#nutrition coaching
pizzaandmustard · 20 days
Healthy two ingredient fudge
Chocolate chips
Melt chocolate in a double boiler (heat resistant container in a boiling pot if you don’t have one). Take chocolate off heat and mash into the avocado. Pour mixture into container. Once cooled sprinkle or dip pieces into powder sugar
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courtneywashere · 3 months
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Health TV präsentiert "Food Facts" - das einzigartige Premium-Ernährungsformat moderiert von Sarah Brandner.
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"Food Facts" ist das neue Premium-Ernährungsformat auf health tv. Moderiert wird die Sendung von Model und Ernährungsberaterin Sarah Brandner, die alle Rezepte auch selbst entwickelt. Im Unterschied zu klassischen Kochformaten stehen bei "Food Facts" die Nährstoffe der einzelnen Zutaten im Vordergrund.
Sarah beschäftigt sich in jeder Folge mit einem Nährstoff (z.B. Eisen), gibt spannende Insights, in welchen Lebensmitteln man den Nährstoff finden kann und kocht drei leckere Rezepte, in denen der Nährstoff in hoher Konzentration vorhanden ist. Das neu entwickelte Konzept des "Educational Cooking" wird durch die Unterstützung des bekannten Ernährungsmediziners Dr. Matthias Riedl abgerundet. Er übernimmt den ernährungsmedizinischen Part und erklärt den Zuschauern, wofür unser Körper Nährstoffe benötigt, wie sie wirken und was passiert, wenn wir Mangelerscheinungen haben.
Nährstoffe im Fokus
In den 30 Folgen von "Food Facts" stehen zehn unterschiedliche Nährstoffe im Fokus und zu jedem Nährstoff werden jeweils drei Clips produziert. Die Auftaktsendung beschäftigt sich mit dem lebenswichtigen Nährstoff Eisen. Sarah hat dafür einen Eisen-Smoothie, einen leckeren Linsen-Spinat-Salat mit gerösteten Samen und einen stärkenden Eisen-Power-Riegel vorbereitet. In den nächsten Folgen stehen dann Vitamin C, Zink, Magnesium, Kalzium, Vitamin B12, Omega-3-Fettsäuren, Proteine, Fett & Kohlehydrate im Fokus.
Look & Feel
"Food Facts" hebt sich nicht nur durch die Inhalte, sondern auch durch die Optik von klassischen Kochshows ab. Das Auge isst hier mit. Produziert wird die Sendung im stylishen next125 Concept Store am Maximiliansplatz in München. Das anspruchsvolle Design der hochwertig ausgestatteten Show-Küche passt perfekt zum modernen, minimalistischen Look der Sendung, der sich auch in der gesamten Grafik widerspiegelt.
Mit Sarah Brandner konnte health tv eine deutschlandweit bekannte Persönlichkeit gewinnen, die mit ihrer authentischen, sympathischen und humorvollen Art die Zuschauer mitreißen wird. Sie ist ausgebildete Ernährungsberaterin und passionierte Köchin, die viel Wert auf saisonale und regionale Zutaten in Bioqualität legt. Gesunde Ernährung ist für sie eine Herzensangelegenheit. In "Food Facts" möchte sie zeigen, dass gesund kochen, schnell und einfach gehen kann.
"Meiner Mutter habe ich zu verdanken, dass ich weiß, wie gutes Essen schmeckt. Sie hat täglich frisch, gesund und ausgewogen für mich gekocht und das prägt mich bis heute. Ich koche leidenschaftlich gern für Freunde und Familie - denn wer will nicht, dass seine Herzensmenschen nur das Beste auf den Teller bekommen? Mein Wissen über gesunde Zutaten und ihren Nährstoffgehalt steckt in jedem meiner Rezepte. Ich möchte unsere Zuschauer einladen, sich von uns inspirieren und überzeugen zu lassen, dass Kochen Leidenschaft & Wissen ist."
Sarah Brandner, Model & Ernährungsberaterin
Source: pressportal.de
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eatwellnutrition · 1 year
Exercising Right: Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Reverse Years of Aging
Exercising Right: Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Reverse Years of Aging
You want to lose weight, and you've set goals for yourself, but you aren't sure if they are the right goals, and maybe you're not even sure how you are going to hit these goals. Keep reading because this is for you. So many of my clients tend to focus on either Nutrition or Fitness, but the truth is we need to be focusing on both. Last week we talked about general movement and how effective it is in moving the needle of weight loss. Today we are going to talk about the specific types of exercise that will help you lose fat, gain muscle, and reverse signs of aging. 
