#now that i think abt it i've barely talked abt this au
paiirupie · 1 year
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sonic forces au stuff i drew a few days ago, but couldn't post cuz the tumblr app says there's a problem w connection each time i try to post images.....tumblr really said nuh uh
[ image id: two sets of images. in the first one, infinite and sonic standing next to each other. both of them are wearing different outfits than usual. infinite is wearing his mask and a militar uniform with a red cape and black boots. one of his arms is raised with is hand making a fist while the other arm is behind his back. his head is to the side but he's looking directly into the viewer. as for sonic, he's looking to the side with a expression of determination. both of his arms are raised, one hand making a fist while the other is extended to the side. he's wearing a jacket and there's a bandage in one of his legs. in the second image. infinite and sonic are still standing next to each other but with a few differences in their apparence. infinite is no longer wearing his mask, leaving his face exposed. he's wearing an eye patch and his expression is of annoyance. his hair is also shorter and his cape has been ripped apart. he's holding a sword to the level of his waist. meanwhile sonic now is looking up with a victorious expression on his face. one of his arms is raised again with his hand making a fist and the other is resting to the side. now he wears half the jacket and the bandage has been replaced with a teared red fabric. it's implied the teared fabric used to be the rest of infinite's cape. end id. ]
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(thanks to my lovely honey comb I found out what to call you all ❤️)
The pollen(newer people!);
The honey(;
@spooky-bunnys & @demonic-spooky-bunny (they're so lovely so you can go look at them!! Same person!!), (ok I got the ok for tagging Sirius guys let's GOOO!!!!!!) @cupiddoves they're here to read, 🫚 anon now as well omg
Ok so think of the creator(me, as a whole person, with all of the characters I write for around me, and you guys are the pollen and honey(but still pollen since honey no move .. but called honey yet pollen like a honeysuckle pollen because still sweet and can be consumed, and the pollen is able to like move around to the characters, think of you Sam lovers going towards Sam, surrounding him and having his poor allergies act up, yeah, and I just talk to you guys like I'm insane, how lovely right??) ok.............. Let's get to the introduction then
HiHihI my name is Bee,, or you can call Cedric Or just Brian.
My pronouns are He/His/Him, and I'm a 🏳️‍⚧️trans man🏳️‍⚧️ trying to get through life, I am also currently taking medical classes and I've watched a live WRIST surgery as well(it was so fucking cool.)
I'm 🇨🇦Canadian indigenous🤍💛♥️🖤🇨🇦
I probably will write HCs, small stories and other things for you if you ask nicely (I will write them depending on the ask if it's not told)
Let's get into what I will and won't write.
What I won't write
First up, Noncon/Con-Noncon(BC it feels icky,,)
Rape ykyk not good at all BC wtf
Child/adult(Like what the fuck.)
Ageplay (like?? Ion wanna write some character or reader acting as a child bff??)
Any kinks that have liquid other than cum(BC it's SPERM.)
Domestic abuse(Ion deal well with that)
Pregnancy kinks or just pregnancy in general
Giving BIRTH???
Nothing to do with child birth or child death or anything to do with children dying or abuse or whatever.
I will not write fucking sexual assault, BC it makes me iffy.
No female parts pls,,, (like for trans ppl I'll give you a dick but I don't wanna write abt the female parts.)
In between
Age difference (Not a fresh adult BC ....creepy) I'll write like only readers 25 years of age to whatever age the other character is at.
What I will write
Fluff & wholesomeness
Smut and angst
Natural kinks (not too graphic or high...)
A little bit of choking but not full on choking.
Small knife play if you're interested in that but not fully gonna stab you or hurt you like??
Bondage is ok if both parties consent.
For the smut I might go full if you want or just small if I'm not feeling up to writing a lot of smut(depends on the character too)
MLM and TMLM yes I'll write.
Some hybrid and monster au stuff too!!
A lot of fluff and just sweet stuff BC silly :3
Ion mind anything!! But beware that some people will send smut asks so!! I'll try n just add a photo before it so you won't have to accidentally read it and I'll add words to it for you guys!!
Fandoms omg!!
Stardew valley (+Expanded)!!
Dead by daylight!!
TF2 (I'm trying to know all characters pls bare with me for this one)
Left4dead (+2)!!
Call of Duty and Cold war!!(I love sims and Adler from cold war,,, and I LOVE Gaz sm from modern warfare,,)
Marble hornets
Animal crossing new horizons as well
Creepypasta (MAYBE... DEPENDS...)
Ok Movie fandoms.
stranger things
The walking dead.
Sweet tooth
Titans (with Dick Grayson and Rachel ykyk?? Not like the anime, I never seen that)
Black summer
The rain
TAU (holy shit please go watch it, it's a really good movie along with the rain and the mist but I love TAU)
The mist
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pe0ple3ater · 3 months
OK I've had a full hour and a half driving to think about this so I have a whole etoiles/bad/cellbit au to present to you now 🖤 but before I begin: RAHHHHH Cellbit angst my absolute beloved thank you PeopleEater you're so right and based and roier would 100% beg cell to eat him omnomnom
Now without further ado:
This is gonna come in 2 parts and I'm gonna start with Etoiles because goddamn that man is WOOF. Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit.
They probably didn't have anything properly his size because how many priests are absolutely jacked? (mmm thinking abt fit too) So it's a little small. So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows
He'd be really good at it too, I mean, that man is so sweet and honorable and bright, he's like the golden boy of the church, everyone's favorite priest for his sermons alone. Of course he gets up to some nasty debauchery behind the scenes. (Im still thinking about that one fooletoiles size kink ask and imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants and turn the confident, holy man into a begging mess to have Foolish inside him. Etoiles gets upset with him afterward because now he has to change)
Cellbit is the newer, priest. Etoiles knows he has some issues, he just doesn't know what and he doesn't make it his business. What matters is that Cellbit is doing well and working to become a good man. Etoiles thinks he already is, Cellbit just has a hard time believing him. Etoiles is teaching him exorcism
Then one day Cellbit comes to him shaking and on the verge of tears and asks him to come to the confessional. He looks really good like that, but Etoiles is good at ignoring such unholy thoughts...Until Cellbit tells him what happened and he gets to prescribe some...particular acts of penance
Etoiles stays in the confessional for a while after Cellbit leaves. It's late, there weren't even services today, but he's expecting someone. And sure enough, though he can barely see it through the small holes in the booth wall, the door to the next chamber opens. He can't see who or what entered, but the scent of blood and ash follows after it, something Etoiles didn't expect to find so alluring. "Greetings Father."
The voice is sweet, high and thick with amusement. Etoiles isn't in the mood for a demon's play, he's fucking upset. He skips the pleasantries. 
"You turned that poor man into a monster," he hissed. 
"He already was a monster." A pause. "You don't seem to be all that offended, are you father?"
The demon plays tricks, they get in your mind. "You dragged him from the faith!"
