#not so subtle hotchniss
em-prentiss · 3 months
Since I’m joining you down the H/P rabbit hole, do you ever wonder about the other FBI agents who would have known Hotch when he would have worked for Prentiss’s mom and met Emily for the first time. Maybe an agent who also worked the same job. And for whatever reason, years later their paths cross with the BAU and the find out that Hotch and Emily now work together. What do you think the rest of the BAU’s reaction would be to finding out that baby Aaron and Emily were once acquainted? Imagine if that agent had photographs of baby H & P and maybe one of them together that even they didn’t know was taken.
Hmm I actually never thought of another agent seeing young hotchniss like that, mostly because I think many agents would scatter after that position, you know? But I can imagine an old colleague of Aaron’s who used to work the same shift with him one day coming into the BAU for whatever reason, maybe asking for help, maybe just wanting to catch up. He’d see Emily and recognize her instantly—because how could you work for the ambassador and not hear of or at least cross paths with Emily?—and he’d be like oh wow what a coincidence, never thought I’d see the two of you together again and the team would be like….what are y’all talking about. It’s such a fun idea, it would be wonderful as a fic.
I definitely think if anyone from the BAU knew about them, it would’ve been Dave, whether Aaron told him about her or he somehow saw them together back in the day. Even if he didn’t, I don’t think he’d be surprised to know that they knew each other—she’s just so different with him than everyone else, you can’t help but wonder. Obviously they’d all be shocked, but I think JJ and Penelope would be delighted of course and they’d immediately dig for details—and demand (lovingly) of Emily why she hadn’t told them. Morgan would be interested to know what Hotch was like back then and Reid would be completely disinterested in the whole thing lmao, but I think this extra piece of information would make sense of what he’s seen from them (nothing concrete, but a subtle comfortableness they seem to have with each other).
I also lowkey love the idea of them being in a newspaper or something. Like in one of the ambassador’s parties Emily is at the center and you could just catch a hint of Aaron standing next to a door. Or someone would snap a picture of them as they’re sitting on the edge of a balcony, legs dangling (he’d tried to get her down from it, but it proved fruitless so in the end he just joined her), free smiles on both their faces as she maybe told him a story of the stars (I am so obsessed with young hotchniss and stargazing, don’t even get me started). I can just imagine the way the ladies would gush over them, their brows raised in disbelief at Aaron’s relaxed posture and his smile—omg I’m cutting myself off here, but WHAT IF his jacket was around her shoulders to protect her from the breeze, because even though it’s summer her short dresses barely covered much. In conclusion the ladies would lose their minds, much as I currently am right now, and the guys would be subtly interested to know who exactly their old boss was.
Also I think it would somehow be even sweeter if hotchniss wasn’t established at that time. They were simply friends—lightly teasing, a little flirtatious—but at the core of it they found each other and just bonded deeply. 
This is such a lovely idea and it sent me into outer space, thank you xx
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
hotchniss fluff!
i can’t stop imagining emily holding aaron’s face between her hands and smothering him with kisses all over it🥹
so this kind of fits the prompt, face squishing included, and I hope you like it!
Love Drunk
Emily breaks a tooth and Aaron looks after her once she's had it removed.
Words: 2k
Warnings: Mentions of dentistry
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She blames Dave from the start. 
It happens at family pasta night, a regular occurrence with the team since Emily’s return from Paris. Aaron couldn’t help but feel like an exhibit at a zoo at them ever since the team found out about his and Emily’s relationship, the way they were around each other outside of work a curiosity to their friends. 
On one level, he couldn’t blame them. They made each other softer, he knew that. Their rough edges eroding away at each other, smoothing down all of the things they had endured over the years. It made them affectionate, always seeking the other out, her hand reaching for his and his chest pressed against her back. They exchanged soft kisses every now and again, a subtle reminder that they were together, that they had survived to make it to this. 
He understood his friends' curiosity, the difference between Hotch and Prentiss and Emily and Aaron was stark, but he would like to eventually be able to kiss his girlfriend around them without being smirked at. 
Aaron has his arm slung over her shoulder, keeping close as the team all spoke about their weekend plans as they stood at Dave’s kitchen counter whilst he cooked dinner for them. Emily laughs at Derek, her sarcastic response to his comment said around a nut she’d popped in her mouth, helping herself to the snacks Dave had put out to keep them happy. 
She gasps, her hand flying to her jaw, “Motherfucker.” 
“No cursing in front of the kid, Prentiss,” Dave replies, smiling at her as he tilts his head towards Spencer, who sighs deeply. 
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m 30?” He asks, sounding defeated, his sigh only deepening as Derek and JJ both pat him on the shoulder, barely covering their laughter. 
Aaron turns Emily in his arms and looks at her, his concern deepening as she seems to press her hand a little firmer into her jaw, “Are you ok, sweetheart?” 
“I think I cracked a tooth,” she replies, using her tongue to press into the tooth in question before she places her thumb and forefinger in the back of  her mouth, grimacing as she pulls out a sliver of tooth, “God fucking damn it.” 
He winces on her behalf and cups her jaw, rubbing his thumb delicately over where she’d been touching it moments before, “Does it hurt?”
She shakes her head, “Not really, not yet anyway,” she turns to Dave and narrows her eyes at him, “This is your fault.” 
“My fault?” He asks, raising his eyebrow at her, “You’re the one who was eating all the snacks.” 
