#noah centineo x you
bluboi-365 · 1 year
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To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before XO, Kitty
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thiskryptonite · 2 years
If you click HERE you’ll find 80 gifs of Noah Centineo from his role in Black Adam. He is white, so please cast accordingly. I’ll continue to update this pack week to week as episodes are released. All gifs were made by me and are 268 x 160. You are welcome to resize these/edit for personal use, but do not redistribute or claim them as your own. Content warning: violence
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starryeyedadmirer · 1 year
Noah Centineo: SuperBody
-Noah x Reader-
!!CW: This one gets kinda dirty!! — Belly Worship (Playing, Rubbing, Kissing, Licking), Navel Worship (Fingering, Kissing, Kissing, etc.), Smells/Odors, Weight Gain, Masturbation, C*m
Synopsis: Noah’s recently returned home from shooting a movie, on location — and, now that he’s back in your sights again, his body looks… well… bigger than it did before he went away. With such a crippling weakness to the craft services table, it’s no surprise that he’s put on a few pounds… and — with his stomach so close to your face — you love the way he wears the new weight. As you admire his rounder belly, he gets an urgent message, informing him that he’s being considered for a part in a superhero film… and, as excited to hear the news as you are, you’re not ready to kiss his softer figure goodbye, just yet. Rather than using shallow words to express your joy, you’d rather show him how happy you are for him… and use your mouth to give him, and his squishy tummy, something that they can really feel.
Words: 2,728
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Wattpad Link — “Celebrity Worship Fics” Series
Noah's body is more fascinating to you than it's ever been before — your own personal heaven as you closely admire it for the first time in months. You never knew how much you'd miss it — it's smell, it's shape, it's warmth — but now that you've got it back in your sight, his godlike physique is everything you want and more. His broad shoulders, his thick arms, his full chest — each a vivid picture in your mind. You know his form like the back of your hand — down to each and every freckle — but after lifting his shirt up over his head, you immediately find that it's been through it's fair share of change.
His abs look softer — plumped over and far less defined than they were before... but that's completely understandable — he usually returns with a few extra pounds on him when he comes home from set anyway. Craft services are his weakness when he's away — he'd preach about it on the highest mountain if he could — and you have to admit, you prefer the look of his fuller figure over his usual toned physique. You're in a state of pure awe, closely examining the new state of his body. The developed curvature of his V-line, now beautifully defined with a thick layer of extra weight, tantalizes you. His belly button, the hole that was once nothing more than an insignificant dip in his abdomen, has now widened — become so open and prominent that it's nearly impossible to ignore. It looks deeper, darker — somewhat hypnotic — a new orifice for you to explore.
"Woah," Noah blurts out, his phone held up to his face as you drop his jeans down to his ankles, "Management is blowing up my phone right now! Listen to this. That audition I had a little while back — the one I told you about a few months ago — apparently they really liked me. Guess they've been trying to get a hold of me for a while, 'cuz... wow. Anyway, if everything works out, I could possibly — and this is a huge maybe — be in a DC movie!"
You're happy to hear the news — you're always thrilled whenever he's up for a big role — but now's no time for congratulations... not in the verbal sense anyway. The two of you haven't been physical in what feels like forever, and now that he's finally with you again — with more body to love — you won't waste any time getting to what you want. You'll have to spare him the words, show him just how elated you are to hear the news instead... and how badly you've missed him.
"Mmm... that's great, Noah." You breathe your sentiments into his tender skin — your face and hands pressed against his warm figure — and lay a wet kiss just above his hip. "I guess it's only right that we celebrate, hmm? Let's do something nice... just you and me." Your lips drag lower and lower with every word, until they're planted on the waistline of his shorts.
He gives his body over to your mouth almost instantaneously, relaxing his already softened midsection, and puts his phone down beside you on the bed. "I guess we should," he smirks, his broadened hips twisting between your hands, "W-what kind'a nice thing do you got in mind?"
"Oh, I think you know, Big Guy..."
Slowly, you push Noah's yellow basketball shorts down below his waist, teasing his hips with the tips of your fingers as they fall. They're the only thing keeping you from what you want, the single part of him you've been missing the most. "Oh, do I," he questions you, wriggling himself free, "well... if you mean what I think you mean... I guess I wouldn't mind some of that."
He takes your hands down from his sides and rests them on the lower-side of his abdomen — just below the slight curvature of his new belly, and right above his semi-hard dick. He's freshly shaven, as close to the skin as a set of clippers can get, and all set for you to have your way with him. "Mmm... neither would I," you reply, "You've been gone too long! I was starting to think I'd never see this beautiful body of yours again... and by the looks of it, you've cleaned up for me."
"Mmm... Maybe I did. I was getting a little impatient too — of course, not as impatient as you. I figured it'd make things easier if I did a little spring cleaning."
"Well, you figured right..."
