#or repost this on the main blog
jesscrazydoodles · 6 months
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I’ve done things… I’m questionably proud of
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rottid · 1 year
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she’s gonna put cyanide in your iv bag
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kittenhypnotized · 10 months
they really need to invent mind control collars i need to wear one
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snoretash · 7 months
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My Great Old One warlock tav, Lady, got involved with the Emperor and she is... decently loyal.
I’ve decided she switches patrons from the Elder Brain to the Emperor, because what’s more romantic than making your lover the source of your powers. She even got the symbol changed on Minthara’s armor.
This piece was done by Replica004, who I comm’d. (: Please go check them out!
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pixieinablazeofglory · 4 months
im fucking insane so here is this haikyuu birthday calendar i made
not sure if anyone has done this yet. if not, 0/10 i do not recommend; this shit took HOURS
idk why anyone would want a calendar of EVERY SINGLE haikyuu character that has a confirmed birthday but i made one anyway. you're welcome (?)
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credits: all info from the haikyuu wiki (don't blame me if i missed anyone or got anything wrong lmao); the images are all official anime screenshots (provided by the wiki); and the calendar template itself is from canva by the creator @/dekart001 but i edited it a lot myself.
lemme know if i got anything wrong and i will maybe change it lol (im traumatized)
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cinderellaslostshoe · 3 months
You had never seen more beautiful eyes than his
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Summary: And once again you were reminded of their beauty when you looked into the big doe eyes of the one and only Eddie Munson. Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!Reader Warnings: angst / hurt, fluff-ish if you squint real hard, character death, Stranger Things V.2 spoiler!, Word count: 500+
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You had never seen more beautiful eyes than his.
It always had been troubling you how underappreciated brown eyes were. Everyone was always gushing about blue or green eyes. Eyes as blue as the ocean this, eyes as green as the forest that. Breathtaking blue eyes here, mesmerizing green eyes there. Blah blah blah….
Not once had you heard someone give the same enthusiasm to brown eyes. How remarkable, enchanting, gentle, lovable, striking, warm and pretty they were.
And you were once again reminded of their beauty when your gaze met his. When you looked into the big doe eyes of the one and only Eddie Munson.
You could stare into them 24/7 for the rest of your life and you wouldn’t ever get bored. There was something about them, about him, that pulled you in. Captivated you.
Right the second the both of you made eye contact in the cafeteria on your first day in Hawkins High, you were whipped. Totally whipped.
But it hadn’t been until a few weeks after that you talked to each other. You had ended up in detention - for the stupidest reason - and when he strolled into the room he sat down next to you.
As it turned out he had been feeling the same and shortly after you started dating, going strong for 1,5 years now. 1,5 wonderful years before shit hit the fan…
You were with him the night Chrissy died and went into hiding with him. When Dustin and his friends found you and filled you in on all the crazy shit that had happened the last years in Hawkins, you couldn’t believe it at first. Not that you didn’t believe them, especially after seeing the way Chrissy died, but accepting the existence of the upside down was another thing.
That was, until all of you went through the water gate to save Steve and saw it with your own eyes.
After the decision was made to go back into the upside down to kill Vecna/Henry/One you naturally stayed with Eddie, and therefore Dustin, as the decoys.
When the bats entered the trailer Eddie had sent you up the rope right after Dustin. You watched as threw his geat to follow and as soon as he stopped climbing you knew what he was about to do; maybe even before he knew it himself.
“No!”, you yelled, tears running down your face. “No, Eddie! Don’t!”
Dusting joined your pleas when it became clearer that Eddie wanted to stay on the other side. Both of you begged for him to climb over, get back to the real Hawkins. Begged him not to leave you. But it was no use. He had made up his mind.
He jumped down, swung his spear to cut the rope and with a last look at you, his eyes full of determination, hurt and fear, he whispered “I love you” before he bolted out of the trailer.
You went back through the gate as fast as you could, hurting your shoulder pretty badly in the process when your body hit the floor. You ran after him - you were sure you never ran so fast in your life before - but still, you didn’t make it in time to save him.
