#ooc: Not the Knights's producer
alexandraxsuoh · 5 months
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♥ Offically 30 years old today.
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Kiss their cheek
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 220-650 for each character
Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Law, Kid
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Synopsis: It was a simple reaction, an impulse you felt organic and out of your control. Their cheek was right there, and the swell in your chest and spike of adrenaline prompted you to lunge forward and capture their cheek beneath your lips. How do they react to such a soft touch? Do they shy away, or do they respond in kind?
Notes: I have hit a follower milestone and I am freaking out about it. I don't normally post about the follower count, but this is simply too incredible to not mark the occasion for. To distract myself from the sheer number of you that found my writing good enough to follow, I have a little drabble for you to enjoy for my favorites. To quote the goodest and bestest boy there ever was: “Thank you for loving me.” I love you all too. All 1,200+ of you.
Themes: cheek kisses, feelings, monster trio, supernova trio, crewmate!reader, unrequited love, confessions of love, no prior romantic relationship, gn!reader, pure fluff, A little OOC while I'm still learning about a couple of the blorbos.
Tag List: @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @cinnbar-bun
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Blackleg Sanji
“Dinner was beautiful as always, Sanji,” you cooed at him, swooping forward and collecting his smooth cheek beneath your lips in a small kiss, “Well done, Chef.” Holding his cheek in contact with your lips for a few moments longer before pulling away with a broad smile. 
“You’re most welcome, love,” he returned your affectionate demonstration, his lips finding your cheek and grazing your flesh with his lips. 
Both of you reacted as if this touch was not uncommon, not something out of the ordinary in the slightest. This was the first time you had given him this small gesture, demonstrating your appreciation for his hard work with something as simple as a small kiss. 
The fact that this kiss was so freely given to him had Sanji’s heart catch in his throat, his pulse rapidly beating and elevating the flow of his adrenaline through his veins. His family of origin comes from a culture that kisses on the cheeks to greet and farewell friends, acquaintances and even enemies. Why did this kiss feel so perfect against his skin? 
He would do anything to feel your lips on him again, often giving you preferential treatment in the hopes your lips would find his skin once more. Should he gather up the courage to turn his head, claiming your lips within his own, would you turn away? He hoped you wouldn’t. 
Roronoa Zoro
His mind could not comprehend the moment that just befell him. 
It was a simple night of comradery and relaxation. The air felt alight with joyful merriment: Brook playing music, Sanji ensuring each of you had an adequate meal. It felt light: nothing plaguing, hunting, seeking, nor fighting. It was simple, and that is what it felt. 
It being a simple and small kiss against his right cheek.
“You are an excellent first-mate, Zoro,” you laughed up at him, taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, “A noble knight and fearless protector.”
Zoro’s head couldn’t produce a single thought to form a string of a sentence. He had not felt this way, the ignition of a small swell of passion to not involve swordsmanship, ever before. 
In all the realms of intimacy and subtle touches, Zoro was inexperienced in receiving and reciprocating. Zoro was, for lack of a better word, a virgin to such an expression of unbridled affection. 
“Th-Thanks, I guess?” he grunted, his brows arching at you. You giggled, patting him on the shoulder and offering him a warm smile. 
“You’re welcome, soldier,” you cooed up at him before turning on your heel, following the gentle rise in rhythm with your hips, dancing along to Brook’s playing. He followed your movement with a keen eye, more enthusiastic about your gentle sway and soft laughter than he was moments prior. 
Monkey D Luffy
“Oh, Captain!” you smiled at him, hooking your arm over his shoulder and drawing him close to your face, “Your cheeks are so cute. I could just-,” you halted your words, lunging forward and peppering his tanned cheeks with several fluttered kisses, humming throughout each press. 
“Oi, oi, Docinho,” he chuckled, swatting at your hands and writhing within your arms, “Stop that. I am a hardened criminal. I am a captain! You’re not meant to think I’m cute, you’re meant to dote on me and offer me tribute of your loyalty!” You giggled, allowing him to swipe your body away from his. 
His eyes darted away from yours, his lips curved in a soft pout with his brows furrowing in a deep frown. For a moment, you thought you truly offended him by your lips finding his skin. Your eyes widened, your hands shaking defensively to desperately retract your affectionate touch.
“I’m sorry, Captain. I didn’t mean to-,” you were silenced by several inexperienced kisses littering your cheeks, nose and forehead. The cheeky chuckle that followed each of the small pecks only prompted your mind to chase your heart with its rapidity. He placed his hands over your shoulders, laughing whole-heartedly at your frazzlement. 
“If this is the way you’re offering me tribute as a wonderful captain,” he hummed thoughtfully, “Perhaps I’m not so bad at the job after all.” 
Trafalgar D Water-Law
“You work too hard,” you sigh against his cheek, pulling away from his cool flesh and raking your eyes over his face, “You deserve to take a break some time.” You watched the small hue of pink rise to dust over his cheeks, his hair at the nape of his neck standing alert and rigid. 
Unsure what exactly prompted you to seek out your captain’s cheek with your lips, you were regretting the small brush of your lips over his smooth skin the instant you drew yourself away. Watching as Law inhaled a deep breath through his nose, he exhaled a lengthy breath through his lips: following the small gesture with a soft hum. 
“Just know that you’re appreciated, Sir,” you reiterated your stance, ensuring you held your eyes against his to reinforce your seriousness, “I-... We appreciate you, Captain. We love you, and want to help you achieve your goals. Just-... Just know that, okay?” 
Yellow eyes followed your exit, watching every step that you took and hearing the hollow floor ricochet the reverberating tap of your boot heel. His haunted gaze held firm to your retreat, silence growing heavy at the closure of his office door. 
He could not stop thinking about the kiss all day. The way your lips felt against his cheek, the way he felt the small elevation of your smile - the way his heart swelled in his chest, and the way his breath caught in his throat. He wanted to know what it meant. He needed to know if you were being friendly and supportive, or if you wanted more. 
Lips over his cheek, the catching over the words “I appreciate you” with your reassurances that he is loved and worthy of devotion, inhibited him from welcoming slumber for several days. In the hopes of providing him encouragement and loyalty to soothe his rapidly sporadic mind, you aided in him in only finding restlessness. 
Growling at his own racing emotions, he hastily drew up the transponder snail and dialed your personal shell. He awaited the annoying hum, the crackle of the receiver halting as you picked up the call. 
“C-Captain?” your groggy voice called over the snail, “Cap, it’s nearly five in the morning. I clocked off the overnight shift and only just got to sleep-.”
“-Do you love me?” he quickly spurted the words before he could stop them. 
Your mind did not have the capacity to mask your words, given your groggy sleep deprivation. Yawning your answer into the transponder, Law’s heart raced at hearing your words.
“Of course I love you. We all love you,” you confirmed, rolling your neck and taking a moment to collect yourself, “You’re my captain. I pledged my allegiance to follow you, sir. What are you calling me at-?”
“-No,” Law’s voice crackled over the receiver, his tone immediately waking you of your prior tired state, “I need to know what it meant. I need to know what it meant. Why did you kiss me?”
“What?” you began, shaking your head and brows beginning to knit in confusion, “I don’t understand what you’re-.”
“-Why would you kiss me knowing your lips would haunt me? Knowing that that kiss you gave would scorch and mark my heart?” his voice rose as his temper boiled over the edge. “You know I closed myself off to this bullshit. You know what giving me a small amount of your affection would do to me. Why would you-?”
“-Because I love you, Law,” you uttered in a low voice. You flung your legs over the bed, feet finding your sleep shoes beneath your mattress. Your confession hung heavy in the air, your heart and mind fully awake and comprehending your every waking minute. Silence was heavy and swollen with tension, your mind racing over all the possible retorts Law could throw at you. 
Dismissal, execution, exile, abandonment: these were the responses you deduced to be the most appropriate response. In its stead, you were greeted with a small huffed chuckle and a low rumbled retort.
“Come to my office,” he hummed into the receiver, “Show me more. I-I-...” the transponder crackled as Law found his words, “...-I need more.”
Eustass Kid
“In some cultures, it’s seen as a sign of respect,” you nodded your head, bowing your down to him, “It’s an extension of submission and admission to serve beneath a mighty ruler. Hands are the most common to touch, but kissing a cheek is the most intimate expression of-.”
“-Fine, you can kiss me,” the gruff rumble of Eustass Kid’s voice dismissively crackled. He rolled his eyes, turning his cheek away from you to hide the bite of his lip to stifle his rising blush. 
