#of my two OTPs that have never interacted in their respective canons this is by far the worse experience
theorderofthetriad · 2 years
I'd feel better about Loki and Matt Murdock having never interacted if things like "Loki is in a team called 'The Defenders' now! The group has no relation to The Defenders that Daredevil was a part of." didn't happen.
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prismatoxic · 1 month
you get it. dont mind me, but this has been nagging for a few days when i saw mentions of chilaios has no 'canon basis' or along those lines or dont get why its even a thing and its really not that hard? like theres a ton of reasons why someone would gravitate this ship and for myself while i enjoy the height difference alot, its their deep mutual trust and respect that has me vice gripped. idk it seems like more ARE catching onto chilaios and its steady rising so its weird to still insist on its 'crackship' status
right??? it drives me insane. i don't know what the hell happened in modern fandom for people to dismiss ships with plenty of material to work with as having "no canon basis".
i guess it has something to do with fandom's increasing gravitation towards canon being necessary for shipping. in this fandom specifically you can certainly ship farcille by that metric, and like... god, i dunno what else. i assume they're just making shit up about how their ships of choice have a canon basis to make themselves feel better about it. bc at the end of the day, dunmeshi is not a romance, and the only kiss we ever see is from a relationship where one is in love and the other is like "aw, you're such a good friend." (kabru was real mean for that.)
either way, back to chilaios--back in my day (shakes cane), what they have was more than enough for a "valid" ship. so much so that no one would have questioned it except people who hated it. which... is probably true here as well, a lot of the time. like, dismissing a ship you don't like as being meaningless probably feels pretty good if you actually believe yourself.
you know what an actual dunmeshi crackship would be? (throws a dart at the wall) mithrun/dandan. makes no sense, right? they were in the same room maybe once, never interacted, and have no reason to interact. that's what a crackship is. it has no canon basis whatsoever.
crackships and rarepairs can overlap, and often do, but a rarepair can also be something with real canon interactions that just didn't take off in the fandom. chilbell probably still counts as one, though it does have fics and art, so your mileage may vary.
chilaios, then, with an entire fucking 14-volume-manga's worth of interactions, several of which were important specifically to the two of them, is not a crackship, and god knows it's no longer a rarepair either, if it even was back before the anime. (i know there was like, 1 fic on ao3, but the manga was being published for like 10 years so i assume the general fandom was just a lot smaller.)
calling chilaios a crackship is straight up just not true. not what that term means. they have the same amount of canon basis as multiple other popular ships, and imo they have the chemistry to back it up, but even that isn't necessary. all told it's a pretty standard ship. they're friends, there's tension between them but there's also a deep mutual trust, and there are very few chapters where they don't directly interact (either because the chapter isn't about the touden party or bc one of them isn't present).
sorry for rambling. i feel passionate about this, lmao... not even just because it's my otp but because misuse of fandom terms drives me up the fucking wall.
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sahaquiel43 · 1 year
My thoughts on IY ships:
Sesskik: OTP. objectively the best ship. best themes. Go read The Rift Between Auras. It also has the best art and the best fandom.
KogKag: Personal favorite. Love the pure unadulterated passion of it. And theres lots of good content on it. And admittedly….I think it's the sexiest relationship.
InuKag: Wonderful ship, Canon, good, nothing really to say.
MirSan EDIT nope, screw this ship, Inusan is best!: best. It makes sense. I always have some misgivings (Sango deserves better after the shit she’s been through, and Miroku’s antics get unfunny at times, and I like strong women), it sometimes feels a bit disrespectful. But I admit there's a genuine bond; they’re a decent couple. Heck, even the more sexist elements make sense. It’s feudal Japan, literally, the 1500’s even if it’s a fantasy setting. The fact they have 3 kids immediately makes sense. Not bad, but I feel like she deserves better.
EDIT: and it doesn't help that the author basically locked in mirsan from the start with not even the slightest consideration for other possibilities. It's basically a forced ship, for good or bad.
Inusan: UPDATE: I am really starting to like this ship, it suffers from having very little content, but what does exist is intriuging, and its starting grow on me. I would love to see it explored more. Its definitely moved up to one of my top ships.
InuKik: really good ship, it's deep and complex, even in canon, but personally I find it a really good pair with KogKag. Two pairs where everyone is happy!
Sesskagu: a spicy couple, the most common theme being they end up being a sassy couple of assholes, revelling in each other’s evil, but with the undertone of a deeper emotional bond.
Sesskag: I don't like it. one of the more popular ships that I actually have genuine grips with. I can’t get aboard, I don’t like it. They don’t fit well. And I get the feeling that it’s the “sesshomaru fangirl-self-insert ship”. The “badass guy going with the bubbly semi-normal girl.” They don't fit. It almost feels a bit....predatory?
Koh/rin: A really cute relationship, childhood friends.
KagSan: Love their interaction they’re really good friends, and I would love to see more interactions between them. But taking it to the romantic level also is would be great.
Kagkik: would have loved to see more interactions between them, there’s so much chemistry. I like it both as friends and even romantic partners. I just want them both to be happy and get past their angst and issues.
KaguKik: I can definitely see the dynamic, and this one would be 90% romantic. Two lost souls finding a bond with each other.
EDIT: a few extras.
AyaKag: makes no sense, but there's one tumblr Artist that makes really cute art of it. Thumbs up.
InuKog: I can respect it. full disclosure, I'm a guy, so I never was into M/M ships, but I can respect it, probably the most reasonable M/M ship.
Naraku X anymone: nah,, Naraku is "pathetic evil", he's the type that you can't even like for being a "dark badass". He's just an all-around looser, he's literally an Incel. So I don't care for it, but whatever floats your boat.
InuSess: just.....why? And all the content involves some form abuse/rape/nasty stuff.
Sessr*n: No.
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nordickies · 7 months
You've spoken about your opinion on sufin but do you have any opinions/headcanons about other nordic shops like dennor and hongice?
I like DenNor, and I get why people ship it! But I just personally never really got into it. To me, they're so brother-coded. Or it may be just one of my delusions once again and me flipping the script. To me, Denmark is a ridiculous older brother, who likes provoking his younger siblings when he's bored and Norway is a more reasonable younger brother, who actually takes care of everything behind the scenes. Denmark is more outgoing with a lot of friends, while Norway is a bit weird and quiet loner. They're opposites, which makes them very entertaining!
Same thing with HongIce; I should be able to ship it. But it just never clicked. It also just never felt that natural. I know they have some canon interactions, but it still feels a bit pushed, y'know. Just taking two of the younger characters and shipping them together. Even shipping Indonesia and Iceland makes more sense to me, and it's something I'm way more interested in. Iceland is just such a tough character to ship anyone with regardless. I just really vibe with the idea of him being so detached from dating and not being particularly interested in the whole topic altogether. And even if he was seeing somebody, he wouldn't dare to introduce them to his family. I do, however, adore Iceland and Hong Kong as friends! They'd have a lot in common; having international friends is cute and fun, and I should make more content about it <3
But I do want to clarify this by saying that it's a me issue, not an issue with the ship itself. I still consume HongIce and DenNor content; I don't dislike the idea nor do I avoid them. I just don't have a strong opinion on the issue one way or another. And there are other relationship dynamics that I prefer with them even more. That's really the only reason why I don't ship them
I've mentioned it before but I see the Nordics as found-family. I always felt that bringing romantic feelings in there is ultimately gonna make it unnecessarily messy and awkward. Unless you're into Nordic polycule!
