#no but really my brain is like: u were assigned female at birth and u do science stuff. no one has ever tried to stop me so its just like
opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
Hey, this is maybe a weird ask but to any "Women in Science" out there: What does it mean do you to be a Women in STEM?
Everytime I get labeled as, such my brain goes: "That's supposed to make you feel Something." but I'm unsure of what that Something is to the point that I can't even formulate a political answer to the question and have an existential crisis Haha
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silverjirachi · 4 years
Do u rly 100% believe ur not a woman? If u dont mind sharing how did u figure that out? How can u separate urself from ur body like that? We r our bodies! I cant wrap my mind around it even tho I have dysphoria. Also women are the most oppressed class of people 2 this day so it seems really really stupid 2 let our oppressors claim womanhood. We r all born from vaginas. How do people ignore history & reality? Is pretending ur not who u r a coping mechanism? Wouldnt accepting ur body b healthier?
Hi there!  I considered not answering this because I don’t want to fan flames or stir discourse because I don’t want other people to get wrapped up into something that is 100% about me. I try really hard to cultivate a positive, lighthearted environment in all of my online presences.  But honestly your ask isn’t worded hatefully, and I think what I have to say is important and might help someone else, so I’m going to answer it. But I probably won’t answer anything else and there better not be any funny business in these notes.  If there is, I would like to politely ask people not to engage with it.  Please leave me, and everyone else in these notes, alone.  I am writing this for me, to answer your question about me, and I’m writing this in case there’s a baby enby out there who is exactly like me who who needs to read this today.
With that disclaimer aside...,
Yes, I really do 100% believe I am not a woman.  I unfortunately cannot easily explain how without falling into the traps of words like masculinity and femininity.  But it’s the same as any other identity.  How do you know you are a woman?  Is it something that you identify with, feel a personal relationship with?  Or does it ultimately only come from your body alone, and you feel absolutely no connotations or connections to it whatsoever?  Did it come to you through your body?  I know people who 100% identify with their assigned gender, but can’t really articulate how or why without falling into these same binaries.  And I know people who 100% DON’T identify with their assigned gender and cannot truly articulate how or why.  It doesn’t even have a lot to do with masculinity or femininity.  A lot of our language just doesn’t have the words to describe such an internal experience.
It is true that there is a very specific type of oppression that comes with being born in a female body- or a body that would otherwise assign you female at birth.  From what I can tell, that’s what a lot of this really relies on.  I don’t think anyone who is AFAB and nonbinary or ftm is really denying that, at least not from my experience.  I’m sure they’re out there.  But we, by and large, HAVE had the experience of discrimination in some way or another because of our “femaleness-” our ASSIGNED femaleness.  (Something that got thrown at me was the idea of female socialization- it’s true, I was socialized as a female bc that’s what my body “looked” like and that’s just what our society assumes).  But just as there is a very specific kind of oppression that goes along with being AFAB, there is also a very specific kind of oppression that goes along with being mtf, and there is a very specific type of oppression that goes along with being a poc and any of those other categories.  That’s at the core of intersectionality.  Different parts of our identities interact with each other in different ways.  People experience oppression and privilege in different ways and at different times depending on where they fall in this mix of race/class/gender/ability etc.
I also have body dysphoria, and it’s true our bodies can define a lot of our human experience (after all if I didn’t have a body I wouldn’t have dysphoria, right?? Godddd what a life).  But also because I have dysphoria, I do not think that our bodies should be the defining characteristic of our identities.  Bodies and presentation can cause a lot of our social interactions- including oppression- but I think to say woman and woman’s experience = female body is quite a limited summary of the issue with little nuance, and it’s also quite limiting with the way our society is changing.  This is why I heavily prefer terms like assigned female at birth.  This can imply that such a person may have had a socially female experience (like me) in part due to their body, and thus was socially assigned to be a female, but just... also isnt a woman for some reason or another.
I also think that what we strive to do is not to ignore history (I think very few people are denying the way women have been treated in history, and are still treated to this day) but we hope to build from it.  I think that’s why feminism and gender studies get lumped together.  A lot of feminist activists/scholars (many were both at the same time) led our current strides into gender constructivism.  I studied a lot of gender essentialism when I started my thesis, and to be honest, I saw the point behind it in the context of the time, but we’ve shifted in understanding and context since then.
