#okuyasu is a bro through and through but he would be so upset it wasn’t him kissing his gf
joestarbuckss · 4 months
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I’m rewatching part 4 and it’s about to be everyone’s problem 🫶🏼
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lady-wallace · 2 years
Over and Over: Whumptober Day 8 (JJBA)
Today’s @whumptober prompt is more Josuke whump. Gave the poor kid appendicitis today. 
Prompt: Everything Hurts and I’m Dying (stomach pain)
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 4
Character: Josuke
Read on Ao3
Read on FF.net
Josuke woke up feeling like crap that morning.
He probably should have begged off school, but he didn't have a fever and he wasn't sneezing so his mom probably would have told him to go anyway. Besides, it was mostly just a stomach upset—probably something he'd eaten the day before or whatever. He wasn't originally going to worry too much about it, but then while he was sitting in the middle of second period, the pain seemed to be growing worse.
By lunch, he really wished he had stayed home.
"You're not eating anything, bro?" Okuyasu asked him as the three of them sat in their favorite spot on the low wall outside the cafeteria.
"Nah, my stomach kind of hurts today," Josuke muttered, drinking some water and trying to ignore the growing nausea.
Koichi frowned at him worriedly. "You look a little pale, are you sure you aren't getting sick or something?"
"Maybe," Josuke said, wrapping a protective arm around his middle. It wasn't exactly uncommon for him to have pain relating to the injuries he'd gotten from his fight with Kira, but…this wasn't in the same spot as the scar tissue that usually gave him trouble. Which made him wonder what the hell this was all about if it wasn't that.
"If you feel that bad maybe you should go to the nurse," Koichi said.
"Yeah, then maybe she'll send you home," Okuyasu added hopefully.
"I'm fine, really. Besides, I don't want my mom to get a call at work. It would just worry her."
His friends were silent. They actually knew more about how worried Josuke's mom had been while he was in the hospital than he did since he'd at least been unconscious for most of it. Still, he knew how much anything having to do with his health sent her off these days and if this was just a stomach bug, there was no point in worrying her. He'd just forget about homework today and sleep it off when he got home.
The nausea, unfortunately, seemed to only get worse as the day went on. Accompanied by the constant ache in his stomach, he was afraid he was going to puke. Honestly Josuke just wanted to lay down. He almost caved and asked to go to the nurse, but he only had one more class that day and didn't think it was really worth it. He'd probably get home sooner if he just waited now.
He breathed an audible sigh of relief as the last bell rang and hurried out of the school, meeting up with the others to walk home.
"You really don't look that good," Koichi told him as Josuke tried not to lag too noticeably.
"I feel pretty crappy," Josuke admitted honestly, and, yeah, he felt even worse than he had that morning. He had that horrible feeling in the back of his throat, like dread, that came before you threw up. Maybe he should stop fighting it so much and just do it. He might actually feel better, especially if this was food poisoning or something. But if it was, wouldn't be have been throwing up way more already? Probably some stomach flu then, unless…
The doctors had said there was a possibility of the scar tissue in his side causing problems in the future, but the majority of the pain was actually focused on the opposite side of his injury, so he really didn't think it was that. Maybe he should just stop eating cheap convivence store food.
"I hope you feel better tomorrow," Koichi told him as he left to split off down his street.
"Yeah, thanks," Josuke murmured, swallowing hard against the urge to vomit.
He and Okuyasu continued to their own street, when Josuke just couldn't swallow down the nausea anymore and staggered toward the bushes to one end of the sidewalk stomach heaving.
"Dude!" Okuyasu cried as Josuke gagged and vomited into the bushes, clutching his stomach as the action sent pain tearing through his middle.
He was forced to his knees as he retched again and Okuyasu threw his school bag on the ground, hurrying to grab Josuke's shoulder before he simply faceplanted in the bushes.
"You all right, Josuke?" his friend asked helplessly, rubbing his back as he kept a firm grip on Josuke's shoulder.
Josuke groaned, and finally managed to catch his breath a little, spitting onto the ground. God, why did his stomach hurt so much? He blinked wetness from his eyes and wiped his mouth on the back of his hand with disgust.
"You feel any better now?" Okuyasu asked hopefully.
"Not really," Josuke groaned, wrapping his arms around his stomach as he tried to breathe through the pain. "Stomach really hurts."
Okuyasu furrowed his brows. "You sure you shouldn't go to a doctor?"
"Nah, I'm just gonna sleep it off." Josuke started to climb to his feet, wincing slightly. Okuyasu helped him up and kept a hand on his shoulder the rest of the way to his house. Josuke was grateful for the support.
Okuyasu walked him to his door. "You sure you're gonna be okay, man?"
"Yeah, I'm just gonna rest," Josuke tried to smile but thought it was probably more of a grimace.
"Okay. See you later then."
Josuke unlocked the door and headed straight to his room, changing into his pajamas before crawling into bed. He felt a little better lying down, but was worried about the nausea coming back. That thought reminded him of the taste of bile still in his mouth and with a wince, he got up and went to brush his teeth, also grabbing some pain medicine.
When he was done, the front door opened as his mom came back.
"I'm home," she called.
Josuke bit his lip. He really didn't want her to know he was feeling so bad. He peeked down the stairs and she stared at him in surprise.
"What's this? Already in your pajamas."
Josuke forced a laugh. "Yeah, I feel kinda crappy, honestly. There's been something going around at school and I think I finally caught it."
His mom's brows instantly furrowed. "You're sick?"
"Don't worry about it, I just feel kind of gross. I'm just gonna sleep it off."
"Josuke, are you sure you're okay?" his mom asked.
For a brief second, Josuke thought about telling her how much his stomach hurt, but He still didn't think it was anything more than a stomach flu—the vomiting had pretty much confirmed that—so he didn't want her to get worked up over nothing.
"Yeah, nothing a little sleep won't fix," he said tiredly.
His mom sighed. "Well, all right, but tell me if it gets worse? I'll make sure to call into the school for you tomorrow."
"Thanks, mom," Josuke said and retreated to his room.
He flopped down on his bed and curled up into a position that hurt the least. After that he fell asleep pretty quickly.
He must have been out because he didn't wake again until next morning when his mom came to see him before work, pressing a hand worriedly to his forehead.
"Hm?" Josuke murmured, groggy.
"You're a little warm. I've left some medicine for the fever on your bedside table. There's also some soup in the fridge. Make sure to stay hydrated, okay?"
"'Kay," Josuke replied as his mom ran a hand briefly through his messy hair before she left.
Josuke took a deep breath and rolled over to sit up and take the medicine.
Pain ripped through his right side and he gasped out loud, doubling over.
"Shit," he hissed, swallowing down the instant nausea that welled in his throat. It wasn't going anywhere though and Josuke finally forced himself up and staggered across the hall, just barely making it before he threw up in the toilet.
