#no i have not been exposed to rabies
cyeayt · 10 months
in my coffee-batter era, seriously rip to teacake but I'm different (live in a time and place with access to rabies treatments / am not doomed by the narrative)
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banrions · 5 months
annnnnd i have finally gotten covid. merry fucking christmas to meeeee
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scary-senpai · 8 months
Boyfriend: okay. I’m booking the restaurant and the website is asking if we are celebrating a special occasion.
Me: bank robbery
Boyfriend: but it’s our ten year anniversary of our first date?**
Me: maybe our first date was bank robbery. they don’t know that.
Boyfriend, tiredly typing: ‘ten year anniversary of first bank robbery’
**I had the very American experience of getting hitched for health insurance purposes; this is not very fun to celebrate.
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shinhati · 10 months
if i die before the ahsoka series comes out im gonna be so pissed
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vaspider · 1 year
So I'm putting this here as a sort of public service. If you have never seen a rabid animal before, and you think you can handle watching it, I think it's a good idea to watch this. It's pretty upsetting to watch, so big CW on it, because this animal is essentially "dead but still moving." This is end-stage rabies. There is no saving this animal.
Before this stage, animals may be excessively affectionate or oddly tame-looking which is part of the reason why seeing people feeding foxes is upsetting to me. These animals might be, or might become, rabid, and there's no way to know without testing, which involves destroying the animal. Encouraging wild animals to be that close to humans is generally bad.
I grew up in the woods, so unfortunately we saw an uptick in rabid animals every spring -- you'd hear there was a rabid bat in this neighborhood or a rabid fox in this one -- but as wild animals and humans cross over more and more, we will see this more and more.
Opossums and squirrels extremely rarely get rabies, and we don't know why. They think the low body temperature of opossums inhibits the virus. The most common animals which get rabies in the US are raccoons, skunks, bats and foxes. Any animal 'acting unusually' -- not skittish around humans, biting at the air or at nothing ('fly-biting'), walking strangely (they kind of look like they have a string attached to their heads and walk kind of diagonal like they're being pulled along, a lot of the time) -- should be treated as though it's potentially rabid.
If you think you have been exposed to a rabid animal, including 'waking up in a room where a bat has gotten into it and there's a fucking bat in your room', please immediately go to the emergency room. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Post-exposure prophylaxis absolutely fucking sucks, it is a series of shots you'll have to get in two stages, it's done by weight, and it feels fucking nasty, but rabies is 100% fatal. I cannot stress enough how essential this is, having been through it.
Thank you for reading, I love everybody, the end.
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mammalidentifier · 2 months
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I’ve got good news for you! The rabies virus evolved to affect warm-blooded animals and requires temperatures around 36°C to 38°C (97°F to 100°F) to thrive. Which is the body temperature of your average placental mammal. Marsupials, however, have average body temperatures in the range of 35°C (95°F) and monotremes even lower, at 31°C (87°F)! 
This means that marsupials (even your average virginia opossum) are too cool to get rabies. Literally! It’s not impossible for them to get infected with it and there have been documented cases, but it’s very, very rare. Not only that, but also since most mammals in Australia are marsupials and monotremes, the rabies virus is considered practically inexistent over there! So the Australian possums from that post have zero chances of giving you rabies. Being placental mammals, it’s much more likely that a colugo would get infected with it, but by what I’ve been able to gather from some cursory research, it’s not common for them to be exposed to the virus. I haven’t been able to find a single documented instance.
I’ve also got some bad news, though: you still can’t hold them because they’re wild and have teeth and claws. 😔 None of these animals grow very large but as someone who has been badly bitten by a very angry rat once, small animals ≠ painless bites.
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Does feral undead Yan just look like a stereotypical zombie? Yk gray/green skin exposed organs weird (affectionate) eyes etc.?
Pretty much. Still deciding if they're a separate character from the Franken-Hounds to which the only differences would be they have the features of a dog hybrid (I have this one character that gets bit by a wild animal that may or may not have been a dying god and gradually decays into a zombie which would work pretty good with the whole them just thinking it's rabies thing, but that might be too much for now)
I really love the idea of a zombie dog hybrid cause it's cute for some reason so yea. I don't have any design ideas now, but I know for certain I'll go with gray skin cause I don't really feel the green skin would look good for what I'm thinking about already
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cbk1000 · 8 months
Still bored and not feeling great, so here is a follow-up preview to this post. It's been sitting in my Google Docs for quite some time, so might as well throw some of it up online.
It was raining furiously going out of Edinburgh, so that the Viaduct had to rise from the heath as if from the mists of time. In fair weather, or even in typical weather, those nebulous masses which one could presume to be hills nursed their heather by the light of the sun or the soon-to-be-sun; and when the weather had determined to be better than itself, the hillsides showed where the day set fire to the bluebell and ling, and exposed the shy moss in its bole. But now they were going as if through the Atlantic. It was wet, it was grey; and sporadically the mist broke its back on a peak, and showed, as if through some spume, where there was a world still anchored in earth. Then the fogs closed again, and they were alone in that dread, dead place between worlds, in the wastes of time or no-time.
Arthur was still related to Morgana, and still, consequently, drinking. He had had a little champagne first, and remembered that he didn’t fancy champagne; and it certainly didn’t fancy him. He was sat now on one of the sofas with some whiskey, feeling a little better in his stomach, though not his soul. He was still thinking about the bed. He was thinking that for seven unremitting nights, he would have to be elbowed, and kicked at, and drooled on: all of which Merlin had done before, somewhere in the jumbled mists of their uni years, when their backs did not care where, how, or when they slept, and fighting over a blanket on a floor was no worse than doing it at the Four Seasons. But at least he had had the privilege of going to the other end of the sofa, and sticking his feet in Merlin’s face, or to the far edge of the blanket, where he could put some space and decency between the inevitable phenomenon of being a man alive in the morning, and happy to see it. Now because Merlin was not thoughtful enough to take the armchair, or make himself some cosy nest on the floor, now because he had been working on his physique, Arthur would have to compress himself into an inadequate double with some shoulders almost as broad as his own. Now he would have to share, on his own personal holiday, his own personal bed, with a man not civilised enough to give up most of his allotment. 
He was frowning out the window, and waiting for Scotland to do something lovely, when Merlin threw himself down onto the sofa with his own whiskey, and dropped his head back on the cushion. He had crowded in predictably, so that his knee was touching Arthur’s knee, in a rather ominous harbinger of what his nights were to be like from this day forward, unto eternity (Monday). He had got off his blazer already, and rolled up his sleeves, so that Arthur could see the muscles in his forearms, so that he could see the weedy uni mate who had had to make his way fighting larger men with his wit and rabies could now do it with his rather distastefully large hands.
“You’re not supposed to take off your jacket,” Arthur said. “I can’t take you anywhere.”
“Well, if they throw me off the Viaduct for violating the dress code, you’ll get the bed to yourself, yeah?” He nudged Arthur’s knee with his, and took a drink. “By the way, I’m going to bed at old man time tonight, and if you try and fight me over the bed, I will bite you. I’m so knackered.”
“Well, just remember, I sleep on the left, and if you take my side, you’re sleeping on the floor, one way or another.”
Merlin knocked their knees together again and drank. He looked away from Arthur, out the window; and there fell over them that silent existence which did something to the depths of Arthur. He left his knee where it was, where there was the small, warm point of human contact, in the desolate train hurtling in a desolate world to end or absolution. The whiskey had come up a little in his throat, and stopped where there was a lump to stop it. He had had the same human touch the rainy weekend in Cornwall, when he was alone on a planet of billions moving in time without him. He had to look from the window for a moment, to the stubbled face in profile, and hurt, for a moment, exquisitely. It is sometimes like that to love; though of course he would not have called it that, when there were a number of other terms less fraught or complimentary. 
“You ok?” Merlin asked quietly.
“Ok. You pillock.”
“What do you want me to say, in front of a lounge full of passengers?”
