#nuit app
nuitapp · 2 years
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🙌🏾 Have you read your Summer Love Horoscopes yet? 💖
☀️Something about summer is just so romantic✨ - late night drives, long beach days, carefree, light-hearted dates at the fair!
With Jupiter in Aries answering to a sensual 💪🏾 Mars in Taurus, and 💓 Venus touring the sensitive waters of Cancer and the fiery passionate flames of Leo, the cosmos are heating up 🔥 with love and romance!
👇🏾 LOVESCOPES 💖 for what your sun and rising sign can expect from the rest of Summer 2022!
Ooh la la, Aries, you are MAGNETIC this summer! This is the time to put yourself out there, because with Jupiter in your sign, you are extra optimistic, and that is a self-fulfilling prophecy when it comes to love. Channel that Aries boldness to put yourself out there and initiate conversations, even when that person you spotted on NUiT that you think is out of your league. Expect the heat to REALLY turn up between the dates August 11 - September 6, when Venus in Leo dips into the sector of your chart governing romance, play and creativity. This is the time to put a little DRAMA in your connections - schedule a movie date, have fun dating around, put more energy towards your creations. Committed Aries, this is an ideal time to invigorate more lightness and more fun in your relationships.
You are a patient sign in all matters, but this summer you can find you are more invigorated, motivated and fired up than usual with Mars in your sign a majority of the summer. Some bulls may direct this go-getter energy towards their physical appearance, wanting to invest more energy to become more fit and attractive. While you can be feeling more social while Venus is in Cancer July 17 - August 11, expect to feel a little bit more private during this summer. You may feel more introspective, sensitive and inclined to stay at home - so single or committed Taureans, plan on more at-home movie and cooking nights!
This is your summer for saying YES! Yes to every double date, YES to every party invitation, YES to every networking opportunity - as the social butterfly of the zodiac, Summer 2022 is the time to spread your wings and FLY. Jupiter expanding the network portion of your chart means that you can meet like-minded new individuals, and perhaps even find that special someone through your friends or friend of a friend. With Venus in Cancer, you can be earning more and investing more in your style, making you even more attractive! Remember that confidence starts from within, so invest in what makes you feel more valuable. Your drive may be a bit lower with Mars in your 12th house - take time to rest in between all of the outings.
To the crabs, this is a romantic summer, of feeling extra beautiful and magnetic! You have Venus transiting your sign July 17 - August 11, which is your cosmic call to romanticize your life. Whether you are single or committed, find the loveliness within your every day. Date yourself - buy yourself flowers, go for a picnic during sunset, walk on the beach - just by you tuning into these Venusian frequencies of pleasure and joy, you are attracting romance your way! This can be a beneficial time for a haircut, facial, or some new clothes - whatever helps you to feel more beautiful!
LEO ♌️
As we get closer and closer to your birthday season, trust the calls you feel to come inward, rest and restore yourself. You may not be so inclined to get out on the scene, more inclined to spend more time in solitude. Some Leos can find enhanced spiritual connection within their unions, whether in new or old relationships. But trust us, lions - take this beat to rest and come inward because come August 11 - September 6, you will be feeling more social, beautiful and charismatic. This call inward is needed for you to rest and restore the energy needed to feel as magnetic as possible. Take advantage of your extra flirty persona - get dressed up, put yourself out there and snap a new selfie or two for your NUiT page - you will be GLOWING, take advantage of your end-of-summer glow-up.
Virgo, take advantage of mid-summer, as you’re likely to feel more social and more invigorated to expand in brand new ways! Disrupt your normal routine and find pockets of opportunity to let your hair down. You can meet someone new when you say “yes” to social gatherings - you are most likely to meet someone this summer through your friendship group, a friend of a friend or promote a friend of yours to a lover! The end of summer, as we get closer and closer to your birthday season, you may feel that you’re feeling more inclined to come inward, rest and find more comfort in solitude. Trust in these cycles, Virgo.