The pain that resulted in just about made him pass out. He ended up lying on the cold tile floor, clutching his stomach and feeling like he was dying.
He was still there when the knock came on the door.
He groaned, but finally peeled himself off the floor and rinsed his mouth before he staggered downstairs and went to see who it was—if they were even still there.
It was Koichi and Okuyasu.
"Wow, you look awful," Koichi said worriedly as Josuke leaned against the door frame, a hand pressed to his stomach.
"We figured you probably weren't coming to school today, but we wanted to see if you needed anything," Okuyasu added.
Josuke shook his head. "No, I…I just need to lay down."
His knees shook and the urge to vomit was back. "Sorry," he gasped and hurried to the bathroom again, retching up bile since he had nothing in his stomach. As soon as he got his breath back he was sobbing from the pain.
"Josuke, you look really sick," Koichi said worriedly as he and Okuyasu appeared behind him to help steady him. Okuyasu handed him a cup of water and Josuke took it shakily, rinsing his mouth. "Did you tell your mom?"
"Didn't know it was this bad," Josuke muttered. Not exactly the truth, but maybe it was his fault for the denial.
"I really think you should see a doctor," Koichi said.
Josuke sank down until his back was against the wall, knees pulled up to his chest. "Don't want to go to the hospital again," he said truthfully, rubbing at his eyes. "I hate it. And I can't stand seeing my mom worry."
His friends took seats on opposite sides of him.
"What about if we go with you?" Koichi said.
"Yeah, you can get checked out and if it's nothing, your mom doesn't need to know," Okuyasu added.
Josuke wiped a hand under his nose. They were right, he knew it, but still…
"You'll miss school."
"It's all right, we'll just say we were helping a friend. I know my parents won't get mad about that," Koichi told him with a smile.
Josuke let out a shuddering breath and finally nodded. "Okay. I'll go."
They took a taxi and Josuke somehow managed not to throw up in the car. The nagging pain had turned to a constant ache now, and Josuke leaned against Okuyasu's shoulder while they sat in the waiting room, exhausted and hurting.
"Josuke Higashikata."
Dread welled up in his throat as he heard his name called. Koichi and Okuyasu gave him encouraging looks as Okuyasu helped him to his feet and Josuke followed the nurse.
Luckily, he didn't have to wait too long for the doctor who came in to examine him, asking Josuke about when he'd started feeling the pain.
Josuke nearly bit through his lip as the doctor felt his stomach, it hurt so bad.
"And the pain is concentrated around here, correct?" the doctor asked as he pressed the area to the right of Josuke's belly button.
"Yeah," he gasped.
The doctor nodded and took a few notes.
"So is it just a stomach flu?" Josuke asked half-heartedly.
The doctor looked at him. "No, I'm afraid not. But the good news is that I do know what it is."
"W-what?" Josuke asked.
Josuke felt his heart sink as the dread sank back in. That would mean more surgery. Shit. Tears welled in his eyes and he tried to blink them away, but the doctor saw them anyway and reached out to rub Josuke's shoulder comfortingly.
"I promise it will be all right. It's a simple procedure and not at all an uncommon problem. We'll have you taken care of by tonight. I'll have the nurse get you settled. Would you like your friends to come stay with you?"
Josuke nodded gratefully. "Yeah, and…can I call my mom? She's at work."
"Of course."
Josuke dreaded making the call, but knew it would be better for his mom to hear it from him instead of someone else. Koichi and Okuyasu sat there with him for support when she showed up at the hospital, demanding to know why he hadn't told her it was so bad. Josuke didn't have an answer and instead just started crying. He blamed the pain and fever for it but it was still embarrassing.
His mom stopped talking though and simply pulled him into a hug, holding onto him until the doctors came to prep him for surgery.
It wasn't nearly as bad as the last time. They promised he would be out in a couple days, and he had to admit that between the lack of an infected appendix and the pain medicine he felt a lot better now.
Plus, he also got to eat all the jello and ice cream he wanted. That definitely made up for some of it.
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jombocostello · 3 years
Unrequited (One-Sided Okuyasu x Reader)
Anonymous asked: Hi do you think you can do a fic/scenario of Okuyasu suddenly realizing he has a little crush on Josuke’s s/o (the reader) who is also a part of the gang? And he’s kind of freaking out because that’s his bro’s girl! You can decide whether or not Josuke, his s/o, or both of them find out. If possible can it be fluff/comedy where the crush goes away after some weeks because I can’t handle hurting that sweet boy 🥺. But it’s totally up to you! I know I’d love it either way, you’re the best!
This is a fascinating request, thank you for sending it! I too love Okuyasu and I don’t want to make the poor dude sad, but sometimes it must be done unfortunately. Not too sad though! I hope you enjoy :)
It all started when you gave Okuyasu your favorite flower.
You had been standing outside the school building, waiting for your boyfriend Josuke to finish up his exam, when Okuyasu walked out of the doors wearing an utterly defeated expression. He didn't notice you at first, as he was staring sadly down at his shoes as he shuffled forward, so you called out to him. "Hey, Okuyasu!" you shouted, waving. He looked up at you and smiled, jogging over to your spot leaning against a tall tree.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" he said, waving back at you. "What're you up to - waiting for Josuke?"
"Yeah. Do you think he's almost done with the test?"
Okuyasu nodded. "Probably. I looked over at his paper while I was leaving and he seemed just about finished with the last page."
"Cool." You crossed your arms over your chest, sighing. "Was it hard? I heard from my friend that the practice exam was killer."
Okuyasu's expression fell again, and he nodded. "Yeah. I'm sure I failed it." He shrugged, forcing a smile back onto his face. "But I've never gotten good grades - no point in starting now!"
He laughed, but you could tell he was really bummed out about it. "Hey, it's alright to not get good grades. You know that, right?" He looked at you, eyebrows raised. "Seriously. Everybody has strong suits, and sometimes school just isn't one of them."
Okuyasu sighed, leaning his shoulder next to you against the tree. "I guess. I'm just not sure what any of my strong suits are, then." He cast his gaze downward.
"Are you kidding?" He glanced at you, eyes wide. "You're hilarious, dude! You always make me laugh, even when you're not trying to. You're the most effortlessly funny person I know."
His lips pulled up into a bashful little smile, and he looked away at the school doors. "I - I dunno about - "
"And you're always so positive! Whenever I'm in a bad mood you can always put a spin on whatever I'm upset about. I really admire that." You grinned, placing your hand on his arm. He looked down at your hand resting delicately on his forearm, and he instantly went bright red. "So those are some of your strengths. Remember that, okay?"
He forced himself to look back up at you, trying to pretend he wasn't completely flustered. "Y-yeah. I'll, uh... I will."
You smiled, relieved to hear that, and suddenly you pulled your hand away from Okuyasu and reached into your bag. "I almost forgot, I have something that I'd like you to have!" Okuyasu watched as you carefully pulled a large paper bag out of your schoolbag. It was a little wrinkled. "Just gimme a sec..." You slowly unfolded the bag and pulled out a small, vibrant yellow tulip. "Here!" You presented it to him with a beaming smile.
