#one of my favourite covers for them ever its soooo so perfect
nakedmossy · 4 years
Depth Over Distance - Part One [Rudy x Reader]
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[A/N: I haven’t found a hometown Rudy fic yet soooo I wrote one. I have no idea where this story is going to go and I’m honestly finding it hard to get out of writing JJ and get into writing Rudy, but here we go anyways. I wanted to write something where the reader and Rudy were hometown friends before he moved to LA, and to explore the idea of how that would change/what it would look like when he comes back. Get ready for a S L O W. B U R N. my dudes. Peace and love, Mossy x]
The sky was grey and the air was wet - it had been raining for 4 days straight. You sat in your car with the heat cranked, your window down slightly so that the humidity didn’t fog up your mirrors. Living on the Alaskan coast was beautiful most of the time but horrible some of the time, especially when you had to waste gas just keeping warm and dry at 6pm in the beginning of ‘Summer’. 
You had never lived anywhere else aside from the summer you spent in Vancouver with your cousin when you were 19. Now, at 23, you were working full time at the local bookshop that was an 8 minute drive from your house in the winter and a 20 minute walk/skate in the summer. Your car was parked street side, waiting for your friend Lizzy to finish her shift at the cafe. The smell of the rain and the Ben Howard song on the radio made you nostalgic about the times you and your friends from high school had spent hours skating down these streets, beers in your backpacks, no helmets, dirty shoes and clothes, no pressure, no responsibilities, no cell service...no worries. 
Since graduation a lot of your friends had moved out of town, either to Anchorage or down to Washington, or further south. Your best friend Lizzy had stayed close to home, helping run her families business and working part time at the cafe. You had stayed local too...your dad owned a fishing guide business and your mom was an admin assistant for the MD in town, but neither made enough to cover all the medical bills you had racked up over the last few years. You figured once the debt was paid off you might leave...but you had no idea where you would go. 
You missed all of your friends, but you missed the boys the most, aside from Lizzy you didn't have a lot of female friends, and your boys had been like brothers to you. You spoke to most of them every few weeks on FaceTime, except Rudy. He had gone to LA for awhile and had kept in touch loosely, but after the first few months he started to drift. 
You felt the loss the hardest for Rudy. He had been your closest friend the longest, you had spent nearly every day of every summer together since you were 9, and every school year you worked the same part time job at the seafood restaurant on the water. Now, the last you heard, he was coming back for the summer to ‘reconnect’. You had low expectations and tried not to let yourself get excited, but truthfully, you wanted him to spend some time at home and be around his own kind again - he had always been a homebody and you were worried that being gone for 4 years would go to his head or change him.
Lizzy tapped on the glass, causing you to blink out of your reverie and smile at her. You rolled the window down and let her reach in and open the door from the inside (the handle had been broken since high school). She threw her backpack and skateboard in the back seat, climbing in and closing her door.
“Ugh.” She grunted as her teeth chattered and she rubbed her bare legs. 
“You know its only May, you shouldn’t even be wearing shorts yet. The snow just melted.”
Lizzy glared at you playfully and put her hand out to do your handshake. You did it, then put the car in drive and started slowly down the street, windshield wipers moving rhythmically.
“How was the shift?” You asked as you checked your mirrors and wiped some humidity off the rear view. 
“Same old” Lizzy leaned back in her seat and pulled the visor mirror down to fix her hair. “That old man Collins from the cannery keeps coming in and harassing me.”
“Jack? The one with the eye patch?” 
Lizzy nodded dramatically as she held the bobby pins in her mouth and started to twist her straight black hair off her face. 
“That guy-“ She finished placing the final pin and slammed the visor closed “-Is an absolute creep.”
You snorted a sarcastic laugh and rolled your eyes.
“He’s like...70. And widowed. Don’t be rude.”
“I’m not being rude. Im just...asserting my boundaries.”
“You literally have a 3 foot counter between you at minimum, at all times.” You looked over at her and raised your eyebrows.
“Whatever. All I’m saying is we need hotter men in this town. Like...soon.”
You nodded in agreement and felt your eyes wander all over the road, remembering the time you and Rudy had taken your longboards down it after a torrential downpour and you had crashed and gotten such bad road burn that he had to call his dad to come pick you both up because you couldn’t walk.
“Hey, Y/N, are you listening?” Lizzy cut back in, staring at you.
“No, what?”
“I said, speaking of hot guys, I heard Rudy is coming back for a few months.”
You pinched your face and looked at her then at the road, then back at her.
“Rudy is not hot. Rudy is....Rudy. What are you talking about?”
Lizzy looked at you disbelieving and closed her mouth, trying not to smile.
“What!” You repeated, smacking her arm.
“Hey!” She laughed, then shook her head and looked out the window. “Whatever you say man, I just think....” She grabbed her water bottle and began to screw off the lid “I just think...he’s not gonna be the same Rudy that left 4 years ago. He’s like...a movie star now.”
You couldn’t even begin to touch that one. You knew what she was doing...she was always harping on you about going on dates or taking trips with her to the mainland to hook up with the pilots during their layovers. You never went, and always insisted that you were just fine and were not interested. She never listened. Part of that was true...you were fine, and usually not interested. But sometimes, when the water was calm and the sunset was colourful and the fish were jumping and your beer was cold...you wished you had someone to share it with.
“I’m going up to Skagway this weekend with my dad” You said, changing subjects. “He’s short a guide and needs someone to drive the boat.”
“Lucky you” She said sarcastically, screwing the lid back on her bottle. “Another weekend spent with men twice your age who have zero ability to catch a fish and even less ability to smell nice.” 
“It’s good money.” You said flatly, annoyed that everything seemed to revolve around men with her. “And in case you forgot I’m kinda in need of that at the moment.”
Lizzy licked her lips and put her hands up, dipping her head. 
“Alright...noted. Chill out Kemosabe.” She giggled under her breath and looked out her window, drawing a small penis in the moisture on the window.
“Babe, seriously. You need to get laid.” You said, shaking your head.
“I know” She replied, working on the veins. “Trust me. Im in a state of national emergency by this time of year.”
Lizzy was absolutely one of the girliest girls (and most beautiful girls) in the south of Alaska, which was ironic considering the house she grew up in. Her dad was an overweight German restaurant entrepreneur who had opened a world class seafood restaurant in Juneau back in the 90s and had shacked up with her mother who was this drop dead gorgeous Haida warrior woman who you had literally seen kill and skin a bear with her own hands. 
They had forged this chain of restaurants local to Alaska that people flew hundreds of miles to eat at, but still lived in an off-grid cabin that hadn’t been insulated since 1960 and used wood heating. Not really the type of family that screamed southern belle femininity - yet somehow Lizzy came out of that union with a pink bed set, refusing to ever wear camo or sweatpants, and still had never shot a gun - which her mother reminded her of weekly. 
Lizzy had hit puberty at 10 and had used her breast advantage over every girl in your class for the next 3 years like some sort of distinction of better genetics, as if she needed boobs to prove that. Unlike you, she was naturally thin and tall (6ft to be precise), had long, thick straight black hair and olive skin, and perfect hips. You felt like a prepubescent boy standing next to her, with your uneven complexion and your frizz and your awkward thigh fat distribution. You were envious of her genetics - her mother graced her with the body of an athlete and the thick black hair, and her father had given her height and cheekbones that could slice through glass. You looked down at your arms, covered in freckles, pasty white from lack of sun, and cringed, looking back at the road.
You turned the corner leaving the main road and starting on the dirt road that led to your favourite part of beach access. Lizzy pulled her hoodie out of her backpack and took off her seatbelt, leaning forward to pull it down over her head. You leaned forward and looked up, this was your favourite part of the drive. The dirt road which was lined with moss and ferns and other foliage wound along the base of the snow capped mountain that was at least 1000ft in elevation. The mist and fog from the coast was thick and creeped through the tall cedar trees, black ravens and falcons flying overhead stark against the white mist. This was the most idyllic picture of northwest coastal living you could find.
When you parked at the trail head Lizzy slipped off her work flats and into her Teva’s, you grabbed your yellow Vans out of your trunk and slipped them on. You usually drove bare foot, a habit you had started in high school after Rudy had thrown your shoes off the dock at the restaurant and you had to drive home without any. You grabbed your sweater and your backpack which had the beer in it. As you were both gathering the rest of your things...beach blanket, hats, and rain cover, you heard a car pull up behind you. You stood up out of the trunk and squinted to see the car through the fog. It was a black ford pickup you had never seen before. 
“Who’s that?” Lizzy chimed in from behind you.
“No clue” You said as you lifted your hand to wave once. 
The truck had tinted windows and looked brand new. When it pulled up beside you, the drivers side window began to unroll, revealing Junior - your high school (ex) sweetheart.
“Holy” You said, eyebrows up, nodding. “Nice truck - where’d you steal it from?” He rolled his eyes at you dramatically.
“Whatever kid - its a rental. Got it to drive to the airport in.” His chest puffed out and his expression read so proud. 
“Airport?” You said inquisitively. “Since when does Alan pay you to drive new trucks to the airport?” 
“Since Rudy hired him for the pick up service and apparently is incapable of driving his own ass around anymore” Junior snorted and waved at Lizzy.
“Or he doesn’t have a car here anymore” You noted, rolling your eyes at him.
“Either way, I get this bad boy for the next 24 hours and I intend to give her the royal grand tour of our humble town.” He ran his hand up and down the steering wheel, stroking the new leather. “Wanna go for a rip?” He said, winking. You shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Well I do” Lizzy piped up from beside you, walking closer to the window. She smiled at Junior and began to put her hair in a pony tail. She nudged your arm as she began to walk to the passenger side door. “Come on, granny. Let’s go!”
She laughed as she climbed up into the truck, but you shook your head again.
“I’m good...you kids have fun. Say hi to Rudy for me” You said to Junior, who shrugged his head and muttered ‘definitely wont do that’ under his breath.
Lizzy blew a kiss at you and waved once before Junior put it in drive and started to go up the dirt road north of you. 
Junior and you had ended on okay terms, but he had concocted a theory that you had broken up with him because of another guy, and the unspoken suggestion was that that guy had been Rudy. Small town guys had a heck of a time with the idea of girls and guys just being friends. 
You sighed and watched as the truck disappeared around the corner, and turned back to your own car. You grabbed your backpack and slammed the trunk closed, walking down the path alone. You weren’t mad at Lizzy for going with him - she was flighty and bailed on you at the bar all the time - but you were mad the beer was going to go warm before you could drink it all. Not that you should even be drinking 6 beers alone by the water when you had to drive yourself home. Doubtful the 2 cops in this town would even be awake to see you though. Whatever.
You reached the end of the path and rounded the corner, revealing the coast line and the rocky beach. It was your favourite place to sit and think, sit and smoke, sit and be yourself. The beach curled in a U shape, giving you a private spot where the rest of the shoreline was blocked from view and all you could see was the ominous cedar forest that stretched up the mountain, the snow caps at the top, and the horizon over the cold pacific.
You had intended to share the joint you had in your pocket with Lizzie, but...well, her loss. You spread the blanket out on the softest patch of sand and rocks you could find (which still meant you were guaranteed to get at least 2 rocks in the ass) and placed your bag down, kicking off your sneakers. You took a deep breath for the first time in a few days and lit the joint, taking one long, deep inhale. You felt it tingle through your chest and your arms and legs almost immediately, relaxing you. Being here alone always sent you into a spiral of memories and thoughts that you worked hard during the day to suppress. Most insistent lately had been thoughts about your health problems. You called them ‘health problems’ but in reality it was just an eating disorder. You could go 2, sometimes 3 days without eating anything, and never felt hungry. It started after graduation.
You had lost weight, dramatically, going from a stable 120-125 to 95 at most and 90 at worst, in the span of a month. And for the next three years you had never gained it back, you had stayed at a relatively stable 95, which still left you looking sickly and too thin at 5’3”. Your frame wasn’t built for that kind of weight drop, you were Scottish and Cree, sprinkled with a little bit of German and Irish. A classic northwest cracker mix. You weren’t naturally small, you always had a bit of something to grab onto, but it was normal to your body, healthy. 
Some part of your brain knew that it had something to do with leaving school...and the pretence that came with that. The expectation...the responsibility. You were never that kind of person, and it never really bothered you, but suddenly it had. You never planned to go to University right away, but you had no back up plan. It wasn't something you and your friends really talked about. But suddenly Jacob had gotten into U of Washington, Dan had left to backpack Europe, and Rudy had not so graciously announced he was deferring his acceptance and scholarship to culinary school because he wanted to be an actor, and flew to LA the next month. You had been left behind, with Lizzy of all people, and it had hit you hard.
You looked around the beach, dragging on your joint quicker than normal, trying to knock the thoughts out of your head. An Eagle screeched above - scaring you - and you laid back on the blanket, closing your eyes. You needed to chill the hell out. This was the first time in a few weeks that you had gotten a night off from helping your dad with his guide business and you didn’t plan on wasting it riddling your brain with anxiety and worrying about your body.
You looked up at the sky and watched the mist and fog kiss the clouds, the sunset colours dancing across them. As it usually did, the rain had stopped just as the sun was going down, the clouds parting briefly and letting the smallest sliver of sunlight through, just enough to burn the grey light out of the sky and allow the pink and orange hues to fade along the horizon. You sat up and cracked a beer, enjoying the fresh smelling air and the rhythmic sound of the waves licking the shore line. 
Two beers in you had put on your jacket and placed your Bluetooth speaker next to you on the blanket, blasting a playlist that Rudy had made you for your graduation party.
Three beers in you took the jacket off, standing up and dancing by yourself on the beach to the music.
Four beers in you laid down on the blanket, balled your jacket up and used it as a pillow, and started looking for shapes in the stars.
Five beers in you fell sleep.
Many hours later, as the sun rose and was bright on the water and the early morning bird feed was in full swing overhead, you were drifting in and out of sleep to the squawking when a shadow came across your face, alerting you to groggily open your eyes.
“What’s up, Little Fern?” His voice had gotten deeper. Wait, what?
You opened your eyes and blinked, raising a hand to block the sun. There, in your very awake and very not dreaming state, was the unmistakable silhouette that you had spent the last 18 years dreaming about and 18 years being a friend to.
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hitomania · 3 years
any voca songs you rly want in proseka? :]
HELLO. SORRY FOR TAKING A COUPLE DAYS TO ANSWER THIS ONE just got distracted for a while but.....oh boy do i........i think of songs i want in sekai like ALL the time literally every time i find a new song i like one of my first thoughts is trying to assign it to a group/characters GHHGSHGKJHJ
BUT HMM....i have some songs i want in that i think actually do have a chance of getting in and others that are like not popular enough to have a chance and are complete fantasy so i'll just go thru one of each for the main 5 groups?
for leo/need the biggest like Actually Has A Chance song i want from them is headphone actor, literally it would be too perfect for shiho to pass up...lyrically it fits her character well and there's a LOT of prominent bass in it too!! please shiho needs more spotlight songs and this one is just so good for it.......
and for the leo/need cover that is like, COMPLETELY impossible but i still like to think about it, that would be sakura-coloured time capsule! the instrumentals and the themes of nostalgia and a school setting and stuff just line up SO well for them and it's such a pretty song...but unfortunately since suzumu left the vocaloid community in a very. Final way. i REALLY doubt it'd ever get in...alas...
for the more more jump cover i think actually has a chance, i'd say orange genome! IT'S.......a LITTLE on the obscure side but it's hall of legend which to me means it's probably popular enough!! it's just such a catchy and bittersweet song to me, it's like light and bubbly enough to work for the idol group while still having a pretty sad meaning which TENDS to be what i like the most from mmj (i.e. milk crown, patchwork staccato). it also has lots of love-related themes which tends to be what they get so pleas....
as for the less likely more more jump cover, that'd be marshmary! mimi songs are all SO GOOD, and honestly if any of them were to get in it'd probably be this one? so i DO have my fingers crossed a little more than other unlikely songs...but it's just SUCH a catchy song, again see what i said above for like. a very light and bubbly and cute instrumental but with some sadder lyrics which i love love love from them so :pleading_face:
for vivid bad squad, a song i want from them that i feel has a solid chance is delusion tax! we NEEEED more boy/girl duet covers in vbs and i feel like this is the PERFECT song for an akito/an duet, it has a very good balance between like. hard rock and electronic, which fits them well...the lyrics are all about desires and wishing on the future too, which fits their characters since they're the ones with the biggest drives and goals in the group, and i think it would be fun i <3 deco songs
AND HOOOO this is probably one of the songs i want in the game more than ANYTHING because its like one of my favourite songs Ever and i can so perfectly envision a cover of it....but alas i feel like it doesn't have a very good shot due to being a pretty small song :( but that would be urusaaai! i linked the araki cover since i feel like it hits harder and is also why i can envision akito being spotlighted here so well but it's just. SUCH a good song, it's so catchy and intense and GODDD what i wouldn't give for a full group cover of it from them.......
for wonderlands x showtime, a likely song i'd love to see from them is 1,2 fanclub! it's just SUCH a catchy and fun and absurd song which i feel fits them really well. emu and nene covers are always so cute and fun and i feel like they would fit this super well, especially with the like few semi-serious lines in it about wanting your feelings to be understood and to communicate well, i think that's a little theme that can actually fit both of them on top of just being a silly funny nonsense song :3
and for unlikely song..............god i wanna say like almost any niru kajitsu song here BUT i gush about him enough as is so i'll go with netasone people instead! kinda same things as above of just being a very funky and absurd song, though the lyrics are a LITTLE darker which i feel can still fit them too, especially if rui gets involved (i think it fits him very well tbh!). ame no murakomo needs more recognition in general and this is my favourite song from him so dreaming
AS FOR 25ji HOHOHO.....their genre tends to be my favourite so i have the MOST thoughts for them but. im gonna HAVE to say for a likely cover i want from them....mkdr....sorry to have two deco songs on here i wanted to keep it more diverse but alas. ANYWAYS this has always been my favourite deco work its just so beautiful and catchy at once and despite being one of his most popular works it hasnt gotten much recognition from concerts/games so like NOW IS THE TIME...GIVE IT TO THEM IM DEMANDING IT
and for UNLIKELY SONG.......oh BOY is this one unlikely i think it's like the least popular by far of every one on this list but GODDDDD ressentiment club would just be SOOOO perfect for a kanade/ena duet and im so mad it will probably never come to pass. see-kun NEEDS more spotlight and 25ji could really use some more intense songs too, it would be so fun to play in game, and also the lyrics fit them just. SO perfectly. i can literally envision what i would want the line divison to be so well its insane GODDD
SO YEAH ^_^ this is just the tip of the iceberg too i have a LOT of other thoughts in mind if you want to enable even more of this but THANK U FOR THIS ASK daydreaming about sekai covers is like my number one hobby so thank you for the excuse to share some of that with da world >:)
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@swtorpadawan tagged me in this meme, and I am hella into it. This is my favourite musing bc swtor in the canon of star wars is fucking hilarious. On a side note, for anyone who does this and chose only one oc, but has thoughts about the others oh my god do and let me know. Im a snoopy bish give them all to me. In this case I’m going to try to keep it brief while covering my main four, Viticalia, Thomsyn, Belville and Montym. Partly bc I’ve been thinking about their dynamics for a joint Alliance Commander AU lately
This got really long, bc I couldn’t choose one, and Im a wordy bish, so I’ve put the actual answers under the cut, so as not to kill everyones dashes
What would your OC do if they were thrown through time and into Star Wars the Clone Wars:
1. Who would they fight for?
I think most of them would either end up going independent or siding with the Republic. Montym and Belville would actually be the most likely to commit to the Republic, they’re both two people who value loyalty and understand that sometimes things need to be changed from the inside out. Thomsyn I think would stay with the Republic, but may end up with the Grey Jedi. She isn’t inclined to this whole “just peacekeepers” deal and would want to take the fight to the Sith directly. Viticalia would be an independent, committing to neither except for who would pay her most, or just destroy the CIS and take her place at the top of it. She would not be willing to submit to being ordered around by Dooku, or lord forbid Grevious or Ventress, and she definitely wouldn’t appreciate Sidious being unwilling to step up on the frontline with his troops.
