#oc: Adél
bunnymermaidwrites · 12 days
Here's the promised rant!
Okay, this is a... not actually that long of a rant, but I don't really have smart words rn (oc thoughts, yes, smart words, no🙈 so I might give a second rant when I'm less tired)
I have just been thinking about Ákos trying to process his trauma through play and stories that he loves (and it's adorable!)
I just love his way of thinking, the way he processes, sees things through the lens of stories while still being smart enough to somewhat know that irl is more complicated than that.
Here's a fun fact: Ákos has always been interested in the Black swamp! He has a book of spooky stories about it (that's how he kinda knew what he should do when encountering certain monsters)
And can we talk about this:
In the aftermath (for the first few months) Ákos usually sleeps with someone else (their parents or Adél), but before they figured out that they should be doing that, Ákos woke up at night, but he was too scared to get out of bed and go look for someone, so he just laid awake for hours, not getting enough sleep, and basically spent the days stumbling around from tiredness until Adél was like: okay, no, we're solving this! Dragged him into her room and stayed with him for hours until he got enough sleep (which was hard because he kept waking up from his nightmares)
AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW SMART MY SON IS?! There's an interesting connection between Odette and Ákos: they are the two smartest people in the group.
One time, when he was really little Ákos told Odette that he wants to be as smart as her one day. She tells him that he'll be even smarter. And she's right, actually. The only reason it's not obvious yet is because he's still young.
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writerfae · 2 months
I read the Krabat au! Or The trial (idk if there's more because the link in the list of aus was broken, so I just looked it up, and that's what I found)
First, it was so well written! I love how you wrote strong emotions into this fairytale scenario! I really liked the word choices. The way Callan's fear gets overtaken by love (it's also a very Callan thing!) (Also, it's similar to Adél which i didn't expect (sorry for shoving my ocs into everything)
On the less coherent side:
They're my boys, my boys fhhsshjkdsfh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Henry as a crow!!!!
Callan coming to save his love!!!!
The way he finds Henry!!!
"Wordlessly the miller stared at them and Callan had to suppress the urge to hide his face in Henry’s chest."!!!!!!!!
This is my favorite ship, I'm crying😭
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it! Also damn those stupid broken links - my master lists are full of them but I can’t find the right links to replace the broken ones
Like I said I’m really proud of this writing piece and I love the AU a lot, so I love that I finally get the chance to talk about it a little <3
It’s one of two (and a half) AUs that are dedicated to Henry more than to Aiden, which is a nice change. And I just love Henry in the Krabat AU especially.
The boys in Krabat turning into crows (or ravens, rather) was actually the thing that gave me the au idea after I rewatched the movie after what must’ve been years!
In The Trial, I really enjoyed writing Callan and how his love for Henry carried him through his fear, making him brave (which even in canon is an important if rather unknown Callan characteristic)
Also the connection he has with Henry <3 my favorite ship indeed. I love them so much!!
I talk about them way too little, which is a shame honestly, especially since they were my very first Knights of the Alder ship (and the only truly canon one). I should change that…
Also, The Trial was all I wrote for this AU. Beside a little snippet from a heads up seven up tag, where Henry and Talon talk with each other (I love their friendship here btw). You can find it here, I think you’ll like it ^^
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rayodelvz · 7 months
Some Sketches of the "Besites" 💞
I present to you two characters from my little story I'm attempting to write! I will admit, Lahja is the favourite child lmao
I was able to fix some of my issues with Lahja. Mainly, her hair colour! Although, I might now run into issues with Adéle's hair colour. I never learned colour theory 💀
Does she looks like a copy of a certain character? Maybe.. uh yeah... But, she's based of an older OC I wished to revive, and there will be big changes along the way once I develope her character more.
P.s. these words are killing me.. I swear develope was spelt with an e but spell correction is killing me 😭
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Mmm... Apple 🍎
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kokkuri3 · 4 years
I dont understand any of ur oc posts At All but got dang its nice to see u talk abt smth ur passionate abt even tho i have absolutely no context fr it
SDfoadsjfokdj IDoE is like this massively complex fantasy epic about one person who has mental problems. There is so much lore to explain one character’s weird fucked up psyche
W that said I mean. Look at it through that context. Most of the lore has to do w the God of Theoun (an alt universe which has experienced apocalypse/Revelation), Seele, which is one consciousness with three wills manifesting (in order of age) as Eros, Thanatos and Psyche (these names are for their Role). Eros is the life drive, Thanatos is the death drive, and Psyche is essentially the negotiator that balances between the two. The Actor names for these are Adéle, Adel and Adele respectively and refer to basically any anthropomorphizations of these forces since Eros/Thanatos/Psyche in and of themselves can’t be considered to have anything mimicking a human thought process or consciousness. Adéle/Adel/Adele also can’t be thought of as humans, at least within the context of the story and their interactions w humans of Theoun especially, but they’re something that sort of mimics the processes of humans and takes on a human form.
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skruttet · 4 years
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(Actors: Lasse Pöysti (Borgmästare), Stina Svensson (Pålle), Margret von Martens (Telefonfröken), Elli Groven (Adéle), Signe Liljeberg (Mamsan), Gösta Bredefeldt (Gullet) from the left). 