Affectionate touches was not something Kid, nor his crew, were very experienced in receiving. When he offered you the chance of joining his crew to achieve his goals, Eustass Kid did not expect you to dote and coddle each of his crewmen into submission beneath your affectionate touches. As the last member of his crew to be a recipient of your gentle touch, he truly did not comprehend why his heart was beating with anxious rapidity. 
“Only if you’re sure-,” you began, halted by a harsh bark from your captain.
“-I said it was fine, didn’t I?” his gruff voice cut through the air. While his head was still turned from you, he stretched out his right hand to await a small touch from your lips. 
But his cheek was right there. You couldn’t help but spring at the opportunity to rise up to Eustass Kid’s seated position on the wooden bench aboard the deck. He was ripe for doting and peppering a flurry of kisses all over his face, but you held yourself back from such an expression of unbridled affection. You opted to start slow.
Gently touching his shoulders, you stooped down and pressed a sweet and intentional kiss atop the apple of his cheek. You felt his breath catch in his throat, an unintentional whimper halting in his nose at the soft expression of your admiration.
As you pulled away from him, your upper left arm was caught by the wide and firm grasp of the captain of the Victoria-Punk. His face was still turned away from you, but the crimson hue of his pale face gave away the elevation of his heartbeat. 
“I’m sorry, Captain. I should’ve just gone for the hand-,” you began, attempting to tug away from his grip and apologize properly to him. 
“C-Can I-...” he grunted out a gruff cough, continuing to hold his face away from yours, “...Can I have another one?”
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Hi Beans, I’m finally here. Diluting the sad with fun and very OOC.
I don’t really have a lot of ideas about what to write, but I remembered that I shared my idea of Es with the chivalrous Argenti's personality. So. AU in a vacuum (maybe an actors AU, maybe not), where Es thought that it would be funny to surprise the prisoners with the behavior of a knight(maybe Jackalope came up with that idea, maybe just strange sense of humor). What about the prisoners' reactions? (gallantry and compliments to plants attached) I think Mahiru would have joined the drive even if she didn’t really understand what happened. Fuuta would probably say "ugh, cringe" and that would make him a great target for the rest of the day.
YESS ahahaha, this is such a fun idea! I wrote a little scene with a few characters, but honestly it's hysterical picturing any of them trying to figure out how to react to this new and sparkling Es... I went for a version where not even Jackalope was prepared, but I can certainly see him suggesting something crazy like that to shake things up omg. Thank you so much for the request! The original meme was made by Mug, and I couldn't help but do a doodle myself ✨🌹
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Amane was the first to witness it. She fled as soon as possible, finding sanctuary in the common room. The others were surprised as she stumbled in, face pale and eyes wide. Very little could frighten the girl; it was not a good sign.
Yuno moved to comfort her. “What’s wrong?” 
Her eyes went distant with the harrowing memory. “It’s Es,” was all she said. 
“Did they do something cruel?”
“No. Worse.” Amane shivered. “They were… nice.”
“They were what?”
Amane opened her mouth, but paused at the sound of heels clicking down the hallway. 
She stiffened. “If you need me you can find me in my cell.” She disappeared as quickly as she came. The others, who had been listening in on the odd conversation, gaped after her. They tried to piece together what had been so unsettling. Still, Es’ boots approached. 
All eyes landed on the doorway. 
And Es appeared. They looked very normal. Jackalope hopped up behind them. All shoulders sagged in relief. Es surveyed the room, slightly surprised to find everyone staring. 
Then, they smiled. 
It was a genuine, bright smile. The blue-gray of their eyes sparkled with a new light. Their lips parted to release a lighthearted laugh, unlike anything the prisoners had heard from them before.
They glided through the room, heels clicking lightly behind them until they came to Muu. The others stood frozen in place.
Es swept their cape aside with a grand flourish of their arm. They held both her hand and her gaze with warmth.
“Why, hello, Muu! You’re looking as positively lovely as always. Has this fine morning treated you well?”
“Um…” She looked to everyone, her face pleading for a little guidance. They were too busy looking eagerly to her in astonishment. “Uh… yes?”
“I’m pleased to hear it.” They reached behind themself. The room let out a soft gasp as they produced a pale pink flower from underneath their cape.
“For you, my dear.”
They didn’t wait for her to finish stuttering a confused ‘thank you’ before they turned to whoever was standing closest. Mahiru’s own face lit up as Es turned their glimmering gaze her way. Fuuta scoffed, muttering something about this being the lamest, cringiest thing he’d witnessed. Es pretended not to hear.
“Shiina Mahiru… a smile like yours is rare to find in a place like this. I thank you for it.” They pinched their chin and angled their head, thinking. “The meaning of your name has to do with light, correct?” 
She nodded, unable to keep the giddiness from her face. The others watched as Es moved their glove behind once more. Surely there was no room for any more flowers hidden there…
Surely they were all mistaken – Es flicked their wrist to present a small gathering of yellow blooms.
“Something radiant for someone as bright as you.”
She fell over herself with gratitude and giggles. She tried to tuck it into her hair, and Mikoto stepped over to help her. The pair raised their eyebrows at each other in disbelief. 
This time, Es retrieved their gift before turning to their next victim. A classic red rose. They caught a prisoner’s gaze. 
“Oh, no. Nope. No way.” Fuuta held up his hands, as if it could ward them off. “I don’t want your stupid-ass flowers.” 
“Now, now, I see you’re playing hard to get, as usual.” They brushed their thumb along the thorny stem. “You know, the rose has a very similar approach.”
Fuuta’s face now matched the flower’s color. “Wha–” He stumbled backward, then took off running to the door. “I don’t know what weird mind games you’re trying to pull, but I’m staying out of it!” 
Es only clicked their tongue gently when he disappeared. “Always making things difficult, that one. All part of his charm, I suppose.” 
They followed to the entrance. Turning briefly, they flashed their smile once more.“It was wonderful to see you all! I will await our next meeting eagerly.” 
With a fluttery wave, they vanished. 
Everyone’s attention shot to Jackalope, who had paused in the doorway. No one could understand his voice, but his little rabbit face seemed to say, Hey, don't look at me. I have no fucking idea.
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In Defense of Ben during the Ultimate Kevin arc
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A lot of people have complained about this arc from Ultimate Alien for years. There’s been discourse about whether Ben was OOC for wanting to kill Kevin. Some have called Ben a sociopath or claimed he wanted to kill him because Kevin upstaged him as the hero against Aggregor. While Gwen’s faith in Kevin was what ultimately saved the day, Ben’s anger towards Kevin was not out of jealousy and sociopathy but from a place of hurt from Kevin “betraying” him.
For starters, let’s look back at the OS. Ben befriended Kevin during his debut and knew him more personally than Gwen did. That friendship ended when Kevin was willing to crash a train full of people and showed Ben what he could become had he kept letting his selfishness control him. Despite that, Ben still tried to offer him help but Kevin blew it by trying to take the Omnitrix. Kevin would end up trying to frame Ben for his crimes and teaming up with Vilgax to take the Omnitrix again.
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Years later, Kevin was in a healthier state of mind after training with Kwarrel to control his powers. He came across Ben again in Ben 10 Returns and briefly tried to take revenge. He ended up joining the team for selfish reasons but after Labrid’s death, decided to stay as a promise to Labrid, this time accepting a second chance from Ben. The two would slowly trust each other despite rough bumps like Kevin stealing the Rustbucket or Ben mutating him by hacking the Omnitrix. By the time of Ultimate Alien, Ben considered him the brother he never had and Kevin was thankful for being given another chance.
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So when Kevin absorbed the ultimatrix to stop Aggregor, to Ben it was a betrayal after all they had been through. In Nor Iron Bars a Cage, Ben insists that Kevin “made his choice” and seems more hurt than Gwen as he had to see the same thing happen beforehand. Kevin was back to being the monster who haunted him in his worst nightmares as a child. You know what this reminds me a bit of? Raven and Terra’s dynamic in Teen Titans which ironically was also produced by Glen Murakami. Raven also had a difficult time trusting Terra at the start but eventually considered her a friend which is why she was furious at the betrayal.
