#or in this case someone else's liveblog
apollo-cackling · 10 months
looking at a liveblog of twig and. did sy just decide to stop being misogynist like offscreen between arcs djskfhakdjsjsj what I forgot how misogynist he/the lambs were in the early arcs pfftt
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yb-cringe · 11 months
I feel like there's a lot of people who aren't up to date w qJaiden lore so they don't realize what's happening today so-- QUICK UPDATE on shit that's going down in the qJaiden world if your POV tends to be another streamer and you're a little confused;
As some ppl might already know, qjaiden was approached by Cucurucho with a question of "What would make you happy?" and she responded, protecting the eggs. keeping the eggs safe. Cucurucho said essentially that he could give her this, but there was no going back. And when Jaiden asked if it would save the eggs, he said Maybe.
And since she has nothing left to lose (at this time, there really was /no one/) she decided she'd do it because there was no other choice. Someone had to. So she's been going around doing tasks like gathering items and tools and armor. Her most recent quest was to clear a dungeon with adventure partners, which she did successfully.
Then basically Jaiden IRL travelled for a week and the big lore thing about what was gonna happen AFTER that was put on hold. We've essentially been waiting for a while to see what the result of this is going to be considering Jaiden held up her end of the deal, and Cucurucho hasn't.
Then, three days ago on the last debate, Jaiden said she was /most likely/ going to stream the Big Lore thing on Saturday. She didn't know what it was, but the admins had been cooking and needed time to prepare and FINALLY its done.
COINCIDENTALLY, this is happening on the SAME DAY that Cellbit was told to follow a blue bird, to accompany a 'her', and gather evidence. And, for those who really don't know, qJaiden is commonly associated with birds, Blue Birds specifically, thanks to her pet bird Ari.
There's also been a lottt of concerns about qJaiden going missing since the wedding, since she seems to be narratively mirroring qCell (something he commented on himself awhile back). So, everyone's a bit on edge for what's about to happen today.
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astranauticus · 4 months
todays orv mood: standing at the water dispenser under my dorm building waiting for my instant noodles to cook just pacing in circles and swearing
#orv liveblog#should i tag spoilers for like. ramble in tags??#ok i'll do it just to be safe#orv spoilers#idk in case my webtoon only irl friend suddenly decides to log back into her tumblr after 3 years#context chapter 311/46th scenario#ok theres a lot going on here#first off 1863th round yjh is a character made to haunt me specifically so when the name hell of eternity came up wow i was feeling like#500 emotions at once and none of them were good#second i saw someone on lofter say today that most of the talking kdj and yjh do in this book is through fights and just#LIKE I JUST. cannot get over how our perspective of their relationship is just always being filtered through these two people#who are just fuckin INCAPABLE of TALKING ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS like NORMAL PEOPLE#like it drives me so insane that this book is so show dont tell by necessity bc kdj is a fucking moron so we just get these#insanity inducing details like yjh paying to extend his midday rendezvous with kdj for 3 years and just using it as a personal journal#and then you get past all the fuckin. the two of them beating the shit out of each other by way of communicating and its like#'i want to lock you up so you'll stop dying because im scared im not strong enough to be able to stop you and we cant lose you again' LIKE?#SIR WHAT??????? HELLO??????????????#also the line that made me start pacing in circles around the water cooler while swearing in mandarin was specifically#'i couldn't be the protagonist. i couldn't save someone else'#says the DEMON KING OF SALVATION. like damn its 'sacrifice's will is a stigma that didn't really suit me' all over again#like i love that kdj has the nerve to be like 'of course i dont want to die' and yjh just absolutely does not buy it for a second#god. i want to hit him on the head with a brick.
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luminecho · 2 years
Oohhhh shit it’s the director. Does that mean he’s the killer cause like there was nobody else there
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
The big analysis of Joris Jurgen's horrible-no-good childhood.
TW: discussions of child neglect, and what might constitute as emotional abuse.
Firstly, to address something, I hadn't in the last liveblog: There are plenty of times in the show where one can see Joris saying things that he may not entirely mean...
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But it is especially interesting to see him say something like this immediately after breaking down into tears about it just a scene prior.
Hm. Anyway. I'm sure this won't affect their relationship going forward.
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I've discussed Kerubim's issues of self-worth, loneliness, and dishonesty, before on this blog, — but you will never believe it, Kerubim isn't the only one who suffers because of his issues.
It's nigh time we discuss seven-year-old Joris, and the terrible, no good, case of emotional repression and lying.
Let's set the stage first.
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Joris grew up in a deeply isolated and neglectful, and at times dangerous, environment, in every single way. And the child neglect Kerubim engaged in lessened, but did not stop after Simone arrived.
He did not have any family members besides Kerubim, — for obvious reasons, both of their family members are either dead, or want nothing to do with them, — and he did not have any friends, besides Tatak. The reason he did not have friends is unknown, but there are several factors that may have contributed to that:
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The sorry state of their house might have complicated his relationship with other kids and given him and Kerubim a poor reputation among neighbours;
The part of the city they live in might simply not have a lot of families, due to being a — being, perhaps, mostly populated by adventurers and other people in violent professions, as well as the shops that cater to them (which are, in turn, mostly ran by retired adventurers).
And then there's the third thing: Kerubim is his best friend.
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Joris did not have a support system in the form of an extended family, — or at the very least, in the form of friends outside the household, — and It doesn't seem like the other adults Kerubim knows were at all involved in Joris's childhood. Besides that, Joris was seemingly homeschooled, — and, considering Kerubim's finances, and his referencing at least one school's existence, there were other options.
For the large part of Joris's life, they only had one another, and it almost seems like Kerubim, with his abandonment issues, and low self-esteem, acted in ways that isolated Joris further.
