more-relics · 2 years
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David Gilmour  Pink Floyd, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, November 6 1970.  Photos Laurens van Houten.
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theditchlillies · 2 years
George Brett // July 1976 // Inspiration for Lorde's Royals
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Kansas City Royals star George Brett in the July 1976 issue of National Geographic // photo by Ted Spiegel
" New Zealand singer-songwriter, Lorde (whose real name is Ella Yelich-O’Connor), cited a National Geographic image as the inspiration behind her chart topper, “Royals.”
“I had this image from the National Geographic of this dude just signing baseballs,” Lorde said in an interview with VH1. “He was a baseball player and his shirt said, ‘Royals.’”
By Chelsea Huang // Nov 2013
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thelostboys87 · 7 months
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that post i made on my writeblr about how there's this one story i have out with a mag that i want rejected because i have a story i think suits the mag better.....live cam footage of me receiving the rejection email on my rainy evening walk
#IT WAS A HIGH TIER REJECTION TOO LOL LIKE YEAH IVE GOT MORE TO SEND YOUR WAY!#like yes release me from these chains!#also another thing is this story was first drafted in june and i kinda want to...not shelve but put the stories from pre like#september on the top shelf...not putting them away entirely but putting them high up#not because i think they're bad i actually love that story in particular and think it has some rly good lines#its just that was a rly fragile era in my life LOL. i want to revisit them in like a year minimum#i didnt draft any flash in july and one i think ? in august that kinda felt like#the last story of that era IDK IF THAT MAKES SENSE those stories just have#a distinct vibe to my approach that i dont see in 1970s leather daddy and between us girls#which are september and october#anyway this has actually presented a conundrum bc the story i want to submit needs more work#but i'm very intentionally doing nano as a break from 'professional' writing so no flash in nov#so anything i submit will prob be in december not the end of this month but thinking about flash in general has me like#i have a lot more story ideas than i thought so maybe it'd be beneficial to just fast draft/edit all of them#let them simmer throughout november in a word doc rather than just let the ideas rot in my brain#but that'll probably mean not finishing the lb chapter/update but also tbh...maybe ill just do that on the side in nov#i think if i do a rough draft of the lb chapter i can tinker with it/write up abt it during nov when i need a nano break#i did say just no professional stuff in nov so if the lover boy autism calls i will answer LOL#im doing the nano 50k goal for WS but not as high stakes as last year. honestly just 50k over any projects will be cool#also i got hit by an opening line on my walk too so now i have another flash idea i have to investigate
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spilladabalia · 5 months
The Snapshot Century
"These images are from a collection of several thousand snapshots I've been building since the mid 1970s. They range from small round prints from the #1 Kodak, first taken in 1888, to Polaroids from the 1980s, near the end of the snapshot century and just before the beginning of the digital age. - " Rodger Kingston
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Trailer Park Pin-up Girl, Hair in Curlers, Chattanooga, TN, 1962. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot.
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Tease, c. 1950. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot.
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Affectionate Couple, c. 1950s. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot.
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Eddie, c. 1960s. Polaroid Snapshot.
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Couple Outside Motel Room, Red Head with Big Hair, c. 1960s. Dye Coupler Print Snapshot.
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Very Informal Portrait, c. 1970s. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot.
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A Relaxing Day in the Country, c. 1960s. Gelatin Silver 35mm Contact Print.
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A Good Story,1970. Dye Coupler Print Snapshot.
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Inquisitive Pig, c. 1950s. Gelatin Silver Print Snapshot.
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Edwin E. Williams. One Geisha Photographing Another, Kyoto, Japan, 1973. Polaroid SX70 Print. Hand-labeled and dated in ink on verso: "Kyoto Heian Shrine 13 Nov 73".
From Rodger Kingston's Snapshot Collection.
