#okay listen i did research and found out that sebastian fixed his teeth
shesgayfor · 5 years
Patient, Sebastian
Summary: Reader is a dentist, and Sebastian, reader’s boyfriend, agrees to come in for a cleaning done by her. Fluffy kinda, detailed. 
Characters: Sebastian Stan, reader
TW: Dentist, Dental tools/talk
The two of them had only been together for a few months, but it felt like years. He was a famous actor, and she was a successful dentist. They’d met through a friend of a friend, at a dinner party. They hit it off immediately, he was quiet and charming, she was bold and sweet. It was an instant connection between them, and they both knew it. He had been not super busy lately with any projects, giving them time to properly get to know each other. Dates out in public, being snapped by paparazzi. She handled it really well, for someone who's never been in the spotlight before.
They often spoke of their work with each other, him telling her about past acting gigs and famous people he’s worked with, while she talks about her fascination with dentistry and the short list of celebrities she’s encountered. Living in Manhattan, New York she was bound to see celebrities come through her practice. Somewhere along the most recent conversation, he agreed to come into her office for a cleaning. It felt like a big step in their relationship somehow. Almost like, hey we’re getting pretty serious and you cleaning my teeth will prove that kinda thing. I mean they’d seen each other naked, so what’s her seeing his teeth any harm.
She had been finishing up a patient when her front desk receptionist interrupted her.
“Sebastian is here.” The receptionist smiled at her. Her stomach dropped at the comment, but it also made her smile.
“Thank you, Lauren. I’m almost finished.” Y/N said to her. She nodded and left the room. She excused her patient, getting herself ready to clean her new boyfriends teeth. She was actually really nervous about it, or around him. Or both?
“Hey Doctor your next patient is here, want me to send him in?” A hygienist approached, asking her.
“Yes please, thank you Amy.” She nodded as she walked into the front to retrieve the patient. Y/N walked all the way to the back of the building into her office. Sebastian’s previous dentist was sending over past records, and she wanted to print them and bring them in. She heard Amy and Sebastian lightly chatting, assuming she was bringing him into the room. Her practice was private, which meant she owned her own section in a building. The layout consisted of a small, waiting area up front. A door separating that area, to then leading to the one and only dental room, which had a sliding door to it, for maximum privacy. Her office was located right behind the dental room. It wasn’t a huge area, but it was private, and it was hers. One receptionist and two hygienists would be on staff for one day. She did most of the biggest procedures like cavity fillings, wisdom teeth pulling, braces installation and more. Her hygienists usually dealt with minor cleanings, but not today.
She grabbed all the printed papers and headed into the dental room. Slowly walking in she saw her long boyfriend sitting on the chair in the middle of the room. She quietly slid the door closed, as his head turned around to see her entering.
“Hi,” he said softly, with a smile. She placed a hand on his shoulder, before bending down to place a soft kiss on his lips. “Hi,” she said back. He was looking her up and down, intrigued by the white coat.
“So professional, doctor.” He said to her. This made her laugh, and slightly blush. God damn he made her nervous. She studied his calming face, his slightly scruffy beard and fluffy brown hair. His piercing blue eyes that intimidated the hell out of her.
“How was your day?” She pulled up a stool with wheels next to him.
“Eh, considering it’s only noon not much has happened. How’s it been here?” His words were soothing to the ears.
“Kinda busy, actually. Had an emergency root canal at 8 this morning so that’s always fun.” His face dropped to one of horror and disgust. “I know,” she laughed, “always a fun time.”
“You’re not doing a, root, canal, on me are you?” He asked.
“God no babe,” she placed a hand on his. “Just a cleaning!”
“Okay good.” He looked relieved.
“Hey, you agreed to this. I promise, I’m gentle.” She responded.
“No no I know. I trust you 100%. I need a good cleaning and who better to do it than my incredibly intelligent, beautiful girlfriend?” Her face went bright red, and against her eggshell white jacket it was quite obvious.
“Awe am I making you blush?” His voice had a hint of laughter in it.
“God you always do, don’t sweet talk me! I am your doctor.” She sounded half joking half serious.
“Alright I’ll be good.” He folded his hands on his stomach and leaned his head back into the chair.
