#oc: tekla
Suddenly remembering that Tekla fuckin loves spreadsheets and data management and whatnot
Now, warframes are about as close to tech as a pile of depressed meat can get, and they were made to be able to interface with the orokin and tenno technology they're surrounded by (or the technology surrounding them was made to interface with them, in a lot of cases). This includes a lot of things like getting diagnostics on their own state and hacking things like they're in a movie, but it also includes just regular old interfacing with file systems and future-emails and whatnot without needing a physical console and UI
So Tekla could very much do their data management by plugging into the relevant console and just sitting there like a sad USB stick in a cloak
They also don't actually do that, bc they don't Enjoy it
They do their computer stuff entirely in the Normal Human Way, with a screen and keyboard and everything, bc they find it so much more comfortable and engaging like that. It technically makes them weird which is wholly in character for them but also everyone is nice enough about it that it no longer makes them anxious
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pyjamaenzel · 1 year
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the All-Pedantic.
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thedrown · 10 months
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Xio Ref!
After a loooooong time Xio has an update! Now with inverted colours and a ref sheet!
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Some little OC doodles.
[ID: a digital sketch of four chibi of Goose, Noodles, Tekla and Ssarjak, the artists OC. The sketches are black on beige background. Only their eyes and magic are in colour.
Goose is a goblin with short dark hair and red eyes, wearing a sweater and trousers with boots. They are stretching out their arms and smiling up at a few bones hovering over them.
Noodles is a scrawny elf with two long braids and red eyes. He's wearing a waistcoat and knee length trousers with thick socks and shoes. His magic are red dots.
Tekla is a Tiefling with piercing blue eyes and long black hair. He is wearing a waistcoat and a long skirt with a slit down the side. there's blue lightning between his hands.
Ssarjak is a dragonborn in light armor. He has yellow eyes. He is missing his left arm and instead an orange mage hand is floating next to him. /End ID]
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rainwingmarvel7 · 4 months
✍️WIP Wednesday Saturday✍️
Thanks for tagging me @kyber-infinitygems!!!
Tagging @selfproclaimedunicorn, @emilykaldwen, @godswood-girl, and anyone else who wants to join (no pressure ofc)!!!
   “See, I told you she would be here,” Ezra said to Ben as they approached. Ben merely scoffed, rolling his eyes. Ezra ignored him as smiled at Tekla, his bright blue eyes sparkling with relief. “Tekla, it’s so good to see you.”
    “It’s good to see you too, Ezra, ” Tekla responded. She looked over at Sabine, who had her painted helmet clutched in one hand so that her vibrant purple hair shone under the Felucian sun. “You too, Sabine.”
    “Yes, if only it was under better circumstances,” Sabine lamented. She put a hand on Tekla’s shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. “But I’m glad to have you here.” She cast a glance over at Tekla’s crew. “All of you.”
    Before Tekla could respond, she was interrupted by a deep voice from behind her. “You’re late,” Ben Solo remarked coldly, and Tekla turned to see him staring at her and her crew with his hard, dark-eyed gaze.
    “I had some business to take care of,” Tekla responded evenly.
    “It couldn’t wait?” Ben demanded.
    “No, it couldn’t,” Tekla replied simply. “But I’m here now, just like you asked. So is my crew.” She gestured back towards the Sentinel. “And my ship is ready to go. All that’s left to do now is go rescue Cain and your wife and the Senator’s daughter from the Trandoshans.”
    “Don’t you get it?” Ben snapped, his voice rising. “You’ve cost us valuable time.”
    “Ben-” Ezra started to say, but Tekla cut him off, still looking at Ben.
    “They’re all still alive, aren’t they?” she asked, brows raised. “You’re a Jedi. Can’t you sense them in the Force or something?”
    “Yes, I can still feel them. They’re alive, but I don’t know how much longer I can say that,” Ben responded sharply. “We don’t have time left to waste. We never did.”
    “Then let’s go,” Tekla responded with a shrug. “Just give the order, Master Solo, and we’ll be on our way.”
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ketchup112 · 10 months
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Star is a 10-year-old boy animatronic, very sweet, very kind, gentle to kids who have parents who are working for our country. OK, veterans. He's super sweet. Extremely helpful.