In my experience, shipping just takes up so much screen time. It doesn't leave a lot of room to explore other things in storytelling. I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way. Especially, when we're talking about country personifications. The world-building aside, you can use these characters to tell something meaningful about your people, compare and learn about different cultures and history. That's so much fun for me; I love seeing and researching topics like that! Storytelling-wise, romance adds drama and it has its place - but it's not going to be fun if that's all that there is
I have to confess that I don't really care about shipping anyway. I'm so out of that loop. Is it imagining two of your favorite characters kissing? Having sex? It probably means different things for different people but I just never felt particularly interested in that. However, I do like imagining and pondering when, where, and why these characters got together. How do they get along? What sort of obstacles they might have? Will they overcome those? It's not so much about thinking how they're together but when and why. But then again, I do that with all sorts of relationships; romantic, familial, parental, or platonic. That's probably why shipping is just a "whatever" topic to me. I get the same "kick" by seeing characters being best friends rather than romantic/sexual partners. But it's true; some characters just make sense as a couple. But DenNor and HongIce are just not those kinds of pairs to me
I am fascinated by people who are really into shipping though. Your minds are so intriguing. You really like the idea of that character getting railed blind and I can respect that. But this shows that people consume and think of fiction in different ways, and all of those ways are valid. So just because I don't ship your OTP, it doesn't mean anything. It doesn't even mean it's bad. I'm just one voice with one opinion! Also if people tag my posts as [ship x], whatever. You can consume and take my posts as you want <3
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steeklover · 1 year
i never thought of stan/tweek before but you got me hella interested in the dynamic.. /pos
ahem...allow me to explain my lore behind this ship-
So I started shipping Steek not long after I joined the SP fandom, it was completely be accident if I'm being honest. I was trying to come up with a Stan-centric fic idea that would be based off the You're Getting Old/Assburgers episodes because I thought those episodes were really good and I love Stan!
I knew I wanted to make it a ship fic but I didn't know who to ship him with. When I first joined the fandom the only Stan ship I really knew about was Style but I didn't want to write it as a Style fic which left me searching for another Stan ship to use and I admittedly went to whatever Stan x Tweek was.
I went straight to Tweek because he's my favorite character but I didn't know anything about Steek, I didn't even know if it was a thing. So I did some research about it and found that there was some content out there but not a lot. The idea I came up with was pretty cute in my opinion and I'll link the two versions I have of the fic in case you haven't read them yet but would like to.
As I continued to dive further into the fandom and more specifically Steek, the ship quickly became my OTP which brings me to today where I can not shut up about them. They are literally all I think about and they bring me so much joy that all I want to do is create more content for them.
I can't decide whether I'm shocked or not that more people don't consider Stan and Tweek. The people that I've come across that don't like the ship usually dislike it for two reasons. The first reason is because they don't like the idea of shipping Tweek with anyone other than Craig which you can't really do anything about because haters are going to hate.
The second reason I've seen is because canon-wise Stan wasn't exactly the nicest to Tweek so people think he would be too mean to Tweek. Personally, I completely disagree with that. Sure Stan is a little shit and there were times when he was a little hard on Tweek but so was Kyle and yet I see a lot of Twyle content out there. There were also times where Stan was nice to Tweek like when he said he liked him better than he liked Butters (although I don't know if that's saying much) or when he tried to assure Tweek that things would be okay when Tweek didn't make enough paper hats in Free Hat.
Also, in seasons 2, 3 and 6, the main 4 weren't really fleshed out that much (at least in my opinion but I know others feel the same way) so of course Stan is going to act like a little boy who's a jerk, that's basically what all the main kids were in the earlier seasons. Now we have more of a personality for him but we haven't been able to really see how that would work with Tweek.
Besides, you can't really go off of canon here because Stan and Tweek barely interact with each other. I feel like for most South Park ships you can't go off of canon except for little background moments or like two or three lines that two characters happen to exchange. I see a lot of people say how do people ship this? or they barely interact and it's more about what they could be rather than what they actually are, at least in my opinion.
And also, if they hate each other than why not have enemies to lovers Steek???
Also I'm not trying to say that anyone's opinions or invalid by pointing these reasons out. I myself have ships that I don't like but I know others do. Even though their reasoning for liking that ship may not appeal to me, I still respect those opinions so I hope that you will respect mine too!! I'm not trying to call anyone out lol 😊😊
The number one reason why I probably ship these two is because they are both my favorite SP characters, one being Tweek and two being Stan (sometimes I find them being tied though) but I DO think they would work well together.
They both seem to be more in touch with their emotions versus Craig and Kyle who are more in touch with their logical sides. Because of this, I feel like Stan and Tweek would understand each other pretty well. I can't imagine either of them being hard on each other or not listening to each other when they're having their issues because they both have experience with not being listened to (Stan with Kyle in You're Getting Old/Assburgers and Tweek in Put It Down, and also not being listened to by their parents). I feel like they could sympathize with each other because of that and even though they might get frustrated with one another, I think they would try their best to understand and help.
I also find that they seem to have a lot in common. They both seem to have a love for animals, they both seem to like music and they both like legos. I think those would be things that they would bond over and have fun together with.
I can see them fitting into a lot of relationship dynamics (going off of Pinterest lol). Again they could be enemies to lovers if you want both of them (or at least Stan) to be little pricks. I can see them both being little jerks that only like each other plus a select group of people. I can see them as the nerd x jock trop with both of them in either role but preferably jock Stan x nerd Tweek. I'm in LOVE with the idea of goth Stan x sweetheart Tweek, I saw this comic about it on Pinterest and I think it's the cutest thing I've ever seen. They DEFIENTLY fit the moon x sun dynamic! There's more but I can basically imagine them in any trope/dynamic, maybe it's because they can actually work together or maybe it's because I'm forcing it too much.
You probably shouldn't have sent me this ask if you were looking for a short reply because I will literally take any chance I get to go on a rant about these two! 😂😂 I just love Steek so much and I really wish more people would be open to it. I have seen a little surge in the content for the pairing, like there's a few fanfictions that have come out and I've seen some new artwork for them. I think there's a lot of people that are interested in the pairing or are at least open to it but not enough to engage themselves in the content, if that makes sense. That's why I've made it my goal to try and produce as much content for the ship as possible, the soul purpose being that I want more people to pay attention to them. Call me selfish I guess-
I don't know how you came upon my blog but if you want to, here's some of my favorite Steek things if you'd like to take a look:
I Can't Handle Change Version 1 - By Moi
I Can't Handle Change Version 2 - By Moi
Goth Stan x Sweetheart Tweek Comic - By Unknown
Drawing - By @ari-nee-23
Drawing - By @kvsagi
Drawing - By Unknown
Drawing - By @naitosutan
Drawing - By @kingukairu
Lastly, did you know that Stan has canonically given Tweek a rose?
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That's all. Sorry for such a long response again, I couldn't restrain myself from writing an essay. Hope you liked the response and thanks for the asks, it made me so happy as soon as I saw it! Have a great day anon!! ❤️❤️❤️
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sugiwa · 6 months
HELLO! Completely new reader here who just…BINGED the entirety of what heroes do in the last five days. @.@ What a ride, what a feast, I am OBSESSED, I bow before your writing prowess. It easily became one of my top fics that just sucked me in. So much is just so good, and there were just so many moments where I burst out cackling in public!Seriously, Bakugo/Izumi is my BNHA OTP now. I can’t go back. ToT I do love opposites attracting, but there’s something lovely about two storms colliding and forming an even bigger storm. Izumi is complicated and multi-faceted, and you’ve used that to further demonstrate and expand on the complexities and depth of the canonical characters.
If you don’t mind, I have a…lot of flailing and questions. Please don’t feel obligated to read the entirety of it or answer. Long story short is that I SUPPORT YOU. YOU DO SO GOOD! 
(Sugiwa: I answered them below the cut 🥰)
Seriously, I don’t know what I like more! The banter, characters, the poetry of themes and parallels woven throughout the story, the spectacular technicality of the writing~ ToT On one hand, I am never going to get over Izumi’s comeback about Bakugo having a bigger cup size than her. This now lives in my head rent-free. It’s been on my mind for a week now. On the other, after the last chapter, I’m privately entertaining and snickering over the scenario where Dabi snarls back something snarky and cutting about little hero girls who can’t keep their fucking mouths shut, and Hawk being “…so Izumi-chan did know, the HSPC won’t be happy about this”. The irony of Dabi outing Izumi after both of them agonized over her outing him is golden entertainment but also demonstrates that you really managed to create multiple relationship with an OC that we’re incredibly invested in.