“Right. Okay let’s get started, shall we?” Her bright, straight teeth were being revealed. She rolled behind him, typing something into the computer and grabbing some materials. A high tray appeared, revealing several tools. She reached into a drawer to grab fresh gloves and a nose and mouth mask. The mask and gloves went on, and she was ready to get started. A paper like towel was placed around his neck, it being purple in color. Her foot tapped a button to make the chair go up and backwards, forcing him to be laying on his back. The overhead light gets turned on, and aimed directly at his mouth. She picks up a mini mirror, and a pointed tool as she moves it directly towards his mouth. He does a bite down, bear all teeth type of smile before he actually opens his mouth.
“Open up, babe.” She teased softly behind the mask.
“Yup.” he says as he does exactly as she asks. The current position of them was him, obviously lying flat on the chair. Her, she was sitting on the rolling stool right under his head. She was incredibly close to his face, doing this on purpose.
She moves the mirror around to check out every single tooth, with the occasional light poke from the pointed tool. “Damn Sebastian.” she whispers behind the mask, but loud enough for him to hear.
“What?” Except it came out as someone would expect it to with tools in their mouth. She brought her eyes to his, his looked slightly concerned.
“Your teeth are incredible.” She was genuinely astounded. The corners of his mouth went up to that comment.
Her mirror continued to maneuver around his mouth, checking every nook and cranny. She did this for a good two more minutes, really getting thorough. “Is that?” she started but stopped. Her pointed tool tugged lightly on a clear piece of material glued to the top and bottom behinds of his teeth. “Retainer?” She was speaking to herself at this point. He stayed quiet and just observed her as she looked. She was looking at a perfect set of teeth, each one aligned perfectly. She did a little bit more light scraping, before removing the tools from his mouth.
“Everything okay?” He asked, watching you type something into the computer.
She pulled the mask down to speak to him. “Yes yes, of course. I’m just a little confused on something I’m trying to check something out.”
“What are you confused on?” His voice was one of concern.
“I’m seeing, retainers in your mouth.”
“Oh,” he brought his finger to the back of his lower teeth. “You mean the wire thing right? That’s like glued on, right?”
“Yes those. Did you, have braces at some point? There’s no way, you’re an actor. I’ve never seen any pictures of you with braces unless I didn’t look hard enough.”
“Uh yeah, I did have braces about 5 years ago.” He laughed.
“How? As an actor? Were they clear?”
“No it was invisalign.”
“Ohhhh!” Her voice was louder at this point. “That makes so much sense holy shit.”
He nervously smiled towards her, softly speaking a “yeah.”
“Why’d you get invisalign at the mere age of 31?” She questioned. He got kinda quiet, as a sad look fell over his face. “Seb?”
“I hated my smile, Y/N. I’d been acting for 10 years at that point, I had this stupid crooked front tooth that drove me crazy. I never wanted to smile I felt ashamed. I’m in movies, and people see close ups of my face. I wanted to have a smile I could be proud of.”
Her face turned to one of sympathy. “Awe Seb, that is understandable. If it’s something that bothered you that much, then I’m happy you helped yourself. I think you’re adorable now, and I bet you were adorable with a little snaggletooth.” She laughed, trying to be sincere.
He shook his head and forced a laugh. “It wasn’t, it was annoying.”
She shrugged. “Perfect teeth are boring. But whatever, yours are perfect but you are not boring. Crazy how that works..” Her head was floating up looking around.
“Okay sorry, I got way too distracted. I’m gonna finish up.” He nodded, as she pulled back up her mask and prepared for the next step.
The next step was flossing. Since behind his top and bottom front teeth had a retainer, she had to use a different technique to do so. She pulled out a device that was small and thin enough to pull floss through tight teeth, aka his. “I really hope you floss.” She smiled down at him. He muttered an “uh huh” with her hands in his mouth. She began pulling the floss through each tooth, gently teetering back and forth between the teeth. Surprisingly, he did not bleed once. “So you floss daily? That’s, hot.” She spoke to him. His eyes widening at her comment, unsure how to respond. “Sorry, ignore that. I meant, it’s nice to see.” She quickly tried to cover it. She brought over a water squirting tool, rinsing out his mouth. “Go ahead and spit.” She said as she pointed to the small sink next to him. He did so, and she brought up the one that sucked out air into his mouth, cleaning it up.
“Bite down.” She took her gloved hands and pulled back his lips to get a good look at the teeth. “Perfect. Now for the polishing. You have a flavor preference?”
