#okay gen 3 officially starting
bluupxels · 11 months
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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moonfromearth · 1 year
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Welcome to Copperdale...
East of Moonwood Mill, high in the mountains, shrouded by a blanket of thick forests of deep green, lies the town of Copperdale. It would have been forgotten completely after its glory days of the mining industry were over if it hadn't been for its school. Copperdale High, while not a private school or anything fancy, is sought out for its quality of education and plethora of after school activities. Teens travel from around the world to attend the school, living in provided dormitories located near the bustling town center, many charting a course for what will become the rest of their lives...
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
I just found this blog so I'm jumping aboard the plushie bandwagon.
First we got Absol. (i feel like maybe i should've taken a closer-up picture but it's the face sooo)
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Then a Wooloo
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And, saving best for last, this Leafeon plush I own... of which I swear on my life is official merch.
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I also have some more eeveelutions (plus an eevee and a few more) but: 1. I didn't want to send too many. 2. Eeveelutions are more popular so I wanted to give some other people the chance to submit their own. 3. I don't know where my Pikachu and Snivy plushies are cuz I own too many stuffed animals.
Only reason I submitted Leafeon was so I could show off this ~masterpiece~ of a plushie I own. And it's face isn't the only thing wrong with it too lol. Also I just noticed I accidentally had one of the ears hanging back but I'm too lazy to go take another photo but i hope this amuses you nonetheless.
let's start with these guys. beautiful. wonderful. i do not believe that that leafeon is official merch. this statement is baffling to me. welcome to the front-facing pokémon family. i love the eyes on that absol and wooloo is one of my faves. i was rather obsessed with it when it first came out and have a whole wooloo tag on my main blog because of it. though i guess i cleared that whole thing out recently so i don't anymore
let's get the nose ratings out of the way:
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↑ this is a lie. 10/10 chespin
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it's very wide and also 10/10 you're being too harsh. merry day to you too
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circular face indeed. did i already post this one? if i did you can have it again
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clodsire be upon ye. clodsire fans this is your treat until gen 9
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this is a trend now. i think tumblr just crunched this image to hell for some reason so here's what the text says:
"Felt like joining the others for front facing pokeplushies [images] I have more pokemon but its early morning and these are the plushies that are easy to access"
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i have not but i imagine "a moment" has long passed by now. my apologies but apparently today was an important day or something? idk
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YEAH it's super unbelievably fucked up. i think i kinda remember the circumstance being a bit dire so everyone else was more worried about either 1. protagonist getting stomped on brutally or 2. saving the world from kyurem / the bittercold. i was totally under the impression that he was dead in that moment but i guess the characters may have known that he would just come back? i seem to vaguely remember partner being surprised that he came back and being like "but we watched you die :OOO" but maybe i'm misremembering that. i do create a lot of pmd lore on my own time so i have a hard time telling the difference between canon and fanon sometimes
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two a day makes the world go round! this blog started when i started college, paused for 80% of my college career and now has started back up and i just graduated college a week ago. i would say "how time flies" but it has been a very, very long year
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i've said it before and i'll say it again: gen 6 is my favorite gen, so you'll be seeing lots of favor for this gen from me in the tags i'm sure. maybe gen 6 is my excuse to start doing other things here. like that stream i keep talking about
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if they put meloetta as a little obscure puzzle thang in sv, i'm sure they'll do something for genesect. i hope. at least for keldeo probably. genesect i'm not sure is very popular, unfortunately, outside of the tumblr crowd. if the general public's opinion on genesect is favorable, then maybe
okay and then i tried to scroll down further in my screenshots for more asks and saw the wobbly will smith in a hospital bed Gimme a Hug, Man that i copied from the "i get a little bit genghis kanghis" post so that's it. to everyone who christmases: merry it. it is today. although it's basically over by now so! merry boxing day for tomorrow if i don't say anything tomorrow. but i probably will. now i'm gonna go queue up today's 'mons because i haven't done it yet today. see you all in a few weeks when those post
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(@oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat) It's Oatmeal, hello!
I have no energy to do my usual bit, so uh. ON TO THE SPOOKY GAYS :D
So long of an ask it made my typing lag out. I don't blame you if you don't answer this cause I accidentally made this into a damn list-fic lmao. Sorry about that (/gen).
We can just title it Searching For A Someone, Can Anyone Find Him? and leave it there. A Dukexiety Pony AU, if ya will.
Warning: slightly suggestive(?), arguing, soap allergy (that gets mentioned once and never again), unreality(?), fantasy ableism(?), intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, mentioned abandonment/banishment, betrayal, abandonment issues, fear of being alone, fear of vulnerability, difficulty trusting others, anxiety, insecurity, separation from family, nightmare mention, ANGST
In list form cause ✨ramble time✨
MLP au bc... bc I say so :3
Okay so: Virgil is a Pegasus who cannot/didn't learn to fly cause he grew up on the ground in the Everfree Forest; still lives there & used to being on his own
Remus is a unicorn with a broken horn, so every time he does magic, his spells go very wrong and kinda spiral outta control; bc of this, after a bit of chaos, Ponyville kinda ran him out and he hid in the Everfree Forest
There's some background Creativitwins angst... let's just say Roman was too afraid to defend his brother & while he tried to do something about it, it didn't go well & Ponyville threatened to run him out like his brother... Ya see where this is going. He got really scared and wasn't there for Remus when he needed him to be. They both miss each other a lot but don't like talking about it.
ANYWAY: so one day, Virgil & Remus come across each other. Remus is a chaotic mess & Virgil is anxious and not very good with trusting others; Remus is a little eager for some genuine connection bc he hates being alone. Virgil tries to just. Go on with his day, but Remus is persistent & won't leave him be. They end up sticking together bc they literally have no one else anyway so why not?
As their friendship grows, Virgil ends up genuinely caring about Remus and his chaotic self. Remus cares about Virgil & becomes a bit protective of him.
Later on, as they grow closer, they reveal insecurities & such. Remus with his fear of being alone, abandonment issues, and odd allergy of soap that comes up in conversation for no reason. Virgil with his difficulty trusting others and being vulnerable and all his anxieties and the fact he has wings but he doesn't know how to fly. They bond over both feeling useless sometimes (Virgil's lack of flight & Remus' messed-up magic issues).
At some point Remus has a difficult episode concerning his intrusive thoughts and Virgil helps him out the best he can with breathing exercises he knows from calming himself down from his own panic attacks. Remus admits to having pretty bad intrusive thoughts a lot of the time & that his episodes are common. He's surprised when Virgil is like "okay well uh is there things I can do to help take better care of you when they happen? Like what you need?" and feels so cared for by that sentence alone and actually feels safe for once after so long of being alone
The first time Virgil has a panic attack around Remus is also the first time he felt undoubtedly safe with someone after so long of being alone. Remus remembers the breathing exercises Virgil taught him and helps him through it. Let's just say it ended with them cuddling so close it was hard to tell them apart. Remus has this talent for distracting Virgil & making him laugh at the weirdest things & reassuring him in his own way.
So yeah, they both cared lots for each other & feel safe with each other & just sjsjsjsjsj GAY
uh anyway they never really have an official confession bc they just do what they want & get closer & at some point starting being romo with each other; Virgil gets anxious over it for a lil bit when he realizes how they act & how that might look & so he nervously asks if they're romo partners & Remus is like "yeah? I thought that was already established??" And Virgil is like "oh good for a sec I thought it was one-sided haha" and Remus soothes his anxieties by saying "you're one of the coolest ponies I know and I think you're hot so uh I hope we're romantic by now" and Virgil snorts at him fondly
So yeah they're romo partners
After that comes the question of "how did you end up here". Virgil talks about how he just lived here his whole life since he was a foal & doesn't remember the time before that (aka: he got abandoned as a kid but he don't remember his family from before cause he was a kiddo and young brain didn't want to remember painful memory anyway); Remus mentions growing up in Ponyville but they didn't want him anymore so they threw him out & even his own brother left him all alone (which btw makes Virgil mad/upset bc Remus' own family didn't want him?? I'm sorry what? He's super caring wdym???)
Remus doesn't mention Roman by name but vaguely mentions his twin. Virgil can see the pain in his eyes so he doesn't push. Remus softly admits to missing his brother and Virgil snuggles up next to him to comfort him. Ends in sleepy cuddles yusss
Sometimes when Remus is really insecure he feels like Virgil could leave him and never come back. This also ends in cuddles, very protective cuddles from Virgil. This dynamic is lots of comfort cuddles bc I say so :3
Back in Ponyville, Roman is missing his brother a lot & wants him back & feels so guilty about not being there for him when he needed to be. He's been searching for Remus since he left bc that's his brother but doesn't tell anyone else about it bc he's scared if he utters a word about missing Remus that Ponyville will boot him out
Roman's friends (Logan, Patton, Janus) all know he goes on these 'adventures' a lot. They've all figured out he seems to be looking for something but never finds it cause when he returns home he's always very sad and spends the day back locked away in his house. Patton likes to send over comfort cookies when this happens. Janus will invite him to see the next play with him so he has something to look forward to & will sometimes visit to distract him by talking about Roman's favourite plays with him. Logan always just sits by him in a companionable silence, which usually leads to this steady grounding cuddles. Roman loves Logan Cuddles the best when he's upset. Though they may fight sometimes, Logan's always good at being this comforting grounding presence.
ANYWAYS: so at some point them three figure out Roman is looking for someone; Janus kinda remembers Roman having a brother but doesn't remember what happened to him cause he was younger (youngest in friend group. And shortest. He hates it lmao). Eventually they piece together that he might be looking for his brother and thus try confronting him about, which doesn't go well if ya imagine; Roman gets upset and emotionally reveals what happened and how he's been trying to find his brother for so long and he's so guilty because he couldn't be there for him and he can't find him; all three comfort him cause omg that's a lot how long have you been holding this by yourself? Let us help we can help you look for him it's okay (which surprises Roman bc he's used to hearing hateful remarks about the 'Tale of the Chaos Pony' and how the Chaos Pony was 'thankfully' run outta town)
Patton is hesitant bc he's heard of the Chaos Pony, but offers help anyway bc it's Roman and he feels sympathy for Roman missing his brother
Uh yeah this leads to these four going on a quest into the Everfree Forest to find Remus. Roman give them tips on venturing into the forest bc he's been there so many times and he knows all the places he's already checked
So. Ya can prob see where this is going. With the help with his friends (in true MLP fashion) they find Remus! Yay! And this Pegasus (Virgil) who Roman finds a lil odd and rude but eh first impressions y'know? Yeah.
Except Remus sees him and stares as if he's dreaming. Roman tries to reassure him he's real but Remus doesn't believe him, saying things like "Roman wouldn't be here, he doesn't care about me, he left me all alone, he betrayed me, why would he care?" Which only makes Roman hurt more
Virgil sees what's happening and goes to Remus to help. He tells Roman and the others to leave them alone bc they're causing Remus hurt bc it hurts to see his brother and such. Remus looks to Virgil desperately like "am I dreaming, is this real?" Cause he trusts his partner & Virgil tells him how it's really happening in this soft soft voice and Remus pauses. He looks back to Roman, who's crying, and looks to the others, who are watching all this unfold. Remus tears up bc Roman is really here but then it turns into angry tears bc Roman betrayed him and he starts upset shouting about how Roman left all alone and scared and he missed him so much but he hurt him... Yeah it gets very emotional
Roman is apologizing, over and over again, as Remus is hurt and angry bc he missed Remus so so much and he is so so so sorry he failed him as a brother and just wants him back and he never wanted him to leave.
Very messy emotional shouts later, the sky decides to rain bc um. Plot.
