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btsmosphere · 2 months
Supercharged | JJK (Teaser)
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Get hyped!!!!!! Posting date chapter 1: 14th April
Chapter 1 is now here!
It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?
🗲pairing: jungkook x f!reader 🗲teaser word count: 365 🗲full fic wc: you do nOt want to know (79k...) 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, slow burn, enemies to lovers, superheroes/villains au, found family (imagine a mafia au with superpowers) 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: in the teaser: none, just some tension. general fic warnings: violence with superpowers, weapons, swearing, arguing, injury, past trauma, mentions of death
>Updates every week!!
Supercharged Masterlist
a/n: guys. it's TIIIIIME!!! how many years have you heard me talk about how I was working on a superpowered jungkook story?? I started this thing four years ago so I can't believe the moment's finally come! it's been a long ride, and most of those four years was spent not writing this, but I just couldn't stay away either! I really wanted to tell this story, and now here it is and I am so happy to be able to share it💜 Let me know in a reblog, comment or ask if you want to join my taglist for this series! Over the next week before chapter 1 is released, check back as I introduce our characters👀I'm so excited for you to meet them!
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As a smile was just blooming on your face, it was halted by Namjoon's next words.
“But. You aren’t ready just yet. I want you out there with us, so I’m willing to send you out sooner than I have with others before. These are unusual times, and you have to understand this will be more dangerous than I normally send rookies to. There’s work to do, with your powers, but also…
“As much as I appreciate your trust in us, I know it doesn’t extend fully. I need my team to be able to trust each other. Every single one.”
Fixing you with a hard stare to accompany his last words, he was effective in making you shrink in your seat. You knew exactly who he was talking about.
And that person was waiting for you right outside.
On leaving the office, you found Jungkook leaning up against the wall. Jin and Namjoon had hung back, leaving you alone as you emerged, and you instantly rolled your eyes. Determined not to be deterred, you kept walking down the corridor, trying to fix your eyes ahead – firmly away from the infuriating man that watched your approach.
“Scared yet?” his smirk bled through his words. You were almost upon him at this point, and he pushed away from the wall, blocking the way with his black-clad body.
Eyes flicking up to him, unimpressed, you tapped your foot.
“Why would I be scared?”
One corner of his mouth curved up, looking you in the eye as he leaned a little closer.
“We aren’t heroes, honey.”
“Thanks for spelling that out, Jungkook,” you drawled, making to step past him.
His laughter followed you while you started walking away.
“Need help packing?” he called.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jin’s stern voice joined him, “no need. She’s not going anywhere.”
Jungkook’s silence spoke volumes.
Glancing back as you reached the end of the corridor, you were met with the livid expression that seemed so familiar. Jungkook’s eyes bulged with shock. You were sure that Jin’s hand on his shoulder was all that was holding him back.
Making the most of his eyes on you, you flashed a serene smile and walked away.
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Thank you for reading!! Part 1 is coming on April 14th, and I will update every week (that's a promise, since it's already written in full!)💜
Contact me to get yourself on the tag list!
Taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine @written-in-flowers @taegularities
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aja154ever · 8 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Anime Stellar Radio Interview - 09/26/2023
Sharing some points from the Anime Stellar Radio Interview with Kadokawa Producer Kurakane Chiaki.
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"Asagiri supervises everything."
Kurakane shares that sensei always comes to the anime script meetings and has never missed any, despite his busy schedule.
How Kadokawa met BSD
Kurakane's first encounter with BSD was when she saw it on the cover of Young Ace. The person next to her in the office brought the magazine and she just happened to see it. She was amazed and drawn to Harukawa's character design- its beauty and originality captivated her.
About the Character Design
In BSD, the "silhoutte" of a character is very important and distinctive- even if the drawing is just all black you can tell who the character is. When they selected the main illustrator for the anime, they had animators from Bones submit their pieces anonymously. The one whose silhoutte resembled Harukawa's the most turned out to be Nobuhiro Arai (current Character Designer and Chief Animation Director).
On Atsushi as a Character
The appeal of Atsushi as a character can be seen right from the first scene. Despite thinking that he would have to steal in order to live, upon seeing someone "drowning" in the river, he still chose to save them. He could not go against his good-natured heart and character.
Dazai's Treatment to Atsushi and Akutagawa
Regarding the difference in the treatment of Dazai to Atsushi and Akutagawa, Kurakane thinks that Dazai acts like that because he believes that that is the most effective and appropriate way for each of them. Well we don't really know what Dazai is thinking, and we may not agree with his ways especially with Akutagawa, but in the end it does make Akutagawa hold on to his life (despite having an illness) and strive to become stronger. Dazai may be seeing a bigger picture than all of us and probably in his own way, acting with the words of his late friend in mind.
BSD in Real Life
One of the most memorable characters for Kurakane is Shibusawa Tatsuhiko because they got to meet and even eat together with the real literary master's wife. She also mentions that in BSD collabs with literary museums, they also sometimes meet the relatives of other literary masters.
BSD: A Ten-year Project
The anime started around 7.5 years ago, but for them in the anime production team it actually started 9 years ago. Back then, Kurakane was asked by the company's higher-ups to create something that could continue on for 10 years.
With the main anime series, movies, stage plays, games, Wan! anime, collabs, etc. here and there, Kurakane felt like she's been running for 24h for 365 days, so in all honesty, now that the 5th season is finished, she just wants to sleep well and… play with her cat at home.
Kurakane is also one of the people behind the official Twitter account. She recalls that sometimes when she tweets something late at night (while not checking the time), some fans would leave comments worrying about the staff working too much.
Kurakane shares that of all the songs in BSD, "Lily" holds a special place in her heart because she remembers Kubodera Akira- Mori's first stage actor who died in suspected suicide- saying that he likes the song a lot.
About 「未了」 (Unfinished)
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In "A Perfect Murder and Murderer", the last word on the manuscript of Yokomizo- a writer- which was wet with Mushitaro's tear, is 「了」, which means "finished". To give the BSD anime a more literary feel and tone, they chose to have the 「了」.
In a similar note, while the previous BSD stage plays always ended with 「閉幕」 ("end of play" or literally "closing of curtain"), the last play: Cannibalism used the word 「了」 instead, signifying that the BSD Stage Play, as a whole piece, is "finished".
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What BSD Is
Kurakane shares that BSD screenwriter Enokido Yoji once said that if a story of how one becomes successful is what a Shonen manga is, then depicting the journey of a defeated person searching for their place in this world is what Literature is.
Those words really stuck with Kurakane like a guiding principle, and so no matter what media form they create BSD in, they strive to remain faithful to its root.
BSD is relatable, as it properly shows those troubles that anyone of us may be experiencing in our lives. This theme of "struggling"- which in itself is "living"- is what they strive to keep at the heart of BSD.
Future Plans
For now Kurakane can't really say anything about the future of the anime, but as they take a rest she hopes they come up with something good for BSD, in whatever form that may be. The only clear plans that they have right now are the Gakuen game, the expo, and some collabs with museums.
BSD Media Timeline
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Asagiri-sensei, Harukawa-sensei, and all the staff of BSD have done so much for us for the past decade. We really should appreciate their hard work more! Please support the official accounts and releases as much as possible!
I’m no longer active on tumblr nowadays, so you may follow me on twitter instead @harukaja15
My translations on tumblr are compiled under the tag #bsd translation and #my works
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Hello Alice 🤎
Sorry to sneak into your ask box but I loved 'The Truth is out there, but so is Love' and I need more X Files LeviHan!