“Uh, peppermint is good?” She nodded at his response.
Another tool was revealed, this one looking like a drill, but not. It was a circular piece at the end that spun, basically an advanced toothbrush.
“Open.” She said with a slight drag on the N. He obeyed and she began cleaning and polishing every surface of each tooth. He let out a few chuckles during it, which made her laugh as well. This took about five minutes to finish, as she is always thorough and doesn’t ever miss a spot. The water tool made its way again, rinsing out his mouth. She pointed to the sink again, he knew what to do. She stuck the air sucker into his mouth, “Close. And, open.” clearing out any left over paste.
“You’re almost done.” Her eyes smiled, as he couldn’t see her whole face.
“Awe really? I’ve been enjoying this.” She shot him a look of confused and almost joking.
“Oh yeah?” Her tone was snarky.
“Yes. My girlfriend is cleaning my teeth in a very private room. I get some interesting one on one time with her. Even though it’s a little weird, I’m having a good time.” He was flashing his pearly whites at her.
“Well,” she paused. “I’m enjoying this too.” Her face slightly blushed. They both shared a laugh.
“What’s left?” He curiously asked.
“Fluoride.” She replied. He audibly groaned at the response. “Oh? Not a fan?”
“That stuff always has me on the brink of gagging, it’s the worst thing ever.” His face was one of disgust.
“Mm. Bad gag reflexes?”
“Pretty much.”
“That’s fortunate for you though, cause you’d have a rough time sucking dick.” Her face was one big smirk, it was clear through the mask too.
“Dear god Y/N.” He laughed. She shrugged, “just saying.” He slowly nodded, with attitude.
She prepped the pink goo on the arch shaped mouthpiece. She filled a top and a bottom piece.
“Just breath and try not to think about it. Open.” She carefully placed the fluoride trays into his mouth, lifting up his soft top and bottom lips to fit over the tray. “60 seconds, you can do it.” She took off a glove and grabbed one of his hands with it. He closed his eyes shut, trying not to gag on this stuff. “40 seconds” she was rubbing his hand with her finger ever so lightly. “20 seconds” her ungloved hand carefully stroked his cheek, feeling his baby smooth skin. “10 seconds.”
“Okay okay, open.” She removed both the trays and tossed them to the side. A cup of water was handed to him, as she wiped his mouth off with a towel. The mask and gloves both came off, as she stood up from the rolling stool.
She gently smiled at him, “all done.” He sighed a sigh of relief, as that last part was the worst part.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” She questioned.
“Not at all,” he ran his tongue over his newly polished teeth, “they feel great.” He was bearing his smile at her, which made her heart flutter.
“So on a patient level, your teeth are in incredible condition, Seb. You clearly take care of them. I recorded three fillings from the past, and the retainers from the invisalign you had years ago. Nothing looks chipped or damaged, the fillings are in great condition and the retainer looks as sturdy as it will get!”
“I-, wow yeah thank you.” He was a little embarrassed himself, his cheeks going red.
“I gotta say, this was incredibly satisfying for me. I can’t explain it really. I told you how I’ve had an obsession with dentistry since I was young, I just wanted to do this so badly. Why though? No clue.” She paused, to look at her boyfriend who was still lying on his back, with the overhead light still on. She turned it off, so she wasn’t blinding him. “To get to clean my boyfriends teeth though was, like an accomplishment for me almost? Maybe not. It’s weird, but I was just happy you let me do this for you, Seb.”
“Hey, I get it. You’re passionate, use that word instead. There’s no judgment. I admire you and your work, it isn’t easy. I mean, scraping random strangers teeth all day? I’ll pass.” He laughed at his own comment. “Your a real professional Y/N and I’ll come back anytime for you to clean my teeth.” She placed a hand on her chest and slightly took her body back. “Seb! That’s so nice oh my god!” She was enthusiastic at this point. “Here shit sorry let me put the chair back up.” She said as her foot tapped the chair back to a ninety degree angle.
“Come here.” He reached his arms out, pulling her face into his. They managed to kiss yet again, which lead to a small makeout session. She sat on his lap on the chair as the two of them continued extreme kissing.
“Wow thank you for that.” She propped herself off his lap, wiping her lips with her hand. “You taste so good.” She told him.
“Well, you did just clean my entire mouth so, I’d hope it does.” His face had a suggestive look on it.