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Was Raven a monster or sociopath for believing Terra was evil and beyond redemption? No, she had a difficulty trusting people because of her upbringing and was proven wrong by Beast Boy but her anger was justified. Ben also was implied to have few friends in the OS which is why Gwen and later Kevin became as important to him as they are. I sympathize with Terra and Kevin, but Raven and Ben weren’t evil for wanting to stop them either. Ben didn’t want to kill Kevin either. Believing you have to do something isn’t the same as wanting to do it. He had tried to do things the “Ben” way against Aggregor and kept falling flat on his face. He admits during his talk with Max in the car that he doesn’t want to do this but feels he has to. Plus does this look like a bloodthirsty sociopath who just wants to kill his friend out of jealousy?
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Ben made a mistake here and was not presented as being in the right by the narrative. He beat up Vulkanus and the Forever Knights for information and was acting very harsh and aggressive towards Gwen. However, he was convinced that he needed to be this way after letting fame get to his head and Aggregor nearly taking over the universe. Gwen was ultimately proven right and Kevin was able to stop himself from killing her, but Ben didn’t see that due to being knocked out and the next time he saw Kevin, he was trying to kill Alan, making his anger a lot more reasonable. If you don’t like how he acted during this arc, that’s fine, but it wasn’t out of a jealous bloodlust or sociopathy but understandable feelings of betrayal and blaming himself for not being able to stop Aggregor. By the time of OV, Ben has learned this lesson and accepts he can’t beat himself up over failure when he forgives himself for losing feedback, all he can do is try and move forward and be the best hero he can. His whole arc in Ultimate Alien was accepting he can’t be in control. He stopped himself from killing Kevin, accepted having to die to free the Ultimates and gave up the power of Dagon after being tempted to remake the universe in his image.
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cerisetial · 1 year
making cookies with my love, i stir and mix! ft. xiao, albedo and kaveh!!
gn! reader
note :: not danganronpa or mystic messenger related but, genshin related (cause i'm ar59 who loves this game so much but is too scared to write for it)
alright. i'm very much in love with xiao, albedo and kaveh so this'll be about them!! also i literally JUST made chocolate chip cookies (i'll put a picture in a bit, they don't look TOO good though so don't get your hopes up 😭)
warnings! :: none, i think? oh right, might be ooc (most likely ooc but i'm doing my best TvT)
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baking is a bit similar to his experiments
you mix certain compounds together and then the results can change depending on what exactly it is you've mixed together
so he kind of has a basic gist of baking. it's similar to what he does but just edible
would gladly assist you in baking if ever you are and he has time
you can trust him with measurements and he's quite precise about them, not a single gram over or under everything is perfectly measured out
says that even a small miss up could alter the whole thing
you two are making a cake :D
he'll let you handle frosting whilst he can handle the batter! as for the design, both of you are in charge of that
you two get to work and things go by very smoothly, hence why you're not really surprised when the cake comes out smelling and looking really tasty from the oven
you both leave it to cool for a while before getting yo work on the exterior features
albedo is an artist, so that combined with having you there giving him a good amount of inspiration and motivation makes the cake turn out super well
he's a sweet tooth confirmed. he'd cut a slice out for you and feed it to you, happy to see the sparkly look in your eyes accompanied with a "this tastes great, bedo!"
would share some with the knights, and leave some for you guys to eat together
10/10 baking partner, very helpful and is just so!! skilled!!!
"i'm glad that you like it. i was a bit worried that i might have messed up somewhere. oh? you'd... like to feed me? well, i don't see a reason to refuse"
he's... not the worst in the kitchen. he can cook a few meals, not a lot of great ones, but good enough ones. however cooking and baking are two different things, and is he good at baking? yeahhhh— no. nuh uh.
he is a wreck in the kitchen when baking. the place is messy, everything's all over the place, did he put sugar, or salt in the batter? oh great, start over. anddd there's an angry alhaitham complaining about the mess
so when it comes to baking, whether you're good at it or not (but for the sake of these headcanons you'll be a good baker), you'll have to take charge
gotta give him some credit though, he's a very enthusiastic helper! if you're handling the heavy lifting, aka actually doing the baking, he'll handle the clean up like washing the dishes, wiping the tables and equipment as well as putting things back in their places
he'll enjoy watching you whilst you work, looking at you with that sickeningly sweet lovestruck look in his eyes
he'll wrap his arms around your waist as you move all over the place, talking about anything that comes to mind or anything about what you're baking
you're making sugar cookies with royal icing btw just cause i said so
now he may not have been a huge help with the actual baking process, but he can lend assistance with the designing! he's quite careful with his handiwork (he's an architect) so you'll have no problems about him producing anything terrible
he'll look very focused when he starts icing the cookies, his tongue poking out between his lips as he carefully coats each cookie with an adequate amount of icing and starts styling
in the end you two have a plate of gorgeous sugar cookies that kaveh begrudgingly shares with alhaitham (cause you made him share)
would ask you how it tastes and use the same old "you have some icing on your lip" excuse to give you a kiss and then ask you again how it tastes
overall, wreck in the kitchen but does his best to help <3 cutie, i want him c6 c'mon hoyoverse give me a chance please
"mhmm mhm! these taste great, you did so well, love! huh? share these with him? could i not? ... fine."
he would have no clue what baking is
nor would he know how to bake
all he really eats is almond tofu so, it makes sense why he wouldn't really be interested in baking
until he spots you in the kitchen of wangshu inn making— mixing??
usually he'd just leave you alone but, even adepti can be curious every now and then right? so he carefully approaches you as to not disturb you
he sees batter, and you mixing it, before putting it down and turning around to see him
kind of embarrassed you saw him but he makes no move of leaving and only asks what you're up to, to which you reply you're baking :D
you'll need to explain to him what exactly baking is before anything else though cause he has no idea what that is
but once he knows he volunteers to help, albeit he has 0 idea what to do so he'll just let you tell him what it is you need him to do for you!
needs a bit (a lot) of guidance but in the end things go by rather smoothly
you guys made regular chocolate chip cookies cause those always taste yummy :)
as mentioned earlier, the only food he ever really eats is almond tofu, so it might take a bit of convincing to get him to try out the cookies you made together
but when he does try them after a lot of convincing, he's pleasantly surprised! it tastes really airy and chewy, has a light crisp on the outside, the chocolate is sweet but the salt balances it out to make not be unbearably sweet
overall he really likes the experience. baking with you feels quite domestic, and he may not know what exactly to do but with just the right amount of guidance he's a great partner in the kitchen
"this... tastes quite good. hm? would i consider eating more of this if you ever made more? ... perhaps"
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will i ever write for genshin again? i honestly don't know, but i'm willing to give it a try depending on how well this post will do sooo! likes and reblogs will be a THOUSAND percent appreciated <3! also i have like 5 drafts and i should really start on them soon hahaha
stay safe and healthy always, my stars!
— cerise
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judas-n-mella · 2 months
Yo, yo, yo! Nice to meet ya’ll! Our names are Judas and Mella
We’re indie music producers who want to make it big, and spread our tunes to every nook and cranny of the realm!
Here, we’ll post little moments of our life in Knighton, whether that be WIPs of new song lyrics or any random shenanigans that we might get ourselves into
Here’s a little something about us—
Judas🤎☕️- They/She/He: I Grew Up in a small village outside of Knighton. My parents almost always argued about what they wanted me to be, and their ideas always clashed against each other, and I was stuck in the middle, never even getting the chance to speak my mind and chose what I wanted to be. It also didn’t help that I was born intersex, and my parents choosing where or when I would be a boy or a girl. So, as soon as I became eighteen, I moved out and into the capital of Knighton, Knightonia! I started writing little poems and lyrics to vent out my frustrations, and eventually started writing full length songs and stories! I’m now proud of who I am and I want to show the rest of the kingdom of Knighton that they can be whatever they want to be, and to not let anyone tell them otherwise~
Mella ToneInn🩷🍓- She/They: Hello, hello! I’m a squirebot who was made to tend to the students at the Knights academy, specifically the more restless ones. After a rather unpleasant incident that left my main core mechanism, two tiny spray dispensers that would spray a soothing melatonin-like substance, practically useless, I was no longer of use at the academy and reluctantly let go. I was no longer able to do what I was built for(which is extremely frustrating, especially if you’re a robot). However, after a while of being homeless, I was lucky enough to be found by Judas, who gladly took me in. They taught nme the I don’t need to be restricted by my original code and that I can do whatever I put my mind to… and I want to help anyone, whether they be made of metal or flesh, recognize that!