Meanwhile, from one writer to another, I love both the way you flesh out the characters as people as well as their interactions, but also the WAY you write things. There’s this bit of jarring dissonance between what readers are able to pick up from a character’s (especially Izumi) internal processing compared to how their seen in-world at large and as per individual, but in a way that’s so REAL and relatable rather than off-putting. Even just the focuses of their thoughts versus what others focus on about them is so realistic and lovely to read and adds depth.
I really like the parallels and contrasts in the story. For example, one of my favorites is the parallel between Endeavor and Rei versus Bakugo and Izumi. Endeavor and Rei maintained an outward appearance of a peaceful, private relationship and a solid family unit/home, their actual relationship and home was fraught, toxic, abusive, and violent. Meanwhile, Bakugo and Izumi have the reverse of that where their everyday, regular interactions give off the impression of a chaotic relationship full of friction where, in reality, they have a very solid, supportive, respectful connection that’s a lot more normal than people would assume. It’s hilarious in a sad sense because everyone in this example are flawed individuals but it’s the two volatile teenagers that are demonstrating better relationship values. Working on bettering themselves, valuing each other as individuals, encouraging and supporting each other, doing their best to be understanding of their own and each other’s shortcomings, etc.
The exploration with Dabi is really interesting too, and I loved that you’re doing another take on it because I’m…not a fan of the canonical take. As someone who grew up in an Asian-American household that had a weird mix of traditional Asian and conservative American values (collectivism vs hyper-individualism X.x), I know that Asian culture puts a lot of weight on family harmony and unity and household piece and assimilation. But as who was also raised in a Western country, I’m not a fan of individual’s sacrificing themselves and enduring their own pain and discomfort for the sake of that harmony. I think that’s why Fuyumi and her insistence of them trying to be one big happy family and her canonically have a slight issue with Natsuo being “the only one…who can’t seem to let bygones be bygones”. I know what it’s like to have family insist you just put up with it and endure like an “adult”, to “not being the nail that sticks out the most”, to not be the discordant note in the harmony, and not to be the disturbance that ruins the occasion for everyone else while others (usually the “heads of the household”) is allowed to make everyone uneasy with their temper tantrums and demonstrative, lingering dissatisfaction. And it’s particularly damning to me with Izumi in the picture, because I have fought my own parents when they’ve over-pressured my younger brother. I have taken him, ran, and hid before. If they’d actually committed violence, I would never forgive them or even mention forgiving them to him. Your fic really expands on the internal struggle of this and adds a bit more weight to Natsuo’s “Why do I have to be the one to make an active effort to change”. A REALLY good OC manages to influence a lot of subtle things just by EXISTING where they do, and highlighting the issue of forgiveness was one way of the many ways you succeeded in it. Just by having Natsuo not being ALONE in this divide, you’ve managed to make it so it’s an issue that divides the family rather than him being the one road bump to the family reuniting in the face of Endeavor’s changed mindset. Not to say his canonical change of heart and growth are not valid or genuine, but we as readers get the benefit of omni-presence. We’ve seen a lot of his unreasonableness, but we’ve also seen some of his reasonableness and growth and struggles. It’s not the same as living through it, so it’s easier to see him as a kind of hero (or at least protagonist) in this story where he helps fight super-powered terrorists. Meanwhile, Dabi is a whole other can of worms, but it’s super interesting to see how he to have mostly fallen for the same illusions that he ranted about everyone else falling for, even when they/he know better. But some consistent flaws of MHA characters are their tunnel vision and insistence on their own vision of things, so I’m digging it. Even when he knows the issues are there, he’s very reluctant to not see “the family” (them moved on and things going well and them living happily, successfully) when he’s had firsthand experience in that the true fraught nature of their family can be hidden beneath a pleasant exterior.
And oh god, I REALLY love Bakugo’s development. It’s slightly canon divergent, but in a super interesting and real way. Canonically, he’s left completely distraught about All Might’s sacrifice but also had to shoulder the weight of being known factor in the events leading up to what’s essentially the destruction of an international pillar. Here though, he’s picking up on how saving people is winning a bit earlier and more viscerally because of very personal losses. It hurts different. The kind of anguish and survivor’s guilt is different. I love how Izumi as an element triggers Bakugo’s natural critical thinking skills (which were always a strength, despite his impulses). I appreciate him being skeptical of the actual All Might in front of him in the way he is with everyone BUT him canonically. In general, the situation with Endeavor and Izumi does what any good OC character should do. Just them being there, creates those subtle ripple and butterfly effects. Despite his attitude of “yes we’re together and that’s a PUBLIC SERVICE on my part”, I love that he has someone he’s DECIDED on and values. It really brings out the best in him.
So onto my questions. They’re kind of all over the place and just built up as I was reading, and I hope it isn’t too troublesome for you.
How harrowing is the next chapter (the aftermath of Izumi revealing Dabi’s identity and her having kept it a secret) going to be emotionally? I know there’s going to be a rough patch with her relationships, but I’m a fragile daffodil that is currently cooing over her MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and the simple fact that she’s really learning that asking for help can be painless and without strings. I don’t know how much emotional turmoil I can handle. (Which is to say, should I wait for a few chapters before reading your updates?)
Ehh, it's not harrowing so to say. The Hawks side of things has higher stakes, but less tension. Whereas Izumi and friends gotta talk things out and Shouto gets involved, so there’s a lot more tension there. Bakugou does say a lot of things that he normally wouldn’t during these circumstances: aka opinions on the Todoroki affair that he’s kept to himself until now. 
So we know that Izumi’s abilities are affected by vibrations in the air, which makes sense and I figured as much. But is her quirk affected by any natural, external factors the way Avatar’s waterbenders were affected by the moon?
No, it’s mostly just her emotions/state of mind. She does worse in arid/sunny climates since it affects her body more, but she is not stronger at night. 
Does Endeavor know that Natsuo has a girlfriend?
NOOOOOO and Natsuo would love for it to remain that way forever :)
Are Fuyumi and Rei still unaware that Endeavor has withdrawn financial support for Izumi?
They know. Fuyumi pays for her stuff and Endeavor gave the cards to her, but Izumi stubbornly refuses the money now and is happy having her own from the summer job she had. 
I can’t wait to see Endeavor and Endeavor’s reaction to finding out Izumi is actually dating Bakugo trololol. But while we know that Bakugo isn’t like that, are any of Izumi’s family members worried about his volatility and Izumi possibly getting into an abusive relationship.
Rei and Natsuo probably have the biggest reservations, but they get over it pretty quickly once they actually see them together. Plus Bakugou putting everything at risk to go get her kinda sealed the deal. They will have an official meeting tho. 
Is Izumi ever going to call Kota or Ellison Shinseki lol?
Lololol, yes, Kota is going to visit UA, so she’ll talk to him then. As for Ellison...she does keep in touch, but she’ll actually see him again in the future, but that’s for a whole different arc. 
Are we going to see Bakugo and Izumi team up? Whether in a training combat exercise or because of a real threat, it would be super interesting to me.
Yes, but it’s further out. 
Can the water in cells trick she did for Deku work for Bakugo for the strain he gets from dealing with his explosions? Or was that strictly experimental?
Yes and she would get in so much trouble for having done it, but Deku wasn’t a snitch. I would say that blood control is highly highly regulated as Shinsou kinda implied in one chapter. The HPSC have enough details about her blood control to fine her for it, but since she’s been in the spotlight and is still a student, they’ll just keep that knowledge to blackmail her later 😂😂😂
I saw the post about their fandoms, but now I need to know…we have fandoms shipping real people (ex. the Jelena supports). What is the KATSUMI shipping fanbase like? XDDD
So, people don’t really know at first and KATSUMI shippers are kinda seen as crazy for picking up on all these little details. Izumi low-key eggs them on by releasing photos under a fake account. Once it is public knowledge, they’re very supportive and super organized, so if Izumi or Katsuki highlight certain issues, they’re really good at like fundraising, gathering aid, etc. 
