#oppossum babies
lost-sunset-canine · 7 months
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Angeltober 2023 Day 8 - Mother
what better animal to choose than a oppossum mother with her babies on her back? /rq . It was extremly fun shading all the little babies and doing tiny wings all over the place. just a nature setting felt the ost opproriate here instead of something more crazy. The stained glass window design this time around is very detaile, and while it might feel a little crowded , i wanted to keep it since it fits with the crowded back of the mother and wings and everything :3 -dairiem
prompt by @ultrainfinitepit
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rexbalistidae · 3 months
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Copperton and the Seahorse Soldiers
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thingsic · 2 months
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so I’ve been corrected for tagging this little guy as a possum. “This is an opossum”
‘cept where I come from it’s a possum😉
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badcirculation · 2 years
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~ b a b i e ~
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korva-the-raven · 2 years
That little hiss is just everything. Don't blame em for hissing. Im a big scary human, and humans are not always nice. They have poor eyesight too, which is total relatable, as I'm near sighted.
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grushenko · 2 years
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
what are your thoughts on oppossums? Bapys or vermins?
All babies no matter what I love those dudes
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wulvert · 9 months
ok so i somehow still cant bring myself to continue my triptrack fanfics but there was a concept where after tex and red got married they were invited to a company party for mt co and then they showed up and thats the shit way they learned toad and tara were back together (they are not great parents lol) but also tara and toad didnt know that red and tex got married so toads trying to remember where he knows red from and tex is just like "oh yeah um i met him at college while i was studying biology hey red come tell everyone how much you know about biology" and before red can even panick about the fuckass situation a bunch of opossums just fall out of his jacket that he somehow didnt know he had and it causes a bunch of chaos idk it was a random idea ive had for months now and still havent written and yeah then toad is screaming like a little bitch bc hes scared of the oppossums and tara holds him like a baby is just like "aww shh its okay" while everyone has to watch uncomfortably
anyways lol bye have gud day and continue to slay bitch <3
ourgh i think i saw this in my ask box then immediately passed out so sorry im late.
where did he get the possums
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leaderintitleonly · 6 months
which tragic death would you suffer
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the betrayal
you die at the hands of the person you love most. maybe there are tears in their eyes as they drive the sword into your chest, maybe there is none. there are certainly tears in yours. your mouth will open to ask 'why' only to spit blood instead. you will die never knowing if they loved you at all, wondering if you could've done something to prevent this, or if it was always going to end this way.
stolen from like the oppossum I am: @sleepytime-muses (hi we've never talked but hi I'm stealing this and boom you're tagged so boom now all China Tumblr knows you're here.)
tagging: you know the drill. anarchy baby. take it and tag me to let me know you stole it. be free, my raccoon army!
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nonuggetshere · 1 year
Please, your grace, tell us more about the vessel children
Sorry if this makes little sense, I am very sleepy and my brain refuses to work normally
All of these bastards were made with FaaF AU in mind, but they exist in other AUs too
Their ages are listed compared to Flower's age, 21-26 years old, because that's the point where they met most of them to when the conflict with Norel concludes. Except for Baby, who was found when Flower was 26.
This is probably the first time I draw most of these designs, so they might change in the future
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Alabaster and Silk were practically inseparable from the moment they left the Abyss (I'm considering making them twins too). The first few years of their lives weren't pretty, they were homeless and survived by stealing alone, it wasn't much but they got by. In their early teens, they got wrapped up in some pretty unsavoury circles before two older ladies showed them some kindness and took them in. The two ladies were fashion designers (a spider and a silkworm moth) and took the kids in as their apprentices, and eventually officially adopted them. A few years later, Alabaster and Silk would find Lime just wandering the streets by themself and took them back to their mums who happily took their younger sibling in as well.
Silk is very very talkative and energetic, a social bee who loves to travel and meet new people. She had some issues with trusting people when their mums just took them in, but eventually, they blossomed into a cheerful kid.
Alabaster is the more tame and level-headed side to Silk's coin, they prefer peace and quiet and sometimes just prefer to be alone. He's completely non-verbal, but despite this also doesn't like to sign, just prefers to stay quiet most of the time.
Lime is a shy, reserved kid who spent most of their early life alone and now finds it hard to connect with others. They mostly stay glued to their siblings' or mums' side and rarely open up to anyone but these four. As they grow, though, they begin to slowly come out of their shell, but it's a long process.
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Alanis and Dancer are travelling companions along with Dancer's love interest/boyfriend, Anthony (he's an ant and he's trans, he saw the pun opportunity and took it). Neither of them has naturally dark hair btw, they just dye it.
