#not to mention I'm tired from multiple late nights
Let's recap my day so far (it's not even lunch time):
I got woken (again) (as per fucking usual) by the road works outside the house (as opposed to the endless construction next door) (no it doesn't make for a nice change)
Spent half an hour stewing in dysphoria (it makes me miserable that my doctor refuses to prescribe progesterone) (other doctors in this city do) (you can get fined for importing it without a prescription I checked) before getting up
Walked to the mall for a very specific soda (that only this one grocery chain carries) (I've only seen it in this specific store) (they didn't have it even though the website said they did) (yes someone checked the back for me)
I lost my gorgeous clip-on bow (an anniversary present) (from literally a week ago)
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melancholyhigh · 10 months
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ft. leon x f!reader
synopsis. you realize you're in love with your roommate. it sucks that he's ignoring you all of a sudden.
content. 4.7k words. smut. slight jealousy/possessiveness, subby leon, dry humping, handjob, finger sucking, praise & degradation kink, unprotected p in v (riding), overstimulation, creampie, slight subspace.
note. i had mental anguish while writing this so i apologize if it's not my best. i'm also sorry for being so inactive :((
masterlist. i love feedback & reblogs <3
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Leon S. Kennedy was probably the best roommate you could’ve asked for.
He had fit the criteria you hand conjured for the perfect housemate the first time you met. Leon was calm, and the apartment was pretty clean. From what you can tell, he cared enough about himself and his surroundings. 
Hell, the place looked almost uninhabited save for some trinkets and a few bits of his personality sprinkled about.
Only if you had known what you were getting yourself into when you had agreed to become his roommate.
The first month of residing with Leon was great. You rarely crossed paths and never really communicated with each other due to how stressful looking for a new job was, and then proceeding to attend said job was tiring enough for you to make little social interactions.
He was relatively closed off as well. Not talking to you unless necessary or common courtesy such as a simple ‘Good morning.’
After you settled in, you noticed how much of a strange man Leon was. For one, when he did go to work, he left for weeks at a time, and in his return, he was even more closed off somehow. Leon doesn’t spare you a glance or a greeting, only grunting if you ask if he is alright.
He’s also covered in bruises and bandages, leaving you more concerned.
It made you question who really was your roommate.
In the first meeting you and Leon had, you inquired about his job, mostly to try and figure out how your schedule would work, but also with genuine interest. At the time, he merely shrugged, not answering your question point blank, telling you not to worry about it. 
He mentioned his past job as a police officer. You’d dare to ask him more about it, but you didn’t want to pry, leaving the questions for another day.
Lately, you’ve been wishing more than ever that he had answered the question instead of dodging it. In rare moments that you focus on anything else but your job, it often leads you to think about Leon and what he does while he’s away.
It annoys you too that he doesn’t tell you when he’s leaving. He doesn’t owe it to you, but some nights you think he’s getting a drink, only to return a few days later bloodied and bruised.
One night, your overthinking got the worst of you after Leon returned to your apartment in the worst condition you’ve seen in the past few months you’ve been living with him.
Up late, you were in the shared living room, wondering when he’d get home. It had been two weeks since you had last seen Leon. It was way longer than his usual business days. You had been worrying nonstop, not getting a wink of sleep. Was he dead? You’d be the first suspect on the list.
You had called him multiple times, all going to voicemail. That is until you heard the faint creaking of the front door. There he walked in, faced all fucked up. His lip busted, sporting ugly yellow and purple bruises all over the exposed flesh of his body, and a bandage wrapped around his left hand blotted with dry blood.
He was awkwardly shuffling into the room, trying not to wake, you presume. A bit late for that. 
“Where the hell were you, Leon?” your voice breaks the early morning silence. 
You see him jump slightly in surprise, almost dropping his bag. A different emotion washes through him. A mix of fright and guilt, it’s different from what you’re used to seeing him with.
Leon quickly composes himself, going back to his stoic expression. Taking his shoes caked in mud off at the front door, resting his bag down, he walks over to the kitchen opening the fridge. The light streams out, illuminating the kitchen as you follow him, awaiting an answer.
“Didn’t I tell you not to worry about it?” His back is turned to you, rummaging through the contents of the fridge.
“You’ve been gone for two weeks,” you stress with exhaustion, eyeing his injuries. “What the fuck happened to you.”
He flexes his broad shoulder before turning around to face you. His gaze pins you down before he’s back to ignoring you as he chugs the cold bottled water in his grasp. The fridge is still open, and it adds more nuisance within you.
“It’s not that bad,” he shrugs. He finally shuts the fridge close, only the moon’s light filtering into the room. “Why do you care, anyways?”
“‘Cause when you go missing, I’ll be the one locked up, Leon,” you say. He’s staring at you, trying to suppress a smirk. 
“You sure it’s not ‘cause you like me? I’m here to stay.” Is this fucker teasing you? He’s nothing like you first met him. Maybe it’s the blood loss. But to be fair, this is the first proper conversation you’ve had with him in months — you didn’t know how he actually was. 
Rolling your eyes, you ignore him, shifting your focus to his bandaged hand, blood seeping through the fabric. 
“Let me take a look at that, please,” you urge, taking his hand into yours. You overlook the questions blooming in your mind to tend to his injury.
You turn the lights on, searching for a first aid kit. Once you retrieve it, you’re back in front of Leon, who’s sat patiently at the dining table. 
You roll the sleeves of your sweatshirt up before carefully peeling the fabric sticking to his bloody skin. The large gash on the back of his hand makes you uneasy. It’s deep, almost to the bone, and blood spills onto his pale skin.
“Your stitches reopened,” you tell him, cleaning the wound with a damp cloth. What did he do to warrant such an injury? “If it worsens, you need to go to the hospital.” 
“Mhm, you work with patients?” You shake your head, wrapping the wound with fresh gauze. 
“What’s your job, then?”
You scoffed, “Some office job. What’s got you busy, huh?”
“Some government bullshit.”
That night the relationship you had with your roommate shifted. For the better, you supposed. 
You also bonded better with him the following morning while driving him to the hospital. He was so dramatic, yet he continued to undermine his clearly serious injury, refusing to go. The bleeding had not stopped, and you were worried it could get infected.
He was such a baby. You had bargained with him for his own health, promising to do his chores for a whole month so his hand doesn’t get amputated. 
You never really did figure out what his job was, but you guessed it was most likely confidential. It was a vague answer to your question. He could be lying, but once you’re not behind bars, you can’t complain.
You and Leon spent more time with each other.
Even though you had no idea what his job was, he did tell you why he couldn’t disclose such information, something along the lines of putting your safety in jeopardy. Wasn’t him as your roommate just as dangerous? But you didn’t bother. He had his reasons.
Leon, on the other hand, probably learned too much about you and your job. 
You weren’t familiar with the city or the people, so it was nice to talk to someone, and you may have gone overboard. You were here for a better quality of life, and it was significantly better than where you previously lived. 
You loathed your job. Your co-workers were so condescending and passive-aggressive. Not to mention, you couldn’t quit. It paid enough for you to shut your mouth. Well, not to Leon.
You’re sure he’s sick of you talking and complaining. And when you’re not complaining, you both still get along about other stuff. You mostly banter, though, because Leon is such a child.
The guy can barely care for himself, contradicting what you initially thought about him. You care for him most nights after his so-called ‘missions.’ You rebandage his wounds, scolding him for not caring about himself while he’s looped up on pain meds.
Any other night — when he’s actively not trying to get killed, and you’re not incredibly busy — you both get drunk to attempt to forget about responsibilities. Often you were spouting drunken, nonsensical rambles as Leon somehow listened to.
Ironically enough, Leon cared about your well-being more than you do. Maybe you’re delusional, but you swear he does more than a normal roommate should. It’s because you’re constantly checking up on him, you reasoned. He’s just a respectable person.
But what kind of roommate consistently asks about how you’re going? What roommate get you your favourite takeout when you’re not feeling your best? What roommate threatens to beat the shit out of your annoying co-workers?
But you’ve acknowledged that Leon wasn’t your average housemate. Not just his job, but who the fuck looks that good when they’re bleeding out?
Your job has a celebration upcoming, the company’s 50th anniversary. You barely made it a year working for the place, but you want to make a good impression. You also don’t want to bore yourself to death, so why not coerce your lovely roommate to join you as your plus one?
“I’m not gonna go. Don’t you hate that place?” You stare up at him, sulking. 
“Good impressions,” you say before pleading, “C’mon, Leon, please. We can go to the bar after.”
He gives you an unimpressed look before turning away from you.
“I’ll pay for you.” You’re going to go broke because of this man. It catches his attention. 
“So desperate,” he chuckles.
“You’re going?”
“I’m gonna run you dry.”
You definitely weren’t prepared to see Leon in a suit when you exited your room. He’s sat on the couch, his hand nervously running through his hair — notably slicked down with gel. 
“You that serious about making me go bankrupt?” You voice jokingly, breaking Leon out of his thoughts.
His eyes trail along your body, admiring the dress you wore — how it hugs the curves of your body — noticeably gulping as he stands up. The black suit fits his body, accentuating his broad physique and nice ass.
“I keep my promises. I hope you do too.” He says, before mumbling, “You look nice as well.”
You smile at him, ignoring the unusual feeling blooming in your stomach.
The event was indeed incredibly bland. You’re glad you bribed Leon into joining you. He’s been your saving grace. His sly quips and awful jokes have made the experience increasingly more bearable.
Your enjoyment seemed to fizzle when your co-workers wanted to converse with you. They never did before. Why would they now?
Then you realize too late that they’re not here for you. They’re there for the attractive male next to you. You watch in amusement as the girl blatantly ignores you in favour of Leon.
She’s sweet, you’d imagine, but Leon looks awkward, and there’s an uneasy feeling bubbling in your gut as she squeezes his arm in a flirting manner. The feeling is unlike what you’ve felt earlier.
You could go for a drink right now. 
The poor girl’s attempt at seducing Leon goes on longer than you’d like. He’s uncomfortable, and you admire her persistence, but it’s getting on your nerves.
Didn’t she get the memo? He’s your plus one.
You decide to interrupt their conversation, you’re not particularly proud of it, but you want to get drunk. Maybe you’re doing Leon a favour as well.
You pull him away, not offering an explanation, just the promise of getting wasted. 
When you’re at the bar, you both get settled, conversing and taking shots, all on you, of course.
Leon mentions that he understands why you hate your job and colleagues, and you laugh lightly at his claims. While you two talk, a few guys approach you, trying to get your number or asking to buy you a drink, ignoring Leon.
It wasn’t a usual occurrence, but it happened more often than not. And even though you find it flattering, it did begin to irritate you.
You politely declined their requests with an uncomfortable smile on your lips. It felt wrong to indulge in their proposals in front of Leon.
Leon’s eyes gleam with an unknown emotion as another guy approaches you. His grasp on the glass tightens, and it looks like it's about to shatter.
You once again deny the request. As you get more tipsy, your filter worsens as you half-heartedly refuse the poor guy. He walks away, visibly irritated. 
“That’s the fifth guy to ask for your number,” Leon states, taking a swig of his whiskey. His grip on the glass loosens, but his shoulders are still tense. 
You roll your eyes at his over-exaggeration. His suit’s jacket is off, revealing the white button-up shirt underneath. 
“I wasn’t interested. A few girls asked you out, too,” you declared bitterly. You’re not drunk per se, just very tipsy. 
“They’re not my type.”
“What’s your type?” Taking a sip from your drink, you observe Leon shake his head before downing his glass.
“Having fun?” you inquire, and Leon’s grateful you changed the topic.
“Liquor’s better when it’s free.”
It’s the next day, and you haven’t seen Leon since. 
When you woke up, you had a pounding headache. You walked into the kitchen expecting to be greeted by an equally shit-faced Leon, but he was nowhere to be found. It was unlike him.
Usually, he’s already making fun of you for being a lightweight, and you attempt to make breakfast together. He’s probably still in bed. He did drink more than expected. It was a miracle you both got home in one piece.
You took some painkillers before heading back to bed. If you’re up to it, maybe you’ll make breakfast later. 
A few hours have passed, and still no sign of Leon. You wonder if he went to work, but that didn’t make sense. Why would he go to work with a hangover? Leon was a bit careless, though.
He was most likely ignoring you. That would be the last thing you wanted. He was the only person you cared to talk as pathetic as it sounds. Did you say something last night that upset him? He was his usual self, but you probably were too drunk to notice something off.  
He probably has work-related things to worry about. Not everything was about you. Though, you were still concerned.
You had camped in the kitchen for a while, waiting for Leon so you could confront him. You wanted to make sure he was alright.
When he did enter the kitchen, you tried to start a conversation, only for him to dismiss you entirely. He refused to respond to your troubles, getting what he needed and returning to his room. 
You thought it was a one-off thing, but sadly it wasn’t. Leon ignored you the following days, leaving you perplexed. You wished Leon would talk to you about what’s going on. Isn’t that what friends do? Communicate? Every attempt you tried to make was fruitless.
All he’s been doing was ignoring you, and it broke your heart.
His sudden indifference reminded you of when you first moved in. This abrupt disinterest in you left you staring at the ceiling in your bedroom, reflecting on your relationship with Leon. 
You despise how he’s been acting lately. 
You despise his reckless behaviour. You despise his hair that falls so perfectly. You despise how considerate he is. You despise how sweet he is to you. You despise how attractive he looks when he walks about the place shirtless, in short shorts that barely contain the flesh of his thighs and lay low on his hips when he’s sweaty after working out.
You despised how other girls looked at Leon. You despised how other guys looked at you, wishing it were him.
But you don’t hate him, far from it.
You loved his company. From the first night to the night at the bar. You wouldn’t want him to share that with anyone else. He was familiar, so it hurts that he’s been ignoring you. 
He’s treating the moments you’ve had with him seemingly worthless, the time you’ve shared — the late nights when you cared for him. The insecurities you have confided with him. Did it mean anything to him?
He most likely wouldn’t reciprocate your feelings, and you doubt he could. His job explains itself, but you’re still worried as a friend — as his roommate.
Your overthinking has got the best of you, and fuck it. You’re going to confront Leon, whether he likes it or not.
You’ve been building the courage to knock on his door for 20 minutes, pacing back and forth in front of his room door. You didn’t want to make him hate you more, but his bitchy attitude made you wonder why you even liked him in the first place.
Knocking on his door, you instantly regretted it, not wanting to make a fool of yourself, but you had to face him sooner or later. The door surprisingly opens, presenting you with a tired Leon dressed in nothing but his boxers. You probably just woke him up.
When you meet his soft gaze, his brows furrow, and he scowls. It’s been a while since he’s looked at you, so you can take what you can get. 
“What do you want?” Leon dully asks, crossing his arms over his bare chest as he leans on the door’s framing. Okay, so he’s talking to you after a week of silence, granted, not like he used to, but it’s something.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” you counter bluntly, glaring at him. His facade crumbles, shoulders dropping as he frowns. He quickly recovers, scoffing and looking anywhere but at you.
“What are you talking about–” 
“I’m not a dumbass, Leon. Just why? Are you okay?” you quickly cut off his poor excuse of a response. He shakes his head, his messy hair concealing his eyes as he tries to reply.
The look you’re sending him gives him goosebumps as if you’re reading him with just a glance. You are, and it’s terrifying yet so arousing that you can do so easily. Your eyes don’t leave him, trying to figure out his problems. It’s equally arousing how much you care for him, looking through him like he’s glass. 
His composure crashes, stuttering an answer you’re unable to pick up. You stare at him, confused at his sudden nervous behaviour. 
Leon’s selfish for wanting you all to himself. He doesn’t want to hurt himself with the rejection that you may throw his way. He doesn’t want to feel like that even though your actions say otherwise. He wants to tell you that, but what he says is much more pathetic.
“God, it’s you,” he repeats. The look of disappointment that crosses your face hurts. It hurt that he’s the one that made you look so broken so quickly.
“What?” Your voice falters, but you’re curious despite the ache in your chest. You’re not surprised. Maybe, a bit shattered.
“Not like that. I mean, fuck, I don’t know how to say this.” He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as he tries to formulate his words, a blush dispersing on his pale cheeks. 
“I was fucking mad, okay? Not at you– never at you. I hated how those guys looked at you. I know I shouldn’t feel like this. You’re my roommate, for fucks sake, but–” He continues to ramble on, and the words he spews give you whiplash. 
You’re simultaneously flattered by his words and pissed. He was acting like a prick because he was jealous. As much as you were annoyed by his immature behaviour, you couldn’t ignore the butterflies swarming your stomach.
You impulsively crash your lips into his. He stops his rambling, startled, before melting into the kiss, his long lashes fluttering close. His plush lips move softly against yours. The kiss is soft and much better than either of you could’ve imagined.
Pulling away from him, you catch your breath, huffing, “You dumb boy.”
His cheeks darken in colour, the blush leading to the expanse of his chest. He grips your hips, tugging you closer to his body. You feel his dick hardening in confined in his boxers, pressed to your lower stomach.
“Fuck,” Leon gasps softly. You tuck strands of hair behind his ear, your nose bumping together as you admire his pretty face.
“All that from a little kissing?” you breathed against his bruised lips, your fingers toying with the waistline of his boxers. “You want me to help you, baby boy?”
“Yes, please.” 
You frown, moving away from his hold. His face falls, his brows furrow in confusion as he pouts. “C’mon, Leon. You really think you’re going to get to cum that easily after ignoring me?”
“‘M sorry. I didn’t mean to. Please touch me. I– I’ll be your good boy,” he pleads, moving back closer to you, wrapping his arms around your midsection. 
“Okay, sweetheart. You’ll get to cum if you behave.”
He captures your lips in a quick kiss, moaning softly before pulling away. He takes your hand, leading you into his bedroom, and you observe the new surroundings. Even though you’ve been roommates for nearly a year, you never saw the inside of his room. Posters of bands you weren’t familiar with were on the walls of his room. 
“On the bed, baby,” you coo, and Leon shuffles on the navy blue sheets of his bed, leaning against the headboard. You crawl onto the soft sheets, straddling him as you seat yourself on his plush thighs. His warm palms shoot to rest on your waist, softly squeezing them.
He tugs you closer to him, pressing your chest flat against his. Leon gasps softly, his nipples rubbing against the coarse fabric of your tank top.
“S’much better than I imagined,” he sighs, guiding your hips so your clothed cunt drags along his prominent bulge. He groans, feeling your cunt dripping, soaking through your panties and shorts. 
You move back from him, halting your movements on his hardening cock as you’re sat on his thighs once more. Your hands grip his arms, and even though he’s stronger than you, he ceases his motion. It’s so fucking hot how this huge man submits to you. 
“You’ve thought about me in your lap?” you tease, palming his erection through his boxers. The head leaks precum, staining the delicate fabric. “Playing with your pretty cock?”
“Mhm,” he whines softly, bucking his hips to your warm touch. His head tilts back, knocking the wooden headboard quietly as he writhes at your touch. 
“Ohh, you poor thing. Cummin’ in your hand wishing it was mine,” you mock, pulling Leon’s boxers down to reveal his throbbing dick flushed pink. It aches for your touch, twitching and smearing his precum on the dark curls on his happy trail.
“Fuck, yes.” Leon whimpers when you wrap your digits around his cock, squeezing it, oozing more precum, coating your fingers as you stroke him slowly. His hips eagerly thrust to meet your movement.
“So, so pretty.” The blush on his cheeks somehow deepens at your words. His head is spinning, and not just from your touch. He roughly grips his silken sheets, bunching them up. You thought he was pretty?
“God, baby, you’re the prettiest.” 
Fuck, had he said that out loud? 
His back arches as he nears his orgasm, pleasure rushing through his body. His thighs tremble as he spills his cum, coating your hand. You don’t stop tugging on his weeping cock, living for the little cries he makes from being overstimulated.
“Don’t, m’ sensitive– shit,” Leon whines, and you finally take your hand off his spent dick, admiring his cum dribbling onto your fingers. Leon props himself up, chest heaving as he tries to collect himself.
“Did I say you could cum?” you tease. Leon’s eyes widen for a second before pleading for forgiveness.
“I- I didn’t mean to. God, I’m so sorry. I’ll be your good boy.” He sniffles softly, and you take pity on his cries. You’ll punish him another time.
“It’s okay, honey. Can you open wide f’me?” you say. Leon does as he’s told, parting his lips and sticking his tongue out. You wished you could take a picture. 
You place your index and middle finger on his tongue, pressing down. Leon wraps his lips around your fingers, sucking his cum off them. Moaning softly, he peers up at you through his lashes and gags when you push your fingers further down.
“You’re such a slut, Leon,” you say, pulling your fingers out his mouth, lips slicked with his spit. You flicked his nipples, causing him to moan loudly. His cock is beginning to harden once more.
“I’m your slut.”
“Think you can go one more round, baby?” you asked, hovering over his rock-hard cock, before sinking down. Your drenched pussy through your thin shorts stimulates his overly sensitive dick, and he groans softly, squeezing your waist.
“Wanna take care of you too, angel,” he murmurs into your ear as you grind yourself onto his erection. “Can I eat you, please?”
“Maybe next time, honey.”
“Fuck, okay. Can you kiss me?” You press your lips to his softly, and he whimpers sweetly into your mouth. Pulling away from him, you take your shorts and panties off, and they’re fucking drenched. Leon tugs your tank top off, and you giggle at his eagerness.
Your body, so soft and warm, is pressed against Leon’s. It’s almost enough to make him cum, and he’s not enough inside you yet. You slide your dripping cunt along his shaft, ensuring he’s fully hard. Leon fucking whines each time the tip of his cock nicks your entrance, begging to plunge in.
Every time the tip nudges your clit, your cunt clenches, and each flutter sends his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“Please, angel. Fuck me. Use me– I don’t care. ‘M all yours.” You guide his cock to your entrance before finally sinking down slowly. The tip enters you with a soft moan. He’s so fucking thick. Once fully sheathed in you, you grip his shoulders for support.
“You’re all mine to use, right? F- Fuck, you’re stretching me so good, Leon.”
Your tight walls hug him so tightly, and when you bounce on his cock, each drag of his sensitive dick adds to the building pressure in his tummy. He filled you so good, reaching spots you didn’t think were possible as you used him like your toy.
Leon thrusts his hips to meet your pace, your ass slapping his thighs, making obscene sounds. He can’t get enough of you. From your tits bouncing as you rode his cock, or the expression you hold when he hits that special spot. 
It’s so much better than he has imagined.
He rubs your clit with his thumb, a broken whimper leaving him when your gummy walls clench around him tightly. The pressure in his tummy was rising, and you were no better as he played with your clit.
“‘M so close, sweetheart. Can I cum in you, please?” he pleads, his hips stuttering to meet each of your moves. His pink lips parted, eyes barely stayed open, and he looked utterly ruined.
“Yes, baby.” You trail kisses along his neck, sucking marks along the column of his throat. You’re pleased with yourself that you’re the reason he has those marks now. Each bruise you suck on his flesh adds another butterfly to his tummy. He’s all yours now.
“Cum with me, please.”
After a few more thrusts, the pressure within him bursts he cums inside you, filling you with his warm seeds. You climax along with him. Your cunt spasms around his sensitive cock, gushing its arousal, clinging to his happy trail.
You collapse on top of him, your head falling on his shoulder. Leon kisses the top of your head, nuzzling into your hair. You try to get off to clean yourself and Leon up, but arms encircle your waist, preventing you from doing so.
“Stay with me, sweetheart. Don’t want you leaving.”
You comply, laying with him, your skin, sticky with sweat and cum, clings to his as you both enjoy each other’s embrace.
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5K notes · View notes
ririglow · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours | Joe Burrow
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pairings : joe burrow x reader
word count:16k+
genre : best friends to lovers
synopsis: joe has been keeping his distance from you , upon discovering why your friendship changes forever.
warnings: reader being totally oblivious, mentions of slight body dysmorphia, reader has 🧚🏽‍♀️beauty marks🧚🏽‍♀️, Joe being an asshole for like a second, best friends doing couple shit, smut, oral sex (fem receiving), overstimulation, a rushed ending (literally wrote it at 3am),
A/n: finally letting my baby I've been keeping since July 2022 out, it's been well, may you find success 😭 enjoy yall
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From Joey:
Hey, I'm skipping out on movie night. Sorry.
You stare down at your phone with a frown, after re-reading the text for the third time. Making sure you were reading things clearly. Your gaze reflects an aggressive glare. Are you fucking kidding me? He's bailed out on you yet again, you wouldn't be so annoyed if this was his first time canceling. However, recently, Joe has been clearly avoiding you at whatever cost. He has become particularly standoffish with you lately, giving you nearly every excuse in the book when you offer to hang out. If it's not working out, it's a team meeting, and when that's not an option- he says he's "too tired". His excuses were aplenty.
Joe has many attributes, but being a good liar isn't one of them. You knew something is wrong. Feeling very offended, you eventually begged him to hang out with you one day. After all, it's been a while since you two actually spent some time together, a perfect opportunity. But as soon as he showed up at your condo, your plan backfires. The plan for the day you arranged turned into Joe purposely busying himself away from you like the goddamn plague. Giving you halfhearted responses, making sure his attention was everywhere but you the entire time he was there while giving you the cold shoulder, in spite of what? You have no clue. And that is what's been killing you, the reason you're being utterly disregarded is entirely baseless. 
That horrid hangout was last month, and since then you haven't seen and hardly talked to each other up till yesterday when you swallowed down the grudge you were planning on holding and invited him over for a movie night. Something you used to do frequently when you were kids.
Swallowing down the anger and hurt, a moment of worry comes through. If it was any other friend giving you nothing but a buoyancy of discourteousness you would've reciprocated the same energy. Without hesitation. However, this was no ordinary friend. This is your best friend, someone you have known ever since he was merely an awkward preteen that had an obsession with Nickelodeon and Disney. The first and only child you ever knew was when you first moved to Plains Ohio when you were just nine years old. It has always been you and him, the classic two peas in a pod. He saw you pass through every milestone, from having your first crush, to your first experience of heartbreak, and the first time you had fallen and broken a bone on your body at the local neighborhood playground which resulted in eleven-year-old Joe carrying you all the way home crying. 
Just as he was there for you, you were there for him. Throughout all high school, you've been to every single one of his games, basketball or football. When he suffered through his drought at Ohio State you were there giving him encouragement and support. And when the opportunity came for Joe to take his talent down to Louisiana at LSU, you were right there. As well as taking multiple trips to games to support him, as you juggle between school and extracurricular activities. His career progressed into the NFL, and you sat right beside him on his parent's couch cheering him on. You were always there.
Reading his text over yet again you type out a response. 
To: Joey
you've really been a terrible friend lately…if there's something wrong you can tell me 
You watched as the "delivered" text turned into "read at 8:30pm". It wasn't long before the three grey dots appeared showing you that he was typing out a response. Sitting up from your slouched position on the couch, your heart race increases as you imagine all the possible responses to his reasoning for being such a shitty friend. 