They all have to seek shelter in Remus' and Virgil's cave thing they live in. Uh. Idk there's mountains by/in the Everfree Forest, right? Idk, maybe they live in a giant tree like Zacora (idk how to spell her name, she's the zebra from the show)
This leads to Roman seeing for the first time a glimpse into what Remus has been doing for the last who knows how long since he was basically banished. He sees Virgil glaring over at him as he nuzzles and comforts Remus who looks very conflicted and distraught. Logan, Patton, and Janus come over to check on Roman and give him some comfort bc he's also very distraught
Umm, uh, so. Awkward and tension moments. Until Remus softly asks Roman "You really didn't want me to leave?" and omg Roman's heart aches of course he didn't; Roman explains to Remus how he's wanted him back for so long & how he's been searching for him so he can apologize and have his brother back again. Virgil is still very protective over Remus but seems to be glaring less.
This ends up in some agreed peace between the two groups as the storm outside gets worse. Janus makes a comment on that if Virgil is a Pegasus, then why doesn't he go and deal with the storm himself? Can't Pegasi fly?
Of course this sparks a whole new argument bc Virgil is insecure about not knowing how to fly and thus Remus defends him by telling Janus to "shut up it doesn't matter" but then Janus does the mistake of pushing for an answer & Virgil accidentally admits in heated argument that he doesn't know how to fly (Janus shuts up at that & Logan and Patton are kinda like witnesses to whatever to happening rn)
And Remus is like "so what? He's still super cool and caring. I can't do magic the 'right way' and he can't fly. So what? We're both still cool as fuck you bitches" and yeah, Janus apologizes in his own way of being like "my apologies then" which sounds halfway sarcastic bc Janus' voice just sounds sarcastic 90% of the time and that's just how it is
Uh yeah so, after some tension dies down and they all either apologize for what they need to apologize for or accept the apologies given, the storm (which turned from rain to a fucking snowstorm somehow (pony lore)) go away. They're all like "um what" and then realize it was the Windigos all along (these wind elemental pony spirits who feed on hatred and arguments according to MLP canon in the show) and then they all agree to try to actually hear each other out in the future to avoid the Windigos
Brother reconciliation bc I cannot do all this angst without some comfort okay? They cry and vow to never separate again, not like that, & hug the shit outta each other. The others are happy to see some happiness that the twins have each other again. Virgil is still protective over Remus but eases up by a lil bit. Just a lil bit.
Yeah um they all become friends
Roman asks Remus if he wants to return back to Ponyville with Virgil, and he's like "um nah they're all bitches. Plus you could just. Visit. Ya dork" and Roman's like "oh yeah lmao. But will you try to visit?" And Remus is like "maybe" and Roman takes that
(spoiler alert: Remus & Virgil do visit sometimes & find out the old mayor who booted Remus was unelected bc they weren't fair to anyone anyway. The new mayor is actually pretty rad & welcomes Remus back. Remus is still wary of Ponyville but a lil less so with a better mayor being there. Also Princess Celestia makes a token appearance and is like on official MLP Canon business with Twilight Sparkle [think the very first episode of the show happens the first time Remus visits Ponyville] & the Sanders Sides gang is a giant story happening in the background. So yeah)
Happy ending! Yay!
The twins will dual each other and stuff to bond. Usually in the forest
When Remus' intrusive thoughts get bad, his magic reacts to them and goes even more haywire than normal; only Virgil knows how to handle this the best & teaches the others how to take care of Remus (Remus' faves are Virgil, bc he already knows how to help, and Roman, bc his brother catches on quick and uh sibling comfort is unique to its own)
Virgil and Roman develop friendly banter
Janus and Virgil are a bit more rocky with each other at times but nothing friendship-ending
Patton and Remus don't understand each other that well but both make an effort anyway
Logan & Janus become besties with Remus! Bc I say so :3
Virgil is a Pegasus & Remus is a unicorn right? Well, ya see: Roman's a unicorn, Logan's a unicorn, Patton and Janus are earth ponies (aka: the only Pegasus in the friend group is flightless, whoops)
Um some friendship nonsense happens and via hot balloon, Virgil sees Cloudsdale for the first time! He sees everything he was supposed to have as a Pegasus kid & that's an angsty hurt/comfort story right there on its own. Remus and Logan go with him for support.
At some point, the others ask Dukexiety if they're dating bc they're romantic with each other and they're like "yeah, we have been the whole time?? What are you, oblivious?" And yeah, the others were a lil oblivious to it sans maybe Logan. Mainly cause he's Logan and also he already asked not long after he met them
Comfort moments with the twins when some insecurities kick in; they stay with each other and hug the shit outta each other the whole time
Roman gets nightmares frequently & when Remus discovers this, he makes sure Roman knows he can always seek comfort from him when he needs it. Remus is surprisingly very good with helping a distressed panicky post-nightmare Roman feel safe again
Janus & Remus cause some chaos together. Occasionally. Okay maybe more than occasionally but hey. :3
Remus & Virgil have cutie-marks that have nothing to do with their disabilities (broken horn & flightless wings) bc their disabilities aren't the One Thing they are :)
Um Dukexiety kisses and nuzzles? Yeah.
If ya ever answer this ask, then I may copy + paste my list-fic into a doc and try to write it... Maybe. We'll see, lol :3
Good luck with this, it's so long sksjsjsjsjsj
Aye heyo Oatmeal!!! No need to apologize but oml I L O V E this entire AU S O fucking much P L E A S E!!! It has the perfect amount of A N G S T and fluff!!! Poor Ree was an outcast and didn't know his brother actually cared but luckily he found Vee along the way and that it was easy for them to connect with each other and have a strong bond <3 Cackling at the fact that when Vee asks if they're dating Ree's just like "You're hot as hell was this not already established???" they're such dorks I L O V E them XD God and it's S O fucking sweet that Ro is trying everything he can to find his brother while the others comfort him and stick by his side through it <3 I don't blame the chaotic Unicorn for feeling the way he did when he was found but it's good that everything worked out in the end and everyone is friends <3
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astromechas · 1 year
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Okay YES this is great, but as a stupid FeMC fan, I have some things to say:
*assuming the leaks and rumors are true, and based on how they got “ReLOAD” correct, let’s just roll with it.
This was Atlus’ opportunity to create a definitive version of Persona 3. Like THIS IS THE ONE TO PLAY, not FES, not P3P, THIS. Fresh with all the content, not a story beat missing, everything.
Visual upgrade? Of course. Everything looks stunning, on par with Persona 5, which was exactly what everyone was hoping for as far as the visual fidelity of the game goes.
So why, Atlus? Why would you choose not to include FeMC? (or are they?) ( potentially delusional rant incoming but tldr; it would be stupid of them to cut her )
Atlus admitted years ago during the pre-release period of Q2 that the inclusion of FeMC provided their biggest boom for pre-orders in that game. The devs openly stated in an interview that they did not expect her trailer to create so much hype around the game, which ultimately resulted in their sales marking at a higher number than anticipated.
Then there was Atlus’ decision to port P3P over FES to the next console generation. Some people speculated that such a decision was indicative of Atlus’ intentions not to include her in the remake, thus P3P being players’ only chance to play as her. Which I call BS. Why would Atlus make the dumb ass decision to tell on themselves and say "Hey, see this content here? Yeah fuck you, we’re cutting it from the remake!”
It’s especially suspect considering for some people, that port of P3P might’ve been their first EVER experience with P3. I know a lot of us have been fans for a long time, but for some people, that slew of ports was their first opportunity to dip their toes into the franchise. Imagine how shocked those people will be with they play the remake only to find a whole route of content cut.
And lastly, Atlus’ constant promotion of FeMC during the 25th anniversary, following their decision to wholly cut her from the 20th anniversary five years prior.
All of this feels like Atlus’ desperate attempt to remind people that FeMC exists (not that we needed their help) when they could’ve just as easily ported FES to next gen consoles, excluded her from the 25th anniversary, and focused fully on making sure the usual MC remained at the forefront of people’s minds.
Finally, I think its important to remember two points: Atlus hasn’t officially announced this game, and it’s slated release period is Q1 2024, leaving plenty of marketing time before the game comes out.
I think it’s perfectly reasonable for Atlus to throw all of their marketing into the original MC, showing him off, giving him all the bells and whistles to kick start the hype, and then reveal FeMC at a later date. Other ‘anime-esque’ game devs do exactly the same: Caligula, Honkai: Star Rail, etc.
Just because this initial trailer doesn’t include her doesn’t mean she’s been cut entirely. I truly think Atlus knows all too well how much she means to some fans (and how much money they could potentially lose by not including her) for them to completely exclude her from the remake.
With that being said, if all’s said and done and she still isn’t there, believe me, I won’t be playing ReLOAD on day one. Partially because I’m bitter, but also because I don’t have $60-70 USD to be spending on a game that excludes one of my most precious video game characters.
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@elderberriesandarsenic @bitter1stuff
The abundance of technology and lack of humanity causes a longing for the past makes me feel like a fucking Luddite!
(Continue to read for Gen X bitching)
For the last couple of years, I have not been able to see that well through my current classes prescription. Every time that I would come close to getting a new prescription, I would face another eye surgery.
After the Corneal transplant, my surgeon refused to give me another prescription until a year had passed. Because, he said my eyes were changing too rapidly. In the meantime, I cannot see with this prescription at all. I only live about 7 blocks from my school and yet driving there every morning is. Terrifying, because I cannot see well enough. Every time I would go back for a checkup. I would beg the surgeon for refraction. Finally, the last time I wore the surgeon down and he said while he would not provide it. I was welcome to go to one of those cheap eyeglass places and get a temporary pair.
The place where I live does not have one of those places.
And it takes an act of God to get hubby to take me anywhere. So we waited until we were taking a trip to sea his mom, my MiL, four hrs away during Spring Break. And in an unfathomable display of generosity, he offered to take me on the way back to get my glasses.
We stop in Odessa and as luck would have it, there was a Stanton. Optical across the street from our hotel.
I go in and am given an iPad where apparently I have to write down my entire medical history by answering questions in a font so smallI cannot see it because my glasses are crappy.
It blew my mind that a place that people go to because they can't see was making people fill out their own paperwork on. Technology that was so small.
After playing around with it and having my information LIST 3 TIMES &HAVING TO START OVER, I figured out that I could adjust the font size---- but no one told me this.
In the end I had to just hand it over to my husband and have him fill it out!! All of this would have been completely avoided if they had an option for paper. RED FLAG #1
Because I didn't have an appointment. I waited about an hrs & a half. As people were going ahead of me, I am noticing the very young attendant that is taking them into the exam room is asking every single person the exact same saying set of questions quite robotically.
Finally is my turn and as soon as I walk into the exam room red flags are going off AGAIN because nothing in that room looks like what you would need for a glasses refraction.
As someone who has had to go to an ophthalmologist three times a year since the age of 5 ,I know these things.
So the girl who starts bounding off her questions. Did I want glasses or contacts?
How many hours did I spend in one of the computer?
I told her 5.
About 30 seconds later she says "Okay. So you say you spend about 10 hours in front of the computer?"
I didn't bother to correct her and then she starts telling me about all the different type of lenses they have, so I ask her how much those lenses would cost and she tells me that she doesn't know. But after I get my prescription, I can discuss that with people up front.
So you only have one job --that you do with as much passion as an android and you know nothing about the other parts of your organization?
She then tells me she needs to take a measurement of my eye, which I would understand for contacts but i'm getting glasses and i'm not sure she understood me when I told her this the first time.
So she tells me to look into this machine, which I've looked into many, many times and each time that I have. They have put the picture in focus for me.. This time the picture state blurry
The girl then announces that the machine could only take a measurements of NORMAL eyes and since I'd had so many surgeries & eyetrauma, it could not take a measurement of mine. And I would have to be referred to a doctor.
I'm thinking okay......... well where is he?
"Oh, there is no Doctor actually here because we don't do actual glasses examinations, we just do virtual glasses ambinations.
Anyway, that's when I left.
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pebiejeebies · 4 months
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for. A CABLOON SCREENSHOT COLLECTION!
(Okay but seriously, even if you don’t like this ship, give me a chance, PLEASE— There’s so much things I didn’t expect from them both and.. just.. trust me <3)/gen /srs /nf
Now, if you’re easily overwhelmed by spamming letters or long paragraphs, this is a BIG WARNING!! Ilysm btw/p /p <3
Please don’t attack/harass me or anyone that likes this ship, if you like nickloon or any other ship with balloon, don’t hurt others for it.
