#one of the best mfers to ever do it
advil400 · 4 months
bill viola - the reflecting pool
"The real things are under the surface." When video artist Bill Viola was 6 years old he fell into a lake, all the way to the bottom, to a place which seemed like paradise. "There's more than just the surface of life," Viola explains.
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xxsunoosprincess · 2 months
Enhypen’s Favorite Positions (OT6)
How Enhypen likes to fuck you.
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pairings: Enhypen legal line x reader
warnings: 18+, minors dni, fem!reader for Jay and Sunghoon, otherwise gender neutral!reader, light spanking, mentions of masturbation, overstim, and roughish sex.
Heeseung’s Favorite Position: Spooning
There is something so intimate about this position, it genuinely makes him feral. Beware anytime y’all are spooning. It doesn’t matter if it’s on the couch, the bed, hell, even during movie night with his band mates: the moment he has your ass pressed back against him he is bricked up. Maybe it’s the size difference? He doesn’t know. All he knows is that during those late nights on tour when he’s is alone in his hotel room, his mind immediately goes to wrapping his arm around your waist as he drives his cock into you from behind!! <3
Jay’s Favorite Position: Lotus
You guys never intentionally end up in this position, but more often than not, it makes its appearance in your night. Pulled into his lap, you can feel his thick cock so so deep! As soon as you throw your head back in pleasure, he’s mouthing at your tits. Sucking, biting, groping, all of the above… you can hardly fault him for the way his hips jerk up and he forces himself deeper. Boob lover Jay agenda in full force. He just loves seeing your face contort in pleasure, so this is perfect for my little romantic.
Jake’s Favorite Position: Reverse Cowgirl
Has Jake ever seen a more beautiful sight than your ass bouncing on his lap? No. Literally never. Doesn’t matter how often he sees it, he lets out a pleased sigh every time. Reclined back against the headboard, hands behind his head. This must be paradise. He loves seeing the handprints he leaves behind on your cheeks. And he’s just so loud! Moaning and whining… ugh how dreamy. He tries to be gentle, he really does, but he can only let you take charge for so long before things take their inevitable course. Rough grip on your waist as he fucks up into you, letting out those pretty moans all the while.
Sunghoon’s Favorite Position: Missionary
I am here to take down the rough dom Sunghoon agenda. This bastard is so soft for you it isn’t funny. Expect tender touches to your face, deep kissing, and some dirty praise while he bullies his cock into you. “Sweet girl takes me so well” type mfer. I’m sure of it. I really do think he is another romantic… still exploring himself and a little shy about it >_< !! He gets a little flustered when you mention try to talk about your sex life with him so be gentle… doesn’t mean he isn’t going to lay the best pipe of your life. I know this might be a controversial take but it’s MY TRUTH.
Sunoo’s Favorite Position: Mating Press
I think Sunoo is another one that is really soft and tender during sex. It’s the skin-to-skin contact, the sloppy kisses, and dry humping that screams “I want you so so bad!!” that gets his cock filling out in his pants (He has the prettiest cock ever but that’s a story for another time). That’s why I chose a mating press for him… when he is rutting into you and you wrap your legs around his waist or he has you near folded in half he has to fight cumming instantly.
Jungwon’s Favorite Position: Cowgirl
Hehehehe this made me smile. Just imagine him squirming and whimpering as you ride him. Actual art. So whiny and needy. Tells you how much he loves you over and over as he moves his hips with yours. Be gentle because he gets pussy drunk soooo easily. Mind goes blank and probably overstimulates both of you until you are both in tears. Loves when you lay on top of him as you catch your breath together, loves taking care of you. Declaring him the king of aftercare.
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Author’s note: Just a short lil thing to test formatting on mobile! Hope y’all enjoy. xx - princess
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ynbabe · 7 months
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Newt: Can I be frank with you guys? Minho: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help. Thomas: Can I still be Thomas? Y/n: Shh, let Frank speak.
Newt: Do you love Minho? Thomas: Yeah, I do. Newt: y/n! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks! y/n: We all love Minho.You should've asked if they were IN love with them. Thomas: I thought that was implied. y/n: ... Newt: ... Thomas, looking straight at y/n: Congrats newt, you just won 100 bucks.
Newt, mother TM: *Screams* Y/n, Father TM: * Screams louder to assert dominance* Thomas, new to the glade: Should we do something?! Minho, observing his weekly soap opera: No, I want to see who wins this.
Newt: Where's Thomas? Y/n: Don't worry, I'll find him. Y/n, shouting: Minho sucks! Thomas, distantly: Minho is the best person ever! Fuck you! Y/n: Found him.
Newt, giving Thomas a tour of the glade: What do you want then? Thomas, looking at Minho sleeping in Y/n's lap: Er… something runner-related. Newt, trying not to laugh: What department is this? Thomas, blushing: Sorry? Newt: Well, if it's work-related you'd obviously know what department this is. What department is this? Thomas: * looks at Minho and Y/n* Some sort of homosexual department?
Newt: Y/n, I'm sad. Y/n: *Holds out arms for a hug* It's going to be okay. Thomas: Minho, I'm sad. Minho, nodding: mood.
Minho: What's it like being tall? Y/n: Is it nice? Thomas: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Newt: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Newt: On the count of three, what's your favourite cake? One, two, three- Newt and Y/n, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks! Thomas: Our turn, Minho! One, two, three- vanilla! Minho, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Newt:, concerned bf You guys worried about Y/n? Thomas, the child TM: Totally! Minho, mean-ass mfer who's secretly crying: Yeah, he called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Newt: And what'd you say? Minho: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno." Thomas: Newt: He's lucky to have you as a friend.
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rotandguts · 1 year
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danny (evil dead rise) x fem!reader
summary: during a quiet lull on that tumultuous night, danny realises this may be one of the last few moments he'll ever spend with his best friend.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: 18+ mdni, nsfw, sexual content, masturbation (fem receiving), mentions of loss of virginity, mentions of panic attacks, possession and death. praise kink if you squint, bittersweet best friends to lovers. mentions of underaged drinking.
A/N: helllooooo, so this is my first ever fic on this blog wowowowowow i'm nervous. i hope you all like it bc i am DOWN BAD for this mfer. pls let me know what you think!! DANNY IS 18 IN THIS.
publishing date ―  may 17th, 2023 |  © rotandguts
Through all the horror and dread that had inevitably arisen from the events of the past few hours, Danny would argue that despite the demonic presence lurking in the hallway - it was the guilt of his own actions that was currently feasting on his soul.
The noises from beyond the bolted door of apartment 85 had grown to a momentary halt, the initial attack keeping everyone still alive on edge. Bridget was in the living room temporarily calming her younger sister Kassie with promises of a doctor coming to help their mother, hesitancy evident within her voice as she struggled to believe the words coming from her own mouth. Her wound on her cheek - as much as she had tried to ignore it - was starting to ache. Beth had been raiding the apartment for something to help her hand that the quick relief of duct tape was unable to provide.
And all this because he found that stupid fucking book.
The thing that was making the empty sick feeling in his gut feel like a stab wound of his own, was your lingering presence in the corner of his room.
You were here because of him. Regardless of the book or not, if he hadn’t insisted you come over that night for pizza you would be sitting across the city in the comfort of your own home right now. You could’ve been with your family when the earthquake happened. Fuck, they don’t even know if you’re alive right now.
Beth could now be heard stomping around all the windows in the apartment, shouting to anyone that could hear her that they needed help.
“What the fuck are we gonna do, Dan?” Your timid voice snapped him from his internal ongoing panic attack. His gaze, still concerned, softened when you turned around to look at him. It had been the first time you’d spoken in a long while, your voice providing an almost immediate comfort to the blonde boy. He began biting his nails with furrowed brows, a habit you’d usually chastise him for.
“I don’t know.” He whispered, eyes still on you. Your hands were trembling. Your hands were fucking trembling because of him, the thought led him unable to look you in the eyes momentarily. Tears began to form as you clenched your fists, trying to fight the breathless in your chest as it began to truly sink in how much shit you were in. Your phone had long been out of battery, with Danny dropping his in the vault where he'd found that book. Neither of you had been able to comprehend the necessity of the devices a mere few hours ago.
You were both essentially isolated from the world as you knew it.
Danny sunk onto the bed, sitting upright with wide eyes and quick breaths. You couldn’t bare to see him like this. Sure, was there a part of you that was totally pissed off at him for tempting fate with that old vinyl? Of course. But hell, the worst thing you’d been expecting was tetanus, not satan herself cooking eggs in the kitchen.
You approached his hunched over figure, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. He still can’t look you in the eyes.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You spoke with the same hesitance as Bridget in the connecting room. Danny was grown up enough to know otherwise, and yet still for a brief moment took solace in your words.