And even now as Eddie was looking up at you, his head resting in your lap and his face covered in blood… Even now as the light was leaving his eyes and his gaze went blank…
… you had never seen more beautiful eyes than his.
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I want to fly with you on dragon back see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea and eat only cake.
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picoffee · 2 years
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Warden Ingo and his purple cats
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originalaccountname · 11 months
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there is so much art reposting (and subsequent reposted art sharing) in this fandom. Is that a topic that fell off the face of the earth in the late 2010s and no one took the time to explain to you why and how you shouldn't do it?
First, reposting art means saving or copying the art to create a new post and/or putting it on another platform yourself. On tumblr, reblogging (the two arrows 🔄) is not reposting, as the original poster is still directly linked to it.
Reposting art without asking the artist's permission is rude more often than not. Many artists even have a "do not repost" warning on their page.
Why is this rude? There are a vast range of reasons, and the first one is always because the artist, a person, expressed a wish, and that's on you to respect it.
Other reasons include, for example, fanartists wanting to see the fandom's feedback and be inspired to continue to share (shaking hands with the fanfic writers), artists needing the word-of-mouth advertising as they depend on commissions and/or independent shops income for living, and just generally wanting to keep their own stuff close.
As fellow fans and/or art enjoyers, not having clear credit and link back to the artist is also sad and frustrating. What if we wanted to see more? What if there was a whole collection of similar things and we'll never know?
I know you want to share the cute art you saw elsewhere specifically because you liked it, and it comes from a place of love. I get that. You could share it with your friends behind closed door (ex: private discord server), or post a link to the art and the artist instead of posting the piece on its own.
On a case-by-case basis, you can ask an artist if you can repost their art. Some will allow it under certain conditions! Your responsibility is to respect their wishes. That is a person sharing their creation. Be nice.
"credit to the artist" is not credit.
"I don't know who made this, if anyone knows tell me" is not credit.
"this was from pinterest" is not credit. (<- pinterest is 90% repost, not a source at all)
Posting art that isn't yours is so rude and sharing reposted art just as much.
This is frustrating. Stop reposting art without asking, and especially stop reposting art without credit. And stop sharing reposted art where clear consent wasn't given by the original artist.
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vampiretvhead · 2 months
Reblog of vamp art from my main blog to here!
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Also not my character but a friends player character! The lovely Ramone <3
He’s a new addition to the chronicle I’m in so I don’t have much information but he’s been pretty fun already.
Referenced from this!! :
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fregisabunnyboo · 9 months
💜𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭💜
Yo, so uh, this has some kinky shiz in it, beware
type: ✮just for funzies✮ genre: ✮smut✮ fandom: ✮ROTTMNT✮ character(s): ✮Runa O’Crest, Donatello Hamato, Raphael Hamto, Lenardo Hamato, Michangelo Hamato, April O’Neil✮ crossovers?: ✮none✮ tags: none! Just for fun!
TW// !!this is smut if you are comfortable with this, please leave!!
Summary: Donatello leaves during family movie night to take care of some “personal issues,” and gets busted.
They had been planning this for weeks, literal weeks. The Jupiter Jim Movie marathon was about to begin. And Donatello was dreading it.
“Why so glum, hombre?” Leo said, wrapping an arm around his brother’s neck, stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth.
Donnie scowled at the talking with food in his mouth, “I’m not ‘glum,’ I’m simply tired.” He tried to play cool, knowing if he slipped up, this could be the end of him. 
“Don, you say that every time we have a family thing,” Leo frowned, pulling away. “Do you just not want to spend time with your family?”
Donnie quickly retracted his words, “No! No! It’s just-... Never mind. I’ll go help Mikey with the soda.” Donnie resisted the urge to spill everything right there onto Leo’s face, but he didn’t. He knew he could trust Leo, but Donnie also knew, no, he couldn’t trust Leo.
“Michael, I'm here to help.” Donnie announced, walking into the kitchen.