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kitsunetsuki · 1 year
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Jean-Claude Volpeliere - She Magazine (Nov. 1970)
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inthedarktrees · 3 months
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Linda Hayden, star of The Blood on Satan’s Claw, London, Nov. 1970
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monkberrymoonsdelight · 7 months
A Monkberry Moon Delight lyrical analysis because it is the greatest song of the 20th century
Monkberry Moon Delight is a song from Paul McCartney's 1971 album Ram. The song is generally considered to be surrealist 'nonsense' lyrics a la Lennon's late Beatles work like 'I am the Walrus' and 'Glass Onion'. But if we know anything about Paul (and Lennon-McCartney in general), he tends to put deeper emotions into his songs, often with out meaning to and without his direct knowledge:
"I don't write anything consciously, Sometime when I'm pissed off with John over Apple business a line might creep in." - Interview with Disc And Music Echo (Nov. 20, 1971)
"Songwriting is like psychiatry; you sit down and dredge up something that's inside, bring it out front." - Interview with Robert Palmer for the New York Times (April 25, 1982)
" But in a song, that's where you can [share your innermost thoughts]. That's the place to put them. You can start to reveal truths and feelings." - Interview with John Wilson fork BBC 4's (May 24, 2016)
And my favorite because it's y'know...in a song: "And when I'm gone, I leave my message in my song" - Beware My Love (Wings at the Speed of Sound, 1976)
All that being said, in my opinion, Monkberry Moon Delight is a projection of Paul's feelings of anxiety about his post-Beatles public/critical reception and his reaction to John Lennon's antagonism post-divorce. Specifically, he details his writing of Too Many People as a response to John's antagonism and the making of Ram as an attempt to recapture public attention/praise.
For context: Monkberry Moon Delight was first written/demoed at some point from May-August 1970 on his farm in Scotland. Paul's late 1969-1970 Scotland era is complicated. He often describes it as being one of the most difficult periods of his life because of the break-up of the Bealtes, the Apple financial troubles, his frayed relationship with John, and starting a whole new life which all compounded into a deep depression and alcohol abuse.
Let's start with the title and chorus. In Paul's own words, Monkberry Moon Delight comes from his kids mispronunciation of the word 'milk' and establishes MMD as a fantastical drink like 'Love Potion No. 9'. I think Paul obviously hides behind the surrealism of the lyric but its association with family and domesticity makes an interesting contrast. Though he is happy to be in his escapist domestic fantasy in Scotland, he juxtaposes this with the underlying pressure to be acclaimed (especially after being considered the greatest artist in the world for ten years). Though the song has a peppy, jaunty beat there is an air of anxiety developed through the songs key of C minor and the staccato of the piano and bass parts. His vocals also have a similar strained desperation like 'Oh! Darling'.
The lyrics:
So I sat in the attic, a piano up my nose
And the wind played a dreadful cantata
Paul starts with himself, writing. 'The attic' may be a reference to John Lennon's recording studio that he had built in his attic in Weybridge where he and Paul would often go to write.
"We nearly always went up to his little music room that he'd built at the top of the house, Daddy's Room, where we would get away from it all. I like to get away from people to songwrite, I don't like to do it in front of people. It's like sex for me" - Many Years from Now. Whether or not this is a direct reference to 'Daddy's Room', Paul is known to prefer small, confined spaces for songwriting.
'Piano up my nose' to me shows a rapt attention, leaning so close to his piano its almost up his nose. He is intently and passionately composing his 'dreadful cantata', this cantata I believe refers to "To Many People". Based on this record of the order of demos on the Ram cassette, it seems that Too Many People may have been written (or at least recorded) before Monkberry, which furthers my belief that Paul is making a meta narration of the writing of his song which he recognizes was very pointed or dreadful.
Sore was I from a crack of an enemy's hose
And the horrible sound of tomato
Here he describes what spurred him to writing this song, and this album as a whole. The 'crack from an enemy's hose' could refer to Allen Klein's treatment of Paul during the final months of the Beatles and his attempted mishandling of the release of McCartney (1970). (Note: The crack could also be from Phil Spector, the press, Ringo, George, Yoko or John; Paul is kind of getting shit from all sides right now). The 'sound of tomato' implies the idea of throwing tomatoes at an artist to express dislike or dissatisfaction, referencing the poor critical reception of McCartney (1970).