The mattress sinks beside him and when he turns you’re looking at him through wide, concerned eyes. Your clasped hands are still shaking, despite your best efforts to stop them.
His own hand hovers over them. You let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding when he finally clasps your hands with his.
Eyes connect in the moment, his own drop briefly to look at your lips. They’re a little bloody from you biting them. Your tongue skates across them, letting the metallic taste fill your mouth. The smell leaking through the damp walls of the apartment itself after the bloodbath caused by Ellie outside.
You might both die tonight, he thinks. This could be it. All those years of friendship over because of him. In fact, he thinks it might be even worse if he survives and you don’t, because he’d be haunting the earth still searching for you at every corner in his life. He considers it for a brief moment, mentally punishing himself with twisted thoughts for the hundredth time that night.
Danny’s stomach drops at the thought of the immense unsaid in your friendship. Every lingering gaze and hand hold, every hushed secret and late night embrace under covers. He lived for those moments, but it was starting to dawn on him that they may remain just that. Fleeting moments of will-they-won’t-they peppering your decade long friendship, the what ifs of tomorrow darkening overnight.
He thinks about the first time he knew he loved you. It was your tenth birthday, a milestone. Your mom had intended on throwing you a lavish party and inviting all the kids in class with the little money she’d had. You’d never been one for showing off or making a big fuss and insisted you just wanted Danny there. The night was spent huddled together in fancy dress costumes, he was a pirate and you were a princess, telling each other spooky stories from the safety of the pillow fort your parents had helped build. He wished this nightmare they were currently experiencing was just that, a spooky story told under the flashlight lit fort.
He could still remember the close proximity you both sat in. The quiet, different from the buzzing playground, had allowed him the opportunity to see you up close. There was something in your words that made his heart beat faster, and when your bright eyes lingered on him while telling your stories he knew deep down that he wanted you to look at him like that for the rest of his life.
You were looking at him like that now.
“Do you remember that night we got home from Oscar’s party?” Your voice was barely a whisper, he almost thought he had made it up in his head. All of a sudden he was very aware of just how close you now were.
Oscar, a classmate and barely a friend, grew up in the richer part of the city. Everyone jumped for a chance to go to his parties for his large pool and the flowing liquor, you had both jumped at the opportunity.
“Yeah.” Danny responded after a beat, still taking the opportunity to inspect your face.
That night you had partaken in your usual drunk hand holding and cuddling, nothing too different from what you’d do sober but with an added possessiveness. You had danced with him like you wanted everyone to watch you together, to know that you were his and he was yours. In those moments, lips had lingered for moments too long at ears and mouths. But ultimately, the night ended with your usual walk home.
If Ellie, Danny’s mom, had known you both weren’t tucked safely in bed in your house she would’ve called a search party to track you down through every nook and cranny in the city. Luckily, you both ended your night in bed by 4am.
“Do you remember what you asked me?” Danny spoke again after a short moment of silence. You were looking at the floor now, your feet occasionally grazing his.
“Why haven’t you ever kissed me, Danny?” You asked, he thought you were teasing him but you showed no signs of mocking. Pensive, you rolled to face him. He was frozen in place. The lights were out in your room and your bodies, undressed to different extents that you were both familiar with during an after party sleepover, radiating an addictive warmth that made him want to hold on to you skin to skin.
“I didn’t know that was something you wanted.” His fists were clenched, he was still waiting for this to be a big joke.
“I want it.” The light from the moon illuminated some of your face. He licked his lips.
“Why didn’t we like, ever talk about it after?” If tonight was it, he needed to know. He needed to tell her. He’d rather she hate him and be alive and know than be dead and have the wasted opportunity follow him forever.
“I was scared, I guess - I thought you didn’t like it.” You shrugged.
Soft lips on your own, hands gripping your waist under covers. You’re using all of your self control to not grind yourself into him. The only evidence left of your night together were various lilac bruises scattered on your necks. But neither of you spoke about it. So it was never brought up.
“I liked it.” For the first time tonight since the earthquake, Danny softly smiled. Your eyes lit up, returning the smile to him.
“You never said anything-“
“Neither did you!” He countered, the smile giving away that he wasn’t actually angry. You smirked and rolled your eyes, “Touché.”
As much as it embarrassed you to admit at a time like this, your thighs were pressed together at the thought of you and him that night. Both of you had been virgins prior to the encounter
His left hand tangled through your hair as lips danced, you can still remember how you thought you had a temperature from the summer heat and the sweat coating you both. From his gentle, wordless persuasion of a soft push, you were on your back and his frame was on top pressing into you. By instinct, your legs wrap around his waist and pull him in. His hips grinding to your core, it’s so messy and quick but you can barely think because his other hand is traveling to your thigh to pull you in even closer.
He breaks away from the kiss to trace his thumb across your jaw and your swollen lips. Eyes blown out and wide, jaw slack at the sight of him. You’re spread out under him, the material of your crop top and shorts seemingly oh-so thin now that you’re in this position. Your tongue appears to softly lick the digit of his thumb, his eyes almost rolling back at the sensation. He can feel your thighs clench together around him, seeking a temporary relief from the throbbing between them.
He thinks he might die if he can’t feel it, if only for a second.
Removing the thumb from your mouth, your face immediately portrays your disappointment with a slight pout. Danny lightly smirks, lowering himself down again face to face with you. He reaches down to your thigh, trailing the inside of your leg.
“Can I feel you?”
“I think I’ve been thinking of that night every day since it happened.” He admitted, soft smile lingering. You could feel something stir inside you. Here he was, your best friend, in his oversized shirt and silver chain. He ran his hand through his hair. “I dunno. I just know that I can’t stop thinking about it. And you.” Danny continues.
There was a fucking demon outside the apartment door and quite frankly all you could think about was how badly you wanted that silver chain in your mouth.
Your hand reaches for his jaw, which grows slack at your touch, his gaze seemingly possessed by the thought of you. The summer night heat from that encounter stirred inside of you again.
“I think I’m in love with you.” Apprehensive, you continue to trace your thumb over his cheek, until following his jaw and lips just like he had done that night. “I think I’ve been in love with you for a long while.”
He was hypnotised under the touch.
“I love you too. I’ve always loved you. You’re my best friend, man.” Danny felt like fucking crying and you could tell through his voice. Was this a dream? Was that demon back to taunt him for all the time wasted?
He felt consumed by you, like in this moment his purpose was to do anything he could to make it all better. He leaned in to finally press a kiss on your lips, slow and still hesitant. You chase him for another when he pulls away, noses still connected and eyes closed tight.
You wanted to stay like this forever. His fingers laced with the hair behind your ear, grabbing a section and softly pulling. The involuntary moan that left your lips sent a shiver through him, he wanted more, more, more. Your neck was on display for him to reach down and attack with sloppy kisses and light teasing bites. He pressed himself against you, moving your back flat onto the mattress. His lips and tongue messy with your own, clashing to remedy the thirst for each other. Danny’s thigh pressing against your covered core, subconsciously leading you to grind against him.
“Danny, please-” When you were saying things like that, knowing that you didn’t know how much time you even had left together, he had to comply. It had felt so natural, it almost made him feel that guilty feeling again. Why hadn’t they just been doing this all along?
Lifting your skirt to expose the wet lace of your underwear, he asked the same question he did last summer.
“Can I feel you?”
Without hesitation you nodded, guiding his hands through the waistband. “Shit,” He paused for a second, raising his fingers back up to his mouth, spitting on them before returning them to their previous position.
The electric feeling of him on her clit, foreheads pressed together and eyes connected could make anyone forget about the horrors happening beyond the sanctuary of the doors to his room. His fingers filling you, curling and strumming to a syncopated beat, reacting only to your stirring beneath him.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet babe,” He was amazed at the feeling itself, your slick softness. You choked out a gasp, you groping him in an attempt to give him the same ineluctable pleasure he was giving you. He was too preoccupied with you to worry about anything he might be feeling, not when he was the one that got you in this situation. And besides, hovering over you when you looked this fucking good with his fingers stuffed inside you, that was more than enough for him.
“You’re so good, such a good boy.” He quietly whines at your words, pressing rough kisses to your neck again.
You tug his hair back to grant yourself a better look at him. His other hand wrapped around your neck, not restricting your breathing but still lightly grabbing it. When he could tell you were about to make a loud noise, the same hand swiftly moved to cover your mouth. Your eyes wide with his, silently watching each other desperate to moan.
The silver chain resting on your chest, its cold metal grounding you in the moment. “So fuckin’ pretty,” He murmured, still so preoccupied with the feeling of filling you.
“Needed you for so long Dan,” He bites his lip as his pace grows quick, your fingers finally finding their way around the chain that was taunting you all night.