“You could say ‘yes’ in a tone that actually sounds like you mean it, or you could say ‘no’, and we could go back to the cabin, and get pissed, or watch Netflix, or call your dad and tell him what an absolute cock he is. I can do it; you should keep not talking to him.” Then there was the little knock on his knee again, and Merlin said, “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately.”
“I really didn’t notice,” Arthur said, scratching at the back of his neck. “I’ve been busy myself.”
“Oh, right, I forgot, every day when I called you whilst I was on lunch, you were like, ‘Merlin; Merlin…sorry, it’s not ringing a bell, mate.’”
“Well, you called me, so if you’re trying to accuse me of something lunatic, like missing you, it’s probably projection.”
“No, I didn’t miss you. Just wanted to make sure you had a voice to go with the hair doll.” He took another drink. 
“It’s a voodoo doll, actually.”
“So you just sit in your room all day, sticking pins in me? Kinky.” Merlin snorted. “You are bright red.”
“I am not. And you can’t say ‘kinky’ on a luxury train.”
“If you can’t say ‘kinky’ where it will make rich people uncomfortable, what’s the point of saying it at all?”
Arthur rolled his eyes.
And now the teasing had gone from him, and he said, “Arthur,” quietly, and looked at him in the grey light of the window, and touched him, just long and gently enough, where there were no witnesses to ruin it.
“Yeah. Fine,” Arthur said, and Merlin clapped his knee with the hand he had laid briefly and feelingly on it, and said, “Ok, well, then we should get something settled. You are going to teach me how to eat dinner, right?”
Arthur rolled his eyes again. “You’ve never needed my help eating anything in your life. In fact, usually you stab me with your fork when I try.”
“Yeah, but there are going to be little spoons or something, and I’m going to have to use them in a specific order, and I’m going to have to eat the food in a specific order, and all whilst wearing a suit that I don’t want to muck up, because I paid fifty quid for it.”
“You only paid fifty quid for your suit?” Arthur cried. “For the whole suit? Did you get most of it from a skip?”
“I’m not going to just drop several hundred pounds on a suit I’m only going to wear a few times,” Merlin protested.
“You didn’t answer me about the skip,” Arthur said, setting aside the whiskey, which he did not have room to process, alongside his horror.
Dinner was got through with no mishaps but the mishaps Merlin had orchestrated; though he did have to ask Arthur whether he could eat the little flower on top of his salmon without dying.
“It’s a garnish, you plonker.”
Merlin pinched it between his fingers and held it up to the light to squint at it. “So can I eat it, or not?”
“You’re not meant to, though that’s never stopped you before.”
Merlin ate the flower, just to be gauche. 
“Are you going to eat yours?” Gwaine asked Arthur, and helped himself to it before he could reply. 
“You have my genetics, and hence could have pretty much any man you wanted, and this is your choice?” Arthur asked sourly, giving Morgana a nasty little look, and batting Gwaine’s hands away from his plate.
“Don’t malign me like that; I’ve only got half your genetics. Besides, it’s not like you’ve got yourself the Prince of Wales. No offence, Merlin,” she said, patting his hand, as if he would need to be consoled.
“None taken; he’s a twat,” Merlin said.
“Yes, but the difference is, Merlin and I are not a couple. So it doesn’t matter if he eats the garnish on his confit of salmon; it doesn’t reflect poorly on me, because I’m not shagging him where innocents can walk in on it.”
“If you had wanted to remain innocent, you should have knocked before walking into a flat that didn’t belong to you.”
“Who does that with the door unlocked?” Arthur demanded, whilst Gwen and Lance politely pretended they were not being involuntarily involved in someone else’s sex life, when they could have been off enjoying their own. 
There was entertainment in the Observation Car, which Arthur, naturally, complained about.
“You sound like you have gout,” Merlin said.
“What on earth does gout have to do with anything?” Arthur asked.
“Nothing; you just sound like one of those old men who sits round complaining about all his old man ailments and never letting anyone else have any fun. ‘Oh, music, people laughing; just horrid. Horrid,’” Merlin mocked in a bratty voice.
“There might be bagpipes.”
“They’re not going to bring bagpipes on a train where people can’t escape them.”
“There were bagpipes when we were getting on the train,” Arthur said, frowning.
“There are bagpipes everywhere in Edinburgh,” Merlin replied, in a voice that stated, firmly, he thought Arthur was a great nattering twat baby. They adjourned (it did not seem appropriate to say they merely ‘went’ to a train car full of furniture worth more than his annual salary) to the Observation Car, which was now full of diners, and music. There were not any of the dread bagpipes, but only a lovely fiddle, going on impressively, whilst an elderly passenger clapped in time with it; or what the champagne told him was in time with it. He was wobbling about, in exactly the opposite spirit of Arthur, introducing himself to everyone, and twice to Morgana, who had got all the charm there was to be got from the Pendragon line, leaving none for Arthur. 
Outside the window, Scotland was still rather miserable. Merlin had hoped to see those dreaming glimpses of the highlands, which were, or were felt to be, pure of humanity. The itinerary had promised him Ben Arthur and Loch Lomond, and he had fantasised making them into one of the walking tours, though he knew, intellectually, he would only glimpse them in passing. He had already made them in his heart a place for him and Arthur to be alone where aloneness has meaning; where it is a grand reckoning with that simultaneous infiniteness and finity of time. All that long month he had been caged in his office, seeing Arthur for brief intervals at the pub, or over FaceTime, whilst what was left of the wild country called to him; and now when he had expected to see it, at least, through the train window, streaming away into eternity, and taking with it his imagination into the secret dells and copses where there were fungi or larks to discover, what he saw was a desolate grey. He was looking at a smudge. Now and again there resolved out of it a larger smudge, more darkly or lightly coloured; and then even that feeble hope of scenery dissolved into that dreary badland which the British rain makes of the grasses which feed from it. If it were a nice little tropical rain, he could have marvelled at it, and counted the stalks of the gorse in the clean clear light of summer eternal; but here it was arse. Here he felt the train was having to invent the world as it drove along, into that great grey nothing out of which the trestle tracks sprang when they were needed, and vanished thereafter.
Arthur had got them some whiskeys, and sat them at the far end of the car, away from the musicians, and socialisation; so it was they two in the warm yellow light of the train, sitting too closely, because Arthur did not understand personal space; and especially he did not understand it when he had a mate, a very bisexual mate, who was trying to be romantically ignorant of him. Arthur was a great clueless lout, who blundered about in heterosexual infamy; and Merlin was tired. So they were sitting as close as boyfriends sat, and complaining about politics, whilst Merlin resisted sleep. He had that strange sensation of being unmade. He was as cosy on the sofa with Arthur as if he had been in bed; and so he was fraying, bit by bit, at the seams of his corporal body; he was in that state of confusion which the conscious mind feels when it is on the cusp of leaving itself. He was on the sofa, with his knee pressed to Arthur’s knee; but he was also beyond it, where dreams or half-dreams have carried their fuddled makers. He felt that he had been speaking one moment; and the next moment he was waking up on Arthur’s shoulder, in a puddle of drool.
Arthur had taken the whiskey out of his limp hand before he had spilled it, and was quietly going through his phone; though he pointed out, loudly, and quickly, before there was any confusion about his considerateness, about the drool, and pushed Merlin’s head. 
They left the others to what was a very fine night of drinking, and dancing, and returned to the cabin for bed, at the humble hour of 8.00, because Merlin had been up since 4.00, and because Arthur, in the Observation Car, would have been in tremendous danger of having fun. They had to decide the order of their ablutions by playing rock, paper, scissors; or a revised version of it, which went something like rock, paper, fuck you, because they were both wanton cheaters, so that whatever was to be settled by it generally was settled by taking the ostensible winner, and shoving him into a wall, or kneeling on his back, till he agreed the other was a wanker; but a triumphant one. 
Merlin was too tired for the usual order of business; he had to go for the truncated version. He smacked his fist three times into his palm: and turned whilst Arthur was mocking his loss, and sprinted for the loo. 
