts which placing chairs in a circle or a line. After that, music begins playing, and the player starts roaming around the chairs. So, if the music stops, they all have to sit in a chair. 
And by chance, if any player is unable to sit in a chair then that player is considered out. 
Guess The Movie Game:-
And these are the best fun office games by which all the employees can reduce their boredom and start working with more productivity. 
Basically, it is an easy game you guys already played in some way. And this game is the most iconic game that each and every person knows to play. 
But still, I'll tell you how to play it. It starts with selecting a movie. And by not speaking, you have to act and let the other people guess the movie's name by your acting. These are the teamwork games that employees can play easily.
So, these are the best office games when bored while working. 
And as we all know, every coin has two sides, as same as that, playing while working may be risky. The reason behind it employees will lose their productivity by always playing games for refreshments. 
Additionally, according to the research, when employees become bored, they start playing game on their computers. And management does not have the ability to analyze which employee is playing a game on his desktop or at which time. 
For this reason, many business organizations prefer to use employee monitoring software. 
And if we talk about the selection of monitoring software for your company, there are so many monitoring software that you can adapt for your business organization. 
The top 05 best employee monitoring software are:- 
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So, these are the finest employee monitoring software that will surely helps a manager to keep an eye on their employees regularly.
You can also watch: How To Use Localization Feature Of EmpMonitor
Finally, now I can assume that you guys have learned something unique about the office games. I hope this article will help you for understanding multiple games to play in the office whenever you are bored. 
So, this is it for now. We will come again with new topics. Till then, stay healthy, and stay safe. Thanks for reading!!
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
Okay I was so blown away by Finn’s performance this MCC I just wanna do a break down of his growth as a player. 
And for some context Finn had next to no faith in his Minecraft skills. He even for a moment worried that Dream wanted to swap him out when Dream asked to call with him. Of course that wasn’t happening Dream just wanted to run strats by him. But you can see how little Finn thought of his skills. Finn and CPK in a practice stream pointed out that Finn had improved 3 places every game and hoped to keep that streak up. 
Finn has played, as of MCC 16, four MCCs. Links to the Reddit posts I got the info from are linked. Also here is a spreadsheet breakdown I put together if you wanna see everything I guess. 
- Finn’s 1st performance was in MCC 9 on Aqua Axolotls with Techno, Spifey, and Calvin. The team placed 4th and Finn came 36th individual with a score of 1,592 coins. 
Notable showing: (x)
13th in Battle Box earning 315 coins
- For MCC 11 Finn played on Orange Oozes with CPK, Krtzzy, and Mini Muka. Their team came 7th and Finn placed 33rd individual with 1,447 coins. So a higher rank but lower coin amount. 
Notable showing: (x)
19th place for Hole in the Wall earning 252 coins
- Finn’s third event was the special Christmas themed MCC 13 and he was on Emerald Elves teamed once again with CPK as well as Tubbo and Tommy. Emerald Elves placed 5th as a team and Finn placed 30th individual with a coin count of 1,725. 
Notable showings: (x)
10th for Parkour Tag earning him 383 coins and making him the number one Emerald player for this game
20th place in Ace Race with a time of 05:45.15 (This is also his best Ace Race time ever)
- MCC 16 Finn played on team Pink Parrots and was teamed, for the third time, with CPK as well as Dream and BadBoyHalo. Pink Parrots finished 2nd and won Dodgebolt making this event Finn’s first win. He placed 23rd individual collecting 2,118 coins which as per his pre-game pledge in support of Techno is the amount of coins Finn will be donating to cancer research. 
With MCC 16 this is the first time for Finn in the top 25 and jumping up 7 places as opposed to his usual 3. 
Notable showings: (x)
9th in Parkour Tag earning his team 333 coins
7th TGTTOSAWAF earning 336 coins
8th in Sands of Time in his best performance yet earning 453 coins even as a sand keeper and collecting the most sand out of anyone in the entire game
His performance in Dodgebolt was incredibly impressive as I outline here. Watching his archery in Gridrunners also proved he is a good shot. Finn shot 9 arrows and hit 7 of them (two were on targets a teammate hit just before so he only lit up 5 targets) Giving him a hit rate of 77.7% for the game.
As it is Finn’s best game is Parkour Tag. He also is pretty skilled with a bow. I think with some more movement practice Finn would only increase his standings. I think there is a very solid chance of Finn consistently becoming a top 20 player.
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Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 4- Four Marks
Summary: Your travels have taken you to a tavern where you meet the most unlikely of individuals. Then as per usual, trouble ensues.
Warnings: getting manhandled by some elves
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Laughing into your mug, you catch the annoyed gaze of your silver haired lover who sits quietly to the right of you on this wooden bench, your backs resting against the stone wall. Its been a couple long weeks since either of you have had moment like this to just sit around and drink with each others company. Geralt may not particularly enjoy the surrounding company of the other tavern goers who fill the hall with their loud speaking voices and obnoxious laughter. But he knows just how much you love the easy entertainment of the civilians living their lives as they have a merry go of it.
"Did I not tell you my seductive powers would work wonders with that idiot from Bruna?"
"You did." Mutters Geralt humorously as he side eyes you.
"Ha, exactly. He had not a chance, try and steal Roach again and you will sorely regret it." You boast happily before taking a swig of your drink, "Hmm, this tastes not half bad either. I've had better of course, but this, not a terribly shit drink in all honesty."
"I'm glad you're enjoying it then."
You smile brightly at your stoic Witcher, he appears rather unenthusiastic but you know what emotions lay behind those two golden eyes of his. He's greatly content having you sit next to him and ramble on about your cleverness in the face of mortal men. He'd have no one else in the entire Continent do such a thing but you, and that's why you love him.
"Right? Great mead, anyways I am a force to be reckoned with, and you know he might have even pissed himself once I gave him a fright. It's what I like to do, lure them in with coy beauty and.." You scrunch your nose while making a fist, "...I got them in my clutches. They never even saw it coming."
"Not once." Agrees Geralt as you lean an elbow against the table to lazily look up at his handsome face.
"You know what?" You ask slyly, scarlet irises trailing all around his face.
"You actually look very nice in this lighting, the way you just look around at everyone like you hate the world. It's very sexy." He raises a brow as you smile, "Aside from the stench of horse, sweat, and blood that seems to ever linger on your skin..there's just something about your particular scent that I cannot quite put my finger on."
"You tell me this monthly."
"Do I?"
"Yes. Maybe it has to do with my blood?"
"No. Witcher blood tastes like old mule piss." You add before caching yourself, "Which I wouldn't have the slightest idea personally why. However I know a vampire or two who have divulged in that luxury and have lived to tell me....Not that it's a luxury as in a positive sort of mind, more so, an experience of indulgent sumptuousness for my kin." You're really trying to make this sound less horrendous.
"Drinking Witcher blood?"
You shrug half defensively through a sheepish grin, "What? I never said they killed these Witchers. Okay, okay, that also sounds bad. I promise you though, if they would have killed one of your brethren they would have boasted about the bloodshed. It's what vampires do. So no worries, your friends at Kaer Morhen are most certainly still breathing." Geralt simply holds back a grin as he shakes his head at you and your rambling.
He doesn't care if you know what Witcher blood tastes like, he wouldn't even care if you personally have tasted Witcher blood against your own tongue. He just doesn't want you to stop speaking, it distracts him from the sounds of the tavern goers and that bard. Geralt hums, "Y/N that could have happened three hundred years ago for all I know."
You pause a moment to think, eyes glancing from the window to him as you give a casual shrug, "It might have."
Soon the not terribly horrendous sounds of a bards singing fills your ears with the sweet tunes of an old lute giving what it can to the world as other tavern goers throw bread at the singing man. Oh right there's a bard here. You keep your witty comments to yourself as Geralt keeps his tense stare down with the wooden table while he tries not to grab anyone's unwanted attention, when you glance over to the bard again he's notably walking your way, drink in hand. What now?
Bringing your drink to your lips, you eye up the brightly colored bard as he saunters over, a peculiar smile playing at his features while he leans against a wooden pillar, "I love the way you two just...sit in the corner and brood, minus you my dear lady, what an odd place for such an exquisite creature to..."
"We're here to drink alone." Interrupts Geralt gruffly, you set your drink on the table, a smile playing at the corner of your lips.
The bard nods, looking down for a second before his blue eyes scan over you and Geralt once again, "Good. Yeah, good. No one else hesitated to comment on the quality of my performance, except.." The curious bard walks around the oaken pillar before sitting down across from you and Geralt, "for you two. Come on. You don't want to keep a man with...bread..in his pants waiting. You must have some review for me. Three words or less." Inquires the cheerful bard, a smile upon his bright visage as he waits patiently for an answer. You pull your legs up onto the bench, leaning your right side into Geralt's strong body as you relax a bit more, amused by this bards bold questioning.
"They don't exist." You finally answer, tucking your hands under your arms as you attempt to get a little bit more comfortable. The bards give you a quizzical look, his brows furrowing in confusion.
"What...doesn't exist?" Ponders the bard as he raises a dark eyebrow at you.
"The creatures in your song." Retorts Geralt bluntly.
"And how would you two know?" Vouches the bard with a smile, excitement upon his face at this little guessing game he's just thrust upon himself, "Oh, fun. White hair...two very scary looking swords.." He quietly proclaims turning his attention now to you, "Hmm marvelous, irises the color of roses...dagger at your hip..." Geralt suddenly begins to get up, done with the bards never ending questions. You stand up yourself, the bard just continues to look at you two like you're the most interesting beings in the whole world, "I know who you two are." He confidently rules out while happily watching you both from his chair.
Geralt walks past him as you follow at his side, the two of you heading for the door as the bard jumps up to trail along, "You're the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia....and you're the dhampir princess, Y/N of Alkatraz. Called it!" Concludes the bard enthusiastically, much too loudly for your liking. You ignore the turning faces of the other tavern goers before a curly haired young man rises to his feet before you can reach the door to freedom.
"A job I've got for ya's. I beg you." He pleads almost nervously, you halt your movement as Geralt does the same, the two of you abruptly turning to face the man, "A devil...he's been stealing all our grain. In advance, I'll pay you. A hundred ducat." His eyes nervously shifting from you to Geralt.
"One fifty." Chides Geralt, the man immediately pulls out a small sack of coin previously hidden within his coat, a hopeful smile upon his pimply face.
He flashes you a warm grin as his gaze shifts from you to Geralt once again, "I've no doubt either of you'll come through. You take no prisoners, so I hear." He gives Geralt the sack of coins, the bard watching intently in the foreground, time to kill a devil then.
You were able to walk bard free all the way to the gates of the small mountainous tavern and twelve feet into the gravely dirt road before the bard had tracked you two down. Now here you are, a good distance onto the road as you head for the hills where this devil hides, Geralt leading Roach as you walk in front of them, the bard trying to converse with Geralt to his immediate left.
"Ah. You guys need a hand? I've got two. One for each of the, uh, devil's horns." Confirms the bard breathlessly, trying to keep up with yours and Geralt's quick pace up the hill.
"Go away." Grumbles your annoyed Witcher.
You snicker, just imagining what Geralt's face looks like right now as the bard continues to pester him, "I won't be but silent back-up." The bard cheerfully exclaims, throwing his hands in the air for emphasis, you turn to look at him with an amused grin upon your face.
"Yeah I bet you really know how to muzzle that continuous yapper of yours." He smiles back at you, turning his attention back to Geralt.
"I heard your note, and, yes, you're right, maybe real adventures would make better stories..."
"That's if you survive them." You interrupt with a smirk, glancing back around, catching the animated face of the bard.
He smiles to himself as he holds onto the strap of his old lute, "Yes well, you two, smell chock full of them...amongst other things. I mean, what is that? Is that onion?" You turn your head to give him a questioning look, he gives you a quick nervous smile before continuing, "It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak, not for you two of course it's just a meaning..."
"It's onion." Mutters Geralt.
"Blood." You add.
"Right, Yeah. Yeah. Ooh, I could be your barker, spreading the tales of Geralt of Rivia and his dangerous lady Y/N of Alkatraz...the-the Butchers of Blaviken!" Bellows the dreaming bard, throwing his hands into the air, Geralt suddenly stops moving, turning to face the smiling idiot.
In one quick motion he punches the bard in his stomach, sending him staggering back onto the dusty road in a coughing and sputtering mess. Geralt turns back to you with a nod before he and Roach continue on past you, you give the bard a diverted look as he slowly picks himself up.
"You've been punched by a Witcher, how's that for your first taste of adventure?" You muse, raising an eyebrow at him.
Clearing his throat of dust he grins at you, "Better then I had hoped." He replies while letting out a small chuckle as he follows you up the road.
"Geralt of Rivia, the-the White Wolf or-or something. Mind if I hop up? I'm not really wearing the right footwear." Suggests the bard as he attempts to reach out for Roach's rider-less backside. You sit upon the mare in front of your man, Geralt kindly letting you lean into his leather armor clad torso as he holds her reigns.
"Don't touch Roach." Warns Geralt, the bard immediately pulling away.
"Yeah, right, yeah." He disappointingly replies as you lightly chuckle at the two of them. Soon you and Geralt reach a small tree, where Geralt jumps down to tie off Roach, you sliding off to take a sharp look at your rocky surroundings. The bard watches intently at what your plans are next, deciding to deliver some historical information about the landscape as he tells you how elves called this place Dol Blathanna before they gave it up to the humans. You let him ramble on, unaware you already are educated on the history of this part of the continent, you are almost five hundred years old after all.
You raise your head to find an opening in the large rock formation where the trail appears to lead. Geralt walks past you, sharing an annoyed look as you both listen to the bard rambling on about something you're not listening to. Geralt lets out a huff before turning around and walking down the dusty trail, you trailing after him as the bard lingers in the background.
Your crimson eyes trail over the nearby clusters of tall grasses as the bards loud voice fills your ears, "Geralt? Y/N? Wh-where are you two going? Guys, don't leave me. Helloooo? What are we lookin for again?" Inquires the bard noisily from behind the two of you while you walk past straggly protruding rocks and tall green grasses on either side.
"Blessed silence." Mutters Geralt.
"Yeah, I don't really go in for that. Have you two ever hunted a devil before?" He wonders as both you and Geralt stalk silently towards wherever this devil lays hiding in the brush.
"They don't exist." You add, pulling out your large silver dagger as you listen intently for any unusual sounds.
The bard continues to ramble on while you catch the sight of something tall hidden in the grass, you can hear the rapid heartbeat of this nervous creature. A second later a tiny stone shoots from out of nowhere, slicing Geralt on the forehead as the bard cheers excitedly about how "act two" of his adventure has begun. You watch as his eyes go wide once they spot the devil rising from out of the greenery, you turn to squint at the creature, unsure of what it truly is from here.
"Oh fuck." You whisper before it launches another stone right at you, with supernatural speed you shift to the side where the stone flies past your head, this time knocking out the chatty bard in the process. You and Geralt share a confused glance as you turn to search for this horned fucker before he ends up bloodying you next time. With the beast lost from your vision, you zero in on his thudding heartbeat, not even fifteen seconds later does the devil burst forth from the tall grass. Launching Geralt a good couple yards back as you watch in bewilderment, to taken aback to help him with his unexpected assault.
Within seconds your Witcher is on the hooved half-man, pinning him to the ground as they exchange clever insults with one another. You catching the creatures name to be Torque the Sylvan as it yells at Geralt before he punches the Sylvan in the face to daze him.
Suddenly you can hear the irritated thumping heartbeat of an unfamiliar being when something cracks you across the side of your head from seemingly out of nowhere, sending you staggering to your knees as a small trail of blood trickles down the side of your temple. Your hands catch yourself on the rough gravely dirt as your knees jab into some rocks while you land. When you look up again a large shadowed person is standing above you before they violently bash you in the face with their boot, then darkness.