This better be a good fucking reason, you thought watching the gray dots appear and reappear again as if he was typing out a whole novel worth. You clicked your phone off and placed it beside you, not wanting to look at the screen any longer, hoping that it will somehow make his response come faster. You wish that he was face to face so you could take a read at his expression, maybe he'll feel guilty that he's treating you like this or angry as he expresses what you might've done to make him act this way.
Eventually, your phone buzzes, and a sigh leaves you as you muster up the courage to open the message. And when you do, your mouth slackens.
From Joey <3
That's certainly not the response you were looking forward to, did he really just send you a one-word—not even a whole word—a one-letter text? Despite being absent in your presence it felt like he had landed the biggest slap on your face, followed by a simple "fuck you". The analogy was a bit drastic, sure but so was his response. It was deceptively simple, though it tells you a lot. 
Your finger itches to hit the call button and give him an earful of scornful remarks. But you decided against it, knowing it would only add insult to injury he's clearly got an issue with you, and instead of being the one who does the chasing, you're going to let him come to you.
"Fuck him." You grumbled, shutting off your phone and tossing it aside with a little more force than usual as if you were imagining it hitting his face. Letting out a pitiful huff you look at the variety of snacks you had gotten scattered on the coffee table, including your best friend's favorites. 
Without giving him another thought, you reluctantly grabbed the bowl of popcorn and turned on the TV. Your movements were sluggish and unintentionally nonchalant, the curiosity was still nagging in the back of your mind. 
What the hell did I do to him?
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"I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong," Mrs. Burrow assures you, a ground rake in her hands as she smooths out the soil bed. You stood in the middle of the miniature garden surrounded by vigorous plants, fruits, and vegetables. After your somber movie night two days ago, your curiosity only grew about Joe's unorthodox behavior. Despite telling yourself you weren't going to go on a wild goose chase for him.
Truth be told, you had too much of an empathic nature about you to give him the cold shoulder right back. As much as you wanted to, that was simply not your character. 
You were his best friend, someone with whom he can tell everything whether it was good or bad. It felt very defective to brush him off aside not knowing if he was undergoing something that was truly difficult. To have a better insight along with some real needed advice, you decide to unleash your complications on Mrs. Burrow, his mom. Hoping to have a clear-cut understanding of what's been going on with her son.
"Has he contacted you since?" She adds, pausing a moment to stick the tool into the ground leaning against it, with one hand on her hip.
You bit your lip, looking off to the side. "He tried to,"
"What does that mean?" She furrowed her eyebrows curiously.
"He texted me yesterday morning and I left it on read." You said almost shamefully as you realize how immature it appears. But you honestly didn't care. If he was going to act petty with you for whatever reason, you were going to do the same with him. "It was only a Spongebob meme, but that's his way of trying to act like everything is okay." You were sure of it.
"You kids are truly something else, I don't like seeing you guys like this." Mrs. Burrow shook her head in disapproval.
"He's the one who started it!" You exclaim, feeling a sense of deja vu of the time when you and Joe were kids and would point the finger at each other about who broke her favorite vase. "Sorry, I'm probably putting you in a really awkward position right now."  You said sheepishly, making your way to the small two-person table and taking a seat with a sigh.
She followed suit taking a seat on the opposite side of you, the rake still in her hands. 
"Honey, you're fine. This is just all so unsuspected." She says.
And you could see why, you and Joe hardly ever had any problems, sure you guys would bicker about something every now and then. But it has never come down to this where one is being hostile towards the other, you could remember the times you were mad at him for no less than two days, let alone have the ability to be disdainful for weeks like he's been with you. 
That's what hurts the most, him allowing himself to be distant without a care in the world, acting as if though it doesn't affect him. Here you were mind going crazy about what he's possibly going through, yet it seems to be he doesn't give two-shits about how you're feeling and concerns right now.
"I don't know what to do," You said, sounding completely defeated, leaning your chin in your palm.
"Maybe you should go talk to him, face to face?" She suggests.
"Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be too terrible." You agreed reluctantly, that had been your next move even though a part of you wanted him to come to you instead.
"So," Mrs. Burrow said with a smile. "I hear you're dating someone."
You let your face light up in surprise at her abrupt mention of your dating life, automatically knowing who informed her. 
"His name is Malik." You told her though you're more for certain that she already knew that.
She let out a hum, before looking at you seriously. "Is he treating you right? I heard he's a bit of a playboy." 
You wanted to roll your eyes, of course, Joe ranted off his hatred for Malik, saying the same shit, yes Malik had his reputation as a playboy back in high school. However, years passed and a lot has changed so much that you didn't even recognize him when you ran into each other at the grocery store, the presumptuous and egoistic high school boy you once knew was now replaced with an amiable and responsible man. Yet you couldn't get Joe to see that, no matter how much you pleaded and begged for him to hear you out about Malik he simply wouldn't listen. 
You still remember the day you told him about the first date you were going on with Malik, angry was an understatement describing how Joe reacted.
Multiple curses fell from your lips, as you stood in front of the bathroom mirror struggling to wrap your thick and luxuriant hair into a neat ponytail. Due to how voluminous your hair is, your hands were insignificant trying to grasp every single strand. This has been a complication with you for as long as you could remember, when your hair is not tamed you would always need a second pair of hands to assist. And those hands would always lead to,
"Joey!" You called out, letting your arms flop down to your sides in defeat. He was supposed to have a lunch date with his friends who were bringing their gfs/wives, not wanting to feel like the oddball he invited you to keep him company. You were supposed to leave twenty minutes ago, and you just knew if you kept taking a chance with your hair it would be hours.
Grasping your brush and two ecstatic hairbands, you left the bathroom.
"Yeah?" His voice sounded muffled coming from all the way downstairs.
You skipped down the stairs and made your way into the living room seeing him sitting on the edge of the sofa, legs spread, with his phone in hand, eyes focused on the screen. 
"Can you help?" You asked, holding up your hands which held the brush and hairband.
Almost immediately he pulls his attention away from his phone to look at you with a small smile. "Sure, c'mere."
Your heart skipped a beat at his attention towards you,  you made your way towards him without saying a word, you handed him the brush and hair band before plopping down on the floor in between his legs. His thick thighs caged you in, barley being covered due to the pink shorts he wore, you were so close to him the scent of his cologne filled your senses. 
This was a bad idea, you thought, feeling him carefully brush your hair. Relishing in his gentle touch, you had been in the position many times before with him helping you with your hair, why does it feel different now? The answer is,  In those times you didn't stupidly develop a crush on him. 
As much as you tried to ignore it, those thousands of butterflies swarming around inside you couldn't be stopped. Or the hopelessly long gazes you found yourself giving him when he wasn't looking. It was incredibly impossible not to fall for him. He's so sweet, considerate, understanding, yet so complex in many things as well as being extremely overprotective. But you didn't care, he wouldn't be Joe if he didn't have all those aspects about him.
A small sigh of content escapes you before you could stop it, due to how engrossed you were into thinking about the man that was generously helping out in doing your hair.
He paused and set the brush aside before grasping both of your cheeks, tilting your head back so you could look at him in an upside down Spiderman kiss way.
"You good?" He asks, his thumb rubbing by your hairline. 
A shiver went down your spine at the seemingly loving gesture. Sometimes you wonder if Joe ever felt an ounce of the same feelings you have for him. But then you remember Joe has always been affectionate and gentle towards you, it wouldn't be right for you to try and make it into something that it's not. 
Giving him a weak smile you nodded your head that was currently being cradled in his large hands. "I'm fine."
"C'mon you can tell me." His eyes twinkled with curiosity at your feeble response.
No you can't, you really couldn't not without dying from shame and embarrassment.
"Really I'm fine" you say , looking deep into his blue eyes a few strands of hair fell down his forehead from him leering over you, your fingers itching to brush it away. 
Joe starts to open his mouth to say something when the phone that was in the front pocket of your shorts began ringing. He removes his hands from your face and settles them back into your hair as you retrieve your phone.
You looked at the caller ID and noticed it said 'Malik' almost immediately you hurriedly pressed ignore in guilt. Here you were sitting in between the legs of your best friend who you have a huge crush on, while the guy that was taking you out on Friday night was calling you. 
"Who's Malik?" Joe asks with a familiar caution in his voice. 
Oh boy, you knew a wave of excessive protection was headed your way. Along with some serious interrogation, after your last not-so-pretty breakup two years ago almost every boy you ever showed interest since then Joe manages to scare them off. These days you won't dare mention a guy that you were seeing in wary of Joe's overprotective tendencies. 
"Malik, ya know from high school? I ran into him at the store two weeks ago, um, we've been talking since," You trailed off, noticing the brushing of your hair was getting slower and slower. You could practically hear the gears turning inside his head. " He wants to take me out on Friday."
"Malik as in, Malik Jack-ass?!" He exclaimed, stopping his movements.
You glanced over your shoulder, his expression was hard to read but you could tell the bits of shock coming from it.
"It's Jackson, and yes." You say, not wanting to refer him to the nickname you and Joe came up with in high school.
"What the hell are you doing talking to him?" The wrinkles between his eyebrows appeared as he looked at you with confusion and annoyance. 
"Because I can? Look, he's not the same Malik from high school okay? He's really changed." You explained.
He lets out a scoff. "And you know that from the amount of time you've been talking to him, which is?"
You hated how he made sense.
"Two weeks," You mumble out, watching Joe throw his hand up in the air in exaggeration. "But, I can just tell he's different now! If he was the same guy back then, I wouldn't last a day talking to him."
"You don't think he still has those same qualities ? People just don't get rid of that shit, that's usually the type of person that they are!" His voice was heavy with fury and his eyes were narrowed. Joe always has a protective effect over you, but you've never seen him express this much anger over a guy you were talking to.
"Whatever Joe, it's not cool to judge people from their past, especially when they were in high school!" You shot back, turning your body back around prompting him to continue with your hair.
"I'm not being judgemental I'm simply taking into consideration the way he's treated girls so he won't do the same to you." He gathers your hair a little roughly and tight forming it into a high ponytail causing you to hold on to his bare thigh for stability as you wince. 
"Ow! Take it easy," You scolded, swatting him on the leg. "And he won't!" You said after he was finished, turning back around to face him, still sitting in between his thighs.
"How would you know? You're not going on the date." He responded,  you gave him a look of bewilderment .
Did you hear that right?
"Excuse me?" You questioned, eyebrows being raised in shock.
"You heard me, I'd be the worst fucking friend ever to let you set yourself up for disaster like that." His jaw was clenched, and you noted the way he said the word 'friend' almost as if he was disgusted to call himself that which confused you a whole lot more.
"You're not acting like my friend, you're straight up acting like my goddamn father right now! Which is so fucking annoying let me do what I want to do Joe, I'm not helpless." You huffed out, due to you being only two years younger than him for as long as you could remember Joe looked at you as if you weren't responsible or competent . He had his reasons to think that, back when you were younger however you needed him to know that you were twenty-three years old, very much capable of handling your own situations and relationships. 
Joe looks at you for what seems like forever with mixed emotions, before letting out a humorless laugh and throwing up his hands as if he was backing off. "Okay, you got it, I'll be sure to refrain from saying "I fucking told you so" when shit doesn't work out the way you wanted it to."
And he was right, things hadn't been working out the way you wanted to, but Malik wasn't the problem—far from it actually, it was you, for the longest you'd been trying to force the feelings you have for Joe to disappear and create something with Malik. Which ultimately made you try to walk in a relationship with only for the convenience it brings. You were content for the time being but you weren't truly over the moon or jumping with joy. All because you couldn't shake off the devotion you have for Joe. In the short time of five months with Malik you've found yourself thinking about him. 
Whenever Malik pulls you into a hug, you couldn't help but to think about Joe's much longer and stronger ones being wrapped around you. When he goes to give you a kiss, you imagine the lips you've been itching to taste for years, being pressed against yours. There was no way around it, and you felt completely horrible knowing Malik didn't deserve any of it. Which is why you ended things with him two weeks ago.
You inform Mrs. Burrow that you were currently single and weren't seeing him anymore. Her face contorts in surprise, with a bit of joy?
"Oh dear, what happened? He didn't do anything, did he?" She asks with concern
"No, it just didn't feel right, I guess." Your words come out in a mumble of shame, knowing you ended a potentially good relationship with someone due to your overwhelming love you have for your best friend who's currently ignoring you.
"Hm, wasn't the kind of guy that you're going for?" She says with a knowing smile, you felt as if her words had a double meaning to them or maybe your detection was off.
"No," You let out a sigh. " He wasn't."
"Does Joe know?" She asked curiously.
"No, don't think he'll care too much anyway." You shrugged.
"You don't know that, it'll probably make his day." She waves her hand dismissively, causing your eyebrows to knit together.
At first, her words confused you, why would Joe be happy? There was no reason for him to be before your realization hits you like a truck. You remember Joe's off Standish behavior when you first brought Malik around him, it was at a small get-together party hosted by your mutual friend from high school, and his displeasure went unnoticed by everyone. You thought it was just his socially awkward persona, but now you are looking back at all the times his mood went black whenever Malik was in his presence. Now that you are in deep thought about it, you realize that the whole time you were with Malik Joe was slowly distancing himself from you. 
Was he still holding his animosity towards your decision to date Malik? 
"I assume you'll be able to make it this weekend though right?" She says, breaking you away from your thoughts.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's going on this weekend?"
"The trip to Hocking Hills," She said. "Joe told me you wouldn't be able to make it because you made plans with Malik."
"I'll try to make it." You told her, depending on how your visit with Joe would go.
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After chatting with Mrs. Burrow for a couple of minutes you finally said your goodbyes and made your way to your car. As you drive down the familiar street of Joe's neighborhood, in preparation for how this unsuspected visit from you will go. You couldn't help but feel nervous, not knowing what the outcome will be. Eventually, you made it to his luxurious townhouse, as you parked behind his Porsche in the driveway you notice an unfamiliar car parked in front of the lawn with the engine running, when you got out and walked up the gravel walkway you glance at the green neon lights in the windshield, squinting your eyes you realize the word 'uber' is branded inside the car.
As you neared the entrance of the home, you went to lift up your hand to knock on the door. But before you could do that, the door swung open revealing not only a shirtless Joe but a girl next to him who made you do a double take due to the fact she was a girl you didn't think Joe would go for, she's a girl who looks just like you.
The sight has you completely baffled, she has your exact physique, along with the same type of full hair, and the same skin complexion. The only thing you notice that's different is her facial features, which helped with noticeable botox. 
Definitely a instagram model, you thought eyes dancing around her entire physique. Her own eyes looked you up and down condescending.
"Did I come at a bad time?" You asked taking a quick glance at Joe noticing his arm wrapped around the girl's waist.
"No you're fine." Joe clears his throat before saying. "This is-"
"Abby! My name is Abby" The girl interrupts give you smug smile as she offers her hand.
You took another look at Joe before bringing your attention to Abby grasping her hand with a tense smile. "Y/n, nice to meet you."
"I didn't know, you were coming over" Joe spoke, his voice laced with surprise and his face burned red as if he'd been caught sticking his hand in the cookie jar.
"Yeah, thought I'd pop up to see how you were doing." You cut your eye at him as you gave him a sarcastic smile.
Abby clears her throat looking between you two, more specifically you as she takes note of your tensed expression as you glare at the man beside her.
"Well, um, I'm gonna head out." Abby spoke, sensing the tension, she turned to Joe and gave him a sly smile. "Call me?"
He struggles to look at her as he replies."I will stay safe."
Abby proceeds to walk out giving you a subtle nod as you watch her walk down the walkway and into the backseat of the Uber, when the car door closes you turn to face Joe with a raised eyebrow. 
"What's that look?" He asks as you step inside, closing the door behind you.
"Nothing, just surprising your dipping your toe into something new." You said turning around to face him, taking in his disheveled appearance. His hair was slightly messy with a few curls dropping down, and his sweatpants hung low. Before you slipped into the depths of a salivating horn ball, you quickly looked away. "Or should I say your dick?"
Joe let out a breathless chuckle, running his hand over his hair multiple times. "What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here?" You mocked, Joe rolled his eyes at your childish answer as he stepped away from the doorway. "The real question is, what's up with your attitude lately?" You follow him out of the foyer and into the living room, where you spot two empty wine glasses. With a frown you turned your attention elsewhere, hating the fact that it was more likely when you were sitting watching horrible movies all night by yourself, Joe was accompanying someone else as you drowned in sorrow from his absence.
"Nothing, I've just been busy." He says looking everywhere but your face as he grabs the glasses from the coffee table and heads to the kitchen. 
"With Abby?" You say, leaning your forearms against the island counter as you watch him place the glasses in the sink. "Is that why you're acting like this?" You questioned again, You couldn't help the bitterness in your tone, from jealousy and anger.
From all the years you've known Joe, you know that he likes to keep his relationships private, and behind closed doors. He has a history of withholding his relationship status for the longest until he suddenly pops up with a girl on his arm randomly. To this day he wouldn't gossip about any girl that he takes interest in, he'd rather keep it to himself. Displaying his romantic life with anyone for Joe was a no-go.
"Acting like what? and no, she's just a friend." He responds, rinsing the glasses. His back was turned to you, showing a clear view of his toned muscular shoulder blades with faint red scratch marks. You managed to force yourself to look away, automatically knowing that his definition of her being a "friend" meant that her role is a casual hookup. 
"A "friend" who you ditched your real friend for?" You questioned shooting daggers at the back of his head, before adding. "Your best friend actually, who had to spend her Friday night alone."
"Is that what this visit is about?" He asked turning around while letting out a small huff when he noticed the small glare upon your pretty features, ignoring the way how cute your nose scrunched up or your soft lips form into a pout. 
"Yes! amongst other things, I want to get clear with you." You answered, relaxing your hostile stare.
He let out a hum briefly looking you up and down before saying. "What is it?"
You stood up straighter fiddling with your car keys in hand. "Are you still mad at me for dating Malik? Is that why you've been trying to be distant?"
The curiosity in you peaked more as you watched him draw back, his demeanor appearing to be flabbergasted, while he battled with himself to give you an answer. You wonder if he was conflicted between telling the truth or giving you a bold face lie.
"No, I'm not mad about your dating life. You are your own person. It's not my place to have a say about who you chose to have in your life." He finally says, after a couple minutes of silence. "You're happy, that's all that matters."
You laughed sarcastically. "You know, that would be so touching if it were true."
"It is the truth!"
"If it is, then why are you being so shitty towards me?" You pressed.
"I have not. You're being ridiculous."
"No, you are. You canceled on me yet again!"
Joe rolls his eyes. "Me canceling your plan to hangout automatically makes me a shitty person? Really?"
"No but doing it consistently and purposely makes you one." You said not understanding how can he not see what you were coming from.
"Oh that's rich coming from you." He chuckles as he shook his head.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"How many times have you canceled out on me to make plans with Malik? Do you see me coming into your home calling you a "shitty person" ? No! So cut all of this bullshit out!" His voice is raised and you could see redness creeping upon his neck.
He was getting angry.
"Are you serious? I have never stood you up for Malik it was always work-related." You look at him in disbelief before chuckling." Every time you find a way to bring him up, that just goes to show me you are acting like this because of him."
For some reason you didn't want to tell him you ended things with Malik. The fact he was willing to be mad at you for your choice to date him and neglect you because of it has you pissed.
He threw his hands up in frustration while letting out a deep sigh. "I'm not doing this with you."
"Doing what?"
"Having an argument. Because I called off on a stupid movie night." He furrows his eyebrows as he stares down at you with annoyance. "Don't you have a boyfriend to do that with any way or was he too busy balls deep in another chick to care?"
You felt a deep ache in your stomach as the words leave his mouth. You were hurt for two reasons: him calling your movie night "stupid" especially since you went all out for it buying his favorite snacks and the fact he couldn't see that you really wanted to spend time with him. Not Malik. Him the man who you're really in love with.
"What's really stupid is that you neglect me because you hate Malik so much!" This time your voice was raised as you glare at him.
"I already told you that's not true I've been busy!" He yells running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Bullshit!" You shouted in return before trying to calm yourself. "Honestly I better go before I say something I regret later."
Joe scoffs while shrugging. "You know where the door is."
You bit the inside your cheek resisting the urge to reach over the counter wrapping your hands around his neck. However, you were never a violent person and couldn't imagine putting your hands on your best friend. So instead without giving him a glance you snatch your keys from the counter muttering under your breath "I hope Abby gave you crabs"
"What did you say?" He asked pushing himself away from the counter. You purposely didn't respond knowing it was one of his biggest pet peeves. As you proceeded to head towards the front door, you could hear his footsteps trailing after you.
"Fine you don't have to tell me, just know I won't be answering your calls or texts!" He shouted after you.
You laughed sarcastically. "Oh what will I ever do without talking to you."
"That's funny considering that's the exact reason you're here right now" He said smugly.
There is no doubt that he has you there, but you cannot allow him to have the final word.
"Unfortunately Malik was unavailable." You shot back .
"Yeah spending time with his other girlfriend I'd assume." Damn he won.
"Shut up!"
"You shut up!"
"Don't tell me to shut up!"
"Just did!"
You would've laughed at the childish banter if you weren't highly annoyed. Leave it to you two to argue like children. Without saying another word you yank the front door opened and proceeded to walk angrily over to your car.
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Joe shut the door loudly with a sigh hearing your car drive away. He hates fighting with you, in fact, he hates anything that causes a frown on your face. And knowing he was the reason made him feel like shit. Of course, when you confronted him about being distant, he knew where you were coming from. You were right he has been pushing you away because of Malik. He felt as if its the right thing to do. It made him sick to his stomach that Malik gets to hold and kiss you the way he's been yearning to do for years. To the point the feeling was becoming overwhelming he needed to stay away. Of course, he feels guilty and a little disgusted with himself to put you in the position of feeling like you've done something wrong.
Especially since it's not your fault he's fallen head over heels for you.
The situation is definitely not easy to be in since he's convinced you for sure don't love him like he loves you. Each day goes by and it feels like the feeling grows stronger and gets deeper. He knows feeling this way will only cause a great deal of trouble. The love continues to evolve whenever you were near even when you two were arguing he felt his heart swell with heavy emotion. There were many times he thought about just blurting out how much he's in love with you however in came that fear of confessing to someone you've been close to and tarnishing the indestructible bond you developed.
In fact he would rather suffer knowing you are smitten by another man , than to not have you as his best friend. He couldn't imagine losing you even though it already felt as if he had the minute you told him you're dating Malik.
Letting out another deep sigh, Joe walked into his living room and plopped down on the couch fishing his phone from his pocket to try and get his mind off you for once. Of course, that didn't go well because as soon as he opened his phone he was met with a picture of the two of you on his lock screen.
The picture was taken by his mom on the day of his 25th birthday when you gifted him a bouquet of peach-colored flowers. He remembers the embrace he pulled you in tightly, the pleasant smell of your natural, earthy, and rich scent as he thanked you. As well, he recalls pulling away when his mom announced that she was taking a picture of you both with her brand-new digital camera. Immediately you jumped up in his arms, and your legs were wrapped sideways around his waist in a hip carry position. No surprise there you were always an intimate hugger, never shying away to hold someone close. Your arms encircled his neck, he could feel his cheek pressing against yours as his right forearm gripped your waist and his left hand held the flowers firmly. You smiled brightly as the camera flashed.
Ultimately it became his favorite photo of you both, mostly because how naturally you two looked so much like a couple.
Additionally, the picture managed to capture his favorite piece of jewelry on you. You received it as a college graduation present from him: a two-piece diamond anklet bracelet. The idea of him spending a large amount of money on something so small on you was something you absolutely didn't want to accept at first. It seems you never take it off now, which he really enjoys.
A caller ID soon took over his screen interrupting his gaze. He answers it without hesitation.
"Hey Mom, what's up?" He said.
"Nothing much just finished making your father and I's lunch." Said Mrs.Burrow. "You know Mrs. Elwood from down the street? The nice lady that used to give you and y/n's those gigantic candy bars? Poor thing fell down the stairs."
"Really? That's terrible. Is she okay?" Joe furrowed his eyebrows in concern.
"She suffered a broken hip unfortunately but other than that she's fine. Luckily her daughter was visiting and immediately called 911. So she's currently in the hospital right now, maybe you and y/n can visit her ?" She tells him.
He stayed silent for a moment not knowing if he should tell his mom about the argument he'd just had with you.
"Joe? Hello?"
"Yeah, Ma I'll see." He murmurs picking at the loose thread of his sweatpants. With ample opportunity he'll visit he just wasn't so sure you'll both go together.
"Honey are you okay? you sound a bit down when you picked up the phone." She could immediately detect the sourness in his tone.
"Me and Y/N kinda gotten into an argument." He blurts out, knowing there was no way he could get away from his mom's intuition.
There was silence on the other end for a minute. Now it was Joe's turn to call out. "Mom you there?"
"I'm here, just thinking what in god's name is going on with you two. "
"I don't know mom, she came over bringing up the fact I'm not being a good friend to her." He explains. "Then it escalated from there."
"Was it a really bad argument?"
He shook his head as if she could see him. "No. It was just ridiculous. Her argument completely stems from the fact I didn't join her for movie night."
"And why didn't you?" His mom asked curiously.
"I've been busy." Joe said defensively.
"With what?"
"You know working out, training camp is in a couple weeks. Umm—" He stops to think of any other things he was currently doing which wasn't much.
"Here I'll finish it for you, avoiding my best friend because I'm in love with her and I don't like the fact that she's dating someone." She said in a mocking deep voice.
"What?! That's exactly what you're doing Joey. And you are breaking her heart in the process." She scowls. "This method of trying to make your feelings go away is not doing you any good. You need to tell her how you feel now is a perfect time."
"How is now the perfect time mom? pretty sure she's got me on her block list." He said while rolling his eyes and he wasn't kidding he knew you can get petty like that.
"For one she's coming on the trip-" His mom started to say but what cut off.
"Mom I already told you she can't make it." He huffs out sinking deeper into a grumpy mood remembering why you're not going. Fucking Malik Jack-ass's birthday since when did you actually give a shit? he swears he never thought he'd see the day.
"Yeah, when she was dating that Malik guy," Robin says and he could practically see the smirk on her face.
"What do you mean?" He asks incredulously. There was a tugging in his heart as his mind process her words. What does she mean by "was dating"? He was certain you were still seeing Malik and you weren't going on the trip.
"I mean Romeo, your girl is single and she's making it to the trip this weekend."
He felt as if ice-cold water have been thrown on him. Millions of questions were running rapidly in his head. You and the Jack-ass broke up? Since when? Why didn't you tell him?
Before he could utter out another word his mom continues to clarify.
"I talked to her earlier when she came over pretty upset by you and told me during our conversation." She adds.
"What? why didn't she tell me?" Joe now felt bad and concerned as to what the hell might've happened between you and Malik.
"She said you probably wouldn't care considering the way you're acting toward her."
If he felt bad before, he now feels like shit. It was a fight between happiness and having pins and needles stick him repeatedly. Before he can do any internal celebrating he needs to know if you were distraught in any kind of way. No matter how long he waited for this day to come he couldn't be happy with himself knowing you were undergoing heartbreak.