  In 1963, Tove wrote a few songs written by Erna Tauro for a Crash play by Lilla Teatern and scripted by her brother Lars Jansson . One of the songs in the play is  Psykofnattvisan, which was later recorded by the original artist Lasse Pöysti. Other songs included Rosenvalsen and  Si-och-Så Visan. The Rosenvalsen song was featured in the 1969  Mumintrollen TV series called Kärlekens rosor , and the Si-och-Så Visan song is also featured in a slightly modified version. Skrämd spökvisan might also have been involved in the play , which also exists as a recording of Lasse Pöyst. In addition to singing, Tove also made staging and costume designs for the play. Ateneum's Tove exhibition featured Tove's costume designs for Crash . The play, which has been described as musical and revolutionary in various sources, was performed by Lilla Teatern in 1963 or 1964, depending on the source, and directed by Vivica Bandler and Kirsten Sörlie. In some sources, the name of the play is Krasch. Crash is an adult fairy tale in the Moomin Valley. The play does not feature familiar characters from the Moomins, but "strange tail-like creatures," as one critic said. The play is described as a "naïve drama" with the role of "- wild inhabitants of the valley, practicing tail-making skills and being the target of a New Zealand civilization attempt." Crash  is also said to criticize "the control systems of the welfare society - for human freedom and diversity."
Tove's costume designs for Påle (the last two pics) look like ocs someone in the fandom would create nowadays. that’s so cool.
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nvbodiesrp-blog · 7 years
Expediente de Olympia Sheppard. (T. Hill.)
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¡Bienvenida, Bella! Debo comenzar la audición diciéndote que de pies a cabeza me ha encantado lo que has hecho en la biografía de Olympia, clara y de lectura amena de pies a cabeza he disfrutado de sobremanera poder obtener una visión mucho más clara de la muchacha y de todo lo que esta representa, después de todo siempre es muy interesante ver como se entretejen los hilos de la historia de Grafton y las mil y un posibilidades que nos otorgan a nosotras al momento de jugar con las tramas que vamos a entregar en un futuro. Con respecto a la psique y biografía en general, me parece de sumo interés el hecho de que la relación con Bentley tuviese diversos matices y ansío el poder ver como terminará desarrollada en el momento que caiga en cuenta de que muchas más personas estuvieron involucradas y no todas en los mejores escenarios. Sin más que añadir, agradecemos el interés en el proyecto, te esperamos ansiosas. 
La comunidad de Grafton se complace en tenerte de vuelta Olympia Sheppard. Esperamos que la estancia sea amena y duradera y no tengas muchos problemas con la comisaría. Recuerda que cuentas con 24 horas para enviar la cuenta del personaje, aunque si necesitas una prórroga no dudes en comentarnos, de igual manera si tienes alguna duda, sugerencia o inconveniente el buzón siempre estará abierto y nosotras dispuestas a ayudarte. ¡Muchas gracias por interesarte en el proyecto!
Nombre: Bella
Edad: 19
País: España
Disponibilidad: 6-7/ 10
Triggers: none
Nombre: Olympia Sheppard
Edad: 21
Cupo: personaje número 15
Fecha de Nacimiento: 12 de diciembre de 1995
Faceclaim: Taylor Hill
Descripción psicológica: Si algo caracteriza a la morena, ésto es su personalidad extrovertida y sin pizca alguna de vergüenza, no tiene miedo a hablar en público ni a tener el foco de atención en ella, suele ser muy parlanchina y no le cuesta nada hacer amigos, así como conocer gente nueva, más eso no quita que realmente sea bastante reservada con sus cosas más privadas, y a pesar de muy simpática, le cuesta mucho mostrar cariño físico, pues ama su espacio, con lo que es muy poco cariñosa a menos que la confianza con dicha persona sea inmensa. Esa necesidad de soledad -en ocasiones- y espacio la vuelve muy independiente, le encanta estar rodeada de personas, pero no podría seguir a nadie como a líder. Olympia necesita hacerlo todo por su cuenta, es muy segura de sí misma y odia pedir ayuda. Otra rasgo de la joven es su creatividad, tanto a nivel artístico como a la hora de solucionar problemas en su día a día. Más que sincera, podría considerarse franca, en el sentido de que todo lo que lo siente lo dice casi sin pensarlo y sin tacto, cosa que más de una vez le ha traído problemas. No obstante, mentir se le da bastante bien, podría decirse que su mejor peor defecto es ser una buena mentirosa, más nunca falsa: Olympia es incapaz de fingir que alguien le cae bien si no es así, y esto, unido a lo rencorosa que puede llegar a ser, le ha traído varios enemigos por el camino, pues una vez perdida su confianza, ésta no se vuelve a recuperar, y mucho menos su buen trato.