10.Who wins the pot the General Class have about the state of Bakugo and Izumi’s relationship?
11.So they’re the same height now, but what are their adult heights?
Izumi stops growing. Bakugou gets taller. 
12.Would Bakugo and Izumi get married in the future? And if so, what kind of wedding would it be? What kind of shenanigans would they pull trololol?
Hmmm, tbh, I don’t think they’re all that interested in it, but they’d probably elope on a mission and then come back and bet on who figures it out first. Bakugou would 100% mess with everyone. 
13.Double checking because I’m wondering if I missed something, did you have a mermaid AU for what heroes do?
Oh, there was a fantasy AU planned, but it kinda fell to the side. In it, Izumi was a mermaid. 
14.Will the World Mission movie be a part of your fic?
Yes and in a very very big way. 
15.In dorm life, there seems to be the implication that over time, they more and more start cohabitating and living together in a way you might as well take down the wall between them. AND I’M SO READY FOR THIS! Will this still happen in what heroes do or will that just be part of the dorm life AU?
There’s going to be a time skip in the main story and when it happens, certain events will lead to something similar to Dorm Life. I don’t want to spoil too much. 
16.Would Izumi actually break if someone she loves dies?
She would be very very heartbroken, but after some time, would find her way back to doing what she does best. 
17.Very randomly, have you watched Steven Universe? And if you have, in an AU where people can fuse (I know the crossover was popular for a while), what are some headcanons you have about the kind of fusion Bakugo and Izumi would create?
I have not watched it, so I don’t think I’m all that qualified to answer this one!
Thank you again for writing this and I wish you all the best in life and with the upcoming chapters you’re working on! You’ve inspired me to be better with my own storytelling as well! XD
Sugiwa: There’s not enough of a thanks I can give for such a lovely message and in-depth review of WHD. I promise I’m working hard on the next chapter and hopefully it will be up soon, but thank you for taking this journey and reading the story. I’m so happy it had such an impact on you!! I hope I’ve answered everything, but feel free to drop more questions if you have them ❤️❤️❤️
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ryukang1995 · 7 days
Why do I ship Liu Kang x Sonya Blade so much?
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Some folks probably wonder this, and I feel now would be a good time to post why I ship them so strongly.
As a kid, I always was curious about these two getting together, even though they never officially hooked up. However, there was a brief hint at their relationship in the non-canon Mortal Kombat novel by Jeff Rovin, which was published a few months before the 1995 film's theatrical release.
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This interaction actually made my curiosity over them grow, but if you dig deeper into their backstories, especially in certain incarnations like the 1995 film, they actually have quite a number of things in common.
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Both grew up losing family members. Sonya lost her father and twin brother while Liu Kang lost practically his entire family (his parents are very much dead in every incarnation while his brother was murdered in the 1995 movie). In addition to this, Sonya also lost her partner, who was also her fiancée, depending on which incarnation you follow.
They grew up being pushed to their limits to the point where they take their respective duties very seriously with Liu Kang being a Shaolin monk and Sonya being a Special Forces agent.
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So much that they don't really have time to settle down and raise families, and when they do have the opportunity, it doesn't last very long. Liu Kang turned down Kitana's offer to be king of Edenia by her side while Sonya divorced Johnny Cage.
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Their duties ultimately cost them their lives as Liu Kang was killed by the Deadly Alliance while Sonya sacrificed herself after being trapped in falling debris caused by Liu Kang's Revenant form (which isn't truly Liu Kang).
That is not to say they don't deserve to settle down, of course. They both deserve the absolute best, especially after what they go through.
Personality-wise, they can also be similar. Sonya is usually very stubborn and hard-as-nails, and while Liu Kang is usually more reserved, he can also be the same, especially in the 1995 movie.
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I know that most fans prefer Liu Kang with Kitana and Sonya with Johnny Cage since that was what became canon ever since the 1995 movie, and that's totally fine, but because of the reasons I highlighted, I made so much fan art and posts shipping Liu Kang and Sonya together to the point where they are a thing in my works based on MK, and they truly are my OTP, when it comes to the franchise.
Another reason for this is actually a very personal reason...
There are two women who I'm in contact with. One of them is my actual girlfriend named Haley, who lives in Arizona. We met since 2009 when we were both 13 years of age (she was born in May 1995 while I was born in August of that year). For a long time, Sonya was her favorite MK character while Liu Kang is mine, and this stuck with me ever since.
The other is a pen pal of mine who goes by the username @twinsand. Sonya is undeniably one of her favs, and she even dressed up as her. Not only does she ship CageBlade, but she also likes the idea of Sonya with Shang Tsung. We have been mutuals since late 2022, and I couldn't be any more grateful to have such a friend.
For that reason among others, I will gladly keep Liu Kang x Sonya.
If you disagree, it's all good.
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Hi. I’m a bisexual and genderfluid (currently only MCU, but hoping to expand) Loki fan that makes content for Genderfluid MCU Loki cause the series writers are queer baiting double crossing cowards. I am also a diehard yet careful Sylki shipper who genuinely feels like a traitor for shipping Sylki at times. I often think I should abandon ship, but the ship has been a bright spot through some of the worst trauma of my life and personally resonates with me so deeply I do not believe I will be able to fully sever myself from it. Sylki is my otp. My conscience is fighting my heart, and has been for a while now.
A. I understand that while the romance is a brilliantly executed metaphor for healthy self love based in Loki’s own struggles with self loathing and self obsession, (and Sylvie’s to an extent,) between two characters who intentionally click and contrast very well, the romance as presented in canon has offensive elements such as contradicting Loki’s genderfluidity by making Sylvie the token woman variant, giving Sylvie AoA Loki’s broken horn, and not explicitly refuting the idea Loki, a presumably amab genderfluid person, would love Sylvie, their “female self,” based off narcissism and ‘autogynephilia,’ instead of sharing a soul, mutual understanding and similar trauma…as most Sylkis understand to be the case.
B. I acknowledge that these problematic tropes should never be ignored and must be changed, though they won’t be in canon. This infuriates me. I often ponder if even interacting with canon Sylki in a positive way betrays my other genderfluid peers who have genuine criticism with the series and the ship, but I have come to the conclusion the way I uniquely enjoy the ship is not harmful. I am willing to change my conclusion if necessary, and I have been trying to open up the conversation over the harmful parts of the show with other sylkis. So far, they have been very receptive and truly well meaning.
C. If you want something done right… do it yourself. So I took the mistakes the writers made and I fixed them my fucking self in fanon by showcasing MCU Loki’s genderfluidity in a respectful way, demanding headcanoning (amab?) androgynous girlflux she/they Sylvie, and writing the Sylki relationship as based in understanding and admiration of each other as individuals, not shallow love for themselves. Anything that gets added to insult next season will also be changed by me, if possible. To me, Sylvie Laufeydottir is a perfectly tailored and suited love interest for MCU Loki and a clever way of adapting Sylvie Lushton to the MCU (with the addition of more Loki traits as she is a Loki variant). Thus it is my personal belief she is too interesting of a character to scrap.
C. I am planning to raise hell when if the writers pull anymore transphobic bullshit next season… down to boycotting Marvel or going on strike or even leaving the ship if it gets bad enough. The last option would…break me. I have very little light in my life left, due to personal trauma I do not feel comfortable sharing, and Sylki and it’s community have genuinely been one of my last few comforts. If I truly I must jump ship for the good of others, I will try my hardest to brave the lonely sea.
D. I do not condone the mess we were given, I do not perpetuate it, and I am not responsible for the harm it causes. I am condemning the same problematic writing choices, and petitioning to change the same uncomfortable elements that Sylki antis do, just via a different approach. Instead of throwing the existing romance away, I fix what we were given, preserving the parts I liked and rejecting what was offensive. I am not anti Sylki altogether, and I am not pro Sylki altogether. I am a genuine critical thinker. My blog is Sylki as it should have been, not how it was.
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yakool-foolio · 9 months
What do you say to these Vivia ships?