"Did she say why?" He said carefully his mind racing with all the possibilities of why you two would break up; Did the old Malik show up? Was he not giving you the amount of attention you deserve?.
"Just that he wasn't the guy she was going for," Robin said reassuringly she knew how passionate Joe was about you. " Don't worry she said he didn't do anything bad, they ended things on good terms."
With that, Joe finds himself at ease but only for a bit, he couldn't fully relax unless he hears it from you directly face-to-face. He wants to know you're not sugar-coating anything in protection for Malik because God knows how badly he's been wanting an excuse to punch him square in the face. Joe was never a fighter by no means but when it comes to his love he wouldn't hesitate to protect.
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You hated packing.
Mostly because you were terrible at it. In the past you overpacked so much you felt ridiculous, now you're scrambling around trying to limit the number of outfits and necessities. You tried to make it a thought process but ultimately threw in what you felt is necessary. With a huff, you zipped your travel bag not feeling entirely satisfied you knew once you get to the resort you'd forgotten something. For a moment you thought about not actually going, the argument with Joe still had you in a sour mood best friends or not there's no way you'll enjoy being in his presence for three whole days. But despite that, you knew you couldn't leave Robin in the lurch especially after giving your word.
Halfway through you gathering your items, three loud knocks were heard at the door. Furrowing your eyebrow you checked your phone to see who could be possibly stopping by, but nothing. There wasn't any new text messages and the last person you to talk with was Robin telling her you were still getting ready.
Your feet padded along the carpeted floor toward the door, and curiosity peaked until it didn't. Standing there dressed in a white tee and white hoochie daddy shorts, is Joe practically towering over you.
Immediately your eyebrows were pulled down as you eyed him." What are you doing here?"
"You look nice." He said, looking over your appearance. Nice being an understatement, you looked beautiful, he thank God for the heatwave Cincinnati was currently experiencing because if it weren't for that you wouldn't be standing there in a mini floral print lace dress. You never really wore dresses or anything that showed off your body casually, always finding comfort in baggy stylish clothes. You've always preferred to rather leave something to the imagination. That's one of the things he loves about you.
"Thanks." You mumble, tugging at the cropped cardigan even though it was almost crossing over to 90 degrees outside. Despite the compliment, you still kept your tone cold. "Now are you going to answer my question?"
"Can I come in first? I brought lunch." He helped up a bag in his hand that you didn't notice before.
You contemplate for a minute eyes darting between him and the bag, which has the logo of your favorite restaurant on it. He's trying to butter me up, you thought getting a whiff of the fresh food.
Without saying a word you step aside, you told yourself you were only doing this because you missed out on breakfast. Like knowing the back of his hand Joe navigates through your condo and into your living room. He set the food bag on the coffee table before sitting on the curved sectional sofa. There his expression flicker to something unreadable as he makes eye contact with you.
"Why are you showing up here unannounced?" You asked while taking a seat in your lounge chair.
"Like you did with me a couple days ago?" He raised an eyebrow at you, his tone wasn't irritated or vexed but rather amusing in fact if you weren't mistaken he seem to be in a good mood. A certain glow in his demeanor catches your attention. His overall presence felt relaxed and less annoyed the opposite of what you've seen for months now.
Abby probably lifted up his mood this morning The thought left a bitter feeling in your chest and for that, it made your glare towards him even harder.
Joe notices your harsh stare and chuckles finding it rather cute, of course, he knew you were rightfully mad at him but he couldn't help it your angry faces were never intimidating in the slightest. "Would you stop pouting? you're gonna get wrinkles by the time you hit thirty."
"You still haven't answered my question as to why you are here." You started crossing your legs as well as your arms.
"Maybe if you hadn't blocked my number, you would know." He said reaching into the bag and pulling out the take-out containers. The fresh smell had your stomach grumbling and mouth-watering
"Well, you did say not to call or text." You shrugged. "I was just making it easier for you."
"It isn't. Believe me, not exactly a good day if I don't hear from you. " He sighs. His voice sounded soft and gentle you'd never heard him speak like this before. As soon as his pale blue eyes met yours, you instantly felt a tickling sensation at the pit of your stomach as if millions of butterflies were crowded in one tiny room.
He looks at you with so much....love? no, It can't be. You wanted to scoff at your own delusions of course you would mistake his happy mood for something that's not that there.
Clearing your throat and breaking away from his eyes. "Are you going to answer my question?"
"Do I have to? C'mon, you know we always ride together whenever we go on a trip." Joe didn't care how mad you were at him, there's no way you could break a tradition like that.
"Who says I'm going on the trip?" You said nonchalantly. Though you had a pretty good idea of who it was that told him.
He rolled his eyes. "My mom told me. But you already knew that, so would you stop being stubborn?"
You expected him to elaborate more on what Robin told him specifically about the fact why you weren't seeing Malik anymore but it never came.
You raised an eyebrow while scoffing. "Forgive me for not wanting to be stuck in the car you."
"Look, I know you're still mad at me and for that I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you the best way I know how."
"By giving me food?" You quirked an eyebrow while accepting the container he handed off to you.
He chuckles showing off a duchenne smile. "Well I don't know anything other than food that will make you forgive me."
Your love and affection
a kiss maybe ?
"Coughing up Tee's number didn't cross your mind?" You half-joked. If you weren't stupidly in love with your best friend Tee would definitely be the guy you'll try to go for. He's so sweet and smells good every time you're around him.
Joe instantly loses his smile as he looks at you irritated. Making you laugh out loud. You don't know why, but it amuses you when Joe always felt strange at the thought of you with someone from his team. In fact, he told you it would feel similar, liking one of his blood brothers. "No, It didn't. It never will."
"Don't worry, I'll get it out of you somehow." You assured.
"Good luck with that." He says, shaking his head.
"I'm guessing you're not going to leave until I agree to ride with you, huh?" You inquired as you observed him comfortably lean back into the sofa. He took up the majority of the space, sitting there with his legs wide open and one arm stretched out.
God, you were supposed to be mad at him. But him sitting there looking like that your grudge is becoming fruitless.
"You guessed right. I'm not leaving here without you." He clarifies keeping his eyes trained on you. His gaze has been possessing since the moment he walked in. You heart skips a beat it was a look you certainly wasn't used to coming from him.
Lord give me strength. You thought while swallowing as you focus your attention back on your food.
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The humming engine and music faintly played in the background filled the silence in the car. As Joe drove along the highway, one hand on the wheel, the other was picking at his lip. It's about an hour into the ride, and you have yet to indulge in a full conversation with him, only talking in a monotone, giving him occasional one-worded responses, and even answering with "k". He knew you were on some petty payback plan and had every right to be. Back at your condo, he thought maybe the food he'd bring will soften you up to him and it did, but only for a moment. As soon as you two hit the road, you were disconnected from him. Now he was left feeling pretty angsty, never have you two been on a quieter ride in your entire life, especially on a road trip. He really fucked up. With a sigh, he took snuck a peek at you and was met with the most endearing sight.
As your head rested against the window, hands crossed and eyelids hanging low, you stared ahead dazed. Sleep was just a few seconds away. Soft puffy lips he'd dreamt of kissing so many times were slightly parted. The wind that was coming through the window was blowing you long coils all around, you looked ethereal. And even more so in that dress, he wonders if Malik ever had the chance to see you in it or if was he the first person to witness such beauty. Sundresses were never your go-to summer fit so probably.
He came to the realization that you had taken off your sweater and that the strap of your dress had fallen off your shoulder revealing more of the swell of your breast. That's when he saw them. Tiny parallel streaks of thinned glossy skin printed on the slope of your breast. Stretch marks. He'd heard you complain about them to your girlfriends over the phone one time calling the marks ugly.
How so wrong you were. He felt they made you more enticing. Lifelike even. They were an everyday beauty of something he'll like to see often. Striking and heavenly just like you.
The sound of a loud horn pulls him away from his stare.
"Shit!" He cursed loudly placing both hands on the wheel as the angry driver of the semi-truck blew their horn again.
You jerked up in surprise a shriek left your lips as the car narrowly avoid contact.
"Jesus! Joey are you trying to kill us?!" You shouted, heart, feeling like it was ready to burst from your chest.
"Sorry, I kind of spaced out." He replied. His face beat red not sure if it was from almost crashing or the embarrassing fact that you were the reason he was distracted. You were quite literally going be the death of him.
"You're red." You stated with a frown of concern. "Are you okay? Do you want me to drive?"
"No! I'm fine, really." He clears his throat keeping his eyes forward. "Just the heat is getting to me I guess."
The window was immediately rolled up and you reached for the console control panel, where you tapped the ventilation system and selected 'fast air conditioning' without saying a word.
It was something any normal person would do if they were in the middle of a heat wave, however, since he knew you always preferred to have your window down. He didn't bother turning on the air.
Silence filled the car for the next few minutes with Joe's attention fully on the road with a faint smile.
You notice. "What's that grin for?"
"You called me Joey."
"And?" You said wanting him to elaborate more.
"That means you aren't mad at me anymore. Whoohoo!" He cheered taking one hand off the wheel to reach over and enthusiastically shake your shoulder.
Your tongue poked the inside of your cheek trying not to smile at his over-the-top celebration. "Yeah, well, after nearly experiencing death I thought maybe holding a grudge isn't the best way to go out."
"Now who's the one being dramatic? We weren't going to die I had it under control."
"Lost in your thoughts so much you almost crashed is having it under control?" You raised an eyebrow watching him struggle to answer. "What were thinking about anyway?"
You, as always. He thinks.
"How much you were right about me." He says and then fell silent.
He could practically hear the gears in your head turning.
"What do you mean?"
Taking a deep breath his gaze remains on the road. " I didn't like the fact you were with Malik. "
"Why?" Your tone had a sense of hopefulness to it as if you were expecting him to say something.
"Because," He paused thinking over the next words that were going to leave his mouth before continuing to say. " I was stuck into thinking he was the same person from high school and I didn't want my best friend with someone who would hurt her in the end."
Joe missed the way your face dropped with disappointment.
"Well, he didn't."
"I heard. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Other than the fact I'm back to square one, I'd say I'm feeling fine." You said bitterly crossing your arms.
"Don't sweat it, the right one will come." He said.
You scoff. "Easy for you to say, you got people flocking to you left to right."
"Oh, and you don't?Superbowl girl" Joe teased.
You groaned out loud at him referring to the time you went viral for attending the Superbowl the camera broadcast you for millions to see for five seconds. Within a short period of time, you gained followers and thirsty users in your direct messages. For some reason, people thought you were attractive at that moment looking concerned for Joe as he lay on the ground withering in pain.
"You just had to bring that up." You said shaking your head with a smile.
Joe's chuckle erupts throughout the car. " I'm just saying I'm not the only one here whose dms looks like a thirst fest."
A laugh left your lips and he felt his heart swell. Even your laugh was beautiful. It was light and laced with amusement.
"You were right too you know." He looks over at you in confusion causing you to elaborate more. "Things didn't turn out the way I wanted."
"Like I said, don't sweat it. They will soon enough."
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You and Joe continued joking, laughing, recalling nostalgic memories for the rest of the ride until you eventually arrived at a modern style lodge cabin. It wasn't over the top luxurious or anything but you can tell that it's sleek and spacious while still having a cozy atmosphere. With the car parked, you immediately got out and stretched while Joe circles around the car to retrieve the bags out the trunk.
"This looks peaceful." You comment looking at the cabin. The mellow glow of the evening sunset made it look extra harmonious.
"And isolated," Joe adds with a sigh.
"Sounds like you got a problem with that." You began to head for the walkway up to the cabin.
"I do." He says walking alongside you toward the entrance of the lodge each hand carrying his and your travel bag. "Easier for us to get killed. Next time I'm picking where we go, not my mom."
"I'll be sure to tell her that." You said in a sly tone.
"Don't you dare." He warned cutting his eye over to you.
Before you could say anything else the front door opens abruptly revealing Joe's mom in all her glory. A smile on her face when she spots you two climbing up stairs of the porch.
"Finally you both are here, I was afraid you guys got lost or something." She said ushering you both in.
Upon entering you were met with a bright and open generous space, with high ceiling and cedar wood construction walls. The entrance of the cabin is connected to the kitchen which is sleek and spacious. It also smelt of Joe's mom infamous meatloaf that has your stomach rumbling. From where you were standing you could into the grand living space that features a dramatic stone fire place and floor-to-ceiling windows. Next door is a formal dining area with the view of the back patio. If you had the option to live here you would gladly take it.
"We almost did. Since someone wanted to tell me about a shortcut they seen on Google maps." Joe not so subtly cut his eye over to you.
"You took that wrong turn,not me." You shot back remembering the moment of frustration when he misheard the direction he was given.
"And let's not forget we wouldn't be standing here at all because someone wanted to daydream behind the wheel." You added.
"What?!" His mom turn her head in direction.
"It was nothing I had it under control." Joe said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
"Jesus, you know what next time we are all going in one vehicle."
"Speaking of next time, he said that you-"
"Ahem!" Out of nowhere Joe started to fake cough uncontrollably.
"You okay honey?"
"Yeah m'fine." He said clearing his throat. You wheeze out a chuckle that didn't go unnoticed by Joe who squints his eyes in your direction when his mom turned her back.
"Well anyway, your father and brothers went out to grab firewood for the firepit tonight. I'll show you both your room so you guys can get settled in." She says walking out the kitchen.
You didn't miss the way she said "room" instead of rooms and apparently Joe didn't either,
"We're sharing a room?"
"Yeah, when I initially thought y/n wasn't going I ended up booking a cabin that fit all of us."
You hated the way your stomach flutter with excitement and nervousness. Sharing a room with Joe was frequent when you were younger was easier and less nervous now as you are a full grown adult with feelings It feels like a dream and nightmare at the same time.
His mom lead you both to the other side of the house , passing the spiral stairs you thought you were going in the direction of. Instead she stops at the only bedroom located in the back of the house on the first level.
"Okay here we are!" She exclaims opening the door revealing a spacious rustic bedroom with wooden ceiling and walls, two large floor-to-ceiling windows faced the direction of the lake. You would've admired it more if the only bed in the room didn't capture your attention.
A faint ding of a timer goes off in a distance.
"That must be my dinner rolls. Get settled in you two!" A smile was thrown your way before she rushes out the room her kitten heeled sandals clicks loudly against the hardwood floor.
There was a pregnant pause as Joe silently walks over to the cushion storage bench to set your bags down. You examine more of the room, specifically to busy yourself from acknowledging the big fat elephant. For the life of you it felt like you couldn't tame your racing heart, sharing a bed with Joe was the last thing you needed in order to get rid of your feelings for him. There's no way you'll be able to get through the night.
"Looks like we got our own bathroom." Joe spoke, snapping you away from your racing thoughts.
You turned in his direction to see him walking inside the adjacent bathroom. Oddly enough you notice he didn't mention anything about the single bed. Clearly it wasn't a big deal for him and it should put you at ease however it raised even more questions. Is he expecting you to protest? Look for another place to sleep?
"Really? That's cool." You said trying to appear nonchalant as possible.
When he steps out the bathroom you see him look at the bed with a grimace. "Nope, absolutely not."
You felt like your heart fell down to your stomach in despair. It was because of you isn't it? Of course he doesn't want to share a bed with you he probably feels weird.
"What is it?" You asked in a quiet tone, pretending to take interest in the outside world.
He clearly sees you has someone who he didn't want to be that close and intimate with.
"It has too many pillows."
You looked over and he was right; the king size bed were mostly filled with different sizes of pillows. Before you knew it he began to toss some of them at the foot of the bed.
"Is that necessary?"You asked standing near the opposite side of the bed.
"There going to end up on the floor anyway seeing that m' gonna be dealing with a wild sleeper tonight." He said with a teasing smile.
"I am not a wild sleeper." You said in denial.
"Sure," He sarcastically rolling his eyes.
"Well, you snore so I'll be dealing with that."
"What? No I don't."
"Do, too. You snore like your dad whenever he nods off in his comfy chair." You laughed.
He slowly licks his lips before pressing them together as an attempt to hide his smile and keep a straight face.
"Take that back right now."
"Nope. You sound exactly like this—" You said before mimicking the obnoxious loud sounds you once heard coming from him.
Seemingly out of nowhere he makes his way around the bed launching for you, quick. A shriek left you as he got a hold on you his hands latches their way to your sides fingers wiggling alongside your ribcage. Immediately bubbly laughter left you as you tried to get away not prepared the way his fingers danced around your weak spots.
"Joey! Stop!" You laughed as you fall laying on your back on the bed.
"Take it back." He playfully scolded. His hand moves down towards your stomach the place where he knows you're the most sensitive.
"You know I haven't given these to you for awhile so you've asked for it now." He chuckles as you try to capture and stop his hands.
"W-wait, hold on!" You yell out rolling on to your sides as you try to move away. The fact that you could very well be revealing everything that underneath your dress wasn't a factor in that moment.
All you could think about the sensations you were experiencing and Joe's laugh in the air mixed with yours.
He began to tickle all over your neck and collarbone, your hands struggled to capture him in order to stop his movements. Soon you broke out in silent laughter. Tears forming at the corner of your eyes at the intensity of his tickles.
"S-s-stop it Joey!" You said in between giggles.
"Or what?" He taunts, pausing his movements.
"You really don't want to know." Your voice was giggly and non-threatening whatsoever.
"Oh yeah?" He said before his hands went back to work.
Your reaction is immediate, a shriek of laughter fell from your lips, legs flailing up causing your dress to rise more likely flashing Joe but you didn't care as you tried to pry his fingers away. 
"Oh,my god. I can't breathe" You said.
He laughed. "Yes you can. Just say sorry and I'll stop."
"Wait,stop, joey."
"That's not sorry." He said.
"Okay! I'm sorry!" You gave in, just as his hand went to your thigh to continue the torture. Tiny droplets of tears rolled down your cheeks, which were weakly wiped away as you were still on the high of laughter.
As he hovers over you on the bed, his hands stop. While catching your breath, you realized the position you were in. Joe was on top of you with one leg caged in between yours, his small diamond chain dangling in front of your face. Relax, calm yourself. Even though you were telling yourself to refocus, that was easier said than done. Because as soon as your eyes met his, the same look he had given you at your condo appears yet again. The same covetous gaze you tried to justify.
He's staring at you like he wants you. Does he want me? You wondered full of hope.
Your heart will stop when he says what he says next.
"You have the most beautiful smile."
You've been complimented before by Joe. However, it has never been done with so much passion and desire. It was shocking and exciting. Especially from someone you never would've thought would speak to you that way. That someone who is your best friend.
But a friend just wouldn't look at you in the way he is now.
"Um, uh, thanks." You stammered out.
He smiles sheepishly. " Hope m' not making you feel weird."
With his large frame leering over you with his arms propping himself up on either side of your head along with that look. Feeling weird wouldn't even be on the list of the thing you're experiencing right now.
"You're fine." You said getting warm.
He opens his mouth to say something but the sound of loud voices could be heard down the hall. The sound of his dad and brothers voices.
Immediately he gets up as you follow suit adjusting your dress which had risen up quite high.
"I'm gonna go see if they need help with the firewood." He said before abruptly leaving the room quite flustered himself and was looking everywhere but you.
As the day progressed, you and Joe were in a state of awkwardness and uncertainty. As a result, you had allowed yourself to ignore the obvious tension and converse with his family throughout dinner. You couldn't help but glance at Joe, who was already staring at you before quickly averting his gaze elsewhere. However awkward it may have been for you, you can't now deny that he was at least attracted to you.
It had your head spinning and heart skipping. Yet you couldn't help but to feel confused as to why. Was it the dress? Or did he got caught up in the moment? The questions were embedded within your mind later on in the evening when you found yourself sitting around the fire, everyone was stuffed from dinner and delicious pumpkin pie all except Joe who is on his second serving of the dessert. Voices and laughter overbearing the crackling of the fire as you sat silent enjoying the nature and atmosphere around you.
You were brought out your thoughts by soft weight being layed upon your exposed shoulders.
"Hey, cover up with this ,honey it looks like your freezing." You turn your head to Joe's mom wrapping a chunky knit blanket around you.
"Thank you." You said in relief, she was right with the temperature drastically dropping down your thin dress was fruitless against the night weather. "Whatcha got there?"
"A guide of all the things we can go to and do tomorrow" She said taking a seat next to you in the empty camp chair a small pamphlet in her hand. "There's a winery and flower farm I think would be great to visit."
"That seems fun." You would actually agree to go anywhere, it hasn't even been an entire day yet you could feel yourself catching cabin fever already.
"Oh! I meant to ask if you were comfortable with the room situation? If you're not I can always make one of these goofballs room with each other." She gesture towards Joe and his brother who were joking around with each other.
"I don't mind it." You said and immediately cringing at how fast you answered.
"Good, maybe this be will your opportunity to confess your feelings to him ." She blurted out.
Your head whipped in her direction so quick you were surprised it didn't snap. "W-what?"
" The looks were giving at him during dinner alone gives it away, honey."
You wanted to be mendacious and deny. Though it would be pointless as one, you wouldn't come across as believable and two, she wouldn't buy it either way. To be cautious you took a glance in Joe's direction he was still engrossed in his conversation with his brother, it brought you a huge relief he didn't hear anything that was said. You would've probably died from embarrassment.
"It's that obvious huh?" You said with chuckle.
"He feels the same way to you know." She says casually. "You guys just needs to stop dancing around before it hurts you both."
"I don't want to risk ruining our friendship." You muttered, staring ahead at the fire. You knew your friendship is valued and didn't want it to end because you misinterpreted things with Joe.
"He is very attached to you, so I don't think that will happen."
Before you could utter another word a droplet falls from the sky and lands on your cheek followed by another. Soon came the sound of pounding thunder in a distance. Everyone immediately got up from their seats and began to scramble inside. Once you were away from the rain it seem everyone went their separate ways to call it a night.
After saying goodnight to Joe's parents you and him both proceeded to head towards your shared room. The room you'd been given that has one bed. There wasn't a single word uttered once you entered the room and has you walked over to your bag to fish out your pajamas which is a oversized looney tunez t-shirt gifted by the man himself and a pair of pajamas pants....which is not packed. Your eyes widened, the pajamas pants you were sure you packed weren't there.
You searched frantically in the bag hoping you may have overlooked but came up empty handed, except your underwear and t-shirt. God this is going to be awkward.
"What's wrong?" Joe asked taking off his shoes as a distressed sigh leaves your lips.
"Nothing I just forgot something." You mumbled out quickly going inside the bathroom to do your nightly routine.
Another deep sigh left you when you shut the door behind you and turned on the lights. The bathroom is fairly spacious with an elegant rustic style that goes along with the rest of the cabin. Typical personal care products and essentials are splayed throughout. When you got finished admiring you walked toward the huge walk-in shower. You knew the water controls would cause you a headache just by looking at it. And it did after several attempts of learning you finally got to your right temperature and soon as you stepped in before shutting the glass door the heated water soon soothes your tense muscles. The Steam rose to the ceiling clouding above your head, and the sweet fragrance of your body wash filled the space around you as you gently rub it against your skin.
As you got lost lathering your thoughts began to drift to the conversation you had with Joe's mom.
He feels the same way too you know
No, you in fact don't know, aside from the moment earlier you don't ever remember Joe looking at you with any interest.
It was hard to not take Joe's mom's word though. Especially since she's the person who knows him well and through. Now you started to question his real reason for disliking Malik. Was he just jealous the entire time? Just the thought made you happy and feel lightheaded.
You begin to hum to try to take your mind off the speculation and forced yourself to think of something else.
Finally, after what felt like forever, you turned the shower off and stepped onto the fluffy mat. You quickly dried off and lather your body before slipping on your underwear and t-shirt. Sighing, you glanced in the massive rectangular mirror, mentally wincing at how the shirt came down to your mid-thigh. Fingers brush over the tiny stretch marks that are splayed on the side of your thighs. Deep down, you knew nothing was wrong with them and that it was natural and inevitable. But you couldn't help to think about Joe's reaction to them. Would he find it strange?
You shook your head mentally scolding, hating yourself for getting sprung over what a man thinks of your body. No matter who it is, you were raised better than that.
When you emerged from the bathroom along with steam. You find Joe sitting down on the end-of-a-bed bench with a full bowl of popcorn and a remote in his hand as he stares at the TV. He turns his head in your direction when he sees you walk past him swiftly to put your discarded clothes away.
"What's all this?" You asked after zipping your bag, gesturing toward the bowl.
"Isn't it obvious? I owe you a movie night." He says quite proudly.
"Hm , I thought it was stupid?" You said tugging down the shirt as you walk over to the bed.
"What I said was stupid" He shakes his head. "I'm doing this as a part of making it up to you."
There goes that look again....
"So what do you have in mind?" You climb on the bed careful not to flash your underwear and layed by the end of the bed flat on your stomach.
"I was thinking you pick while I'm in the shower?" He holds out the remote for you to take which you gladly did.
"Don't mind if I do." You muttered, immediately going to horror. It was the perfect setting a horror movie night anyway, deserted cabin, heavy rain and thunder.
"No horror movies!" He adds standing up and getting ready to head into the shower.
"Scaredy cat." You called out right as the bathroom door shuts behind him.
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Thirty minutes later, Joe returns from the steamy bathroom with just sweatpants and a towel drying his wet hair. In the same position, he spots you laughing at your phone most likely at a tiktok video . Your eyes caught his gaze and you sit upright turning off your phone. He gulps suddenly becoming nervous, it's been awhile since you've shared a room and the first time to actually share a bed together. For the longest he's dreamt of this. The love he has for you is too strong to ignore the situation and act like everything is fine.
"Superbad or The Hangover?" You asked keeping your eyes on him as he got situated on the bed next to you.
He ponders for a second before saying. "Um, Superbad, haven't seen that one in awhile."
The wind continues to howl as the rain pours down harshly outside when you press play. He pretends not to notice the brush of your elbow, despite being in a fairly large bed you two were in close proximity both sitting up with your backs on the headboard. In his peripheral vision, he secretly stares at your side profile looking for any sign of discomfort about the fact your lying in the same bed. Instead he sees you focused on the TV laughing without a care in the world. Your relaxed state automatically makes him feel the same way. No big deal. It's just like sleeping by himself, and he's willing to pretend he's alone. Yet how can that be possible when he is in fact not alone and is joined by you—the person he's head over heels for in just a t-shirt? No doubt it will be a challenge.
"That was you in high school." You nudged him before pointing towards the screen which splayed Michael Cera's character Evan awkwardly talking to Becca.
He scrunches his nose. "I'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that."
"Am I wrong though? Remember Emily Robinson from study hall?" You questioned with a teasing smile adorned on your face. "She pretty much threw herself you at every given chance and you were totally oblivious. "
"The opposite is true, I wasn't oblivious." He said with honesty.
Confusion filled your eyes as you furrowed your eyebrows. "What? You're lying!"