And, in full disclosure, at the start of this whole adventure, (and i am SURE this will be used against me) I really did identify with being a woman.  I thought it was awesome to have the body I had and when I started witchcraft I did actually fall into that really easy trap of tying the female experience to magic.  (Honestly because I HATED my body and looking back that was probably a way to cope with DYSPHORIA and not the other way around).  And isn’t inherently harmful to have a working magical relationship with your body like that, but it is harmful when you think and say that’s the only way people can exist and the only way people can be magical.  But over time, I just started to change.  Nothing traumatic happened, I’ve been incredibly fortunate and privileged my entire life, it’s not a coping mechanism, I just started to identify with womanhood less and less, for no real particular reason- nothing about me personality or preference-wise changed.  Just my own internal view of myself.
I also got the words for gender euphoria.  And I noticed more and more that, if I was being honest with myself, that that was always how I had truly felt.  While it’s true gender roles shouldn’t exist, just like any other role or label, it’s different when someone chooses that role for themselves versus when they have it thrust upon them.  As a child, like many other AFAB children, I had the idea of womanhood thrust upon me, with all the roles and stereotypes that went along with it.  It’s fucked up in the first place, don’t get me wrong, but I knew people who embraced these fullheartedly, I knew people who didn’t.  But some people who didn’t still identified with womanhood, others became ftm, others became mtf.  I had “woman” thrust upon me, didn’t identify with it, rebelled against it, tried to rationalize it by accepting that I could be a “woman” without falling into gender stereotypes because there is no ONE correct way to be a woman (which there ISN’T), still didn’t feel right, did a full 180 and started buying pink lingerie and worshipped Aphrodite, that worked for a while and was overall a positive experience that helped me hate myself a little less, but at the end of the day, no matter what I did, I still did not identify as a woman.  What does happen to me, however?  I get a burst of euphoria when I am called a boy.  That makes me feel like I’m being really seen.  I actually resonate with that after years of not resonating at all with womanhood no matter how I sliced it, and that’s why it feels so fucking good.  I tried to identify as a woman. Believe me, I tried like all fucking hell.  Even though my presentation is still read as mostly female (I would disagree strongly with it but alas society and their fucking gender roles), I am quite the feminine boy-something to me, and I don’t have to justify that to anyone.
So TL;DR no it’s not a coping mechanism, I have lived a life full of very accepting, open-minded people and I won’t deny that I have that privilege, but in spite of that i STILL did not view myself as a woman, no matter how hard I tried.  I’ve actually generally accepted my body except on the days my dysphoria makes me want to throw my boobs across the room, I don’t think it’s denying history if we’re building from it, gender roles are fucked up.  I recognize that my experience being AFAB- and others who are AFAB- comes along with a particular type of oppression, but that’s why I prefer the term AFAB because it indicates the experience you’re talking about while also leaving it open to considering other experiences like my own and the experiences of other trans and nb folks.  In a few years AFAB might be outdated as a term and then we’ll find more terms to help figure this whole mess out.
TL;DR;DR no it’s not a coping mechanism and anyone is welcome to think that this is simply part of the horrible fallout of female socialization, and anyone is welcome to think that i’m mentally ill for identifying like this. people can think or say all they want about me but it won’t change the fact that I’m a boy-something and it won’t change all the years I struggled trying to figure that out.
Thank you for allowing me to write this all out, I think I really needed to.  This is something that had been floating in my brain forever, and explaining it all to you actually made my thoughts that much clearer.
Now everyone who sees this- please respect my wishes and please don’t clown in these notes if it spreads.  I’m tired enough about this as it is today.  I’m tired enough about fucking gender as it is.  We’re all fucking tired.  What I’ve shared today is about me and me alone and I want to keep it that way.