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hydralisk98 · 4 months
Helluva Boss-dom of an in-world 16^12 AU...
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Some years back, I commissioned @lagt-duck ? for a "Vivenne Medrano"-verse OC. I was not disappointed with this automata I shall now name "Itzel".
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And now that a bigger chunk of both shows are up and that I have a stronger grasp on matters both within and outside as far as my constructed world cultures & overall metapattern-matching is concerned, let me present you my very own half-a-toon cast:
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Nucleus household
Nil (second person perspective agent, ~0)
Kate (author self-insertee, autistic INTJ-T)
Iwa (third-person camera agent & android companion, ENFP)
Sina (mysterious black Angora housecat)
Extended Nucleus household Tier 1
Deno Hayden (younger brother)
Wyatt Hayden (youngest brother)
Falah Becker (mother, linguist)
Gustav Hayden (father, media figure)
Extended Nucleus household Tier 2
Vector Hayden (toymaker)
Nancy Payett (civil architect)
Sequoia Becker (carpenter / furniture woodworker)
Vina Cardinal (technical writer, female engineer / programmer)
"Mothfolk" household
Tano Neuer ()
Neis Numic ()
Valenz Booksword ()
Constans Blackhand ()
Valence Webb
Ulli Elke
Tekla Karol
Vera Hervaga
Shoshoni dynasty
Assyrii dynasty
Persian dynasty
Hittite dynasty
Hungarian dynasty
Pal Veres
Akkadian dynasty
Babylonian dynasty
Egyptian dynasty
Gaulish dynasty
Ottoman / Turkic dynasty
Phonecian dynasty
Samoan dynasty
Apelu Tui
Falaniko Anae
Siaosi Faamoana
Lulu Latu
Lua Asoau
Tava'esina Taalitua
Inuit dynasty
Ataneq Annakpok
Unnuk Annakpok
Irniq Annakpok
Nuniq Annakpok
Will iterate, derive, develop and show more soon...
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ragingtwilight · 2 years
bc i didnt see them in my art tag heres the oc refs i made for artfight eyooooooo
Robyn isnt included bc i did his ref ages ago BUT his skintone has been slightly updated since last yall saw
but thats, like, it LOL
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my babies arrroughhgh bites and shakes arararrarar
In order we got Salem, Coyote, Coyote ft. his hat hair, Zaina, aaand Tekla
i will kill for them again
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
THATS MY BELOVED MOOT! Like top moots of all time. 1/3 of the Posse! I could talk to him for hours. We are two animals in a symbiotic relationship where we give each other content that the other likes. I crave her approval art-wise. Every morning i check reds blog and read what i missed the night before which isnt that much because red goes to sleep before me but its the thought that counts. I want him to infodump about everything to me for hours. I have no idea what red sounds like but like, I Know in my heart. I want to go skaeboarding with her in an abandoned skate park where one os us has to bring wirecutters to break the chain over the fence. When we blog about the same stuff but not to each other i imagine us just chilling in the same room, just Existing. He's one of my best friends and i'd die for him. I used to think red was intimidating but now i know reds a dork and just writes monotone. I need to steal her anatomy skills. I am a changed person because we're friends. His ocs slap and i love when we make them interact. I am going waaaaay too overboard with this so sorry but also i'm not Tekla deserves the world
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kimageddon · 1 year
Sins of the Father - 3:1
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|-Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3-|-Prompt Challenges-|- Art Attack Weekly Challenge -|- Commissions Open -|- Join my tag list -|-
Maul x Nightsister OC (Zaiya Valessa) - Modern/Crime AU - Sins of the Father Masterlist
Word Count: Approx 1400 Contains/Warnings: Brief making out. Chapter Summary: Padme Amidala readies for the election, and has a visit from someone close to her. Notes: HAPPY HOLIDOOS & MERRY CRIMBUS! (more notes at the end)
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Chapter 3 - Falling to Temptations
He walks beside you like shadow
Despite the path you will follow
You deny what lives inside
This feeling that you wish to hide
Your buried heart lies  deep
To not allow this love to seep
And yet to look into his eyes
You see in them your own demise
The tears are falling to the ground
This pain within, forever bound
You reach to grasp the dying light
You cannot fall or lose fight
You yearn for all you’ve given up
Too late you see what you have done
Undeserving of this love
Perhaps what’s there will be enough
Behind the Curtain
“I think the plum suit, ma’am,” the young woman said, holding up the two different suits, one a dusty purple and the other a sleek black. “Plum gives a warm trusting feel,” 
Padme Amidala looked over the two choices, reaching out to caress the sleeve of the purple one. A small smile crossed her lips after a moment and she nodded. 