"I promise you I'm not." He chuckles throwing his hands up in defense. " I knew she liked me, I just didn't know how to tell her off."
As you shake your head, you exclaim, "Oh, that's so hard to believe."
"And why's that?"
"That's the case with virtually every girl who shows interest in you."
He shrugs. "Or who knows maybe it's because I'm always looking at someone else."
"That's a possibility." You said in a quiet tone completely unaware how he looked at you while saying that.
The irony of teasing him about his obliviousness and failing to see how deeply in love he is with you is quite funny. Outside eyes are already taking notice of what is happening. Why couldn't you? She's waiting for you to make the first move his mother would say and he prays to god she's right.
For the rest of the night you spent watching a couple more films as the storm outside turns into light drops of rain. It was 2am when you both decided to finally call it a night, after flickering off the TV you cautiously tucked yourself underneath the covers Joe is currently under. There's a generous amount of space between you as you faced away from each other, tension arises as the only sound in the room is the plattering of the rain.
By a slight whisper you wished him a goodnight.
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As your body rolls over yet again for the millionth time, you let out a frustrated sigh. Sleep seemed so close yet so far away. You've tried practically every method from counting sheep over the fence to creating fake scenarios, all of which include the man sleeping next to you. And still nothing . This type of restless night drives you crazy, sleeping in an unfamiliar setting causes this and because you can't help but to still process you're sleeping in the same bed as Joe, so your mind couldn't help but wonder.
You kicked majority of the blankets off your body hoping that some coolness would ease your mind into exhaustion. Again, nothing. Feeling completely hopeless you sat up, eyes looking around as if you could make out anything in the pitch darkness the only thing that's visible is the alarm clock on the nightstand that reads 3:30am.
Movement beside you caught your attention as Joe rolls over on his stomach. You couldn't distinguish which direction his head was turned as you laid back down as an idea came to you.
It's worth a shot, hopefully he'll take pity on you.
"Joey?" You whispered.
No response of course, you said it so low you practically mouthed it. You were still debating on whether you should wake him up or not. It's selfish and quite frankly inconsiderate you know this. Especially since you're ruining someone else's good night sleep for you own gain. But you're desperate and can't go to sleep so you call out his name again a bit more louder.
"Joey?" This time you reach over to softly poke at his bare shoulder. Since when did he take off his shirt?
"Yeah?" He responds , in a voice that sounds nothing like he'd just been woken up.
"Are you awake?" You ask , dumb question. Of course he's awake, sounds like he's been up this entire time.
A slight chuckle comes from him. "No, I'm asleep."
"How long have you been up?" You mumbled.
"Since you start fidgeting"
So about an hour. Damn.
"Sorry , I can't go to sleep." You said sheepishly.
Suddenly, there is silence and you believe he has fallen asleep until you feel him shift closer to you. Your back is facing him, and you are so glad it was because you got flustered instantly. He lifted the blankets up and said softly. "C'mere"
Well fuck, there's no way you're going to be getting any sleep tonight.
Without saying a word you shift under his arms, his bare chest pressed against your back as you got situated. A sigh of content escapes you as Joe practically engulfs you in his embrace. He feels so warm,big,and strong. His arm pulls you in tighter which you had no problem with. This is definitely not what best friends do.
What is this?
"Are you comfortable?" He asked you could feel his lip on the shell of your ear and the urge to turn around to lock lips is strong.
Swallowing thickly you nod your head. "I am, didn't think you're the cuddle type Joey."
"M'not but I know you are." He says.
That's true. Almost everyone knows you're a fan of cuddles, so much in fact you sleep with a body pillow at home.
"Well, thank you." You said in a way to be grateful as you trace over the multiple prominent veins on his hand in front of you. You wished to see the size comparsion to your hand and his but you could feel it. So big just like the entirety of him.
You weren't blind you'd seen how Joe has grown into his muscular frame since the Superbowl, the countless workouts really pays off as his arms and chest became more defined. Which you are more than lucky enough to be currently cradled in. Reality hits hard at the situation. Joe is cuddling you right now, full on koala hugging you from behind. You always wondered was it'll be like to be smothered in his arms, close to his body, you never thought you'd see the day.
During your enjoyment of mindlessly playing with his hand, you can feel his heart beating against your back. As if he were nervous or scared. As you furrow your eyebrows, you open your mouth to ask him what's wrong when he grabs your hand and laces it with his.
"I need to tell you something." He says quietly, gripping your hand with firmness.
You tilted your head in his direction with concern. "Everything okay?"
"Not really." He chuckles slightly but it was far from sounding amusing, it was more of a nervy laugh. "You know, I care about you alot. We've been friends since forever and what I'm about to say could possibly ruin that."
"What are you—?"
"I lied earlier," He interrupts causing you to frown.
Lied about what?
"In the car, I told you I was being distant because I didn't want Malik to break your heart." He swallowed heavily, before continuing, "That wasn't entirely true. I just didn't like seeing you with him...or with anybody else."
Time seemed to have slowed down and the air became thicker. Your heartbeat increased, and your stomach twists immediately. However with all those things happening it didn't stop you from uttering out a blatant "W-what?"
It's hard for you to comprehend that he's basically confessing his feelings for you. So long you've hoped and dreamt about this exact moment.
"I want you to be mine and I don't want you to be with anyone else." He sits up leaning on his elbow his other arm is still wrapped around your waist and fingers still laced with yours. "I hate to sound cheesy like those cliché rom coms you make me watch—" He laughs before continuing. "But I'm really in love with you, it's to the point where I can't stop thinking about you."
Happiness bloomed inside you and you felt a sudden flare of relief. Joe—the man you've been in love with—just confessed his feelings. Your heart has been daring to hope that he feels the same way for a while, even though you've convinced yourself that it's not possible.
Holy shit.
"You really love me?" You said gripping his hand tightly.
He leaned down to rest his chin on your shoulder. "I do, so much."
"I love you too," You smiled when you heard him a sigh of relief. Your hand slips from his as you reach up to caress his jawline. "I have for a long time actually. Took you long enough."
You feel him smile and lean against your hand. Just when you thought everything couldn't possibly get better, he opens his mouth and asks a question you've been waiting for so long.
"Is it okay if I kiss you?"
The excitement unfolded like a flower as you nodded your head. And before you know it his mouth is on yours. He's passionate and fierce as if he'd been stranded in a desert in need of a drink and you were that cold glass of water he found and drank so desperately. His tongue traces over your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth wasting no time exploring every inch. You moan as his tongue intensifies swirling against yours , while doing so his hand grips your waist holding you against him.
That's when you feel it. The hardness prodding on your lower back, you could feel it through the thin fabric of your t-shirt which had risen dangerously high.
Pulling away, he kisses you from your jaw to your neck, gently sucking while you gasp, wrapping an arm around his neck as you enjoy the feel of his lips. Under the thick blanket, his hips are pressed against yours, keeping you in a state of shock. He felt massive and thick. And you want more of it.
"I want to touch you." His words are muffled due to his never ending kisses on your neck. "Can I touch you? Hm?"
"Yes, please do." As soon as you gave him the go he takes his hand from your waist and travels down to your expose thigh gently massaging it cherishing how soft you feel. You sigh in contentment, eyes fluttering shut when his hand goes underneath your shirt and go upwards to cup your left breast.
Taking you completely by surprise he rubs your breast before trailing back down to the hem of your underwear where he slips fingers inside. You let out a whimper when his fingertips glides over the area you wanted him the most. His body tense when he felt your arousal that was practically soaking his hand. Tiny moans escape your lips as he circles your sensitive clit, your hips immediately start to squirm.
"Keep still." He groans, his forehead dropping down to rest on the back of your shoulder. You weren't aware that the more you squirm the arch in your back goes deeper, essentially grinding your ass against his hardness.
"I can't, not when you're touching me like this." You murmur hand clutching his forearm where you could feel the muscles flexing with every strum that his fingers makes.
"Fuck!"He grunts breathlessly as your hips continues to move. There's no way he going to cum like this as much as you're making him feel absolutely good he was ready to explode at any given moment by the movement of your hips.
He takes his hand out of your underwear much to your dismay letting out a sound of disappointment he quickly repays you with a kiss on the lips before sitting up yanking the covers off the both of you tossing it to the side.
"Roll over on your back for me." He commanded.
You follow his order, finally coming face to face even though you're in almost complete darkness the outline of his body and features were visible to you. The diamonds from his chain certainly stood out as well. He grabs both of your legs and spread the wide getting situated between them.
"Lift up your shirt all the way." He said quietly, almost at a whisper.
You could feel your soul take flight as an unsuspected feeling of realization consumed you. This isn't a dream, Joe is really here in between your thighs ready to fuck you in the most delicious way possible. No amount of words could explain how happy and eager you feel.
When you finished taking off your shirt he wasted no time bending down attaching his lips on your tits, the coldness of his chain grazes your warm skin causing you to shiver. His tongue flicks and licks around the hardness of your nipple before he gently sucks.
"Hmmm Joey." You moan grasping the back of his head, not knowing what felt more good his tongue or the fact his cock is being pressed against your aching pussy.
Another moan escapes from you when he strokes his hips against you rubbing right on your clit and causing you to be blinded by pleasure. His hair tickles your chin when he switches over to your other breast giving it the same attention. It took everything in you to keep your moans at a lower level, still mindful of the fact you're doing this under the same roof as his family. The last thing you wanted is for one of them to come down and interrupted your intimate session. God , you would never show your face again.
Joe detaches his lips with an audible 'pop' leaving your skin glazed and sit up on his knees while his hands grips your underwear and swiftly pulls it down. Lifting up both of your legs together he takes your panties off completely. Now you're on full display, laying there letting him venerate every inch of your body. For some reason you didn't have the urge to shy away or cover up like you did with past lovers ,no, you are ready for him to see and cherish you including the imperfections.
"You have the softest skin. So beautiful." He mumbled lowering his head to kiss by your hips trailing down to your inner thighs peppering extra kisses on your beauty marks. Joe lifts his head up for a moment grabbing a spare pillow handing it over to you. "You might wanna hold on to that, m'not gonna be able to contain myself."
Without giving it a second thought you wrap both arms around the pillow when he hitches both your legs over his shoulder. His mouth is on you in seconds, low groans leaves his lips as he engulfs his tongue over your folds and run it on your clit where he sucks and massages.
"Oh, my god!" Your words muffle due to your mouth on the pillow. And your hips tries to come up from the bed but they don't have the chance because Joe's hand immediately reaches out to slam you back down.
He takes your legs off his shoulders and held them down each flat on the bed, spreaded wide, his hand on holding down your thighs firmly. The intrusion of his tongue slipping inside you takes you by surprise, a loud raw moan wanted to desperately get out but all you could muster up is a whimper. Eyes closing shut, your legs started to shake at the intense pleasure.
Messy smacking and slurping noise could be heard underneath your heavy breathing, the way he's eating you is borderline sensual yet unhinged. He left no parts untouched, you could feel wetness pool beneath you. Which turns you on even more.
A familiar heat is burning inside at the pit of your stomach and you knew that it'll only be a matter of time you gush out your release.
"M' gonna cum." You sob out in a whisper, twisting your upper body to the side slightly.
Joe pulls away yet again and you swore you were seconds away from reaching down to finish yourself off. However when Joe releases his hold on you and reaches down to take off his sweatpants that idea is immediately gone.
He carries a throbbing cock beneath the thin happy trail; it slaps against the lower abdomen where a prominent vein runs from his tip to his thick shift. There is no way you could deny that you are a little intimidated; the sheer size of him had you gulping.
He settles back in between your thighs, this time lifting your left leg on his shoulder. That's when he notices it, the diamond peice anklet, a smile adorns his face when he pressed a kiss on your ankle. His eyes focuses back on you drinking in your needy state, the pillow he gave you is clenched in your grip with anticipation.
Not wanting for you to wait any longer, he spits loudly into his palm before wrapping around his hand around his length, slick noise of the sound of him jerking could be heard.
Gripping your left leg as your right curls around his waist, he aligned his tip to meet your seeping wet entrance you shuddered feeling a slightly burn from being stretched out.
"It's okay, take a deep breath for me, you gotta relax" He assures you noticing the way your muscles tensed. The last thing he want is for you to be uncomfortable.
You force your eyes to be transfixed on the digital clock on the nightstand as you focus on taking deep breaths for a few seconds. Once it became tolerable and no longer confining he involuntary pushes his hips forward going deeper. As soon as he did that you tighten around him. His face contorts into an expression of pleasure, pressure on your thigh is coming from his hand that grips it tightly. You can tell he was holding himself back from fully pounding into you relentlessly.
His thrusts are slow and impactful. Moans after moans continues to leave your lips.
"Faster Joey, I want you to go faster." You said mindlessly body jerking up at every stroke of his hips.
"You sure?" He asks.
You nodded before he presses his lips together and took hold of your waist when he slams into hard and fast. Your left leg is still on his shoulder when he leans down to lock his lips with yours silencing your moans. The pillow you were gripping is tossed to the side as you find stability in clutching on to Joe's biceps, digging your nails into his skin.
"Fuck Joey!" You cried out as his tip kept hitting your sweet spot. Faint sounds of skin smacking filled the air along with the sound of your wetness. "O-oh my g-god, you feel so good!"
"You like that baby?" He asked, his chain is brushing against your chin with every stroke.
"Mmhmm, I love you so much." Eyes rolling to the back of your head at the constant pleasure, he fucks you even harder thrust filled with passion. You were on the brink of letting out a scream of pleasure, stopping you from doing so you leaned and sink your teeth into his shoulder.
You can feel your stomach tighten when you felt a strong deep pleasure within. A surge ready to be released.
"Cum for me, just let go." He reaches his hand down and plays with your clit. You let out a mixture of a whimper and sob, your back arching, legs still, eyes fluttering, and jaw slack. The feeling you're experiencing felt otherworldly, it has you in disbelief. He fucks you through it nicely with slowed thrusts before pulling out, your left leg slips off his shoulder and lies limp.
"Oh my god." You breathed out placing a hand on your temple as you try to find your train of thought. He quite literally fucked you stupid.
"You still with me?" The corner of his mouth curls up into a smile. A hum in response is all he got. Once you have officially recovered, he orders you to lie on your side. Confused, you turn to the right facing the direction you were in earlier. As Joe kneels in between your legs, he straddles your right thigh and lifts your left leg to curl around his left hip. Almost before you can process the position, he enters you and starts to devour you.
Your tits bounces rapidly at his merciless hips slam into you over and over again. It wasn't long before they're being groped by Joe who pants heavily above you, a low moan coming from him occasionally.
He hovers over your quivering body with a bruising grip on your hips. His pace is sharp, quick, and so deep you felt dizzy with never ending pleasure as your sensitive body takes in everything that he's giving to you.
"J—mhgh" You couldn't fathom any coherent words as you began to feel overstimulated. This position he has you in makes you feel like you're being fucked beyond your limits.
Joe notices your hands blindly searching for anything to cling to and releases your breasts from his hold. His hands completely engulfs yours as he laces them back together place them on either side of your head.
A couple more thrusts followed and you've approached your second orgasm. Way more intense than the first , so intense you've made a mess on Joe's lower stomach matting down his happy trail and coating the both of you with your essence.
"Shit," He grunts out feeling the aftermath of your orgasm, pace becoming sloppy as he's rapidly approaching his release. He pulls out abruptly ready to fist his soaking cock when you stopped him.
"I wanna do it." You said sitting up he was still straddling your leg as you reach down to stroke him.
"Fuck fuck fuck" He chants, head leaning forward to rest against your shoulder. He moans your name as his release hits, lips connecting with yours when he's spilling multiple spurts on your hand and even on your chest.
With a sigh you both shared a lazy kiss before plopping down next to each other. There is a moment of contentment instilled in your heart during this time, and you remain there for a moment. Enjoying the presence of the man who just took you into a different realm. It wasn't long before the moisture and stickiness on your skin became a discomfort.
Taking a deep breath you slowly eased out of bed. When your feet planted on the floor your legs buckles slightly.
You hear Joe chuckle in amusement. "Take it easy, huh? Where you going?"
"Shut up, I'm headed to the shower." You blushed holding on to the bed post.
He stands up and walks over to you with a glint in his eye. "I take it you got room for one more?"
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reareaotaku · 7 months
I Want 2 Watch You Bleed
Prompt: I wonder what your dead corpse would look like... We'll find out if you try and leave me~ Pairings: Yandere! Miles Fairchild x Nanny! Reader Word Count: 3.2k TW: Obsession, Gaslighting, Slight NSFW, Porno Magazine Mentioned [Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Americans :) Enjoy this treat]
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You could feel his eyes on you. He was always watching. You didn't know why he had this fixation on you, but he was overbearing. You always felt his presence, because it was like a fog that made it hard for you to breath. At first, you thought he was making sure you were doing your job correctly, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.
You woke up late at night, feeling as if you were being watched in your dream and when you awoke, he was there. You were taken aback; Your eyes widened as he hung his arm off the footboard.
"You drool in your sleep."
"And snore. It's annoying."
Your mouth was practically on the floor, "What are you doing?"
"You're so fucking stupid."
You frowned, your nose scrunching up, and you debated kicking him. Ultimately, you sigh and turn away from the young boy.
"I don't snore." You mumble under your breath, before going back to sleep. If he wanted to stay, you would let him, because you couldn't fight him. You were too tired and the energy just wasn't there.
You felt a dip in the bed, causing a spike of adrenaline to shoot up your spine. Why wouldn't he leave? Why were YOU scared of some stupid teenage boy. You were going to yell at him to get out, but you couldn't move. You felt like you were being held down and feeling his hand snake up your leg didn't help the paranoia that was resting in your head. What was wrong with him?
The morning after was awkward and strange. You knew he had been in your room, but the way he was acting was as if you were delusional.
"You can't go into my room at night."
Miles look at you, before tilting his head, "I didn't go into your room last night. It was probably a dream. I think it's weird that you dreamed about me though."
"I would never dream about you. Just- Don't do it."
"Well, I never did, so there's nothing for you to worry about."
You knew he was lying- Well, you did, but you were slowly doubting yourself.
You groaned, the music was blaring. It was loud and you were wondering how he hadn't gone deaf yet. Your head was banging and you had half a mind to yell at him. You frowned, before standing up and placing down the book you had been trying to read to Flora.
You could practically feel the floor shake as you stomped up to his room. You banged on the door, seeing as that was the only way he'd hear you. There was no answer, so you decided to just open the door.
He was going to town on his drums, before he looked up to you. He puts down his sticks and gives you his attention.
"What do you want?"
"I'm trying to help Flora read, but we can't even think with that loud music."
"Go outside."
"How about you play a different instrument? You have multiple different instruments. Or maybe you can just wait an hour to play-"
"Why are you being such a bitch?"
"Don't call me that. That is rude and very disrespectful."
He laughs, "Oohh, I'm so scared of the big, mean nanny."
"I'm not playing with you, Miles. I'm serious."
He tilts his head, before looking away from you and at his drums, "I'm sure you think you are. You do realize that unlike me, you're replaceable, right? You don't hold any real power. It's all just a figment of your imagination. Though, it seems your mind likes to run wild, doesn't it?"
"You will not make a joke out of me little boy," You stomp to him, grabbing his sticks causing him to yell out 'HEY!'. "You want to be a rude smartass? Okay, let's see how you like the consequences of your actions."
He follows behind you quickly as you run down the stairs. You rush to the living room where the fire place is. Thankfully, someone had already started a little fire, so your plan was half complete. You stood in front of it, before looking back at him.
His eyes were blown and he was frozen, "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare."
"Oooh, I'm so scared of the big, mean teenage boy." You then do something that you would regret later and throw the drumsticks into the fire.
"You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!" He rushes towards you and you're quick to grab his hands and hold them close together so that he doesn't choke you. After a few minutes, he calms down, but he gives you a dead look, "You better sleep with your door locked and one eye open." He then turns around and walks back to his room.
You hear of the crackle of the wood from the sticks and look back at the fire, causing realization of what you had done to hit you. You had gone to far. Your eyes widen as you frown, before trying to reach for the sticks, but you end up burning your hands. You could only watch as they burned to ash.
For the next few days you couldn't sleep. You knew you shouldn't be scared of Miles, seeing as he was younger than you, but there was just something off about him. The guilt had also been eating you alive. While you didn't like the way he treated you and others, you should have been the bigger person and handled the situation with more maturity.
You had tended to avoid him, until you finally decided to go buy him some new drumsticks. Was he an asshole? Yes. Was he inconsiderate of everyone? Yes. But he didn't seem to have many joys in life; And music was one of them and you destroy a part of it. You didn't know how you'd feel if someone destroy parts of your hobby, especially if you didn't have any family or friends besides a younger sibling. God, when you thought about it, it really bummed you out.
You waited until late at night, while everyone was asleep [supposedly], when you decided to leave. It would take you a while to get to town, because the house was far into the country side. You felt like you were doing something you weren't supposed to as you slowly walked across the wooden board floor. You heart dropped when you heard a loud creak! but thankfully there was no other movements.
You groaned when the loud engine blared in the near silence. You were thankful when you finally got out of the driveway and headed into town.
You hold the brand new sticks in your hands. You fingers glazed against the engravings on them. You didn't know if this would be good enough for him, but you were hoping he'd at least pretend to accept your apology.
Walking up to his room was agonizing. It felt like time slowed down and the hallways shrunk on you. When you finally got to his door, you thought about leaving, but sucked in a breath and knocked.
"Um, Miles?"
There was no answer, which caused you to sigh. You knew he was in there. You put your ear to the door, trying to listen for anything, but nothing. You knocked again.
"I'm coming in." You slowly opened the door and Miles was sitting on his bed- Well, it wasn't really a bed, more of a mattress- looking through a magazine. He flipped through the pages, not paying attention to you and it kind of looked like a porno magazine, but you weren't about to harp on how he got his hands on such a thing, because that was not a conversation you wanted to have. "Miles?"
He finally looks at you, throwing the magazine to the side of the bed and sat up, looking at you, "What?"
"I got you something," You hold the wrapped box out to him, but he doesn't take it. He just glares up at you as if his looks could kill you. You click your tongue, before rubbing the back of your neck. "I-uh, wanted to apologize... for you know... what I did, the other day... I shouldn't have done that. Nothing warrants a response like that and I'm sorry. I never should have thrown your drumsticks into the fire." You start messing with the box, taking them out when realizing he wasn't taking the gift, "I know that these aren't made out of the expensive wood your old ones were, but- umm... I got them engraved, you know, with uh, your name." You show him the light dug 'Property of Miles Fairchild'. "I hope we can start over and put that behind us."
He looks at the sticks, before grabbing them and looking them over in his hands. You watched him closely, hoping he'd take them. Thankfully, he did, but not before rolling his eyes. He puts them on his night stand, before looking back at you, "Leave me alone."
"Alright.." You finger gun him, before clicking your tongue, "I'll see you around." You left his room, before facepalming. " 'I'll see you around'? God, what a fucking stupid thing to say. Ugh, I'm such an idiot."
Miles holds the sticks between his fingers, examining them. They were nothing special, but they'd do the job. The engravements were a nice touch and it spurred something in Miles. It was a sweet gesture, probably the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him, especially without an ulterior motive. And to think, he had been planning to suffocate you in your sleep.
He was still kind of mad about losing his favorite pair of drum sticks, but these meant more to him, because they were bought with him in mind. You bought them while thinking about him and Miles thought that was kind of hot. Was he on your mind? How often did you think about him? What did you think about? Was it appropriate?
You had really just wormed your way into Miles' heart and now you would never be allowed to leave.
You parked the car, looking over the books you had gotten Flora. They weren't anything special, but you wanted to get Flora something new to read, because you were sure she was getting bored of the same old stuff in the house.
"Where the hell have you been?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin when turning around and seeing Miles behind you. "God, you should wear a bell around your neck or something. You can't sneak up on people like that. Could give someone a heart attack."
He ignores you, repeating himself. "Where the fuck have you been? Flora was asking about you and we saw that the car was gone. She thought you abandoned her." He looks down at the books in your hand, before looking back at you.
Flora had been worried about you, but he had been pissed. How dare you leave? You can't be like everyone else and abandon him after you got through to him. He'd rather kill you with his bare hands than for you to leave him. He didn't care if he had to force you to stay and were unhappy; He loved you to much to let you leave him.
"I would never do that to Flora," You take a step back, your back against the car, as he walks closer to you.
"You can't just leave without telling anyone."
You laugh, shaking your head, "Okay dad. Didn't realize I had to ask you for permission to leave. Besides, I was just... Getting some new books for Flora, not like I have to explain myself to you. She's always stuck in this house and there's nothing new for her to read or do."
"Well, you can't leave without telling anyone, and now you know. I can get you fired, you know. Just don't do it again."
You roll your eyes shaking your head, before mumbling under your breath, "Yeah. I'm not doing that."
You were focused on dinner plans, trying to organize and figure out what you needed. Thankfully you knew it would be a short trip. You hated having to go all the way to town, especially on a busy day. Errands were never your favorite thing, but they were part of life. You tsked, clicking your pen, while tapping your fingers on the table.
You went out to the car, thankfully Mrs. Grose taking over for you, so you can leave. It was so strange how everyone was stuck in the house, like they couldn't leave. Did they want to leave? Sure didn't seem like it.
"Where are you going?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin when hearing Miles from behind you. You turn to him, frowning, "God, you have to stop doing this. You can't sneak up on people like that."
"I told you you can't leave without telling anyone."
You smirk, not taking him serious, "And yet under the eyes of the law, you're still a child. So, I don't have to tell you anything."
He smirks evily, "You're right. Yet I'm kind of like your boss, so you do have to listen to me."
"Power trip much?" You roll your eyes, gesturing to the car, "Do you want to come with me, Miles?"
You groaned as he happily got into the passenger seat. You pull open the door, ignoring his stare as you got in. You started the car, the hum taking over the silence of the car.
It was just a guy, but it had obviously bugged Miles. You didn't know why Miles decided to be such a passive-aggressive asshole to the deli guy, but he did.
"God what is your issue?"
"He was obviously hitting on you." Miles remarks, tossing some stuff into the basket.
He looks at you, his brows down turned, "So? You just let him do it. Just out in the open for everyone to see."
"What is up with you and this little," You gesture to him, "controlling nature? You can't control people, no matter how much you try or how much money you have. You have a little control issue."
"And you're a fucking whore." He was jealous and it was showing. Thankfully you were to obvious to his crush and thought he was just an asshole. He wanted to crack that dude's neck like a fucking baby back rib. He wanted to keep you locked away from the rest of the world so that only he could love you. You are a stupid woman, yet somehow you had Miles wrapped around your little finger and his heart on a leash.
"You are...." You pause, a devestated look on your face, "a monster."
"Let's just get going." He ignores you, walking ahead of you, but you weren't done with this conversation.
When getting back to the car, you glared at Miles, who was leaning on his hand and tapping his fingers against his thigh.
"You are such a brat, you know that?"
He clicks his tongue, ignoring you. "Kinda whorish to let him look at you like that," He finally turns to you, before eyeing you up and down, "But you probably like the attention, huh?"