“Thought about you every night. Couldn’t stop thinking about how fuckin’ wet you were.” It was true, in the shame of their last encounter he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind. Not when he’d been thinking about it for half his life. “Still so so wet baby.”
Looking at his arms, his tattoos and veins. The way they moved in and out of you, the glint in his eyes as he watched his own work. The overwhelming view and feeling lead to the inescapable wave. “Fuck, Dan, I’m gonna-”
And with that, he holds you tight as you hit your orgasm. Your hands fly to his hair and shoulders, trying to remain grounded as your back arches. “Fuckfuckfuck-” You try your hardest to whisper, but your heart is pounding and all you can feel is the dizzying sweetness of Danny all around you. You have to remind yourself that this is real, you’re real.
He watches you, your heavy breathing providing the soundtrack to the moment. He pressed a light kiss to the top of your breast that was on show from the top you were wearing, before moving back up to place a kiss on your lips. Lying beside you, staring into your eyes with a warmth you’d always thought was unimaginable but realising that it had always been there. It has always been him.
So for that moment, you just lay there. And yeah, there was still so much unsaid regarding their long friendship. But for now, in the uncertainty of the night, they’d managed to say enough. For the first time since finding that book, Danny would feel optimistic about the future, despite all the shit going on with his mom. For a second it felt like they could really do this, they could really be fine. If only they could make it to tomorrow, then everything else could be resolved. He could apologise to Bridget, he could ask you out on a real date. You could let your parents know you were alive, you could fix the mistakes of last summer and go all the way again with Dan instead of pretending it never happened.
Unfortunately, as optimistic as they currently were, tomorrow would not come for either of them.
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centaurisolarflare · 1 year
König Headcannons
Someone tell me what absolute crack they’re sprinkling these masked Call of Duty men with. I’ve got major König brainrot and this got wildly out of hand, like a five-page word doc out of hand – I had to just stop because it got so long. Might do an NSFW one, lmk if you’d want that. I love you all dearly, enjoy!
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- He’s really good at Tetris. Don’t ask me how or why I arrived at this conclusion, I myself have no idea. Dude just likes Tetris. It’s fast paced and demands his attention so he can usually sit still if he’s focused on the game.
- Compulsively chews the skin off his lips and the inside of his cheeks. Can’t help it. Used to bite his nails but that faded throughout his military involvement as he wears gloves pretty much all the time.
- This man has a list of things about you memorized. He covets each piece of information. He knows not only your favorite kind of tea but exactly how you like it prepared. Knows every single favorite you’ve ever mentioned – foods, flowers, books, movies, weather, what songs or types of music you’ll listen to depending on your mood, the colors you like and the colors you think you look best wearing, if you prefer gold or silver jewelry, etc. etc.
         -- Started keeping this list long before he ever actually really spoke to you with things he overheard you say. He was so worried he’d slip up and you’d think he was creepy.
- Fucking loves giving you things. Like I said, he has all your favorites memorized, so it’s easy for him to grab things when he sees them. MFer would give you a rock if it made you happy, he just loves seeing your face light up.
         -- Toward the beginning of you two, when he knew he liked you but was still too anxious and shy to really interact with you, it was so much easier for him to pack all his sentiment and feelings into the things he gave you. He could push them into your hands with maybe a word or two — sometimes literally just saying “here” or “for you”, though often it was without saying anything at all — and hope you got the intended messages of “I thought of you; this suits you; I want you to enjoy this; I care about you”.
         -- He heard you mention some obscure recently published book you wanted to read one time and he immediately began looking for it. When he found it, he bought it with an intensity that scared the bookshop owner; he nearly slammed it on the counter and shoved a handful of money at them, he was just so damn excited to be able to give it to you. And yet, he still carried it around in one of the bigger pockets on his gear for days because he was nervous to actually give it to you in person
         -- Gives you food all the time. Just appears next to you holding out something or another and vanishes before you’re even done saying thank you. You could be stationed anywhere and somehow this man has found? made? acquired? something delicious and he will be giving it to you.
- On that topic, he’s a really good cook. Like legitimately everything he even attempts to make comes out amazing. He loves when you hang out with him in the kitchen while he cooks.
         -- The first time you offered to help he was so startled he nearly dropped a knife. He comes to loves how seamlessly you two work together and move around each other in the kitchen.
         -- He gets to listen to you talk but the tasks at hand give him something to focus on and do, which makes the heat of your attention and his supplying the other half of the conversation easier to bear.
         -- Plays quiet music as he cooks, asks you for songs to put on and loves hearing you sing along as you work
         -- He loves when you hop up on the counter, you look so cute swinging your legs and watching what he’s doing.
         -- Will absolutely do the nonna thing where he swats at your hand if you try to steal something before the dish is ready but he also does the nonna thing where he’ll chop extra veggies so you can eat a few, or he’ll give you a handful of chocolate chips before using the bag. Basically, snacking is fine as long as it’s König approved snacking.
                   ---- One time, when he walked back into the kitchen to see you sneaking bites out of the pot on the stove, he reflexively swatted your backside with the dishtowel he’d had over his shoulder. He turned bright fucking red when you whipped around, shock written all over your face and the wooden spoon still in your hand. Immediately began stumbling over his words trying desperately to explain himself, god he was so fucking stupid and he felt like a chasm was opening up in his chest, until you broke out in a grin and started laughing so hard you got tears in your eyes. He was still mumbling apologies as he went to add spices to the pot, still bright red because you were leaning against his side trying to catch your breath.
         -- Loves sharing the things you make together, loves sitting down and having meals with you
         -- I also think he has a sweet tooth and he’d love it if you liked to bake
         -- While we’re talking about food, I think he really enjoys clementines for some reason. The fruit looks extra small in his hands as he takes the rind off, he’ll always pull it apart and offer you half
- Loves snow. Like kid-rushing-to-the-window loves snow. Stands outside with his head tilted back watching it fall.
- Rarely gets cold, he’s like a walking furnace.
- Trust issues af. Distanced himself from you, especially when he found himself liking you.
- Dude is big. Really big. He’s aware of that. But he never really thought about certain applications of his size; like how your hand fits in his, how your eyes shine when you look up at him, how his fingers fit around your waist/throat/wrists/thighs, how you look wearing his clothes, etc.
- You’re his first kiss and he is nearly shaking out of his own skin when it happened, but he makes up for the nerves and inexperience with hesitant enthusiasm and pure adoration.
- His phone screen is cracked. Badly.
- Good with animals, the type of person to be going about his day with a cat perching itself on his shoulder. Oddly loves waterfowl – birds like ducks and geese and swan.
- Good with kids in a quiet way. He’s a little awkward with them, they’re so unpredictable and don’t really have filters so they’re a little terrifying, but they adore him. He listens and nods as they babble, lets them hang off his arms, and gives as many piggyback rides as he’s asked for.
         -- Would love it if you were good with kids. If you were playful and indulged their imaginations, yet you took them seriously when they had questions and concerns. It’s a bittersweet thing to see you being so attentive and caring because he would have done anything for someone so kind when he was younger.
- Loves when you sit close to him and press your thigh against his, or when you stand and lean against him
- Either cannot make eye contact or stares. If you’re doing something that requires your visual attention but still talking to him, like driving, he’d be staring directly at you the whole time; until you glace at him in the passenger seat and suddenly he’s looking at anything else
         -- When he gets flustered, he tends to look upwards and trys to even out his breathing
- Speaking of driving, he absolutely says “horses” or “cows” when you pass a field of animals. Totally monotone and watches them as you pass by.
- Took him a while to get accustomed to casual touches from you, even longer for more intimate touches, but once he’s comfortable he cannot get enough. Touchstarved.
- Opens every single door for you
- Talks too fast and gets flustered when he trips over his words, which doesn’t help him speak any slower. He has poor volume regulation and either talks either way too quiet – and mumbles when he does – or way too loudly.
- He doesn’t usually stutter but it happens a lot around you. He wants so badly to talk to you but you’re so kind and pretty and his thoughts are going a million miles an hour in about four different directions, and he just ends up so nervous. He tries to say two things at once and stutters through his sentence, he tries to say one thing but abandons it half way through to say something else, repeats certain words, and of course stutters on certain letters.
         -- He’d be so so grateful if you didn’t laugh or mock him. He’s used to people finding ways to get out of talking to him, inventing reasons to cut conversations short, for a whole host of reasons – his accent, how intimidating he looks, the way he talks, the tripping up on words – and he remembers when he was younger and either no one wanted to speak to him or he’d get bullied for speaking at all.
         -- He loves that you’re patient and let him work through his sentences – and he will, because he really does want to talk to you if he could just sort his brain out.
         -- The effort you put into making him comfortable, making him feel at ease talking to you, knocks the air out of his lungs. The attention sometimes makes his anxiety flare up, but he can’t help but love your dedication to talking with him.