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Due to Ecaflip's mistreatment of him as a child, and his loneliness due to the death of his family when he was a child, — what he wanted the most as a father was to be a best friend to Joris.
(And, much more selfishly, not that he would admit that, — he wanted someone to replace Lou/Indie/Atcham/Bashi/Everyone else who has left him.)
He could remember being a child, and he knew how he would have liked to be treated, — as a peer, obviously. It's important for peers to respect each other equally, and listen to each other's pain, right?
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Except, in a way, Kerubim is perpetuating a cycle here.
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And children are not peers, best friends, or caretakers. They depend on their parents for their survival.
And Joris knows what will happen to him, if Kerubim is gone. Kerubim himself was an orphan, and has shared more than enough stories about that.
Because of this, thoughts of Kerubim passing away are a usual worry for Joris, no doubt fueled by Kerubim's dramatics, and love for his attention — and it means he'll do everything to make sure Kerubim is happy and healthy.
Even if it means sacrificing his own comfort for his sake. Even if it means putting up with being treated badly.
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Joris and Kerubim have what is known as an "enmeshed", or "codependent", parent-child relationship, the characteristics of which are, according to online resources:
Parents expecting children to be their best friends and always confiding in them.
Children receiving praise for maintaining the family’s status quo, and conflict-avoidant behaviours.
The lack of emotional and physical boundaries.
Role reversal, in the form of the child being expected to take care of the parent's mental health. (Despite lacking the maturity to)
Children prioritizing parents needs and feelings over their own.
Childhood overindulgence, in the form of the parent using the child for wish fulfilment.
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Another interesting titbit that informs his character, is that, from a very young age, children learn how to respond to their feelings and express them, based on the way adults behave, by mirroring those behaviours, — and Kerubim is anything but honest about his feelings, more often than not, putting on a brave smile.
Joris values his stories more than anything, despite knowing that, often, they may be fake, at least in some parts. To him, words matter more than the truth of the matter, when push comes to shove between them. But also, he doesn't like outright lies, which are just as plentiful between them.
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Despite how he may usually act, Joris isn't really the happiest about how their family is. He knows that Kerubim is dishonest and neurotic, and, in a way, it causes dissonance in his mind. He loves him more than anything, and to trust him, — but he knows that to trust Kerubim is to be disappointed.
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When something bad happens? It's a guarantee, that instead of being comforted, it will be his job to pretend to be comforted, so that Kerubim doesn't completely fall apart. So that he can still be taken care of, — and every child wants to be taken care of.
Yet another thing he can't really trust Kerubim with.
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Just like Kerubim, he is growing up to be a good liar. And someone very much afraid of being abandoned.
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But everyone has their limit, fear of abandonment or not. No matter how much you repress these feelings, they'll come bubbling to the surface eventually.
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...An interesting tidbit about children raised in enmeshed relationships, is that, at times, as adults, they find it difficult to trust others, open up to people, or have close friends in general. Due to guilt of those people on the outside not being their family, and due to associating close relationships with pain, responsibility, and giving up a part of themselves.
They grow up to be aloof, flighty, and cold.
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Another interesting tidbit is that, sometimes, they find themselves unable to leave at all.
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crooked-wasteland · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel LiveBlog: Scrambled Eggs
So I’m watching Hazbin with my partner who has already seen the entire series. It took us 5 minutes just to get this episode to play from the beginning because it would just skip to episode 4 while the credits where playing before i could pause or rewind. That has nothing to do with the show, it just made me unbelievably enraged, so we ain’t going into this episode happy.
What is with the cat?
It’s been a week since the last episode and every ounce of progress Sir Pentious made last episode is just thrown out as an excuse to introduce yet another character in Carmella. Was there not another way to do this? Like I get Sir Pentious wouldn’t be reformed, but just having him be suddenly paranoid with no reason isn’t founded. Even just a background detail of Angel Dust watching him from a doorway would have been enough to found that suspicion. Especially when Pentious wasn’t shown to be paranoid as a trait. I get this is narrative utilitarianism, but it’s just weak and changing one character’s personality to establish a new one is poor writing.
Sir Pentious to his eggs just feels like fandom
“That’s a lot less hot” That feels out of character
So Trust exercises to tone down the sudden change in Sir Pentious’ character and also to give Vaggie a leading role. Got it. Very utilitarian, very disjointed from the previous episode.
Sidebar, I googled who wrote this episode and it wasn’t Vivienne, however I never would have known because the last episode was equally full of contradictions that it also felt like someone else wrote it. Now maybe that was because Adam had a hand in thing, but The fact I have to google this stuff to know for sure is a joke kin its own right.
I am so conflicted about Niffty. She feels less childlike here and I like find her demented fun, but last episode she was literally written as being child-like so the pain fetish going on is repulsive, despite it not being this writer’s fault. If I want to enjoy anything about this show, I really have to just see every episode as one singular complete entity without calling back on previous ones, however this is a series and thus needs to expand itself through subsequent episodes. To not do so is a failure of concept because this series is very serialized. So in a bubble I really enjoy Niffty. In the series she is a very uncomfortable character to give violent fetishes to and make them so overt. Vivienne ruined that for you all, don’t blame me. Someone should have said how this should have been scrapped before we got this far.
Zestial is suggesting that Alastor may have died at Heaven’s hand. Alastor looks away while laughing. So there is a connection between Heaven and Alastor.
Egg Bois are cute.
Carmella has a bad case of Character Design does not match vocal performance.
Velvette, please never speak again.
Velvette is now 5 inches tall
The yellow blood looks like piss
Can someone tell Lilli Cooper that a lot of British singers don’t have such strong accents when singing. Just please, it’s a great time top drop that bad accent.