“Because you’re taking forever to cook, as usual,” she complains, groaning as she absentmindedly rubs at her jaw, easing an ache that hadn’t appeared yet, “I hate the dentist.”
“Everyone hates the dentist, peaches,” Penelope says sympathetically as she rubs her back. 
“Actually, approximately 36% of people fear the dentist, which means 64%...” Spencer drifts off as Emily glares at him, and he clears his throat before sipping his wine, “Never mind.” 
“Do you want to go home, Em?” Aaron asks softly, drawing her attention back towards him. He places his hand on her waist, his thumb tracing small circles just below her ribcage, and she smiles, gently shaking her head at him.
“It’s ok, I won’t be able to see a dentist until Monday at the earliest anyway, might as well stay and have some fun.” 
Aaron frowns, his concern flickering again as he intently looks at her face for any sign that she was playing the situation down. It wasn’t unusual for her to do that, to minimise her pain, especially since Paris, and he no longer wanted to be someone she did that in front of. 
“Are you sure?” 
She nods and leans forward, pressing a quick kiss to his lips, “I’m sure.” 
“Emily can just stick to a liquid diet,” Dave cuts in, pushing a bottle of wine closer to her, “It won’t be the first time.” 
She narrows her eyes at him, “Shut the fuck up, Dave.” 
“Mr Hotchner?” 
He looks up from the floor, his eyes fixed on it since Emily had been taken in for her procedure, and he meets the eyes of the dental nurse who had met them when they arrived. He stands up, clearing his throat as he does so, pushing down anxiety that made him feel a little ridiculous. 
She’d survived much worse than a tooth extraction, he knew that. She’d battled monsters by herself and by his side for years and come out the other side, but he hated seeing her in any pain at all, even something relatively minor in comparison. It always made him think of when he’d visited her in the hospital before she was moved to Bethesda. He was still wearing his suit from her funeral. She was awake, but groggy, and had since told him she’d convinced herself she’d dreamt that he’d come to see her. 
“Is she ok?” He asks, and the dental nurse smiles kindly at him, nodding before she responds. 
“Everything went to plan and you can take her home,” she confirms, tilting her head towards the room Emily was in as they walk to it together. She hands him a slip of paper, the aftercare instructions he’d already memorised printed out for him, “She’ll need to keep the gauze she has in there for a few hours but then you can change it. Soft foods for the first couple of days and regular painkillers and she’ll be fine in just a few days. She’s…” the nurse drifts off and clears her throat, “Taken well to the medication.” 
He frowns, wondering what that might mean, but nods, “Thank you,” he replies, folding up the piece of paper and slipping it into his pocket. The nurse opens the door to the room Emily is in, and the relief Aaron feels is palpable when he spots his girlfriend. 
She turns to look at him, her smile wide and half her face swollen, her eyes clearly dazed even from across the room, “Aaron!”
He clears his throat to cover a laugh at her enthusiasm, her words muffled by the gauze stuffed in her mouth. 
“Hi sweetheart,” he says crossing the room to press a kiss to her good cheek, “How are you feeling?” 
“I am so good,” she replies, the words mixing together. “I missed you.” 
He does chuckle this time, and he sits next to her on the gurney she’s sitting up on. She rests her head against his shoulder and sighs. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, giving himself a moment to breathe in the scent of her, the comforting smell of her shampoo, as the final bit of tension in his chest eases. 
“I missed you too,” he says, pulling back to look at her, “How is the pain?”
“It’s ok,” she replies, shrugging half-heartedly. She grabs his face, squishing his cheeks together as she smiles at him, “You’re so handsome,” she turns to the nurse and looks at her, “Didn’t I say he’s handsome, Lindsey?” 
Aaron looks at the nurse, who was apparently called Lindsey, his face in his girlfriend's grip, which was still surprisingly strong given how high she clearly was on pain medication. Lindsey smiles before she presses her lips together in a blatant attempt not to laugh and to maintain her professional integrity, and suddenly he realises what she had meant about Emily’s reaction to the medication. He can’t help but wonder what else Emily had said in the time she’d been in observation, but if high on pain medication Emily was anything like drunk Emily, he’s sure he, and their sex life, featured heavily. 
“He’s very handsome, Emily,” she replies placatingly. 
“Right? And he’s all mine,” she says moving his face side to side, “And like I told you, he’s fucking excellent in bed. Or on the couch. Or his-”
“Ok,” he says cutting her off, finally able to get her hand off his face, linking his fingers with hers and squeezing tightly, “Let's get you home, sweetheart.” 
He stands up first and offers his hand to her, grateful when she takes it without argument. Even with his support, her footing is still a little unsteady as she stands, and she leans into his side. 
“Here is her medication, and some spare gauze,” Lindsey says, handing over a small paper bag to Aaron who takes it gratefully.
“Thank you so much.”
Lindsey nods and opens the door, allowing Aaron to guide Emily through it before she follows them out, “If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call.” 
He nods in response, but most of his focus is on getting Emily to walk in a straight line out of the dentist's office and into the parking lot. He helps her into his car, checking she’s buckled her seatbelt properly as he would usually do for Jack before he climbs into the driver's side. 
“I’m going to have to change dentist,” she mutters, her head resting against the window. 
He looks curiously at her, “Why’s that, baby?”
“Lindsey has a crush on you.” 