Ketchup, soup and puree
Don't get left behind
Ketchup, soup, and puree; liquidy tomatoes because splat, splat, splat go the critics. And ketchup because catch up pun.
Don't get left behind is the central theme of this song. He is worried that the public is going to forget about him while he's depressed, away in Scotland, and making critical flops. This is him desperately clinging onto the hearts of the public. Because we all know how much Paul needs to be liked.
When a rattle of rats had awoken
The sinews, the nerves, and the veins
The 'rattle of rats' could be any of the number of people who were getting on his nerves, sinews, and veins (pissing him tf off) in 1970. This could again be referencing the great "Let's all gang up on Paul McCartney" game of 1970 but because of the subsequent lyrics, I think this may be more specifically about John (and Yoko). Either way, it was these rats who annoyed him into getting to work.
My piano was boldly outspoken
And attempts to repeat his refrain
'Boldly outspoken' again connects this song to TMP. The line is similar to the TMP lyric 'This is crazy and baby, it's not like me' in the sense that both show how audacious he sees this songs as. In 'attempting to repeat his refrain' I think Paul is using the 'well he started it' justification for TMP because he's sees it as a repeat, of him rising to John's level of insults.
So I stood with a knot in my stomach and I gazed at that terrible sight
Of two youngsters concealed in a barrel, sucking Monkberry Moon Delight
Ah yes my favorite moment in all of music ever. This is the verse that really convinced me that this song may be referencing JohnandYoko. The 'youngsters in a barrel' alludes to John and Yoko's bag piece, where they would get into a black bag for...peace? As seen in Get Back, this particularly irked/disturbed Paul. "Go get in your bag. The Merseybeat award for couple of the year, goes to John and Yoko" (Get Back Episode 2). He also refers to them as 'the young lovers' in Get Back during the infamous January 13th 'and then there were two' conversation. Even though it makes him nervous and sick, part of Paul releasing TMP and Ram is to face up to the JohnandYoko powerhouse which was a non-insignificant portion of his early 1970 criticism.
Well I know my banana is older than the rest
and my hair is a tangled baretta
Here I think he is reasoning to the listener, the public, over why he thinks they've abandoned him. Paul recognizes that he has been in this music game a long time (so people may have grown bored of him) and has been depressed (and thus out of the game), his tangled 'baretta' of hair like the wily depression beard he grew out while in Scotland.
Also banana = dick, just so everyone is clear (can anyone find that banana poem from his poetry book? Also this just perpetuates my tinhat theory that all the banana milkshakes Paul got in Paris were just **** **** but I digress). Also something about Paul likening songwriting with sex so him not being 'musically desirable' is because...his music dick is old? Ok Paul.
I leave my pajamas to Billy Budapest
And I don't get the gist of your letter
This is the one lyric I am pretty unsure about. Not that every line has to fit perfectly into my interpretation but I genuinely could not make heads or tails of it. My initial interpretation was that this was referring to Billy Shears, and how during this period the Paul is dead theory regained popularity. This reference adds to the feeling of dissolution he builds in this verse.
But mike on the Beatles Bible seems to remember Billy Budapest as being a children's pajama designer though I have found not evidence of this. However going with this shot in the dark, leaving his pajamas to Billy Budapest could draw back to the theme of his current domesticity and occupation with his children.
The letter in question I believe refers to the infamous letter John and George wrote to Paul changing his McCartney release date that they had Ringo deliver which really set Paul off and kind of began the messiness of the divorce.
Catch Up, cats and kittens
Don't get left behind
Finally we get the pay off to the ketchup-catch up pun and see the resurgence of the theme; Paul feeling like he's falling behind his contemporaries and desperation to catch up.
In typical McCartney fashion, Monkberry Moon Delight is a seemingly shallow and superfluous song but actually reveals a lot about his inner turmoil at the time. Him dealing with the rejection by the critics and John by turning to his piano and creating the absolute banger that is Monkberry. This is why MMD is one of Paul's best, because of how quintessentially Paul it is. Veiling tough emotions behind ambiguous and surreal lyrics masked by a fun and light melody. Oh, the juxtaposition! Oh, the Lennon-McCartney of it all.