When you wake up again your hands are chained to the wall and a steel collar has been tightly locked around your neck. Your eyes slowly look up to find an unconscious Geralt tied to an equally unconscious bard. The small stony cave prison smells of recent activity in the tell tale scent only an elf could have, shaking your head in agitation you listen to the quiet clinking of your chains. This is not how you intended for today to go.
When you try to pull at your restraints for the first time, you're welcomed with an intense burning sensation flaming the flesh of your left wrist. It appears whoever has taken you prisoner has coated this specific constraint with silver, so whenever you move it just right the metal makes contact with your exposed wrist, fantastic.
After waiting another ten minutes and listening to the bard complain once he finally awoken, Geralt at long last stirs, his eyes going wide as he desperately tries to look around the small stone room. Clearly in a panic and unsure how he got here in the first place.
Letting out an irked sigh you kick his foot to gather his distracted attention, "Oh good you're finally conscious, I thought I was gonna have to kick you awake." You quip at Geralt as the bard chuckles from behind him.
"Now, this is the part where we escape."
"This is the part where they kill us." Grumbles Geralt.
"Who's they?" Asks the bard before an elven woman races into the room, she smells almost sickly and looks even more furious as she kicks them in the head, quickly shutting them up as they grunt in pain.
"Beast." She fumes in Eldar, kicking Geralt once again as you hiss at her, gaining a satisfied smirk upon her elven features, you'd rather enjoy smacking that off her face. A dark curly haired one walks into the room, immediately his eyes catch the bards old lute laying on the floor next to your dagger and Geralt's sword.
You can't see as the bards eyes go wide in fear, "Oi, that's my lute, give it back!" Whines the bard as Geralt gives the she-elf a furious glare, "Quick Y/N, do your scary vampirey thing!" He quickly urges, you'd love nothing more then to shift into a half bat creature and scare the flesh right off this she-elf's bones, but a little problem called silver is preventing you from doing so.
"Shut up." Grumbles Geralt as the she-elf first kicks you in the legs and then Geralt, you're more pissed off then in actual pain from her brief assault.
"You shut up!" She barks in Eldar.
"My Eldar speech is rough. I only got part of that." Replies the bard as you roll your eyes.
"She said shut up." You implore before getting kicked again, the burn of the single silver handcuff sending fire into your wrist as you bite back the pain. The bard then replying to you in broken Eldar as you tell him to "fuck off" back in the same language, Geralt flashing you a confused grimace, unaware that you're fluent in Eldar.
"Do you wanna die right now?" She sasses, staring them down.
"As opposed to later?" Growls back Geralt as she kicks him harshly in the stomach, doing the same to the bard as he cries out for his now broken lute.
"Leave off!" Barks Geralt as she walks around to fiercely punch him in the face.
Your eyes shimmering blood red as anger flashes through them, "I'll slit your fucking throat you elven cunt!" You hiss as she whips around to thrust a boot into your side, the silver chain sizzling your broken flesh at the jarring impact sending you into a flurry of muffled curses, Geralt's eyes softening as he watches you grimace in pain, wishing he could do something about it.
Weakened with this one silver coated cuff, you're not even strong enough to break out of here. Damn silver.
The she-elf scoffs as she glares at the three of you tied up, "You don't deserve the air you breath!" Smack, directly into your Witcher's cheek, "Everything you touch, you destroy!" Another blow straight onto his face in the same moment that the curly haired elf breaks the bards lute in two. Well there goes that.
"You hide in your golden palaces. You beat a bound man, too scared to even look him in the eye!" Screams the bard angrily as you lift your head up higher so your steel collar can't completely suffocate your windpipe, the sting in your wrist keeping you alert and ready to fight.
She sneers at him, "Do you like my palace? Hmm?" She grins maliciously, crouching down to take Geralt's fuming bloody face in her hand, "Does it live up to the tales you humans tell?" She challenges quietly before you pull on your chains, striking her roughly in the nose with your boot, the burning of the silver worth her pained gasps as she stumbles backwards. Falling onto the sandy floor of the stone cave as she sputters and coughs, spiting out a glob of blood while the bard laughs.
"Yeah, take that, pointy!" He cheers as she coughs and wheezes some more from her pathetic spot on the ground, the bard suddenly looking concerned, "Wait, what's-what's wrong with her?" He wonders, trying to twist his head around to find you and Geralt. Suddenly a blonde haired elf and the Sylvan enter into your small stony prison.
"She's sick." He simply states, reaching down to kindly tend to his fallen companion from the ground.
Giving him a bewildered look you lean against the stony wall, "And who the fuck is this?" You snap, lightly pulling on your chains in frustration.
"He's Filavandrel, King of the Elves." Quickly answers the Sylvan as he rushes to the fallen elleths other side.
"Not a king by choice." Affirms the elven king Filavandrel as he glances over the three of you.
Geralt's brows furrow in thought, "You were stealing for them." He concludes with a sneer, blood still present on his lips, the Sylvan turning to answer him.
"I felt for them. They were forced out of Dol Blathanna."
"Forced out? No, they chose..." Starts Geralt.
The elven king snaps his attention over to Geralt, "Do you know anyone that would choose to leave their home? To starve? To have a Sylvan steal for them?" Angrily interrupts Filavandrel before turning his attention back to the she-elf, "Toruviel, no one was supposed to get hurt."
"What's three humans in the ground when countless elves have died?" She sneers, a messy trail of blood dripping down from her nostrils.
"One human. And you can let him go." Protests Geralt with a nod in the bards direction.
"Then Posada will learn that we've been stealing. The humans will attack. Many will die...on both sides." Insists Filavandrel as he stands, walking over to look down at Geralt and you.
"The lesser evil." Replies Geralt as he raises his head to look at the elf king in the eyes, "No matter what you choose, you'll come out bloody and hating yourself. Trust me." The elven king crouches down, almost at eye level with your fuming Witcher, he's in a perfect position to crack across the back of his scull, but smartly you think otherwise.
"That's the problem. I can't. This is necessary." Implores the elven king.
"I understand. As long as you understand...that it won't be long before you follow me in death." Replies Geralt dramatically.
The elven king scoffs, "Yes, because they pushed us from viable soil. Even chaos is polluted. Synthetically enhanced so humans can make magic."
"Chaos is the same as it's always been." You finally add, he turns to look down at you, "Humans just adapted better."
"You say adapt, I say destroy." Corrects Filavandrel, anger lacing his every word.
"You are choosing to starve. You're cutting off your ear to spite your face." You vouch back, his face morphing into one of great resentment and irritation.
"You think this is about pride?" He yells, "My elders worked with humans and got robbed of all they had. And when they fought back, they were slaughtered. "The Great Cleansing," humans called it. I called it digging a mass grave for everyone I loved. And now the humans proudly watch these very fields grow...our babies fertilizer for their grain. I don't wish to bury anyone else....I was once Filavandrel of the Silver Towers. Now I'm Filavendrel of the Edge of the World. If I bring my people down from these mountains, it would mean bowing down to human sovereignty....They'll make slaves of us. Pariahs of half-blood children." Explains the elven king, sadness and hatred coating his very words, you truly do feel for him and all his kind have endured at the greedy hands of humans.
"Then go somewhere else. Rebuild. Get strong again. Show the humans that you are more then what they fear you to be." Argues Geralt, trying to help these elves see the light.
"Like you, Witcher?" Whispers Filavandrel.
"I have learned to live with them." His golden eyes suddenly finding yours before he looks back up at the elven king, "We both have, so that we may live." The she-elf, Toruviel jumps to her feet.
"Please my king. There are others. A new generation. Evellien who wish to fight! Let's take back what's ours. Starting now." She insists confidently, Filavandrel pulls his dagger from its sheath and your breath catches in your throat at what he may do next.
"Don't fucking touch him!" You growl, pulling at your tightly restrictive chains, the clink and slink of the metal sounding throughout the stony room, right as the Sylvan races to the kings side. "Wait!"
"Torque, stand aside!" Shouts Filavandrel sharply.
"The Witcher could've killed me. But he didn't. He's different. Like us." Swears Torque the Sylvan, Filavandrel simply pushes him aside as you pull on your steel chains, it almost feels like you can't breath with how tight the collar is around your throat, the fiery burning of your wrist oozing red hot blood from beneath the silver cuff and onto the dusty floor.
Your Witcher simply watches Filavendrel's every move, a defiant look his his golden eyes, "If you must kill me...I am ready." Pledges Geralt softly, staring down the elven king the whole time, no this cannot be the end, not now.
Pulling even harder on your iron chains, you growl at the king, "If you end his life I will coat the walls of your golden palace in the blood of every living creature that crosses my path!" You scream furiously, tears welling up in the corners of your scarlet eyes as you violently yank on your chains, more blood seeping out from your silver cuffed wrist.
Geralt sadly glances to you before looking back up at the elven king holding his dagger, "But the Sylvan's right. Don't call me human." Continues Geralt as Filavandrel moves to his side for a better angle to slit his throat. To your absolute horror Geralt locks eyes with you before tilting his head up, opening up his neck for a clean shot of his jugular.
Your face falls before turning into a wolf-like snarl, "I cannot promise you a clean death. But by god, I will let you watch your people suffer!" You cry desperately as the elven king raises his silver dagger, wet salty tears unknowingly begin streaming down the sides of your cheeks as your eyes go wide in hopeless dread. Filavandrel gives you one last look before thrusting his dagger upon your lover.
You sit silently upon the back of Roach as she's guided by Geralt who keeps one hand on the leather reins and the other hand across your waist. Your fingers hold onto his muscular arm tightly as a white bloodied cloth covers your left wrist where the silver cuff burned and tore at your flesh. It still stings and most definitely wont heal for awhile, but your pain doesn't matter, all that's of your concern is the fact that Geralt's alive and so are you.
"Credit where credit is due." Starts the bard as he walks beside Roach and the two of you, "That whole reverse-psychology thing you did on them was brilliant, by the way." Says the bard before comically imitating Geralt's gruff voice, "Kill me. I'm ready." Geralt glares down at him before the bard continues, "Oh and you Y/N, with those incredibly convincing bloody threats, genius, they looked terrified.." He boasts for you, "That's the conclusion. They just let us go, and you give all of Nettly's coin to the elves."
"Filavendrel's lute not a charming enough gift for you?" You wonder, the bard swaggers with each step, a bright smile upon his dirty face.
"Yeah, she is a bit sexy, isn't she? I do have respect for Filavandrel. He survived the Great Cleansing once. Who knows? Maybe he can do it again? Be reborn." Suddenly the bard begins to sing, "Will the elf king heed, What the Witcher entreaty? Is history a wheel. Doomed to repeat? No that's...that's shit." Surmises the bard, squinting his eyes as the sun beams down brightly upon the three of you on the dusty dirt path.
"This is where we part ways, bard, for good." Remarks Geralt as you lean into his body, turning your head towards the bard.
"I promised to change the public's tune about you two. At least allow me to try." He politely insists as he whips his lute around to gently strum her cords, "When a humble bard. Graced a ride along. With Geralt of Rivia..." Sings the bard, happily strumming away at his new lute as he makes it up on the go, "And so cried the Witcher. He can't be bleat..."
"That's now how it happened." Grumbles Geralt as he quickly halts Roach, "Where's your newfound respect?" Wonders Geralt as the bard turns to look at him, an unbothered smile creeping onto his face.
Shaking his head he looks up at Geralt, "Respect doesn't make history." He corrects before turning around once again, "Toss a coin to your Witcher. O Valley of Plenty. O Valley of Plenty, oh-oh-oh. Toss a coin to your Witcher. O Valley of Plentyyyyy." He sings loudly, continuing to delightfully strum at his prized lute while taking the lead down the dirt path, out of earshot from your whispering.
Hugging Geralt's strong arm that's lazily casted over your abdomen, do you lightly laugh at the bards antics and Geralt's moodiness, "It's a bit catchy isn't it?" You muse while craning your neck to catch his annoyed golden irises, "Why not keep him around...until he gets sick of us or...maybe eaten by a werewolf, who knows."
Geralt raises a single eyebrow to you, "Our nights under the stars are about to get uncomfortable." He simply replies, hugging you pleasantly closer as he clicks his tongue for Roach to walk again. You chuckle at his adorably concerned remark, glad that today didn't end in sorrow and death for once.
Tagged:  @notahappytree​ @ashleyforeverareject​ @sokkasdarling​ @kmuir1​@haleypearce @diegos-butt​ (@auds24 sorry idk why ur name won’t work)
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dreamylyfe-x · 3 years
of all the things they could make mickey and ian fight over, why are the writers going with 2 so OOC storylines in the final season? the show never framed ian as seeing mickey's illegal income as not "real" work before. and mickey was never the slacker type, so why now? and mickey would never vague about monogamy. i'm so confused. if they gotta fight, why not over something in character and meaningful. this just feels like writers being mean to the fans, making us sit thru all this nonsense
Hey! Thanks for the ask. Made my (very weird and stressful) day. 
I’m going to be disappointing right off the jump and say that I don’t actually think any of this is OOC, per say. But. In GENERAL. Shameless is not the show it was. I think this is very normal for long-running shows. Take Friends: When you get into the back half of that show’s extensive catalogue, is starts to feel like the characters are a Xerox of a Xerox. Early season Monica is a bit OCD, and a clean freak who loves to be in charge -- but she’s also warm, and hospitable and emotionally available to her friends. Late season Monica is often a coked-out squirrel-woman who loses her mind if someone moves a pillow. That’s quality isn’t out of character, but it’s no longer being balanced with the warm and supportive woman we initially met. I think a bit of that might be “we already know you either like or hate Monica, so we’re just giving you the stuff that’s funny and/or dramatic. We got 22 minutes and six characters and we don’t have to build that other shit anymore.” 
I think that’s happening with Mickey and Gallavich. And I don’t think that’s weird for a) a show that has run this long and b) a character who was gone and then returned. They are giving us a Mickey that has always existed -- unbound by traditional manners, aggressive, blunt and obsessed with Ian Gallagher -- but we aren’t getting much of the Mickey who curls up with Ian at the worst time of his life and kisses his forehead. We aren’t getting all the verbal confirmation of Big Feelings they gave us when he came back in season 7. We aren’t seeing Ian and Mickey as a team, which is a big part of their mid-seasons dynamic. I think that makes people feel like these arguments are OOC, when they’re arguably reasonable issues, but aren’t being given a ton of nuance, or balance. 
Aside: There’s some balance in how the actors are playing the intimacy and the physical affection. The little touches and kisses are appreciated by me. 
So to dig into the OOC stuff -- first of all, it makes total sense to me that they’d have issues about the role crime plays in their lives together. I love that Ian never gave a damn that Mickey is a straight up criminal. But every time Ian lost Mickey, it was because the law intervened. When Mickey is not incarcerated, he’s with Ian. Ian is no longer 16, no one is a juvenile offender, Mickey was given a devastating sentence in season 6 -- 16 years -- Ian was 18! That was his entire living memory, if not more. They are married now, against considerable odds, and I completely understand why Ian doesn’t want Mickey to risk going back to jail. 
Likewise, I get why Mickey doesn’t want to do what Ian is doing. Mickey does not have the temperament for minimum wage jobs. He has a longstanding history of thinking it’s absolute bullshit to work hard for no money. Particularly when he’s smart enough, skilled enough and ballsy enough to make a LOT of money in an afternoon just by spotting an opportunity. 
Mickey has never SAID this on the show, but in canon we have seen him go to prison four times. Once, because Ian’s unhinged spurned groomer shot him; once because Mickey CHOSE to headbutt a cop so he could go to prison and avoid his dad; once because Mickey was consumed with a need to avenge Ian; and finally because Ian got himself tossed in prison, so Mickey CHOSE to join him. If Mickey has confidence that he won't go to prison if Ian isn’t a factor... Not the craziest idea. 