You give his head a soft, passionate kiss, and feel it perk up against your lips. It smells strongly of sweat and piney body-wash, a woodsy, manly odor — like he's been cutting down trees in the forest... naked. There's already a clear, sweet-tasting liquid leaking out from it, it's glossed all over your bottom lip. He's halfway to his climax, from a single kiss alone. The look of him, his strong scent, his sweet taste — it's everything you've been missing and more. You want to take him into your mouth completely, suck him up and pleasure him until he explodes, but his belly button — the deep, mesmerizing hole — is staring you right in the face, calling out for your immediate attention.
"Hey, Noah," you ask, under his navel's strange spell, "Weird question, but, um... does your belly button seem a little... different?"
"Yeah... maybe." His teeth shimmer in the lamplight as he smiles down at you. "I know I probably put on a few pounds while I was gone, so, uh... it may have gotten deeper. See for yourself." He takes hold of your finger and places it inside the hole — a move you weren't expecting him to make so boldly.
"Oh... okay."
It's far deeper than it used to be — having widened so much that your finger fits easily inside, up to the first knuckle. Despite it's obvious growth, it's rim has still got a tight hold on you, wrapping around your knuckle like a fitted glove.
"Haha... Woah," he laughs, "that feels weird. I can feel that in the tip of my dick… this—this weird tingling. What's up with that?"
His grip tightens around the base of your finger — a subtle signal for you to pull out — but you ignore it, continuing to feel around. "Don't know," you reply, "Maybe your belly button is another one of your special places. Who knows... if I finger it long enough, you might cum all over me and spoil the fun."
"Mmm... you think? Well, your finger's cold. Don't think I can cum if you've got cold fingers, Frosty. Now take it out... I got some other special places I want you to touch."
Admittedly, your hands are a bit frigid. The air conditioning in your room has been on full blast all day, combatting the sweltering summer heat outside, and you've gotten pretty acclimated to the cold.
"Frosty? Like the snowman? Oh, how clever..." You push farther into the hole, watching his shaft twitch as the tingling feeling runs through it again. "It's just a bit drafty in here, Noah. I had to turn on the AC in the house, 'cuz it was getting muggy. Luckily — for me at least — I don't feel too chilly. The inside of your belly button is hot, it's like a sauna in there or something."
He rolls his eyes and tightens up on your finger a second time — this time near its tip — making big circles with it. It's coated in the viscous fluid, only collecting more as it trails around the walls — a motion that turns the both of you on.
"Oh yeah? Well, I... Augh... woah..."
The rim stretches around your knuckle, squeezing it tightly and releasing every few seconds — it's like a thick, wet rubber ring, giving and straining against your skin while you make your rounds. His gut moves too — jiggling like a big bowl of jelly with the cyclical motion of your hand.
"Nice comeback, Mush-Mouth. Sounds like you're starting to like this." You twist your finger out from his loosening grip and slip it back into his navel, moving it slowly around like you'd done before. "God, it's good to hear that moan again. Guess you like the feeling of my finger in your belly button, hmm? It really is a special place, huh, Big Guy?"
Unable to form a clear sentence, he simply nods, letting out a long, labored breath — trying to make words.
"I... Uuhhh... Yeah."
He looks like he's about to finish already — his eyes tightly closed, and his mouth held open in a gaping, O-shape — it won't be long before he shoots his first load. You look down at him, anticipating his eruption, but only a slow drip of precum leaks from his head. You've never seen him so aroused from such simple foreplay before — nothing has ever gotten him off like this, so close to release so soon. He's standing over you, belly-out, fully submitted to your finger's will — all yours.
"Mmm... Yeah?" You take your finger out from his navel and wipe it dry on the bedsheets beneath you. "Okay then, Big Boy, let's have some fun."
He takes a deep breath, expanding his relaxed midsection even more. It looks like he's come down from the high of his near-climax — his eyes opening up, and his lips muttering something under his breath. "Big Boy," he repeats, mumbling it to himself again and again, "Big Boy? I like that. I'm your big boy, huh?"
"Mhm. My big, sexy boy, with his big sexy body, and his big sexy belly button." You run your open hands along his abdomen, feeling just how fatty it's come to be. His stomach is surprisingly round, bigger than you've ever seen it before — looking almost as if he's a few months pregnant. It's firm, feeling as though he's just had a meal — nice and taut under the surface of his supple skin — and it moves like one solid ball, jiggling and trembling in your hands. "Just look at you, Noah. You're so big... and sexy."
"Really? Well, I have put on a few pounds these past few months. Was gonna hit the gym tomorrow and start working this sucker off, but hey... if you like it so much, I'll be your Big Boy for as long as you want."
"Good. I like you this way."
He's hard as a rock — standing at his full potential — a stiff 8.5". His head is still dripping wet, leaking a white-ish, translucent fluid everywhere, and leaving little droplets all over the bedsheets beneath you. Watching drop after drop fall from his tip, you rest your lips against his belly, pressing small kisses into the skin around his navel.