“Great! Could you hand me the thingy?” Mikey gestured to the soda flavoring on the counter. Donnie handed it to him and rested on the counter, his shell leaning on the rounded edge of the island.
Donnie was caught up in thought.
It’s about time he admitted something; he really liked Runa. A lot more than just a friend. A lot more than a girlfriend. He didn’t know what it was, but he absolutely loved every aspect of her. Runa’s hair, her eyes, the way she could get so heated over a video game. 
He smiled at the memory of Runa throwing down the controller and yelling, demanding a rematch and accusing Donnie of cheating.
He’d felt this way before, but never like this. His heart was constantly being torn every witch way and he hated it so much! Runa was not easy on his feelings, she always flirted with him and made him think she felt the same. Then, she’d turn around and express interest in other people. To say he was jealous was an understatement.
Donnie was great, but he couldn’t deny she deserved better than him. I mean, he’s getting jealous and they aren’t even dating!
What was he supposed to do? Admit his feelings and live forever in the friend-zone? Or keep a secret and carry this hate to everyone she dated?
“EARTH TO DONNIE, THE GIRLS ARE HERE.” Mikey cupped his hands and shouted into his ear.
“AH!” Donnie said, covering the side of his head where Mikey had shouted, “Okay, okay. I’ll grab the popcorn seasoning. Tell them I say ‘hi’ or whatever.”
Mikey looked at him, he’s been acting weird and now he wouldn’t even look at April or Runa? Orange frowned and swallowed the urge to ask about it, knowing he’ll never get an answer.
“Okay, I’ll be…sure to tell them.” Mikey said, debating on saying more.
By then, Donnie had already disappeared into the pantry. The girls walked into the Lair, holding extra pillows and blankets to make a fort.
“Hey, y’all!” April shouted happily behind the mountain of pillows, walking into the Lair. “We brought extra!”
Runa was holding the blankets, all neatly folded and stacked. She carried them in one hand, blanching them perfectly.
“And Runa brought the blankets for the walls of the fort,” April pointed out as they both walked over to the couch and started constructing the fort.
Raph started to help build the fort, making sure it was sturdy on each side. Leo helped set up the inside, making sure it was comfortable and big enough for everyone.
After the movie got started, everyone got comfortable in their respective spots; April and Leo, accompanied by Mikey, under the tent, Raph sitting on the floor crisscrossed, with Runa and Donnie sitting on the couch a few feet apart.
He stole a few glaces to Runa, making him look back at his popcorn in shame.
Everything was going well, popcorn was warm, drinks were cool, jokes being made. So what was this uneasy feeling pulling at him? It just felt like everything was bothering him. It wasn’t a bad bother, just a uncomfortable one.
Donnie needed to leave, “I’m-I’m gonna go guys.” He chocked out hesitantly, smiling nervously.
“Alright, see ya,” was the general response. Except for Runa, “Where’re you going, Donnie?”
“Ah- You know, I just need a little break.” He lied.
“Oh, okay. See you in a few then.” Runa said, setting down her popcorn.
“SHUUUUSHHHH.” Leo said obnoxiously. Donnie rolled his eyes.
The purple turtle krept down the hallway and into his bed room, making sure to shut the door behind him. He went over the the small bed-side table and pulled out one of the drawers. He scooted some clothes to the side to reveal underwear.
Woman’s underwear.
He pulled them up by the lace hem and looked at them with a tired and slightly uneasy face. Donnie started to get undressed, taking off his large shirt first, then his pants.
Now he knew what the uncomfortable was. His dick, making a ruckus. The organ stood up tall, ready to be pleased. Sometimes, it had a mind of it’s own. Now, Donnie could feel the dusting of blush around his cheeks and nose, making a line across his features.
He pulled the undergarments to his snout, sniffing them. His thing twitched, awaiting the soon forceful hand that would stroke it to completion.
Donnie hated having to please himself like this. He knew it was wrong, gross, kinky and downright perverted; but he didn’t care anymore. It tasted so good.