"I didn't make him do anything. He did it all on his own."  He could practically hear the smile on the creature's face and it made him sick.
"You know," the demon offered. "I could help you too."
"What are you talking about?"
"I can see the truth in you. You liked hearing what Cellbit did. You've tasted blood before and you want more."
Etoiles froze. The confession felt like it had been ripped from his very mouth, yet he hadn't said a word. 
No. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." Etoiles took a deep breath in, letting the demon's temptation roll off his shoulders (even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard).
"You ought to burn for what you've done."
The demon tsked. "You're no fun. What are you gonna do? Exorcise me?" Then in a flash, before Etoiles could respond, the world warped. Suddenly he was no longer alone in his side of the booth, but with a pitch skinned, grinning demon perched on his lap. A very pretty demon, wearing nothing but a wine red dress, archstar criscrossed over its bare chest and skirt slit high up over its hips. "Or are you gonna make me repent like you did with your student?"
The demon's tail swishes behind it, and he looked for all the world like the cat who got the cream. Without thinking, Etoiles grabbed the tail and yanked. 
The demon lets out a high gasp that goes directly to his dick. It hadn't seemed to notice, but one clawed hand had shot out to grip his shoulder. Etoiles barely flinched. Instead, he pries it off with his other hand and dropping the tail, picks the demon up to slam it against the wall. Etoiles rolls his hips into the demon's making him whine. "You don't deserve to repent," he mutters, still grinding, nails digging into the demon's exposed flesh. "But I'll fuck you so hard you'll never go near my student again."
"Wh- Language!" For a moment he has to stop. You've got to be kidding.
He doesn't say anything. Instead, he rolls his eyes and drops Bad to a heap on the floor, grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain. 
Anyway--this definitely wont be the last time they see each other. Etoiles fucks bad's throat against the wall then makes Bad grind on his thigh until he cums, clawing at his back making the priest hiss with delight. Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does. Etoiles also definitely gets Bad a collar with a chain for him to hold short and tight when he fucks Bad ruthlessly over the altar
Bad definitely has a pussy and a dick in this and Etoiles makes good use of everything. I have a lot of demon Bad fucking thoughts. He/it/they Bad is my everything, also.
I have limited time so the cellbit part will come tomorrow but I might make this properly longer and into a fic we'll see
--Sin Anon
"Etoiles in clerical clothing BARK he is so fine he would look so good in that sexy little priest outfit." I have a Thing for priests so I was SO EXCITED to read this. You did not disappoint AT ALL
"So his shoulders and chest stretch the fabric and his thighs and ass in the slacks are enough to distract many parishioners from the word of the lord. Maybe a few of them even come to confession to talk about it. Whether he knows that they're talking about him who knows" First of all, Etoiles in tight black slacks made me dizzy to think about. Poor guy is constantly dealing with leering, hungry eyes and he doesn't even know.
"..imagining Foolish meeting him in a back room between services to fuck between his thighs still in his pants" HEY HEYUM YEAH. Yes Foolish fucking his thighs, yes please. Making a pretty mess of his clothes and laughing at Etoiles frustrated little whines when he realizes he has to change. hah yeah.
"He looks really good like that" YEAH HE DOES, yes Cellbit with big wet eyes all sniffly and needy ngh..yeah I feel normal about it. I'm normal.
"(even if the idea of watching cellbit tear into someone, covered in viscera was enough to start making him hard)." yeah we're the same btw, Etoiles being a good man of faith and yet no one can deny how pretty Cellbit would look covered in blood!
"..grabbing one of his horns and shoving his cock in its mouth before they complain." YEAH GRAB HIM BY THE HORNS. PLEASE. Bbh having horns that people grab to fuck his mouth is everything to me. It's what he deserves!
"Bad begs Etoiles to choke him and he takes his crucifix to burn into the hollow of Bad's throat like a brand as he does." HOT, a brand from a man of the lord. Etoiles is doing gods work, purifying this demon from the inside out! He can't be blamed for it, it's the only way to get to the demon.
Sin anon..please make this into a full fic and drop it in my inbox I love it very very much. Hell, I'll even edit for you
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grandlinedreams · 6 months
This is not a request, but I always had as a bit of a hc that Law and Ace have met/interacted somehow somewhere (before Marineford). Maybe something Ace said about Luffy during that interaction, or maybe even Law felt a bit like he owed a favour to Ace to do what he did at MF (barely spoilers by now, but just in case). Of course canon wise Law had his own reasons, and everything makes sense, but I just like to add this extra little layer as hc because pain.
OUCH but also in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that they crossed paths before. I mean they are of "Worst Generation" together and so thus yeah, I can see them having at least seen or heard of each other ㅡ but it definitely does make it hurt worse if Ace did get the chance to talk abt Luffy to Law (because we know Ace would never turn down a chance to hype up his little brother) prior to MF. Ngl I know it'd be a big stretch (but that's what AUs are for in the first place) but I do like the spin that Ace survives MF w Law's help. (They're also an admittedly very cute ship w the art I've seen of them.)
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isa-ghost · 23 days
honestly I think you are so awesome and deserve all good things in life and I appreciate your role in the community sm, like I think I'd stick around even if you posted about things I know nothing about because just seeing you on the dash makes me go "omg its isa!" (even when its discourse lmao)
What The Fuck this is so sweet!! ;^; 💚💚
Worry not, I'm not leaving QSMP yet. Even if it hurts. If Phil's done, I'll likely migrate to Fit for it. Provided he streams when Phil doesn't. 😅
And I'll be damned if this stops me from completing AMFMN. Apollo has hinted during a brief reading with him that he'll kick my ass. We NEED more Phil centric fics, it's half the reason I said fuck it we ball and started AMFMN to begin with. That goblin of a deity is INVESTED in the story. I think I'd get sunburn for eternity if I left it incomplete.
And I have a perhaps therapeutic idea to write Phil coming home to the Hardcore World via Rose after departing with the kids. I think I'm gonna go for it, even if it hurts to write and I cry during doing so. :p
I'm not sure what'll become of that QSMP AU I was cooking on but I don't think I'll discontinue that before it even begins either. Additionally, I've played with the idea of just. Continuing some kind of AU storyline post-AMFMN. Like writing stuff (headcanons or short story(s)) after the events of the fic. We'll see.
I've been miserable at worst and palpably sad at best the last 2 days, and we'll see what happens during and after Phil's stream today, but.. at least for now at this good hour of 10am, I'm feeling,, better-ish. Cautiously optimistic. I don't want to leave (and I especially don't want to lose the amazing mutuals and friends I've made 😭). I'm not going anywhere.
But if you're curious, here's some other interests you'll see here besides QSMP:
I'm a Phil main first and foremost. Even if he's done on QSMP, I watch every minute of EVERY stream. Hardcore my fucking beloved. I won't hesitate to start cooking up more hardcore Phil headcanons or a fic or AU.