2. If not a force user, would they keep their job (Would a trooper still work for this new Republic and would an Agent be loyal to the Separatists?)?
Bel would probably make a play to join the SIS. And then immediately question how the SIS went from agents like Theron to seemingly having the capabilities of two people and paperclip. I’m just saying how did no one put any of the diddly dang dots together. He’d be the type to pull off an op and then basically drop it at the Jedi’s feet like “here, give me a job.” I’ll get into why he would go to the republic in a bit.
3. Who would they hate?
Vits would despise Dooku and Sidious. She would like Ventress but find her training considerably lacking. She understand some cunning, undercover work, and what it can do, that’s why she and Bel get along, but the lack of commitment to stand beside your men and fight with them is something she despises.
Thomsyn would have some problems with the way the Jedi, but she and Montym would both have a much bigger problem with Senate oversight. They’re both used to working with politicians, but the inability to work without that oversight would bother them. Neither of them think the Jedi are infallible, but they both have a big problem with the idea of needing politicians to greenlight things like humanitarian missions. 
Bel would have a huge problem with the Jedi that he keeps under lock and key. Part of it would be due to Kothe. The other part is...well he’s seen what happens when Sith lead, he doesn’t really think the Jedi should be given military power for their ability with the Force either. 
4. Who would they get along well with?
Bel would actually get along really well with GAR Specforces. I think he’d adjust pretty easily to them, and people like Skirata and Vau would be comfortingly familiar as Bel actually got along really well with Shae and Torian. And he would very much enjoy the troopers, he understands their mindset, and especially with the Commandos, they understand the importance of intel people like Bel are meant to provide. He’d also be all in to spar with the ARC’s, and hone his skills against theirs.
Montym would have had a romantic crush on Obi-Wan within five seconds of the man dramatically dropping his cape and that’s really all there is to it. He would also get along well with Senator Organa.
Like I said earlier, I think Vits would have liked Ventress, and probably tried to poach her as an apprentice in a damn second. Thomsyn I’m not really sure who she’d get along with best.
5. What would they think of the Jedi Order?
Viticalia has, and always will be fascinated by the Jedi in that sort of detached, research-esque way. Otherwise she doesn’t care about them much, although she does find it a bit amusing to watch some of them tout the ideals of the Republic as things go down hill. She at least never had any misconceptions about the Empire. Thomsyn and Montym sort of understand how the Jedi could have come under such heavy control of the Senate. They both would have hoped for better, but aren’t that surprised, not after Saresh.
Bel could not care less about the Jedi. Likes them well enough individually for the most part, but that’s his approach to any and all force users really.
6. What would they think of the “rule of 2” Sith?
Viticalia thinks its the stupidest thing ever. Probably starts taking on as many slightly sensitive people as she can and calls them her Apprentices just to piss off these new “Sith”. Really she’s just adopting herself a bunch of children, but it counts and that’s all she cares about.
7. What would they think of having a clone and droid army fighting instead of typical soldiers?
Bel understands what its like to be treated as less than a person. As an asset only. It’s still something he does to himself, thinking about himself as only an asset or a liability, which is a mindset Theron’s working on having him get rid of. So he would sympathize pretty heavily, which is part of why he’d go to the Republic. He’s turned the tide of a war and saved countless of his coworkers in the military before, he would try it again.
Viticalia and Thomsyn would have more practical issues with the idea a droid army. They aren’t creative, they can’t interpret, and they aren’t built for every situation. Thomsyn however would have a lot of problems on the legality of clones, whereas Vits is used to slavery and is prone to forgetting about how that works.
Montym thinks the whole idea on either side is terrible, for various reasons, but cannot stand that clones are not legal citizens but the Republic uses them anyhow.
8. If Republic - if they became a general in the army what would their relationship with their clones be like?
I think Montym would accept a position as a General, Thomsyn...maybe for a while. Montym is a little better with handling the cost of war, whereas Thomsyn counts on herself to keep everyone around her alive. I think they’d both be on good terms with their troopers, Montym would take a bit longer, he’s quiet and a bit...odd, but when he likes people he makes it clear. Thomsyn would get close to them quickly, and each death would hit her pretty hard.
9. If Imperial - what would they think of the complete lack of sith and excess of droids in the Separatist army?
Viticalia has soooo many problems about tradition with the way the Sith operate, but in particular thinks the CIS is...stupid. The idea of a civil war is fine, sure, but their execution is lacking. Bel thinks they’re stupid but also finds it very funny. Terrible tactics, questionable leadership, not a good spy in sight... but he also thinks the way the Republic has alienated so many of their own...well he’s seen it before with Imperial worlds, and after Saresh it isn’t surprising. He’s largely disillusioned and just wishes someone would learn from their mistakes already. Part of what would push him to join the Republic in this case would be that he values peoples lives a lot more than droids, and he hasn’t valued the Sith as leaders in a long time, so he has no reason to go to the CIS and as far as he’s concerned, Republics got the better chance. 
10. Consider they were born in this era - where would they fit in Clone Wars canon?
This I’ve actually thought about this a bit. Thomsyn and Montym would be still pretty much the same, Jedi, although Thomsyn would not have joined the Grey Jedi in that AU as she would be more accustomed to what this Republic is like. Viticalia I would go with a Jedi who leaves the order eventually, simply because it would be really fun to explore a much more light-sided Vits. Bel’s a bit more difficult to place, in a society that doesn’t put as much importance on genetics and perfection, he would have the chance to do whatever he liked, which he didn’t in the Empire. In an au that follows his canon life a little better, he would probably join the SIS, but more likely as an anaylst or undercover agent, not as a sniper and agent. 
Honestly time travel and born in that era, they’re def aus I’ve thought about writing
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Oslo 2010 – Semi-Final 1
Host: Norway Slogan: “Share the Moment” Participants: 39 Voting method: 12-point system (50/50 system - combined) Format: 2 Semi-Finals / Grand Final = the top 10 of semi 1 & 2 + the Big 4 + host General Overview: The 2010s decade of Eurovision opens in Oslo; which means a return of Nordic humour! The three presenters are Erik Solbakken, Haddy N'jie and Nadia Hasnaoui, who interject some comedic comments throughout the night. They're also professional in their approach. This trio seems likeable so far. In contrast to previous years, there are no opening acts in the semi finals in 2010. The show begins with a brief video montage and the hosts welcoming the audience, but otherwise we jump right into it! One of the intermission segments involves numerous crowds screaming at cameras, which got annoying and went on too long. The main interval act (“Human Sounds”) is odd and quirky, however. It's basically a series of clips showcasing people creating sounds with their bodies. It concludes with an opera singer shattering an audience member's wine glass lol. The 2010 contest sees Andorra, Czechia, Hungary and Montenegro depart, while Austria and San Marino extend their absences. The only returning country is Georgia following last year's suspension. As a consequence, the number of participating countries is reduced to 39; the lowest since 2006. This was partly due to the global financial crisis of the time. Andorra has yet to return (as of 2020), while the rest will reappear sometime this decade. Starting in 2010, the 50/50 system is implemented for the semi-finals, and not just the Grand Final. Subsequently, this year the juries prevented Finland, Lithuania and (ironically) Sweden from qualifying. Bosnia, Israel and Ireland took their places. The are a few notable disparities between the televote and the jury vote in SF1. For example, the jury-heavy songs include Portugal and Bosnia, while the televote-heavy songs include Greece, Iceland and Russia. Belgium also won the overall jury vote by a wide margin. On the flip side, both metrics ranked Latvia in last place. Another important rule change occurred in 2010. For the first time ever, the viewers could vote during the performances, with the phone lines opening at the start of the show. This will be the case in 2011 as well, until the EBU reverts to the standard 15-minute window in 2012. I assume this change was intended to alleviate the disadvantage of the early running order slots. Quality-wise, this is a remarkably weak semi-final. It's filled with bland and bizarre entries. Indeed, my 9th and 10th qualifiers were chosen by default. Interestingly, nothing from SF1 lands in the eventual top 5, and only two of them are in the top 10. Still, this semi has some classics and fan-favourites. ✓ Moldova: SunStroke Project and Olia Tira - Run Away So the first Eurovision performance of the 2010s is... an Internet meme! (it features “Epic Sax Guy”). Considering that meme culture will largely define this decade, it's a perfect introduction. “Run Away” is campiness done right, without being cringe or pretentious. Mostly because the artists deliver the appropriate energy on stage. Moreover, the performance is immediately eye-catching, thanks to the clothing choices, the excessive eye make-up, the spinning dude with a neon violin, and of course the hip-thrusting saxophonist. The visuals also establish a party night aesthetic. As for the song, “Run Away” utilizes a wonky chorus structure that involves abrupt pauses and blast-offs, supported by a jittery violin and a pulsating motorized synth. It's turbulent but catchy. It's also an escape/release of the anxious claustrophobia expressed in the lyrics. The song breathes melodrama and panic. Elsewhere, the sax riff adds another quirky component to the mix, and the dance/club production is very 2010. In conclusion, “Run Away” is what a novelty entry should be. Strangely, it only finished at 22nd, although SunStroke Project will get a top 3 placing later... ✓ Russia: Peter Nalitch and Friends - Lost and Forgotten “Lost and Forgotten” is a satirical parody of depressing and mopey break-up ballads. Accordingly, the arrangement exaggerates its dreary nature, as the narrator feels ignored by his love interest. The mood is completed by falling snow on stage, and by the band wearing winter clothes. But the pivotal joke happens after the “I'm looking at your photo” line. The lead singer literally pulls out a hand-drawn sketch of his ex. He stares at the photo heartbroken, while a band mate tells him to burn it. It's soooo stupid that it's ironically amusing. Otherwise the melody drags too much, the vocal style is unattractive, and the “wooooo”'s are silly, but the chorus is passable. The folk genre makes it sound better.  × Estonia: Malcolm Lincoln - Siren Is this three joke entries in a row? The Baltic countries love to send these eccentric/trolling entries, but most of the time I do not understand the appeal, and “Siren” is no exception. The staging is beyond bizarre. The pianist is so extra, the spinning camera makes me nauseous, and the dorky dance moves aren't endearing. One of the backing singers collapses at the end too. It just seems “try-hard” to me. Furthermore, the song is extremely dull. The piano-lead verses are too minimalist. The pacing does pick up in the chorus, but that chorus goes absolutely nowhere. It perks up, then resorts to a monotonous rut. Which does capture the theme of feeling stuck in life. But it's aurally unsatisfying. × Slovakia: Kristina - Horehronie How is this a DNQ? “Horehronie” is easily Slovakia's best Eurovision entry, although that's not saying much. The wood-clanging percussion beat is both inventive and addictive. The stomping rhythm really drives the song and keeps the energy afloat. And it illustrates the sounds of the Slovakian forests (which cover 40% of the country, apparently). The title “Horehronie” refers to a popular tourist region there. Kristina views this place as her sanctuary, where she finds peace by connecting with nature. The lyrics, the wooden beat, and the plant-based outfits combine to create that nature imagery. I like the green aesthetic. The pan flutes and the chanting lady are nice additions too. That said, the song becomes monotonous before it's over. × Finland: Kuunkuiskaajat - Työlki ellää Another Ethnic-influenced entry that should have qualified. Finland even reached 6th place in the televote, but the juries tanked it. “Työlki ellää” is just so innocent and jubilant. The song is a folk music jamboree with a bouncy melody, and it encompasses the accordion, the fiddle, and well-timed hand claps. There's also a whirlwind of tempo shifts. The decelerations and accelerations are gimmicky, though, and they're my least favourite aspect. Still, “Työlki ellää” is a fun song. The ensemble delivers radiant energy on stage and spry dance moves. The luminous white outfits complement the vibe. And it feels nostalgic in a way. Lyrically, the song analyzes the songwriting process, the origins of inspiration, and how playing music is a livelihood.  × Latvia: Aisha - What For? Latvia's list of existential frustrations finishes in dead last. Likewise, Finland 2005 and Cyprus 2006 also DNQ'ed when they attempted this theme. My theory is that Eurovision is a form of escapism and viewers aren't interested in facing such heavy subject matter. Indeed, “What For?” conveys a weighty, gut-wrenching tone, where Aisha is despondent by the lack of answers to life's deep questions. For example: what is the purpose of death and suffering. But some of the words are too shallow (ie. “Why are the skies so blue and mountains high?”) or too silly (“But [God's] phone today is out of range”). Oh, and Aisha's vocals are unpleasantly tone deaf in the verses. Yikes. On the positive side, the chorus is salvageable thanks to the sloshing production and the escalations of the “what for”s. ✓ Serbia: Milan Stanković - Ovo je Balkan Bop! “Ovo je Balkan” is so catchy and upbeat. The song involves an addictive beat, a perky bounce, and a flurry of horns that sound characteristically Balkan. It also utilizes repetition and stutters cleverly. Namely the “heeeee-e-e-e-ey” bit, the numerous “Ljubica”s, and the “Balkan Balkan Balkan / hop hop hop” section. The latter is also distorted like a radio broadcast. Milan meanwhile supplies flirtatious charm and a bright smile. He has natural charisma. As for the staging, it fulfills the requirements to be visually complete. For example: the circular walled platforms, the “robotic” female dancers, and Milan's uninhibitedly giddy dance moves. Not sure what I think about the outfits though. All in all, “Ovo je Balkan” is an obvious qualifier. Although the song has a high burn rate. ✓ Bosnia & Herzegovina: Vukašin Brajić - Thunder and Lightning (It's getting exciting). So “Thunder and Lighting” projects a relentlessly, overpowering, “epic”-sounding atmosphere thanks to a dramatic guitar line. It replicates the intensity of a thunderstorm as Vukašin encourages reconciliation with his estranged lover. But there's something underwhelming and basic about this song. I expected more. The structure sticks to a generic template, the instrumentation isn't that dynamic, and the lyrics are cliche. The stage utilizes the smoke machine and flashing lights, though. The dark aesthetic of the 2010 contest suits this one. But overall “Thunder and Lightning” isn't qualification-worthy to me. Ultimately it did qualify, but it was Bosnia's worst result since the relegation era. × Poland: Marcin Mroziński - Legenda What... the... actual... f**k... This is disturbing. Poland obviously went for the shock factor with this staging. The atmosphere is bone-chilling too. The backing singers are creepy, between the shrieking, the apple-biting, the haunting harmonies, and the intense facial expressions. And the performance concludes with Marcin “strangling” one of the girls as her shirt gets torn off. To give some context, the song is subverting the common fairy tale tropes, where the princess doesn't want to be “rescued” by the knight. This changes our perspective of the knight's intentions – he is no longer a hero but a predator. While I appreciate the creativity, the visual representation is unsettling. The screaming is annoying. And the song is excessively intense. Still, the chorus employs a “marching through the forest” rhythm that's enjoyable (ie. the “forever ever and ever” bit). ✓ Belgium: Tom Dice - Me and My Guitar “Me and My Guitar” was the huge jury favourite of 2010. It was enough for Belgium to win in SF1, and to be 2 points shy of winning the jury vote at the Grand Final. But the televoters ranked it 14th. The song foreshadows a 2010s trend: the acoustic male ballad. It's the template that Ed Sheeran, Passenger, James Bay, etc. will soon exploit. While this genre is generally not my thing, Tom delivers a heartfelt, honest, and personal performance here. In the song, he describes the lengthy struggle to break into the music industry and feeling pressured to abandon his dream. Appropriately, the only things on stage are Tom and his guitar. The backing track adds some unobtrusive support though. The minimalist approach allows Tom to express fragile vulnerability. He sounds passionate and driven about his goal. And he's a capable live performer. But, the melody is too dull and plain. Although the “maybe I should get a nine to five” hook is alright. Ultimately “Me and My Guitar” broke Belgium's 5-year DNQ streak, and it became their first top 10 since “Sanomi” in 2003. Considering their last three entries were terrible, this is refreshing by comparison. × Malta: Thea Garrett - My Dream Was Chiara not available? This sounds exactly like one of her ballads, minus the compelling vocal climaxes. Oh wait, “My Dream” was