#not queued this is getting posted immediately lol
build-a-stim · 15 days
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run wild cheetah (2023) for literally the coolest guy in the whole wide world (aka our partner <3) !!!!!!!
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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akkivee · 1 year
you know what i think is kinda neat lol??? the way kuukou has a preference for green tea, jyushi only drinks black tea and hitoya is a coffee connoisseur lmao
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dazzlerazz · 1 year
By Talos this can’t be happening
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oscconfessions · 23 days
no offense are you supposed to be a confession blog? aren’t confessions supposed to go up judged by the blog owners (at least in public.) i mean that’s kinda the whole point of confession blogs but yeah
well, you're lookin for me, hon! but no, that's not the point, you misread the meaning of the word (once again proving the reading comprehension here LOL)! it's a confession blog, not a mods react to your crazy asks blog. i dunno what fandom you're from where that happens so openly, but i have quite literally never seen a confessions blog do that.
the whole point is to say shit and have no judgement immediately attached! where's the fun in saying crazy shit when the mods condemn you to a certain fate automatically? we're not here to be biased, we're here to let you be heard! (besides, i don't like judging people.) no offense -💥
hi i’m here to give the logical answer.
It would be far too time consuming and exhausting. We get so many asks a day that it is often hard to keep up just tagging and queuing them. it would be SO DRAINING to add on to every one as well.
Of the confession blogs i’ve seen be successful and active, they didn’t respond.
The mods don’t have an opinion on every ask you guys send in. I know i don’t care about most of these asks.
osc-confessions did that at the end of the blogs lifespan and it was a far worse environment than when it was without responses. This blog was kind of me going “i could do better” and i’m not falling into that trap
I made this blog with the intent of it being a neutral space. A third place where all sides of fandom debate are welcome to make fools of themselves get things off their chests. The intent is to have an anonymous posting service, and the mods are only here to keep the machine running.
You’re looking for a discourse blog. Those are cesspits and don’t have funny asks about soaking a yin yang plush in milk. We’re unserious here.
And sometimes the mods DO respond in the replies or reblogs! When i feel compelled i will write ESSAYS on some confessions. It’s also why i sometimes livestream clearing the inbox. it’s not hard to find out when a mod has a strong opinion on an ask, when we yap we yap.
also when i saw “isn’t this supposed to be a confessions blog” i thought it would be about my tendency to run this place like an askblog about my ocs, which is a far more viable criticism imo -🫒
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fayes-fics · 1 month
Fic Requests: Open!!
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I am OPENING to fic requests from now, May 4th. I will be open until I announce otherwise, which will depend on the number of requests I get.
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Who I write for: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader.
What I will write: smut, fluff, humour/crack, angst. I appear to specialise in smut lol.
What I won’t write: underage, non-con, incest, and a few more extreme kinks. I will let you know if your request is something I feel unable to write if that is the case.
How to submit a fic request: Just go ahead and use my ask box. You can do so on anon if you prefer. If you have a preferred time period (Regency, modern AU etc) please remember to include that. I tend to write Regency unless specified otherwise.
Turnaround time: Please allow a few months. Sorry! I wish I was a faster writer with more time!
Disclaimer: I may combine asks into one fic if I see a way to do so. I may turn down your request if it’s too similar to a fic I’ve written before OR to a fic I have on my WIPs list. I also reserve the right to refuse a request for any reason. I may not be able to do your idea justice or inspiration may not strike. This is not a value judgment on your request at all, just my ability to fulfill it for you. Thanks in advance for your understanding around that.
Please note: I do not reply to fic request asks immediately; I keep them in my inbox as a queuing system until I have written the fic. I also add the request to my WIPs page. If you do not see your request on that page, you are welcome to reach out for confirmation I have received your ask, if you wish. Please also note I may reach out via DM if I have any questions before I start writing. If anon, I might post a clarifying question publically.