Now. Let’s begin. A cabloon rarepair analysis, made by me, for my hyper fixated self and @saltythesaltshakerfrfr (Cause ur a cabloonie too!! :D)
First time they see each other/stand beside each other
E7! At exactly… *looks at video* 2:57!
The new pinkers!!
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How ironic? Cabby and Balloon look concerningly at the silly spoon! Pretty cute if I do say so myself <3
And let’s not mention that they’re standing beside each other <33
and WOAH! The final three first meeting in the same team?! Pretty cool if I do say so myself.
“Uhhh.. mile high pie..?” — Clover
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(It’s close enough in my eyes okay? Plus,, they all have completely different reactions, and they were the closest <33)
also yinyang and goo my beloveds omfg <33
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Wait, I didn’t mention that I’d screenshot EVERY SINGLE TIME THEYRE BESIDE EACH OTHER? oh I’m DESPERATE. (Sigh, past me, thinking that these two wouldn’t have that much between them.. hmm)
Call me ridiculous but these two are my babies <33 and I’ll capture every single moment they walk, talk, and laugh with each other <3
(At least enough to please my stupid hyper fixation on them)
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Don’t forget to mention their first face to face interaction, and OF COURSE it had to be the flower incident 😭‼️‼️
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You say you’re angry Cabby, but why do I see you beside him so much..?/vpos
They love each other guys, you just don’t understand 
You guys just don’t see it yet, it will start showing up with patience. Wait for it.
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No.. this.. ugh, GIVE ME A CHANCE I PROMISE!!
(Man I hate this episode so much,, my heart still aches from cabby’s reaction to this.. I feel ya girlie, been there, done that..)
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Test Tube you’re so frustrating this episode but I’m happy you’re changed
Look at him :( he feels so bad for her 😭‼️‼️
Haha taking a small break to see how much Me and Cabby act, and me reading people by their flaws was always the reason I missed out on so many friendships, and seeing Cabby struggle and get tips from Test Tube was really heartwarming to me (Do keep in mind, I literally kin Cabby)
And woah woah woah! Found out that Test Tube could be mouth wash! E10! At 18:00 <3
Alrighty let’s get back on track! (Ironic, past me, watching a whole episode with no interaction between them was actually unbearable)
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Okay I’m desperate again,, does this count as anything? Not much, but seeing the final four together is pretty cool (E12)
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SOULMATES!! I TELL YOU!! THATS THE.. 3RD TIME! THEY STILL HAVE THE SAME FACE!! THEYRE SOULMATES! ITS OFFICIAL!! (Oops, didn’t notice bot in this when I wrote this 😞 do I still count it..? Eh—)
(Part 2 here)
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floaromaxtowns · 2 months
For the fandom edition asks, can I ask for G, I and Q <3
Ask me: FANDOM EDITION [Accepting]
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
OKAY SO I started shipping all the way back in 2006-7 when Youtube was the new hot shit around, and I was an itty bitty kid on early internet. Whom had Pokemon and Sonic as her main big interests at the time. I'm forever thankful for those old as fuckkkkkk tribute videos, with the biggest bops from that era. Although, I'm unable to pinpoint which ship I stumbled upon first, so I consider I started shipping them at around the same time: Rival Barry/Dawn (Twinleafshipping) and Shadow the hedgehog/Tikal the echidna (Shadikal).
FUN FACT- I have been SO long into Twinleafshipping that when I first saw it, Barry had YET to receive his official name for either Japanese and English versions. Gen 4 had YET to be released in the west, and we still didn't even know all the pokemon species introduced in it. So, the fandom nicknamed him as Damion, and for the longest time that's how we called him by. Until his official name was revealed.
And my very first queer ship was Alucard/Richter Belmont from Castlevania. That was mindblowing for sb who lived in a country, where even to this day same-sex couples and lgbtq topics are treated as a taboo.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I got into Tumblr all the way back in 2015 BECAUSE of my hyperfixation on League of Legends, and by 2017 I was done with the entire franchise. I can't say I blame tumblr entirely for me falling out of love with LoL, there were a number of factors that caused me to distance myself from it (the fact I had stopped playing the game altogether, bc my computer couldn't run it anylonger). But I can say that LoL's fandom is already infamously toxic as it is, and on Tumblr that shit becomes unhinged. And I'm certain that since the inception of Arcane, that fandom must have got even worse.
The only reason we don't hear that much about it nowadays is bc, there is now actual competition for the prize of 'the worst community'. Genshin Impact somehow managed to speedrun those levels of toxicity and unhingedness.
It was through LoL's fandom on tumblr I first saw the lengths, some not-sound of mind individuals are willing to go, to """defend""" their ships. It was the first time I saw anyone receive genuine hate and death threats, just bc they didn't sign up to the popular and most wide spread ship. And I heard through a friend of mine who is still into LoL, that side of the community truly became the worst, thanks to Arcane. Bc now you got a bunch of motherfuckers who never touched the game, wanting to weight in on shit from ppl who aren't interested in the animated show.
Im gonna spread hate on League of Legends, Arcane and anything else related to it LOL
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
It's really difficult for me to drop any ship... At all. So much so, I don't recall dropping any ship in my previous fandoms (Pokemon/Star wars/Castlevania). I may not focus on some ships as compared to others, but that's mainly due to me likely having folks to talk about another ship. But I'm still most definetely a shipper.
As such, I think the very first case of me genuinely dropping a ship happened in the Saint Seiya fandom LOL. I've mentioned it a few times, I shipped Sha.ka/M.u for maybe at most 15 days. It was literally the very first ship I came across, and I genuinely loved how pretty ppl's works for the ship were. Then, the more I dug into StS' lore & content. The more I realized how this couple has little to NO actual substance to offer (by which I mean those two characters literally barely interact with one another, in the entire series).
It actually took me awhile to find out about Aldebaran/Mu, and when I did...
Nevermore looked back at it since LOL.
My theory as to why that ship is massively popular bc most of its fans likely are going off their really vague memories of watching the show, in their childhoods. And solely bc those characters look really good together (I'll give it that, their aesthetic is nice. But that's all you get bc LOL). And they feel entitled to crapping/disrespecting other ships, just bc popular ship brainrot behavior uwu.
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kraviolis · 1 year
often times i scare my reflection
(The Owl House)
Rating: Teen Relationships: (All Gen) Hunter & Luz, Hunter & Gus, Gus & Luz Words: 5k Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Alter!Golden Guard, Set During Thanks to Them Timeskip, Protective Golden Guard, Paranoia, PTSD Nightmares, Depiction Of Past Abuse Within Said Nightmare Chapters: 3/3 Summary:
Sputtering for air now that his lungs works again, he leans against the basin with his arms, focusing on the sensation of it trickling down his neck. The cool air turns frigid against his soaking wet face and shirt.
“Belos is dead,” He whispers, wetting his dry tongue with the water dripping off his lips. “He’s dead, and you’re awake. You’re awake.”
AO3 LINK | Chapter One + Chapter Two CW for descriptions of magical torture + non-magical dissociation and paranoia
Dinner is… strange.
Not the food. The food is delicious, of course.
The strange part is the way everyone seems to keep glancing at him when they think he isn’t looking. It makes him almost self-conscious in a way he’s never really been before, but he’s also too sore even after the shower and too hungry to care, really.
The Golden Guard all but scarfs the meal down, trying to eat it before anything gets the chance to interrupt and take it away from him. When they were twelve and had officially passed the trials to become a Coven Scout, it took them a month to learn how to eat entire meals within minutes without getting sick. The Guard would normally forgo utensils all together, they just get in the way for him, but Hunter still had some amount of decorum.
(Truth be told, the royal etiquette lessons they'd been given when they were a child were still implanted deep in Hunter’s psyche. He still raises his pinkie every time he drinks from a cup with a handle, and is so perfectly polite and mannerly at the dinner table that it makes Blight look like a rude slob.)
(Hunter's manners when he's away from the dinner table is a whole different story. The Guard is convinced that the very sight of a meal set atop a polished wooden surface activates something deep in Hunter's subconscious that makes him straighten his back and hold his utensils with a practiced grace that only seems effortless.)
Luz tries to keep spirits high. She really does. It’s an admirable effort but, considering that they had all seen her not even able to walk after getting beat up only hours ago, her jokes were destined to fall flat.
She sits there and picks at her meal with a grimace as Mrs. Noceda talks about contacting the school about their bullying problem. She tried to object at first, saying that it won’t do anything, but Mrs. Noceda and Amity had both silenced her with sharp looks. Willow and Gus had seemed sympathetic with her argument, though. 
After dinner, everyone disperses for an early bedtime, exhausted from the adrenaline comedown. The Guard follows all of their leads and settles down in the sleep sack on the floor for the night.
Gus watches him unsubtly after he willingly forgoes changing into any sleeping clothes. The jeans Hunter put on this morning were more than comfortable enough for him.
“Hunter,” The younger boy says, drawing the Guard’s attention. “Are you… sure that you’re okay? It’s just that… you really did a number on the human that hurt Luz.”
“It was a lesson.” He explains plainly, staring down at his hands. “I was teaching him about consequences.”
“And you think beating someone up like that is a… reasonable method of teaching?”
(“I am only trying to help you. You’ll never learn to succeed if you don’t understand the reality of what failure will bring.”)
“Sometimes,” He starts, his mind somewhere else. Somewhere lined in white and gold. “Being taught something the hard way is the only way a person will learn. Even if the methods seem severe.”
After he says it, Gus just stares at him silently for a long time. The Guard lays down onto his back, waiting for him to just say what he wants to say. 
“This might be too much to ask,” He says slowly, as if trying to soothe a wild animal, and the Guard is already done with the conversation. “But did… did you–?”
“No.” He shuts Gus down and rolls over, turning his back to him. “Goodnight.”
“...Okay. Night, Hunter.”
The Guard hardly even questions the decision to fall asleep, despite the taste of blood and dirt in his mouth. When he closes his eyes, the sound of the ticking clock on the wall melts into the beating of a heart. 
When he opens them, he is in the same place he's found himself in every single night for his whole life. 
He can smell it– that specific combination of polished metal, old stone, burning tree sap, bog mud, and rot . It permeates the room like a cloud of poison and leaves his mouth dry and his shoulders always tense.
Blinking away the darkness from his eyes, he can see the empty throne from his place on the floor. The side of his face that is currently pressed against the floor is burning, the skin layers scrubbed away by friction and already weeping into the warm stone. It’s always so warm here.
When he tries to obey, it’s like swimming through abomination muck. His arms complain fiercely about continuing to move and his legs tremble like jelly.
“On your feet, Hunter.”
He lets out an involuntary whimper as he finally pushes himself up with his arms, locking his elbows even as they shake violently under his weight.
“Do not make me say it a third time.”
He swallows back the bile rising in his throat as he clings to the pillar next to him, desperately trying to plant his feet flat to the ground. When he stands with his legs under him, leaning against the stone heavily, he finally looks up to his uncle with blurry, fading vision. It's too hard to make out any details, but the green contrasting against the pale of his skin stands out like a raven in a murder.
Belos is holding his staff, the bulb glowing a terrible bright red. He stands across the room, mask off and frowning deeply. “You are making this very difficult, Hunter.”
He swallows the blood in his mouth. Each of his breaths are more like gasps, his lungs desperately trying to keep drawing in air even when each inhale feels like a sharp stab. “I’m sorry, Uncle.”
Belos clicks his tongue at him, frustrated. “Apologies mean nothing if you cannot learn from them.”
“I will– I am.” He rasps, bowing his head to fight the wave of nausea that rolls through him. “I swear. I swear.”
“So you’ve said,” Belos sighs. “And yet here we are, for the fifth day in a row. It makes me wonder if you truly want to–”
“I do!” The room spins. Drool drips from his lips as he fights to hold back any retching. It stains the glossy floor red. “I– I want to, please… please.”
