pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Rodney Dangerfield: “Hey everybody, we’re all gonna get laid!”
Crowd: “Um.... no? Ew? Gross.”
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NYC is ready to march!
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Careful. Been down that road, not as fun as you may think.
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After deleting my twitter account I’m continuing my descent into obscurity and irrelevance by moving to a small town in upstate New York. It’s quite exhilarating.
Maybe I’ll delete this blog next!
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
I’m sorry but fuck ya’ll, motherfuckers are fiending for a single person worth a fuck to give a fuck about them in return, you shitheads want to go Mormon on this shit? Fuck that, stop being greedy. I love a bacon sarnie and a cold pint of cider on a warm summer’s day. I’m not trying to commit to that shit and establish a new system of acceptable sexual beveragification or claim I’m on some trans-necro-bestiality-digested soul connection wank tip trying for  justification because you are a uniquer snowflake with a blog... “Support my union with fruit and meat products, us onivores should be able to fuck what we feed on, equal consumption = equal fuction.” Fuck off. You’re not going to top the Marquis De Sade even trying to make that [perversion just so shut up.
Fuck who you want to fuck who’ll fuck you too but this lame “oh look, I’m different in some way, let’s all fucking cheerlead this shit like it matters a fuck oputside of my sphere of indulgence bollocks!” is a total cocksuck. 
Work on some of the long term problems like the persecution of blacks, migrants and Mexicans, the unemployed, the sick, disabled and veterans who sacrificed much to be left with little first becfore you want to pipe up about “U can’t fuck my whole neighbourhood without my neighbour getting a little mad” like the stupid, self indulgent [philanderers you are instead of acting like it’s a right rather than a conceit, you fuckheads. 
Some of us have real problems we deal with in real life regularly and daily, I doubt anyone is going up to yo folks going !”How dare you get laid regularly by multiple partners!” Even your parents were off that but the late 60s.
You are cheaters who cheat permissively and swingers that fuck around as you like, you don’t need support, you need key parties and like minded folks to play with. Fuck off with this shit. Nobody is getting shot dead for an unjustified roadside traffic stop where the dash and body cams got turned off because someone looked like they were getting fucked twice that night. Shut up. You are not oppressed or maligned, you are considered a little freaky but welcome in the right places, [particularly West Hollywood and Vegas. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. 
LIKE if you’re poly, REBLOG if you support polyamory.
Now this probably won’t go anywhere, but I am interested. As a poly person myself, I want to see how accepted this lifestyle is to other people. I want to know I’m not alone here.
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
A worlking anti-body based cure synthesised from cloning, separation and concentration of anti-bodies in South African and West African prostitutes immune to infection has been around for at least 7 years now. The issue is the profit lies in patients demanding new prescriptions, not curing them of their ills. If it was, they’d have rolled out a cure in 2009.
Money is made from repeat customers, not one time sales.  
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
She got her black blown out by her ex husband who was black and thought race was sexually transmitted. She’’s a fucking idiot and I hope she gets what is coming to her sooner rather than later. She is a delusional disgrace best left to live in ignorance and suffer in silence. Dumb fucking racist bitch. 
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Man, this site is full of some weak ass fuckers. It’s fictional entertainment for fuck’s sake. It’s not real, it’s not worth worrying about. 
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What next, folks going to suffer lactose intolerancve by proxy if they see cheese or milk on screen? Fucking Hell, man. If you can’t deal with this shit, don’t watch it. 
At this rate the boards of classification arte going to have to start making new censorship laws.
WARNING: This show is rated R for adult material that adults can’t handle. Delete this from your DVR immediately and avoid therapy until you’re actually a mature grown up capable of perspective, not a fucking oversensitive child who cannot handle adult subject matter.
Have you tried My Little Pony instead? 