- On kind of the same topic, he will make noises or hand gestures to communicate. Sometimes only responds with a “hmm” or “mmhm” but he is paying rapt attention and wants you to keep talking, he just can’t make his own words work right then.  
- If you are outwardly confident, maybe even a little cocky, he eats that shit up. Winking while telling him you’ve got it, grinning after an impressive display of competence.
         -- If you speak up for him or defend him, he’ll lose his mind
- He loves playing with your hands. He’ll do it absentmindedly – rubbing circles on the back of your palm, toying with your fingers, tracing over the ridge of your knuckles – and always blushes when he realizes, no matter how many times you tell him it’s alright.
         -- If he gets more comfortable and in a relationship with you, he’ll lace your fingers together and pull your hand to his mouth so he can kiss the back of it.
         -- Also, if you put your hand on his face and hold his cheek he’ll grab your wrist – fingers wrapping all the way around it and then some – press your hand more firmly against his face, and turn his head to kiss your palm.
- Never feels like he’s allowed to touch you and will kind of linger around you until you initiate something or ask him what he needs (embarrassed as hell when you make him tell you exactly what he needs in a more NSFW context, but he loves it). Will always always always ask before touching you if he’s the one initiating. Once you do give him permission, he’s on you like a shot.
         -- Clingy as fuck. Always wants to be near you. If he can’t be next to you he’ll keep his eyes on you, you’ve lost count of the number of times you’ll look at him to find he’s already watching you.
         -- Uses his strength to his advantage when he wraps his arms around you and won’t let you get out of bed in the morning.
         -- Loves when you hug him so tight he thinks maybe you’ll crack his ribs, it feels so safe and he’ll rest his head on top of yours. I also think he’d be the type to hug so than his arms are under yours; yes, he knows it makes the whole thing less convenient because he has to lean down more, but he wants to be able to draw you in against his chest as securely as he can.
- He has stretchmarks on his arms/back/thighs from growing so much so fast. He’s really self-conscious about them.
         -- I also think as a result of growing so fast there was a period of time when he was young where he’d faint in the mornings. There’s a type of syncope that can occur during the years growth spurts happen, especially when a child grows a lot, caused by a lack of blood (oxygen) to the brain; it’ll happen especially after getting up from sleep, due to slow blood circulation, and in the shower, due to the warm temperature and humidity. He’d just space out, get black spots or narrowing vison, and pass out. Wake up quickly, maybe with a little vertigo, and be fine.
- Remembers and treasures every single complement and nice thing you’ve said to or about him. Complements and praise make him a mess.
- Can weave flower crowns.
- If you wear makeup, he loves watching you put it on. Maybe one day you’ll doll him up with it and tell him how pretty he is.
- Not fond of needles, doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings.
- Not super comfortable with PDA.
- In private, he loves kissing your forehead and the top of your head. When he’s more comfortable with you he’ll stoop over to kiss to the back of your neck, gently brushing your hair out of the way to press his lips right above the last knob of your spine.
         -- Loves kissing you when he’s sitting down and you’re straddling his lap, his thighs splayed out and you raised up on your knees to accommodate for his height, one hand on your waist and one up grasping at the back of your neck, and you kiss him filthy and tell him how good he is. He’s inexperienced so he gets overwhelmed quickly, resting his forehead on your shoulder and panting while he tries to focus on anything other than how badly he wants to pull your hips down and rut against you. He’s definitely cummed in his pants befo- *I am forcibly removed from the stage*
- Babyboy gets flustered and embarrassed so easily, has a blush than spreads down to his chest.
- Loves having inside jokes with you. Loves the side glances you shoot him, your suppressed smile, the little nudge you give him with your shoulder or elbow
         -- Loves that you two talk enough to have these jokes and references, and that you remember them. It reassures him that you enjoy talking to him.
         -- He especially, maybe selfishly, loves when someone asks about the glances and the snickering and you tell them that it’s an inside joke, that you refuse to offer any further explanation, that you want these little jokes to be yours and his alone.
- Loves when you play with his hair, lets out very contented hums when you scratch your nails over his scalp.
- Gives you massages. He’s really good at it, big hands, okay, and he’s so warm. Especially likes relieving your shoulders, back, and hands but will give diligent attention to any of your sore muscles.
- Doesn’t wear any jewelry but is absolutely the type to wear a little woven threads or beaded bracelet forever just because you gave it to him
- Because of how tall he is, he’s used to being cramped up when he sleeps so he sort of always curls up as much as he can when he sleeps, even if he has room to stretch out.
         -- If you’re near him while he’s asleep there’s a good chance he’ll wrap himself around you.
- He has so many little fun facts on an absurdly large number of topics and could ramble for hours about the subjects that particularly interest him.
         -- If you mention something you’re interested in he will do extensive research to learn about it. He wants to show you he cares and he also wants to be informed so he doesn’t make himself look like an idiot in front of you.
- Loves teaching you things, he feels more sure of himself when he’s instructing you through something he’s knowledge about.
         -- Loves being taught as well, he’s very good at following directions and always wants to impress you.
- Never forgets birthdays, anniversaries, or any other important dates. This man will remember your pets birthdays. 
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Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your writing, you do such an amazing job!! I was wondering, if you have the time and are taking requests, could you do how each character cuddles with MC? Can be platonic or romantic, and I was wondering if you could also add professors. Thank you so much, I hope it's not to much to ask!! Have a great day/night!!❤️
A/N: romantic cuddling for the friends, platonic cuddle/hugs for the professors :3
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: This boy is a snake. Full body wrapped around MC like a python. He won't let go easily, either. But he's warm and gives many kisses, so the entrapment is worth it.
OMINIS GAUNT: Physical touch has rarely led to good things in his life so MC will need to be patient with him. Once their relationship is to the point that he feels safe with them, he cuddles with his hands constantly mapping their body. He will have every part of them committed to memory.
ANNE SALLOW: She likes laying on top of them with her face on their chest. She finds their heartbeat soothing. She also likes hearing it speed up when she's feeling cheeky.
IMELDA REYES: Physical touch isn't one of her love languages, so she doesn't go out of her way to cuddle them. She doesn't reject it, She finds MC's affection cute, but she'll be reading or messing with her wand while she lays there with MC attached.
NATSAI ONAI: She is the big spoon. She must protecc. She whispers all sorts of sweet nothing's while she's holding them and gives little neck kisses.
GARRETH WEASLEY: Cuddling him is dangerous because MC never knows what he'll do. This goof can't help but make MC laugh. He loves hearing it. He'll boop their nose, lick their face, even tickle them for a reaction.
LEANDER PREWETT: Long boi with long limbs. MC is tangled in him with little hope of getting away. He has quite the wingspan, so even if MC is on the other side of the bed, he can just casually reach over and yoink them to his side.
AMIT THAKKAR: Hope MC likes his voice, cause he's a talker. MC is his captive audience and he will go on and on and ON about just about anything. Mostly astronomical topics, but he goes off on tangents.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He's the little spoon. Doesn't matter how tall MC is compared to him. They could be the longest mfer or just a little backpack, he loves them either way. He feels held.
POPPY SWEETING: Smol. Turns into a ball like a little hedgehog. Might get lost in the cushions or blankets, so hold tight. Also a bit of a squirmer, sometimes struggles to get comfortable. She'll settle down eventually.
ELEAZAR FIG: Dad. Hugs. Like, sit on the couch under his arm, dad hugs. Warm and comforting and loving. MC will likely fall asleep.
MATILDA WEASLEY: She's not too much of a hugger, but she won't deny one if MC asks. They'll be short but comforting.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's not much of a hugger but if MC really needs one, she'll oblige. Might be a bit awkward, but she means well.
AESOP SHARP: MC will have to be strategic. First, gain his trust. That's the hard part. Second, catch him in a good mood. Third, MC must ask ONLY when no one else is around. His affection is very private. Fourth, (optional step) liquid luck.
ABRAHAM RONEN: Favorite Uncle vibes. Playful bear hugs that crush ribs and pick MC up off their feet. Best hugs for when MC needs a laugh.
MIRABEL GARLICK: Very much a hugger. MC can hold her as long as they need to. Let all their worries and stress melt away in her genuine embrace.
MUDIWA ONAI: She gives the best Mom hugs MC could ever experience. She'll go so far as to hug MC in her lap and rock them like a child, even if MC is tall.
BAI HOWIN: If MC needs affection, she suggests they seek out mooncalves or puffskiens.
DINAH HECAT: She is more affectionate than she lets on. If MC is stressed and needs a hug, she offers one without prompting.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He's a ghost. Move along.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She's not an affectionate person. MC will get more warmth from a glacier.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: If MC knows what's good for them, they won't touch him. Ever.