Resistance Training and Aging
As we age we naturally lose muscle and bone mass due to a loss of protein synthesis, creatine conversion, and declining hormones. Sarcopenia is the term for muscle and bone shrinkage as you age. But just because we undergo declining hormones and protein synthesis as we age doesn't mean we automatically will suffer from Sarcopneia or Osteoperosis. There are ways to prevent and reverse these old-age fates, no matter what age you are. The best way to do this is by Lifting heavy stuff. Studies show lifting weights reverse 40 years of aging by building lean muscle tissue in older adults. And 6 months of resistance training makes aging mitochondria younger.  A study done on 70-year-old men shows they increased their strength by 50% by performing strength training. Genes get younger with resistance training. So why not look and feel 10 years younger than your elderly counterpart? But this isn't the only benefit to weight training. 
Lift Heavy, Burn Fat, and Reverse Metabolic Syndrome
Lifting weights is also the best way to reverse insulin resistance and is one of the best ways to improve insulin sensitivity and glucose disposal. Your body does this by directing food to glycogen storage (glucose stored in muscle for energy) as opposed to fat storage. Lifting at just 30% of your 1 rep max is enough to achieve this. But bodyweight exercise has been proven effective at building muscle as well. Resistance training also increases fast-twitch muscle fibers which burn fat and help you move more explosively, and are also protective against some of those aging factors. 
On the flip side, if we aren't gaining muscle or maintaining muscle we are losing muscle. Losing muscle is detrimental to your weight loss. Skeletal muscle mass contributes 15-17% of your basil metabolic rate. So, the more muscle you can build and maintain the more fat you will burn and the higher your metabolic rate will be. 
Why Resistance Training? 
Resistance training, specifically, mitigates muscle loss while eating in a caloric deficit. You will burn more fat, instead of muscle. When performing cardio only, your body gets the signal that muscle isn't a priority and keeps less of it around, therefore lowering your BMR and muscle mass. Less muscle = less fat that gets burned.
A study was done on subjects who consumed an 800-calorie liquid diet and found that those who did resistance training experienced no loss of muscle mass over 12 weeks, but those who did not and only did cardio lost 3-5 kg (6-11 lbs) of lean body mass, plus their metabolic rate was lower. Lifting weights should feel uncomfortable. New muscle requires pushing to fatigue, but not the same muscles every day. You do need to be strategic about the muscle groups you are working and also make sure you are getting the right amount of rest and supplementation. 3-6 days per week of resistance training for someone who isn't new to exercise is a good goal. 2 days per week is a good place to start for someone new to exercise. 
For my chronic cardio lovers out there-some cardio is ok, and effective at burning calories, but depending on your age and hormone health it can also be detrimental to your health if that is all you are doing. Chronic cardio causes an inability to shed fat over time. It creates extreme metabolic efficiency, which means your body down-regulates growth hormone and testosterone. And often it's only effective when you are very overweight and new to weight loss. When you are engaging in a lot of cardio you need to make sure you are getting variety. Swimming, cycling, running, and hiking are all great ways to implement low-to-moderate intensity cardio. How frequently you engage in these exercises is entirely dependent on your goals and health status.
If you are someone who likes to perform High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT), studies show this burns more body fat, specifically abdominal fat and preserves lean muscle. However, in excess, and depending on your sex, age, and hormone health, it can also wreck your hormones. In turn, this may cause more problems with your health and metabolism. 2-3 days a week of HIIT, combined with strength training on opposite days is a safe place to start for most.  
Remember, excessive exercise leads to increased inflammation, fatigue, and decreased immune function over time. 
My 6 Tips to Maximize your Weightloss with Exercise
My best advice for losing body fat and gaining muscle while exercising: 
1. Reduce inflammation: Remove seed oils and processed sugar from your diet. Rancid oils cause the most inflammation and will keep you from losing fat. 
2. Be consistent with your routines, but incorporate variety. This goes for your food and your exercise. 
3. Try getting a pre-breakfast, fasted cardio session 5 days per week for controlling blood sugar and burning fat.
4. Walk after meals, especially higher-carb meals.  
5. Stand instead of sitting down when you can-studies show this reduces blood sugar spikes by 11 % by the end of the day. 
6. Take "rest days"  or recovery days so your body can recover and rebuild: 1-2 days off if you're younger, 2-3 days if you are older.  Recovery days could include easy hiking, a sauna session, yoga, or walking. 
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Consistency pays off. It may seem overwhelming at first but just like anything with work and patience it gets easier. Focus on health and not the scale.