As the sign of relationships, you all are big on creating and maintaining harmonious connections. This summer, with Jupiter in the sector of your chart governing one-to-one contacts, you can be feeling extra flirty and optimistic when it comes to your relationship world. Some Libra risings could crave freedom this summer, wanting to spread their wings and play the field. Committed Libra risings could travel with their love, or feel extra optimistic about their connection together. Expect the social energy to peak after August 11, when the planet of love dips into the sector of your chart of social networks and communities.
As the sign of the scorpion, you all do enjoy a bit of passion in your relationships. This summer, though, that passion can bubble over, as you can find you are more tense and agitated in your one-to-one contacts. You can find you and your partner are picking more fights and extra irritable. However, it can also increase the attraction quite a bit, ooh la la!
What’s on the LOVE forecast for the archers of the zodiac? You all are have Jupiter transiting the sector of your chart governing romance, which means you are feeling EXTRA flirty and EXTRA fun! Some of that fun could even be in the form of a fun trip late summer, with your Sagittarius placements creating a grand fire trine with Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Aries. That’s a lot of HEAT in the cosmos! Use this energy to be the boldest, most authentic version of yourself.
You goats are typically all work and no play, but this time of your life, with North Node transiting the arena of fun, you are taking more time to prioritize what makes your heart beat faster. This summer, you’re centering your own happiness and this is making you extra magnetic. Expect your DMs and romantic energy to be flowing in, particularly mid summer, when Venus is in your opposite sign, Cancer. Take advantage of all eyes being on you and people taking notice of your beauty and charms!
Aquarius, you’ve been going through it with eclipses, Saturn and Uranus making harsh aspects to your planets. But, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make some time for some summer love this summer! Your love life is getting a MAJOR boost after August 11, as the planet of love enters your love territory, creating a major period of harmony in your connections and extra flirtiness when making new ones. The magnetism turns up even more after August 20, when Mars in Gemini heats up the drive with your romantic life. You may find you are extra drawn to individuals who can keep you mentally stimulated and match your flirty banter - get ready for some clever, flirty one-liners!
Fish, the mid-summer is heating up, but in some soulful, compassionate ways! With Venus in Cancer mid summer, you are feeling extra creative, flirty and romantic. Whether single or committed, invigorate your life with some light-hearted romance. The time for chores and responsibilities comes later - after August 11, to be specific, when Venus enters your 6th house, creating more focus around your health and daily routine. But in the interim, have fun, create, dance, flirt unabashedly and notice what individuals make you feel safe to be your most authentic self.
👉🏽 Find & Read more educational and relationships & lifestyle ⭐️ astrological content on our “Cosmic Connection” Blog ✍️ https://nuitapp.com/cosmic-connection-blog
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wittylittle · 8 months
Son fantasme
On travaille dans le même milieu. On s’est rencontrés sur mon app de dating. On a vite transféré sur Facebook. Il prend de mes nouvelles. Il est gentil. Un peu trop même des fois. Comme s’il vendait sa salade de gars sûr de lui. Il me dit qu’il se branle en pensant à moi. Et je lui demande son fantasme du moment.
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Ça tombait bien, j’étais seule à l’hôtel pour la nuit. Je lui ai dit qu’on ne se connaissait pas tant que ça encore, que c’était réalisable. Il m’a dit que si j’étais sérieuse il serait là dans 20 minutes.
Il m’a dit qu’il allait cogner à la porte, que je devais lui ouvrir, ne pas dire un mot, aller sur le lit, et le laisser faire.
Quand il est arrivé j’étais tellement mouillée. Il a regardé autour pour voir s’il n’y avait pas une caméra cachée ou je ne sais quoi. Il a enlevé son short. Il a pris ma main pour que je me touche. Il s’est branlé, le gland qui frottait mon clit. Après quelques minutes il est venu sur mes lèvres, en se frottant encore. Il s’est relevé. M’a dit « merci beaucoup ». J’ai sorti mon jouet, pour me faire venir, j’ai pas eu le temps il est parti comme prévu.