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milkywaydrabbles · 7 months
heyyy I read your post of the Morecombe with the bonten executives 😭 and woah all I can say is that it was beautifully written
And I wanted to ask, if it's still open (?)
For 8 and 18 for Hanma&Ran 😭🫶
If possible of course.
Have a nice day <3
A/N: Aahh this was a little hard to write for me, cause I think they'd be assholes but not this terrible ): (I am also biased I love these mfers so much I refuse to believe they are evil like this.) But I tried my best, I hope you like it anyways! Mwuahhh xo
Virginity/Noncon x Hanma & Rain
“Come on pretty girl, don’t be so difficult, yeah?” You whimpered, trying your best to push away the mean men in front of you. You don’t know how you got caught up in a crowd like this, you just wanted to have fun with some friends out in a club. You weren’t expecting this: crowded in someone’s bed that you don’t know, begging them to get away from you and let you go home. The blonde--the one you learned was Hanma--kept overwhelming you, pushing you down on the bed and kissing at your neck. “You can’t just tell us you’re a virgin and expect us to let you go, do you? Use that pretty little head of yours, yeah?” You choked back a sob as the butt of his fun tapped your temple as he spoke, your skirt being pulled off by the other man in the room--Ran, you think. 
“Finally did something right, Hanma.”
“Shut up, Haitani. Fuckin’ lucky I’m even sharing her with you.”
The two bickered for just a moment, before peering down at you, so shy and scared. “Aw,” Ran started, pulling down your pretty panties as Hanma crowded you again. “So fucking cute, I swear. You’re too innocent to be in the clubs, baby. Gonna have bad men like us find you.” Hanma cackled at his words, shoving his thumb into your mouth while his other hand palmed at your chest. His thumb pressed down onto your tongue, forcing you to open your jaw wider. “You ever suck dick, baby?” You didn’t answer, shutting your eyes tight as tears fell down the sides of your face. “S’okay baby, I’ll teach you.” Hanma cooed, taunting you, the metal clink of his belt heard being discarded and shoving his pants down enough to grab his cock, long and daunting in front of you. With your eyes still closed, Hanma slapped the length on your cheek, a tattooed hand clutching at your jaw and forcing to keep your mouth open. “Come on, pretty, open up--and don’t fucking bite my dick. Who knows what I’ll do.” He threatened, slipping his dick into your mouth. Your eyes flew open, vision blurry with tears, begging and pleading with him to stop!  
He didn’t care.
“Fuck, baby I know that virgin mouth can do it,” Hanma mumbled, forcing himself deeper into your mouth and groaning when he felt you choke and gag around him. “Just like that, pretty girl, choke on my big fucking dick.” He looked like the devil himself, forcing himself onto you, distracting you from the fact that Ran hasn’t even started his part. Busying yourself with Hanma, your hands flew to his clothed thighs to steady yourself, even try to push him off, though your attempts were futile the moment he shoved your hands away and grabbed onto the sides of your head to face fuck you. Behind him, you felt something foreign rubbing up and down your pussy, virgin hole still tight and unprepped. “Just the tip baby, okay? Just the tip.” Ran kept promising, gathering saliva in his mouth and spitting on your exposed hole, deeming that enough for lube. He prodded at you, pressing himself into your tight cunt and you screamed around Hanma’s cock. Even just a little inside, it felt like you were being torn at the seams. You’d never had anything inside of you. A finger here and there from yourself but you stopped before going any further, embarrassed. This wasn’t how you wanted things to go when losing your virginity. 
“Fuuuck, pretty little pussy sucking me in.” You heard a laugh, Ran popping the head of his cock out and dipping it back in, seeing your cunt tighten around him. “So fucking tight, baby, love this virgin cunt.” Tears wouldn’t stop, and you tried to close your legs but Ran was too strong, holding them up even with your fighting, “Stop fuckin’ fighting it, pretty girl. It’ll feel good, I promise.” 
Fucking liar.
He shoved his cock in deeper, hearing your cries only spurred him on. “Fuck, Hanma this hole is so fucking good, can’t believe you found such a pretty little thing.” He groaned, spreading your legs and shoving himself faster and harder--splitting you apart. It hurt, so much that Ran could see the little blood streaks starting to cover his cock. He’d ignore it, focusing on the pleasure he was getting out of it. Hanma popped out of your mouth, just to hear the sounds you’d be making. You cried, hiccupping as you pleaded with them. “Please stop!  Please, please it hurts.” You begged and whimpered, looking at Ran with big doe eyes that just made him lose himself even more in your pussy. Ran, thinking he was doing you a favor, licked at his thumb before flicking your clit. “S’okay pretty girl, not gonna hurt for long.” He pinched and rubbed at your nub, keeping up his pace slamming into you. 
Hanma shoved his cock back into your mouth, pushing the head into your cheek to see it bulge. “So fucking hot.” He mumbled, hooking a thumb into the side of your mouth like a fucking fish hook and fucking your throat like that. “Gonna cum down your throat just like this.” He promised, hearing your gurgles and spit bubbling around him. A hand reached at his phone in his pocket, turning on the camera and snapping a few pictures of you like this, wanting them in his memory forever. “So fucking pretty, baby.” He chuckled, hair falling into his face as he lost his composure more and more. He humped at your face a few more times before cumming down your throat, with you gagging and pushing at him, silently begging for air. He let you go, sputtering up his cum with tears running down your face and whimpering--it was too much.
“Haitani, hurry the fuck up.” He grumbled, the purple haired man giving him the middle finger with a curse, leaning over you to fuck you harder. The pain was still there, and it was still so fucking much, too full, splitting you, but the small disgusting part of your nerves were squeezing him, finding solace in the slight pleasure you felt whenever he rubbed your clit. He took that as you enjoying him fully, grinning like a mad man. “There you go, princess, not so bad, right?” He panted above you, humping you like a fucking dog, pulling back and slamming into your tight heat. “Gonna cum in you, pretty girl, gonna fill you up.” He was more talking to himself than anything, continuing to look at how your virgin little pussy swallowed him up. “A-ah, fuck.” He cursed, spilling himself into you with a groan, as you tried to curl into yourself.
“Time to switch, baby.”
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sca-nerd · 7 months
Make A Quick and Cheap Circle Cloak
Step 1. Invite some friends to their first ever event. Make sure it's a cold weather event so that you have to make them cloaks. Then have your Scadian friends ask if you can make them one, as well, because they can't seem to find theirs or found that it wasn't warm enough last year. You have now agreed to make four cloaks.
Step 2. Go to Walmart. Get one (or four) of the $10 fleece blankets in Full/Queen size. If you want a shorter cloak (about waist length) Twin works. But these are all tall mfer's, so I went with the bigger blanket. These blanket don't fray, so there's no need to hem. The edges WILL roll, though, so if you want them to stay flat you'll need to blanket stitch or serge the edges. Or just leave it be, because this is a quick and cheap cloak.
Please note: these ARE polyester so be careful around open flames.
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Step 3. Move everything out of the way in your living room, because you don't have any other space big enough to spread this thing out to mark it for cutting. You will probably upset the dogs, but they'll get over it because they're old and still have the couch to sleep on.
Step 4. Fold your blanket in quarters. This means you fold it in half one way, then in half the other way. The material is a bit stretchy, but do your best to make sure that you have your edges matching. Do better than me.
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Step 5. Find your scissors and grab either a measuring tape or a long enough piece of string, and a sharpie. Tailors chalk won't mark on this stuff so I usually just use a sharpie instead.
Step 6. Measure the shortest length of the blanket. We already know that it says it is 90x90, but that is a lie. It's actually 90x94 or something like that. Anyway. Measure the shortest length to determine the widest you can make your circle. In this case, we're at 45.
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Step 7. Use your tape measure or string like a compass, and mark your cloak. You do this by anchoring one end of the tape measure at the corner of the fold, stretching it out, and marking the fabric at the appropriate length every inch or so. This will create the curve of the circle.
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Ignore the fact that I marked this twice. My anchor had come loose and so I had accidentally marked it wrong for a little bit. Anyway. Do this from one edge all the way to the other. Will this be a perfect circle? No. Will anyone be able to tell? Also no.
Step 8. Connect the dots, or find your scissors and just start cutting.
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Step 9. Congratulations you have a circle. Now you need a place for your head to go. You do this by measuring two inches from the corner fold, and marking it the same way you did for the body of the cloak. Yes, two inches. Don't worry - your neck WILL fit. This fabric has a lot of stretch to it, and since all of the weight will be pulling from this point it will expand to fit you comfortably. Find your scissors and cut along the dots.