Anyways this is a barely organized rambling of thoughts but Monkberry Moon Delight deserves a mega analysis because it is genuinely one of the best songs Paul McCartney has ever made.
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dean-isms · 7 months
dean’s ultimate nov. 5th watchlist: must-sees for your favorite angel
every reference (up through 13x11) that dean has made to or about castiel.
Partners in Crime (They’re Besties, Your Honor!):
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (2005-2008)
Starsky and Hutch (1975-1979)*
Midnight Run (1988)
Every Which Way But Loose (1978)
Any Which Way You Can (1980)
Eric Clapton - Guitarist
Jimmy Page: Led Zeppelin*
Which Could Mean Nothing (Nice Try, Dean):
Sesame Street, Bert and Ernie (1969-Present)
Thelma and Louise (1991)
Titanic (1997)*
Saturday Night Fever (1977)
How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)
Angel Allegory:
Highway to Heaven (1984-1989)
The Ten Commandments (1956)
Back to the Future (1985)*
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)*
Fatal Attraction (1987)
Stairway To Heaven (Led Zeppelin, 1971)
He’s a Weird, Dorky Little Dude (Cas Comparisons):
The Hamburglar (Various Commercials)
Kojak (1963-1978)*
Perfect Strangers (1986-1993)
I Dream of Jeannie (1965-1970)*
Superman (1978)*
Sherlock Holmes (Multiple)
Stephen Stills: Crosby, Stills, and Nash*
Fantastic Four (2005, 2007)*
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)*
Scooby-Doo (Various Media, 1969)*
Unsuccessful Inside Jokes (Case Related Cracks):
Outbreak (1995)*
Zombieland (2009)
Pleasantville (1998)
Dr. No (1962)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)*
Soylent Green (1973)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)*
Indiana Jones (1981, 1984, 1989, 2008, 2023)*
Breaking Bad (2008-2013)*
Three Men and a Baby (1987)*
I Shot The Sheriff (Bob Marley, 1973)*
Black Sabbath (1968-2017)
Gary Busey (Actor)
Mad Max (1979)
Rosemary’s Baby (1968)*
Date Night Ideas (Making Fun of Sam):
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)*
Replicant (2001)
Blade Runner (1982)
Welcome to Humanity (Dean’s Recommendations):
The Wire (2002-2008)
Game of Thrones (2011-2019)*
Tombstone (1993)*
Castiel’s Choices:
Jenny Jones (1991-2003)
Dean’s Cowboy Fetish:
Dave Mather (Historical Figure)
Curly Bill Brocius (Historical Figure)
Wyatt Earp (Historical Figure)
Clay Allison (Historical Figure)
Kurt Russell (Actor)
Val Kilmer (Actor)
Tombstone (1993)*
Wild Bill (1995)
It’s A Wonderful Life (1946)
This is just updated through where I’m at on my rewatch, so I’m sure it’ll be getting some updates in the future! Unlike the Halloween watchlist, this also includes television shows and music, so have fun, maybe order a little pizza 😉, and happy November 5th!
*repeat mentions
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
[BBC is UK State Media]
It is now days since Israeli forces entered Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, and what appears to be happening on Friday is that they are continuing their search for evidence of this being a key Hamas command centre. We have to remember that there is no independent scrutiny inside the hospital; journalists cannot move freely into Gaza, and any who are reporting from the site are working under the aegis of the Israeli military. The evidence Israel has produced, so far, I do not believe to be convincing in terms of the kind of rhetoric Israelis were using about the set-up at the hospital, which suggested this was a nerve centre for the Hamas operation. If there was a nerve centre there - and there has been speculation about that possibility since 2014 - then the Israelis have not yet revealed definitive evidence of its existence to the outside world. What has been recovered includes some Kalashnikov rifles - these are common in the Middle East - a tunnel entrance, of which there are many in Gaza, some military uniforms and a booby-trapped vehicle.