For a moment, neither of them speak any further. The beating of the Titan’s heart fills his ears and makes his already concussed head pound in agony, the deep bass of the giant organ echoing against his skull.
Then, Belos heaves out a great sigh.
“Fine. I will heal you, but just this once.” The Emperor says. A bright red fills his vision and freezes his body in place. “Hold for a tick.”
The red grows brighter and he becomes weightless, his stomach dropping unpleasantly at the sensation. A warmth spreads through him, traveling through his nervous system and digging into his bones. It grows warmer and warmer, his limbs tingling as if waking from sleep. 
It does not stop getting hotter.
Within seconds, the nauseating fever transitions into a sensation not unlike swallowing a cup of pure molten metal. He chokes on the scream begging to burst out of his immobile throat.
Every inch of him feels as if he’s been set ablaze from the inside out, his blood boiling inside his veins and his nerves scorching white-hot across his entire body. The searing pain is agonizing and unending, every second like an eternity as his muscles seize and try to spasm even though he cannot move a single centimeter. The burning torment is unbearable; he would have passed out thirty times over already if not for the spell he's been caught in. The magic forces him to stay awake but renders him unable to do anything but sit there and endure the excruciating feeling of his marrow being broiled inside the bone.
There's no room for words in his head as his heart beats hard and fast enough that his chest expands and threatens to burst open like a birdcage. All that runs through his mind is a desperate pleading for his heart to give out, his lungs to implode, or his skull to cave in under the pressure, if only to just make it all stop.
It ends, suddenly and without warning. The pain is gone in the blink of an eye, leaving his body feeling icy and numb in its absence.
He’s dropped to the floor in the middle of the throne room, landing face down on the dark green carpet. Every inch of him shakes violently in the wake of his torture, but the pain and exhaustion has vanished. This time, he lifts himself to his feet without assistance. His mouth still tastes like copper.
“Better now?” Belos asks him, standing only feet away now. He forces himself to nod, keeping his head bowed to hide his watery eyes. “Now, I don’t want you to become reliant on being healed like this. You must understand, the world will not be as kind to you as I am. You will be forced to either kill, or be killed. That is what I am trying to teach you. Do you understand?”
“I understand, Uncle.” His voice comes out small, quiet. “Thank you.”
There’s a hand on his head, tipping it back to make him look up at the Emperor. “You are too important to lose, nephew. The Titan needs you.” Belos smiles down at him and releases him. “Now, let’s try this once more.”
He watches his uncle take several steps back until he's about twenty feet away, both hands gripping the staff. He swallows thickly and crouches into a defensive stance, bracing himself.
“Oh, and Hunter,” Belos calls from across the room. “I need you to know something important.”
“This hurts me far more than it hurts you.”
He doesn’t even have time to put his hands up before Belos is already on him, swinging the staff right towards his head–
The Golden Guard wakes with a gasp, and slams a hand over his mouth before his strangled scream could bubble from his throat. 
The waking world slams into him all at once, pulling him from the throne room and back into the dark safety of the basement. He tries to breathe through it, but he can almost feel his veins still burning.
(He can still smell it– the stale air, the mud, the rot.) 
(He can still hear the Titan’s heartbeat pounding in his ears.)
The Guard can feel the way his mind is already beginning to pull away from him again, the seams already coming undone in his hands. He shakes his head and gets to his feet quickly, trying desperately to get a grip before the wallpaper of reality starts peeling at the edges.
With feather-light steps, he nearly runs into the basement's small bathroom. He doesn’t turn the light on or spare even a glance into the mirror, knowing the second he catches a glimpse of his reflection that the ground will fall out beneath him.
There's zero hesitation when he throws water from the tap into his face. The water, icy cold from sitting in the buried pipes all night, clears the static from his vision in an instant and makes him gasp. Sputtering for air now that his lungs works again, he leans against the basin with his arms, focusing on the sensation of it it trickling down his neck. The cool air turns frigid against his soaking wet face and shirt.
“Belos is dead,” He whispers, wetting his dry tongue with the water dripping off his lips. “He’s dead, and you’re awake. You’re awake.”
He splashes his face again and then leans down to drink straight from the faucet. It cools his throat and settles heavy in his stomach, grounding him. 
When he leaves the bathroom, all he can smell is old fabric mixed with something uniquely human and all he can hear is Gus's breathing and the clock on the wall ticking away. He manages to make out the time in the low light– he had only slept for a few hours before the nightmare woke him.
Then, he realizes that he is still himself. Or, rather, the Golden Guard realizes he is still in control. For a moment he considers attempting to sleep again so that Hunter can retake control in their sleep, but he huffs in frustration. 
There is no sleeping through the nightmares. At least, not for him, not unless he wants to spend all night going down memory lane. No, he needs to wait for Hunter to come back. Hunter is the only one who can get enough sleep to keep the body functional.
The Guard sighs again and runs his hand through his damp hair before making his way upstairs, leaving his sleeping palisman behind.
(How it can tell the difference, he will never know, but it’s become increasingly obvious that Flapjack prefers Hunter more. He can’t even understand the palisman whenever it chirps at him, and Hunter’s read enough about wild magic for the Guard to know that means the bird just doesn’t like him.)
The whole house is just as dark as the basement. The only light available comes from the various electronics and appliances scattered across the home and from the streetlamps outside. The yellow gleam filters in through the windows, casting eerie shadows across the walls.
Footsteps light as possible, the Guard walks close to the walls to avoid making the floorboards creak. He paces the whole of the ground floor, clearing corners and checking the locks.
(It’s exactly what he did for the first week or so here. When the nightmares were fresh and sending him into panic attacks every single night, ones that were so bad the two of them ended up blurred together in their head.)
(The Golden Guard couldn’t tell where he’d ended and Hunter began those nights, so they’d resorted to doing whatever they could to assure themselves of their safety until Hunter felt like himself again.)
With the first floor secure, he carefully climbs to the second. He doesn’t risk entering any rooms to check their window locks, but he still peeks in to make sure everyone is safe.
He lingers in the doorway to the girls’ room, watching Luz closely for a moment to make certain she was still breathing; that the steady up and down of her chest wasn’t just the shadows playing tricks on him.
Once he was certain, he went back downstairs and did another circle around the ground floor. All the rooms were clear and every possible entrance locked. Still, he feels unsteady. Just barely on the edge of safe and unsafe. The back of his neck prickles, the shadows playing tricks on him in the corners of his eyes.
(It feels like he’s being watched.)
After grabbing a heavy iron poker from next to the fireplace, unwilling to wake his palisman for this, the Guard sucks in a breath and steps out of the back door. The night is chilly, his breath visible in the air as if he were about to breathe fire. The Isles only ever got this cold on the Knee.
The Guard stands on the middle step of the small back porch, eyes scanning the forest line behind the house. He can hear the rustle of the trees in the chilled breeze, the soft scampering of nocturnal wildlife. An owl calls into the night, the hoot bouncing off the trees. 
The moon grants him just enough light to spot a rabbit just at the edge of the woods. Its fur helps it blend in with the underbrush, but the Guard caught the reflection of its eyes in the dark. It seems to have spotted him, too, and stares like a deer in the headlights.
For a moment, the world shrinks to just him and the rabbit. It stands perfectly still, looking right at him the way wild demons have before pouncing during run-ins in the past. The Guard wonders if Mrs. Noceda would forgive him for skewering it with her poker if it turns out to be like those rabbits from the human movie with the knights and the sacred cup.
The door behind him shifts and creaks, and the Golden Guard tears his eyes away to address the threat, brandishing the poker at whoever or whatever has decided to sneak up on him.
“Hey! Woah!” Luz startles, throwing her hands up. “Chill out, it’s just me.”
The Guard lowers the weapon instantly. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, what are you doing?”
He doesn’t reply, turning away from her again. His gaze goes back to where the rabbit was, but it’s gone. He didn’t even hear it scamper away back into the underbrush.
“Hunter?” Luz pokes her head out the door and glances around. “Did… did you see something?”
“No,” He says, keeping his eyes on the forest. “Do you?”
“No.” She echoes. Closing the door behind her, she steps up next to him.
“You should be asleep.”
“And so should you.” She puts her hands in the pockets on her vintage grudgby jacket. “We can do this back and forth thing all night, but how about you just cut to the chase and tell me why you’re out here?”
He huffs. “Go back to bed.”
“Nope.” Luz shuffles in place, seemingly determined to stand out here with him. He sits down on the steps instead. She follows without hesitation, tucking in close to him.
He stares into the middle distance, not focusing on any specific part. There’s a fog encroaching, covering his vision in mist. The world begins to blur as he sits there.
(There’s– something.)
The sky feels so big, almost too big. Like ants in an auditorium. There’s a numbness to his limbs. Maybe it’s the chill in the air creeping into his bones, but maybe he’s just losing himself again. 
(There. Right there.)
Any semblance of thought is beginning to slip through his hands like water, but the sky is black and starless and endless and he is going to trip and fall right into it.
(Did you see it?)
There’s something wrong with his lungs. They’re frozen in between one breath and another, almost petrified in the silence of the woods.
(Because it sees you.)
With a sharp inhale that straightens his spine and pushes back his shoulders, the Golden Guard’s vision sharpens. The haze lifts from his eyes, and his skin prickles with gooseflesh as he regains awareness of his limbs.
There’s a terrible heaviness in his bones. He tries to clench his hand into a fist but it’s as if there’s a half-second delay to it. Someone says a name again, and he looks up. Luz is staring.
“Did you hear me?”
He stares back. The idea of forming words with his throat feels like an insurmountable task. She doesn’t seem to mind, though. 
“I said we should go back in.” Luz tugs on his sleeve. Her hand is warm. “Come on. It’s been like, an hour. Nothing is out there.”
With little resistance, he lets the human drag him back inside the house. She even allows him to herd her in first while he follows without comment. As he turns his back to make sure the door locks behind them, Luz gasps. 
Adrenaline spikes through his heart (galderstone?) and it’s pure instinct when he shoves her behind him and holds the poker out in front of him. Yet, once again, there is no true threat.
“Gus!” Luz heaves out a sigh of relief upon seeing him standing in the kitchen’s entryway. The Guard lowers his makeshift weapon. “My guy, you gotta stop forgetting that humans can’t see in the dark very well.”
“My bad.” He says sheepishly, stepping from the shadows into a beam of moonlight. The Guard frowns. It’s far past curfew, why are both of them out of bed? “I was looking for Hunter. …What were you two doing out there?”
When Luz steps closer to Gus and begins to whisper to him, only for Gus’s eyes to immediately dart to him, The Guard decides to leave the kitchen to go replace the iron fireplace tool in its holder. The witches behind him keep talking in low tones, the words too quiet and muffled by the walls for the Guard to make out any words. He knows they're talking about him and he simply cannot find it in himself to care.
Instead, he checks the time again and… oh. Luz wasn’t exaggerating, earlier. That nightmare must have shaken him more than he thought. How come Hunter hasn’t come back yet? 
He wishes not for the first time that he had control over this. It’s never on purpose, even if his desire to take the reins often matches when it happens. It’s like their brain just knows when Hunter needs him most. Normally, he doesn’t have time to question why their brain works in this way before Hunter’s consciousness bubbles back up.
Though, this wasn’t a normal switch-off between them. When he’d taken control earlier, it was like a snap of his fingers and then Hunter was just… gone. They hadn’t even been blurred together first, like they did on most of their jobs during their time in the Emperor’s Coven. 
The Guard huffs in frustration and tears his eyes away from the clock. The ticking had begun to echo in his head, pinning him to the hardwood floor beneath his feet. He forces himself out of the living room and wanders to the front door, peeking out of the peephole first and then pulling back the curtain of the left window.
The street is still and quiet, just as the backyard had been. Not even a single car passes by as he watches. The golden street lights line the black asphalt in perfectly spaced rows and not a single lamp gives away the shifting shadows of any would-be enemies or intruders. There’s just the distant, muffled chirping that Vee had explained was coming from harmless insects, and that the human realm was not home to any of the wild demons that used the same noises to lure unsuspecting witches to their deaths.
