#oh my heart 🥺
ashxxgyu · 1 year
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These made me tear up because I remembered you said you use to make snowglobes and I thought of what if one day we could make them together and my heart hurts so bad now 🥺
Sweetheart, I was already soft enough and then you send this 🥺
I would love to make them together one day 🥺
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softshuji · 1 year
Right Koko's coming. Izana, you can ask Koko when he gets here he must've been the one to tell her and he'll be able to confirm it. Until then we should wait.
Thank you Rindou. For... *Winces* y'know, everything. Just..... Everything. Sorry for saying all those things to you too, I just thought I was being sweet to you.
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criticalsiderole · 2 years
I’m back from the dead purely from Essek talking about jam
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rucow · 9 minutes
im a simple girl.....i see a picture of the slipknot man with a kitty, i click save
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that-one-weird-cloud0 · 3 months
Danny: *just chilling on the couch while being very still™️ at the Wayne Manor*
Clark: *comes to visit*
Clark: hey Bruce?
Bruce: yes?
Clark: why is there a dead child in your living room?
Bruce: what 0-0
Danny: oh shit
Danny: *starts up heartbeat* better?
Clark: *even more freaked out*
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mobius-m-mobius · 7 months
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Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. You can say that again.
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pastelpaperplanes · 1 year
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this megatron is just so sweet and gentle with the kids it absolutely. DESTROYS ME.
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willowser · 5 months
oh 😭 my 😭 god 😭 right person wrong time with early 20s bkg 😭😭😭😭 i think about this all the time and ur recent is shaking in my head. and with how katsuki is just such a one person guy. like he sees you and he KNOWS you’re it for him but he just can’t. still thinks about you, looks out for you. and he tells you to find someone else with the emotional capacity that he doesn’t have, but you’re always in the back of his mind and he never really leaves yours either.
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oh my god. yes. that's exactly it. he's such a one person kind of guy. he knows that you are everything he could ever want—and he just can't do it. there's a part of him that wants it soooo bad, but he knows he'll ruin it if he gives it a shot. he knows he can't treat you the way you deserve, can't give you the time he wants, can't open up the way you can. ooohhhhh my god it eats him up but HE DOESN'T STOP YOU from finding other people. quietly sits back and watches it and—he wants you to be happy, he does. he wants someone to treat you the way you should be treated. he wants to see you smile.
but he is always sitting back and watching from afar with his heart in his stomach.
(but—i do think that's the sweetest conclusion, you know ?? 🥺 you go off and you find love and it doesn't work out for whatever reason, doesn't have to be all terrible and heart breaking—it just doesn't happen—and you come back and few years later and katsuki stands a little taller and his skin has a new glow to it and he finds out you're single again and—he's ready, this time 🥺 to give it his all 🥺 can't help but smile to himself because he knew you were the only one for him 🥺)
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rules for playing games with mike:
2. he has to call on you
3. hover your hand above the buzzer
4. have fun and be yourself :)
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ashxxgyu · 9 months
MC Beomgyu + his other form Bear-Gyu 🥺
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edenfire · 3 months
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by popular demand: hedgehog scott and kitty wallace💗💞
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Ok everyone listen up
So the One Show did an interview with Chris Pratt and Charlie Day about the Mario Movie, and during this they showed a new clip.
It's shown when the actors and presenters are talking, so you can just barely hear any audio.
Nevertheless, I will not be posting the video with the audio here, but I will be posting gifs and talking about some highlights of this new scene. You can view the clip here (skip to 2.53)
But be warned: if you do not wish to see any new footage until the movie comes out, then skip the video and this post. I will be posting gifs and tagging spoilers so don't go any further if you don't want to be spoilt ⚠️
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In this first bit Mario has come into the warp pipe and is floating in the abyss, and then notices Luigi falling ahead
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I slowed the speed down for this bit, but basically Mario and Luigi are spinning out of control through the vortex.
"It's gonna be ok!"
"How is this gonna be ok?!"
There's other dialogue here but it's so incomprehensible, I can't make out what else they are saying.
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"It's gonna be ok as long as we're together!"
I can see some of Illumination's style coming through here! Mario's looking a bit stretchy 🤭
Mario just trying to be positive and calm Luigi down 💖 Oh my heart 😭❤💚 Mario will do anything to make sure Luigi feels safe no matter what.