The discovery of and evidence for a major Hamas headquarters underneath the hospital is of course still possible. The hospital was, after all, built by the Israelis in the 1970s during its full control of the territory, and it is a large site which will take time to thoroughly search. It's well known that the Israeli architects who designed Al-Shifa included extensive basements.[...]
Proving Hamas is using Gaza's medical facilities to cover its operations is a key Israeli objective and it is an accusation Hamas has repeatedly denied. Israel's major justification for killing so many people in Gaza - more than 11,500 in more than a month, according to the latest figure from the territory's Hamas-run health ministry - is that Hamas was using them as human shields. The Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu claimed in an interview on Thursday night that Hamas had a military command centre at the hospital.[...]
if solid evidence of a Hamas headquarters cannot be found, at Al-Shifa or elsewhere, then the pressure on Israel from the international community to negotiate a ceasefire is going to increase. So many civilians have been killed by Israel in Gaza in the last 42 days that concern is growing about Israel's methods in the United States - which is the only international power the Israelis really worry about.[...] On Wednesday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution asking for extended humanitarian pauses that the Americans did not veto.[...]
Israelis are aware that pressure for a ceasefire is steadily growing, and with increasing questions about Israel's strategy, that will intensify.[...]
Anything that Israel does [in Gaza], in a place that has experienced huge levels of killing and destruction, will see them having to deal with more than two million people who will hate [forces of occupation]. They could possibly face an insurgency, depending on how long they stay. So for Israel it's crucial to prove that it had no choice other than to use methods that killed thousands of civilians, so that its allies will continue to shield it from international pressure for a ceasefire.
[Jeremy Bowen is the International Editor at the BBC]
17 Nov 23
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vintage1981 · 9 months
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Vampirella Vibes | Cosplay Corner
Elizabeth Rage as Vampirella.
Vampirella is a fictional vampire superheroine created by Forrest J. Ackerman and comic book artist Trina Robbins in Warren Publishing's black-and-white horror comics magazine Vampirella #1 (Sept. 1969), a sister publication of Creepy and Eerie.
Writer-editor Archie Goodwin later developed the character from horror-story hostesses, in which capacity she remained through issue #8 (Nov. 1970), to a horror-drama leading character. The magazine was published continuously until 1983, when Warren Publishing ceased operations and its assets were bought by Harris Publications. Vampirella comics, both new and reprints, have continued through various publishers into the 21st century including current owner Dynamite Entertainment.
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letzternachtzug · 10 months
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Twiggy by Antoni Miralda for Elle Magazine (Italian Edition). Rome, Italy. Nov. 10, 1970
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laurolive · 8 months
Paul and Linda, a collection of PDAs: Part 1 - Kisses
In our walk down the memory lane of Paul and Linda’s love story, which still captivates the romantics and the expressive artists out there, we start with an excerpt of an interview.
Rolling Stone cover June 17, 1976: “Yesterday, Today, and Paul.” In this interview, Paul says something interesting:
I mean, I kissed Linda onstage the other night, and for me, that’s kind of, ‘Wow, I must be getting real relaxed,’ ’cause I can’t do that in public, normally. I’m a bit kinda shy.
Paul McCartney shy about showing affection? Well, artists are certainly a different breed. He can sing a heartfelt love song in a venue full of people, but has to work up the courage to give his wife a little kiss? As photos will tell, he soon got over that quirk.
And even before this RS interview, he could certainly be demonstrative when a photographer or videographer was around, whereas the average person would be more guarded knowing that their tender moment would soon be out there as a picture in a magazine or a video clip on TV (we’re talking pre-internet days here).
RS Interview from The Paul McCartney Project
The 1970s: Not Exactly in Public, but There Must Be Someone Holding The Camera
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1970 or 1971. Aww, so sweet.
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June 1971 The video for the song “Heart of The Country” was made in Scotland. Is that a kiss? We might have to examine the still pic below. 
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June 1971 A still image from the “Heart of The Country” video. I’ll count this as a kiss.