I don't know if you take prompts but if you do I'd like to request a drabble based on this quote : "Mulder Levi, you just keep unfolding like a flower." (The X Files - S1 - Episode 12 "Fire"). Because I (and Hange) want to know more about Agent Ackerman's past!
Feel free to ignore this request of course!
Thank you
Hi Livia! Thank you so much for your request and for your kind words. It makes me genuinely happy to know you liked this fic 💜💚
I'm sorry it's taken so long to reply to this, I was just having a hard time figuring out what to write. Then, I realized the first anniversary of The Truth Is Out There, But So Is Love was approaching, and everything fell into place. I hope you don't mind that I made your prompt into a celebratory drabble for the fic's anniversary! ________________________________________
Pairing: Levi Ackerman/ Hange Zoë Warnings: None. SFW and Fluff. Additional tags: The X Files AU, She/Her pronouns for Hange Zoë Wordcount: 1,4k
“The fuck is all this?”
Levi asked as he stepped into the basement office. Over the past months, he’d grown used to the crampiness of the space he shared with Agent Zoë who — much to her credit — had been trying to keep things clean, even if chaotic. But what he stared upon right now was a different kind of chaos. Colorful chaos.
The document boxes and cabinets were covered in metallic serpentine coils, which spilled to the ground, painting it red, green, and yellow. The wall of newspaper cutouts had some joyful additions: a picture of an alleged alien head now had a tiny pink birthday hat over it, the severed arm that an article claimed to belong to a victim of the Jersey Devil held a little slice of cake over its hand. Dozens of purple balloons clung to the ceiling, trying to escape the havoc, their curling ribbons hanging so low one of them grazed at Agent Ackerman’s cheek. Levi pushed the strip away, only to have it prickling at his skin a second later.
“Tch. It looks like Party City took a dump in here.”
“I know, right??” The excited voice called from the other side of the room. Agent Zoë sat at her table, face turned to the opposite wall, exactly like the day they met. Her hair was chaotic as always, brown strands moving as she lowered her head to fiddle with something. Levi watched as his partner set aside a small box, and the smell of smoke mixed with something sweet diffused in the air. Hange put on a polka-dotted cone hat before swiftly turning her chair in his direction, smiling from ear to ear.
“Happy birthday, Levi!”
The agent frowned as he inspected the rainbow sprinkle cupcake she held out to him, especially the “1” shaped candle that topped it.
“I’m 32.”
He moved his gaze to her.
“And it’s not my birthday.”
“Well,” Hange started, reaching for his hand to give him the sweet treat “Since I don’t know your birth date, I figured we could celebrate your first year in the X-Files. It’s been exactly 365 days since you walked through that door for the first time.” There was a tinge of genuine warmth in her final words. The same warmth that he felt in his chest.
“The monkey case? It’s been one year already?” Levi asked, sincerely surprised.
“Yes!” Hange said, reaching for a desk calendar that was on one of the cabinets. She pointed at the date that was circled in red “July 26”.
When he was first assigned to work with Agent Zoë, Levi was counting the minutes to be done with the job and move on to the top floors of the J Edgar Hoover Building. Now, a mere year later, still buried in the basement floor, investigating all kinds of weird shit by Hange’s side, he couldn’t imagine himself doing anything else. Time flies in the X Files.
The sound of Hange cleaning her throat pulled him back to reality
“So, when is your birthday, by the way?” she said, feigning casualness
“Come on, Levi! At least give me a clue.”
Hange’s face lit up.
“It happened one time since we met.”
Hange’s smile melted into a hilarious betrayed scowl and Levi had to fight hard to maintain his nonchalant expression.
“Wow,” she said, with an exaggerated wounded look “Levi, you just keep unfolding like a flower.”
He couldn’t fight the urge to smile this time.
“I just don’t celebrate birthdays,” he explained, appeasing his partner “so I refrain from sharing this date with people. But if you’re really so curious, I’m sure you can find that information very easily.
“It wouldn’t feel right” Hange explained, shrugging as if she was ready to drop the subject, but then “That means you never had a birthday party?” she asked, bobbing her head to the side. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!” she quickly added.
“My mom made me a few when she was alive, but I hardly remember any of them” Levi recounted as faded flashes of his mother lifting him from the ground and holding him above a colorful table to blow his candles invaded his mind. “There was one party my friend threw me. The red-haired friend, from the foster home, I think I told you about her once-”
“The one that was like your little sister.” Hange nodded, eyes fixed on him, waiting for his next words.
“Exactly. She bought us two handfuls of candy, I don’t even know where she got the money, probably beat some kids at marbles or something” Levi chuckled “Then she arranged them on the bed, in the shape of a birthday cake. It was a surprise party too, because it was nowhere near the right date.” He smiled, his heart full of love as he reminisced about his friend, and when he looked up, Hange had the sweetest smile on her face.
“Did you ever contact her?” “I planned to. We promised we would stay in touch. But as it turns out, the adults weren’t very keen on sharing the families’ information with a couple of kids. Over time I even forgot her name, I just have a vague memory of someone saying that it was also a flower”
“What flower??” Hange all but jumped on him to get the answer.
“Jesus! How should I know? I know fuck-all about flowers.”
Hange nodded, but Levi could see in her eyes that her mind was elsewhere.
“How about we just celebrate Christmas?” Levi’s proposition caught his partner's attention.
“I don’t do Christmas” Hange answered, puzzled.
“Me neither. Is the perfect middle ground, don’t you think?”
It really was.
Or so he thought when December 25 came and with it an invite to Hange’s apartment.
Levi dreaded he would find over-the-top decorations or — even worse — a bunch of guests with whom he would have to socialize. So when he crossed her door he was relieved to see that it was just her usual place, mess and all, with just a pizza box and one beer bottle awaiting on the small center table. The other bottle was in Hange’s hand, and she used it to point him to the couch, as she went on to feed her fish.
The movie this time was Hange’s choice, and Levi wasn’t surprised when the opening scene of Alien started playing on TV. He was surprised, however, to know why it was her favorite film.
“I like the fact that the cat survives.” She told him “Ripley goes through all that trouble to save Jonesy as she’s running for her life. Then the creature finds Jonesy in his cage and spares him. I think I like the fact that both the human and the alien had to act in a certain way, opposite of what one would think, and that made it possible for the cat to live. I think it means we’re not so different. Or that everyone is more complex than they appear.”
“Maybe it just means cats are fucking scary.”
She laughed, lightly kicking his foot.
As the final credits rolled, Hange propped herself up from the couch.
“I have something for you.”
When she came back from her room, she was holding something flat and rectangular, wrapped in green paper, with a delicate purple ribbon. Levi opened it to reveal a book.
Botanical World 1: An Illustrated Guide To The Flowers of America
He stared at the gift for a whole minute, knowing what it meant.
“If we don’t find her name in this one, there are four more, for Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.”
Levi gulped, trying to swallow the painful knot that was in his throat.
“We can go through it together.” Hange tried, then added, a few seconds later “Or If you don’t like it I can take it back. Anyway, Merry Christmas, Levi, or Happy non-Christmas, I don’t know” Hange chuckled nervously and stared at him expectantly.
“I think” Levi paused, taking his time to look Hange in the eyes “Happy Birthday is more appropriate.”
Levi patiently waited as his partner peered at him. Then squinted. Tilted her head to the side. Her eyes started to grow wide as realization dawned on her.
Hange gave him the most breathtaking smile, and suddenly Levi wasn’t sure what the best birthday present was.
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world-of-aus · 2 years
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Say Yes To Forever; The One Where Bucky Proposes
Cat & Mouse; (Steve Rogers x Reader) It’s a battle for dominance, one Steve Rogers will always win, one you’ll always let him win.
