#offline life
The Chambers Street ACE stop says... Then perish.
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fangirlmary · 6 months
I went to IHOP with my parents for dinner on Wednesday night and something really made my evening. I was wearing a Christmas sweater with Snoopy and Woodstock from Peanuts on it and one of the servers said that she liked it. I thanked her and I'm still smiling at that comment.
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goronska · 3 months
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Adrian didn't believe I would. Of course, I would. I was curious about ALL of the worms they served dried, fried or otherwise prepared at the Asian Festival in Poznań today. Long wanted to see how different cultures serve them traditionally and how they taste and what modern twists are put on those. Most European do not accept insect-based protein in their diets, but after today, I honestly have no idea why. All of what I tried was tasty.
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noperopesaredope · 9 months
Just finished moving into my new college dorm and waving my family goodbye as they head back home. I'm kinda nervous since I'm in completely new territory right now, and I've never really live lived away from my parents and sib before. It feels weird knowing I won't be able to see them every day, and I barely know anyone here.
It's truly closing on an old chapter of my life and opening up a new one. I get to discover the wonders of college and stuff, but I'm also not used to this level of independence, and it's a bit scary.
Hopefully things will be okay though.
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animerunner · 10 months
That moment where you have to pull your real life studies into a convo about why this makes you nervous as someone who is looking at it as an outsider:
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Because here’s the thing I almost never talk about. The thing I want to do with my college degree hopefully at some point is take my knowledge and apply it to making scenarios safer in case of a disaster of some kind any kind. Enforcing buildings, better infrastructure, you get the idea.
So I see this and I just see so many things that could go wrong from my perspective than probably an average person will. As an outsider admittedly. Because again what I want to do with my life.
I probably see things some people don’t.
And the whole idea of it’s been okay before makes me nervous because for multiple reasons that could turn people like myself away when it’s needed
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dandy-bones · 1 year
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⭐Well, well, well!! Look at what we have here!! I'm gonna be at a panel with @scittyscribbles! They even put my name on there!
Hell yeah validation, baby!!
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lostboywriting · 11 months
Whew. I've gotten so used to people politely ignoring the name on my debit card that being asked point-blank by the guy who runs the local coffee shop, "So, are you transitioning, or...?" was very much not on my bingo card for today. The hazards of coming to work for half the year in an extremely small, extremely rural town 3000 miles from home 🙃
It all turned out okay. I managed to squash my immediate impulse to freeze up, said yes as calmly as I could, and clarified the shortened version of my legal name that I currently use. The guy immediately addressed me that way and said "Hey, congratulations, man--good for you! Totally support that, I've got your back." We moved on to conversation about other things, and he ended by welcoming me to town and saying hey, he was down for a game of pool at the bar if I ever wanted one.
So he genuinely seemed to mean well. This is a pretty conservative area with... very few visibly queer people, I doubt he gets too many customers with women's names on their cards and beard stubble on their faces, and I really think he was mainly curious and wanted to express support and just did so kinda awkwardly. Could he have just not asked? Would that have been better? Maybe, yeah, but eh... look, it's a town of under 2000 people, there's no such thing as people minding their own business. And if I'm going to spend several months as a weird outsider here then honestly, it's probably just as well to get at least some of that weirdness addressed openly and upfront. Particularly since it's really not a big secret that I'm trans.
Sure did take my pulse about an hour to settle back down out of fight or flight mode, though 😮‍💨
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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Ready to consume the SpiderVerse films now. It was nice to turn my smart devices off last night. Reading Spider-Man Fake Red manga made me relive my High School years reading printed Shonen Jump magazines again. I still have Issues when the late Stan Lee teamed up with the Shaman King manga creator to make the manga series, Ultimo.
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jaideepkhanduja · 2 days
Life Before the Internet: A Nostalgic Journey Through Simpler Times #LifeBeforeInternet
Do you remember life before the internet? My Life Before the Internet: A Stream of Consciousness The mornings were different, weren’t they? Sunlight would filter through the curtains, and I’d wake up to the sound of birds chirping or the distant hum of the milkman’s cart rattling down the street. There was no jarring alarm from a digital device, no instant connection to the world beyond the…
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themindofastrid · 4 months
🌐Recs of the Week No.22
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Hello there👋🏽! Across the internet there’s a lot of awesomeness, so I decided to curate a small list of cool content that I think it’s worth sharing, I hope you find it useful, inspiring or interesting.
Thank you so much for being here♡.
Without further ado, these are my internet findings of the week:
IG Posts🖼️
For Students📚
Until next week, xo.
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My mom wants to watch True Detective with me. This will be my fourth time through the first season. She can learn from my mistakes: we will not watch more than two episodes per night and we have to do it early enough that we can watch something funny before bed. Otherwise it's just self harm tbh.
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fangirlmary · 7 months
Good morning or evening depending on where you are. I am glad that my family is going to get the heat turned on this week after maintenance and cleaning of the oil furnace in the basement is completed on Thursday.
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blossompoet · 4 months
I love people
(meaning I sit on the train and next to me is a couple which cuddles while reading and behind me is a person who knits and I am just overwhelmed by the beauty of existing offline)
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jeanrubin · 4 months
Embracing Screen-Free Fun
In a digital age where screens dominate our attention, it's easy to forget the joys of offline hobbies. Let's explore the benefits and pleasures of embracing activities that don't require a screen.
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Benefits of Screen-Free Fun:
Creativity Boost: Engaging in unstructured play stimulates creativity and problem-solving skills, benefiting both children and adults.
Terapeutic Escape: Analog pursuits like painting, knitting, or gardening offer a therapeutic escape from the fast-paced digital world, providing a sense of calm and accomplishment.
Building Connections: Offline hobbies foster genuine connections with others, strengthening relationships and creating a sense of belonging beyond the virtual realm.
Finding Balance:
While screens offer convenience and connectivity, it's essential to balance digital interactions with offline experiences. Rediscovering offline hobbies can enrich our lives and enhance our well-being.
Next time you're tempted to scroll through social media, consider embracing a screen-free hobby instead. Whether it's playing an instrument, reading a book, or spending time outdoors, there's a world of offline adventures waiting to be explored.
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misc-kntrl · 5 months
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dandy-bones · 1 year
⭐Received some bad news earlier and I finally have time ta kinda process is. I had ta try ta keep Tay happy in the stream today while it was on her mind.
Now it's on mine and I just kinda... Feel a bit down about it. Her grandpa on her Dad's side is in hospice. I think I can actually call him a friend of mine and now it's hittin' a bit different...
I wasn't close to him, but we did work on the Trailblazer together. We bonded over vehicles and I made sure Tay visited him every once in a while so we could make sure he was okay. I also reminded her to give him hugs because she never had a relationship with him as a kid. In the end, that man adored her. I know his eyes lit up every time we visited.
We didn't last week, even though I wanted to. Life got in the way. That and it was so cold...
We were told to not see him now. He doesn't want people to remember him lookin' like how he does now.
I was hopin' ta work on the Trailblazer with him one more time. But it's okay that he can't. I'll still think of him while I work on it.
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