“Hey, Hunter.”
Most of the time, Hunter nor the Golden Guard ever really interacted with the Coven Heads for long enough to end up so distracted that they could be startled, and neither of them would’ve dared to give the Emperor anything but their full and alert attention. No, it was normally the Scouts who always made the same mistake of sneaking up on them. 
The friendlier ones, the ones who weren’t either afraid or scornful of them and thus had no qualms walking right up and slapping them on the back out of camaraderie, often got hit hardest for it because they were the ones who never saw it coming. Even Steve had accidentally startled them on one of their especially bad days. The whole incident led Hunter to feel so guilty about it that he had personally escorted him to the Healer’s wing of the Coven barracks to make sure his elbow got set back into the socket as quickly and painlessly as possible.
(It was surprising that out of all the people he left behind in the Demon Realm, Steve was one of the people he missed most. Sure, Hunter was on good terms with Deamonne and Eberwolf, but the Guard wasn’t so quick to forget the past. Steve had always been a friend to both of them.)
So, really, it’s a miracle that the Golden Guard doesn’t instinctively drive his elbow right into Gus’s nose.
Instead, he freezes just as he reels his arm back. Gus doesn’t even flinch in response, showcasing the frankly terrifying amount of trust he has in them in such a casual manner. That look in the younger boy’s eyes is what makes his entire body just stop in the middle of an unconscious reaction.
(Gus may be younger, but both Hunter and the Guard know better than anyone that it doesn’t mean he’s any less intelligent. Truthfully, it’s almost unnerving how very aware of everything Gus is.)
(He has always been observant like that, but Hunter has been swearing to himself that something changed in Gus after the Day of Unity.)
(Looking at him now, the Guard is inclined to agree. There’s something in his eyes that wasn’t there before.)
“We’re having a TV night since apparently none of us can sleep.” Gus tells him, not even letting his own eyes move from the Guard’s wide-eyed gaze towards his slowly lowering arm. The lack of natural curiosity is suspicious. In fact, the boy’s innocent smile and arms folded behind his back all scream that he’s putting on an act.
The Golden Guard tries to get his throat to cooperate this time, but the words refuse to form. He’s forced to resort to tilting his head and squinting at Gus. This does nothing to deter him.
“Come on, Luz is setting it up.” Gus grabs the Guard by the wrist and drags him away from the door. With lightning-fast reflexes, he quickly makes sure the door is locked before he succumbs to his fate.
Luz is already comfortable on the couch and flips through channels before settling on one. She smiles at the pair as they enter, her busted lip pulling at the skin. Gus practically forces him onto the couch by sitting next to Luz and dragging him down until he sits on his other side. 
“Hope you guys like George Lopez 'cause that’s the only thing still on this late that's decent.” Luz says as she pulls down the blanket folded on the back of the sofa and lays it over her lap. 
Gus doesn’t hesitate in digging his scrawny legs into the blanket and making Luz yelp over his icy cold shins. She quickly slams a hand over her mouth, aware that she was far louder than she should have been, but when there’s no squeak of the floorboards to announce any new arrivals, she relaxes again. She does her best demon growl impression at Gus, who simply sticks his tongue out at her in response.
The Guard watches this happen idly but disconnected from the scene. He’s present and close enough to feel Gus moving against him as he and Luz begin attempting to out-shush each other, but it’s as if he were hanging on by nothing but a tendon and some sinew.
The idea of just letting go scares him. If he lets the tendon snap and allows himself to float away, how will he keep them safe? He can’t fight to protect any of them if all he can do is fight just to keep his head above water for long enough to have coherent thoughts.
His eyes drift to the darkened entryway. The shadows aren’t solid and thick, but filled with buzzing TV static. The floor and walls blend together the more he stares at them, both becoming an amalgam of darkness and a visual blizzard. The more he looks, the more he can’t look away.
Something in his chest catches when he swears he sees the shadow begin to swell and swirl around itself, as if trying to form into something more tangible.
A hand appears in front of his face, cutting through his vision. The curled fingers go up slowly one by one, and before he even realizes what’s happening, the Guard finds himself breathing in time with it like it's a muscle memory.
He doesn’t realize he wasn't breathing until he sucks in a breath. There's a feeling almost like his lungs are covered in cracked and dried clay but it's gone by the second breath. The shadows don't stop moving in the corner of his eye, but he can see there's no threat except his own mind playing tricks on him.
“You good?” Gus asks, and the Guard looks at him. He’s the one holding up his hand. When he gets a nod, the illusionist lowers it back down into his lap.
The optical susurration doesn't fade even as he settles down. It remains, disturbing his perception even when his eyes are closed. The Guard stares at his hands and watches the pale of his fingers blur into the dark of the floor and his jeans. He can see patterns across his vision, invisible but not. If he focuses hard enough, he can see something almost like smoke or steam rising from his skin. 
Luz tilts her head in the corner of his eye, drawing his gaze back to her. “You wanna talk about it?” She offers, but he quickly shakes his head no.
“That’s fine.” Gus is quick to reassure him. “But…”
He and Luz share a glance behind his back. The Golden Guard braces himself for more invasive questioning that he will continue to ignore.
“You know we’re all safe, right?”
He turns his head rapidly to stare at Gus. He stares right back. The Guard looks to Luz, who does the same thing.
“Yeah,” She backs Gus up. “You've done a great job, but you can rest now.”
That was all he needed, wasn’t it? The assurance that he did well, that his mission was over. After all, Luz was protected and the worst of her injuries already nearly healed. Any and all threats were taken care of swiftly. The house is secured. Everyone is safe and sound.
"Okay." He rasps, moving his mouth and pushing air through his still paralyzed vocal chords.
It's enough. Luz says something before turning back to watch her show and Gus gets up with a comment about popped corn, but the Guard barely notices. All of his focus is on the fact that he can feel it coming, now. Like a sandstorm on the horizon. Or a receding tide before a tsunami. Something distinctly foreign but not making a home in his chest and behind his eyes and twitching in his spine.
The Golden Guard completed his main objective, and now he’s been formally dismissed.
It feels nothing like falling asleep. It doesn't even feel like losing consciousness. No, it's more like he loses focus on himself. The world blurs and he becomes distinctly uncomfortable in his own skin. Then, he blinks, and he's just... gone.
(The last thing he thinks before he lets go is how grateful he is that Hunter won't wake up alone.)
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ok. i took a long, long time (song ref) but hi!!!!!!!!!
1. titanic fic (*cue shit-eating grin*). umum. im curious if there's anything about the morse code yet. or codes in gen actually. so. sentences with the word "code" :3
2. titanic vid!!!! Idk if you like the engineering aspects, but there still were a ton of other facts sprinkled in (spiral staircases, people that monitored coal balance, separate staff room for firemen, how they got air down there etc) https://youtube.com/watch?v=4begc_U8ygI#searching
3. surprise!! this is an interview. i have some Official Author questions for you (feel free to pick and choose, come back to this later, or just striaght up ignore lol):
3a. Do you have any authors (professional or not) that you aspire to be like one day?
3b. Following that up, are there any specific works (again, published, professional, etc or just amazing amateur works!!) that really inspire you?
3c. What made you start writing? I'm curious on anything that led to the conscious decision, of course, but additionally do you think there was anything you grew up with that "planted the seeds"? Was it any of the people from question 3a?
3d. What's the silliest (/pos) idea you've ever had for a fic? If you didn't write/publish it, why not? Was it a recent thing? If not, do you think your experience would have influenced that idea today?
if those dont make sense u can send me a messgae or something 👍👍👍 goodnight
ITS BEEN THREE DAYS but im here okay……. lets do this. hi pep :>
1) alas, i’ve been focusing on a lot of other things so i havent reached a written point of the Code Usage, which begins in like chapter 3-4. sorry man 💔 (progress has been made ! just not as much as i’d hope 😭)
3a) uhmmmmmmmm i dont exactly pay attention to authors as much as i pay attention to books but you know what. rick riordan. not because of anything he’s done or written but because of his audacity to write 20+ books in the same universe and still get 100000000000000 people 1000000% invested in it. i wanna write sequels forever. can i be him
3b) OHHHHHHHH UHM UHM UHM UHM the thing that got me into fanfic specifically was the fic “versability” (it was a gf fic about ‘what if ford never made the portal’, written like 2015-16, and yeah i did know of and even read a bit of fic beforehand but i was never into it) but just READING ? the land of stories by chris colfer, easy. mmmmmmmmm that was my fucking Thing. if i wasnt a baby at that time i would have WROTE. SO. MUCH. GOOD GOD. IT WAS MY THING. THE THING THAT GOT ME INTO NOVELS. URGH. alex my iconic mentally ill bisexual, conner my precious cynical boy. i need to read those again my GOD now i think about it that was fairytale fanfiction that happejed to bepublished and ohhhhh it was beautiful. im gonna read jt . iM GONNA DO IT!!!!
3c) in writing in general or just fanfic? for fanfic its that one day i had an gf fic idea (that i had to heavily revise/rewrite, but it did end up getting out eventually) that i hadnt read anything like it, and i wanted to see it. decided: hey, im shit at writing, but might as well!!!!!! 65k words later, its not a joke anymore. im a Writer now :) but as for in general, well ofc reading books. people told me in the past im creative and should get into book writing if you like reading so much. i decided well im gonna do it professionally, but might as well do something tiny, so i well uh wrote. im not gonna tell you but it certainly was Something. classic isekai mary sue dramatic plot hybrids etc etc etc but actually the queen the mc is “related” to is actually polyam and was in a relationship with both their dad and their mom and the big villain is the queen’s sister who’s pissed that both of her lovers ditched her for the human world (but actually they had to break up because because the society was not polyam friendly. there just happened to be a war after that). everything else was basic isekai except for that little crumble of lore. the queen was a bisexual. the dad was a pansexual. the mom was a lesbian. i think i ate there to be honest
3d) mmmmmm i gotta think. there was definitely a gf x amphibia au where ford got ploped in amphibia and the plantars IMMEDIATELY stole him and wrapped him up in their adventures right when the plot starting becoming a thing (early season 2). there’s one where stan and ford just….. climb a tree. it’s laced with a lot of philosophical talks straight from good omens knowledge but ultimately its just goody fun. mmmmm theres one where gabriel has no idea what crowley looks like, but he DOES know what Bildad The Shuite looks like, itd be tiny but so so so so funny. the gf/gomens crossover…..a human au based on that one tumblr post about a necromancer bringing people back from the dead to fuck with the killer and opening a discord support group….. the s1 humans + aziraphale being the victims, crowley the necromancer, and the s2 humans being the nosy outsiders who Notice things happens but can never say shit. oughhhh……… Yeah. yeah, thats good. most of these are recent except 4 the amphibia one, wouldnt change much about it even with the shit i know now EXCEPT being able to handle the relationships/emotions between the characters better, ive certainly gotten better at it and i love it. i havent published any bc either i started but couldnt finished, or just thought it was neat and moved on to plop it in the ideas folder and wait 4 inspiration.
OKAY THATS A LOT BUT THERE YOU GO sorry for the wait, man. you’re my best cupperty you know that right 🫵 ANSWERS!!!!! and ill work on titanic as fast as i can, it hasnt been forgotten !! i just gotta mow the grass….. (“short” fic wips)
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luliho · 5 months
where did you get the information that Tsubaki was THE least popular ?? :0 /gen
i wanna find more about the deresute fandom but idk where to start
Okay so I have long lost the spreadsheet. But someone I was in a Discord with once linked a spreadsheet of the yearly election results + fanart stats + some other random things. And he had tried to average all that info to figure out who was the least popular. So it wasn't official or anything, just observations and the data released about the popularity elections. But I remember me and my friends always bringing up Tsubaki deserving better lol.
The wiki is good for sure!! And there used to be a lot of English subtitled commus on YouTube. I think you can see commus 1-3 for most girls. Otherwise there is so little in English :( I had a bookmarked site with a bunch of the old stories in Japanese if that's any interest to you I could try to track it down. But honestly I learned the most CG lore from talking to other people since there are so many characters!