written by the same team that wrote Chiara's 1998 entry, no wonder. This is such a bland, indistinct and uninteresting ballad. The only thing of note is when the angel wings appear behind Thea. And even that doesn't excite me. Otherwise, the song tries to be inspirational but it just isn't. The message is written with generic lyrics and the arrangement is ordinary AF. There's just... nothing to care about here. ✓ Albania: Juliana Pasha - It's All About You Well, this sounds noticeably similar to Christina Aguilera's “Keeps Gettin' Better”, but it's a bop nonetheless. The fizzy electro beat channels the “loud” dance-pop hits of the time. There's a fierceness to the buzzing synths, while the jogging rhythm drives the song. Furthermore, the chorus is an adrenaline rush that expresses Juliana's smitten devotion. She even wants to get engaged? (ie. “make a deal and seal it”). The chorus is easily catchy too, thanks to the well-timed echoes from the backing singers. Elsewhere, the flashing purple lights match the energy. The “we've been down...” hook is decent. And the “cool-down” in the bridge sets up the finale. There's also an electric violin solo; which is kind of random. Still, I feel like other entries have more to offer. ✓ Greece: Giorgos Alkaios and Friends - OPA! I understand how some would find this irritating, but I think it's brilliant. “OPA!” is an insanely catchy song that specializes in the call-and-response format. The “hey!” and “opa!” cheers are the obvious hooks. Specifically in how the two sections contrast – the “hey!” lines stop early to allow an instrumental response (which signifies the rising flames mentioned in the lyrics), while the “opa!” lines are more complete. The chorus then concludes on a bounce rhythm. The song's structure is dynamic in other ways too. The vocals intensify midway through the verses as an escalation tactic. There's growls, the four isolated clangs, and the bridge introduces a traditional stringed instrument, followed by a record scratch. Moreover, the instrumentation blends a marching drum rhythm with Greek elements and 2010-era synths that emanate like smoke. There's a lot going on, but it's cohesive. Giorgos also delivers some commanding/intimidating stage presence. Incidentally “OPA!” is the televote winner of SF1, and it extended Greece's top 10 streak. ✓ Portugal: Filipa Azevedo - Há dias assim This is Portugal's last qualification until Salvador. On first impression, “Há dias assim” seemed like a slow and boring ballad that benefited from weak competition, but it placed 4th in the semi-final. That said, the song definitely improves in the second half, when the instrumentation expands beyond the initial piano-ballad structure. The dramatic transitions and the vocal climaxes are the highlights. More specifically, it's the shifts that lead into the later choruses. Filipia also delivers a warm and personable performance. The lyrics, meanwhile, touch on the themes of loneliness and separation. It's not my favourite entry, but it's amongst the 10 best songs of SF1. × F.Y.R. Macedonia: Gjoko Taneski - Jas ja imam silata Yeah, this is the most forgettable entry of SF1. The heavy guitar line and the chorus melody are both agreeable and inoffensive, but “Jas ja imam silata” doesn't leave much of an impression. It's an obvious DNQ. The song channels 1980s rock music though, which is difficult to dislike. There's even an electric guitar solo! In the song, Gjoko basically declares “I'm better off without you”. He serves some attitude as he invalidates the significance of the relationship. He's already moved on. But otherwise, the guest rapper doesn't add much. And the seductive female dancers on stage don't match the theme. I guess that's one way to attract votes. ✓ Belarus: 3+2 feat. Robert Wells - Butterflies “Butterflies” is a strong contender for my least favourite ESC entry of all time. I despise everything about it. Firstly, it's one of the dullest songs in existence. The vocals are so toneless and lethargic – it's excruciating to listen to. Moreover, the melody moves at such a sluggish pace that it's sleep inducing. The song sounds 50-years out of date; completed by a formal stage aesthetic that includes tuxedos, theatre curtains and a grand piano. The main metaphor (“we're like butterflies flying to the sun”) is lame. The song is about opening up and letting love in, but the emotion doesn't take hold. And then the cherry on top: the butterfly wing reveal! Which is one of the cringiest things I've witnessed in this contest. The drums FINALLY enter during this section, but it's too little too late to salvage the song. ✓ Iceland: Hera Björk - Je ne sais quoi The other Icelandic Björk. So “Je ne sais quoi” is this year's fan-favourite flop (there's usually one every year). Despite reaching third in SF1, Iceland floundered at 19th place at the Grand Final. Maybe the staging was too bland, since Hera and the backing singers are mostly stationary throughout the performance. The camera work and the background lights compensate somewhat, though. That said, Germany also had basic staging, so I don't know. As for the song, “Je ne sais quoi” is an encompassing, 2010-style, dance-pop banger. It sounds like a European chart hit from the time, and not too dissimilar from Iceland's 2008 entry, which Hera was actually a backing singer for. The first verse builds up anticipation nicely; whereas the second verse indulges in the motorized synths. The chorus, meanwhile, is an explosion of “brash” euphoric synths that overtakes the arena. It's a killer chorus. Namely in how Hera belts the song title and the ensuing “oh!”s. She's a talented vocalist and a confident performer. But.... I find that Hera's delivery is more a showcase of skill than a showcase of emotion. It makes this entry seem a little “generic”, even if the production and the melodic structure are slick. My Ranking: 01. Greece: Giorgos Alkaios and Friends - OPA! ✓ 02. Moldova: SunStroke Project and Olia Tira - Run Away ✓ 03. Iceland: Hera Björk - Je ne sais quoi ✓ 04. Slovakia: Kristina - Horehronie 05. Serbia: Milan Stanković - Ovo je Balkan ✓ 06. Finland: Kuunkuiskaajat - Työlki ellää 07. Albania: Juliana Pasha - It's All About You ✓ 08. Belgium: Tom Dice - Me and My Guitar ✓ 09. Russia: Peter Nalitch and Friends - Lost and Forgotten ✓ 10. Portugal: Filipa Azevedo - Há dias assim ✓ 11. F.Y.R. Macedonia: Gjoko Taneski - Jas ja imam silata 12. Bosnia & Herzegovina: Vukašin Brajić - Thunder and Lightning ✓ 13. Poland: Marcin Mroziński - Legenda 14. Latvia: Aisha - What For? 15. Malta: Thea Garrett - My Dream 16. Estonia: Malcolm Lincoln - Siren 17. Belarus: 3+2 feat. Robert Wells - Butterflies ✓ What a weak semi-final.
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spideyy-girl · 5 years
Red Cheeks and Bloody Noses ~ Richie Tozier
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Request: HEYYYY beautiful! I had an idea and I thought you’d be the perfect person to write it. I was hoping I could request a Richie T. x reader where she wants to do something nice for Richie so she rents out the Derry’s arcade/roller rink for a cute little hang out but it makes them both all flustered and ends up being a fluffy date with a bit of kissing? ✨
Summary: Richie takes Y/N out to distract her and have a fun day to themselves at the roller rink, even though Richie isn’t the best at skating…
Fandom: IT (2017)
Warnings: mentions PTSD, swears a lot, sexual innuendos (obviously, its Richie), blood (nothing too violent).
Word Count: 2016 (5.6 pages)
Date: March 11, 2019
A/N: So I sort of did Richie is more comforting the reader, but also the reader is comforting Richie sorta. Also sorry this took soooo long but I hope you like it. My first IT imagine yay!! REQUESTS ARE OPEN so if you liked this and want to see more, please tell me!!!!
It had been a week or so since the events that occurred at the crackhead house on Neibolt. It had also been a week since the Losers stopped talking to each other. Y/N sat in her room, legs crossed on her double bed, blank-mindedly staring at herself in the mirror hung up across from her. She had been in a dazed sort of state ever since she saw it, the creature had been plaguing her mind and appearing in her horrible nightmares since. She had tried reading a book, that always seemed to calm her down before, but she couldn’t find herself focused enough to even get through a page. In fact, she felt like she couldn’t focus on most things nowadays.  
The loud ring of the telephone made her jump, and knock herself off the high bed. She rubbed her head, looking at the doorway. She steadily stood up and made her way downstairs, still trembling from the earlier shock. Her shaking hands slowly went for the receiver before picking it up and holding it to her ear.
“H-hello?” she asked quietly, hoping not to hear children singing some creepy anthem again. Her breaths were uneven, waiting for the person on the other line to respond to her.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N. I thought I ringed Bill with all the s-s-s-stuttering!” Richie Tozier’s loud voice erupted through the smallish device, causing her to immediately bring it away from her ear slightly. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
“What do you want Richie?” she asked, slightly annoyed. Y/N L/N and Richie Tozier have known each other for as long as they could remember. Sure they were considered as best friends, but they still annoyed the hell out of each other. To Y/N because he kept asking her out, and to Richie because she wouldn’t accept his offer.
“What do you think I want, babydoll,” Richie says, trying to sound flirty but just coming through as awkward. “I want to take you out and for you to ride me like a merry go round-”
“Oh my fuck, Richie! Do you ever shut the fuck up!” Y/N screamed as to hopefully not hear the rest of that sentence. She closed her eyes tight and cringed, trying to get that horrible statement out of her head. “How many times do I have to tell you, it will never, EVER, happen.”
“You say that now,” Richie counterparts, she could hear his smirk in the way he talked.
“Yeah, and I’ve been saying it for the past 7 years,” she replies. She hears Richie sigh on the other side of the line.
“Yeah whatever, but it will happen!” Richie proclaims. Before you could tell you otherwise, he continues. “So… have you talked to anyone yet?” he said, his voice suddenly getting quiet. It was odd to hear Richie so serious and concerned.
“No, I tried calling Bevvy but she didn’t answer.” Y/N said, feeling sad again. When she had met Beverly, she was so happy that there was finally another girl in the Losers Club, since she had to deal with the four boys for at least a decade. They had gotten really close but had disagreed when it came down to the fighting the demon clown argument. “What about you? Have you heard from Eddie or any of the other boys?”
“Well, Stan invited me to his bar mitzvah, so that’s sick,” Richie said, he also sounded a bit down. “You’re actually, uh, t-the first person I’ve c-called.”
“Look who’s stuttering now?” Y/N joke light-heartedly, earning a small laugh from the boy.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Richie dismissed her quickly, before mumbling something that was almost inaudible, but she had just heard. “Goddammit, Y/N. The one time I tried to be nice to you-” he cut himself off with a sigh, before speaking at a normal level again. “How are you? How’s your, uh, injury?” he asked. Y/N took a deep sigh, before lifting her short sleeve up to her shoulder, revealing a large and still very bruised and puff gash, she pushed it back down, not wanting to look at it.
“Let’s just say that it’s definitely not going anywhere anytime soon,” she said quietly. Her slightly brightened mood dimming out again fast.
“You alright?” he asked again, sounding concerned. Y/N didn’t know, but Richie very much loved the girl, and wouldn’t be able to handle if anything happened to her, which is why he freaked out on the other Losers when her arm was almost slashed off.
“Yeah, Richie, I just told you that it’s okay-”
“I’m not talking about your arm, dumbass,” Richie cut her off mid-sentence. “I meant after what happened, Y/N, you looked like you were about to shit yourself and you suddenly became mute. I know you, Y/N L/N, and you’re an obnoxious loud little bitch all the time. You fucking scared me.” Richie started to ramble, not knowing why he was suddenly spilling everything to her but knowing she probably needed the comfort anyways. After waiting for a response and not getting one, he spoke again.
“Alright, get off your ass and out the door, L/N. We’re going rollerskating! And yes you have to because I know it’s your favourite!” And before she could complain, he hung up. Y/N let out a loud groan before getting dressed and ready.
Half an hour later, Y/N finally pulled up to the rollerskating rink. Bright pink and green neon lights flashing the words right in front of her. She locked her bike and helmet to a nearby pole before walking in. She had tried to cover up the bags under her eyes with her mother’s makeup, and the stress pimple that formed on her relatively clear face, but neither seemed to be successful. She walked through the building, to the attached small diner on the side of the rink, where she found Richie sitting in their usual booth, slurping aggressively at a chocolate milkshake. Another Y/F/F milkshake stood in front of him, waiting for you. You smiled while you plopped down on the bench across from him and pulled the sweet beverage closer to you, already starting to feel better.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” he said, slicking his hair back and nodding at you. You rolled your eyes, trying not to let your small smile peek through.
“Don’t ruin this for me, Rich,” she warned him, quickly taking another sip of her milkshake before standing up with him and going to the desk to rent a pair of roller skates. Richie followed her, shrugging at her warning. They put on their wheeled shoes and got on the track and started skating around the brightly lit room.
Y/N had always loved rollerskating, she loved to overly loud music playing, the dark room lit up with patterns made up of neon lights on the walls, the oddly delicious milkshakes they made here. She came here almost every day, so it was safe to say that she was quite comfortable when she got on the rink. Richie watched as she gracefully placed one foot in front of the other, gliding against the sleek wood floor, as if it was easier than walking.
Richie definitely couldn’t relate to that sense of easiness when it came to this particular activity. Richie struggled before his wheeled skates even touched on the slippery floors. He must’ve fallen on his face at least 5 times before he joined Y/N on the track. And after that, well it was a bit of a shit show, for Richie at least. To say he was completely flustered would be completely true. Richie thanked god that the room was so dark so that Y/N couldn’t see his terribly red face, even though the darkness was also a factor to him tripping every two seconds.
“You alright, Rich?” He heard Y/N question, after Richie fell again, his face making a loud slapping sound against the wood. Y/N skated to him quickly, bending down and trying to help him on his knees. She gasped when he lifted up his face, revealing a slightly crooked nose and blood, lots of blood. Y/N had to really calm herself down, as the sight of the dark red liquid made her feel like crying, starting to bring up horrible memories.
“Yeah, yup, I’m all good,” Richie says, grasping at his nose. He and Y/N quickly get off the rink, Y/N making sure to hold his arm so he doesn’t trip again.`Y/N unties his laces, not really bothering to do hers in the process, as Richie stuffs his face with tissues to attempt to stop the bleeding. After taking them off, they rush quickly to the bathroom. Y/N immediately sat him on a toilet and got a wet paper towel to put on the back of his neck, as well as an abundance of toilet paper to help stop the bleeding from the source.
“Y/N, I appreciate this and all but… you know this is the boy’s washroom?” Richie ass, as she rushes around the small disgusting bathroom, trying to find more ways to help.
“You know I don’t really give a shit?” She quickly replied, finally walking over to him and kneeling down next to him, holding the paper towels in place as he tries to control stream. “It doesn’t look good, Richie. We should take you to a doctor-”
“No no no no no, I’m feeling better already!” Richie exclaims, attempting to get up, only to be pushed back down by the girl, giving him a stern look. She continued to tend to him, but taking a step back and looking at him. Richie smirked, pushing up his glasses.
“Whatcha lookin at, sweetcheeks?” He asked, wriggling his eyebrows. Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes before going back to help stop the blood.
“The giant fucking mess on your face,” Y/N replied sarcastically, referring to his out of place nose, which she grabbed and snapped back into place, causing Richie to let out a loud groan of discomfort. He grabbed his nose, as Y/N cleaned up the rest of the blood before standing up to wash her hands. Richie stood up after her, going to the bathroom mirror to check out what happened.
“Hey, look! Good as new!” He says happily. Y/N smiled, her teeth peeking past her lips. She shrugged.
“All in a days work,” she joked, taking Richie’s face in her hands, examining the wound. Richie’s face fell and his cheeks went red again. “You should still get that checked out though.” She pulled away, not removing her hands from their position, and looked at the flustered boy.
“O-okay, t-thanks,” he managed to get out, the words falling quickly from his lips. Y/N smiled, she went up on her toes and pressed a lingering kiss to Richie’s lips, her hands winding around to the back of his neck. Richie tried to kiss back, but the kiss ended as quickly as it began.
“Thanks, Richie,” she said, a smile on her lips. “Today was actually a lot more fun than I thought it would’ve been.” Richie smiled nervously at the girl, not knowing how to reply. This was literally his dream coming true. Her hands slipped from his neck back to her sides as she went up and pressed another kiss to his cherry red cheek. “I can’t wait for our second date,” she whispered in his ear, before slipping past a man trying to get into the washroom, giving her a weird look in the process. Richie couldn’t help but stand there starstruck for a few seconds, before a giant shit-eating grin came upon his face as he ran all the way home, shouting and pumping his fist in the air.
“Stan the Man!! You wouldn’t believe what happened today!”
“You’re right, Rich, I probably won’t.”
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thenatashaharis · 4 years
#TashaTravels : buongiorno Italy!