After Phil, I watch Sneeg second most. I also watch Hermits/Lifers & friends, Ranboo (yes hello I love Genloss), Tubbo & a bunch of others. Like I said, Death Family's end on QSMP isn't my end in QSMP, nor MCYT. :)
I barely post abt it anymore bc it's more bitter than sweet for me, but DSMP will always hold a place in my heart. I'm always down to talk about it if asked.
D&D/Critical Role/Candela Obscura (I've been dual-wielding hyperfixations on Phil & CR this whole time, you'd be getting Phil & CR primarily if I fell out of QSMP for some reason)
Related, I plan on getting into Dimension 20 sometime and I also want to watch LA/NY By Night. TTRPG enjoyers that follow me will be getting FED.
Anime!! Bungo Stray Dogs, JJK, Soul Eater, Apothecary Diaries, Frieren, and a bunch of others are my faves/current faves :)
I'm actually primarily an OC and roleplay person, it's my biggest special interest and I've been doing it for 12+ years. It's why I love mcrp so much. I'd probably post this stuff on @isas-oc-asylum and then reblog here if anyone was interested, idk. But I have an entire original world + country full of lore and characters I could talk about for eternity
I FUCKING LOVE HORROR PODCASTS. Magnus Archives & Protocol, Welcome to Night Vale, Old Gods of Appalachia!!
Veteran followers of me know I was originally a Jacksepticeye & Markiplier ego theorist blog before 2020! I have so many AUs of them and I love them still even though new content with them is slow. (I like Sanders Sides a decent amount too!)
I love talking about witchcraft!! I'm always down to infodump, answer questions, or gush about my goofy ass deity circle!! <3
Controversial (/s) but I love the Hazbin & Helluva series. I also love other indie series like Murder Drones, TADC and Lackadaisy!
I'm also slowly watching The Dragon Prince with friends!!
I've reblogged stuff plenty of times but I fucking love The Owl House & Gravity Falls
When will Arcane return from the war,,,, 😔 (soon)
I won't hesitate to plunge into the Monster Prom series deeper. Milo Belladonna and Damien LaVey my lomls I will get monsterfuckery on main I s2g
Basically... I'm a fuckin charcuterie board of interests!! Realistically, I'll still mainly be Phil/Sneeg/CR. But I'm always down to be abnormal about all that 👆🏻 and more.
If any of that interests anyone reading this, feel free to stick around. Or keep beating me with QSMP & Phil stuff in my asks. I'll still always be down to write headcanons and talk about fic stuff. I love qPhil too much to shut up forever.
And if it doesn't? Congrats, I'm also a massive shitposter. I have like 3 different tags for it. Feast your eyes upon how funny I am. It's like the one thing I'm confident in about myself, I'm fucking hilarious.
Honest Opinion Anon Asks
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elflock-magician · 11 months
if you know sdra2: maybe a fic of nico and ace as the otonokoji twins, like a roleswap au… nico as kanade and ace as hibiki
if you don’t: nico x david maybe!!
A/N - I've been putting off learning more abt Sdra2 for. ever. When I get to learning more abt it I'll def write the Ace-Nico Otonokoji twins thingy. But for now: here's a David & Nico interaction. Not romantic tho-
Summary - David often says that 'anything that can speak will betray and hurt you'. Nico overhears this and attempts to ease David’s hatred by introducing him to a few of their animals.
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“This is stupid.” David stated bluntly as he and Nico sat on the ground. After the second trial, the third floor was revealed to have a zoo of sorts. But not in the traditional sense. It had more domestic animals such as cats, dogs, and even hamsters, as well as being a more indoor environment. It basically looked like a pet store, except it had more animal diversity. And you could touch the animals, though at your own risk, of course. Nico was obviously excited about this, and had decided to offer some… ‘help’ of sorts to David with the animals.
Nico couldn’t say that they liked David all that much. Or at least they shouldn't. Simply because of how David had taken advantage of how afraid they were to be more open about themselves. But they understood David to an extent. David had stated himself that he believed anything that could talk would eventually betray you. But Nico figured that didn’t include animals. So Nico made a simple offer. Meet them at the zoo area, and David would be freed from Veronika's nonstop questioning.
“W-What do you mean stupid?” Nico murmured in response. 
“You must be an idiot.” David grumbled, “We’re sitting on the ground in some sort of PetSmart. The hell did you even want to meet me here for?” David questioned as he leaned back a bit and crossed his legs, once again considering they were sitting on the floor. 
Nico stood up and walked over to a certain cage in the room. 
“You said s-something that made me think…” Nico barely got the sentence out before David was talking over them again.
“Start with that next time.” He said coldly. Nico rolled their eyes but David’s words didn’t exactly get under their skin too much. David seemed to be willing to bully anyone, so they didn’t take it all too personally.
“You said… ‘Anything that can speak will eventually betray you’, a-and, animals can’t speak.” Nico stated simply as they reached into a cage, and took out a cat. “So what? You came here to give me an emotional support animal? You really must be an idiot, Nico! Absolutely stupid–” 
David was cut off as Nico put the cat down into David’s lap. Nico continued speaking,
“And I figured that you would come here sooner or later and I wasn’t sure if I should trust you to not hurt the animals. So I wanted to at least see how you act around them…” They murmured. David’s eyes were slightly wide as he kept silent, staring down at the fuzzy creature in his lap. The cat looked grumpy but overall indifferent to David and Nico. “Tch… This little shit.” David muttered and couldn’t help but slightly smile down at the cat. “I’ll do a lot of things but hurting a cat like this isn’t one of them.” He said. "And you thought I would? Wow. You must have low standards for me, Nico." David said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
“Huh…? W-Well... then where is the d-difference for you? That you wouldn't hurt a cat but you would hurt a r-real person?” Nico asked and tilted their head. 
“And I thought you would understand. Humanity is the most bullshit, selfish, absolute scumbag species to ever exist. We’re all selfish, deep down. Selfish creatures who don’t care who they hurt, as long as they get what they want. That’s the true nature of humans. I’d expect someone like you to understand that.” David explained, shutting his eyes as he pet the cat, the cat once again seeming indifferent. “Animals embrace their truth, whatever it may be. They cannot lie. Unlike you and I.” David added.
“What do you m-mean by ‘you and I’? Y-You and I are n-nothing alike…” Nico replied, as if trying to convince themself as well. 
“But we are.” David replied swiftly. “Ace treats you like shit, Hu practically treats you like a child, and the first person who tried to reach out to you, Xander, turned out to be a remorseless murderer, who is probably the most decomposed motherfucker right now.” He explained. “Humans are the true evil of this world. There’s no fighting it. Might as well appeal to it.” David added. “B-But… You’re wrong.” Nico replied. 