One Shot;
Life Before You; Bucky appreciates what the others before him couldn’t.
Step Away With Me; The one where Bucky pulls you away from your stress.
In Plain Sight; The one where he was right in front of you all along.
In A Moment; Five instances when Bucky Barnes promises to give you the world, and one time he actually does.
The Power Of Letting Go; Bucky breaks off your engagement leaving you with an unborn child. Your certain you’ll never see him again, but years later in your daughters principals office you come across him and his son.
The Power Of Letting Go II; Part II of Power of Letting Go.
Live & Let Die; You didn’t move from your spot, “an agent gone rogue,” you murmur, “you really just like to cause me trouble don’t you,”
Live & Let Die II; Part II to Live & Let Die
Live & Let Die III; Part III to Live & Let Die
Among Us; There’s an imposter among us
Hearts At Stake; You come when he calls.
Hearts At Stake II; Part II to Hearts At Stake
A Rose From Your Garden; “Sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and demanded to come with me to make sure the ‘girl is pretty enough to warrant flower theft’ and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that we’re on our way to a graveyard”
Blurred Lines; (Natasha Romanoff x reader) ‘just friends’ don’t look at each other that way.
Lessons In Swimming; (Steve Rogers x Reader) It’s all about the stroke.
Breaking News; (Steve Rogers x Reader)  Steven Grant Rogers was made for public speaking, he was a man meant to be in the limelight.
Our Girl; (Stucky x Reader)  And in truth your boys were different, so very different, but they loved you one in the same.
Mini Series;
I’ll Be There For You; A drunken night leaves you in an unexpected life predicament, but your best-friend may be the one to pull you out.
365 Days; “How can you stand there and say you love me, I don’t even know who I am, I can’t remember who I am!” You cried“Sweetheart trust me there’s no forgetting who you are.” He responded sternly eyes filled with conviction.“I can’t remember who you are.” You confessed voice threatening to break.His face fell, “you have to baby, you loved me, just the way I loved you, the way I still do, please y/n you have to remember, you have to remember us, you have to remember me.” He pleaded his eyes clouding over with tears.
Barnes Boutique; It had been a joke between you and Natasha, you weren’t expecting it to blow up as much as it had. The two of you were only expecting a couple of views, and a handful of likes. What you weren’t expecting was to open your phone to thousands of likes, thousands of shares, and the comments, you weren’t expecting the comments.“Girl please get a better angle, we need to see more of the hunk in the racks!”“Is that your boss?!”“Put the camera back on him, we need more of him!”
Baby It’s Cold Outside; Freshly single and with the holidays rolling around, you’re offered an opportunity by your bestfriend that you’re not sure you can pass up, what the worse that could happen?
Before You Go; (Steve Rogers x Reader) Traveling to pick up shipment, Steve Rogers drives through a quiet New England town when he finds himself caught in a blizzard, stranded in the snow, Rogers doesn’t think his luck could get any worse, surely there could be a light at the end of this quickly darkening road. Pushing his truck to nearly breaking point, he stumbles upon a quite, quaint little loft, and you.
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gacmediadaily · 9 months
In a strategic move that aims to boost the offerings of faith and family content, Great American Family and Pure Flix Entertainment have now completed a merger that will combine two popular media companies. Bill Abbott, CEO of Great American Family, discussed the significance of the new focus, highlighting the shared values and the bright future the collaboration holds.
Abbott emphasized the alignment of values and missions between Great American Family and Pure Flix as a pivotal factor in the merger’s success. “This is really a match made in heaven. The values and missions of both Great American Media and Pure Flix are completely aligned,” Abbott stated.
With the growing trend of shifting viewership from traditional linear TV to streaming platforms, Abbott sees the merger as a strategic step toward reaching a broader audience while staying true to their shared mission. “Viewers are shifting from linear TV more and more to streaming. While linear TV still has a longer runway to go, we now have a streaming outlet that gives us the chance to reach 80 million potential subscribers that don’t get Great American Family,” he explained.
The collaboration also involves a reciprocal approach. Abbott revealed that Great American Family would feature content from Pure Flix’s library on its linear TV channels. “We tapped into the Pure Flix library and saw some content that was available for linear as well. We’ll be proud to have content like ‘Strong Fathers Strong Daughters’ on our channel,” Abbott noted, emphasizing their commitment to inspiring and uplifting programming.
When asked about the growth of Great American Family, Abbott pointed to their flagship channel’s impressive trajectory. “We’ve had triple digit growth since November of this past year, finishing our eighth consecutive month as the leader in growth in the entire cable landscape,” he shared. This sustained growth demonstrates the strong appetite for faith and family content in a media landscape that often lacks such offerings.
Exploring the reasons behind the surge in popularity of faith-based programming, Abbott stated, “There are less and less outlets out there that are 24/7, 365 days a year, just so focused on never surprising the viewer in a negative way…but also compelling, inspiring, uplifting, and celebratory of many of the institutions and philosophies of the majority of the country.”
Abbott acknowledged the significance of key acquisitions, including talents like Candace Cameron Buré and Danica McKellar, who have elevated the mission of Great American Family. He described Buré’s role as Chief Content Officer, highlighting her exceptional creativity, understanding of branding, and commitment to the company’s mission.
“She is bringing us a number of different projects that really will resonate across both the faith and family audience in a different way,” he said. “And she is mission driven, as are many of our talent, from Danica and on and on.”
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alpesamedia · 13 hours
From Clicks to Clients: Exploiting Website Design & Development for Business Growth.
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In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is key for businesses to thrive. Websites serve as the cornerstone of this presence, playing important roles in branding, customer engagement, and revenue generation. This guide explores the importance of website design & development in driving business success. From establishing brand identity to fostering customer relationships and exploring diverse revenue streams, we’ll explore how businesses can leverage their websites effectively. With practical insights and strategies, businesses can maximize the potential of their online presence and stay ahead in the competitive digital aspect.
Importance Of Website Development & Design.
Global Reach:One of the most significant advantages of website design &  development is reaching an international audience. Unlike a physical store or office, which is limited by geographical constraints, your website is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, anywhere in the world. This global reach opens up a vast pool of potential customers, allowing you to expand your market beyond local boundaries and tap into new revenue streams.
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24/7 AccessibilityA website never sleeps. It’s open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This means that customers can visit your website and make purchases at any time, even outside of regular business hours. By providing round-the-clock accessibility, you can cater to the needs of busy consumers who prefer to shop online at their convenience, thereby increasing sales and revenue opportunities.
Marketing and BrandingWebsite development serves as a centralized hub for your marketing efforts, allowing you to showcase your products or services, share testimonials, and communicate your brand’s story effectively. Through search engine optimization (SEO), social media integration, and content marketing strategies, your website can attract organic traffic and generate leads, thereby fueling business growth.
Brand Visibility and AwarenessYour website serves as the digital face of your brand. It’s often the first point of contact for potential customers searching for products or services online. A well-designed website with compelling content, eye-catching visuals, and intuitive navigation not only attracts visitors but also leaves a lasting impression. By consistently reinforcing your brand identity and messaging across your website, you increase brand visibility and awareness, making your business more recognizable and memorable to your target audience.
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Lead Generation and ConversionWebsite development is a powerful tool for generating leads and converting them into customers. Through strategic calls-to-action, landing pages, and lead capture forms, you can encourage visitors to take specific actions, such as signing up for newsletters, downloading resources, or making purchases. By nurturing these leads through targeted marketing campaigns and personalized communication, you can guide them through the sales funnel and ultimately convert them into paying customers.