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Omg um Hi? hahaha lololol this is so so awkward. but hey guys Tasha is back! *bunyi drumroll* I know that I’ve been quiet for so long and I’m truly sorry for making you guys wait for almost a year plus, or more kot? I’m truly, deeply sorry :(  okayla dulu i selalu questioned kenapa bloggers selalu tak consistent untuk keep their blogs updated. Now that I’ve become one of them baru i tahu yang it actually takes a lot to consistently write. All this while I’ve been busy with my studies and all, so yea I couldnt really spare my time to sit down and write. (okay dah ah i dah takda idea nak bagi alasan apa dah hahahaha)
okay let’s get started! so as you all know, I went to Italy with my family for a month, last year, in 2019. “fuyo sebulan loaded teroks” kata siti rogayah (bukan nama sebenar) kepada thenah (sebut senah je spelling je acah matsalleh sikit). first and foremost, assalamualaikum I just want to make it clear yang i tak loaded pun haha. we went there pun ikut my dad punya business trip je maka nya rakan rakan sekalian, most of our expenses there were covered by the company, kalau tak memang i kena jadi petani sambilan lerr tanam taugeh tepi Pisa tower untuk sara diri i kat italy. so if haritu i cerita pasal france, seperti yang dijanjikan, this time I akan cerita pasal places that i visited in Italy, including some parts of Swiss. tapi not all la i akan cerita interesting places je kiyoh kiyoh (dekat tumblr je boleh gelak cemni kalau gelak kiyoh kiyoh in real life nanti mesti ternganga makcik yang duduk sebelah rumah i tu). jadi mari kita kita explore 6 places to visit in Italy bersama Tasha The Explorer yeaayyy (macam biasa, ni dora version takda monyet)
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#1 Verona
I personally love Verona walaupun masa kitorang pergi tu panas gila ibarat tersadai di padang pasir yang kering kontang ye anak anak (ni kalau cikgu BM i baca peribahasa yang i baru reka 2 saat yang lepas ni mesti dia suruh i jalan itik keliling padang netball sambil baca kamus dewan edisi ke 4). tapi memang panas gila lah taktipu. tapi i still suka verona sebab dia macam bila you sampai tu you’ll be like “Ouh now this is italy” because you can somehow feel the italy vibes there. In verona you’ll get to see plenty of cosy cafes with outdoor seating as well as souv shops. Colosseum pun ada but a small one lah i tak pergi rome tsk tsk (ini bunyi nangis ye for those yang taktahu) so i masuk colosseum kat sini je. if you happen to come here later, my advice would be, hm takyah masuk la haha sebab takda apa pun bazir duit je baik tengok kat google.com je.
anyway, those who are fans of romcom movies (macam i yeay)  tahu la kot kenapa verona ni jadi tourist spot. For all you know, Verona has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Italy since the release of Letters to Juliet, the famous american romantic comedy movie yang Amanda Seyfried berlakon tu. siapa tak tengok lagi please la go tengok cerita ni cute nak nangis okie dekat netflix pun ada. so basically in that movie like dorang tunjuk dekat Casa de Giuletta you boleh write your relationship problems and leave your letters there nanti Secretaries of Juliette akan reply kan. I taktahu if yall tahu or no but I’m telling anyway yang that place exists, the secretaries exist and if you tulis surat to them dorang akan reply! but i baca dekat this one blog dorang memang akan reply cumanya hahahaha hm jap gelak jap, cumanya it might take them days, months or even years lah to reply your letter. but better late than never kan gitchew. yela tourists from all over the world kot tulis kisah cinta frust menunggeng dorang dekat the secretaries ingat dorang Simsimi ke nak reply cepat cepat.
so if pergi verona, casa de Giueletta is a must visit place because obviously that’s the main attraction of the town. But honey worry not, you dont need to go all the way to Verona just to have your heartbreak letter answered. it’s 2020!  today, you can just share your relationship stories with them through email at [email protected] nanti dorang reply yeaay hehe. if korang nak tahu lebih boleh check their website. (I rasa dorang dah patut sponsour i kot)
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#2 Venice
Okay let me be frank, I am so sorry if this would disappoint many of you but Venice doesnt meet my expectations laa haha. I excited gila nak pergi venice masatu bcs I tengok dalam movie The Tourist macam lawa gilagila. but bila i sampai i macam NAANI? hahaha bcs biasa je la Venice ni, but this is my personal view la, mine might differ from yours. Maybe i cam biasa biasa je, maybe you suka kan. I dont know whether this is true or no but I heard that they dont have enough funding for the mantainance bcs yela costly.
but the only thing yang I suka in venice is the St. Mark’s square. dekat situ ada orchestra bands playing classic musics (my favourite!!)  dekat all these posh cafes and then you boleh la lari lari dekat the square kejar pigeons feeling feeling kat venice sikit haha. nanti the guys there akan offer untuk bagi you makanan burung so nanti the pigeons akan datang kat you pastu you boleh la amik gambar lawa lawa. but here’s the thing, some of them akan guna tactic cakap “don’t worry, it’s free” but honey let’s be real nothing is free in this world so eventually dia akan minta you bayar jugak so if you taknak bayar say no to them awal awal.
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#3 Pisa
okay sekarunk (rempit sekali sekala) kita dah sampai tempat menara senget kegemaran semua orang hahaha. kelakar tau I tengok je semua orang try hard gila nak buat pose tolak bangunan tu, i macam hmm kalau buat peace je takleh ke? lols. okay so hm pisa ada apa eh? nothing much la except for the buildings and the histories behind them. but pisa is a greaaaat greaaaat place to shop!!!! dekat sini la tempat you nak beli all the souvenirs fridge magnet ke tshirt ke keychain ke and paling penting LEATHER STUFFS (real leathers) including handbags wallets etc etc at the best price. For the handbags, i suka la the designs here are pretty simple and elegant tak gaudy macam makcik makcik sangat hahaha takpa kan cakap katsini bukan ada makcik pun baca hahaha korang jangan bagi makcik jiran sebelah baca pulak mati i kena bash nanti. but yea, if pergi italy, girls, remember to save your money for an exclusive shopping sesh in Pisa. *wink wink
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#4 Lauterbrunnen
“Eh tasha ni tak belajar geography ke zaman sekolah dulu Lauterbrunnen ni kan dekat swiss bukan italy”. ye sabar dulu thenah (masih senah yang sama) Lauterbrunnen ni memang la dekat swiss tapi swiss kan sempadan italy so the logic is that if you go to Italy, it would be a waste la if you tak include swiss in your itineraries sebab dekat je and you can easily go there by car hah gitu thenah nya.
When I first reached Lauterbrunnen, I felt as if I was in heaven. I swear *angkat tangan kanan* it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to so far. like cantik cantik cantik cantikkk gila!!! ha berapa kali cantik tu. Actually I dah pernah sampai Swiss in 2011 but masatu i pergi Lucerne je, tapi cantik jugak. I jenis yang into nature, and everyone knows that Swiss is all about nature. so I suka gila la Switzerland. Along the journey to swiss, you will be mesmerized by its charming view. If you’re lucky enough you akan nampak horses, and then all these picturesque villages and snow cape alps macam all those fairy tale kingdoms taktipu. It was soooo green macam dalam painting and sooo clean I rasa nak tidur atas rumput (ceh kemain berangan hingat ni cerita hindustan ke).
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And Lauterbrunnen ni dekat je dengan Interlaken so pergi la jugak Interlaken and allow yourself to chill and take a stroll around the town. Jangan lupa singgah makan ice cream dekat this one halal cafe sambil jalan jalan tengok souvenirs hehe.
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#5 Dolomite
Dolomite would be a perfect stop for those yang suka hiking. best la hiking kat situ rasa macam pengembaraan Hobbit lols. As it was summer during that time so macam ramai jugak la tourists from all over the world yang hiking masatu. I guess we took about one hour plus to reach the top and it was so worth it to eventually see the view from above. Mula mula tu macam pancit jugakla but then I nampak this one preggy lady hiking jugak and I was like wow okay jangan jadi perempuan lemah ahahah.
anyway dekat atas sana ada this one cafe that serves the best hot chocolate in the world! i takpernah rasa hot chocolate sedap macamtu so if you pergi sana dont forget to stop by the cafe (it’s the one yang dalam gambar kat atas ni) and enjoy a cup (or perhaps two) of hot choc okie!
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#6 Milan
Milan, macam yang semua orang tahu, is the place where you could purchase all these stuffs from high-end brands be it Dior, Channel, Coach etc etc. but itu jela, tempat shopping, nothing else. mak mak suka la kot Milan but for me cam ala boring nya haha. but in Milan, kena be extra careful. if korang rasa cerita pick pocket i kat paris haritu dah cukup scary, cerita pick pocket kitorang dekat Milan kali ni is three times scarier I swear.
okay so cerita dia camni, we went to Milan by train dengan some of our dad’s friends sekali. so masatu baru nak masuk train, tapi macam a bit rushing because the train was about to leave already. parents i dengan their friends semua jalan kat depan, i dengan kakak i dekat belakang. so diorang masuk dulu the train. By the time i dengan nadia nak masuk it was so packed dekat door area so we couldnt masuk. so i dengan nadia masuk ikut the other pintu. so imagine eh dalam train tu our parents and the friends dekat the other side and kitorang dekat the other side. I dengan nadia masatu macam dah pelik la kenapa dekat area parents i macam packed gila with all these milano girls sedangkan banyak je space kat tempat lain.
pastu i nampak one of the girls like buat buat tanya pasal the route dekat my dad and his friends. masa my dad tengah jawab tu tetiba my dad’s friend nampak zip knapsack my dad dah terbukak tau. pastu tetibe je one of the girls shouted as if one of them was sexually harassed and then marah marah pastu they keluar from the train because masatu train tak gerak lagi. then my dad punya kawan punya wife checked her handbag and purse dia dah takda. pastu kitorang semua got off the train and my dad dengan kawan kawan dia semua pergi kejar la those ladies. okay ni sumpah macam movie taktipu i should hv recorded it tapi tulah things happened too fast.
my dad and his friends sempat kejar and tangkap the two ladies je because the rest dah went separate ways. masatu dorang dah masuk elevator tau but kitorang sempat tahan pintu tu. bila dah dapat tahan tu, they threw off the purse yang dorang amik (haa tahu takut ee tarik rambut kang jk). but dorang taknak bagi kitorang tengok what do they have inside their bags. Pastu my dad, shouted at her, “ I WANNA SEE YOUR BAG RIGHT NOW” i sumpah takpernah tengok my dad garang cemtu i taktahula masatu I amazed ke i takut hahaha. tapi guys perempuan ni gila sumpah. she was like “Okay you wanna see? alright” pastu dia angkat baju dia and showed everything. I mean literally everything. masatu like everyone yang ada dekat the train station was staring at us i taktahula perempuan ni gila ke gila tapi memang gila ah i rasa dia ter minum ketum kot instead of susu masa dia kecik.
pastu my dad and the guys insist jugak nak tengok her bag pastu ada this one italian lady datang and helped us. dia kata la yang she was also in the train at that time and she witnessed the moment the girls took our stuffs. pastu baru la the police came and all. sooo guysss Milan is definitely one of the pick pockets’ targeted spot yela because it’s Milan and semorang was expected to carry lots of cash there kan so pls pls be extra careful. if your friends or relatives ke nak datang Milan, pls remind them about this. 
Alright so tu jelah kot apa i nak cerita? haha. if yall are planning to go visit italy (or swiss), you might want to consider the places I’ve mentioned above. Thank you for reading! doakan la i rajin update selalu (azam 2020 kahkahkah). mana tahu next time i cerita pasal UM pulak ke Law ke hehe tu pun kalau korang nak baca la. if korang taknak baca hm i cerita kat kucing i jelah *muka sedih* see you guys later! xoxo, tasha. 
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splashesdarling · 5 years
A comprehensive evaluation and ranking of all Mariah albums:
Y’all want to dive deep into Ms. Mimi’s discography? Well too bad, we’re doing it anyway (skip to the end for rankings).
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Mariah Carey (1990) Mariah’s debut is a great collection of songs, but a great collection of songs and a great album are not one and the same. The songs individually (with the sole exception of Prisoner) are fantastic, but there is no real album cohesion, in either sound or theme. Its main purpose was to introduce the world to Mariah’s voice, and it does so with admirable panache. 
- Album Highlight: Alone In Love. Album Lowlight: Prisoner.
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Emotions (1991) Mariah’s Debut album introduced the world to her voice, Emotions introduces the world to Mariah THE ARTIST. Her skills as a songwriter and music producer are on full display, as is her voice, which is allowed more freedom and spontaneity her second album out. Carrying the listener to dizzying highs throughout a distinctive yet cohesive album.
- Album Highlight: Till The End Of Time. Album Lowlight: None.
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MTV Unplugged (1992) Its sole reason for existence was to prove Mariah’s voice was not a studio creation, MTV Unplugged proves it, though the performances are held back by some sloppy music cues and Mariah’s obvious stage fright. There are some lovely live instrumental rearrangements and vocals, but there are better live performances from Mariah. 
- Album Highlight: Negligible. Album Lowlight: Negligible.  
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Music Box (1993) Serving as a transitional period for Mariah musically, Music Box sees Mariah experimenting with new sounds and singing styles, most of which work wonderfully and those that don’t are at worst only forgettable. Much like her Debut, Music Box is a great collection of songs, but as an album experience it’s lacking. The album doesn’t inspire you to listen from beginning to end, rather you skip to the songs you want to hear. 
- Album Highlight: Everything Fades Away. Album Lowlight: Hero.
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Merry Christmas (1994) Do you like Christmas music? Do you enjoy talented vocalists? Do you like when talented vocalists sing Christmas music? You’re in luck, but the rest of us will have to wait for a real new album.
- Album Highlight: AIWFCIY. Album Lowlight: It’s a Christmas album, the entirety of it is a lowlight.
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Daydream (1995) The title is apt, this dreamy album is a pleasure. Though cohesion is still an issue, it's not so blatant here. Many of the songs tie into a central theme, and soundwise there is a through line. That is not to say the songs that deviate bring the album down, quite the contrary. For the first time Mariah’s hip hop, r&b, and soul inspirations and deep-seated love for the genres are coming through clearly, but they’re somewhat held back, which would become blatant with the subsequent release of Butterfly.
- Album Highlight: Always Be My Baby. Album Lowlight: (If only for me) One Sweet Day.
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Butterfly (1997) Mariah Carey crystallized. Her first album to truly capture the woman she was and the phenomenal artist she is when unrestricted and allowed to express herself freely. From the lyrical artistry, to the pitch perfect production, Mariah’s breathtaking vocals and the depth of the album as a whole, Butterfly still stands as Mariah’s magnum opus. The album is cohesive, while still allowing each song to stand easily on their own. Some will argue the exception is her cover of The Beautiful Ones, but I wholeheartedly disagree. If taken on its own perhaps, but within the context of the album it is as essential and beautiful as each of the other tracks featured.
- Album Highlight: Outside. Album Lowlight: None.
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#1′s (1998) A celebration of Mariah’s (then) 13 #1′s. The inclusion of I Still Believe, When You Believe, Sweetheart, and a newly duetted Whenever You Call, along with her established hits makes this a worthwhile listen. 
- Album Highlight: When You Believe. Album Lowlight: Do You Know Where You’re Going To.
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Rainbow (1999) Often overlooked due to its busy musical production and the arguable disappointment at its relative weightlessness in comparison with Butterfly, Rainbow is underrated but undeniably disjointed. A half and half of an album, with half cohesively flowing from one song into the other (this is even the first use of interludes by Mariah) while the other half stumble the album’s momentum and flow. For the most part it’s an easy listen, the melodies, vocal layering, and production making for an enjoyable experience, but the album’s failings sadly result in a missed opportunity on the whole. 
- Album Highlight: Bliss. Album Lowlight: Did I Do That?.
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Glitter (2001) Intended as a soundtrack more than a traditional Mariah album, however it doesn’t embrace the concept or style of a soundtrack enough to differentiate from the rest of her body of work. Glitter contains the absolute peak of Mariah’s ballads, while the non stop party anthems are fun enough to bring the house down, and there are touching dives into the somewhat autobiographical story of the character Mariah plays in the film from which the album takes its namesake. Audio clips from the film are included only sparingly towards the start of the album, uncommitted interludes if anything, they add nothing to the listening experience and serve only to undermine the album’s strengths. 
- Album Highlight: Lead The Way. Album Lowlight: If We.
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Greatest Hits (2001) Released a scant three months after the critical and commercial flop of Glitter, the message couldn’t have been clearer. Ironically the strength of Mariah as a vocalist, songwriter, and music producer highlights exactly why writing her off as they did with this release was a resounding mistake. 
- Album Highlight: Take your pick. Album Lowlight: Here in the UK we had Against All Odds feat. Westlife included, soooo.
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Charmbracelet (2002) The only album to close in on Butterfly’s position atop Mariah’s discography. Generally overlooked and ignored by even the lambs themselves, Charmbracelet is a criminally underrated masterpiece. The revised priorities of musical production and vocal arrangement following the somewhat overproduced Rainbow and erratic Glitter, Charmbracelet is a bracing reminder of Mariah’s overwhelming talent and ability to imbue her music with such beauty and poignancy, to invoke both personal evaluation and universal truths. It is also, incidentally, my favourite Mariah album, just in case you hadn’t guessed it.
- Album Highlight: Yours (fight me). Album Lowlight: None.
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The Remixes (2003) Much like the release of a Greatest Hits album following Glitter’s critical and commercial failure, so too was The Remixes released following Charmbracelet’s lukewarm reception. A reminder of Mariah’s talent and decade long stretch of hits across Billboard’s various music charts, another plea for listeners to realise you can’t write off talent like Mariah. The first disc of this two disc set features the club remixes (most courtesy of longtime collaborator David Morales), the only real stumbles are the Heartbreaker/If You Should Ever Be Lonely Remix, which doesn’t blend together or sample each song well enough to justify itself or its inclusion here, the other is the Hq2 Remix of Through The Rain. I appreciate the need to promote the newest album of original content but we know Mariah can do better. The first disc is somewhat of a letdown, as the exclusion of certain club remixes are especially egregious (Always Be My Baby and The Roof specifically) The second disc (featuring the commercially released singles remixes) fares far better, and probably would have been better served being released separately. 
- Album Highlight: Thank God I Found You (Make It Last Remix). Album Lowlight: Through The Rain (Hq2 Remix).
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The Emancipation Of Mimi (2005) Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, which is amazing given how needlessly bloated the album is. The album benefits from the cohesive sound and style utilized throughout and from containing an abundance of chart ready songs, but ultimately the experience is dampened by all the throwaway filler. There is no justification for the inclusion of To The Floor when we have Get Your Number, no reason for a Part II to So So Lonely when Part I was so forgettable, Circles, Joyride, and I Wish You Knew are too similar in sound and lyrical content to appear almost one right after the other. The highs of TEOM are likely to make you giddy, but the interruption from second-tier material drags the album down. The album is 19 tracks long when it should have been a brisk and memorable 13.
- Album Highlight: Fly Like A Bird. Album Lowlight: Makin' It Last All Night (What It Do).
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E=MC² (2008) Much like Rainbow, E=MC² is often overlooked due to its busy production, and make no mistake the album is very busy production-wise. The album lacks the restraint even Rainbow was capable of. That is not to say the album is bad by any means, far from it. The biggest issue of the album is the lackluster beats. Generic for the most part, missguided in certain cases, and overall a less engaging and original sound than we’re used to from Mariah. What saves the album is the infectious fun of it all, Mimi’s celebrating and you’ve been invited to the party. Not that it’s one long party record, there’s an array of lyrical depth to be found hiding within the deluge of uninspired beats, that is if you’re willing to stick with the album long enough to hear them. 
- Album Highlight: I’ll Be Lovin’ U Long Time. Album Lowlight: Cruise Control.
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Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel (2009) THIS is how you do a long album. 17 tracks long but, unlike TEOM, there’s no filler, no redundant repeats. The album is long but tight and cohesive, flowing effortlessly between songs, rewarding for those willing to listen from beginning to end. The first time since Rainbow that Mariah had used interludes (Glitter’s half-assed attempt does not count), though they’re more satisfying here. Mariah is telling a story with this album and the languorous pace and the breathers the interludes provide enhance the album’s listening experience. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the lyrical skill on display throughout the album, it’s deep but Mariah still has plenty of fun here, the line ‘it's going down like a denominator’ is a personal favourite. 
- Album Highlight: The Impossible. Album Lowlight: None.