So -- writers spitballing ideas for Gallavich conflict? I think that’s a pretty good one. Two clear sides that both have merit. I’ve already written a bit about my thoughts on the monogamy issues... first, I’ve always figured they were monogam-ish, to reference Dan Savage. They are faithful to each other while they’re together, and when they are separated (usually by prison!) they aren’t. This isn’t the first time Mickey has voiced a lack of interest in being monogamous -- most notably “Great. Now we’re in a horror movie.” Mickey isn’t a traditionalist and I don’t think he feels like this is a make-or-break issue. But MOSTLY? 
I really and truly believe what I’m about to say... 
Mostly Mickey wanted to do what Ian wanted. 
If he legit didn’t want monogamy he wouldn’t have tried to cheat of Ian’s paper. He didn’t like that “write it down and flip the paper” game. He wanted to match Ian’s answer. So he took a guess and he was wrong about what Ian -- who had literally just told him he found the concept of the rest of his life overwhelming -- had written. 
This is my head cannon: I think he liked that Ian wrote down monogamy. This is not my head canon: they are SUPER sweet to each other in the next scene. I am not convinced that the monogamy debate is going to be much of a thing beyond that scene. And I understand that, for a lot of people, that scene was extremely unpleasant. To me, personally, it made sense for it to come up. But I think it’s settled. I think they’re done with it. 
The one place where I’m like “What is this?” is the slacker stuff. I mean, I can meta why Mickey might be afraid of failure or whatever, but it’d be mostly head cannon. They haven’t given us a ton to build on there. The best we got is “Stop disappointing the people you love!” being what motivated Mickey to do something he didn’t want to do. But Mickey was right, if he thought that interview was going to be a disaster. Mickey knows himself and he is painfully aware of his limitations. 
As for why are the writers DOING this? Well. Ok. Here’s what I think it is: 
1. Story is conflict. So they needed one. And “struggle to adjust to marriage” really isn’t a bad one. Specifically, figuring out how to be married when you have no role models and have a few social strikes against you is a good one. 
2. The writers are amused by Gallavich fighting. They think it’s entertaining. And while there are a lot of people out there for whom Gallavich is EVERYTHING, Shameless’s viewership is also made up of people who think Frank is hilarious. No one ever send me an ask about why Frank is hilarious. I will not be able to figure that one out and the research might kill me. We definitely don’t all agree on what is and is not funny. 
3. They’re going somewhere with it. At least a little. 
I don’t KNOW three is true, but here’s something I believe about John Welles. I think he’s a biiiiit of a sap. I think he probably wants to leave each Gallagher with something nice. I don't think his plan it to send everyone off on an ice floe to freeze to death. So I think (hope?) that what we’re going to see is three (maybe four?) episodes of Gallavich At Odds and then I think we’re going to move into them trying to work together to make lives together. And they will probably still fight, because that seems to be part of the Xerox of a Xerox of Gallavich. I’m sure many people will find that cringey and problematic and annoying -- but I also bet we get a few moments we love, here and there. 
I don’t think they’re trying to be mean to the fans, but I think it’s serving 8 characters ... Nope. 9. (I forgot Frank. I always forget about Frank.) ... and we aren’t going to get the depth and breadth we want. And most of that will be on the side where we see Gallavich loving each other, because at this point they expect us to KNOW that. And some of it’ll be Mickey’s internal life because they tend to focus on the Gallaghers. But I do fervently hope we get a little more of that other side of the coin. Because I absolutely agree that one side is more fun than the other. 
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drariellevalentine · 3 years
Medically Inevitable
Chapter 12- Obscene Occasions
Characters:- Arielle Valentine, Ethan Ramsey, Liam Mercado, Sienna Trinh, Elijah Greene, Jackie Varma, Landry Olsen, Rafael Aveiro, Kyra Santana, Phoebe Reznik & Danny Cardinal
Pairings:- Arielle Valentine x Ethan Ramsey, Sienna Trinh x Danny Cardinal, Elijah Greene x Phoebe Reznik
Warnings:- Alcohol, cursing, mentions of the infamous WAP (no lyrics)
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You’re standing in a sound control booth, ready to flip on a switch. A switch that will blast WAP from the speakers of none other than America’s most posh salon for old ladies. “How did I even get here?!”, you ask yourself. A few hours before…
“Let’s get this party started!”, Kyra shouts as everyone cheers.
“What are we doing first?”, you ask.
Bryce and Elijah share a devilish smirk.
“Uh oh…”, Jackie says.
“We thought it would be fun to see everyone play Twister in fancy outfits.”, Bryce says.
“Bryce! Was this your idea?!”, Sienna shouts. Bryce flashes her a grin.
“I’ll spin the wheel!”, Elijah says as Bryce spreads out a humongous Twister map.
“Wow, this is huge!”, Phoebe says.
“Yep! Okay, so I’ve entered everyone’s names on here. First, 5 people will play. Then the other five will. No exceptions!”, Bryce shouts. “...and the names are here! Drumroll, please!... Kyra! Phoebe! Me! Rafael! Arielle!”
“Looks like ‘birthday girl’ escaped.”, Landry says. Jackie flashes him a warning.
“Does everyone know how to play?”, Elijah asks. All five of you nod as you line up by the mat as you slip off your footwear. “Awesome! First is Kyra!” Kyra places her left hand and foot on the mat, as per the color. Phoebe, Bryce, and Raf place their right hand and left foot on the mat according to the color on their turn When it’s your turn, the mat’s already almost covered.
“Damn! This went fast!”, Jackie says. Elijah holds out the spinner as you spin it.
“Left foot on blue, right hand on red!” You look at the mat, seeing that you can either do a backbend over Bryce or put one hand over Phoebe and a leg under Raf.
“You can’t be serious!”, you shout as everyone laughs. You place your leg on blue and after steadying your legs, you bend your back and place your hand on the red.
“Y’know, when I said you could be on top of me, this is not what I meant.”, Bryce says.
You roll your eyes, “Oh shut up!” After the second round, everyone’s in a huge twisted mess, your back still over Bryce but your feet are under Raf and one of your hands is now twined with Kyra’s.
“I never thought I would say this, but this is entertaining!”, Jackie says.
“Yeah, for you!”, you shout back.
“Okay, I’m out!”, Phoebe says as she wiggles her way out of the twisted jumble.
“Damn! This is hard!”, Bryce says.
“I know right! My back hurts!”, you reply.
“I meant for you.”, Bryce says smirking. You groan.
“It is, but both of you are doing great!”, Raf says. You smack your forehead with your free hand.
“Raf, you do realize he’s trash-talking us right?”, you say.
“Yeah, I know...aand I’m out!”, Raf slides out from the mat.
“Me too. I can’t risk breaking my back.”, says Phoebe. You and Bryce are the only ones left.
“Okay! Bryce’s turn.” Elijah spins the wheel which lands on right-hand red. Bryce chooses the exact spot to place his hand that makes you arch your back even more.
“Bryce! You can’t expect to hold this for much longer!”
He smirks. “Then quit.”
“Damn, you two are still going!”, Elijah says as he spins the wheel. “Lucky Arielle gets to take off her foot!” You cheer. “You didn’t expect me to not return the favor.”, you reply with a smirk. Carefully keeping your hand on their respective colors, you slide under Bryce making him arch his back...a lot. You push him more until he gives up.
“And...the winner is Arielle!”
“Okay, I’m done! I don’t need surgery when I’m already deep in debt!”, Bryce says as he gets up. You plop down on the mat as Si comes to help you up.
“You know, the last thing I thought yoga would help with was playing Twister! Speaking of...bow down to the Twister champion!”
“Okay, Okay! Now it’s Landry, Jackie, Sienna, and Danny! It’s a close tie but Sienna ends up winning.
“That isn’t fair! Sienna’s tiny!”, Jackie protests.
“Ha! I still win!”, Sienna says.
“That’s enough of Twister! The next stop is shots people!”
Bryce leads everyone to the open bar and as everyone takes a seat on a barstool, he slides behind the counter. “What will it be folks?”, he asks with a southern accent.
Jackie groans playfully as Sienna perks up, “This is Jackie’s birthday, so that means…”
“Tequila from start to finish!”, Kyra finishes. Bryce places multiple shot glasses and pours tequila in each of them.
“Okay, on the count of three. 1...2...3!” You throw back the shot and slam your glass on the counter, the tequila slightly burning your throat.
“Ooh! That’s strong!”, Danny says.
“Expect nothing else from Jackie.”, Landry replies.
“Again!” After multiple rounds of shots, you all are now tipsy and on water. “Ookay Scalpel Jockey, what’s next?”, you ask.
“Well it isn’t a party without truth or dare, but I have a better idea.”, Bryce replies with a huge grin.
“Oh no...don’t tell me that my birthday present is being arrested for streaking!”
“Oh trust me, it’s much worse than that.”, Elijah replies.
“Arielle, what did you drag me into?”, Raf asks. You shrug.
“Okay, for this game, we’ll need to go to the mall. Everyone, to the car!” After a short ride in a cramped car and with the story of how you and Bryce were banned from a different mall, you reach the mall.
“Okay, so we split up into two teams, girls and boys, and basically we play hide and seek. But, the losers have to do a dare of the winners’ choice.”
“Okay people, it’s official! We are definitely going to be in jail by the end of this!”, you shout as everyone laughs.
“Bryce, rules?”, Sienna asks.
“Ok, so we’ll make up the rules as we go!”, Bryce says.
“Ooh! This sounds fun! I’m in!”, Kyra says.
“You know what, me too.”, you reply.
“What the hell, I guess.”, Jackie replies. Everyone else agrees.
“Okay, coin toss.” Elijah picks out a nickel from his wallet. “Ladies first, heads or tails?”
“Heads.”, Phoebe perks up. Elijah raises an eyebrow.
“Cause we’re the only one who actually has them.”, Jackie replies without batting an eyelash.
“Ooh! Nice!”, Kyra high-fives Jackie as Elijah flips the coin to reveal...tails!
“Ha! Karma’s a bitch, ain’t it!“, Bryce replies with his horrible southern drawl.
”So, what will it be boys?”, Phoebe asks. The boys make a big show of huddling and discussing, returning 5 minutes later.
”We have decided that we will seek.”, Raf announces.
”Okay...so we can hide anywhere we want?”, you ask.
”Yeah, but only on mall premises.”, Elijah says.
”We’ll give you guys all 10 minutes to hide, we’ll stay here. You guys can hide in groups or single, your choice.”, Danny says.
”Wait, you guys will find us sooner or later. You’re just setting us up!”, Jackie says.
”Okay then, what if we only get 20 minutes?”
”10.”, Kyra counters.
”We’ll go with 15. Does everyone have their phones on them?”, Raf asks.
Everyone nods. ”Then prepare to eat our dust!”, Bryce smirks. You roll your eyes.
”Oh please, we’ll see about that.”, Kyra says.
”Ok, I'm starting the timer in 3...2…1!” As Danny starts the timer, all of you rush inside the mall.
”I think we should all hide in the same place. It’ll lessen the chance of them finding us.”, you say.
”You're right. But where do we hide?”, Phoebe asks.
”Quick! We already lost a minute!”, Sienna shouts as she looks at the timer on her phone.
”Let’s check the mall directory for some inspiration. We need someplace that no man would never enter.”, Jackie replies as she ushers you all to the directory.
You look at the directory. ”What about the spa?”, Sienna asks.
”No, that won't work. We can't possibly hide there.”, Kyra says.
You look at the list of stores. Your eyes widen as you come across a store that would be perfect.
”What is it, Arielle?”, Sienna asks.
”What about Victoria’s Secret?! The boys wouldn't dare come in there!”, you reply, your voice rising with excitement. Their eyes and smiles widen.
”Oh my God! That’s an amazing idea!”, Kyra says.
”Quick! Which floor is it on?”, Phoebe asks. You scan the directory once again.
”It’s on the sixth floor! Let's go!” After several flights of steps, you reach the sixth floor and rush into Victoria's Secret.
”Everyone just split up and act like your browsing through lingerie. I'll keep an eye on the storefront to see if the boys come searching this way. Keep your phone on.” As per your instructions, everyone splits up and you turn to a section of lace-up bras at the very front of the store.
It’s been almost 5 minutes and there’s no sign of the boys. You rush towards the back of the store as you hear Sienna shout, ”There are only 30 more seconds! We won!”
”We did it!”, You shout.
”Ooh, what do you think we should give the boys as a dare?”, Kyra asks.
”That won't be needed.” You whip around to find the whole entourage of boys right in the middle of the store.
”Surprise! We thought you would be here.”, Bryce says. You notice all the staff starting at the group of boys.
”...you’ve got to be kidding me.”, you say.
“Unfortunately not! The timer ended after we found you!”, Elijah says.
”Are you all just going to stand here?..” You turn around to see one of the employees giving you a judgemental look.
”Okay, we’re going! No need to be so judgy!”, Bryce replies as you all file out of the store.
”So much for our dare…”, Sienna says.
You notice Bryce with an extremely huge grin on his face. ”Time for your dare, lovely ladies!”
“Spit it out, Bryce.”, Jackie says. Ignoring her, he steps forward and whispers the dare into your ear. All the girls get alarmed, noticing your wide-eyed and flushed face.
”...you’re not serious.”, you reply unbelievably. He only grins.
”Just spit out Arielle! What's the dare?!” Unable to say anything, Bryce happily steps forward and whispers the dare into everyone's ears. One by one, every girl’s eyes widen.
”You can't be serious Bryce.”, Krya says. He shrugs.
”Bryce, whatever dare you gave them, maybe you should lighten it up? Elijah says.
”Wait? You guys don't know what the dare is?”, you ask. They shake their head.
”Bryce won't tell us.”, Raf replies. A few minutes later, you're standing in front of Nail, Hair and Beauty, a place which is known for where all the old ladies get their nails and hair done. You tentatively enter the store with all the girls, pretending to browse their nail polish collection. You see Bryce pointing to a closed door, across from the entrance.
”That must be the entrance. We’ll change the song and rush out before anyone sees us.”, you say.
”Why did we even agree to this?”, Kyra asks.
”Look on the bright side! At least we’ll have a great story to tell later at parties!”, Sienna says.
”You're the only person who would look at the bright side, Sienna.”, you reply.
Making sure no one sees you, all five of you manage to sneak into the closet miraculously without anyone noticing. You notice the sound system, a list of soothing piano melodies lined up to play over the speakers.
”Who’s flipping the switch?”, you ask. No one makes a move. You groan.
”Fine! I'll do it. At least before someone notices, we’re here.” You tentatively step up and familiarize yourself with the sound system. Making sure not to disturb anything else, you carefully search up WAP, hoping it's not there but yet it's there.
”They have the damn song. Sorry ladies, but at least if you get a heart attack, we have seven doctors here.” You signal to the girls, 5...4...3...2...1! You click the button as you and the girls rush out of the closet and the salon without anyone noticing.
Bryce looks at you. ”It's done. I've queued at full volume.”, you reply after catching your breath.
”What the hell are you guys even talking about?”, Elijah asks. Just then, the familiar bass beat and interesting lyrics play. All of the girls cringe as the boys’ faces morph into pure utter shock. Bryce just stands there with a smirk on his face. You can hear the pure chaos and shouting from the salon, the song attracting people’s attention.
”OH MY!”
All of you just stand there as Bryce doubles over in laughter. Soon the damn song is turned off.
“...I can’t believe we just did that.”
“Me either.”
“Hey! All of you!” You all whip around and see one of the store employees glaring at you.
“Time to go!” Bryce says as he spins around and runs to the stairs. You all follow suit as Phoebe helps Elijah escape through the elevator, sprinting down the stairs until you reach your car.
“Bryce! You idiot!”, Jackie exclaims.
“My feet hurt!”, Sienna says.
“Nice job girls.” Just then your phone rings, you see it’s Liam. You answer it, placing it on the speaker as you start the car.
“Hey, Liam.”