Content Marketing and SEOHigh-quality content is the cornerstone of any successful website. By regularly publishing relevant and valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics, you not only engage your audience but also improve your website’s search engine visibility. Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques, such as keyword optimization, meta tags, and link building, help improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), making it easier for potential customers to find you online. This increased visibility drives organic traffic to your website, resulting in more leads and sales over time.
Customer Engagement and LoyaltyWebsite development is a powerful platform for engaging with your audience and building long-term relationships with customers. Interactive features such as live chat, forums, and social media integration allow you to connect with visitors in real time, address their queries, and gather feedback. By providing valuable resources, educational content, and personalized recommendations, you demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction and foster loyalty toward your brand.
Data Analytics and InsightsWebsites provide valuable data and insights into visitor behavior, preferences, and demographics through analytics tools. By analyzing metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, and user engagement, you gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and the performance of your website. This data-driven approach enables you to identify areas for improvement, optimize your marketing strategies, and make informed decisions to drive business growth.
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Scalability and AdaptabilityAs your business grows and evolves, your website can adapt to accommodate changes and expansions seamlessly. Whether you’re adding new products, launching promotional campaigns, or targeting different market segments, your website can be easily updated and customized to reflect your evolving business objectives. This scalability ensures that your online presence remains aligned with your overarching growth strategy.
Adaptation to Mobile DevicesWith the increasing prevalence of smartphones and tablets, having a mobile-responsive website is crucial for reaching mobile users and providing them with a seamless browsing experience. Mobile optimization not only improves user satisfaction but also boosts your search engine rankings, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their results pages.
Types Of Website
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Static website: Static websites have fixed content and layout that doesn’t change for users. They’re built with basic HTML, CSS, and sometimes JavaScript. These sites are simple, fast, and secure because they don’t use server-side processing or databases. This makes them cost-effective to host. Static websites are ideal for small businesses, portfolios, and informational pages that don’t need frequent updates or interactive features.
Dynamic website: Dynamic websites generate real-time content, changing based on user interactions or other factors. These sites use server-side scripting languages like PHP, ASP.NET, or Python to pull data from databases and display it. Dynamic websites are interactive and can provide personalized user experiences.
Responsive website: This ensures that web pages adapt and display properly on various devices and screen sizes, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. It uses techniques like fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries to dynamically adjust the layout and content. Responsive design improves user experience by providing optimal viewing and interaction, regardless of the device being used.
E-Commerce website: E-commerce website design is all about creating online stores where businesses sell stuff. These sites have things like product listings, shopping carts, and secure payment options. They’re designed to make it easy for customers to find and buy what they want. Think of it like a digital version of a store where you can shop from your phone or computer.
Single Page Website: Single-page website design means all the content fits on a single web page. Instead of clicking on different pages, you scroll down to see everything. These sites are great for simple purposes like portfolios or event pages. They’re easy to navigate and work well on mobile devices.
In today’s digital age, a well-designed website is essential for business growth. It expands your reach globally, making your business accessible to potential customers around the clock. A professional-looking website builds credibility, instills trust, and enhances your brand’s reputation.
Website development serves as a central hub for marketing efforts, customer engagement, and relationship building. Websites provide valuable data insights, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies. With e-commerce capabilities, targeted marketing, and cost-effective operations, a website offers numerous advantages that traditional business models can’t match.
Moreover, websites offer scalability, adaptability, and the ability to gather customer feedback for continuous improvement. They establish your brand as an authority in your industry, attract organic traffic, and ensure accessibility for all users. Optimizing for mobile devices further extends your reach and enhances user satisfaction.
In essence, investing in a robust website is crucial for any business aiming to thrive in the competitive digital landscape. Use your website as a powerful tool for long-term success, beyond simply staying competitive.
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citynewsglobe · 12 days
[ad_1] On this altering technology-based world, staying updated with all new developments turns into the important thing to success for small and medium companies. In the UK, SMEs are consistently being challenged whereas transferring via the advanced fashionable market. The excellent suite from Microsoft is a powerful answer among the many instruments taking over this problem because the robust reply for myriads of enterprise points. On this article, a few of the options obtainable for retaining you and what you are promoting updated with expertise shall be mentioned.The Challenges Confronted by UK SMBsFor a lot of UK SMBs, the first obstacles revolve round collaboration, effectivity, safety, and knowledge safety. As companies broaden, managing IT infrastructure with out skilled help can develop into overwhelming. That is the place strategic providers corresponding to these supplied by a Managed IT Providers London professional develop into invaluable. By integrating Microsoft applied sciences, SMBs can streamline operations, scale back prices, and safeguard their digital belongings. These challenges are significantly pronounced in a post-pandemic world the place the flexibility to adapt and scale expertise options straight correlates with enterprise resilience and development. This answer goals to finally assist with the obstacles talked about above and hopefully make your life a bit of bit simpler and that's what we attempt in direction of with our expertise options.Enhancing Productiveness and Collaboration with Microsoft OptionsOne of many foremost benefits of Microsoft options like Microsoft 365, SharePoint, and Groups is the facilitation of a contemporary office the place collaboration is as seamless as it's environment friendly. For companies contemplating upgrading their IT infrastructure, Azure Migrations current a strategic transfer in direction of cloud-based options. This variation not solely enhances productiveness on account of provision of scaling sources, but additionally strengthens collaboration throughout numerous departments, and in actual time, it ensures communication and knowledge sharing throughout completely different places. The mixing of those instruments additional enhances the place for concepts and initiatives to flourish and reduces latency in communication and primarily will increase the effectiveness of enterprise processes. With higher and simpler technique of up-to-date communication, the whole lot flows extra easily and, subsequently, works effectively. This brings extra productiveness for you, what you are promoting, and all events concerned; such is our plan with our options.Fortifying Safety and Knowledge SafetyOn this age of looming cyber threats, it might imply securing delicate data firstly, in addition to retaining knowledge integrity in place. With security measures like Microsoft Defender, companies utilizing Microsoft Azure are assured of superior and dependable safety options. By using an Azure Managed Service Supplier, SMBs obtain steady monitoring and administration of their cloud operations in order that knowledge is safeguarded from rising threats. This facet is essential within the proposition of Microsoft as a result of the complexity and the frequency of cyber-attacks proceed to rise. We hope to carry you peace of thoughts with an assurance that our ever-evolving mindset and options have your again.Actual-world Impression: Case ResearchTake a mid-sized retail firm in London, for instance, that carried out Microsoft 365: post-implementation with Babble, they might improve operational efficiencies by 30% and scale back downtime due to IT points. One other one: a authorized firm elevated knowledge safety and compliance by adopting Azure, slashing safety incidents in half. These examples help very tangible advantages which can be obtained from strategic expertise partnerships and place Microsoft on the centre of the transformation of UK SMBs into extra agile, safe, and environment friendly companies.