“Dear god Sebastian you’re making me hot in my workplace, this is so dangerous.” She panted.
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spideycents · 5 years
The Look (Shawn Mendes) - teaser
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DESCRIPTION: Callie Miller wants to be a famous musician, but she doesn't think she has the right look for it. Her lab partner, Shawn, does.
"So, are you in or are you out?"
WARNINGS: language, memes, cringe, a flaming dumpster of a mess really
The moment you accept that you're not a physically attractive person, the world becomes so much clearer. For me, that moment came a week after uploading my 14th video to YouTube. Which, in hindsight, is very ironic since I was 14 at the time.
I was taking a break from posting original songs because none of them were helping me reach the internet fame and viral view count I was so desperately craving. This particular video was Born to Die by Lana Del Rey because, like I said, I was desperate for attention and I sounded amazing singing that song.
My dumb hope thought that maybe I had some shot at getting seen and discovered among the thousands of other Born to Die covers. I played the piano, I tried to wear an outfit that would make me look somewhat appealing, I'd figured out how to light the video and record the sound in a way that wouldn't make people's ears bleed, I'd even looked up tutorials for my makeup so my eyebrows were on fleek. But, ultimately all of that effort was pointless.
One week after posting, dozens of tweets and Tumblr posts, and even one last-ditch Facebook update later and it still hadn't gotten into the triple digits. Viral fame seemed impossible.
For the sake of science, I took the audio and uploaded it onto SoundCloud. I shared it around on all my socials and the sun hadn't even risen before it had 100 plays and it was up to 500 by lunch the next day.
So, in conclusion: I may sing like an angel, but I am hideous.
No amount of concealer or contour or winged eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man could fix the mess that was my teenage self.
But, since I was on a research kick, I decided to run some more experiments. I looked for a lot of different covers on YouTube: Taylor Swift, Adele, Bruno, Beyonce, One Direction, Bieber, Maroon 5, Imagine Dragons, Demi, Macklemore, Timberlake, Drake, Gaga, Rihanna, Lorde, Miley, that stupid freaking cup song... I aimed for the most overdone ones and I came to the same conclusion for all of them: the guys had more views than the girls. And not just a few more. No, I'm talking thousands, occasionally millions more. What can I say? The internet does love its boyfriends.
I needed to get me one.
Not a boyfriend. Just a boy, in general. I needed a boy to perform my arrangements and sing my songs. But not just any boy. No, this boy had to be cute, but hot. And dorky. The internet really likes the adorable,  conventionally attractive gentlemen who still somehow grow up to look like models with jawlines so sharp, they could slice a pizza.
Today, we call these soft boys.
In 2013... I don't know, they were starved and looked half-dead. The rise of Dylan O'Brien, Sebastian Stan, and Benedict Cumberbatch was really helping the tall, dark, and vampire looking creatures that stalked the dark underbelly of the internet finally have their time in the sun. Sans sparkling thanks to the death of Twilight.
So I needed a skinny white boy with dark hair who had the potential of growing to at least 6 feet tall. And was also talented and adorkable.
I scoured through some old yearbooks for options, but everyone's awkward phases in middle school were very hard to judge. All these internet boyfriends had serious glo-ups so finding someone pre-transformation was... interesting.
I honestly shouldn't have looked so hard though because the answer was right in front of my face the entire time. Or well really more right across the room, sometimes behind a door, but his voice carried and could be heard anywhere in the choir room.
Soundproof practice rooms, my ass.
It was actually during weekly Wednesday small group that I really paid attention to Shawn Mendes. He wasn't very good at sight reading, but he was one of our few strong tenors. He was a little arrogant and also quite possibly the worst lab partner I have ever had, but he did tick the boxes. He was one of the taller guys in our grade, thin as a twig, dark hair, dimples, hopefully good teeth after he lost the braces, and he could carry a tune.
Okay, he could more than carry a tune, but I didn't really realize that until a few days later.
I didn't talk much for those few days during our biology class so I could listen to him. He only talked to me when he had to so I eavesdropped on a lot of conversations. They were very dumb and I have many regrets, but he ultimately seemed likable. We weren't exactly friends at the time, but he wasn't mean to me and we did talk about things that weren't school related, sometimes.