"Oh man, (Y/N)... I - wow," he managed to sputter out, taking way too long to grab the fragile flower from your hands. "Where'd you get this?"
"My friend's grandmother keeps a little garden in her backyard, and she knows yellow tulips are my favorite, so she grabbed some for me. I'm gonna go home and throw them in some water! They're really beautiful, huh?"
Okuyasu couldn't deny it: he was completely enamored. "Ah, yeah... They're really beautiful." You didn't seem to notice that he wasn't looking exclusively at the flower in his hands as he spoke. He blinked, realizing suddenly where he was and who exactly he was talking to, and he laughed loudly. "Yeah! This is sweet, (Y/N). I'll put it in a vase and put it in the kitchen! I bet my dad'll love it."
"Oh, yeah! I think he will!"
Okuyasu opened his mouth to thank you profusely again, but before he could, he heard a voice call your name from behind him. "(Y/N)!" Your eyes lit up the second you heard Josuke's voice, and you quickly excused yourself before jogging over to him and giving him a big hug.
"How was the test?" you asked him softly, leaning away and clasping his hand in yours.
"Fine, I guess. Last question threw me for a loop but I think I made out alright!" Josuke leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. When he looked up, he spotted Okuyasu, who was still standing frozen by the tree. "Yo, Okuyasu! What's up?"
Feeling suddenly and horribly awkward, Okuyasu slowly made his way over to you and Josuke. His already-weird walk felt even more unnatural than it usually did. "Uh, hey, Josuke!" Okuyasu said stiffly, waving his hand through the air. "So the test went alright?"
"Yeah, I think so. How about you?"
Okuyasu shrugged. "Oh, ya know." Josuke laughed a little, and Okuyasu forced himself to chuckle along with him. "But hey, I've gotta run home." Josuke blinked, looking confused. "I, uh... I'm gonna get a head start on my homework! Gotta make up for this shitty test, right?" he explained hastily, trying not to sound too weird.
"Totally. I'll see you around!" Josuke waved quickly at him and turned the other way, probably to head over to the cafe.
Okuyasu started to turn around as well to make his way home, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "Hey, Okuyasu."
He had never felt more nervous in his life. He slowly turned around to face you, sucking in a deep breath as he did. You pulled your hand back and tucked it in your pocket. "I was just thinking - if you want, we could study together. We're in different classes but we pretty much learn the same stuff. I think it would be really fun!"
Okuyasu had never blushed this much in his life, he was sure of it. "Ah... Sure! Sounds cool!"
"Great!" You really looked like an angel when you smiled at him. "I'll let you know tomorrow what times are good. I'll see you then!" You turned on your heel and started to run after Josuke, who had made it quite far with his long strides, but after a second you stopped and glanced back. "And don't forget to put the flower in water!" you shouted over your shoulder.
And just like that - you were gone. It was as if you had descended from the heavens to bless Okuyasu with your kindness and beauty. How had he never seen how lovely you were before? He felt like a buffoon, on two counts - that he hadn't realized how incredible you were until now, and that he was completely head over heels for his best friend's girlfriend. He had absolutely no clue what to do.
That had been one week ago, and Okuyasu's still struggling with his monumental crush on you. For the past week, he's suffered immensely every time he's seen you; he seems to be unable to act like anything but an utter fool in your presence. Unluckily for him, today's the day of your little study meetup.
The tulip sits on his kitchen table as he slides his shoes on and heads outside, clutching his school bag. Before he's going to your place, he'll be meeting Koichi and Yukako for a quick drink at the cafe down the street.
He slides out the front door, peering nervously across the street at Josuke's house. He doesn't know how to tell his good friend that he's going on a study date - not a date, dumbass - with his girlfriend. Thankfully, though, it seems that Josuke isn't home. Okuyasu heaves a sigh and walks down the sidewalk with his dignity intact.
It doesn't take long to get to the cafe, and he finds Koichi and Yukako pretty quickly. "Hey, Okuyasu!" Koichi calls, waving him over. "We got you an iced tea," he says as Okuyasu sits down between the two of them at the circular table.
"How's it going?" Yukako asks as she sips a small cup of coffee. "You look stressed."
He does? Okuyasu self-consciously checks his reflection in his glass and frowns. "I'm not surprised." Suddenly, he reaches over and grabs Koichi's hands. "Koichi, dude," he says, looking horribly scared, "I'm in deep shit right now."
"What?" Koichi almost laughs out of sheer confusion, but mostly he just looks unnerved. "What are you talking about? I don't think I've ever seen you this upset."
"It's (Y/N)." Instantly, both Koichi and Yukako's eyes light up with recognition.
"Oh," Yukako says knowingly. "Yeah, we were wondering when you were gonna bring this up."
"What - wondering when?! What the hell do you mean?" Okuyasu's a little horrified by this news, but after a moment he resigns and dips his head. "...It's that obvious, huh?"
"Yeah." Koichi gently places his hand on Okuyasu's shoulder. "I think everyone we know can tell except for Josuke and (Y/N) herself."
"Are you serious?" Okuyasu groans, letting his face drop onto the table. "I just don't know what to do. I think I..." He mumbles this next part. "I think I love her."
"Hm?" Yukako asks, and Okuyasu pitifully lifts his head.
"I think I'm in love with her."
"Oh man." Yukako sighs and turns away. "I get that those are your feelings and you can't really stop them, but Josuke would be so upset to know that."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you!" Okuyasu jabs back, suddenly defensive. "What would you have done if Koichi had been dating a lovely young lady when you fell in love with him?"
Yukako falls silent, and she glances desperately to Koichi. After a brief standoff between the three of them, Koichi finally clears his throat. "You don't have to answer that," he mutters to his girlfriend, then he turns to Okuyasu. "Alright," he says, "point taken. You can't do anything about it. So you want advice, then?"
"Yes. Please." Okuyasu crosses his arms over his chest and sighs. "I've been totally agonizing over this all week."
"Well alright, I'll try." Koichi frowns and clasps his hands together. "Uh... There's really no good way to say this, but I think you're just gonna have to silently suffer."
"Come on, man." Okuyasu grimaces. "I think I know that."
"Okay! Sorry." Koichi thinks again. "Well... Just think about it like this. She's been your friend for a long time, right?" Okuyasu nods hesitantly. "Yeah! So just try to act like you always used to around her. It's not like she's changed at all - it's just your perception. So just remember that she's not trying to fluster you by being so sweet, because she just is sweet, and don't sweat it!" He finishes his little motivational speech with a winning smile.
