La belle reine est arrivé!
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 The world is still beautiful, even if some of the choices we have made are not.
Your actions may be ugly at times, but that does not mean you are not beautiful.
                                                   I forgive you
                                          Indie & Semi-Selective
                                          Rider/Marie Antoinette
                                             Fate Grand Order
                          HOME || ASK || RULES || MARIE
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cursed video
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It wasn’t long before her guest was escorted in, smiling with her usual soft and welcoming expression. Vert couldn’t help but take notice at the small girl’s shy demeanor.
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“Please come in and make yourself at home. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Atlus. I’ve met many Makers during my travels with Neptune, but I have yet to meet you. However, your name is well known around Leanbox. I simply wished to get to know you. Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.”
The CPU paused for a moment before gently pressing the intercom once more.
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“Elli, would you mind sending up a tray of biscuits and some tea for our guest?”
A brief moment of silence before the crackling of static was heard and a voice replied in kind to Vert’s request.
“Of course Ma’am! We’ll have that sent up right away.”
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The Basilicom staff member showed Atlus where to go. She nodded and started walking. Why she had been invited to Leanbox, to meet Lady Green Heart of all people was beyond her. She hadn’t done business with Leanbox in many many years. She walked into the room and bowed slightly.
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“H-Hello!” She said, slightly awkwardly. She smiled and nervously looked around the room. What could the Goddess want with her? Maybe she wanted to make a deal with Atlus to make her games for Leanbox consoles? Atlus had no idea. “I-It’s Very nice to meet you Lady Green Heart!”
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Bonds Bound by Family
Morning came as the sun began to brightly glow over Leanbox, perfectly shining and leaving a warm ray of light on the sleeping CPU. Normally Vert would have her blinds closed at this hour to gain as much sleep as possibly, but today was a new day. Today was the day she would finally get to spend time with her new little sister, Viri.
It wasn’t long ago that Vert’s shares had began to skyrocket, which caused the Sharicite to glow brightly and create Leanbox’s very own Candidate. It wasn’t to be expected, due to the fact that it had been quite a few years since Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram were born. However, things were about to change for Leanbox as today Vert was going to spend all day with Viri. Much paperwork had to be done since her birth, but finally there was slow day in the Basilicom.
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“It seems the sun is quite excited as well, it’s shine glows far brighter than any other day. Let me quickly mark down the plans for today and I’ll see to it that Viri has a wonderful breakfast made for her. Although, I suppose I should get ready as well.” Vert stopped for a moment, putting down the iPAD and began to change into her usual attire.
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“Oh my, I seem to be shining just as bright today as well. It’s time to inform the staff of today’s breakfast~” 
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Thank you!
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It’s interesting... It has been more than a year since I started this blog, but these days my activity is little to nothing. Work usually keeps me busy and I’ve found a second job over the summer. Looking back at it all, I’m very grateful for everything in this past year: Good and bad. They’ve helped shape me and grow to be a better person. Everything is an experience, but having so many people be patient with me as I tried to find myself. I feel really blessed for all that.
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It’s kinda weird because after Anime Expo, I feel extremely content with myself and my life. I don’t feel depressed almost at all and I feel more motivated to follow my dreams. I have a family on Discord that I care for, I have an amazing girlfriend, and amazing friends. Although they like to push my buttons, I wouldn’t have them any other way.
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I really want to thank these people for all these memories and experiences: @driftingtrains, @planeptuneswindwalker, @cpumilfs, @the-strength-of-heart, @black-heart-sisters, @whiteheartserenity, @birdbrainedmaker, @ultradimensionplutia, @rosadisperanza, and @pirachuu. An amazing special thanks to @vericulumvenatrix, because without you. I would never have started this blog, met so many people, and grown past all those hurdles. Even if we don’t talk much anymore, I’m always grateful for you being there to help me when I first started.
