#okay sorry I’ll stop
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
On the way to work Steve drops by Eddie’s to give him flowers because he wants to ‘woo him properly’. He is so proud of himself when he presents them to Eddie and sees him blush. Steve stays staring at him, rocking on his heels ‘well, are you going to smell them?’
So Eddie leans in and takes a very delicate sniff and Steve insists that he won’t smell them properly like that and all but forces Eddie to shove his head into the bouquet which Eddie very reluctantly does. He comes back up from the flowers and thanks Steve. Feeling pleased, Steve kisses Eddie on the cheek and goes back to his car and off to work.
Eddie immediately starts sneezing and rubbing at his eyes. He’s full on scream sneezing but maintains a death grip on the flowers. This is when Wayne comes out of the bathroom with a raised eyebrow aimed at Eddie. Between sneezes Eddie manages to get out
‘I can’t tell him Wayne. He bought me flowers. Steve! Steve Harrington !! Bought me flowers! I am NOT telling him anything.’ Wayne just pats him on the head as he passes Eddie who has taken a sudden seat on the couch. ‘Fuck, what if he wants flowers at our wedding? FUCK!’ Eddie sneezes again
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sunglassesmish · 1 year
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i’m losing my entire fucking mind holy FUCK
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
despite everything yoongi has been through despite battling depression and anxiety and the stress that comes with being a creative in this shit capitalist world esp a creative who didn’t even have the support of his family despite his accident and his parents’ health scares and all the other traumas he’s endured over the years. he still endeavors to be a healing fairy and a home for people he still writes songs like snooze to reach out to younger creatives like himself so that they hopefully never face the shit he did he still writes beautiful heartwrenching songs about self-love and growth and progression and even his own struggles with mental health so that people facing the same struggles know that they are not alone he is still primarily soft and warm in his heart and holds so much love for everyone around him and for armys he is still such a positive, kind, hopeful, loving force in this world. and i literally don’t have the words to express my gratitude and pride for him for being who he is. i just know that he will always always have my support no matter what
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shima-draws · 4 months
One Piece where everything’s the same except Cora doesn’t die but Law’s still determined to absolutely beat the shit out of Doflamingo anyway. Cut to post Dressrosa where Law gets a VERY frantic phone call from Cora who’s like what the actual FUCK I saw the newspaper this morning you went up against Doffy all by yourself?? You promised me we would do this together you little SHIT do you have any idea how fucking scared out of my MIND I was when I saw the headline and I thought something happened to you, Law I swear to god, and Law’s like yes Cora I went up against him by myself, like HELL I was going to let him lay a single finger on you. And Cora’s like THAT’S MY LINE!!! You’re MY kid and I should be the one protecting YOU!! And Law’s like what with your shitty devil fruit powers? What could you have done? You would have fallen on your ass and gotten hurt or shot or worse and I’d be too fucking worried about you to focus on anything else. And Cora’s like this conversation is NOT over but I’m so so glad you’re okay. And he starts crying and he’s like oh my GOD Law you know how insane Doffy is I could have lost you. And I wouldn’t have even known until after the fact. And Law goes all quiet and he’s like I know I’m sorry but I could have lost YOU and I couldn’t handle that. I couldn’t. And Cora’s sobbing and he’s like I love you so much Law and Law’s like yeah. I love you too 🥺
Meanwhile the Strawhats witnessed this entire conversation and they’re like. Wow okay that was a lot to unpack. Law’s got a dad and they’re very protective of each other and apparently his dad is Doflamingo’s brother?? And Law literally dismantled Doflamingo’s entire criminal organization and DIDN’T bother telling his dad about it?? No wonder he’s pissed. And they’re also like awwwww we’ve never seen Law so soft and vulnerable before 💕 and Law looks at them and he’s like. You repeat ANY of what you just heard and I WILL kill you. And they’re like ‘Mhmm okay yup we hear you loud and clear. Btw what’s your dad like’ with the BIGGEST shit eating grins and Law’s like Okay! Killing you now!! And proceeds to chase them with his katana
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larphis · 11 months
Remembering that Neil Gaiman is actually a part of this hellsite (affectionatly) is like waking up in a parallel universe where everyone shares their porn account with their dad.
It feels highly inappropriate, weird and uncomfortable for everyone involved, but also hilarious in a twisted way.
“Oh god, work was so exhausting today, but I wanted to let you know that I saw the gay video you added to our favorite-list and despite all odds I thought it was quite enjoyable.
…We do have to talk about that furry porn of yours though”
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ghostbeam · 1 year
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📷 view from…. the orange stage
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girlyteengirl16 · 3 months
no matter what i’ll always feel lonely
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nami-moittli · 3 months
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This counts as a “meme”, right?
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hufflepotato-18 · 2 years
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no because, if this hunk of meat came busting through a fighting crowd to pick me up and carry me to safety like a potato sack, i too would choose him as my baby daddy.