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1974 In the garden of their house with baby Stella between them. It’s a published pic, so I’m counting it as a public kiss. (An “almost-kiss” but close enough.)
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1974 Photoshoot for the Apr. 7, 1974, issue of New York News magazine. The cover story was "Just an Old Fashioned Beatle: An Exclusive Visit with Linda and Paul McCartney." Aww, lips softly touching the cheek is something I’m going to classify as a kiss.
Magazine article: @johnflyons.beatles on instagram
Post-1970s: Now We’re Really in Public
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Sept. 21, 1982, at Linda's first photography exhibition in London. Photo © Robert Rosen. Rosen talks about the snap in this excerpt from an interview with I-D magazine:
What's one photo you're really proud of? Robert Rosen: I love the shot of Paul and Linda McCartney kissing. As soon as I had it developed I just thought, wow, I did that. I sent them a print but didn't hear anything more until a few months later, when, Paul and Linda turned up to a gallery event I happened to be at. At one point, Linda tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'Are you ignoring us?' She gave me a big hug and told me they loved the photo. That obviously meant a great deal to me.
From The Guardian archive, 21 September 1982: First London exhibition for Linda McCartney
I-D Interview with Robert Rosen Sept. 20, 2017
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November 26, 1982, in Paris, France during photography month. An exhibition of Linda’s photographs was part of the event. Okay, his lips are just grazing her hair, so I’m going to call this a “hair kiss.”
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Feb. 8, 1983 The 1983 British Record Industry Awards. Paul gets a congratulatory kiss from Linda after winning the 1982 British Male Solo Artist award and the Sony Trophy Award For Technical Excellence. The Beatles won the Outstanding Contribution to Music award.
More pics: The Paul McCartney Project
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The same 1983 British Record Industry Awards. Two kisses in one night! Paul can’t hide his surprise.
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Nov. 28, 1984 Another congratulatory kiss from Linda as Paul is presented with the Roll of Honorary Freedom of the City of Liverpool.
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October 16, 1986 British Video Awards at Grosvenor House Hotel, London.
Rupert and The Frog Song awarded the Best Selling Video of 1985
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April 4, 1989 Ivor Novello Awards at The Grosvenor House Hotel. Paul wins, Linda gets a kiss (so they both win 😊).
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July 29, 1990 Backstage during the Paul McCartney World Tour 89/90 at Soldier Field Chicago. Linda is bidding farewell to Paul as she heads for the dressing room and he to the press tent.
From I Saw Him Standing There, Jorie B. Gracen, 2000. @thebeatlesofoz2 on Instagram
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April 27, 1994 Press Conference for Linda's Home Style Cooking at Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Paul comes out to endorse Linda’s book, and greets her with a kiss.
Video clip of Paul’s entrance from CelebrityFootage.com
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1997 from the video for the song “The World Tonight”
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1997 A kiss in the studio, from the documentary In The World Tonight.
Let’s see the whole sequence of that kiss, right from the beginning:
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Bonus: Wedding Kisses March 12, 1969
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You go Linda! Give your groom a kiss like the cameras aren’t around.
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Everyone’s relationship dream: Get someone to look at you the way Linda looks at Paul here.
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usafphantom2 · 16 days
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In 1970s NASA was not allowed to have any SR-71s, yet they received one and they passed it off as YF-12C (with a bogus A-12 tail number)
Taken in 1975, the interesting photos in this post show NASA Blackbirds carrying the so called “coldwall” heat transfer pod on a pylon beneath the forward fuselage.
The Blackbirds portrayed in these photos are usually referred to as YF-12s, but actually one of them was an SR-71: the one on the top is a YF-12 but the one on the bottom is an SR-71.
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CLICK HERE to see The Aviation Geek Club contributor Linda Sheffield’s T-shirt designs! Linda has a personal relationship with the SR-71 because her father Butch Sheffield flew the Blackbird from test flight in 1965 until 1973. Butch’s Granddaughter’s Lisa Burroughs and Susan Miller are graphic designers. They designed most of the merchandise that is for sale on Threadless. A percentage of the profits go to Flight Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base. This nonprofit charity is personal to the Sheffield family because they are raising money to house SR-71, #955. This was the first Blackbird that Butch Sheffield flew on Oct. 4, 1965.