It was the next week though, in the morning before school started and I was at the piano in one of the three practice rooms, playing my way through Adele's 21 album when I stopped mid-belt during Someone Like You to sneeze a million and one times, then I paused to breathe and I heard it. It was faint, but it was unmistakably Shawn. And it was, without a doubt, one of the best covers of A Team by Ed Sheeran that I had ever heard. Let me tell you that the final talent box was ticked with a fucking gold star and fireworks.
I had found my boy.
First off, credit for the photo edit I used for my cover goes to @dayum-wallpaperstho .
Second, hello! Welcome! This is my new story, it's been bouncing around in my head for a little bit. I hope you guys are interested in it after this.
Third, I'm hoping to post at least two chapters every week. Once I figure out the days for the schedule, I'll update you guys.
Fourth, as usual, I will be double posting this on my Wattpad, littlewaterfall.
I think that’s everything for now. Like, reblog, let me know your thoughts, and stay tuned for more coming soon to an on fire garbage can near you.
See you soon!
- Katy :P
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swtltlmrvlgrl · 7 years
Three, Four then Five
Summary: Sebastian Stan AU, where Sebastian Stan is your childhood friend. You can seem to hide secrets from your best friend even if you try to. You ended up telling him something more than your secret.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
Warning: Angst, Language, Mentions of Death
A/N:  This was originally a Bucky x Reader fan fic, but in the middle of writing this fic, I realized that maybe using Sebastian would be better (?) This is the second fan fic that I’ve ever written (and this was written in the midst of me writing my undergraduate thesis hehe)  And I think it’s better than the first one I wrote (?) As a part of my new year goals, I plan to write at least 5 fan fics, so four more to go yey!! Haha.
Number of Words: 1,436
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I will be tagging my favorite people here on tumblr, if you don’t want to be tagged in the next 4 fanfictions that I will write for this year, feel free to tell me.
Also, if you have imagines/requests, I will take note of them and try to incorporate them in my future fics :D
Tags: @alphaabucky@smilexcaptainx @imperialnova @sebbys-girl @violentlyfarts @brighterlights @imyourliquor-youremypoison @bovaria @lowkeybuckytrash @callamint @sarahwroteathing @beccaanne814-blog @harleyqueen7
               You were fixing your bed when you heard your phone beep, alerting you that you received a message. You were surprised to see that it was from your best friend telling you that he will be arriving at your apartment in about 30 minutes. He doesn’t usually text you when he wants to go your place; he just knocks on the door and barges right in, most of the time.  
               Wow. You actually told me that you’re coming. That’s new. :)
After responding to his message, you immediately went to the comfort room and washed your face. You put on aloe vera cream around your puffy eyes. From your reflection on the mirror, you noticed that your clothes were wrinkled -maybe a result of you twisting and turning around your bed the whole night- so you decided to change your clothes. You wore your favorite sweater and matched it with your favorite cargo pants. You went to your fridge to check if you have enough supplies to feed a Sebastian Stan, and just one look you know that it wasn’t enough, so you texted him.
Gonna order pizza. You want?
And he immediately replied,
Already have, doll. ;)
You are such a reliable man. What can I do without you? :) <3
Easy there, doll. I didn’t mention anything about sharing. :P
You love me, Seb and you’re gonna give me everything. :P
He didn’t respond after that.
“He’ll be arriving soon.” You told yourself and went to the soft brown sofa, you lied down and played with your phone.  When you were about to defeat the monster in the rpg that you were playing, you heard a knock on the door. Since food is more important than your game, you left it behind and opened the door. You were greeted by a blue-eyed man, carrying a box of pizza, two boxes of chocolates on top and two bottles of root beers.
“Wow, Seb. What’s the occasion? Come inside” You grabbed the bottles and the boxes of chocolates. “Did you win a bet or something?”
Sebastian looked at you, confused by your statement. “No. I... don’t know. I just woke up and felt that I wanted to see you and check on you.”
You giggled. “I always knew you were impulsive, but not THIS impulsive.”
When you were about to take the box of pizza that he was holding, you looked at him and found that he was staring at you. “What? Is there dirt on my face?”
He stared at you for a little while longer, his face painted with worry and finally said, “Are you alright?” You smiled at him. “Of course I am! How about you are you okay? I’m sure you’re tired from carrying these stuff around. Just sit there by the table, and I’ll just get the plates.”