“I’ll remember that,” Arthur said with cold promise when he emerged from the bathroom in a cloud of steam.
He put on his joggers after Arthur had disappeared into the bathroom, and got straightaway into the bed, with a little hope in his exhaustion, that he would be asleep before Arthur was even out of the loo, never mind in the bed. He was not as casual about the bed as he would have liked to be. He would have to wake up, practically in the arms of a man who was an egregious spooner, with his penis reporting for duty. He had shared an alarming number of sofas with Arthur in uni, and knew what was to be the next week of his life; it was to be horrid. Arthur would lie down very stiffly beside him, with a few pillows between them, which he had stacked like a wall between his heterosexuality, and Merlin; and then all those troubled instincts which he had for human touch would drive him to seek it. By morning the pillows would be gone; and Merlin would have both an erection, and the warm body in which it felt it could be sated. It was not polite to wank to one’s friends; and so he would have to lie, thinking of his grandmother, whilst Arthur twitched on or against him: and woke, with a snort, to say, “Why the hell are you cuddling me?” 
For safety they had had to sleep head to foot; and he considered now rearranging the pillow at the other end of the bed, so that Arthur’s feet could work their incredible magic on Merlin’s morning wood. They were better than thinking of his grandmother; who after all was not despicable, but only his grandmother. But those were the old insecurities of men, almost boys, trying to make it understood that they were, in the one case, straight, and in the other, possessed of actual taste. It was no longer necessary, at thirty, to flaunt their obvious sexual disregard for one another. So he kept the pillow where it was, and determined to be an adult about it; and then Arthur came out of the bathroom in only a towel, as if he were not rather fit, and Merlin were not rather bisexual. And with the usual inconsiderateness of the hetero, he went round the whole cabin in it, with the water running out of his chest hair, and into his stomach hair.
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wildsidejazz · 8 months
Seriously Kopi Luwak could have been such an interesting antagonist for Legoshi, there was so much potential. I feel like that organisation would have been far better at exploring the hardships of mixed species than solely just relying on Melon. Sure, Melon was the product of what can happen in extreme cases if someone is pushed to the margins but I feel like Kopi Luwak was set up to be a way darker foe than Melon just killing to feel alive.
Our introduction to then is that they targeted children in a kindergarden of mixed species animals and according to Free their goal is to eliminate all mixed species animals and the leader wanted to assess Melon's "worth". Gosha was there to defend the kids but based on his reaction this gang may have genuinely killed literal children.
It would have been super interesting to have Gosha more entangled with them, perhaps getting critical damage or barging in when Legoshi was there and thus expose Legoshi as a mixed species animal and turn him into the Kopi Luwak's target. Especially if they learn Legoshi's love is not only not of his own species, but an herbivore to the boot. Like what if they tried to capture him to turn him into a test/study subject.
Then the composition of the Kopi Luwak could be a dangerous combo as well. Deshico himself looks harmless but the bats he employs are a different case. Bats can carry around diseases like rabies (that is a certain miserable death to other mammals) for their entire life. Being a reptile descendant Legoshi may have a survival chance but if they used that for their means that would be terrifying.
Another interesting question would be how would Yahya come into this. We know he has a deep grudge towards mixed species relations as a whole since in his eyes that took Gosha away from him and he is prone to excessive force when it comes to carnivore criminals but I don't want to think he'd be on board with full-on genocide.
It cannot be denied though that the government shows favoritism for same species couples and will subsidize bringing forth children, while mixed species families are just barely tolerated and usually are massively frowned upon to the degree that kids are not accepted into regular daycare. With an environment like that I don't find it impossible that aithorities would willingly turn a blind eye to or outright support the vile conduct of the Kopi Luwak, just as the Mayor wanted to keep Haru's kidnapping a secret to preserve the fragile facade of peace.
Further complicating factor could be if on top of all this Legoshi wanted to keep Melon from this group's grasp because even his murderous ass doesn't deserve whatever the Kopi Luwak wanted of him and Melon slowly finding that he actually does enjoy being around Legoshi and not in his usual mocking way
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doberbutts · 7 months
Is it true that rabies can lie dormant in the human body and activated later? Also, what do you think about the small Peruvisn village that have people who are apparently immune to rabies without having been vaccinated? Is that even possible?
It's not necessarily "dormant"- the longest incubation was 6 years, but there were very specific circumstances for this. The majority of infections incubate for a handful of weeks to a month or so.
They are not immune to rabies and it is not the entire village. Out of 100 people tested across two villages, 6 total had low levels of rabies antigens without having been vaccinated for rabies. The theory is through exposure to vampire bats, as rabies is quite rampant throughout that part of Peru.
A study was able to replicate this in mice- aerosolized rabies virus (of strains that largely affect bats) inhaled over a period of time in cave-like conditions resulted in 3 out of 10 mice displaying rabies symptoms and testing positive on brain smear, and the other 7 had similarly low levels of rabies antigens despite no vaccination or symptoms. After the antigens were measured, the mice were injected with the typical dose of rabies virus one would receive from a bite. All of them became rabid, died, and tested positive.
Presumably, these Peruvian villagers are similar, and it is not full immunity and likely they will still die if they are exposed to rabies without PEP or vaccination.
Personally I think any creature that consumes blood as part of its diet is an interesting case for study when it comes to bloodborne pathogens. It is very possible there is something about vampire bats that gives them some mild protection from rabies- in their saliva, in their stomachs, in their own blood perhaps. Not enough to protect them from an actual fight with a rabid animal, but perhaps enough to protect them even if they feed on a rabid animal in the "dumb rabies" phase.
In that same study I mentioned, the researchers also tested bats with aerosolized rabies virus, again specific strains that primarily affect bats. Only 1 bat became rabid from inhalation, though all of them again died from the injection of rabies virus despite having low levels of rabies antigens. For whatever reason, bats seem resistant to inhalation transmission and to slowly build up low levels of immunity over time instead. This may be an inborn protection due to their social roosting behavior, or again perhaps something about their diets.
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bokatan · 1 year
What are some of your fav ghoul headcannon? Or bits of "noncannon" lore?
aaaa thank you @alder-berry! I’m going to yell about ghouls now.
FEV Involvement
So for starters: low level FEV exposure is needed in order for humans to be able to ghoulify(along with some unknown genetic components), otherwise they’d just flat out die from radiation poisoning.
There’s so many prewar ghouls with military/corporate ties due to a modified strain of FEV being trialed as a vaccine for the new plague before project's focus was completely shifted over into weaponizing it.
The majority of wastelanders have had some form of low level FEV exposure. This plays into wastelanders generally having a higher level of radiation resistance compared to vault dwellers - they’re just more likely to have the genetic components involved in radiation resistance, and the prior exposure to FEV means they have the potential to adapt to various conditions and even develop minor mutations in response to extreme conditions.
There’s no standard timeline for ghoulification and it’s highly dependent on the individual + the amount of radiation they’ve been exposed to, how long they were exposed for, and other factors like genetics. Some people ghoulify extremely quickly while others never get to a point where they’d be considered a ‘full’ ghoul.
The way that ghoulification presents is also highly variable and dependent on individual + radiation, exposure time, and other factors such as genetics. Some people can gain the radiation & disease resistance, healing from radiation, extended lifespan, potential mutations, etc without getting much of a typical ghoul-like appearance, while there’s others that are pretty much fully human but have scarring that makes them physically appear to be fully ghoulified.
Due to how much variation goes into it, there’s not really any one factor that indicates if someone’s ghoulifying. It’s not unheard of for people to survive radiation poisoning without ghoulifying because of wastelanders having increased radiation resistance, so recovering from radiation poisoning doesn’t automatically mean they’re going to become a ghoul.
The damage and scars that typically present when ghoulification starts are commonly mistaken for chemical or radiation burns, especially if the individual is ghoulifying at a slow rate.