We’re so happy to be here and we hope you enjoy your stay~
[OOC— Roleplay/ask Blog for my Nexo Knights ocs! I’ll mostly post silly story and art stuff related to them here. Hope you enjoy! Main blog is @xzbat-loverzx ]
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sakumz · 2 years
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 ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ s. rei x fem reader ]
tw❗: none, slight ooc
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" sakuma-senpai! it's weird to be asking you this, but have you seen onee-sama anywhere?! " the young red knight asked frantically as he caught sight of rei walking by the hallways.
" no, not really. I'll have her know, you're looking for her if I catch her though, " rei replies showing his fangs with his smile. the young boy thanked him as he ran back to knights practice room.
rei smiled as he looked off to where tsukasa left, it's a cute sight to see one of the young hardworking idols doing their things. rei hopes the best for knights knowing his beloved brother is in there. rei continues walking towards the light music club room. opening up his lovely coffin to the prettiest sight of a young maiden sleeping in. confusion is what rei felt but he can't help but feel warmth seeing her sleep. imaging things a lover could see if they were. he'd like to wake up to her by his side too.
rei fished out his phone from his pocket, to take a quick photo of her. when she heard the sound of the camera and flash, she quickly jolted up from her sleep.
" well, you're up early, " she greeted as she caught the man.
" good morning beautiful, " he smiles to which she shot a glare for waking her up.
" sorry, a little red knight did pop out to find you, ya know. aren't you gonna do something about it? " rei asked, giving her hair a little ruffle.
" oh my! knights practice! gotta go, " she got up and left, leaving the old vampire alone with his thoughts. he should've offered some company, huh. less she'll be lonely till knights room at least. rei sighs as he caught sight of her phone on his coffin. she left without checking for her missing belongings, it seems.
rei decides maybe he'll drop by to deliver his sweet maiden, her phone. he doesn't have anything afterall. he could offer to walk home after too where he'll confess his undying love as the moon shines upon both of them. how romantic isn't it?
After his walk to knights room, he knocks and is greeted by tsukasa opening the door. there he sees her on the floor with his cute brother on her lap as izumi scolds her for being late and not answering her phone. all attention was turned to the door not long after.
" what brings you here, sakuma? " izumi asked from where he was as tsukasa opens the door wider to let him in.
" tch, anija if you're here to bother me. go away~ knights has better things to do you know... " ritsu trails off as he snuggles closer to her.
" funny you say that but today im here for your lovely producer, she left something " rei shows off her phone, leaving her in shock.
" knew I was missing something, " she says as she open her palms out for rei to drop her phone in. rei returns after saying he'll meet her by the gates after practice.
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gentaro-kinniecom · 2 years
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"I love you my dearest~!"
⇨Pairing: Arashi Narukami/gn!reader
⇨Cw: None! A bit of jealousy if you squint, ooc(?)
⇨A/n: Happy Sunday~! I love her sm <333 This was slightly rushed so I apologize for any mistakes or anything <33.
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Producing for Knights was no easy task, however, you were glad to be friends with Arashi and Izumi. After all, you three were in the same modeling company when you were children. It all seemed fun at first, helping your friends out with their schedules, songs and even performances, but then, the war occurred, and Leo went missing for almost a week. Until Sena got to the bottom of what was really going on. Beyond everything, knights' were still together, united as a group. Therefore, things shouldn't be that complicated, right?
"Where's Leo? He's late, again"
"The last time I saw him was in the gardens doing god knows what." Y/n sighed, knowing he probably got caught up in a writer's block. To your surprise, Arashi insisted on going with you, which was common in the daily so they didn't mind.
"Looks like Mama already beat us to it." She pointed towards Madara who seemed concerned as he watched Leo sleep, thinking he passed out or had fallen from the tree...once again. As soon as he noticed you, a smile appeared, waving as they approached him.
"Good morning Madara! I see you found Leo as well" Y/n greeted him as Madara rubbed the back of his neck
"Good morning to you too!! I was just on my way back from rehearsal when I saw Tsukinaga, perhaps he's just sleeping but i got worried like any mama would~" They laughed, continuing the conversation with him as Arashi carried Leo in a bridal style, not bearing to look at the scene in front of her. Madara was clearly flirting with her crush, that he was well aware of.
"Ehem...I think it's time to leave y/n-chan~, Izumi-chan is going to go livid if we don't arrive on time~"
"Oh right! Bye Madara!" They waved goodbye as he smiled, on the other hand, Arashi looked at him with a stare that meant he was probably dead to her. He laughed nervously, turning to leave as soon as they were out of sight
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"You know I like them! Why were you hitting on them yesterday?!" She sighed, arms crossed as he sat across from her. He didn't want to tell her how he truly felt about y/n, Madara knew for months about her crush on her producer and childhood best friend, yet he couldn't help but feel guilty about the scene occurred yesterday
"I know, I was just playin' around, mama would never do something to hurt ya" He was partially right about that, but Arashi felt hurt by one of the people she trusts so much
"You're right, I'm honestly scared of losing them you know. But enough of that! I'm going to practice, see you later mama!"
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Days passed after that event and she swore things would settle down, oh how very wrong she was. Her worst fear came to a reality, as she watched how Madara wrapped an arm around their waist. Arashi couldn't hold it in any longer, she had to confess her love, she didn't want to lose them to the one person she thought was her friend. Calmly approaching them, Arashi swiftly took his arm off y/n's waist, smiling as she linked her arm with theirs
"Y/n darling I need to have a word with you~" Giggling softly, Arashi gently took them away from Mikejima, her smile no where to be found as she pushed them against a wall.
"You know, I usually don't act like this but, i hate to admit how I'm currently feeling.." With that, Arashi pulled them closer, kissing their lips. They softly kissed her back almost eagerly. Parting away, she smiled, pressing her forehead against yours.
"I've liked you for a while and watching you with Madara made me feel...jealous? I've never felt that way before" She shyly spoke, contrary to how she acted a few minutes ago. Y/n placed their hands on her waist, pulling her even closer.
"I like you too...I'm glad the feeling is mutual~" Hey eyes suddenly widened, a slight blush appearing on her cheeks
"Wait so you don't like Mama? I thought-"
"Of course not! He was just-, nevermind, how about we go out for some ice cream, hm?" Arashi nodded, giving them one last kiss, intertwining their fingers together.
"I love you my dearest~!"
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marblesphere · 2 years
Ensemble Stars Knights x Reader
I just recently got hooked by Knights🤣. Have known the existence of ES long time ago. But didn't properly watch it nor play it. So, here I am after listening on Knight Escort (stage play's original song) on repeat. This happened.
!!Warning!! I hope the character won't be too ooc.
Yumenosaki Academy…
A prestigious school where idols, especially male idols are cultivated. It is a sister school of Kimisaki Academy, another prestigious school that cultivated female idols. 
And here I am, just a normal 15 years old student of Kimisaki Academy. The very same school that is famous for its idol course. And no, I am not in the idol course. I am very bad with attention. Just being Kimisaki's student is already standing out enough. 
But today, I came all the way to the Yumenosaki Academy. It's because my cousin, Anzu, that clumsy and forgetful girl forgot her important documents that were labeled DreFes in my house. I bet she is panicking right now. And now, I also lost miserably somewhere in this school. 
While general public was not allowed to enter this school. Our school idol course student council president has made an arrangement for my errand. She gave me some file to be delivered to Yumenosaki's student council president. And so here I am, wearing an id pass tag and marvelously lost in this maze called school.
I can only say the students here is way more chaotic than what Anzu has described to me. I actually remember one time where I met someone that I assumed was from the idol department in a park. He almost vandalised the park bench due to not having enough space to write down his inspiration. I quickly offered pieces of blank paper before his marker touched the bench he was sitting on. After giving some blank papers… Well, I left him alone of course.
"Ummm…." I looked at the nice green nature landscape in front of me. "Where am I?" I sweatdropped. I wander aimlessly trying to get back to the front gate. Hoping a security guard will help me to find at least student council office. "Bwaaah!" I tripped and fell flat on my face. 
I look at the source of my disaster…. A sleeping student. "Mmmn…" He groaned a little and opened his eyes hazily.
"So-sorry." I quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to trip on you."
"...zzzzz…" He closed his eyes again and resumed sleeping.
"Eeeehhh?" I sweatdropped. 'He is not angry, right? Then, can I go now? But I don't know where to?!'
"Ritsu-senpai!!!!" While I was agonizing in my own mind, a loud voice called, startling me. "Ritsu-senpai!!! I found you!!!! Let's go to our lesson now!!!" A red haired boy frowned at the ravenette.