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Merry Christmas II You (2010) Do you like ‘modern’ Christmas music? Do you like iconic artists slumming it? Do enjoy watching music icons try desperately to reinvent Christmas classics with a ‘modern’ twist? First, what is wrong with you? And second, please don’t come to my house during the holidays. 
- Album Highlight: When Christmas Comes (it’s actually sweet, just avoid the duet version). Album Lowlight: All of it.
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Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse (2014) The album delivers on the epicness of its audacious title. One of her best albums, period. Many balk at the 62 minute run time (74 if you go Deluxe) but it’s well worth the time. This album is an experience, Mariah said that if this were to be her last album she wanted to say everything she needed to say with it, and she does (and then some). It’s a beautiful and inspiring album, managing to balance that classic Mariah sound while still sounding fresh and new. The album is a tour de force, and had this been Mariah’s last album? She would have been going out on a high note. 
- Album Highlight: Meteorite. Album Lowlight: None.
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#1 To Infinity (2015) For the love of God, stop releasing greatest hits compilations whenever her albums underperform. Yes, sadly MIAM...TEC failed to grab the public’s attention (for context, the biggest songs of that year were Happy, Dark Horse, All Of Me, and Fancy, soooo, there’s clearly no accounting for taste that year) so we got an updated #1′s album, given that by this point her initial 13 had increased to 18. If you enjoy her #1s the album’s a great way to have them all in one convenient disc, Infinity the song is fine but nothing special. Fun fact, the UK release swapped out Someday, I Don’t Want To Cry, and Thank God I Found You for Endless Love, Without You, and Against All Odds feat. (SIGH) Westlife. Because when you’re buying a disc featuring Mariah’s record breaking 18 American #1′s, obviously you don’t actually want those original songs of hers, you want 3 song covers because they went to #1 in the UK!
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- Album Highlight: Take your pick. Album Lowlight: (Why do you keep doing this UK?!) Against All Odds feat. I hate you talentless bastards.
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Caution (2018) Mariah could have gone out with MIAM...TEC, but thank God she didn’t because then we wouldn’t have been blessed with this gem. A brisk 11 tracks (only 10 if not for the internet, because apparently Mariah doesn’t want us to have nice things) go by far too quickly, they’re each so enjoyable you don’t want them to end, and though they each have their own distinctive sound they blend together to form a cohesive whole. Mariah is clearly through trying to appeal to the general mass public in any way, shape, or form, and Caution is all the better for it. Mariah has nothing to prove at this point, and she knows it. This is an album made entirely from a place of self-assuredness and an unsuppressable love for writing, singing, and producing music. May she never grow tired of doing so. 
- Album Highlight: Giving Me Life. Album Lowlight: None.
Overall Album Ranking:
#1 Butterfly
#2 Charmbracelet
#3 Me. I am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse
#4 Emotions
#5 Caution
#6 Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel
#7 Daydream
#8 Mariah Carey
#9 Music Box
#10 Rainbow
#11 Glitter
#12 E=MC²
#13 The Emancipation Of Mimi
#14 MTV Unplugged
#15 Greatest Hits
#16 #1′s
#17 The Remixes
#18 #1 To Infinity
#19 Merry Christmas
#20 Merry Christmas II You
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sssoto · 7 years
Happy 200th birthday, Serena!
My dearest baby Serena da Silva has her birthday today, October 17th, and it’s not just any birthday - today marks the day she was born 200 years ago! EEEP how exciting is that? You only get to celebrate an anniversary like that once in your lifetime!
If you’re unfamiliar with Serena, she is my character from my book project series for Amnesia: The Dark Descent, in which she plays a major role. She’s probably the character nearest and dearest to my heart, and she tends to be a fan favourite among readers as well, so I wanted to do something extra special for this particular anniversary.
So here comes: a birthday feature! In which I display all the amazing gifts Serena has received today.
First of all, I want to show the wip of what I had planned to do for Serena, which unfortunately I couldn’t finish in time since my laptop screen broke at the WORST. TIMING. EVER. I meant to have this artwork ready for today, but since I won’t be able to finish it until later, I’ll share a wip of the clean sketch:
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I must admit, I’m quite proud of it! It’s the first time I experiment with perspective and interiors for real, and I also usually suck at drawing animals, but Cleo (Serena’s cat) came out quite okay here, so I’m happy! I hope I’ll be able to finish it sooner rather than later.
And now, let’s get into the amazing gifts my baby has received today AAAHHH!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know that @juliajm15 is an art goddess who’s been making amazing beautiful fanart of my characters for the past couple years. She always goes so above and beyond for me, and that can be seen by LOOKING AT THIS GORGEOUS PIECE OF SERANIEL FANART.
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I just had to mention that.
OMG I die over how perfect and cute and romantic this is, it just completely captures the essence and emotion of that scene in my book! I feel so blessed and privileged, how am I ever gonna recover from this perfection?
But not only did she do this amazing gorgeous romantic piece for me, she also did a complete remake of Serena’s character portrait and DAMN SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS.
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HOW does she always manage to capture Serena so perfectly? Ugh I honestly just can’t with this perfection, I just can’t. That expression, that hair, those LIPS. Okay, I’m gonna move on because I could literally gush about Serena’s face all day, but then we’d miss out on all the other amazing gifts she received today! Just, thank you so much @juliajm15 my darling, you’re such a generous and ultra skilled human being, thank you so much for being in my life and supporting me always
So meme and aesthetics queen @shaelinwrites totally disarmed me today when she sent me THIS GORGEOUS MOODBOARD FOR SERENA OH MY LORD.
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LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS WINTER AESTHETIC. OMG LOOK, CLEO MADE A CAMEO ON THE BOTTOM LEFT. Omg these colours are just too beautiful I CAN’T. The art supplies, the gesture and expression of this girl, it’s all SO Serena. The whole feel of this moodboard is just so romantic and cosy and wintery and ugh, the nightgown, the long dark hair. I’m aware I’m just rambling and gushing throughout this post DEAL WITH IT.
And @shaelinwrites didn’t stop there, no, as any good bae, she knew how important the bae is. HAVE SOME MORE SERANIEL, THIS TIME BLACK AND WHITE SEXY EDITION.
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All of this is literally just so accurate. Like, it’s so friggin’ hard to find good stock images that can embody a fictional character, BUT MY BAE DID IT *CRIES*. Thank you so much bae, omg this surprise was such a highlight today!!
Another dear friend of mine (who’s a total cinnamon roll btw), @coffeeandcalligraphy, also went above and beyond for my character’s birthday because LOOK AT THIS:
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I swear, everyone remembers the bae Baeniel. Eeeeeveryone.
I actually can’t??? Like how do I have so many talented af friends??? I must be a talent MAGNET I’m telling ya.
Oh and Rachel had the same idea as Baelin and went the sexy Black and White edition with the OTP as well:
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BECAUSE CAN WE EVER HAVE TOO MUCH SEXINESS? I THINK NOT. Thank you so much @coffeeandcalligraphy I swear your art just blows me away, you’re improving at such a rapid pace, slow down, I can’t keep up
Also @sarahkelsiwrites is a close friend of mine, and actually @coffeeandcalligraphy‘s twin sister (gotta collect the whole pack amirite), and as part of her inktober challenge she did THIS GORGEOUS INKED PORTRAIT OF SERENA:
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LIKE OMG OKAY SO the Victorian aesthetic is on POINT here, and OMG I love that her Hispanic features are soooo visible here. ALSO DAMN, THE DETAIL ON THE JEWELLERY. THE INKING OF THIS IS ALSO SO GREAT, LIKE, DO YOU SEE THE LINES IN HER HAIR???? I’m sorry, I’m an artist, I have to appreciate it when I see good craft, okay? I also gotta note that I’m living for how everyone always remembers Serena’s choker because girl never goes without one
Ugh HER EYES AND LIPS okay I gotta stop. I mention the eyes and lips every time, when will I switch it up. NEVER. Okay, glad we got that settled.
(Yes, I’m a dork, but only when I’m overwhelmed with this much love and beauty, I swear.)
Also omg THE SONG LYRICS, THOSE ARE SELENA GOMEZ LYRICS, AND IT’S STARS DANCE, AND I LOVE THAT SONG, AND IT’S SO RELEVANT, AND I’M ACTUALLY SHOOK. LORD thank you so much @sarahkelsiwrites god I just can’t believe how friggin’ talented and generous and thoughtful all of you are, I will never get over it.
So I’ve not mentioned this, but not too long ago I was totally taken by surprise and utterly *shook* when I received a private message on the site where I have Memoirs posted. This long message came from an angel named Constance, who registered a profile just to tell me how much she adored my story, give me fanart, and TELL ME SHE’S TRANSLATING THE ENTIRE THING TO FRENCH BRUH.
So if any of you out there are speaking French and not super comfortable with English, but still interested in reading Memoirs, it’s Constance you wanna hit up. She’s got you covered.
But back to the FANART.
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Constance is working on this GORGEOUS Serena fanart for me, and while it’s not all finished yet, she said I could still post it for the birthday feature! (I’m going to update the post with the finished piece once it’s ready)
LOOK HOW CUTE AND PRETTY AND YOUNG MY SERENA IS HERE. THIS DRESS IS SO PRETTY, I DIE. OMG SHE HAS THE LOCKET. I realise like 90% of this post is all caps, but WHO CAN BLAME ME? I’m so #blessedyouknow right.
All I wanted in my life is Serena in a pink pretty dress. Thank you for realising my dreams, Constance *cries* and thank you so much for the endless support and this generosity! Seeing other people getting so invested in my story and characters really moves me so much, it’s all that I could hope for waaahh.
2k17 - Birthday One Shot
Okay, so I know how I said I couldn’t finish my artwork for Serena in time as I had intended, which made me very, very Sad™, BUT. I came up with something else.
So this was actually SUPER spontaneous and I usually NEVER do something like this, but I took a chance, and you know what? It worked out. I just wanna say thank you so much to my bae @shaelinwrites who pushed and motivated me to do this, I dunno what happened, but you must’ve transferred some of your writing machine abilities to me, because I actually managed to finish an entire one shot in JUST ONE DAY. (Are you as shook as I am? Cuz I can never seem to finish a chapter so I’m shook.)
Since I couldn’t finish my artwork for Serena like I planned, I decided to write a short fluffy non-canon one shot for her birthday. It was super spontaneous and unplanned, but it actually came surprisingly easy to write! I’ve not written in first person in many, many years, so this was really a leap of faith LOL, but I like the end result! A major thanks to @shaelinwrites, who encouraged me and critiqued the short before publication, and @coffeeandcalligraphy, @sarahkelsiwrites and @juliajm15 for giving it a read and telling me their thoughts as well! I hope you all enjoy this little piece of fluff; since I’m taking so long to write my book, maybe this can keep y’all entertained meanwhile
Thank you so much to everyone who’s supported me and celebrated Serena’s birthday with me, even just in spirit! It makes the long journey all worth it, knowing there are people out there who care (’:
(short story starts under the cut!)
Roses and Ballerinas
The balcony drapes danced lightly with the gentle morning breeze, a delicate waltz. My existence was comfort, head cushioned by feather pillows and silk sheets swathing my naked form. Sunlight hadn’t woken me; London was always grey, ash brick and fog, and even more so in the rainy days of October. However, for what one might expect, the morning didn’t seem to carry its usual autumn gloom—though I suppose that observation could’ve had more to do with my current disposition.
A smile crept on my lips at remembrance of the night previous, one which, if anyone saw, surely would’ve spoken of scandalous notions unfit for a such young lady to entertain. Fortunately, none had been around to witness what had occurred in this room; tangled limbs, kisses of the sweetest character, ardour’s touch, skin marked with such fierce passion that even I could not have imagined. It didn’t seem right that something so blissful could be immoral. Should a simple seal of matrimony reverse what was once considered debasement? What a frigid, unromantic sentiment. If anyone would’ve cared to ask me, I would sing praise to the levels of delight and unison one could only reach when committing so wholeheartedly to Venus’ embrace. Might my lover treat me to such a lovely experience again tonight? This was after all a special day of mine.
I turned in my silk cocoon to face him, and was met with a disappointing sight. Half my bed was empty, only evidence that anyone had occupied the space a faint outline in the wrinkled sheets where his body had laid. I was accustomed to sharing this queen size with no one. My parents had always been diligent in ensuring that I was endowed much more space than a small person like me required. Somehow, the vastness of this bed, indeed this entire room, seemed pronounced in this moment. I fancied I didn’t really like that much space at all. It only served to remind me of my loneliness.
Rationality grounded me; naturally, he’d gone to his own room before my maid servant would come to knock. It was only sensible. If Lydia came to discover him here, she could not keep such a secret from Mama—though truly I hadn’t much need for concern today, as she was typically inclined to let me sleep in on a day of my celebration. Yes, it was the day itself which heightened my sensitivity, nothing more. Admittedly I’d had hopes for the morning, that he might wake me with another of his sweet kisses, might whisper words of admiration and appreciation in my ears as he’d play with my dark locks—an occupation he liked to take up whenever he visited my private chambers, I’d noted with slight thrill. Indeed, he was a beautiful man—one would be hard-pressed to argue the fact—but more importantly was how knowledgeable he’d proven himself on the treatment of a woman. Had I ever felt so worshipped and adored? If so, I couldn’t recover the memory.
My hand caressed the empty space next to me. He’d always held my fancy, even before either of us could be consciously aware of such implications. As far back as when he’d been a scrawny boy with round green eyes and tufts of brown hair that grew unrestrained, too wild for taming. Such was he when I’d first laid eyes upon him, myself a guileless, wide-eyed girl just six years of age. Our childhood was an innocent one, as most are, and a discordant one, as most aren’t. We’d been too young to fathom the consequences of our relationship. Even so, I could never regret it.
The door clicked open. I sat in surprise, pulling on my duvet to cover me. Why would Lydia not knock? This conduct was so unlike my meek maid, and certainly rude and improper. Under usual circumstances I’d not mind, but in my current exposed state I would’ve preferred for my servant to know her place and knock before entering. Would she not question my state of undress? Would I have answers to offer that wouldn’t further incriminate myself and fuel her suspicions?
But the sight which entered was not Lydia; indeed, this character was too tall, too broad, too much man. The clothes he’d discarded last night was now fitted on him in a most casual manner, shirt tucked carelessly into the waistband of the trousers he’d worn the day before and not fully buttoned. The tension in my body dwindled, and I let a sigh of relief. “You’re awake already? I thought I might make it back before you’d notice my absence.” He wore a crooked smile as he closed the door behind him, though it wasn’t smug but awkward, as if regretful he might’ve troubled me while he was gone.
“Daniel, where did you go? Did you not care to think you could get caught sneaking in and out of my room like that?” I said while he approached. I could not ignore how he moved with an arm behind his back, making his climb back into bed rather clumsy looking.
His smile was amusement now, a hint of a chuckle on the tilt of his lips. He leaned close, and his scent engulfed me, piquant and potent, woodsmoke and seasalt. I savoured the fragrance of him, and his warmth, and those lips, perfect for kissing, as they met mine in a sweet greeting. “Happy birthday, darling,” he muttered against my smile.
He pulled back, much to my dismay—though that sentiment was soon replaced by curiosity as he presented whatever he’d cared so much to hide behind his back. “What is that?” The words escaped me before I’d taken a proper glance at the object; a wooden box, handcrafted. The carving of a rose adorned the top lid and composed the main attraction. Still the rest of the box was as skilfully ornamented, only with less eye-catching swirls and foliage.
“Watch.” He bit his lip in thrill as was his habit—one I found rather endearing, I might add. He produced a small key from his pocket and inserted it into an opening hidden on the side.
I looked on in fascination as three turns of the key set the box in motion. The lid of the case rose all on its own, and as a lovely tune began its play, a small ballerina came to life and emerged from the box. She twirled around in a graceful dance, contentment in her gesture. I brought both hands to my lips, unable to contain my smile; she had long black hair, just like mine. “A music box!”
“Is it to your liking?” Daniel chuckled, and this time his grin was indeed quite self-satisfied.
I took the music box in my own hands and brought it closer to my face. The ballerina spun and spun without a care in the world; she was me, a version of myself I had dreamed of once. Unrestrained, unchained, free of her cage. Her face was simply painted, but the meaning in her dancing form could not escape me. Such I had seen myself, fantasized of another life. That he remembered… “It’s beautiful! How… When did you arrange this?” The inquiry came out more quiet and raspy than I had intended, but he heard.
“Good while ago,” said he with an air of nonchalance, as though it was little trouble. “The actual crafting of the box and ballerina wasn’t too difficult, but I needed some help to have all the parts fitted together. A clockmaker assisted me in getting the thing to actually play; as you know, I’m not much of a musician.”
I audibly gasped and stared up at him, unable to help myself. “You crafted this yourself?”
He seemed amused by my shock—no wonder, as I shouldn’t have been so surprised. He was the son of an artisan after all. The tune of the music box came to a halt at last, its last note fading into silence. “With my own bare hands. Look here,” he pointed to the interior of the lid, “There’s an inscription.”
My eyes followed to where he pointed; the ballerina had indeed stolen attention away from an engraving hidden behind her, on the curved inner side of the rose-adorned lid. Soul free of sorrow, heart light with hope; this be the path I follow, this is the path I chose. My chest swelled, and breath hitched. I wanted to speak, yet couldn’t bring the words to my tongue. Instead I choked on them, and they came caught in my throat.
Daniel tilted his head, understandable question lingering in his expression. Oh, those striking green eyes, this lovely visage. Handsomeness was a term he embodied so utterly; how was it fair for a face like that to completely disarm a woman? I composed myself and swallowed the cry which would’ve escaped me if I’d had just little less self restraint. My one hand cupped the side of my face while the other held the music box, and my smile had no end to it still. Since all else I felt refused to be spoken, I settled on the one feeling I could formulate with ease—amusement. “Some poet you’ve become, huh?” I laughed, shaking my head, yet in an effort to quell the rush inside me.
He grinned and gave my shoulder a gentle shove, an action so very like his behaviour as a boy. “Don’t laugh, I put in a great effort; see, the words rhyme!”
My giggles intensified at his reaction. I placed the music box on the nightstand and spun the key again, thrice; thus the ballerina resumed her carefree dance, light and free. She was magical, twirling such as she did. What a spirit to have, a life to live. To choose your own path to follow, and not the one chosen for you.