“Where are you? And why are you so out of breath?”
“Long story. We’ll be back in 15 along with a huge appetite.”
“I look forward to that story of yours.” All of you laugh and joke about the crazy dare as you drive back.
General PoV:-
Soon Arielle and her friends are seated at the huge dinner table, waiting for their lavish dinner.
“So, the first course will be out in 15 minutes. Followed by another main course and lastly a special dessert course.”, Liam says. “I have a list of different main courses according to dietary restrictions, everyone just pick out your favorite course.” After everyone chooses, you all start discussing your favorite restaurants when Bryce perks up. ”Guys, let's play a game?"
"What do you have in mind Lahela?" Jackie asks making Bryce grin.
"Truth or truth!" Bryce answers excitedly.
"It's called truth or dare, meathead," Jackie rolls her eyes.
"No, it's called 'truth or truth', " Bryce corrects Jackie. "There's no option for a dare at all. Only truth."
"Ooh!" Sienna makes an exciting sound, "Think how many dirty secrets or embarrassing stories of each other we'll be able to know! I'm in."
Bryce's grin becomes broader," That's the spirit!"
One by one they all agree to it except one. All the heads turn to Jackie and she grimaces, "Fine! I'm in too."
Bryce and Sienna squeal excitedly, making the rest of you smile. "But before we start I have something to show," Sienna says while pulling out her phone. She shows everyone an old picture of Landry, drunk and clad in a giraffe onesie. Landry’s face goes red as everyone laughs. Before anyone can tease him any more, Landry diverts the topic, " How do you play the game?"
"Just like truth or dare but without any dare," he explained before looking around, "We'd need a bottle for spinning."
"I'll go and bring one," Raf says and moves to the bar. Bryce wolf whistles soon after. As Arielle follows his gaze she finds Rafael smiling in a shy but flirty manner with the bartender. The bar isn’t much far from their table so once the bartender moves inside Bryce tries to grab Rafael's attention and when Raf looks back, Bryce winks, and Rafael shyly smiles.
He comes back after a few minutes with an almost empty bottle. Placing it on the table he asks, "Who wants to go first?"
"Since you are the one to bring it, so why don't you go first?" Sienna says.
"No, no," Rafael says hesitantly," It’s Bryce's idea. He should go first."
"Oh, no bro. You start," Bryce insists. They keep fighting about it when Jackie interrupts their fight. Grabbing the bottle she yells so that the guys fighting would stop, "I'll go first."
Jackie spins the bottle and it lands on Sienna. you can see her smirking for a second before she switches back to her poker face. "What's the deal between you and Danny?" She asks as sienna’s face becomes lightly flushed
"Wh- I- We are friends, Jackie. " Sienna somehow managed to say trying her level best not to blush. Everyone's busy teasing her when Arielle notices a slight blush that crept on her cheeks and a well-hidden smile on her face. Arielle smiles to herself understanding what exactly is going on between the two. And before the gang spoils it, you try to divert the topic.
"Stop it guys.”, Arielle smiles at Sienna, "Leave her alone. She said they’re just friends."
"Ugh...You’re no fun Arielle.”, Bryce pretends to be disappointed but fails miserably.
Kyra spins the bottle next, which stops at Rafael. Kyra pretends to think for a minute before asking her question. Kyra smirks as she asks, " Who's your crush in this room?"
Rafael blushes at the question and looks in the direction of the bar, where the female bartender is mixing up some drinks. He looks at her with a smile before turning back with a shy smile. He shakes his head, answering Kyra's question but you all already know the answer.
After Kyra, it's Bryce's turn. Bryce spins the bottle more enthusiastically than others. After spinning a few rounds it stops at Arielle. Bryce smirks before asking, "What's your relationship with Liam?" The mischievous glint in his eyes is visible.
"He's my best friend, Bryce.” Arielle reply with a roll of her eyes.
"Sureeee!" Bryce grins again, "Now spill the beans."
"I already said it already, Bryce.", Arielle says. , "He's my best friend since middle school."
"C'mon Arielle, you can tell us. It’s not like we’re going to announce it to the world," Jackie smirks.
Sienna looks at Arielle as they share a look. She decides to help her out. "Guys stop teasing her."
"You two should stop saving each other and let us have fun instead.”, Jackie says. You mouth a thank you to Si.
“My turn.” Elijah spins the bottle and again it lands on Arielle. “Now Bryce, you’ve got to know how to ask the right questions.” He turns to Arielle, “...Have you ever kissed Liam?” Arielle groans as Bryce and Jackie smile.
“Ooh, this is going to be good.”, Jackie grins.
“...I have. Not romantically or anything! It was a dare in 9th grade and people thought it was fun to make best friends kiss.”, Arielle reluctantly replies, quickly comes to her defense. Nevertheless, everyone teases her until Arielle tells them that he’s engaged and a soon-to-be dad.
“Okay, okay! We’ll stop.”
Not wanting to get back to the previous topic, Arielle spins the bottle. It stops at Phoebe. She smiles mischievously knowing exactly what to ask.
“So Phoebe...who would you go on a date with here?” Simultaneously, Phoebe and Elijah both blush as their eyes accidentally lock.
“Ooh, I think we already know the answer…”, Jackie says. But before Arielle can tease them anymore, a delicious mouthwatering scent interrupts her.
“Dinner is served. Or at least the first course.”, Liam says. Plates of bruschetta, glasses of wine, and different bread baskets are set in front of the gang.
“Oh wow…
“This smells amazing!”
“You’re right about that!”
“I hope everything is to your liking. I’ll be back in 20 minutes with your main courses.”, Liam says.
Everyone digs in, enjoying the peace for a few minutes until Kyra pipes up, “So I’ve been meaning to ask. How did you guys even find us?!”
“So here’s how it started...”
Bryce’s PoV (a few hours back):-
”Guys, I know this hurts but those girls are all smart-asses and we’re never going to find them cause they’re going to hide in some place that we won’t step foot in.”, you say.
“Then why did you ask us to play the game?”, Raf asks.
“Cause if we find that place, we’ll be able to give them a dare.”, you reply.
“We only have 10 minutes.”, Danny says.
“What if we look up all the stores and see which ones fit our category?”, Elijah says.
“Great idea dude!”, you reply as he pulls up the mall’s list of stores on his phone.
“Hmm, what about the spa? Or the nail salon?”, Danny asks as he looks over the list.
“Those should be good places.”, Elijah says.
“How much time left is there?”, Raf asks.
“There’s still 3 minutes.”, you reply.
“Meanwhile, check out which floor they’re on. We don’t want to waste time searching.”, Landry says
“Got it, there’s a spa on the ground floor a little towards the escalator and the salon’s on the fifth floor towards the back of the mall.”, Elijah says.
“Great, 10 minutes are over. Let’s go boys.”, you say as you rush to the mall.
Soon you and the boys are split into two groups, Elijah, Danny and Landry go to the spa while you and Rafael are searching Sephora’s aisles for any sign of the girls.
“Remind me again why we’re here Raf?”, you ask.
“I mean, girls always spend hours at Sephora. And I’ve never stepped foot in one so…”, he replies.
“You’re right about that. I mean did you see the looks of the employees when we actually started to ‘browse products’?!”, you add laughing.
“Damn it! They’re not here!”, you say.
“The others didn’t have any luck either.”, Raf says as he flashes the text in front of you.
“Uhh...okay. Tell them to meet us on the fifth floor.”, you say as you rush to the escalator. After a very quick ride on the escalator (consisting of parents shouting at you for running) you meet the guys at the top.
“No sign of the girls, Bryce. They have to be in the salon.”, Elijah says.
“Then let’s go.” After a thorough search of the store along with scoldings from rude women, you’re finally kicked out by a store employee.
“I don’t want to see you five ever again. Or else I’m complaining!”, she says as she drags you out.”
“Now what are we going to do?”, Elijah asks.
“I’m not doing a dare!”, Landry says.
“Guys think! Where else would the girls hide?”, you ask.
“I don’t know, these are the only stores I can think of.”, Raf says. You look around in exasperation when a certain pink striped bag catches your attention. Taking a few steps back, you look around the mall until you spot the damn store. The boys notice your look. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”, you ask. Their faces all have surprised looks.
“Of course! That’s the only place they would hide!”
You all run to the sixth floor when suddenly Landry stops you all. “Look, Arielle’s standing there!”
“Of course Elle has some plan.”, you think.
“We need to sneak up on them.”, Danny says.
“But how? Arielle definitely will see us.”, Raf says.
“There’s only one more minute left! We’ve got to do this now!”, Landry exclaims.
“That’s it! I bet that Ari will go inside when there’s only a little time left. We’ll have to sneak up on them then.”, Elijah excitedly says.
“Damn Elijah, I like your idea even better. The girls will think that they’ve won.”, you say.
“What about the dare?”, Raf asks.
You smirk deviously. “I’ll tell you when the time comes. Now let’s go give those girls a heart attack.”
Arielle’s PoV:-
“Damn, that was some smart-ass thinking.”, you say.
“Although it might have hurt Bryce’s ego to call us all smart-asses.”, Kyra jokes.
“Not might. It definitely would have hurt!”, Jackie says as you all erupt into laughter.
“What would have hurt?” You turn around to see Liam placing everyone’s pick in front of them.
“It’s a long story.”, you reply with a smile.
”Well, I look forward to hearing it. But I have a cake to decorate.”, he says winking at Jackie.
“I still don’t believe you, Arielle. Like not even a middle school crush?”, Bryce says as he takes a bite.
“Ugh...why are you so annoying!”, you playfully hit him.
“Okay, now all of you be quiet. Food like this deserves all the attention.”, Sienna says. Everyone only nods as they finish off their plates. Another 30 minutes later, you all are stuffed and talking about being stuffed.
“Ohh my god, I’m sooo full…”, you say.
“Seconded.”, Bryce says.
“Yep, Me too.”, Elijah says.
“Well, that’s too bad. I make a mean cake.” Liam says as he brings a huge three-tiered cake with a bunch of candles.
“Ahh! Look at all those cute fondant decorations!”, Sienna chirps.
“Pink?”, Jackie asks.
“Trust me, you’ll like it.”, Liam says with a smirk. He hands you the candles as he sets the plates and serving tools down then heads back.
“Aand...that’s the last one!”, Phoebe says as she places the candle in the frosting.
“Wait, Wait, Wait! We need to take a picture.”, Danny says. He and Sienna quickly position everyone for the photo as Bryce sets up a table for the camera. You, Kyra, Sienna, and Phoebe stand in the front as the boys stand in the back. Jackie sits in the middle on a stool.
“Guys, are you ready? I’ve only set the camera for thirty seconds!” Bryce says.
“Okay, 3...2...1!” Bryce quickly runs towards you and squeezes behind you. All of you pose as the camera flashes after a few seconds. You all rush to check it to find it perfect.
 “...I think that’s the first time that the first picture has come out amazing.” Everyone laughs in agreement. 
 “Okay, now let’s take a few more and then cut the cake!”, Sienna says. After a few more pics Jackie stands behind the impressive three-tiered cake, ready to cut into it. Sienna snaps a picture after lighting the candles as you all count down. 
“5...4...3...2...1!” Everyone erupts into applause and laughter as Jackie blows out the 28 candles cuts the cake. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to Jackie!” 
“Now, everyone knows that whoever you feed the first piece of cake is who you love the most!”, Bryce playfully says. Jackie suddenly pushes a piece of cake in your mouth, smearing your lips with frosting. Sienna snaps another pic. 
 “Wha- Heyy!”, you say, mouth full of cake. You take a piece of cake and return the favor, but not before smearing it on her cheek. 
“It’s Mark’s special cake. He makes a sponge chocolate cake and after decorating it, he uses a syringe to fill the cake with alcohol.”, you reply as everyone gets more eager to taste the cake, As Sienna takes pictures and shows then to everyone, Jackie feeds everyone a small bite of cake.
 “Oh damn, that’s good!” “Wow…” “Yummy!” A few minutes later, your phone chimes with a notification for Instagram. You open it to see Jackie’s latest posts.
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“ZAID’S ON INSTAGRAM?”, you shout.
 “I know right?!”, Kyra says. 
“Never thought that he would comment.”, Jackie says. 
With Jackie distracted, Bryce takes this opportunity to smear a lot of frosting on her face. “Bryce! I’ll make you pay for his, dumbass! And Sienna, delete that damn picture!”, Jackie shouts playfully as she heads towards the bathroom.
 “I’ll go help her.”, Kyra says following her. 
“Sienna quick! Get the gift basket!”, Bryce says.
 You look at him, raising an eyebrow. “What? You thought I did that for fun?” He flashes you this ridiculous smirk making all of you laugh. You hold the gift basket behind you as Jackie comes back.
 “You do know I have eyes right?”, Jackie says looking behind you. 
 “Well then...surprise!” You hand over the heavy gift basket with everyone else. 
“I’m looking at this tomorrow. I’m too drunk and too spoiled with surprises. Now, where’s that cake?!” After everyone gets a piece, you all indulge yourselves in the rich chocolatey bourbon filled cake as the night dwells on.
 “Okayyy...I think it’s time we all head home.”, Kyra says.
 “Mhm…”, you agree as you stretch. “I think we all agree.”, Jackie says. Kyra, Rafael, Danny, and Bryce all leave in a cab after saying their goodbyes.
 “You guys take a cab. I’ll be there a little while later.”, you say. Everyone leaves leaving just you to take in the beautiful view of downtown Boston. 
“Thought I’d find you here.” You swivel around to find Liam looking at you. 
“What do you mean?”, you ask quizzically.
 “I’ve been your best friend since middle school. I know you better than yourself and I certainly know when something’s wrong.” 
 You sigh. “Is it that obvious?” 
 He nods. “You don’t have to tell me right now.” 
“I know. I just don’t feel like ruining a perfectly good day.”, you say.
 “Why don’t we head to my place? I’ll put on Grey’s and you can lecture me on all the medically incorrect terms.”, he says with a smile.
 “I don’t know, I have work tomorrow…”, you say.
 “Last time I checked, nothing stops you.”
 “Fine, let’s go. But can we take my car? And can you drive? I’m drunk.”, you blurt out.
Liam chuckles, “I can tell genius, come on.” After a quick ride, you find yourself in a sleek and elegantly furnished three-bedroom apartment.
 “Nice decor.” 
“I’ve always had nice taste.”You snort. “Do I need to remind you that I helped you redo your room before high school?”
 “I knowwww…”
 “Yep, you’re drunk alright. Ava should have some clothes in there, take whatever you need.”
 “You sure she won’t mind? And where is she, by the way? It’s been so long since I saw her.”, you ask.
 “She’ll tell you herself in the morning. You do remember that you both wore each other’s clothes in high school?” 
 “Ohh yeah, I remember alright. I practically lived in her room during all of our tests.”, you say as you head into the room he pointed to. After finding a pair of sweats, you change into them. Heading out, you see Liam having laid out a few snacks for himself, water for you, and some throw blankets and pillows. You flop on the cushions and cover yourself with a fuzzy blanket. “What season?” 
“Whatever you want. All of them have some kind of inaccuracy.” 
 He laughs. “I forgot how you drag your words and become painfully straightforward when you become when you’re drunk.”
 “Nooooo...that’s not me!”, you say sarcastically. 
He plays the pilot episode. “You know, I feel like I can kind of relate to Meredith.”, you say.
 Liam gives you an incredulous look. “Not in the mood to explain.” You try to focus on Derek and Meredith’s banter but your eyelids are droopy. Lastly, all you can see is Liam tucking a pillow under your head as sleep overtakes you. 