“I’m wrong?” David repeated and rolled his eyes. “Everyone is born with the ability to lie. That's just the truth. It's our default settings." David replied. "Yeah. That's... common knowledge to anyone over ten years old, David. Everyone can lie." Nico replied. "Oooh, sassy, are you?" David murmured and rolled his eyes. "Go on, prove what you said. How I'm wrong.” He insisted. Nico fell silent. David stared at Nico, expecting something. All while petting the cat like a supervillain. “People don’t care about you for who you are. Only what you do for them.” David added. “Maybe for you… But not for us. Hu cares about me because she likes me. I don’t know who convinced you that life is war, but it doesn’t matter. Don’t make it our problem.” Nico stated. David couldn’t help but laugh.
“You don’t get it.” He said sourly. “No one convinced me this. This is just what the world has shown me. No one is worth trust. That’s just humanity. It doesn’t matter how badly you try and pretend it’s not true. Even who we thought was the most morally sound man, Xander Mathews… That stupid redhead just proved our point. What Xander did…” David broke into a chuckle. “Was humanity’s true nature.” He said at last, glaring up at Nico.
“...W-What do you mean?” Nico questioned. “Let me make this more personal…” David began, as he continued to pet the cat. The last thing he needed was a swivel chair and he’d look exactly like a Disney villain. “What you did to Ace was humanity’s true nature.” He said. Nico slightly flinched at that. “Deep down, we’re all selfish creatures. Selfish creatures that cannot accept the truth. We can pretend we’re not to make us feel better. To run from the truth. But there’s only one truth.” David explained simply. That’s why David had acted the way he did. He believed what he said whole-heartedly. He thought humanity was selfish, vile, and downright awful. So he appealed to that belief, by simply becoming part of it. And that's why he crafted his 'good boy' persona. Because as he saw it, humanity didn’t want to face the truth. That they were all ‘selfish’ or whatever. So he would at least profit off of it. So he lied, he acted, and pretended to be some great guy. But unfortunately, that wasn’t true. “That…. That’s not true. That doesn’t make any sense.” Nico stuttered out, their voice slightly trembling. “That’s because you’re just like the rest of us, Nico. Humans love to dodge the truth.” David said before laughing. “Tell me, what do you think?” He asked. “Huh?” Nico murmured in response. “What do you think about your true nature? You’re so… shy. No no… not shy…” His voice trailed off for a moment. “Cowardly.” He said firmly, in an almost venomous tone. 
“I think you’re wrong. P-People aren’t like that… “ Nico insisted. "I want to care about people. I want to be a g-good person… But, even then… people are so… complicated." Nico tried to explain. David could only laugh. “Then I guess we aren’t so different.” He stated. "But we don’t g-get to understand everything. That’s part of life.” They added sadly. David rolled his eyes. "Well I've had enough of this discussion." He said, seeking to change the subject. "What's this dumb fucks name?" David murmured and held the cat up a bit. "Or do you not know?" He added. "T-That's..." Nico sighed. "MonoTV Junior. I've already spent a lot of time here, so I know all of the names of the animals." Nico explained. "Of course you do." David said and chuckled. "Well, I'm not calling this guy 'MonoTV Junior.' Hell no. He looks more like a..." David paused. Before smiling. "A Steve." He stated and pet the cat a bit. "Steve? You want to name him... Steve? Even though he already has a name?" Nico muttered at that. "Yep." David replied nonchalantly. He then sighed after saying that. "This is so fucking stupid. Look what you have me doing, Nico. Naming cats... stupid." David muttered and hung his head. Though he continued to hold the cat in his lap. David fell silent. Nico didn't say anything either. Nico, despite their lack of social skills, sensed the situation a bit. Similar to an emotional support animal, Nico went and sat down next to David. The two sat in silence. A/N - This wasn't really written to be romantic- it's more two characters who want to love each other, but both have their own internal issues preventing it. They're both very complex people who aren't suited for a romantic relationship right now, despite how they crave it. Maybe if David gets a 7 season redemption arc and Nico goes to therapy and resolves their stuff then they'll be alright for a relationship but right now... no.
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cousticks · 5 months
hi!! i’m new here but i saw that it’s okay to send asks about your AUs and i have heard you mention your zombie au a couple times now and would like to know more!! who’s it about? what are your fave headcanons abt your universe? what’s any other cool details you’ve figured out?
Hello, hello! Welcome to the party I like to be miserable here.
Ohh gosh okay so everything I've posted about this au so far is under the coffin emoji tag (⚰️) if you want to roll through that for everything I've said about it so far!!
It isn't really about anyone specific, if I'm honest. Its more of an au playground for me to explore different characters and situations in this world. When I eventually have the time and energy to write for it, it will likely be different oneshots of different places & different times in the world! I love au building but am very interested in how I can take an alternate world and still be true to character. For BSD, abilities and their impacts on their users create a large part of who those characters are, and I'm really enjoying finding ways to replicate those certain traumas and traits in a zombie apocalypse no-abilities setting. I want to stay as true to character as possible in this new world!
One of my favorite headcanons for it so far is that adult Dazai has a glass eye. Its for plot/lore reasons, mostly, but also because I think its a trait that fits him kind of well. I can't think of many other specific headcanons for it right now that aren't more event-based, but I'll try to think of some!
I'm not sure how you define cool, but I've got this kind of idea going that in what seems to be the end of the world, certain characters that parted antagonistically but still care about each other to a certain extent start seeking each other out, or at least one of them starts seeking the other. I've got this happening with Chuuya and Shirase (in this universe, they didn't make up as they did in Stormbringer.) I also want it to happen with Ango and Dazai, eventually.
Details about the world itself? The zombie virus began as an attempt at biological warfare that got out of control, but i'm not bothering to set a true point of origin because that isn't what's important to the story. Generally speaking, once you're bitten, you're going to turn into a zombie... with a few very special exceptions (looking at Atsushi, Dazai, and Rimbaud--each in a different way, though!). There are a couple "survivors" of the zombie virus that are technically "cured" but that's a very loose term. As of right now, at least, you cannot actually "cure" it, but certain experiments (hello, Chuuya and Verlaine) suffered through a method of potentially curing. This was generally considered to be a failure, but hey, some made it out (barely. not really.)
I'm sure I'll think of more stuff to post about eventually, thank you so much for having interest in my au!!! If you have any more questions or thoughts please chime in I love to talk about my aus so very much. Someday eventually maybe I'll actually write for the Zombie au!
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passer-ine · 2 years
I'm thinking about Godhome ending where everyone survives because I say so (RIP godseeker tho 😔) just Some Thoughts I've had on it
(probably counts as an au at this point)
THK surviving and able to be free cuz no more infection
The Dreamers are also able to wake up cuz they don't have to be killed for the seals to break because the seals didn't even need to be broken
Little Ghost is now also Lord of Shades (pretty sure that's what happens iirc), but in the awake world, just goes back to its vessel body (cuz of shade soul charm or something idk I'm making this up as I go), but its tiny little body can barely hold the void god which presents some problems
Ghost is still them but Something is Definitely Different. The air around them seems colder and more dense in a way you wouldn't expect from someone so tiny. Just makes them all the more unsettling.