Nous l’appellerons Le producteur.
Il me texte déjà pour une prochaine fois… à suivre…
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cmiyczine · 6 months
hello, i do think it is important that you have info on the charities figured out before the apps even go live. there are going to be people who are more hesitant to join not knowing info like this and things like info on the mod and experience.
Thank you for your message. I disagree. I will not make the choice of the donations orgs by myself, simply because one person cannot have enough scope and there might be info online I have missed.
Here's an example, someone recently sent in a submission in which they suggested the name of a palestinian instagram creator that is currently asking for donation because they are donating food and necessities directly to palestinians (@abdulla7_om3r if youd like to help) This is a person I didnt know existed. My knowledge is now expanded and I might consider them one of the person we donate to. I also might look up more palestinians doing direct actions and donating to them as well.
I have also considered looking up organisations around me that support Palestine and speak directly with people involved.
The conflict is happening as we speak. I do not know what the future holds, and I will not make a haphazard decision. Who knows what the palestinian people will need the most 2 months from now. Who knows which channels will be open or cut.
If you hesitate to apply because the organisations have not been picked yet, then I apologize.
As for the mod info ? I have no idea what info I am supposed to provide. The ask box is open for any inquiries. All I can say is I am momo, @t8oo on tumblr and on Instagram. I have been online for a long time. I have hosted a previous zine when I was younger for Syria and it went very well, thou traumatizing for me. I am also good friends with @/NocturnalWalkr whom helms Zine de Nuit and is a PRO !! He has organized 3 zines projects that went very well and I am relying on him for info regarding anything technical.
This project is in good hands, but the askbox is open if you have any other worries.
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Welcome to the world of finding your soulmate! Whether you're newly single or have been searching for that special someone for some time, the road to love can be a challenging one. It takes determination, tenacity, and a willingness to put yourself out there and take action in order to find the person who is truly meant for you. One of the biggest obstacles that many people face when it comes to dating is fear. It's easy to feel hesitant about putting yourself out there and being vulnerable, especially if you've been hurt in the past. But the truth is, the only way to find love is to take that risk and be open to the possibilities that await. That's where determination and tenacity come in. When you're focused on finding your soulmate, you're willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You'll put yourself out there, whether that means going on blind dates, trying out new dating apps, or simply being more open and approachable in social situations. You'll also be willing to learn from your experiences and take constructive feedback in stride. If a date doesn't go well, you won't give up - you'll use that feedback to improve your approach and try again. At the end of the day, finding your soulmate takes clarity, courage, persistence, and a willingness to take action. So take that first step, be determined, and stay tenacious in your pursuit of love. Who knows - your soulmate may be at the top of the next mountain you climb
Avant on allait dans les boîtes de nuit. Bienvenue dans le monde de la recherche de l'âme sœur ! Que vous soyez nouvellement célibataire ou que vous cherchiez quelqu'un de spécial depuis un certain temps, le chemin de l'amour peut être difficile. Il faut de la détermination, de la ténacité et une volonté de se mettre en avant et d'agir pour trouver la personne qui vous est vraiment destinée. L'un des plus grands obstacles auxquels de nombreuses personnes sont confrontées lorsqu'il s'agit de sortir ensemble est la peur. Il est facile d'hésiter à se montrer et à être vulnérable, surtout si vous avez été blessé dans le passé. Mais la vérité est que la seule façon de trouver l'amour est de prendre ce risque et d'être ouvert aux possibilités qui vous attendent. C'est là que la détermination et la ténacité entrent en jeu. Lorsque vous vous concentrez sur la recherche de votre âme sœur, vous êtes prêt à faire tout ce qu'il faut pour y arriver. Vous vous mettrez en valeur, que cela signifie aller à des rendez-vous à l'aveugle, essayer de nouvelles applications de rencontres ou simplement être plus ouvert et accessible dans des situations sociales. Vous serez également disposé à apprendre de vos expériences et à recevoir des commentaires constructifs dans la foulée. Si un rendez-vous ne se passe pas bien, vous n'abandonnerez pas vous utiliserez ces commentaires pour améliorer votre approche et réessayer. En fin de compte, trouver votre âme sœur demande de la clarté, du courage, de la persévérance et une volonté d'agir. Alors faites ce premier pas, soyez déterminé et restez tenace dans votre quête de l'amour. Qui sait ? Votre âme sœur se trouvera peut-être au sommet de la prochaine montagne que vous gravirez ?