“Thank you Tekla, I think you’re right,” she said as she met her aide’s eyes. The younger woman beamed, glad to know her opinion was accepted. Tekla took the purple suit and headed to the closet on the far side of the room where she hung it on the inside of the door for Padme to change into later. 
The big debate was not far off, and if she were honest, she was looking forward to it. She’d not seen Mayor Palpatine for a very long time, and this debate would be the first time she would face him during this campaign. Once she had admired him, but she had become quite disillusioned in recent years with the lack of progress in the city. Not just financially but in infrastructure, health care and unemployment. All the money seemed to go into security and the Police, yet the figures Padme was hearing indicated that crime was actually rising. There were robberies, gangs and corruption, she had seen too many people in pain and left destitute, she had stepped up to the podium for them. For justice. 
She knew there was only so much she could do but… she had to try. The system was too fraught with corruption and Palpatine seemed blind to it… or worse, was a part of it. She’d heard the rumours but they were few and hardly proven. She could hardly believe they were anything other than vast exaggerations. 
The young candidate returned her attention to her papers, looking over some of the campaign notes from her manager. She took a seat at her desk, picked  up a red pen and added a few items of her own. Tekla returned to her sorting of the letters that had come in for Padme, letters of thanks or endorsement, even pleas for help, it was so important for the young politician.
They had so much to prepare for before the election. Filming a new campaign ad, a few small appearances, an interview and then of course the debate. There was so much she needed to do, the last thing she could afford right now was any form of distraction.
Knock Knock!
Padme looked up, her brown eyes widening. She knew that voice! Her face lit up like a beacon and she pushed herself to her feet and hurried over to the door, throwing it open at once.
“Anakin!” she beamed, managing to stop herself from throwing her arms around him. There he stood, broad shouldered, sandy brown hair swept back off his face, blue eyes gleaming and that boyish grin she loved so much ever-present on his face. 
She stepped back and let him in, his sharp eyes spotting Tekla immediately.
“Miss Sparum,” he nodded in greeting, charming as ever. Tekla gigged and grinned. 
“Mister Skywalker,” she replied sweetly. She flashed Padme a look as he passed her, and fanned herself slightly. Padme just chuckled and Tekla knew what to do. 
“I’ll just… let you have a moment, shall I?” she said with a knowing wink to her boss. Padme was lucky Tekla was so loyal, it wasn’t always the best move to be involved with the opposing candidate’s adoptive son. 
Not that Anakin was officially adopted of course, but it was close enough. It made their love for each other and their relationship difficult to navigate. They’d managed to avoid any publicity so far, but Anakin was becoming bolder and caring less about who saw him. Padme too was finding it harder to care, he might be a little younger than she was, but she was head over heels for the athlete. 
He took a seat on the couch she had for visitors and petted his thigh, a mischievous grin on his lips. 
“Come here,” he bade and Padme couldn’t help but do so. She strode over to him and before she had even had a chance to sit properly, Anakin reached out and grasped her hips, pulling her into his lap with that cheeky but charming grin that made her heart flutter. She settled on his lap with a bright smile of her own, looking down at him with such adoration. 
“I don’t like being away from you for so long,” Anakin hummed as he leaned closer, kissing the smooth column of her neck, his broad hands sliding up her back. 
“You know I have to work,” she chuckled, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She sank into his kiss as she cupped his face. It had been quite a while since they’d been together, she could tell he had missed her, especially the way his hands dropped to her thighs. Padme grinned into his kiss, she had missed him too. 
“I know, but I miss you, and there’s no one else I’d rather be with.” He kissed her neck again and nibbled her ear. “We should take some time away… take a trip.” 
“I can’t while we’re so close to the election,” she giggled. “The opposition isn’t making it easy,” she groaned and tilted her head, giving him more access as heat bloomed in her belly. 
“Well, you know he’s doing what’s best for the city,” he murmured. Padme frowned. 