He’s sure if she didn’t have half her mouth full of gauze and a significant amount of pain medication in her system that she would have sounded jealous, maybe even intimidating, but it just comes across as adorable - something he wouldn’t dare to say outloud even now.
He shakes his head and laughs, “Do you think that’s maybe because you kept talking about how good our sex life is?”
“I’m hungry.” 
Aaron kisses her forehead before he slips out from under her to get her a snack. As soon as they’d got home from the dentist she’d wanted to nap, something he happily encouraged, and he sat on the couch with her head in his lap as she slept. 
“Anything you want in particular?” He asks as he walks towards the kitchen, smiling at her as she sits up, “Nuts, maybe?”
She glares at him, although it’s somewhat diminished by the swelling on one side of her face, “Not funny.” 
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he replies, “Yoghurt or apple sauce.” 
She seems to contemplate it for a moment, “Apple sauce.” 
He gets her snack as requested and walks back to the couch. He sits next to her and tears the lid off of the snack before getting a spoonful of it and offering it to her. She looks at him, her response silent, nothing more than a raised eyebrow that lets him know if he even tried to feed her she’d kill him, and he clears his throat, passing over the spoon and the apple sauce. 
“Sorry,” he says, smiling fondly at her, watching as she grimaces whilst she eats, “So, I’ve got to ask, what’s your plan for getting revenge on Dave?” 
Even though he knew, logically, it was bad luck more than anything that had led to Emily’s tooth cracking, he knew her well enough to know she wouldn’t let Dave forget that it happened. That her not-so-veiled threats to get revenge as they left his house the other night would come to something. 
“Oh, it’s already in motion, honey,” she replies nonchalantly, taking another mouthful of apple sauce.
He narrows his eyes slightly, humming before he responds, “Do I want to know?” 
She smiles devilishly at him, lopsided from the local anaesthetic she’d been given, convincing him even further that it was likely best he didn’t find out.
“Well let's just say,” she says, brandishing her spoon around, “He won’t need to take anywhere near as long to cook in future.” 
Aaron watches her for a few seconds, wondering if she was going to divulge any more details, and when she doesn’t he sighs and places his hand on her thigh. 
“I can’t believe I’m going to ask this, but what did you do?” 
Her eyes sparkle, and he’s sure he has never been more in love with her, “I bought him Italian Cooking Lessons for Beginners.” 
Tag list:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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cloudlessly-light · 2 years
Could you write something about domestic hotchniss making the team sick with how much they love each other. Make it as fluffy or as smutty as you want. I’m obsessed with your writing <3
Rating: General
Warnings: Fluff, all the fluff, a couple of swearwords
After Haley, Aaron was sure that he’d never fall in love again. At least not fall in love as hard as he had loved Haley. Then suddenly Emily was there, a support he didn’t know he needed and slowly, so painfully slow that he didn’t notice it until it was too late, and he was in love again. And she loved him as well.
It had been a year of grief, of Aaron not focusing on anything but work and being the best father to Jack that he could be. And she was there, a silent friend for him to lean on, until he didn’t have to lean on her anymore, but instead just wanted to have close.
It started with a coffee, he was buying one for himself and just happened to buy one for her. When she smiled her thanks, early in the morning and he felt his heart clench, he knew that whatever he felt for her was way past just friendship. The following week she met him for coffee instead, but he still paid for it.
It became a coffee every morning for the next ten days, not that he was counting or anything, and on the eleventh morning she asked him to go with her to an event her mother was hosting and when he said yes, he could see the relief wash over her face.
After the event he walks her to her apartment even though she said she was fine walking up on her own. She was wearing a black dress and he had been forcing himself not to gawk at her all night.
“You look beautiful.” He finally tells her as she’s leaning against the door and she looks away at the same time as her cheeks redden.
“Thank you.” She smiles, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. “And thank you for coming with me.”
“Not a problem.” He chuckles and absentmindedly pushes some hair that has fallen over her face behind her ear. “Good night Emily.” He says softly and she turns to unlock her door. As he walks toward the elevator he hears her voice, soft and breathy.
“Hey Hotch?”
“When are you going to ask me on a real date?” She smiles, her grin wide enough to be infectious and he smiles back.
So they go on a real date, and then another, and then another. Then they’re three months in and he blurts out that he loves her in the middle of a fight. It makes her yell even louder, somehow fueling her anger until she actually recognizes what he’s just said and she stops yelling. Instead she kisses him, molds her body against his as he wraps his arms around her.
“I love you too, you fucking ass.”
It makes him laugh, causes him to pull her against him again and she swallows up the laugh in another kiss.
The team finds out around the four month mark and to be honest Aaron is surprised that no one besides Dave picked up on it sooner. It’s an adjustment for them all, different reactions from them all, but they can all see how well Emily and Aaron fit together. It’s a new side to both of them that they’ve really only seen glances off before and in the end they’re happy for them.
They’re still careful at work, because they have to be, subtle to the point that JJ once tells Emily that no one would ever believe that they were a couple. It makes her smile, because that just means that they’re doing what they promised from the start. Coworkers as work, lovers at home. But then comes the times when they’re getting comfortable, when they don’t have to ignore the impulses to grab the other’s hand or a kiss to the temple. Like when one night, they’re heading home from Iowa and Emily leans her head on his shoulder.
It's like their magnetized and his arm wrap around her, pulls her tighter against him and kisses her cheek. She smiles as the simple gesture, turns her head to catch his lips in a gentle kiss and when she pulls away Derek is looking at them with a less than amused look on his face.