These are clear proofs that our options work, as we had first envisioned them to, for that goal, and there's nothing higher than seeing it translated into numbers.ConclusionHowever the journey of digital transformation for UK SMBs is not only in regards to the adoption of recent applied sciences; fairly, it is about remodeling these instruments into precise enterprise worth. Microsoft sits on the very base of such transformation, providing numerous options tailored for SMBs. This energy of Microsoft applied sciences is afforded to UK SMBs in partnership with CSPs and IT consultants, amongst them Babble. Microsoft is actually an innovator and enabler on this SMB area, fixing these companies' peculiar issues with customized, scalable options. And we, on this fashionable world we inhabit, shall all the time purpose to simplify it for SMBs and, finally, their homeowners and workforce. For the IT management and decision-making groups of UK SMBs, embracing Microsoft options is not only a step-up from a expertise standpoint however, the truth is, a strategic funding towards realising a future that's extra productive and safe. These instruments might, very a lot, with correct steering and help, be the spine of enterprise operations that drive them to even larger success.  [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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ciolookleaders · 29 days
ChromeOS Update Streamlines Microsoft Office Integration for Chromebook Users
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Source – its.hku.hk
ChromeOS Eases Microsoft Office Integration
Chromebook users, particularly those transitioning from Windows, often faced frustration with handling Microsoft Office files. However, relief is on the horizon as ChromeOS introduces an update aimed at simplifying this process. The update facilitates direct opening and editing of Office files within Microsoft 365 web apps, addressing a common pain point among users.
Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365
According to the Chrome OS Beta Testing Community blog, the update enables seamless integration with Microsoft 365 through the Chromebook’s built-in file system. Users can now click on Office files such as .docx or .pptx, prompting automatic migration to OneDrive and immediate access via Microsoft 365 web apps. A one-time setup prompt guides users through the initial configuration, ensuring a hassle-free experience thereafter. Google’s diligent efforts have culminated in this solution, which promises enhanced usability for Chromebook users.
Enhanced Viability and Collaboration
This development holds significance on multiple fronts. Firstly, it enhances the viability of Chromebooks for users reliant on Microsoft Office, broadening their appeal in professional settings. Additionally, the streamlined process fosters smoother collaboration, reducing the steps required to commence work on shared documents. Previously, accessing Office files via Office 365 PWA necessitated additional steps, potentially leading to oversight or confusion among users. The integrated solution eliminates these hurdles, prioritizing user convenience and efficiency.
Upcoming Availability and Prerequisites
The update will gradually roll out over the coming weeks, offering users a more seamless experience with Office files. However, for those eager to try it out sooner, an enabling flag is available for immediate activation. Interested users can navigate to chrome://flags and search for the #upload-office-to-cloud flag to access the feature promptly. It’s worth noting that a Microsoft Office 365 account is required to utilize this functionality, as files must be stored on OneDrive for editing. Fortunately, the setup prompt assists users in acquiring an account and installing the Microsoft Office 365 web app, ensuring a smooth transition.
Promoting ChromeOS Versatility
In conclusion, this update signifies a positive stride towards enhanced interoperability for ChromeOS, positioning Chromebooks as more versatile and competitive alternatives in the laptop market. Google’s commitment to improving user experience underscores its dedication to evolving ChromeOS into a more user-friendly platform. As Chromebook users welcome this development, it signals a promising future for the platform’s usability and appeal.
Also Read: Google Set to Launch Upgraded Android-Powered Chromecast with Google TV
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Billionaire Stan Druckenmiller Adjusts AI Stock Holdings: Nvidia Reduced, Microsoft and Arista Networks Added
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Druckenmiller sells down Nvidia, diversifies portfolio with alternative AI stocks
Billionaire investor Stan Druckenmiller, renowned for his successful track record in the financial industry, made some notable changes to his portfolio during the fourth quarter. Druckenmiller, who manages his personal wealth through the Duquesne Family Office, reduced his position in Nvidia stock while simultaneously adding shares of two alternative artificial intelligence (AI) stocks. This move reflects his continued bullishness on the AI sector, albeit with a slight shift in focus.
Let's delve into the details of Druckenmiller's portfolio adjustments and explore the potential of the AI stocks he has chosen.
Druckenmiller's Adjustments to Nvidia Position
During the fourth quarter, Druckenmiller decreased his stake in Nvidia stock by 29%. However, he employed a strategy to maintain exposure to the AI chipmaker by purchasing call options, which allow investors to buy a stock at a predetermined price in the future. This approach enabled Druckenmiller to reduce costs and mitigate risk while still benefiting from Nvidia's potential upside.
It is worth noting that Nvidia's stock price has surged since the fourth quarter, making Druckenmiller's decision to reduce his position even more intriguing.
Microsoft: A Dominant Player in Enterprise Software and AI
One of the alternative AI stocks that Druckenmiller added to his portfolio is Microsoft. As the largest enterprise software company globally, Microsoft holds a strong presence in various verticals, including business productivity and enterprise resource planning. The company's Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365 suites have contributed to its dominance in these areas.
Additionally, Microsoft Azure, the company's cloud platform, has gained market share in cloud infrastructure and platform services. Azure's strength in data management, cybersecurity solutions, and AI and machine learning services has propelled its growth.
Microsoft's partnership with OpenAI, in which it is the largest investor and exclusive cloud provider, further enhances its position in the AI space. The collaboration allows Microsoft to monetize the usage of OpenAI's applications and enables Azure customers to build custom generative AI applications using OpenAI's language models. Microsoft's investments in AI, including its generative AI capabilities in Microsoft 365 Copilot and enterprise resource planning software, position the company to capitalize on the growing adoption of AI systems.
While Wall Street analysts expect Microsoft to achieve solid earnings growth in the coming years, the current valuation may be considered high. Investors may want to wait for a more attractive entry point before establishing a significant position in the stock.
Arista Networks: Leading the Way in Cloud Networking Solutions
The second AI stock Druckenmiller added to his portfolio is Arista Networks. As a pioneer and market leader in cloud networking solutions, Arista specializes in switching and routing platforms that connect compute and storage in high-speed data centers. The company's fast switches are essential for running demanding workloads such as AI applications.
Arista has differentiated itself from competitors by utilizing its Extensible Operating System, which powers every Arista platform, and incorporating third-party silicon into its switches.
Arista has been steadily gaining market share in the data center switch market, narrowing the gap with industry leader Cisco Systems. The company's dominance in the high-speed data center switch market, offering throughput of 100G, 200G, and 400G, further solidifies its position. Arista's financial performance in the fourth quarter demonstrated its ability to outpace the industry in quality, support, and innovation.
As demand for faster networking solutions grows with the rise of cloud computing and AI, Arista is well-positioned to benefit. However, considering the recent strong performance and the cyclical nature of hardware sales, investors may want to wait for a more significant pullback in the stock's valuation before making substantial investments.
Stan Druckenmiller's portfolio adjustments during the fourth quarter provide insights into his evolving investment strategy in the AI sector. While reducing his position in Nvidia, Druckenmiller maintained exposure to the company through call options. He also diversified his holdings by adding Microsoft and Arista Networks to his portfolio, recognizing their potential in the AI space.
Microsoft's dominance in enterprise software and its partnership with OpenAI position it for significant growth, while Arista's leadership in cloud networking solutions makes it a key player in the industry.
Investors should carefully consider the current valuations of these AI stocks before making investment decisions. Waiting for more attractive entry points may be prudent, given the recent strong performance and potential cyclical factors that could impact the stocks' growth. As the AI sector continues to evolve, Druckenmiller's portfolio adjustments serve as a valuable guide for investors seeking exposure to this transformative technology.