Part 1 of taglist:- @kaavyaethanramsey @rookie-ramsey @caseyvalentineramsey @hopelessromantics4life @realmrsramsey @mysticaurathings @binny1985 @maurine07 @alina-yol-ramsey @helloitsthiv @tsrookie @arcticlumineer @mary-c92 @sad-satan-herself @whippedforethanfreakingramsey @archxxronrookie @ethansrookie02 @semanticsandsea-lemons @mrandmrsramsey @nikki-2406 @deepikakkannan @siaramsey @katkart122 @openheartthot @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @akshara16 @luvevelynclaire @literaryexpress @miss-smrxtiee @nadeen-ahmed11 @mrsalanrickman394 @drstellavalentine @ethandaddyramseyx @annekebbphotography @custaroonie @ladyrileybrooks @robbies-sutcliffe @cralinedp @bladesofopenheart @ezekielbhandarivalleros @daddyethanramsey @romewritingshop @lilyvalentine @xpandabeardontcarex @in-love-with-a-trans-girl @coastalengineer @starrystarrytrouble @clowneryme
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bestfrownsforever · 3 years
Heartache Arcade
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Sorry for not having a proper cover again...hopefully these will do.
Also 1. my friend CLG is my co-editor now! Per's a master at finding grammar mistakes even I miss (ex. if you want the re-edited Dawn of a New Era then it's on Amino) so per'll be helping me from now on!
And 2. I'm hoping to keep a consistent schedule so expect a new Best Frowns Forever story every Tueaday! Starting with this story...
After having some brief fun as a Frown Lord, Puppycorn already hit a massive roadblock.
"Anyone else think this job doesn't make a whole lot of sense?" he asked while meeting with his co-workers around his bedroom table, "I mean yeah, it's fun to hurt people and stuff, but if we're so good at our jobs, then won't everyone be too scared to go outside anymore? Or maybe they'll leave the kingdom!? And if they do, should we want them to because it'd be bad if they did!? What should we DO!?!?"
Unikitty wrapped an arm around him from across the table. "Calm down, little bro," she assured him, "They're not going anywhere when the rest of the world sucks too."
"The solution's easy," Grandmaster Frown added, "Try luring them in with something fun and cutesy and make them almost want to suffer!"
"Oh come on," Hawkodile objected, "Something big pops up in the kingdom out of nowhere with us openly running it? They'll know it's a trap."
"Unless they're so desperate for a break that they'll take anything that looks happy and shiny," Dr. Fox suggested, "And Master Pain was the king of cringe before Frown's birthday."
"I'm saying that as a compliment! You probably still like all that kiddie junk the citizens miss anyway, so why are you complaining about no ideas?"
Unikitty flew over to her brother. "I think she's trying to say that instead of using the things you like to try being cool, you can use them to actually prove your coolness as a Frown Lord!"
"Okay," Puppycorn considered, "But I already did accident-prone skateboards and roller skates...and that spiky ballpit."
"You mean I did them and you STOLE MY CREDIT!?" Dr. Fox reminded him before Brock pushed her away.
"Okay, someone needs a timeout...and if it helps, I've had the idea for a haunted arcade for a while now. But you're not wrong about the whole obvious trap thing, so from one gamer to another; how would you make it work?"
Puppycorn thought long and hard about the possibility until it hit him like his past self running into a brick wall.
"WAIT, I've been thinking into this job too hard! Grandmaster Frown did all this to be himself again, right? So maybe instead of haunted, the games can just be really hard to beat!?"
Everyone seemed interested except for the pouting Dr. Fox.
"But if they manage to win those games, wouldn't that be the best feeling ever?"
Puppycorn hummed until he lit up again like the lightbulb popping out of his head.
"They'll only get a few tickets and we'll make the prizes super expensive!!"
"Good enough."
Grandmaster Frown rose. "Then let's get to work, people! These games will need some Frown Lord-flare, and they sure aren't gonna make themselves!"
Puppycorn and Brock were the first to follow him to Dr. Fox's lab, dedicate many long days to porting the most difficult games they could find, and even more to making their own until after countless attempts at giving up, Puppycorn finally saw all his hard work pay off and open for business.
No one saw exactly when the new building appeared in the middle of town. It was just another rainy afternoon with nothing going on until people looked at their windows to see a massive, pale gray block of an exterior with a burgandy arching roof and neon colors everywhere from behind the windows. A tall sign next to it read "Heartache Arcade" with "& Casino" under it in smaller letters, both in some of the same bright neon colors.
Most closeby citizens came to the conclusion that their tyrants set it up, but some of them approached the arcade anyway, as if to say "How are they gonna break us this time?"
When they stepped in, they were greeted by giant rooms with arcade machines, gambling tables, and brighter lights everywhere, with a large prize counter and shelves for toys and other kinds of trinkets in one corner. They couldn't believe how everything seemed so...innocent.
They split up, each walking over to a different game or observing more of the retrospective dream around them, while Frown and Puppycorn spied on them from behind an "Employees Only" door.
"C'mon..." Puppycorn whispered, "Just play the games already!"
"Give 'em a bit more time," Grandmaster Frown replied, "They'll rip themselves in half before you know it."
Puppycorn turned to the nearest citizen, Theodore, stepping up to a slot machine, which hated having them there, but the others convinced him that gambling would make things all the more entertaining to watch.
"Supreme Slots, huh?" Theodore wondered before shrugging, "Well, guess it's worth a shot."
Puppycorn wasn't too surprised when Theodore bet the little money he had and won on his first try, only to get too cocky and lose it all too fast. Grandmaster Frown had a good laugh while Puppycorn looked the other way to spot Bim-Bom wrapping a hand around the joystick for the game he was most proud of; Furious Fetch.
Bim-Bom seemed happy at first, but just when Puppycorn worried even more, she got a a little confused as to what she was playing. Did she get to the lava pits yet?, he thought, Or the bugs? She's gotta know how hard running and jumping is by now though, right?
Then he heard the Game Over music.
"What!? There's no more lives!?"
Finally, a good reaction. Puppycorn was already holding back laughs and wagging his tail watching Bim-Bom pull out another token to play again. And then another. And another until she almost reached the end of the first level.
"WAIT, jumping on them doesn't kill them either!? What gives!?"
"That's the point!" Puppycorn snickered. She clearly wanted to give up but pulled out another out coin anyway. Maybe even keep going until she didn't have any left. But as if his silent prayers were answered, Bim-Bom slipped the token into the slot and lost almost as soon as the level started that time. Screaming, she stormed off to try something else as Puppycorn lost it.
"Cut it out!" Grandmaster Frown ordered, covering a hand over Puppycorn's mouth, "The evil laughing can wait, just don't blow this for us."
Puppycorn nodded, prompting his boss let go. They continued to look around, realizing more and more citizens were getting frustrated over what they were playing. And switching to other games or slots didn't help, it only strengthened the chorus of the most mixed reactions they'd ever heard in their lives.
"These games SUCK!"
"This was all the money I haaaaaaad!!"
"I can do this, I just need ONE more coin...anyone got some?"
"At least this isn't the other stuff we've had to put up with, calm down guys!"
"Are you nuts!? This is WAY WORSE!"
Puppycorn was too proud of himself to keep the door open. He shut it to chant and dance without a care until Grandmaster Frown laid a hand where his shoulder would be.
"Not bad, Pain. Consider this your first
independent accomplishment."
"Really!? Aweso-"
They jumped at the sound of a sudden crash from the back room.
"Yeah," Frown ordered, "now take care of this place before the ragequitters can."
Puppycorn proudly nodded and saluted. "I'll do my best, boss sir!"
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ranmanjuu · 4 years
Hello! Sorry about the slowness of your blog, so here’s a request! How MC that can do Magic Tricks? Not Harry Houdini, but card tricks and making a coin“disappear”. Can you please do this with the Oda forces? Thank you!
ok so like,, idk what’s considered “harry houdini” magic and what’s not (from what i understand it’s illusion/escape magic [although that’d be a cool hc] so wow my ‘cut assistant in half’ idea is out the window..,,.,,. and i’m not sure if some of these are considered illusion magic or not). and also i don’t know enough about magic tricks at all and i just picked some mainstream ones and like,,,... one (1) trick that my brother could do. also i don’t have too much knowledge of how some of them work,, but here ya go:
the moment nobunaga told you to bring proof of you being from the future, of course your first thought was to get your purse. tipping the bottom up, all of its content spilled on the floor.
and while the lord was observing your phone, your own eyes landed on the card deck you brought from your last magic show. with a small grin, you picked it up, “hey nobunaga, instead of that go game let me show you something.”
he turned to you with an expectant gaze, “as long as it’s as entertaining, lucky charm.”
your grin widened, and the cards were shuffled expertly in your hands. pushing the rest of the items aside, you spread them out in front of nobunaga in a row, “pick a card, any card.”
his brows lifted at your request, but does it anyway. he pulls out one from the middle; a king of spades. “alright, now don’t show me it.” he’s a bit confused as to what you’re going to do, but he’s also intrigued. you pat the floor, gesturing him to set the card down whilst hiding it, and he does.
you tell him to pick a section to hide it in, and he picks the one near the end. the deck is shuffled again entirely, and you lay it down on the floor facing up.
“now,” you say, and nobunaga finds himself leaning closer to you, “i’ll try and pick your card out.”
he watches as your eyes sweep through each card, before pulling out a king of spades. his card.
“is this your card, ‘my lord’?”
he’s stone faced at first, then a small twinkle sparks in his eyes, “perhaps you’ll be much more entertaining that i thought. show me more, fireball.”
and now, between the ruthless games of go, you often show him the tricks you’ve learnt. it brings a sort of boyish excitement to him, and he really reminds you of your own audience.
and sometimes, he teases about you being a goddess of trickery, fishing his heart to be yours.
it’s quite adorable, to see the devil king be like that.
the unknown and general foreign atmosphere from the castle was something you couldn’t bear most of the time. the distrust from hideyoshi, the rough personalities that were wildly different from your time—there was a limit until your soul had to take a rest.
and your escape was to the town. you were a magician, someone who entertained others. and you sure as hell weren’t going to perform for the castle! so you went to the common folks.
your bright and extroverted attitude quickly spread among mostly the youths; kids would often surround you with their hyper-energized excitement, and you’d get along nicely! you’ve started performing too, at the fields where the children play.
so each day, you’d come down from the castle with a new trick to show the kids. it’s a nice change of pace from the war.
meanwhile, hideyoshi was still very doubtful of you, and between what free time he had, you’d be gone from the castle.
however one day, he managed to trail along from a free day (one forcefully given by nobunaga). seeing you carry some suspicious items wrapped in cloth downtown didn’t settle right with him, so he hid in the shadows as you approached the main streets, and onto the place you usually perform at.
he sees you setting up some things on a table, said things still covered in cloth. a girl approaches you shyly, and you smile brightly at her. crouching down, the two of you began talking about something he couldn’t hear. and after a nod from the girl, she seemed to,,, hand you something.
uh oh, his alert is up! his hand mindlessly gripped his sword as you carried the bundle of unknown things and bellow the table. finally, it’s showtime.
more and more kids ran to your table, shouting excitedly about, “the azuchi magician is performing!”
and that couldn’t help but melt his heart, just a bit.
you were in a black and white kimono (a substitue for a tuxedo) and a hat he never seen anyone wear (top hat). he watches silently as you act out a silent performance, showing the insides of your hat empty. you pull out a black wand with a white tip (a weapon?! he thought) and tapped the hat three times. suddenly...
a rabbit jumped out! not only were the kids surprised, hideyoshi himself was gaping slightly too. were you some sort of enchanter?
as the show was over, the crowd dispersed. the white rabbit sat on the table being happily petted by you. a girl approaches you again—it’s the same as before.
you smile at her and gave a gentle pat on the head, “thank you for lending me your rabbit, tomoka! you really did help me with this one, y’know?”
the girl, tomoka, he noted, blushed lightly. “n-no. . .thanks for the performance, azuchi magician,,!”
the way you smiled, so earnestly like that to the common folk and treating them normally. . . maybe hideyoshi could start trusting you.
most of your props were in your bag, and it was starting to cram the space inside it. so you sprinkled it around your room—it was the closest you had to decoration of your own. but it proved to be quite,,,, troublesome, so to say, for it to just lie around.
and you learnt such when you came to mitsuhide’s manor (as per his request) and finding him with all your things. all.
“so,” he began, and you fell the cold sweat creeping in, “it seems our little mouse is rather. . . noxious.”
“,,,, i can explain.”
“i’d love to hear why you have such peculiar items at your possession.” there was a smile on his face,,, but it felt like there wasn’t. you explained your future situation, and he listened in silence.
he hummed, and questioned each item you had, and you answered the best you can. most of it related to your profession, he noticed. but there was just one thing. . .
“then tell me,” he pulls out a sword, and your temperature drops a thousand degrees, “why do you have this?”
“ ,,,, i͟ c͟a͟n͟ e͟x͟p͟l͟a͟i͟n͟.”
you held the sword in your hands, all the while glancing up at the other every milisecond to see if your life wasn’t in danger. and with a burst of unknown confidence, you pulled the tip of the blade to your mouth, and proceeded to insert it deeper and deeper.
you couldn’t see mitsuhide’s reaction—you didn’t want to—as the sword got “deeper” into your throat. by the time you’re finished, if it were real, it would’ve ended by your stomach.
and slowly, you pulled it out, with a pathetic addition of, “it’s a magic trick thing too.”
your eyes absolutely refused to meet his, just opting to burn its stare into the ground. mitsuhide smirked. his suspicion was definitely there—but the innocent way you did that was just so cute.
“i’m beginning to wonder what your intentions are, shoving such a thing deep into your mouth in front of a man, in his quarters, little mouse.”
ever since masamune found out about your previous occupation, he’s always begged you to show them off (the more dangerous, the better). most of the time, you’ll cave in and do a really popular trick known in the community, then tell him off for a bit. it’s all in good fun, really.
but now both of you were bored, and you knew from experience in the case of the one-eyed dragon being bored, the time will only come before he wrecks absolute shit again just for the hell of it.
so you want to post-pone that, at least.
you pulled out three ceramic cups and a small gold coin, setting them on the table. his eyes were on you now, “what’re ya doin’, lass?”
you smiled with a tint of mischief, “how about we play a game?” at the mere mention of that got him to sit up with a wild grin of his own, “loser has to do what the winner says. anything they say.”
considering it’s masamune, you potentially had a lot on the line. but you were experienced enough—hopefully.
you explained the simple rules to him: you’ll put the coin underneath one of the cups, shuffle it, then he has to guess which one has it. easy peasy.
usually you’d do it slower or quicker, but again, it’s masamune. maybe he can slip a sight of what you did and if you lose, it’ll be a tiresome rest of the day.
your hands moved swiftly and expertly, shuffling between the three cups. and his eyes were trained on them like a tiger to its prey. and in the midst of all the sliding around, you passed the coin from one cup to another.
and once you were done, you set the three ceramic pieces in a row.
“pick, masa.”
his eyes were certain, full of confidence, as he pointed at the left one. a grin ripped its way to your face, when it’s revealed there’s nothing there.
his good eye widened a bit, before narrowing down in slight thrill. “ya really are a witch, lass.”
ieyasu wasn’t as expressive about his love in the public sometimes. he’d use an indirect and often contrarian way to do so—just like he did the first few times you met. and you yourself loved to give him little bouts of affection, mostly through words and the likes.
that day was a hot one, with the two of you just lazing about in his manor. you had your deck of cards on you, just shuffling them around mindlessly. as your mind wandered, you stopped as an idea surfaced.
with a small smile, you went out from the room ieyasu was in, just to write something on a card, and so he wouldn’t see. once you came back, he directed a raised eyebrow at you.