“We get it. You’re in love.” He’s not really annoyed, is actually really happy for his friends but it’s fun to tease them. When Emily gives him the finger he can only laugh.
“You’re just jealous.” She snuggles closer to Aaron, lets the warmth of his body heat up hers.
“Listen Princess, if it’s one thing I’m not jealous of, it’s your love life. Who would want that man snoring in your ear all night?” He’s too slow and Emily kicks his shin under the table, a smile grazing her lips when he winces.
“Thank you honey.” Aaron kisses her again, makes an extra loud kissing sound only to annoy Derek even more.
“What’s it like dating Hotch?” Penelope asks one night out of the blue. They had just gotten back from Oregon and it was late. Everybody had gone home for the day except her, she had waited for the team to get back like she always did. She had watched as Aaron and Emily walked in behind the rest of the team, hand in hand, and when he walked to his office she had given him a gentle smile, and Penelope was curious.
“What do you mean?” She turned in her chair just as JJ came to join them, having heard the question. If Spencer and Derek did, they seemed set on ignoring the female gossip.
“I mean, what’s it like?” Penelope bent lower to make sure that Aaron couldn’t hear her “Is he… fun?”
Emily couldn’t help the chuckle, the question not surprising considering how serious he always was at work.
“He’s…” She stopped, her eyes glancing towards his office and a warm smile graced her lips “amazing.” When she turned back to the two blondes she was met by narrowed eyes. “What?”
“You’re… glowing.” JJ’s head fell to the side as she studied her friend “Like, seriously if you smile any bigger your face will split in two.”
Emily rolled her eyes but her smile didn’t faulter even as she felt a blush rise on her cheeks.
“You really love him don’t you?” Penelope looked between the closed door to their boss’s office to the brunette.
“I love him so much it’s scaring me.” She admitted and her friends both grinned.
“You’re disgusting.” Penelope said and when Emily’s eyes narrowed “But like, in the cutest way possible.”
That was the moment Aaron opened his door and saw the three women standing around Emily’s desk, all with grins on their faces. He chose to ignore the fact that they were probably talking about him and locked eyes with his girlfriend.
“You ready to go home?”
“Yes, please.” Emily shot her friends one last look before moving with him towards the elevator.
He comes home to his apartment later than her, is met by the sound of Jack’s laugh flowing through the apartment and he feels his chest warm. Quietly he makes his through the apartment just in time for him to see Jack cuddled against Emily as she reads to him.
“Daddy!” The young boy jumps from his bed and into his arms and he picks her up.
“Hey buddy. How are you? Did you have a good day?” He kisses the top of his head and puts him down, watches as he crawls back into bed and under the covers.
“Yepp!” Jack leans against Emily and picks up the book that she had put on her lap. “We’re reading.”
“I can see that.” He kisses Emily and sits on a chair next to bed but the young boy scrunches his nose at his father.
“Emily is better at reading. This is our story time.” It causes them both to laugh and Emily ruffles his hair.
“Thank you honey.” She winks at Aaron and takes the book from Jack’s hand. “But I think dad can stay for story time, just this once.”
Less than thirty minutes later and Jack is asleep against her and he helps her to climb out of the bed that’s too small for her.
“He loves you.” He mumbles as he pours them both a glass of wine, and her arms wrap around him from behind.
“I seem to have that effect on Hotchner men.” She smiles into his shirt as she inhales his scent. “Good thing I love them too.”
It’s their one-year anniversary but they don’t plan anything special. They chose not to tell anybody because they didn’t want to make it a big deal. But still, they should have known that between Penelope and Dave nothing is a secret and they manage to set up a date night for them. Dave watches Jack and Penelope makes reservations at a French restaurant that she knows Emily loves but is impossible to get a table at. Neither of them asks if she hacked their reservation system, but when they sit across from each other neither care how they got there, they’re just content that they’re there together.
“You make me really happy.” She tells him after dinner, her arm around his waist and his around her shoulder as they walk through the city.
“I didn’t think I’d ever be this happy ever again.” He admits and it makes her chest ache because she had been there when Haley died, had picked up the pieces of him after. It had been anything but easy, but as she stared into his eyes, so dark and gentle she knew that this was it. He was it.
“Do you want to move in together?” His words break through her thoughts and stops her in her tracks “I mean, we basically spend every night together already and we…”
“Yes.” She interrupts him, already nodding. “Of course I do.”
So they buy a house, a house with three bedrooms, and a backyard with a pool.
“This could be your study.” Emily tells him as she holds the keys to their new home. It’s finally moving day and she’s standing in the middle of the smaller bedroom, maps out where his desk should go when he comes up behind her.
“Or, this could be Jack’s little sister or brother’s room.” He murmurs against her neck, his arms tightening around her middle when she turns her head to look at him.
“Yeah, or that.” She smiles into the kiss, lets his tongue press against hers as she turns in his grasp to wrap her arms around his neck.
“When you two are done with that, the movers want to know where the couch should go.” Spencer stands in the doorway, an awkward look on his face. “And Penelope just opened the wine.”
That makes Emily hurry downstairs but Aaron doesn’t move not quite realizing that she just agreed to have a baby with him.
“You alright Hotch?” Spencer asks, his eyebrows knitted together as he takes in the dumbfounded look on the older man’s face.
“This will be the nursery.” He answers, like that was answer enough.
Actually, it kind of was.