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Step 10. Now you have a circle with a hole in the middle of it. Well done. Find your scissors and cut it open, by following the fold from the cut in the neck to the edge of the cloak. This will give you a straight(ish) opening. Try it on and see that I was right about the neck, and you are now cozy and warm.
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Step 11. Wait for your housemate to come home so that they can hand-stitch the frog (clasp) closure onto it for you, because you hate hand sewing and she does embroidery as a hobby. Congrats, you have a circle cloak.
Step 1. Grab that piece you cut off when you made the circle on your blanket. We're gonna turn that into a hood. You only need two matching pieces, but the good news is that you have four. So if you mess up, you still have material to work with.
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Step 2. Mark a straight line of 8 inches. This will be the bottom of the hood to connect to the neck of the cloak. Find your scissors and cut it.
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Step 3. Find your scissors and cut off the other tail end, making it as deep as you would like your hood to be. Or leave the tail and have a liripipe hood, you do you.
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Step 4. Sew up the back and top of the hood. Leave the bottom and face open.
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Step 5. Try it on to see if you need to use your back up pieces to make a new hood or not.
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That'll do, pig.
Step 6. Pin your hood to the neck of the cloak, and discover that I was right when I said that 2 inches was enough for your neckline.
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Step 7. Attach them together. You can do a straight stitch, but I prefer to do a zig-zig, only because there IS a lot of pull on that particular area of the cloak and I like the idea of reinforcement.
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Step 8. Try it on. Be warm. Enjoy.
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Step 1. Realize that you have made four cloaks out of the same colored blankets because Walmart didn't have any other colors available, and while this isn't necessarily a problem, all four cloaks will be in the same camp and you don't want them to get mixed up or confused for each other.
Step 2. Go find some trim that you have had for years and haven't used up because there's so much of it, or run to the thrift store and see what you can find for cheap. Attach it to the front edge of the cloaks and stitch it down.
Note: you will want to attach trim BEFORE you put your frog on.
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Step 3. Silently curse yourself for using wide trim that means you will have to stitch down both sides of it, rather than narrow trim that would only require a zig-zag stitch once down the center.
Step 4. Enjoy.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
10 Things I Love About Ossan's Love Returns
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Y’all. Y'ALL. I am stunned right now. I am verklempt. I never thought I would end up here. But here I am.
I bounced hard off the original Ossan's Love. Like, hard. I DNF'd and immediately memory holed just about everything I knew about it. But people I trust (namely @isaksbestpillow and @twig-tea) said this new series was an improvement on the original, and that I didn't have to go back and try rewatching the first series to dive into this one. So of course I, a jbl devotee, had to give it the old college try.
AND TO MY SHOCK AND AWE, I LOVE IT. This show is excellent. This is Japanese media at its absolute best, showcasing the precision in writing, directing, editing, and acting that they can reach when they are firing on all cylinders. This is the kind of comedy only a Japanese production can get right, because it requires a mastery of all these elements that you just can't get in less mature filmmaking industries. This is the best example I have ever seen of this kind of broad comedic style grounded in real stakes.
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So let me tell you why this show, which is available for the international audience on Gaga (and with subs coming from Sirii, as well!), is worth your time:
This is a story about an established relationship between adult characters. Y'all know how I feel about the dearth of this we get in drama! Maki and Haruta have been long distance for four years and are moving in together to start their married life as this show begins.
The writing is unbelievably strong. Everything that happens matters, the characters always make sense, and the jokes are genuinely so fucking funny.
Kurosawa, or Chief, as I refer to him, is one of the funniest characters of all time, in any drama. The way this man had me laughing out loud in every scene! I felt like I got a workout.
This show is a feat of editing. I have been watching a string of shows recently that are getting hamstrung by bad editing, so let me tell you, it was a true pleasure to watch a drama that executes editing tricks so deftly and with such an eye toward sharpening its story and enhancing its jokes.
It has excellent female side characters. We have Chizu, my favorite lady bestie who is here to whip Haruta into shape at all times, and Chuoko, an actual archer who also has her own little romance going, and Haruta's mom, an unbothered legend who just wants to eat her food and get to her dates with her boyfriend.
There's a mystery! Next door to Haruta and Maki are two creepy mfers (brothers?) who are Up To Something. Or not! I don't know but I’ll find out!
We are getting an actual dialogue about gay marriage. Haruta and Maki consider themselves married, but have no legally binding contract and have not yet had a wedding, and they talk about this and their feelings about it often as they are negotiating their lives together.
We may have some aroace rep happening?? This is still pending but my radar is pinging hard for Takegawa to join the incredibly shortlist of explicitly aro and/or ace characters in bl.
DID I MENTION THIS SHOW IS FUCKING HILARIOUS. I cannot overstate the number of times this drama had me straight cackling in three short episodes. I had to get up and do some laps to walk it off.
The show is extremely well paced and I trust it not to waste my time. No small thing in these bl streets! The odd episode order (9) and tight pacing of each of the first three episodes tells me the creators of this show know exactly what they are doing and how much time they need to execute their vision.
This show is airing live for the next six weeks and I strongly encourage you to watch it and come join the fun with us!
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floralflytrap · 8 months
Gekko, Phoenix and Yoru with Photographer S/O | HEADCANONS
Word Count: 500+ I love photography as a hobby and thought yknow what, a photographer reader is so cute! love love love <3
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He loves the fact that you are into photography
After seeing your photography he begs asks very kindly for you to take photos of him for social media
Loves seeing the collection of cameras you have stocked up
He asks for cute couple photos all the time
You definitely take multiple photos with a Polaroid camera just for him x
You have a collection of pictures of him during training, which he has NO clue you have
He always says you should look at putting your photographs in competitions, to which you show him photos of you at the ones you’ve won, which is a substantial amount.
He’s proud that his partner is so damn talented and will 100% flaunt that
“Yo, have you heard about y/n? THE best photographer ever!”
You should be proud that he’s so proud of you <3
He saves all the photos that have fire incorporated into them in a folder called “FIRE PICZ 🔥🔥” like the loser he is
Your favourite photo of him is one you took while he was setting up the fire place. He truly looks good in warm, golden lighting.
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First he asked about the Polaroid photos you owned
You showed him your cameras and showed him how to use the Polaroid camera
His first photo with it was a shaky one of you (it immediately went into your phone case as soon as it developed)
Absolutely loves doing photoshoots with his buddies! Wingman is a natural at modelling!
You start printing out photos and make a scrapbook as a gift for Gekko
This man bawled like a baby when he saw it
You always sneak the cutest photos of him! Gekko is naturally photogenic, a fact that you VERY much value
He is your muse <3
Asks you to send the photos you take for photo dumps online, to which he always tags you
He starts randomly gifting you a shit ton of camera equipment? Like out of NOWHERE, and it wasn’t even compatible with your cameras. But it was the gesture that counted, right?
“Y/n! I’ve got a surprise for you, close your eyes!”
Turns out he actually bought you a whole new, flashy camera.
You cherished it, and used it so much (RIP old cameras, you had a good life)
The man received many smooches <3
Y’all also definitely have multiple polaroids of the two of you smooching
Your favourite photo of him is one where he is napping on the couch surrounded by his creatures. He looked so peaceful, and that is very beautiful to you.
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Was taken aback when he first saw you walking around with a camera
‘I’ve been dating this person and never noticed this whole ass camera? The fuck?’
Was “grumpy” when he saw the secret photos you took of him
He actually loved him, especially since you captured his good side
He loves the photos you take of him at casual locations and on dates
Makes them his profile picture
Although he hates you lovingly for the folder he found on your phone called “yoru eyeliner pics”
He will go through the shared folder you set up of your photos and look at them and smile because wow you’ve taken your time to set all this up and take these photos.
He feels special
Will be so chill about it to your face though, you don’t need to know he’s obsessed with the photos
Borrowed lipstick one time and told you to put it on and kiss him for a photo.
Cheeky mfer, that's why you love him though xx
Your favourite photo of him is one you took when he was waiting at the traffic lights after it had just rained. The way he looked surrounded by the city and lights reflected in the puddles on the road and sidewalk? To die for.
Thank you so much for reading <3
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cobragardens · 7 months
God Is a Creepy-Ass Meta Mfer:
A Good Omens Essay
This essay features fan theory and speculation. DO NOT TAG NEIL GAIMAN IN ANY POST THAT INCLUDES OR REFERENCES THIS ONE.
The rest of this depends on accepting the premise that God's Plan is not always inscrutable in hindsight, i.e., that parts of that Plan can be discerned or identified as such once they have happened, even if the next moves of the Plan and its ultimate Purpose remain ineffable.
If you are willing to accept that premise, then I suggest we can conclude with reasonable certainty that Thesis Statement 1: Aziraphale's act of giving Adam the First Man the flaming sword is part of God's Plan, and so was Eve and Adam eating the Fruit.