"Oh... yeah," he moans, taking hold of either side of your head, "That's... Uahh... that's good. Yeah, kiss on my stomach." His eyes roll to the back of his head, and his mouth drops open — reforming his beautiful orgasm-face.
"Like this, Big Boy?" You wrap your arms around his waist, gripping at his lower-back, and pull him in closer to your mouth — planting a big wet smooch over the rim of his belly button, and suckling on the ring of flesh. He holds your head in place, keeping your lips pressed over his navel, and pulls you in closer. You're pinned, unable to pull free from his tight clutch as he forces himself even harder against your face — smushing you into his hot figure. You can feel his labored breath through his stomach — how it rises and falls sporadically with every gasp of air, trembling out of control. His body is waiting impatiently for you to make your next move, begging for more of your love.
"Yeah," he exhales, puffing out his stomach a bit more, "Mmm... just like that. Get inside my belly button." A small dribble of drool escapes your mouth as it's smushed against his body once again, filling up his navel with hot, sticky saliva, and smearing all over the space around it. The squelching, juicy sound is like music to your ears... encouraging you to get dirty. "Ahh... yeah, kiss it, baby. MMHMM... is that your spit? Fuck! Get that wet tongue of yours in there."
Again, he pulls your face into his body — this time with even more force than he'd used before — smothering you with his hot flesh. A potent, sour odor fills your nostrils as you try your best to breathe — like a festering, sweaty dumpster... or a big hunk of old, rotted cheese — an aroma that you can't quite name... a fragrance that takes you aback. It's unlike anything you've ever smelled on him before... not even the worst of his stenches — nothing like how he smelled before he left you... but then again, you never paid his belly hole any attention before it changed. Maybe this is how it's always been — it's natural, nasty musk — either way, you quickly come to love it... it is his odor, after all. With his navel sat wide open on his stomach, you'll get to know this smell just as well as you've come to know his others — and add it to your long list of Noah's foul odors... odors of which you've learned to enjoy.
"Fuck, Noah... it stinks in there," you moan, taking in as deep of a breath as you can, "Mmm... you're so dirty, aren't you? I bet you never clean this thing." Recoiling your head back from his stomach, you eagerly delve your tongue into the smelly hole — getting a taste of the gritty, bitter flesh that hides deep within the crater. His stomach muscles immediately tense up — flexing hard, as though he's still got his old, chiseled abs — and strain themselves against your tastebuds, forcing his belly inward.
"What?" He exhales. "What's it smell like?" With his heavy gaze fixed onto your mouth, Noah swipes a single finger along the edge of the hole — pushing your tongue aside so that he can collect a good amount of residue in his fingertip — and gives it a good sniff. "Woah," he laughs, wiping the stench from his nostrils, "that's awful! Guess I gotta start cleaning my belly button. Who would've guessed? Ya know, I still feel a little under-appreciated, you haven't shown me how proud you are. Why don't you give me a nice cleaning? I think that'll do." His hand slowly wanders down to his dick, gently tugging on it as he releases the tension in his abs, and relaxes his gut against your face. His mischievous grin is hypnotic... charming you like a snake.
"You really want that tongue bath, huh, Big Guy?," you reply, "Fine them... I'll give you a good clean—..." Before you can finish speaking, Noah smothers you with his stomach once more — causing your tongue to slip right back into it's burrow.
Now, the scale of his pleasure is audible. The clicky sound of his head lubricating itself underneath your jaw, the dry scuffle of his shaft as he strokes it, the incredible volume of his moans — it's music to your ears. "Mmm," he moans, jerking off as you tickle the rim of his navel over and over again, "I think I'm almost there! Fuck... that feels so good, Baby. Go deeper!"
Your saliva quickly pools inside of his belly button — and just as it begins to drip down from the hole, and onto your chin, a warm fluid splashes across your neck... and you know it's not your spit.
"Holy shit! Fuck! I'm cumming!"
Noah's stomach rolls and convulses as he reaches the peak of his climax — continuing to erupt his steamy, white load all over your chest. His breath sounds like that of a sleeping bear, low and labored as he expels his last few drops.
Wow," he sighs, out of breath as he drops onto the mattress, "That was fucking amazing! W—We should do that more often." He looks so sexy, laid across the sheets beside you — his rounded stomach seemingly defying gravity as he catches his wind — absolutely perfect. He may not have the body of a comic book hero, but you'd choose that gorgeous gut of his over Superman's abs any day... and hopefully DC Studios will do the same.
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Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️!!!
