#ok and encouraged to rb!
situpontheground · 5 months
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butches in their natural habitat (bookstore)
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cimicherrychanga · 11 months
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HUGE thanks to my amazing friend and camerawoman, Lin the panda, for capturing this awesome pic <3
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mandiemegatron · 9 months
Reminder that if you write or draw and don't have a lot of followers, you are still valid and loved in the community! Even if you don't get a lot of interaction, you are still wanted! There will always be at least one person who will look at what you created and will go, "Oh they wrote/drew that just for me." And they will cherish it forever.
Your creations are worth sharing. I may not know you but I love you, and I love what you create. Keep going.
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dedmau · 1 year
i love you autisms who dont want to infodump i love you autisms who dont enjoy infodumping i love you autisms who dont like calling it a "hyperfixation" i love you autisms who arnt the stereotypical information library i love you i love you so much
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ranpd · 2 years
what i say: no dude kissing the homies isnt gay lol
what i mean: kissing shouldnt be inherently romantic. im tired of it being seen as such. i want to be able to kiss my friends and hug them for minutes on end and lean my head on their shoulders and cuddle with them without people looking at us as if we’re dating. it physically hurts for people to see that with me and my friends, especially as an aroallo. i wish we could normalize that sort of intimacy platonically, not just romantically.
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akayna · 9 months
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My latest project is complete! Three-layered embroidery koi pond :3
Lil video trying to show off the layeredness better
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actionsurges · 5 months
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updated photos of why i am such a catch actually
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agdab · 7 months
[columbo voice] heh, well, my wife always says "you know how it is with spaghetti"
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taichouu · 6 months
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grief and mourning. was inspired by paintings of angels, particularly Abbot Handerson Thayer's "Winged Figure" (1889).
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groose · 6 months
apropos of nothing but if you clown about fat people on my blog you will be made into mincemeat on sight. no exceptions.
this is not just like about. blatant proana and antifat rhetoric. if you’re out there infantilising fat people like some kind of pure angel people w the “you look like you give good hugs 🥺/i can tell you’re the mom friend/you’re so fluffy” shit i’m going to get real sick of you real fast.
fat people can and do fuck nasty and are real people with grey morality like everyone else i can’t BELIEVE that even needs to be said. if you equate your tolerance of fat people to whether you can fit them in a box of pure sweet angel or nasty gross pervert. well i think you should be left to the mercy of the earth
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princessmo · 7 months
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✌️☮️🕊️ guy who's about to get brutally injured (mkay?) 🌼🌸💕
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
by the way ‘you’re gross for stanning n*wjeans as an adult’ extends to your favourite content creators and your friends. if your local 30yo is out there dedicating blogs to a 14 year old they’re a fucking weirdo whichever way you look at it. no amount of ‘the music is great’ justifies spending hours of your free time consuming content of a minor when you’re a decade (or more) older than they are. i’ve seen people bending over backwards to defend calling these children attractive (‘i mean it in a sibling way!’) or stan them in the first place (‘i’m employing critical thinking bc i hate min heejin!) but it really doesn’t change anything about who is in charge of them and what they’re being put through and what your ignorance says about you. at this point not knowing anything about the n*wjeans situation is on You and turning a blind eye to adults who stan them makes you just as bad as they are.
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mothnoir · 8 months
OC ask game! What's your OC's...
💧Cry song(s)?
😡Rage song(s)?
🗡Angst song(s)?
🙂Good mood song(s)?
💞Love song(s)?
🕺Dance song(s)?
❤️Favorite song(s)?
💔Least favorite song(s)?
🎸Favorite genre(s)?
🎤Favorite artist(s)?
💿Favorite album(s)?
🫂Are there any songs/artists other OCs have introduced them to?
👀Are there any songs that represent them and another OC('s dynamic/relationship)?
🕑Do they listen to music often?
👋What song(s) best represents their personality?
✍️What song(s) best represents their story?
💥If your OC was having a cool/badass moment, what song would be playing in the background?
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wormonastringtheory · 3 months
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for those who didn't know what i look like this is me! a bubblegum butch
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nuka-rockit · 9 months
you know what really sucks about this Website Improvement (TM) tumblr has been doing lately? there are so many funny posts out there whose punchlines DEPEND on you being able to see the URL. to name a more known one, the url of one-time-i-dreamt posts is usually crucial to the joke. they just removed a whole layer of context for no practical reason. and now that urls are just removed from the posts some jokes straight up don't work anymore. a picture of a pinapple in itself is unremarkable, but a picture of a pineapple with were-ralph attached to it is a completely different story. there's lore there
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Sending all my love, light, and good vibes to every Muslim and brown person this September 11th.
The U.S. faced a huge tragedy on this day, yes, but let's not forget all the harassment, hatred, discrimination, assault, xenophobia, Islamophobia, murder, and more that followed for Muslims and all brown people because of this tragedy. Their pain and their lives matter, too 🤎
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