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If you have any questions about the above, send me an ask :)
I look forward to seeing what (if any) requests I get 😁🧡🧡
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ruegarding · 3 months
(hi this is aroaceleovaldez it's a sideblog so i cant send asks from it hrg) a.) always love seeing your tags on my posts lol you have very good opinions [handshake emoji] b.) i'll be honest i wasn't even thinking about the awful pjo wwii stuff when i made that post i was thinking about the new, *different* antisemitism from TOA. of which there is. even more somehow. 😬 also fun fact Rick saying Reyna is allo-ace-coded on twitter might have actually semi been directly because of me, because he said that within like 2 hours and 2 tweets of replying to an open letter i wrote where i literally said that the way he wrote Reyna in Tyrant's Tomb falls into aphobic tropes and Isn't Great. despite replying to it i dont think he actually read it, lol. he then almost immediately left twitter for like 4 years and he also has since deleted his reply. fascinating stuff, truly.
anyways please excuse me digging through your hazel tag cause i am constantly dying trying to find hazel-focused fanart and you have one of the few good hazel tags i've been able to find. picture me scurrying away like some sort of small creature here.
hi thank u!! i appreciate your posts abt disabilities/ableism especially bc it's such an integral part of the story and a lens that gets lost despite that
i'll be honest, i haven't read toa (only short snippets when i want to see a specific scene), so i just read this article abt it, and it's frustrating that almost every example of diversity rick includes is riddled w harmful stereotypes. like, google is right there to help you avoid at least some! (psa to anyone else reading this, google "harmful [x] stereotypes" before making a character you're unfamiliar with!) the wwii stuff...rereading the series again like two years ago shocked me bc i had completely erased the entire plotline from my memory as a kid. some of these choices have me questioning the editors at the time, bc there were definitely things an editor should've pointed out if they were reading the full text.
your power! lmao but that behavior is exactly what makes it so difficult to give rick real feedback. i know some fans claim the older fandom is too cynical, but if we've been trying to give the same advice for years it's going to get old fast. every good change is accompanied by something else (especially noticeable in how percy is treated), so it always feels double-edged. but i'm glad you said this actually bc i didn't know he specified allo-ace! i had assumed he said aro-ace, but that actually makes the way ppl behave abt lesbians identifying w reyna more alarming...regardless i'm glad he's including ace rep bc it's rare, but the way reyna and the hunters were handled is...confusing at best.
please enjoy! i love hazel sm and i recently just went thru someone else's blog and queued a bunch of posts in a very similar fashion lol
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
Sun, Moon, and Stars
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----Queued Post----
Good evening, good evening everyone!
Today I was kinda nostalgic, because, during lunchtime, I was sitting with one of my colleagues, and she was wearing the most beautiful abaya. I was so awestruck because it reminded me of a similar robe i gave to Raniya. And because my brain immediately jump up like a cricket, I started thinking back about Raniya Al-Yassin, my old OC for The Arcana game. As soon as I got back home, I started browsing through all my old files for my Raniya and of course, I was bound to make a massive trip down memory lane. But I also felt slightly sad because I haven't explored Raniya and her potential as much as I wanted to when the hyper fixation was still beating my head lol.
Raniya was the last OC I created before basically getting lost in the AC maze and creating Dorothea, and because the hyper fixation for Mr. Top Hat hit so hard, I never truly had the chance to go back to The Arcana Game, and just....brainstorm and daydream more about Raniya and Julian.
So today, I decided to just pick up my pen, go to the Museum of Science and Technology and just let myself be inspired by the Golden Age of Islam.
Driven by the beautiful song "Sun, Moon and Stars" by Loreena McKennitt (which references the usual trifecta I assign to all my characters), this artwork that you see up there is the result, and I am extremely proud of how she turned out. I am happy that I also gave her clothing that was more in line with her cultural background and her native land.
She is a proud woman, my Raniya, and regal in the way she carries herself. I owe this oc so much, because believe it or not, she was one of the inspiration for Dorothea, and I should definitely give her more attention and more love from now on. <3 Who knows, maybe I will draw even Nadir and Shahzad, her brothers. :)
Hope you will like her, just as much as I do.
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animeomegas · 2 years
I just reread your post. You can ignore the first one I sent in. And instead how about, art teacher, PE teacher, and mathematics teacher. I was so dumb when I first read your post and didn’t realize what you were asking
Okay, hear me out... Maths teacher Midoriya, PE teacher Reader and Art teacher Denki.
Midoriya and you have known each other since school and have been dating seriously since you were about 17, even managing to get jobs at the same school together. How cute!