And then...Luigi does this....
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NO! No movie you can't do this to me!!! 😭
That look on Luigi's face tells you everything. He trusts Mario's words above anyone else's ❤💚
And dang this will end up being more heavy if it turns out they're orphans and all they have is each other since birth 💖
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womanexile · 4 months
Two different points of view
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
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Zeng Shunxi's Goodbye to Fang Duobing
Original video on Weibo:
去岁初夏逢君¹盛² Last year, at the beginning of summer, I met the flourishing you. 今朝花落²梦方醒 Now, as the flowers fall, Fang wakes from his dream. 故事到此收笔 This story has since reached its end, 但人生还长 But life still goes on, 江湖路远 And the roads of the jianghu stretch far. 意气江湖正道³安 The spirit of the jianghu lies in following the correct path; 风华正茂⁴是少年 At life’s blossoming is the youth. 愿将来的方小包 I wish that the future Fang Xiaobao 经历风雨⁵ Will forge through wind and storms 不忘少年初心⁶ Without forgetting the original aspirations of his youth. 走遍人间 Even after walking to the ends of the mortal world, 仍有他路可寻 There remain other roads that can be sought for. 山高水长见日光⁷ The mountains are lofty and the rivers are long; everyday, may you see the light of the sun; 始终不忘少年样 And from the beginning to the end, may you not forget your younger self. 前路存知己⁸ The road ahead harbors the one who knows your heart, 江湖有相逢 for in the jianghu, there exist reunions. 于道各努力⁹ Work hard on every path you take; 千里自同风⁹ Even separated by a thousand li, he and you are buffeted by the same wind. 方多病 Fang Duobing, 希望你不服众望¹⁰ I hope you will not disappoint everyone’s expectations, 成为下一个传奇 And become the next legend.
Detailed explanations (footnotes) under the cut!
Any mistakes are my own.
1. 君 is a formal and literary way to say “you.” It can also be used to refer to lords, monarchs, rulers, etc. 
2. Note the juxtaposition of 盛 “flourishing” (also: splendorous; vigorous; blooming) and 落 “falling” flowers.
3. The 正道 can also be understood as the “orthodox path.” In Buddhism, it is the right way: it is the path of correct principles and of doing the right things.
4. 风华正茂 is an idiom that simply means “in one’s prime.” I chose to invoke imagery that would call back to the beginning two lines about flowers.
5. 经历风雨 is an idiom that means “to go through thick and thin.” 
6. 初心 is a commonly invoked theme in such coming-of-age stories (which this thematically may as well be, for FDB) and translates literally to “the heart at one’s beginning.” For FDB, it would mean keeping his principles of justice and goodness in mind, no matter what he goes through.
7. 山高水长 can be an idiom that describes one’s personality and/or character. This line can also be understood as praising FDB’s noble and optimistic/positive character (见日光: seeing sunlight; sunny-dispositioned; always looking on the bright side).
8. 前路存知己 is very similar in phrasing to a line from Tang Dynasty poet Gao Shi’s 《别董大》 (Farewell to My Friend Dong): 
莫愁前路无知己 Worry not, on the road ahead, that you will lack someone who knows your heart. 天下谁人不识君  Beneath these skies, who will not know your name?
If you watched 《说英雄谁是英雄》 Heroes (2022), this line will probably be familiar.
9. These two lines come from the end of Song Dynasty poet Zhou Xingji’s 《送友人东归》 (Sending My Friend to Return East), which I believe laments the pains of a long-distance friendship. The lines that ZSX has quoted here essentially encourages FDB to continue working hard on the life path he has chosen, despite how the sadness of separation can feel unbearable, for even if he and his friend (LLH) are a thousand li apart, they will ultimately reach the same goal and destination.
10. I thought it was interesting that he uses 服 and 望, because the phrasing is very similar to LLH’s letter at the end of the series, when he apologizes to DFS (终有服君之所望): “I have failed you ultimately.”
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animaxvi · 6 months
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☀️The road to dawn may not be easy but at least your light is there, always dazzling brilliantly 🌼
Happy Riku Day and happy 19th anniversary to Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories! ✨
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