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oliviuhparkinson · 6 years
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✧*:·゚✧ ( TRI, SHE/HER, 17, AEST ) merlin! is that CINDY KIMBERLY? no, it’s just OLIVIA PARKINSON the SIXTH YEAR SLYTHERIN ( HAFLBLOOD ). we’ve heard rumors that SHE ( CISFEMALE ) is CHARISMATIC, CALM & INDEPENDENT but can also be very UNRELIABLE, MANIPULATIVE & CYNICAL. if i had to pick one song to describe HER it would YOU DON’T OWN ME BY GRACE. Good luck with the rest of your time at Hogwarts.
hello everyone, this is my Wife, olivia, and i adore her
first off, i need u to know, she HATES nicknames. ironic, considering abt 1000 nicknames can be made from olivia , but only her very close friends/family can give her a nickname and usually it’ll be liv or olly. if ur not friends tho don’t try it bc she’ll Cut u
her family is….pretty wild tbh
ok, let’s start from the beginning. the parkinson’s are a part of the sacred twenty-eight, so that’s all well and good. however, things started to get a bit shaky when olivia’s grandfather married a half-blood woman. subsequently, he was blasted off the family tree and considered a traitor. these two gave birth to three children (two boys and one girl) and thus was born olivia’s father, elmer. as elmer started to grow up and form his own opinions, however, it became clear that he was pretty intense on blood purity and wished for nothing more than to be brought back into the elite circle.
elmer married another pureblood woman (luella) and together they had four children themselves: two girls and twin boys. elmer and luella brought up olivia and her siblings to believe that they were purebloods and taught them about the supremacy that came with blood purity. as they did so, they pleaded with olivia’s great-grandfather to be accepted back into the parkinson family and were thus put back on the family tree and once again considered ‘purebloods’.
however, considering this sort of rocky history, the parkinson family are pretty low down on the food chain of purebloods. elmer and luella are desperate to get the family name back to the status of which it once was but it’s been rough — they’re not as elite as they once were. they’re still trying their best to suck up to all the other higher up families (e.g. the blacks, the malfoys) but it’s been slow #yikes
olivia herself is a little less outspoken on the matter of blood purity. clearly her parents are pretty intense about it but she’s a lot more neutral on the matter and prefers not to meddle with it. she’s not super intense about blood purity but she’s not super intense about muggle rights either. she’s riding a middle wave atm, just tryna get by
despite the intense-ness of her mother and father, however, she still believes them to be good people and truly loves her family as one should. she’s quite close with her older sister (now graduated) and her young brothers (now second year) and is incredibly close with her mother. she would really do anything to keep her mother happy, and this is why she is often conceived as a crazy blood purist, because of what she does for her mother. now her mother is getting quite old and olivia really doesn’t want to disappoint her, so she’s been doing a lot more to push her family up the pureblood elite ladder as of late, despite her own fairly neutral political views.
this is what makes her being gay pretty yikes. yeah — girls are her SHIT. she’s never had any particular interest in boys, and as of late has found her flirtatious nature drifting towards the female gender, and it’s kinda freaking her out. her mother is obviously a crazy traditionalist so would hATE if she knew her daughter was gay and so olivia keeps her mouth shut on the matter, opting instead to just push her feelings down and pretend she’s like any other girl.
she’s the most unreliable person when it comes to anyone but her family. she’s just so flaky and sort of floats from place to place not really giving a damn lmfao. she cheated on her last boyfriend of six months just bc she changed her mind abt him and idk man that’s just her nature.
also tho??? she’s crazy charismatic. like, she’d probably cancel on you an hour after you’re actually supposed to meet and you’d be mad for abt a day before you saw her again and she just charmed her way back into ur life. she’s pretty popular bc of this, like ppl just like her and tbh she likes the attention lmfao.
actually doesn’t have very many ppl that she cares for and trusts tho. she puts on this mask that she’s so Chill and Popular and Cool but she’s just tired fam and doesn’t have very many ppl there for her other than her family. even then, when it comes to things like her sexuality, she can’t talk to them abt it and often founds herself lowkey internally combusting with all these Things she’s feeling and doesn’t know what to do with #yikes
idk man my brain is fried rn and I’m definitely missing things but here’s my Bae, pls love her like I do even if she’ll h8 u
oh also i’ll get some wanted connections up soon when i’m not swamped with assignments ghjsakl
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ononaono-blog1 · 5 years
Tekstualni rezultati ankete
U ovom postu se nalaze rezultati moje ankete. Kao što se može iz njih zaključiti, korisnici su primarno vođeni osobnim znanjem (dobivenog iz srednje škole ili nekog drugog izvora), osobnim iskustvom (posebice naglašeno za transrodne osobe) ili osobnog mišljenja (to vrijedi i za korisnike koji su stavili da su rod i spol jednaki).