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halsteadssneakylink · 2 years
character list
everything is x f!reader unless specified otherwise
if you want gn! or m!reader be sure mention it when you ask
the age of the characters determine the age of the reader (i won’t write anything with an illegal age gap)
the boys
mothers milk
billy butcher
starlight (annie january)
simon basset
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
kathani sharma
chicago fire
kelly severide
stella kidd
matt casey
sylvie brett
brian “otis” zvonecek
leslie shay
peter mills
chicago med
connor rhodes
will halstead
ethan choi
maggie lockwood
april sexton
chicago pd
jay halstead
erin lindsay
hailey upton
kevin atwater
adam ruzek
antonio dawson
full house
jesse katsopolis
greys anatomy
meredith grey
christina yang
jackson avery
derek shepherd
addison montgomery
mark sloane
lexi grey
callie torres
hawaii five-0
steve mcgarrett
danny williams
chin ho kelly
kono kalakaua
adam noshimuri
kickin it
jack brewer
jerry martinez
kim crawford
steve rogers
tony stark
natasha romanoff
bruce banner
bucky barnes
sam wilson
wanda maximoff
stephen strange
yelena belova
carol danvers (pre & post powers)
mission impossible
ethan hunt
ilsa faust
benji dunn
august walker
peter pevensie
susan pevensie
edmund pevensie
outer banks
john b
sarah cameron
the punisher
frank castle
billy russo
dinah madani
olivia pope
fitzgerald grant
abby whelan
harrison wright
shadow and bone
alina starkov
aleksander morozova (general kirigan/the darkling)
kaz brekker
nina zenik
jesper fahey
inej gafa
star trek (aos)
james tiberius “jim” kirk
leonard “bones” mccoy
s’chn t’gai spock
nyota uhura
montgomery scott
hikaru sulu
dean winchester
sam winchester
dad!bobby singer x child!reader
olivia benson
rafael barba
nick amaro
dominick “sonny” carisi
to all the boys
lara jean
john ambrose
peter kavinsky
top gun
pete “maverick” mitchell
nick “goose” bradshaw
tom “iceman” kazansky
charlotte blackwood
penny benjamin
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
javy “coyote” machado
natasha “phoenix” trace
robert “bob” floyd
the witcher
geralt of rivia
yennefer of vengerberg
ben barnes
chris evans
glen powell
jared padalecki
jensen ackles
karl urban
leo howard
noah centineo
oscar issac
scarlett johansson
sebastian stan
sophia bush
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mda-graphic · 2 years
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“I love you for who you are
but that ass sure is a bonus”
Our idiots @fritziefred
Noah Centineo x Hailee Steinfeld - crackship
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archer12xx · 2 years
Wanna Play a Game?
Tobias x Reader
college au, fluff, movie-inspired, oneshot
It was a fine day at the university and you're at your usual spot, on the bench under a tree, reading a book while having lunch. The noontime sun was shining bright and hot overhead, but luckily the blowing wind was cool enough to beat the heat. You took the last bite of your sandwich without removing your eyes from the line you were reading, when someone sat beside you on the bench. A familiar earthy scent of cedarwood tickled your nose and a smile escaped your lips. You swallowed first before meeting his blue eyes that reflects the sun like the sea in summer. Tobias flashed his usual crooked grin and chuckled. "You eat like a child. Is that why you're my baby?" he chuckled as he wiped the side of your mouth. You just rolled your eyes at him but you can't help but blush a little.
"Did you have lunch yet?" You asked.
He glanced at the book you were reading before responding. "Yeah, before I got here. What are you reading? Is that the same book as before?" You flipped the book, showing the cover then you shook your head. "No. This is a new one," you said and set it aside. "You really read fast, don't ya?" he said, leaning back on the bench. "Yeah, I had a lot of practice. Because I read a lot," you said, moving closer to him so you can rest your head on his shoulder. He didn't complain when you did that. Instead, with his huge hand, he cupped your cheek and guided you to look at him. "Wanna play a game?" he asked. Your brows were knitted in curiosity but you still nodded. "What game?"
"It's called counting shoulders! Let me start," he says. You sat up straight and waited for him to begin. With his right hand* he started counting, "One," and he tapped his right shoulder. "Two," then he tapped his left shoulder. You chuckled upon knowing what he was trying to do. "Thr--" he stopped. "Huh? Why is... I swear it was that way," he mumbled. You laughed softly. Watching him get confused amused you but only because he's too adorable. "Wait, let me try," you said. You took his right hand* and started counting, "One," you tapped his left shoulder using that hand. "Two," this time you tapped his right shoulder with it. "Three," then you tapped your left shoulder. Upon the realization on what's happening, he put his head on his free hand while laughing and shaking his head. You can't help but join his laughter as you counted. "Four," and his arm is now over your shoulder. "Don't worry. We both won this game!" you said and winked at him. He sighed but a smile was still lingering on his face. "Man, I can't really use moves from romcoms on ya, can I?" he said, shaking his head and you laughed. You interlaced your fingers with his, on the same one that was still on your shoulder, then you glanced at him, and you both smiled. "Yeah, never." And you stayed like that until it's time to go to your respective classes.
I got the idea of counting shoulders on Sierra Burgess is a Loser on Netflix! It's a YA romcom, with a very nice story. Plus, Noah Centineo. 💖 I recommend it! 😉😎
*Edit: I just realized even I got confused and messed it up. I wrote "right hand" instead of "left hand" for Tobias and "left hand" instead "right hand" for reader 😅😅😭😭 fixed it. Whew! What a mess. 😭
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mosthatedfm · 2 years
﹒ ⊹    𝗮   𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲𝗿   𝗮𝘀𝗸𝗲𝗱   ﹕  career  claims  you'd  like  to  see  ?
