#no sleep 'til Brooklyn
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No bans in Brooklyn!
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
Guys guys guys guys in volume 1 rocket was dragged kicking and screaming into helping save quill and gamora and the galaxy and he just wanted to run away with groot and hide from Ronan and he was the last one to join the chain of guardians holding the power stone and now in volume 3 gamora is saying they have to run away and rocket is the one to say no and lead the group into battle and risk everything to save the rest of the baby animals
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heyimdove · 3 months
Guess who lost herself writing another post s2 Good Omens fanfic? ✨me✨
This one is going to be a bit more fleshed out than Drinking Buddies and Diaries, but knowing me, will probably end up being just as, idk, kooky? We’re starting things off a bit angsty but I can’t expect it’ll last too long. Anyway! Follow along if you’d like to read it (or if you just want to see how much my life is dominated by this. Last time I was barely sleeping, hehehe. Seriously, though).
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nikki-ships · 2 years
You ever crave kisses from your f/os just... so bad?
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awheckery · 1 year
so for those of y'all who've been following me since before I busted out the historical research gong fu, you may remember the saga of Tess Piggy and the Bella Dots Design Wall project
I did eventually finish quilting all the dots, but my immune system threw a bitch fit, requiring a substantial rest period, so the thing's done, save for doing the binding my beloathed
I'll get around to it. eventually.
but at one point I was over at my parents' house and my mom saw the bella dots project and was like, 'omg I love it, can I have it?' and I was like 'excuse me??? I don't suffer over this kind of bullshit for other people, this bastard is MINE,' and thus was my mother somewhat disappointed, but even then, six-ish months ago, I filed the thought away and recalled that I had the Hoffman 1895 Bali Watercolor Panel hanging over my ironing board at home
it looks like this:
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I am following all the same steps that I did on the bella dots project, so I'm not gonna rehash any of that, except I put the walking foot back on my sewing machine and hooooooooooly shit, quilting diamonds is SO much faster than quilting circles, ilu walking foot, never leave me
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so much faster. holy shit.
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dinosaurwithablog · 1 month
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No... sleep.... til Brooklyn!!!! Kick it!!! I've been up over 35 hours, and I, finally, made it to Brooklyn!!! Time for great Italian food!! It's great to be home again. I missed the graffiti. It's gotten so much better over time. 😁😍😊🥰💜💜💜
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awestruck-atrophy · 6 months
good morning everyone it is 6:39 in the morning in another senseless act of self sabotage I have not slept
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greenbislut · 1 year
Just napped for about 4 hours... I guess I'll be up until 4 am tonight. 🥴
Who's going to keep me company tonight?
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dooxliss · 1 year
i cant believe i had to watch chris pratt three times in the span of a month <- did it twice willingly
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8lorp · 3 months
Why do dreams feel like if the "Are you still watching?" Prompt was a quick-time event? Like, the narrative is genuinely gas, but a loud noise happens, so I guess I'll never see the ending. I have spent many day n nite thinking about this. I toss and turn and keep stressing my mind mind. I look for peace, but yet I don't attain.
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measuresderepo · 8 months
I feel like Charlie Day in Its Always Sunny when I’m talking about how the action changed and improved in the Guardians movies.
“Please can we talk about the action, I’m dying to talk about the action…”
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ploridafanthers · 10 months
i believe i have read literally a million words since wednesday
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finalguytm · 2 years
tag dump!
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xoxobuckybarnes · 3 days
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May 2024 Reading List
Mine is the Shining Future (Rated: E, Words: 48K) by brideofquiet / @bride-ofquiet
Summary: He could have a life here, but what would it be? He could be a grocer; he could marry a girl who remembers hearing his name on the prayer list nearly every Sunday mass. He could fill sketchbooks in his spare time and stuff them into a trunk under his bed when he’s exhausted their pages, never to be seen again. He could live and die on Friary Street. It would be a fine life, if a simple one. Something similar was enough for his mother. It should be enough for him, too. Is it? In late summer of 1937, Steve Rogers immigrates to America.
Somebody to Loveverse (series) by @deepspaceprincess
Somebody to Love (Rated: E, Words: 27K) Summary: Natasha sets Steve up with at home cooking lessons when he botches Sunday night dinner. Steve isn't actually that reluctant, especially when his teacher is so easy on the eyes. Hard Days Night (Rated: E, Words: 3K) Summary: Steve comes home from an extended mission to find that Buck waited up for him.
That's What You Get For Waking Up in Vegas (Rated: E, Words: 96K) by Oh_i_swear / @oh-i-swear-writes & ThePirateStorm / @fsbc-librarian
Summary: An Avengers fundraising event in Las Vegas takes a left turn, and Captain America wakes up with a brand new spouse and no way to get a divorce. Coupled with Tony Stark's current obsession with reality dating shows, obviously nothing can go wrong, right Bucky Barnes isn't even Tony's PA - Pepper is his actual boss - and he does not have time to even date anyone, let alone be married to one of the most famous people in the world, especially not with a sick sister and precocious niece at home depending on him. He just needs to keep his head down, and wait it out til they can get a divorce. Easy, right?