Nine months later and Emily is eight months pregnant. It happened quickly, maybe too quickly but it makes Aaron smile and even though she hates actually being pregnant and all the fuzzing over her, she’s glowing.
“It’s just sweat. It’s a thousand degrees outside.” She argues as he stands in Dave’s kitchen, finishing off some pasta.
“You’re beautiful Bella.” Dave gives her one of his famous Rossi glares and she concedes and ducks her head just as Aaron comes in carrying dishes.
“He’s right, the most gorgeous woman in the world.” He kisses her cheek on the way to the sink and Dave suppresses the urge to roll his eyes at them.
“You’re blind, both of you.” She huffs and with some difficulty gets up from her seat. “Just watch me waddle away.” She tells them over her shoulder as she makes her way outside to the rest of the team.
Aaron doesn’t look away from her until she’s out of sight and when he turns back to the sink, Dave is smiling at him.
“So when are you asking her?”
He should have known that he couldn’t hide something as big as a ring from his best friend.
“How did you know?”
“I know everything Aaron.” He pours them both a glass of scotch “And you’ve been grinning like an idiot for the past two days.” He holds his glass up in a cheers and ignores the glare Aaron sends him as they both take a drink.
The day his daughter is born is anything but perfect. He just barely makes it in time for the delivery, Emily is screaming every profanity in the book and in the midst of the chaos, his daughter is born. She has dark hair and Emily’s eyes and she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
“You did so good sweetheart.” He kisses her sweaty forehead and wipes her tears, and then watches as she holds their daughter for the first time.
“She’s so small.” Emily whispers, her eyes glued to this life that they had created together. “What if I’ll mess her up?” She’s suddenly looking at him with panic and he kisses her forehead, then her lips.
“You won’t.”
Elodie Hotchner is just as beautiful as her mother and when Aaron sees the tiny baby cradled in Jack’s arms, who in turn is leaning against Emily the words fly out of his mouth before he can stop them.
“Marry me.”
Emily looks up from her children, exhausted, but tears of happiness in her eyes and she knows that this is the moment she will cherish forever.
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pawswithprose · 3 years
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Why don’t you just pull her onto your lap Hotch, you know you want to.
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suckerforhotchniss · 3 years
i was watching s7 when i realised how msksksksks this whole conversation is
so they’re talking about jack right but......
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in reality they’re talking about themselves......... and then a few episodes after he tells her to come to him when she has a bad day.
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ssa-emilyhotchner · 3 years
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A compilation of facial expressions made by the BAU team confirming that they were suspicious about Hotchniss + except Dr. Spencer Reid, who mastered the art of being clueless about relationships. 
I love the one with Garcia, it's just so subtle ✨The scene lasted like 2 seconds, but it's clear what she was thinking while looking back and forth between Hotch & Emily, especially after Emily started laughing at a joke he made. 
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cmhotchniss-blog · 3 years
Ok, so I’m kinda obsessed with this scene from The Big Game - 2x14:
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Thanks to @hotchnisslovechild for making the gif for me.  
I’ve been thinking a lot about why this micro-moment is my favorite “subtle Hotchniss” moment (credit: @ssa-emilyhotchner).   I think because its such an un-guarded Hotch moment, which is so rare.  He's always so stoic, so disciplined.  But for that split second it was all right there on his face.   It was an almost unconscious reaction to her. One that he quickly hid.
I also think its so interesting how early this moment comes.  She’s only been on the team for a few episodes.   He doesn’t even fully trust her yet, as we’ll learn later on when he questions her past (”you didn’t even blink...”) 
And, we won’t even get in to the fact that he’s still married here. 
This scene is why I think there MUST be some backstory that goes back beyond the BAU, back to when they first met.  Its the only thing that makes sense when you consider how early this scene is.
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maschotch · 2 years
I think it kinda makes sense that the writers put subtle Hotchniss moments, like they were trying to do something canon but never made it... and it really makes sense bc they are a straight pairing... Hotchniss makes more sense than Jemily or Jeid.
tbh one of the things i find so fucking fascinating ab this show is that… you have evidence for pretty much any pairing? but they never went through with any of it!! and i kind of love that akjshdlgj it’s not something you usually see from a show like this—usually they pick two people w absolutely zero chemistry and force them together OR they write two characters exclusively for them to be together without any kind of individuality—so it’s like a breath of fresh air almost
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calucinnamon · 3 years
I dedicate this drawing to my amazing friend 🙌and The Queen of those incredible subtle Hotchniss that always brighten up my days!!!✨This Hotchniss fanart is for You @ssa-emilyhotchner💕💕💕I hope you enjoy It!☺️
Thank you so much for being such a lovely person and the best friend I could have here!The support that I receive from you has inspired and motivated me to continue my art.Thank you so much!!!💕💕☺️I appreciate you ,appreciate your support and I'm grateful of being your friend🤗❤️
I know you love this scene as much as I do ,so I hope u like it!!!💕💕💕💕💕
Also today Is The 9th anniversary of this scene!😍😍I hope all the hotchniss stan ejoy this drawing as well ☺️❤️
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whump-town · 3 years
hotchniss headcanons?
Between the two of them, they own over a dozen heating pads. Abdominal trauma isn’t something that heals overnight and they’re not as young as they once were. Old scars flame up and there are days that leave them immobile, wrapped around a heating pad, and trying hard to gain a semblance of control.
