#nothing wrong whatsoever :'D
filipofwoodsbeyond · 2 years
i have a lot of opinions about the sge movie. i don't know how much of it is biased because of how attached i am to the book version so i'm trying to remain positive
all i can say for sure is that the actors did all the characters complete justice, and i loved all the characterisations despite some of them being different to the books.
i especially love what they did with Tedros and Agatha (even though i think some of the positive changes with Tedros will effect the impact of world without princes that they seem to be setting up)
also the film was gorgeous, i loved the costumes settings and designs so so much. maybe some of the cgi was a lil crappy but in the best possible way (campy with a lot of heart)
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chubs-deuce · 1 month
What is Dawn relationship with Rosie?
oh man see I've been putting off answering the total of 3 asks I've got about Dawn with Rosie because I really wanted to do art for it but for some reason I had a bit of a mental block until this one poured in-
I think even though Alastor trusts Rosie with utmost confidence, Charlie is very wary about letting him take Dawn to Cannibal Town.
It's nothing personal, really, but they have an agreement that Dawn is not to be raised as a cannibal - if she ends up going for it out of her own free will later in life, that'll be her decision, but Charlie insists that she shouldn't be offered that as an option until at least 18.
At the time Charlie agrees to meet with Rosie to introduce Dawn to her, her and Alastor still only had a shaky sort of friendship, so she insisted on coming along to make sure Alastor doesn't go back on their agreement or turns a blind eye towards Rosie doing it for him.
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Rosie ofc loves Dawn right away and teases Alastor about it, maybe even makes a comment about going about settling down in the wrong order and to at least have the decency to put a ring on a lady first... >:D
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Live Parent Reaction(tm)
Ultimately the visit goes entirely without any issues whatsoever and they even left with a whole armful of gifted clothing items for their daughter that Rosie insisted they take home.
Rosie later becomes kind of a backup babysitter if Angel Dust or Lucifer are both somehow hindered, but also visits (and gets visited by Alastor with Dawn in tow) fairly frequently, easily granting her auntie status as a result (though I think Dawn might see her as more of a grandma once she learns what that concept means and what sorts of stereotypical activities are associated with that - especially since neither Lilith nor Alastor's mother are actually present)
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lethby · 11 days
What's wrong with lesson 16 (everything)
A list by yours truly, who is about to collapse if she doesn't vent about it (TW: opinion lmao)
⍣ ೋ The time-travel shit
It creates so many problems and plot holes that could easily be avoided for no reason.
We leave everyone behind and it's never even addressed?? THEY'RE WAITING FOR US???
Barbatos, supposedly the one that cares about balance and timelines, just goes "well you're stuck here and I literally erased the other MC, good ending :D"
He told her "don't run into anyone" and she decides FIRST THING to head where all the noise is coming from, not trying to hide at all
⍣ ೋ No consequences whatsoever
It's awesome to know no one cared about MC dying
Sure, she's "alive" now, but everyone moved on so quickly??? Even Mammon, who was in the verge of a meltdown.
And it's all because we're Lilith's descendant how convenient
Even Belphie, our murderer who has hated humans for MILLENNIA, had a major switch up at this
Also, the brothers begin to completely disregard MC by treating her like Lilith
Look I understand, it's your dead sister and you miss her, BUT MC IS NOT HER. SHE IS HER OWN GODDAMN PERSON
But the worst part is... MC IS SO DAMN CHILL ABOUT IT
Even if she technically isn't the one who died, you'd expect some kind of uneasiness coming from her, SPECIALLY AROUND BELPHIE
Words can't express how much I hate it
⍣ ೋ Solution
I'm gonna make the devs a favor and fix their game
MC JUST REVIVES FOR WHATEVER REASON (Lilith's will, the last remnants of her powers, Barbatos' precautions...)
Now you don't have to worry about too many plot holes, focusing on just one timeline
Also this allows her to remember her death, making her trauma more intense and veridical
I know it sounds crazy but if they could pull off lesson 16, they can pull this off
Make the brothers indecisive
They got their little brother back, but at what cost?
Everything is fine now, right? But it's not. MC is not "fine"
Make them conflicted between taking MC's side and comforting her but also welcoming Belphie and make up
I can't stress enough how important this part is
Give her TIME to evolve, develop as a character, and understand her feelings
She wouldn't want to be around Belphie, at all
She might not even wanna be around the others, seeing as they treat her like nothing happened
Make her upset, confused, feel like she doesn't belong, ANYTHING
In fact, if you want to make her relationship with Belphie nourish, you can do that too by not just hey lol I killed you but I'm good now
Make her have nightmares
That's it
Make Belphie notice the dark circles under her eyes and the way she avoids him, then discover she has nightmares
The "now" Belphie could feel guilty
He might try to comfort her, only for her to shy away in response
Seeing as his apologies don't work this early into the trauma, he could enter her dreams and chase those nightmares away, every night, sacrificing his own sleep
THAT is a dynamic I want to see, personally
This could have been done with or without the time-travel, btw
In the time-travel, though, I was also missing some grieving from MC
Remember when I said to make the brothers conflicted? Make MC suffer more too
She wants to go back to her time, her universe, her family. They're waiting for her
But she also doesn't want to leave behind these demons, which have just found peace and happiness after a long time
Here's the catch, No matter what she chooses, she's forced to live her life regretting whatever decision she makes, since she can't make everyone happy and one side must suffer inevitably
An MC going through a heavy trauma and eventually (and slowly) overcoming it would just click with so many players
⍣ ೋ Conclusion
To me, the game didn't fully explore the feelings that going through that experience would bring for everyone, even if the idea itself was interesting. No, more like it didn't WANT to. Making MC go through all that would mean a lot of character development for a big amount of characters and little romance, which is what the game is about.
However, if you can't make that sacrifice, don't settle your game in a world rich in lore. And honestly, with all the explanations and back stories, I don't think obey me! is lacking on that. More so that, even if they were fully capable, they didn't want to go through all the trouble. Remember we're coming from an already fucked up scenario that took a lot of chapters.
Finally, this is just my opinion based on my experience. Of course, you don't have to agree with me in any way.
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I have to say, that was relaxing lmaoo
Anyways, since I really like this idea and I've seen several people do it, I'm gonna make my own fanfic exploring how I think lesson 16 would have turned out realistically, hope you stay tuned!