Alanis used to be a singer in a travelling band, but after a chance encounter with Norel she lost both her friends/siblings and her voice. Thanks to that experience she's a bit more got headed than before and snappy with Dancer, though it all comes from the place of concern. She can come off as a bit rude and bitter at times, but she means well. Though she's no longer able to sing, she still pursues being a musician by playing different instruments.
Dancer is a street performer who takes a lot of pride in his skills and art (his siblings teasingly call him a clown which he despises). He tries to be the comedy relief but it's actually all to mask his years of trauma. He used to travel with two more of their siblings before they got captured by Norel, he was the only one who managed to get out and save Alanis, which is how they met/reunited. Also, literally the biggest pussy there is when it comes to fighting, he's got them oppossum skills (play dead and hope for the best).
Nomi is very different from most of their siblings. Ey were adopted pretty early on by a royal couple from another kingdom and lived a pretty well-off life. They've got kind of shitty self-esteem so they overcompensate by appearing obnoxious confident and self-absorbed. They're kind of naive but try to mean well. You know the type of rich person who asks insane questions like "why don't you just buy a house?" when you complain about rent and then are shocked to learnt hat 99% of people can't do that? Yeah, they're that type of guy.
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Razor is a leader of a bandit group. She's an asshole with a gigantic martyr complex who insists that they don't need help even when they're in desperate need of it. Despite his rough exterior though, he loves his siblings more than anything in the world and would sacrifice everything for them. They used to take care of three of their siblings (bluethepearldiver's ocs) until an incident where they ended up murdering their little brother's abusive spouse finally made them realise maybe they can't handle it all by themself and decide it's better if they take their siblings to Hallownest. Also, her hair isn't naturally black, she just dyed it with her own void (with a name like that, did you expect anything less edgy from them?)
Razor also doesn't get along with Nomi and Dancer. They absolutely hate Nomi's naivety to how the world truly works, the two of them just come from such different walks of life that Razor just can't deal with Nomi's perspective on life. Dancer they just comply find annoying.
Wish was Norel's assistant, helping him lure and trap its siblings, all out of its own selfish desire to be spared from the same fate its siblings endured. Aside from that, it's kind of a cold, calculated asshole, placing its own needs above anybody else's. Still, it is not without a heart, and if it feels it can get away with lying to Norel and sabotaging him to help its siblings, it will do it. It does feel remorse sometimes, and in the end, it stabs Norel in the back and helps its siblings, but after everything it did, it doesn't feel like it deserves anything from them so it simply leaves and never contacts any of them again.
Baby was a premature vessel, born after most of their siblings already left the Abyss. It isn't until many years later when Flower is 26, are they finally heard by them. They drag their father out of bed and make him open the Abyss again, and Baby's found and brought to the surface, although weak and wounded. For some time they would only want to be handled by Flower, but eventually warmed up to their parents and slowly started to regain their strength and heal. Now, they are being raised by PK and WL, and considering their small age gap they're best of friends with Flower's twins, Spectre and Sting. Baby was also named by Flower (they suck at naming things).
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encyclopika · 1 year
Animal Crossing Fish - Explained #228
Brought to you by a marine biologist and our last mammals...
It's time we covered Chip and CJ, two beavers who hold the Fishing Tournaments in the AC franchise. Let's get into it!
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From https://nookipedia.com/
Chip there on the right is an older beaver who has held the Fishing Tournaments in the AC series since the very beginning all the way until ACNH when his son, CJ, took over. Chip and CJ both host the Fishing Tourneys in Pocket Camp off and on. These special events allow players to fish and win great items they can't get any other way.
Beavers are in Class Mammalia - they have hair, are warm-blooded, and most importantly, feed their babies milk produced by an adult's mammary glands. Within this Class is the Order Rodentia, the order of rodents, which make up about 40% of all mammal species. However, I find that a lot of people confuse what is and isn't a rodent quite often - it feels like people classify something as a rodent as long as it's really small and furry (which is a mistake and we'll get back to that). Rodents are characterized by a single pair of continuously growing incisors on the upper and the lower jaw. If a rodent doesn't have anything to gnaw on, those incisor teeth can actually grow in dangerous ways and kill the animal if not treated. That being said, here is a short list of animals I hear people call "rodents" when they're not:
Bats - are NOT rodents. They are not "flying rats"; they are more closely related - and have almost the same dentition - as your dog. As primates, us humans are way more closely related to rats.
Moles, hedgehogs, and shrews - are NOT rodents. They belong to a separate Order between us and bats called Eulipotyphla.
Oppossums and possums - are NOT rodents - they are marsupials.