"Uh..." Okuyasu really isn't sure how much that helped, but still he forces a smile. "Thanks, Koichi. You guys have really helped with my nerves." He reaches out and checks his watch; he's got ten minutes to get to your house. "Well, I should go!" He stands up and takes a deep breath. "I'll see you around!" He waves goodbye to Koichi and Yukako, the wonderful, wisdom-filled couple, and he's off.
When he gets to your house, he's honestly too scared to ring the doorbell, so he just knocks on the door a couple times. For all of Koichi's great qualities, he's really not the best at quelling fears, so his lackluster speech hadn't really helped much. The walk over to your place had been nothing short of agony, and Okuyasu's honestly just looking forward to getting this over with.
Suddenly, the door swings open. "Okuyasu! I'm so glad you could make it."
The second he sees your face, he takes back everything he'd just thought. He feels so, so lucky just to be able to see you, and he'd hang out with you forever despite all his nerves if it meant being the recipient of that beautiful smile. "Ah - hey! Yeah, thanks for having me over."
"Come in! There's a table in the living room, I've got my school stuff in there." Okuyasu awkwardly shuffles into the doorway, kicking off his shoes and walking slowly down the hall to the living room. It's a quaint house, and it matches perfectly with your sunny attitude. "Do you want any tea?" you call from the kitchen. "I've already got hot water going."
"Sure!" he replies, entering the living room and sitting down with his school stuff at the table. He sits by himself and nervously fidgets with his sleeves; his anxiety is coming back with a vengeance. He really isn't sure how he's gonna get through this little study session.
After a minute, you arrive with two mugs of tea. "Here you go! It's just green tea, let me know if you want any honey." You set the mug down delicately in front of him, and the whole scene is so wonderfully domestic that it almost moves him to tears. He forces himself to get it together and quickly thanks you.
You sit down next to him and pull out your math papers, and Okuyasu quickly follows suit. "So is there anything in particular that you've been having trouble with?"
"Uh..." He wracks his brain, but his sheer proximity to you is making it a little difficult to think straight. "Well -  everything." He goes for the copout, not really caring that it makes him sound like an idiot.
"Then we can just do last week's stuff." You take out a pencil and get last week's notes ready. "So do you like your teacher? Mine's actually really nice!"
He glances over at you, raising his eyebrows. "Uh - yeah. My teacher's fine." You look like a pure ray of sunshine - how can one girl be so perfect? Josuke is unbelievably lucky.
The two of you run through a couple math problems while sipping tea and occasionally chatting about school life. It seems that Okuyasu's moved past his nerves and is now just feeling horribly sad that he can't profess his love to you right now. He can't believe that fate could be so cruel to have the love of his life date his closest bro. It really is a travesty in his eyes.
" - Okuyasu? Hey, you there?" He blinks, shaking his head a bit when you say his name. You giggle at the zoned-out look on his face. "There you are. I was just going over how to..." He zones out once again, this time thinking about how adorable your laugh is.
He isn't really listening to the technical math jargon you've been reciting, but he's certainly been paying attention. He watches the way you furrow your brow when you get to a tough problem, and the way your lips turn up at the corners when Okuyasu asks an obvious question. You really are perfect, he realizes as he studies you, and he doesn't think he'll ever be able to not love you -
"Oh, shit!"
Okuyasu jumps when your hand knocks into his mug, and it tips over and spills tea all over his math homework. "Shit, shit, shit..." You hop up and grab some towels before Okuyasu has even realized what happened. "I'm really sorry about that, dude. I can make copies of my notes at school tomorrow and give them to you!" Rather aggressively, you wipe up the tea and crumple up all of Okuyasu's papers to throw them out.
"It's - it's no problem." You had startled him out of his trance with your sudden accident, and he's in a weird headspace. He's honestly a little pissed off at you for ruining his notes. Obviously he doesn't voice that feeling, so he just watches you clean up the tea.
"It didn't get on you, did it?" you ask, looking over at him. He checks his t-shirt and shakes his head 'no.' "Okay, cool." You toss out the last dirty paper towel and sit down next to him. "If I can be candid for a moment... I was getting kinda bored of the math anyways." You laugh, and Okuyasu laughs a little too, mostly out of shock - you seem like a different person all of a sudden. "Do you just wanna play a video game or something?"
That's more up his alley. "Yeah, sure." You put your clean papers away and quickly set up the television. Okuyasu heads into the television room, and he notes that there's one nice, plush armchair and one folding chair set up in front of the TV.
"Do you want the nice chair?" you ask Okuyasu as you hand him the controller.
"Yeah, thanks!" He goes to sit down, but before he can you shove him out of the way and hop in the chair yourself. Shocked, he stumbles for a moment before righting yourself.
"Sike!" you shout, laughing loudly. "Got you!" Okuyasu laughs along with you as you start up the game.
It's a racing game, and almost instantly it gets intense. You clearly have a need to win, and so does Okuyasu. For a moment he considers letting you win, but that thought is dashed when you full-force punch his arm to keep him from taking the lead in one race. After a bout of incredulous laughter at that move, Okuyasu vows to do his best to decimate in this competition.
You both play the game for a couple hours, completely losing track of time and instead focusing on sweet, sweet victory. In the end, you and Okuyasu tie it up pretty evenly, and neither of you are too upset. "Nice work, dude," you say with a grin as you turn the TV off. "You've got skill."
"So do you, I guess," Okuyasu replies as he rolls his eyes. "Well, that was - " He catches a glance out the window and is shocked to find that the sun is setting. "When the hell did it get so dark out?" he mutters, grabbing his now-empty bag. "I gotta make dinner," he tells you as he slides his shoes on. "Thanks for having me over, (Y/N)!"
"Of course! I had a lot of fun. And sorry again about your papers, but a shiny new copy awaits you tomorrow." You pat him on the shoulder as he walks out the door, and just like that, the outing is over.
As Okuyasu makes his way home, he reflects on whatever the hell happened to him back there. When you had spilled his drink, it was as if something clicked - he still isn't quite sure what. All he knows is that is managed to snap him out of his trancelike state, and he ended up having a really great time.
It had been weird hearing you swear, too. You really don't seem like the kind of person who would - well, you do, actually. You are the person who had socked him in the arm to win a video game, after all. It feels to him like he'd been seeing you as some sort of goddess to be revered in the past week, when in actuality, you're just a close buddy and you deserve to be treated as such. It's a weird realization, but Okuyasu's glad he's reached it, for his sake and for yours. You're still beautiful, of course, but you're not the idealized girl he'd made up in his mind over the past seven days.
Josuke and you seem like a really great fit, now that Okuyasu thinks about it. You're both a little brash, but also extremely kind and caring. The two of you are a lovely match, and Okuyasu's really grateful that he gets to know both of you. He's also really, really grateful that this whole unrequited love dilemma is resolved.
The next day, Okuyasu gets the copies from you first thing in the morning. After that, he heads to his class, where he meets up with Josuke at their desks in the back of the room. This is the first time in a week that he hasn't been scared shitless to talk to him.