Episode 3: Abuse (specifically towards children)
Episode 4: Anti-LGBT+ slurs galore
Episode 5: Verbally graphic rape mention and  Suicide
Episode 10: TWO rape scenes
Episodes 11: Rape-related scene that is extremely verbally graphic
Episode 12: Violent transphobia.
(reblog to make sure no one gets hurt)
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Gardening tools don’t have a gender, how is this even a thing?
hoe is a gender neutral term
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
look up Lauren Southern Slutwalk. You have “feminists” assaulting and insulting a female journalist for having a dissenting opinion rather than trying to form a meaningful dialogue with her. When so called feminists dismiss and demean other women, I can’t help thinking they are undermining their own cause entirely by not actually giving two shits about what another woman has to say on the matter which is exactly what they claim the so-called patriarchy do to repress women’s views… while doing the exact same thing to another woman. 
The irony is lost entirely on them apparently. 
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Tumblr in Real Life.
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
And this is how feminism undermines the entire claim of seeking equality and why it hasn’t been achieved yet.
You want to be equals, don’t demean the people you’re claiming to seek equality to and from and if you do, don’t complain about a so-called prosecutorial patriarchy that mocks and demeans women when you do the same shit while expecting contrition, recognition, submission and leniency to facilitate equality from the powermongers who have maintained shit for thousands of years without needing to complain or blog about the process to achieve it. 
Seriously, when and if feminists really want equality, you won’t treat as comic fodder and then get mad when we make sexist jokes as if we’re doing more to keep you down than you are at reinforcing why you've ended up held down or stayed there. Not all of you motherfuckers are Emmeline Pankhurst or Joan Of Arc even though you might think it to be true, you’re just dumb ass fucking lemmings serving an agenda without acknowledging irony because you’re too stupid to understand it like the same PUA student dickholes that the last ten years have produced.
“Patriarchy is universal oppression”, she blogged, as she googled the Uber driver she was to be picked up by to check he wasn’t a rapist. The car pulled up, she felt triggered by his possible capability for rape, then drank mojitos with her friends for comfort before waking up at home with no clue how she got there except a “REKT n FX” note beside the pool of vomit on her mattress.
She then claimed to have been raped and made a “reconstruction” video of her alleged assault because, you know, rape victims love to relive their trauma personally to get Youtube.
If you’ve not been a victim, seriously, what the problem? The principle of it? Shit, as if men don’t have the same or similar problems. You really think that? Well guess what, dipshit? That’s not equality. That’s selective application and sexism... you know, the same thing patriarchy is meant to be terribly oppressive abou but feminists use without irony. 
Honestly the idiocy on here is fucking stunningly entitled at times without any sense of real moral relativism, you motherfuckers living in bubbles exclusively between gender politics classes or what is the deal with the delusions? E en real dudes don’t back fuckboys, you’re all in on all fronts from sloppy hos to pro fucker career builders like it’s all the same shit next to genuine female careerists, like Melinda Gates is on the same level as Stoya and it;’s like none of you have any sense of perspective at all when it comers to practical real world expectations.
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
I’ll bet you 50 bucks a bloke runs this printing enterprise and is going to cream off this shit for years. 
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
TIL the people who listen the mosr are the people who care and find the most time for you, not just the people responsible for you if those responsibilities DON’T FOCUS ON YOU.
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Mums and Maids
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.
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An Australian game reviewer got sick and tired of young boys trolling her and threatening to rape her, so she did what any self-respecting adult would do — she told their parents. [via]
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Okay, so I need your help with something. Really going out on a limb here and I hope this works.
Newpark Centre is a school in North Lanarkshire for people aged 11-16 that requires additional needs. The range of difficulties experienced include family...
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pissedoffnobody · 9 years
Here’s a tip I wish I had known: some relationships expire and holding onto them past the best-by date doesn’t make them last longer, it just starts making you sick.
Rebeka Anne, the ache in me (via seabelle)
Once again, the accuracy is unbelievable. 
(via conditionofexistence)
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