The argument for the latter has been in circulation making even the beardiest of old Christian men scratch their heads for centuries, and in Good Omens, Crowley is the first being ever to make it:
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The presence of the Tree in the Garden placed by an omnipotent being with literally infinite orchard space and security technology is a clear indication that God intends humans to interact with the Tree and sets humans up in a divine entrapment operation, giving God the opportunity to curse humanity and evict them from the Garden.
Diversion onto Thesis Statement 2 bc the Essayist Got Distracted: This establishes both the Bible and Good Omens as works of literature in the cosmic horror genre (not that Good Omens doesn't do plenty of its own work in so establishing itself).
In both these stories God is a being beyond humanity's understanding, functionally omniscient and omnipotent, who first creates and then interferes with humanity for unknown reasons and who does not necessarily have humanity's best interests in mind at any point. His/er reasoning and objectives for humanity are opaque, and S/he manipulates circumstances to create excuses to do humanity as a species and sometimes specific humans harm.
If you're not already familiar, go read all the shit God curses humans with when Eve and Adam snack on the Tree's Fruit. It's frighteningly cruel, if not outright psychopathic. So is God's behavior the Book of Job, His demand that Abraham sacrifice Isaac, Mosaic Law, and the sacrifice of His/er Son. Human lives are no more significant to God than the lives of ants are to humans. This whole history of Earth? It may not even be about us. Our entire species' history may just be part of the backdrop to something else, like two angels falling in love and reuniting Heaven and Hell, or like raccoons. It could all be about the raccoons. Who knows! All of this is absolutely 100% pure undiluted cosmic horror.
Right, okay, so back to Thesis 1: In Good Omens, Aziraphale's gift to the first man of the flaming sword is an objective God wants. Here's my chain of reasoning:
The Eating of the Fruit and God's punishment were both objectives of God. See above.
2. Once those objectives had been accomplished, humankind would not have survived outside the Garden of Eden without the sword. They literally would not exist at all.
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Adam the First has to kill the lion, either to keep it from killing him and Eve or to keep him and Eve from starving. No flaming sword = no humanity.
3. We know "no humanity" is not God's Plan, because--
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--God says her Plan is Armageddon and the Second Coming in 6,000 years. So humanity needs to exist for either of those to occur (or for there to be any reason for adventures about averting them to occur). And God does a whole Crucifixion and Resurrection of His/er Son. So God wants humanity around and is even prepared to welcome them back into His/er grace, providing they meet certain conditions.
4. We know God is not displeased about Aziraphale's gift of the sword to humans because God asks Aziraphale about the sword, and Aziraphale lies and says he's lost it, and God, who is omniscient and therefore knows this to be a lie and knows exactly where the sword is, lets the entire thing pass unremarked. (More on this anon.)
5. It is not a reach too far to suspect this of God. She tells us Herself that she is a trickster and that we can't trust her not to deceive us:
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She also tells us
i. The universe is a game she is playing for her own amusement:
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🎵cosmic horror alerrrrrrrrrt!🎵🎶
ii. No one, including angels and demons, has been told the real rules of this game:
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"FOR EVERYONE ELSE." Not just humans.
That's why Crowley and Aziraphale each have to wonder if they've done the right or the wrong thing: nobody's told them what the rules are. Aziraphale even thinks that Crowley's temptation of Eve is "all part of the Plan," i.e, that Crowley did the right thing by doing the wrong one. They have no way to tell, and it may be both right and wrong at the same time. (Wrestling with impossible moral conundra raised by a brief look into a story happening on a much greater level than your own? You could be suffering from our old pal Thesis 2: Good Omens is cosmic horror!)
So Aziraphale's Promethean gift to humanity was one of God's objectives, just as cursing humans and yeeting them out of the Garden with the knowledge of Good and Evil and maybe a couple apple seeds in hand was His/er objective.
BONUS! Thesis 3: So why does God bring up Aziraphale's misappropriation of the sword at all? To show us, the audience, that Aziraphale lied to Her and that his gifting of the sword to Adam is part of Her Plan.
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Remember from her whole deal with the Tree: God likes to set up situations so that She can react to them. Here she lampshades her awareness of what Aziraphale has done, listens to him lie to Her about it, and then very pointedly does nothing in response to that. She wants everyone watching--i.e., Aziraphale and us--to note that she has noticed the transfer of the sword and is not displeased by it and has noticed the lie and is not going to do anything about that either.
Remember as well, God is the one controlling the narrative we see in S1 of Good Omens. She introduces and concludes the story, and she narrates the scenes of the baby-swap. She's in control of which scenes we see and the order in which we see them. Since she is the one who asked Aziraphale the question about the sword, she's also responsible for this scene's existence.
So why do I think this scene is meant for us and not Aziraphale? Two reasons. Firstly, the conversation with God doesn't do Aziraphale any good. He worries about eventually getting in trouble about the sword until 2019, around 6,000 years later.
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God is both omniscient and omnipotent, so it's not possible that She failed to communicate to Aziraphale in such a way that would ease his anxiety. Therefore the conversation was not for his benefit. Again, she's omniscient, so it wasn't for Her benefit either. That leaves the only other party to this conversation: us. The audience.
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The next obvious question is, Why does God want us to know that Aziraphale's gift of the flaming sword was both of his free will and part of Her Plan?
I don't know. But I think it may become important, and here is where we delve into hypothesis territory: I think Good Omens is going metafictional. I mean this in a Doki Doki Literature Club, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch way: God, the character in Good Omens, is telling us, the audience, a story.
This metafictional aspect has been with us the whole time---more precisely since 01:13 of S1E1, when God switches from third-person to first-person and addresses us the viewers directly:
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And there are several more metafictional; notes in S1 and S2 that I've found so far:
Season 1
That giant eyeball up there floating in space with a bunch of arcane shit around it is a reference to the opening credits sequence of The Twilight Zone, a metafictional show in which an omniscient narrator introduces and concludes each story by addressing the audience directly.
S1E1 27:20
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Season 2
1. Maggie and Nina are fictional characters, but the characters share their names with actors Maggie Service and Nina Sosanya.
2. The final credits sequence, with the split screen showing Crowley on one side and Aziraphale on the other, references David Tennant and Michael Sheen's previous/simultaneous lockdown tv series project, Staged! which is intensely metafictional and in which Tennant and Sheen play characters based on themselves and with their names.
3. Sloppy plot synopsis or something more sinister?
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4. An interviewer points out that Good Omens references Doctor Who as an extant concern in-universe, which obviously stars David Tennant in the past and currently.
If you find more, please drop them in the comments!
We the audience, are meant to understand ourselves and our reality as being indirectly involved in this story. And God wants us to know 1) that Aziraphale lied to Her about giving away the sword, knowing it was futile, and 2) that his gift of the flaming sword was part of Her Plan. The former is a major character note, and probably a foreshadowing one; but I have no guesses about God's purpose in showing us that the gift of the flaming sword was also to Plan except that whatever it is will probably make me dislike Her approach to parenting even more than I already do.
What I do love about this though is that it suggests that Crowley and Aziraphale both did the right thing by doing the wrong one, i.e. achieved a kind of Schroedinger's obedience, which is nice and disturbing and surprise! pretty cosmic horror. More sweetly, though, it suggests that the two foundational gifts to humanity from the divine were motivated by Crowley's low-effort mischief and Aziraphale's kindheartedness, which is lovely to think about.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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00belle00lovely00 · 2 months
You got any Hoppy x Kickin headcannons?
My biggest headcanon is that Kickin would be always going around, thinking he is the best of the best, the coolest of the coolest, and the most radical of all the smiling critters. But, unlike how he treats everyone with his massive ego, he is CONSTANTLY (and rather pathetically) trying to impress Hoppy. Surprisingly, she is completely oblivious to this, even though this has been going on for years now.
Alternative headcanon: literally Judy Hops and Nick Wild
Kickin would probably either try to impress her with terrible flexing or bad pickup lines. And I'm not talking about corny nor cringe pickup lines, literally PATHETIC pickup lines. Like- he would go: Kickin: "Hey Hops! My friend over there thinks you're pretty!" *points over at an empty bench before rushing over there, laying on it with a small pose.* Kickin: "Sup."
Your honour, same energy, same tastes. Soulmates ya'll.
Would definitely share each other's clothes (if they had any).
Hoppy has always been a bleeding heart, a 'people pleaser' if you will, so whenever she gets a wound after playing in a match, she tries to dismiss it as other's worry just because she feels guilty about worrying others about her. BUT KICKIN? OH NO. THAT BOY WOULD BREAK INTO HER HOUSE THE MOMENT HE HEARD THE SLIGHTEST SOUND FROM A PAPER CUT. The irony is that Hoppy would do the SAME EXACT THING for him
While Hoppy and Kickin are both equally sports and rather competitive, Hoppy prefer ball games while Kickin prefers 'skill sports' as he quotes.