Most bugs don't know why, just "hm they're creepier than usual"
Bugs who know enough about the void can figure out what's up (like Bardoon, and WL).
Bugs who can pick up on things like that, but don't know enough about the void to tell exactly whats up are like "hm, something is fundamentally different but I don't know what" (like Hornet)
Really toying with the idea of if PK is actually dead or just reincarnated again.
Little Ghost is still very young (specifically mentioned in the game somewhere, I do remember this) so yeah Mato adopts them.
THK gets to visit their mom. Don't know if this helps them, but it's one of those things they just really need to do for themself.
Knights reunion (sad). The remaining knights (and WL) find out what happened to the others, but at least they get to see each other. (Ze'mer is still there because I say so)
All infected creatures just die. Technically they're already dead, but the infection isn't keeping their corpses going anymore. It's more of poison now, and can't really spread anymore.
Except Broken Vessel I want them to be ok ;-; technically when u fight them they're still alive cuz at the end of the fight when the infection leaves they try to get up but just collapse ssshhh they're just slleeppingg they're ok I PROMISE :)
Going back to PK, reincarnated he would be a little more wrymy and a bit less buggy than than the 1st time he reincarnates.
He probably tries to fix up THK some, knows there's only so much he can do with all that they've been through, but 1- he's a bit attached 2- gives him something to do for a while
He's still an asshole tho and doesn't really care much about about ghost or bv, siblings gotta look out for each other (THK does care abt them, as does Hornet)
I saw thing somewhere about Oro adopting BV and I love that so I'm using that here too if this post ever reaches the person who started that: I love you.
It's also an excuse for Mato and Oro to talk to each other
Maybe if that goes well Sheo can introduce his husband to his brothers :)
I've thought about this a lot lmao. There's still more, but I may draw some of it out.
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adastra-j69 · 1 year
I don't have the energy to write this now, but i've been crying over @/goopterror's jockey dirk au and that led to me thinking about farmer/ranch owner dirkjakes. i was suddenly just overtaken with the need to write this like 30 mins ago so this is very bare bones but i wanna get the general idea down for later. consider: dirk somehow comes into possession of an old farm house from some distant relative. he's like the next in line bc no one before him wants it bc its old and rundown and needs a lot of work, but he decides to take that chance bc he just dropped out of school for reasons i will come up with later and he wants a fresh start. he didn't even know this relative existed, but free land, so why not.
So he's exploring the land to get an idea of like where his property ends and accidentally stumbles into his neighbors side. It's completely abandoned, so it's not a big deal. He ends up finding an even older and more rundown barn. he was going to turn around thinking that was that, but he hears a noise that sounds a lot like a horse. he decides to investigate bc that makes no sense considering how run down the barn in, but what do you know? it's a horse. a very malnourished one, but it's a horse. it takes dirk weeks before he's able to get the horse to come any closer to him. he bribes him with hay, apples, carrots, sugarcubes, anything he can to gain his trust. finally after weeks, he gets closer and he's able to coax the baby to come out and takes him home. by that point, he's made some good progress, enough where there is a safe place for his new friend to live. it's dirk and his horse for a while.
Throughout this, he's making friends and getting closer to a farmer nearby around his same age. Its Jake of course. He lives nearby with his goddaughter, who is in his care. It's Jade (i'll think of why later too). He brings over fresh produce for Dirk while he's fixing up the farm house and barn and helps out when he's not busy with his own farm. he grows produce for a local grocery story and has a good thing going on due to his family having been doing this for a while now.
The thing I've been crying about it Dirk eventually getting things fixed up and expanding and getting more horses. He ends up holding classes for kids and adults, but I want to focus on the kids classes rn. Kids come in to learn how to approach and interact with horses respectfully and small general maintenance that comes with owning a horse, or working with horses. at the end they get pony rides and they hold a bon fire where they get little certificates.
I just want Dirk to grow, make friends, do things he enjoys, find love and just settle for a bit and be okay. Get to the point in domesticity where it's "boring, but in the most exquisite of ways." (x) and just him, jake, jade, and other loved ones gathered around a bon fire just making smores for kiddos and having a really good time. lots of smiles and laughs and dirk being so glad life led him down this path :')
dirk also has like 2 goats, maybe a couple cows too, ducks, chickens, barn cats!!! and like one or two doggos to help with some of the other animals on the farm. its a full fucking house by the time he's done and opens up classes, but it's great and it's full-filling and he's happy!!!!!
i am shutting up now thank you for coming to my very last minute ted talk. goodnight. but also talk to me abt dirk and the alpha kids.
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ars0nistpixie · 1 year
you know about that tiktok sound that goes "I'VE BEEN FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME ABOUT MY THEORY"?
yeah? well that's me now.
love you for that, truly.
SO, my royal au is called "the elysium" and it's jegulus, wolfstar and nobleflower centered.
the tropes we have here are:
james being the prince and heir to the throne, who was betrothed (promised in marriage) to regulus — regulus is a lord of house black. they are going to be married because of the law of the second child, who is basically explained in the first chapter
sirius is the heir of house black, but he is a ward at court, so he moved there when he was 15 to be taught by the Wise and to become one of them (he goes back to his family every six months or so). remus is the new lord commander of the kingsguard and he swears first to james then to sirius as their protector
narcissa (my beloved) goes to court when regulus does because, a week before the wedding, the betrothed's family is supposed to go and meet the royals to get acquainted with them — but she's pregnant with draco (she had a political marriage with lucius, because he wanted an heir and she wanted a baby but, apart from that, they barely look at eachother). because she's pregnant, she's offered by the queen and king (james' parents) to stay at court as long as she wants and they assure her she will be taken care of. in fact, fleamont tells her that, for whatever she might need, she can go see alice, which is a Wise lady and a doctor!!!!!!!
so, basically, narcissa is a lady and alice is a lady as well but she's also her doctor.
they firstly interact in the third chapter and i have so so so many plans for them. i love them with my whole heart. narcissa finds alice so lovely from the first time she lays eyes on her.
furthermore, this will all be influenced by narcissa's relationship with her sisters, which will NOT be neglected on my watch
bellatrix is a crazy crazy woman, but she loves her sister more than anything. who knows what she will think about narcissa falling for alice, after what happened with andromeda and ted... guess you'll find out if you decide to read :)
also, there is the fact that walburga, orion, lucius and bellatrix are planning to kill james and land a coup. so yeah, it's gonna be a mess.
btw, i'm aware this is a disorganized lump of thoughts with no grammar or style whatsoever but i promise i write a LOT better than this in the fic :')
+ i want to thank you a lot for the question, i was super excited to get one!!!! i hope i told you what you wanted to know. if i didn't, i'm sorry :')
i'm more than open to clarify lmao
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candyskiez · 10 months
also enabling :3
question ten on the oc asks for whoever you want to talk about most?
hmm this is actually a good question!