People with very high radiation resistance that become ghouls are much more likely to get additional mutations.
It’s common for people that are in the earlier stages of ghoulifying to bleed and bruise for no clear reason. Radiation causes mass cell death and hemorrhage + would cause clotting issues due to low cell volume, and that’s something that would likely persist until the majority of a person’s cells are mutated.
I’m going to link to another post rather than copy and paste everything since it’s a long post, but here’s my theory on how and why ghouls become feral.
Ghouls typically don’t have as much tactile sensation due to all of the nerve damage and scarring from their skin sloughing off. They also tend to have poor circulation and lower body temperatures(hence the disease resistance - yes, I’m implying that ghouls are immune to rabies and other diseases in the same manner that opossums are).
It’s very common for ghouls to have bone + dental issues due to a combination of damage from frequent vomiting from radiation poisoning, and from the way that radiaton pretty much leeches calcium and other minerals from bones and other tissues.
Ghouls can smell radiation. (Not a headcanon that I came up with, but one that I’m 100% running with- I interpreted it more as an extra 'sense' rather than a legitimate smell, but that's just me)
Ghouls age at an extremely slow rate like lobsters rather than just being frozen at the age they were when they ghoulified.
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nicolej4 · 2 months
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With gritted teeth, widened gray eyes met red glowing ones head-on, his arms trembling from the effort to keep her from slicing him. His heart sank at the sight of those empty, glowing red eyes as he struggled to keep her occupied while he would buy time for Nico to get the twins into safety while his crew handled the submarine to surface again.
“Nami-ya” he struggled, his sword slowly pushed backwards as the creature snarled at him, the saliva dropping from the exposed tongue to the ground, “I don´t want to fight you”
Gritting his teeth, Law quickly withdrew his sword while jumping backwards, causing the creature to lunge forwards with a dark growl. He quickly dodged and gasped when the tall, slender body quickly turned and slashed its right paw against him. Before the claw could touch the skin of his right biceps, he quickly lifted his blade to fend off the claw. He summoned his K-Room and engulfed the blade in a blue light while he used his strength to push her backwards.
Driven by the instinct to protect his three children, Law pressed on as the blueish glowing blade of Kikoku pushed through the skin of the paw and sliced off two claws of her paw. The wendigo howled in agony, quickly recoiling in pain as Law seized the opportunity to swap their bodies with a table and a chair located within the infirmary. While the creature still howled, he quickly grabbed a tool and switched it with one of the syringes stored within the fridges.
When he turned his attention back to her, his gray eyes widened at the sight of black blood gushing out of the digits where her fingers had been. He gasped when he looked at Kikoku once he realized that the moment the blade slid through the claws, his ability, that engulfed the sword to securely slice off the paw to be able to attach it later, had dissipated, resulting his blade to cut off the fingers instead. His eyes widened in pure shock at what he had done.
“Nami-ya…..” he breathed in pure horror when the large creature growled out, unable to close its mouth as the thick saliva continued to drip from its lower skeletal jaw.
Gray eyes followed the line of thick saliva as a painful memory flooded his mind.
“…. I…I´ve been having nightmares…” Nami said, her voice a mere whisper as she looked down and hugged her torso to herself in fear, “Nightmares about my time in that laboratory…… I……I had been constantly strapped on a table…. Everything was a blur, everything hurt, everything turned into hell…. Every day, every night… I…..I felt like dying….”
“…Nami-ya……” he said, feeling his own heart clenching at the sight of his miserable beloved.
She sobbed and wiped her eyes, drying them from the tears that threatened to flow freely, “They….. They infected me with a virus…. I….I couldn´t tell you earlier”
When he hugged her to him, trying to give her comfort, she snuggled against his chest while she sobbed into his shirt, “…I am so afraid, Law…. I…. I don´t know what I would do if I turn out to be infectious….I didn´t understand much…..But…. It´s….. It is an altered virus, with no cure available. My system has adapted to it and they said that I cannot live without it anymore... A..
… A….And..:”
He remained silent, turning his full attention to her as he listened to her every word while he caressed her back.
 “….T….they infected me with rabies… Law….. I” her sobs had wrecked her whole body as he pulled her closer against his chest, feeling his own heart ripping apart at the revelation.
“Please….. If I ever get infectious……” she turned her face upwards as he stared into those brownish eyes filled with pure horror and desperation.
“Kill me”
The muscles of his arms started to tremble as his gray eyes watched the saliva dripping from the jaws while red glowing eyes lifted from her wounded paw and landed on him. He couldn´t feel his own breathing, his own heart pumping the blood through his system with brutal force as all of his senses were focused on the very creature before him that showed the sickening symptoms of the deadly disease.
“It is an altered virus”
His grip on Kikoku tightened, his body feeling paralyzed from the memories tormenting his mind.
“With no cure available…”
He felt his own gray eyes watering, his vision growing blurry as he watched Wego flexing her paws, taking a step forward as she let out another guttural roar before she lunged at him. He jumped to the side as her paws pushed through the cabinet, destroying it as multiple medical tools and stored medicine tubes scattered through the infirmary. He flicked his fingers, sending multiple syringes towards her body while he distracted her, summoning a broken table above her to force her to fend them off while the needles of the syringes sank into the skin of her thighs, quickly injecting her with the strong sedatives he had prepared for these cases.
He straightened his body, knowing that he needed to hold on for a while until the sedation would take its effect on her, and grounded his teeth together as he desperately tried to reach his beloved´s mind, to do anything to reach her trapped within that body.
“NAMI-YA!!!” he cried out after he dodged another slash from her left arm as she continued to destroy the furniture of the infirmary.
He jumped to the side, looking down as he saw the thick saliva dropping on the ground, making it slippery. He knew that the tiniest scratch on his skin could be a possible opening for the virus to enter his blood system once he would touch the highly infectious saliva, turning his surroundings into a deadly environment. Each movement, each step, each blink could result into certain, painful death and he knew that he needed to be high alert of both her attacks and their surroundings. At the sound of a loud growl close to him, he looked up in terror as the creature jumped at him with wide opened jaws and a raised paw in surprising speed and agility, the tips of the long claws aimed to pierce his torso.
Quick as lightning, he summoned his Room and switched places with one of the books at the other side of the room, resulting the creature to jump into the wall.
“NAMI-YA, WAKE UP!!!” he screamed out in a desperate attempt to reach his beloved partner, while he was forced to keep as much distance to her as possible - a heavy task in a narrow place within the submarine while the surroundings grew more and more dangerous as more they lingered in one room.
Wego slowly stood up again, turning her torso towards him as she continued to lunge forward like a wild predator.
"Law! Come, quick! Look at theeeseeee tiny little shoessss" Nami exclaimed, holding up a pair of miniature sneakers covered with tiny panda faces, "I can already imagine our little one taking his first steps in these!"
He couldn´t help but be drawn into his beloved´s infectious enthusiasm. His usual stoic demeanor softened as he watched her eyes light up with pure joy, her soft cheeks flushed with anticipation. It was a side of her he deeply cherished, one that reminded him of the boundless love they shared.
"I think those would look perfect on him" he replied with a smile, feeling his own heart swelling with pride at the thought of their growing family.
He looked to the side and picked up a plush toy, "But don´t forget about this" he said as he held up a cuddly bear, "This might be perfect"
He saw her big, brownish eyes widening with delight as she reached out to take the bear from his hands. Cradling it gently against her chest, she couldn´t help but imagine their little one snuggled up next to it much like he would snuggle up against Bepo in those sunny times on the deck.
"AWE! Yes, this is perfect! It is like a Mini-Bepo for our next Mini-Law" she whispered, her voice filled with emotion, “Nico would love to share it together with his little brother….”
He couldn´t suppress a smile that forced its way to his face upon the sight of his happy, talking and loving partner. The person he wanted to be together with for the rest of his life.
"Thank you" she said while she hugged him, her genuine smile shining brighter when the sun rays shone on her face holding the biggest smile he ever saw.