Od 160 ispitanika, njih 120 je dalo tekstualne odgovore na neobavezno pitanje, što nije loši broj. Neki ispitanici su također napisali i veće paragrafe, što je pohvalno, a jedan ispitanik je čak stavio link u kojem se spol i rod i njihove razlike objašnjavaju.
U svakom slučaju, nastavak je dolje!
Because sex is assigned at birth, while gender is a social construct.
Sex is biological, gender is a social construct!
Sex are what genitals you have, while gender is how you Express yourself
I'm thinking of gender as identity and sex as medical term.
Sex is biological, gender is cultural.
Gender isn't defined by genitals
Gender can differ from sex. Gender is social where sex is physical
I'm not sure why, always thought the two words in this context where interchangeable.
I don't
Gender is your brain, sex is things like genitals and chromosomes
Sex refers to biological sex while gender is a social construct in which certain traits are attributed to a certain gender.
However you define sex, the way people experience their gender will differ in some cases
Sex is biological, while gender is determined by how you feel about yourself.
sex consists of biological traits, while gender is a broader spectrum
Sex is whether your a male or female. Gender is who you like to fuck
sex = assigned at birth gender = what u id as
There are only 2 biological sexes therefore 2 genders
Experience tells me that they are different!
Gender is between the ears and sex is between the legs.
They can be expressed differently
It's always been, it's only recently that snowflakes try to bend it.
Sex is biologically based and gender is a social construct.
Took a class on it in high school
Because my lived experience as a trans woman shows me how different they are.
They don't differ independently from each other, since most peoples gender actually do corresponds with their sex. So that would be an absurd statement. If they don't correspond there's sadly just something wrong: gender dysphoria, which is a mental disorder
Sex it's something assigned at birth based on some biological traits, while gender it's fluid and cannot be assigned by others since it entirely depends upon the self determination of some"ne, upon  the say someone "feels"
"Biology and science“
Because I (and, I believe,the majority of other people) will have the same answer if asked what their sex was AND what their gender was.
"gender is a social construct boiiiii. sex is biological"
Sex is genitals you currently have (changed thru surgery), gender can be literally anything (changed if you feel like changing it)
I believe you can identify as whichever gender you please. But for me, gender relates to the sex you were born as.
People can change their gender
Sex: biological, gender: neurological
on a physical / genetic spectrum {xy;xyy;xx;...} and the other is a socially construct spectrum {cis/het/bi/a/.....}
I am transgender and know other transgender people. I believe my and their experiences to be valid, which requires me to believe that sex can be different from gender.
Sec is biological - gender is mental
Gender is a social structure imposed by society.
Sex is biological. Gender is mental
Because sex is what parts you are born with, gender is what you feel like you are
Because it’s a scientific fact.
bio sex and gender are different because people can have valid gender identities different from their biological sex.
Both are biologically based
Sex refers to your sex organs so female or male while gender is more of a personal identity.
Because it’s a different word
I'm transgender
Sex is biological but gender is social.
you're male or female, otherwise is a mental thing
Gender is more of a mental state
Sex is physical, gender is emotional
Sex is biology, gender is a social construct and culturally guided rules placed upon people based on their seks
They have different definitions
Gender is what you feel like and act like. Sex is biology.
I've heard many unfamiliar things about gender so I'm just gonna assume it's not the same as sex even though I can't even imagine any of the descriptions people give, regardless of the excessive imagery they put into it
I like girls, but I also am a girl.
Sex is physical whole gender is a mental choice.
Idk the difference
Because sex to me is more sexually orientation and gender
Sex is specifically sex organs; it's sometimes important as sexual orientation usually refers to sexual organs rather than anything else easily definable. Gender can be fluid and how a person identifies can and will change throughout their life. However, sexual encounters are the one and only case where sex is important, and it is unreasonable to force people to do things a certain way because they have certain genitalia. (Medically, it can be important to know what a person's hormone balance is, and what hormone balance the person was born with, but generally "biological sex" is useless and a term used to erase transgender people.)
Yes is the better of the two options. I think there is a spectrum mostl likely that probably overlaps but on average sex is the same as gender.
Gender is a set of socially constructed roles based around the biological reality of sex. Transgender people are mentally ill in that their condition brings them stress and pain and is only treatable through social acceptance and physical injections and mutilations to align their appearance with their preferred gender. You can choose your gender in that, as gender is by definition a performance, you can perform as the opposite gender (even if you do not internally identify with that gender).