"Hm?" The ravenette cracked open his eye and closed it again. "It's just you, Suu-chan."
"It's not 'It's just you', senpai. Let's practice. We need to practice for the upcoming DreFes."
"But I am sleepy."
I look at their bickering back and forth. They might have not noticed me yet, or ignored me completely. The red haired boy is trying to lift the ravenette. I can tell the ravenette truly leans his whole weight on his kouhai and unconsciously let out a small giggle.
The two of them suddenly turn their heads to me. "Ah! I am sorry, I didn't mean to…" I quickly shook my head, apologizing for my rudeness.
"Senpai, you can't just drag some random student as your pillow." 
"You are so loud, Suu-chan." Ravenette yawned.
"Oh no. He didn't do anything for me. On the contrary, I was the one who tripped on him and disturbed his sleep."
"Is that so? By the way, you are not from our school… That uniform…"
"Ah, I am from Kimisaki Academy. I came here for official business and have been granted permission from your president." I bowed. "By the way… do you know Anzu? She is from the producer class. I have something to give to her but then I get lost." I rambled.
"Anzu-san? I think she will be with Trickstar. Usually in their classroom."
"Could you please tell me where to go. I sort of got lost." I smiled shyly..
"Let me guide you there." Suu-chan-san smiled. 
"Then I will continue sleeping."
"You can just tell me where to go from here." I added. "You are having practice lesson, aren't you?"
"We can't just let someone in need alone. It will be a stain for Knights. I will safely guide you to Anzu-san." He flashed me a knight smile.
'Too bright. He is too bright.' So, in the end the two of us dragged the sleeping ravenette throughout our search, reason being, ravenette would hide away again if he was left alone. To spare another effort tracking him, Tsu-chan-san whose name I learned is Suou Tsukasa-san and I are basically literally dragging his sleepy senpai, Sakuma Ritsu-san with us, with his two arms on each of us.
Suou-san was against it from the start, but I reasoned since I made him forgo his duties in bringing his senpai to practice it's only fair if I help, and then he reluctantly agreed. 
"We finally found you guys, Kasa-kun, Kuma-kun." Another voice yelled, making me flinch.
"Izumi-senpai and Narukami-senpai." Suou-san waved to his senpais.
"I sent you to fetch Kuma-kun, not to join him." The grey haired idol glared.
"It's not his fault." I quickly spoke up, afraid he will misunderstood.
"Who are you?"
"My my, what a cute girl." The blonde haired one spoke in feminine speech. "Tsukasa-chan, why are you making girls helping you with heavy loads? That's so unknightly." He frowned.
"Sorry. I-"
"Ah, please don't blame him. It's all my fault." I said again, directing their attention to me. Then I quickly explain to them what has happened.
"I see. You were searching for Anzu-chan. Then stumbling on sleeping Ritsu-chan. And then Tsukasa-chan helped you in your quest, but afraid Ritsu-chan will hide away again, so the two of you dragged him everywhere." Blonde senpai summed it all up.
"Yes. So please don't blame him."
"Oh no no. Of course not." He quickly assured me.
"You should at least tell us first, Kasa-kun."
"Sorry, senpai." Suou-san smiled apologetically.
"So, did you find Anzu-chan?"
"No, not yet. We didn't find her at her classroom nor Trickstar." Suou-san shook his head.
"Why didn't you just call her?" Gray haired senpai rolled his eyes.
"I did. She didn't pick it up at all." I answered. "I think she might have left her phone some-kyaa!!" My knees buckled down to the hard unforgiving ground due to unaccountable surprise additional weight from Sakuma-san. 'Since when he shifted his weight to me?'
"Ritsu-senpai!!" Suou-san gasped at the sight of his senpai who leaning his whole weight on fallen me. I am basically in kneeling position, trying holding up sleepy Sakuma-san.
"You smell nice…like the sun…" He nuzzled his cheek to mine, making me freeze on the spot. "So this is what they call sleeping under the sun." He hummed, exhaling a content sigh. "Sun usually drains my energy, but you don't." He murmured. "Hey, become my pillow." His red eyes bore into mine. I can feel heat rapidly rising to my head.
"Ritsu-senpai/Ritsu-chan/Kuma-kun." They pried the clingy ravenette off of me, all the while struggling. 
"Are you okay?" Blonde senpai held his hand out for me.
"Ah, thank you." I gratefully grabbed his offered hand as he pulled me up.
"Ara ma, you are hurt." He commented.
"Ah?" I looked down at my knee. The left knee is indeed bleeding a little. "It's just small wound. Nothing to worry ab-!!!!" I yelped a soundless scream as Sakuma-san who suddenly freed himself from the other two latched himself onto my legs, tongue licking my wound.
"As a vampire my saliva has healing properties." Sakuma-san explained?
"...Vampire…?" I tilted my head.
"It's unsanitary." Blonde senpai scolded. "I have a band-aid." He pulled out one from his pocket.
"Narukami-senpai." Suou-san handed him a handkerchief.
"Thank you." Blonde senpai, who I now know as Narukami-san, suddenly knelt down.
"Ah! You don't need to do that!!!! Let me do it myself!!!" I shied away.
"Hush now! A princess should be taken care of by her knights." He winked.
"Either you stand still or we drag you to the infirmary." Gray senpai, or should be Izumi-san glared.
"Let's take her to the infirmary to properly disinfect her wound." Suou-san voiced.
"Hmm… we should probably do that." Narukami-san remarked. "Izumi-chan."
"Well, it's Kuma-kun's fault in the first place." Izumi-san suddenly swooped me in his arms.
"I-Izumi-san!!! I can walk by myself!!!!" I shrieked, struggling in his arms.
"Don't struggle too much or I will drop you." His intimidating glare quickly shut me up.
"So…sorry…" I responded meekly. I try to still my body as much as I can. 
"Izumi-chan, don't scare the princess. It's so unknightly." Narukami-san sighed.
"Shut up. Kuma-kun should be the one doing this anyway."
"Well, Ritsu-chan is in that kind of state." He referred to Sakuma-san who is being supported by Suou-san.
Arriving in the infirmary, my tiny wound was properly disinfected and put on a band aid.
"Well then, we will take Ritsu-chan back with us first. Tsukasa-chan, help her to find Anzu-chan, okay."
"Yes, Narukami-senpai."
"My pillow…"
"Let's go back, Kuma-kun."
After a round trip around the whole department. We finally find Anzu who is back in her class and is practically turning her backpack upside down to search for her forgotten document. "Anzu." I called.
"Here." I held out her labeled important and confidential brown envelope. "You forgot it at my house."
"Rai-chan!!!" She tackled me down. "Thank you very much!!! You are my lifesaver!!" She cried. 
"Hai hai." I patted her head. Anzu then recomposed herself when she saw Suou-san with me.
"Why are you with Suou-kun?"
"He helped me search for you. Because someone didn't pick her phone up."
"Urk… sorry." She hung her head low.
"Producer-san!!!!" An energetic voice called while skidding to a stop in front of us.
"Did you find it?"
"Yes. It's right here." She showed him the envelope.
"That's good." He sighed in relief.
"I still have an errand to do. I will see you later, Anzu." I bid her goodbye.
"Ah, are you going home now?" Anzu asked.
"No. I have to give some important documents to Yumenosaki's president."
"Then, I will accompany you there." Anzu offered.
"That would be helpful." I nodded. "Thank you for accompanying me, Suou-san." I bowed to him.
"It's my pleasure." He did a knight bow.
'It's a real knight…' I looked at him dazedly. I was snapped back by Anzu's subtle nudge. "A…ah… well then, goodbye." I bowed 90 degrees and dashed away with Anzu in tow. 'How dangerous.' I shook my head to clear the rushing blood. 
"Hoho. Do you remember your childhood dream about being a handsome knight's bride?" Anzu grinned.
"Shu-shut up." I glared.
"Suou-kun is a model of a textbook knight." She added.
"Ahahha. You better tell me all of your adventures leading to finding me." She grinned.
Just like Anzu has said… my childhood dream is to be a handsome knight's bride. But I suppose, studying in Kimisaki Academy, a prestigious all girl school, my dream is doomed to be only an impossible dream. Well, I suppose no real knight in modern times anyway. It already has no future from the start. But then… my mind flashed to them again…
"Ah?" I snapped back to reality.
"What do you mean 'ah?' We have arrived in student council office. Don't tell me you were dreaming about Knights again." 