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ahh   !!  in  terms  of  musicians  i  would  love  to  see  some  upcoming  artists  ,  especially  those  breaking  out  of  tik  tok  ,  such  as  nessa  barrett  ,  tate  mcrae  ,  conan  gray  ,  jessie  murph  ,  fletcher  ,  lil  nas  x  ,  baby  tate  ,  but  i’d  also  love  to  see   brent  faiyaz  ,  sza  ,  jack  harlow  ,  the  weeknd  ,  doja   ,  billie  eilish  ,  jack  harlow  ,  giveon  ,  chase  atlantic  ,  megan  thee  stallion  ,  summer  walker  ,  noah  cyrus  ,  dua  lipa  ,  ruel  ,  olivia  rodrigo  ,  a  boogie  wit  da  hoodie  ,  justin  bieber  ,  zayn  ,  kehlani  ,   harry  styles  ,  justine  skye  ,  post  malone  ,  sabrina  claudio  ,  flo  milli  ,  khalid  ,  ali  gatie  ,  banks  ,  bryson  tiller  !!  for  actors/actresses  i’d  love  to  see  margot  robbie  ,  tom  holland  ,  zoey  dutch  ,  jenna  ortega  ,  noah  centineo  ,  josephine  langford  ,  zendaya  ,  keke  palmer  , dyaln  obrien  ,  and  of  course  i’d  love  to  see  career  claims  of  the  euphoria  cast  ,  the  pll’  original  sin  cast  ,  the  stranger  things  cast  ,  the  winx  saga  cast  ,  tsitp  cast  ,  etc  !!  for  more  misc  career  claims  i’d  love  to  see  athletes  such  as  simone  biles  ,  shaun  white  ,  devin  booker  !  reality  tv  stars  that  come  from  shows  such  as  love  island  ,  big  brother  ,  grew  up  on  the  real  housewives  of  beverly  hills  ,  or  come  from  a  kardashian  like  family  !!  models  like  kendall  jenner  ,  bella  hadid  ,  duckie  thot  ,  barbara  palvin  ,  broderick  hunter  ,  and  of  course  makeup  brand  owners  like  rihanna  ,  kylie  jenner  ,  and  with  that  skin  care  brand  owners  such  as  hailey  baldwin  !!  i  love  to  see  gordon  ramsey  ,  and  just  celebrities  chefs  in  general  as  well  as  authors  who  wrote  popular  books  such  as  jenny  han  and  anna  todd  !!  i  am  kind  of  blanking  but  if  you  need  more  suggestions  please  feel  free  to  send  in  another  ask  !  
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systementcorp · 1 month
Every generation has its own set of rising stars who captivate audiences with their talent and charisma. These young performers are the ones to watch as they make their mark on the entertainment industry. From actors to musicians to dancers, there are countless talented individuals waiting to be discovered and celebrated. What makes a rising star? A rising star is someone who possesses exceptional talent, charisma, and potential. They have a unique ability to connect with audiences and leave a lasting impression. Rising stars often have a natural gift for their craft and a drive to succeed in the competitive world of entertainment. How are rising stars discovered? Rising stars can be discovered in a variety of ways. Some are scouted by talent agents or casting directors who see their potential and offer them opportunities in the industry. Others gain recognition through social media or online platforms, where they can showcase their talent to a wider audience. Many rising stars also participate in talent competitions or showcases, where they have the chance to be noticed by industry professionals. Who are some current rising stars? There are countless rising stars in the entertainment industry today, each with their own unique talents and abilities. Some notable rising stars include actors like Zendaya, Noah Centineo, and Florence Pugh, who have all gained acclaim for their performances in recent years. Musicians like Billie Eilish, Lizzo, and Lil Nas X have also made a splash in the music industry with their chart-topping hits and innovative sounds. Dancers like Maddie Ziegler and Jojo Siwa have become household names with their impressive skills and charismatic personalities. What sets rising stars apart from established performers? Rising stars often bring a fresh perspective and energy to their craft that sets them apart from more established performers. They are hungry for success and willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals. Rising stars are also more open to experimenting with different styles and genres, which can lead to groundbreaking and innovative work. How can we support rising stars? There are many ways to support rising stars and help them reach their full potential. One of the best ways to support rising stars is to attend their performances and show them your support. Sharing their work on social media and spreading the word about their talent can also help to boost their visibility and opportunities in the industry. Additionally, supporting rising stars financially by purchasing their music or merchandise can help to fund their careers and allow them to continue creating amazing work. FAQs Q: How can I discover rising stars in my area? A: You can discover rising stars in your area by attending local talent shows, open mic nights, and performances at small venues. Keep an Eye out for flyers and social media posts advertising upcoming events featuring up-and-coming performers. Q: What should I look for in a rising star? A: When looking for a rising star, pay attention to their talent, stage presence, and ability to connect with the audience. Look for performers who have a unique style and voice that sets them apart from others in their field. Q: How can I support rising stars who are just starting out? A: You can support rising stars who are just starting out by attending their performances, sharing their work on social media, and offering words of encouragement and advice. Consider donating to crowdfunding campaigns or purchasing their merchandise to help fund their careers.