“He’s doing what’s best? He’s just trying to win…” she shook her head,  she didn’t want to talk about work, she wanted to steal a moment with her boyfriend. 
“Mayor Palpatine has been in charge for a long time, he just wants to make sure the job is done right,” Anakin shrugged. She pulled back, that warmth she felt began to fizzle out. 
“So you think I couldn’t do a good job?” she accused.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied defensively.
“The corruption and issues of the city have been ignored for too long--”
“He can’t do everything, Padme.” 
“He needs to do something!” she insisted, leaning back further to look at him with a deep frown. “If he put half as much energy into helping fix the issues that he does in slandering my campaign, then most of the issues would be solved!” 
“Now that’s not fair,” the young man said, sitting up a little straighter. The action jolted Padme and she stood up to face him. 
“What’s not fair are the claims he makes in the name of his campaign! His claims that I am too young or throwing my mistakes in my face and blowing them out of proportion!” She was getting a whole different kind of heated now. Anakin stood, now towering over her, his hands out.
“Padme-- he took me in when I had no one,” he began, that same story he always told when he wanted to excuse the old man for anything reprehensible that he’d done. 
“Look, I’m grateful for that, Anakin, I am. You deserve good things in your life, but that doesn’t excuse the neglect or the smear campaign when I am just trying to do my best for this city!” she was exasperated, it was always the same argument. She let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know what? Perhaps you should go, I have a lot of work to catch up on anyway and I need to finish this speech.” She turned away and headed to her desk.
“Padme!” he protested, sounding shocked. 
“I have to work, Anakin,” she replied bitterly. “Perhaps you’ll feel better if you talk to your so-called father.” She regretted the words as soon as she’d said them, but she didn’t look back at him. 
“Maybe I will,” he spat back and she heard his heavy steps, flinching at the slam of the door. She shouldn’t have said that, but she was so fed up with the way her boyfriend always seemed to take the side of his ‘father’ over her. 
She sat back at her desk and let out a deep breath. She could apologise later. For now, she had an election to win.
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Notes: It's Christmas Day here in Aus, so here is my gift! Another Chapter of Sins! …as opposed to skipping a week 😂
I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful day. For all those who struggle at this time of year, I hope you are alright and safe and I am sending all my affections to you. Once again thank you for reading, you have my gratitude.
As always if you have a comment or feedback about this chapter, I would love to hear it! I always love to read your comments and they keep me going! I hope you all are well and I shall see you New Years Day/Eve with an APOD chapter!
The List of Tags: (If your name is crossed out then check your settings! Tumblr is not letting me tag you!) @two-black-leviathans @fallenrepublick @eyecandyeoz @ashotofspotchka @littlepossss @octupus-on-the-moon @justalittletomato @mach-opress @mustluvecho @nahoney22 @leotatombs @eloquentmoon @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @maulslittlemeowmeow @misogirl828 @alwayssnivellus @stardustbee @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @bacarasbabe @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @rain-on-kamino
Wanna be notified when I post my next work? Join my tag list
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
Tekla i have made much progress on my fic (that is, i wrote some sentances and finished the outline) and i realized i accidentally Autism Projected all over Katherine. Again. This is like the 2nd time i've done this. Oh my god.
Here's something cursed
Acamar under the veil is just the Man with the Yellow Hat
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no because i had the exact same thought while designing it and decided it would be fine because surely no one would think of a fucking cartoon character when they look at my oc.
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your turn. pride. your guys. what do they do.
habits, customs, little details. i want to know All
Okay after half a fuckin month of forgetting about this, here we go
In general my approach to Queer Shit in my worldbuilding here is that the "norm" of cis/het/etc still Exists, but there is a bit less overt discrimination against queer ppl as there is in our world, things like platonic marriage and polyamory are a bit less "niche," etc, and a violent approach to queer ppl is generally considered to be fuckin stupid
Different communities celebrate pride at different times of their local year, and what exactly they're celebrating differs with it. The core ofc is Queer Identity, but the focus besides varies: community, acceptance, love, perseverence, history. The pride celebrated by Tenno and their allied factions takes place during early summer by Earth timekeeping (the timekeeping all Tenno relays use and various allied colonies at the v least keep track of besides their own local time) and has an emphasis on community and diversity, whereas for example the Ostron observe the Tenno pride as a smaller event and have their own bigger one during March.
