#or tumblr hides the noti-
l3viat8an · 29 days
Ro can I tag you in my Levi maid day art? 
Yesyesyes ofc!!!- plzplzplz do 🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️
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shleemies · 9 months
>need to go through my loops before bed which can take hours
> need to cut my looping short because I need to sleep to wake up early tomorrow
>resume looping because I'm not done so I can't sleep
>need to sleep so try to stop looping
>okay time to sleep
>resume looping because I'm not done so I can't sleep
>need t
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theashpit-main · 11 months
Rip to Ali, i just once again had to explode her noti’s because tumblr loves to hide art from me <3
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xzho-writes · 2 years
petition for tumblr user xzho-writes to write more for scaramouche pls and thank u,,,, /hj I'm off anon because there's no point in hiding no more HAHAHA
but yes even tho i’m not a particular scara enjoyer i could use him for practice to challenge myself. perfect timing too cause i just made him a masterlist 😔 the ugly skrunkly gremlin.
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footballffbarbiex · 3 years
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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Oggetti d'arte e di seduzione 
Paola Buratto Caovilla,  Introduzione di Carlo Nordio
Skira, Milano 1998, 192 pagine, 187 ill.colori, ISBN  9788881184781
euro 40,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Essenzialmente variegato diario di appunti di Paola Buratto, Scarpe. Oggetti d'arte e di seduzione si configura come una capricciosa passeggiata nel mondo della calzatura, compiuta attraverso divagazioni che toccano gli ambiti più diversi, dalla storia alla tecnica calzaturiera, dalla passerella ai desideri più segreti del feticista del piede, dal teatro al laboratorio. In questo carnet, un po' libro di moda, un po' libro di storia, generoso negli spunti e nelle suggestioni, si compie la sintesi di un tratto di vita lavorativa e privata dell'autrice, spinta dall'impulso di comunicare all'esterno il sentimento che continua ad animare la sua ricerca, e che collega tutte le parti del volume attraverso un filo rosso: la passione. Paola Buratto è nata a Belluno e vive fra il Veneto e la Toscana. Personalità eclettica, è riuscita ad armonizzare creatività e spirito imprenditoriale seguendo l'ispirazione delle sue passioni che spesso sconfinano l'una nell'altra: la moda, l'arte, la natura. Sposata con René Fernando Caovilla, ha collaborato con i più noti stilisti italiani e stranieri, realizzando calzature di altissima classe, capolavori di sapienza artigianale "made in Italy".
This original book by Paola Caovilla offers an exhaustive summary of the evolution of footware from antiquity up to today: from ancient Egypt to the Roman period, from the first hide and leather workshops documented in Venice during the fourteenth century, to its transformation from object of everyday use to art artefact and essential accessory of contemporary fashion, through the vitality of the great Italian master shoemakers, who contributed to establishing Made in Italy throughout the world, and the advent of the leading stylists, from Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent, to Ferragamo, Valentino and Dior.
orders to:     [email protected]
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instagram:         fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:                fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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lysella · 5 years
I have been visiting your blog regularly because of your contents but recently I cannot find you by your url or your name ,why? Did you change anything? I have to set noti so I can find you from my noti center. I am on app on iPhone.
hi dear,
remember when tumblr was terminating blogs about 5 months ago? yep, so there was a suggestion to ‘hide blog from search result’ and i did it to be safe.
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i just disabled it now. i hope you can find me again ^^
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Apparently, Dumb, and Funny: Ppl: uses the word pedophile incorrectly as an umbrells term Me: hey here is actually an unbrella term It'a minor attracted person Ppl: EW PEDOPHILES ARE TRYING TO HIDE THE FACz THEYRE PEDO scuM BY Ppl: EW E GROSS DISGUSTING UGHGROSSEMEWDISGROSSTING .. 2 Anonymous asked You're Disgusting Mmmmmmmmmm 1 note .. Can you believe the ones calling this site "tumblr a daly basis, but ti ones sending the suicide bait? #doro speaks Anonymous asked You're against the death penalty no matter what? So i guess possibly putting more Nope No death penalty. Not one person on this earth deserves to die. Nothing else is 100 % in destroying choice except taking someone's life. It is the ultimate form of violence ve in the value of human life is static and non-negotiable. I'm not gonna gamble on s notes Anonymous asked can't believe you're trying to defend your pedophilia by making it seem like a sexuality. I really hope you're getting therapy and the help that you need, its important to acknowledge your attraction but don't accept it and think its okay holy fuck It's not a sexuality, but it's a paraphilia of mine, so it's a PART of my sexuaity. A small part at that I'm really tired of people using the word sexuality wrong A person's sexuality incorporates all of a homoflexible actualy) isn't my sexuality either it's my sexual orentation They're both iust narts of it. just answered the therapy thing recently: httplidorothemap.tumblr.com/post148480595214 Also, in the face of something that you can't get rid of, would you rather accept it and move on with your life or reject it and sufer? And if their heart is in the right place (as in they're non offending), rejecting it hurts more people than accepting it does. 2 ... osberend dorothemap sicknastypedotakedown STOP down with pedos down with people misusing the dwe meme completely unironically against a group that is ACTUALLY THREATENED WITH GENOCIDE HOLY SHIT I can honestly say, I've never been angry enough with someone that I ilegally download a tv drama clip off YouTube or ilegally download the whole episode online, open a video editor, cut down the clip. and spend however long pasting my icon and that person's icon onto the characters faces all out of spite And I can't say that makes e sad. What a petty existence Worth a good laugh tho. edoro speaks #dumb shit ... But the thing is, dwc was "funny" because it was cis people trying to be oppressed when they really really aren't witha dumb story, I said they're misusing it because there are iterally vigilantes that kil pedophiles. This isn't funny or ironic because it isn't some dumb fictional tumblr story, it is a real living nightmare for outed pedophiles. The stuation is backwards. It's less like DWH and more like the assholes that went and made 'down with trans" and said 'now how does it feel? completely missing And yes, people have the right to hate their oppressors. I'm sorry I'm showing my one, but yeah, every right to. Problem is, MAPS are the ones being oppressed (ooo000 he said it), so pulling a dwc on us is completely uncaled for because we arent oppressing them. Who even is w hand on this them anyway? Non maps? You mean, majonity of people? Im too tired to keep going on this Im just gonna say now, you're not gonna budge me on dwc. I love I want the antis to go away I really do. I'm getting realy tired of "you really think X is okay? "Yes becau "WELL ITS NOTI YOURE SICK DISGUSTING DIE ALREADYI Like, I thought we were diferences in how they see things, but you provided 0 ningor logic, you just shouted at me. At least the others actually gave me a sound argument as to why I should t pavement, but they're just yelling And then immediately reblogging them yelling at me like they made a good point..or a point at all beside "hey look at how moral I am yeling at this person we all assume is immoral wdoro speaks ve got receipts for DAAAAAYS of people doing this exactly Bsuicide tw neo-lo I'm laffing omg Omfa whyyyyyyyy did you spend so much time on this dumb shit? It has like 0 relevancel? Lol and fI change my icon itll be even more Dororo caps a masserpiece Boh and since apparently I have to clear this up??1 have 0 cp on my computer. none. caly A continuation of that last post.
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