I turned towards my company again and pulled on him, locking him between my arms in a tight embrace. “Thank you, Daniel.” I squeezed in hope that the fierceness of my display of appreciation would deliver the message better than words could. “Thank you so much. It’s wonderful.”
“I do consider myself quite the expert on gift giving.” His chuckle was warm against my bare neck. A large hand planted firmly between my shoulder blades and pressed me deeper into his warmth. “I’m sorry if I had you worried, Serena. I only went to fetch my gift for you. I promise I was careful.”
“It’s fine, Daniel.” The words came out in a sigh of contentment. He was indeed so broad and so much bigger than I; his figure wrapped me in amenity, instilling within me an ease I couldn’t hope to discover elsewhere. It was an ease of novel excitement and nostalgic familiarity, all at once. “In truth, what bothered me was the idea that you’d left me to wake by myself.” I pulled away enough to look at him and brushed a strand of his long, brown locks from his face. “Today of all days.”
At those words, Daniel constrained his smile from widening too much, and I blushed by the notion that I’d said something to make him so satisfied with himself. “Well, let me assure you that you needn’t worry of that, my love.” He leaned over me, and I fell back into silk. I had no need for the duvet to cover my naked figure any more; his broad form was quite enough coverage. “You should know that the only instance in which I would leave this bed willingly would be the moment you tire of me and kick me out.”
I bit my lip as a gratifying sensation waved through me, and my fingers found way to the waistband of his trousers, pulling the shirt loose of it. “If that is a challenge,” I laughed, “then go ahead and make your attempt at tiring me.”
By the smirk on his lips, it seemed he accepted. The music box played its last note; it rang into the room and deadened to silence, and so a music of another kind took its place. Lord pray that Lydia would have the thought to let her lady sleep in on her birthday.
So that was all for this century’s anniversary! Thank you so much to all my friends who made these amazing gifts for her, and all of you who participated in celebrating her; it means so much
Until next century, darlings! (I’m kidding, I’m not gonna be inactive on this blog a whole century…)
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osetljiv · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2odvuQkrlARSSv6Pvm41GM?si=sjzD66aFTGa5TkMfcIurtQ)
hi i am doing this solely for myself/my own records so please feel free to ignore!!!!!! i wanted to challenge myself by making a top 10 albums list from the last decade - it was rly difficult because my ass truly cannot cut things down and be decisive, but here it is! 
i know many ppl r not into this kinda thing, but i really really love symbolic gestures - i love the idea that a new year (or a new decade!) can wipe ur slate clean, can give u a chance to be hopeful and excited and look forward to things - i hate change and i hate endings but the one good thing to come of them are beginnings! i love new starts, i love freshness, i love blank slates. i know that the end of the year/decade is arbitrary and doesn’t rly mean anything in the long run but....... it is important and super special to me!!!
i’m really not good with words/proper descriptions of the music itself, so i mainly just describe memories/associations i make to the albums, so don’t expect a proper music critic’s review or anything LOL… i am also not ranking by objective quality, but influence - these r the albums that personally made the biggest impact on me since 2010. i started off the decade age 13 and finished it in 2019 at age 23..... so clearly that is a very big difference in stages of life!!! i completed my teenage years, graduated from elementary school, high school & university.... i went thru many different friend groups, many different personality changes...... several big life events occurred…. many many hours were spent listening to music. and now i’m here! 
my only rules were 1. had to be on repeat for a significant amount of time, 2. preferably only one album per artist (to force me to pick between them), and 3. i had to consistently listen to the album as a whole (as opposed to just a few songs out of it)...... some of my fav songs in the world aren’t on these albums bc they were either released before 2010 or i didn’t listen to the rest of the album except for a handful of songs (as is usually the case for me). so the albums on this list are markers in my life, and i could (and did!) listen to them front and back. and ALSO they are not ranked from 1-10...... it was literally difficult enough choosing just 10 and i truly would not survive having to rank them as well. in release date order, here they are!!!!!
 owen pallett - heartland (jan 12th, 2010)
okay i know i just said i wouldn’t rank these but........... well this one is #1 regardless lol!!! the rest are not in any sort of order but this one has to be first (and how lucky that it was released first too!!!) this is the most important/special album to me in the world - it’s the first album released by my favourite musician under his real name, it has some of my most favourite songs of all time on it - it’s probably the first album in my life that i loved and listened to as a whole! when I was younger i never used to have favourite singers or favourite writers or favourite artists - i would have one favourite song/book/painting but never look into the creator’s other work, never had any interest in organizing things that way. but this is the first time i thought - “i adore this song..... and i adore all the other songs this person makes.... so i guess i like this whole album?” not to mention it’s a whole story and world - heartland tells a whole fable and sounds so beautiful doing so. owen was also the first concert i’ve ever been to! he is so beautiful and wonderful and this album is perfect and has my heart and can do no wrong! and as a plus it was released right at the beginning of 2010 so it truly started off the decade and set the pace. i really don’t know what else to say! heartland was a constant throughout the last ten years - i can’t tie it to one specific moment or feeling the way i can with the other albums. this one was really just the background of my whole adolescence, i guess, and i’ll love owen and this album forever!!!! love love love
 gorillaz - plastic beach (march 3, 2010)
i honestly didn’t listen to this album as a whole until the summer after grade 11/before grade 12 when i had to take summer school for math bc i failed (first class i had ever failed :’)!!) and needed the credit for my grade 12 courses (many of which i ended up failing anyway lol) BUT i still had hope at this point so this summer wasn’t that bad..... i remember i had to buy my own bus pass for the summer w my own work money for the first time and walk to the mall bus stop every day all summer to take the city bus downtown to the highschool that used to b a prison (RIP, it got torn down this year) to take summer math from 8-3, 5 days a wk. i loved those classes surprisingly? i remember that summer i dressed so cute every day, i would wear my extra ass dresses and knee high socks and do my hair all cute...... i’d steal my mom’s old lady sweaters w mini skirts and make my own coffee to bring w me and felt so adult..... i didn’t make any friends bc i thought they were all too cool but later learned that the girls in class rly liked me and remembered me the next year when i’d see them at their highschool when visiting for a trivia tournament (don’t judge!!!!) also the first time i got hit on bc a 30 yr old man in my class somehow got my email from the teacher and sent me a creepy email asking me out and i was too scared to go to school the next day lol..... truly feels surreal. but yes i would listen to this album (and demon dayz!) on repeat cuz i found the full albums uploaded to youtube so i remember i would just listen to the entire album all the way thru for the duration of the bus ride while looking out the window and daydreaming bc i couldn’t skip any songs and I couldn’t go on my phone bc the music only plays if u keep the youtube app open…. so it’s hard to listen to the songs individually now because i just picture the transitions every time!
 caribou - swim (april 20, 2010)
this was my summer between grade 8 - grade 9! up until this point i only had a handful of western artists that i listened to (before highschool i listened almost exclusively to Japanese doujin groups that remixed video game music…. do NOT judge!!!) and i felt soooo cool when i started listening to this album/others like it… had odessa downloaded on my zen creative mp3.... so freaking good!! got so embarrassed of my music taste after this LOL cuz my brother saw the album cover on my phone in highschool and asked what hipster shit i was listening to. little did he know.... its GOOD!!!! such a great album to just listen to all the way through. perfect background music for studying/ /walking/smoking/literally doing anything to! i can still listen to it and pinpoint different/new melodies in the back in certain songs. so good!!!
 crystal castles - (II) (april 23, 2010)
so many 2010 albums wow but LISTEN....... i first heard crystal castles in either 2010 or 2011, immediately after i first made a tumblr in grade 9.... this was the era when offensive bloggers and hipster british bloggers were like the only 2 sections of tumblr...... one of the first ppl i followed was this one super popular british blogger, this kid from london who was probs 15 and he had like, a pale grunge aesthetic and rly long bangs that covered his eyes.... i forget his name omg i wish i could see what he was doing now! but ya i loved him i thought he was the coolest thing ever, i went on his blog and he had autoplay and pap smear was the first song that started playing...... i remember being like wtf is this??? first time i heard music like that, with the video game sounds mixed in and the vocals so distorted. i literally was enamoured like i remember thinking i should hate it and wtf r these british freaks listening to but like..... i could NOTTTT STOP and i remember i wouldn’t even bother looking up the song on youtube or anything, when i wanted to listen to the song i would just go to this guy’s tumblr LOOOOOL god!!!! on the outside i was a cutesy girly girl but on the inside i was a pale grunge hipster british tumblr user!
 beach house - bloom (may 15, 2012)
this album is just the sweetest, prettiest memory…. it’s so.. crisp? and clear and pure and loving! beach house was (unsurprisingly) my spotify artist of the decade and i don’t care what rep they get or how similar their music may sound i love them with my entire heart! discovered them from tumblr (as i did most of my fav highschool albums) - first beach house song i ever heard was wild - i remember the first time i started being (SLIGHTLY) less mortified of talking about my music taste to other people, it was maybe in first year? i had gotten into my friend’s car, before we got super close, and she was playing a song off of bloom i think! and i remember my heart just stopped!!!! and i was so absolutely terrified of saying anything, but even moreso excited to see someone whose opinion i cared about who was listening to music that i liked, and so i gathered all my strength and tried to be super casual and say something like “oh, you like beach house, too?” (meanwhile i was literally shaking with nerves…..) and she just so easily said “yeah, i love this song!” and it was the most validating, comforting thing! and a while after that, one of my favourite memories: my other friend got hired at a local café/tea shop, the teeniest little place – it was like 3x4 metres, max – and she would close the store alone, and it was always completely dead, so the group of us would go and sit with her for her entire shift in this sweet warm little store – we’d have tea and coffee and scones – and over the store speakers, she would play whatever we wanted – and for a while i didn’t make suggestions, let everyone else choose, but! i worked my way up to suggesting she play bloom – and she would play the album all the way through, and she surprisingly really liked it?? and then it became the default soundtrack to our tiny hangouts in the tiny café :’)
 toro y moi - anything in return (jan 16, 2013)
WOWWWW truly such a throwback....... this is the first time i felt cool, TRULY cool listening to music LMAOOOO SO EMBARRASSING!!! i remember the day it came out, grade 11 i guess??? but i swear it must have leaked way earlier cuz i remember listening to this way before.... my fav tumblr user at the time (kiki deerhoof LMFAO now THAT is a throwback!!!!) was always posting abt toro y moi and made a mixtape w his music on it and i fell in love..... and i wanted to be cool too! so i would obsessively listen to this album when it dropped. the album drop also overlapped w the moment my grades/effort in school went on a steep decline (not that it caused it ofc but this was like…. the background music to my demise, in a way!) i’ll never forget listening to so many details on my chilly walk past my old elementary school at 6am to get to my bus stop - way too cool for school
 mac demarco - salad days (apr 1, 2014)
how fitting that chamber of reflection is playing in the coffee shop as i type this :’) this album was the soundtrack to my late grade 12/entire grade 13 experience. i was SO thoroughly and unbearably depressed LOOOOL it was really awful… i’m laughing now thinking back at it but honestly the feeling of being left behind by all of your friends and having to come to terms with not meeting ur own expectations of urself… having to repeat a year and being the oldest one in ur classes…… SO AWFUL!!!! really truly idk how i did it! but the whole time, all year, i would listen to this album. i would always play it on my walk to the city bus (in grade 13 i never made the actual school bus and i don’t even know how much money i must have paid taking the city bus every day bc i truly could not get out of bed early enough to take the free school bus but ALAS……) and i swear to you that entire year was grey and foggy and cold and damp… and i would play salad days (the song itself) and my emo ass would associate 100% with mac singing “oh mama, acting like my life’s already over….. oh dear, act your age and try another year,” and i swear he was singing it just for me, trying to slap me out of my stupor by saying “calm down, ur fine, ur life isn’t over, it’s just one year and you’ll be back on track!” and sometimes, SOMETIMES!! it worked!
 azealia banks - broke with expensive taste (nov 7, 2014)
i know i know..... i’m aware how we feel about azealia now....... and i know how overstated it is when ppl say “she may be problematic but she was an artistic GENIUS!!!” so i will not add more to the conversation but....... is this album not pristine? like what a masterpiece????? this album straight up defined my highschool experience even tho it was released at the beginning of grade 12..... all of grade 12/13 i was blasting this album while walking down the hallway hating literally everything! i grew up idolizing my bro and all he listened to (techno/house/etc) and loving it but being too embarrassed of copying him to get too into it, but then hearing azealia sound cute and sexy and scary while interpolating all these house beats. LITERALLY chicken soup for the soul… it felt like she made it just for me!! and even before bwet actually dropped, listening to 212 and all of her other singles waiting for her to finally drop the album she was tweeting about for years, like i don’t remember the last time i anticipated an album for soooo long? and she dropped it days after my 17th bday which really was such a perfect gift. listening to this w my friend who also loved azealia, pretending we were cool as SHIT and so grown up...... beyond influential
 frank ocean - blonde (aug 20, 2016)
ur lying if this album wasn’t a pivotal moment for u......... blonde is the sole reason summer 16 is viewed as a cultural landmark. i SWEAR!!!! i may have spent 8 hours a day on tumblr in 2016 but my ass was NOT cool enough to have been listening to frank ocean prior to blonde..... no i never listened to channel orange before this, yes i know i was behind the times! 2016 was the summer after my 1st year of uni, august i had just finished my summer school course so my summer was just starting (i was re-taking 1st year math bc i failed..... some things never change huh!!!! lied to my dad and told him i was tryna get ahead by taking bio in summer school... he believed me till he caught me in a lie by chatting w my friend he bumped into at walmart LOL.... and yet he never said a word :’) an angel) this was also the summer my dad left for a few months to go travelling across canada, he was gone all summer and my bro was busy working and so was my mom and i had the car all to myself for the first time. went on SOOO many drives this summer blasting this album. not to mention that since my dad wasn’t home the responsibility to drive my mom to work fell on me and wow i LOVED it? i realized i love having little responsibilities and having ppl rely on me in little ways like this..... i loved going to bed at 3am and having my mom gently wake me up at 5:30am, having a coffee with her before leaving in my ratty pajamas to drive her to work, the sun was just rising but it was already sooo hot, that summer i remember i couldn’t even hold the steering wheel cuz it was burning and my car didn’t (still doesn’t!) have AC, i’d drop her off to work up on the mountain and as i drove down the escarpment i would roll down the windows and blast pink + white right as the sun began to peek over the clouds and i would take a pretty sunrise pic every time before driving around for a bit, listening to this album, going home, and going back to sleep till 2pm
 blood orange - negro swan (aug 24, 2018)
i fully expected this list to be mainly albums released earlier in the decade, which makes sense – they would’ve had more time to have an effect on me – but as the final/most recent entry on my list, this album was beautiful enough to be a consistent part of the most recent year-and-a-half of my life!!! it’s also unique in that it’s one of the only albums on this list, i think, where i had already been a big fan of the artist’s previous work and was waiting for the album to drop. not 2 sound like one of THOSE people but i often find myself liking the first albums i heard from an artist/their older music better than newer work they release (not always!!! but often!), not from any kind of elitism or anything but honestly probably just nostalgia fogging my taste? especially for my first listen of a new album – it usually takes some time and a few re-listens before i really enjoy a newer release – BUT! from the moment dev released the album cover (which is so beautiful? one of my fav album covers off the top of my head) and dropped the first 2 singles, ESPECIALLY charcoal baby, i was so so enamoured with the album, right from the start. that whole summer i had it on repeat – early the next year i saw dev play in Toronto, and it was one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to – the lighting and colours and his dancing and demeanour, the other vocalists, plus we were right up at the stage, it was so stunning!!!!! this album has consistently appeared on all of my various spotify playlists, it rly can suit all moods and occasions, i love it very much and it’s the perfect album to round out my past decade in music!
 honourable mentions: SPEED ROUND
yes i’m a CHILD that cannot commit to cutting things down...... but tbh i’m surprised enough that i was able to preen my list into a top 10 anyway. so these r the honourable mentions that i couldn’t live with myself if i didn’t mention in some way!!!! all also very good and important and special to me, in no particular order!
mount kimbie - love what survives: i won’t lie this one hurt to not include on my top 10 :( i’m surprised too.... my friend rly fought for this to be included but i had to listen to my heart!!! however ofc i HAD to include it here at the very least. i was so shocked when it dropped, it was nothing like the rest of mount kimbie’s stuff i had previously heard.... i discovered them randomly when i was studying and spotify did that annoying thing where it plays “artist radio” or whatever so one of their older songs came on shuffle and WOW it was so good! and then i properly listened to them after hearing their songs with king krule... anyway this album is stunning and i am SO sad i didn’t get to see them when they came to toronto but i promise myself (and u!) that i will go the next time they come by!!!! u have my word!
foals - holy fire: this one also hurts a lot to not include :((( a LOT a lot! this one i’m really fond of, my fav foals album and one of the main albums i associate with highschool! so pretty, i’ll never forget hearing holy fire (the song itself) for the first time, so angry and satisfying and GOOD!!!
king krule - 6ft beneath the moon/the ooz: love both these albums soooo so much, i think 6fbtm came closer to almost being in the top 10 but others had it beat juuust slightly - these albums defined the beginning/end of my uni career, respectively, and i’ll cherish them forever! love archie’s ugly ginger ass with my whole heart
james blake - the colour in anything: was such a fan of james and was so excited when this album dropped - it was the start of summer i think? and i would always play it when i went for bike rides to the beach with my dad! such pretty music to drive ur bike to beside the water, all the way down the waterfront until we got to the next city over, riding past all the rich ppl’s mansions and trying to sneak a glance into their windows as we rode by
beyonce - self-titled: obviously the day this dropped - w no promo whatsoever - was a critical moment in music history!! we played this obsessively in high school, blasted this album the entire Europe trip in grade 12 and it just reminds me of travelling and planes and France…. so sexy!
solange - a seat at the table: rly truly a gorgeous album!! we played this in the car when my friends and i trekked to Toronto early one fall morning right after it dropped, we skipped school to go to some event at a café, and we had to wake up DUMB early, like 4:30AM, and i went to go pick them up and we were all way too tired to talk to eachother and stressed cuz we absolutely COULDN’T miss the train so i played this album the whole drive there while the sun was rising and it was so calming and pretty and special
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dystoopia · 7 years
The sweet cake tag - or something like it :3
the longest gtk me tag to ever exist 🍰
i was tagged by the lovely sweet extraordinary @floatingdownthemoonriver (thanks <3) for this extravagant tag! 