And you guys are just the dream couple, the best alpha/omega couple around and everyone is rooting for you or wishing they were one of you.
Then... Enter Denki.
The art teacher at the school and every other student's favourite teacher.
He's all smiles, all the time. So friendly, so fun and such a great teacher and artist.
Midoriya gets close to him first, seeing as they both teach inside the school whereas you teach outside more often than not.
Midoriya just thinks Denki is like the sun and Denki loves how much Midoriya cares about his students and how fun he is to tease of course.
It's not until sports day that you all start interacting together.
Denki makes a sign, as though he's cheering one particular house team on, but instead it just says 'my money's on the hot PE teacher!'
It's only a joke (kind of lol) but it gets you all talking and Midoriya is excited to have his friend and his alpha get along more, inviting Denki over to dinner, and then to watch movies and then to run errands...
And it becomes something domestic quite organically.
It only made sense to bring Denki into your relationship.
And you A/O relationship became A/O/O :D
A snippet from the relationship:
Midoriya started to get nervous as the little laughs in the classroom didn't die down. His students had been giggling since they came in, but Midoriya hadn't been worried, assuming something had happened while they'd been queuing up outside.
But they hadn't stopped. And they seemed to laugh more when they looked at him.
Self-consciously, he adjusted his tie.
"Sir?" one of his students said tentatively, smiling and raising their hand.
"You uh, have a bit of paint," they supressed a laugh and pointed at their own cheek to mimic his own. "There, on your cheek."
Midoriya flushed red, immediately opening his phone and looking at his reflection to assess the damage. They were right. He had a large stripe of red paint on his cheek.
Suddenly, he remembered helping out with you and Denki to set up the art studio for his lesson at lunch. Denki had cupped his face at one point and started giggling, you following not soon afterwards. He's assumed you were laughing because he reprimanded Denki for PDA at school, but apparently not.
Midoriya flushed a deeper red, much to the delight of his students. He couldn't believe his mates had let him walk around with paint on his face!
"Ah, I must have touched some paint while I was helping Mr. Kaminari earlier," Midoriya stuttered out rubbing fruitlessly at the paint. "I'll get it off after class."
"Was our PE teacher there too?" a braver member of the class snickered, setting the rest of them off again.
Midoriya could feel that his face was turning the same colour as the paint and wished that he hadn't inherited that trait from his mother.
He would give anything for a fire alarm right now...
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If you saw an unfinished post talking about an EE version of a Symbiote attached to Feenie from me because I forgot I had the post queued, no you didn't. This is the first post /j
Anyways, The hypothetical name of this symbiote would be…
and it would encounter and attach itself to Phoenica some time after prison of plastic (I'm still figuring out the specific circumstances in which this happens for this au lol)
To establish what symbiotes do to effext the person (at least mentally, I still don't know everything they can do so please take this with a grain of salt and correct me on anything I get wrong), Symbiotes make you more aggressive, add onto your characteristics, and bring out your insecurities and pent up feelings about stuff.
I feel like Feenie would be even more excessive of being a "goodie two shoes" in a sense, but be a lot more aggressive about it. Like, she'd want to enforce good, but with a symbiote, she wouldn't be afraid to get her hands dirty to do so. She'd also probably snap at people often due to it making you more aggressive. Not kill obviously because I don’t see freaking Feenie of all people getting to that point even with a symbiotic, but she would be more upfront about her views. Her black-and-white view of the world would most likely also show more
Her insecurities about her worth as a Magical Girl would also slip out, along with her insecurities about love and finding it.
Also funnily enough, I think Feenie would be more open to admitting about her interest in girls that don't follow the rules since having a symbiote tends to amplify and bring out the parts of you that's more hidden
If anyone has another view of how a Symbiote!Feenie would be like or would like to add onto this, please let me know. I'm genuinely curious about other perspectives!
I really like the concept of symbiotes because it tends to bring what's been hiding underground to the surface in term of character traits, and I see a symbiote and person bond as having a different effect from person to person! It's such a good concept for exploring characters!