You took the box of pizza and placed it on top of the table and took some plates at the cabinets. While you were doing this, you can still feel Sebastian staring at you. To beat the awkward ambience, you changed the topic and ranted about the amount of office work that you had to do during the past few days.
“I did not sleep for two days to make a long-ass research paper, only to find out that Dr. Nick moved the deadline to next week. Bring back my precious sleep you damn doctor! ” Then you shoved the remaining piece of pizza into your mouth.
“Well, at least you’re done” he paused, stretched his hands into your lips and took a small piece of ham. “More time for me then.” He smiled.
“Yeah. Well you’re the busier one, being an actor and all.” You smiled back, with bits of cheese still present between your teeth.
The two of you finished the whole box of pizza. You picked up the utensils that you used and washed it. While you were washing the dishes, you felt Sebastian slowly approaching you. He stopped right behind you and said, “Y/N. I’m only gonna ask this one more time. Are you really alright?”
You could feel his breath at the back of your neck. You wanted to tell him everything, to hug him tightly and cry, but all you did was rinse the plates, place it in the cabinet and face him. “I’m alright, Seb. Let’s just go watch some netflix. I heard Civil War’s already on it.” And for the second time, you faked a smile, patted his shoulder and sat down at the sofa in front of the television.
Sebastian sighed and walked towards the television and turned it off.  He grabbed his phone and played “Marry Your Daughter” by Brian McKnight. He then slowly walked towards you, his hands reaching out to you. “Will you dance with me, Y/N?”
It took you a moment to let it all sink in, this was definitely a bold move from your friend. You weren’t that much of a dancer and you were definitely not a fan of dancing randomly inside your flat, but you still reached out to his hands and took it. You danced with him, maybe because of the guilt from lying to him or maybe because you just can’t say no to that smile -complemented by those blue eyes-plus the fact that you can’t ignore your best friend trying to cheer you up.
With your arms wrapped around his neck, and his hands around your hips, the two of you swayed in perfect sync with each other. Your bodies were moving with the music from the radio and your souls were dancing with the music of the wind. It was an intimate moment between the two of you; you felt the warmth of each other’s bodies and at the same time you felt the warmth of each other’s hearts.  The two of you were connected. The two of you became one.
Breaking the musical trance that the two of you were in, Sebastian finally spoke up.
“Hmm?”  You answered, your head still resting on Sebastian’s chest. The two of you were still swaying and gliding through the notes. You were listening to his voice, it was calming and relaxing. His voice was music to your ears.
“We’ve been together since we were young. I know how much you love to run around the streets when it’s raining and how much you hate the fact that you get asthmatic afterwards.” You chuckled, he continued. “The first time you cried for a week because an asshole dumped you, the time when you shouted out and cursed out his name, the time when you were confused if you loved him or hated him or both – I was there and I witnessed it all. I was there when you heart was broken a year ago” He paused. And took a deep breath.  “... when your father died. At that time, you were pretending that you were okay, you kept smiling and I didn’t do anything about it. An -  ” He stopped dancing. He cupped your head and craddled it into his soft hands, and he looked straight into your eyes.
“And it’s breaking my soul. Seeing you like this. Just thinking that, a year after your father’s death, you’re still there pretending. Smiling.  Smiling, when deep inside I know you’re broken.”
Hearing the word ‘broken’ made your stomach churn, it was true. You were broken.  A tear fell from your left eye. In your attempt to break free from Sebastian’s grip and hide your emotions, you hugged. But Sebastian, he wasn’t just hugging you back. He was embracing you, he was holding and putting together all the pieces of your broken soul.
You can feel your heart bursting from emotions – with so many feelings for your childhood friend. You weren’t just grateful for him, no, it was much more than gratitude and you didn’t know how to express it. A mere ‘thank you’ won’t suffice; those two words are not enough. You needed something more than two words to express your feelings.
“I love you, Sebastian”
Three words and it felt more than enough.  
He pulled you closer to him and his embrace felt tighter. He rested his chin on top of your head, you can feel his warm breath travelling through the strands of your hair. “It took you long enough.” He chuckled.
He broke free from your tight embrace. He looked into your eyes. Your soul was drowning as were looking back at him - at his steel-blue eyes. Your heart was beating fast, and you can feel that his heart was too.
“And I love you, too. Y/N. I love you very much.”
Four words, and then five.
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