James, hi, your singing voice lost the character
The kink shaming be real.
Even Charlie infantalizes Niffty. Geez
This scene in the Turf war was peak Angel Dust. I laughed.
I have to ask, was the music written before or after the singing, because for one, Carmella sounds like she is trying to be heard over it, and second the beat of the music is either lacking or there was an issue with the audio mixing because it just sounds wrong. Like there are melodies and harmonies to a score and one of those is missing. OR, the music is just out of sync entirely with the performer.
Again, just don’t have Vaggie sing. You directed the actor to perform out of her vocal range for her modal voice. Don’t do this to her.
They are not at all harmonized, this is the worst duet I ever heard. Don’t you usually have singers record duets together so they can harmonize their voices? Why didn’t that happen here.
So this big conflict for Vaggie was never a conflict. Best resolution ever.
I like Carmella’s concept. Her character design is kinda trash and the songs were terrible. There was a good idea somewhere in this episode, but from beginning to end every aspect was contrived to just make the story work for the greater plot, the dynamics between the characters be damned. There is a sense of someone wanting to have fun with it while Medrano’s stood behind them with a chokehold on the narrative. It’s disappointing and I feel the writing suffers from Medrano’s obsessive and frantic need for control. This writing feels so insecure and I can only imagine that comes from having a very narrow box to fill.
I’m taking a break.
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sparring-spirals · 3 months
There is a universe in which i was caught up properly on CR whenever what the fuck went down and Imogen verbally and definitively declared that- after everything leading up to this and the back and forth and indecision- that she'd be willing to take down her mom if need be. and i would have been deeply insufferable and writing 20+ separate meta posts and liveblog yelling posts and shitposts. This is not that universe so instead we will put this post here where i can have wildly uninformed (aka 20 eps behind) Emotions about it until someday i actually catch up.
(I know. i accidentally wrote potentially wildly off base/deeply out of date meta again. what can i say. i like shaking the concept of An Imogen (even if it is Outdated Imogen) in a jar. sorry.)
Because i was watching long enough, I think, to see Imogen in the throes of the hope for something better, to understand that Imogen was viewing her mom was a figure and an idea and an answer, that would make things easier. Her mom was- gone, so early. And so her mom, in her mind, was not a person she was an idea, and there was so much hinged on that! Dogged determination and anger at her father and a deep seated dislike of the powers in her hands and head even as they gave her a guilty rush. There were promises there that maybe no one else had made, but Imogen believed. Things built up. Expectations made. Lore crafted, even unconsciously, around someone who was, yes, important to Imogen, but more importantly: Missing. Gone. A blank slate to be filled in. A promise of an answer guide to open questions.
And then she meets her mom, and Liliana Temult goes from a figure to a person- with all the bells and whistles and rough edges. She meets her mom and her mom turns her away. Tells her to run. Tells her she should go. Tells her to leave.
And Imogen doesn't. In the same way she kept visiting libraries, keps asking, kept pushing for answers when it was just about her magic and her headaches and the voices. Imogen always, always wants to know. She keeps digging, she keeps trying, she reaches out, over and over and keeps trying to touch this figure in mist until she's real under her hands, and. Evidence piles up- of deeds gone wrong, blood on her hands, a figure standing next to Otohan (her friends bodies scattered, lifeless, around Otohan). She keeps reaching out, keeps trying, and is rebuffed, over and over. Things get worse and the skies get redder and magic goes dead and she's still- unsure, because what if there's a better reason, what if there's a better way, there has to be a reason, why. There has to be, right- maybe if- maybe. Maybe-
Its just like- a person as an idea. As a symbol. As a promise. One you build yourself up around and towards. One you talk about, not talk to.
And then the fog clears, and they are a human.
(And she's your mom, and she's not what you imagined. She's done you wrong. She's done your loved ones wrong. She's hurt you. She's hurt others. She's going to keep hurting you. She is going to keep hurting everyone. She is too far gone to reason with. She is not listening to you. She is flawed. She is. dangerous. She looks so much like you. You look just like her. You are so similar. You have always known you were similar. You always hoped. You.
Are not her. You are not hers. She is not yours. She is not who you thought she was. She was always someone else. So are you.)
Imogen walks through the bases pretending to be her mother. Liliana is a known face- a powerful one, a figure people fear. A well known silhouette. Imogen slips into the shadows of it, sometimes, when it serves her, but we know- she knows- its all an act. All a lie.
Liliana, after all, is alive, and well, making choices that she believes in and fighting for things with a dogged determination maybe only matched by her daughter.
Imogen knows this. I think. There's a part of her that maybe wishes that wasn't the case.
"There is no loyalty with this blood." And after all- only living people bleed.
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thewertsearch · 8 months
Ask Comp 19/10
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That's true - we don't know for sure that Trollian can fully emulate Sburb's surveillance capabilities.
If the trolls were sufficiently motivated, though, they wouldn't actually need to. Sollux could probably hack one of the kids' computers, to gain access to their Sburb viewport - although if he did, he wouldn't need a camera to snoop on their messages.
Is there a paranoia Aspect? I think I've finally found my calling.
anonymous asked: heya! ive just finished re-reading your ENtIRE liveblog and i to send asks about some stuff but i waited to finish so im sendind everything at once! (im gonna send stuff in a bunch of small asks so cat can stop just one instead of the whole thing in case of accidental spoilers) (aslo hi cat!) (also its ninnoy, havent sent an ask in a while but i changed my pfp to something slightly more spoilery so im in anon now) [...] the jade pen pal thing, do you have any new theories on who it could be?
None! I'm sure that it's someone derived from Grandpa Harley, but everything else is a mystery.