Also tiny but funny thing: I feel like while Molly and Trixie wouldn't be able to pinpoint what exactly is wrong, they would immediately know that somethings off about Phoenica when they notice she suddenly stops wearing her bell accessories
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michellemisfit · 1 year
hey you! can you believe it’s the end of the year? 🥳✨🥂
to wrap up another fucking fantastic year of loving on ian & mickey & each other, please share:
your favorite thing you created this year
a fanfic that you can’t wait to reread
a piece of fan art you can’t stop thinking about
happy new year! cheers to another go around the sun! xx
I was just about to start doing my make up and get dressed, ready to go out and greet 2023. But I’ll totally stop for this!! 🙌 Thank you @gallawitchxx for including me 🥰
1. I should say my drawings for the Gallavich Gift Exchange, seeing as it’s my first piece of fanart, and I only write fic once every three years or so lol
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But GGE happened like 5 minutes ago, whereas before that I spent about 6 months working my arse off to find perfect matches for our boys for my Gallacats 🐈‍⬛🐈, and I’m still really proud of like 90% of them, and downright smug about 20% of them. Including the below. Which never got the love I felt it deserved. - I was pleased as punch when I thought of this match, and then managed to find the perfect pictures for it. - angst as fuck, sure, but clever… right?
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I still haven’t worked out how to link to a tag search result, so here’s the link to the original post for the above (sad Ian), and you can hit the 🐈‍⬛🐈 tag from there, if you fancy browsing my Gallacats :)
2. A fanfic I always always always go back to is @gallavichy’s Cooperative Gameplay. However I have literally just finished re-reading that five days ago, so that will tide me over for a couple of months, hopefully! lol
So instead… I must say that after all of the hard core socialising and all of the fancy food that Christmas brought, I have been craving the peace and quite and simple pleasures of… maybe a dingy little diner? 🤔
Just this perfect place, where you get left to your own devices, have coffee, have a piece of toast, work your way up to some good food, eventually good company, and then one day you slowly fall in love… @loftec’s None The Wiser, anyone?
3. I have adored @mariemarion’s work since back in the Shadowhunters fandom, and decided - for the first time ever - to commission artwork this year. I loved the entire process, and I’m obsessed with both pieces she made for me!
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I would also be remiss if I didn’t given shout out to @steorie whose sketch of Ian and Mickey’s faces is one of the first Shameless fanart that immediately made itself at home in my brain.
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And that was before realising just how much colour stephi manages to pack into her pieces of art, making me wish I wasn’t such a basic pencil bitch… haha
And I’d like to send some love to @suzy-queued for her Kinktober Series. The pieces were clever, funny, silly, hot, and often downright filthy… all of which is GOOD, of course! But I also admired the fact that Deena completed every single day of the challenge. Crazy inspiring, that! Hats off to you!
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yuriprince · 7 months
that “pfp is your cook” post i had queued before i changed my icon oop
i think puruth would be a good cook! he seems like he’d be patient and take his time with it. that or he immediately gets bored with it lol
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platinumaspiration · 2 years
an update from me below the cut:
Just an FYI - I'm doing a two-day turnaround time on ask responses. I know that sounds corporate, but I get like 5+ requests every time I post a conversion and it's a bit overwhelming to respond immediately.
and I know what you're thinking, space out the cc posts to slow down the asks. I've thought about doing that, but I have ~30 posts queued out to September now. I have CC not even in the queue ready to go. the asks/requests will flow in regardless lol so it makes no sense to make someone wait until December for a hair
i love fulfilling requests and i love the trust fall we're all doing together, i'm just asking you all to bear in mind your request is going to take potentially 2-3 months before you see it
this is not me saying i don't want your requests/suggestions, it's just a disclaimer that if/when I accept, it's gonna be awhile before it comes to your feed
anyway, it boils down that i just feel bad that the queue is so long. 3 posts a week feels like a lot already and putting it all out at once may cause people to miss something and over stimulating for me.
if you don't want to wait for me the queue, I totally understand. There is the GOS Wishing Tree where other creators may pick it up!
tldr: my capricorn stellium loves this shit lol. if you want to see where i'm at, i do have a requests/wip page and i updated the dates of release on most of the conversions. Have patience for my queue, it can't help itself.
love you all, you matter!