"God, what is your problem?"
"I don't have a problem-"
"You're acting like a jealous, possessive child. Flora acts better than you."
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything. You groan, getting into the car and finally starting it.
You had to get out. You didn't know where to go, but you had to get away from the house. Weird shit kept happening. You felt eyes on you constantly and Miles had become obsessively clingy. You couldn't be alone for more than a few seconds without him appearing. You felt bad for Flora and you wanted to get her out of the house, but you were worried it was to late for her.
Flora was acting weird and saying things that didn't make sense. It was like she was possessed or something. She would talk about her old nanny and her dying. It scared you.
You had waited until it was dark out and you put Flora to sleep. You felt bad, but you couldn't stay, you had to leave, it was for your best interest.
You fiddled with the keys in your hands, before accidentally dropping them when trying to put them in the handle. You curse under your breath, before hearing creakk and your eyes scanned around you. The last thing you needed was to get caught now.
"What are you doing?"
You froze, recognizing the voice, before turning around and facing him. He was so close to you, making you wonder where the hell he came from. He looked like a monster with the way his eyes were blown out and his face was obviously furious. "What?"
He frowned, tilting his head, "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"
"No. No, I don't."
"Well, you sure seem to think so." He gestures towards the keys and the car, "Trying to leave in the middle of the night. Where are you going to go? You don't have any family."
"I'll figure something out."
"With what money? I mean, you can't possible have enough saved to last very long. Maybe a few weeks in a motel, if you're lucky."
"I'd rather live in an alley then spend another second here."
Something flashed in his eyes, something unrecognizable. You knew you had pissed him off. It didn't help that he obviously had serious abandonment/attachment issues and you were trying to leave. He felt as if you were trying to make a fool out of him. How dare you.
"Well, you don't really have a choice."
"You don't have," He steps closer to you, before whispering, "a choice."
"Yes I do. Everyone has a choice."
"You know what- You're right. Your choices are that you stay here and we pretend this," He gestures to you and the car, "didn't happen. Or..." He chuckles, looking away from you, as if he was remembering something fondly, "Well, I wonder what your dead corpse would look like... We'll find out if you try and leave me."
"You don't scare me."
He smiles, his eyes filled with an almost love, if not for the situation you found yourself in, you'd be flattered.
"You sure? You seem pretty scared."
He was so close that he could see all the emotions swirling in your eyes. You couldn't lie to him, because he could see the truth. You were terrified.
"Come on. Give me the keys and let's go back inside."
You looked down at the keys, before looking at the car and then at him. You had lost and now you were going to be stuck in this stupid house forever.
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senawashere · 25 days
We're on this together...(Chapter III):
Bradley Bradshaw x Fem!Wife!Reader
Summary: Sometimes life can get rough but no matter how often and how much people hurt eachother,loving someone is never a waste.
Warnings: MAJOR SMUT (MDI), infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf.Use of alcohol,arguing,use of bad languange. Mostly angst.
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February 14 2022.
"Roo, don't stop."
Bradley speeds up his body, hiding his face in his wife's neck, where he makes sure to leave purple marks and bites as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and cling to him, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He's touching your weak spot and he knows it, grinding himself against you every time he moves forward, causing you to let out little moans and arch your back, digging your nails into his skin.
Bradley didn't stop, ignoring the ache in his muscles. His endurance was better than a normal person, for God's sake, because he was a military pilot, but this "love making" had become painful, boring and no longer felt special for him.
He definitely missed the times when you both were younger and he could go for hours without getting tired, but he wouldn't trade his gift for anything, when he finally married the love of his life he had grown old like everyone else, they weren't those horny college kids anymore. But sometimes he still wishes they were.
His wet kisses against your jaw distracted you, ypu let out a moan from your throat and felt your orgasm getting closer and closer.
He moved his head down to kiss and lick your breasts, and you buried a hand in his hair, tugging at the strands. He kisses above your heart like he always does.
It's late at night, everywhere is quiet and only the sound of their bodies can be heard, they are completely intimate, silent but telling each other everything.
"I'm so close..." After a while he mumbled quietly, his voice hoarse. "Baby."
With that sound, you tightened around him with a reflex you can't control.
When it comes to Bradley, his whole body responds. “I'm close too, fuck.” He said, leaving kisses on your cheeks.
"Please, fill me up,baby."
And with that, Bradley cums inside you.
It's short, but it takes your breath away and pleasure fills your body in the way only his body does. Your juices paint his walls white and it doesn't take long for him to cum too.
You cling to him, you don't want to let go, so you kiss his face and breathe deeply.
Close to three minutes pass and he pulls away from your body to talk, but you're already asleep.
It's the fifth time they've done it in a week and it's only Thursday, he thinks about the last time they made love this long and this often.
And he didn't know if it was because he was desperate for your touch or because he just wanted to have a baby, but he missed talking to you.
Bradley misses you.
He is missing his one and only wife.
March 12 2022.
As you finished throwing two negative test in the trash, you receive a call from Blake ,Jake's wife. You pick up the phone while passing by your empty bedroom.
“Hello, Y/N?” Your friend's voice rings out.
"Hello." You replie, unable to fake a happiness that isn't there anymore.
"How are you sweetheart?" She asks and you are in your classic voice when you say 'I'm fine'.
"Is Rooster with you?"
You looked away from your laptop when you heard her question. "I thought he was with Jake?"
"Mhm, no. And he's not returning our calls either. Jake and Nat has called him multiple times,they were going to ask him if he wanted to come to Hard Deck."
That's when you started to worry and after a quick goodbye, you hung up the phone.
It's eleven o'clock at night, where is he?
The door opens just in time and you quickly walked towards Bradley, who placed his keys, jacket, and shoes on the shelf without looking at you.
"Blake called, where were you?" You ask, crossing your arms.
“I don't want to argue right now, Y/N.” he mutters, moving past you towards the kitchen, opening the fridge and drinking a bottle of beer under your gaze.
"Who said we were going to argue?" Your sarcastic laughter echoes in the room. "I just want to know where my husband was."
"I was at Javy's, God, calm down." Bradley replies, fed up with your behavior, and you look at him confused. You stood in front of him.
"'Calm down?'"
He lowers his head and frowns. "Yeah, you've been... insanely sad lately."
You laugh in disbelief, feeling the anger gnawing at your body.
"Maybe I'm not upset, maybe you're too calm."
Bradley doesn't even look at you and walks towards the home office, but you,his wife, follow in his footsteps, looking for answers.
“What am i so calm about, Y/N?” He asks with his back to you and pulls out notes from his notebook to start writing. "My job is very stressful these days, I don't know whether I will go to deployment tomorrow or in a month, and I don't want to leave you alone in this situation. I'm not calm at all."
“Even though we've been trying to have a baby for months,almost a year without success, you seem pretty calm, like you – don't mind.”
The empty bottle falls onto the table with a hard clatter and you slowly turn to look into his eyes. His face is serious and you can see that his dark hazel eyes are dark and slightly watery.
You're both hurting when it comes to the baby.
"Do you seriously think I don't care?" He slowly walks towards you and you swallows dryly, knowing you touched a soft spot for him. For both of you. "This is destroying us and you know it."
"Don't say that, nothing can destroy us." You interrupt him by grabbing his hand, you feel your eyes aee getting watery and your throat is feeling hurt, but Bradley lets it go.
"These last few months- I..." You wrinkled your nose, feeling the tears forming in your eyes.
“I've been nothing but a sex toy to you, all i do is fuck you to get something, we don't talk anymore, we don't cuddle anymore, it's like I married a ghost. I miss you and you don't realise that. I just don't know what you want from but i am so tired and sick of it."
“Bradley…-” You whispered in surprise. Not expecting any of this.
“I want everything back to the way it was before, I want my best friend, my wife,my everything, my soul back. It feels like we're only going backwards and you don't love me anymore." One single tear drop is falling from his eyes to his now reddish cheek.
You stutter, bursting into tears in front of him and closing your eyes, allowing the yourself to cry against his chest to hug him.
You both hold each other tightly and let go after holding on for a long time.
Bradley was having a terrible time too, and you didn't notice because you were too busy trying to make your "dream" come true.
"I'm sorry,baby. I love you." You hold his cheeks to look into his eyes and nods as the tears continue to flow. "Baby, what I did was so selfish."
"It's okay,my love. It's kind of funny how short our arguments are." He smiles, caressing you soft cheek and kissing the tip of your nose. "Just...promise me something."
"Everything." You respond immediately.
"We'll see a doctor."
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Oh god.... I love him and i think she is too🥹🥲
I'm tagging people who might be interested:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsign-fox @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @hardballoonlove @topguncortez @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @eternalsams @promisingyounglady @els-marvelvsp if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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heartandfangs · 1 year
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GENRE Married Couple AU, Romance, Smut
PAIRING CEO!Husband!Jay x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS 18+ ONLY MDNI, Cursing, Mention of anxiety, Lingerie, Mention of food/working out/body image/sex toy use, Teasing, Masturbation, Making out, Multiple orgasms, Oral Sex (f!receiving), Hand job, Oversensitivity, Shower/Wall Sex, Nipple play, Alcohol, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Dom!Jay, Sub!Reader, Dom!Reader, Sub!Jay, Switch!Reader, Switch!Jay
SUMMARY After several weeks of being apart, your husband has a bit of making up to do for Valentine's Day after missing your call and showing up late to the penthouse.
AUTHOR’S NOTE I'm so sorry I clowned everyone who was waiting for this drop the week of Valentine's (I got sooo busy i'm the biggest clown of them all) but I made it 5x longer than I first intended to and it's hot but also v intimate 🥵🌶
I’ve always considered Jay to be husband material, and here's a fic to show for it. If you wanna edge your brain out to husband CEO Jay in a penthouse, this is for you ♥️ Follow, like & share if you enjoyed! ⚰️ Masterlist © 2021-2023, Heart and Fangs. All rights reserved. Do not translate or post anywhere.
It was certainly something being young and married to Park Jongseong. Well, you wondered if you could be considered young anymore; perhaps to your older coworkers who were empty nesters, you could. To them, you had your whole life set ahead of you, but maybe you were viewed differently by your freshly graduated interns striving to get by the rigorous training standards you set for the Park's company.
Regardless, you felt young.
In a way, Jay made you feel like you had never aged a day since meeting him, and at the same time, it felt like you'd lived someone else's lifetime. Funny how a mere man could affect you so…
And how the prolonged separation between you two never got any easier over the years.
You were the partner who took it all in stride best. Not to say that Jay wasn't a persevering individual; he was your role model in that sense.
But he was undoubtedly the more clingy one; you had just been raised differently. 
After years of getting to know Jay and growing close enough to call him by nickname, it seemed like he was rarely given a chance to work past his anxieties as a child. You've witnessed him grow immensely, and you both had done what you had to do when duty called— whether that meant taking care of business during a month spent apart in different states or even countries. 
The possibility of infidelity has crossed your mind during these times; such thoughts were only normal, yet you chose to trust him fully and knew he trusted you too. 
After all, they say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and the unwavering admiration Jay regards you with gives you the strength to approach each day with an assuredness that everything will be okay at the end of it.
In fact, your husband's signature brand of adoration only grew until it was too much to contain every damn time you finally reunited. 
Not that you ever complained with how exquisite of a lover he grew to be thanks to your guidance and vice-versa. Nor could you ever tire from the spoils of a blessed life, and Jay knew this fact incredibly well.  
However, since your flight into this new city touched down first, you took it upon yourself to prepare the penthouse you two booked with personal touches to celebrate a belated Valentine's. An overrated 'holiday,' at least by your standards, but your husband managed to change your perspective and always made it an occasion to look forward to since the year he met you. 
Of course, business only got busier throughout your marriage. Although you two agreed for the first time to celebrate Valentine's together a few days late this year, the compromise was a bit disheartening. 
The two of you only exchanged a short phone call that night and a few words of longing but nothing more, which was uncharacteristic of Jay. 
He must’ve been exhausted. 
And now, he was running late— much later than the ETA he originally shared with you. 
A plethora of reasons for his hold-up came to mind, and you were beginning to grow worried. Perhaps he was just touching down? Or his phone died? Maybe caught in traffic? It was storming outside, after all…
Even after you'd showered, slathered on your favorite whipped body butter, and thrown on a satin robe, ensuring your complexion was dewy with skincare, you still felt uneasy inside. 
While waiting for Jay's call on the leather sofa, you indulged in a favorite remedy; a full glass of red wine had been calling your name hours ago.
After swallowing the last drop of wine, you attempted to relax into the cushions with a heavy sigh and shut your eyes, a dull pain throbbing between your furrowed brows. You were left with no choice but to wait in the dark.
A knock from the entryway drew you from sleep. You slowly reached for your phone to see several unread messages from Jay, the most recent one reading 'I'm here'. 
You couldn't have reached the door quicker.
Jay stood in the doorway, a damp umbrella snapped in half in one hand and a dozen red roses with drenched petals in the other. He looked handsome as ever; no amount of rain could hamper his looks, droplets soaking into his thick lashes and brows. 
Your brows rose at his state and that he was alive and well. "Jay."
"This cheap ass umbrella inverted the moment I stepped out of the Uber," Jay stated with a straight face, a huff leaving his chest as he stepped inside and dropped the umbrella. 
He automatically raised his arms to embrace you but thought better of it as he took in your rather dry attire with a soft smile, the kind that was only ever reserved for you behind closed doors. He slowly admired you from head to toe, releasing a quiet exhale. You couldn't have felt warmer under your thin excuse of a robe. 
"You look beautiful. I'm sorry I'm late," Jay lightly caressed your lower back with a certain sweetness in his touch, knowing precisely what it did to you between your thighs. 
You reached out first to draw him against your chest tightly. As if you cared about a little bit of rainwater.
"It's about time," you murmured against his neck, pulling back to meet those eyes you missed peering into over meals and late-night conversations, "Do you know how worried I was? Have you eaten yet—"
Within a mere blink, you felt Jay's fingers slide through the locks of your hair, and his lips move against yours with an urgency that reminded you of your college days spent entwined together, fogging up the windows of his vintage car parked on a hill. 
In fact, it was a starved, apologetic kiss worth three long weeks of pent-up frustration from tirelessly rubbing shoulders with investors and back-to-back business meetings without your calm, grounding presence by his side at the end of the day. 
Letting his thoughts run wild about you past midnight and well into his dreams did nothing to quell his heart and body's immense ache for you.
It wasn't nearly enough to fist himself underneath the steaming shower head, feeling like he was about to faint from both burnout and a heady sense of self-fulfilling lust that never quite satisfied. He needed to feel you in his arms, against his beating chest, spilling over his parched lips.
To delight in every pitch of your airy voice, depending on the sweet spots he chose to assault with his tongue and deft fingers.
That's why, while he'd usually continue with charming conversation and offer the smuggest of smiles, all he could do right now was press closer to you like some sort of pitiful creature starved of affection stealing away your warmth, the plush-like softness of your breasts against his firm chest reminding him of all that lay ahead for you two on this well-earned night to be spent reacquainting himself with your body and soul— not that he'd ever forgotten in the slightest. 
It didn't matter that his flight had gotten delayed, that it'd taken him one too many hours than it should have to meet you in the middle because you stood before him now like some sort of mirage, beautiful and as lovely as ever. 
"Jay," You tried to scold despite your cheeks heating up.
"Haven't eaten yet," Your husband confessed, dragging his lips over the curve of your throat with such a tenderness that threatened to buckle your knees. He dropped his palms to knead greedily over the satin fabric draped over your ass in contrast, making you moan softly, "M' starving though. Indulge me a bit with something sweet before dinner, please?"
You sighed, amused, "Dessert before dinner? Think you deserve it?"
With swift fingers, you were already loosening the knot of his tie, which he offered you a grateful look for while running his hands up your spine and shamelessly pressing his hardness between your thighs. Your proximity alone was riling him up, and by handing over the reins, he knew exactly what you would do in response to his overwhelming neediness.
"Oh, I'll earn it," Jay hotly whispered against your lips, practically melding himself to you in any way he could. 
"So willing," The soft corners of your tinted lips tugged upwards as you brushed a strand of dark hair from his half-lidded eyes, feeling Jay shiver beneath his suit. 
"Anything and everything for you," He nodded, a knowing smile forming on his lips. 
It seemed like your baby was counting on you to kill him slowly.
You took the bouquet from his grasp and enjoyed its rosy fragrance before setting it aside on the glass dining table. "Come on. You deserve a hot bath after such a long day, love."
So you tugged him along by his necktie into the spacious master bedroom that reminded you of a lot of the homes you built together. Upon entering, one first noticed the long panel of windows that reached the ceiling lining the left wall, overlooking the city's vast nightlife below. 
Of course, the only view Jay could possibly focus on with parted lips was the sway of your hips and the subtle outline of lingerie he managed to make out under your robe, for you knew he adored lace on your skin just as much as leather. 
As enticing as the massive bed in the center appeared, he followed you into the softly lit master bathroom with a rainfall shower above the enormous tub. With a push of a silver button on the wall panel, the tub began to fill with bubbling, hot water; it could fit a good ten individuals if desired.
You let him look over the space while bending over to light up the several candles you arranged along the wide marble edges of the jacuzzi with a pack of matches.
"Leave it to you to find a place like this," Jay complimented you for your impeccable taste, watching your face through the extensive wall-length mirror just above the tub. 
The space immediately began to smell of elegant rum and white musk. The master bathroom was alight with candles thanks to your quick work, a haze of vapor wafting over the tub's edge. 
"It's all ours for tomorrow and the day after."
"We'll have to make every second count then…" You could feel his gaze licking up your legs just by the hunger tinging his voice like curls of smoke. 
"Like we always do," You flicked your wrist to extinguish the match and toss it into a silver bin before making your way back to Jay, slowly smoothing your palms across his clothed chest and broad shoulders, simply taking him in for the first time in what felt like an eternity. 
Due to time differences and your schedules being packed more than usual this past month, personal calls were seldom made between you, aside from virtual business meetings involving other potential clients and shareholders.
Jay's eyes were alight with excitement as he stared down at you despite the shadows beneath them; you couldn't keep yourself from drawing his face close and placing a kiss on his lips while his hands moved restlessly across your waist, his hips nudging against yours. 
"Mm, please…" 
"Patience, baby," You reminded and gave him an expectant look that he heeded.
Although he couldn't wait, he knew better than to speed up the process you so enjoyed dragging out. Piece by piece, you started to strip him bare, unhurried and teasingly in the most intimate manner.
First, you slipped his tie from his nape, reminded of all the times you've used it as a blindfold or to bind his wrists, then you shoved off his blazer. His wet shirt stuck to his skin like a transparent fabric, and you undid button after button to reveal his toned chest just above a sharply etched set of abs, rainwater, and spiced cologne clinging to his skin.
"Honestly, I haven't had much time to work out these days…" Jay's tongue clicked in dissatisfaction, although you noticed his eyelashes lowering at you. His palm rested against the pulse of your neck, fingers softly curling into your hair.
You cut him off right there, your heated touch under his clothes pulling a restrained moan from his throat. "Missing a few workouts won't hurt you, just don't skip your meals. Quit being so hard on yourself," You reassured him, tugging the ends of his shirt out of his cut waistline and traveling even lower, "You're definitely overthinking it."
Jay cracked a relieved smile, stroking your face, "I have to when my beloved is this beautiful… Ah—"
Your fingertips rubbed lightly over the outline of his throbbing bulge, causing his hips to chase your touch until you finally dropped his trousers to the floor in a haphazard pile, leaving Jay in his tight briefs.
"Fucking driving me crazy…" He caressed your cheek and over your arm in the most pleading manner, his chest rising and falling heavily. You sorely missed the sound of his belabored breaths tickling your ears.
With a lick of your lips, you finally dragged the band of Jay's black briefs down his thighs to witness his hard cock springing forth and dribbling with precum. 
After scraping your nails down his hips and brushing past his trail of hair, your caress just ghosted along his length; all he had to do was press forward, and then he'd finally feel you—
"Go and hop in. I'll be right back with drinks," You stroked Jay's chin as you disappeared into the bedroom to retrieve a bottle of champagne and chilled flutes from the mini-fridge. 
"Fuck," You heard him drawl under his breath, causing you to smirk.
His feet were already bringing him to climb over the marble ledge into the tub, but his inner cheek was caught between his teeth, a knot bobbing in his throat due to desperation. He wobbled a bit before descending into the bath, terribly dizzy, no thanks to you.
Upon re-entering, you found it adorable that Jay sank into the heated water and looked up at you with anticipation. The warmth should've begun to release the tension throughout his body, but it persisted, thanks to your enticing visage.
While you perched on the ledge and busied yourself with pouring champagne, Jay momentarily pulled up near your legs and pressed a chaste kiss against your knee, stroking his hands under the edge of your satin robe. 
Experiencing the desire of his touch after so long took your breath away; he squeezed your thigh as you handed him a bubbly glass full of almond-scented champagne.
Jay caught your wrist, bringing it to his lips to place soft yet insatiable kisses up your palm and inner wrist, gazing into your eyes all the while. 
"I missed you," He reiterated sincerely, making your cheeks warm despite that hours had passed since you last had anything to drink. "I'm sorry I didn't call you back on Thursday. My schedule really got the best of me this week…" 
You could hear the guilt lingering in his voice.
In a typical fashion, you clinked the rim of his glass before knocking the flute back completely, and Jay followed suit. 
You swiped your tongue over your lips, setting the glass aside. "Hm, I suppose you have a bit to make up for, don't you?"
"A lot," Jay reached out to tip your chin towards him and captured your moistened lips, a gesture you returned easily.
"And you will. But first, you can start by sitting back and letting me take care of you, love."
You dipped your legs into the water while seated on the ledge, ushering Jay to sit back between them as you pumped an intoxicating sweet musk-scented gel into your palm. His immediate obedience pleased you; he leaned into your touches as you slowly lathered his body to your satisfaction. 
Brushing over his nipples alone drew rumbly sounds from Jay's throat, but it wasn't until you leaned further over his shoulder and slid your hand down his abdomen to rub against the base of his cock that he failed to choke back a groan. 
"Fuck, you're killing me," Jay echoed your thoughts as his chest heaved, enduring your teasing. 
You hummed knowingly, continuing to pump him from base to tip while nibbling at his reddened ear and flicking his nipple with the other hand. He began thrusting into your grip, chasing a high only you could grant him as you brought him closer and closer to his end…
And then you straightened up, pulling away.
"No, no…" Jay turned on you with a whine and placed his hands on either side of your clothed hips, hauling himself slightly out of the water to press near. You weren't making this easy on him at all.
You felt the water from his body soak through your robe but kept your hands off him. "Thought you were gonna be good for me?"
"I am, but you're teasing me too much," He insisted, rubbing circles into your hips, making you throb between your thighs.
"Don't you think it's about time for you to start making up for things?"
His eyelashes lowered before he dipped his head down to your lace-covered chest. You felt the surface of his hot tongue dip against your cleavage and swirl up your decollete before he started sucking hungry kisses into your skin.
No time was spared in disrobing you to reveal your tight set of strappy, sensual lingerie, a deep crimson against your gorgeous skin. The red mesh lined across your breasts and mound did little to cover the perkiness of your nipples and the sheen of arousal in the place Jay wanted to taste you the most.
He squeezed your breasts, continuing his trail of kisses down your smooth, soft torso with a dimming look in his eyes. Your soft chuckle turned into a gasp when Jay suddenly parted your knees with a firm hold and pressed his tongue against your mesh-covered slit, tasting the sweet excitement you'd been hiding from him since he stepped into the penthouse. 
The steam rolling off the water paired with the champagne on an empty stomach already made you lightheaded, let alone how Jay started working his tongue over your swollen pussy. 
"That's perfect, baby," You praised him, lifting your hips off the ledge so he could remove your panties, although they were lovely on you for the moment.
He determined long ago that your body laid bare was something to be worshiped altogether. 
"You're perfect," He emphasized with a gentle kiss against your clit, followed by a messy lap of his tongue down to your slit and back up to capture your clit once more. 
Your breath shuddered, eyes shutting with your head tipped back to focus on the incredible sensations of Jay's lips and tongue— his skills never disappointed you. He did his share of messing with you as well; the circles over your nub would grow lazy, and the thrusting of his tongue, shallow, until you slid your hands through his hair, bucking your hips for more.
A glint in Jay's eyes appeared; he relished how you tugged on his strands for a bit longer, and then he indulged you.
His thumb firmly but gently rolled over your clit with swift expertise while he buried his tongue deep into your plush insides, ready to savor the taste of your release. You counted the few seconds you could hold out until your insides clenched and pleasure pulsed outwards towards the tips of your fingers and toes.
"Fuck— M-Mmn, Jay!"
The orgasm Jay gave you was blinding and debilitating as if syrup was released into your veins, making you feel completely euphoric.
With each jerk against his face, you spilled more onto his tongue— could feel him wiggle his wet muscle even deeper as he sought after every drop. He knew that for as lavish a lifestyle you loved to live with him, you still never liked to waste.
Even as you were trembling through the aftershocks of your high, he slid two of his thick fingers into you and proudly dragged his heavy tongue around your puffy clit, his mischievous intent made clear. 
He wanted to see you wrecked.
"Haah— Jay—"At the whiny sound of his name, he stroked your insides, building up the tension in your tummy once more and way faster than you could comprehend. 
"Mm," Jay groaned against your clit with each kiss and suckle like he was enjoying every bit of you. The pads of his fingers rubbed at your sweet spot with vigor and quickly made you lose control of your limbs.
Jay heard your breath stutter as your thighs clamped firmly around his head. You haphazardly slid onto your back, head dangling off the marble ledge as he ruthlessly drew your next orgasm from your body.
"Oh god," You moaned helplessly, warm pussy pulsating around Jay's fingers as he fucked you hard with them, "A-Ah— Ahh!"
Your hole gushed more this time, squirting across his hand and coating his chin as he readily swallowed all of you. You tugged at your nipples and writhed in delight with each soft peck he placed on your sensitive skin. 
Jay just adored seeing you so content after pleasing you to the fullest, or so you thought.
Not a moment later, he stood tall above you, and you let him pull you into his arms, hopping up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. He held you against him firmly, letting you slide against his hard length trapped against your abdomen. The rain shower lightly misted down over your intertwined bodies.
"Guess you haven't lost your touch," You murmured, tracing your nails down his neck.
In two short steps, he slammed you back against the fogged mirror with enough force to send jolts of excitement through your body, but he cushioned the back of your head with his hand. Your heart thrummed against your chest, entrance already dripping with fresh arousal.
"Never," Jay kissed you hard, making you believe he meant it. 
The wetness between your legs was evident as it mingled with his, "Feel free to divorce me the day I do."
"Jay, don't say that. I was just joking—"
"If there comes a day I can't make you cum all over me, I don't deserve you. That's a fact."
"Fine then, same goes for me."
He huffed, kissing your collarbone, "You don't ever have to worry about that."