Idk if this is any better than the wiki really, but I use this gamedbs too! Here's the page with a list of the newest cards. you can also see all cards/comics/outfits by idol
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msbarrows · 6 months
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Screenshots from playing my ongoing family. I'm currently on the... 6th generation? I think?
From an earlier post about this particular family line: It started off with Cloud Banks, who had a son, River Banks, with Michael Bell (the Creature Keeper). River eventually met and married Tank Grunt. They adopted a girl, then (cheated - this was pre-science baby) two more girls and a boy (Averie Banks, Cecelia Grunt, Ocean Tank, and West River - gave them different surnames so their descendants would have more of a mix). Ocean Tank had a hookup with Death that led to her son Damiano Tank, after which she married and had two more children (Alfred and Casey Tank). Damiano married a random Mt. Konorebi sim, Etsuko, and they had a son, Sephiroth Tank, and a daughter, Gem. They separated for a while, during which Damiano raised Seph while Etsuko raised Gem, after which they both divorced and remarried, and Etsuko had another child, Kiara Matsudo (autonomous game actions after I'd moved the two of them back in together once Seph was old enough for university).
Sephiroth changed his surname to du Ciel after becoming a vampire. Molly Prescott (his BFF from high school) helped him have a science baby, Jaxson, before she paired up with Ash Miura, while Seph went on to eventually marry a younger man, Benson, who is descended from the MacKay family line I played for a generation in StrangerVille to do the storyline there. Jaxson refers to them as the Dads and the Moms, though Ash is GNC and doesn't use gendered pronouns. (Okay yes, Jaxs is 6th gen.)
I accidentally graduated Jaxson from high school early by accepting a phone call from the high school principal (whoops). It's been long enough since I was last playing TS4 consistently that I was finding running the du Ciel household difficult; two adults, one of whom never sleeps and works from home, a teenager no longer away most of the day, and a baby, Cecelia, needing constant monitoring and help... yeah. So Jaxson took a share of the household funds and moved out to a furnished basement apartment (he could have afforded much better but I wanted to try out the lot I just built).
He got a job in manual labour on the weekends, and also went ahead and enrolled in university as a teen. I had him working on an easy two credits per week, so he had tons of free time for skills building and goofing off in between classes and work. Also had him continue going to events at the high school, so he could meet and socialize with more teens.
It was at a cheerleading rally where he met Leigh River, a football team member, who judging by the last name is a cousin of some degree to him. She seemed a bit dubious about him at first, and they don't have any particular chemistry, but he was crushing hard. They still managed to become solid friends pretty quickly, and then BFFs. They went on outings with other friends, and eventually dated, and shared their first kiss. (She's non-flirty so advancement on the romance front has been slow.)
At the end of their second date she grew up to YA status, with him only about 2/3 of the way through his own teenagehood. Gah.
They continued seeing each other as friends. He spent some time with the moms and the dads and met all six (!!!) of his half-siblings, Seph and Benson having had two more girls since he left home (Evelyn and Emilie du Ciel), and Molly & Ash also being up to three (a girl and two boys - Annabella, Patrick, and Elliot Miura). Finally he reached his own birthday and became a YA, with just a few days left before he'll finish his last semester in University!
He and Leigh went on another date; she was still single, so they're now officially boyfriend and girlfriend. She's moved in with him, and once he graduates university they'll be house hunting for a better place to live than his basement apartment.
And yup, she turned out to be a cousin; her paternal grandfather was West River, so she's 5th gen to Jaxs' 6th. I'll probably have them pick out a new surname when they marry, to differentiate them and their descendants from all the side branches of the family.
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fanged-planetarium · 2 months
this blog is safe for any alters from hated/problematic sources like Harry Potter or the DreamSMP. we have alters from both of these sources and don't want to exclude anyone just because of their source.
the only exception is if you still support the creators and their wrong doings. /gen /srs (read the "Please Read" at the bottom for more info on this/our stance on the creators)
we use we/us and I/me interchangeably as well as mostly type in lowercase!!
some of us use tone tags but some don't/forget. if you're confused about the tone on anything just ask! we'll gladly clarify anything that we say if you're confused.
we will not censor food, drinks, names, pronouns, disabilities, race, ethnicities, nationalities, body types. we also will not censor and of our introject's sources, if someone's source is triggering to you just don't interact. <3
we will censor flashing gifs/videos, any type of gore or SH (although I very highly doubt we'll post any of those two)
please don't come into our DMs or inbox just to start discourse on any of these, just simply don't interact if you don't agree. however, genuine questions about any of the stuff listed are okay as long as you're polite and genuinely curious/wanting to know about it.
endo/tulpa and pro-endo/tulpa blogs
pro ship
pro ana/ED blogs
cringe culture blogs
supporters/fans of Dream (MCYT)
queer or system discourse blogs
NSFW accounts
political blogs
anti xenogender
anti neopronoun
anti agere/petre
anti furry
anti system
anti selfdxed
anti anti
anti DNI
Please Read:
I, the host of the Fanged Planetary System, am making this official announcement to say that we DO NOT SUPPORT J.K. Rowling or any of her TERF views.
We are making this statement because we do have a few Harry Potter fictives. we are bodily and collectively trans. The Harry Potter books and movies are a huge part of who we are and were one of the few good things from our childhood that we were able to cling onto into adult hood. If you are going to come into our DMs or ASKs to state discours about this, you will be blocked as it is incredibly harmful to those fictives, who have done nothing wrong, to see so much hate on them and their source.
we also don't, nor have we ever, been a fan of Dream (MCYT). we do not support or excuse anything he, or anyone else problematic from the DSMP, has done. our only alter is a fem!Tommy who goes by Nika and is mostly disconnected from her source. the only thing she has really kept from source is her appearance and some of her interests.
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
Day 3 of the @domaystic prompt challenge: "List"
Ace Attorney | Gen | SFW | 1,382 words
Relationships: Kay Faraday & Trucy Wright, Athena Cykes & Apollo Justice & Phoenix Wright & Trucy Wright
POV Kay Faraday
Summary: The unofficial rules of the Wright Anything Agency.
“Okay, one more paper to sign, and we’re all done, Kay,” Trucy says, bouncing on her toes with a little tilt to her head.
“Awesome! Bring it on, kiddo.”
Trucy says it like she feels bad about it, but really, Kay’s barely even been here for fifteen minutes, and that’s only because her instincts simply won’t allow her to sign any papers she hasn’t gone over with a fine-toothed comb—yes, even when it’s coming from your friend’s “friend’s” weird little daughter. Becoming an official member of the Wright Anything Agency has been an absolute breeze.
Of course, it’s only a temporary contract. Kay just needs some specific credentials for the job she’s about to go on, and that includes being employed by a legal office like the WAA. Which, surprisingly, is actually considered to be a legal office in the eyes of, well, the law.
After three months, she’ll be out again. She’s done this once or twice with Mr. Edgeworth before, getting him to sign her on as a legal assistant so that she can gain better access to things she’s not supposed to have access to. He justifies it to himself by saying that the only way to stop Kay from breaking the law is to make the things she’s doing less illegal. This is, of course, correct.
This time, though, she can’t go to Mr. Edgeworth, because the legality of her current mission is slightly more dubious. Bless his heart, but Mr. Edgeworth is so rigid, it’s best to just let him turn a blind eye sometimes for his own mental well-being. So here she is, speaking to Trucy, because Kay knows that Trucy knows that “legality” is less of a boolean yes-or-no and more of a sliding scale.
Trucy hands her the last sheet, and the first thing Kay notices about it is that it’s not actually a printed document—it’s a photocopy of a printed document. The text is straight, but the margins are slightly offset. As a Great Thief (and a paralegal), obviously it’s her job to notice this kind of thing.
Across the top, in big bold letters, it reads:
Unofficial Rules of the Wright Anything Agency
“Hey Trucy,” Kay starts. “Why do I have to sign this if it’s unofficial?”
“Oh, it’s not legally binding or anything,” Trucy says flippantly. “It’s more like, um… a petition, I guess? You’re just kind of stating your support or your intent. That’s what Daddy said, anyways, when I tried to make it actually legally binding.”
“Oh, okay,” she replies. Kay isn’t in the habit of signing things she doesn’t totally need to, but she also likes to think of herself as a very generous person, so she gives the document a look.
It’s just an ordered list, reading:
1. If Athena is in the kitchenette, then everyone else has to leave.
“Off to an understandable start,” Kay comments.
“Yeah, we made Athena write the first rule because the whole thing was her idea. She said she was confused by our workplace dynamic and we needed to lay out some proper guidelines.”
Kay thinks it’s a good thing Athena doesn’t visit the Prosecutor’s Office very often, then.
2. There is no toilet cleaning schedule and there never will be. We acknowledge the inconvenience this may cause, and subsequently ignore it. 3. Trucy’s glitter gel pens are off-limits. 4. Apollo and Athena must refer to Charley as ‘Mr. Charley’, as he is senior staff. 5. Mr. Wright may redirect all odd jobs and requests towards their legal branch members. 6. Chess.com is banned until further notice. 7. All HR complaints go to Trucy. 8. Personal note: Don’t get into bets with Trucy. 9. Personal note: No matter what Trucy says, it is NOT Talk Like A Pirate Day. Do not believe her.
Kay flashes a side-long glance at the young girl sitting before her.
“You aren’t terrorizing your employees too much, are you?”
Trucy pouts. “If I tell you the truth, are you going to publish an expose about it?”
“Not if I sign this paper, I won’t!”
10. Personal note: Do not share existential fun facts with Apollo, it scares him.
Kay puts the paper down for a second. “So, just to clarify…”
“Regarding these personal notes, am I specifically agreeing that Athena should follow these rules, or am I agreeing to keep these notes in mind for personal endeavors?”
“Uh…” Trucy frowns. “Well, I dunno, I’m not the lawyer around here!”
Kay blinks. Honestly, she kind of doubts the whole clueless act—after all, Trucy is apparently responsible for putting together all the other employee forms, and that requires at least a little bit of business awareness—and she’s also grinning really wide, with that innocent look in her eyes, and it reminds her so much of Phoenix’s bluffing face that it honestly makes Kay a little sick to her stomach. In an awwe kind of way, not an eww kind of way.
“Yeah, okay,” she cedes.
11. Any changes to file organization standards MUST be fielded by Apollo before being applied to every document in the agency. 12. Trucy may request the magical assistance of any employee. All employees, regardless of specialization, are additionally listed as magician’s assistants on the WAA website. 13. Non-negotiable: When in the office, Athena’s lunch break starts at 1:00 PM, no matter what “important investigation” she may be busy with at the time. She is expected to plan her schedule accordingly. -Phoenix
Ooh, scary Mr. Wright. Kay supposes having a kid will do that to you.
14. Anyone is allowed to drink Mr. Wright’s grape juice, because it really is just grape juice? 15. Whoever won the case must pay for Eldoon’s, regardless of whether they’ve received compensation yet. 16. Trucy may not provide Evidence Disappearing Services unless specifically requested. 17. Nobody is allowed to actually make fun of Apollo’s forehead. 18. The protein bars stationed at multiple points around the office are for ATHENA ONLY. Do not eat. 19. All pranks are permitted, provided they are not cruel or unusual in any way. Dangerous pranks are okay. 20. Addendum: Dangerous pranks are NOT okay?? -Apollo 21. Addendum: Dangerous pranks are okay. -Phoenix 22. Addendum: Dangerous pranks are okay. -Trucy 23. I’m staying out of this one. -Athena 24. No alliances. 25. Most importantly, if the opportunity arises to gently bully Apollo, it is your duty to seize this opportunity and “yes, and” it into oblivion.
And… huh.
“Y’know, these are actually surprisingly tame,” Kay says finally.
Trucy gasps. “Oh, right, you go to the prosecutor’s office kind of a lot, don’t you? All of this must just be chump change to you!”