Scars are nothing to them... now. The first time he sees her scars they’re just starting out. It’s an act of defiance-- against him or Doyle, he can’t tell-- but she shakes and cowers when he reaches to touch her. They have a soft, hushed conversation about the scars that night. And she promises to pace herself, that they don’t have to go jumping into this just yet.
The first time she sees his scars, he tries to downplay it as much as possible. He’s standing with his back to her, changing into a different t-shirt, and they’re talking about Jack’s anxiety with his upcoming presentation. She gets just a glimpse of them in the mirror. She says nothing, doesn’t react, but she’s surprised. After all these years they’re still red and angry, raised off his pale skin. 
They don’t do PDA and they’re not much for cuddling. The shift from friends to lovers is so subtle no one notices. Two heavily guarded people don’t create rom-com romances. All the same, there is a difference. They always sit next to each other and whenever something happens it’s to each other they go first. 
Hotch has a habit of setting his coffee cups down and forgetting them. Emily has a habit of never making her own coffee. So, she just comes through and drinks what’s left of his. 
They have so many books. A mini-library. 
Emily, on her own, never buys groceries. She’s an awful cook and most food spoils while she’s away. Hotch isn’t a good cook, necessarily, but he tries really hard (he also looks cute in his little apron) so Emily loves his cooking (Jack loves having her around to gang up on Hotch every few days and make him cave to get take-out).
She does try her best to get on his nerves but sometimes that’s the only way to get him to crack a smile. Years of practice does lend itself from help, though, and she knows when she can poke the bear and when she’s better to play sympathetic ear 
He has a “good” ear and a “bad” ear. Of course, he’s rolled over with the bad ear up when he’s stolen all of the blankets in the middle of the night (and that asshat always steals the blankets)
In the winter, he always gives her his gloves and she gives him her hats. They always have one but never both (what are you expecting, they’re a mess?)
He never finishes his food. Never hungry enough or he gets distracted. So, she’s fed a steady stream of his leftover fries (in case you’re wondering, he likes pickles and she doesn’t). They just share a lot of food. Half of her sandwiches are always his. His coffee is hers. If she’s eating popcorn, he’s going to have some. 
They take their medicine together. He will die if he doesn’t take his so it’s non-negotiable. That being said, he’s dangerously forgetful when it comes to them. So, every morning, together, they down a fistful of varying medications. 
She’s very clumsy and hates early mornings. 
When they kiss, it’s because a good majority of the time she’s grabbed him by the tie and pulled him down. 
Getting hurt on the job is nothing new. She can handle it, truly. Looking at her, you wouldn’t know her heart was breaking. He’s a mess. Unable to sit still. anxious. 
Speaking of, no one ever warned her about how anxious he really is. SSA Hotchner is not Aaron. Aaron can make himself sick worrying uselessly about silly things. Well, silly things to her.
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jetaime-jespere · 3 years
Love 1-13 for Hotchniss!!!!
1. Who said “I love you” first? Aaron. 
2. What are their primary love languages? Emily’s is the act of time (because she knows how important it is to him) Aaron’s is the act of service (because Emily would forget to eat/drink/etc if it weren’t for him
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines? Neither ... they laugh about it on one of their first dates.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? I like to think that while PDA isn’t something they engage in in a traditional sense, there are subtle touches of affection here and there - a quick brush of their, or his hand on her back, with maybe a quick kiss here and there. All bets are off behind closed doors.
5. Who initiates kisses? Both, but Emily can’t sleep unless Aaron kisses her goodnight. (She won’t tell him this but he already knows, so he makes a point to even if they aren’t sharing a room on a case)
6. Who’s the big and little spoon? Aaron is typically big spoon, but every now and then Emily will take over.  
7. What are their favorite things to do together? Quality time with Jack. Pasta parties at Dave’s (🙃). Coffee in the mornings, and every now and then, Emily tries to goad him into going salsa dancing. 
8. Who’s better at comforting the other? Both equally, because over time they’ve learned to effectively communicate their needs (most of the time) and are able to express their vulnerability. 
9. Who’s more protective? Aaron is more protective of Emily physically, but Emily protects Aaron’s emotional being, since it’s been torn down one too many times (his father, divorce/Haley, Foyet) 
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Physical. 100%, but words of affirmation are important. 
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? Young Hotchniss: Young & Beautiful: Lana Del Ray. Current: Sex on Fire: Kings of Leon, Cherry Wine: Hozier, Vienna: Billy Joel (there are so many more but we’d be here for days)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other? At times, Aaron calls her sweetheart. Emily sticks with Hotch. 
13. Who remembers the little things? Aaron. He has all their anniversaries and milestones written in that little day planner of his (the one with the B page missing), which Emily thinks is the cutest thing. 
Thank you for the ask! ♥️
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
yesss more hcs please
Ok bestie, here you go!
10 more Hotchniss head canons for you below the cut :)
(The post with the first 10 is here!)
Emily’s main love language is touch. She’s constantly touching Aaron whenever she can, even at work. She’s more subtle there than she is at home, but it still happens. A purposeful glance of her fingers over his as she hands him a coffee, her hand on his shoulder as she leans over him to read a file he’s holding. Tiny reassurances that she’s there, that whilst he has to be strong for the team, she’ll be strong for him.