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tarsiciopafnucio · 1 year
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Buenas Noches...
/Good Evening...
/Bonne Nuit...
/Gute Nacht...
(La Luna a través del Arco del Triunfo, París, Francia
/The Moon through the Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France
/La Lune à travers l’Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France
/Der Mond durch den Arc de Triomphe, Paris, Frankreich
- Crédito Imagen y Copyright/ Image and Copyright Credit /Crédit d’image et droits d’auteur / Bild- und Copyright-Credits Stefano Zanarello
- NASA app)
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littleharleen · 1 year
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Description du personnage : Celeste, elle est solaire, tout le contraire d'Adrian. Artiste dans l'âme, elle a les mains abîmées par les pinceaux ainsi que la peinture et traîne ses lunettes sur le sommet de sa tête à cause d'abus d'écran pour retoucher ses photos. Issue d'une famille pour le moins normale (pour contraster avec la famille chaotique d'Adrian). Elle a passé ses études à Oxford avant de revenir définitivement à Londres pour s'installer (elle peut vivre de son art ou que ce ne soit qu'un hobby c'est au choix.) Elle sort d'une relation plutôt longue et a décidé de se mettre aux sites de rencontres sans vraiment y croire, parce que pour elle, les types pensent tous avec leur troisième cerveau. Mais tous.tes ses ami.e.s lui disent que c'est potentiellement une mauvaise idée. Description du lien : Quand on quitte la grosse pomme et qu’on dit adieu à son ex et à l’intégralité de son carnet de one night stand, inutile de préciser que les nuits se font solitaires dans la capitale britannique, surtout quand on doit squatter sur le canapé de sa soeur. Malgré sa plastique avantageuse et ses sessions sport multiples au Harbour Club qui lui coutent un bras, Adrian a du se rendre à l’évidence, les britanniques sont plus difficiles que les américaines. Comme notre beauf adoré n’a aucune intention de passer l’intégralité de ses nuits en solo, il a réinstallé Tinder avec une idée très précise de ce qu’il recherchait (spoiler alert: s’envoyer en l’air!!). Après quelques rencontres hautes en couleur et pas toujours fructueuses, il a finalement fait la connaissance de x, artiste bohème et relativement saine d’esprit. Il a même accepté de poser pour elle, entre deux one(two and more) night stand, et de plus en plus régulièrement, devenant en quelques sortes sa muse. Le courant est passé très vite entre eux, et les deux ont trouvé ce qu’ils étaient venus chercher sur la fameuse app. Les nuits torrides se multiplient et le petit coeur (et les muscles) de notre cher Adrian semblent s’ouvrir à la perspective qu’il y ait un peu plus que du sexe entre eux deux…
Possibilités d’avatar :
Adelaide Kane, Adèle Haenel, Adria Arjona, Ana de Armas, Bianca Santos, Danielle Galligan, Eiza González, Imogen Poots, Inbar Lavi, Melissa Barrera, Lily James, Marika Sila, Samara Weaving, Vanessa Kirby. (merci de respecter l’éthnicité de l’avatar)
Lien du pré-lien | forum 
(credit: @caelestisart, @wildheartavatars, @bambieyestuff, )
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rpings · 1 year
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The Longest Night is upon us, the celebrations for the New Year at Mid-Winter.  There is the Masquerade Ball in the Palace where the Royals, Nobles and their Guests dance and place the game of thrones, the Fête that takes place in Cereus House on Mont Nuit, which is closed and only the Adepts of the Night Court will frolic and play their way.  And there will be parties across the City for one and all, salons opened and the Joie flowing.  Who would you like to place with?