Rabbits and hares - are NOT rodents (they're Lagomorphs) but at least you were close, as they're sister groups.
Who is a rodent? Beavers, capybara, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, mice, squirrels, marmots, chinchillas, etc etc etc. Many of these animals listed are common pets with relatively short lives. Despite their size and lifespan, they are a lot of work and are a commitment, so don't get one if you're looking for an "easy pet". No such thing.
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So, yeah, "small and fuzzy" isn't a trait all rodents share. Beavers are some of the largest rodents in the world, with large individuals growing to about 70 lbs. (32 kg). They are not small.
Despite the way Chip looks at fish and alludes to the fact that he'll eat your fish when you aren't looking, beavers irl don't actually eat fish at all. Beavers are strictly herbivorous and feed on a wide variety of woody and aquatic plants. Despite the diversity of rodents, there are only 2 species of beaver in the world - the North American (Castor canadensis) and Eurasion (Castor fiber) beavers. Both species look very alike, so it's anyone's guess which exactly Chip and CJ are. Nevertheless, beavers boast one of the thickest and softest fur of any mammal, which wasn't great for them, as many populations were hunted extensively for the fur trade. Luckily, beavers are still considered Least Concern, with the both species having wide ranges across their home continents.
Beavers, like quite a few of their rodent cousins, like the capybara and muskrat, are semi-aquatic and are great swimmers. They have webbed back feet and can stay underwater for 15 minutes. They use this skill to their advantage by using water as a place to hide from their predators.
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Look at him go!
The most incredible thing about beavers, though, is their engineering skills. Although not every beaver will build a dam, they have the skills and the tools (their teeth) to do so. And once they do, they create new wetland habitats I spoke about in this Museum Tour entry. Misconceptions about beaver dams are common, no thanks to the media image of the beaver. As I said before, not every beaver will build a dam - if they find a spot that provides quality swimming area and food, they're just as happy in a burrow on the water's edge. Beavers also don't live in the dam - that structure is actually to dam up a river and create the pond they use for protection. A beaver lodge is another structure all its own where the beavers live, have their babies, and hang out during winter (they don't hibernate). One structure can exist without the other. The lodge often has its entrance underwater so only the beaver family can get into the lodge. Beavers, though happy to munch on a great variety of plants, are actually picky about which plants are used for building and which ones are for eating. And last but not least, and certainly not exhaustive, beavers don't use their tails to build - the tail is for swimming, storing fat, and communicating with their family and other beavers. So, no, they don't use their tails to deliver or spread mud while building their dams, I'm sorry to say. Woulda been cute, though.
And there you have it. Fascinating stuff, no?
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Speaking of animals what ever happen to those oppossums?
So IRL I rescued 6 baby oppossums.
ATM they are with a rehabilitator, and they are growing strong!
Hopefully in a month or two they will be ready to be released.
the group was 3 boys and 3 girls, and they were all super healthy and great!
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thingsic · 2 months
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Please don’t hurt me I’m like a little vacuum cleaner when it comes to ticks - including those that spread Lyme disease. And I control the overpopulation of snakes, rodents, and insects.
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Marko headcanons
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< a/n ; I love this boyo
< content warning ; n/a just a whole lotta nothin
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< The second youngest out of the entire group, unlike Paul, he has a better hold on his vampire antics than the other blonde does.
< Is a very hyper boy, practically buzzing with excitement whenever they go to the boardwalk. Which is literally every night... lmao.
< He's not really a loud person? But he's not quiet either, he has his moments where he gets overly loud.
< He's got a whole list of petnames that he calls you. He'll call you: Babes, baby, sugar, doll, sweets, babydoll, etc.
< He's a switch, I definitelly see him bottoming quite a bit as well.
< Animal lover, he doesn't even care if its a bug. He's constantly bringing animals in and out.
"What the hell are you doing with an oppossum?" David asked, catching Marko in the act.
"Nothing....." Marko whined, looking back at David with a sheepish grin.
< Marko loves to sew but you won't hear him say that. He gets teased all the time by the boys because he's always stuffed into the corner of the cave on a rainy day doing nothing but sewing.
< If Marko isn't sewing he's doing something artistic, he probably has thousands of unfinished art pieces around the cave which pisses off David.
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transsextual · 2 years
to any of my jewish followers - i recently came across a post detailing a jewish blessing for seeing odd looking people / animals, used in reference to a baby oppossum, and i thought it was such a joyful blessing and i'd like to write about it / quote it in something i might eventually publish. as a non-jew, is there anything i should be aware of when discussing or quoting blessings?
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