I have no particular theories about who he is, how he knows Jade, where he got his hands on so many endgame weapons, or why he's got such an antiquated accent if he's watching movies from the 80s. I assume time travel is involved, but that doesn't really narrow anything down in a comic like this. He (she? they?) is a complete enigma, and I'll just have to wait to learn more.
ALsO WHEREs YOUR sONAs? we havent seen them in so long im afraid sahlle might have actueally died of meteor strike (joking of course) also have you realized that "sally" and "cat" are both one letter of from a valid kid name? you could lend her one of your "L"s
I've actually been workshopping some Quest stuff for Sahlee this week! I suppose I'd need to figure out her Title first, though, and for that, I'd need to get a more solid idea of her personality, and how her experiences on Alternia have shaped her.
in one of your last posts you seemed to imply that the multiverse exists inside the timeline, but ive always read it as the opposite, the timeline inside the universe that would explain why the trolls can pick any time from the humans universe to talk to them but cant have private conversations with their own futute/past selves, its not an inherent part of trollian, they are just outside the human timeline (the memos are still trollian being time fucky) dont know if that makes any difference but its a thought also i realize the tag may be unecessary due to my quirk, but its too late to stop now
(NOTE: quirk omitted for readability, but the substitutions are [t -> 7, s -> 2] - sort of a variant of Sollux's quirk. I actually don't think we've seen any quirks which add a 7, so the voice here is distinct from any trolls we've seen so far. I like it!)
Originally, my assumption was that each timeline contained a duplicate of the entire multiverse. Doomed timelines don't seem to let you communicate with other universes/dimensions, though, so they don't need to contain other sectors of reality. I'm currently of the opinion that doomed timelines only contain an instance of the dimension they were doomed in. The only timeline which contains the entire multiverse is the Alpha.
This mechanic keeps doomed timelines simple, but in-universe, I don't know why it exists. Much like the Alpha itself, it's a mystery I can only speculate about.
has the shipping chart been updated since the last time we saw it? also you (at some point) said that equius<>feferi was a controversial ship so i had to go back to check the notes and i was the only person i found talkig about it so i guess im the whole controversy? if thats the case i would like to thank you for recognizing me as the equius<>feferi number 1 hater (all jokes of course)
I got a few skeptical asks about Equius<>Feferi, but you're the only one who discussed it on the post itself. I guess by some measures, you are the most dedicated hater, because your hate was posted publicly! 🤣
I could make one or two changes, but I don't want to post a new chart until the kids meet the trolls in person, hopefully at the end of the Act!
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The Scratch, naturally - but I'm also looking forward to seeing exactly how WV was Exiled. He's currently on Skaia, and Jack has lost interest in him, so who's actually sending him through the portal?
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Tavros is barely a presence on the Land he's ostensibly the hero of, and all of his actions are being dictated by a third party who can physically control his body. This third party does not acknowledge or respect Tavros's own desires, effectively forcing him to play the game in a way that she personally approves of.
She claims it will make him stronger.
@bladekindeyewear submitted: That was a long, thorough, and fantastic response! It's fascinating seeing your opinion on these things-- and I'm glad to see that considering the questions we've given you seems to have made you more paranoid. But I'm just not entirely sure you're paranoid ENOUGH. Not yet. Much like how you just found that "BREEZE" quote in your Breath research, back at around the time you've now reached in the comic, we had dozens of theory-miners combing back through everything that had been said and shown in Homestuck, over and over again, searching for anything we might have missed that might have been of some importance. [...] So, uh….. how do I put this… Would you prefer to strictly handle that sort of thing all by yourself, as you've said? Which I'd agree is still the best way that you should keep to, for the most part? Or would you mind if I gave you just a CRUMB of an example, only one? A tiny bit of text that we in the theory community only found at about the time you've reached in the comic, even though it was more than a thousand pages earlier?
Shit, this is such a dilemma. I'm honestly really torn.
See, I'd probably find old fandom theories absolutely fascinating to analyze. I'd love to know how closely my ideas align with those of the early Homestuck fandom, and whether I'm saying anything really out-of-pocket. My analysis of Sollux's ~ATH script was apparently an original theory, and it's honestly one my proudest moments.
But that's also sort of the problem, isn't it? If I dive too deeply into other people's fan theories, they'll start to affect my own - and if I'm introduced to a really compelling fan theory, it could end up replacing any homegrown theories that I could have developed in lieu of it. If someone had send me a well-reasoned ~ATH theory before I did my own analysis, I'd probably have been less motivated to make the analysis in the first place. After all, many of my questions would already have been answered by a clever theory I just read.
People are free to send me their own off-the-cuff opinions on what's happening in the comic, or their own takes on any meta I write. I get a lot of asks like that, and they're some of my favorites. There are also asks which spoil a little too much, but I'm still interested in their takes, so Cat's saving them for later. We don't really delete asks - we just delay the ones that aren't necessarily appropriate for a blind liveblog.
Obviously there's a fine line here, and whether a given ask is a theory or just an opinion is a little subjective - but in my opinion, the influence that asks and submissions have had on my analysis has been relatively minor. I don't think many of my theories have been spawned from an ask, or killed by one.
This is a little different, though, because it's part of a theory that was crowdsourced over several years. It doesn't sound like something that could be inferred by an individual, so I'm not sure if it's something an individual liveblogger should necessarily know about? If I start crowdsourcing my analysis, my theories will be less Wertsearch and more fandom consensus, and I don't think I'd enjoy that as much.
I really want to know, but I think I'll enjoy the liveblog more if I don't. When I finish the comic, I'll gleefully analyze any fan theory that anyone sends me - but for now, I'll just have to wonder, and come up with theories of my own!