You laughed and rolled your hips eagerly against his, "It doesn't make sense for you to hold only yourself to that standard."
He raised his head to look you in the eye seriously, "I know, I just… I'm not always there for you, although I want to be. Everything in our life is amazing, but… if we lose it all to something out of our control— I just want you to always be happy. With or without me."
Your brows rose in slight surprise at the combination of insecurity and vulnerability in his confession.
"I'm always with you, Jay. It's gotten tough before, and it'll get tough again, but that's what we signed up for the day we got married, and it's not ever going to deter me from wanting to be with you for life."
Jay seemed to be absorbing your reassuring words, the knot between his brows relaxing, a relieved smile forming on his flushed lips.
"Besides, you can't fail. You have me by your side," You reminded Jay confidently of your business track record, stealing a kiss from him.
He laughed, "I'm sorry for ever doubting you, my love."
"Again. If you're so sorry, prove it…"
You saw that he trusted your previous words like you trusted him with you in his arms, so he swiftly lifted you by the hips, his grip on your ass positively possessive, and sunk you down onto the blushing tip of his aching cock.
"Mmh, that I can do."
He kept you there, and frustratedly, you tugged down the straps of your bralette and unlatched the band, throwing it far over Jay's shoulder onto the floor. Jay's tongue found your hard nipples, flicking over them as you bounced on the tip of his cock, the moist sounds echoing off the damp walls.
"Jay, I swear to god if you don't—!"
Right then, he sheathed you fully on his cock, letting you feel the way he throbbed while you squeezed him tight. The moans you both let out sounded equally desperate; it was maddening. 
"God— look at you, swallowing up my cock so easily even though it's been a few weeks. Been playing with yourself, haven't you? Making use of the dildo that I sent you the day I left?"
You blushed, thinking back to the nights you filled yourself to the brim with Jay's ridiculous yet genius idea of a customized dildo, and admitted the truth, "Maybe, but it doesn't compare to you."
"What do you mean? It's my cock," Jay smirked, hell-bent on teasing you even though it was his idea to give it to you. 
Although they managed to capture each pulsing vein and even the curve of his cock…
"Can't feel it throb or get harder," You insisted, "It doesn't feel hot or—"
Jay thrusted sharply, causing you to cry out in pleasure. "Or what?"
"Or reach deep enough—"
He drew closer, "And?" 
"It doesn't fill me up with cum like you do." Your demure eyes, heavy with dew, pinned him in place as he noticed the longing in them.
"That what you want, my love? Want me to pump your sweet pussy full of my cum?"
"Fuck yeah," You gnawed on your lower lip with a breathy giggle.
With that, he pistoned his hips up into you even harder right as you tightened around his cock. Jay watched your eyes roll into the back of your head, getting lost in the heat of the moment, a sight he never tired of seeing. His balls ached with the urgent need to fill you up, so he pressed you against the wall, tightening his hold around you while his other hand found your sensitive little clit.
"Gimme one more then, sweetheart, c'mon," He encouraged, rolling his hips up into your heat while working his fingers 'round and 'round your sticky clit. 
The entirety of your body shook immensely once more, your nails unintentionally clawing stripes of red across his shoulder blades at the overwhelming sensations bombarding you.
"I love you, ___," You heard Jay pant against your ear before letting go of the unbearable tension seizing your core.
Your cries of pleasure drove him to release, cock twitching as he filled you up with cum that spilled from your entrance with each thrust, punctuated by a deep growl.
"There," Jay pressed a sweet kiss to your lips and ground into you one last time, watching your eyes flutter, "My baby's stuffed to the brim with my cum..."
You hummed happily against his cheek, could feel him leaking out of you.
Jay slid your body back down into the comforting warm water as you caught your breath in his arms.
"Geez… I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow morning," You admitted.
"I'd be more than willing to give you a little massage then."
"That sounds really lovely," Your lips curled into a smile as you stretched your arms overhead and wrapped them around Jay's neck, "Not so sure about relaxing, though." 
"Why not both an invigorating massage and then a relaxing massage? One after the other, no extra charge?" That roguish smirk of Jay's was back again.
"Two for the price of one?" You feigned a curious peek at him. Your husband's smile had gone soft.
"Only for you, my love."
You gave him a pointed look, "And the price is?"
"You stay for my three-course breakfast afterward." He watched your eyes grow big in excitement, seeing that he hadn't had the chance to cook a homemade meal for you in months.
"So long as it's breakfast in bed," You couldn't help but beam up at him.
"You read my mind," Jay licked at your lips for permission, and you slid your tongue against his in kind.
Jay locked his lips with yours for a deep yet present kiss, one that expressed much more than mere words ever could— and when he slowly pulled back, he could see his future reflected in your eyes just as he did on the day he married you; him by your side, for as long as you'd have him.
A forever earned.
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ham-st4r · 6 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓽. 5 - 𝓛. 𝓗𝓮𝓮𝓼𝓮𝓾𝓷𝓰
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📞Pairing: heeseung + fem reader!
Warnings: mentions of mutual masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, mature jokes.
Genre: PSO (phone sex operator) heeseung
Note: just a lil filler chap hope you enjoy!!!
Number of words: will add later
Find your way around!
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It was early in the morning by the time you and Ethan had finished your little mutual masturbation session, and you were both tired and exhausted after sharing multiple orgasms back to back, but that didn't stop you guys from texting each other back and forth till sunrise he wanted to talk to you on the phone some more, but you were too shy after everything you did with him so you decided texting would be better.
Heeseung: So I feel like we rushed into this a little fast, so maybe if it's okay with you, we could talk and get to know each other better.
Your heart jumps at the thought of him actually wanting to get to know you. When you first called him that night, you never even thought of something like this happening, but you weren't complaining either.
You: Sure, I'd love to
He smiles, fingers dancing across his keypad to reply
Heeseung: So, I guess I should get this out of the way first. My real name is actually heeseung and not Ethan.
You cup your mouth in shock while reading his text.
You: There's no way.
Heeseung: Why? Do you not like it? You can still call me Ethan if you want. I just thought I'd let you know.
You: No, I do like it, but I just moaned your fake name for the past hour. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Heeseung: Sorry, angel, but I do have to admit I love the way you call me Ethan.
You: But what if I called you by your real name?
Heeseung: Fuck don't say that now. I'm gonna get hard all over again just thinking about it.
You: Not saying it 😬
Heeseung: So, are there any secrets you're hiding from me or things I should know before we start talking?
You: What, no, why would I?
Heeseung: I'm playing Angel, so tell me more about yourself. You had me intrigued since day 1
You blushed, kicking your feet excitedly as you went on to tell him more about yourself. Some trivial things and, surprisingly, a lot of personal things that normally you found hard to open up about, but with him, it was so easy, especially cause he opened up to you about a lot of things as well.
The sun was up while the two of you texted away with each other, talking about an array of various topics until you both had to go to sleep. Finally, you had school in the morning, and he had worked at a sandwich shop he had told you about earlier.
Heeseung: Angel, I'm so sorry. I gotta go now. I have school and then work tomorrow, but if it's okay, I'd like to talk some more.
Your heart flutters, still not able to comprehend the fact that you were actually talking to the guy you met on a phone sex site, and on top of that, he was actually interested in getting to know you.
You: I'd love to. I'll be home by three my time.
Heeseung: Okay, I work part-time in the afternoon, so I'll call a bit later, okay, Angel?
You: Okay, goodnight etha- I mean heeseung
You tease.
He chuckled at the text, eyes burning from staying up and talking to you for so long, but it was so worth it.
Heeseung: Goodnight angel
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Heeseung: Morning
Heeseung texted you first thing. He knew you'd probably still be asleep after staying up so late, but he knew you'd see his text at some point today.
He was right cause you woke up hours later and saw his text responding to him immediately.
You: Morning Ethan
Heeseung: Look who finally decided to show I was so lonely without you. 🥺
You: Please as if 🙄
Heeseung: Wow, here I am, trying to be cute, and you just diss me. That's cold, especially after I sent nudes. 😔
You: Aww 😀
Heeseung: Rude
Heeseung: So anyway, are you still at school? Was it fun? How is your day going so far?
You smile at your screen, getting all giddy because he's actually taking an interest in what you're doing.
You: I'm walking home now, but yeah it was fun but also kinda boring if that makes sense.
Heeseung: It totally does, angel, and I'm happy you're finished. You deserve a break.
You: Thank you
Heeseung: Wait, you don't mind if I call you angel, right?
You: Of course not. I love it when you call me that.
Heeseung: Good girl.
You: *blush*
Heeseung: Cutie, so I was thinking maybe once I get off work, if you'd like to chat for a while, are you still up for that?
You: Hmmm, sure, I'd like that.
Heeseung: I get off at five, is that okay?
You: Works for me.
You: But wait, aren't you supposed to do your other job?
You ask after finding out he worked two jobs along with school.
Heeseung: Shh, haha, yeah, but like, of course, I'm gonna skip it for you duh🙄
You: Heeseung, don't do that.
You reply, letting him know that you shouldn't be his priority over working.
Heeseung: It's whatever, just something I do for quick cash cause I'm good at it. Besides, missing one night isn't going to break the bank.
You: If you say so.
Heeseung: I do say so. I'm gonna get back to work before my manager scolds me for being on the clock while on my phone. Expect to hear from me later, though, okay?
You: Okay! Have a good rest of your shift. I look forward to hearing your voice again😉
You add, attempting to flirt a little.
Heeseung: Keep talking like that and watch the way I walk off the job so I can go home and call you.
You: 😬
"So, angel, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" You were both home relaxing on your beds while you FaceTime each other, except he was the only one showing his face.
You go on to tell him where you're from, and as soon as the words leave your mouth, his face falls completely flat.
"You're joking? Like, please tell me you're joking."
"That's hours away from here," he pouts. "Like thousands of miles."
"So?" You shrug.
"So? I was thinking about meeting you, obviously not this soon, but like maybe later down the road once we get closer, but I guess that's probably not gonna ever happen."
"That's what FaceTime is for," you chuckled, trying to hide your happiness. You couldn't believe he had actually thought about meeting you.
"I can't touch you through the phone," he deadpans as your giggling comes to a stop.
"O-oh," you whisper shyly.
"What? Something wrong?"
"Nothing, just trying to get used to your forwardness."
"I can tone it down a bit since we haven't known each other that long, you know? I just thought since we already you know it'd be okay, but if not I'll stop."
He rambles on and on.
"No, it's fine. I like it, and I feel really close to you already, like two peas in a pod." You smiled even though he couldn't see it.
"Yeah, we covered a lot of ground last night," you laughed.
"We sure did," he smirked, and by that look, you already knew he was about to say something. "So, how about you let me put my pea in your pod?"
"Stop it." You covered your face, cupping your cheeks that were burning from embarrassment.
"You're so easy to tease," he giggles. "So is it like cold where you are then?
He asked instead of teasing you some more.
"Yes, and it's a bit past midnight already," you groan.
"Midnight? So, should I let you go now?"
"I think that would be best, yeah."
He popped his mouth. "Dang it, well, okay. I can call you again tomorrow if you want at the same time?"
"Same time. Goodnight, Ethan."
He rolls his eyes jokingly. "Night night angel"
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and leave feedback! -🐹
Permanent taglist @hee-pster @hoyeonheeseung @furious-eagle @heehoonsnemo
Just a call away taglist " @heeseungshim @rayofsunshineeee @fakeuwus @heesquared @skzenhalove @wildflowermooon @get-a-guitar bold can’t be tagged
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julinasblog · 4 months
BACK AGAIN (E.W.) pt.1
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cw: swearing, mini backstory, 16 & 19 flashback age gap, mentions of smoking and drinking, bad terms, little bit of anxiety, (uses of Y/N), cliffhanger, mentions of abandonment, future smut in pt 2.
note: this is my first actual writing and post so bare w me 😭. please give me recommendations and or requests !! ❤️ also the start of this is pretty slow, sorry !! let me know if you guys want a second part ❣️
summary: On your walk back home, you suddenly get a message from your best friend who is updating you on a special someone who recently came back to town and wants to catch up after ending on bad terms.
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸
Usually on late nights like now you'd find yourself with Dina, in her car, driving you home. but tonight was different. You took the normal route but this time you had to walk from Dina's place, as always because tonight she was with Jesse of course, but, she promised to make it up to you, and she kept her promises.
So here you were at 1:00am, wandering the streets of your neighborhood. Recently there has been much talk about weirdos and hobos roaming the area. Not that it scared you.. (Which is what you tried to convince yourself.) You continued walking until a sudden familiar ding was heard from you phone, followed but a ring.
"Girl. I've been texting you. Where are you?"
"Dina, I'm fine i'm like five minutes away from my house, I'll survive."
You knew Dina cared for you.
"Alright, alright. Just let me know when you get home. Again, i'm sorry for the quick change of plans."
"Dina, it's fine. Just go spend some time with Jesse, you deserve it."
From the other side of the phone Dina rolled her eyes playfully as she smiled.
"Thanks, I owe you."
"Big time." You joked
You hung up and as soon as you knew it, you arrived home. "Ugh finally." You grabbed your phone out and shot a quick text to Dina, as you said you would.
Y/N : 'finally home as always, and i survived too!?..huh!'
Dina : 'yeah, yeah whatever, BUT off topic you'll never guess who just texted me.'
Y/N : 'huh? who'
Dina : 'bitch, guess.'
Y/N : 'cmon, i have nothing to work with, just tell me'
Dina : '🙄 i was expecting more of a dramatic guess but THE Ellie Williams just texted me. She said she's back in town, her and that cat girl just broke up, so she moved back here.'
Y/N : 'WHATTT. don't tell me she's moving back to our city...'
Dina : 'you guessed it!'
Y/N : 'shitt, i haven't seen her since i was like 16. i hope she forgot about me, we ended on horrible terms girl. 😭'
After a while you continued your night waiting from a response from Dina until finally, you felt tired enough to go upstairs into your room onto your bed and you began shutting your eyes.
Multiple rings awoken you, suddenly making you rise up with a hand to your chest, over your heart. You took a look at your phone revealing a missed call from Dina and a few new messages. You glanced at the time. 10:47am. "Fuck, I fucking slept in again." You whined before you sat up on the edge of your bed before opening the notifications.
Dina : 'bitch wake tf up , I HAVE NEWS. SHE IS ASKING ABOUT YOU.'
Dina sent you a screenshot of their messages. Chatting back and fourth before one of Ellie's text lands on your name, reading, 'What about Y/N? You guys still friends?' Dina simply replied, 'Yes, still. Are you guys talking? Good terms?' Which made you laugh out loud. Dina was clearly playing dumb. You scrolled the the next screenshot to Ellie saying...'No. Haven't heard from her. Do you have her number? I would talk to her but she's probably still held back from that biatch Nate.' Nate was your ex from your sophomore year. Ellie hated him. Nate would always ignore you and you would always be wrapped around his fingers whenever you could be. Ellie hated you for it, in-fact, she hated both of you for it.
Dina : 'look who is finally up. but seriously, trust me I didn't tell her anything..yet..she invited us and jesse and some other friends of hers to a hotbox.....'
Y/N : 'no way. we're not going.'
Dina : 'Cmon, it'll be fine. we'll even catch up and you guys can get back to being on good terms. I won't force you, but think about it pleaseee.'
Y/N : 'girllll, fine. only if you stay with me and we only stay for a little bit. i seriously don't wanna face her after so many years. when is it?'
Dina : 'THANK YOU. i'll stick with you the whole time, i promise. it's at six. she said it's nothing fancy but their gonna smoke and probably drink. I'll pick you up around 5:20 okay? SEE YOUU. xoxo'
"Ugh. This is gonna be humiliating..why did I say yes.." you groaned and was staring to rethink her choices before she got off the bed and looked for an outfit. Nothing fancy. Simple flared yoga pants and a grey camisole with a hoodie tied around the waist. After a few minutes of changing you went downstairs to brush your teeth and ya started to get ready for the day.
5:12pm Dina : 'omw'
Y/N : 'i'm gonna shit my pants.'
Dina pulled in the driveway honking. You grabbed your purse, keys, and your phone as you walked outside into Dina's car.
"You ready or what?" Dina asked, clearly confident. "Where is this place anyway? Is this in some sketchy van or like some type of room?" You asked, ready for any possible answer. "Well.. close. It's at Ellie's house- or well, basement." Dina said as she began driving. "Seriously? Out of all places we're going to her house!? She's gonna murder me or something?! She probably remembers the old snotty me from high-school." you whined which made Dina chuckle, "Relax. It's just catching up. She was like 19 and you were 16. Let's be real. She's probably over it by now." Dina said, reassuring.
6:02pm. You both arrived. Ellie's driveway was pretty packed. "Dina i'm actually gonna shit my pants." you said, CLEARLY SCARED. Meanwhile, Dina texted Ellie letting her know that the two arrived. "Cmon, it's fine. We're fine. We can stay for a little and leave." Dina said. Soon they prepared and both entered and followed everyone downstairs where Ellie was spotted.
"Ellie!" Dina obnoxiously shouted to which you playfully, but forcefully punched Dina's arm just before Ellie walked over, and boy did she look different. Mullet auburn hair, a toned body, a tattoo, her clothing was different...her tank...and her sweatpants...She looked so...-
Until tapping was suddenly felt on your shoulder. "oh..uh hm?" You looked at Dina who was looking at you right before Ellie came over.
"shitt, you look..different.." Ellie's eyes scanned Dina up and down before she focused on you. "Shit? Y/N? You look different as hell too." This made you feel some type of way but you just couldn't describe it. Dina noticed your lack of comfort and she began talking. "Hey, how have you been, El? It's been a while." No shit, you thought. It's been three years since she left for her, now ex-girlfriend. She left as soon as she turned 19, abandoning you, but she kept little contact with you before she had completely ghosted you. "I'm doing well. But it's been like.. three years, yeah?" Ellie scoffed before she continued. "..we're about to play a game of truth or down in five if you guys are down." Ellie suggested.. but Ellie kept her glance off you but only on Dina.
But Something felt off.
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ox1-lovesick · 1 year
hi love I HAVE A RQQQ- TXT OR ENHA WITH A SICK S/O PLEASE!! i have a killer cold and the worst dizzy spells ever nd i would love some comfort 😞😞 thank u sm
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★ pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff, comfort warnings. mentions of food wc. 100-300 each
✯ synopsis. txt with a sick s/o!!
☆ a/n. firstly i am so sorry this took 4 months 💀 writers block is the bane of my existence. i do hope this manages to bring you some comfort though :( please do take care of yourself and get well soon! (even though you are most likely not sick anymore 😭) also how ironic is it that i'm currently sick... :')
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by your side 100% of the time you cannot get rid of him.
he's over your bed when you wake up in the morning, waiting outside the bathroom door for you, laying right next to while you're sleeping. everywhere you are, so is yeonjun
will bend over backwards to get you anything you need
water? medicine? soup? more blankets? less blankets? he's on it before you can even ask
cooks for you !!! tries to make your food as interesting as possible so you won't get bored, without adding things that will make you feel worse or aren't good for you
you're bedridden. don't even try to fight him
he won't let you lift a finger, he wants you to get as much rest as possible so you can get better as quickly as possible
infact don't even speak, he'll learn morse code so you can just beep him whenever you need
if his schedule allows he'll stay home with you and be by your side every second of the day, if not he's texting you every free moment he has to make sure you're okay
would definitely call in sick if you were feeling particularly tired and need his care that day
has multiple reminders to make sure you're taking your medicine on time, will scold you if you're even a second late
he'll never tell you but he secretly enjoys you being sick . . .
he love love loves to take care of you, especially when you call on him to do things for you it makes him all giddy knowing you need him (he's not a creep i swear)
he's ontop of you so much he probably catches whatever you have
atleast you're sick together
hates to see you sick
1. because it's gross 2. because he hates seeing you in pain but mainly because it's gross
you're not staying in his bed i'm sorry he's gonna come over to your house to take care of you during the day and go home to his snot free blankets at night
gets your medicine mixed up all the time and complains it's the doctor's fault for prescribing ones that look so similar
low-key takes advantage of this situation so he can skip work and spend some quality time with you LMAOOO
"sorry guys yn's still dying i can't come to work today"
at first it's fun because you just have your average head cold so he doesn't worry too much
but then it starts getting worse and he comes home to you falling over yourself in the kitchen because of your dizzy spells and nearly has a stroke
he starts stressing like a mad man after that
probably gets himself sick just with how stressed out he is it's a problem
definitely calls his mom for help he doesn't know what to do
updates her on every little thing you do
"mom they just took a really deep breath does that mean something"
buys the entire pharmacy
wants to kick himself for not taking it seriously when you first got sick he feels so guilty 😭
although you did enjoy his company and the endless marvel marathons so all is well
will not leave you alone. you have to shit with the door open.
will do everything for you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
from brushing your hair to fluffing your pillows he's gonna do it all
he'll even clean for you, that's his ultimate declaration of love
in the end he didn't really do much to nurse you back to health but A for effort
i know practically everyone in moaville would say he'd tease the shit out of you but in my head he'd be the most worried for you
googles every single one of your symptoms and then cries himself to sleep because myonlineclinic.com told him you have cholera and 6 days to live
the only reason he'd tease you is to mask his worry
he'd watch you go through 60 boxes of tissues and be like "omg my snotty baby" but on the inside he's freaking out 😭
your pain is his pain, the way you feel affects him and his mood drastically
he's irritable when you are, he's tired when you are, your appetites probably sync too
puts a curse on whoever spread their nasty germs to you with ginger roots and vinegar
i think he'd also be the most sympathetic since he gets sick a lot more often than the others
so gentle and understanding compared to his usual self it's a little scary 😭
surprisingly good at negotiation like you're being stubborn because you don't want to take your medicine and he's like "if you drink the cough syrup i'll let you listen to the demos for our next comeback" and before you know it you've sold your childhood home to him for 3/4 of the initial price
will whip out his guitar and sing for you in a heartbeat if you ask him too
obviously tries to crack jokes and make you smile so you don't feel too miserable, he feels so accomplished even if you just scoff at him 🙁
gets back to his usual annoying self once you're better though
ironically, he doesn't know what to do
he rarely gets sick and when he does it passes in a day or two, so when you've been coughing like you have bronchitis for the past week he feels so lost
his first instinct is to take you to the doctor to figure out what's wrong but gets into a fight with doctor for charging him 19382928 won just to press his hand to your forehead and tell him you have a head cold (terry is against this capitalist society)
also buys the entire pharmacy
changes your entire lifestyle to the maximum efficiency so you get better as quickly as possible and makes sure you stick to it
strict like a prison warden, sometimes you wonder if he actually loves you
which he obviously does, but it's hard to believe so when he avoids any unnecessary contact with you as if you have the plague
takes you outside every once in a while to get some fresh air, he feels stuffy just watching you sit around
it also keeps you active 💪
he's always pestering you to wash your hands
will not let you touch him otherwise
makes sure he keeps your space clean, always has tissues and anything else you might need within your reach
at your aid 24/7
you take up a colossal space in his heart he's so soft for you
flying to your side before you even say anything
you don't even have to tbh he can read your mind
"how'd you know i wanted water?" "you looked thirsty"
if he notices you're feeling extra miserable he'll sing for you to cheer you up
swallows his pride because he's down bad and pulls out his best southern accent when you ask him to sing country music
he will be teased for the next millenia but it was worth it for you
he's like an overbearing mother but you get better the fastest when he's taking care of you
another mama's boy
probably calls his sisters too
hiyyih would tell him to soak your pills in vegetable oil as a joke but he'll actually do it because he's just that hopeless
he's unable to think straight he just wants to do everything in his power to make you feel better 😭
although he gets the hang of it pretty quickly, he's a fast learner and genuinely enjoys taking care of you
always praising you !!
"wow yn!! i can't believe you ate all your soup!!! you're so cool!!!"
tries to distract you by showing you his entire collection of pokemon cards
probably lies and tells you they're all super rare and he's the only one in the world who has them
does his best not to cause you any stress, he just wants you to focus on resting
the things this man does because he loves you istg
he cleans the entire dorm because it's a breeding ground for bacteria and he doesn't want anything making you more sick
the guys come home to the house spotless they're just like 🤯🤯🤯🤯
taehyun asks you to get sick more often if it means he doesn't have to fight his way through the ironing board and bike to get to the sink
he even lets you play on his DS he's down bad
side rant: i feel like kai is secretly a neat freak, he abhors the sight of filth but is just too lazy to do anything about it so he forces himself to deal with it 💀
anyway he's such a sweetheart :( does his best to keep the mood up even if you're feeling miserable because your nose is so filled with so much snot that you can't breathe
his positive energy definitely rubs off on you!!!
he actually does a good job taking care of you, he's a bit stressed at first but you're back to good health in no time !!!
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© OX1-LOVESICK ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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mikachacha · 8 months
𝚆𝚊𝚕𝚔 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: After many years of being with Bada, you have decided to walk away. Not because you stopped loving her but because you felt like it was the right thing to do, not only for your relationship but for yourself as well.
Warnings: heavy angst, just a lot of tears for this one, mentions of cheating, language
(A/N: i would like to thank @apreer for suggesting this song ❤ really love it)
You thought it would get better if you stuck with her for years but it only got worse. From blatant lying to cheating, Bada has done it all. Not just once, not just twice but multiple times. You chose to forgive her as she would always promise to be better. She'd then shower you with love, attention, gifts.. She'll do that for three months at most then the cycle goes back. There were many instances that you thought enough is enough and just simply walk away but each time, she'd pull you right back in with sweet words and empty promises. But now, enough is enough. You're done. You gave her everything and now you're taking back control. It's time for you to love and choose yourself first.
"Y/N, I wouldn't be home until late tonight. I'm sorry baby that we couldn't spend our anniversary together but I promise I'll make it up to you after my schedule clears up." Bada says which you knew was another lie but you nodded nonetheless. She kissed your cheek and rushed out the door while you just sighed before heading back to your shared bedroom.
You began packing your stuff and made sure all your documents are in your bag. You wanted to have a fresh start, away from Bada and from everyone who knows you. You booked a flight to the US so she couldn't follow or track you easily. You just wanted to finally have the freedom to do what you want, to be happy and to regain your old self that you lost while loving Bada.
"If only I wasn't that stupid to come crawling back to you each time you betrayed me, Bada.. Three long years I spent with you. Three years of my life wasted for the likes of you but today I'm putting an end to this. Goodbye, Bada." you smiled bitterly as you looked at the framed picture of you and Bada together, seemingly so in love with each other. You also took off the ring she gave you and placed it on the night stand. With a final look at the house you shared together, you called a cab and headed to the airport.
Bada almost dropped her phone when a notification popped up. It was from the alarm system of your house and it says that you have removed your access to the system. She immediately checked the surveillance tapes through her phone and saw you packing your things. The recent one is you loading your bags into the cab and leaving. Her heart was pounding inside her chest, she felt lost. She felt a pang of pain inside of her as the thought of you leaving her for good flashed through her head.