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Don’t worry if your name/blog isn’t tagged. It doesn’t mean I have forgotten you or that you haven’t helped me at all. Every event, moment, fight, laugh, talk, or anything that we shared together was an experience that helped me grow. So thank you to all of you. Even if it’s something small or something big that you did to help me. It made a difference in my life.
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I know that life can be cruel and harsh at times, but please don’t ever think little of yourself. Okay? Not all of you do, but if you ever think to yourself: I am not important or I have never done anything great. That is a complete lie, because you helped me. Whether it is big or small, I’m truly grateful for having met you even if we have only interacted once. No matter what our past together held. I’m grateful for both the good and bad times we had together, because they helped me grow.
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Alright, enough sappy stuff for the night. I really am bad at expressing myself, but I wanted to let out all my emotions tonight. It’s time for this person to head off to bed. Do your best, okay? Even if I don’t know you: I’ll always be rooting for you (as long as you’re not harming or hurting others on purpose). I know you can achieve great things.
TL;DR: Thank you for being a part of my life! I mean that with all my heart! <3
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Independent fandomless OC
Mun 18+ AU highly encouraged Multiship and multiverse 15+ years RP experience FC: Lisanna Strauss
Please check about and rules page as well.
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"Treasure chest opened! You acquired A long purple rubber thing!"
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“I’m beginning to believe that I should fire one of my staff for that one incident... These things simply won’t stop appearing...”
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If you don’t want to make it, you can always buy it~ Hope this helps.
Visor: https://www.etsy.com/listing/285853243/overwatch-soldier-76-cosplay-visor?ref=listing-shop-header-0
My Dad 76 wig came in the mail. It looks pretty sweet tbh. I don’t think I need to style it or anything it’s fine (seriously, how do you style his receeding hair line :p) once I get a super short mega hair cut, like I always do for a con, it’ll look even better cause you won’t be able to see my real hair. Now all I need is the visor
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Vert is now Online!
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“You’ve disrespect my nation for the last time. This calls for a CPU war!”
An Independent RP blog for the character Vert/Green Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia. Read rules before interacting.
NSFW and OC Selective
Crack || Canon || Angst || Fluff
Mun is 18+
Complete theme and rules overhaul
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“T-The real thing...?”
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Within moments, the mischievous CPU ran and grabbed a special swimsuit for Nepgear. She already had risque pictures of Nepgear and it would be nicer to see it in person, but Vert wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to see her in this kind of attire.
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“Why don’t you try putting this on? If you’d like, I can help you change out of your clothes and into this~”
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“Goodness…y-you’re making it like I’m the bad one here…I-I’m sorry,just…you should ask for the real thing you know…”
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“You’re so cruel, of course I may have feelings for you but I cannot help it. The heart yearns for what it cannot have. My intentions are to bring this stalker to justice, but am I wrong for having needs just like every other Goddess?”
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“But the look in your eyes are dirty! It’s a lewd face. How can you say that when you make a face like that?”
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Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _____” Along with an Item My Muse would obtain by opening a secrete treasure chest, Make it ANY item you want and see My Muse’s reaction to obtaining said Item.
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planeptunecpucandidate replied to your post “*leaves Lady Vert a stash of cute Nepgear pictures, and some risqué...”
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“Oh my, Nepgear I did not purchase these for the reasons you might assume. I was simply using this to track down those who took such horrid pictures of you! I was simply going to punish them for their horrible ways!”
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If you were given a deal of Nepgear becoming your sister, at the cost of becoming as flat as Blanc. Would you accept the offer?
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“I suppose I wouldn’t mind giving up my breasts for someone to spend time with and to play video games with. It’s far better than being alone and I may be the ideal image of a Goddess, but I must admit it is quite lonely at times.”
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*leaves Lady Vert a stash of cute Nepgear pictures, and some risqué pictures of Nepgear*
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“My my, it seems the anons wish to get on my good side. I graciously accept these gifts and humbly thank you as well. Oh my precious Nepgear in such risque pictures... I may not have a Candidate, but this is truly a blessing in it’s own.”
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