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Yeah, we've really been getting into it with Vriska lately. I've enjoyed trying to explain and predict her actions, and I'm glad people don't think I'm going overboard when trying to analyze her.
When a character does something interesting, I don't like to move on until I have a theory about why they did it. Sure, it may be refuted later, but it needs to be something that's consistent with what I currently know about their personality.
Vriska takes a particularly long time to puzzle out in this way. Her motivations are derived from a complex web (lol) of factors, including Scratch, Spidermom, her rivalry with Terezi, her horrendous relationship with Tavros, classism, teenage hormones, quadrant politics, highblood society and the Alternian culture of violence. They all inform her decisions, and any combination of them could have been the catalyst for the latest Vriska Incident.
I want characters to make sense to me, and Vriska is written to deliberately challenge my attempt to achieve this. Her meta is fun to write, so I'm glad it's also fun to read!
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silviakundera · 19 days
Joy of Life Episode 28 liveblogging
It's my first time watching, so don't tell me secrets.
So now we know what Commander Yan's deal is, the whole 'you saved me as a child, now I'm indebted to you for life' trope
Incredibly boring of you Commander Yan tbh. DO BETTER.
That's a nice golden finger for the wicked witch of southern qing, though.
Sister RuoRuo will step to anybody
Commander Yan bores me now. Just get on w your dick measuring and leave so Fan Xian can spar with some one less basic
otoh his step mom breathes and I'm 😍
The key saved him. Indestructible like the case!
I'm with uncle wu. You about gave me an ulcer and you didn't put the fake key back
If it's empty i stg
is it another box?
what is it ????????????????????????????
Emperor is as bored of these guys as me
she left what... guns?! a rocket launcher?
Read us the letter to uncle.
OMFG this is edging. I hate edging. very annoying 2 me in life as well as fiction
Chen Pingping gotta know everyone's buisness. ah map guy just tell him, it's ok
mom is trolling uncle from the grave
awww the relationship between uncle wu & mom has me feeling something
He's been the trustest, weirdest friend for these 2 outsiders
those sounds definitely are gun like
letter for anonymous. OMG NO FOR HER SON. that's wild.
there's no time traveling???? ???? ????
HUH. I'm so confused. We opened the forbidden door? they're ... in stasis? cryogenic pod? I'm super confused.
So... all of this is real (not a stasis VR world) but in the future. People like her went in stasis and woke up to rejoin the remnants of human society who survived the last ice age? So who else in the cast remembers a prior life? 🤔
He's a strange experiment of memory digitization? like Caprica? So he has a digital memory of someone dead from another age? So she gave birth to a son.. and implanted him with the digital consciousness of some guy from the prior age? sure, who doesn't like Frankenstein, it's a classic
Is Uncle Wu actually a robot? I mean why not, since apparently the genre has flipped to sci-fi
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pommunist · 2 months
Hello, I'm another anon that is also kind of scared to keep posting about the situation. Actually, I've reblogged a couple of posts actually of the situation but, not too much of it. I don't want to come across as too negative and I try to be careful of what I reblog about it. Though, I also fear that people might think that I'm perfectly fine or okay with Dapper/Pomme and the french cc's being gone because I don't express my outward opinion on it (which it does make me depressed). I try to liveblog as normal when I watch my streamer in the QSMP and not think about it because I know that it will just send me in a downward spiral, but it upsets me to think that some people might believe that I or other blogs that are quiet about their opinions - would not be depressed over it or upset. The whole situation surrounding Dapper and Pomme has made me cry, I was so emotionally attached to these eggs. I'm glad they're out of that shitty treatment though, even if I miss them a lot. It also makes me depressed that the french cc's on the server are going to be gone and that the QSMP Studios didn't even care to keep them on by communicating to Pomme and leaving her in the dark for three weeks. Quackity should have been more involved into his own project, and communicating with ALL of his employees, he's the boss, he should have checked so that this terrible worker situation wouldn't have happened to begin with - maybe that's unrealistic of me and just my emotions talking but it's how I feel. Dapper shouldn't have been hired, I don't know if that's a hot take or not but I haven't seen many people talk about it? They were hired as a minor, where people make constant sex jokes and have a sex club - it just makes me uncomfortable that they were exposed to that and to working conditions that they should have never been in. It also makes me uncomfortable to see that there's still admins working in the QSMP like cucurucho or mr.reaper because their situation still isn't fixed? I haven't seen anyone else talk about this either and it just sits so weirdly to me. If the admins are being put on a break so that they can restructure QSMP, why is there still a few there working? It's just a lot of my thoughts, sorry for the vent but I felt that I needed to get my emotions out there without being known for it (blog wise)
At the end of the day anon, your blog is your blog, you should express yourself on it the way YOU want.
Don’t worry about what people may think, do what feels right for you and if there are some who may find it annoying or whatever, then they’ll just block tags and not see what they don’t want to see anymore.
I worried a lot about bothering people at first and then started thinking that if it’s the case, they can just block me, no hard feelings, and I can keep sharing what I want on my blog, and they don’t have to see it. win win situation !
As for the rest, about Dapper’s admin being hired as a minor tbh it’s true that they shouldn’t have been hired. I know they were close to turn into an official adult when they were hired, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to play Dapper, but Qstudios should have been very strict on this stuff.
As for some admins still being on the server, it was to expect when they reopened it, if only because if there are players on QSMP, you at least need someone who will help with bugs, server maintenance, making sure someone doesn’t break something important…
I think once during a recent BBH stream, you could see the « government names » of the admins (QNPCXX). When asked about them, Lea said that these were high ranked admins (and one of them was a « bad » one). So yeah chances are that admins that currently have access to the server are high admins/people who weren’t volunteers.