Scions of Terre d’Ange is an AU medieval rp set in the world of the Kushiel books created by Jacqueline Carey. Open to people of all experience new and old to the Kushiel-verse with easily to follow resources that can have you jumping into the setting and plot with little knowledge of the books.  The site is a no wordcount and shipper app forum.  We are highly LGTBQ+ friendly, as they were in the setting, and we encourage our writers to stretch the boundaries of their imagination and express their desires with us.
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roaringup · 2 years
Today Robin and I met our friend in a park that has a playground in it and hung out near/on a rope climbing structure for a while (late enough in the day that there were never more than one or two children nearby). Genuinely so nice to climb and clamber around on some ropes, and makes me wishful for some kind of cultural setup where there are more public free outdoor play structures designed for/open to people of all ages. Maybe these are a thing in the society of that utopian Starhawk novel.
The intense heat finally broke. I also finally planted the tomatoes and pepper the neighbors gave us, which is something I had been putting off doing because of that heat. (I don’t want to imply it was out of some attempt at prudently conserving the plants’ health; I am not that dutiful; I just didn’t feel like kneeling and digging while it was 95 degrees out or whatever.) Anyway, it was a lot cooler today, the tomatoes were floppy but I think they’re likely to perk back up, and the pepper seemed happy enough in its container all along.
“La Nuit” is progressing and I’m listening to the audiobook of Harrow the Ninth while I stitch it, after having also listened to and finished Gideon the Ninth just previously. This is my second pass through those books; previously I had read both of them once (in “print” and not audio—though it was on my phone, on the library app Libby). I understand the plots a lot better on this rereading, and I’m enjoying them—although I still have mixed feelings about the writing style, which is overwrought sometimes in a fun aesthetic way and sometimes in a way that falls flat for me.
Nutmeg is being very cute hanging out on my bed. I should really get her some cat stairs; she’s been struggling with the jump up there. Arthritis, and she was never particularly sprightly even when younger, possibly due to having been declawed before we got her. They say it can give cats trouble with their paws.
Time to brush my teeth and stop internetting
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helyiios · 2 years
!!! C'est un plaisir de revenir, des fois j'oublie de parler aux gens et après ça fait deux semaines et j'ose plus trop (quelque chose me dit que tu vois?) mais en vrai c'est grave fun de blablater ici hehe. Vraiment faut m'imaginer genre bruit de personne qui court et la j'arrive, je m'arrête au coin de la rue comme dans un cartoon et je repars en courant dans ta direction. Puisque c'est si gentiment proposé je veux bien un jus de fruit, je suis sûre t'as un bon truc en stock je te laisse choisir!
Je me souviens de cliquer sur play sur le premier épisode en mode "hope this doesn't awaken anything in me (I know it will though)" je suis partie me coucher 5 épisodes plus tard j'étais pas la même personne. Ça m'a guérie d'avoir été way too into Sherlock (& Johnlock let's be honest) à 14 ans.