Ever since he got a hold of her underwear, it’s been the only thing that could calm him down.
Runa had been the core problem, and now he was dealing with the after affects.
Why couldn’t she have just stayed all prissy? Why couldn’t they just go back to hating each other? Why’d she have to make him fantasize about her like this?
Almost all of the scent from the undies where gone, he could only really smell his breath. Donnie started to suckle on them after the pure stench alone stopped doing it for him. Damn, she tasted good.
Only to be actually tasting her, his tongue lapping up all the juices that flowed out of her, like water on a hot day. To hear her pant, and moan his name. To imagine her tied up and oh, so helpless.
To feel her tight pussy over his cock, creaming because she couldn’t handle him. To hear her scream to slow down.
The hand around his dick tightened, trying to get him to his climax as quickly as possible.
The things he wanted to do to her. Of course, he would never hurt her! Just tie her up and make her beg for him.
Donnie hadn’t even noticed himself growing louder, his once quite huffs now grew to loud groans as he flung his head back in pleasure, the image of Runa’s face flashed in his mind. He was so close! Damn, why did he have be able to go so long?
“What’s taking Donnie so long?” Runa whispered out loud to herself.
“If you wanna see him so bad, just go check up on him.” Leo said with a sarcastic flaunt in his voice.
“Fine,” Runa huffed, getting up, “I will!”
Runa crept carefully down the halls, making it to Donnie’s room; soft moans and breathy groans were emanating from his room, bouncing off the walls and into her ears.
Runa blushed at the naughty thought that entered her head, shaking away the idea, she approached the door.
He’s probably working out, she thought, her face still red with embarrassment. She knocked on the door lightly, opening it slightly to peak in.
“Donnie?” She asked, opening the door slowly, only giving Donnie enough time to attempt to cover himself, underwear still on snout and a bewildered look on his face.
“What are you-...Oh, oh my...” was the only shocked expression Runa could muster out, gazing at his redden face, his exposed and twitching member, and her underwear and his snout!
“It-It’s not what it looks like!” He said quickly, trying to push his peaking dick back down, only to make it jump back up.
Runa could only stare at it, his thighs, covered in sweat and pre-cum. Her eyes made their way back up to his face.
“Then, what is it?” She asked, her personality snapping back into action.
Donnie was at a loss for words. What was he supposed to say? “Oh, yeah, I’ve actually been getting off to your underwear for the past few months”?
“I-.. Uh-...” He looked down at the floor, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Are those mine?” She hissed, surprisingly no disgust in her voice.
“Uh...” Donnie couldn’t lie, “Y-Yes...”
“And where you... eating them?”
“No, I was, uh, sucking on them...” That answer wasn’t any better.
“Give them back, I-I don’t want to give you access to these anymore.” Runa held out her hand expectantly, looking away. She stole glaces at Donnie as he slowly pulled himself away from the edge of his bed, taking the underwear out of his mouth and placed it in her hand.
The swift movement made only more awkward as their hands touch, making Donnie wince and Runa’s face heat more.
Donnie didn’t know if he should sit back down and continue or just stand there until she left.
“Runa...” Donnie started, holding his arm and looking down shamefully, “I-I don’t know what came over me. I just-... I didn’t mean to go that far.”
“What? Is that how you apologize for using my underwear as a cum rag?” Runa fumed, keeping it quite.
“Yes?” Donnie smiled nervously, “And I wasn’t using it as a cum rag, that’s disgraceful to someone so beautiful.”
The words struck her, a pang in her heart, the thought to do something impulsive. It all came too fast. Beautiful? Was he joking?
After a moment of processing, and reflecting, she finally opened her mouth.
“Are you serious?” She asked, genuinely intrigued now, “You think I’m beautiful?”
“M-More then beautiful,” Donnie hesitated, “I don’t know how to describe you, you’re so amazing.”
Runa blushed, out of all the times he choose to flirt...
Then, Runa got an idea. 