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brehaaorgana · 5 months
What if I just become an annoying ADHD money blogger sometimes
#adhd adult money liveblogging
If you have problems saving money (especially emergency savings money) because you always spend it on too many impulse purchases, or take money out of your savings to cover your fun money:
you need to open a savings account with a new bank. The more impulsive you are, the more I recommend a small credit union or online only bank, or a really local bank. Someone whose online fund transfers to other banks takes three whole business days, so you literally can't just instant transfer money from savings to your checking account to spur of the moment buy things. If you're afraid this defeats the point of an emergency savings fund in the case of, well, an emergency, set up a small checking account with a minimal amount at this bank too, and just set aside the debit card somewhere you won't frequently use because it won't have much money until you pull it from emergency savings and put it in the checking account.
Look for one with a high APY relative to having basically no deposit minimum (mine is like 3%) and no minimum deposit or monthly fees. The APY is basically when bank sometimes pays you money for not spending money. It will be like, cents at first. Change in the sofa cushions. But over time, it will be more. Don't worry about it. It's just surprise money for later. Not a lot, mind you. But you're a competitive winner and every cent they give you FREE is a success to zap your brain with dopamine. (Eventually if you have enough money you can do this by like, investing in shit or buying CDs and they just give you MORE MONEY. BUT!!! BABY STEPS.)
This is crucial: if you have some kind of direct deposit paycheck set up, see if you can SPLIT the direct deposit between multiple accounts. The company my job uses to pay people allows us to choose between depositing a fixed dollar amount to certain accounts (with "remainder of paycheck balance" being automatic for one account), OR depositing a percentage of my paycheck to certain accounts. (Percents of a paycheck tend to be higher to start). If you don't get paid this way, figure out a good date to set a recurring transfer from your checking to your savings for an amount so it won't sit in your spendy account long. The goal is to pretend like you just actually never had the savings money in that paycheck. Poof. Gone. Disappeared. It got saved before you became aware of the money.
Feel free to start with a small amount. It can be $5 or whatever. Once you start doing this for a few paychecks look at your money. If you're not genuinely struggling to stay afloat after 2-3 months and are still comfortable, try increasing the number a little. Repeat as needed.
Now you've saved money. 🎉
This is genuinely how I managed to save money more consistently than anything else I've ever tried. Savings money goes in the secret money account. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Incredibly silly but it works.
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sophiainspace · 4 months
Oh my god, the Discord server rules.
First, there's the server where you're not allowed to @ anyone unless they have a little bell in their name. My socially anxious people-pleasing ass has worked incredibly hard to learn this rule, until it's a reflex to turn off the ping as I reply to people. Seriously, everyone there seems to hate being mentioned with a ping - deeply, completely, prostrate yourself on the floor if you dare do the evil of the ping. I'm not even talking @everyone. Just any reply that sends a notification. A travesty, a murder, go directly to hell. (This means I now turn off the ping in servers where people want it.)
Then there's the server where you have to stick strictly to the subject matter of each channel or there will be a whole moral panic. There are three 'talk freely' channels, each with a slightly different focus, where believe me you cannot talk freely. That's before you get to the INFINITE LIST of subject channels. Oh yes, if a thing exists in the wide fucking universe, there will be a channel for it, and you will not set a foot out of the 'laundry' channel to discuss laundry in 'home', nor will you mention another household chore in the 'laundry' channel, or cursed be your progeny even unto seven generations.
Then there's the one where I read the rule "No mentions of religion or politics" and left immediately. Anywhere but Discord, I'd have thought this was minor hyperbole. But oh no. This is Discord. There are two or three of you around here who know what I do for work. You will get why I have never laughed so hard, as I imagined the scenario in which someone asked me what I did today and I mentioned in passing something I was working on and the ban-hammer came down so hard I was trebucheted directly to the Vatican, exiled there forever if you like religion so much, as the words would have flashed up on the black Discord screen.
Then there's the server where you can't spam. Which basically seems to mean no posting one line after another. Ever. I left that server after less than a day, anxiety spiking through the ceiling. I have RSD and constantly worry that I talk too much - there was going to be a terrible mess if I stayed, and the mess would be the puddle of liquid me all over the server floor.
Then there's the server that likes you to tag all spoilers (absolutely fair, this server is the only place with sensible rules honestly, given the series it focuses on.) Where I was briefly liveblogging about said completed series, but ended up hinting about too many things that I need to tag with each episode they relate to (in this case, potentially about 20 eps). Server folks are absolutely right that I should do this. It's just going to take more brain cells than I have left, after the above sets of rules HAVE DESTROYED MY TINY MIND. Love the server, might stick to their food channels.
Then there's the server where you can't backseat mod, and that's fine because I exist there to cause the trouble I can't in the above servers, and the mods can mod me. Just as long as I'm careful not to get thrown out. Since there's nowhere else I can actually talk about my fandoms without stepping on the garden rake of a ridiculous rule and doing a Sideshow Bob for hours.
I like all these servers. Brilliant, wonderful, full of great people. Also full of people with interesting attachments to weirdly specific rules, categories and ideas. And I'm too old and neurodivergent for 10 servers with 10 different sets of rules where if you break a single one, they break you.
So it's back to tumblr I guess. Where there are no rules, only vague but absolutely vital social conventions that no one warns you about until you blunder into them, and then there will be torture and death. Never mind the main character of the day on Twitter, try being the tumblr travesty of the decade, all because you did a thing no one wrote down but everyone knows is worse than abandoning your elderly grandmother in the middle of a field and driving away.
I'm going to my living room to freak out about TV alone.