the last…
drink: coke bcuz i’m rebel  time you cried: last week probably ? These days are pretty cool so no tears just yet.
phone call: momma
text message: my college buddy, i like to call him Mozão
song you listened to:  the song - Zion.t - i just love this song soooooo much the lyrics too ohh just so perfect *---*
have you…
dated someone twice: nop, im a single potato since forever
kissed someone and regretted it: maybe? 
been cheated on: No hahah i did even had a boyfriend
lost someone special: yes D: talking about friends and family members too
been depressed: since 15 till today - btw my tumblr was made when i found out about it. 
gotten drunk and thrown up: ohhh yes, but just 2 times? Something i let my control go and i drink a lot xD 
list three favourite colours…
anything in pastel - but mostly purple, blue and lime
in the last year have you…
made new friends:  YES!! A lot of them!!! )))
fallen out of love: Yes? I still dont know very well 
laughed until you cried: yes, when my doggie farted and she got scared
found out someone was talking about you: maybe but i dont really care hahahaha
met someone who changed you:  yes more then just one person.
found out who your friends are: yes, even when we were apart there were there
kissed someone on your facebook list: no hahaha 
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: problablyn 95% of them cuz everyone its either from high school or college, so we i know them. and people from work too so yeah
do you have any pets: YES my little sunshine, Olivia, the best dog ever.
do you want to change your name: no really, although i like to use it in some differents ways, my full name is Mariana, but i like when people call me Mari, Marie (both in portuguese Ma-ri-ê or in the french way like the movie aristocats Marié)                           
what did you do for your last birthday: slept, because i had to work next day,so i got the holidays together to spend my birthday. (which is on 26 dec)
what time did you wake up: 9 am but got up to do things around 1pm
what were you doing at midnight last night: writing some thing for my storie and changing things on my resume - cuz imma a adult now (ha ha ha not really)
name something you can’t wait for:  my money to buy some decorations for my small home hahaha 
when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday night
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life:  ohhh i would say a lot of things but right now i think my relation with my father’s family
what are you listening right now:  the new masterchef brazil episode hahahhaha im a trash for cooking programs
have you ever talked to a person named tom: just tom the cat hahahah that app which change the voice
something that is getting on your nerves:  money probleeeems
most visited website: tumblr, netflix, youtube and paypal hahah
about me…
mole/s: i have on my cheek under my right eye near my nose and some others around my body
mark/s: i have a little mark on my left cheek i made when i fall the stairs once. but i have some burns and little marks on my hands that i made but dont remember how
childhood dream: travel the world -still is btw also write a book
hair colour:  dark brown with some parts lighter
long or short hair: long hair!!! i dont suit with short hair
do you have a crush on someone: irl no but on internet yes, in bands yes, in movies yes, in games yes... so yes i have a lot of crushes
what do you like about yourself: my hair and my eyebrown <3 i take care of them pretty well
piercings: yes!!! i have two holes in both years. I have two nose rings one on the nose and one in the septum. Also i have one im my mouth 
blood type: i think its b+ ?
nickname:  mari, marie, b1, frambomari, marimari, na, ba, ma - just nicknames with one syllable HAHAHAH 
relationship status: free and single ready to bingo
zodiac: capricorn <3 but im more of a cancer person than capricon
pronouns: she/her!
favourite tv show (s): KITCHEN NIGHTMARES /// HELLS KITCHEN <3 AND a lot of other cooking shows. I like some series too like dance academy, some netflix’s series . pretty much it
tattoos: yes one in my arm of some birds flying. But this year im covering it with a octupus tattoo
right or left hand: righty!
surgery:  nooo
hair dyed in different colour: yes!! pretty much every color. White, red, pink, blue, turquese, yellow, ginger, gray and green,
sport:  i used to play vollyball but its been soooo long so right now just on the ps3
vacation: beach!!!! I love going to the beach just seeing the ocean in general
pair of trainers: i have a lot of adidas hahah 
more general…
eating: mashed potatos!!!! and cabbage with butter <3
drinking: tea!!! and coffe with milk
i’m about to: finish my masterchef episode hahaha 
waiting for: my job interview cuz i need it 
want: new toys for olivia and some ice cream <3
get married: one day maybe
career: probably a teacher <3 im going to start studing literature mostly from brazil and then from the world
which is better…
hugs or kisses: hugs bcuz they make ours hearts be closer
lips or eyes: eyes, they can let you see all galaxies from people)
short or tall: tall *-*            
older or younger:  i prefer older my same age is good too hahaha younger maybe not
nice arms or nice stomach: well idk i like both hahaha 
sensitive or loud: i would say more of talkative
hook up or relationship: relationship all the way)
troublemaker or hesitant: depends of what kind of trouble we talking about hahahha 
have you ever…
kissed a stranger: yes hahah on a party 
drank hard liquor: maybe? 
lost glasses/contact lenses: lost glasses more than one, also my contact, but this one were so many times that im stuck with glasses hahaha i like them more than the contacts
turned someone down: yes!!! on my high school days. bad times bad times
sex on the first date: nooooo
broken someone’s heart: maybe? you know the bad times in high school  
had your heart broken: yes D: just once though
been arrested: nooo hahaha 
cried when someone died: yes a lot.
fallen for a friend: no cuz no feelings for friends hahaha they are friends not possible crushs -just sometimes -
do you believe in…
yourself: not really hahahah i need a push up sometimes                    
miracles: Yes! 
love at first sight: yes but not love as the raw felling of passion just a atracttion based on looks. The feel of love is more than the beauty itself.
santa claus: not anymoreee
kiss on the first date: depends hahaha 
angels: yes
current best friends name:  clara, beatriz, camila and my tumblr friends that sometimes we dont talk but i love you guys
eye colour: dark brown
favourite movie(s): MEGAMIND!!!! and ratattouile <3 In reality any animation movie and those cliche dramas ! 
Now i’ll tag some people, you dont need to do it if dont want! 
@iceinthecube , @krismehard, @minwuchan, @sunsoosoo, @shun-shinee. @wordswithoppar, @chocolateraingiu
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I’m a Fool for You [MadaKaka]
AN: Soooo, this is a ‘Behind the Scenes’ April Fools’ Day Special.  It isn’t so much a trick as it is…crack.  Just over 1.5k of goofiness for a holiday that’s supposed to be goofy.  I was inspired, lol!  I hope you enjoy it.  This takes place in the 2SB1SF-verse, just fyi.
“What are you pouting about now, Dara-chan?” Kakashi asked, plopping down beside the fuming Uchiha. They were on top of the Hokage Monument, where Hashirama and Madara used to sit and imagine a peaceful village, a safe haven keeping children protected and off the battlefield.  Now, looking out over that village, things weren’t quite as Madara had imagined.  But, in some ways, they were better.  Madara looked over towards one of those better things, to see a smiling eye in an otherwise covered face.
“I’m not pouting,” Madara huffed—becoming even more irate—but not tearing his eyes away from the love of his life.
“Maa”—Kakakshi reached out to pinch Madara’s lower lip between thumb and forefinger “that looks like a pout to me.”
Madara bit at Kakashi’s fingers, eliciting a chuckle from the masked man.  In fact, that mask was starting to become bothersome…
As if sensing where Madara’s thoughts were turning, Kakashi pulled his hand back in retreat, casually reclining back onto his elbows.  Looking up towards the—once more—pouting Uchiha, Kakashi sighed, “Dara-chan is so mean…”
Madara lifted a single brow at these dramatics.
“…it must be his insecurity”—Kakashi dodged the fist that tried to grab for his vest by rolling into Madara, causing the other man to fall on his back—“making him so angry all the time.”
Messy hair sprawled around his head, Madara continued to pout—okay, okay, he was ‘glaring’ up at Kakashi.
“I hate her,” Madara mumbled, his hands on Kakashi’s waist, thumbs sneaking their way under his lover’s shirt.
“Who?” Kakashi asked, honestly confused.
Madara pointedly looked up towards the sky, causing Kakashi’s gaze to follow.  When Kakashi understood just ‘who’ Madara was talking about, Kakashi began to chuckle once more.
“Now now, Dara-chan, it’s your fault, you know.  Since you were jealous—”
“—of a little book.”
“…it’s your favourite book,” Madara mumbled, his hands trailing up under Kakashi’s shirt to feel his skin more closely.  Why did Kakashi insist on wearing so much clothing all the time?
Kakashi smiled down at the man who loved him so much, he hired an author to write him a book.  But not just any book…this was the story of how Kakashi and Madara fell in love.
“This latest chapter was my favourite,” Kakashi added, dropping down to place a masked kiss on Madara’s neck, before nuzzling his face in that same crevice.
“She…she wrote me…so pathetically!” Madara huffed, forgetting temporarily the author’s unfavourable adjective choices as he turned to brush his nose up against Kakashi’s hair, breathing the other man in.
“Maa…she’s just trying to tell the story accurately—”
Madara bit at Kakashi’s ear.
“I thought I was the biter in this relationship?” Kakashi punctuated this with a nip at Madara’s neck, his hand having slipped down his mask just long enough for teeth to meet flesh, soothed by a swipe of his tongue.  
When Madara carded his fingers in Kakashi’s hair and pulled his face up to meet with those uncovered lips, Kakashi’s mask was back in its place once more.  Madara exhaled in frustration, dropping his head with a soft thump back on the ground.
“She’s always going on about how…desperate, and wistful and…and…pathetic, I was, mooning over you, even emulating Tatsumi, of all people!”
“Tatsumi is very beautiful,” Kakashi teased, just to see the possessive fire light in Madara’s eyes. “But Dara-chan should know that I prefer the view from here.”
Madara smirked, pulling Kakashi down for a kiss, the fingers of his other hand slipping under Kakashi’s mask—this time, without protest.  He pushed the fabric just low enough to expose Kakashi’s lips, before capturing them with his own.  The kiss was lazy, slow brushes of lips and tongue and teeth—Kakashi was a biter, after all—soothing Madara’s ruffled feathers—
“Alright, that’s it!” Madara yelled up towards the sky, sitting up and forcing Kakashi back on his heels, his mask already in its proper place.  “I don’t pout, I don’t whine, and I don’t have ruffled feathers!”  Madara’s hair puffed up around him, not unlike how a bird would puff up—
“I AM NOT A BIRD!” Madara was on his feet now, still screaming at the sky.  His rage quickly turned his face red.  For once, his flush was in anger and not in embarrassment—
While Madara huffed and puffed in denial—
—Kakashi was sitting back, watching the spectacle unfold.  He couldn’t help but laugh at the scene Madara was making of himself, getting into a losing argument with an omnipotent force.
“Maa…saying ‘that line isn’t even true,’ must mean that the other ones were, which means Dara-chan is in denial…”
“Oh don’t you start too!” Madara growled, whipping around to snarl at Kakashi.  Kakashi was his, which meant he should be backing Madara up, not siding with the lovely and completely accurate author.
“WHEN I FIND YOU, YOU’RE GOING TO REGRET MESSING WITH UCHIHA MADARA!!!!!11!1one!!1!” Madara yelled like a crazy person, spinning in circles and stomping around like a complete nutso.
“Maa…Author-chan…Dara-chan didn’t even say that…”
The author clearly ignored Kakashi’s interference; the more handsome ninja was only trying to save Madara’s reputation.  How lovely. Kakashi was always looking out for people, even when they didn’t deserve it.  What an angel.
“I told you the author was biased!”
“Mou…Dara-chan doesn’t think I’m an angel?”
Madara sputtered like a fool, “You’re the light in my life, you perfect, wondrous angel—dammit he’s the devil in disguise, now the author is putting words into my mouth?”
“Is there something else you’d rather have in your mouth?” Kakashi winked—wait he’s wearing his hitai-ate, he can’t actually wink, but Madara knew what was going on and was down for some of that Kaka-dick—
“Wait…this isn’t even her usual writing…what’s happening?”
“Mou…Dara-chan doesn’t want some of this ‘Kaka-dick?’”
Kakashi watched on in bemusement, pulling out his book from his back pouch.  “Have fun with Author-chan,” he said with a two-fingered salute in goodbye, before turning to walk off.
“That’s impossible—where do you think you’re going?” Madara chased after Kakashi, much preferring his lover’s company to that of the author who was trying to celebrate April Fools’ Day by teasing Madara.  He deserved it, after all.  Not like Kakashi.  Kakashi was perfect.
“She has such a bias for you,” Madara muttered as the duo walked side-by-side.
“Do you want me to talk to her?” Kakashi offered, flipping to the next page one handed, while reaching for Madara’s hand with the other.
Madara scoffed.  “I don’t want you anywhere near her.”   Madara could only imagine what the author would do to Kakashi if she had him all alone.
Kakashi’s thumb started unconsciously brushing over Madara’s knuckles.  Suddenly, Madara’s anger was forgotten.  “Come on,” he said, pulling Kakashi back with him to their former perch—he pointedly ignored the bird reference in favour of the man beside him. The author thought this was a smart choice.  In fact, if the author had to choose between cuddling with Kakashi and yelling at an omnipotent entity, she would have chosen Kakashi too.  Madara made his first smart choice of the day.
Madara continued to ignore the author.  He smirked smugly.  She was only jealous, after all.
“Stop teasing Author-chan,” Kakashi piped up, sitting back on the ground and dragging Madara with him. “She’s just going to be worse to you in the next chapter.”
Madara scoffed, “It’s impossible to look more pathetic than she made me out in that chapter.”
“You’d be surprised,” Kakashi teased.  Only, it wasn’t exactly teasing, since the ‘book’ he was reading was actually the first draft of the next chapter.
“WHAT?  She’s letting you read the chapter early?” Madara reached for the manuscript, but Kakashi deftly avoided his grabby hands.  “She told me that I couldn’t see them until they’re finished!”
“I’m her beta-reader,” Kakashi informed, pulling out a red pen and correcting something, conveniently proving his point.
“That’s not fair,” Madara pouted, crossing his arms petulantly.  “I’m the one who asked her to write it for you.”
Kakashi leaned over to kiss Madara quickly on his lips.  “That’s why I get to beta it.”
Things started to click together in Madara’s mind.  
“You…you’re why I always look so desperate in these chapters!?”
Kakashi’s eyes went wide as he unconsciously stiffened.  Madara automatically knew he had messed up.  But what had he said?  Madara was the one who looked like a fool, like he couldn’t control himself around Kakashi, not the other way around.  What did Kakashi have to be upset by?
Madara got on his knees, crawling to close the small distance between them.  One hand went to the back of Kakashi’s neck, while the other pushed the manuscript aside.  “Why don’t you put that down, and I’ll show you just how desperate you make me…”
Kakashi, eyes wide, let the book drop from now limp fingers as he pulled Madara towards him with his legs. Madara’s now free hand slipped under Kakashi’s mask, and with one last smirk, he caught Kakashi’s lips with his own.
The author left to eat dinner, giving the lovers some privacy.
AN: yeah, that’s right.  I ended it there lol.  I hope you enjoyed it!  I’m not sure whether I should post this on FF/AO3, so if you have an opinion on what I should do with it, i’d love to know.  I can either post it as the next chapter, or make a ‘Holiday Specials’ thing.  I like the idea of doing goofy one-shots for the holidays, as a way of celebrating.
Happy April Fools’ Day!  I hope you didn’t have any mean pranks played on you.
Btw, this was unbeta’d, as my beta is currently occupied with a certain pouting Uchiha.
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chippedfolks · 7 years
I saudade him and everything that has to do with him, everyday! From the minute I saw him put his glasses on and open his mouth to speak, I felt comfortable and safe. I was instantly attracted to him, and i will never forget that feeling, a warmth in my heart. It was exciting, even the way we met so unexpectedly like the work of god or the universe at that exact moment in time. I gave him a chance, and i don’t know why i just felt like i had too. I definitely feel like our souls have crossed paths in another life, and it was perfect their as well. Out of billions of people in the world i found him, so randomly and to me that’s so beautiful. He is my soul mate. He loved me even though I am black, Muslim, come from a super strict family, and that I live thousands and thousands of miles away from him (all of which have very negative connotations). Vanilla guy and chocolate girl, its nice to see that it’s becoming a lot more common around the world! I am so honoured I was the first girl to meet ur family and I hope you know that I love all of them. Yeah I haven’t known them for years and have only spent like 3 days in their presences but I Iove them jimmy. Your mother is so special to me she is my R! But just know I will always be there for her, ok! if anything happens. For all of you! After the first month…nah even the first two weeks of talking to him I knew I loved him, he was so fucking special how couldn’t I..he was/is everything I love in a partner. I loved our first encounter we were so nervous and scared in person and our first awks kiss and every kiss I ever gave him after that and every hug <3 and I loved when he got on one knee (well i forced him too haha) and gave me nala (as we were both wearing nothing) and asked me to be his gf <3 haha we were crazy. I even loved the way i told him i loved him at Stonebridge park on our 10 mins walk to the train-station. That was the first time he knew how strict my parents were..something i never wanted him to know because i knew it would be so fucking difficult and we’d break up over their opinion one day. It was not the most romantic place to say i love you, (i mean i was in tears and freaking out) but it just came out, but when he ran back up towards me and surprised me as i was waiting for the train in tears, i will never forget when he said he loved me too and wished he said it first and was feeling that way for a long time. 
He’s is my best friend, and i pray he’ll always be there for me as my best friend even if we aren’t together. He is the only man that has ever wanted to know everything about me, and that i was completely open to sharing who i am really am and that’s so special…no one has ever care about me that much. You know I’m not the type of girl that dates a lot or wants to fuck around. I’m a one man type of girl. And I miss him, and I want to tell him im sorry if he is hurting i don’t know if he is. I don’t know how he is feeling, he is very good at hiding. So he can be very mysterious in that way, and i love that in men. But if you are hurting in anyway, I’m so sorry, and I wish I could take all your pain away and suffer for you. It might sound crazy ok but i’d die for you and I would love you in sickness and in health. I really pictured one day being Mrs. Jimmy, it would have been a dream come true for me because you are all i’ve ever dreamed about and want. And you’ll forever be so special to me. I might not be with you, but my heart still cares deeply for you. So my long essay below is just a little bit of what I love about you Jimmy, and I wish I told all of this to you in person to your face when I had the chance. I wish I told you I loved you every day and I wish you could feel how much I truly meant it.