Another interesting thing about those pictures is that NASA was not allowed to have an SR-71 but they did and they passed it off as a YF-12!
In fact, the “YF-12C” was a then-secret SR-71A (serial no. 64-17951, the second production SR-71A) given the NASA tail no. 60-6937. The reason for this bit of subterfuge lay in the fact that NASA, while flying the YF-12A interceptor version of the aircraft, was not allowed to possess the strategic reconnaissance version for some time.
In 1970s NASA was not allowed to have any SR-71s, yet they received one and they passed it off as YF-12C (with a bogus A-12 tail number)
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Two NASA Blackbirds: the one on the top is a YF-12, the one on the bottom is the YF-12C/SR-71.
The coldwall project
The bogus tail number actually belonged to a Lockheed A-12 (serial no. 60-6937), but the existence of the A-12 remained classified until 1982. The tail number 06937 was selected because it followed in the sequence of tail numbers assigned to the three existing YF-12A aircraft: 06934, 06935, and 06936. Isn’t that amazing?
The coldwall project, supported by Langley Research Center, consisted of a stainless steel tube equipped with thermocouples and pressure-sensors. A special insulating coating covered the tube, which was chilled with liquid nitrogen. At Mach 3, the insulation could be pyrotechnically blown away from the tube, instantly exposing it to the thermal environment. The experiment caused many inflight difficulties, such as engine unstarts, but eventually researchers got a successful flight.
Noteworthy the Flight Research Center’s involvement with the YF-12A, an interceptor version of the Lockheed A-12, began in 1967. Ames Research Center was interested in using wind tunnel data that had been generated at Ames under extreme secrecy. Also, the Office of Advanced Research and Technology (OART) saw the YF-12A as a means to advance high-speed technology, which would help in designing the Supersonic Transport (SST).
Given that the US Air Force (USAF) needed technical assistance to get the latest reconnaissance version of the A-12 family, the SR-71A, fully operational, the service offered NASA the use of two YF-12A aircraft, 60-6935 and 60-6936.
Eventually, with 146 flights between Dec. 11 1969 and Nov. 7 1979, 935 became the workhorse of the program while the second YF-12A, 936, made 62 flights. Given that this aircraft was lost in a non-fatal crash on Jun. 24 1971, it was replaced by the so-called YF-12C SR-71A 61-7951, modified with YF-12A inlets and engines and a bogus tail number 06937.
The YF-12A
Cool Video Explains how SR-71 Blackbird’s J58 Turbo-Ramjet Engine Works
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This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
The SR-71 differed from the YF-12A in that the YF-12A had a round nose while the SR-71 had its chine carried forward to the nose of the airplane. There were other differences in internal and external configuration, but the two aircraft shared common inlet designs, structural concepts, and subsystems.
The YF-12 was developed in the 1960s as a high-altitude, Mach 3 interceptor to defend against supersonic bombers. Based on the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft, the YF-12A became the forerunner of the highly-sophisticated SR-71 strategic reconnaissance aircraft.
The first of three YF-12s flew in August 1963. In May 1965, the first and third YF-12s set several records, including a speed record of 2,070.101 mph and an altitude record of 80,257.65 feet. For their speed record flight, Col. Robert L. “Fox” Stephens (pilot) and Lt. Col. Daniel Andre (fire control officer) received the 1965 Thompson Trophy.
Though the aircraft performed well, the F-12 interceptor program ended in early 1968. High costs, the ongoing war in Southeast Asia, and a lower priority on air defense of the US all contributed to the cancellation.
@Habubrats71 via X
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eppysboys · 7 months
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On This Day (2nd Nov 1970) actor and Vietnam GI resistance supporter, Jane Fonda, was arrested at Cleveland airport after supporting Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and charged with drug smuggling. The bogus charges were dismissed. Learn more about the resistance here.