Lethby ༊*·˚
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toysrguts · 5 months
Jeff the Killer Headcanons!!
literally nobody asked for this but these have been sitting in a doc for like a year so i wanted to share :)) (I WILL DRAW HIM ONE DAY!!!)
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•19 yrs old and 5'9
•multitude of piercings: 14mm ear gauges, along with snake bites, nips, a navel, an eyebrow piercing on either side, second lobes, and an industrial on the right side
•is naturally brunette but dyes and cuts his hair himself. usually uses the cheapest black box dye he can find at the drugstore, and has a classic 2000s emo cut but messier and slightly below shoulder length (when hes lazy he just hacks away at his hair with a knife and calls it a day)
•picked up guitar playing cuz he thought it was cool and sexy but he totally kinda sucks at it (he cannot keep a hobby to save his life)
•raspy voice from smoking so goddamn much; in the morning hes practically whispering
•nails are always painted black but theyre always chipped cuz he picks his fingers when hes bored or anxious
•kind of a twink but has some muscle mass in his upper body (still skinny to the point where you can see his ribcage) (i guess hes more of an otter 💀)
•has a trampstamp he got while absolutely WASTED
•his car floor is completely covered in cans and bottles and garbage
•and it smells like cigarettes and is practically falling apart
•actually everything he owns absolutely reeks of weed and cigarettes and also blood
•bisexual and usually prefers he/him pronouns but he seriously couldnt care less
•cant go a whole 5 seconds without making a sex joke or mentioning his huge dick
•has a really bad temper and would literally pull a knife on you for beating him in mario kart
•favorite band is BMTH and enjoys hardcore, deathcore, and most metal genres the most
•insane pyrophobia due to trauma related to fire
•absolutely no shame whatsoever. literally wanders around the slender mansion wearing nothing but boxers and dirty socks with a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of jack daniels in his hand
•wears crop tops occasionally just to show off the belly button ring (AND HE LOOKS AMAZING)
•really bad at showing affection but tries his best. he doesnt usually like showing his softer side and hes very defensive but you can tell he cares deep down
•super impulsive when it comes to killing. if something small sets him off he will not hesitate to go on a rampage. if someone looks at him wrong he'll overthink it and wont rest until they're bleeding on the ground gasping for air
if this does well i'll do part 2 cuz theres a lot more where this came from :D OK BYE HOPE U LIKE
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
Notice in the post below that the only named task that the OP struggled with is homework?
Now, people diagnosed with ADHD or similar disorders often do struggle with tasks that we might actually want to do, but almost always, the diagnosis is linked in everyone's mind to an inability to do homework.
But homework is fucking bullshit.
I really think it's absurd to ignore that fact when talking about how you complete tasks.
"Gosh, my kid seems to have a lot of trouble focusing on dull make-work which I force him to do for two hours every single day, why could this be?"
I spent literally as little time in school as I could and still graduate. As in, by my junior or senior year the principal sat me down and said, "If you skip anymore school we aren't going to be able to graduate you from High School."
And yet... When I bothered to go, I got good grades. I did generally quite well on tests and did eventually graduate. I'm quite proud of that as an act of self-mastery but it does raise the question:
Why was so much energy spent on trying to get me to go to school for all that time when I was demonstrably able to get the benefits with literal years less work than they wanted me to put in?
Why was so much time spent trying to devote those years to schoolwork when it simply wasn't necessary for me to learn?
Homework is a microcosm of that whole question. I always wanted to know,
"So, if I can skip 60% of the homework and still get an "A" on the test, why do you try to force me to do it?"
And to this day I have never gotten a good answer.
So: I saw no value in most of my homework and that hasn't changed to this day.
So, here's a pop quiz for the people wondering why their kids with diagnoses don't do their homework no matter what planning and techniques adults supply them with:
What would your kid have to do to spend less of their valuable time on homework?
"Well, if they just knuckled down and got it done..."
BZZT! WRONG! You get a "D-" on this test and I really hope you apply yourself more to the next one, you have so much potential...
If they "forget about it" then they have to do even less.
Now, of course that means that your kid is in a state of constant stress from avoidance. They are thinking, "Man, I'm going to get in so much trouble for not doing this, but I just can't seem to force myself to do it, and anyway I don't fucking want to."
You think that they'd be better off spending two stressful hours on their homework and then being able to relax the rest of the time. They feel like they'll be happier not doing it at all and feeling a vague undercurrent of stress as they go about their leisure time.
What's the third option if they want to spend less time on homework?
Oh, nothing? Is it nothing whatsoever until they graduate from school?
This is infuriatingly counter-productive. We spend literal years teaching ADHD kids that avoidance and procrastination are the only ways to exert control over their lives in the face of unpleasant situations imposed from outside.
Now, in point of fact this is absolutely not the case for adult life, which offers a plethora of ways to reduce pointless make-work imposed on you by outside authorities and, in any case, rarely bothers to impose two hours per day of unpaid, unrewarding make-work on people anyway.
How much of the difficulty ADHD people have with cleaning the toilet or whatever is because psychologically, they still think of it as homework? Cleaning the toilet is not homework; it rewards you with a clean toilet at the end and it's entirely possible to defer it, or hire someone else to do it, or find shortcuts. But if the major psychological task of your childhood is homework, maybe it might take quite a long time to think that there could even be anything aside from homework?
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urfavsturniolowriter · 6 months
Moonlight pt2
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Nick / Matt / Chris / y/n / a/n
TW: nsfw, cuss words
You and Chris have been together for 2 months now,and you’ve been living with the triplets for 2 weeks now, Chris was very attentive and caring towards you. He always made sure to listen to your thoughts and feelings, often finding himself lost in your eyes. but in bed Chris was also quite attentive and caring in bed, making sure to give you plenty of attention and pleasure. He would often spend hours trying to make you reach climax and once he did, he would always make sure to slow down his pace and give you a chance to catch your breath before continuing.often saying things like. “you look so beautiful like this ma”, “mmh~ that feels good huh?”, “That’s it take your time”. Untill Tonight.
You were currently at home on the couch having a Chat about mutual interests with Nick and Matt, Chris is out with his boys doing god knows what but you trusted him suddenly you hear the front door shut and someone stomping up the stairs…it was Chris.