“You bet! It’s seriously lucky they’ve got Mr. Edgeworth around to keep everything in check, otherwise it’d become a hostile workplace environment in two seconds.”
“So… does that mean you’ll be signing, Auntie Kay?”
Ooh, pulling out the big guns, huh? Lucky for her, Kay’s got a strong mind, and recovers from the Auntie Card fairly quickly.
“Tell me again what happens if I don’t sign it?”
To be clear, all of the terms seem pretty reasonable to Kay—she just wants to know what Trucy will say.
“Well, legally, I don’t do anything to you if you don’t,” Trucy says thoughtfully.
Kay grins. “And what about illegally?”
“Kay!” Trucy cries. “You think I would do something illegal? That’s totally crazy-talk! My dad’s a lawyer, you know.”
Ooh, good answer. Nice and dodgey.
“That’s totally exactly what I would say, kiddo. Get me a pen, pretty please?”
Trucy brightens at that, running off to grab one of her oh-so-sacred glitter gel pens.
Sitting there for just a moment in the silence, Kay thinks about this weird, wonderful little family that she’s found, and how it all comes back to that day in the courthouse when she first met Mr. Edgeworth. It’s been so long since then, it’s kind of crazy to think about how intertwined Kay has been with these people, albeit unknowingly, for so much of her life. Patting the old, faded cravat in her pocket, she thinks about how lucky she is to have made so many amazing friends.
When Trucy comes back, Kay signs the list with a flair befitting a Great Thief.
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Chapter 1- Part 1
By the way- since Tumblr has a limit on how many images someone can put on a single post, I’ll need to be splitting these updates into multiple parts. No worries, though- I’ll make sure to keep all posts corresponding to specific chapters linked up with each other.
So now, let’s boot up the game! If you wanna download it yourself and give it a try, you can find the download on the official website.
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I gotta say, just looking at this title screen with my own eyes is getting me excited already. Starting a new game always does that for me- a fresh new experience, new adventure!
Also can I just say this title screen music goes so hecking hard, like this is a jam, holy crud- 
Okay enough waiting around, let’s actually get this started...
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And by that I mean mess around with the control scheme for a moment-
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Would it have been easier to just leave the controls at their default? Maybe, but I just prefer using WASD to move around, yell at me in the notes for my setup if it satisfies you.
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Ah, and here we are at our character selection! I like the ticket styling here, and from the first look the sprites look good. Though- is that the Gen 3 style of spritework? All tiny like that? I probably shoulda expected that when they said it was “Emerald-styled”, actually-
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It also doesn’t look like any of them have a set gender at default, I think? It seems like it’s just split between “black hair, blondie, or white anime hair (affectionate)”- either way, everyone here looks GNC has heck and I love that for all of them. 
Still, none of these really match what I really look like, so…I’ll go with the white-haired one at the end, just to see what happens when I pick them-
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Ah, you can pick your gender regardless of which avatar you choose! Neat! I’m gonna look edgy and no one can stop me-
Also, as you can see, my character’s name for this playthrough will be “X”- that’s the name I typically choose for myself when naming characters in games like this, and Reborn will be no different.
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Also, you guys can’t hear this because it’s just images, but like- I think this ticketmaster is doing all of this on a typewriter?? Because when all that other stuff (ARR, Seat Number, etc.) was being inputted, the audio was typewriter sounds?? I thought the ticket UI was just for the aesthetic, but- is this station actually that old???
Hello??? Sir??? We have technology, you know that, right????
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The old fence post that is your workspace apparently-
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You know, I’m a little curious about that myself- why are we going to Reborn City? Is the player character gonna have a backstory of some sort? The regular Pokémon protagonists have backstories, even if it’s usually as simple as “you’ve lived in this town your whole life, you turn a certain age, now take this starter and go forth and fight Trainers to become the very best”, but it’s there still. 
What’s this character’s motivation? Is that something I’ll have to come up with for myself? Audience surrogate taken to the max? Because I can do that, I can work with that-
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Ambition- is that our true motivation? Or is that merely the perception of the ancient ticketmaster? Questions to be answered later, I'm sure.
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AW YEAH, TRAIN SOUNDS (and the background is doing a moving effect too, but again you can’t see it through the screenshot, alas)
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Oh honey we viewed them quite closely not too long ago, I think we’re good-
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Nice animation with the train we got going here, interesting to see that multi-colored emblem from the title screen on it…again, implications to be answered later.
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Oh? Those are the other avatar characters we could have picked. Are they going to be NPCs or something? You know, like in Gen III with Brendan/May or Gen IV with Lucas/Dawn or Legends Arceus with Rei/Akari?
Also, this BGM for being on the train here slaps, the music is pretty good so far.
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Man, lots of white-haired folk around here, who’s this now?
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Ah, a recruiter- so the others are more Trainers, like us. Again- are they going to be NPCs since they aren’t the player character? They must have canon names or something, but there’s definitely a lot of them- eh, we’ll just have to see.
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ladyescapism · 2 years
acotar next gen- part 3 
summary: hey! this mini series will be about the children of the IC and a few other characters. ships include feysand, nessian, gwenriel, and elucien. I will include a list of OCs and ages that is updated each part.
warnings: slut shaming, swearing
wc: 3,700
o.c. list:
Persephone, age 17 - feysand's daughter
Calliope, age 17 - nessian's daughter (not mentioned)
Catrin, age 17 - gwenriel's daughter (not mentioned)
Adonis, age 23 - gwenriel's son (not mentioned)
Malec aka Mal, age 19 - eris's son
Aston, age 16 - elucian's son
Marco, age 13 - tarquin's son
Thorne, age 21 - tamlin's son
Aria, age 15 - Thesean's niece
“You will behave, Persephone,” Rhys said sternly to his daughter. “I will not have a scene risking this alliance.” 
“I know, Daddy,” said the 17-year-old with an eye roll. “I know how to be polite and what to say and how to dance and make some friends, even if for the night.” 
At that Nyx snorted. 
Feyre came up behind her son and lightly smacked him on the back of the head. “Don’t be mean to your sister.” 
“I didn’t even say anything, Mama,” Nyx defended.
“Are we ready,” Rhys interrupted. “The sooner we get there, the sooner it is acceptable to leave.” 
“Grump,” Feyre teased her mate. “Afraid you’ll miss out on your beauty sleep?” 
“Yes, darling. Not all of us find beauty as effortlessly as you.” 
“Uggh, gross,” Persephone groaned. She had been subject to her parents’ shameless flirting for as long as she could remember. 
Her parents just looked at each other and smiled. 
“Okay,” Rhys said, tearing his eyes from Feyre. “Let’s go.” 
Feyre took Nyx’s hand while Rhys took Persephone’s to winnow them to the Forest House. 
The party was in full swing when the Night Court family arrived, despite being only two minutes late according to the invitation. 
Immediately, they were greeted by Eris. 
The children bowed or curtsied in respect to him. 
“Good evening, Rhysand and Feyre,” the High Lord said, bowing his head in respect. “Welcome back to my home.” 
Rhys returned the polite greetings. After speaking with her parents, Eris turned his attention to the young female. 
“Hello, Persephone.” He reached out his hand, indicating that he wanted to start a conversation with her, and she would need to curtsy to him again. 
“Good evening, Lord Eris.” She took his hand, dropping her foot back and dipping low enough so that her head reached approximately the center of his chest, the proper greeting from a Daughter of another court to a High Lord. 
“This is your first official event as a lady, is it not?” 
“Yes, lord.” She met his eyes. “My 17th birthday was two months ago, and this is the first party I have been too since.” 
“Well, you look stunning, dear.” 
“Thank you,” she said, resisting the urge to bow her head and blush at the compliment. She was wearing a black gown, of course. It was fitted to her body, hugging her breasts and hips. The only revealing aspect was the dresses arms and upper chest were a black sheer.  Her father demanded that she be covered from neck to ankle if she attended. She was, but her mother had found a loophole to exploit for her daughter. 
“Will you dance with me this evening?” 
Rhys stiffened and everyone noticed. 
“With your father’s permission, of course,” Eris quickly tacked on. 
“If she is willing then we have no problem with it,” Feyre answered for her mate, only slightly annoyed at the antiquated tradition. Between the ages of 17 to 25, any male that wanted to dance with Persephone would have the ask Rhys for permission first. 
“I would love to, Lord Eris.” 
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” 
The High Lord of Autumn dipped his head once more and walked off to greet another guest. 
Persephone turned to her parents and asked if she could go find Malec, Eris’ son. “He still has a book of mine I need to hound him for.” 
“I’ll go with her,” Nyx offered, eager to protect and annoy his sister. 
“Fine,” Rhys agreed. 
The siblings started moving through the crowd looking for the other young male. It only took the siblings a few minutes to him. 
Mal was an attractive male, Persephone thought. He already his father’s height and not even fully grown. His usually shaggy hair was styled up and over, giving him a princely look instead of the usual rouge he went for. He was wearing a deep green suit jacket embroidered with gold, a white shirt, and brown pants. Mal was probably the only male in the room sporting gold necklaces, rings, and earrings alongside khol lined eyes. 
Along with his father’s height and shocking hair, he inherited the Vanserra family arrogance. He wasn’t mean-spirited in any way, just cocky and obnoxious at times. Like all young males. 
Mal was standing near the drink table, looking around the room. When his eyes found the siblings, his face lit up. 
“Seph, Nyx! Over here!” 
He was waving his arms like a lunatic. 
Before Persephone could make the last few feet on her own, Mal lunged forward and pulled her into a hug. 
“I just saw you two months ago, Mal,” she laughed. 
“Too long,” he mumbled into her shoulder. 
Mal had a hard time making real friends, like Persephone did. Sure, there were people that wanted to be around them, but only because of their parents, not them. Whereas Persephone was fine on her own or with her cousins, Mal was a social creature. He thrived when he was around others. Persephone knew that he was alone most days and how hard it was for him. 
The two had bonded over a shared love of puzzle games. They met for the first time when her and Nyx was assigned to give Mal a tour of Velaris while their father’s had a meeting. A friendship that a mostly maintained through letters was born.
“I missed you too, Mal.” 
Mal pulled away and the boys did that weird handshake turned hug that included hitting each other on the back.  
“So,” Persephone asked. “Who else is here that we know?” 
“Let’s see,” Mal started. “Our cousin from Day is supposed to be coming soon, as well as Thorne. Kallis and Vivienne are not bringing Nico or Veronica, but Tarquin is bringing Marco. Thesean is bringing his niece, Aria. And of course, Arta has been confined to her rooms.” 
Persephone thought about the group that would be there tonight. Aston would hang out with them. He was Elain and Lucien’s son, making him both her and Mal’s cousin. Nico and Ronnie were both too young to be here by Winter Court standards. Tarquin had changed the rules regarding when children could start going to social events, so even at 13, Marco would be coming. Aria is a dear but might stick next to her uncle the entire night if she isn’t pried away. And Thorne would probably ignore them. 
“Oooh,” Nyx teased is sister. “Your husband is coming! Do you think you’ll dance with him?” 
Persephone rolled her eyes. Marco was four years younger than her but still looked like he was age 10 or younger. His head only reached her boobs, and he was all knees and elbows. He also followed her around like a lost puppy, hanging on her every word. He was nice to have around when she wanted someone to do something for her, like get a drink. He would without a second thought. But it made her uncomfortable to have someone giving her the moon eyes constantly. 
“She’d smack him in the face with her boobs,” Mal laughed. 
“He’d love it,” Nyx added. 
Both boys were snickering at thought. 
“Alright, enough about my boobs. Nyx, try to pry Aria away from her uncle’s side tonight. I like her company.” 
Nyx just grinned at the idea. Aria had a crush on Nyx, and everyone knew it, including him. However, Nyx was a better person that she was and only teased Aria a little bit to make her blush, not fetch him drinks. 
“Hello, dearest Persephone,” came a voice from behind her. She turned and angled her head down to greet him. 