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riacte · 1 month
I really am grateful for the anons yelling in my inbox whenever stuff happens because: sometimes being in this fandom inspires a specific case of fomo in which if you don't pay attention to the specific things you like, there is a chance you will simply never see your sought-after crumbs or have no idea where to find it. A lot of the times a blessed person will put stuff in the maintags and you will thank them on your knees, but sometimes you will need to be that person and dig into four hours of transcript for a three second moment. Gotta pick up the shovel and dig up the treasure you seek.
Also I realise I feel obliged to stick to False to blog from her POV. Like yeah I need to yap about her because someone else will liveblog the other hermit POVs so I'll know about the highlights of other teams.
Anyways I am SO prepared for the massive fomo this MCC will bring. Take my hand, close your eyes and ears, it is alright to know about NOTHING. What's this new funny clip with 1k notes on your dash. What's this new duo that popped up. New strats for the new game. New meta. Idk my brain doesn't have enough space. It's finals week. I don't know anything but I know I miss youuuu.
Finally: manifesting Lime vs Yellow. If only to throw it in the face of (not you MCCReddit) HC Reddit. Like haha the two hermit teams you gave less attention to are now in Dodgebolt weeee. The OGs Cub Iskall False woohoo. My BBC famous streamer in Dodgebolt <3
Anyways I shall be waiting for Obligatory Ren Mention somewhere in False's stream because it always happens 'cause chat misses doggy 😭
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docholligay · 1 month
Yellowjackets S2E2: Bullet Points
Hello! This is about up to Season 2, Episode 2 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY that of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond this spot, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
I don’t DISLIKE Callie getting a clue and whatever, and I love being right about the fact that teenagers want boundaries, but it does read really…inauthentic? Like, it very much seems like a “this character is getting a good grade in therapy” which is odd for this show, and maybe that’s why it’s so jarring. Laughed my ass off at “You’re such a child” “My mom says she’s making us chocolate chip pancakes” 
Actually, on that note, so much more than I love the above with Callie, which as I said seems just a little too self-aware for me, I really love her bailing out her mom with Kevyn. Her mom, who she does not respect, who she doesn’t like, but who she ALSO desperately loves and wants to connect with. It is so interesting to show her doing this, something we souldn’t have expected of Callie. Callie wants her to pay, in some way, but only if CALLIE can be the one to nail her to the wall, not even on a legal level but more on a personal one. Extra points for “So you lied to be feminist?” 
God bless Misty’s whole B-plot. I wanted Her and jessica to get married and then divorced and then married again, but i could also handle this and I know the character is going to be around for a little bit at least because you don’t get Elijah fucking Wood for nothing. 
Also pleased that I was right about how, “That is not going to fucking cremate her” and it doesn’t it just roasts her for supper ahaha. I mean, I know the spirit of the forest dumps snow on her, but I don’t think it was happening anyway. 
I agree with Kevyn that this guy is five seconds from fucking up this entire case, secretly going undercover without permission and flirting with someone underage, knowing they are using a fake ID? Come on, man. 
I don’t really have a great take on the banquet at the end, other than the obvious tie ins to the hunt and success and the sacrifice. I don’t really have anything else to say there expect it looks like Nat and Crystal are at the head and the foot of the table. Just putting a pin in that, it might matte,r it might not, i might even be wrong.
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paradoxcase · 8 months
Chapter 36 of Harrow the Ninth
I've spent most of Saturday entering 145 of my ~200 sims into a new family tree program, which is sort of like the mental equivalent of stimming, but I think it's time to take a break and do more Locked Tomb liveblog
The symbol on this chapter is, I gather, meant to be a Herald, or possibly something else that's resurrection-beast-adjacent. Also, we are at one week before the prologue, now, if we can trust these chronological notes
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Harrow has an absolutely massive case of Former "Gifted Child" syndrome, but she's only 18
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She's one week away from probably dying while fighting a resurrection beast and she's way more worried about who is betraying John. It's also interesting how she compares her various experiences to decide whether or not something was a hallucination
I kind of wonder if at some point she is going to come to the conclusion that BOE can perform resurrections, since she saw three apparently resurrected (based on her memories of them) people, who claimed to be with BOE, or if that would be too sacrilegious an idea for her
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First of all, what does "G" stand for in "J. G."? If John has a cavalier, I'd expect it to be A.L., or possibly the soul of Earth, not someone whose name starts with G
Second of all, why do they have callsigns? The purpose of callsigns (at least in ham radio, anyway) is to uniquely identify each individual radio geek, communicate their position in the radio geek hierarchy (and thus what frequencies they have access to, etc.), identify where they are from, and be relatively short because Morse Code is pretty verbose. But they are communicating in spoken language here, there's no reason for them to use Morse Code or a similar system, so there's no reason for them to shorten their names. Also, if this really is meant to be English, enunciating single letters over radio in English is notoriously prone to miscommunication due to how similar a lot of letter names sound, and for the purpose of being clear while doing this the NATO phonetic alphabet was invented, if you're actually going to do a radio thing in spoken language, you should be saying "Juliet Golf" instead of "J. G.", etc. Anyway, in addition to all this, this system is not even guaranteed to create a unique callsign for each Lyctor, it happens that all of these are unique, but that's just an accident. Goddammit, this pisses me off and I'm not even a real radio geek, I was just raised by radio geeks
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So I'm guessing the resurrection beast/herald fear aura is directly related to guilt over the indelible sin, which makes sense if they specifically pursue people who committed the indelible sin. I believe when they were discussing how BOE hunted down a herald in order to make it into herald bullets (which I now retroactively realize means that BOE must use guns) they said that it affected all necromancers, so I wonder if it's more generally about gaining power from death
Also "it knows what you did to its kin", maybe referring to John consuming the soul of Earth? Or locking it in the Tomb? I'm not sure anymore
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I mean, I think the Body going away probably has to do with the resurrection beast and not with Harrow, but haha, poor Harrow
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You know, I've heard non-Americans complain that saying "Not!" after a sentence in this way is an Americanism, so I'm surprised to see this here. Or maybe it's only here to emphasize how grating Mercy's lecture is?