Vivia x Yakou
Vivia x Worried Man NPC
Vivia x Shinigami
Vivia x Fubuki
Vivia x Desuhiko
Vivia x Halara
Vivia x Yuma
Vivia x Melami
Vivia x dying
Vivia x pillows
Vivia x Wince Media
Vivia x boxcutter knife
Vivia x nobody
Hoo boy that's a lot! Well, if ya wanna mess with the bull, you'll get the horns. And by that I mean you'll get my serious and/or non-serious reaction to all of these so enjoy!
Vivia x Yakou - Ah yes, the og otp, ever since me and my boyfriend wanted to cosplay our respective favs before the game even released. Suffice to say were we ahead of the game on that one so we were pleasantly surprised it has some canon footing and it's simply sweet as hell! I personally love how this ship symbolizes that no matter how much you've lost, there's always something to gain and you still have the capacity to love.
Vivia x Worried Man - I won't lie this side quest completely caught me off-guard. My thought process went from 'aw he's in love' -> 'wait that's gay' -> 'WAIT THATS GAY WITH VIVIA' and I have never been the same since. It's pretty cute ngl, even if it's just a little side quest. Aaaaand then the rest of chapter 4 happened and I went right back to loving Viviakou, sorry Worried Man but you've got a lotta competition.
Vivia x Shinigami - Before the game released I theorized that Vivia could see Shinigami and I was so damn proud of myself to find out that I was right. Besides that, I always associated them as friends pre-release, but with chapter 4, their dynamic is very interesting. Vivia put her in her place throughout the entire labyrinth. He was more in control of the situation than she was cause he held more knowledge than any other assistant ever had before. He wasn't stuck in there with her, she was stuck in there with him. Anyways yeah I think they'd be platonic buddy ol' pals
Vivia x Fubuki - The 4-panel comic of them was adorable! I see them as friends but I can certainly see why people may view them in a more romantic light. They definitely paint each other's nails.
Vivia x Desuhiko - Another case of them being more like pals than a blossoming bromance. However, I do have a good platonic headcanon that Vivia knows how to play piano and has studied music theory as part of his endless reading escapades, so he'll sometimes help out Desuhiko when requested for assistance with practicing on his guitar. They're both very musically-inclined I know it in my heart.
Vivia x Halara - AKA the badasses. I don't view them as romantic personally, but I love them being the duo who kicks ass and takes names. Additionally, I'm sure Halara appreciates having a metaphorical cat around when they can't interact with actual cats.
Vivia x Yuma - Not uncommon for the protag to slip his way into every and all angles of ships, but I think this one works especially well. Yuma and Vivia have a very strong and well-written dynamic thanks to our lord and savior chapter 4; they develop alongside each other. It's just like Vivia said, they're accomplices, they have to fight for the truth together in order to clearly see eye-to-eye. We love short king with tall ghost guy! The appeal for this ship is very much apparent.
Vivia x Melami - I fought so hard for these two to interact and what did I get? Nothing! So, I wallow in my headcanons of them having a perfect partnership since their Fortes bounce off each other so well. Melami would absolutely despise Vivia's choice of 'clothing' though, she'd try to give him a makeover but he'd slip right out of her grasp before she could do anything.
Vivia x dying - As much as he adores the idea of death I don't think he's dying any time soon. The grim reaper plays hard to get.
Vivia x Wince Media... hey wait I know that guy from Twitter
Vivia x boxcutter knife - It's a cut above the rest [laugh track]
Vivia x nobody - Privacy is very important, I'm sure he enjoys his time alone just as much as he's grateful for attention. It's a good balance!
BONUS: Vivia x Zilch (yes the real one)- I'm inclined to bring this crack ship up cause I've been pioneering it for a long time. Heck I'm even trying to write an AU one-shot about it, I find their potential relationship so intriguing. I love my literal and metaphorical catboys!
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theclearblue · 3 months
Sorry if I'm late for the ship ask game. Can I ask for these ships :
- Gojo/ Utahime or Yuta/ Maki [I know these two ships are not that popular, but my friend really love them, and i can't understand their reasons. Maybe your opinion could help me (?)]
- Shanks/ Buggy (just some rare pair, that I fell into because of a certain fan arts & fan fics)
- Kenjaku/ Takaba (their fight is one of my fav in JJK until now, entered my top 5)
- Zuko/ Katara (one of my first otp, although now I love Zuko x Sokka more)
No worries, I like this ask game a lot!
Don't Ship It
1. This has the exact same problem as Nanago for me, except maybe even worse lol. I love a good bickering couple but...this is Utahime genuinely disliking Gojo, and Gojo being oblivious to it. They are not on the same page and I don't think either of them truly respect the other? At least not a respect that would build an actual relationship. I don't see any chemistry between them. It gives very much "Hot man and hot woman stood next to each other, and they're about the same age."
2. There's never a moment between these two where I think they would ever be emotionally vulnerable with each other, or truly trust the other with something important. So I guess if there was ever a moment hinting that maybe the teasing and bickering was just something they did in a friend way rather than "I can't stand you/I'm oblivious" way that it is in canon. But as it currently stands you first have to convince me these two are friends before we even get to a shipping context.
3. God I think you have to ask a gojohime shipper directly, because I don't understand this ship at all. Unfortunately this one is just not for me either.
Don't Ship It (lightly)
1. This one I do completely understand as a ship, at least much more than Gojo/Utahime. My only hang up is that I think Maki is a lesbian and NobaMaki is so superior to me 🤧 I probably also like InuOkko more than than this ship, so it just kinda falls to the bottom of the list even though I am a big fan of their friendship!
2. Hmm maybe more interaction between these two beyond JJK 0 would of convinced me on them.
3. I think this is a very classic girlboss x malewife ship lmao, which I usually do like so I do completely understand the appeal. They both clearly care for each other and have a good friendship, and have learned from each other too. I understand this ship completely, I just like their friendship a little more.
Ship It
1. Didn't really get this ship until we got the Roger/Oden backstory and we got to see them grow up together. This is the kind of bickering relationship I can believe lol, where they fight over stupid things but they do obviously care about each other, Shanks didn't go to Laugh Tale in order to watch over Buggy! Very cute childhood friends/crush kind of ship.
2. In hindsight I think it's kind of funny that when they reunite for the first time in decades at Marineford, they both kind of go back to being kids lmao, as if no time has passed. I'm looking forward to them meeting again where Buggy realizes that Shanks dreams of becoming the Pirate King, which that fight was what drove them apart in the first place.
3. Hmm I don't think so, this more of a casual ship for me, I just think it's cute lol.
Ship It
1. I think the first moment in the fight that piqued my interest with them was when Kenjaku was explaining to Takaba why the wifi joke doesn't work lmao. I think it's interesting where they both are playing the wrong roles in the beginning, Kenjaku isn't supposed to be the straight man and Takaba isn't meant to be the funny one. But when they switch roles.
2. Probably 100th time I've said this lol but JJK is so big on duos, but neither of these characters had another half, which is so interesting for both of them. Takaba is a comedian doing Manzai comedy, you literally can't do it by yourself. Kenjaku has maybe the most connections/relationships in the entire series, yet they don't have another half. They work off of each other incredibly well and help each other grow in their fight, and there really is undeniably a bond they share, I think highlighted in the scene where Takaba is crying about not wanting it to be over, and Kenjaku practically comforting him about it? Yeah, this ship hits.
3. It should be more popular 😭🤧
Don't Ship It
1. Don't tell 12 year old me about this, they were a big Zutara shipper, but yeah it just doesn't do it for me anymore. Honestly most of the ships I don't really care for in ATLA? The romance plotlines are undeniably the weakest part of the show, funnily enough I like the Sokka ships (Zuko, Suki, Toph, Yue, truly the bachelor of the atla universe) lmao but that's it. I can't even really pinpoint why I don't like Zutara anymore, I think I just want my girl Katara to be single lol.