“Hello, Marco.” He was dressed fully in white, with dark blue accents. He looked like a child who played dress-up in his father’s clothes. The with set off his dark skin and sun-bleached hair. His eyes, a light blue, were looking up at her like she hung to moon, stats, and sun. 
“You look really pretty tonight, Lady,” he said. “Like a warm, comforting summer’s night.” 
He was the first person to refer to her as ‘Lady’. She took a deep breath. “Thank you, you look handsome as well. That suit really complements your complexion.” 
“Really!” The boy was practically beaming. 
“Aston,” Mal shouted, “Were over here!” Everyone turned to look for Aston. 
Her cousin began to walk their way. The male was the spitting image of his mother. Same deep brown eyes, mahogany hair, and soft features. 
“Good evening, cousins,” he said to the group, not seeing Marco behind Persephone. He noticed the boy when he stepped around the female. “And Marco. Sorry, champ, didn’t see you there.” 
“It’s fine,” the young male chirped. 
Mal repeated who all was coming to Aston. 
“Great,” the male groaned. “Thorne is coming.” 
“My thoughts exactly,” Persephone agreed. 
“Don’t worry, my love,” Marco piped up. “If he bothers you, I’ll beat him up. I’ve been working on my hand-to-hand combat.” 
He punctuated his declaration with a few punches into the air. Persephone huffed out a laugh as the other males tried to hold back their laughter. 
Nyx clapped him on the shoulder, “Good to know she’ll be protected.” 
Marco looked up at the male and said with all seriousness, “With my life.” 
The group quickly changed subject from Marco dying for Persephone to various court gossip to how annoying their parents are. 
“Dad insisted on coming to the dress makers with Mama and I,” she explained to the others, now joined by Aria. “He insisted on having no slit, not even one that just went up to me knee, changed the fabric twice to something that would cling to my body, and no jewels. It took Mama three days to convince him that the sheer part was not scandalous.” 
“He’s just looking out for you,” Aria said softly. “At least you’re here. My parents hardly let me out of the house.” 
Persephone looked at the girl and sighed. “You haven’t run off into the sunset with any handsome winged male yet?” 
Aria’s cheeks turned the color of Mal’s hair. 
“No — Who — I -- Stoooppp,” Aria whined. 
“I mean one of the handsome Peregrine soldiers yet. Who else?” 
Persephone gave Aria a wicked grin. Before the teasing could continue, Aston came and tapped her on the shoulder. 
“Have you been paying attention to Thorne at all tonight?” 
“I try not to,” she said. “Why?” 
“Well, I overheard him talking to some of the Spring and Autumn lordlings and he is saying that you gave him a blowjob earlier tonight in the bushes.” 
“That’s ridiculous,” Persephone exclaimed. “I wouldn’t touch him with a 10-foot pole. Besides, I’ve been inside all night!” 
“I know that and anyone with eyes knows that, but the lordlings are spreading the rumor like wildfire.” 
Persephone’s chest started getting tight and she felt like everyone’s eyes were on her. 
“I’m going to kill that bastard,” Mal said.
“Mal,” Persephone pleaded. “Don’t make any more drama. If you give him attention, then he gets what he wants.” 
“Darling, I’m a Vanserra.” He set his drink down. “Drama is my middle name.” He disappeared into the crowd before she could stop him. Nyx, Aston, and Marco followed. He latter vowing to defend her honor to whatever end.
“Let’s go find your parents,” Aria offered. “They’ll know what to do.” 
After asking a random person if they had seen the High Lord of the Night Court anywhere, the girls set off to find the west patio. Neither girl had been in this part of the Forest House and their guide left them. 
The girls made their way outside, and they could see the patio. But it was on the other end of the house. 
“Are we going back inside and trying to find a way through the house or trekking,” Aria asked Persephone. 
“Walking. It’s a nice night. Besides, that house is a maze.”
The girls made it all of 20 feet when the bastard of the hour and his cronies made their appearance. They came out of another door, one that had been shut and locked behind them. 
“Well, well,” Thorne started. “If it isn’t the slut and the prude. What a pair you make.” His cronies laughed. 
“Go away, Thorne,” Aria said, trying her best to be intimidating.
“No, Aria. I won’t. I was coming to see if Sephy here would give a repeat performance.” 
“You know,” an Autumn court lordling mused. “They say that she and Mal are a thing, and her father lets him fuck her regularly to keep the peace between Night and Autumn.” 
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Thorne laughed. “Like father like daughter.” 
Persephone could feel the anger bubbling in her chest. She had always had a temper, but her dad was trying to teach her to control it. 
People will be sacred of you, dove. They will hate you for making them sacred. You can use that perception to your advantage, but never give them a reason to crucify you. If you give them a reason, it will be nearly impossible to get people to trust you. Losing your temper and hurting someone is a sure-fire way to make sure no one ever trusts you again. And in our line of work, trust is everything.   
Taking her dad’s advice, all she said was, “Step aside, Thorne.” 
She kept her voice even and calm. She kept her shoulders squared, showing no fear or submissiveness. She flared her wings a little, trying to make her appearance a little bigger, a trick that occasionally worked on Illyrian males.  
“And what precisely do you think you can do to make me,” Thorne laughed.
“She’s the Heir of Night, you fools,” Aria hissed, now standing partially behind Persephone’s wing. “You don’t want to see what she can do.” 
Persephone was silently cursing her friend. She was hoping to get out of this with intimidation alone, but now she was going to have to use what Cassian called a show of force. 
Think, Seph, think. What could you do that would scare them but not hurt them. 
“So be it,” she taunted, trying her best to sound like Aunt Mor. “We are in Autumn after all. Why not honor our host?” 
With that, she summoned a ring of fire around the group of males. 
“Hey, what the hell,” someone from the group shouted. 
Persephone grabbed Aria’s hand to walk around the group of males. Thorne rushed the ring of fire, attempting to scare the girls, but Persephone made the fire flare when he got too close to it. 
“Let us out, you bitch!” 
“And what precisely do you think you can do to make me,” she chided, adding extra movement to her hips as she walked away. 
“You’ll regret this,” Thorned shouted. 
The girls made it to the patio where Rhys, Feyre, and some other of the less sociable of the High Lords were. 
“Daddy, Mama,” Persephone called when she got close to the patio. They immediately turned around to find their daughter. 
Persephone ran into her father’s arms and Aria went straight to her uncle’s side. 
“Girls, what’s wrong,” Feyre asked concerned. “What happened?” 
She stepped back from her father’s arms, “You know how you asked me not to make a scene?” 
“Yes,” Rhys said, narrowing his eyes. 
“Well, I might have encircled a group of males who were threatening us in a ring of fire, and they are still stuck there. Also, the group might include Thorne and other nobles.” 
Rhys let out a deep sigh. 
“But they were threatening us,” she added on. “Not to mention calling us names and spreading rumors about me.” 
“Sexual rumors,” Aria said. 
“Well, are they true,” a new voice asked. 
“Tamlin, I am speaking with my daughter,” Rhys snapped at the other High Lord. “And do not ask such questions.” 
“Well, given my child is trapped in a ring of fire at her making, so I suppose it is in my right to ask questions.”
He wanted to ask questions but didn’t seem all too concerned with his son’s safety. 
“Persephone, how about be let down the right of fire, and then tell us what happened,” Eris, who was also on the patio, offered, trying to smooth this over before anyone got hurt. 
“Fine,” she mumbled, releasing her magic keeping the ring of fire burning. 
“Tell me what happened,” Rhys demanded. 
“Well, I was at the party and talking to Aria when Aston came up to me to ask if I had heard what Thorne was saying about me. I had no idea but Aston said that Thorne was telling everyone that I gave him a blowjob in the bushes when he got here, but I didn’t even go outside till later.” 
Rhys’ lips tinned and his eyebrows pinched together. Persephone kept on with the story.
“The boys ran off into the party trying to find Thorne to – I don’t know they were going to do. I never do, to be honest. Then, Aria suggested that we come try to find you. We ended up outside, but we were all the way at the other end of the house, so we started walking around the outside to avoid the party. Thorne and his cronies intercepted us and started taunting us. He was all like ‘Look, a slut and a prude. What a pair, blah blah blah.’ 
Rhys now had his arms crossed and the other High Lords, except Tamlin, were joining him in anger. While some of them had their own problems with her parents, everyone loved Persephone. 
“When we told him to leave us alone, he was all like ‘Make me’. Then someone,” She gave Aria a pointed look. “had to go and be all like ‘She’s the heir of night, don’t mess with her,’ and then I trapped them in fire to keep them still while we went around. And they we came and found you.” 
Rhys looked up at Tamlin. “Looks like your spawn got what he deserved.” 
“I think you need to control your daughter,” he spat. 
“Yeah,” Thorne added, now having made his way to the patio. “She’s crazy. I didn’t spread any rumors and I was trying to see if she needed help, being outside without a male present. And she just threatened us and trapped us in fire. Right, boys?” 
Thorne was almost convincing. Except none of his boys backed up his story. They all looked at their shoes. For all the power Thorne held over them, no one was willing to lie to the High Lord of the Night Court for him. 
Thorne instantly knew that with no one to back up his story, he was screwed. 
“Father, please. You have to believe me. She could have killed me.”  
“I believe you, son,” Tamlin said unconvincingly. 
“If you know she could have killed you, why did you start messing with her,” Thesean asked, concerned for his niece. 
“She attacked us out of nowhere, Lord Thesean!” 
“I have known Persephone her whole life,” Thesean said. “She is not one to attack unprovoked. I know her parents have taught her better than that.” 
Rhys beamed a little at the compliment while Tamlin scoffed.
“Listen here, little girl,” Tamlin sneered as he took a step closer to Persephone. “If you ever--”
Feyre stepped in front of her daughter before Tamlin could get any closer. 
“If you ever,” she interrupted, “get near my daughter like that again you will be shown exactly how us females get when you threaten our children. And when I’m done, Rhys will make there is nothing left for your son to bury.” 
Fear flashed in Tamlin’s eyes before he scoffed and turned away. Thorne rushed after him and the cronies dissipated. 
Feyre pulled Persephone into a tight embrace that she returned. 
“Well, that was exciting,” Eris said, trying to cut the tension. “If you wish to leave after such events, then I won’t be offended. You will just owe me a dance.”  
Persephone released her mother and looked over her shoulder at her dad, who gave her a simple nod. 
“I am a female of my word, Lord Eris. Let’s dance.” 
“I am not arguing.” 
Before they could make it into the ball room, Mal, Nyx, Marco, and Aston rushed out onto the patio. All of them panting and red in the face like thy all ran 10 miles to get there. 
“We came as quickly as we could,” Mal panted out. “We heard about you going outside to the east patio, but you weren’t there, so we figured it was the west patio and ran around to get here.” 
“The east patio is right over there,” Eris questioned. “Did you take the long way around?” 
“Apparently, we did,” Mal wheezed. “And apparently, I need to work out more.” 
Marco, ever the dear, was more concerned with Persephone than anything else. “We saw the scorched ground. Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, Marco,” she said, reaching out to mess with hair. “Thanks for trying to help though.” 
She looked up at the other panting males, “It looks like I’m better off saving myself than waiting on you lot, though.” 
Everyone on the patio laughed. 
Eris offered Persephone a hand to lead her out the door, turned when Marco demanded she wait. 
“Where are you going,” he asked, eyes narrowing at Eris. 
“I promised Lord Eris I would dance with him,” she explained. 
Marco whipped his head around to look at Rhys and Feyre. 
“Lord Rhysand, Lady Feyre,” he greeted with a deep bow. “May I share a dance with Lady Persephone this evening?” 
“I think you’re a little young, Marco,” Feyre said gently. 
“I know all the dances, Lady,” he said eagerly. “I promise.”
Rhys and Feyre shared a look before Rhys said, “If she agrees, then you may.” 
Marco looked at Persephone expectantly. 
“We’ll see.” 
The boy looked like he was on cloud nine. 
Eris moved his dance partner towards to door before Marco could ask more questions. As they made their way through the door, she heard Marco ask another question. 
“Can I marry her, too?”   
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