“hey ieyasu,” you call out to him casually, picking out a card from your deck. an ace of hearts, between your fingers and facing him, “wanna see some magic?”
his eyebrow rose higher, and you flip around the card between your fingers smoothly. his gaze trailed over each time you threw it up in the air, twisting your hand in mostly useless moves, and suddenly—
the card was gone from your hands. just like that.
for a moment, he was rendered speechless. the sight was adorable, really; his lips slightly parted and eyes widened just a crack.
the smile grew from your face, and just like before, you seem to materialize a card out of nowhere. without a chance to see it clearly, you put it in ieyasu’s hand facing down.
he flipped it. the ace of hearts, but on it were scribbled he words “i ♥ you"
“. . .you’re so silly, you know that?”
as a magician, certain props were set up for a specific trick. meaning they don’t work how it normally would; but such didn’t really bother you when your habit of shuffling cards while thinking came into effect.
but mitsunari, despite not noticing most things about other people, was highly observational. with a small smile, his attention turned from your lesson, the ones he taught you in, and unto the deck in your hands.
“yesterday the back of it was blue, and now it’s red. do you own several of these?”
you paused, looking up at his lilac eyes with a small grin, “yep. wanna know why?”
the way he tilted innocently was too much to take. so you opted to distract yourself by spreading every cards facing up on the table, “this is how a normal deck looks like, right?”
“yes, as i’ve seen from you before.”
the grin on you slowly widened as you got into your magician self, collecting the cards into a neat stack. you mimic casting a spell on it, swirling your hands above it as mitsunari stared at you, mistified.
once you were done, you spread the cards down again. one major difference stuck out: all the cards were now king of diamonds. every single one.
mitsunari let out a small gasp, picking out a random card and observing it from all angles. the way he looked so serious was a bit cute—you’ll admit.
only your giggle brought him back to reality. you collected the cards again, did the hand motions, and the deck was back to normal. aside from the king of diamonds left in his hand—which was the only one from the deck, coincidentally.
“—!” he calls your name with bouts of admiration, “you’re so miraculous! perhaps you’re a goddess blessed on us.”
you waved the accidental flattery he said, but a blush still got to your cheeks.
ranmaru was quite a childish one, you figure out soon. it doesn’t take talking with him long to see the way his eyes light with such innocent, child-like wonder. he reminds you a lot of the children you often performed for—the way he saw the world was so much alike to how their eyes filled with amazement each time you went on stage.
thus, it was soon when you invited him to your room with the intention of showing your skill off to him, just to get a feel of how it was like before you got dragged into the sengoku period.
you wanted to ease him in first, so you went with a small thing.
as the conversation of mostly random topics ran about, your fiddled and flipped a coin in your hand. his eyes would sometimes trail at how your fingers could balance such a small thing so quickly, quieting his voice by astonishment.
“ranmaru, wanna see something cool?” you quickly interjected the conversation. his nods were fast, eyes ripping away from the coin and to your own.
you threw the coin up in the air, occasionally balancing the small piece of gold with the tips of your fingers. one last throw, it lands in your palm, and you shut it swiftly. he’s watching closely, dazed by your minor performance.
you opened your palm; the coin’s gone.
“—eh?!” a surprised yelp escaped him, “where did it go. . .?”
ranmaru looked up to you for answers, and you just shrug casually with a tiny smile. your hands were taken in his, his own fingers flipping it around and even patting down the sleeves of your kimono to check if it fell down there. after no luck, his eyes roamed to the floor to see if you just threw it, somehow. nothing.
slowly, his head turned back to you, with eyes so filled with stars it could be a galaxy. “—! you’re a miracle! so cool, how’d you do that?!”
you’re right, he is like the kids you perform for.
“as they say,” all you answered was to put your index finger to your lips, and send him a wink, “a magician never reveals their secret~!”
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tfdtrdtr · 3 years
Her pain is gone
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lovebynorth · 4 years
So can we talk later?
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Synopsis: You’re in UNI and work as a part time Uber-driver during the weekends. A late Friday evening you meet Brad.
Words: 1337
(Not proofread)
(Y/N) POV:
You check your phone as the girls leave the car. You’re hoping for at least one more ride before you call it a night.
“Have a great night ladies!” You wave them off as they say their thanks and slam the car door shut. Well, that’s one way of describing your workday.
The whole idea with being an Uber driver in UNI was to actually find a way to make some extra cash since living in London is expensive. You usually just drive people from the same UNI as you, but every now and again some other cliques make their way into your car. Your most driven route is campus - Ballie Ballerson Shoreditch which is the most visited club in your friend group. You always end up there, so it’s nice knowing people you care about get home safely (and for some coins).
You’ve parked the car not far from the entrance and you see how the bouncer is waving for the girls, that you just had dropped off, to step forward to the next section. One in, one out. Covid really screwed nightlife over. You’re skipping to the next song and refreshing the Uber app. A yawn escapes your lips while you’re scrolling through the dark map on your phone. Just a few people online. You click their profiles and make your decision based on their score and where they’re going. You take a few extra minutes to yourself before hitting confirm route. Back on the road again.
You see a guy waiting outside a steakhouse with his head deeply focused on his screen. He seems to be typing something. You drive up to him and start lowering your window down in hopes of him noticing you. “Brad?” you then say and his gaze leaves his phone, meeting your eyes.
“Oh hi! I’m sorry I got a bit carried away with this text-.., sorry again. (Y/N) was it?”
“Yeah, that’s me. How are you?” you say, shooting him a smile.
“Wonderful! I’m good, thanks, you?” he beams, opening the car door. “I didn’t expect anyone to pull up so quickly” he then adds, chuckling.
I let out a quiet laugh.
“I’m alright, was just contemplating whether I was going to call it a night or not, but saw you’re heading the same way as me so thought I’d be kind and give you a ride” I say, smiling.
“Haha, that’s so nice of you. Yeah I’m just heading over to some mates for a few beers. They live near the university” he says and I nodd.
We drive for a bit and Brad’s notifications are the only sounds filling the car.
“So what’s your major?” you then say since he mentioned university.
Brad chuckles. “Oh haha, no I’m not in uni. I have some friends from home who studies there”
“Oh.., I assumed you were haha. You look like some of the communication majors at campus, haha. Maybe literature even” I point out and he laughs.
“Really? I’ll take it” he responds.
“Yeah” I breathe out, smirking a little.
“Bold of you to assume that haha” he says, facepalming. “Nah, but you’re not far from wrong. I make music and write stuff so not far off”
“Oo, are you any good?” I ask and he nods confidently.
“We’re alright, I do the singing mostly haha. I play guitar and keyboard as well”
“Okay, go off! that’s cool!” I say, nodding as I make an impressed face.
“Yeah, well I’m in a band so I guess we lean on each other for support. I’m not in it alone thankfully.” Brad says whilst responding to texts. He sighs heavily.
Silence fills the car again. “Rough night?” I then ask.
He sighs again.
“Yeah, I guess. It’s just hard to compromise with my bandmates sometimes because I’m usually the one that agrees to ideas instead of actually bringing things to the table”
I shake my head, giggling. He then realises what he had just said.
“No no, it’s not like i’m some lazy piece of shit and not coming with ideas, but I’m just better at listening and accepting stuff..,-” he scratches his forehead. “I don’t know why I’m telling you this. We just met haha”
Your smile faded. He was right, you two had just met, yet he was so unaware of how much he had improved your mood.
“You’re right, haha, sorry for..,- I don’t know, intruding?” I say in an asking tone.
“It’s alright,” he responds.
“You’re really good at making your customers feel comfortable,” he says and I start laughing.
“OH no, dear god” I look over at him, noticing his adorable smile. Poor guy, he’s blushing. “I’m sorry, I’ve had a few beers already. Please ignore me” he facepalms again.
You’re shaking your head with a smile playing on your lips.
“You’re definitely good with words. You must be a phenomenal songwriter” you tease him.
“Hey” he exclaims and you laugh. “Fair enough, I deserved that”
“Don’t worry, I’m just teasing. I’m sure you’re great” He chuckles and says thanks.
You look over at your phone to check the directions as you guys are approaching the university. If you turn left on this street you’re pretty close to your apartment.
“They live in an apartment complex down this street on the left,” he says, pointing to the opposite side of the road you’re driving on.
You look at him confused.
“You mean on the right, here, but left side of the road?” you ask.
“Oh shit, yeah, sorry. Turn right here and then left side of the road.”
“Roger that!” you say and he giggles.
“Ay this might come off as weird nd creepy, but do you have snap or socials?” he then asks and you’re caught a bit off guard.
“You don’t have to answer. I just find you really cool” he says, smiling. “-and this is not the few beers speaking”
“haha, I mean let me end the ride first and then I guess we can talk”
“Yes ma’m”
You park the car and press on your phone to end the ride.
“You better give me a good score” you say, smirking down at your phone.
“I’ll give you a good score if you give me your number”
You gasp, shaking your head smiling. “smooth, young man”
“You can have my Instagram” you then say. “It’s (Y/User/N)”
“I’ll follow you when I’m at my mates”
“Okay cool!” You say, looking at him with a smile. He returns it.
You lock your door as you walk across the room to reach your bed. You lived in a small student apartment. Some of your friends lived either in the same apartment complex or across the street which was really nice. 
Your body hits the soft mattress and you immediately start scrolling through your socials. You refresh your DMs on Instagram countless times eager to hear from the charming Uber boy. 
Silly me, It really has come down to this huh, you think.
But there it was, the waiting game was over.
‘Hey it’s me from the Uber ☺️’
You click his name before responding to anything and as soon as you see his profile your mouth falls open.
1.5M followers. Who have you just met? - you think with your thoughts going a-thousand miles per hour. 
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You start of with commenting on the fact that he completely missed out on letting you in on the information that he’s famous.
(See conversation below)
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You catch yourself smiling in the reflection of the phone screen. 
This guy really made a good impression on me, you think dropping your phone onto the mattress.
You check your phone again, already mentally opening your Instagram DMs. 
‘Thank you (Y/N)! Have a good night as well. Here’s my snapchat (Brad’s/Snapchat/Name) if you wanna talk more casually☺️ my DMs get pretty fucked easily..”
‘Talk later!!’
You stare at the username for a solid minute.
Oh my god, what is tonight?
There will be some sort of part 2 to this. Hope you like it! Make sure to LIKE and REBLOG if you want☺️
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xxbieberburnham
A - Accidents
Have you ever been in a car accident? Very minor ones that only caused small dents, and nothing that wrecked either car or put someone in the hospital entirely.
Do you have a lot of scars? I have some, not a lot.
Have you been in a fist fight with someone? Nope.
Have you ever seriously hurt someone by accident? I remember striking my ex in the face accidentally while we were horsing around. She was wearing glasses at the time so she ended up getting a cut in the area in between her eyes.
Have you ever had stitches? No and like I always say, I hope I’ll never need to get them.
B - Beauty
Would consider yourself beautiful? Not beautiful, but I will feel pretty on some days. Not always, though.
Are you self consicous of how you look? These days not so much, because I don’t even get to go out in the first place and there’s been little need to fix myself up most days unless I’ll get on a video call for work. I don’t get self-conscious around my family either.
Do you wear a lot of make up? I never wear makeup.
Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? Nope. I considered having my breasts done when I was a teenager, but the thought literally never crosses my mind anymore.
What do you think makes a person beautiful? Physically, I think it differs per person. More than that, it’s the things they do when no one is looking.
C - Consequences
What is the longest you've been grounded for? Maybe around a year? Due to issues at home and, honestly, poor parental skills on my mom’s end, I ended up being a rebellious problem child and wasn’t the easiest to temper or raise.
What would you do if you became pregnant? Keep it and try to seek support from family and friends.
Do you ever think about how your actions affect people? Always a people pleaser, y’all. Of course I do.
What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? I guess anything that involves taking away basic essentials, like cutting off access to food and water.
What is one thing you wish you didn't do because it wasn't worth it? Stayed in a relationship that I knew was going to end at some point. She always made it clear she’d end it one day and I was just too afraid of confrontation to face it sooner (and too stubborn to handle the truth).
D - Dealing
When you're mad at someone how do you show it? Cold shoulder.
Name a time when you had to be strong. The week of my grandfather’s death, wake, and cremation was on the same week of my entrance examinations for several universities, including the two toughest ones. I had already been in the headspace to just focus on the exams and shut out everything else for the meantime then the death happened, so my life turned into a rollercoaster of emotions quickly. I ended up entertaining relatives and fervently going through my review modules at the wake.  
Have you ever dealt with divorce? Well I’ve never been married and I also live in a country where divorce is illegal, so no.
When people don't accept you, how do you react? It will definitely affect my self-esteem to an extent. I imagine being bothered by it.
Have you ever lost someone to death? Yes. Just yesterday I found out one of grand uncles did from Covid. We are very close with that side of the family, so I am still in shock and have yet to process it.
F - Family
Is there anyone in your family you don't talk to? I barely talk to one of my uncles and only do so when we greet each other at family gatherings. Still, I haven’t looked him in the eye for years now.
If you had to choose: friends or family? Probably my friends.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
How often do you spend quality time with your family? Pretty regularly now with Covid still on the loose. We have dinner together every night, then after that we usually hang out in the living room doing our own thing. Also breakfast on weekends.
G - Growing
How tall are you? Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I’m around 5′1″. I’m fine with this height.
Do you think you've grown up in the past year? So much. I think my surveys show that too.
Do you think you're mature for your age or still childish? I want to say I’ve matured in some ways, but I don’t think I’m fully there yet. For one, I’m still scared to learn how to cook lol and I can’t even light up a match.
Are you scared to think that one day you'll turn 30, then 40 & 50? Sometimes I’ll get in those moods because it makes me realize how fast life is and how quickly people turn old. But I hate getting stressed and mulling over things I can’t control, so I also immediately return to the present and just enjoy where I am now.
Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? I’m barely in my mid-20s, so I know that for a fact.
H - Hope
Love - real or not? I want to say it’s still real. Some people just get lucky early, I guess.
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Realist.
Do you believe in fate or that everything happens for a reason? I believe whatever things that happen are consequences of, or are at least linked to, what’s happened in the past – wherever that falls under.
Do you believe that after we die, your spirit is still alive? I don’t believe in spirits, so no.
What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? My next paycheck. Hahahaha
I - Idols
Who is your idol? I don’t have any.
What makes this person an idol to you?
Has this person done anything good to help other people?
Does this person have good style?
What does this person do for a living?
J - Jokes
Tell me an inside joke between you and your friends. “Packs a punch” is one of mine and Angela’s long-standing inside jokes. I think I’ve shared this story before, but basically in one lunch break in high school I was tasting this juice that one of our friends brought; I remarked that it “packs a punch” which no 16 year old Filipino student uses in a casual setting, so it quickly became a hit in our circle and now Angela brings it back semi-regularly to tease me.
Are you usually the person to make people laugh or the other way around? It’s mostly the other way around but occasionally I’ll be able to blurt out a joke that ends up working well.
Do you cry when you laugh hard? Haha yes. That’s the best kind of laugh.
Do you get in trouble for laughing or talking in class? Almost never. I hated causing trouble, and if I was ever called out in class it was always a classmate talking to me that I was just too shy to ask to keep quiet.
Are you good at making jokes? Depends on the person. I hold back if necessary.
K - Knowledge
The prupose of school: learn, hang with friends or cause trouble? Learn and gain new experiences, then gain friends.
Do people refer to you as dumb, smart or average? I dunno, you’ll have to ask them.
What kind of grades do you usually get? I mostly bummed around in high school just because I didn’t think grades from that early on in life wouldn’t matter in the long run, but I still did well enough to pass all my classes. I exerted a lot more effort in college since that’s when educational backgrounds start to matter, and got even better results from there.
What is your favorite subject to learn or talk about? History.
L - Love
Are you currently in love? Nope.
Do people around you show a lot of love? The people in my life who’ve chosen to stay, yes.
Is love worth it? Not always, but yes, mostly.
Do you hate it when people say "I love you" & they've been dating for a day? It might confuse me a bit since I personally don’t take that phrase lightly; but I wouldn’t be one to judge.
Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone or is it just a word? Like I said, it takes a lot for me to be able to say it. The two times I dated my ex she was always the one who ended up saying it first.