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robinfollies · 2 months
hello i just wanted to send you an ask bc even though i freak out in ur tags daily i still feel like im not conveying the depth of my appreciation for ur work. i scroll through ur blog and go insane in my head frequently. in a positive sense. your art is delicious and your brain is huge. also is elmtwig a hc last name or is it canon?
AHHH THABK YOUUU.💖💖💖💖 and elmtwig is canon!!!
bestowing upon thee this one thing they posted on twitter sometime last year i think, in which they drop a bunch of in-universe book titles…
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PEEP THE LAST NAMES!!!!! I’m extremely normal about their last name being elmtwig btw. I definitely have not overanalyzed the symbolism here to hell and back (lie) (im also extremely normal about aristotle and arthur writing a book together btw I HATE THEM SO BADDDDD i love them. goodbye)
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yuukimiyas · 5 months
EEEP!!! KISSED!!! I WAS KISSED BY THE CUTE BOY!!! ૮꒰ྀི ∩៸៸៸∩ ‎꒱ྀིა
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lovedazai · 25 days
this is literally me when i come online after a bad day
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violetscharcoal · 2 days
Gregory violet modern au
part 1: confession <3
notes: just pure fluff, also no he doesn’t mean to act like a creep, he just is like that naturally. also I wanna turn this into a mini series! just 3 or 4 parts orsmt idk
also english isnt my first language and I’m dyslexic so if there are some spelling mistakes then shut up.
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He spotted you a few times in hallways, never talking to you, just.. staring?.. he never considered you a ‘crush’ just someone who stood out in a crowd!
until he noticed that whenever he made a portrait, it slowly started looking like you, he groaned and tried again… again, again and again… everytime it had atleast one of your features, your nose, eyes, hair and just whatever he found the prettiest.. which is everything.
So eventually he started looking for you, slowly following your schedule, maybe a bit creepy but whatever…
You noticed little drawing being left to you. of your favorite flowers, animals, characters. and it slowly turned into litte poems!
a few months after this started you sat in the library, just studying. or atleast you tried to. there was a guy staring at you, a familiar guy who you’ve see around before! you didn’t think much of it, I mean sure he was kinda cute, his hair always being a bit messy, his hood hiding his face looking a bit mysterious… you where interested in him but never really got the courage to walk up to him…
but now you’re sitting alone in the library with him, the boy occasionally glancing at you. you take a small breath and look up as well, catching his gaze. it clearly caught him of guard as he looks away immediately. his cheeks turn into a slight crimson red, quite cute.
until suddenly he softly slides a piece of paper to you, ofcourse you grab it and gently fold it open. A letter? he wrote you a love letter? you read it and realize that the writing style was familiar!
you look at him again, but he’s gone along with his stuff and everything… but its okay, he really is a sweetheart <3
(and perhaps your sweetheart???)
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coconut530 · 5 months
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Here’s two doodles (late night edition)
#Malevolent#Malevolent Podcast#6#WOW LIKE WHERE DO I EVEN START#First like them talking and stuff#John sorry bby you felt isolated but I mean come on friends never hurt anyone#And NOEL!!! Frickin’ love this guy#SO MUCH USEFUL INTEL WHAAAAT. CHARON TREASURER ORDER SIGIL LIKE SO CRAZYYYYY#AND JOHN WAS PART OF THE CONVERSATION!!! I have no idea why the second Arthur started talking I just burst out laughing for like.#So many minutes#But it was so wholesome and gratifying! Like we only get this type of freedom with Kayne bc he can hear John so having a trustworthy friend#Hearing us is nice#Unrelated but soundscapes were really good this ep like dang surely one of my fave eps of the season#And then um. Whatever Aldrich and Percival scenes were#That story was kinda cute I forgot about it way to tie it back to the beginning during the penultimate#JOHN STOP FORGETTING THINGS WE NEED TO BE PAST THIS#MARIE GIRL I’LL MISS YOU YOU WERE VERY FUN AND EPIC AND OUR FIRST WOMAN CHARACTER SO UHH YEAH#ALSO YOU TALKING ABOUT UR SON MADE ME WANT TO CRY OKAY HAHAHA#Noel!!! He’s just the best I tell ya#WHEN HE WAS LIKE UR OFFICE CUMMINGS DREAMLANDS KING IN YELLOW PRISON PITS THE CANA ADAM FRY LIKE OH MY GOOOOOOODDDDDDDD#I DIED IT WAS LIKE SO CRAZY HE LIKE KNOWS SO MUCH IS SO SIMILAR TO US IT’S CRAAAAAAZY#AND DUDE IT’S REALLY HARD TO NOT CALL YOU NOEL STILL#WE GONNA BREAK! IN! AND IT’S GONNA BE EPIC!#ANS THEN WE’RE OFF TO ENGLAND!!! WHAT I’M SO EXCITED#FIRST MIZU FROM BLUE EYE SAMURAI GOES TO ENGLAND AND NOW ARTHUR WHAT A TREAT#MALEVOLENT’S SO COOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLL
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apparently weather is supposed to be really bad here tomorrow afternoon :) like tornado bad :) anxiety is. here :)
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