Et genre vraiment Izzy il est cool dans la série mais 1st watchthrough I was too busy being like "oh my god this is happening. They are actually queer. Oh god. They're queer for real." pour trop lui prêter attention t'sais. J'avais lu des métas avant ceci dit donc vraiment a chaque fois j'avais un petit "subtextual boyfriends!" ou genre "the only human in the middle of a bunch of muppets" dans le fond de ma tête c'était marrant. Et après j'ai lu des métas sur sa relation avec Ed et c'est bon c'est fini je lisais les mots et je SAVAIS que c'était mort je le VOYAIS in my mind's eye passer de "oh ouais, cool I guess, bastard though" à "I Have Feelings and if you mention him by god you will Know About Them". Tout ça pour dire excellent goût toi aussi du coup :')))
Parce que j'ai pas cours moi monsieur :) je fais études de branleur à Lyon 2 donc vraiment sur genre 2 semaines d'exams je stresse tellement que ça explose la jauge et après je fous PLUS RIEN. En vacances d'été en mai <3 j'ai du mal à y croire des fois. Fourberie j'hésite un peu parce que ça fait une référence aux Fourberies de Scapin donc c'est sympa mais c'est pas le même type de joie chez Stede qui est tout content quand il dit fuckery comme un enfant qui dit un gros mot t'sais. Mais en vrai ça va probablement finir en fourberie je pense que c'est suffisamment proche, faut savoir settle des fois :') l'art de la baise ça fait très très Google trad + article écrit avec un programme qui autofill les bouts qui comptent traduits direct de wikipédia, mais genre. Ça fait titre de parodie porno je trouve. Si seulement j'écrivais, ça ferait un excellent titre de fic :'))
(je tâcherai de passer plus alors! Mes cours me crèvent pas trop c'est juste l'executive dysfunction qui aide pas quand c'est l'heure de réviser tout le semestre de cours pour le partiel mais à part ça tranquiille)
(ouais je sais pas ce qu'il foutait, mon cycle de sommeil fucked up s'en fichait un peu mais au bout de genre 5 minutes une meuf a gueulé "hé c'est le milieu de la nuit ta gueule" et franchement ça se comprend. En plein milieu de l'aprèm ça aurait était plutôt sympa par contre!)
- ☂️
Moi mon problème c’est que quelqu’un va m’envoyer un message, je vais cliquer dessus pour pas avoir la notif (si c’est une app où y a la fonction vu et bah rip et sinon en sumsum) et ensuite je vais oublier pendant 15 à 27 jours ouvrés parce que <3 t’es genre l’oie là qui se fait courser par le coyote c’est à ça que tu me fais penser !
Vraiment moi j’avais tout le lore toutes les private jokes de ofmd pck grâce à mon ami j’avais fini par lire des fics à l’époque où le ship blackbonnet avait genre…10 fics ao3. 🥲 Donc en soi je savais que j’serai pas queerbait donc j’ai fixé izzy très longtemps et j’étais en mode yup yup yuuuup . yup. cet homme a tout pour lui (sauf des cm et 10 doigts de pied) il me rend fou.
Lyon 2 je passe devant chaque saint matin (à moins que tu sois à Bron) je trouve ça fabuleux comment on peut deviner qui y est étudiant (des gens avec un style vestimentaire coloré mais très beau) et qui ne l’est pas (nous autres les autres universitaires). Berges du Rhône c’est cher beau ça m’fout le démon premier degré mais tu vois j’me dis ahahahahah ils doivent avoir trooop chaud l’été dans leurs salles et hahaha ils doivent se peler le fiaaaak l’hiver donc je surmonte mon seum. :(
C’est vrai que ça fait très Scapin mais dans le contexte de la phrase de Stede j’aurais dit (je suis crevé) “haha c’est vrmt un truc de baisé” donc c’est pas mieux 💀
Can’t relate tho moi j’ai fini mes cours ET mes partiels aujourd’hui???????(fin hier mais on se capte) mais attends je suis en train de faire une double take wtf oui. Genre en matinée hier. Oh putain de merde 😟
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herosone111 · 2 months
我想拯救的是自己,又不是自己,我想惩罚的是自己,也不是自己,因为我很难说服自己是我的错,我的感觉就像1990年的电影《美女神灯(1001 nuits, Les)》里的精灵,住在永远下雨的地方,只是困住我的不是神,是我自己而已,我到底真的要拯救什么?回到这个时代是我的真正愿望么?我想不是,移动到别的时代也不是,我只是在逃避而已,但是发现需要面对的更多。
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nuitapp · 2 years
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🌑 New Moon in Gemini ♊️
* Sextile Mars & Jupiter
✨Foundation for new beginnings!
The Gemini new moon wraps up the month with a new start around our 🌱 mental and communicative realities. This lunation makes harmonious aspects to Mars & Jupiter in Aries, asking you to believe in yourself and your ability to co-create a new reality with yourself. 🦋
💓Change and releasing can be scary, but trust us, NUiT-ers, it is worth it!