She stuffed the wet underwear into her back pocket and slowly started to descend to her knees, resting on them in front of Donnie.
“What are you doing?” He said quickly, following her with his eyes.
“Giving you want you want,” She purred, “May I?”
Donnie’s eyes widened before vigorously nodding, “Mhmm! Go ahead!”
“Don’t act so excited for me.” She smirked.
Donnie’s slightly annoyed expression came back to his features, “Just suck it.”
Runa hummed as she slid her hands to Donnie’s thighs, placing them firmly on his sides and squeezing, making his dick throb.
Runa licked the top of her mouth, trying to get the most saliva on her tongue as she could. She opened her mouth wide, letting Donnie see all the goodness he was about to feel. 
She slowly slide her mouth over the thick member, feeling every bit of it with her tongue. It was smooth and hot, being more thick on the tip then the base. The deep purple melded perfectly with the pastel pink of her tongue, making Donnie groan slightly.
Donnie looked at her at with the most fucked-up face she’d ever seen, he looked totally wasted. He was panting, beads of sweat forming on his face. Runa was getting him riled up, and she knew it. Runa started to moan, making Donnie wince and heave. 
Then, without warning, Donnie grabbed the back of Runa’s head and shoved it forward, making her gag. After she adjusted, he started continue to shove her face into his dick, making muffled moans. The slopping of the two organs together sounded like music to Donnie’s ears.
After a few minutes of face-fucking, he felt close, “Mmm, just a few more.. A-And I’ll be good, baby.” He panted.
Runa looked up, face full of saliva and pre-cum, “Mmm,” she said, Donnie’s hard cock still in her mouth. Suddenly, she took him all back in, sucking hard then dragging her teeth along the length of his cock.
Donnie didn’t even care about volume anymore; he moaned out loudly as he came, letting it get caught in her mouth as she swallowed some, letting the rest paint her face in a wondrous white.
Donnie bent down, grabbing the side of her mouth and spreading it open to see his seed sitting in her mouth. He moved his thumb from her mouth to her check, giving her a heated kiss, pulling away and leaving a string of cum and spit.
Runa laughed, her eyelids felt heavy and she felt tipsy, but still fully sober. She didn’t know how to describe it, but it was so intoxicating.
“Hmm,” Donnie hummed, sitting on the side of his bed, “I still seem to be aroused, despite cumming, heh, quite a lot.”
“Mmm, maybe you need more then just oral,” Runa smiled lazily, picking herself up and started to strip of her sweat pants. Donnie stared as she removed the pants. He could feel himself starting to get hard again.
As soon as she started to waddle over, Donnie felt his heart explode. He couldn’t take it, this was it, he finally getting what he wanted. Once she started to get comfortable sitting on his lap, and started rubbing his thighs, he stopped her.
“Runa,” He breathed, “Once I start, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop, dear. I don’t want to hurt you. Soft shell turtles are naturally... more aggressive.”
Runa licked her lips, “Good, this’ll be more fun.”
Runa positioned herself on Donnie’s lap, grinding on his exposed dick with her covered pussy, making Donnie’s face go to that of uncomfortable. He grabbed Runa by the hips and flipped her over, now standing between her open legs.
Donnie looked at helpless she’d become. He chuckled deviously, “I’m gonna make you regret asking me to be rough.”
Runa saw the animistic lust in his eyes, knowing there’s no humanity left. Her face burst into flames, her tail flicking back and forth. She bit her lips as Donnie put a hand on her back and guided her up softly, making her sit on the edge of the bed. 
Donnie went and grabbed his battle shell, smirking, he looked back at her in her underwear and shirt. He pulled out what seemed to be a video recorder, and some kind of rope?
Runa’s stomach got heavy butterflies.
He set up the camera and stood behind it, pointing it at Runa.
“Okay, strip.” He commanded, licking his teeth behind the camera.
“Wha-?” Runa blushed, you could probably see all her freckles inder the thin layer or fur on her face.