As for other factions:
The Corpus celebrate pride at the same time as the tenno for Relevance but it's almost entirely a corporate thing. A lot of Corpus defectors are shocked to learn that outside of their birth faction, pride isn't in fact about how much your superiors pretend to care about your feelings, or putting rainbow flags on the orb mothers patrolling the Vallis.
The Grineer just…don't. At all. As a society they don't really have a concept of queer identity in general, and pride is just a foreign culture thing even to those who defect. Some end up picking it up once allied with the Tenno, others remain indifferent.
Some of the Orokin had the same rainbow capitalism approach that the Corpus have since perfected, while others looked upon the pride celebrations with disdain, but seldom did any of them participate. What did non-Orokin have to be proud of? What identity was there for them to celebrate? Please, it's ridiculous.
You know the big banners hung up on Tenno relays? Some of those get swapped for pride flags for the celebration. Marches are still a thing, space and peace permitting, but not the end all, be all: the core event differs from culture to culture and location to location. Marches yes, but also picnics, feasts, dances, faires, whatever you could think of. The throughline is the pride flags, the celebration of queerness, and community
It takes ppl a bit of getting used to, to see warframes out and about during pride celebrations. What are the war machines doing participating in pride? But as more of them wake, as they become more of a common sight, as the truth about the Tenno eventually spreads among their allies, ppl get more used to them. Not just at pride, but any festival in general
Also I'm canonising my pride syandanas. Warframes wearing decorative armour and cloth in the colours of pride flags. Body paint is also popular among them. By nature most of them refuse to settle for small accessories, at the v least outside of combat
The first pride the group experience post-Awakening comes before TNW still so it's only Kohlrabi, Alden, Keiko, Lanius, and ofc Ordis at the time. The kids are all for it, especially Kohlrabi, and Lanius is really excited to take them down to Strata Relay about it to meet up with Hako and see the festivities kick off for the month, while Alden is more subdued about it (he's too busy repressing happy memories from his old life to really get excited)
The second one is post-TNW and once everyone is already around :)
Okay this is where i devolve into more disconnected points
North…forgot, that pride is a thing, during their time in Duviri, and is eventually reminded of it. They've always viewed themself as genderless, but haven't thought about their identity beyond that since before the Zariman, having had no care for it as a kid and then no spare brainspace as a prisoner in their own world. It's only after getting out and having the peace to Think that they settle into "aroace" and it makes their first pride in their remembered life exciting for them
Alden and Kodiak celebrated pride with their rebel group back in the day, about a halfway split between queer stuff and community. Once they both start reconciling with their past properly, they have traditions and stories they can bring along into the present. Alden's second pride as a conscious warframe is a lot better than his first
The homebase of Darius and his family (technically a clan dojo but it is never referred to as such for Reasons) is decked out in flags for pride and every year there's a few they forget to take down. Darius is gay as hell and loves pride and is very very excited about it while Tekla's identity is largely "do not perceive me" but they like pride nonetheless bc of the emphasis on being comfortable with who you are, where you are. Mae is the no1 project leader for decorating
Okay this is where i ran out of steam, I hope this is sufficient for now D:
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pyjamaenzel · 2 years
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i have been trying to farm this armor set, why do you ask
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thedrown · 11 months
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Xio Burg
Apparently I never put this one here either oops
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I've been thinking about,,,, Fantasy!Tekla. Decided to make him a Tiefling because I wanted to incorporate some kind of horns into his design...
[ID: a digital, fully coloured drawing of Tekla, the artists OC from the waist up.
Tekla is a Tiefling with red skin and bright blue eyes, as well as straight, black hair down to his waist. His right arm is a metal prosthetic.
He is wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and a grey waistcoat.
He's facing towards the right with a calm, cold expression. There is electricity crackling between his hands and the blue of the electricity is also in the gaps between his prosthetic.
The background is grey with the artists signature "ÄngryDuckTimeMachine" set in white next to him. /End ID]
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twoshotsoffandom · 2 years
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My hand slipped, oops (this is a lie)
@ragingtwilight 's ocs Coyote, Zaina, and Tekla! Their designs slap.
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