🙌🏾 Expect to feel confident and inspired about the future and what it can contain.
With the ruler of this lunation answering to a retrograde Mercury 💬 allow the inspirations of the past inform your pathway forward. ➡️
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wittylittle · 4 months
Bon okay.
Après mes histoires grandioses avec la Licorne américaine, j’ai eu un down.
Comment j’allais retrouver cette énergie sexuelle à nouveau ?
J’ai ensuite passé un mois complet avec mon Daddy, le prince de Galles.
C’était cool, je suis sa princesse. Il me gâte, me fait mon café le matin. M’invite au resto, paye mes cocktails à 17$. On a bu non stop et rigolé et sorti et chanté, du Québec au Mexique, et après il est parti.
Et j’étais complètement en manque.
Le soir même de son départ, alors que j’avais préparé le terrain tranquillement avant qu’il ne quitte, le Réalisateur m’a texté.
60$ de Uber aller-retour pour passer une nuit avec lui. C’était même pas si bon. Il ne m’a même pas vraiment collé en dormant. Mais je rigolais dans ma tête.
C’est une histoire tragiquement pas drôle, mais j’avais besoin de me faire dire des cochonneries.
J’ai passé les soirées suivantes sur mes app de dating, et à raviver les relations automnales que j’avais dû mettre de côté.
Puis… vendredi, out of nowhere, un très grand garçon a qui je parlais depuis meme pas 24h m’a demandé si je voulais aller prendre un verre.
OMG. Oui il est magnifiquement beau. Oui on a eu une chimie formidable pour une première rencontre. Et même si on a dû passer moins de deux heures ensemble, j’ai dû me mettre sur la pointe des pieds quand il m’a demandé de l’embrasser. Il embrasse comme un dieu.
Et il m’a confié qu’à son mariage, il portait des Adidas avec son suit.
Je ne suis même pas jalouse. Il est marié bien sûr, et j’ai deux amoureux, et même si nos horaires sont limités et que je fréquente je ne sais pas trop combien de garçons, j’ai su que ce Grand garçon et moi, on fera une crisse de belle équipe. Mon dieu jai hâte.
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hrts4scarr · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 (cl16) 𝐱𝐨 ୧˚
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THIS WAS REPOSTED FROM MY SPAM ACC. ★ requested﹕yes/no — summary﹕your best friend, charles, prepares a movie night for you after a long day — warnings﹕shit ton of pure fluff, google translated french, probably not well proof read, charles head over heels for reader, kissing (gagg!!), best friends to lovers, tell me if there's any i missed!! — pairing﹕cl16 x reader — w/c﹕500+ ★ start a/n﹕hii angels!! this is my first post and i hope you enjoy :)) please send feedback if you can, i'm a beginner writer and i hope that i can improve &lt;;3 ౨ৎ 𝑫𝑻 (tag list) ;; none yet :)
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〔 pinned post | f1 masterlist | taglist | rules 〕
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notes, comments, reblogs, feedback and follows are greatly appriciated!
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 walked through the front door of your apartment, closing the door behind you. Kicking off your shoes and hanging your coat on the hook, you walk into the living room. You smile, relaxing as you see your best friend, Charles, sitting on the sofa with blankets, popcorn and the television remote in his hand. Just like he said he would.
"Hi, Cha." You sit next to him, making yourself comfortable and leaning on his shoulder.
"Evening, ma chérie." You feel his warm lips kiss your temple gently. 'my sweetheart'
"We're watching Rapunzel, right?" You say enthusiastically, looking up at Charles with a grin.
"Yes," Charles chuckles. "Just like I promised." You smile, kissing his cheek, not noticing your cherry lipstick stamping his already red face.
Surrounded by blankets and the comforting aroma of popcorn filling the room, you let yourself relax. The soft glow of the television casts a warm ambiance as the two of you enjoy each other's company. Charles wraps his arm around you, and you snuggle closer, occasionally popping some popcorn in your mouth.