"Fuck! Y/N please pick up, baby.. Please.." Bada is now frantically pacing around as she tried to call your phone but you weren't picking up. She also sent lots of messages but you just left her on read. She doesn't want to lose you yet she didn't really made too much effort to make you stay.
"What do you want, Bada?" you finally answered as you arrived at the airport. Bada wanted to sigh in relief but she doesn't know where you are and the fact that you're leaving her is still there.
"Baby where are you? Please tell me.. Let's talk things out, you and me.." Bada is now desperate. She doesn't want you to leave but you've had enough of her bullshit.
"I'm about to board the plane. I'm leaving, Bada. We're over. I don't want to be part of your sick games anymore. I'm tired of you taking me for granted and would only pretend to love me just so you can hurt me again.. This will be the last time that we will be talking to each other. Goodbye, Bada. I hope you treat the next girl better than how you treated me the past three years." you said and ended the call before turning it off. You took a shaky breath as you willed yourself not to cry. You're done crying for her.
At that moment, Bada felt truly alone. No one was there for her, the girl she was with earlier has since left, annoyed that Bada paid more attention to you than her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling down as regret and sorrow washed over her like a tidal wave. Today, on the day of your anniversary, Bada lost you. She lost the woman who loved her more than she could ever love herself, the woman who was there for her through thick and thin. It was too late to regret and beg you for forgiveness now as you had made up your mind of walking away from her and from her life for good.
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muikitoo · 10 months
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~ Cuddles and kisses with Muichiro ~
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You came back home from a mission quite late. It was around 2am and you were EXHAUSTED. You slowly opened the door to the mist estate as you went inside.
"Welcome back, how did the mission go? Are you hurt?" Muichiro was waiting for you as he began to ask multiple questions at once while scanning you for any injuries.
"Im fine Mui, I'm just really tired." You said, fighting to stay awake.
He sighed at your current state, holding you close as he took you to the bathroom.
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Muichiro decided he would take care of you for the rest of the night.
You sat in the bath, relaxed as muichiro was running his fingers through your wet hair and whispering praises and comforting words.
He helped you get dressed as he tucked you in bed and then slowly slid under the covers after you.
"What type of demon was it?" He asked
"A really annoying and ugly one. Probably worse than Gyokko at this point. He was seriously a pain in the ass" you huffed as you continued to rant about the annoying demon while Muichiro just listened and rubbed your back with his hand in circular motion to try and give you some comfort, since he wasnt the best with words.
He was running his hands through your hair, massaging your scalp from time to time.
The hashira sighed. "Pillocks like that are just a waste of oxygen. Their meaningless existence wouldve been at some use, so they should've atleast done their job right instead of being a sorry excuse of a demon." He spat out, starting to get irritated just by the mention of the demon.
He slowly looked at you while still holding you close and trying his best to soothe your worried away. He leaned in and gave your lips a soft kiss, pouring all of your emotions onto it. Your cheeks flushed as your lips brushed against eachother, taking your breath away and soothing all of your worries.
He pulled apart from you, panting while still staring at your flustered state as he started to kiss your entire face. Your giggles echoed in the room as u cupped his cheeks, making him look at you and giving him one last kiss on the lips before snuggling up to his chest.
After some time he could hear your soft snores as he kissed your forhead and waited for sleep to slowly envelop him too.
Times like these, even if its a simple or small interaction makes him so glad he has you in his life. Even if youre both completely silent, your presence alone brings him comfort and safety, which he's never felt with anyone before. He can lower his guard with you and finally feel at peace. He doesnt have to feel like he has to be awake at all times incase of any attack.
He wants to be by your side through everything and help you no matter what. Hes so thankful to have you by his side and he wouldnt trade it for anything in the world.
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stayevildarling · 3 months
bonjour :) can I request some of this prompts for a story? with any of them (cordelia, billie, wilhemina or ally) I like your multiple character fics too
❛ i’m not going anywhere. ❜
❛ is there anything i can do to help? ❜
❛ i don’t even recognize you anymore.
❛ can’t sleep? ❜
❛ it’s just a scratch, don’t worry. ❜
tyyy <3
Cordelia Goode x Wilhemina Venable x Billie Dean Howard x Reader - Falling
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A/N: thank you to whoever sent this to me. I'm not too sure if its angsty enough but the prompts actually hit close to home. the fall is also inspired by me actually falling over at work the other day and afterwards looking like I got into a fight 😂
word count: 3.8k
tw: very mild mention of blood, insomnia, angst, slight arguing
taglist: @lunaticwhittaker, @billiebeanhoward, @lanawinters-ily, @kenzbro, @minaslittleone, @httpfiftyshadesofgay,@whitelotus00, @ninaahs, @vintagepaulson,@isle-of-earle,@paulsonsratched, @stepintomyworld, @grilledcheeseandguavajellyy, @lucyintheskywithxanax, @fanfics4world, @mymiraclewitch, @hazard-to-myself, @awritersometime
The moon hangs high in the sky, casting it's silver-white light through the windows and onto the bed where you lay, warmth surrounding you in the form of your lovers, Delia, Billie and Mina. Despite the usual comfort and warmth this scene would give you, sleep continues to be a stranger, slipping through your fingers.
Cordelia shifts beside you slightly, her voice breaking the silence of the night. ,,Sweetheart, why are you awake?'' she asks softly, her voice filled with concern. Her soft hands reach out to brush a strand of hair from your face. You return her gesture by smiling softly, hoping this will cause the concern to fade from her beautiful features.
,,I'm okay Delia, just woke up for a second'' you whisper, trying your best to mask what's been going on. Cordelia's brow furrows with worry, but she doesn't press the subject further, instead pulling you closer to her in an a comforting embrace. You close your eyes in return, grateful for her presence, even if it couldn't chase away the shadows that had haunted your mind lately.
As the night stretches on, you toss and turn, your mind racing with thoughts and worries that refused to be silenced. Despite your best efforts to find comfort in the arms of your lovers, sleep remained a stranger to you, leaving you tired and drained.
The following night, plays out the exact same way. You would be wrapped up in between your lovers, taking turns between cuddling into two blondes or your redhead lover. Lately your days had been exactly the same. Unable to sleep, you would be the first one out of bed, getting ready for your day ahead, helping around the academy by preparing things for teaching or helping your lovers out in any way you can, a small price to repay for all of the things they had done for you in the past. Throughout the day they would be busy, Wilhemina working in her office remotely for the company she works for. Billie would be in meetings either online or travel to them for her show. Filming only happening in certain months, while Cordelia looked after the academy. This contained teaching, council meetings and making sure the girls are looked after. Despite having your own work and shifts, you would help out wherever you can. Eventually the four of you would have dinner, liking the ritual of it being spent in the presence of each other.
The evenings looked a little different each day, sometimes board game nights, sometimes movie nights and sometimes just the familiar picture of snuggling on the sofa, Mina knitting or reading, Billie on her phone and Delia doing some work on her laptop or watching the tv. You would eventually all go to bed together, sometimes spending hours of quality time and sometimes quiet nights, where the three of them would quickly fall asleep due to their demanding careers. Tonight was no different, the three of them worked hard, before they all relaxed in the living room by the fireplace together with you.
As you again toss and turn, you eventually grow frustrated and leave the bedroom as quietly as possible, before sneaking off to the garden and having a smoke. Cordelia and Wilhemina hated the habit but Billie didn't exactly help you and only fed into your addiction. As you exhale the smoke, you look up to the sky, admiring the view of a clear moon and some stars. After returning a while later, you turn around only to see Billie looking at you with a cheeky smile.
,,Did you just sneak out for a smoke without me?'' she teases, her playful nature a nice change to the loneliness of the night. She arches an eyebrow, a playful smirk still on her lips. You can't help but chuckle. ,,No'' you smile and do that little head tilt which she knows means you are lying.
Her laughter fills the room a little, easing the tension in the air. She cups your cheeks gently, her other hand trailing off to your scalp, giving you little scratches with her nails. ,,Well if you ever need a smoking buddy, you know where to find me'' she smirks before pulling you into a tight embrace. For a moment, the weight of sleepiness lifted with Billie's words, the warmth of her affection. But as the night wears on, you long for sleeping yet again.
The third night, brings Wilhemina's quiet concern, her gentle touch soothing to the ache in your heart. As you lay awake, lost in thoughts, her hand finds yours in the darkness, a silent gesture of love and understanding.
,,Can't sleep, little one?'' the redheads voice is soft, filled with concern as she squeezes your hand gently, her eyes searching yours for answers, despite the darkness.
You swallow the lump in your throat, struggling to find the words to explain and having learnt by now to work things out on your own. ,,It's nothing really...'' you finally speak but the answer isn't sufficient for Wilhemina and by her reaction you can tell.
,,Is there anything I can do to help?'' she asks, her brow furrows with concern, her gaze never leaving yours. She reaches out to brush a tear from your cheek. ,,You don't have to do this alone, little one'' she gently whispers into your ear.
For a moment the walls around your heart crumble, her words so full of reassurance and warmth. It makes you melt, knowing Wilhemina struggled with her own emotions but never how to take care of yours or your other two lovers. A flood of emotions washes over you and in response you cling onto her hand, grateful for her support. ,,Turn around little one'' she whispers gently before pressing a kiss to your forehead. You comply of course and before you know it, you feel her arms wrap around you, holding you close. As she knows her little one loves being spooned.
As the hours stretched on, you still couldn't sleep a wink but the comfort of being in Wilhemina's arms, at least pushed the worries and heartache away for now.
The days slowly turned into a week, still sleep remained a distant dream and insomnia has been slowly catching up on you. It was a Thursday afternoon, your workday finally coming to an end. The thought of driving home to your lovers, gives you great comfort and causes you to smile as you walk towards your car.
Suddenly, your feet betray you and you trip, trying to not fall over, you try and balance yourself but your body not stable enough to keep you up. As your face makes contact with the floor, your hands at least preventing further injuries, you lay there for a second, feeling both defeated and dizzy. Little stars blur your vision momentarily. For a good second you consider just staying there, waiting for sleep or someone to eventually find you, however you decide against it, making your way over to your car, having a sip of water until the dizzy spell slowly fades.
As you start the car you notice your knuckles and hands bleeding but carry on heading towards home, not being in the mood to even deal with it right away. After a while you finally make it home, just wanting to hide away after the day you have had. With trembling hands you enter through the front door, hoping the three of them would still be occupied with work, so you could clean yourself up without further questioning or concern. However your plan quickly comes to a stop as the three of them wait for you in the kitchen, being able to tell by the smell that Delia had cooked and seeing them wait so patiently and excitedly makes your heart melt a little.
Delia gets up to greet you first, taking your bag for you and setting it aside before greeting you by pulling you into a hug. As you enter the kitchen, you try your best to hide your trembling and bleeding hands but as Billie equally pulls you into a hug, Wilhemina instantly stares in horror at your hands.
,,Y/N? What is that?'' she questions sternly, concern lacing in her voice. Cordelia stops serving the food, before walking over and taking your hands into her own. ,,Sweetheart what happened?'' she asks softly, instantly ushering you to the sink, to tend to your wounds. Billie walks over, taking one look at your hands before her eyebrows furrow ,,Did you get in a fight babydoll?'' she asks, usually a joke would have followed the question but your serious expression and trembling, leaves no room for her jokes.
Cordelia hooks your chin, making your eyes meet hers. ,,Darling, this will sting but I don't want it to get infected alright?'' you simply nod. You discard your gaze and look out the window, feeling embarassed that they have seen it in the first place. After Cordelia finishes cleaning and tending to your wounds, she kisses them gently and after the trembling stops, she suggests for you to get changed before dinner.
,,Something is going on'' Wilhemina states after giving it enough time for you to make it up the stairs. Her voice laced with concern, her features stern.
,,She wouldn't have gotten into a fight, that's not like her'' Cordelia softly suggests to calm her lover down but her voice and features betraying her.
,,Let's just talk to her'' Billie softly suggests as she hears you enter the kitchen.
Nervously, you take a seat next to Billie. Cordelia hovering nearby, her eyes filled with concern and empathy as she serves dinner. The room is deadly quiet. The only noises being heard, the cutlery moving across the plates.
,,So what happened babydoll?'' Billie asks softly, giving you a comforting yet reassuring smile.
,,It's just a scratch, no need to worry'' you mumble, having no idea how to explain the whole thing altogether.
As you look up, you can tell this answer isn't sufficient and as you see Wilhemina's gaze lingering on yours you quickly add ,,I just fell at work earlier''.
Billie's brow furrows with concern as she inspects your hands yet again, her hand meeting your leg and placing it there to comfort you. ,,Poor sweetheart, how did that happen?'' Cordelia asks, being able to tell through her supreme abilities that you are in fact telling the truth.
,,I don't know, I was just walking to the car, then I tripped and tried to balance and then I fell'' you explain, the embarrassment of the situation and their gazes on you coating your cheeks in a dark tone of red.
,,Looks like you took quite a spill'' Billie adds, pouting a little as Delia tilts her head in that worried but adoring way.
,,Did you hurt yourself anywhere else sweetheart?'' Cordelia quickly asks but you shake your head.
Hoping the conversation is over, you look around the room, seeing content yet still worried faces, Delia and Billie knowing the truth. For a moment the weight lifts off your shoulders replaced by the warmths of your lovers and support. However, as your eyes meet Wilhemina's you shiver a little. You see a flicker of something else, lurking behind her brown eyes.
,,Wh- What's wrong Mina?'' you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty as you meet her icy gaze. Causing for Billie and Cordelia to meet the redheads eyes as well.
Wilhemina's expression hardens, her jaw set in a tight line as she averts her gaze, her hands clenched into fists at her sides.
,,What's wrong?' she spits, her voice sharp with anger as she fixes you with her gaze.
,,What' wrong is that I don't even't recognise you anymore'' she states. Your breath gets caught in your throat and before Cordelia can open her mouth to deescalate the situation, the redhead opens hers yet again. ,,What's wrong is that you aren't honest with us''. she states bluntly.
You recoil at the force of Wilhemina's words, the weight of her anger crashing down upon you like a tidal wave. ,,I-'' you stammer, trying to find the right thing to say, your voice barely above a whisper, as you struggle to find the words to express what has been going on.
Cordelia is quick to intervene, her gentle words breaking through Wilhemina's icy ones. ,,She isn't lying darling, I can tell''. But Wilhemina isn't so easily appeased. With a frustration sigh, her gaze averts yours yet again, her shoulders tense with anger. ,,She may not be lying about the fall but she hasn't been honest with us either''.
Billie now turns to her confused, her hand still on your thigh now squeezing it slightly. ,,What you mean?'' she asks, impatience lacing her words.
,,Are you going to tell them?'' Wilhemina turns to you again, her words cutting through you like knifes. The strictness in her voice and the sharpness of her words, cause your vulnerability to get ahold of you, tears spilling from your eyes.
Your chair scrapes across the kitchen floor, as you get up, Billie's hand leaving from your thigh. ,,I'm sorry for spoiling dinner'' you apologise to Cordelia before walking away.
The three of them watch you leave, each of them contemplating whether to follow you. Billie gets up first, but Cordelia gently stops her ,,Let her calm down a minute, honey'' she coos.
,,What was that all about?'' Billie snaps, angry with Wilhemina's harsh words and how they affected you. The redhead looks down, hating for the way the conversation and evening took a turn.
,,I know you didn't mean to upset her my love but can you explain please?'' Delia pleas, her hand reaching for Wilhemina's across the dining table.
Wilhemina inhales sharply before meeting Cordelia's eyes, her calmness keeping her centred. ,,Haven't you noticed?'' the redhead asks confused, worry overtaking her that she read the signs wrong.
,,Noticed what?'' Billie asks confused, her eyes pleading for answers.
,,Y/N hasn't been sleeping. I think it's been about a week, I assume that's why she fell also'' Wilhemina states.
Her words suddenly hit the other two in the face like a slap from reality. Of course Billie had noticed the tossing and turning and the way the ashtray was always full in the morning, an indication you did in fact steal away in the middle of the night. The supreme had noticed but didn't know the extend of the situation as she faces an internal battle of fear and worries. She feels like she let you down, not noticing and intervening before this happened.
As you retreat to the comfort of the bedroom, the weight of Wilhemina's words hang heavy in the air, the harshness cutting through you like a knife. Tears stream down your cheeks as you collapse onto the bed, the weight of this day and the insomnia crashing down on you.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Cordelia, Billie and Wilhemina sit in silence the weight of the evening's revelations weighing heavily upon them each in their own ways. Cordelia's brow furrows with concern again as she squeezes Wilhemina's hand. ,,My love, I know you didn't mean to upset her'' she begins, her voice soft and soothing as she meets the redheads gaze.
,,We need to talk to her about what's going on and how we can help her'' she suggests softly. Wilhemina's shoulders tense in response but she nods, her heart heavy with regret. ,,I know'' she whispers her voice filled with remorse.
,,I just didn't realise how bad the insomnia has been until today. I feel like I have failed her'' Billie admits. Cordelia reaches out her other hand to the blonde woman, holding it gently. ,,You haven't failed anyone, Billie''.
,,Our little one is great at hiding things from us unfortunately'' Delia explains. ,,I think we should try and talk to her'' she adds afterwards, having let some time pass by now. With a heavy sigh Billie and Wilhemina nod in agreement. As they stand from the table, their gazes fixed on the staircase, they all agree. ,,Let's try''.
As the three of them enter your shared bedroom, the weight of their concern hangs heavy in the air, their footsteps soft against the wooden floor as they approach you, including gentle cane taps from Wilhemina. Their hearts filled with a mixture of worry and love.
You look up from where you are sitting on the edge of the bed, your tear stained cheeks betraying how you truly feel and have been feeling. The sight in front of you only causes for more tears to spill as you see their faces filled with so much worry. You hated this, this is exactly why you didn't want to tell them about the sleeping problem or the fall. You always feel as if they have more important things to do and worry about, not wanting to burden them with your stuff, unbeknownst to you that ,,your stuff'' was all they wanted to hear about and support you with.
Cordelia is the first to speak, her voice soft yet filled with determination as she take a seat beside you, her gaze filled with empathy and understanding. ,,Darling, do you think you are ready to talk to us?'' her voice gentle yet tinged with a sense of urgency as she reaches out to take your hand into her own. Her perfume lingering in the air, honey and vanilla momentarily make you feel calm and content.
You simply nod in response, knowing now you couldn't keep it in any longer, also the exhaustion from the insomnia slowly clouding your senses and making it hard to think. The room fills with silence as you struggle to express the depth of your exhaustion. Billie moves to sit on your other side, her presence and smell of expensive perfume and a hint of cigarette, causing you to feel a little more calmer. ,,We're here babydoll'' she says, her voice filled with warmth as she wraps you into her arms.
Wilhemina remains leaning on her cane from a slight distance, her gaze fixated on you. ,,Y/N.. I-'' she struggles, fighting her internal battles. ,,I'm sorry for what I said before, I was simply worried about you''. Her voice is filled with regret as she approaches you slowly. Tears swell in your eyes at hearing Wilhemina's words, knowing she isn't usually one to apologise and the burden of the argument from before lifting off your shoulders a little. With a trembling hand you reach out to take hers, offering her a silent reassurance of gratitude and forgiveness.
,,Sweetie'' Cordelia asks after a while as the four of you sit beside each other. ,,Hm?'' you ask feeling tired from the past couple of days. ,,How long haven't you been sleeping?'' she asks gently and your gaze averts hers. Billie watches as you chew your bottom lip anxiously, squeezing you a little closer.
,,A week'' you whisper, scared of their reaction. Cordelia's brow furrows with worry, her heart aching at the thought of your suffering. ,,A week?!'' Billie questions, unable to believe the depth of your statement.
,,Oh darling, why haven't you told us? We could have helped you'' Cordelia questions, her head tilting as she tries to meet your gaze.
Tears well up in your eyes, Wilhemina quick to catch them this time. ,,I didn't want to burden you, the three of you have enough on your plate'' you whisper again, barely audible. Your voice filled with remorse before you struggle to meet her brown eyes.
,,Darling girl, you couldn't ever burden us'' Billie is quick to reassure. ,,You bring so much joy into our lives'' the medium adds, her features brightening at the love confession.
,,Sweetheart, we are here for you always, but I think we need to do something about this hm?'' Cordelia softly suggests and you nod tiredly, at this point ready to try anything they suggest or do.
Three sets of brown eyes meet each other, being able to tell they might have a shot at this tonight as you seem as exhausted as ever before. ,,Billie, would you be okay to heat her up some dinner, she barely ate?'' Cordelia asks gently and Billie nods, before pressing a kiss to your cheek and doing as she was asked to.
,,Come on sweetheart'' Cordelia suggests and helps you up. ,,Where are we going?'' you ask confused before she softly chuckles and explains ,,We are going to have a nice relaxing bath, that sounds good?'' she asks with an adorable beaming smile that makes you melt.
Before you approach the bathroom, you turn around to see your redhead lover still sitting on the bed, smiling softly at you. Your features suddenly crease and her eyes are quick to meet yours. ,,Mina?'' you whisper and she is quick to pull herself up, holding onto her cane and making her way over. ,,Please don't go anywhere'' you whisper and Cordelia's heart aches at the statement as her eyes meet the redheads. Her lip forms into a small pout before explaining ,,I'm not going anywhere, little one''. She presses a kiss to your cheek before you smile relieved at her words and follow Cordelia into the bathroom.
Delia makes sure to use some of her favourite lavender bath salts as she runs the bath. In a few quick swift motions, she helps you undress and as you settle into the warm embrace of the water, Cordelia sitting beside you, her presence making you feel comfortable. She reaches out to take your hand into hers before asking ,,Is it okay if I wash your hair sweetheart?'' and you nod sleepily in response.
With gentle hands, she massages the shampoo into your scalp and soon after the conditioner. With each splash of warm water and her soft touch, gentle against your skin, she eases the tension from your tired muscles. She speaks softly, her voice filled with warmth and affection as she whispers words of affection and comfort, reminding you that you aren't alone and will never be.
As the minutes pass, the tension slowly begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of peace that washers over you like a gentle tide. Cordelia continues to show you her lovely care, as she helps you dry off, putting you in some of her comfortable pjs, some socks Mina had knitted a while ago. Sensing your exhaustion and sleep slowly and finally creeping up on you, she simply scoops you up into her arms. As she carries you back to the bedroom, her steps are light, her touch comforting and reassuring as she whispers words of love and reassuring into your ears.
As Cordelia sits you down gently, wrapping you in some blankets, she can tell that sleep is about to consume you, but she makes sure that you at least have some food and water beforehand. After doing as they ask your eyes feel heavy and with each blink you can see their faces as they sit next to you at the edge of the bed, smiling softly at you, each with loving and adoring eyes.
,,Tired'' you mumble and this causes for Billie to chuckle softly. ,,You rest now my love'' Cordelia whispers gently, her voice filled with content and tenderness as she presses a soft kiss to your forehead. Before your eyes close they wander to Wilhemina one more time ,,It' okay, I'll be right here and I won't go anyway she reassures.
At last sleep washes over your exhausted and tired body. The soft low light in the corner of the room providing you the feeling of safety, the warmth of the covers making you feel comfortable and their presence making you feel safe. They keep their promise, staying with you throughout the night. Neither of them leaving your side and with each little noise or movement that escapes you, they are right there, ready to tend to their strong little fighter, relieved you opened up to them eventually and that they could be by your side.
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surfinminhos · 11 months
especially in love with you ♡
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hwang hyunjin x female reader (fluff)
requested! ---- Lrei
!! fluff au, kissing, mentions of stress, work. 2ND PERSON POV, cuddling, clingy bf, tiny fake text part, everything fluff! microscopic angst part !!
word count: 1,073
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synopsis: You and Hyunjin have been dating for 8 months, The two of you haven't parted ways since. One day you went home exhausted from work. He was clearly worried about you and let you sleep for the rest of the night. The next day you woke up to see your boyfriend out of sight. Little did you know, he was planning a little gift to remove a little bit of your stress from work. It was the best gift you'd ever received from anyone. You both love each other dearly, but this day was really 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭.
-author's note: this is my first time writing something like this, ever so you can spot a lot of mistakes throughout my posts. I would love some tips on writing on Tumblr, overall tysm for reading.-
It was a scorching hot day and you were with your boyfriend that was going to drop you off to work. You two usually walked to your workplace every morning but considering the intense heat outside, you both decided that he'll just drop you off to work in his car. It was a pretty short and quiet ride. You both liked the comfortable silence that comes every once in a while. You two reached the workplace, wiping a little sweat dripping down your forehead from the hot temperature. You said goodbye to your boyfriend and kissed his cheek."Why can't you just take the day off and spend more time with me and Kkami?" he asked, frowning. "You know I can't do that Hyune, I have to work. Speaking of work, I gotta go, I don't want to be late. Bye," you kissed his cheek again and sent him multiple flying kisses on the way to your office's entrance. You walk inside your office as a bunch of your colleagues greet you and you greet them back. "Omg, I love you hyunjinnie baby mwa mwa mwa" your best friend, (y/f/n) stated mockingly. "Oh shut up (y/f/n), you're just jealous I dated someone longer than 2 days." you scoffed, making her blush a little from embarrassment. "Whatever, I still don't trust that guy." she ranted. "Well you should 'cause I don't think I can ever leave him," you stated. You organize your stuff as you mentally prepare yourself for a long day of work.
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You went home, exhausted. You plopped down on your couch, not wanting to stand up, maybe it was because of the extreme heat, or you were too tired to do so. "Hyune! I'm home!" you exclaimed as you watched your boyfriend run down the stairs to check on you. "Hey jagi, how was work?" he asked as he sat down beside you, looking like a disaster compared to him, it seemed like he had just got out of the shower an hour before you arrived, you were lying down, limbs everywhere. "It was the most tiring 5 hours of my life," you answered. "Missed me?" you asked with a cheeky smile, trying to cover the fact that you were really tired yet failing miserably the moment you heard your boyfriend's response. "Of course I did," he cupped your cheeks as he kissed you. "I know you're tired, stop trying to cover it up jagi, I've made you food, eat up and change into your pj's and I'll get ready to cuddle you to sleep," he instructed."Alriiight, help me get up first," you blurted, causing both of you to laugh as he pulls you out of the couch. After you did everything he told you, you rushed to your shared bedroom and saw Hyunjin laying down in his pj's. He was shocked seeing you've done everything he asked so swiftly. "Staring is bad y'know," you said jokingly. You ran over to the bed and lay down beside him. He tucks you in the blankets, legs intertwined as he cuddles you tightly, while you smile at his actions. "Go to sleep now, dream of me cutie" he smirked, causing you to smile and blush even more as you drift away to sleep.
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*bzzzt, bzzzt* you woke up to your phone buzzing loudly, you picked it up and glanced at the time, it was 7:23 in the morning. You grunted as you stretched your arms and saw the empty space on the other side of the bed, your boyfriend had woken up earlier than you. You wonder where he could've gone as you stand up and walk lazily to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After, you hear a sudden *ting!* from your phone, indicating a message. You check your phone and see it was from your boyfriend.