I “Ima go check on him” you say running upstairs into your room “baby are you-“ you see Chris I’m angry tears on your bed cussing in his pillow. “Oh baby” you say sitting next to him caressing his back “what’s wrong?”
“ move…...if you don’t move im gonna punch the shit out of your face.” You knows he wouldn’t do that so you stay where you were
“Tell me what’s wrong chris.” You say with a sweet smile on your face
“I said FUCK OFF.” Chris shouts sternly
Your eyes well up at the sight of chris so angry
“B-baby I wanna make you feel better! Don’t shut me away?” You smile
“Y you wanna know Why I’m so mad…it got you a promise ring, roses and a box of chocolates I didn’t really go out with my friends. Matt and Nick knew but…I..I..a biker knocked me the ring rolled into a drain the roses flew out of my hand and the chocolates spilled everywhere I just feel like a piece of shit compared to you and…and THIS PRICK RUINED IT” Chris said In angry tears
“Oh baby come here” you pull him into a hug put he pushes away
“I’m not in the mood I’m just so angry and..Chris shouts an inaudible sentence”
“Just fuck it outa then. If it will make you feel better” you say sarcastically with a small amount of seriousness
Chris smirks. “Im really angry..this won’t be like it normally is.” Chris says coldly as he smashes his lips against yours his hands roaming over your curves until his hand slides up your shirt tracing patterns in your skin “take off your shirt” Chris said with no emotion whatsoever but you oblige taking your shirt off showing your double d boobs covered by a black bra which Chris is quickly to remove tossing it..god knows where his hand cups your boob his thumb circling your slowly hardening nipple making you moan quietly. “I’m gonna fuck you senseless making you wish you never told me to do this” Chris was quick to pull down your sweatpants Leaving you in just a thong which was also removed seconds later he puts his pointer and middle finger on your lips pushing on them on your lips demanding entrance. you let his fingers slide into your mouth swirling your tongue round them. chris pulls them out seconds later and without warning he shoves them two fingers into your tight wet heat making you moan rather loudly”fuck you’re so wet” Chris growls his thumb finding your clit pressing down on it hard as his fingers curl up slightly and thrust in and out of you at an impossible pace
“fuck baby” you wine
“oh this ain’t nothing I’m just lubing you up for my cock ma” he says with a smirk
“fuck I’m close..Chris don’t stop..please don’t stop” you wince
“cum on my fingers mamas, make a mess cmon don’t be shy.” And with his permission you came around his fingers your hips bucking closer to his hand screaming his name forgetting Matt and Nick are awake downstairs you suddenly feel a hand cover your mouth “shhh its seven o clock. My brothers don’t need to know how good you feels let alone the whole neighbourhood. Only I get to hear those noises leave your mouth…understand” he said while he pulls his fingers out of you licking them clean of your sweet juices. “I said do you understand y/n?” You nod quickly your eyes meeting his as he moves his hand away from your mouth
“Chris what was….intense” you say your breath ragged and eyes closed
“Oh but ma I’m not done yet.” Your eyes shoot open to the sound of Chris belt unbuckling. Chris pulld his jeans and boxers down his hardened cock springing free as he spits on it and rubs it a few times. He was huge. Even though you’ve seen his cock so many times it never fails to surprise you every time you see it. Chris positions himself at your entrance.
“Can we wait a lit- FUCK” you were cut off with Chris pounding his whole ten inch cock into you at once leaving you winded and overstimulated Chris hand finds its way back to your mouth
“What did I say about being fucking quiet y/n. Shut that mouth of yours before I shut it for you.” Chris says pulling out of you and pounding back into you
“Chris~” you moan arching your back into him more gripping onto his hair as he starts pounding into and out of you at an impossible speed
“Feel good huh ma~?” He growls as you nod in response his mouth finding your nipple sucking it harshly making you mumble against his hand
“I’m close Chris” you attempt to mumble against his hand. He must’ve understood because his thrusts getting harder and impossibly faster as he removes his hand off my mouth.”I’m coming” you warn him as you cum around his cock with a wimper of his name.
Feeling you climax around him Chris groans “fuck ma I’m close” he warns before shooting his load into you with a groan. You look back at him and see no emotion whatsoever. He pulls out of you making you moan quietly as he lays down next to you.
“You feel better now?” You ask catching your breath as he replies
“Yeah. Love you ma” Chris says as he spoons you and kisses your neck surprisingly gently considering the angry encounter you just had
“Love you to baby” you say as you open your phone and see a message from Matt saying “well I guess he’s okay now 😂” and another from Nick saying “quiet the fuck down in convinced the whole of America can hear you!!” You messaged them back “sorry y’all. Didn’t mean to disturb you.ima go sleep now lmao” you cuddle with Chris until you both fall asleep.
The end (of pt2)
Hey guys, this is part two hope you enjoyed it it part three soon (I didn’t proofread)
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chairwritexv · 1 year
Can i request platonic rottmnt little sibling chubby with all of the brothers HC?
Reader is same age as Mikey but what makes them different is they're on the plus size, their ninpo were made to be support class (and yes am thinking of rpg games).
This makes reader insecure about themselves; they're not " helping much " and they believe they're fat and not strong or skiny or have toned muscles like the rest of the mad dogs which put them down.
However the 4 brothers think otherwise and they have their own way to show their love & affection to reader/p
yess!! WE LOVE CHUBBY PEOPLE !!! i am such a green bean tho akfsjdns
also, i don’t play rpg games a ton, but after looking it up it appears to be a healer kinda? sorry if i got it wrong !
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r a p h
is actually really surprised to learn youre insecure about your size and ninpo
he’s pretty big but doesn’t really have problems with it ??? of course he doesn’t really realize the difference between ‘beefy af’ and ‘le chubby’ lmao
he wasn’t entirely sure what to do at first bc he’s never seen this before
and with his sibling?.?? afjsjsj
when he realized/you told him he tilted his head in confusion stared at you before bursting out
“you don’t like your body??? why???”
“raph has a big body and he don’t care!”
didn’t understand at first
“you’re the most perfect little sibling raph could want !”