"Hey, Okuyasu!" Josuke calls, and Okuyasu quickly takes his seat. "What's that?" he asks, gesturing to the notes.
"Oh, (Y/N) and I tried to do some studying yesterday but she ended up spilling tea all over my notes. So she made copies of hers this morning!" Okuyasu laughs a little, because it honestly had been funny when it happened, but Josuke's expression grows solemn. Okuyasu notices this a second later, and suddenly he's overtaken by dread. "Uh... Josuke, you alright?" he asks anxiously.
Josuke sighs and leans back, looking out the window. "I know you have a thing for (Y/N), you don't have to hide it."
"Woah!" Okuyasu feels himself laugh nervously, shaking his head. "No, no, I don't anymore. I swear, Josuke."
Josuke turns to him, eyebrows raised, and he shrugs. "It's fine. I'm not upset at you or anything, dude. I only would be if you acted on it - that would be really messed up."
"Oh, definitely!" Okuyasu nods vigorously in agreement. "I'd never do that." They both fall silent for a minute until Okuyasu finds the right words. "She's really something. You guys are a good pair."
"Haha, yeah." Josuke cracks a wide smile. "I really love her." He starts getting his school books out of his bag. "Somehow she was totally oblivious to how weird you were acting this week, so you're spared from that awkward conversation."
Okuyasu lets out a huge sigh. "Thank God." He gets the rest of his stuff out as well, and as the rest of the students start to trickle in, Okuyasu turns to Josuke with a relieved smile. "Thanks for being so understanding. I'm sorry for this week."
"You're my best friend! Something like this could never change that." Josuke reaches out and pats Okuyasu on the back. "For real though - we've gotta find you a girlfriend." Okuyasu snorts, and Josuke starts laughing with him. "Koichi, (Y/N), and I were gonna go to the school play this Friday if you wanna come with us. The girl playing the lead is a year above us and totally your type."
Okuyasu laughs loudly, garnering a couple looks from his classmates. "Yeah! Sounds good, I'll be there." And before Josuke can reply, the teacher starts taking attendance at the front of the room.
It's been a weird week for Okuyasu. He has a tendency to fall for girls pretty quickly - Josuke still won't let him live down that comment he'd made about Ms. Higashikata - so he's not really surprised that he'd fallen head over heels for you in the span of ten minutes. He's just glad that it's passed, and that's he's gotten two of his closest friends back.
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printscript · 4 years
Crashing Waves - Ch. 3
Pairing: Josuyasu Words: 2045 Rating: T AU: None Warning: None Summary: A slow burn romance about two best friends and their walks on Morioh’s beach. A/N: I’m planning on writing this for a while, so stay tuned.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20071975/chapters/51069268
They came back to the beach almost as often as they sat on each other’s beds on restless nights. Wandering the sand together became something to do instead of worrying about unknown dangers, and they found that they enjoyed it even more than the cafés they usually occupied. If Josuke believed in God, which he didn’t; if God existed, he wouldn’t have let someone like Yoshikage Kira into Morioh. But if he believed in a god, he might have believed that God made that beach just for the two of them, and for the two of them alone. It felt like their hideout, a place where they could be together with the world. A place where the sun would shine for them and the ocean would call to them and tell them that they were safe. The sand felt tangible, and the wind chilled them to the bones, enough to feel the subtle warmth of every breath and feel so alive that it felt like another reality.
Almost every day through the end of August they strolled the beach. They walked there so much that it was almost expected of them. His mother often asked Josuke if he was going back down to the beach instead of asking him if he was going out in general. She seemed happy he was doing something relaxing since being released from the hospital. However, today was Saturday, which meant that they got lunch at Tonio’s in the afternoon. They had been doing it since Josuke had gotten discharged, even if they had to have Tomoko drive them because the walk took a little too much strength out of Josuke. The tradition started at the hospital. Tonio sent Josuke lunch more than a few times, and always urged them to come and grab a bite. So now, they walked the distance without trouble, stepping up to the restaurant's door and easing it open. The bell chimed gently, drowned by the chatter of Saturday’s regulars.
Tonio’s little restaurant had gained some popularity in the short time it had existed, which meant that staff had to be hired, and the boys rarely got to see the Italian chef anymore, because he was always in the back (except to judge a person for their meal, of course). That didn’t mean that the food wasn’t just as good though, and they stepped up to the host stand in the entrance, Josuke looking a little restless.
“Welcome!” came an overly-cheery customer service voice from a few feet away. “Would you like the customer-based special or a regular meal today?” The waitress at the stand greeted them, about to pick up two menus if they requested regular food.
“Uh, hi, yeah, we’re friends of the owner, he’s expecting us today- Higashikata and Nijimura-?” Okuyasu said, hand on the back of his neck. “He should have take-out lunches for us, we already paid.” He didn’t bother to try to explain that Tonio made them free food sometimes, so he stuck to the excuse of having paid, in case the waitress was new and had no idea what they were talking about. That would just cause more trouble and a longer wait, and Josuke looked like he wanted to leave anyway.
Josuke had his hands in his pockets, examining some decor on the wall as he rocked back and forth on his heels. He focused on it for a moment. It was an art deco poster of some street in Rome (he only knew that detail because of the text at the bottom of the frame). There was a man and a woman, riding on the back of a light blue motorbike. She was wearing a bright red dress to match her flashy lipstick and looked very happy, like being there in Italy with that man was the best thing that had ever happened to her. Josuke figured that if she was happy there than Josuke was happiest here with Okuyasu, who gave him a sideward glance just at that moment as if he was instinctively checking up on him and making sure he was alright.
Josuke realized the concern, which lead to realizing the amount of sound in the room, and he swallowed harshly. He didn’t do well in crowded places lately. There were too many people, and while he never minded people, there was too much of a risk of a civilian getting hurt if some stand user decided to go after Josuke and Okuyasu all of a sudden. It kept Josuke tense, eyes scanning the tables for any odd movement or the hint of a stand other than Tonio’s among the babbling of voices. He felt Okuyasu put a calloused hand on his shoulder, fixing the loose strap of Josuke’s tank top. He had lost a lot of weight in the hospital, and it had only just begun to come back in the past few weeks as his mother lovingly fed him lots of protein and carbs.
“Dude, it’s alright. Relax.” Okuyasu muttered to him, sensing the boy’s unnecessary anxiety and running a thumb gently across Josuke’s skin until his eyes looked a little less sharply calculated. Okuyasu’s hand traveled down to rest comfortingly on the small of Josuke’s back as they took their bag of warm box lunches from the waitress and made their way back out the door, Okuyasu guiding Josuke carefully along.
“Sorry, man, I’m just tired again- this is normal food, right?” Josuke said, peeking under the lip of the lid and becoming overwhelmed with the smell of fresh herbs. It made his stomach flip. In excitement or nausea, he couldn’t quite tell.