2. I think maybe if there was a bit more to them outside of trauma bonding? Idk I do still really like their friendship and love that they can open up to each other about similar struggles and the way they watch each other's backs in the last fight. But I think at the end of the day there probsbly would have just had to be more content of the two of them to fully sell me on it.
3. While I fell out with this ship I do understand why people like it, this feels like one of the few relationships where Katara isn't projected onto as a mom and I think they do have a relationship where they can talk about things that they feel they can't talk about with anyone else. Plus yeah they look cool together lol.
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fincalinde · 1 year
Lan Xichen!
THANK YOU for the pity ask! Can't believe I got the Nie bro Hanguang-jun triple bonus combo first. (I don't mind being asked about any character, it's just funny.)
a song that reminds me of them
The obligatory PHILDEL is Funeral Bell because it's one that's more LXC alone than Xiyao. Don't get me started on the Xiyao ones.
And it rings in the day And it rings in the evening Oh, I could pray but it won't stop you leaving Shadow in black, you are grim from your reaping Oh, can't you spare just a day for the weeping?
what they smell like
Sandalwood! But he spends so much time at Golden Carp Tower after JGY ascends that he often smells of their incenses too. Probably also smells of clean air and pines when he's just come from the mountain/been flying. Of the entire cast he's probably the one who smells the best, let's be real.
an otp
ctrl+c, ctrl+v my JGY answer, but it's Xiyao. I don't think the text indicates that they are secret lovers, but their intimacy and affection reads as romantic to me, and I think had circumstances been more kind that is the relationship both would prefer whether or not either of them has consciously considered it. I think they're also both very happy with their friendship as it is, so perhaps longing but not necessarily pining. They see each other constantly, after all. And I will leave a link to this again to illustrate why I believe they're a strong partnership who could have rebuilt their relationship had NHS not intervened.
a notp
I already took a cricket bat to Xicheng's balls, so let's say Nielan. There's no evidence in the text that their initial relationship is anything other than a friendship between two young clan leaders(/leader and heir), and by the time the war is properly underway they're already drifting apart in terms of how their respective worldviews are being tested by their circumstances. You yourself did the ultimate breakdown of their relationship, and while there's certainly affection it's hardly a meeting of the minds.
I will just also add a tart observation that for all fandom's supposed plethora of ace representation, NMJ the canonical ace is almost never depicted as such.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
I am doubling up here quite a bit as I've already covered LXC's friendship with NMJ and his relationship with LWJ, so as a third option I'll say I find his relationship with his mother interesting. Going to hold off on more details as some absolute monster sent me an ask about her and it would be better served there. Suffice to say I have thoughts.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Himbo LXC has been slated enough by finer minds than mine, but OK, I'll sharpen my axe for his equally frustrating cousin, service top LXC. I would genuinely be interested if someone could point me to anything in the text that indicates LXC has any desire to 'serve' JGY and dote on him either in the bedroom or outside it, because I don't see a shred of evidence that he's harbouring any secret yearnings of that nature.
Consistently throughout the entirety of MDZS, JGY is the one catering to LXC's needs and we never see either of them express the remotest dissatisfaction with this arrangement. Yes the narrative isn't focused directly on them and all sorts of things might be happening in the gaps, but that puts 'service top' LXC in the category of speculative at best.
Actually I think I'm bending over backwards to categorise it as speculative. At minimum there are far more plausible ways for him to express his romantic and sexual affections if given further opportunity. We actually see a fair bit of LXC and how he interacts with JGY, and we know how they behave when relaxed together. There's nothing in any of their scenes that betrays any kind of anxiety about wanting to protect JGY, to wait on him, to dote on him. We can speculate that LXC at times yearns to relinquish the persona of clan leader, because he is a human being and no human being wants to always live inside their role, and I'm sure there are times when he would like to express his emotions more freely. But it doesn't follow that doing so would open the floodgates on some suppressed desire to serve and 'spoil' JGY.
I've written about this before, but LXC is already meeting JGY's needs. He likes JGY and he respects and supports him. There's also no indication that JGY secretly wants to be taken care of and doted on. Just, no indication at all that either of them is dissatisfied with their existing dynamic, which does not consist of spoilt JGY and protective servile LXC.
As always, if this is what people enjoy then that's great. Fandom is fun and we are all here for different reasons but ultimately to enjoy ourselves. My frustration is that it's like trawling the Atlantic with a tea strainer trying to find content that's more in line with the novel.
the position they sleep in
Official Lan Position but considering he's a little more relaxed than LWJ, my speculation is that there have been times in his life when he hasn't lain down to sleep like a vampire in a coffin. Like after a while of being in hiding with JGY in Not Yunping Please God, Why Would JGY Travel Back To Yunmeng Or Anywhere In Hubei And Why Would LXC Flee Towards Hubei Not To Mention Jiangsu Borders Shandong Like Come On I Think We All Know JGY Travelled South Out Of Shandong Towards Or Into Jiangsu But Even If He Didn't Why Would He Ever Go Back To Yunmeng
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
My ATLA AU is still my fave, shameless shameless, but to vary things a little I do like the idea of an AU influenced by HDM. The problem is that I've read a couple before back in the mists of time and the dæmon choices were baffling. JGY with a fox and LXC with a deer I'm on board with though, and it would be an interesting challenge to synthesise something out of the canon dynamics while incorporating all the Dust and Magisterium stuff.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
I'm a basic bitch who does love the robe he wears in the CQL Xiyao doing their thing right in front of NMJ's salad scene. Just generally approve of the choice they made to introduce colour to LXC's wardrobe to differentiate him. It's something I pinch for my fic (pls cancel me now for being hypocritical about purism). Oh but I also love him with hair loopies in fanart, this is noncanonical but I see what you did there with all the official art, LWJ is the lead so he has to have the sexy bits of hair outside the ribbon even though the more austere style given to LXC would be a better match for his character. I reject this technically extracanonical material and substitute my own personal preferences in a further display of shameless hypocrisy. I regret nothing.
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catboyklug · 2 years
oc x oc / oc x canon ships i have + my thoughts on most of em yay
i was enabled by gav . blame him
color coded - oc x oc is orange, oc x canon is urple.
if ur wondering who any of these guys r feel free 2 ask and/or just check out my artfight 'cause they're all on there
humaliens / hk:
masa x frey - the first!!!! love them sm. short punk femme x tall goth butch ftw. also theyre both super smart which makes them go well together imo
masa x frey x dusty - i made them a moodboard specifically bc their vibes go together well and it made me consider... consider what idk but
masa x hornet - now there's a thought
qeum'e x zismith - very very cute. originally wasnt even a thought, i was gonna make zismith go w/ some girl based off of a side character from tall girl ig?? but q x z won in the end and im glad it did.
berro x wist - not much 2 say. berro holds all the gender so wist doesn't need to
berro x wist x april - literally never happenin (april's aroace and wist's only attracted 2 nb people) but very very funny to thnk abt yk. two ridiculously romantic guys and the guy who is just sorta there
nothing for labfixation bc there are only like 1 possible ships
puyo puyo:
kikki x doppel - i thought abt this as a way to force kikki to interact w/ nate if sexism is no good ever is played in again but then i was like WAIT I CAN DO SOMETHING WITH THIS. have been thinkng abt it since....