”no matter what yer size!”
kinda felt bad, he felt like he should’ve noticed sooner since he was the Big BrotherTM
made sure not to be accidentally offensive about it just in case
when one of those lose-weight-or-no-one-will-love-you thought inducing ads would come on raph would block the tv
l e o
ok so. the lil shit probably teased you abt it in the past. but NOT in a rude or offensive way. like affectionate . well he tried to come off affectionate anyways …
he’d like just poke at your chub n stuff y’know?
he wasn’t really trying to be offensive he just found it interesting since all his other brothers were skinny beans, and raph was just super beefy
but oh my god
feels like it’s all his fault
apologizes so much abt it he’s the one the needs reassuring afsjdn
he wasn’t the main reason of your insecurities , but his teasing hadn’t helped it… yknow?
he reassured you there was nothing wrong with your body OR ninpo and no reason to be insecure abt it
tells you his past ‘teasing’ wasn’t meant to be rude in any way and apologizes
he hasn’t teased you abt it for awhile anyways, but still makes sure not to be rude abt it in any ways whatsoever
if one of those lose-weight ads comes on he’ll tell you a stupid joke or something to move your attention away from it
still feels bad abt the teasing tbh
d o n n i e
he’s the second most surprised
i mean, he knows that people feel insecure abt their chub sometimes thanks to the internet but he wasn’t expecting one of those people to be you
i mean, you weren’t even that chubby in his opinion
uses logic to reassure you that your body is fine in every way
same with your ninpo
”your ninpo is very important and crucial to the team, y’know-“
he will not have his little sibling being insecure >:(
if he notices you staring at yourself in the mirror with a less-then-positive-face on, he’ll drag you away from it under the guise of wanting to show you his latest invention
not good with emotions but he’s doing his best ok
if those lose-weight-and-you’ll-finally-be-perfect ads comes on he’ll either distract you somehow or cover your eyes with his battle shell arm
m i k e y
was confused at first, not understanding what you meant
when he finally understood he gasped
his twin?? disliking their body/ninpo???? UNACCEPTABLE
cue the doctor feelings speech
does absolutely everything in his power to make you feel good abt yourself
will draw you SPECIFICALLY highlighting your pudge bc there is nothing wrong with it and will take that to his grave
sends you body-affirming stuff at random times
will paint his nails with you whilst reassuring you you’re absolutely beautiful the way you are ✨
a lose-weight ad?
he will DRAMATICALLY scream at you not to watch it-
-before hugging you and dramatically putting his hand to his head
it’s such a funny distraction technique you can’t not burst out laughing
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thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed!!!
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Could you tell us more about Bubba and Kickin’s hypothetical relationship?
We all know it'll take me one business day to actually make them a part of the AU, and then soon after It'll be the sapphics turn...
They survived together after Picky attacked both of them. They stayed by each other's side and Kickin did his best to "repair" Bubba's body and avoid giving him an infection. His job was a succesful one, thankfully!
Anyways there's something really intimate about giving the guy you always admired surgery because your bestie tried to eat both him and you. That "something really intimate" is called "realizing you would die for him" btw.
I think they both knew one had feelings for the other, but had a silent agreement on not doing anything about it whatsoever, too busy with surviving. Kickin put together some tools to help Bubba navigate, including a makeshift wheelchair. He did his best trying to protect him, but they still got separated and ended up having to survive alone for months before the rescue. They thought the other had died.
I cannot talk enough about how much they cried when they realized the other was alive. Bubba was sobbing and he always had a hard time even getting teary.
Kickin is two things: Very small and Very overprotective. Don't get him wrong he's just >:( because he's still in survival mode. He refused to leave the hospital before Bubba, but he had to.
Bubba seems to hold the braincell and is the only one able to put some sense into Kickin's "oh no oh no oh no oh no something will happen and we're all going to die and I NEED to keep my friends safe for when the thing happens" mindset. Kickin is also the only one Bubba listens to when he's told he needs to take a break because his brain literally cannot take it anymore.
They're not lovey-dovey like Catnap and Dogday, only doing the physical contact stuff when they're sleeping next to each other. Kickin is the big spoon.
They are however two huge nerds. Kickin likes hearing infodumps and Bubba likes giving them. They discover D&D and teach the others about it, as well as Yu-Gi-Oh and MtG. Their idea of "quality time" is either 2 hour-long PowerPoint presentation done by Bubba or 4 hour-long session of a bunch of card games.
The only thing that stopped them from just calling each other partner (romantic way) is the fact that they were so used by their silent deal of not talking about it they forgot they should talk about it, actually, and it's only when they're watching Catnap and Dogday be absolute idiots for each other that they realize that Uh-Oh they don't have much judging power on this one!!!!
I don't think they'll ever get married on paper. They just don't care enough about it, and nothing would change for them. They're happy with being boyfriends and with having separate rooms, as they just like having personal space!
Kickin discovers how to get a tattoo on his bigger bodies body and makes Bubba pick something for him. I'm not set on what the final choice was but I know it was EXTREMELY silly and Bubba got mad for Kickin for actually going with the silly option (affectionate).
Kickin pranks Bubba all the time. And vice-versa. It's how they say "I love you" to each other.
No one realizes these two are a thing until some weeks later, when Dogday asks them about it and they're both like "oh yeah we are :}". Literally the only people who knew were Delight (Bubba told her) and Angel (who told Kickin to talk to Bubba).
Anyways they're silly, I love them <3
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dotthings · 5 months
I've been so tuned out of spn and spn fandom happenings, I didn't even learn until just now that some weeks back Jared said at a CE con that he wishes they'd done more with Eileen.
Now I'm laughing. The unintentional comedy stylings of Jared P*d*l*cki, everyone!
Not even mad, tbh. Just remembering his disregard for the character and the Sam/Eileen relationship. How he made comments speaking for Dean pov in a way that flatly contradicted every statement Dean himself ever made rooting for Sam and Eileen, but canon, what's that? Dean who? Dean's actual self-evident hopes, the fact that Dean was the #1 Saileen shipper, totally irrelevant when brosonlies are in a panic about Sam or Dean having anyone, anyone at all, anyone whatsoever, besides only each other.
Watching them scramble frantically a few weeks back when Jared dropped this wish for more Eileen to deny that more Sam/Eileen relationship stuff is even possible also greatly amuses me. "Jared only meant Eileen not Sam/Eileen!!!" lmfao okay?? Breathe!!! LOL
I really loved Saileen but I'll be glad either way just to get Eileen back, while the brosonly Sam stans will be screeching with rage because "spn is only about Sam and Dean not SIDE CHARACTERS *raeg raeg*" after they performatively virtue signaled about how much they love Eileen so long as she doesn't get her icky gross cooties breathing too close to Sam.