Okuyasu took his hand away from Josuke’s back, looking under his lid and reveling in the scent of Italy, or at least what he thought Italy should smell like. “Yeah, it should be,” he laughed, “we don’t want you puking up your guts just yet, bro.”
“Good. I’m sure it’s tasty, Tonio is a genius.” Despite the anticipation to eat, Josuke’s appetite was fading and slowly turning into a qualm that turned in the depth of his stomach. He had to look away from the food before he threw up for real.
Okuyasu chuckled, agreeing with the sentiment, but not noticing Josuke’s physical discomfort. “Where do ya wanna eat today? It’s pretty nice out, we could go down to the beach again.”
“Our food’ll get cold by the time we get there-” Josuke stopped walking and furrowed his eyebrows, but he didn’t look upset. “I’m dizzy anyways.”
“Still on those shitty painkillers?”
“Yeah, and some awful steroids too for a few more weeks. It’s still achy all over.” He gestured to his entire left side with a general circular motion and let out a sigh. Josuke hated thinking of his injuries, but the dull pain was a constant reminder. He did his best to ignore it lately, but the evidence was still there. Sure, the hospital and the surgeons did a fairly good job of keeping his skin from deforming too much, but they could only do so much, and there were still grotesque scars along his torso and left leg, red and rough and not quite finished healing.
Okuyasu seemed to read his mind at that moment and gingerly placed his hand on Josuke’s arm. “Let’s just eat right here then.” He said. His voice dripped concern, and Josuke almost felt bad for it, like it was his fault that he was injured and had to be looked after so carefully.
“Alright.” Josuke looked up at his friend briefly. Okuyasu’s eyes were kind and completely selfless. It was only a second, but Josuke thought he suddenly understood Okuyasu and all the things he had been through; he saw so much pain and turmoil and sadness. He had believed that he understood his best friend, but seeing such a soft and sympathetic smile looking down at him through that hard jawline and tough exterior, Josuke realized that Okuyasu Nijimura had gone through more than he could imagine. Josuke averted his eyes then, feeling guilty and as though he was looking into something private, even if it was only the hint of an emotion.
They plopped themselves on a nearby bench, opened the tops of their lunches, and unwrapped plastic forks found deep in the brown paper bag. They laughed absentmindedly and ate richly flavored pasta and vegetables with the most tender chicken Josuke had probably ever tasted.
Josuke was glad to have a best friend like Okuyasu. It gave him someone to fight for. Josuke was never the honor and valor type, he just wanted to live his life, but the idea that he had someone special in this town to protect almost made fighting Yoshikage Kira worth it.
He remembered the hospital. Sitting in a hospital bed had given him a strange feeling of hopelessness, especially seeing nurses and visitors in and out of the room blending in a blur of questions. It made him numb after a while, and the only thing that kept him sane was waking up to see Okuyasu sitting in the chair next to his bed watching over him. Okuyasu. He was always there, and yet, it had been such a short time since they had met and fought in the street. It had been such a short time since they had become best friends. It had been for such a short time that Josuke could rely so heavily on anyone other than his mother.
“Bro, you’re starin’ at me.”
“Huh?” Josuke’s train of thought derailed, and he realized that the styrofoam container in front of him was still half-full of food. He didn’t feel like eating it.
“I said you were starin’ at me,” Okuyasu spoke again, but clearer this time, looking down to Josuke’s lap where his food was. “Are you gonna finish?”
“Nah, dude, you can have it.”
They sat in silence for a moment while Okuyasu finished off the rest of their lunch and stood to throw the bags away in a nearby trash can before he flopped back onto the bench with a huff. It had been very quiet for him after the hospital had said that Josuke would be alright. Okuyasu had been sure that his only friend would die, and he’d be left with no one again, someone else he loved dead. But it was alright now. Josuke was alive and breathing, and while he had been scared, Josuke was here now with him. It filled his heart with relief.
“Hey, Oku, can we go down to the beach for a minute?”
Josuke moved to stand up before Okuyasu could properly finish his thought, and it left him stuttering.
“I- uh, yeah, sure.”
Josuke smiled warmly at him.
They meandered the trail towards the beach, stopping every once in a while to let Josuke breathe for a moment. While he could walk longer distances now without getting too tired, he was still on meds, his wounds were still healing, and his body needed lots more rest before he would be running around again. Okuyasu didn’t mind the stopping though. It gave them the chance to look around and feel the ocean breeze, and besides, it was reassuring to feel this calm after all they had been through.
The sun was nearing the horizon again. They had spent longer talking and eating than Okuyasu had initially thought, but he figured that it had also been a pretty late lunch. They were standing near the water again now, and Okuyasu tentatively offered Josuke his hand, flushing when Josuke stumbled over some trivial excuse as to why they shouldn’t. Josuke looked embarrassed, his lips pursed, but Okuyasu grabbed Josuke’s hand anyways and grasped it tightly. He didn’t speak; he didn’t need to, the gesture was enough.
“You wanna go home, and like, watch a movie or something?” Josuke said softly after a few minutes. It was quiet, save the waves and the ocean gurgling.
“Not really.” Okuyasu wasn’t looking at the sunset like Josuke was, he was looking at Josuke, wanting to stare at the ocean in his eyes much more than the puddle of real water ahead of them. “I don’t really feel like zoning out in front of a screen right now.”
“Yeah… me neither.”
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jjbaconsumedmysoul · 7 years
I just have to say that I love your stories. Every time a new story pops up on my screen I immediately drop whatever I was doing to read them. That being said When you get the chance could you do one for Okuyasu?
Aww, thank you so much! I’m really glad that people are enjoying them, and I’m really having fun writing them. Okuyasu was especially fun to write, there were so many things I could have done with it that I honestly kind of regret not doing. That being said, I kind of want to write a sequel to this one one day maybe… We’ll see how things turn out, Hope you enjoy!
Okuyasu x Reader: “The Rest of the Summer”
“Come on, come on!”
“Just give up already!”
“I’ll never surrender!” He grinned cheekily. You scoffed back, fingers blazing as they trailed over the console. Josuke had been annihilated within the first minute when you and Oku had ganged up on him, while Koichi repeatedly walked off the end of the platform as he mashed the wrong buttons.
But now, you two were the only ones remaining: Mario against Link, duelling for the prize. He grunted, leaning in towards the TV.
“Come on, COME ON!”
Suddenly, Link jumped up, brandishing his sword in a combo that left Mario flying from the stage.
“YES!!!” You jumped up in triumph as the words “GAME SET” flashed across the screen. The adrenaline surge began to curb, though your palms still sweat and your fingers trembled. But the victory was worth it.
“DAMMIT!!!” Oku  banged the floor with his fists.
“Ha! She totally got you!” Josuke  choked out through fits of laughter as he rolled on the floor.
“That wasn’t fair!” Okuyasu’s face reddened as he became visibly irritated. But you skipped over and brought him into a hug, still giggling from your victory.