"Yes. Those idols who were with you. They are from idol unit called Knights. Perfectly to your taste. You should have transfer here anyway and you can fulfill your desire of being handsome knight's bride."
"Please don't cause ruckus in front of student council office." A hard voice said and a glare was sent to us.
"Sorry, vice president. Rai-chan is on errand from her school."
"You are…"
"Oya? Are you the errand girl from Kimisaki Academy?" A platinum blonde senpai smiled.
"Yes. I am Hisaki Raika, as per Yumemi-chan, I mean President Tachibana's order. I am here to give you this." I presented a brown file holder to him.
"Understood. I am Yumenosaki Academy student council president, Tenshouin Eichi. Thank you for coming all the way here to deliver this."
"No. It's no problem at all."
"Since you have come here. I will have Anzu-san guide you around. You two seem to be acquainted already. And I might need some time to read this and make a reply." He smiled.
"Please take your time, president."
"Anzu-san, is that alright with you. If you are too busy, I can ask a student council's member to undertake this task."
"Please leave it to me, President. Rai-chan is my cousin. And I think it's nice to have outside input for the upcoming DreFes. Just like what she did for Tanabata Festival."
"Indeed. This is a good opportunity. Well then, I will leave it to you." President smiled.
And so, the tour begins. "...and this is…"
"Ahahaha!!! I can feel the inspiration bursting forth!!!" 
"That person is…"
"You know Tsukinaga-senpai?" Anzu blinked.
"No. But I met him once in a park. He was about to vandalize a park bench while having inspiration. That's why I offered some blank papers to him."
"I see. That person is the leader of Knights."
"Eh? Is that true?"
"Yes. Hard to believe, right? He looks like that, yet he is the one who made Knights and its concept." Anzu laughed.
"...But, Knights is having practice lesson… Why is he here alone?" I mused.
"Tsukinaga-senpai… has a habit of wandering around. I heard he took a leave from school right after he made Knights in favor of travelling the world and met some aliens."
"Eh? Eeehh??!!! Alien?!"
"Yep. But his composing ability is undoubtedly prodigy level."
"I see… Amazing…"
"Tsukinaga-senpai!!!!" Anzu suddenly yelled.
"Let's go." Anzu pulled me along with her.
"Tsukinaga-senpai, Knights is having practice, why are you here?"
"Oh, Anzu. I am bursting with inspiration. I better write it down before I forgot." Tsukinaga-san replied.
"But you will get scolded by student council for vandalizing school properties." Anzu reasoned calmly. Now I am certain he does this daily.
"Ano… if it's okay with you, you can write them here." I pulled out some blank papers from my messenger back and a pen.
"Hmm… you are…" He squinted his eyes. "Ah! You are that paper girl."
"Tsukinaga-senpai. Her name is Raika."
"Then, Raika it is." His eyes suddenly widened. "It comes again!!!! New inspiration!!!" He grabbed the papers and started writing down his inspiration.
Right after we finished touring, a member of the student council, Isara Mao-san, came to get us back in the office. "Hisaki-san, do you know what kind of proposal your president sent to me?"
"I…am not sure… ?"
"Fufu. Your president is making a very interesting proposal."
"Is that so…? And this somehow involved me?" I blinked.
"More or less." He laughed softly. "She proposed a limited time to exchange students. Each of our school will send one representative as an exchange student and will become a student of the said school. This is a very interesting idea and a good opportunity to reconnect with sister school. We can also learn and expand our knowledge. Apparently she has chosen the candidate from Kimisaki Academy."
"...Knowing how our president is… she might have chosen me."
"President Tachibana really favor me for some reason. But… I am not from an idol course. I don't have the qualifications to be a candidate. I must respectfully decline."
"Normally that would be the case. But, just like Anzu-san has said. Input from the general public is important. Considering how our school is made up of idols, this is quite difficult to achieve. The regular courses are more or less also influenced by the school system. So, a new opinion from someone who isn't influenced by the school system is extremely valuable. In other words, you are a perfect candidate."
"Let's give it a try." Anzu quipped. "I am excited to be in the same school with you again. Even though it's only for 1 month."
As I opened my mouth to answer, my phone vibrates, indicating a new message. "Please excuse me." I unlocked my phone and saw a message from Yumemi-san.
"I have gotten the approval and stamp from the principal."
"What's wrong?" Anzu inquired.
"Yumemi-san has already gotten the approval from our headmaster."
"Fufufu. She is quick to do something. What's your decision, Hisaki-san?"
"Understood. I will gratefully accept the offer. Please take care of me." I bowed.
"Marvelous. I will arrange your transfer to Anzu-san's class."
"Thank you very much." And so, it begins my one months stay as an exchange student. ~"~
The news travels fast. A lot of students have known about the exchange student and hound me every chance they get. More specifically asking about Kimisaki Academy. So, I am running away hiding from them. I just feel a little overwhelmed. I have been hiding away in one of the many rooms in this school. I just hope I didn't intrude the user.
The room is dark, the windows and binda have been closed, preventing sunlight from coming in. I have been hiding here for 15 minutes. I guess it's time to go back to my class or Anzu.
"Mmn.." My heart leapt to my throat when I heard a voice.
'Some…someone is here!!!!' My eyes met a pair of a familiar red eyes. "Sa-Sakuma-san?!" I whispered.
"...My pillow…" He wobbly walked to me.
"W-wait, Sakuma-san."
"Nope. My pillow is back." He leaned his weight to me again, head on the crook of my neck. "And call me Ritsu. I don't like my last name that much."
"Then, Ritsu-san, the sofa over there is much more comfortable than me." I slid down due to his weight.
"You are much more comfortable." He wrapped his hands around me, enough to prevent me from escaping.
"Ritsu-san… I still have lessons."
"...zzzz…." I sighed helplessly. "I should probably tell Anzu." I quickly texted Anzu and asked for help. I got her reply few moments later. "No worries. Reinforcement is on the way."
While waiting for the reinforcement, I somehow manage to move away from the door onto the sofa legs. "Raika-chan!/Kuma-kun!/Hisaki-san!/Rittsu!" The door opened with a bang, startling me greatly.
"Don't be too loud… I was just about to doze off." Ritsu-san complained as he held me tighter.
"Ritsu-chan. Raika-chan still has her class. You can't hog her." Narukami-san scolded.
"Oh! Inspiration!!!" Tsukinaga-san suddenly yelled and started writing on the floor.
"Ritsu-senpai, we have our own practice." Suou-san frowned.
"No… My pillow will run away if I let go." He whined.
"...umm… I promise I will come to see you practice after school is over. So, can you let me go for now?" I tried to compromise.
"Yes. I promise." I showed him my pinkie.
"Okay… then I will come get you after school." We hooked our pinkie. And he then very reluctantly pried himself off me with great difficulty. They look amazed at what is transpiring.
"Raika-chan. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Narukami-san smiled excitedly.
"Ah, yes." In short, Narukami-san wanted me to present in every of their practices so Ritsu-san would also participate. I don't really mind and Anzu is also okay with that. She also sent me a knowing smirk. ~"~
So, I have been spending a lot of time with them after school. Arashi-san ah, Arashi-neesan promised Ritsu-san a 15 minute cuddling session with me after practice. Of course if they practice until late night, it will be done before I have to go home.
I have also gotten closer to the point I call them with their first name, with honorifics of course. And well, it seems like Leo-san also likes to join our 15 minutes break because he said he is always overflowing with inspiration when he is near me. I somehow become his muse or something along that line.
Sena-san is like a mother hen that keeps nagging me to do my homework when they are practicing and he also helped to tutor me along with Tsukasa-san and Arashi-neesan. Sometimes they also offered to walk me home, but I declined because they have just finished practice and need to rest. And as a compromise I will have to have the call on right until I arrive home. They are a bunch of protective and worrywart knights.
And seeing them like this also brings me some inspiration. I… am secretly composing a song, about knights who brought their princess to a party as an escort. No no no, I didn't imagine myself as their princess at all… well, maybe a little bit… and… I might also be crushing on them hard. And I will definitely not say that outloud. I mean, saying I like 5 of them. I will come out as bitch. No matter how I see it, I am a bitch. So, this is forever my secret.
"So, which one do you like the most?" Anzu casually asked me as we were eating in a certain cafe in our town. I choke on the tea I am drinking.
"Are you alright?" She offered me a napkin. I take it and wipe any excess of the tea.
"Why are you asking that kind of question?" 