I think for a while, jasper wasn't really sentimental. he's a toh oc, darius' mentor (love me a canon character that's a complete blank slate) I just have way too many aus of him to the point he's almost completely Non toh sometimes (for example, jasper alone au which is the timeline I've talked about so far. it is only BARELY toh. pretty comprehensible even if you know the bare minimum Abt it I think) so he almost has his own universe nowm the reason I bring this up is because he mainly becomes more sentimental after meeting Darius, I think. let's talk main timeline for a sec, will go back to jasper alone after. darius broke his mask once mid training, was oh crap did I hurt him, meanwhile jasper was ecstatic because !!! he's improved so much, holy hell he snuck up on him! he DECKED him!!! he was so proud. he kept the broken mask. doodled in it with him all the time. it's kept safely in one of his drawers.
jasper alone timeline which is what y'all know though, hm, okay opportunity. when jasper was an itty bitty kid, he stole him and ivy lutes. this was before his "perfect, rule abiding, never ever step out of line" shit started really sinking in. they learnt how to play music together, it was their favorite thing. even when ivy defected and, in his eyes, betrayed him he just...couldn't bring himself to get rid of them.
that honestly makes me wonder because I've never really thought about this, I don't know how much ivy really took with them when they left. jasper learnt of their betrayal on complete accident. so a painful thing might be,, they lost most of their stuff along with jasper. including their most sentimental things. their lute, all those pictures of the two of them together, the paintings he made for them, the songs they wrote together...all gone. they might've taken some shit to the base before, but probably like. A picture or two. "this is who I'm doing this for." sort of thing. so now I'm imagining ivy up at night at the rebel base, and usually they'd be with jasper. they'd be making up dumb little songs and giggling over the bad rhymes and counting stars.
they don't have anyone else to sing along with now. it's just them. alone.
fuck dude now I'm making myself sad for ivy.
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stars-below · 2 years
i'm so happy ppl have been looking at my au stuff recently! have some assorted relativity falls headcanons, since i've been thinking abt it all day
i feel like mabel was a little more involved when the stans were younger, maybe taking a trip across the country to visit them once a year for their birthday and it was a Really Big Thing, and then her work with dipper took up more and more of her time, and somehow years slipped by
honestly i see inverted mabel as someone who was a foundational part of the Pines family, constantly going above and beyond and overexerting herself to keep everyone connected and thriving
and then it all just kind of. fell apart
(not that i have everything with that side of things figure out but shush)
low-key though actually i like the idea of swapping bill for shifty as the big bad, so dipper's been held captive by aliens for the past 30 years. r smthing. idk
so anyway mabel decides it's been too long since she's checked in on her favorite great-nephews, and is horrified to find that
i'm not going into details here but like. we all know what i'm talking about
fun fact! mabel calls ford 'all-star' all/most of the time (im debating bcause it's definitely something he's very embarassed abt and she wouldn't intentionally make him uncomfortable in public) because he had an obsession with shrek the last time she visited them (when did shrek come out again???)
i think mabel remembers ford as this goofy little kid who was really into all these weird and niche things, which is what makes it hit harder when she comes back and finds out that that kid is just. gone
ford just wants to be normal now, wants to stop drawing attention to himself and getting in trouble and it hurts her to see
honestly i think mabel goes over the top trying to make things feel Normal/make the kids feel like they're having the Best Summer Ever to distract from the adult stuff they 'shouldn't know about', and maybe make up for the fact that thing got so bad without her knowing
(she is the queen of functional denial, imo)
there's a running theme of mabel trying to set up ford on playdates with the local kids (and each time the kid ends up being some evil little demon, or some supernatural creature. you know. hijinks)
that's not to say that stan is ignored by any means, but i think she figures stan's outgoing enough to make friends on his own, and encouraging him to unlearn the toxic masculinity he's picked up and find healthy ways to express himself
i think the big crisis point between the stans, instead of the 'ford tries to get dipper to be his apprentice' we have in canon, is when ford starts actually making friends with some local kids and getting a and stan starts getting weirdly bitter and reserved in response
like he's kind of jealous (since he's never had friends other than ford), and there's this paralyzing fear that ford doesn't need him anymore and won't want to be close to him
mabel is voiced by jane lynch
waddles is still here, and he's a fully grown boy
Also! this may be controversial but i wanna swap soos and fiddleford, bcause they have very Socially Off but Emotionally Wise vibes
also bcause the potential shenanigans of 'barely-an-adult with no self-control and chaotic tweens who want to Cause Mayhem' is too fun to ignore
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Okay, since there's been a lot of HP themed asks on your blog recently, I'm taking the chance to ask two genuine questions I've been confused about for a While.
1) An argument I saw a lot is sth like "if you buy Harry Potter stuff, JKR will take this to mean that you support her, including her transphobic bullshit" and I just Do Not Get why I'm supposed to care what JKR thinks.
Just because she thinks people support her doesn't make it true. And we already know she believes ridiculous bullshit, because she's a terf. Why tf should I care abt her opinion??
And no, this is not the same argument as "if you buy HP stuff, you're giving JKR money to spend on her transphobic bullshit". I've seen both points going around, they're not the same thing.
2) I don't understand why it seems like a rando on tumblr reblogging a HP gifset, or a rando on AO3 writing a HP fanfic, is given the same importance as buying new HP stuff. Fandom is not the same as mainstream.
There are many fandoms where fan content has little in common with the source material, sometimes as a default. Why is the default assumption for HP that every piece of fan content kept the worst parts of canon?
Why is a fandom rando on the internet conflated with mainstream HP stuff, when the number of people who will see one is not even comparable to the number of people who will see the other? And you've written before how it's not the same when a bad (or "bad") thing is shown in a fanfic and when it's shown in a mainstream movie (you may have been talking about porn and/or darkfic, I don't remember the details), partly because the number of people who will see it is so vastly different. And I don't get why HP is exempt from this distinction?
I kinda hope I misunderstood or got the wrong impression somewhere, it's not like I'm involved in this discourse and I'm not in HP fandom, so there has to be a lot I don't see.
1 strikes me as a guilt-based tactic, not a serious argument. Maybe some mean it as other people seeing that as her having support, but I don't think this really holds water the way the money part does.
2 is a debate between the idea that giving money is the main problem vs. the idea that anything that makes a franchise stay relevant is the problem. Every hour spent on HP fanworks, no matter how diverse and progressive, is an hour not spent on fanworks of something else. Making awesome fanworks for HP makes it even harder for others to entirely ditch it. Yadda yadda.
My personal view is that the majority of fanworks, including critical ones or a/b/o no magic AUs that are barely related to the original, still promote the original thing.
Saying "I'm spending all my free time screaming about how [HP, SPN, Sherlock, etc.] is bad!" is still saying "I'm spending all my free time on this piece of media."
Now, how much does it matter that one random fan spent an hour on HP? Not very much. But one of my hobbyhorses is that I think fandom needs to be smarter about budgeting time. You don't have the hours in the day to consume all the old, bad things and be in their fandoms and also seek out new things and build up their fandoms.