They also kept slamming all the Saileen shippers, going on and on how anyone who shipped Saileen was only doing it as part of some nefarious plot to keep Sam away from Dean and no other reason. Meanwhile, the Sam and Eileen dynamic was absolutely delightful, it's one of the best relationships Sam ever had, Jared and Shoshannah had lovely chemistry, I enjoyed every Sam and and Eileen moment. Wow yes how monstrous of me, I enjoyed seeing Sam with a layered, good-hearted human who worked well with him and cared about him and they related to each other and they were good together!! What in the evil Sam hatred!!! LMFAO
Anyone who was on twitter at the time may also remember how they spewed hatred against the ship, gatekeeping, romance shaming, and spewing no-romo and anti-romo hatred, because Eileen somehow would no longer count as a badass female character if she's having sex with Sam, and then they tried to dress their ship hate up as progressive because of how it would supposedly "demean" Eileen.
All of which went in full contradiction of the statements of Shoshannah Stern, a deaf actor playing a deaf character, who spoke in interviews at length about how important it was not only that Eileen was a kickass hunter but why it was significant having a disabled character in a romance with one of the lead heroes on a notable genre tv series.
Meanwhile, the Sam stan twitter brigade pretending to be progressive: "ew icky gross"
As for Jared, yeah, this is just COMEDY. He wasn't supportive, now suddenly he's talking about how he's sorry there wasn't more Eileen. Okay, dude.
He also said he was sorry there wasn't more Michael Dean and same thing. Where was he when Jensen needed support, when that storyline was cut off, and when the ending screwed Dean over while Jared got what he wanted, and when most of his base which pretty much hates everyone who isn't Sam and Dean, got what they wanted.
Don't get me wrong, I'll be thrilled if we can have Eileen back in the revival. I don't know if this means we will or not. But I'm all for it. Yes please let's!!! I just don't think there's substance behind Jared changing his tune. And he did nothing to discourage the hatred from his own base against her and against the ship, and then eagerly went along with how the final eps of spn pandered to their desire for her character and that relationship to be wiped from the story.
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laheymaze · 2 years
he is my worst enemy
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✨eddie munson✨ x fem!henderson!reader
requested by: nightshadered
summary: you and eddie do not get along whatsoever and one day when he comes over to your house to hang out with dustin, you realize you have a lot more in common than you thought <3
prompt included: "he is my worst enemy. my nemesis" "didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" "yes"
warnings: some language but that's it :)
**this is from my wattpad, simplytbs, from months ago! check out my wattpad for more stories!*
When you walked Dustin to the first day of his new D&D club, you were instantly alarmed when you saw that Eddie Munson was the leader. The 'amazing' guy who has taken Dustin under his wing. You pulled Dustin aside and asked why he would ever join a group with Eddie, and Dustin simply defended him.
"Hey, Henderson!" Eddie paused and looked at you cautiously. "Why are you here?" He questioned.
"This is my sister," Dustin told him. Horror crossed Eddie's face.
"Oh." Was all Eddie said before walking away.
"He is my worst enemy. My nemesis." You said scornfully.
"Didn't you just meet him like five minutes ago?" Dustin questioned.
"Yes. Well, no. We've crossed paths before."
"Listen, Mike and Lucas are here too. If anything happens I will call you."
"Yeah unless he kills all three of you."
Ever since this day, you and Eddie constantly fight, bicker, and insult each other. You think he is an awful influence on Dustin, and you wish your little brother would just leave the group. You kept warning him that if Eddie turns out to be some psycho killer, not to go crying to you since you were right.
On today's episode of 'Eddie and Y/N fights 101,' you walked over to the Hellfire lunch table, giving Dustin the book that he needed for his class after lunch.
"To what do I owe this pleasure, your majesty," Eddie said, bowing to you.
"Just giving Dustin his book, asshat." You responded harshly.
"Can you two just be nice to each other for once?" Dustin asked.
"No." You and Eddie responded at the same time, giving each other a dirty look.
"See, you can already read each other's minds." Dustin pointed out.
"You're right Dusty-bun, we can. Eddie is thinking about how he wishes he could get a girlfriend and how badly he wishes he could destroy me. Probably how he can kill all of us with his satanic cult. Oh, and can't forget the whole not being able to graduate thing." You said, probably crossing a dangerous line.
"And Y/N is thinking about how to be a nice person. Oh wait, she isn't capable of that since she a cold-blooded reptile that can make an appearance of a human, or, somewhat of one." You stood there and crossed your arms aggressively. Eddie smirked because he knew he got you there.
"Enough! Just shut up!" Dustin shouted. You walked away and sat back down with your friends. Them asking you why you keep talking to Eddie 'the freak' Munson. Your head was somewhere else while they were questioning you, though. Did he really think you were a cold-blooded reptile? This remark bothered you more than any of the ones he has ever thrown at you. It stayed on your mind the entire day.
You were crawled up in your bed when you heard a knock on the door. Maybe Dustin forgot his key. You got up and opened the door, only to see Eddie standing there.
"Oh, hey, sorry. Dustin and I are supposed to hang out. I'm early." Eddie told you.
"He's not here." You said coldly, a sad look on your face.
"What's wrong?"
"Do you even care?"
"You seem sad," Eddie said. You left the door open and walked back to your room. Eddie closed the door behind him and followed you. "What's wrong, Y/N?" Eddie looked around your room and saw the rock music posters hanging, along with the guitar pick art you had on your wall and tapes and vinyl's lined up on your shelves.
"Nothing." You told him.
"I didn't know you were a metal head like me? I thought we had nothing in common." Eddie said, amazed.
"You're not a cold-blooded reptile, so we don't have anything in common." You said, throwing yourself down on your bed, curling up with a pillow. Eddie gave you a sad expression.
"That's what's bothering you? I once called you a whiny bitch, and that had no effect. Y/N, I do not think you are cold-blooded or a reptile." A tear ran down your face, and Eddie panicked. He had no clue what to do. "No no no no, don't cry! I'm sorry!" Eddie rushed over and sat next to you, wrapping an arm around you lightly, too scared to get too close.