"Because your dream is to be a handsome knight's bride. So I am curious as to who will be your handsome knight. They are all good looking."
"All idols are good looking." I rolled my eyes.
"But not all idols are knights." She countered. "So tell me, which one?"
"...no one…" I sipped my tea again.
"I know when you lie. And right now you are lying." She grinned. "Ritsu-san? He is very touchy with you and you didn't mind it. Or Izumi-san? Rumor says that he is tamer around you. Maybe Suou-kun? A textbook model knight. Tsukinaga-senpai? He is that type of adventurous knight. You won't get bored with him, I guess. Or maybe Arashi-neesan? She is still biologically male."
"It's really no one." I denied, red faced.
"You are denying that with this kind of red face. No one will believe you." Anzu cocked her brow. "Should we call everyone from Kimisaki Academy and see what they have to say?"
"No no no!! There's no need to do that!!!" I shrieked.
"Then you better tell me which one."
I sit back down and think for a while. "...don't know…"
"I really don't know." I shook my head and slumped my head on the table. "They are all wonderful people. Well, even though they have some strange quirks. But… I… no, they deserved a better partner than me." I felt tears pooled in my eyes.
"What happened?" So in the end, I spilled it all to Anzu. No matter what, Anzu is tight lipped. So, I don't need to worry about my secret being leaked.
"I see. I know where you are coming from. But well… you have only met them for 3 weeks. It's too early to say whether you are in love with them or just liking them as people. I don't think this is a bad thing. There's no right or wrong answer. Only people's thoughts made that so. For now, just enjoy your time together. Who knows, you might find your answer. And no matter what you choose, I will support you."
"Thank you, Anzu…" I smiled lightly.
"You are very welcome." She smiled back. "Let's go. We still need to shop for our Halloween's decoration."
"Yes!" I nodded. ~"~
Halloween is near, and after the Halloween festival, my one month is up. This might be a good thing too. I am starting to have trouble keeping myself in check. I almost blurted out I like you guys every time I see them. Though I guess it can be interpreted as I like you guys simply because you are all amazing people. But deep down in my heart, I know I want that to be interpreted as I like you guys because I am in love with 5 of you. That's what made it dangerous.
If I move back to Kimisaki Academy, this feeling might fade. And I think that's the best way. Well, even if, I said if by chance they wanted to be more involved with me romantically, society won't be so forgiving. Not to mention the backlash on their career. And I'd hate to be the one who breaks their dream as idols. Even if I have to hurt myself. I don't want to ever hurt them. 
And helping Anzu decorating the Halloween festival is a very excellent and valid excuse to slowly distance myself from them. I just need to make it like it wasn't intentional. ~"~
The Halloween festival is a huge success. In addition, we got to mend Sakuma brother's relationships, even if only a little. Now, it's finally time for me to leave this place. One month. Just in one month, I have experienced a lot of fun memories. I will forever treasure these memories of mine deep inside my heart. Who knows… maybe someday, I can reminisce about these memories with them with laughter.
I take one last long look at the Yumenosaki Academy. "Goodbye." I bowed and walked away. "Bwaaah!!" Only to crash into a solid wall.
"What a bad girl you are, Rai-chan. Leaving without saying goodbye to us." My ears registered Arashi-neesan's voice.
"Arashi-neesan?" I rubbed my sore red nose which collided with no other than Sena-san. They have changed their outfit again, to the usual Knights' uniform plus cape.
"Kuma-kun, Kasa-kun." Sena-san called.
"Yes!/Yes~~~" Ritsu-san and Tsukasa-san suddenly hooked their arms to each of mine, literally lifting me up from the ground.
"Eh? Ritsu-san? Tsukasa-san? What are you-?" But they are all just smiling happily, ignoring my flabbergasted expression. I was brought to Anzu's with a very big and suspicious smile on her face. She helped me to get changed into a dress and then I was escorted again to the usual Knights' practice room. "Huh? What are we doing here?"
"Ahahahaha!" When the door opened, I could clearly hear Leo-san's laughter. The room itself has been decorated like a ballroom. I wonder where they get the big hanging chandelier and long red carpet from. Ritsu-san and Tsukasa-san finally released their hold on me. They stand in two lines and Leo-san walks to me and suddenly knelt in front of me, followed by the others. "Princess, welcome to the Knights secret party." He held his gloved hand out for me. 
"Ah?" I was so stunned that I couldn't even reply. 
"Ara? Our princess is so shy today." Arashi-neesan remarked, giggling slightly.
"Sorry, I was-" The rest of the words were cut off by a familiar tune of the recorded piano. "This is…"
(Note: lyrics translation is taken from ensemble-star.fandom.com. Translation credit goes to Kana)
Let us invite you tonight,
and make all your dreams come true.
To that place full of light,
please take our hands
and let us escort you.
Leo-san took my hand to his as he got up from kneeling position. He then slowly guided me to the center of the room to dance.
I want to hold you close… I want to protect you.
That smile of yours that reflected on my eyes
can make me forget even my sadness.
Your eyes,
… Please don’t avert them from mine.
Then, Arashi-neesan switches with Leo-san. "How do you-" Her finger is on my lips to silence me while still giving me a wink.
Please look at me, I’m right here.
Let’s make a promise that we’ll always be proud of.
If it’s for your sake… I will continue to shine.
I’ll stay by your side
Again, Sena-san switches in. "Sena-san, Did Anzu-" Again, before I finished speaking, I was cut off again. This time Sena-san pulled me into his arms. I let out a small squeak due to the sudden closeness. 'Too close.' My eyes swam as cheeks reddened. 
If you say that you want to see a dream,
then right now,
I’ll perform a miracle for you.
Ritsu-san switches in. Unlike lethargic Ritsu-san in the day, tonight he seems full of energy more so than usual. Maybe because he is a vampire and today is Halloween?
"Ritsu-san…" I called softly. Ritsu-san will surely answer me, right? With a soft mischievous smile, he leans in close to my ear and sings out the lyrics. Making this the 4th time I was left unanswered.
I want to hold you close,
and sing you a song just as bright.
I’ll take this jewel
and turn it into a ring of gold.
Let us invite you tonight
and make all your dreams come true.
To that place full of light,
please take our hands and let us escort you.
The last one to switch in is Tsukasa-san. Tsukasa-san will definitely talk. He is the type that will answer if asked. And he can't lie. "Tsukasa-san, where do you get this song?" But, today he was definitely influenced by all of his senpais. 
You can’t hide it if it’s a ring, can you?
I don’t want to hurt what’s precious to me.
Remaining as a knight for someone I hold dear is okay,
...even if it’s forever.
Instead of answering, Tsukasa-san gave me a kiss on the back of my hand. "Tsu-Tsukasa-san?!" 
The twinkling stars will always continue to shine so...
Let’s forget our names and swear right here and now.
I’ll continue to shine... If it’s only for your sake.
I’ll shine by your side always.
I’m sure we’ll meet in a dream again.
If it’s just a key to my heart, I’ll give it to you.
Leo-san then takes my hand again, this time I was placed on the throne that was placed there.
Let us take you to a party
where knights gather.
Oh, beautiful Princess,
will you dance with me?
Let us invite you tonight
and make all your dreams come true.
To that place full of light,
please take our hands and let us escort you.
This string of fate...
If it reaches you, it will connect us together.
If ever we meet,
all of my feelings,
I will offer to you.
When I look at you,
I feel like even becoming a star is possible.
A brilliance that’s so beautiful...
I’ll offer you everything I am so,
let us make all those dreams you saw
come true tonight.
Oh, beautiful Princess...
take our hands and let us escort you.
Forever... Please watch over our stage.
The song is finally finished. To be honest, perfect is the only word I can use to describe them. This is the best farewell party that I have ever received in this lifetime.
"What do you think of our surprise party, Rai-chan?" Arashi-neesan smiled.
"As I thought, I really like you all." I answered with the biggest and the happiest smile. ~"~
It has been three days since my little farewell party from Knights. Apparently, right after that, other units from the idol course crash into our party, claiming to be sad about being left out in the farewell party. I spent the last day with them full of laughter and smiles. 
Now I am back in Kimisaki Academy as a regular student. I can't help but miss them terribly. I am just glad that my confession (only known to me) was not replied. I mean, that must be interpreted as I like you guys as people, to which I am very glad and a little bit sad. 'But this is fine. This is for the best. It's not like I can't meet them anymore. When the days come, I… can finally talk to them as friends.'
