#none of that is true
felixcatton · 6 months
derek shepherd is soooo a man that was raised by a single mom with 4 sisters like it really radiates off of him
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54prowl · 1 year
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obeythedemons · 2 years
Like, it’s not true, but it’s always crushing when you feel reminded that no one will ever love you because you’re ace. It makes you feel so broken and othered. And just aagghh
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area51-escapee · 10 months
We had a meeting today where they told us that they didn’t think us employees were being invested in and being shown we were appreciated and they were going to fix that with……… MORE MEETINGS.
My dumb introverted ass is over there like. I would. I would actually appreciate it a lot more if we never had to do this again ever.
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the ds9 pilot is insane. they went into the writer's room and decided the introduction to this series needed to be a long form exploration of the nature of grief
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cuntdrool · 7 months
Leave me alone with your puppy boy. I'm just another dog it'll be fine. I promise. It'll be so fine you wouldn't even believe it. Leave me alone with him and don't even worry about his aching cunt you can trust me not to mount and bite and tackle him. It'll be totally fine. Don't even worry about it. Just take me off my leash and close the door I promise I'll be a good dog.
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swan2swan · 19 days
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Until someone from the staff says otherwise, I will stake actual, genuine money that this was an exchange from the writer's room that made it into the show.
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nibbelraz · 2 months
"Mobei, with all respect due, which is to say none at all, do you have a crush. On my martial uncle." "Nonsense. This king merely respects his abilities, despite his cowardice and whining. It is not as if this one lays awake at night, thinking of him." [flash forward to mbj's bedroom, late at night] "....Oh no."
Surely you wouldn't fall for the tiny sweaty human that follows you around with utmost loyalty and helps you and your kingdom and has information and abilities so grand they can't compare to anything you've ever seen and sure you think he's cute when he sleeps in the middle of work and his smile is stuck in your head and you want to hear him laugh and stay by your side forever and oh...
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yesokayiknow · 14 days
this was definitely horrifying for ruby on a ridiculous number of levels but i can't stop thinking about kate's remark about the timeline being centered on her. bc like. did kate know? that this was an offshoot timeline that would eventually die? did she know that she wasn't the right version of herself? that one day her reality would collapse to make way for the proper timeline? that even meeting with ruby could be one step towards bringing the proper timeline back in play and erasing her own existence?
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biroshrooms · 3 months
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Animated movies with undefined and unconventional family dynamics my absolute beloveds
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cringefailvox · 4 months
episode six's vaggie-as-an-angel reveal actually clarifies a lot of things about her dynamic with charlie that i previously found uninteresting or underutilized. it's clear that she has some kind of loyalty/utility complex founded on her low self-esteem, which absolutely makes sense if she used to be an exorcist. she comes from a place where blind obedience is key, and a single act of mercy got her cast out and brutalized—of course she would latch onto the first person who showed her kindness and love. of course it makes sense that she would become fixated on the idea of "repenting" for her past violence against charlie's home by devoting herself to protecting charlie's dreams. their relationship wasn't very compelling to me before but this adds so many delicious dimensions to it; if charlie was the one who found vaggie and took her in, who earned her trust and fell in love with her, then of course vaggie would see charlie as the center of her universe, and would see failing charlie as a reflection of her own worthlessness. and it would never occur to her to tell charlie the truth once she found out how charlie feels about angels, because she loves charlie too much to risk earning her hatred or scorn (even though i don't believe charlie could ever hate her).
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ragsy · 7 months
If the media landscape is going to be just remakes and reboots from now til the end of humanity, can we at least start doing what Scott Pilgrim Takes Off did, which was recontextualize its previous iterations rather than overwrite them? It never said "the books and the live action film are in the trash now, this is the new canon." What it actually said was "the books and live action film are my predecessors, I will build on what they made and have conversations with what they said." And I think that fucking rules
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nathanielthecurious · 6 months
Plutarch says a mullet (i.e. cutting only the front) was called a Theseus haircut. that’s your Ancient Greece tidbit for the day
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elitadream · 1 year
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Kids say the darndest things! xD
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loveandthings11 · 1 year
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James Cromwell gets it.
None of them are Logan.
James Cromwell for The Hollywood Reporter, 5/23/23
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river-taxbird · 6 months
Reminder that I am a homosexual, and that is always the case no matter what I'm doing.
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