“For everything”
His heart shattered at the sight of the plush toys they kept within the infirmary to make the room more comfortable for their twins being ripped apart, the furniture for children examination they had brought together for Cozu and Mia, destroyed by her relentless attacks while black blood splattered against the walls, leaving a gruesome spectacle of violence and a strong mixture of the metallic scent of blood and the scents of strong antiseptics and medicine within the infirmary.
He gritted his teeth as he shielded himself from her claws, drawing up his blade as it made contact with them, focusing his energy to keep the claws from touching his skin. With fierce determination, he roared out once again as the creature lowered its torso to increase the pressure against him.
The red eyes still glowed within the eye sockets, the jaws opening wide again as she attempted to bite him. With a flick of his hand, he quickly teleported himself out of the way as her jaws crushed into the wall where he originally stood. Pulling out her head, she crushed the metal in between her jaws before she turned her body at him again.
Sweat dropped from his temples, his body trembling at the intense sorrow and shock he endured and tried to push aside to focus on his task ahead. So far, her body didn´t show any effect the sedatives should have had on her. He clenched his hand into a fist at the overwhelming pressure the situation had on him upon the realization that her body was highly resistant to his special sedative he had made.
“Damn it, Nami-ya!! I don´t want to fight you!!!” he continued, not giving up his hope to reach her somehow.
“….Please…… Kill me”
He blinked away his tears that threatened to well up in his eyes and jumped through the destroyed wall of the infirmary to run through the hallway as Wego followed him with a fearsome roar. He lured her away from the control room where the others were, occasionally watching the windows of the submarine to see that they were still diving through the ocean to the surface as the surrounding water became brighter.
The air in the submarine was heavy with tension as Law´s heart raced with a mixture of fear, sorrow and determination. He knew the stakes were high, not just for himself, but for his crew and his three children.
Consumed by the primal fury and an insatiable hunger, Wego stalked relentlessly through the empty halls of the submarine, her predatory instincts driving her to hunt and attack with ferocious abandon as she dropped the fatal liquid everywhere she moved. Law´s mind raced as he strategized, knowing that every scratch or bite from her could spell certain death for himself and potentially spread the deadly virus to others that dared to set a foot inside the destroyed, narrow corridors.
With grim resolve, he continued to lure Wego through the narrow passageways, his movements calculated and precise as he sought to buy precious moments for his crew to prepare their escape. Dread weighed heavily on his shoulders as he fought to keep her at bay, his heart aching with the knowledge of the painful reality he faced.
Every swipe of her claws, every snarl that echoed through the pathways, was a grim reminder of the woman she once was, lost to the darkness that now consumed her. With each passing moment, his exhaustion mounted, having to use his ability to teleport himself from room to room while Wego continued to jump through the walls, leaving a trail of destruction as her primal instincts only focused on hunting him. But still, he pressed on, his resolve unyielding as he fought to minimize the injuries on her body, unwilling to harm her any more than necessary.
“NAMI-YA!!” he continued his desperate attempts to somehow reach her.
He teleported himself through the closed metal door, stopping in the middle of the large dining hall as he looked around frantically in search for something that might be useful to keep her at bay. His eyes widened upon the sight of Nico materializing on one of the tables, looking up in horror.
“Nico-ya?!! What the hell are you doing here?!”
Before his son could answer him, the wall of the dining hall crushed as Wego ran through it. She stopped as her red eyes glowed through the dust when she fully straightened, her twelve feet tall, slender, black form turned at the two humans in the middle of the hall.
“Wego…” Nico muttered in disbelief, watching the creature´s snarl growing as it was unable to close its jaws, while the dust filling the room in a thick fog deteriorated visibility.
He swallowed hard as he took one step forward, lifting his hands, “Wego. It´s me, Nico. Please calm down” he said in a desperate attempt to reason with the creature.
His eyes grew when Wego released a loud growl followed by a dust of red smoke released from her nasal cavity. There was no recognition within those red eyes, no hesitation as Wego took one step forward.
He felt a hand clasp as his shirt, pulling him back as Wego jumped forward to attack him. Law quickly teleported both of them into the kitchen. They were surprised as Wego jumped through the wall with wide opened jaws while she closed the distance to them.
Quickly, Law slashed Kikoku against Wego´s skull as she quickly caught his blade in between her jaws. Nico, who had been thrown behind Law, quickly stood up, eyes widening at the sight of his father desperately trying to keep Wego from biting him. He gritted his teeth as he refused to back off, using all his strength to push Wego back, increasing his grip on the hilt of Kikoku as he watched the saliva mixed with her black blood dripping from the blade to the ground.
Both men gasped in pure shock when Wego crushed the blade in between her jaws, shattering it as it continued to lunge for Law´s head. Nico quickly grabbed Law´s cloak, trying to pull him with him as he flicked his hand, only finding his body suddenly falling as he slipped on the ground, both falling to the floor as Wego hovered over them like a shadow out of a horror movie.
Then, out of nowhere, large, muscular hands grabbed the jaws of Wego in a vice-like grip, shielding the two from her attack and pushing her backwards. Law´s eyes widened at the sight of Wego´s fangs sinking deeply into the saliva-covered skin of his hands, her paws relentlessly digging into his arms as she tried to bite them off while he turned his head to yell at them.
“GO TO THE OTHERS!!!” the tall, muscular man yelled out in fierce determination to save his captain and Nico.
“JEAN!!” both, Nico and Law, screamed out in pure shock.
Wego snarled and thrashed in protest, her razor sharp teeth gnashing dangerously close to Jean´s face as she struggled against his iron hold. With a primal roar of defiance, Jean held firm, his muscles straining against her relentless onslaught. But even as he fought to keep her at bay, Wego´s claws continued to slash mercilessly at his arms, leaving deep, bloody wounds in their wake.
Law, torn between his duty to save his crewmate and his desperation to protect his son, found himself paralyzed with indecision. Forcing himself to his feet, Nico pulled Law with him as both jumped through the window of the kitchen back into the dining hall.
As the battle within the kitchen raged on, Law´s heart ached with sorrow at the sight of Jean´s selfless sacrifice. He knew that by sustaining those wounds, Jean would soon face certain death, that left the captain of the Heart Pirates feeling helpless and devastated. With determination in his eyes, the surgeon finally tore himself away from the harrowing scene, his heart heavy with grief, as he fled the dining hall with Nico. Behind him, Jean Bart continued to hold off Wego with all his strength, his valiant sacrifice his last action of his unwavering loyalty and courage for his captain.
“We need to head out!!!” Nico yelled out as he teleported them through the corridors, unable to focus on the deck to teleport themselves to within the chaos that prevented him to focus.
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beef-bakery · 2 years
When Robin Met Rabies
Rating: Robin Buckley x f!Reader - 3.4k words - SFW
Synopsis: Maybe Robin is a bit in over her head when you end up with a raccoon bite
Warnings: rabies, animal bite description, slight arguing, cursing, cleaning of wounds, fluff, cuddling, kisses, banter, no pronouns used for reader but is referred to as a girlfriend
You really hadn't planned for this to happen.
Robin’s shrieks in your ear interrupted your thoughts.
“Will you please just calm down?” You winced. “You're about to blow my eardrums off.”
You really hadn’t planned to get bitten, but who does? You doubted there was anyone in the world who would waltz into the woods holding out a peanut butter coated limb for a hungry and also feral racoon to chomp on - actually, thinking twice about it, you thought that Steve might be just stupid enough to do that. Only if a pretty girl asked him to, of course.
“How can I calm down?” Robin’s voice was breathless as she hiked your arm higher over her neck. She never had been the most athletic. “You might have rabies!”
You rolled your eyes. “I most certainly do not.”
“You don’t know that! We have no idea where that racoon has been.”
“Yeah, but it wasn't foaming at the mouth or anything. Trust me, I’m fine.” You yelped as Robin suddenly stopped and swept you up in a bucket lift, her hands under the back of your knees and around your waist. Hold on, maybe having rabies wasn't so bad. “You're totally overreacting.”