Aaron’s love language is a mix of words of affirmation and quality time. He’s always telling Emily, and the kids, how much he loves them, how he treasures them. It surprises Emily that he’s always the one to suggest weekends away, packing the kids into the car so they can just go somewhere. Or he ensures no one calls them, rainy weekends off spent curled up in their home, children's movies they’ve both grown to hate on the tv, and their children sprawled across their laps. Emily thinks it’s because he realised what lost with Haley, that he’s changed his priorities over the years.
It’s Emily who says ‘I love you’ first. It comes out when they are arguing about something, whatever it was not important enough for either of them to recall whenever they repeat the story over the years. Aaron says it back to her immediately and seems relieved, admitting he’d been saying it to her when she was sleeping for weeks. 
Emily is very generous. She has a trust fund with more money in it than she could ever wish to spend, and at first, no one knows about it, despite the (correct) assumptions they make. She knows the value of money, but also spends it without concern, but rarely on herself. She pays off Penelope’s medical bills, what isn’t covered by insurance, after she’s shot. She makes sure Aaron has the top physical therapist around after Foyet so he can recover quicker (he doesn’t find that out until years later when they are together.) 
They argue about money when they come to buy their house, because she wants to get somewhere slightly bigger, to use the money that she had to buy the home she’d always dreamed of. It’s a nasty fight where they both say things they don’t mean before they talk about it more calmly, already apologising to one another. 
Aaron is useless when Emily is hurt/sick. Not in a practical sense. He’s very good at looking after her, but he hates seeing her like that. It makes him ache, and he tries and fails, to hide it from her. When she has their first child together, he cries at seeing her in so much pain, and she somehow finds herself even more in love with him after that. 
Pregnancy is not easy for Emily. Her age and the trauma her body has gone through makes it hard work, and she’s grounded much sooner than either her or her husband would like. Aaron arranges, without telling her, for people to check in on her when she’s gone. She doesn’t think much of it when Jessica and Penelope come round on consecutive evenings, but when her mother makes an appearance on night 3 she realises what he’s doing. 
They have two kids of their own as well as Jack. Their first is a daughter who looks exactly like Emily, but has Aaron’s temperament. Their son is the complete opposite, a child of chaos with Aaron’s face but Emily’s personality. At 13 months old he climbs out of his crib and makes it from the nursery to their room. When they wake up with the toddler in their bed, they don’t believe each other when they claim to have not gone to get him in the night. It’s only when they watch the footage on the baby monitor’s camera that they realise what has happened. 
Eventually, Aaron retires early, leaving behind the BAU to spend more time with their children, recognising that they both couldn’t be off risking their lives all the time, and that someone needed to be at home. He teaches classes at the academy, and Emily teases him when he needs to get reading glasses, saying it really completes the look. 
Emily becomes Unit Cheif when Aaron retires. The family photo she has on her desk, taken when the kids were a little younger, is the same one Aaron had there when the desk was his. She considers it a good luck charm, and something she can look at to remind herself there is good in the world on the hard days. That after everything, after how hard she fought for it, she has a home and family of her own. 
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cloudlessly-light · 2 years
hello 👋🏻
i have a prompt. they are at emily's mom's house and they are having sex. she tries to contain her moans since they're not home alone and he says "let them out love. let them hear how good i fuck you"
I hope it's okay that this is written as young Hotchniss :)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut
Emily had been sleeping with Aaron for a few weeks, the new agent doing security clearances for her mother instantly catching her attention. He was older, tall, dark and handsome, exactly her type, and she was quick to flirt with him.
It didn’t take long, a couple of weeks and he gave in to her not so subtle flirting, let her kiss him in the darkness of his office. It was exhilarating, sneaking around the house and letting Aaron bring her pleasure she’d never experienced before. He would make her fall apart over and over, a smug smile on his face as she breathlessly gasped him name.
“Aaron.” She whimpered; the sound of his name partly muffled by the pillow she was clutching. It was the middle of the day, he had sneaked into her room on his lunch break and it was only minutes before he had her naked, fucking into her from behind.
Aaron kissed along the back of her neck, his breaths ragged as he pushed his hips against her. He pulled her up until she was on her hands and knees, bit back a groan as she pushed back against his body with each of his thrusts. His hands held onto her hips, eyes fastened on where he disappeared into her willing body. Logically he knew they had to be fast, that it was incredibly reckless to fuck his boss’s daughter with a house full of people, but he didn’t care, it was worth the risk.
She felt him snap his hips harder against her and she bit her lip to keep from moaning too loud, her knuckles white as she gripped the sheets. She was sure she’d break the skin from the way she was desperately biting her bottom lip, only letting low whimpers escape as he brought her closer to orgasm. When he pulled her up on her knees, pressed her back against his chest as he continued to thrust with even strokes of his hips, she couldn’t help the whine that rolled of her tongue.
Aaron licked along her neck as he wrapped one hand around her body, the other moved to rub over her clit.
“Let them out, love. Let them hear how good I fuck you." He whispered with a grin against her ear before tugging the lobe between his teeth. It was an ego boost he couldn’t help but love, that fact that Emily always responded so eagerly to him.
“Fuck, I can’t.” She shook her head as her eyes closed “They’re going to come in here.” Her head fall back against his shoulder when his fingers moved faster over her clit, making her body buckle against his hold.
“I don’t care, let them.” He grunted, his voice thick with want as she clenched around his shaft. He rolled his hips against hers, pinched a nipple between calloused fingers as she turned her face into his neck, her breathy moans falling against his skin.