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adhilexcelr · 2 months
swasthya nutrition
international nutrition courses in bangalore contact the above link for more details.
nutrition #health #bangalore #education #diet
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sevanpointnutrition · 2 months
7 Point Nutrition offers comprehensive weight loss programs in Draper that are tailored to meet your individual needs. We take a global look at weight loss and health. We look at a variety of factors including nutrition, stress management, environment, toxins, inflammation, cell health, bloodwork and other lifestyle habits.
7 Point Nutrition 1111 East, Draper Pkwy Suite #350, Draper, UT 84020 (801) 515–2776 Official Website: https://7pointnutrition.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://maps.google.com/?cid=15019936451063617799
Other Service We Provide:
Mindset Balanced Nutrition Sufficient Hydration Proper Sleep Regular Exercise Balanced Hormones Support System/Environment
Follow Us On
Twitter: https://twitter.com/7_nutritio Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sevanpointnutrition/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/7-point-nutrition-draper/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/7pointnutrition/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/7pointnutrition/
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fwdfuel · 3 months
Fuel Your Success: Experience the Transformation with FWDfuel Sports Nutrition Coaching
Embark on a transformative journey with FWDfuel Sports Nutrition's cutting-edge Nutrition Coaching. Our seasoned experts specialize in crafting personalized plans, meticulously tailored to guide you towards optimal performance and wellness.
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Whether you're a competitive athlete or a dedicated fitness enthusiast, unlock your full potential with bespoke strategies designed to elevate your nutrition game. Redefine your wellness journey and reach new heights with FWDfuel.
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healthcoach95 · 4 months
How do I stop gaining fat?
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In our current reality where stationary ways of life and helpful, calorie-loaded food sources rule, the battle to forestall weight gain has turned into an unavoidable worry for some. The mission for a better, more slender build isn't just about feeling; it is an excursion towards upgraded prosperity and life span. Understanding how to stop the steady gathering of fat is significant for accomplishing manageable well-being objectives.
The advanced way of life, portrayed by work area-bound positions and speedy living, frequently cultivates propensities that add to weight gain. Undesirable dietary decisions and an absence of active work make a caloric irregularity, driving the body into a condition of surplus energy stockpiling. This overabundance, thusly, appears as undesirable fat. To resolve this issue successfully, it is basic to dig into the foundations of weight gain, investigating the complexities of nourishing decisions, workout schedules, stress the board, and rest designs.
This article expects to direct people on the way to forestalling fat increase by offering complete bits of knowledge and viable tips. By taking on a comprehensive way to deal with well-being, one might not just reveal insight into the complexities of weight the board at any point but additionally enable people to settle on informed decisions that advance generally speaking prosperity. Allow us to set out on an excursion to disentangle the secrets of manageable fat counteraction and embrace a way of life that sustains well-being from the inside.
Understanding the Reasons for Weight Gain:
Weight gain is a complicated exchange of different factors, and disentangling its causes is urgent for viable counteraction. At the center is the idea of caloric lopsidedness, where the body gets a larger number of calories than it uses. This irregularity frequently results from a mix of overconsumption of energy-thick, handled food sources and deficient active work. Undesirable dietary patterns, portrayed by the utilization of high-sugar and refined carb-loaded food varieties, contribute altogether to the excess calorie admission.
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Besides, stationary ways of life enhance the issue, as an absence of ordinary activity impedes the body's capacity to consume an overabundance of calories. By analyzing these critical supporters of weight gain, people can acquire important bits of knowledge about their propensities, empowering them to make informed decisions. This grasping fills in as the establishment for creating powerful techniques to forestall fat collection and encourage a better, more adjusted way of life.
Making a Sound and Adjusted Diet:
Creating an eating routine that advances, by and large, well-being and forestalls fat increase includes something other than counting calories. Segment control is a principal perspective, underlining the significance of figuring out serving sizes to stay away from overconsumption. A different and supplement-thick way to deal with food determination is similarly urgent, guaranteeing that dinners consolidate various nutrients, minerals, and fundamental supplements.
Adjusting macronutrients — starches, proteins, and fats — is significant for supporting energy levels and supporting physical processes. Zeroing in on entire, natural food sources and consolidating fiber-rich choices improves satiety and helps in weight the executives. A balanced eating routine ought to be customized to individual necessities, taking into account factors like age, action level, and medical issues.
Teaching oneself nourishment marks, picking better standards when in doubt, and embracing careful dietary patterns add to the making of a maintainable, sound eating regimen. By embracing these standards, people can forestall fat addition as well as develop propensities that support the body and advance long-haul prosperity.