“You heard me,” He huffed, slightly upset at the repetitive command, “Strip.”
She started to slowly take of her shirt, making sure get his attention with a sway of her hips. After the shirt was off, she reached for her bra, giggling her breasts. She moaned his name slightly, trying to keep herself quite in case he didn’t want her to say anything.
“Say it again.” He demanded.
Runa started to play with her breasts now, moaning his name with every touch. Donnie looked down at his dick, now wet with pre-cum again. He huffed and commanded her to get on all fours.
“Now take them off.”
Runa slowly slid down her panties, purple and laced, teasing. After they were off, she waved her hips back and forth, moaning. Donnie stopped the camera and grabbed the rope. It was a soft velvet, so it wouldn’t hurt her.
Donnie helped Runa back up, taking the time to admire her dripping pussy. He flipped her over onto some pillows, making sure she was comfortable before tying her up with the velvet rope.
Runa laughed a bit, “Damn, you really know what you want, darling.”
“Yeah, I want you begging for my cock.” He said smugly, stroking his member, getting the pre-cum under his tip and around the largest areas, making it slick. Runa squirmed at the sight, making her eyes well up with tears as she pleaded with Donnie.
“Please, Don,” She begged, “If you’re going to fuck me, ju-just do it already! I can’t watch you, please, I need you inside me, ah~!”
“Hush now, dear.” He quieted her with a small handkerchief, embroidered with his initials, “You have to watch first, make sure you can take all of me.”
“Donnie, ugh!” Runa struggled against the velvet, “I’m a rabbit! I’m built to be bread!” She cried.
Donnie chuckled, stroking his dick again, “If you say so, but if I rip your uterus in half, just say I warned you.”
“Ah~! Don’t say things like that!” Runa’s face got more red, he cupped it, now leaning over her and positioning himself near her entrance. He leaned down and kiss her, whispering a sweet “Are you ready, love?”
Runa nodded her head as he started to enter his tip into her, making her moan and wiggle.
“Stay still, and it won’t be so painful,” He warned.
Runa sat still and let him enter her more, almost immediately adjusting to his huge cock, that was almost double the original size. She moaned as he started to go all the way in, her pussy sucking him in, encouraging him to go deeper.
The words echoed in Donnie’s head, “built to be bread?” Tch, we’ll see.
Donnie got comfortable once more at started at a slow pace making her moan with every slap of skin. The way her thighs and tits bounced with every strong thrust made him groan. He watched her arms struggle to try and get free of the velvet, groping at the rope, trying to grab and scratch at something.
Donnie grabbed he thighs, pulling out to kiss and bite them, talking into them. “Mmm, who’s my beautiful princess?”
“I-I am, Donnie.” She huffed out, her face scrunching up and her eyes closed.
“Good girl,” He stopped kissing her legs and pondered the name, “Hmm, plane old Donnie doesn’t sound good enough. Call me ‘Daddy’, m’kay, love?”
“Y-Yes, Daddy.” Runa stuttered out.
“Good.” Donnie lined himself back up with her hole, taking it slow once again.
“Da-Daddy, please, rail me.” Runa begged.
“If you insist, princess.” Donnie started to go faster, the skin slapping together made the sounds of the moaning die down.
Donnie started going even faster, making Runa moan, almost scream, before Donnie put the handkerchief back in her mouth to muffle the noise as he continued to rail her. He gripped his sheets, instinctively biting Runa’s neck, pinning her down.
Donnie just let his instincts run wild in that moment, scratching at the sheets, biting and humping the life out of Runa. After the felt himself getting close, he finally released his teeth from Runa’s soft skin and pulled out, seeing Runa had already came at least 4 times.
Donnie smirked as he saw her cream pour out of her, he took out the handkerchief and looked at her lovingly. 
“Where do you want it, Love?” He asked, stroking her cheek.
Runa groaned, “I-In me, Daddy! Please, cum in me, ah~!”
Donnie looked away, nervously. He wanted so bad to just cum inside her and clam her as his own. Watch his seed flow out of her with a beautiful white stream.