“No one has ever fucked me like you do.” She mumbled, a smirk on her own lips as he groaned in response, his hips moving harder. “You make me feel so good.” She pulled him into a kiss, bit down on his lower lip as the pleasure started to spread through her body.
Aaron sensed it, the way her body tensed against his, how her fingers gripped his hair as she moaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss with a grunt, her clenching center making his own pleasure build rapidly.
“Come on Em, let me feel you.” He encouraged her as his fingers sped up over her clit. It was enough for her to come, crashing into an orgasm, her body trembling in his arms as he fucked her through it.
She knew she was being too loud, that the breathless moan that erupted from her throat could be heard through the door, but as the pleasure rushed through her body she couldn’t bring herself to care, her only conscious thought on him and the euphoric feeling spreading through her.
As she tightened around him, Aaron found himself crashing into his own orgasm. He growled into her shoulder as his hips jerked against hers, his release making his vision whiten out as they throbbed together. He could feel her slumping against him as she came down, the last of his own pleasure subsiding slowly as they tumbled onto the bed, a mess of sweaty limbs and sheets.
For a few moments nothing could be heard besides their labored breathing until suddenly Emily burst out laughing.
“You’re insane.” She swatted his shoulder and then rolled into his arms. “But it seems like no one heard, they would have busted in here by now.” She nuzzled into the crook of his neck as his arm wrapped loosely around her.
Aaron smiled at her words before kissing her temple.
“Guess I got a little carried away.” He mumbled against her skin and she hummed in response. “Still want me to come by tonight?”
“Of course I do, and maybe this time I’ll have you screaming for once.” She smiled into a kiss, felt his arm tighten slightly around her.
“Not a chance, sweetheart.”
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pawswithprose · 3 years
Hotch and Emily interviewing the little girl together.
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Sooooo cute.
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Them and kids 😭😭😭
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suckerforhotchniss · 3 years
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ssa-emilyhotchner · 3 years
15x07 ~
Thanks to the amazing @calucinnamon​ who told me of this episode! I owe you one ✨ 
Like I mentioned before, I’ve never seen and from the looks of it, I’ll never see seasons 12-15. It’s just too depressing without TG. But nevertheless, I had to share this analysis with all of you. The episode was full of subtle Hotchniss!
Garcia is talking about the show/soap opera she watches during the week. How the main character died twice.... Does that story sounds familiar? Obviously they are referring to Emily who died twice (that time with Doyle and when she left for London at the end of s7)
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Secret identity.... If you weren't convinced by what I said before, I think you are now. This is referring to those various secret identities she had while in Paris. 
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This is where I stop.... professes her undying love to her boss?? Is Garcia reading some of @jetaime-jespere​ work, like all of us?🥰 It's so obvious that with boss the writers are referring to Hotch. But in what moment does she confesses her love? Unless we were right about our theories, and during season 6 the two of them truly had a romantic relationship. 
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Now on the jet, she's talking about Andrew. How his daughter and ex-wife moved to Colorado. Once again, why does this continues sounding familiar? I'm going to pause right there when she says Colorado... In my humble opinion, is too much coincidence that they chose Colorado for this specific story. Why? Because for all the Hotchniss shippers out there, that location symbolizes something special for Hotch & Emily. A big turn in their relationship. Is one of the few times we see Hotch completely freaking out over a case. How he was CRYING when Cyrus was beating the hell out of Emily.
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Her daughter starts high school soon... so that means she would be what? 14-15? And if we think back, who else would be that age in 2020 and starting high school? Jack Hotchner. If the writers were going to give Emily a guy with an ex-wife and a child that age, couldn't they just give her Aaron instead? They were practically the same guy. And the same could've been said about Beth. How similar she was to Emily. These coincidences never cease to amaze me. 
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Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks that story has a deeper and double meaning. They're contemplating the similarities between what she just said about Andrew, and what they already know about Hotch. Just look at their faces. Sassy Rossi looking at Emily, JJ and Spencer glancing at each other while trying to hold their laughter, and Tara looking sideways at Rossi. It goes without saying that they were clearly talking about Hotchniss in this scene.
Also, the only ones that don't react to this story are the newbies, Matt & Luke. So it just makes more and more sense to me. 
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Is he left-handed? Really? Could they be more obvious?? Why would Garcia ask something like that! Unless she already knew Emily's type. Handsome, tie wearer, and left-handed. 
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What Emily says, just screams Hotchniss to me. She's talking about Hotch. About them. About what they used to have. And what they lost. It's pretty clear to me she's referring to the whole Mr. Scratch storyline. How Hotch was trapped in another world, while they had to go fight Peter Lewis. 
When she says: wanting one thing, having another, but really having neither... This is what I think she's referring to: For one whole year, the only thing she truly wanted was to capture Peter Lewis, so Hotch could return home. And when Emily finally got what she wanted, it's not what she had expected. She had no doubt Hotch would come back. And to her complete surprise, he didn't. So in the end, she got what she wanted, but not with the outcome she expected.
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Like I discussed with @calucinnamon​, we're pretty sure that if TG hadn't been fired from the show, and Paget had made those special guest appearances she was planning on doing during s12, Hotch and Emily would've somehow managed to end up together. This was s15 and they were still making these kind of Hotchniss revelations, so I have a feeling we may be right. 
Without a doubt, this was my favorite analysis to make ✨There's so much subtle Hotchniss in this episode, even though TG was already long gone. 
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