magicmoonbun · 1 year
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✨💖I Just Wanna Dance With You💖✨ FFXIV Original Characters
Muijh, Miqo'te Dragoon and Dyre, Viera Bard @silentcartoon
Erhi, Au Ra Dragoon @nuclearparade
Pallala, Lalafell White Mage @starrywyvern
Chalk, Miqo'te Scholar @131-di
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kennyyomega · 8 months
Okay but while i may not know the Lore I do enjoy the wrestling posts. 10/10
like genuinely i can't even begin to tell you how much joy it brings me when people tell me this lmao ❤️
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kibellah · 6 months
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2023 character wrapped
kim wexler /jimmy mcgill /shiv roy
minthara / astarion / howl of moving castle fame
sophie / raphael / orin
tagged by @nsewell ty 🫶🫶
tagging: @faerune @raphaelsboudoir @nuclearparade @redaynia @enverflymm @paarthursass + whoever else wants to do this :)
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zacksfairest · 1 year
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so i have this jango fett figure that i have had for many many years. (@nuclearparade actually bought it for me.)
i am just opening it now bc i finally have room for it 
it. it has two left hands.
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g0sts · 1 year
hit with tha "get to know me" tag game i love u guys! i was tagged by both @phasmama and @memosminifridge! im debby emoji fr, sorry it took me so long to get to it!
fave ships: well i apparently gravitate towards whatever the unifying thread of nandermo and jonmartin is (EDIT i fucking forgot about sted aka blackbonnet-but-i-think-im-hilarious, im in a fog today forgive me), but going further back we obviously had taakitz, preceded by destiel, preceded by johnlock, preceded all the way back in high school by tbh the blueprint of Feral Bitches Finding Each Other And Making Each Other Better And Worse All At Once... sophie and howlmovingcastle... oh wait but if we want a real throwback that still rips my heart from my chest a decade and a half later, kyo/tohru fruitsbasket. oof... gotta lie down... into the next...
first ship: well i hit on that in fave ships, but definitely kyo/tohru. back in fuckin middle school i could tell those two needed each other 😭
last song: i have spotify on right now so last one that finished was White Stripes - Icky Thump but the currently playing is yeule - Pretty Bones [EDIT from the bottom, Fleetwood Mac - The Chain is playing me out, so, that's fun for us, huh?]
currently reading: all i read is fic these days and i'll be honest i've fallen extremely behind However i'm extremely extremely invested in Alethophobia by @jay-auris and i am itching to catch up (smirk... u are not on tumblr to see this but im calling out thru the ether.... saturday.... read w me.... after pathfinder........) Literally fic of all time, yeah it's an AU but like. hear me out. it's phenomenal, it's an exceptional mystery, it's not even rly a slowburn imo they've just Been Thru It, jay is a wizard, the characterization is like. best i've seen tbh i'm Entranced and i think about it a Lot even when i fall behind
last movie: i . i think it was indeed glass onion lol
currently watching: i binged the first season of Only Murders In The Building earlier this week and am Obsessed, can't wait to watch season 2, show of all time. i'm having a mystery moment it seems
consuming: strawberry flavored water... barely... not a good food day oop im sorry
currently working on: alternating between two cross stitch projects (got one more coffin ornament Plus Another If I Am Not Out Of My Mind After This One, but my passion is in this rainbow quaker squares beast) AND in a new year's miracle, i have been Writing Again for [redacted] for an exchange (it has been literally like half a year since putting words to doc hasn't made me feel like clawing my skin off i am taking the W)
no pressure to do this if u don't feel like it! but tagging some folks i don't Think have been tagged: @wrath-of--the-lamb, @partiallyobscure, @fanfic-fugue, @space-jaam, @fivevotesdown, @nuclearparade, @gothwizardmagic, @2momsatbrunch, and tbh who ever wants to do it im tagging you too
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myrcella · 2 years
ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
tagged by @ravenclairee​; thank you, sweetling! 🐏
in no particular order:
cersei lannister (asoiaf & game of thrones)
hu tao (genshin impact)
dale cooper (twin peaks)
father paul hill (midnight mass)
yotsuyu goe brutus (final fantasy xiv online)
norma bates (bates motel & psycho)
sotha sil (the elder scrolls)
oswald mandus (amnesia)
eleanor lamb (bioshock)
the twelfth doctor (doctor who)
tagging: @chuckhansen @cryptcombat @fillianore @queennymeria @nathanprscott @nuclearparade @ladycomstock @argelladurrandon @poirot @lustyargonianmaid
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evecoffn · 4 years
@nuclearparade replied to your post: good things about castlevania every trevor and...
Idea: Castlevania s3 without the cringey bits
season 3 would be like four episodes then
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grimoireemil · 5 years
nuclearparade replied to your chat “Tumblr Staff: We changed the colors to increase accessibility on our...”