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luxuryartshop · 2 months
✨ Discover the Elegance of Groovy Vibrant Premium Canvas Wrap, Square Frame ✨ Dive into the heart of luxury with our latest masterpiece, Groovy Vibrant Premium Canvas Wrap, Square Frame. A true emblem of sophistication, this piece is a must-have for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life from the collection . 🎨🖼 Transform your interior with the sophistication and elegance of our Luxury Square Canvas Wrap. Designed for the discerning eye, this premium canvas wrap is not just an accessory but a statement of personal style and luxury. Adorn your walls with artwork that reflects your unique personality, knowing that the beauty of your chosen piece will endure through time. Product Features: Premium Quality Material: The canvas is made from 100% pure cotton fabric, ensuring a luxurious texture and finish. Coupled with a high-quality poplar wood frame, available in both walnut and black finishes, it’s crafted to complement any decor style. Durable Construction: Each frame is meticulously built with a solid face support, safeguarding the canvas against deformation. This ensures your artwork remains as tight and flat as the day it was hung, promising longevity and enduring appeal. Exceptional Image Quality: With an emphasis on high image quality and detail, our canvas wrap brings your chosen art to life. The vivid colors and sharp details make each piece a captivating focal point in any room. Versatility in Sizes: Available in multiple sizes, our canvas wraps are designed to fit a variety of spaces, making them perfect for both intimate settings and grandiose rooms. Indoor Elegance: Specially crafted for indoor use, this canvas wrap is an ideal addition to luxury homes, art galleries, and corporate offices, enhancing any interior with a touch of elegance. Ideal For: Art Enthusiasts seeking to add a luxurious touch to their collection. Homeowners looking to elevate their living space with sophisticated wall art. Offices or corporate spaces aiming to enhance their environment with high-quality, inspirational imagery. Embrace the luxury of choice and detail with our Luxury Square Canvas Wrap, a product that not only decorates your space but transforms it. Choose between the timeless elegance of a walnut frame or the sleek sophistication of black to best suit your personal style and interior decor. Whether you're looking to elevate your living space or searching for that perfect statement piece, Groovy Vibrant Premium Canvas Wrap, Square Frame promises to transform any room into a gallery of modern elegance. With every brushstroke and color, experience a blend of tradition and contemporary artistry that only Lux AI Art can deliver. Don't just take our word for it. See it for yourself here: https://luxuryaishop.com/product/groovy-vibrant-premium-canvas-wrap-square-frame/?feed_id=365&_unique_id=662149113c46c 🔗 Join us in celebrating the beauty of art. Share your thoughts and let us know how Groovy Vibrant Premium Canvas Wrap, Square Frame inspires you. 💬 #LuxAIArt #EleganceInArt #ModernMasterpieces #ArtLoversUnite #LuxuryDesign #ArtCollectors
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workflowsystemtool · 3 months
Effortless Efficiency Simplifying Workflows with the Best Tools
In the quest for productivity and streamlined operations, organizations are continually seeking ways to simplify workflows and optimize processes. The emergence of innovative tools has revolutionized the way businesses operate, offering solutions to automate tasks, enhance collaboration, and drive efficiency. In this blog, we explore the concept of effortless efficiency and how organizations can leverage the best tools to simplify workflows and achieve optimal results.
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Understanding Effortless Efficiency
Effortless efficiency embodies the principle of achieving maximum output with minimal effort. It entails streamlining workflows, eliminating unnecessary steps, and leveraging technology to automate repetitive tasks. By simplifying processes and removing barriers to productivity, organizations can enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market.
The Role of Tools in Simplifying Workflows
Task Management Platforms: Task management platforms such as Trello, Asana, and Monday.com provide organizations with centralized hubs for managing tasks, assignments, and deadlines. These tools offer intuitive interfaces, customizable workflows, and collaborative features that enable teams to track progress, prioritize tasks, and stay aligned on goals.
Document Collaboration Tools: Document collaboration tools like Google Workspace, Microsoft Office 365, and Dropbox Paper facilitate real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. They allow multiple users to edit, comment, and review documents simultaneously, eliminating version control issues and streamlining document approval processes.
Workflow Automation Software: Workflow automation software such as Zapier, Integromat, and Microsoft Power Automate empower organizations to automate repetitive tasks and create seamless integrations between different applications and systems. These tools enable users to design automated workflows, trigger actions based on predefined conditions, and eliminate manual data entry and processing.
Communication Platforms: Communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom enhance team collaboration and facilitate efficient communication across departments and remote locations. These tools offer features such as instant messaging, video conferencing, and file sharing, enabling teams to communicate in real-time and stay connected regardless of geographical boundaries.
Best Practices for Simplifying Workflows with Tools
Identify Pain Points: Identify areas of inefficiency and bottlenecks within existing workflows. Conduct workflow audits, solicit feedback from team members, and prioritize areas for improvement.
Evaluate Tools: Research and evaluate tools based on functionality, ease of use, scalability, and integration capabilities. Choose tools that align with your organization's workflow requirements and strategic objectives.
Customize Workflows: Customize workflows and configurations to match your organization's specific needs and preferences. Tailor tools to automate repetitive tasks, standardize processes, and enforce best practices.
Provide Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training and support to users to ensure they understand how to use the tools effectively. Offer tutorials, documentation, and hands-on workshops to familiarize users with key features and functionalities.
Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of workflows and tools. Track key metrics such as cycle time, task completion rate, and user satisfaction to identify areas for optimization and improvement.
Effortless efficiency is the cornerstone of modern business operations, enabling organizations to achieve more with less and stay ahead in a competitive landscape. By leveraging the best tools and practices for simplifying workflows, organizations can streamline processes, enhance collaboration, and drive productivity across the entire organization. Whether it's task management, document collaboration, workflow automation, or communication, the right tools can empower teams to work smarter, not harder, and unlock their full potential for success.
Workflow System Tools - Wix
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instanttfn · 3 months
How do I Talk to a person at Outlook?
How do I troubleshoot and fix problems with Outlook?
Outlook is one of the services provided by Microsoft Office 365 that offers email service and also helps in managing tasks. While using it, if you face any issue or bug, then no need to stress as it is a common problem that has happened to many users. In this case, you can troubleshoot Microsoft Outlook 365, as it is the most effective solution for your issue. There are multiple approaches available through which you can fix the problem. However, if you are having a hard time finding the answer, then communicate to customer support.
Multiple ways to Troubleshoot Microsoft Outlook issues
There are multiple ways to Troubleshoot Outlook issues and fix the problem. You need to first figure out the cause of the issue and then use the preferred solution. Below are mentioned some of the standard and effective solutions that will help you in resolving the issue:
Repair Outlook - The main reason why Outlook is not working is because one of the files is corrupted or damaged. You can quickly fix the problem without any internet connection by using the "Repair" option from the control panel. If you want to use this method, then follow the given steps:
Go to the "Control Panel" application on your laptop or computer.
Pick the "Microsoft Outlook" office application and click on the "Change" option.
Then, you have to click on the "Repair" button and follow the instructions on your screen.
After that, re-launch the Outlook Application. 
Run Outlook in safe mode - While using the application, if your screen suddenly gets stuck and you get a processing message displayed on it, then try to open it in safe mode, as it stops some of the features and helps in running it safely. If you want to know about the Outlook troubleshooting steps to run the application in the safe mode, then use the run command and follow the instructions below:
Open the run command on your system by pressing the Windows + R key.
Write "outlook.exe / safe" on your screen.
Choose your profile and hit the "OK" option.
Use another account - To use Outlook on any device, you need to have a Microsoft account. There could be a possibility that the application is working correctly and the problem is with your account. You can try using different accounts, and if the problem persists, then reach out to customer support. 
Update the Add-ins - If your add-ins are not updated to the latest version, then it is common to encounter issues like application crashing, screen freeze, bugs, etc. You can remove the add-ins, as it is an effective way to know the problem. To learn about the process of using this method, follow the mentioned points:
Navigate to the "File" section on your Outlook application.
Choose the "Manage Add-ins button.
Click on the option to remove the add-ins.
Then press the "Add" button, and you will have the updated version.