Back in Kimisaki Academy, I shared a lot of fun stories with my classmates and Yumemi-san. Of course I keep the stories about my time with Knights to myself. As selfish as this might sound. I don't want to share this to them. They are my most precious memories…
Most students usually leave the school grounds after the last bell rings, except for students with club activities. But today, they seem to be hanging around the school entrance, whispering to each other. "I wonder what happened?" I tilted my head.
"There she is, our runaway princess." 
"..." I might have heard it wrong, but why does it sound like Sena-san's voice?
"Runaway princess?" I blinked. A group of five boys walk to me. 
"Rai-chan…" Ritsu-san quickly latched himself to me.
"Eh? Ritsu-san? Everyone? Why are you here? No, more importantly, outsiders shouldn't be allowed to enter." I panicked, thinking they might have broken rules.
"Don't worry, Rai-chan. We haven't broken any rules. We properly got permission to run an errand." Arashi-neesan smiled.
"Run an errand? Five of you?"
"Raika. Don't take my inspiration with you." Leo-san latched to the other side.
"So…sorry… I didn't mean to?" I replied.
"Leader, please behave yourself." Tsukasa-san sighed.
"Then, what kind of errand do you guys need to do? I can take you to the student council office." I offered. Well, a chance to spend some time with them. I don't want to miss it.
"Errand from Tenshi has finished. We are now finishing our own errand." Leo-san grinned.
"That is…?"
"Escorting our runaway princess back to the castle." Sena-san rolled his eyes.
"Rai-chan. It's unfair that you left us hanging after confessing like that." Ritsu-san whispered.
I jumped at the sudden whisper. "Con-confession?!" Blush made its way to my face again. 'How do they find out?!'
"Your face looks like you were asking how do we find out?" Arashi-neesan grinned. I truly look like a deer caught in the headlights.
"That's because we like you as much as you like us." Tsukasa-san unexpectedly answered with such a straight face. You will think he will be embarrassed saying something like this.
"Since you still can decide who will be your handsome knight, we-"
"!!!!Where did you hear that?!!!!" I shrieked. "It must be Anzu telling you, right? Right? Right?" I clamped Sena-san's mouth with my hand.
"Anzu-chan might accidentally leak to us your childhood dream." Arashi-neesan giggled.
"Anzu, you traitor…" I sobbed.
"Well, thanks to her, we know all of us still have the chance of winning. So until the day you decide which of us you like the most. We will fight for your affection fair and square." Leo-san grinned. Somehow, his knight mode is activated. "As a king of knights, I won't lose."
"If it means I can take a nap with Rai-chan everytime I want, I won't lose too."
"I-I won't lose to senpais too. I am also a knight."
"Hehehe. I can spend more time with her anyway. I will seize the victory."
"Hmph! I can tutor her every time I want. I will spend a lot of time on our study date."
"Eh? Wait?! Let me process this first!"
"Then, the first step is, transfer to our school." They said in unison.
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gonehollywoodrp · 1 year
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CONGRATULATIONS, CODY! your role of RYAN REYNOLDS has been accepted and we’re happy to welcome you to GONE HOLLYWOOD! now that your application has been accepted, here are a few things that you should do and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the dash!
send your account in within 24 hours.
follow everyone on the blog roll.
follow all the tracked tags.
make sure you’re following all the guidelines for your new role.
send us a message if you’d like a link to our OOC blog.
name/alias: cody
age: 21+
time zone: EST
pronouns: they/them
preferred celebrity: ryan reynolds
backup celebrity: lee jung-jae
celebrities gender: male
celebrities pronouns: they/them
age & birthday: 46 years of age, october 23rd 1976
career: actor and producer
wanted connections: josh brolin, hugh jackman, jodie comer
guidelines password: rfp.
do you want your celebrity included in the gossip blog?: rfp.
trigger warnings: rfp.
misc: for now, him and blake share three daughters and are going through divorce, but it’s not yet final this will be sideblog – i also play awsten knight, margot robbie and miley cyrus
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alexandraxsuoh · 3 months
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♥ Neo, sweetie !! ~ Here a little gift for you. Hope you like it. ~ ♥
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cosmosvel · 1 year
A True Knight Now… (Small little writing thingy I made for an AU I’m in with a few friends for Enstars)
(A/N: Probably gonna made a different post explaining this AU someday that I’ll just call the “LCOW AU”. Also I’m sorry if Tsukasa is OOC for this. Also remember when Last Period did a collab with enstars? Yeah, I’m using it as reference for some of the attacks you’ll see in this)
Character(s) included: Tsukasa Suou
Only mentioned characters: The rest of Knights minus Leo, Producer
Point in the story for this event: Two months before the month that the Tanabata Festival DreFes was created
Small warnings I guess: mentions of possibly dead idols, OOC Tsukasa, and passing out
(Tsukasa’ s POV)
A day that I won’t stop remembering for a while. Just mere moments ago I was trying to find the producer for the rest of Knights so we can start practice and now I’m here. I guess I should explain this story to you…
It was a normal day at Yumenosaki, around near the end of May. It was a very normal day, people were practicing, people were studying, all of that. I just happened to be rushing to find the producer, apparently they were supposed to be finished with Trickstar’s training for the day so I wanted to ask them to help with some of Knights practice before I heard an odd noise outside. I always heard from the others that I shouldn’t approach when I hear the noise but this time, I wanted to check up on what it was. It was a mistake though, only being met with some sorta creature, almost same size as a tree. Multiple eyes staring at me like a lion looking at it’s prey, I gulped before it tried swinging it’s arm-like thing on it’s body. Thankfully I was able to get out of the way in time, watching wide-eyed at what I was seeing since this was the first time I’d get up close and personal with one.
“What is thing…? Ugh, think Tsukasa, think! Just keep yourself together for until you can think of something!” I said nobody was around and I’m stuck here, trying to avoid getting myself killed. While I’m not as strong as Narukami or any of my other unit mates, I am able to keep myself together for until help hopefully arrives. Trying to hum one of Knights’ songs to calm myself down as I see the creature in front of my eyes start to be effected, I guess it’s effected by when I was singing so I started to sing one of Knights’ songs… Still trying to process the fact I was in a life or death situation and I’m here singing. A circle of white lilies bloomed, surrounding the creature before the white lilies around it exploded into petals that turned into small flames burning the creature slowly.
‘Just what is this…? Maybe someone knows about this’ I said to myself, continuing to sing before I felt a warm sensation near me looking in front of me was a bow and arrow that was on fire… I hesitated before grabbing the bow and arrow, surprisingly my hand wasn’t burned in the process. “This ends now, checkmate!” I said, but it never felt like I said it myself alone, like I was sorta controlled to say it. Feeling myself somehow jump to near where the second floor was, aiming the bow and arrow before shooting the arrow at the creature’s chest the creature erupted in flames before dying down along with the flame. Leaving behind a marble-like object in it’s place. I go to pick it up before hearing someone’s voice from the marble, looking at it with my eyes seeing a projection of a destroyed stage with what seemed to be the dead body of an idol crushed by a fallen stage light. I threw the marble cause of what I saw. Before another one of the creatures came at me, I almost lost composer due to the suddenness of the attack but dealt with it anyway, being able to defeat it more easily than the previous one since I knew what I was doing.
‘Why do I feel dizzy?’ I said to myself finishing up the fight before passing out on the ground.
End of story… For now : )
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Send us your account within 24 hours.
Include your FCs full name in their blog bio.
Have the disclaimer that applies to you in your blog bio (found in our rules).
Be sure to have your ask box open.
Message the main to find out about any prior history.
OPTIONAL: Message the main to be added into our OOC Blog
ro, they/them, 21+, EST
ryan reynolds
actor, producer
ARE YOU CURRENTLY ON HIATUS? *For current members only*
awsten knight, selena gomez, ava max, kendall schmidt
this will be a sideblog
also, spoke with the blake player and they will be married with their three girls and following their IRL pregnancy if that’s all cool
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alexandraxsuoh · 3 months
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// No electricity, so everything is on hold until tomorrow evening... Honestly, I'm seriously scared by the really strong winds. I'm scared, stressed, anxious and on the verge of crying.. 😭 (Might not sleep much too.. sad part is I work tomorrow at 9 am..)
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alexandraxsuoh · 2 months
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♠ Little inbox call from one of her Genshin verses~ Multimuses, please, specify muse.
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alexandraxsuoh · 6 months
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If anyone wants to decorate Alex's Christmas Tree..
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