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newtsmagiccase · 1 year
Hello world! My (pen)name Nesdya Tisdale, or you can call me Nessa. I am the original blogger for @newtsmagicalcase but since that was a secondary blog I have decided to make a new account here where I can reply to all comments and interact with you more freely without outing my personal blog. Below are a few facts about myself and this blog.
Here is a little about myself, my pronouns are She/Her or They/Them unless I'm talking through my MC's which I will do. I find it fun to let our characters have a voice of their own and answer questions/talk to their fellow classmates. I love music, games, anime and movies. My favorite anime at the moment is Attack on Titan, the current Manga I'm reading is My Hero Acidemia. My taste in music is very wide ranged. From K-Pop to Classical, even Opera and all the way to hardcore Death Metal. My favorite game is World of Warcraft (Hogwarts Legacy coming up close at number two). You'll notice my MC's have WoW surnames or names that I've borrowed from World Of Warcraft. It's like my small little tribute to the game that made me such an avid gamer since 2004.
I love to write but haven't done so in quite a while, so if I seem rusty please forgive me. This blog is where I will be posting screenshots from Hogwarts Legacy as well as little fanfic's of my OC's and their time at Hogwarts that the game doesn't show you, all the way through the paths they take as adults. I will not include graphic mature content until, obviously, our beloved characters are of age and out of Hogwarts. Of course that does not include things such as kissing, hand holding and innocent forms of affection, but as for smut, that will wait until I reach a part in their journey where it's appropriate and obviously of age. Underage witches and wizards can use magic outside of Hogwarts in my world, but smut is off the table.
I'm happy to include your own OC's in my writings and will write scenarios for your characters with my own. If you'd like to have your MC added just submit me a photo/screenshot of them and/or detailed description so I can be sure to do your character justice. Again I'm saying... I will not write smut for underage characters at all!! No exceptions! Please be respectful of that.
I do take requests for scenarios and headcanons for any characters in the game as well. Here is my main rule, a rule that I will not take lightly if broken. If you are a minor please DO NOT interact with any posts that will clearly say "MDI". If I find out you have, I will block you, no questions asked! That is to protect myself as well as to protect you! It will also take me time to get to all requests since I work full time. I will schedule screenshots to be posted throughout the week but any fic updates will be mostly on the weekends (unless queued otherwise I will be sure to announce it) when I have time. So please be patient with me!
Also if you want to talk directly to the MC's here you can! Just submit/ask and just say something like "This is for Lucian" or "I'd like to Azuren to send me an owl" whatever character you'd like. A bit of RP for the fun of it! So have fun and act like five people run this blog. LOL!!! I'll introduce you to them soon! Also a Tiktok to follow of gameplay scenes to fit the stories.
I desperately want everyone to be safe! Also if I happen to write something that makes anyone uncomfortable, please let me know and I'll correct it immediately! I don't want anyone to feel excluded with my writings either. If I do something upsetting to anyone of a different race, faith or anything please kindly correct me! I may be in my 30's but that doesn't mean I cant still learn and grow to be a better person/writer! I can still honestly say I can be ignorant to things that are natural for me that are not for others. For example:: when I'm embarrassed, my whole face looks like a tomato, not everyone has my complexion so when making a Y/N post, I wouldn't want to add that. I want to make things as inclusive as possible where everyone is safe and respected! Especially for my trans and people of color friends!
Well that's it for now! Have fun and enjoy my posts!
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Caesar Route Chapter 1 (1-6)
Last year (lol) we finished up the Alfonse Route, so this year we’re starting the Caesar Route! Also, I’m gonna change up the posting schedule a little bit. I am extremely ahead of my queue (it is currently August 2022 when I’m writing this and this post will be aired in January), so I’m going to switch to a two post a week schedule. Posts will drop Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 PM EST.
Now a quick recap on who Caesar is, he’s this pink haired dude from the House of Baroque and is cursed to turn into a pig whenever he makes out with someone. His introduction said it was “only when he kissed a girl” but multiple spinoffs and I think the main routes show that it happens even when he makes out with men so.. yeah. Also this is just.. a very otome-esque conflict to have.
Also Caesar Raphael shares his name with Caesar Zeppeli so... strap in for a potential shit ton of bad JoJo’s references.
Without further ado, let’s begin.