ajax x kikki - never happening but it's interesting 2 think abt. they both hate ace and r gay it could work
he/they polycule - couldnt go long enough w/o mentioning this. they r everything 2 me. i want them to kiss so fucking badly ok
remy x maguro - THE OG. the perfectest. they're so so so<3<3<3 mentally ill but they're there for each other & test out cool and new pronouns w/ each other
remy x klug - klug had a hate-crush on remy and nate and a legit crush on maguro which contributed to his hate-crush on remy earlier in the rp. they're also sort of terribly perfect for each other in the worst ways possible AND their brothers are dating. AND they have "i got possessed and it really was awful" solidarity. AND they have colors. AND-
aloe x ruby - very very cute. they love each other at a respectful distance bc that's what they both need & when they do need affection they know they can always ask. also rlly funny if you consider it for more than a few seconds
doppel x aloe - kurro kept bringing this up as a joke and it's sorta funny. aloe has minus 10 attraction towards doppel (in an affectionate way) but doppel has a massive crush on anyone who's taller than him so
8.1 x captain 3 - they shoul hold hands and homoerotically spar more often
8.TT x the concept of denial - OTP UWU
8.2 x captain 3 - they have 2 kiss immediately i think
there are more so this will prolly be updated a couple times in the future i just am being forced off my laptop and yeah
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princeymarmar · 1 year
alucard for tbe ask meme
How I feel about this character: ALUCARD!!! One of (though surprisingly NOT my ultimate) favorite Castlevania characters ever... This is the guy who got me into Castlevania, because I saw blond long hair guy in all black in the heights of my fe4 special interest and went "ooo, like Ares fe4?" and then I spent like 3 years on and off pestering Eon to watch SOTN with me and um. Well now we're here. Also he is sexy. Sorry for liking men <-not sorry
All the people I ship romantically with this character: RICHTERCARD ULTIMATE!! I am admittedly completely biased in this because of how and why I got into castlevania to begin with, but they are sooo. Foils, so perfectly suited in the narrative, their journeys and their recoveries feel like they can be tied together so perfectly. also I do like to think about him having Feelings about Trevor(+Sypha) that he literally just never brings up and goes to sleep without talking about. Just because I think it is an interesting narrative.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: god but there's so many. For a guy who seems to try his very best to self isolate Alucard has so many interesting relationships with people, possibly genuinely the most of any Castlevania character? the cv3 crew, Maria, Soma, Julius, Mina, Yoko... I feel like I'm especially invested in his relationship with Soma just because it's so interesting, with Maria because she's one of my favorite characters, and with Trevor and Sypha especially out of the cv3 crew because I did watch the first two seasons of the show and so unfortunately I am sorry to poor Grant but I have more thoughts on them and their relationships as a result.
My unpopular opinion about this character: uhhh uhhhhhh. there's plenty of takes out there that I disagree with I think but I don't want to do them in a Fun, "Short" Tumblr Post. If I talk about my problems with the show and some of the things branching off that I'll be here all day. I guess, in the more specifically games focused circles... I think Alucard and Trevor can have a deep and mutual respect for each other. AND also awaken in each other fratboy sensibilities of swearing and trying to drown each other in Las Vegas pools. I don't think these things are mutually exclusive. I need Alucard to be telling people about how important Trevor is to him and how Trevor understood him when he felt no one else would and never looked down on him for his parentage. And then Trevor comes in like OY! FUCKER! And Alucard immediately turns around and races over to try and wrassle him. I just think it's funny.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: uhhhh idk. I think he has a relatively complete arc, and post sotn domesticity arc with Richter is too much to ask for in CANON.
I guess I kind of want to know his thoughts about the whole Soma thing, before actually encountering Soma himself. like, he already has complicated dad feelings, and while most of those could never translate to Soma himself, I imagine he still has a lot of complicated and unresolved feelings!! And for a guy whose original plan seemed to be "awaken Dark Lord; kill him" he just Bonds to Soma SO fast to a point where Yoko is able to be like "oh yeah that guy cares about you" long before Soma actually gets to the throne room, after barely interacting with Arikado at all. I want to explore Arikado having what I can best describe as a Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives emotion about Soma. I want him to be experiencing a broiling uncertain ocean of emotion about Soma's existence that Soma just cuts through with a knife without ever even realizing he's done it.
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weafurry · 2 years
Grimm and/or PK for the ask game(I can't decide between them they're both interesting)
I'll do both because I refuse to shut up
For PK,
Favorite thing about him: INTERESTING LORE AND HOLY MOTHER OF MORALLY FUCKING GREY honestly something I find super interesting is, compare him to asgore. People are much more tolerant of asgore and I think that's because we see him alive, in game. We have an interaction with him with him verbally addressing us. We have a lot to focus on that isn't yk. Child murder. PK that isn't the case. And I find it interesting how drastically that changes the respective fandoms reactions to the two characters.
Least favorite thing: Again! Don't really have one tbh. I love all the characters in this game there's not really anything negative I can say. I mean. Of course I wish we could of gotten more lore or screen time for him. Maybe some stuff that gives a bit more context for his personality or something, but it's not at all needed. He's already a great character without that.
Favorite line: FUNNY ENOUGH, the "..." After he says "No cost too great". Just because, it adds so much of a tone? Implication? That he doesn't really believe it. I can't find a good word for it, but you probably get what I'm saying.
brOTP: him and Ogrim. They're best friends your honor.
OTP: Do I even need to say it, it's pale nightmare. Of course it's pale nightmare.
nOTP: besides any of the obvious ones, him and The Radiance. Just. No. I'm not gonna stop people, but, just. No thanks. I'd like to never see that please and thank you.
Now someone get me that memory erasing gun from Gravity Falls please/hj.
Random head canon: I HAVE SO MANY WHY AM I FORGETTING THEM ALL NOW- anyways. Wyrms kinda have their own language that other beings can't really speak just because their vocal cords can't really form the nessecary sounds. Wyrms have weird as shit vocal cords basically. What that makes them sound like is up to the imagination. When someone startles him or like absentmindedly saying something under his breath or something he'll just accidentally slip back into it. When he does curse, its probably in wyrm tounge most of the time and not something anyone around him could actually understand.
Unpopular opinion: was the vessel shit absolutely fucked up? Yes. Is he some horrible evil person who's not remotely morally grey with awful intentions and enjoyed doing the shit he did? Absolutely fucking not and I will throw hands with the people who make him unnecessarily awful just for the sake of angst.
Ship in a bottle by Fin Argus
Hyperdontia by GHOST
Honey I'm home by GHOST
Little Dark Age by MGMT
A Burning Hill by Mitski
There's more I'm forgetting but those are the big ones
Just as a disclaimer my thoughts on him arent quite as polished.
Favorite thing about him: just. LOOK AT HIM. Hes so fucking COOL.
Least favorite thing about him: as always none
Favourite line: not much really particularly stands out in my mind, but if I wanna be a dumbass, the thing that I have been using to fuel my ride on the pale nightmare train for months
(Oh my god I just realized there's no capitalization on dear... THE PALE NIGHTMARE TRAIN JUST GOT MORE FUEL PEOPLE LET'S GO)
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brOTP: I don't think I really have one for him. Like I said, my thoughts on him aren't nearly as polished as the ones on pk, hell I'm still fucking figuring out my head canons on how the nightmare heart works.
OTP: again, do I really need to say it? pale nightmare.
nOTP: the vessels or hornet. Just. Shipping him with any of them in one scenario where in another he'd be like a father figure to them, just. Feels ehhhh. No hate to anyone who does ship him with any of them. I just dont.
Random headcanon: the glow in his eyes will get brighter on certain sentences if they have a lot of weight to them or something like that. If emotions are especially high you can everrr so faintly see lighter red pupils, but you pretty much have to be squinting. Also this is a pretty common one but him and the radiance are siblings.
Unpopular opinion: I don't really have any I don't think.
In terms of songs I associate with him, I just have songs I think he'd like because I just think they'd be his taste.(I think he probably has a super wide music taste but these are just the ones I think would be his favorites) I do have songs I properly associate with him but those ones are super subject to change because of the whole, thoughts not being super polished thing.
So for songs I think he'd like, he'd definitely like pretty much any song by the arctic monkeys. (And cmon, who doesnt?) Also older songs like I'm still standing by Elton John, Gimme gimme gimme by Abba, Heart of glass by Blondie, and Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears. (No I'm not projecting because a large portion of my music taste is older then I am SHUSH) He'd also like the band The Orion experience.