You'll know Bobby wouldn't leave Kickin alone for months if she ever got to find out he liked Hoppy. Oh hell nah, she would do GROUP MEETINGS (except without Hoppy) JUST TO TALK ABOUT THEIR NEXT 'DATE'. She is probably the second reason why he is so in denial about it.
Even though Kickin's is the most obvious, Hoppy would have a crush on him as well. Yet wouldn't straight up notice it and thinks it's just a "regular friend to friend feelings".
They are VERY competitive. But surprisingly, in a very friendly way. They would constantly dare each other to do certain things and cheer each other up whenever they won against each other's teams.
"Who would block a bullet for the other?" BOTH OF THESE DUMB DUMBS.
If they ever got married, their honeymoon would be the fuckin moon.
Hollywood rockstar x athletic astronaut. That or BFFs to lovers
Live laugh love Craftycorn and Bobby literally making fan art and fanfiction of their friends.
(Gosh- first time I've ever done headcanons. This was surprisingly refreshing. IDK if it would be a good idea to even go on AO3 and write something about these two fellas cause I STILL gotta finish that one chapter of my TADC one)
(Actually- let me know what you guys think!)
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sirwow · 5 months
Iv got a ton of headcannon RD thoughts in my head right now so under a cut (since I can be long winded lol) here I’m gonna talk a lot about them. Mostly pertaining to all of the characters
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So to start off
Intern (and my own thoughts on them):
My own version of the intern would probably be pretty static- very simple humanoid looking robot, uses wheels to be pushed or roll around so going up elevators is how they get up and down. Still controlled by a remote intern and due to being pretty prototyped they can’t do much other then what the robot it’s built for (pushing buttons!) They do have a simple display that shows a heart rate on their arm and a face display for basic emotions.
Samurai and Insomniac
These guys are weird so their backgrounds get to be just as weird. Samurai and Insomniac both came to Middlesea from Japan (Samurai) and Korea (Insomniac) to compete in a worldwide tournament of katana sparring. Insomniac ended up losing to Samurai after getting no sleep the night before and admittedly got a bit peeved about it. They had a run in when Samurai was celebrating at a nightclub and had a rematch on the dance floor. One drunken fight later they ended up at the hospital and have to be there awhile to sort out the paperwork. They’re on much better terms now and respect each other’s skills.
Bonus stuff: Samurai is bad at speaking English but is very good at writing it, Insomniac is vice versa this. Samurai due to the struggle to show emotions through words usually emotes things physically and doesn’t mind stuff happening as long as he gets to be included. Insomniac has insomnia because of the time difference and not being able to adjust
Logan and Hailey
I feel they’re probably about 15? Old enough to be highschoolers but still pretty childish at times. They’re also both in dance! (I mean com’on two kids being able to just break into slow dance together is pretty impressive) Hailey loves to talk about said fact but Logan is pretty self conscious about being one of the few boys in it. Big baseball fans but didn’t ever play it before lucky as they were a bit scared of being demolished. Met through the before mentioned dance class and hit it off very quickly. Other then that, they’re pretty typical, optimistic and overly energetic teens.
He’s not originally from Middlesea but instead a few towns over. Got kicked from home as a final choice by his parents when he kept avoiding to get a job and hyper focused on music making. They gave him 1500$ on the way out and still wanted the best for him but in his emotions, cut them off before jumping all the way to Middlesea by train. Shortly after arriving, Cole had his first very bad SVT attack from stress and trying to chug energy shots to stay awake after a very long train ride and got taken to the hospital. Now can’t decide if he wants to get out of the hospital already for music inspiration and to be free or try to stay longer for the sake of having a place to stay and see the new friends he’s made.
Gave up on music only a year after highschool when her less well off family couldn’t support her musical ambitions and chose to leave it behind for the sake of a career. Despite not having the title, basically acts as the cafe manager after most her team got laid off. It’s how she can get away with locking up early sometimes or just chilling in the cafe after hours. Dyes her nearly black hair green constantly and learned how to do it herself.
Mr and Mrs Stevenson
Mrs Stevenson is the owner of a bird sanctuary while Mr Stevenson has been retired for awhile due to previous injuries. He always called Mrs in the mornings as she had to always leave early in the morning to take care of her birds. The ones with bow ties are all rescues who were taken in since they were babies and lived at their house. Taught them all how to sing with her and Mr.
Small town mfer, always took care of his injuries at home and hasn’t really ever been to a hospital till now. Around 35 yrs old and works as a sulfur miner for a team of geologists. Has been mining since 20~ but that time has seriously been taking affect on his body now. Likely won’t be returning to his work after the hospital when he finds out the ramifications of his work. Everyone’s friend, even friendly and kind to Edega.
.. and that’s kinda all Iv got at the moment other then Lucky being thrown off from a real friend group after being in a fake one for so long. I don’t have a lot HCs for the doctors yet other then Ian sorre….
If you made it this far have some cocole doodles for your sake
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therogerclarkfanclub · 4 months
Man, Twitter today was just pathetically sad. Roger was getting jumped left and right by stupid Twitter trolls who think AI is "not a big deal" and "who cares if I copy someone's voice, 'just for the lulz' ", and on top of that, several idiots assuming that Roger makes 10s of 1000s of dollars on each film/theater/TV role he gets, was just beyond sad.
Don't get me wrong, me being a huge fanboy of him I wish him nothing but the absolute best. Is he laughing his way to the bank? I sure hope so! I, for one, would be happy that his acting career is paying off and he is able to make loads of cash. Now, is this actually the case? I do not have the slightest clue, but I am not about to turn into a jealous arsehole if this were to be the case.
The hate he was receiving was just unbearably bad. What? A person cannot defend their own work? Their livelihood? Their means to put food on their table? Are actors are not entitled to receive fair compensation for putting their talents to work? Whether those talents are through Mocap or voice acting or just good ol' fashioned acting?
This screenshot below was one of the most pathetic things I've ever read, and clearly they don't know much about software licensing. And for the record, neither do I. All I know is that just because I buy a physical copy of RDR2 doesn't mean I own the assets inside that disc. It's still Rockstar's property. Arthur and the entire VDL gang still belongs to them, I am merely paying to have access and enjoy what Rockstar has made, but no, it is not "mine".
And even worse to think that someone "works" for you just because you paid a measly $60.00?? 😂
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I don't even know what to say to this MFer here. This is just the tip of the iceberg for the level of stupidity Roger was dealing with today. But Roger, not being one to back down, dealt a quick swift burn to this MFer. Good for him.
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But the entire saga is just nasty. I am only posting those two screenshots and honestly that is too much.
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skyguyyyyyyy · 4 months
Forgive me but I’m rather new to the Star Wars world and I’m just starting to really fall in love with it, especially the prequels era. I am almost finished reading the novelization of ROTS and I am weak over it.
First of all, it’s beautifully written. 12/10
Secondly, oh. my. gosh. The team, the team!! Kenobi & Skywalker, the Jedi council’s most powerful duo: more than friends, more than brothers. Best friends on and off the battlefield, two halves of the same whole. One is passion & fury while the other is wisdom & solid as stone. They complement each other so well that it makes the betrayal in the end that much worse. It’s absolutely earth shatteringly heartbreaking. Their friendship in the book is so well described and much more fleshed out than in the movie. Not to even mention TCW (which I love so much) and all that we saw between them and what they went through. Obi-Wan & Anakin. Kenobi & Skywalker. Chefs kiss, I love them both.
Thirdly, Anakin & Padmé, the most beautifully heartbreaking and tragic love story that ever was. Anakin & Padmé are e v e r y t h i n g. Their love is so abiding and true, so full of hope and determination against all of the odds stacked against them. Anakin’s fierce loyalty and obsession to protect her from anything is what dream men are made of. He adores her so much to his own detriment and she adores him to hers. It’s so sad, so beautiful, and so unfinished. They never get their happy ending, or at least not in the living world. I hope we get to see Anakin & Padmé reunited in the force somehow, someway, someday.
Finally, PALPATINE, THAT MFER. Isolating Anakin, making him doubt those he holds most dear in the name of saving them. Making him think Padmé is betraying him with Obi-Wan by her side and vice versa. Palpatine making Anakin believe that the council doesn’t trust him more than they most likely do. (Don’t worry, I have my qualms with the Jedi Council, too. I will never forgive them for doing Ahsoka so dirty.) Palpatine getting exactly what he wants in the end and ruining everything good about the galaxy, about Anakin, about Padmé, and about Obi-Wan. Absolutely despicable, i hate him so much.
This novel is pulling at my heart strings y’all and I don’t think I’ll ever recover.
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