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This better not be a sudden love confession. That’s too soon, even for Otome Land.
The chapter opens with a recap of Lucious’s backstory, how the Day King imprisoned him in a labyrinth cursed using Baroque magic. The Day King is super pumped because all of his problems go away and House Baroque gets stuck with the magical consequences, and they all spontaneously turn into pigs.
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Liz launches into a Kissing Booth style explanation/montage of her backstory and the context of the last 4 routes, and we get confirmation that zombie disease happened in the same timeline as the Big Booty Wizard attack, so I’m surprised students still go to the Academy at all. There’s some ominous wording about the next problem, then we skip to Liz at the sport fields and sighing at Caesar.
Luca comes, and this isn’t helping my deep-fried-in-JJBA brain because dammit there was a jojo’s character named Luca too. Anyway WH Luca is not interested in playing the made-up wizard sport and instead seems more interested in who Liz was scoping out and somehow immediately pinpoints it to be Caesar.
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Wasn’t it literally confirmed he was though? Like, why does it have to be a rumor?
Liz wisely declines giving Luca any information. Luca leaves, then Liz flashes back to an hour ago when Caesar asked to see her after what I assume was a class.
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Boy I said NO love confessions in chapter 1.
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“Sully”? That’s not helping your chances bud.
Luckily, this only ends with an “I like you” confession, which is more believable. Unfortunately, Liz doesn’t feel the same way. And unfortunately, I know that that’s going to change. So she lets Caesar down gently and he takes it well, and tells her he’ll try to do stuff to make her see him in a romantic light.
At least he’s making his intentions clear?
Then Alfonse walks in and asks him to join their Ladilz team, and Caesar enthusiastically joins, and Liz goes to watch the game. We flash back to an hour later, and Liz thinks about how much of a catch Caesar is.
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No, really.
Gotta say, this route has quite a strong start. /gen
(Queued for: January 3)
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vsa-pieldepapel · 2 years
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Some are drawing prompts and I like the idea but I dont always have the energy to draw it immediately, so I keep them safely stashed away. I have two asks about older!charisk and Ralsei and electro swing in that state atm lol
Other times if I am real I dont know what to actually say and its like “I will figure that out later,” and then forget to. Woops
Also I read this as gaster because of the way it was written im sorry gaster lmao
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Kskskksks nope, i noticed the queued stuff wasn’t posting so I posted the thing manually and deliberately shortened the caption cus it felt punchier that way
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I think its the huge expressive eyes <3 they convey such innocence. That posture in particular too, the subtext of “getting caught” which in noelles case feels pure but kris you know they are a lil shit thus the interpretation is different
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HSHSHHSHS but i do actually see Noelle tying her hair in buns as she grows older in fact I have drawn her wearing that exact same bun. Don’t think she will ever be quite as stiff as her mama, but looks-wise they’re strikingly similar. I like to imagine the same rule applies to dess/rudy
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I hadn’t! I imagined them both in their mid to late 40s but now that you posit that idea… I kinda like it… I think if she has deeper wrinkles it is more stress than age-motivated. Constant frowning and chronic anxiety will do that to ya, age you faster. (Plus I see her drinking a lot of wine and smoking w/coffee on the office…)
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I like the fanon Carol but i deliberately avoid naming her and keep her as Mama Holiday because I am waiting for confirmation : ) I do think the C might be her, but I prefer not to latch on anything unconfirmed too strongly until the game reveals more about that which is the same reason why I have vague ideas for Dess’ look and maybe behaviour but I don’t solidify them too much, id rather stay open on that regard.
I like Carol cause it just screams stressed, stiff repressed 40 something year old to me, while keeping the Christmas theme on top. It just feels so Fitting, even though I just call her Mama. (Someone in my inbox has been calling her Mayor Holiday as seen above and I really like that nick for her too, im snatching that I think)
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cats-thoughts · 2 years
I always write/post art so late (by always I mean I've done it twice now LOL) and then immediately get worried no one will see bc. I posted so late. And then it's like Why does it matter you draw for your own enjoyment. And yes. But also. People write in caps in tags when they reblog and it makes every happy chemical activate at once. So like. You Know? I need to start like queuing or scheduling posts or something ankjsgfj
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