Executing Customary Activity:
Standard activity is a foundation of compelling fat counteraction and in general prosperity. Active work assumes a crucial part in consuming an overabundance of calories, improving digestion, and maintaining a sound body creation. A balanced workout routine ought to incorporate both cardiovascular activities, like running or cycling, to help calorie use, and strength preparation to fabricate slender bulk.
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Cardiovascular activities lift pulse, advancing fat misfortune and cardiovascular well-being. Strength preparing, then again, not only aids in conditioning and forming the body but additionally increases basal metabolic rate, supporting long-haul weight the executives. Consistency is critical, and finding exercises that one appreciates guarantees maintainability. Incorporating exercise into day-to-day existence, whether through rec center meetings, outside exercises, or straightforward home exercises, encourages a proactive way to deal with forestalling fat increase. By making exercise a normal piece of one's daily schedule, people can engage themselves to accomplish and keep a solid weight.
Overseeing Pressure and Rest:
Stress and rest assume essential parts of the body's capacity to control weight, making them pivotal variables in the counteraction of fat addition. Ongoing pressure sets off the arrival of cortisol, a chemical connected to expanded fat capacity, particularly in the stomach region. Stress the executive's procedures, like care, reflection, and customary actual work, can moderate these impacts and advance a more adjusted hormonal profile.
Sufficient rest is similarly imperative, as deficient rest upsets the body's circadian mood and digestion. Lack of sleep can prompt an awkward nature in chemicals connected with appetite and satiety, frequently bringing about gorging and weight gain. Laying out reliable rest designs and making an unwinding pre-rest routine is fundamental for quality rest.
By focusing on pressure from the executives and developing sound rest propensities, people can essentially add to their general prosperity and improve their body's versatility against the difficulties of weight gain.
Hydration and Its Job in Weight The executives:
Legitimate hydration is a fundamental component chasing weight the board and the counteraction of fat increase. Water isn't a basic refreshment; it assumes a basic part in different physiological cycles that influence digestion and weight. Drinking a sufficient measure of water helps support digestion, helping with the effective consumption of calories.
Besides, remaining very hydrated can add to a sensation of completion, possibly forestalling gorging during dinners. Some of the time, the body might flag hunger when it is really parched. By keeping up with ideal hydration levels, people can more readily separate between yearning and thirst signs, advancing careful eating.
As well as supporting digestion and hunger guidelines, water is fundamental for different physical processes, including supplement transport and waste end. By perceiving the complex job of hydration, people can tackle its advantages as a significant device in their weight-the-board venture.
Checking Headway and Adapting:
A vital part of compelling fat counteraction lies in the continuous assessment of one's excursion and the eagerness to make essential changes. Consistently following food consumption, workout schedules, and other way-of-life propensities permits people to survey their advancement and recognize designs.
Laying out practical and reachable objectives gives a benchmark for progress. This includes observing changes in weight as well as considering upgrades in energy levels, general prosperity, and adherence to better propensities. Perceiving accomplishments, regardless of how little, build up a certain way of behaving.
Adaptability is fundamental; people ought to be available to change their systems in view of what turns out best for them. In the event that a specific workout routine becomes every day, or dietary inclinations change, adjusting plans guarantees manageability. Normal registrations with medical services experts or nutritionists offer customized direction, refining methodologies for long-haul achievement. By embracing versatility and ceaselessly refining their methodology, people can cultivate a proactive outlook chasing a better, more adjusted way of life.
Looking for Proficient Direction:
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In the journey to forestall fat increase and accomplish ideal well-being, talking with medical services experts or qualified specialists is a judicious step. Nutritionists, dietitians, and wellness mentors carry specific information to tailor guidance in view of individual necessities and objectives.
A nutritionist or dietitian can give customized dietary plans, taking into account factors, for example, age, movement level, and any hidden medical issue. Their mastery guarantees a decent admission of supplements, advancing the economical weight of the executives. Moreover, a wellness mentor can configure workout schedules lined up with individual wellness levels and inclinations, boosting the viability of exercises.
Customary well-being check-ups offer an all-encompassing viewpoint, recognizing potential issues that might prevent progress. Proficient direction guarantees security as well as engages people with information and backing. This cooperative methodology, mixing individual knowledge with master counsel, upgrades the probability of fruitful fat anticipation and long-haul prosperity.