“Calm down, it’s just a game,” You buried your head in his neck “Now, come on Oku, let’s eat!” Right on time, you heard Josuke’s mother call out.
“Pizza’s here!”
“Sweet!” You quickly climbed over him to make your way to the food. The boys stayed behind for a while while you helped carry in boxes and get out the paper plates. You chatted with Tomoko for a bit, but soon yelled at the boys to get their butts in there.
Josuke strode smugly into the dining room while Okuyasu stomped in, face still burning with frustration. Koichi was glaring at Josuke annoyance. For now, you laughed and dismissed their childish antics.
You all filled your plates and strode back to the living room to chow down. You lay on the couch, occasionally eating a bite of Tonio’s pizza (he had begrudgingly consented to cook you take out food every now and then), while Oku sat on the floor with his back to the sofa. Occasionally you’d tease him by poking him or fiddling with his hair. He’d swat at your hand and tell you to cut it out, but never got that mad. For some reason, Okuyasu let you mess with him more than he let the others…
“Aww, but Smash Bros. is so boring! I don’t wanna play it again.” Oku whined.
“You’re just bitter ‘cause you lost,” you railed at him, as he scoffed.
“Yeah, but I wanna watch a movie!” He complained between mouthfuls of pizza.
“And yet you don’t want to watch The Shining?” You teased him. He groaned at your suggestion.
“Nah man! That’s scary as f***!”
Josuke laughed, seizing the opportunity. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little movie.” He nudged Oku in the shoulder, squatting on the floor next to him. You teamed up with Josuke, hopping up from the couch to squat on the other side of Okuyasu
“Really?” You feigned surprise. “Come on, we brought down a serial killer, and you’re scared of some little girls in pigtails?” You whined at him, poking him in the elbow.
Koichi finally let out a sigh.
“Come on guys, stop teasing each other!” You, personally, couldn’t ever upset adorable little Koichi, so you decided to back off. But as you returned to the couch, Okuyasu abruptly shouted.
“Fine, we can watch the damn horror movie. I’m not scared, I’m just…”
“Apprehensive?” you suggested, giggling. Oku’s face went blank.
“Appre… what?” Okuyasu was so cute when he was confused. Josuke laughed and patted him on the back.
“Don’t worry about it Oku. Koichi,  you, get the popcorn–”
“Aww, why me?”
“–I’ll get blankets and pillows.” Josuke continued.
“I’ll set it up.” You jumped up excitedly, grabbing the case off the shelf, and inserted the disk. Then you paused.
“You sure you’re okay with this Oku?” You turned to see him sitting criss-cross on the floor, his back hunched and his fingers fidgeting in his lap.
“Of course I am (y/n)I love horror” His voice sounded a bit shaky, and you crawled over to sit next to him.
“I mean, it’s totally fine if not…”
“No.” He cut you off, “I wanna watch it.” He was committed in his response. You smile as you turned on the TV.
“Well, I’m gonna go change first.” You ran up to grab your overnight bag.
“G-Good idea,” He called after you.
You headed to the bathroom with your pyjamas. You were so glad that Josuke’s mom had finally let you sleep over with the boys. She had seen how you acted like one of the guys, and how happy it made Josuke and Okuyasu when you were around.
You slipped off your bra and brought the loose tank top over your head. Hopefully the guys wouldn’t mind that your sleepwear was a bit… revealing. But you found that a tank top and shorts were the most comfortable, you didn’t care how that looked.
You skipped back into the hallway and through to the kitchen.
“Popcorn ready?” You asked Koichi, already smelling the delicious salty scent filling the room.
“Yep, could you bring it to the living room?” Koichi handed you the large bowl as you nodded. You couldn’t resist sneaking a taste as you bounded into the room and back onto the sofa, proceeding to lick the butter and salt off your fingers. A creak sounded near the door, and you looked up to see Okuyasu changed into a fitted tank top and sweatpants. You couldn’t help but stare at his muscular arms.
At school, Josuke always had the reputation as the lady-killer. Girls would swoon at his well built frame, his immaculate hair, his kissable lips. But you never really saw the appeal. Okuyasu was just as attractive. Though it was rare to see him out of his jacket, when you did see his bare golden skin, his well defined torso, you simply lost. Sometimes you four would go swimming, and you had to do your best not to admire his body every single second he looked away. Of course you pushed these feelings down as far as you could. You were one of the guys, you weren’t even sure if they realised you were eligible to date any of them.
Okuyasu had halted at the door. His eyes rested on you. Was something wrong? Was there a popcorn kernel in your teeth or something? A slight blush spread to his cheeks, and you were taken aback.
“Umm… Oku, are you ok?” You looked at him questioningly.
“What?” He seemed to emerge from his brief reverie. “I, umm, yeah… what?” You chuckled at his confusion. He was such an adorable little idiot.
“Come on,” you patted the seat next to you, offering him to join you on the couch. He didn’t move, however. Josuke approached him from behind, bearing two large and puffy blankets as well as several pillows. You grabbed another handful of popcorn as Okuyasu grabbed Josuke’s arm. What was he doing. The two walked out of the room.
As soon as the exited, Koichi emerged from the doorway on the other side of the room.
“Hey Koichi,” You began “Is something wrong with Oku? What happened earlier when you guys were talking.”
“O-Oh!” Koichi blurted out, nervously rubbing his neck. “It was, umm…” Noticing his discomfort, you sighed.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to tell me if it’s none of my business.”
“No, No. It’s not that. He just,” He seemed conflicted. But before Koichi could say anything else, Josuke and Okuyasu came back. Oku slid on the couch next to you as Josuke sat down on the floor in front, throwing you a blanket. Okuyasu was grinning, though his cheeks still showed a red flush. His arm reached around your shoulder, and you smiled at the warmth.
“Popcorn?” You offered, handing him the bowl.
“Y-Yes please!” he grinned, grabbing a handful. As you placed the popcorn back onto the table on the side, he continued. “By the way, (y/n), you’re really pretty!”
“What?!” this caught you by surprise as your heart began to race, but Okuyasu kept a smile plastered on his face. You could swear you heard Josuke mutter something as Oku pulled you closer into his arms. “Thank you, I guess. I mean, I’m just… I..” You stuttered, trying to find words. Did he mean you looked pretty right now? In your pyjamas? Or in general? Your mind flooded with questions as looked at Josuke and Koichi, trying to discern what was going on.
“You’re also really funny,” he continued. “And smart,” He grinned triumphantly at you, but you simply sat there, a blush rising to your face. Josuke face palmed, and Koichi cringed. Was Okuyasu trying to–
“Let’s watch the movie!” Josuke blurted out, scrambling over to grab the remote.
“I’ll hit the lights!” Koichi offered. Okuyasu leaned his head onto yours. Did Oku… Did he like you? Was that what this was about. Your heartbeat quickened as this thought came to your mind. But maybe he was just trying to flatter you so he could ask a favor or something. Right?