I Know You Don't Sleep At Night (Rated: E, Words: 62K) by @humapuma
Summary: Bucky Barnes is a high class call boy working for Red Room Escorts. One night, while out with a new client, he witnesses a murder. The detective who interviews him is big, blond, and beautiful, and makes Bucky want things he shouldn't. Little does he know, they've met before. Steve Rogers is a detective in Brooklyn, called to investigate a murder at a nightclub. The witness he's told to interview is a hooker. When Steve enters the room, he can hardly believe his eyes. Bucky is lithe and beautiful, even at four in the morning after witnessing a homicide. He knows the witness and the rules say, he must recuse himself from the case. How many rules is Steve willing to break to keep Bucky safe? Every. Single. One.
Transcript: Steven Rogers and James ‘Bucky’ Barnes' appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, February 4, 2017 (Rated: G, Words: 2K) by deliciousblizzardshark
Summary: Rogers: Nice to meet you, Stephen. Colbert: And you, Steven. Rogers: The future is so touchy-feely. Colbert: Is that right? Rogers: Yeah, people are always hugging each other. In my day we avoided physical contact. Colbert: Yeah? Rogers: Didn’t want to catch Polio. Colbert: Oh, are we at the joking about Polio stage of the interview already? That was fast. Rogers: I like to cut to the chase.
You remember that time? (Rated: T, Words: 3K) by kingandlionheart / @steveybucky
Summary: “You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway Beach in the back of a freezer truck?" Steve gets jealous, buys his weight in hotdogs, and cuddles in the back of a freezer truck.
Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. (Rated: E, Words: 20K) by @relenafanel
Summary: Steve Rogers. Cheerfully Slutty. But not going to take your shit about it. Bucky Barnes. Voted most likely to fall in love first.
1A (Rated: E, Words: 27K) by tinzelda
Summary: Steve and Bucky are together before the war. Kind of. Bucky sure wants to be—he knows how he feels about Steve. Steve, however, hates that Bucky has to take care of him, so he can’t give himself over to the relationship. Steve desperately wants to enlist, but when he finally gets that 1A stamp, it isn’t the validation he thought it would be. When Bucky sees Steve transformed, he thinks he’s lost him for good, but Steve needs Bucky to look after him more than ever. He drives himself hard to feel worthy of being Captain America and keeps just enough distance between them to drive Bucky crazy. In other words, Steve still has something to prove, and Bucky has the patience of a saint.
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If I had a nickel for every time "No Sleep Til Brooklyn" was used in a Chris Pratt led movie in 2023, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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winterspiderpurrs · 2 days
It's routine by now. Saturday mornings, Peter would return to his apartment, and if Sam and Bucky were in town, they would be there. Sam would be just getting up to go for his early morning run. Bucky would still be in bed sleeping. Once Sam was back from his run, Peter would be in bed, taking what he called a power nap.
Sam would shower, and by the time he got out and redressed, Bucky would be out on the fire escape smoking. Peter would be at the stove starting the massive breakfast. His hair stood up in all directions. Then Bucky and Sam would start assisting with breakfast.
Then, 20 minutes later, they would all gather on the futon couch, turn on the tv, and eat together. Making some casual conversation, how the last patrol or mission went. Plans for the weekend, etc.
The thing is, there is a lot unsaid. They just stumbled into this relationship. First, it was just random check-ins. Then dates that weren't dates. Peter wasn't sure if Bucky and Sam were together, especially since he had slept with both on different occasions.
Bucky and Sam were in an open relationship, but neither knew they were both seeing Peter til Sam showed back up after leave from D.C. to find Bucky at Peter's place. Sam normally stays with Bucky when he is back in the city.
Bucky stayed at Peter's more often than not. He didn't like staying at 'Steve's' even though it's been Bucky's for the past several years. Between missions and staying in D.C. and Peter's he doesn't spend much time there. Which causes the conversation to take a turn one day.
" Your lease is up in a couple of months, right Doll?"
Peter nods.
" Yeah, at the end of August, I will have to renew."
" Thinking about selling the place in Brooklyn and moving"
Sam and Peter turn to look at Bucky, who took another bite of his toast, trying to act nonchalant about what he just said.
"Oh? Well... I mean. You're here a lot. You could... ya both could just... stay here, then? It's no problem."
Now Bucky and Sam look at each other before Sam clears his throat and speaks.
" Well, Buck and I have been talking about getting bigger place on the edge of both Brooklyn and Queens. Actually, I found a nice duplex that would be perfect."
Peter looks down at his plate, pushing the eggs around.
"Oh... sure. I mean , that sounds great. I can help ya move. "
" You're coming with us, Doll,"
" What this ass means. We buy the place, and once your lease is up. You move in. With us. "
" Its master bedrooms will fit one of those king-size beds too. Got two guest rooms. Study. Even got a backyard."
Peter blinks and looks between Sam and Bucky before a big smile spreads across his face.
" That sounds amazing!"
And they spent their morning, finishing up their breakfast before they decided to put on a movie in the bedroom. Peter needed to rest more and the perfect way was cuddling up in bed with Sam and Bucky.
Peter fell asleep 20 minutes in, Sam was sitting up and reading a book, Bucky was holding a sleeping Peter who was laying on top of him on this full-size mattress.
It was just a normal Saturday at a small apartment in Queens.
It's a little short and simple, but I still hope you like it @varayu-likes-marvel !
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