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grimmusings · 2 years
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♢ muses ♢ verses ♢ open starters ♢ starter calls ♢ prompts ♢ wishlist ♢
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♢ rules ♢
♢ safety ♢ ⭒ age: This is a 25+ blog with mature themes. Please be 18+ to interact. By following or interacting, you confirm that you are 18+. I don't write with blogs that don't have an age range and at least a basic list of rules posted. If I don't think I can respect your rules, I won't follow. ⭒ stress: My primary rule is don't make this stressful. This is a casual hobby that I do for love. If it stops being fun, I'm out. You manage your expectations, jealousy, and mental health, and I'll manage mine. Pressuring me for replies or explanations or trying to draw me into drama will result in immediate blocking. I don't tolerate entitlement or possessiveness. Nobody in the rpc owes anyone anything aside from basic decency. ⭒ nsfw: It's not the main purpose of my blogs, but there will be written adult content here. Some muses prefer more chemistry-based partners than others, but feel free to send nsfw memes if we’re shipping. I have a list of banned and accepted kinks here. If you're not comfortable, I'm happy just to imply it and move on. ⭒ themes: My blogs are emphatically anti-censorship, and there will be darker-themed plots/muses as agreed upon by my writing partners. I respect your right to write (or not write) whatever you want, regardless of whether I find it personally moral or pleasing, and I expect the same. If I don't want to see it, I'll blacklist, unfollow, or block like an adult who's capable of monitoring her own media intake. Please give me the same courtesy and don't try to police my content.
♢ preferences ♢ ⭒ connections: This is a multi-muse, multi-ship, multi-verse blog with no crossover among threads unless agreed upon by the writers. I'm happy to write with canon, AU, OCs (selectively), fandom crossovers, duplicates, etc. ⭒ preferences: Feel free to communicate your preferences to me, whether that's writing with specific muses, plotting in certain verses, or establishing ships. Some of my muses are easier to ship with than others, but plotting can do a lot to establish chemistry, and we can start a thread with a ship in mind. Many of my canon muses have OTPs listed in their intros. I consider those to already have "built in" chemistry from their source material, so feel free to assume an established ship on those. There is never any pressure to ship. ⭒ exclusives: I do not do mains, exclusives, or affiliates. If you choose to tag me as one, it's entirely up to you how you run your blog. Just understand that I will not be tagging back or managing my blogs any differently. Please don't treat me like a main and rely on me for all your connections. It will only stress me out and put me off interacting. ⭒ length, pov, tense: I don't do one-liners well. I prefer at minimum a paragraph or two, but I'll match energy. If you give me shorter replies, expect to get them back. I write in third person limited/past tense, but you do you. ⭒ formatting: I don't bother with a lot of formatting. Format or don't to your heart's content, but my limit is cutting posts and using gifs or icons when I can. I'm perfectly happy to get back text-only replies. ⭒ blacklist: I prefer not to play against real-life/celebrity muses, Thanos, Johann Schmidt, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, John Walker, or the Darkling. It's just a personal preference, and I'm not interested in developing my muses with them. I also struggle with most historical and high fantasy settings, and I prefer to write in my established fandoms or adjacent (Marvel, paranormal, and horror always welcome). I may not follow back if I'm not familiar with your source material. Additionally, I'm not comfortable writing my villains/villain verses with underage muses.
♢ interacting ♢ ⭒ selectivity: I'm semi-selective for my own sanity, but non-mutuals are welcome to interact to see if our writing vibes. Sometimes writing styles don't match or characters don't connect. It's nothing against you as a person if it's not clicking, but I'm not going to force myself to keep writing something that doesn't spark muse. ⭒ interactions: There's no expiration on open starters, prompts, or starter calls. I default on main verses for memes, but you’re welcome to request another from my list. I treat most prompts as easy para starters, so feel free to respond to those. However, if we already have threads going, I may drop older/lower muse ones to keep my reply count manageable and so we can focus on developing what we have. ⭒ messaging: I try to respond to DMs that are about plot/rp, but I may not respond to personal ones. My social battery isn't always up to it, and I'm not here to share about my life. ⭒ response time: If you're not comfortable waiting on replies, I'm not the partner for you, and I don't follow blogs with a posted time limit. I write a lot of threads on a lot of muses with a lot of writers, and I aim for quality over speed. Please don't pressure me for replies. I appreciate patient partners. Likewise, please don't ever feel like you need to rush. I don't have a time limit on when it's been too long to answer something. ⭒ queue: Replies run entirely on queue based on muse or the order that I get them, and I can be selective at times. Steve and Bucky's queues are typically two months out, and my other muses come and go as they please. I tend to answer askbox memes first and then queue the rest to one a day for my own sanity. ⭒ blocking: I'm not mutuals only. I don't keep close track of my followers, especially on the sideblogs. I may not notice immediately (or at all) if you unfollow or softblock me. If you really want to cut contact, your best option is to hardblock me and any sideblogs you were interacting with. ⭒ unfollows: A chaotic dash stresses me out, and I do periodic unfollow sweeps for people I'm not actively writing or plotting with. If your blog moves really fast or you’re posting a lot of things I don’t want to see but can’t easily blacklist, I may write with you without following back. ⭒ discord: I only share my Discord if we've been writing together for a while, and I only use it for plotting. I prefer to keep all my threads on Tumblr.
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artekai · 2 years
All righty. So. The OBVIOUS idea is Takuto, but instead I'm gonna throw you a curveball: Sylens >:3
Y'ALL KNOW ME TOO WELL (bc I can never shut up but STILL) LMAO THANKS NIX
What I like about them
Ohhhh idk how I wasn't smitten by him right away because oh my god his voice <333 But also his one-liners!! He's so unapologetically mean and it's amusing to watch lol.
What I dislike about them
Needs more HFW screentime :')
Also, I think it would be nice if he had random voice lines in HZD, like a sarcastic quip when you fall down a cliff or get hit by a machine, or hurrying you up when he's waiting for you, or commenting on side quests and stuff like that. I know he's more of a "don't say more than what's necessary" kind of guy, but I just think that would be neat :3
Favourite moment
I liked the "two moms" line, he basically validated me shipping Lis x GAIA, said gay rights, and dismissed Aloy's feelings in the middle of her existential crisis all at the same time lmao. Amazing.
I also liked him torturing HADES, idk. He usually doesn't do the dirty work himself so I guess it's neat to know he's still willing to do it lol. And I do support him getting the last laugh ^^
Least favourite moment
Hmm, nothing comes to mind. I did feel betrayed when he ran off with HADES in HZD lmao, but I didn't dislike it. I already knew he couldn't be trusted but I still did, so. Guess that one's on me :')
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
I wanna know a little about his past, why he thinks the way he does, where he comes from, if he wants knowledge for the sake of knowledge or something else... ;-; Mystery is part of the appeal but I'm curious lol.
An interesting AU for this character
One of the biggest losses of Artekai not being canon is that we'll never see him interact with Sylens :') (Not TRULY).
But that's still in the same universe, so I'll say that I do sometimes rotate a modern AU in my mind where Sylens is just a frustrated college professor and Aloy is the only student he respects lol. I don't have any concrete ideas but I do enjoy the vibes :3
A crossover
Still relevant to Artekai and terribly self-indulgent, but sometimes I think of the cryo sleep Takuto AU and I wanna see him interact with Sylens ^^ Takuto is such a perfect target for little quips lol. My guess is that Sylens would appreciate his research but criticize him for caring too much, which is honestly fair. Maybe it'd be good for both of them to rub off on each other a little, haha.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Eh, I don't really have any strong preferences ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Other ships?
Honestly given Sylens' nature I'm already intrigued by the general idea of ships involving him lol. But, in particular, you know I wanna see someone attempt to ship him with HADES lmao. And I KNOW I feel very weird and alone in this take, but is it bad that I want to see Sylens develop unwanted feelings for an AI since he looks down on all other humans and HADES is his main source of the knowledge he so desperately wants?
Sylens x "I hate that I have morals now"? lmao. No but I do enjoy his interactions with Aloy, I just wouldn't exactly call them friends lol. At least not at this point in time. Maybe in another world :') Maybe in the college professor AU 👀
Eh, I haven't really seen any that would classify yet ¯_(ツ)_/¯
An assortment of headcanons! 
Brain's fried right now, sorry, I've got nothing :')
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