As the movie began, he pulled you closer, and you gasped. His calloused fingers stroked your shoulder. It’s not that you weren’t enjoying his touch. In fact, you nuzzled into his strong arms, resting your head against his shoulder (somewhat surprised that he didn’t smell like a stinky teenage boy).
The movie began, and you remained relatively quiet, though the boys would occasionally pipe up to comment or make fun of the movie. Suddenly, the screen flashed to a bloody scene. You felt Okuyasu’s grip around you tighten, and craned your neck to see his face, which was contorted as if to hide his fear.
“Y-You know,” He began, “If you’re scared, uhh…” You could almost feel him trembling, the poor baby…
“I won’t be scared,” You whispered. “Because you’re here.” You grabbed the hand resting on your shoulder, and he seemed to relax at your touch. Maybe he did have feelings for you…
He flinched and let out a small yelp at the next jump scare. Josuke snickered, and you gave him a disgusted glance. You grabbed the blanket lying on the couch next to you, spreading it over. the two of your laps.
“Thanks,” Okuyasu mumbled, somewhat embarrassedly.
“No problem,” Josuke and Koichi were still fixated on the screen, so in a split second you gathered all your courage and placed a light kiss on his cheek. You could feel his face burning as you remained there for a moment. Your chest twisted with nervousness as you pulled away, looking down into your hands to hide your anxious expression. Okuyasu remained still, so you quickly stole a glance at his face. His eyebrows were raised in shock as he gazed into your eyes. A shy smile came to your lips as the movie continued to play in the background. You rested your head back onto his shoulder. His fingers slowly slid down your arm, to your waist.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Of course it might just be that Okuyasu was an idiot and he didn’t realise he was even flirting with you. But, you shooed these self-defeating thoughts out of your head. You had Okuyasu in your grasp, just as you always wanted, and you would have him.
The rest of the movie was not several terrified gasps and twitches from Oku, but each time he seemed scared, you would make sure to hold him tighter, to stroke him gently. Eventually, it seemed, Josuke and Koichi had drifted off to sleep, though you were quite certain Okuyasu was still awake.
“Oku,” you whispered softly. He tensed slightly.
“Yeah, (y/n)?” You smiled as he whispered your name.
“Do you wanna keep watching this, or can we turn it off?”
“I’m not afraid,” he began. You chuckled at how cute he was.
“I’m not saying that you are, I’m just saying that we can turn it off…” You turned to face him, though his eyes were still glued to the screen.
“I guess,” You reached over to grab the remote, unwillingly pulling yourself from his arms. As soon as you heard the click of the TV switching off and the room went almost black, you heard his soft voice.
“Yeah, Oku?” You settled back next to him under the warm covers, even though you were extremely warm already.
“Does this mean… Do you…” He began scratching at the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with you. Your stomach felt fluttery as you fidgeted in anticipation. But his shoulders slumped, “I know I’m kinda dumb, and my hair’s not as cool as Josuke’s and–” He pulled away from you, his voice speeding up and his hands gesturing with each word “and you’re so beautiful and smart, and you’re way out of my league,” You panicked, placing your hand on his cheek and pulling his head to face you. You almost wanted to laugh out of nervousness.
“Okuyasu, I don’t think you’re dumb. Oku, you’re hilarious and caring and kind. And, uh, really hot,” You paused. Dear gods, did you really just say that? He took in a shaky breath, and you figured you had nothing to lose. You looked him straight in the eyes. “Do you like me Okuyasu?” He looked down, but nodded shyly. You felt a rush of joy, of relief, of excitement, and pulled him into a hug. You could feel his heart beating quickly between the thin layers of clothes that separated you.
“So…” You heard his faint whisper. “D-Do you like me?” You buried your face in his neck.
“Of course I do!” his body relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. Words began to flood out his mouth as he pulled away from you.
“Oh my god, I was so scared it was just me, I’m such an idiot, I can’t believe–” You placed a finger to his mouth, silencing him. His eyes fixated on you, holding his breath.
“Shh, Josuke and Koichi are still asleep,” but you couldn’t help but giggle and smile a little. You remained quiet for a moment, gazing into his eyes. You wanted him so badly right now, but you just remained, sitting side by side for a long while. What was he waiting for?
“Uhh…” He began. “Does this mean I can, like,” He paused, again. Could his cheeks get any more red? Could he get any more adorable?
“Can I kiss you?” You giggled at his request, your heartbeat surging with the offer.
“What do you think?” You teased him, resting your hand on the side of his face and stroking his cheek with your thumb. He sighed, almost defeatedly.
“You know I’m not really smart, you’re gonna have to help me out here…” With that, you attacked his lips, wrapping your fingers in his hair. He flinched in shock when his lips met your, but gradually melted into your arms. They were surprisingly soft and warm. However, you broke the kiss a bit too quickly, so you could see how he reacted. You gazed at him, questioningly.
“Wow,” His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open in amazement. “Your lips are so soft,” He trailed his fingers up to your mouth to graze across them. You couldn’t help but laugh at his response, and he quickly pulled away, a bit embarrassed. But you grabbed his hand in yours, pulling it to your hip. He looked back at you.
“Can we do it again?” Okuyasu pleased. You smiled and nodded as you leaned in. The kiss was rougher this time. Your palm slid down his back to pull him closer. He finally got the courage to place his hand on your cheek, and you leaned into it, deepening the kiss. Unintentionally, your thigh slid up onto his lap, and he let out a small gasp. Your face grew hot, but you continued as his hand slipped down to grasp at your bare thigh. You heard a moan, only to realise it was coming from you, and he pulled you closer by your waist.
You wanted more. You just wanted him to wrap you in his warm embrace, to feel his skin against yours, to fall asleep there and never wake from your dream.
Your lips slowly parted, as you continued to suck and lick at his top lip. He quickened the pace, hand groping your thigh. Suddenly he bit your lower lip, causing you to gasp. He pulled away.
“Sorry, sorry… was that weird? I thought that was what I was supposed to do but maybe I’m wrong,”
“Oku,” you smiled again. “Nothing’s wrong.” You slowly leaned forward pressing him down onto the couch. He stared up at you as he lay there, face flushed red, chest rising and falling rapidly. Your knee rested in between his thighs, and you supported yourself by resting your hands on either side of his head.
“B-But,” he began again “What do I do?” You gathered your courage and leaned into his neck, kissing him softly behind his ear.  
“Do anything you want.” You smiled, continuing to kiss down his neck. He shuddered as he ran his fingers through your hair. You sucked at his skin, relishing the warmth of his touch. One of his hands slid down your back. You made your way back to his lips, placing a palm on his firm chest to support yourself.  You wanted him to touch you even more, though you knew he probably didn’t have the nerve to go that far. But that was ok. You had the rest of the summer…
Thanks for reading! Next up, I have another request (YAY!) for Kakyoin x Reader!
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