Uninstall & Reinstall Outlook - If the Outlook 365 troubleshooting tool does not work, then you can try to fix your issue by uninstalling & reinstalling the application on your system, as it will remove all the files and turn the settings back to default. To uninstall the application, you need to go to the "Control Panel," then it will permanently remove Outlook. After that, you can reinstall the application on your system and sign into your account.
Try Microsoft support & Recovery assistant - Whenever you face any problem related to Outlook or any other services of Microsoft. You can use the recovery assistant to quickly get the solution. It runs diagnostics in the application and system to identify the issue that's causing the problem. However, remember that it will not fix the problem but provide the steps to resolve it and also share some alternatives to get in touch with customer support.
Free some space - The reason why the application might not be working correctly is because there is not sufficient storage. Outlook provides you with up to 15 GB of free storage in addition to your Microsoft cloud storage, which is around five GB. You can free some space by deleting the unnecessary mail from your account. To know about your current storage and to manage the data, go to the "Settings" option of your account.  
After going through the details mentioned above, you must have basic knowledge regarding Outlook issues and troubleshooting process. Still, if you do not get the solution, then try contacting a live executive from customer support for your assistance. 
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cityonlinementor · 4 months
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Mentor Message 2.16.24
Sometimes I feel like a sloth...
🐱‍💻Campus Updates/Reminders
2 Reminders for Syllabi Policies:
A.  AI: Include a policy on AI/academic integrity in syllabi. Departments may want to determine recommended policies for their disciplines See Syllabus Samples
B. Logging in is not “Attending”: See DE Handbook p. 6 for recommendations. This is per Federal financial aid regulations (see p. 5-65
2. Enrollment Concerns:  Due to increasing cases of large-number false enrollments, it is important for online faculty to reach out & drop all no-shows/no contact students the first day & to contact & enroll waitlisted students. Pre-start enrollment numbers might be vastly "off."
3. DE Toolbox Resource Site: SDCCD Online Pathways has been updating the SDCCD DE Toolkit. This helps fill the gap now that the sdccdolvid site where Dave Giberson & Katie Palacios kept a library of tutorials is no longer supported. The site still works, but no updated content after Dave retired last year.
4. Student Email: Faculty can reach out to students using the non-sdccd email (especially important for pre-semester, drop/add, waitlists). Many thanks to Dean DeVore, Margarita Murray & their team for creating this. Tutorial: See 1.28.24 Mentor Message or Tumblr Blog for archived messages.
5. Office 365 Issue: PT faculty don’t have access to the Word/PPT/Excel software off-line. To create or open those types of files, PT faculty must be logged into their Outlook Account/Myapps  If PT faculty need access offline, fill out a request.*Request Form for Downloadable 365 (not a guarantee it will be granted – requires Dean sign-off).
*365 LTI in Canvas not recommended: You still have to open the Word/PPT/Excel application in your MyApps or your desktop applications (if you have it downloaded).
6. Upgraded Wi-Fi at City is complete. Please submit a Help ticket if you have difficulties accessing the Guest-Connect or the SDCCD Campus Connect (faculty/students/staff only). Info & tutorials: See LRC Info or the District Wi-Fi site. You may need to “forget network” or work with the Helpdesk for your particular phone, tablet, laptop, etc.Many thanks to Charlie Mills on getting this gargantuan task completed!
7. New Paper Cut Pay-to-Print in LRC: See Student Accounting for transferring funds from the old system. The high-speed KIC scanner is available for free, fast scanning Info on printing and scanning in the LRC.
🧊🛠Cool Tools
MS 365 Add-ins for Word: No need to navigate away from your document to add accent marks, find images, symbols, etc. HUGE time saver for accent marks in Romance languages or math/chem symbols! Video Tutorial (3:44) Most are free; some have limitations.
Humanize Your Zoom Waiting Room: You can personalize the message people see in the Zoom Waiting Room before you start a meeting. This is global, so you may want something that would work for all your classes/meetings. Tutorial (2:42)
Multimedia/captioning Option for Discussion Boards: How to use Canvas Studio in DB
Can All Your Students View Your Beautiful Content? Use Pope Tech or the Canvas Accessibility Tool to check accessibility. This helps everyone, including those with slower Internet/cell speeds. Checkers are at the bottom of every box where you can type/edit in Canvas.
✨🆕Zoom Update: Polls & Quizzes are now housed with “Surveys”
Zoom polls work like “clickers” if you want anonymous responses in real time. You can share the percentages for each of the answer choices. Easy peasy – free for you & students to use; they can use any device with an updated Zoom client.
Faster workload: Copy/paste all questions/answers from Zoom polls/quizzes/surveys into MS Word! Click on “Preview” to copy/paste the text.
Quick anonymous surveys for Online Live classes. Your survey will automatically open after your Zoom class ends. I did a “Muddiest Point” one last week.
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How To: Surveys>Create Survey>Type or paste in your questions>Save
Video tutorial (4:15)  Note: “single choice” means picking only 1 answer; “multiple choice” means being able to select more than 1 answer in Zoom. Review the responses by clicking on the number in your survey.
🧠AI: Resources & Food for Thought
MS 365 Co-Pilot: Want to use an AI tool that keeps your content in SDCCD? You and your students have free Co-Pilot access with SDCCD Outlook email login/password.
Equity/Privacy Issues with AI Checkers: Why Vanderbilt turned off their Turnitin AI checker
Food for thought on creating prompts/assignments to outwit AI: Yejin Choi, The Not So Intelligent Side of AI
How AI Can Perpetuate Bias & Discrimination: Interview with Safiya Noble, UCLA
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mani4869 · 4 months
MuleSoft Microsoft
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Integrating MuleSoft with Microsoft technologies allows organizations to connect, automate, and transform their business processes. MuleSoft, known for its Anypoint Platform that enables companies to connect applications, data, and devices, has strong integration capabilities with various Microsoft products and services. This integration plays a crucial role in digital transformation strategies, allowing businesses to leverage their existing Microsoft investments alongside MuleSoft’s powerful integration and API management tools.
Integration Points between MuleSoft and Microsoft Technologies:
Microsoft Azure:
Azure Service Bus: MuleSoft can integrate with Azure Service Bus to enable cloud-based messaging between applications and services.
Azure Blob Storage: MuleSoft can connect to Azure Blob Storage, allowing for storing and retrieving large amounts of unstructured data.
Azure SQL Database: Anypoint Platform enables seamless integration with Azure SQL Database, facilitating data synchronization, migration, and management tasks.
Microsoft Dynamics 365:
MuleSoft offers connectors for Dynamics 365, enabling organizations to synchronize data and automate processes between Dynamics 365 and other applications, whether on-premises or in the cloud.
Microsoft SharePoint:
By integrating MuleSoft with SharePoint, companies can automate document management processes, enabling efficient document sharing, storage, and collaboration.
Microsoft Power Platform (Power BI, PowerApps, and Automate):
MuleSoft can feed data into Power BI for advanced analytics and visualizations, enhancing decision-making processes.
Integration with PowerApps allows for the creation of custom business apps with data from various sources, including legacy systems, through MuleSoft APIs.
MuleSoft can trigger or be triggered by automated workflows in Power Automate, enabling end-to-end process automation across different applications and services.
Microsoft Office 365:
MuleSoft can connect to various Office 365 services, including Outlook, Excel, and OneDrive, facilitating automation and data exchange between these applications and other business systems.
How to Achieve Integration:
Use of Connectors: MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform provides pre-built connectors for many Microsoft services, simplifying the integration process. These connectors abstract the underlying API complexity, making it easier to implement robust integration flows.