"I can't believe I'm letting you see me cry right now." You said, laughing.
"See, you are fully human." Eddie said, trying to make you feel better. You laughed some more and buried your face in your pillow.
"Rock music is my favorite and I actually like D&D. I just never said anything because I didn't want you to think we had something in common." You said, muffled, pillow still in your face. Eddie laughed and pulled the pillow away. He lightly hit you with it, making you giggle.
"What else don't I know about you?" Eddie asked, facing you.
"I have a tattoo." You said, sheepishly. "If my mom knew, she'd become even more mental than she already is."
"Y/N Henderson has a tattoo? How did you even get one since you're not eighteen?"
"Steve took me." You answered.
"I'm sorry, Steve as in Steve 'the hair' Harrington?" Eddie was taken back, jealousy present.
"Yeah, we've been through a lot so him and I are close. We aren't a thing if that's what you are freaking out about." You told him.
"Why would that freak me out? I don't care." Eddie got nervous and started playing with his rings.
"Mhm." You smiled at Eddie. "I guess we do have things in common besides my brother." You said. "Don't tell him about this either, because he will never leave us alone."
"Trust me, I won't. He'll make my life miserable with a bunch of questions."
"Who will?" Dustin's body appeared in your room, confused as to why you and Eddie were somewhat snuggled on your bed together. You both looked at him, Eddie jumping out of your bed right away.
"You will if I left without even though you took forever to get here." Eddie joked, throwing his arm around Dustin's shoulder. The pair were leaving your room as Eddie turned around to smile at you. "See you around, Y/N."
"Since when do you two get along?" Dustin asked Eddie.
"Since forever, where have you been?"
part two will be a good one! sorry if there are any mistakes in here, i am exhausted and was trying to get this done 
make sure to like and reblog :)
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might be a bit of a boring question but how do you feel about the Mazda b series? and if you have nothing to say about that one then I'd love to hear your thoughts on the tacoma
So thoughtful of you to give me a backup question, but worry not! If I've got nothing to say about a car, I will find it, goddamnit, if it'll take me two months! Which it very nearly did. Sorry. Anyhow! In reverse order of generations:
1. 5th
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it would take state-backed effort to get me to care for -hell, care about- this last one, which did not excel in looks nor performance nor, from what I can tell, reliability nor comfort. It feels like it would be a very complex thought experiment to come up with the buyer this would be the best choice for, even in its time. (However, while the enthusiasts' metric of evaluation is competition, the owners' metric is their own expectations, so it is certain and valid and good that millions of owners were chuffed about their purchase and I love that for them and do not whatsoever seek to rain on their parade.)
2. 4th
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Neat! Even beyond the spectacular decals, I just love Japanese pickups of this era (the ones yankees call "small pickups" and we call "pickups" because we don't have those useless fuck-off-gargantuan shit yankees love to pretend has any use). So much so that I want two of them. Neither are this (they're the Toyota Hilux and the Nissan D21), but objectively they're all about the same and my preferences are purely based on aesthetic minutiae.
3. 3rd
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First I see of it! The front is kind of unfortunate, but it reminds me of the Yugo so it's on my good side. The rear taillights also have a kind of Soviet quality to them, I'm sure there's some -az car with rear lights just like those.
4. 2nd
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HELL FUCKING YEAH *checks pronouns* SISTER! I love this thing. Especially the REPU, where PU stands for Pick Up and RE stands for...
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Yep :D, this was the time when Mazda was shoving rotaries left and right into applications they were comically unsuited for absolutely no discernible reason, and we're all glad that they did, because Lord knows no one else had the lack of sense to do it.
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Yes the ROTARY POWER* on the back of it is factory! *BITCHES
5. 1st
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Yeah, this is at the edge of car period that excites me. Not that I think it looks bad or is bad or anything, it just starts to feel too... historic for me to connect to? I guess a Mazda pickup from the early '60s is just not for me.
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It seems I guessed wrong.
This Ghibli-esque little thing is the 1959 Mazda K360, being a kei truck with the then maximum of 360cc of engine. It was a popular taxi (taxi!) in Myanmar...
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...where it kept being produced until the early '70s, when it got replaced by the other other truck Mazda was making by the early '60s, the B360.
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Wow I really was wrong there huh.
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These were probably a sort of "Eastern Europe getting Fiat's scraps" kind of deal, since while these were manufactured in Myanmar from '72 to the mid-90s (mid-90s!), by 1972 Japan had already long been getting the B360's replacement i.e. the Mazda Porter, which OOOO0000°°°°°ººººº⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰ my GOOOOOODDDD
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I don't even want to own one of these, I want to cuddle it. I want to protect it.
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*faints* *a feeble, wiggly speech bubble appears from below the table* Tacoma's good btw. Best of segment by miles.
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intermundia · 2 years
as soon as cassian was called home for a funeral i was excited because historically we all know nothing has ever gone wrong at a funeral lmao funeral orations are definitely not likely to inspire civic violence, there was no historical or literary parallel to this breaking bad whatsoever. it'll go great! /s and then it did :D
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kursed-arcana · 7 months
Digimon adventure 02 The Beginning Review: All Filler, No Killer
I wanted to love this movie. I was well aware of people’s complaints going into this, but I still expected the best. I was wrong. I went in expecting a coherent and compelling narrative, instead it was all filler, no killer.
This movie is sadly a waste of the 02 cast. While marketed as their revival film, their presence was little more then window dressing to another chosen child’s story. Not a single 02 cast member made a contribution to the plot that could only be made by them. Not a single 02 cast member received a character arc in the film. The most focus and effort put into showing their lives as adults was the opening montages of the film. While a beautiful opening it was, it was not enough to make this film worth watching for any digimon adventure fans.
Not only did this film not focus on any of the 02 digidestined, it did not address or mention the plot of last adventure kizuna and its major reveal (unless a certain single line of dialogue in the closing narration was meant to imply kizuna’s reveal is now meaningless, despite never even being mentioned in the film prior). Instead we were treated to another story about a new oc crammed into the franchise, cough male Meiko cough. For every complaint people had about Meiko’s focus in tri, this movie did it worse. She had 6 movies, so at least the focus on her was spread out and the 8 characters the audience is invested in had character arcs, that is not the case here. Instead , we were treated to a story about another digidestined. Another claiming to be the first, which we were previously lead to believe we saw in tri, which was a weird retcon to begin with, then we met the first child to lose her partner in kizuna, and now we meet a new special snowflake, with his new special digimon that apparently is responsible for the partnership between all digidestined and digimon, and maybe even the death of his parents (lol). Not only is this insulting to adventure cast, but fans as well. When will they realize, we don’t need shocking reveals that contradict previously established lore, but meaningful character arcs for our chosen children and to see their partner digimon reach new digivolution heights.