It really isnt even that terrible of a change tbh. Just need time to get used to it
Exactly??? Like @hermdoggydog and I were discussing it and really the biggest issue is the super white text on the dark blue that’s really jarring? but I kind of dig the new color tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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editoress · 7 years
@nuclearparade  Mysterious!  This ended up on my desk at work today.  Anytime someone has Star Wars OCs, I can’t wait for them to interact with my Star Wars OCs, so here we are.
Eris tried not to break into a run when she heard V-N’s squawk.  It was likely that the wary Imperial crew around her already knew the extent of her concern for her droids, but there was no need to confirm it for them.  Besides, she discovered when she rounded the corner that V-N wasn’t in any danger.
Desta was leaning back slightly, glowing red eyes wide, while V-N chastised her.  A single line furrowed her brow.  Eris hadn’t spoken much to Thrawn’s... well, she wasn’t certain exactly what the girl was to Thrawn.  She only knew they were the same unheard-of species.  The little remote droid skittered back to Eris’s side, but did not actually hide behind her.
“Does this talk?” Desta asked.
Eris paused in consoling V-N.  “What?”
“This droid.”  She nodded at it.  “Some of them speak, don’t they?”
“V-N doesn’t speak Basic, no.  But it speaks binary.”  At Desta’s blank stare, Eris added, “A computer language for droids.”
The line between the girl’s eyebrows deepened.  “There is a language?”  She began to move closer again, leaning curiously, but V-N drifted back with an electronic snort.  “What did it say?” she demanded.
Eris kept a straight face.  “It doesn’t like you very much, I’m afraid.”
Desta’s mouth opened and she looked at Eris as though the notion had never occurred to her.  “Can droids do that?  Not like you?”
“Of course.”  If the girl hadn’t been so very serious, Eris would have suspected she was being mocked.  But she was nothing if not eager.  Eris enjoyed the fact that the girl asked questions more openly than Thrawn did; it meant Eris often learned more.  “Droids have personalities just like anyone else.”
Desta absorbed this information while looking at V-N over Eris’s shoulder.  “Then they can think?” she concluded slowly.
Eris’s answer was firm.  “Absolutely.”
Desta straightened up in what was nearly military posture and gave V-N a sharp nod.  “Sorry if I offended you,” she offered.
V-N twittered uncertainly about that.
Desta was looking a little uncertain herself.  This time when she ducked her head, it was much less formal.  “I should go.”
“It was nice talking to you,” Eris called after her.  She turned to V-N.  “Wasn’t it?”
V-N reluctantly admitted it wasn’t half bad.
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silver-handed · 3 years
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I was tagged to do this by @maeveelemora​! I’m...very much bad to just listen to the same albums for y e a r s on repeat jkghdf
I’ll tag @jorgancrath​ @nuclearparade​ and @ssugakookies​, and anyone else that wants to do it!!
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magicmoonbun · 4 years
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✨🖌️Fashion Dolls Commission - Oriana for @coruscas . Commissioned by @nuclearparade🖌️✨ Note: I am no longer posting artwork on tumblr regularly. If you would like to see my art you can see it on Twitter. 
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kennyyomega · 2 years
Your tags have me in hysterics
LMAOOO thank you. i watched that video like three times in a row just shrieking
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katzirra · 4 years
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Remember who you are....
Fucking howling....I'm making coffee right now, thank you @nuclearparade dhvjdbd I love you.
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beanpress · 5 years
Thank you @browniecap for tagging me!
 Go to: https://picrew.me/image_maker/327 and make a doll
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I want to tag @okruee @pixelswirl @mspoodle1 @nuclearparade @whiisker and anyone else who wants to do this! (sorry if you already got tagged)
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majorpepperidge · 1 year
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keep ur local lizardbunny out of the rain @nuclearparade
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g0sts · 1 year
here we goooo i was tagged by @gothwizardmagic!
post five songs you listen to a lot. then tag 10 followers (do NOT judge me)
Six Days (Machinedrum Remix) - DJ Shadows, Machinedrum - i lose hours to this song in some kinda fugue state idk
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen - no comment. im gay what do you want from me
Who's Ready For Tomorrow - RAT BOY & IBDY - yes i Did enjoy cyberpunk edgerunners thanks for asking. this got looped a lot my last weeks at my job before i was laid off if that gives you any insight into my mental state at the time
All I Want - WALK THE MOON / Affirmation - Savage Garden - i cheated and did a twofer because these songs fulfill the same purpose for me, just on different wavelengths.
Solstice Title Screen - Tim Folin - the impact of The Wizards what can i say, it slaps
i had to go back and revisit my year-end recaps to remember What Do I Listen To bc i have swatches where i just don't listen to music. i'm into classical rn specifically im into vivaldi 4 seasons rn so like. idfk what to do with that!
i tag @wrath-of--the-lamb, @space-jaam, @partiallyobscure, @fanfic-fugue, @croaksac, @steve-keychain, @phasmama, @nuclearparade, @oeco, @2momsatbrunch and anyone who wants to do it have fun
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