But at the same time, he didn’t want to be responsible for getting her pregnant. He wasn’t ready to be a father.
“Darling,” He said calmly, “Are you on the pill?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Runa answered, still clearly drunk on love, “Just, put your dick in me already! Fill me up with your seed, mm~.”
“If you insist, Princess.” Donnie started to rail her again, making sure to hit her spot, making her wiggle.
After she screamed as he came inside her, he pulled out, now fully able to relax. He untied Runa as she rubbed her writs and panted. He watched his juices flow out of her, he felt like he had done a good job. A sense of affection and pride welled in him.
Donnie gazed at her, pulling her by her waist into him, kissing her forehead. He hugged her close to him and laid down, with Runa laying on his chest. Donnie started stroking her hair and rubbing her ears, humming a soft song.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” Donnie asked.
“More then enjoyed, God, you’re so good.” Runa said happily, making a kiss noise at the tip of his nose.
“Thank you, baby.” Donnie smiled, catching his breath, “Does thins mean we’re dating now?”
“No, I think we’re married now.” Runa said.
Donnie laughed, oh, she was serious. “Well, I couldn’t imagine anyone else to be my wife.”
“Really?” Runa looked at him with earnest, “You really mean it?”
“Oh, hell yeah,” Donnie smiled, “You’re the cutest badass this planet has ever seen.”
“Mmm, you make me so happy, Donnie.” Runa yawned.
“I’m glad, darling.”
“Hey, Leo,” April nudged Leo, making him look over at her with a disgusted look for interrupting his hyper-fixation.
“What?” Leo snarled.
“Did you ever find out what that noise was?” April asked.
Leo’s face went red, “Well, lets just say Donnie was doing some stuff. And that stuff is Runa,” Leo snarked.
The rest of the family looked at each other uncomfortably.
“Turn up the volume, Mike,” Raph said, looking visibly uncomfortable.
They didn’t bother getting Runa or Donnie for breakfast the next morning.
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tiny-tf-faces · 3 months
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I didn't even know there were this many tf fans on tumbrl
Welp, I definitely chose the right website for this thing then
When I started screenshotting tiny faces, I had no idea it would one day become my biggest contribution to society. Not complaining, though!
Thank you (yes, you, the person reading this post), for your time, your attention, your delightful additions to my posts, the faces you've contributed, or just the overall good vibes :) You are much appreciated!
I still have plenty more to post, and there is more source material on the way, so let's hope I can one day reach 1000 faces
Until then, drink water and remember you're all really cool and awesome!
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marzzartbox · 26 days
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✨He did the the damn thinggggg✨
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Y'know what ... reposting my Mer!Heathcliff here for MerMay.
Going to put some of the lore things under a cut, since I love talking about my Mermaid AU so darn much.
- First of all, my Mer Heathcliff is based on the Irish Merrow! I did a ton of research, and I thought they fit best with his character and arc, what with male Merrow being scorned. This decision was also made because Merrow can assume human form, and that's key for the story I'm writing! - Following him being a Merrow, the glowing object in his hands is a human soul. According to folklore, Merrow collect human souls, and there's a story (although I believe it's been proven to not be a legend or folktale, but rather a made up story) about a male Merrow keeping human souls locked in lobster cages to keep him company. I took that concept and applied it to Heathcliff. - Though you can't see it, here, there's a line of scales that run along the length of his spine, and that's where his dorsal fins grow from. - All of his scars are from either defending his territory from other Mer or from sailors who throw harpoons at him when he gets too close to their ships--ever since he met Catherine when she was sailing on a vessel in the Great Lake, he has swam close to every ship he encounters, hoping she's finally returned to him like she promised she would many years ago. - His eyes work similarly to those of a cat. His pupils dilate and contract in response to light, and also glow faintly in the dark.
There's plenty more, of course, but those are some fun little things ~!
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bluesandews · 1 month
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valentino screenshot redraw! fun practice with backgrounds and colors yayyy
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