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"Hm, I wonder what his surprise would be" you mumble, running down the stairs. Just as you said that, you saw what he meant in the text. He made a lot of paintings, of you. He made a cake for you with something written on top "I love you jagiya!", He made a whole interactive card origami filled with letters for you and your pictures together which takes hours to make. You swore you were going to cry 'cause of all the efforts he gave making all of this. You truly didn't deserve him. He was beside the cake, he flashed his smile at you and you smiled back. "You made all this? For me? Why?" you asked, feeling flustered. "Because I saw that you were exhausted from work yesterday and I wanted to make you feel relaxed since you've been stressed the whole week," he answered. Feeling butterflies in your stomach. You two spent the whole weekend together. If only you could live in this moment forever. Night came, and you two were on the balcony, enjoying the view. "I have told you this a billion times already, but I'll say it again. I love you. So much." you stated, breaking the silence. He smiles at you and lifts your chin up to face him with his thumb, "I love you too, so, so, so much. You're my favourite person ever. 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲." he says, and kisses you under the moonlight.
-author's note ~ IT'S FINALLY DONE! I sacrificed my sleep for this. send some requests! sorry if it's kinda cheesy, I tried. Stream 5 Star for 5 days of luck-
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the-eeveekins · 9 months
While I'm on a roll, I'm going to go off on a little bit of a personal rant (continuing something I mentioned earlier), that's been on my mind due to some comments I've seen made about G-Witch and Sulemio in recent days. I normally try to avoid writing rants like this but this one has been grinding my gears a bit.
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Yes, in the grand scheme of queer media, Sulemio's relationship can definitely come across as underwhelming. No one would deny that you can get more explicitly and textually queer stories out there, especially by queer creators. But that absolutely ignores some of the circumstances surrounding the show.
First, it's been made pretty obvious by now that the staff wasn't allowed to be very explicit in their depiction of Suletta & Miorine's relationship. The company that censored an interview and released a tone-deaf statement that their relationship should be "up to interpretation" because a VA said they were married obviously wasn't going to be cool with Suletta and Miorine kissing, saying I love you and getting married on screen. They would've put their foot down well before we got to the ending. And even then the staff did enough to make Suletta & Miorine explicitly married by the end of the show. They found ways around whatever limitations Bandai put into place to try and make Sulemio subtext, and made them a canon couple within the show itself. I get tired of people saying the show didn't explicitly and textually confirm their relationship and marriage because it does, just in a roundabout way via the "sister-in-law" line because they couldn't do it in a straightforward manner.
Seriously, by all accounts, it's not like the people making this show wanted to end Sulemio with "just handholding" and half-assed the relationship, they wanted to do more but couldn't. Just look at how some of the staff members depicted them in the artbook once they were off Bandai's leash: with multiple wedding pictures.
Second, it's actually a big deal that they ended the show married, even if they had to do it in a roundabout way. Yes, the yuri genre is generally going to have more explicit lesbian relationships than what we got with Sulemio, but the yuri genre isn't exactly mainstream. Dedicated yuri anime isn't airing in primetime and ending with the main couple married, it's usually late-night, niche and usually only gets one season that introduces the couple, maybe gives you a kiss, but forces you to finish the story through the LN/Manga. Mobile Suit Gundam is a popular, mainstream multi-media franchise that has been running for 44 years, and G-Witch was airing on prime time. The fact that a mainstream franchise like Gundam aired an anime series that was centered around a queer woman and a sapphic relationship that ended with the couple married is huge, especially considering the legal status of same-sex marriage in Japan. Niche yuri anime airing in the middle of the night can probably get away with a lot more gay content than a mainstream franchise airing in primetime can, especially when the franchise is owned by a bunch of old, conservative dudes.
As an anime fan, it's amazing to see a mainstream animated series like The Witch From Mercury focused around a queer woman and a sapphic relationship (and make it TEXTUAL, not relying on subtext to carry it), especially a series not specifically adapted from a yuri LN/Manga. And as a lesbian and a long time Gundam fan, seeing a major franchise I love like Gundam, that has always been dominated by male characters, air a series focused around a queer female MC and her relationship with another woman is a much bigger deal to me than a lot of random yuri series would ever be.
Reducing Sulemio to comparisons between other queer media or yuri series and how it's "inferior" to those because it lacked certain elements ignores and disregards the unique challenges and situation of The Witch From Mercury, and the way the staff fought to overcome those issues to deliver an explicit sapphic story ending in a married couple.
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sweet-seishu · 2 years
bonten! rindou haitani x fem! reader
warnings: angst, hurt to comfort, established marriage, mentions of divorce, NSFW, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, squirting (the spicy isn't very descriptive, but it's still there), NOT EDITED, just overall terribly written, and very half assed. time stamped bc that's when i made the decision to post it today.
a/n: when i tell you this has been in my drafts for MONTHS and i just never posted it and now i'm cleaning out my drafts so here, i know it's bad leave me alone.
network tag: @tokyometronetwork
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The word was running through Rindou's head as you sat across from him at his desk, chewing on your lip as you let him process what you had asked. There was no argument that led to this, no big fight, you had just asked him out of the blue. He was confused, he hadn't done anything wrong, so why did you want this?
There was of course a reason, you were just scared to bring it up.
"Why?" Rindou asked. You wouldn't look at him, you couldn't. "Y/n-"
"I-" You started, biting your lip to keep the tears from falling. "Rin, I'm just– I'm not happy anymore."
"But- what did I do?" The question seemed so innocent, and it made your heart hurt more as you thought about how to answer.
You didn't want him to be upset with you, you didn't want to end on a bad note. "Rin it's what you're not doing." You said softly.
"What I'm not-? What does that even mean?"
You finally looked at Rindou, and he looked irritated. You couldn't blame him, you were vague in your answer, and you knew he didn't care to figure these things out.
But you were just so tired. Tired of waiting for him to come home, tired of him working all those late nights. He's barely paid attention to you over the last few months, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Rindou." You sighed. "I can't take this anymore. You're always at work, you're barely home, and when I do see you you barely acknowledge my presence."
"I'm just trying to give you a good life y/n, I need to work to do that." He said bluntly. "You knew what you were getting into when we stared dating as teenagers."
"Yeah Rin, I knew you'd be busy, and I knew there would be times when I wouldn't see you. But this has been going on for months. I dont even remember the last time we've had a conversation this long."
"You know how busy Bonten is becoming. I'm sorry I can't be home all the time but come on y/n-"
"Yeah I know how busy it's been, but I'm your wife Rindou, you should still be able to make time for me. If I'm being honest I feel like this is already over, and it's been over for a while."
Rindou was taken back by your words. How long have you actually been thinking about this?
"Night after night I wait for you to come home, just to remember what your stupid fucking face looks like, but then I fall asleep cause god forbid you come home at a normal hour, and then you're gone when I wake up." You said, choking on your words as the tears built.
You let a few tears fall from your eyes as you stared at Rindou. Someone you've known and loved all your life suddenly looked like a complete stranger.
"I'm breaking Rindou." You cried. "I'm completely falling apart here, and you don't even see it. It's like you don't even care. I'm completely at the bottom of your priority list, and it fucking hurts."
Rindou only looked at you, not knowing what to say. He hadn't realized how bad it was, but as he really looked at you now, he noticed the weight you lost, the bags under your eyes, and how the light was completely gone from them.
"Nothing to say?" You asked, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Then that's it. I'll call our lawyer in the morning. You can just go back to work." You pulled your wedding ring off your finger, suddenly feeling naked as you placed it in front of Rindou. "I love you Rin, and I'm always going to.. but I'm done waiting for you."
With that you left his office, leaving Rindou be as he stared at the ring. How could he be so stupid? How could he not realize how little he actually saw you?
He groaned, running his hands through his hair before looking at the picture of you two on his desk.
His blonde and blue hair, glasses on his face as he smiled at the camera, while you kissed his cheek, your y/h/c hair blowing out of your face, the hint of a smile on your lips as they touched his cheek.
You had taken that after he had told you he loved you the first time. The smile on your face after he said it was permanently marked in his mind, a smile so bright it made him weak in the knees.
Rindou loved you with all he had, and he has since you were teens. He was never the best at expressing his feelings, something you knew all too well, but he didn't want it to come to this.
He didn't want a divorce, the thought made him feel sick, like he wanted to throw up.
He wasn't going to let this happen, he couldn't.
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"I just don't know how it got to this." You said to your friend on the phone. "How can we go from talking about starting a family, to getting a divorce?" You asked, voice cracking as a tear fell from your eye.
Rindou was standing on other side of the door, his heart sinking at your words.
"Was it because of me?" You cried. "Was I too much?"
Fuck, no you were perfect to him.
"Did he stop loving me?" You sobbed, looking down at your hand. You winced at the small 'rin' tattoo that was on your finger, a tattoo that was usually hidden by a ring.
Absolutely not. He loved you more than life itself.
He couldn't listen anymore, slowly opening the door to bedroom, making you turn your head. You told your friend bye, hanging up the phone placing it on your nightstand.
"What do you want?" You asked.
"To talk." He told you, sitting beside you on the bed.
"We don't have anything to talk about Rindou. It's done."
"I don't- y/n I don't want that." Rindou told you, csrefully putting his arms around you so he could pull you close. He felt you tense, and it hurt him more than he could admit.
"Rindou I'm just not seeing any other option." You told him.
"Pretty girl, I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I let it get to this. I never wanted to hurt you baby."
You started sobbing, shoulders shaking as Rindou buried his head in your neck.
"I can't just let you walk away from this, from us. I promise I'll be better. I'll be the man you married, someone you deserve."
"I don't want an empty promise Rindou. You always put Bonten before me and I can't take it anymore."
His hold on you tightened. He really was an idiot. "It's not empty. I'm so sorry I ever made you think this marriage was over, sorry I ever made you doubt how I feel about you. I only wanted to give you the life you deserve."
You sighed, slowly moving to face him.
"Rindou, I don't care about having a lavish life, I don't need expensive things. All I need is you. You're all I've ever needed and you- fuck Rin- you slipped completely out of my grasp."
Rindou pulled you closer to him, holding you tightly as you cried into his shoulder. He rubbed your back soothingly as you held onto his dress shirt so tightly you could hear it ripping.
"Look at me." Rindou said softly, making you lift your head from his shoulder. He gently moved your hair behind your ear. "My pretty girl. I hurt you really bad didn't I?"
"You did." You said softly, sniffling as Rindou moved his hand to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
"I won't hurt you anymore, I promise you that. I'll be home more, I'll let you know if I have to stay late, I'll do whatever I have to, just please stay." Rindou choked, his eyes stinging. "You're my soul mate, losing you would be losing a part of me, and I just can't-"
You cut him off, kissing him softly as you tasted the mix of your tears. When you pulled away you let your forehead meet his, looking into his violet eyes.
"Okay." You said softly.
"I won't go anywhere." You whispered. "Just please, please don't-"
"I won't." Rindou told you, knowing exactly what you were going to say. He pulled your ring from his pocket so he could slip it back on your finger. "I love you so much y/n, let me show you yeah?"
You nodded before Rindou placed his lips on yours, both of you easily melting into eachother.
Your hands found their place in his purple hair, tugging at the strands as you tried to get closer to him. He held on to you for dear life, scared to let you go as he licked your bottom lip. You quickly opened your mouth, your tongues tangling as everything quickly became hot.
"Off." You said against his lip, ripping his dress shirt open, not caring about the buttons. You just wanted him, and you wanted him now. It's been so long since you were together like this, and you weren't ashamed to show how needy you were for his touch.
It all happened so fast, and before you knew it you were beneath Rindou, moaning as he brought you to your fourth orgasm of the night.
He spent a long time, prepping you with his fingers and tongue, making you cum again and again before filling you with his thick length, a feeling you had missed so much.
"Rin." You gasped as he hit that spot inside you again and again. "Please don't stop!"
"Fucking hell y/n. You're squeezing me so fucking tight." Rindou moaned, pounding his hips harder into you. Your nails scratched at his broad back, making him hiss as you screamed, squirting your juices all over his abdomen.
"Fuck!" Rindou groaned, pumping inside of you a few more times before stilling his hips, painting your walls white.
You were both silent, the only thing that could be heard was your heavy breathing as Rindou lay on top of you, being mindful not to crush you with his weight.
"Rindou?" You whispered, making the younger Haitani look at you.
"What is it pretty?"
"Can we go take a bath? I'm kinda of sore." You chuckled, moving his hair out of his face. He only smiled, slowly pulling out of you before standing up.
"Give me a sec okay?" He said, kissing your forehead before walking off to the bathroom. He ran a hot bath, making sure there were lots of bubbles and a nice bath bomb, just the way you liked it.
He walked back into your room, smiling at your sleepy state. He picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the shower so you could both rinse off first.
You sighed when you got in the tub, your back against Rindou’s chest as he held you.
He realized how much he really missed moments like this with you. He really did take you for granted, he knew that and he hated himself for ever making you think he didn't love or care about you.
"Rin are you okay?" You asked.
He hadn't realized he was crying.
"I just, fuck." Rindou sobbed. "I'm just so fucking sorry."
Rindou rarely cried, not like this. Sure he shed a few tears here and there, but he never completely broke down. You didn't know what to do.
"Rindou it's okay." You told him.
"It's not. It's not okay." He sobbed again, holding you tighter against him. "Can't believe I alm- almost let you slip away. Can't believe I made you feel like this was over, I'm so-"
"Shh." You cooed, turning around so you could face him, not caring about the water spilling over the sides of the tub. "Baby it's okay, I forgive you."
"You're just, you're everything to me and I almost let you walk I-"
"Rin." You said softly, holding his face between your hands. The tears in his eyes wouldn't stop, breaking your heart as you tried to consol him. "I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."
Rindou looked at you, nothing but love for him in your eyes as you comforted him. Fuck he really was stupid.
"Let's get out of the bath and go to bed okay?" You smiled. Rindou nodded, closing his eyes as you placed a gentle kiss to his forehead, letting him calm down.
You both stepped out of the tub once his tears stopped. Rindou grabbed towels for you both to dry off before he grabbed your hand, walking you back to your shared room.
Rindou quickly slipped on a new pair of underwear before tossing you a shirt of his and a pair of sleep shorts.
"Let me just grab some new sheets okay?" Rindou told you. You nodded, smiling when he kissed your forehead.
When he returned you helped him change the bedding quickly, finally laying down with the soft duvet covering the both of you.
He was quick to grab you, cuddling you into his side, as he kissed the top of your head. You traced his tattoos, making Rindou sigh in content.
"Love you pretty girl." Rindou whispered, stopping your actions so he could grab your hand, lacing your fingers together. "I'll love you forever."
"I love you to Rin." You told him kissing his skin, finally letting your eyes flutter shut. "Forever."
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luna-writes-stuff · 7 months
Mercy, Castiel
Song link
Fanfic, gn! reader
Aftermath betrayal, hurt/comfort. S8! central
Word count: 2514
Tw: Not proofread. s8 centric, after Cas’ betrayal/Naomi. Mention of injuries/pain and slight descriptions of battle.
Summary: After Castiel escaped Heaven with the angel tablet, he finds his way back to you. Through initial anger and betrayal, you find out what really happened to him.
Buy me coffee/force me to write more
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“Help me, I've fallen on the inside.
I tried to change the game.
I tried to infiltrate, but now I'm losing.”
He didn’t think it would end up here. All his time with Naomi had prepared him for this exact moment, but the aftermath was not at all what he expected.
You and Dean had followed Castiel for his search for the angel tablet. Something had been up with him for weeks now, but he was an angel after all. Perhaps this was just a mere miscommunication of sorts. He had always been distant and unclear on his intentions. But they always turned out for the best in the end. You had simply dismissed it, thinking he was simply dealing with a lot, especially concerning Heaven.
You and the Winchesters had discussed it multiple times, but Dean seemed the most wary. You still tried to see the best in every situation, especially concerning Cas. He wouldn’t betray you. Not after all that you had been through. He had promised to look out for you after the whole Leviathan thing. Angels wouldn’t break their promises, Castiel least of all.
But you were soon to discover how awfully wrong you were about that.
“Men in cloaks always seem to run the show.
Save me from the
Ghosts and shadows before they eat my soul.”
The second Castiel refused to hand the tablet to Dean, you knew something was wrong. You had tried to be calm about the situation, but with Dean’s temper and Castiel’s adamance, the problem got blown out of proportion. When Cas landed the first hit on the hunter, you immediately flew into action. Friend or not, you knew he could easily kill Dean if he wanted to. You hadn’t kept in mind that the exact same could happen to you.
Before you could even process it, a rough punch landed on your jaw, sending you to the ground with Dean. You could have taken his blows for hours, you lost track after you failed to get back up. The fear coursing through you had been so real and terrifying, you remembered the relief when Dean threw himself in front of you, shielding you from Castiel’s attacks. When the angel had raised his blade, Dean didn’t fight anymore. He just sat there, on his knees, directly in front of you. You didn’t have it in you to get back up.
But the blow never came. Instead, a Castiel spoke up, visibly snapping out of something. He apologized, claiming the tablet needed to be kept safe from people, including you. You didn’t register much of what happened after that, save from the fact that the pain within you seemed to suddenly fade, accompanied by a pleasant warmth. When you came back to your senses, Cas was gone, and you and Dean appeared completely fine.
“Mercy, mercy.
Show me mercy,
from the powers that be.”
The days after that were spent at the bunker, trying to process what had happened. Sam and Dean had immediately taken hunting back up, which hadn’t surprised you, but you hadn’t joined them.
You still couldn’t believe how easily Cas had betrayed you. As if it was nothing. Sure, he had shown remorse for his actions afterwards, but people usually don’t just disappear after an apology. You had tried to work out where Cas might have been, and where he had kept the angel tablet. It might have been safest in the hands of an angel, but considering his prior actions, you’d feel safer if it was with you in the bunker.
It wasn’t rare for you to spend full days and nights in the library researching. You’d return to bed late and wake up early. Though the Winchesters were often done, they weren’t blind to notice your change in behaviour and looks. You weren’t only tired - you looked it too. But you would shake off their concern every time the mentioned it.
“Show me mercy,
can someone rescue me?”
There were many days where you would fall asleep on top of your laptop or the books. Tonight had been one of those nights. You had been spending the entire day checking locations and biblical miracles for anything out of the ordinary, until it eventually became too much for you.
You proposed a short moment of peace. Closing your eyes for just ten minutes. But exhaustion seemed too apparent, and before you knew it, you had been knock-out. You woke up to a gentle hand on your shoulder, and the sharp smell of mint tea. Tearing your eyes opened, you yawned. Your eyes noticed the hand, before trailing up to meet that familiar face.
“Good morning.” “Cas?” You mumbled confused, squinting your eyes together to take a better look at him. He held a teacup in front of you, a small cloud of steam coming from the top of it. “I made you this.”
You merely stared at him, unsure of whether he was truly there or not. And if he was, what would he be offering you tea for? You hesitantly accepted the steaming cup before Dean entered the library. “What the hell are you doing here?” He grumbled angrily, roughly grabbing Cas’ sleeve and tugging him towards the war room. “Well, I-” “No, I told you to stay out of the library.” Dean interrupted, gaining a look from Sam, who stood up from his seat in the other room. He gave you an assuring smile as he noticed you were finally up.
“We found him on the road last night.” He shared as he walked up to you. “You found him on the road last night?” You repeated incredulously. “Yes,” Sam muttered, watching as Dean left the angel in the war room before storming off. “Listen, we need to check for something,” Sam shared. “Just, take your time to wake up.”
And with that, he had followed his brother.
“Absent gods and silent tyranny.
We're going under, hypnotized by another puppeteer.”
When the Winchesters had disappeared, your confused eyes ran back to Castiel’s figure, who had walked back up to you. “Hello,” He greeted gruffly. You blinked twice before finally coming to your senses: “Where the hell have you been?” “Biggerson’s.” He stated simply. You gaped at him at his answer, shaking your head. “You have been at Biggerson’s all this time?” “Yes.”
And with that, all earlier worry had suddenly disappeared.You had not been searching every corner of the Eart and web for him to hide in a fastfood restaurant. A scoff of frustration escaped you.
“I owe you an apology.” Cas began, but you dismissed him. “Forget it.” “No,” He denied. “You deserve an explanation.”
You were too tired to argue with him. Within the one minute span of now and you waking up, a lot had happened. It could have nearly given you whiplash. You sighed, sitting back down at the table before gesturing to the chair in front of you. Castiel understood the silent hint, sitting down on the appointed chair: “I wanted to get back to Heaven. I would only be allowed in if I helped Naomi. She made me fight you. Multiple times.”
You didn’t quite know what to say to that. Part of you wanted to be mad at him for betraying you and the Winchesters, but another part of you told you that you understood. He had known Heaven his entire life, which was an awful lot longer than you knew him, let alone even lived. Of course he’d want to get back to that. Castiel didn’t seem to notice your conflict - he simply continued speaking: “I have killed you and Dean countless times.” “Well, don’t gloat.” You mumbled.
“Something about it seemed so normal,”
“As if I had been preparing for it all my life.”
“Can we stop talking about you killing me thousands of times?” You interrupted, holding your hands up, telling him to shut up.
“And tell me why the men in cloaks always have
To bring me down.
Running from the
Ghosts and shadows the world just disavows.”
“I don’t understand,” Castiel frowned. “I thought you wanted me to explain.” “Well, you’re making it sound as if it is your crowning achievement.” You filled in, cringing internally at the thought of Castiel killing you over and over again.
“My point is that I hated it. I couldn’t do it.”
And that was when the cold reality began to settle in. Part of you had tried to forget the whole ordeal, leaving the part of the angel blade out voluntarily. But when he spoke his last words, cold dread began to settle in. He wasn’t fighting you to keep you off of the angel tablet; it was his intention to end it. He was going to kill you.
You swallowed harshly, your heart suddenly beating really fast. This was something that Cas did notice.
“You were going to kill us?” You asked, your voice quivering slightly. “Yes,” He admitted. “I am thankful I didn’t.” “Yeah,” You breathed, squeezing your hands together in tight fists, trying to get rid of the new-found anxiety. “You’re not that good at apologies. This somehow made me feel worse.”
“Mercy, mercy.
Show me mercy,
from the powers that be.”
He halted, looking at you for a short moment, quietly observing you. You coughed under his gaze, averting his eyes on purpose. He noticed how you slightly shrank under his eyes. He also noticed how much he didn’t like it.
“I understand.” He spoke up. “You should know that I would never voluntarily harm you, let alone kill you. That was Naomi.” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “She…did something to me.” That piqued your interest. Though you definitely felt somewhat threated under his look, even as his eyes had softened, a spike of worry shot through you. “What did she do?” You asked cautiously.
The angel sighed heavily, laying his hands on the table as if he was about to tell the most captivating story ever. “Some torture device.” He spoke grimly. “It included sticking metal bars in my head.” “I’m sorry?” You squeeked out, your mouth falling open in shock.
“It included-” “No, I heard you the first time.” You quickly cut him off, shaking your head wildly.
“Show me mercy,
can someone rescue me?”
Castiel didn’t speak up. It was a hurtful notion, not because you didn’t like that he didn’t speak to you - it was because you couldn’t comfort him. Castiel wasn’t the best with words, nor comfort. Though he has adjusted significantly to mortal norms and habits in his time with you and the Winchesters, it was still extremely apparent that he had not been human at all. And how were you going to comfort a literal angel?
“Cas, I’m so sorry that happened to you.” You tried, your voice hesitant, almost afraid the speech would be dismissed by him quickly. So, when he nodded his head to you in gratitude, you were pleasantly surprised.
“It wasn’t your fault.” He added regardless. “No, but still,” You went on. “You don’t deserve that.”
He simply looked at you, causing a twinge of sympathy to run through you. Sure, what he did wasn’t okay, but you knew he was genuinely sorry. Your earlier discomfort had seemed to fade slowly, the hostility of the situation now showing that it was only you who had felt threatened in the situation. Castiel hadn’t meant to hurt, and you knew he was honest about that. Whatever he went through, wasn’t entirely his fault, even as majority still lay there.
“Thank you.” He whispered.
“Show me mercy.
Show me mercy, please.”
His voice shook you out of your thoughts, grounding you back to the bunker’s library. You offered him a polite nod, leaning back in your seat slightly. “How are you now?” You asked, a small amount of guilt creeping up on you as you realized the torture he has been through.
“The wound on my stomach isn’t completely healing yet.” He spoke in his usual deadpan voice, lifting up his blouse to show you the stab wound on his lower abdomen. You gasped at the sight, shooting out of your seat as you neared him.
“Oh, my god, what the hell happened to you?” You yelped, noting the way the wound didn’t look infected, but painful nonetheless. “The angels found me,” He explained. “Tortured me to get information out of me. It didn’t work.” “Holy shit,” You exhaled, creating a little more distance between you and the angel, minding to respect his personal space, even if he didn’t always return the gesture.”Are you alright?”
He looked down at the wound before lwoering his shirt again. “I will live.”
When that didn’t seem to satisfy you, he gave you a kurt smile. “I appreciate the concern.” “Yeah,” You mumbled. Then, he swallowed thickly, looking at you with silent remorse. “I cannot apologize enough for what I’ve done. If I could take it back, I would.” “I know.” You comforted.
“Thank you, Cas.”
“Help me, I've fallen on the inside.
And all the men in cloaks trying to devour my soul.”
“Dean doesn’t seem to give me time yet.” Cas audibly observed. “Yes, well,” You began to explain. “He’s Dean.”
He was right to not listen yet. Castiel, your friend who you’ve trusted for years now, had almost left you to die over a stupid relic. The thought stung, even after he revealed his own struggle on the matter. He was talking about lives on the line. Not his, your own.
“You did betray us.” You announced, sympathizing with Dean’s alleged words. “Cas, what you did stung. It’s a tough pill to swallow. I understand, but…” You trailed off, trying to find the right words, when - in truth - there were none. “I don’t think I’m ready to forgive just yet.” You admitted.
Cas’ face fell slightly upon the revelation, but he managed to cover it up relatively well. You couldn’t have seen it right away, but you noticed the change in his voice.
“I understand,”
“Show me mercy from the powers that be.
Show me mercy from the gutless and mean.”
You sighed at the sound. You were right not to forgive him, but you couldn’t help but feel bad for him. You walked back up to him again, hesitantly wrapping him in a hug. He loosely returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around you in silent comfort.
“Just,” You began, parting from him. “Don’t run off to somewhere right now, okay? Don’t need you to get tortured by angels again.”
Relief flooded his sense upon your words. Even though you hadn’t forgiven him, there was an understanding there. And for now, that would be enough for him. Yet, he wanted to be sure he had your permission: “You want me to stay?”
You shrugged, but couldn’t force the tiny smile off of your face. “If you wouldn’t mind.” “No,” He quickly stated. “Good.” You muttered.
“Good. You should stay.”
“Show me mercy from the killing machines.
Show me mercy, can someone rescue me?”
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