M - Money
Do you believe money makes the world go round? Yes, and that it can buy happiness.
How much money do you have on you now? I’ve been using paper money less and less frequently now, actually. I’m all cashless these days, so my wallet is literally all out of bills and the coins there are probably just piled-up centavos I’ll never use.
Are you saving up for anything? My birthday treat. I already somewhat failed lolol - I got BTS coffees, Ivy Park shoes, and four boxes of wings just this week, but I told myself I am no longer touching my bank account until it’s time to pre-order food for my birthday.
Would you rather win 1 million dollars or find true love? Give me the million dollars. 50 million pesos would last me like ten lifetimes.
On a scale 1-10, how important is money to you? 10.
N - Nothing to lose
Would you ever go on a game show? If it’s a game show I enjoy watching, like Jeopardy or Family Feud. I might not be interested  if it’s anything else I’m not too familiar with.
Do you play the lottery? Never.
Ever been to Las Vegas? Nope.
Have you ever made a bet and then lost? Nah, I don’t really make real bets; I just use the saying with my friends but we never follow through with real money.
Do you give your all in a relationship? To a fault.
O - Openess
How long does it take you to open up with someone? It depends on how long it takes for me to be comfortable with them...some people can seem standoffish, so I’d be wary about opening up about my life to them out of shyness and uncertainty if they’d be down for such a conversation. Then others can be rays of sunshine who are very easy to talk to.
What does it take for you to fully trust someone? If they’ve proven to be reliable in crises. I’ve always said I’m more of a follower than a leader, so if I see that someone’s capable of handling any sort of issue that I can’t find a way out of, I will find it a lot easier to start trusting them.
Do you trust people too easily? Probably.
Are you comfortable with everyone? Definitely not. I like keeping my circle small.
Do you tell your parents and friends everything? Just my friends.
P - Positive
Is your outlook on life positive or negative? I like to keep it positive but still grounded to reality at the end of the day. I don’t wanna drag myself down with my mindset, but I also don’t want to give myself exuberantly high expectations.
Have you ever had a moment with someone & it didn't end positively? I’ve had very few negative one-off experiences with some strangers, but yes, they’ve happened.
Do you agree with: best to have loved than never loved at all? As negative as my experience turned out to be, I still think it’s better to experience love. I grew up in a lot of ways and also learned new things about myself because I loved.
Do you see most things as negative or positive? Idk, depends on how they realistically look like.
Has anything bad happened but something good came from it? Yes.
Q - Questions
When faced with a problem, do you solve it on your own or ask for help? Ask for help.
Do you like to take quizzes? Maybe not quizzes but surveys.
If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? When he plans to stop being a disgusting misogynist pig. And also if he has an actual Covid response action plan because I am not seeing anything fucking moving in the last year.
When someone does something wrong do you ask them about it or let it go? Depends on how close I am with them, or how attached I am to the issue.
Do you own plaid shorts? Not shorts but skirt, since I had to wear a school uniform in my old school and our school skirt was plaid.
R - Respect
How do you show respect for someone? I talk nicely about them, even (and especially) behind their backs. I also refuse to act or talk like a superior around them.
What can someone do to lose respect for them? If their stances on politics and certain advocacies are questionable; if I see them treating any employee under any industry shittily; and if they excessively badmouth people behind their backs.
Do you respect your parents, teachers or authority? Yeah. I’m afraid of getting into trouble and being reprimanded, and I always like looking good in superiors’ eyes so I’ve always been a bit of a goody two shoes.
If you're disrespectful to your parents, whats your punishment? I’m 23, have a full-time job, and give them a portion of my salary twice a month so they know they can’t really do anything about it anymore lmao. I’ve definitely noticed they’ve cut back on sermons directed to me. The most that can happen these days is that I would get a mild scolding, but that’s it.
If someone is mean to you, are you mean back? Of course, but I do it very passive-aggressively. I want to make sure I get the last laugh.
S - School
If you're still in school, what grade will you be going into? Not in school anymore and no plans to apply for a postgraduate course any time soon.
When will you graduate high school/college? I graduated high school in 2016, college in 2020.
After high school, what do you plan on doing? I went straight to college, as is the common practice here.
Do you like or hate school? I honestly enjoyed it for the most part; the only thing I really had a problem with was the demanding schedule and workload – back in college, I frequently had classes at 7 or 8:30 AM (which required me to start driving by 5 or 6 AM) and then I had extracurricular activities that would end at 10 PM at the very latest; meaning I was usually in my university for 17 hours every weekday. 
The upside to all of this is that I got to attend my dream school and was surrounded with my close friends, so despite the taxing schedule I have little to no complaints about my college experience, even in retrospect.
Have you ever been expelled or suspended? Never.
T - Temptation
Have you ever done something wrong but inside it was okay? Sure, I’ve definitely had my sneaky moments. Some of them I felt guilty doing and decided I’d never repeat, like cheating on a test; some of them I felt like needed to be a part of my youth years to enjoy life a little bit more and so I was ok doing them, like skipping classes to go see my girlfriend at the time or hang out at a bar with friends.
Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? I never like using the word pressured because my friends were nothing but. They did invite me to try out drinking and smoking, but they never forced me to do anything I was uncomfortable with. My decisions were always mine to make at the end of the day.
Did you ever cheat on someone? Never.
Do you give into temptation easily or are you independent? I think I’m a good balance of it? like I will say I’m influenced easily, but I still have the self-restraint to refuse things I’m adamant about avoiding.
U - Unique
Do you do a lot of things because your friends are? That’s the case sometimes, but not for all.
Do you follow trends or do whatever you want? Again, I can be both. It’s nice to like things that can be my own thing, and it can also feel cool to follow trends because it’s easier to relate to others who are into the same things.
Do you give in easily to peer pressure? No.
What makes you different from people your age? I dunno if there is anything that sets me apart. You’d have to ask other people.
V - Value
What's the most expensive thing in your room? Right now, probably the laptop I was given by my employer for work. I never use it though because my laptop works just fine, and I’m already used to how my own laptop works like and feels like; I have little time to get accustomed to a new laptop, given how hectic my work schedule is. It’s also an older MacBook Pro model, so I don’t want to use it even more than it’s already been used by past employees. I had to sign some contract that basically tells me I have to pay for it if I ever do some damage to it, and the current value is a little above P50,000.
What's more valuable: your life or the ones around you? Others’. But I’m also slowly learning to value my own as well.
What's something you value? Not because it’s expensive but it means a lot? Handwritten letters and notes from friends. Ever since I got a corkboard for Christmas last year I’ve been saving up the ones I’ve received and putting them up on the board; I hope to one day fill it up.
If there was a fire in your house/apartment what would you grab? Kimi. Someone else in the family is in charge of Cooper.
Do you think the past or future is more valuable? I think the present is, actually.
W - Wishes
If you had three wishes, what would they be? A sushi platter, a box of macarons, and my bank account replenished hahaha.
Would you rather wish yourself to be happy or others? Again, others’.
Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe? Sure, but you also have to do something about them if you really want them to come true. Things won’t always come your way.
Have you ever had a wish come true? Yes.
Do you find wishing on things to be a waste of time? Not really; it makes me feel hopeful and gives me a reason to keep doing the things I’m doing.
Y - You
Are you more independent or social? Social. I love being around people. But I also like recharging by myself.
What's something that makes you mad when you see it? Animal abuse, more than anything.
Do you have potential to do anything you want? I hope so.
Do you believe people are born a certain way? No.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown.
Z - Zest
Are you currently happy with your life? I could be doing more if the pandemic wasn’t around, to be honest. But given how much has happened and what I’ve been through, I’m still happy with what I have for now.
When change occurs, do you get scared? Yeah, I’m very resistant to change and I try to avoid or outright deny it as much as possible. I know it’s a problem point of mine that I have to fix.
Do you like to try new things or meet new people? Try new things, yes always. Meet new people, not all the time.
What is the most motivational thing on earth? Money.
Do you have a motto? Nope.
Last questions
Do you hate how the letters on the keyboard aren't in ABC order? No, I’ve long been used to the QWERTY order and never found myself complaining about it either at any point.
Do you drink water? ...What?
What did you have for breakfast? I skipped it today, but this morning I did have a box of these chocolate Korean snacks that was part of the ~care package~ she had sent over to my house last Thursday.
Do you like convertibles? They’re cool. I don’t need to have one of them, but they look nice.
Do you like the American or British way of spelling words? I don’t have a preference in the sense that I dislike one of these, but I tend to follow American spelling.
What colors are on your country's flag? Blue, red, white, and yellow.
Can you skateboard? Nope, I haven’t even tried getting on one.
Do you like long hair? Sure, but not too long.
Do you like Fiber One bars? I’ve never tried them but judging from the name I doubt they would be favorites of mine.
What does your sleeping bag look like? I never need to use a sleeping bag, so I don’t have one.
Do you like to save your results after a survey? Yep, which is why I opened a Tumblr for it.
Do you like Sour Patch Kids? Just some flavors. I leave the other ones because I find them too sour for my liking.
If you could have your own show, what would it be about? Fooooooooooood triiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
Ever rode on a jet? Not yet.
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Episode 1 - "I know the game will pick up eventually" ~Shaad
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chile lemme not get thrown out for making all these stan twitter bitch references I'M LICHERALLY HARMLESS I DON'T MEAN MOST OF WHAT I SAY DKJFHASJKLDG
ngl tho i'm kinda shitting myself over these challenges bc i don't wanna get tossed on the first round JKAHFSJKDGHJ my ant eye et tea is through the ROOF
oh girl, first impressions? ngl, the gays and girls here seem quite lovely, hopefully they won't have to carry me the entire time LMAO
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Okay like the only person I like/talked to is Jodi but she seems like a smart cookie so ima sleep with one eye open. But idk I'm ready to put on my fake ass smile and my fake ass kind words and get through this part. It's interesting with 6 people per tribe like if we lose I don't have that solid "core" yet but theres a chance that it would be me, jodi, amy because we were the first three on and active so idk. the immunity challenge is cool, the hunt challenge is cool too. im not good at timed puzzles, so I don't think I'm gonna go for it but a part of me feels like everyone across the tribes isnt gonna do it becsuse theyre scared so thats a good opportunity to sneak in and play with less people against me? idk idk idk ahhh
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🎶Oh my god we're back again🎶 Hey peeps!! :DDD Here I am againnnn, how fun! Tbh I forgot this was today lowkey and Dylan reminded me and I was like oop 😳 also I am so sorry to everyone that I cannot help but sprinkle the fact that we are now dating in all of my first convos bc IM VERY GAY apologies✨ for how often I'm mentioning it I mean 😂 My tribemates seems so cool, Jennifer and Babs are newbies but seem up to the challenge, Jay A and Colin already giving off immaculate vibes✨ Me and Dyl are hosting Ingary in a month and I do have like work and everything so I don't know exaclty how active I'll be in this game/ how far I'll make it but we'll see won't we!!
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not me being a leader of whateva
it's the lack of reading comprehension for me (that was shade directed towards myself)
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In the fools tribe !!! Moth is in my tribe which is good because we have played together before. The immunity challenge is divide and conquer! So I believe I will be doing the endurance one. I think I’ll be okay... and the hunt announcement is a good twist !!! I’m not sure if I’ll participate in the first one.. but I’ll probably change my mind. ANYWAYS, I’m ready to kick some ass 
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Hey guys it's me Brayden and I am so here. I'm so excited to be playing again and stuff and I have already predicted the future that I'll be the winner. Anyways I was at an award ceremony for like the first 3 hours of the game which is kind of scary bc I feel like I missed alot but I'm trying to talk to people and stuff and see what's going on. I've briefly talked to Jodi, Amy, and Ginnifer (who is so hard to talk to btw I like send her messages trying to start a real conversation and she will just respond being like same or something). Anyways the other 2 people on my tribe are offline rn so ig I missed my chance to talk to them tonight so I'll do that tomorrow. Anyways I signed up to do counting and I'm so excited bc I literally KILLED the counting challenge on Kyoshi Islands so I'm so excited to hopefully kill it again. I also decided to play the hunt challenge even though I only have 3 chances bc I'm hoping alot of people will be scared to use one of their three chances to play in the first round and I can have a better chance of winning it. But I think I'm bad at puzzles. I didn't think it through that hard I think I got excited to play a challenge but whatever I'll probably win the advantage then in a few weeks win the whole game anyways see u later.
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SO its the morning after the premiere!! Everyone's settled in!! and I kinda don't know how to feel?? Overall the premiere was kinda quiet, nothing happened worth noting tbh. Everyone on the tribe showed up, so thats good, but i think we're all just feeling each other out at the moment as for the people on my tribe! everyone seems chill but also i can't put my finger on it but SOMEHOW this tribe radiates chaotic energy. I don't know HOW or WHY but I just know it DOES. The way we're interacting in the tribe chat it seems like there's a very wide range of personalities and vibes. They're either gonna complement each other or clash, and I guess we're just gonna have to wait to find out which one!!! here are my quick night 1 first impressions that no one asked for :) Anastasia - she showed up kinda late bc she had life happening, understandable. BUT she kinda just jumped right in and started vibing with everyone!! so I think she's gonna be a strong social player. I talked to her and she seems really funny, I think I might really get close with her if I'm able to talk to her more Babs - IF our tribe does end up being chaotic, it's going to be because of Babs. They're definitely the most talkative and prominent person on the tribe, but I think they might come off as messy to others. they're really funny though!! so again I can see myself wanting to work with them if I can get to know them more. They are the biggest question mark on the tribe for me currently Elle - AH. I LOVE THEM ALREADY. Within minutes of us talking they mentioned Dylan and then I found out that they're DATING and I was SCREECHING. cutest shit i've ever heard. I'm so excited to meet and play with them. Dylan is one of my fave people in the org community so ofc I wanna get to know Elle and connect with them as well!! Jay - I think Jay seems like just a very genuine open person?? Like we talked for quite a while yesterday just about games and he was asking me questions about my experience with them and all that. idk if it's because he sees me as a threat or if its because he just actually wanted to get to know me. He lowkey gives me heterosexual vibes and idk if thats true or not but idk how to bring it up. but I def wanna keep talking to him and getting to know him!! I think he might be someone I can form a genuine friendship with Jennifer - kinda have no opinion so far. I think shes the quietest on the tribe. at least for me I didn't get the chance to hear from her much. kinda gives catfish vibes. kinda gives early boot vibes. idk. we'll see what happens!
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Not too much yet tbh. Just finding my footing. People are loving my energy so hopefully they’ll keep me around
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So i realized Amy is runner up from the season before mine in another org and so we connected over that... of course we are not going to tell anyone else but we did have that going for us to get started. brayden is only 16 but he told me he loves magic and wanted to learn more about it so i told him id teach him some stuff! dennis and i called and connected well BUT hes kinda playing SUPER hard and wanting to throw challenges already to vote people out.. this has never worked out for anybody!! josh is cool, he works at a grocery store so he's gonna kill the "b" challenge. ginnifer has been the most MIA but i have faith that we'll work together well for the popularity contest. yall know i cant play the reverse flirt game i so badly want to coin, but i do have romance tea for yall tomorrow. stay tuned........
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Jay and I talked last night so i guess we're best friends. We decided to make an alliance and try to get Elle in it. But everyone has been pretty inactive besides Jay and Collin. I've only slightly talked to Jessica this whole game and Babs hasn't even said one thing to me and I texted them hi. And apperently Babs has left Jay on opened too so they might just suck at talking right now. Hopefully Babs will talk to me they seem so funny and cool D:
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I won endurance 👑!!!! Hopefully the fools tribe wins this!!!! I played against Jennifer and Dennis. I could see myself playing with Dennis down the line if we merge. I haven’t talked to anyone but Moth. So I messaged my whole tribe Introducing myself. Hopefully things work out for me! 
