#okay these tags are so lomg im so sorry
honestmouse20 · 1 year
Once again smfs knows me so much better than I know myself. I can write it better than you ever felt it. Gonna give my therapist homework to listen to this bc jfc
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my-white-canvas · 2 years
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You snuck out of your palace to escape some work and for some fresh air you run into some people the help brighten your day
the little bomb specialist you came across from being bumped into while she ran away from solitary confinement
her little mischevious grin appeared when you suggested you'd help her
Now her you are in the lake behind the City of Mondstat throwing exposives at marine animals
"i'm sorry" you whispered the little fishies swimming about not knowing their fate and the red clothed child also whispered sorry to the fish
it was quite adorable to see
now both of you are on your way to meet new waters to find more victims
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While on your way to Liyue you passed by Springvale and ran into Diona but she seems to be looking for something
You and Klee walked up to her "hello, are you looking for something?" you asked with klee following you lead "we can help you find it"
Diona was surprised to see you here but she simply turned down your offer aince she didnt want to take your time
"No no, the fish blasting can wait"
Diona was looking for some ingredients in her new cocktail but yhe seemed questionable
are they even edible but that was the point of her drinks
it took some time but you were able to find all of them
after that Diona wanted to join you on fish blasting in liyue and inazuma, maybe find some more nasty things to put in her cocktails
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while you were out and about walking near Qingce village Diona and Klee seemed to have split up amd went their own ways
that might have given you a heart attack
but no fear for qiqi is here
you stumbled upon her while looking for Klee and she was picking some herbs
you might have startled her a little bit she forgot about that
she did however write down about a girl wearing red that she was going fish blasting
and it didnt take lomg for the explosions were heard from a distance
you sprinted over to where they were and saw many seniors horrified by the boom boom Klee was making
you confronted her to stop aince its scaring the people
after that diona came running to where you guys were from hearing the explosions
Qiqi tagged along since ahe forgot what she was doing
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After fish blasting and blasting some rouge samurai the four of you went to Chinju forest so Diona can find some things for her drinks
while doing so she bumped into a certain ninja sleeping there and waking her up
she didn't look to mad anout it since it was just an accident but still looked tired
"y/n can she come with us? pleeeeaaaasse" Klee begged with sparkles in her eyes
then she stood up to ask what was going on
"oh nothing its just my friends here were asking if you could join us to play"
"oh okay, someone said exercizing helps you grow some height"
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Bonus: Itto
while you and dion went looking for ingredients you heard some abnoctious yelling somewhere and found an onikabuto wresteling match
ahd one of the was a familiar oni
he ended up losing
he joined
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sorry i was getting a lil lazy in the end since its like 24 here rn
@blissey9410 i think its u who requested this bit if not im sorry
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rurifangirl · 3 years
Bitch you’re literally so awesome and sweet and funny and the best thing from Italy (tied with pizza) okay tbh I’m not too familiar with your OCs so I got this for you: what do you think would happen if some of your OCs met my OCs?
N imma choose only 5 of my fave ocs cus 1I have like 12 of em n im too lazy to write em all here🤡😭 n 2 I don't wanna make It too lomg cus i also wanna know what ya think
(btw all of their intros/and anything bout every of my oc Is linked on the pinned post, or just ask me bout em im always free for em🤩)
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Kayn💜; Honestly, dude's already an huge teddy bear so i feel like he'd get along w basically everyone there. He's also pretty naive himself, so he'd probably get into some dumbassery w them, at one point or another 😭😭
Kayn wouldn't rly matter any of the gods behaviours too, since he's already used to Hoe and just, being a proud himbo himself. He'd also prolly get specifical gifts too (ahem wine for dyonisus too AHEM), n just spendin time w each of em, cus even though they'd known for like, idk some days, he would rly care bout their well bein and everything in between. Just, a very sweet dude.
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Shou🍵: He's very skeptical of people so, he'd definetly have the hardest time openin up, especially to em. Everything's more detailed in his post so id recommend to check It out, but let's just say he never had any figure to freerly opening up to, both because of his nature and just, about how he was. Would definetly get along best w Aiwin, because of how similar they are, both on personality n trauma. Or even Amy now that I think bout It. But even then, he'd get too self concious and probably Hide from em too sometimes.
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Myst🎸: Basically almost the same as Kayn, but make It like ten times louder and a LOT more energetic. Basically another loud fucker that would probably get anyone up till he doesn't collapse. She also would rly get along w Dionysus tbh, and be hated for how all outta place he Is😭😭 But we luv her anyways 🤸‍♀️
He'd also be really caring bout em too, and when she needs to stop, she will.
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Eris🌑: They're my most recent of, so I'm conflicted about who it would be the closest too. Like, moons really similar to a God,so I feel like they'd be closed to em, but at the same time I dunno who they'd open up with. Because they're polite, even caring at times, and wants to care bout their pals too as long as they don't get hurt or in trouble, so ya can tell me who they'd be closed w 😭😭
I don't have a fifth fave so I'll let the wheel decide a sec
Aight Naexi time😤
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Naexi⚛️: Fun fact, they're an actual demi god, BUT, instead of when i talked about Eris, they'd be trying to get close to prolly Aiwin and Amy, for the sole reason if interests. They're interested in old folk tails, that made her fall in love with humanity all in the meanwhile, as that's also part of the reason she left her world to later on joining the gang (more on that on her post ofc), so it's normal she'd be more attracted to em.
She's also really polite and calm too, but that doesn't mean they're that overall cutesy. They can be rly subdoly teasing too, so I'll leave ya w a paring for her too if ya don't mind😭😭
Sorry If i wrote too much but i got a lil too into It😔
Tags undercut(since thecnically it's an OC ask so-):
@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @damnfoxx @nadi-117 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose
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