“Frothing at the mouth isn't the only symptom of rabies in racoons,” Robin argued.
“Well please, Encyclopedia Robin, enlighten me.” You shifted in her arms, crossing your own and glaring up at her.
“Well, self mutilation is one, and as far as I could see, that racoon had a decent amount of lacerations-”
“Lacerations? What are you? Some sort of secret surgeon?” You squinted up at her, tweaking her nose.
“Hey, don't do that,” Robin chided, stopping to look down at you before adjusting your position, pulling you higher up to get a better grip. “I don't want rabies.”
“I thought you could only get rabies through a bite,” you said mischievously, a grin slowly growing across your face.
“Don't give me that look.” Robin said, fixing a serious stare onto you. A silly thing, really. Seriousness didn't suit Robin. “I will drop you.”
“No, you won't.”
“I promise, I will.” Making direct eye contact with your girlfriend, you slowly opened your mouth, inching closer to her left shoulder, which was exposed due to the tank top she wore. “Oh, no you don't.”
Before you could blink, Robin had dropped you straight on your ass. “Ow!” You moaned in pain, dropping back on the forest floor.
From where you’d been dropped, you could see that Robin had bolted out of your range. A smart move, as you weren't known to be merciful when taking revenge. However, it seemed that your yelp of pain had brought Robin back, because she was creeping slowly into your line of sight. You quickly closed your eyes, resisting the urge to stick your tongue out to play dead.
As you heard a twig snap, you cracked an eye open to observe Robin tentatively approaching. She said your name once, a nervous lilt in her voice. You groaned again, closing your eye. You heard her kneel down and seized the opportunity, grabbing ahold of her shoulders.
“Gotcha!” you yelled, leaning in close to bite her neck before deciding against it and pressing a kiss against her pressure point.
“Don't scare me like that.” Robin pushed you off, gentler this time.
You stuck your bottom lip out, pouting and giving her puppy dog eyes. You couldn't keep up the facade, cackling once she gave you her serious face again.
“Ah come on, don't be like that.” You pushed yourself up so that you were resting on your palms. “I was just joking.”
“Rabies isn't a joke,” she chided, standing up and offering you a hand. You grabbed onto it, finally on your feet then on nothing at all as Robin hefted you onto her back. “The whole point of me exerting myself-”
“Exerting?” you asked, incredulous. It was out of character for Robin to use such large words, but you supposed that since she was playing doctor, she’d want to fully get into character.
“Yes, exerting,” Robin continued, slightly annoyed. “The whole point was so that you would have to use up less energy. You need to preserve it so that your body can heal.”
“Aww, that's so sweet,” you cooed. “Only, I don't have rabies.” You slipped out of her grip and back onto the forest floor, giving her a hard look. “You worry too much.” You nudged her with your shoulder before continuing your trek back to the car.
“Well, excuse me for not wanting my lovely girlfriend to be subjected to a terrible, terrible disease.” Robin jogged to catch up with you.
“Come on,” you rolled your eyes. “It can't be that bad.”
“Oh, really?” Robin raised an eyebrow at you, as if asking you to test her once more. “The mortality rate for humans who contract rabies is 99 percent.”
“Jesus! Where’d all this knowledge come from?” You squinted at her. “If you put this much energy into studying, you’d have straight A’s.”
“Who cares about straight A’s? Good grades can't save you from rabies!” You rolled your eyes as Robin continued. “And as I was saying, it’s painful! You can get muscle spasms, seizures, hallucinations. You name it, it’s probably a symptom of rabies.”
“And yet I haven't experienced any of them.” You argued, beginning to tire of this conversation.
The two of you neared the car and you gave your girlfriend the stink eye as she reached for the driver’s seat door handle at the same time you did.
“I'm driving,” you said.
“No, you’re not.” Robin shot back.
“And why not?” you asked, removing your hand. You knew that Robin couldn't possibly get into the car when the door was locked, and only you had the keys.
“You could have rabies!”
“But I don't!”
“You don't know that!”
“Neither do you!”
This was getting ridiculous. The two of you almost never fought. Bantered, sure, but you had never actually argued, and you sure as hell weren't planning on starting now.
“Robin,” you sighed out, leaning against the car. “Just let me drive.” Robin opened her mouth to speak but you cut her off. “You don't even have your license, and who’s going to drive you home? You can't take my car back to your house.”
“Then I'll just stay with you.” Robin offered. “At least until I know you’re okay.”
You let out a groan. “And just how long does it take for rabies symptoms to appear?”
“Well, it depends. It can take a few days. Or weeks. Or months.”
You threw your arms up in the air in frustration. “Well then, what does it matter?”
“Because it’s deadly!”
“Surely there's someone out there who’s survived it!”
“Last time I checked, the mortality rate was 99%.” Robin reiterated.
“Guess I’ll die, then.” You rolled your eyes and unlocked the car, sitting down. You reached for the door handle and found Robin’s hand resting atop yours. You looked up at her with a haughty look, expecting her to be in full rabies-informant mode, but found only the look of a concerned girlfriend. “Okay, fine.” You relented. “I'll come to you if I experience any symptoms.”
Robin perked up, releasing your hand and shutting the door herself, then opening the passenger door and settling in. “You know,” she said almost timidly, “It’s best to treat rabies before symptoms. After symptoms show, you have about one to two weeks before you die.” You gave her a look, to which she held her arms up defensively. “I’m just sayin’!”
The rest of the ride back to Robin’s house was relatively peaceful. There was no more talk of rabies, and you found yourself once again enjoying your girlfriend’s presence. It was only when you pulled up to her house that Robin cleared her throat ominously.
“Would you like to come inside?” Robin’s question could be perceived as innocent only through its words, for her strained voice showed her true intent.
You side eyed your girlfriend. “Any particular reason for wanting me to come in?”
“Well I just thought it would be nice, y’know? I could make dinner-”
“We both know you can't cook,” you pointed out, folding your arms.
“Okay, then you can cook and we could watch a movie or something…” Robin trailed off, clearly out of ideas. You sighed, rubbing your eyes.
“Look, babe,” you said, “I know you’re worried about me and rabies, but I’m probably fine. I'll call you if anything happens.”
“I just-” You silenced Robin with a single look, her mouth shutting guiltily. “Sorry,” she muttered. “I'm just worried about you.”
You gave her a soft smile, leaning your head against the headrest. “Hey.” You reached over into Robin’s lap to take her hand. “I understand. It’s just that it's been a long day, and I'm sick of all this rabies talk.”
“Okay,” Robin smiled. “I'll see you later.” She leaned over and your eyes fluttered closed in anticipation of a kiss, but you were surprised when her lips met your cheek instead of your lips.
“Sorry,” Robin said guiltily when you gave her a concerned look. “It’s just that rabies transfers through spit.”
You laughed loudly, pulling Robin’s hand to your mouth before pressing a soft kiss against the back of it.
“I love you. Be safe,” you called after your girlfriend. She gave you a thumbs up before blowing you a kiss, her grin brighter than the sun.
You leaned back in your seat, admiring your girlfriend while you waited for her to get inside.
The rest of your evening was normal: catching up on homework and having dinner before washing up for bed. It was only when you were in the shower did you start to worry.
The bite hadn't gone away. Instead it’d become somewhat inflamed, the puncture wounds tunneling deeper into the skin than you had thought was possible.
You bit your lip before scrubbing at it furiously. Fuck, shit, fuck. If you were to die from something, like hell would it be rabies, of all things.
You finished your shower, trying to ignore the throbbing bite on your forearm. It hadn't been throbbing before, had it? Maybe it was a placebo effect of sorts, your brain tricking you. It had to be some sort of result of human evolution, like survival of the fittest. Only the most paranoid humans could survive. There's no way you could have rabies, right? Right?
