#this is take 2 bc i fucking deleted by accident before saving and its gone forever and i kinda wanna cry but ill write it again
adastra-j69 · 1 year
I don't have the energy to write this now, but i've been crying over @/goopterror's jockey dirk au and that led to me thinking about farmer/ranch owner dirkjakes. i was suddenly just overtaken with the need to write this like 30 mins ago so this is very bare bones but i wanna get the general idea down for later. consider: dirk somehow comes into possession of an old farm house from some distant relative. he's like the next in line bc no one before him wants it bc its old and rundown and needs a lot of work, but he decides to take that chance bc he just dropped out of school for reasons i will come up with later and he wants a fresh start. he didn't even know this relative existed, but free land, so why not.
So he's exploring the land to get an idea of like where his property ends and accidentally stumbles into his neighbors side. It's completely abandoned, so it's not a big deal. He ends up finding an even older and more rundown barn. he was going to turn around thinking that was that, but he hears a noise that sounds a lot like a horse. he decides to investigate bc that makes no sense considering how run down the barn in, but what do you know? it's a horse. a very malnourished one, but it's a horse. it takes dirk weeks before he's able to get the horse to come any closer to him. he bribes him with hay, apples, carrots, sugarcubes, anything he can to gain his trust. finally after weeks, he gets closer and he's able to coax the baby to come out and takes him home. by that point, he's made some good progress, enough where there is a safe place for his new friend to live. it's dirk and his horse for a while.
Throughout this, he's making friends and getting closer to a farmer nearby around his same age. Its Jake of course. He lives nearby with his goddaughter, who is in his care. It's Jade (i'll think of why later too). He brings over fresh produce for Dirk while he's fixing up the farm house and barn and helps out when he's not busy with his own farm. he grows produce for a local grocery story and has a good thing going on due to his family having been doing this for a while now.
The thing I've been crying about it Dirk eventually getting things fixed up and expanding and getting more horses. He ends up holding classes for kids and adults, but I want to focus on the kids classes rn. Kids come in to learn how to approach and interact with horses respectfully and small general maintenance that comes with owning a horse, or working with horses. at the end they get pony rides and they hold a bon fire where they get little certificates.
I just want Dirk to grow, make friends, do things he enjoys, find love and just settle for a bit and be okay. Get to the point in domesticity where it's "boring, but in the most exquisite of ways." (x) and just him, jake, jade, and other loved ones gathered around a bon fire just making smores for kiddos and having a really good time. lots of smiles and laughs and dirk being so glad life led him down this path :')
dirk also has like 2 goats, maybe a couple cows too, ducks, chickens, barn cats!!! and like one or two doggos to help with some of the other animals on the farm. its a full fucking house by the time he's done and opens up classes, but it's great and it's full-filling and he's happy!!!!!
i am shutting up now thank you for coming to my very last minute ted talk. goodnight. but also talk to me abt dirk and the alpha kids.
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