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pizzzaburrp · 2 months
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THOR #182 (Nov. 1970)
Cover Art by John Buscema
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
President Sisi, how can you say Jews were not persecuted in Egypt?
Once numbering 80 – 100,000, there are fewer than a handful of Jews left in Egypt. Yet ‘Jews were never persecuted in Egypt,’ President Sisi of Egypt declared to US secretary of state Anthony Blinken. Here is Edmond Haddad’s response in JNS News: 
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Carefree days on Abu Kir beach in Egypt in 1938 (History of Egyptian Jews Facebook page)
Let me tell you about oppression and persecution: In 1947, my uncle went to prison for 15 months for purchasing a train ticket to Tel Aviv. In 1948, my father broke his arm trying to prevent the burning of his factory. He was beaten in 1950 because of his religion.
In May of 1956, Jews employed by Egyptian public institutions were sent on vacation, then dismissed. When he announced the blockade of Akaba, then-Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser dared the “Jews” to come—not Zionists or Israelis, but Jews. On Nov. 23, 1956, Egypt’s Minister of Religious Affairs declared, “All Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state.” Imams read this statement in mosques across Egypt.
In 1962, I went to the bank with my mother to open a savings account. After the teller saw on my identification card that I was Jewish, he threw the money I gave him back at me and told me that Jews could not have savings accounts in Egypt. Muslim teachers in my school often told us that Jews were not wanted in Egypt, so we’d better not talk in class.
In 1967, all Jewish homes and property were confiscated. All male Jews were put in detention camps for anywhere from six months to three years. Just before Nasser died, all the prisoners were deported and their families expelled.
I summarize two eyewitness accounts from my cousin Gamliel and Ibrahim Farhi, who were both imprisoned in Egyptian detention centers: The police arrested all Jewish males over the age of 18. Their businesses, cars, furniture and possessions were confiscated or auctioned off. The prisoners were taken to Abu Zaabal prison. “No one was called by their name there,” I was told. There were no watches, no shoes and only women’s names for the prisoners. The prisoners were forced to undress and run around the yard while the guards beat them. Their heads were shaved. Most were raped. They were fed white cheese full of worms and bread full of bugs. For six months, their families didn’t know if their loved ones were dead or alive. This torture continued day and night. Nasser released them only in June 1970.
At the time, Egyptian Jews were of mixed education, wealth, religious observance and political beliefs. The wealthier members of the community founded banks, owned department stores and traveled freely abroad because they could afford the bribes required. Most Jews were stateless, because their applications for Egyptian citizenship were almost always denied.
Many Jews converted to Christianity or Islam and tried to assimilate. Jews spoke several languages, but not Hebrew. They were often ambivalent about the State of Israel. Some spoke against Israel even after they were expelled from Egypt. Most of the middle-class and wealthy Jews immigrated to the U.S., Brazil, Argentina and France. Most of the poor Jews immigrated to Israel.
In Egypt, Jews were continually harassed, insulted and mocked. The secret police would knock on their doors in the middle of the night and ask them when they were leaving Egypt. Had they bought their tickets? They had better leave within a week or else. Over 35,000 Jews left or were expelled after the 1956 war. By 1967, there were about 2,000 Jews left in Egypt. Today, there are only two Jews in the entire country.
President Sisi, although you and some of leaders of the Egyptian military have close relations with Israel, most Egyptians continue to hate Israel and Jews. In 2016, a member of the Egyptian group Tawfik Okasha was physically attacked and expelled because he invited an Israeli diplomat to his home for dinner. A 2023 survey of Arabs living in countries that have signed peace agreements with Israel found that 84% don’t support the agreements.
President Sisi, how can you honestly say that Jews were not targeted in Egypt or other Arab and Muslim countries? While living in Egypt, I was ashamed of being Jewish. I was a slave in Egypt and did not realize I was free after we left. I missed my home, school and “comfortable” life. It took years for me to realize that my life changed for the better because I could now live as a Jew and be proud of my heritage.
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