As the night grew deeper, you found that you couldn't ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach. You had bandaged the bite, but it most likely wasn't doing much. Bandaging was to prevent infection, and if you did have rabies, you would be countering your body’s natural response by forcing the infection to stay inside. With that thought you ripped off the bandage, wincing as you did.
You tried to sleep, but you found that you couldn't. Finally accepting that you weren't going to get a wink, you sat up in bed, turning on your light and checking the time. It was two am.
Was it too late to call Robin?
Throwing caution to the wind, you threw your legs over the side of the bed, got up and threw a coat over your pajamas. You grabbed your car keys and headed outside, starting the car to get to Robin’s house.
Plink. Plink. Plink.
The pebbles you threw at Robin’s window made such a noise, you worried that you’d wake her neighbors up.
“How can someone be this heavy of a sleeper?” you muttered to yourself after throwing an especially large stone, the click echoing through her cul-de-sac.
You saw her curtains move, and a yawning Robin appeared at her window. You waved, dropping the next pebble you had posed to throw.
Robin’s brow furrowed as she opened her window, leaning out ever so slightly and calling out to you. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, I missed you?” You really hadn't thought this far ahead. Up until now, your anxiety had been controlling you, dictating your moves and forcing you to drive to your girlfriend’s house.
Robin leaned back inside her room to check the time. “At two in the morning?” She rubbed her eyes. “What’s this really about?”
“Let me in and I'll tell you,” you called up.
Robin nodded, stifling a yawn and closing the window. It only took her a couple minutes, opening her front door to reveal her own pajama-clad self.
You rushed in, nearly knocking her over with the force you exerted.
“Whoa there Cinderella, the clock struck midnight hours ago.” Robin leaned against the now-closed door.
You gave her the stink eye. “Someone seems to be in a better mood.”
“That's what happens when you give someone time to wake up,” Robin said, before muttering under her breath. “But notmuch.”
“I'm sorry, did you say something?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Nothing, my love,” she said in a falsetto voice. “Now, what is it my dearest desires?” Robin fake bowed, taking your hand and giving it a loud smooch.
“Stop that.” You wiped your hand on her. “That’s disgusting.”
“If you say so. Now do tell, what brings you to my humble abode at such a late hour?” Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open. “Would it be? You wish to besmirch me?” Robin stifled a fake sob. “I shouldn't! But it is you, is it not? How can I hold myself back? Oh, what will my father think?”
You nudged Robin rather harshly. “Hey, come on.”
“Okay, okay,” Robin held up her hands to show that she was defenseless. “Now really, why did you come over?”
You averted your eyes, instead looking at the floor, made of beautiful dark cherry hardwood planks. You scuffed your shoe, procrastinating telling your girlfriend the real reason you came over.
“Hey, shoes off,” Robin said, pointing to your feet. “I don't want to have to clean up a mess you could've prevented.”
“Right,” you said, happy to busy yourself. You slipped your shoes off as slowly as possible, delaying the inevitable. After a few moments of standing awkwardly, Robin gestured for you to start speaking. “Well… I was kinda… worriedimighthaverabies.”
“I was kinda worried I might have rabies,” you muttered, your cheeks beginning to warm.
“What?” You couldn't tell if Robin was torturing you by making you repeat yourself, or if you were actually too quiet.
“I was worried I might have rabies!” you nearly shouted.
Robin flinched back, rubbing her ears. “Jesus, you could wake the whole town with those lungs.”
You huffed out, “Well, maybe everyone would still be asleep if someone could actually hear!”
Robin grinned at you. “Sorry, what was that?”
“Shut up.” You hit Robin’s shoulder with your own as you headed for the stairs. “Coming with?”
Robin rolled her eyes. “It's my house, dumbass. Of course I'm coming.”
And that's how the two of you ended up in Robin’s bathroom, you perched on top of the toilet lid, Robin on the rim of the bathtub, the two of you surrounded by various medical appliances.
Robin held up the instructions included in her first aid kit, tilting her head to the side. “There's nothing in here about treating rabies,” she murmured. You felt your heart sink, but your girlfriend grinned up at you. “Thankfully, you have a master rabies informant sitting in front of you, so don’t worry about a thing.”
“Alright, Big Words Buckley, what should we do?”
Robin held her hand out expectantly, and you gave her your forearm.
“Did you put a bandage on it?” Robin squinted at your arm.
“Yeah…” You rubbed the back of your head with your free hand.
Robin tutted, running her finger across the leftover residue the bandage left. “You should’ve let it air out.”
“I know, that's why I took it off.”
“Smart.” You looked up to snap back at your girlfriend, but you found there was no sarcasm in her voice. You reddened ever so slightly.
“Did you disinfect it?”
You shook your head. “I washed it with antibacterial soap and body wash, but nothing more than that.”
“We can rinse it with alcohol.” You raised your eyebrows at that, prompting Robin to roll her eyes. “Not that kind of alcohol, like rubbing alcohol.”
“And here I was, thinking I was going to get blasted tonight.”
Robin released your arm, moving to retrieve the rubbing alcohol from underneath the sink.
“This will probably sting,” she said, going back to her place on the bathtub while soaking a cotton pad with alcohol.
“Won't hurt as bad as the bite,” you joked, but you immediately winced once the alcohol made contact. Sure, your wound wasn't open anymore, but it still managed to get in between the somewhat healed skin.
Your sharp inhale prompted Robin to stop pressing the pad to your arm. She looked up at you with concern, an odd look from your usually playful girlfriend.
“It’s fine,” you managed, forcing yourself to exhale slowly.
“Alright.” Robin pressed the pad back down, wiping your arm down once a suitable amount of time passed.
“Anything else, Doc?” you asked lightly, taking her hand into yours.
“Not anything we can do now,” she said, squeezing your hand before leaning over to throw away the pads. Robin got to her feet without removing her hand from yours, pulling you up in a swift move.
“Well well,” you teased, “you’re a regular prince charming.”
Robin shrugged, pulling you in to press a soft kiss against your lips. “What can I say? I’ve wooed my fair share of maidens.”
Robin released you with a grin to wash her hands in the basin. She only looked up at your reflection in the mirror when you wrapped your arms around her waist, pressing your cheek against her shoulderblades.
“Hello there,” she chuckled softly, turning off the tap.
“Hi,” you smiled.
Robin stood up, twisting to face you before placing her wet hands on your cheeks and kissing you loudly.
You laughed and placed your hands on her chest, pushing her away. “Now look at what you’ve done! I'm all wet!”
“Oh, are you now?” Robin gave you a mischievous grin, snaking her hands beneath your shirt.
“Stop!” You tried to wriggle away from your girlfriend, but that only caused her to pull you closer.
At some point you gave up, allowing her to dry her hands on you.
“That doesn't seem to be the most sanitary option,” you warned as she finally pulled away.
“Why not? You just showered, so there's probably not that much sweat or oils on you.”
“Fair,” you agreed.
Robin cocked her head to the side. “Do you wanna stay overnight?”
You smiled in response. “No, dumbass, I want you to send me out into the cold like a forsaken harlot. Yeah, I wanna stay overnight.���
Robin kissed your cheek and took your hand to lead you to her bedroom, even though you already knew the way.
“Might I offer you our humblest chambers,” Robin batted her eyelashes and gestured to the floor. “We don't offer this rug to just anyone.”
“Oh, shut up,” you pushed past your girlfriend, launching yourself onto her bed, bouncing on top of her bed as you landed.
“Make yourself at home, why dontcha?” Robin muttered, but there was a playful spark in her eyes.
Robin made a big show of rearing up and jumping on top of her bed, and by proxy, you.
“Oof.” The air in your lungs whooshed out of you.
“Oh, are you okay?” Robin asked, rolling off of you.
“I'm fine,” you said, rolling onto your side to look at her.
You really could admire her forever. Robin’s mousy brown hair looked almost golden in the moonlight. You held up a hand to bat at her hair.
“Hey,” Robin tucked that strand of hair behind her ear.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” you breathed. Robin’s cheeks tinged pink ever so slightly.