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hiddenwashington · 5 months
@strwbrrymccn said : Was that [KIM JISOO]? Oh no no, that was just [BECKY BLACKBELL], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [SPY X FAMILY]. They are [EIGHTEEN] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE ] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. (Risa!!) Can I reserve stu macher and get fc suggestions ??
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. becky blackbell [kim jisoo]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you've arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!  **stu macher is now reserved for risa until 12/23 at 6:20 am est! **and for fcs, in the past we've recommended noah centineo, ross butler, aaron taylor johnson, nick robinson, rami malek, dacre montgomery, brenton thwaites, or tom holland!
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ruhrohrps · 1 year
ya'll saying rps using light skin to get away with diverse rules is so damaging and does not help the erasure we feel on a daily basis. we are never black enough or white enough for any of ya'll. We are POC and thats the end of that discussion.
A lot of my discussions with one of my friends revolves around colorism. It’s one thing if it’s a face claim who claims they’re someone who falls under the POC term and they don’t (such as Noah Centineo, and Kelsey Asbille claiming they are Native American, but are not). But if someone utilizes Antonia Gentry who is half black, or Zendaya… they’re POC, guys! Antonia has a lot of insightful interviews on how she’s been treated growing up, and honestly Ginny and Georgia (especially the first season) covers this issue so well? Like being told you’re not ‘black enough’ or that you’re not ‘x, y, z enough’ - it’s damaging. It makes people lose sight for who they are, especially since you don’t know the home they were raised in and the family dynamics they have. It’s just…. WAY crossing the line and uncalled for when someone tries to state a face claim doesn’t ‘count’.
I’ve had to correct many admins on face claims such as Lulu Antariska, and then there’s admins who accepted Ariana Grande as a POC 💀
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visplay · 1 year
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Chris: Black Adam is the latest DC superhero extravanganza, and it isn’t a big mess as previous DC offerings, half the film is decent - the Black Adam bit, the other half focusing on the Justice League fails because the main Justice League superheroes are all missing, even the super friends and the monkey friend, all we get are some unknown Marvel copying superheroes in an X-men plane, but still watchable and offering some degree of entertainment more than most DC films especially by including Sarah Shahi from Person of Interest, Watch: On Subscription Service.
Richie: Black Adam, first of all, had a horrible score and soundtrack that did not match the themes of the film, it was a lot like Dr. Strange that the movie was great when there were visual effect s thrown at you on the screen, but as soon as someone opens their mouth they spew stupid, these superhero movies have to be a bit smarter, Watch: When Free.
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gonehollywoodrp · 2 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, NAT! your role of TOM HOLLAND has been accepted and we’re happy to welcome you to GONE HOLLYWOOD! now that your application has been accepted, here are a few things that you should do and we’re looking forward to seeing you on the dash!
send your account in within 24 hours.
follow everyone on the blog roll.
follow all the tracked tags.
make sure you’re following all the guidelines for your new role.
send us a message if you’d like a link to our OOC blog.
AGE: 22
TIME ZONE: Eastern
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE & BIRTHDAY: 26. January 13, 1997
WANTED CONNECTIONS: Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson
This would be my one and only character, x
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starryeyedadmirer · 1 year
Noah Centineo: Baby Fat
-Noah x Reader-
!!CW!! — Body image TW
Synopsis (There’s not much to this one): You’re at the gym with Noah, as a kind of moral support — helping him work off the spare tire that he’s put on since giving birth to his son. Though you’ve grown quite bored of seeing him get down on himself, and constantly feel as though he’s got to change, you provide him with a few words of encouragement… in your own, not so sweet way.
Words: 1,000
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"Woo! Fuck." Noah groans, taking another kick at the freestanding punching bag that's propped up in front of him. "I forgot how hard this was, man! How could I do this so easy before? I haven't lifted my legs this high since... since..."
"Since the nurses put 'em up in those stirrups, right?" You interrupt — watching from your seat, as he gives the bag another pathetic kick.
"Yeah... I think so."
"Man, I remember that shit like it was yesterday. Aiden's birth. Your feet were almost to the ceiling by the time they let me in the room. They had 'em jacked up so fucking high! You were miserable." You can hardly contain your laughter as the memory of Noah in his hospital bed flashes back into your mind.