Custom Integration: For services or functionalities not covered by pre-built connectors, developers can create custom integrations using MuleSoft’s SDK. This involves directly interacting with Microsoft APIs.
API-Led Connectivity Approach: MuleSoft advocates for an API-led connectivity approach, where reusable APIs are created to connect with Microsoft services. This method promotes efficiency and agility, enabling organizations to adapt to new business requirements quickly.
Benefits of Integration:
Enhanced Productivity: Automating workflows between MuleSoft and Microsoft technologies reduces manual tasks and streamlines business processes.
Data Consistency: Synchronizing data across platforms ensures consistency, accuracy, and real-time availability of critical business information.
Scalability: The combined power of MuleSoft and Microsoft technologies allows businesses to scale their integration solutions as they grow, accommodating new applications and data sources with minimal effort.
Innovation: Leveraging MuleSoft’s integration capabilities with Microsoft’s productivity suite and business applications enables organizations to innovate and create new services or products, enhancing their competitive edge.
Demo Day 1 Video:
You can find more information about Mulesoft in this Mulesoft Docs Link
Unogeeks is the №1 Training Institute for Mulesoft Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
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college-girl199328 · 4 months
Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc.’s Google, and Advanced Micro Devices Inc.—three companies working harder than nearly anyone to weave artificial intelligence into their products—are finding that investor expectations for the technology are hard to meet. Shares of the tech giants slipped in New York trading on Wednesday, the day after they delivered results for the last three months of 2023 and forecasts for the current quarter. Microsoft dropped as much as 1.6%. Google fell as much as 6.7%, and AMD slid 5.5%.
All three had taken pains to highlight progress on AI. In AMD’s case, the company predicted that its new AI processors would generate even more sales than expected. Microsoft touted how users were embracing its AI assistants, and Google said the technology was improving its search and cloud computing services. But investors had bid up shares of the companies to record highs in recent weeks, betting that an AI bonanza would quickly fuel results. What they heard on Tuesday wasn’t enough to satisfy those hopes.
Microsoft and Google, two rivals in AI software and cloud computing, delivered mostly good news in their reports but still elicited a ho-hum from investors. At Microsoft, revenue increased at the fastest rate since 2022, spurred in part by AI products helping drive the adoption of its data center services. Revenue from its Azure cloud-services unit jumped 30%.
AI demand boosted that growth rate by 6 percentage points, Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood said. That was up from 3 percentage points the previous quarter—an acceleration that UBS Group AG analyst Karl Keirstead called “just extraordinary” on a call with company executives. Microsoft didn’t disclose how much it expected AI to bolster Azure in the current period.
Despite the momentum, Wall Street wanted more clarity on how much AI will contribute to financial performance going forward, said CFRA Research analyst Angelo Zino. “Investors want them to quantify the AI potential over the next couple of years,” he said. But Microsoft isn’t going to follow the same pattern as Nvidia Corp., a maker of AI processors that has seen sales explode.
In November, Microsoft released its 365 Copilot, an AI assistant for Office programs like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Teams. The company didn’t give specifics on subscriptions for the product, but Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella said on the conference call that adoption was “much faster” than with previous versions of the software.
Google's softness in its core search advertising business raised concerns. But its quarterly report also sparked questions about whether it’s being aggressive enough in AI and risks falling behind Microsoft. A slowdown in its ad business—the company’s main moneymaker—also could threaten AI ambitions, said Evelyn Mitchell-Wolf, an analyst at Insider Intelligence.
Concerns about the online ad market also weighed on the shares of Meta Platforms Inc. and Snap Inc., two companies that are heavily reliant on that revenue source. Meta shares dropped as much as 3.2%, while Snap shares declined as much as 3.6%.
AMD’s stock had been one of the favorite picks of investors looking for ways to bet on AI computing. Its shares have been the second-best performing stock on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Semiconductor Index this year, following a similar performance in 2023. That meant AMD had a high hurdle to clear with its quarterly report.
It didn’t help that the chipmaker’s sales forecast for the current quarter was short of most estimates. However, the company said that its highly anticipated MI300 AI accelerator chip is generating much higher sales than expected. The processor, similar to Nvidia’s popular H100, helps develop AI models by bombarding them with data. Demand is high enough for the product that AMD now expects to ring up more than $3.5 billion in sales this year, up from an earlier $2 billion forecast.
The catch: Some on Wall Street had been predicting numbers as high as $8 billion, according to Chris Caso, an analyst at Wolfe Research.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Digital Literacy Amidst Rising Cyber Threats - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/digital-literacy-amidst-rising-cyber-threats-technology-org/
Digital Literacy Amidst Rising Cyber Threats - Technology Org
In this digital age, we’re exposed to an abundance of technologies. With around 246 million Americans connected to a massive social network, it’s like we live online. This accessibility has attracted the gaze of cyber criminals looking to exploit it.
Digital literacy, education – artistic impression. Image credit: Nick Morrison via Unsplash, free license
While cybercrime grows, our digital literacy has remained stagnant. In 2022, over 300,000 Americans fell victim to phishing scams. These trends highlight how essential improving your technological know-how is.
Understanding The Development of Cyber Threats
The digital world is constantly growing, and the nature of cybercrimes is adapting. We’ve seen black hats employing malicious and sophisticated attacks every day. The most popular being phishing, ransomware, and social engineering. All have had massive implications affecting millions of people.
In 2022, black hats made use of a trick called ‘pretexting’ to launch a phishing scam. They imitated the US Department of Labor (DoL) to steal Office 365 credentials. In 2023, Dish Network fell victim to a malicious ransomware attack. It affected over 290,000 individuals’ data.
These attacks highlight how crafty cybercriminals are. It also points out the need to raise awareness of these threats. So, learn how to protect yourself against them by improving your digital literacy. You might also want to learn how to remove your digital footprint to stay more secure online.
The Role of Digital Literacy in Cybersecurity
Digital literacy and cybersecurity share a strong connection. Digital literacy refers to the skills needed to progress in an online society. Communication and information are more mobile than ever. We’ve seen it through the growth of online platforms and social media.
Cybersecurity is like the secret service for computers. They protect digital systems from hackers. So, how does digital literacy relate to that? Simple! Understanding the digital world helps you recognize sketchy situations. Which leads to discovering ways to protect yourself.
As technology advances, so do hackers and their methods. Learning critical thinking skills and information literacy becomes essential to keep up, too. So you know when information is reliable and that there isn’t a Nigerian prince in need of your support.
Educational Initiatives and Resources for Digital Literacy
There’s a wide variety of digital literacy educational programs online. Platforms like Code.org, Google, and Microsoft offer free resources and courses. These lessons range from computer basics to online safety and more.
Students can discover the wonders of productivity tools like Evernote and Forest. Professionals can learn about online safety to avoid falling prey to phishing scams. You walk away with the skills to navigate an online economy and society safe and sound.
Empowering Individuals to Stay Safe Online
Staying safe online is straightforward; educate yourself at every opportunity! Find online courses and experiment with reputable tools like Incogni and Kali Linux.
Digital tools like VPNs keep you safe when connected to public networks. Password managers help you make and store complex passwords to secure your information. However, not all programs are as safe as they should be. Ensure you use reliable platforms to protect your valuable information and one-of-a-kind ideas.
Embrace Digital Literacy
It isn’t about becoming a cyber-sleuth and fighting cybercrime. It’s about understanding the digital world and forming safe web exploration habits. Navigating the digital world can open you up to threats. Developing these skills isn’t just beneficial; it’s necessary!
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