The director of this film possibly thought he could recapture the magic of the first 02 film, but what makes that film more enjoyable is the fact that it came out during 02’s original release and not decades later. And while Willis was a primary character, the main cast still had plenty of chances to shine. Like gatomon and palmon suddenly reaching mega with no build up whatsoever lol.
This film contributed nothing new for our 02 cast. No new mega forms, or even their ultimates, new new levels for DNA digivolved Silphymon and Shakkoumon, not even the chance to see the digiegg of kindness in the anime for the first time. Hell, armor digivolution never even got mentioned, but at least we revisited the computer lab.
Not to mention that after all these years, there are still plotlines left unresolved. The dark ocean still hasn’t been explained, despite being brought up in tri and claiming Maki Himekawa, nor has its ruler Dragomon, or what happened to Daemon once he was stranded there and the fact his presence alluded to a plotline with the 7 demon lords. These dangling plotlines would have been perfect to address in a 02 movie or series, instead we got something less meaningful then a shounen filler movie (like the original 02 movie). At least those typically allow for their cast to shine despite focusing on original characters.
The 02 cast deserve their tri movie series, or even their version of kizuna. They needed to regain the future they achieved at the end of 02 that got retconned away, despite the epilogue still apparently being canon. They deserved character arcs, and some damn confirmation on takari after all these years. I wanted to see them overcome obstacles, to achieve their dreams. Instead I endured a meandering story for a new more chosen then all the rest of the “chosen children”. Can the people behind the digimon movies please stop trying to one up each other now?
I encourage all digimon fans to still watch the movie. If we want to see the adventure and 02 cast again, we need to support the series, but we also have to let our complaints be known, in order to encourage a better outcome in the future. While this film is a waste of the 02 cast, it is still nice to see them again, even if their presence felt more significant in their brief subplot in kizuna. At least we have confirmation that they’re still making progress towards their dreams, still hanging out and still hoping for a brighter future with their digimon. What little we got of them interacting was still nice, funny and even heartwarming at times. And if you’re a dub fan, at least we got Brian Donovan back as Davis one more time. Weird they let him reclaim the role but not Lara Jill miller for Kari, even though Tara Sands is still great.
Until next time digimon fam, stay Prodigious
(If you like my review and have my anime list, please follow the link and like it there. Id like to gain alittle traction as a reviewer and its always nics to be able to see if my writing is appreciated)
P.S. And To Lui, the saddest chosen child in all the land
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berry-loves-yandere · 2 years
Okay but on the scale of one to I will kill everybody in this town, how protective do you think everyone (especially the Byers) to baby Byers, Jonathan & Will's little sister aka the youngest child and the party's cutest and innocent little baby, who is about 9 (?, it can go lower if u want)
Like someone was mean to her or she got into a little accident, how protective is to everyone to her?
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Merging these two requests ^
Lovely ideas btw!
Yandere Platonic Byers with youngest child headcanons:
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For bullying/someone being mean to her, it's an I am going to murder everyone unless there's an apology and they never harm a single hair on my child/sister's head
Jonathan is the most protective of the bunch, always making sure his little sister is alright and that no one's bothering her.
They all try to shield her away from the events revolving around the Upside Down and say that Will just got lost and now he's okay.
During the time of Will's disappearance in the later stages, they'd probably have her live with Hopper temporarily since they can trust him and don't want her around Lonnie.
Joyce is super dotting on her youngest child and was very reluctant to send them to school and would rather homeschool her child but knew that she needed to work, so Joyce wouldn't be able to properly teach her daughter while working.
Jonathan often uses the money from his job to buy toys and plushes for his younger sister, wanting her to have some sort of luxury in life.
Will would try to teach his sister how to draw and would invite his friends over to try to teach her the basics of D&D.
All of them are extremely overprotective of the youngest Byers, barely letting her have any friends unless they approve of them.
And it's all for her protection and she's so young and impressionable that she thinks it's completely normal and nothing's wrong with this whatsoever.
But it is wrong, when she grows up, she'll realize it.
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istanbulite · 15 days
i feel like shit truly, like everything is wrong rn
• very bad reviews about the company like they can suddenly kick u out if u dont know a person who knows a person so i paid all these things n still paying for the training (not directly but like......the bus ticket etc) for nothing...todays "training" was also so..off..its obvious they expect you to let customers shit on you if they want to..no breaks whatsoever....the emphasize on 'being a family'... the weird shitting on a similar company when they r the same........countered: i also dont want to work for life here i want the experience...and its not like i quit my job i was already unemployed, now i know whats it like to live with my father and grandmother and
• it SUCKS PLEASE I HATE IT HERE i hate Fatih i hate his house its dirty it smells i dont want to see his mother or brother both fucking annoying im tired of acting like i care İ Dont everyones an erdogan lover i cant even see the outside from my window i hate everything so much ;-; theres ulku ocaklari active here???
• im very much broke.penniless. Which i realised when i saw my pants ripped im far too upset about it... İ dont EVEN have a needle here!!!! And the stupid sons of bitches at work NEED apparently NEED you to wear black pants like...THİS İSNT EVEN THE WORK THİS İS THE BULLSHİT TRAİNİNG
• and even in that bullshit training i feel like this one weird girl left out ---- how come anywhere i go everyone always know each other??? How do people get close in 3 DAYS
• oh yeah my glasses are NOT working.my eyesight is still v much spotty!! :D i paid for the glasses for Nothing!!! Wishing death and nightmares on that idiot of a d*octor
• + my own personal social problems
anyway free coffee
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simizzy-writes · 2 years
Hey there, I hope you’re doing well! I really love Sanguine Rose and its sequel. You’re so talented!