Biografía: Doce de diciembre de mil novecientos noventa y seis. Pequeños cristales de hielo se precipitan del cielo, suave y lentamente, en un total silencio frente al barullo de la gente que camina apresuradamente por la ciudad de las luces. En un pequeño hospital del centro de París, la ilusión y los nervios danzaban en el aire. Ese fue el ambiente en el cual Olympia dio su primer aliento un mes antes de lo esperado. Sus padres, John Sheppard y Adéle Moign, se encontraban visitando a la familia de ésta última, de origen francés, cuando su pequeña decidió que ya era hora de ver el mundo, o de que el mundo la viese a ella. Por que en eso se basaba su vida: ser el centro de atención. Olympia era la única hija del joven matrimonio de abogados, la única nieta por parte paterna, y la más pequeña por parte materna, dándole así un protagonismo inmenso a todas sus hazañas, incluso a las menos insignificantes.
Podría decirse que tuvo una vida estándar, normal y corriente. Su familia no era millonaria, más tampoco les faltaba el dinero, con lo cual la ojiverde tuvo siempre todo aquello que quiso. Excepto un poco de libertad y sosiego, debido a lo extremadamente controlador que siempre fue su padre con ella, con el cual más de una vez tuvo peleas demasiado duras, a pesar de todo el amor y devoción que siempre sintió por él.
Cuando la morena tenía 16 años, sus padres se divorciaron. Ella tenía la opción de escoger quedarse en casa, o mudarse con su madre a París, opción que no tomó. Decidió quedarse en los estados unidos, con tal de acabar la escuela, y con la idea en mente de independizarse a los 18 años, cosa que consiguió.
Ahora está estudiando derecho en la universidad, con tal de complacer a su progenitor, a pesar de no estar muy segura de querer ese futuro, pues siempre le gustaron muchísimo más las artes, tanto plásticas como escénicas. Trabaja de modelo con tal de mantenerse todo lo posible sin ayuda de su padre, a pesar de que es éste quien le financia la mitad -o más- de sus gastos, cosa que Olympia odia, pues depender de alguien de cualquier forma le pone demasiado nerviosa.
¿Cómo era su relación con Bentley/Elise?: Su relación con Bentley era buena, muy buena. Podría decirse que el roce hace el cariño, y el pasar todos los días viviendo juntos hizo que la ojiverde le tuviese más cariño de lo desedo al joven. Eran amigos, en ocasiones con derechos, y la convivencia fluía entre ambos, a pesar de que habían ciertas cosas turbias que la joven veía en su compañero de piso y que la preocupaban más de lo normal.
Con Elise, sin embargo, era totalmente distinto. No eran enemigas, más había cierta hostilidad entre ambas. A Olympia nunca le cayó bien Elise, y eso unido a las aventuras que tenía de vez en cuando con Bentley y al crush que estaba desarrollando por éste, hacía que la tensión y el odio se palpase entre ambas muchachas.
¿Cuál fue su reacción al enterarse del accidente?: En cuanto a Bentley, Olympia se dejó todas sus lágrimas y más. Consideraba al joven como uno de sus mejores amigos, y perderle significaba mucho más que la muerte de una amistad. Elise, sin embargo, le daba bastante igual. No se alegró de su muerte en ningún momento, pero tampoco le afectó.
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bunnymermaidwrites · 3 months
🎀🌸One of my favorite things about my story is actually that with Adél I have my own tailor-made princess! This doesn't mean anything to anyone else, but it makes the little me so happy!
She's a princess. She has long hair and blue eyes. Her favorite color is pink. And I actually love her!(even though I have difficulties writing her sometimes)
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bunnymermaidwrites · 4 hours
Who's afraid of little ol' me and I hate it here are songs for my girl, Adél 😭🎀❤️
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bunnymermaidwrites · 2 days
I love Adél so much! Litteraly holding her as we speak❤️
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bunnymermaidwrites · 13 days
"Your sister is the girl who's afraid of everything. She is the queen of the Black swamp. The goddess of fear. Now tell me, if she is the cat and we are the doves... what does that mean for Galla's chances in all of this?"
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"And when she finally found her little brother, cold, and soaked, and shaking, he said one thing. And this was the most horrifying thing she'd ever experienced.
There was no monster, no betrayal, no yelling big brother that has or could ever come close to the moment when Ákos, whose eyes always ran quick as a deer, curiosly through any room, whose thoughts were always moving, always questioning, always interested, who welcomed any knowledge to his head as if they were family said this:
"I don't want to know anymore"
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Villain Adél au moodboard(s)!!!
@writerfae (if you're interested)
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bunnymermaidwrites · 17 days
Odette used to be so damned gentle with Adél it hurts to think about.
She used to crouch down to her level when she was little. She'd always hold her hand. She'd always reassure her.
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bunnymermaidwrites · 18 days
Listen! Adél, but it's: Always and angel, never a God, Always and angel, never a God, Always and angel, never a God!
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bunnymermaidwrites · 18 days
Have a bunch of Adél moodboards!
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bunnymermaidwrites · 1 month
One of my favorite pastimes is watching videos of cats taking care of foster kittens and imagining them as Adél and Ákos
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bunnymermaidwrites · 2 months
When Adél's sick, she hugs Bendegúz and doesn't let go
Does this result in them both being sick?
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bunnymermaidwrites · 1 month
I can't express how much I love when a song fits more than one character... The way it emphasizes the parallels
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