First off jimmy is hilarious seriously soooo funny and gets my weird sense of humor. He’s tall (yeah i’m finally admitting he’s tall) 😂  and smart as fuck! I’ve learnt so much from him. He is so nerdy (actually smexy) in the cutest way, and he’s not like any guy his age which is honestly the best thank god! He respects women so much <3 Love that he rates things, and researches so deeply about everything he purchases. Haha and the way he explains it to me a thousand times…and even though I don’t really care, I just love to listen to how happy he is when he explains it and I could listen to him for an eternity. I love watching his nerdy youtube video about tv shows, and his ‘how to become a better public speaker’ youtube videos. He always trying to learn something and better himself and it’s amazing to see him grow. I love that we have the same tastes in tv shows and movies (kinda..i guess i like romance a bit more haha) <3 and that he watched chewing gum with me even though i forced him to, but he secretly liked it. It was times like those that i miss! the simpler times. Oh and i’d watch tv shows he liked..honestly i loved the crown, i still have to finish up the last 3 episodes..wish it was with him but at least he watched it with his mama. It was a very educational tv show, and i do love it.
I love that he’s paranoid, and scared to try new things. But he eventually tries new things it just takes a while and he has too be very cautious (not like me haha). I love that he’s the only person i’ve ever met that brushes his teeth after lunch and not after breakfast. He’s a good texter, actually the best! And probably the only person that understand my fucked up texts because they never make sense. He’s so mature, understanding, and really cares about everything. I love looking at him when he doesn’t know i am (which is a lot), he’s a masterpiece and every movement of his face and body is truly a work of art. His soul is so pure, like his mother’s and father’s and brother’s. I love his huge personality, his lips, eyes, beard, hair, chest, arms, stomach, toes, legs everything about him is so beautifully gorgeous. I LOVE HIS MANHOOD, in all its stages, it is so PERFECT!!! I have no regrets about anything! I love how he naturally smells, it is soo nice and I feel like I’ve imprinted on him like a wolf. I can’t get his smell out of my mind (sounds weird but it’s true). I love how he tastes :D and I love his hips, even though he doesn’t I do. I love that he trusts me with scissors if you know what I mean you really have too trust a person too do that, and i love giving him massages and receiving them from him. I love that i know he would never hit me or lay a finger on me, he is just so gentle and loving. I love that he makes me want to dress sexier and look sexy for him, because his opinion is the only thing I cared about. I love feeling him grow under his pants and I love that look I give him when I want to rip his clothes off and he tells me to stop looking at him in that way.
I love love love that he’s Portuguese 😍 and I love his accent so much. It was such a huge turn on for me, the main reason i was so intrigued with him in the beginning. As well as his low sexy voice. I love his culture, and country and i loved learning more and more about it from him. Love when he says things wrong in English, but that I never correct him coz I understand him 10000%. I love giving him Hickeys on his neck and I love that he calls them hiccups. I love that he called muscles..muskuls haha so fucking cute. I love giving him head massages on the train and when he’s driving (anywhere really) just running my fingers through his hair. I love biting his beautiful sexy neck and his ear and whispering all the things I want to do to him. I love messing with his nipples, haha he hates it. I loved biting his chin just a little, even though it hurt him a bit he always got mad…I stopped doing it eventually coz my baby (ex baby) said it hurt a lot and I never wanted him to feel any pain. I love that he always tried his best to make me laugh when I was feeling down. And that he always told me everything was going to be ok. I love that he still stays with simba after all these years and isn’t afraid to say he has a stuff animal, so manly and now he has sabrina protecting him. Love the way he sleeps with one leg in and out of the covers and also when I try to wake him up in the morning, but he always finds a finds a way to cuddle me and get me back to bed and all quiet. Love making sure he’s ok in life and that he tells me, and trusts me when things are not going so well because he knows im always there for him. I love that he never likes to waste food, and he always finishes mine. I love that he used to hate when I would ask strangers for help, most of the time I did it just to piss him off haha. I love how happy we were when we went to a costa and that we would both never step foot into a starbucks. I love how competitive we are with each other. I love that he loves soup and I wanted so badly to learn how to cook all his favourite dishes, especially from his mother so I could make it for him. I love how he is with buckbeak, coz i pictured our future pets and how happy he’d be with them. I love that one piece of hair that always falls on his forehead and how annoyed he’d get about it.
I Loved watching him drive and I loved going to the beach with him and annoying him, i could go everyday!! Love that his mums his real bff ❤ Love that he always tries to think positively, even though it’s easier to think negatively. I love the way he dances (it’s so bad, but he tries so hard it is so cute) and that he sings along to every song even if he doesn’t know all the words. And I love when he puts a show on for me, because those dance moves are one of a kind. I love the way he would  grab me sometimes when another man looked at me, he was claiming his territory but he didn’t need to because no man could ever replace him. I love that he would make sure that I’m well fed, coz I don’t eat that well sometimes… and the way he chews his food so loudly. The way he helps out around the kitchen and house and can cook a little. I love that I know he’d NEVER EVER cheat and I trusted him 100000%, he’s not that kind of man. I love flirting with him, the way he sounds when he wants to U know. I loved making him feel relieved and I know I would never get tired of seeing him happy and relieved, if you know what i mean :D Also love when he bits his lips, and the vein’s he has on the back of his arms. I love all the little black freckles around his body and the little chest hair he has. I love that he thinks he’s getting bald but that i’ve prayed he wouldn’t and believe he wont…even if he does i’d kiss that bold head every fucking day.
I love us as sabrina and Alex!!! I loved that he used to tell me he loved my lips the natural color they were..no one has ever told me that. I love that whenever i first saw him..i’d put so much make-up and he’d hate it and after that i’d just do my eyebrows and i felt beautiful in my own skin and he didn’t mind. I love his presence and the way he touches my body so softly, also the way he hugs me. Our naked cuddles, and fuck me he was getting so good at his oral game just needed a bit more practice. Love the feel of his kissing my neck, Honestly he turns me on so much, and turns me into a sex crazy maniac which is cool. God he has the most perfect ass, so juicy i love it. I love that he’s not afraid to try the craziest things with me everywhere and anywhere. I love the little moments we had in person, like laughing on the train or on a walking tour..gosh i miss those moments they were so full of pure love. I love that i know which side of his face he thinks is the sexy side and which one he thinks is the nerdy side, but to me both sides make up the face the most handsome guy i know. I love the little black dot he has behind on of his ears. I love the way he would grab my hand when we are walking or puts his hands on my hips to guide me through a crowd of people. I love his dry lips. I love that he traveled to see me 4 times! Best parts of my university and I can’t wait to tell my grandchildren about our adventures with my first love. He’d always get mad when I lost something, but he always looked so damn cute, or the way he triple checks everything when he travels. I love that he would sometimes just laugh at my clumsiness, because he knew I just can’t help it. I love that he has goals in life, and wants to be super successful. I love that even tho I sometimes feel super insecure about the beautiful females around the world that he could be with, he always reassured me that he was mine… was is the key word 😔  It’s ok though i’m hopeful everyone of my friends…even his beautiful mum and mum’s best friend all believe we might have a second chance (hope then it lasts, i believe it will). Don’t know if its gonna be in a year or two or even when we are 60 but i know in the back of my mind as life goes on i’ll always be hoping for that day to come.
I love how childish he is, and he isn’t afraid to be. I love that he can put up with my craziness haha. I love his sharp teeth, and I love how cute he looked as a baby so fucking adorable and he knows it. I love that he’s the first person that has gotten me to look at the world differently (and i know he has learnt a lot form me as well), and he always pushes me to do better because he believes in me the same way i believe in him. I hope i made him him that he is destined for greatness. I love that he used to hate when i said nevermind, but i’d eventually let me know haha he hates that word. Jimmy is just so strong mentality and i admire him for that. I love how happy and in the zone he gets when he plays the PS4 😂 she’ll always be his mistress. I love how he taught me to keep happy aspects in life to your loved ones and closets friends only and not to share it to the world. I love that when I want to try super crazy things, that I might regret, he doesn’t tell me not to do it he just talks to me and always gets me to reason. I love that even though his friends said they would never date a black girl he did and didn’t give a shit. You could say he’s a rebel. I love when he talks to strangers and when he’s nervous but confident at the same time. I love how perfectly our bodies mesh together when we spoon. I love how his face brightened up every time I snuck back into bed at 2am in the morning, and he’d open up the covers for me and he’d just cuddle me and hold me close and we’d fall asleep so quickly. I love that he respected me while I was fasting, and he even respected my sister when she was. I honestly did believe we could live in a household together as one with two different religions, I never cared. I just love him for who he is…it most mostly for my families sake really. Whatever doesn’t matter now i guess. I love that we’d dance in the kitchen when we were doing chores together. I loved that we both surprised each other with our skills when we did activities, because theirs still a lot we never go to do together. I love the face he makes when he’s concentrating and that I always need to tell him to relax it. I love that “back straight” always rings in my head even when he’s not around. I love that I’m able to tell him almost everything, and he would listen and be there for me and would never judge me. I love how generous he is, and that he gives to charity even tho he doesn’t have much. I love how humble he is, he’s not cocky (well maybe just a bit haha). I love the way he looks at him himself in the mirror and is like yup I’m so fresh and handsome (coz he really is). I love that since the time we have been dating his sense of style has improved so much. I love when he tries to impersonate accents and acts out characters, like his stupid British accent. I love how goofy he is, and when we plays sports he’s so good at everything. Gosh it’s such a turn on. I love when he watches football and changes his team on that OSM app like a beautiful kid on Abby every day. I love when he tries to explain something to me 1000% times, even though I mostly know what he is talking about I just like it when he says it again and again he gets frustrated poor thing. I loved that he saw a future of us together, and boy was it amazing. I loved watching him put on some music and clean up his dishes after dinner, he always used to take his sweet time. I love the voice he makes when he’s like “your my gf and i’m your bf and we’re bf and gf and we’re special”. I loved studying with him through skype, he really did help me stay focus. It was nice to see his beautiful face on the side of my screen. I love when some rare nights we’d stay up on whatsapp call and talk suer late and then he’d just fall asleep with the call still going and i’d hear his beautiful breaths. I love that he takes a bite of a burger and then eats some fries and then back to the burger…like who does that? haha. Also i actually love that checked shirt i told him i hated, i’ve never missed it so much. 
I love that he tried with my family and siblings the much he could, he was so beautifully kind even though my family is just so difficult. But it they were lucky enough to get to know him, they would love him just as much as i do. I love/don’t love when he cries..but can honestly tell whether it’s happy or sad tears…he just rubs his eyes a lot under his cute glasses. He’s sometimes insecure about his glasses and has to take them off during the day…even tho poor thing can’t see so well. But i love him with and without his glasses. Love that he is afraid of anything touching his beautiful brown eyes, but i still think he should get laser eye surgery (but i respect that is he afraid, i’d hold his hand if he ever got it..i’d be right by his side and i’d take care of him after). I love that he loves man bracelets, they are sexy as fuck but I never got him any and I wish I did. I love that he’s competitive, and always wants to learn and improve in all aspects of his life. I love love love that he loves to travel and explore (like me) and that he loved going on free walking tours and museums like the beautiful nerd he is..turned me into one 😂 love when he answers questions In a crowd and the way his face lights up when people are interested in him being Portuguese. I love his stiff hand gestures and that movements his hand makes when he’s nervous. I think i’m the only one that has notice how stiff he is, love teaching him to loosen up and use his shoulders (he was trying :D). I love that all my friends said he was the perfect bf, and that i should never let him go. They said we looked happy and perfect together. I love that when I was at home by myself scared, he’d call me and let me listen to the the noise of his family so my home felt full. I love when he’d let me creep on Skype just because I asked. I love that he cares so much that he cared enough to proof read my boring essays, and correct me. Like however, haha just joking…I also loved living with him, it was amazing he is the perfect living partner and i was getting used to it!! I love that as much as i tried, we’d always end up (after cuddling) facing the opposite directions to sleep. Like i did try, guess i just gave up haha coz no matter what side of the bed i slept he would always face the other way. I love that we have a hell of a lot of common interests yet we are still so different. I love that he accepted me for all that I am he is. I am sorry if you felt like i wanted too change you, i don’t i love you..but i guess my family really messing everything up huh. I love that he tried so hard when I said I didn’t feel enough panda from him, but the next time we were together he made sure he damn well was an amazing panda and I never complained. You see he’s a good learner, i’d give him an A++, because I could tell he was really trying and i felt so much love from him. I love when he occasionally randomly told me i was beautiful, it made me feel so good inside yo. Or when he told me he liked my hair a certain way or he liked what i was wearing. I love when he surprises me, because i love surprises and i don’t get them that often <3 love that he has soft hands, coz he’s a king and never does the dirty work. loved that he always gets so tired poor thing, when he used to sleep on the train and lay his head on my shoulder like a big beautiful baby. I loved watching him laugh so hard on the dinner table with his fam bam <3 He has the most perfect smile, and i loved making him laugh so much his eyes would disappear and his smile would get so big sometimes he would laugh so much he’d tear up haha. And i loved staring at him when he was never looking, i did it a lot. Or when he was checking out other girls, he was so bad at hiding it but i didn’t mind it was a fun game i played with myself. He looked at asses more than anything, thank god i have an okay one.  But we were cool, i didn’t never cared that he watched adult videos, some girls do care.. but heck its life i never got pissed it was cool. Actually i love how open and loving our communication was about everything, i think we managed to build amazing communication skills. Plus i loved how he would never understand why i hated going through instructions, so he’d help me out once in a while..he’d get a bit angry haha. Also how he would always have something smart to say about my amazing/right theories, like you should never update ur old computer or phone coz it slows it down. Huge companies are evil like that and that’s just companies way of messing up your devices so you buy their new products..BOOM facts (mic drop ooooo). Loved how he never ever fucking listened to me about drinking hot water with lemon, honey, and ginger when he was sick or using an old t-shirt to dry his hair because towels pull hair out. He is so hard headed, but i love him man. I love him in all his moods and his good and bad days, i still love him. I love that he always managed to say the right things when i’m mad at him about some stupid thing. And i love that when he actually apologises, its so genuine and i can feel his love. I can never stay mad at him, i just can’t.
I love the way he speaks and bonds with his family, and the way he shows them so much love and kindness. I want my future family to be just like his! I love play fighting with him and making him fall off the bed. Because we all know i’m the WWE champ, he kinda sucks haha. I love watching him drink his cafe latte and eat a donut. And the face he makes when food tastes so good. I love annoying the shit out of him and being too hype, coz he gets all happy even tho he says he doesn’t like it (he does, because secretly I know). I love his great memory, and the chicklip, forlip, liplip, noselip all the lips he gave me and he liked mine too mianly the chicklip he liked them more than kisses haha what a weirdo. I love that he’s not afraid to be different and doesn’t care what people think. He really doesn’t care what people think. I LOVE Nala, Stuart, Simba, and Sabrina we were the most perfect family ❤ I love how hardworking he is and that he always gives the best advice. I love that he always wants to make others happy, and that he hated seeing me cry.I love that sometimes he doubts himself especially with his degree and sometimes his work ability, but i just want him to know i truly believe in him. And i know he can do anything in this world he sets his mind too. Love that i’m the only one that can call him jimmy fucking neutron haha.
I love that even when we argued and I was a dick who always had a problem with him..he wouldn’t say anything mean to me or argue and he tried so hard not to be like me.. so I wouldn’t see that side of him. He is always so beautifully positive <3 I love that I know he’d be the greatest father on planet earth in the future, and boy was I lucky to even be considered to have had a future of raising kids with him. I mean those golden genes are so beautiful <3 but it’s just the person he is..his future kids will have the worlds greatest father! I love that he thinks his hair is blonde when it really isn’t, ok fine it has a little blonde but he’s a brunette my favorite kind <3  I love how he is with my friends, I love that he doesn’t judge anyone for who they are. I love the look he gives me when you know, and the noise he makes you know. I loved those times we’d just laugh so hard in the middle of “you know” haha i was just so comfortable with him..i love him. I love how happy we both got every time we’d see each other in person (actually he got mad 2 times we saw each other coz my stupid ass was late but he got over it fast) And how happy we where when we counted down the days..like T-6 day! I love the weird faces he makes when he dances they are just so creepy. I love when he picks his monkeys and does it anyway even tho it’s super gross, but he’s comfortable enough too do that in front of me..it’s still nasty. I love watching him workout and get all sweaty. I love that he texted me everyday and night and that that alone would put the biggest smile on my face. I love our night time whatapp calls, fuck i could talk to him all night. Also that he waited a year and a half for me, he never pressured me to do anything I didn’t want to do!! If that is not a man you should never let go of then I don’t know who is. He is so polite and is honestly the best male in the world no one compares to him, not even one bit. I am so blessed he’s in my life, even he is a friend right now because I love how he’s helped me grow as a person and has taught me so much and will continue too. He truly has a bright and beautiful soul. And I will always, without a doubt, love this man and all that he is forever! I just loved that he tried his best with me, as much as he could. He is my home, where ever he is i’m 100% comfortable and safe and happy. I could go on and on about the millions of things I love about him (seriously this is nothing). We have had a beautiful experience together..and If you didn’t already know this jimmy, i love you from the top of our big ass combined foreheads to the bottom! Always and forever. I think now i’ve said my peace with everything, more like wrote my peace haha (bad joke) lol…but at least one day he might read all of this and know. I have so many unforgettable memories i share with him that are so beautiful, but i’m hopeful for what the future has in store for the both of us. I don’t think our beautiful story is over just yet. It’s just came in the wrong time for now but our time will come again, i know it will, if your open too it (coz hell too the fuck yes i am). Thank you for everything, it was the biggest honor being your gf even if it was cut short. I only wish you good fortune and pure happiness for the many years to come. And no matter where life takes you i will always be there for you and so will my guardian angel, you can always count on me and her haha.  It’s the least i could do for all the happiness and love you brought into my life all those months. My one regret was not saying all of this in person, but at least now i’ve written a little bit of how a feel and have always felt about you. There’s still much so fucking i could write, but i think the word count on this essay has come to a max ;D you know me and my essays haha i always have a lot too say! I love you! I sometimes wonder what would have said about me, haha just a thought i guess. 
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