Charles' arm wrapped around you gave you a sense of security. You found yourself completely immensed into the movie to notice him looking at you with that handsome smile of his, his dimple showing.
"Vous êtes si belle. Je pourrais te regarder toute la nuit." Mumbled Charles under his breath, looking down at the bowl of popcorn that was on his lap. 'you're so beautiful. i could look at you all night.'
"What was that?" You smile, turning to him.
Charles smiles at you. "Nothing, chérie." You both turn back to the movie, your head rested comfortably on his shoulder.
"Y'know, you make it hard not to fall head over heels." Chuckled Charles, taking your hand in his and intertwining fingers.
You freeze in place, your heart skipping a beat at Charles' confession. You held your breath, opening your mouth to say something, but no words came out. You look up into Charles' eyes, which to your surprise, was already staring back at you.
"I... Charles," you began, your voice a mixture of surprise and joy. "I never expected..."
He cut you off with a gentle squeeze of your hand and a reassuring smile. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while now. Tonight just felt right, you know?"
"Kiss me." You say bluntly.
"What?" Charles furrows his eyebrows.
"Kiss me." You repeated, determination in your eyes as you leaned in, closing the distance between you two and leaving a small gap.
Charles gaze shifts to your cherry red lips, vividly remembering when it was pressed on his cheek, a sensation that felt like forever ago.
He closes the small gap, the two of you slowly closing your eyes as Charles wraps his arms around you. One arm rests around your waist, hand on your hip. His other hand cups your cheek gently, softly rubbing it with his calloused thumb.
Gently, Charles caresses you, your lips meeting. You both linger there for a moment longer before pulling away, both your eyes slowly opening.
Your lips crack into a smile as you notice a lipstick mark you left on Charles' lips and cheek. You giggle, reaching up and gently wiping off the lipstick from his cheek. "You have some lipstick marks on your face, Cha."
"Kiss it off me, will you?"
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☆ end a/n﹕i hope you enjoyed this short blurb! this was purely for fun (and enjoyment) so i'm not sure when i'll be posting again. lmk if you want me to add you to a taglist! you can also msg me on discord - whosscarr!
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tarsiciopafnucio · 1 year
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Buenas Noches... /Goodnight... /Bonne Nuit... (Nebulosa con forma de viento estelar RCW 58 /Stellar Wind-Shaped Nebula RCW 58 /Nébuleuse du vent stellaire RCW 58 - NASA APP) (en Tuxtla Gutiérrez, ChiapasMéxico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CobKsPWuzcZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lesvaguesroses · 9 months
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six – adrénaline.
C’est dans le voyage que je me sens réellement vivante. J’avais hâte de quitter cette fichue chambre, ce monde sédentaire, même pour quelques mois. La logistique, booker des nuits en hostel, des covoits, des galères à résoudre, des jobs saisonniers à trouver… un vrai casse-tête. Néanmoins, c’est que ce qu’il fait la magie d’un voyage. Un voyage c’est des plans trouvés à la dernière minute. D’autres plans qui tombent à l’eau. Des sensations trouvées dans les trajets, pour le meilleur ou le pire. Des galères qui deviennent des surprises positives. Dans le mauvais, j’ai parfois trouvé de la magie, de la gratitude. Des discussions entamées. J’ai exploré mes propres limites et parfois enduré des emmerdes sans nom. Que ça soit à Milan ou même Naples. Mais je n’ai pas voulu me plaindre, j’ai toujours essayé de relativiser, de positiver sans tomber dans cette toxicité. Cependant il est OK de prendre une journée supplémentaire dans une ville avant de repartir en route, notamment pour se reposer.
from “LA LINEA ROSA E LA VITA STRANA”, a photography series (10x15 cm) from a phone with huji app, taken in november 2022 in italy. exhibited in paris, in april 2023, for fréquence festival @ maison de la conversation.
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happypeanutluminary · 10 months
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