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Is this a reference to the "it's for a church, honey, next!!" lady?
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I know this is supposed to be a "Mercy is not fun at parties" thing, but honestly I feel this
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I was curious how far that actually was, it turns out that is 33 and a half astronomical units. Yeah, that's pretty far away
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That 2,000 kilometers is a mere 1 2.5 millionth of the total distance of 5 billion kilometers, though. I would think just covering that whole distance in a reasonable amount of time would be harder? Supposedly they don't have access to the stele system out here
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This is the "Sex Pal" moment of this book, isn't it? I have no actual idea if John is lying about the peanuts or not, but I love the idea of Mercy just fuming over this one peanut incident for a significant part of 10,000 years
Also, the way describes this fantasy exchange between her and John feels like a bible story to me. Is it just me?
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Ok, so this is interesting, because Number One has been mentioned, which means that if the beasts are numbered according to the way the Houses are numbered, then Earth can't be the missing beast. Previously we had only heard about Two, Six, Seven, and Eight, now we are up to One, Two, Four, Six, Seven, and Eight, which leaves Three, Five, and Nine. John said at the beginning of the book that there were three left to defeat, one of which is obviously Seven, and I guess the remaining two are Three, Five, or Nine. I wonder if the beasts are instead numbered based on their order from the sun, which would make Earth Three? That would make Seven actually be Uranus, which does match up with the 50,000 kilometer in diameter number from earlier, but I thought the point of that number was that the resurrection beast was supposed to be bigger than the original planet?
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Does north/east/south/west even have any meaning in space, or in the River, without the presence of a magnetic field? I mean, the resurrection beast is a planet, so it might have a magnetic field, but we've established that they will not be attacking its actual body
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Is this actually some missing information about what the fuck Mercy's powers even have to do with the rest of the Eighth House, or is Augustine just saying things to be saying things?
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I wonder if it actually turns out to be something different, seeing as John literally has no intel on it
Also, you definitely do believe in sin, like, I don't think the concept of sin is necessarily universal across all religions, but it's definitely a big part of this one, necrophilia has been mentioned as a sin, we also have the indelible sin, and Mayonnaise Uncle definitely seemed to feel like some things were sins back in Gideon the Ninth
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booksandchainmail · 9 months
Pale Arc 10
So I gather that Pale has finished. In a way, this takes some timing pressure off of me: while I have not been liveblogging at a particularly speedy rate, I've been aware that more Pale kept being added faster than I was catching up. Now any time I read a chapter I'm actually catching up, as opposed to losing ground! I would love to say that I'll be picking up the pace from here on, but I said that last time and it was blatantly false, and also I think work will be busy for the next few weeks.
I've also been going back and archiving my liveblogs locally, just in case, which has reminded me how different my format was for the first arcs: I switched from end of chapter recaps to live reactions in early arc 4. No wonder I was going through chapters so quickly back then!
And I have a favor to ask if anyone wouldn't mind: I know there are stats floating around about Pale's length, but I'm worried about running into spoilers. Could someone let me know a) how many arcs there are b) what the total word count is and c) what the word count is as of where I am?
Housekeeping aside, thoughts on the arc:
Interesting structure, reminds me a bit of Worm's Sentinel arc
Really effective at building my knowledge of and engagement in the various new Kennet Others
Lots of reveals: Toadswallow's interlude blew my mind from a worldbuilding perspective, and Edith's unwrapped another layer of the mystery
Snowdrop and Avery! No thoughts, just feelings.
So now we know that Edith was for sure involved in the murder (which at this point was obvious, and has been pretty clear since the beginning). But then there's the immediate twist that she's not running it, or even seemingly part of the main group of this scheme. I do like this structure, where there's an obvious suspect from the beginning, it turns out to have been her, and it feels like a bit of a letdown, only for there to be another twist. I think a lot of mystery novels/tv shows do this probably? But on the scale of a single book/episode, not something as sprawling as Pale.
Actually, going back to those early arcs where I was doing a lot of theorizing, one of my guesses on how someone could arrange the Carmine Beast's death without having to reveal or lie about it was "There is an obvious killer, but they’re a fall guy acting on someone else’s behalf". Which it looks like it is! Edith is suspicious from the beginning, has no way around hiding her involvement while being honest and open, and the plan was probably for her to get caught from the start (I mean, maybe the real mastermind(s) didn't think the girls would get this far, but it does feel like Edith was expendable).
But now we're back to trying to figure out members of this conspiracy, knowing that Maricica is involved. There are three basic options for conspirators: 1) original Kennet Others 2) new Kennet Others (hid their involvement from the start and used recruitment to come in) and 3) people outside of Kennet.
I can't think of anyone outside of Kennet we've met who makes sense for that, so that idea might come down to "new character", which seems unsatisfying, so I'm going to skip theorizing about it.
Characters I don't think are involved: Tashlit, John, Alpeana, Toadswallow, Nibble and Chloe, Crooked Rook, Miss, Guilherme. We've seen inside almost all their heads, Edith and Maricica seem opposed to them in private conversation. Putting a caveat on Guilherme because Faerie.
Matthew could go either way, he's been involved with Edith's hostility but clearly doesn't know everything.
Charles is suspicious to me based on vibes and ability to lie, Bluntmunch seems to not be trusted by Toadswallow, Cig is working with Edith but it seems like a recent arrangement, Montague is very convenient to the conspirators but seems friendly, no idea about Lis, Ken, Jabber, or the new goblins.
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