If someone's like "I do what I want, fuck off", fine. But if they're trying to make arguments about why their hours spend on HP don't count because they were noncommercial, I think they do because that's still time giving HP your brain space.
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
(hi its highseasgirlbossing) hmm how abt either local lieutenant experiences midwestern winter or more things in heaven and earth, or both if you feel like it? :3 (i admit that im also curious abt not not catboy keith but i'm afraid it won't mean much to me since i havent read it yet. still, if you want to go ahead!)
you know what, let's do all three, why not!
for the first, the actual midwestern winter of it all isn't really the focus of the fic, but in the first few months of the year, I had enough nice descriptions of Trudging Through The Snow amassed from my own experiences being a fool in the midwestern winter that I thought I'd send poor dear william bush on a little journey through an extra excessive wintertime.
‘now, em, why didn’t you just put these in a terror fic, since that’s already chock full of ice and snow and other frosty times?’ you may ask, but see, it happened to fill out one of my pre-existing half-thought-out ideas quite nicely, which happened to be ‘what if all those seafaring superstitions actually came to something for once’, which I then directed into ‘bush rescues hornblower after he’s stolen by the fae’.  makes no sense, yeah, but it compels me, so.
He paused, and stood for a moment as the snow sifted down around him.  It shifted over the ground in little waves, the light dusting carrying in arcs and curves over the ice.  It was almost unnerving to watch it move so, each swirling, eddying gust of it almost a thing alive.  He looked to the left, to the right, and before knowing why, backwards.  The ship was gone, and all that remained in every direction was a swirl of austere, granular white.  The only sound remaining was the gentle crunch of the snow as Bush shifted from foot to foot.  Every surface in sight, the slow, soft arcs of snow stretching up to where a horizon should have been, glittered white and featureless and lovely.
of course, I am taking a good number of liberties with it to give it a bit more tone than what it’s based on, since ‘oh heck I tripped and fell over in the snow again. and then I did that again. and a third time.’ doesn’t quite hit the spots I’d like to hit in this one.
I am almost certain that 'more things in heaven and earth, horatio' will be one of my favorite things I've ever written, if I can just manage to buckle down and write the rest of the darn thing. that's right, this is the buzzfeed unsolved au! 
it’s drawn from a number of things I’m inordinately fond of, such as spending about a week every winter watching buzzfeed unsolved while I sculpt until my brain begins to drip out my ears, and visiting the uss hornet with my brother.  since it’s sliding rapidly back and forth between silly and spooky, I’ve gone with show-hornblower for this one.  and also because I felt like this was archie’s kind of adventure, and I felt sad to leave him out of it. 
“Can you say my name?”  The box popped and hissed, crackling at a frequency that set Archie’s teeth on edge.  “I just want to talk to you.  Do you have anything you want to say?”
“Leg.”  The sound emerged vague and mangled from the static, barely discernible.
“What!”  Even after hundreds of investigations, the spirit box still made Archie more than a little unsettled.  However, he managed to quickly recover his cool and keep the conversation going, hard on the ears as it was.  “Did… did something happen to your leg here?”  The box chittered ferociously, interspersed with faint and flickering voices.
“Is that a yes?  Can you say …yes?”  The box made an awkward squawk.  Archie sighed.  “Be sociable, won’t you?”
I think maybe a bit of the difficulty I’ve been having with writing it is having to first-name all three of them, which is something I don’t think I’ve ever done or seen done for them in a way that I’ve wholly enjoyed.  I don’t think that that Premium Ghost Bros energy would hit right if I called them by their surnames either, so that’s something that I’m planning to keep fiddling with as I go along.  it’s a very slow write, but it is also just 100% me being silly and having a good time, so it’s remained quite fun!
if you'd believe it, this is actually the third time I've started writing something where at least one character is inexplicably a catboy, and then gotten less confident with that plot point over time until it just resulted in Just A Lot of Very Strong Cat Comparisons.  (although, I've rotated enough actual attempts at worldbuilding catboys into eighteenth-century britain through my mind at this point that I should probably give up and just do that for real at some point...)
His was a lean, sharp, wildcat sort of handsomeness, and so, remembering his features set into a snarl seemed hardly out of place.  Just the same, like a cat he was but little weight, all bones wrapped up in layers of uniform.  No softness, nothing going spare, and instead, a sort of concise, sleek ferocity that made Ewen almost expect to be hissed at.
He laughed a quiet little laugh to himself, thinking of other cats he had known, and wondering if, with enough coaxing, Captain Windham might be convinced to make himself comfortable on the hearthrug.  As Ewen did so, he could almost hear the man’s scowl deepen, though neither could see the other’s face.  He allowed himself the rest of a smile, but ceased to chuckle, thinking it better to allow Windham as much of the little dignity that remained to him as he could.
I actually don’t have much of a plot to this one yet, it’s more of the smack-sentences-in-my-notes-app sort for now, but we’ll see what comes of it!
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okay don't mind me right now but someone got me on a rant abt "everyone goes back home" aus in don't starve and now i've been getting into tangents abt it for the past like half an hour so. i'm putting them here now.
okay so. the one thing that really Grinds My Gears about aus that revolve around everyone escaping the constant and returning to the real world is that it doesn't really harp on all of the issues that come with. taking all the survivors outside of the constant.
- they'd have to take the time adjusting to... like, literally EVERYTHING. they'd have to readjust to not having to scrounge around the woods or kill an animal to secure their next meal. they'd have to readjust to the concept of easily accessible civilization available to them at almost any given time. they'd have to readjust to having a roof over their heads except for maybe willow. no matter how much the survivors may crave to have all of that back, they wouldn't flawlessly come to handle it the moment they're spat back out into the real world
- it's unclear whether or not the physical concept of sanity functions the same way both inside of the constant as well as out, but no matter if it does or doesn't, the minds of the survivors have been shredded by their consistent exposure to the constant's horrors. these bitches are gonna need therapy.
- they are never going to be able to walk into pitch dark rooms again. they are never going to be able to walk around outside at night ever again. it's like that funny meme where you turn off the lights in the basement and then run back up the stairs before the shadow monster gets you, except it's not funny because it's a little bit too real
- they literally know what death feels like. can you imagine like, going to a 9-5 job, going through life as normal, just... knowing what it feels like to die?? baring that knowledge in the back of your head- having it resurface every now and again and... just. needing to cope with that?
- if- upon being spat back out into the real world- all the survivors wind up by themselves, back in their original places in time and space, how are they possibly going to cope with what they've seen? when they have no one to talk to about the horrors they've faced- no way to confirm that any of that actually happened outside of their own vivid, terrible memories? having people who knew you ask where you've been, and you needing to respond with nothing more than a shrug, because how are you possibly supposed to explain the hell you've been through??