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optimumfitnesstrainng · 5 months
Unlocking the Potential of Ann Arbor's Workout Classes
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In the heart of Ann Arbor, a fitness revolution is unfolding. Optimum Fitness Training stands at the forefront of this movement, offering an array of workout classes that cater to every fitness aspiration. Renowned for its personalized approach and diverse offerings, this gym is redefining the workout class experience in Ann Arbor. https://optimumfitnesstraining.com/classes/
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courtneywashere · 11 months
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SARAH BRANDNER | Health TV presents "Food Facts" the new Premium Nutrition Format hosted by German model and nutritionist Sarah Brandner.
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You can transform your relationship with food and reach your health and wellness goals with nutrition coaching from Mindful Eating Training. Our expert coaches provide guidance, support, and tailored strategies to help you make sustainable, positive changes in your diet and lifestyle. Visit our website to learn more about our personal coaching services and start your journey toward a healthier, happier you.
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ohcoaching · 7 months
Unlock Your Best Self with Nutrition Coaching
Are you ready to transform your life, boost your confidence, and elevate your energy levels? It's possible, and you don't need to endure complex diets or grueling workouts to get there. Welcome to the world of nutrition coaching!
Discover the Power of Nutrition Coaching
Have you ever battled binge eating or emotional eating? If you have, you're not alone. Many individuals find themselves caught in a never-ending cycle of diets that promise quick fixes but rarely deliver lasting results. As a Precision Nutrition Coach, I'm here to help you break free from this cycle and guide you towards sustainable health.
Exciting News: Online Nutrition Coaching Now Available!
I'm thrilled to share some exciting news. I'm expanding my services to include online nutrition coaching!
What Exactly Is "Nutrition Coaching"?
Unlocking Your Path to Success
When it comes to achieving your ideal weight and body, adopting healthier eating habits is a crucial step. The catch? Much of the mainstream diet advice out there isn't sustainable in the long run:
"Bid farewell to your favorite foods… forever!" "No eating past 7 pm!" "Measure every morsel of food you consume!" If you've attempted these approaches before and felt like they led to failure or were simply impossible to stick with, I understand your frustration.
A Smarter Approach: Nutrition Coaching
Here's the good news: there is a better way. My nutrition coaching method centers around practical, achievable daily actions tailored to your unique lifestyle. With this approach, you'll discover how to:
Improve your eating habits without resorting to strict diets or feelings of deprivation. Shed unwanted pounds while still savoring your favorite foods. Break free from the constraints of food rules and overcome guilt and shame. Enjoy sustained energy throughout the day to tackle all your tasks. Finally achieve the results you've always aspired to while building lasting, healthy habits. How Does Nutrition Coaching Differ from Fitness Coaching or Personal Training?
Embracing Change: Certified Nutrition Coach
If you've worked with me previously, you're likely aware that my primary focus was on fitness and exercise. However, as a dedicated coach, my ultimate goal is to help you achieve YOUR aspirations. This commitment drives me to continually seek opportunities to acquire new skills and refine my craft.
Recognizing the Vital Role of Nutrition
Through my extensive training, I've come to understand that while exercise plays a vital role in weight loss, overall well-being, and optimal health, it's only one piece of the puzzle. The other equally important component is nutrition.
In fact, I'd argue that nutrition holds even greater significance because challenges related to eating and food choices can arise at any time—often on a daily basis.
Ready to Transform? Let's Connect!
If you're intrigued by the prospects of nutrition coaching or have questions about what the journey entails, I'm eager to chat with you. Let's explore how my online nutrition coaching program can help you attain the results you've been dreaming of.
Simply reply to this email, and I'll be here to answer any queries you may have. We can also arrange a time to discuss your personalized path to a healthier you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I Still Benefit from Fitness Coaching?
Rest assured, I still offer fitness coaching as well, and there's no need for an "either-or" decision. If you believe that guidance and support from an experienced coach can help you reach your goals, I'm here to assist in the most beneficial way for you.
How Can I Begin Nutrition Coaching?
If you're ready to embark on a journey towards better nutrition and a healthier you, simply get with 2 weeks free coaching here. We can delve into the various coaching options I have available, tailoring them to your unique needs and aspirations.
Here's to your success and transformation.
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mathewbaron · 8 months
Online Workout Plans and Nutrition Tracking
With extensive exercise and nutrition guidance, progress tracking, and communication tools, we can help guide you 24/7. Gain access to a complete toolset that's customizable to fit your needs of your goals. Whether your goal is to lose weight, get toned, gain muscles and you need to be accountable with personal attention, or if you'd rather handle things on your own, Mohammed Asfar Fitness will provide the foundation on which you can build your goals.
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adhilexcelr · 2 months
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best nutrition course in Bangalore.
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