May I request a Law x fem!reader where Law is being imprisoned and violently interrogated to give up reader’s location because she is one of Shanks’s children and the WG wants to use her to control the Yonko, please? The WG knows Law knows about her because they’ve fucked.shit.up (tm) publicly a few times now. Law refuses to give her up and when she (with Luffy and co.) come to rescue him she demands to know why he didn’t give her secret up (spoiler alert: because he has Big Boy Feelings for her). Maybe (if you want, no pressure) Shanks later finds a way to contact Law to thank him for helping keep reader safe? Thank you so much!!
thank you for being so sweet and patient 💕💕 i had fun writing this one! ngl, i lowkey think that a father-in-law/son-in-law dynamic between Shanks and Law is PERFECTION
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Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none. just fluff.
A/N: no but really - shanks and law being father-in-law and son-in-law?? wouldn't that be great?? idk why?? help -
It wasn’t that he thought that he was going to die. No, it wasn’t that.
It was more like that he, deep down, knew that however this ended, Law would have to tell you. He wasn’t prophetic, but his gut feelings were rarely wrong. He’d have to come clean about his feelings, wouldn’t he?
The beatings were nothing. The blood dripping into his eyes was an inconvenience. The way his lungs burnt with each breath was just a minor discomfort. He felt weak because of the seastone chains. Not because of any other reason. None whatsoever. 
Despite his agony, Law smiled. The satisfaction he felt as his interrogators grew more and more frustrated - even desperate - was delicious to him. Let these World Government dogs whimper and beg. It suited them.
And really, they were begging at this point. But no matter what they did, Law wasn’t going to tell them a damn thing. 
“This is a waste of time,” he told them. “If you think that using [Name] as leverage will get Shanks to do what you want, well…Only the World Government could come up with a stupid idea like that.”
He winced as he was struck once more. Blood filled his mouth, and curiously, he didn’t mind it so much.
But before another word could be uttered, the room came crashing down. Stone and dust filled the air, and all hell broke loose. 
“Oi, Traffy!”
And there, in all of his chaotic glory, stood Luffy. A blinding light shone behind him as he laughed. Using his abilities, he used one arm to grab Law, and used the other to reach for the ceiling. Or, rather, what was left of it. 
The speed in which Luffy flung himself and Law into the air made the latter’s head spin. 
“Why are you here?” Law questioned.
With a beaming smile that could shame the sun, Luffy replied, “[Name] asked for our help. She said that you were being tortured because they wanted to get to Shanks.”
“You knew that she was his daughter?”
Luffy looked down at him in bewilderment as he landed the both of them amongst the other Straw Hats. “Yeah. Didn’t you? I thought that everyone knew that.”
“You’re only saying that because you grew up with her! Nobody knows that, Luffy,” cried Usopp. “Why did they even want Law in the first place? How does he know [Name]?”
Law grit his teeth as he sat helpless amongst the Straw Hats. It would seem that they fought hard, each other showing signs of a battle. He set his jaw, unwilling to offer an explanation to the sniper.
“Because Law and I have history.”
You were the source of those words as you emerged from some obscured source in his peripheral. You approached Law, kneeling down to release him of his chains. A wave of strength coursed through his veins - the tell tale sign that he was in full control of his powers again. 
You smiled at him weakly, feeling ashamed that he had suffered so thoroughly just because he knew you. “Law - “
“Whatever you’re going to say, don’t,” he said. “I didn’t tell them anything, so you shouldn’t worry.”
“I was afraid,” you whispered. “I didn’t want you to hurt because of me. I wanted to turn myself over to them. They’re foolish for believing there was even a hint of a chance at their plan working. Father would never - “
“Stop,” Law breathed. “If you handed yourself over to these animals, they would have tortured you. Just like they did to me. Don’t make me think about that.”
“Don’t try to take my regret from me,” you countered. “My heart aches seeing you like this, Law. It breaks knowing that it’s because of me.’
It was Zoro who interrupted the both of you. 
“If you two love-birds are done, let’s get out of here. We still need to fight our way out of here.”
You watched the sunset together often as Law recovered, and on the evening when it was time to say your goodbyes, you found yourself hesitant to do so. But Law had plans for the future, and so did you. No matter how deeply you wished for the two of you to be together, it wasn’t quite the right time.
“Do you remember when we met?” you asked. 
“Of course I do.”
The memory played out before the two of you like an invisible play, each element of the story unique to their respective points of view. It was a fond memory for you both.
Law stared out towards the horizon, gray eyes focused and undiscerning. You wondered if you would ever know the inner workings of his soul. Perhaps, one day, he would let you in. Together, you would map out each other’s scars and hearts and relish in each other’s beauty. 
You had reached for his hand, and he hadn’t pulled away. He looked at you, carefully memorizing every detail of your face. He pressed it upon his memory, promising himself that he would never forget it. Maybe, just maybe, you could understand what he was feeling right now. And whether it was coincidence or some hidden talent of yours, you had squeezed his hand affectionately, and smiled. It seemed like yes, you did understand. 
Together with you was where he wanted to be, always.
The town market was busy. He strolled about aimlessly, only stopping to visit briefly with his crew members who had questions about what they needed to stock up on. There was little to interest Law here, so he decided to walk further into town. But as he passed a nondescript merchant, he found his attention piquing curiously. 
The merchant was waving him over vigorously, a wide grin on his face. 
“Hey, you! Yeah, you! Captain of the Heart Pirates! I got something for ya.”
Cautiously, Law approached. He glared at the man sternly, grip tightening on his nodachi. “What could you possibly have for me?”
The merchant held out a large bottle of sake. The bottle was beautiful, and Law recognized the name on the bottle. This brand of sake could easily go for a million berry, so why was the merchant insisting that he take it?
“There’s a card that I’m supposed to give you, too,” explained the merchant. The man produced said card, and pushed it into Law’s hands. “There! Now shoo, I’ve got customers!”
Law eyed the bottle and card in his hands. Perhaps it was better to investigate this away from the busy streets of the market. So, deciding to bring them back to his office on the Polar Tang, he made his way back to the yellow submarine. 
Once he was in the privacy of his room, Law placed the bottle on his desk, and he sat down in his chair to read the card. In careful script, he read:
To the Good Doctor –
Thank you for protecting my darling dove.
Have a drink on me.
P.S. You’ll make a fine son-in-law! I approve!
A smirk pulled at Law’s lips. He tapped the card against his fingers, gray eyes looking back towards the bottle. 
“Cheers, Emperor.”
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