- ALSO, as much as some of them would probably want to deny it, the survivors are used to interacting with each other. they know their quirks and tells- they're used to them after spending so much time together. they could unabashedly be themselves 100% of the time. reconforming to social norms would be more or less mandatory outside of cases like wilson's, in which he lives completely separate from polite society. you think they're just going to... figure out how to be normal? after being accepted for the lovable, perfectly unique freaks they were for years in the constant?? because i don't.
- and while we're on the subject: you think they wouldn't just? miss each other as friends, if they all winded up separated at the end of everything they've been through? they created holidays in a literal hell to spend more time together and have a little bit of joy as a group. they lived together- killed hulking beasts together- kept each other alive as a group. they've faced the ire of the forge, the gorge- and whatever else exists that we're not even privy to yet- as a team. to suddenly be completely severed from- lets face it- your family? that would probably hurt.
- what would happen to WEBBER?!? if they were a spider hybrid before they even entered the constant, they'd probably still be one if they ever left. where would they go?? what would happen to wx? if theory serves correctly, and their only purpose was to explore and probe around the constant, what would happen to them when they're... not in the constant anymore? would they be cast aside? would they be sent back in- alone this go around? and even those two aside, there's still so many other characters who'd be thrown back into problematic territory! willow's probably like, homeless or something. woodie is probably being hunted for sport, or scientific research, or at the very least has had his identity as a werecreature compromised by people back in the real world. what are they supposed to do?? just... grin and bare their sudden return to their unoptimal lifestyles?
- and then there are situations where it's like "oh, well the survivors are spat out at the same point in time so they can be together" but THEN that raises the question well!!! what about all the survivors who need to be back in their current timelines?! what's early going to do if he can't take care of his maman? how's maxwell going to fit in in whatever constitutes as the current 'modern era' when the papers from several decades ago claimed he died or went missing in an earthquake?? if you showed wigfrid a 1930s television i think her head would just pop like a grape!!
- and god what about CHARLIE? lets say, in some hypothetical situation, she's freed from Their hands and returned back home with the rest. you think she's just going to. sit there and cope with the fact that she just like?? killed people? a lot? that she jam blasted wilson with her psychic powers that one time for literally no reason? that she was fucked up and evil for like? years? that she condemned her beloved sister to such a torturous place for so long- after all she sacrificed just in an attempt to find her again? you think she's just gonna. find a job and forget all of that ever happened?
- i think we also happen to be forgetting that wagstaff wishes to return back to the real world in order to use nightmare fuel and the rest of the constant's natural resources for real world unethical activity. i think we are all forgetting the fact that this is the last thing wagstaff should be allowed to do. i think we are all forgetting the fact that wagstaff wants to give nightmare swords to the military.
- AND. EVEN IF ALL OF THIS WASN'T AN ISSUE. THE STRAW THAT BREAKS THE CAMELS BACK IS THE FACT THAT THEY STILL EXIST IN THE REAL WORLD!! willow's short proves that to be true!! so even if there was some hypothetical situation where they were spat back out, if They really wanted to there would probably be very little stopping them from.... you know.... just pulling them back in??
- in conclusion: just keep them there. unless you're going to make them really sad once they're outside of the constant just leave them in there.
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sothischickshe · 3 years
For the fic writer asks! 4! 10! 19!
thank! u!! <3
4. What part of the story do you usually start with first?
for the writing down part? pretty much always the beginning! (although sometimes i've been wrong abt where that beginning was haha)
10. Chapter fics or one long piece?
it dEpEnDs, but probs erring more towards one (long or otherwise lol) piece (and/or mayyybe shortish series?).
i mean to start with, there’s so much i want to write (waaaaah), that if i can work out how to knock something out in a one-shot, that is a Win, ha. (also i very much like finishing things! like ha! you’re done! fuck you!! which is obvi easier with a one shot cos it’s just...done.)
but also, having written a few multi-chapters early, i think i got a bit scared off them lol. like i don’t regret what/how i did (them) bc i learnt a lot from that process! but, as someone who lovvvvvves discovering and finessing things in the edit, it was kinda frustrating to learn (and learn harder) that those do work a lot better with a Plan (bc i kept finding that i was having to State Things To Establish Them, rather than having had the wisdom to establish them via pattern or w/e).
but also & perhaps mostly, i think i found the existence of something hanging overhead which needed finishing quite a Pressure, as well as wanting to ensure the conclusion was Worth It. and i def think, even if i wasnt aware of it, i was much more Concerned with other ppl’s opinions, whereas now if someone didnt like an ending i’d probs be like...yea ok, nobody asked bye.
& with the serieseses as well as filing her nails, ive had a lot of fun with combing through the previous parts to find Clues I’ve Left Myself in order to continue the story in a way which makes sense & i think that’s helped me trust my instincts in terms of characterisation as well as including random shiz that might not have an immediate payoff.
i feel like developing a writing process is in many ways: working out what stuff you like/wanna do in the planning stages, and what stuff you like/wanna do in the editing stages, as well as how that might differ for different (types of?) stories...?
ultimately, i think oneshots are def (for me at least) a better ground to learn things and try things out cos you only have (lol lightbulb) one...shot... to make it work? like you gotta wrap everything up & make sense of it all etc (unless you’re going to add more obvi ha but im reasonably Resistant to that concept for a Reason lol). and i think writing quite a few of those (and ending up turning sOmE into serieseses) has made me feel more confident in my pacing and indeed planning! (and i think the serieseseses and indeed filing, which has barely any plot, has taught me how to offset a lack of planning-for-multipartness better...? i ALSO think developing a writing process in many ways is: working out how to lean into weaknesses and utilise them as strengths, ha)
so im not like anti multi-chaps and/or series, and i might return to (plottier) multi-chaps one day! i think if i can get the incentive fic to around ~25k max, it’s a one-shot. anything significantly longer than that and it’s probs gonna HAVE to split into either chaps or a series (i fear it will be Big, o no). the band au im pretty sure is going to have to be multi-chapter (unless i can work out how to do it in like 700 words lol).
also i fundamentally reject the ‘long’ in ‘one long piece’. i love writing short things!!! n i feel like i havent written a proper short story in ages, sniff (maybe i can indulge those vibes with the dean pov cr*ckfic hmm hmm hmm)
but yea... in conclusion, i think it does depend on the story!
19. Do you write the same things you love to read?
yes, and also no,
i think what i write is reasonably broad (and i do write things i want to read!), but what i love to read is broader? (i mean to start with i love reading original fiction and i dont write any lol)
i suppose it depends on what this MeAnS exactly... if we’re talking about fic povs or ships or tropes or lengths or formats or styles, then i think my tastes are probs broader than what i write, if we’re talking fandoms then at least atm, reading and writing tastes match up, if we’re talking like tropes/warnings im reticent abt, then my reading is probs a lil broader than my writing but not by a huge amount? 
ultimately i think ive got quite broad tastes, and i think that’s reflected in both my writing and reading, but also i dont like being bored, and i think that is too....?
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