He was laid back on the mattress, like a big starfish, with his feet dangling in the air, and a dozen nurses working on him. It was like he was some sort of alien, with all of the weird-looking machines, the bright lights shining on his crotch, the folks in blue scrubs, and the way that they were monitoring him... the atmosphere and urgency in the room, didn't give you any impression that he had gone into a normal, human labor at all. It seemed that he was giving birth to some bizarre creature... something out of this world. His face and neck were both as red as a clown's nose, and his hair was a scraggly mess. You could tell that he hadn't had a proper chance to groom himself before his water broke... it was more than evident, and not just by his looks. There was a strong, familiar musk persisting in the air... the stench of Noah's natural body odor... and another, odd scent, that you couldn't quite place at the time — something sour, and metallic. As if his looks weren't offensive enough, he was screaming at everyone like a crazed lunatic — demanding that someone go get him something cold to drink... but, rightfully so, none of his nurses did as he said. It was hysterical, watching him yell that way, to no response from anyone else. You couldn't laugh at him back then... he probably would've killed you if you had... but now that it's been a few months, you can finally let loose.
"Yeah, I was." He takes another kick, this time lowering his leg a bit. "I'm telling you, those labor pains were no joke, man. Aiden's head was so big, I thought I was gonna tear open."
"Looked like you were too. Ya know, I managed to get a peak at you while you were yelling, and... um... it wasn't pretty. Felt like I was staring at a big ass, busted banana, and a jelly filled donut... one that'd gushed open, and gotten all messy. It was... quite the sight!"
"Well, hey, laugh all you want, but those few hours of discomfort and pain were worth it. I love coming home and seeing his little face, smiling up at me like I'm the most important thing in the world. There's nothing like it, man. You'll learn someday."
"No. No I won't. And anyway, it ain't been that long since you popped him out, Noah. This should be a piece of cake. I know for a fact that childbirth was a lot harder than kicking a punching bag on a stand."
"You would think so, huh? You don't know half the story... you only saw Aiden's birth. I was bedridden for four weeks, after spending 17 long hours trying to squeeze him out of my ass. Even after that, I could barely walk for a month, my ass was sore for ages, and my dick couldn't get hard if it tried... not to mention all the weight I've put on. My legs are weaker than they've ever been in my life, man... and I can only kick so high with this gut weighing me down." He gives the bag one last go, mustering up all the strength that he can, and falls to his knees — visibly in pain. "I'm disgusting, fat, and fucking weak, man... just look at me."
"No you're not, Noah." You get up from your seat and place your hand on his shoulder, unmoved by his plight. "You're not disgusting at all, you're just having that... um... postpartum stuff."
You wish you could feel bad for him, that you could give him the level of sympathy and understanding that someone in his situation deserves, but it's hard. He's been crying the same tears for weeks now, whining about being out of shape and shaming himself at every opportunity. You've heard him call himself so many disparaging names... tell himself that he's repulsive and disgusting more times than you can count... and although you know that it stems from something deeper... something that's not so superficial... you're tired of hearing it.
"Carrying a little extra weight after having a baby is normal, Noah. You birthed an entire person, man... think you should cut yourself some slack?"
"Yeah... I guess so." He gets back up on his feet, leaning on you for support. He's heavy on your side, feeling every bit as hefty as he looks... a warm, comforting feeling... aside from all of the sweat. "Like I said, I haven't really been able to... do this. Don't know how I could've worked this thing off without coming back to the gym."
"There you go, man. And anyway, it doesn't look bad on you. Ya know, I always thought you'd look better with a little pot belly, and God, did you look good pregnant." You give his belly a rub, soft and tender like you've always wanted, and slap him on the ass. He's drenched in sweat — a good sign. That weight will be off before he knows it... then he can finally stop complaining. "Now c'mon, you've got some more kicking to do... burn off that extra weight you hate so much."
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Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️!!!
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crispyimagines17 · 5 years
Mamma Mia is your lifetime favorite film; however, you never thought it could happen to you until you graduated from college and decided to travel the world before stucking into some serious job back home. On your trip, you met Tom, a rich politician’s son in London who showered you in expensive gifts and attentions; following your path, you found Timothée, a young aspiring writer with whom you had the most interesting conversations about life and made you feel the magic of the universe in Paris; and in your visit to Rome you met Noah, a famous athlete who offered his heart to you under the italian starry nights. 
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jizemderler · 5 years
A/N: I‘m a fucking dramatic ass bitch when it comes to jealousy hfjdjdvd. Enjoy!
Noah has been away filming TATB2 for quite some time now and you were waiting for the weekend to come where you two had finally time to be together. It was thursday in the evening and you had all the butterflies in your stomach. He was supposed to come home tomorrow.
You were sitting on the couch with the TV running in the background while calling him. You wanted to ask him a few things so you could set and prepare some stuff before he‘d be here. But to your surprize he didn‘t pick up. You knew he wasn‘t shooting anymore today so you wondered why he wasn‘t picking up. Maybe he was out with his friends celebrating his last day on set. You were in touch with Lana but you didn‘t want to ask her because that would seem clingy. So you just shrugged it off and went on instagram and smiled when you saw him doing an insta live. He was really dedicated to his fans. You clicked on it to surprize him and his audience but what you saw next made your guts turn around.