“Don't play with me,” she said, laying down on her back, her eyes to the ceiling.
You propped yourself up, taking her cheek in hand. “I'm serious,” you whispered affectionately. “I'm the luckiest girl in the world.” You leaned in for a kiss, pressing one on her lips, then both her cheeks and nose.
Robin finally laughed, a soft thing, rumbling underneath your forearm. You smiled down at her, finally laying down, your head on her chest, her arms around your waist.
“Goodnight, love,” she whispered.
“Goodnight,” you whispered back, snuggling closer.
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blimbo-buddy · 7 months
I feel like the clans should have to deal with more dangers; the book felt lacking. Like, what about some clans having to deal with poisons left out by humans? Antifreeze tastes sweet so some cats might taste it. Or maybe some people got exotic animals that got out once or twice?
What about bears? That could live in the area due to wandering. What tornadoes forming in Winclan territory? Or Shadowclan having to deal with more sickness due to their area? Rabies would be terrifying but for being outside and exposed it would be a real threat to the clans.
Maybe hunters going into the forest? And so cats having to deal with them in certain seasons? Maybe traps left out by them
Kittypets and loners could at least have more safety in regards to that; many could have been vaccinated, and have shelters they can go to. In the lake there is mentioned to be a farm nearby; have more danger come from animals that lived there; large livestock, guard dogs, equipment farmers use and more. The clans just need more danger
It's definitely weird that we never see animal traps that often. How often do we see Fox snares besides BerryKit losing his tail or FireStar losing one of his lives, and also just like what you said about Antifreeze. AND YOU'RE RIGHT HOLY SHIT, people are fucking stupid with exotic pet trades so how has there not been a wolf accidentally let loose in the Clans, imagine if the Dog Pack in TPB was a pack of Wolfdogs that escaped their owner's backyard exotic pet kennel, or at the very least how come the leader of the Dog Pack wasn't a Wolfdog.
When it comes to bears though, that actually makes sense because the UK decimated a good chunk of the native wild life for some reason, that's why there's no wild bears or wolves in the UK and that's been the case for a really, really long time (hundreds of years). So it makes sense that there's no bears and wolves present. We know damn well though that if there were bears or wolves in the UK then the Clans wouldn't even exist. Look at how big these motherfuckers get and try telling me that a Clan could fend off an entire pack of these things.
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It's odd that the only natural disasters we've seen are the occasional fire and flood, tornadoes aren't rare in the UK and earthquakes happen over there too. I think though with sickness, Shadowclan might develop a natural immunity to illnesses that would often make the strongest warrior weak, not entirely immune of course but they can handle most illnesses better than the other Clans
I don't think there would necessarily be hunters for the cats, but more just TNR people who leave out these kinds of cat traps. It'd probably be difficult for cats to get out of it in the first place which really puts some of the cats on edge. I'd actually argue that Loners and Kittypets can be put in as much danger when it comes to things like accidentally ingesting rat poison left out by the humans.
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But yeah the Clans need more danger to their lives, the only danger that ever really comes is the typical "Scary foreigner group that wants to destroy the Clans and hates Starclan"
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muffinrecord · 1 year
Muffin, what do you think are the best and worst transformations?
Ohh that's a great question.
For transformation scenes, I prefer when an actual transformation occurs. I don't really like the ones where the emphasis is on the weapon appearing or just some pretty animation. Also, this goes without saying but I don't like fanservice in it. Lastly, I really like it when the video tells you a little bit about the character. I don't mean like... "this character likes books" or things like that, but stuff you can read into.
I'm just gonna go through the playlist...
Imo, Tart's is pretty bad. It's got some weird frames, it focuses a little too much on the weapon going from a banner to.. whatever, and her expression looks weird as fuck in the last shot.
Holy Alina's is great. It's a transformation but also insight into her state of mind. It's artsy and confusing and feels like a fever dream. I especially like the last couple seconds with the flash of light and dark (although I do wonder if this could possibly trigger a person with epilepsy or migraines? so there is that)
Seira's is bad. It has some REALLY questionable frames in it that expose her bare ass for no reason, and also imo it's kind of hard to tell what's going on in it. A shame because Seira is great.
Yozuru has a great one imo. It's artsy and I like the music. The transformation in the beginning is good but I love the layering and the final shot. It really brings to mind how Yozuru closed off an entire aspect of herself through her wish.
Swimsuit Mami's is good. I'm impressed they made a long-ass video about Mami in a swimsuit and none of it feels like fanservice.
(actually a lot of the videos from this time period are really well done imo).
Vampire Kanagi had a really artsy one.
Yuna has my favorite henshin of all time. It's just so good-- the music, the visuals, the character...
Hm... Let's go through em again.
A lot of the Suzune ones are pretty bad imo. Chisato and Haruka have awful ones from the fanservice alone. Tsubaki actually has a decent one though imo? I really like the detail where the flame forms in the shape of a flower for her.
Haregi Sayaka has one of the prettiest ones.
Moka's makes me laugh. I still remember a reddit comment that described her video as "hallucinating candy and almost getting her ass cut in half with her own axe"
Chika's is sooooo unexpectedly pretty??????
Sudachi's could have been so good if it wasn't for a few really gross frames. It has this unbearable sense of loneliness to me that's really beautiful, but the nakedness ruins it.
Jun's is. blargh.
Uwasa Sana has a beautiful one. That opening shot of her falling is great.
Alexandra is suffering.
Konoha & Hazuki's is fucking stunning.
Nayuta's is??? amazing??? with awesome music.
Hmmm... After Final Oriko, I can't really say I liked any of the henshins, up until Mikoto's maybe. Oh, and Dark Mitama had a good oneish. But you can def feel that the budget is being put into other areas. Some of them are decent (Urara) but rely on still shots for energy, some of them have good ideas but really fall on their face in terms of animation quality (Himena), and then some are just. why. (Swimsuit Madoka).
But I think criminally, some are just kind of forgettable. Rabi's is... idk it should have been better imo.
Granted, a bunch of earlier videos are kind of bland to me as well, but it's kind of a shame that the quality stepped down. However, like with Tsuyu's recent one, I think that even if you don't have a lot of budget, you can still make a decent transformation video. You just need to make good choices.
I think Mikoto has a better transformation than Infinite Iroha does. If you compare the two, Infinite Iroha has more stuff going on and actual animation while Mikoto has a lot of stillness, still frames, and zooms-- however, Mikoto's tells a story and teaches you about the character, and Infinite Iroha's is kind of boring. It also has some really interesting shots, like where she appears in handheld mirror. You can do a lot of reading into it, about who is "the real" Mikoto, if she's made up of many different faucets of herself or if it's something she's crafted, etc, but the point is that it's possible to do that with that video and not for Iroha's one.
Thanks for the ask!
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The b-plot of “western energy” has been getting a lot of criticism, I was thinking about it and thought of something that would have immediately fixed the tonal whiplash from it.
Instead of it being an “annual shot” for hell-rabies (I forget what they called it) that’s hard to schedule, they should’ve had Loona exposed to something on the job that required the shot. Irl if you’re exposed to an animal that is a rabies carrier, you need to get a rabies shot immediately, because getting rabies is basically a death sentence.
If Loona had been bit by some kind of hell-creature and THEN needed the shot, it would have been a lot more urgent and upped the stakes for why Blitz needed to take her to the hospital. “Loona needs this shot because she was bit by X and could die” is a lot more intense then “Loona needs this shot in case she does field work cause it’s hard to schedule”
Others have pointed out that Blitz saw Striker with angelic weaponry trying to kill Stolas in a previous ep, so he should have known how dangerous the situation was. But if Loona’s life was in danger too he would 100000% prioritized his daughter, and it would have upped the stakes of the episode as a whole. Especially the back and forth cuts between the striker fight scene and the hospital
Just my thoughts about a minor change that would have kept the same b-plot, but would’ve increased the urgency to match with the intensity and urgency of the main plot of the episode
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