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Thoughts after the first 24hrs: https://youtu.be/I62bDSzgf68
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You hear something ??? Same. Why is my tribe so quiet 😂😂😂😂 I’m trying to read off the vibes but I see nothing. 
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I really love my tribe and the fact that they don’t know I played last season is a good strategy to play on my end
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tbh i wish we lost i wanted to go to tribal and vote one of these people out :(
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Welp we got second place in the first challenge :| which isn't bad!! But it's not first place 😂😂. But I had a fun day taking pictures so whateverssss. I said I would be chaotic in this game but the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet... Guess we'll have to wait and see✨
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I think at this point, my team is shady and won't say anything to me so I am nervous.
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The challenges were way harder than I thought. I didn't do well at all and let my tribe down. I feel like I will be the first to get voted out if we have a tribal hearing.
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We lost yay. I had a feeling. Hopefully the tribe will keep me around for now since I won endurance.... lhsisowjshwowpwpwheowowhfiwpqpqpjw. Jared thinks we can vote Bri out. Which I’m fine with, I haven’t really talked to her at all. Jared and I are going to message the others and see where everyone’s head is at. Honestly I don’t care who goes home as long as I’m safe. Everyone is quiet which is so annoying. Blahhhhhhhhhh 
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Well it’s my 3rd time playing and it’s not off to the best start, no one seems to be talking to anyone. And we lost meaning we are going to tribal council. So fuck- I have no idea what about to happen. I’m just hoping it’s not me or Jess
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if i must confess, my strategy is to have a 4-3-2 alliance. i need a 4 to have a majority, but i dont have a 4 yet. within the 4, theres a three person alliance w me jodi and amy, but within that three i believe that the core 2 is myself and jodi. i really dont care who the 4th is. i like having jodi and amy as an alliance because theyre both doing wayy too much which is great for me :) i dont think any of these people have idols but who knows. i would love to throw the next immunity i wanna go to tribal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Looks like we’ve got something good. We’ve got an alliance that’s set to (hopefully) vote out bri due to inactivity. Let’s just pray it works
Trying to talk in this tribe is so difficult In both my other seasons I was pretty quiet all the time It is like that x10000 I was hoping to stay under the radar but that doesn’t work if no one talks at all I suppose it depends on if I’m being played or if everyone just doesn’t talk. I think there’s a plan. Let’s hope it goes well 
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OKAY SO. Moth, Jared and I have a little alliance going on. We are set on voting out Bri. I just talked to Danny and Shaad and they are down with voting Bri out. I have high hopes that I’ll be safe at tribal. 
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Better communication.. in sticking with that fact, our communication in my team could be better and we need to put more effort into what we do, I believe in us!
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The start to this game has been a freaking snails pace...it’s unbelievable to me that these people do not want to talk that much, especially when it’s a tribe of 6. Colin and I talk the most, I’ve gotten a decent amount out of Anastasia, and to me it feels like those 2 wants to work with me and I am fine with working with them. Usually in a larger group you want to figure out who you can work with long term and use the first few tribals to establish trust, I may throw that out the window since there’s only 5 other people on this tribe. My strategy needs to be who the hell can get me past these first few votes before a swap happens, and I feel like I can rely on Colin and Anastasia for that. I’d like to pull in Elle, because she’s the one who’s talked to me the most out of her, Babs, and Jennifer. Everyone seems nice, but it would be lovely if people would be more active. 
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I’m enjoying the fact our tribe won the first challenge everyone is very nice I love it :)
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This round has been pretty smooth sailing. I know the game will pick up eventually but for now, we are just going with the flow as a tribe
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ok so apparently ginnifer isn't famous. she's just a bit quiet and mysterious. ok with me, just gonna take a while because I'm a loud and outspoken person (and player). amy, dennis and I have an alliance called "fang gang" (it's really just 3 emojis of vampires) and we're going to run the premerge hopefully. I do like brayden a lot, and maybe I'll propose a 3 with him, amy and myself to have a solid 4 control the votes until a swap. round 1 not bad so far!
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Power Rankings:
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Jodi: I believe Jodi is thriving on this tribe. She is very obviously a social player who picks up on the littlest details. I’m sure she can sniff out a plot if it comes down to it. However, Jodi is the plot. She is the leader of her tribe and is easily the most active person in the game at the moment. So long as she keeps a smile on her face and doesn’t overextend to do something messy, she will find that she will make it safely to merge. Allying with Amy could be dangerous however since Amy has stated she needs to be voted out before a certain date. This means that Jodi needs to socialize with other members of her tribe and get new allies before hers will inevitably be voted out of the game.
Amy: Even though she wants to get voted out, Amy has set herself up perfectly at Jodi’s side. She can take the heat off of herself using Jodi and is able to hide better than others. As always, her UTR game has come out to shine. She hasn’t had anyone call her out and even though Jodi has seen her play she is still able to gain her trust.
Josh: Doing so well in the challenge has earned Josh’s place here. He makes his worth known early and has a great personality as well. This makes him very safe for any early tribal councils as no one is going to want to take him out; they want him on their side. Similar to Amy, he just seems to be using an under the radar social game which he is executing well at the present moment. And, as the star of the challenge, he makes himself safe for future tribals before the swap. However, I do fear that this early impression of competition prowess will come back to haunt him if he makes it to the merge.
Dennis: I would put Dennis higher, but Jodi, his ally, already is suspicious of him. She seems to think of him as a bit of a sneak and, as the tribe leader, her opinions matter the most. It is good that he is able to be Jodi’s ally so she might stray away from voting him out. However, his desire to go to tribal and play the game so early may bite him in the butt later down the line. I can definitely see him being called out for trying to play too hard too fast. At the moment, he remains high because he seems to be decently social and no one except Jodi has sniffed him out.
Brayden: There’s not much to say on Brayden’s game. He doesn’t seem to have any allies, his challenge performance wasn’t as good as others on his tribe, and he is not in any alliances yet. This spells disaster for Brayden if his tribe goes to consecutive tribal councils. Additionally, even though he was one of the few to play in the Hunt, he didn’t win and wasn’t even close to doing so. He even gave up part way through to do the immunity challenge. I would be saving them if I were Brayden, but hindsight is 20/20. If Brayden can squeeze into being the fourth of the Jodi, Amy, Dennis alliance instead of Josh then maybe his game forecast will be better.
Ginnifer: The thing that lands Ginnifer on the bottom is that she said that her tribe could vote her out if they lost the challenge. This primes people to already be willing to get rid of her in this game. Additionally, some people have expressed difficulty with talking to Ginny such as Jodi and Amy. The former still wants to give Ginny a try at being an ally while the latter was ready to vote her out if necessary. Ginny just needs to pick up social steam and outperform in the next comp if she’s going to have longevity in this game.
Jessica: In lieu of a clear leader, Jessica has stepped up as she started the first alliance on her tribe with Moth and Jared. No doubt, Jessica’s prior relationship with Moth helped facilitate. Additionally, this seems to paint them as the “active” members of this not active tribe. Therefore, it will be very easy for Jessica to dictate votes without getting labelled as a threat since her tribe is not active enough to do so. I can definitely see her leaning on Moth as a crutch, but for now she is the topdog of her tribe. Especially so since she was the only member of her tribe to win a challenge in Divide and Conquer.
Moth: As Jessica’s right-hand person, Moth is a secure spot. It also helped that they have played this game before and is on a not active tribe. This vibes well with Moth’s gameplay style since they aren’t a social powerhouse like Jodi or Colin. Instead, she keeps it more lowkey which makes this tribe in particular a great tribe for her to thrive in.
Jared: While he hasn’t provided a confessional yet, it’s clear he’s positioned himself well with Moth and Jessica. As the topdogs of the tribe, they are key people to get in with. Besides that, he seems to be a little more active than some others, but there’s not much else to say as of right now.
Danny/Shaad: Him and Shaad can trade spots on this ranking because they are playing similar games at the moment. They are both quiet and inactive, yet are not part of the core alliance of this tribe. This could spell danger for them in upcoming tribal councils if they don’t start working on people now. They seem to be safe for now based solely on Bri’s inactivity, but, otherwise, they need to pick up their socio-strategic game before it is too late.
Bri: She seems to be the most likely person to get voted out. She was not online at all for the first two days of the game and has since remained inactive. She is easy pickings for the top 3 of this tribe which really hurts my heart. I know her in real life and she is very sociable and easy to get along with. I have no doubt that in a real life game of Survivor or Big Brother, she would kill the social game.
Colin: Similar to Jodi, Colin is the most social person on his tribe at the moment. However, unlike Jodi, he has not taken a leader position which works to his benefit. Despite being social, Colin has been able to slip under the radar of most people with a lot of them wanting to work with him. Colin is easily going to survive until the swap, but I will caution him from getting too many allies too quickly. This tribe in particular has a wildcard willing to blow things like that up so he needs to be careful.
Elle: Similar to her previous games, Elle plays an extraordinary social game and becomes very well-liked very easily. They have no problem fitting into any situation and I foresee them making it far if they gain the right allies. What puts her at number 2 as opposed to number 1 is that she hasn’t made any strategic comments yet. Instead, she is focusing on a social game which is not a bad thing. Colin has just shown more of his gameplay in these rounds.
Anastasia: Anastasia, despite being late to the premiere, has been able to socialize with key people such as Colin and Jay. Her prior connection with Elle has also sparked an interest in Colin in working with the two of them as an alliance. Overall, her and Elle sort of share the 2 and 3 spot since they are both well-liked, did well in the challenge, and are prime allies for Colin whose word will feel like law if this tribe ever goes to tribal.
Jay: Jay is neither here nor there. He isn’t in the bottom, but he is not calling the shots either. It is good that Colin wants him as his number 1 and that Anastasia likes him. Out of the three outside of this potential Elle, Colin, Anastasia alliance, he seems like he will be most likely to be saved until a swap occurs. His calls with people have certainly been helping with that as people are able to bond more with him through there. His activity could use work, but he doesn’t need to be active if he’s liked.
Babs: With another Jodi comparison, Babs has taken the leadership position of their tribe. However, they are not as social and, in fact, considered a big threat since they are so willing to talk freely and openly in the tribe chat. Their gameplay is going to be Messy, and people have already pointed that out, making them a clear target if this tribe goes to tribal council. Despite that, they aren’t at the bottom since some people, like Colin, have expressed interest in working with that kind of player as a sort of shield. If Babs were to tone it down and be more social with people (another problem with their game), they may be able to crawl up these rankings.
Jennifer: Sadly I have to put another phonetic Jennifer at the bottom. She did the worst in the challenge across her tribe and isn’t active either. For this round, it seems she would be the easy vote if this tribe had gone to tribal. She needs to start being more social and be more of a presence in people’s minds.
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setoangel01 · 5 years
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Thought this was perfect for Father’s Day. So, here ya go. I vaguely wrote something for it but meh. At least I’m trying. XD
“Lieutenant!” Connor’s voice suddenly tore through whatever trance he’d been under. Staring off into space on his porch in the chilly autumn air where he’d been waiting for Sumo to finish his business.
Hank visibly flinched but straightened quickly under the concerned Android’s stare. “Oh. Ugh, yeah, Connor. Back from work already?”
Connor nodded in affirmation, “Yes. I clocked out at precisely at 5:07. Did you enjoy your day off?”
Hank shrugged, glancing over at Sumo who spent his sweet ass time sniffling around the yard and looking for a suitable place to take a piss. Damn picky as fuck dog. “Eh. It was alright, I guess.” Hank finally answered after a long pause, “Fuckin’ boring as usual but at least I’ll be able to catch the game tonight.”
“I’m pleased to hear that. I’ll be sure to stay out of your way tonight while you enjoy your game.”
“Mm-hmm, damn straight you will,” Hank grumbled, eyes averting from Connor for a moment as he turned, about to yell at Sumo to hurry the fuck up, but before he could, a sudden movement from Connor caught his eye.
The RK800 Android, who weird and quirky per usual, was acting even stranger than normal. Hank was accustomed to the Android always having his hands either rubbing together, playing with that damn coin Hank reluctantly returned months ago, or stoically at his side were now both buried in the pockets of his jeans.
Lifting his brow and giving the Android a pointed look, Hank muttered out, “Ya got something to tell me, Conn?”
“Hmm? Oh. Um, nothing of crucial importance, Lieutenant,” Connor replied but Hank caught the flinch of his mouth and sudden furrow of his brow. Those small idiosyncrasies Hank picked up from the past year of knowing him, and the six months Connor had lived with him, told him the Android was lying -- albeit badly.
“Bullshit.” Hank’s curiosity grew as he stared at the puppy-eyed Android who suddenly looked more nervous than Hank ever saw him. “What is it?”
“It’s nothing. Really. Your game, or rather the Pregame, starts in less than three minutes, so I suggest--”
“Fuck your suggestions! Just fackin’ spit it out, Connor!”
“I have nothing in my mouth to spit out, Lieutenant,” Connor said with the barest hints of a smirk that made Hank scowl.
“Connor…” Hank stated in a masked warning -- not in the mood to deal with Connor’s off-brand sense of humor tonight.
Pursing his lips, Connor nodded before pulling his wallet out of his right pocket.
It may have been Hank’s tiredness or alcohol withdrawal he’d been going through for the past five damn months already, but he swore Connor’s hands were shaking. Nothing he could have imagined possible for the best equipment Cyberlife ever made but he suspected it was the deviancy responsible for the uncharacteristic tremors in Connor’s typically steadiness.
Hank watched Connor as he hesitated for only a split-second before opening the black trifold wallet and showcasing to him the last thing Hank expected.
It was a Detroit Police Department badge.
Gold, polished, and obviously new and Hank’s heart fucking thudded painfully seeing the name ‘Connor Anderson’ neatly inscribed underneath the larger DPD logo.
“W…What?” Hank uttered out; having to clear his throat to even choke out the word that hung in the air.
“Captain Fowler gave it to me today,” Connor clarified, “ -- only an hour after the law was finally passed and finalized.”
Hank’s heart lurched in something he could only describe as overwhelming relief. It was a fucking uphill battle during a torrential hurricane even getting Connor back on the force. The laws were slow to change and for awhile, Hank feared it would never happen.
Yet, there it was right in front of him...
In his stunned silence, Hank hadn’t noticed how nervous Connor had become from his lack of verbal confirmation to this piece of shocking news.
Finally able to lift his increasingly blurring vision to the RK800, he swallowed back the lump that formed. Connor’s russet eyes were large, brows lifted slightly and fuck, was he pouting? The boyish expression and the protective feelings he hesitantly harbored toward Connor within days of meeting him hit Hank all at once like a ton of bricks.
There were simply no words he was able to physically utter to showcase what he was feeling right now -- so he did the next best thing.
Without warning, he’d grabbed Connor’s shoulder and pulled the unsuspecting Android into his chest; one hand firmly grasped between his shoulder-blades and the other cradling the back of his head.
“...I’m so fucking proud of you, son...” the words came out breathy and slightly broken; his throat tight and fuck, why were his eyes burning so badly?
The Android flinched much like the first time Hank had embraced him. A machine who was so unused to any sort of gentle affection who awkwardly hugged him back;  Connor’s cool hands hovering before gently resting on his back in a returned embrace.
“Thank you...” Connor replied before a few moments later continued. “...Dad.”
Hank’s world froze for a second as that word left Connor’s tongue, voice synthesizer shit or whatever the hell he called it.
Dad. A title Hank thought he’d lost permanently when Cole died -- a title Hank knew he never deserved. But hearing it come from the most unlikely source. An Android Hank had hated and loathed once upon a time and now couldn’t live without. Hearing Connor say it with all the confidence in the world repaired something inside of the gristled Lieutenant; a part of him he thought far beyond reparation.
Hands shaking as he better cradled Connor’s head, Hank let out something akin to a laugh or sob, he didn’t know or didn’t care which at this moment. Sinking his chin into Connor’s strong shoulder, he allowed himself to cry for the first time in years.
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