He was embracing this girl in a tight hug and he placed a kiss on his arm while hugging goodbye. After they parted he had the biggest smile on his face and said that she was his bestfriend. And she was. You knew her. Another punch hit you in the face when they yelled ‚I love you‘ before she left. While you kept staring at the screen telling yourself that it was okay, trying to calm your feelings, the fans went crazy in the comments because they saw you enter the live.
„Hi Honey!“ he yelled now still smiling and yanked you out of your trance. „Wait let me get you in too. How does this work, wait..“ he said and you rushed to leave the live. You were not sure what you were feeling and didn‘t want to be where everyone would be able to see you. You locked your phone and put it on the table, still telling yourself that it was fine. It was fine. She was his best friend, knowing that you were his girlfriend. He knew you didn‘t like them that close.
Your phone rang and you could see Noahs name on the screen. You turned your phone upside down and left the living room. It wasn‘t fine.
He tried to call you several times after that but you just turned your phone off because you couldn‘t be troubled. The next day you were ready to leave to meet up with your friends when you heared keys jingle at the front door. You were in the kitchen drinking water when he came into your apartment.
„Baby? I‘m home.“ he called to catch your attention but you were still mad and that for a good reason. „Hey.“ he said after finally fidning you and you gave him a nod. „I was just leaving.“ you said while putting your glass down and grabbed your bag, „I‘ll see you tonight.“
„Woah, woah, woah. Wait, what?“ he said obviously confused and you rolled your eyes. „I promised Steph and Lilly to go out with them. Food‘s in the fridge. See you later.“ you said again and tried to leave but he grabbed your elbow and looked at you with furrwoed brows.
„I just came home after months and you couldn’t even be bothered to greet me? What‘s going on?“ he asked again and you scoffed. „You know exactly what‘s going on.“ you hissed and he let go of your elbow. „Look you know we‘re just friends. We‘ve been for a very long time.“ he said and you crossed your arms infront of your chest. „I know that Noah. Trust me I do. I know that she was here before me, that she meant something to you before I even existed in your world. But as your girlfriend I expect you to respect my lines. And you definetly crossed one yesterday.“ you said and it felt like something was squeezing your heart, making it hard to breathe.
„You don‘t trust me at all, do you?“ he asked you, showing that he was getting upset about it. „Wow. I can‘t believe you Noah. Great job at making it about yourself.“ you said and started clapping sarcastically. „This is not about my damn trust. It is about me telling you months into our relationship that I was not able to handle you being so close with other females. That I didn‘t have the strength to compete with other females in your life. That I already felt like I didn‘t fit in your world and seeing you comfortable with other girls and them being as comfortable with you made me feel like I didn‘t belong. „ Tears were now escaping the corner of your eyes and you didn‘t even wipe them away because anger was more present right now than any other feeling.
„I wasn‘t trying to upset you. We‘re just-...We‘ve always been that close.“
You wanted to punch him into his stupid face because he wasn‘t even trying to apologize. „You know what? Forget it. Appearently you don‘t understand where I‘m coming from. I just need some time to think about this.“ you said and pointed between you two and his eyes went wide. „What do you mean?“
„I‘m gonna go stay with Steph or Stacy.“
„No, you‘re not.“
„Noah just let me go.“ you cried helplessly because you didn‘t know what to do. „Just let us talk about this. Please. I‘m not going to loose you over something this stupid.“
„But it‘s not stupid! You don‘t get it! How would you feel if some guy was all over me?“ he scowled at that thought and you pushed it further,“ yeah, and how would you feel about a close guy friend being all over me and vise versa?“ He was clearly thinking now and a sarcastic laugh escaped your lips.
„You know what hit me the worst?“ you said and looked up to the ceiling, „You telling her ‚I love you‘.“
„Y/N it wasn‘t...“
„I know you didn‘t mean it like that.“ you interrupted him and wiped your wet cheeks. You shouldered your bag and turned your back on him walking towards the door. „Honey, please. Just stay home. I‘ll sleep on the couch.“ he begged but you shook your head.
„I have to sort some things in my mind. And I can‘t have your influence interrupting my thoughts.“
You put on your shoes and took your jacket off the hook.
„I love you.“ he said and you held yourself back from laughing.
„Sounds familiar.“ was the last thing you said before leaving. He was just standing there in the empty apartment, still n quite not able to process what just happened. But one thing he knew was, that this was not going to be the end.
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mcusocial · 5 years
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request: So I've seen a few crossovers that you have done with tom so maybe you could do something with Noah Centineo and tom Holland either jealous of each other hanging out with y/n or anything really. If you could make it a surprise then that would be great! Thank you♡♡
side note: so i’m still a bit rusty lmao, but i tried, i really did, and i wanted to start the year by keeping my promises! 💗 also, i don’t really know much about Noah, so everything i got was from a quick scan of his instagram lmao, so i apologise if this isn’t much like his actual personality. happy new year, everyone! ✨
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