They’re both different constructs with different understandings.
Sex is physical, gender is mental
Sex is biological and gender isn’t.
I don't literally think they're the same, but the distinction is meaningless and people usually only care about seks
Sex is biological; what you’re assigned at birth whereas gender is who you really are; in your heart & mind
Sex is biological,gender is social
sex is genitalia, gender is societies stereotypes/views on seks
It isn’t true
because brains are not always matched with bodies
Because I'm not a fucking moron
Sex biological, gender construct
Exceptions prove the rule
for what I've learned
Cause sex is what your biological body is but gender is what you want
They are both social constructions, gender is more cultural and sex is more physical/biological (https://medium.com/@ES_4P/biological-sex-as-a-social-construct-b2583c222737)
Cuz it is
Sex concerns biology, gender concerns identity and expression.
I've never known anything different but I'm honestly unsure in what I believe
It is the same word to me.
Sex is physical, gender is mental
I think your brain can mismatch your private parts
Sex is biological, gender is not
sex is purely biological; gender is a hypothetical idea not tied to fact
I believe that sex is based on having XX/XY chromosomes, while gender is how you identify and wish for other people to refer to you. Based on friend relationships
Cuz it ain’t
Gender is how you feel/identify personally, while sex is who you prefer
Because my sex isn't the same as my gender, so it's true for at least one person!
cuz it is
You cannot choose to be something you are biologically not.
Gender is how you personally identify, and sexuality describes what you’re sexually or romantically attracted to.
One is determined the other is always in flux
Sex is what you have down there and gender is what you identify as
I use sex to describe someone’s body and gender for their identity.
Why wouldn't I?
Because it's not, by definition
I honestly don’t know the difference in definition.
Some aspects of gender are culturally determined and have no basis in biology (e.g. boys wearing blue, girls wearing pink). Some traits obviously do (like reproductive organs), but there's more to the social categories than can be explained by features of the reproductive system or evolutionary development, especially since extreme cognitive flexibility is a hallmark of human behavior, as opposed to other animals.
They are similar and mostly interchangeable but sex is biological and gender is more mental and how you identify.
Cause there different words
I believe gender is more of a personal thing or at least it has become that, I dont have a strong opinion on people choosing their own gender positive or negative but i still dont think sex and Gender are the same.
Gender is in your head, sex is in your pants.
Gender dysphoria (sex ≠ gender) is a mental illness.
There is only one word for it in any language, except modern English.
Sex is the reproductive system, gender is the stuff going on in the brain.
Maybe. It depends on what you mean by "gender".
Sex is a biological classification, while gender is a cultural classification
i believe sex is the medical term, like what genital part you have, and gender is what you believe yourself to be personality or looks wise
Don’t know anything about it
Because transgender people have a gender that's doesn't match their sex so there has to be a difference in the way they're determined otherwise there wouldn't be cases of people whose gender and sex don't match
Not sure
Sex is biological, gender is how you feel
Gender is a personal experience and can change and be hard to define. Sex can almost always be physically defined
Sex is a biological term for specific aspects of the body, gender is a social construct.
you can feel a gender and not have the physical traits
Sex=Physical, born-with traits (genitals, hormones, etc), gender=“social construct” one feels most comfortable living
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shitpostingperidot · 7 years
tag game #1
tagged by @shinelikeastarlight​ 
tagging: @queerczar​ @persona-engine​ @kates-barbaric-yawp​ @mebediel​ @brokenlightdances​ @petticoatsandparlipro​ @oshindijo ok so some of these questions are about kpop and i don’t know anything about kpop so like im not gonna answer these questions and you don’t have to either, also it’s long as shit so i won’t take offense @spacewifespock and @boyjadzia you were tagged in sara’s but idk if you’ve done it
last text sent: “and puppers”
list three favourite colours: purple, blue, teal-ish
what time did u wake up at today: idk late what were u doing last night at midnight: watching faking it with @spacewifespock​ and @boyjadzia​ name something you can’t wait for: finding a job when was the last time u saw ur mother: two weeks exactly one thing u wish u could change abt ur life: recognition from parents and teachers and medical professionals that reading at a young age and being assigned female at birth do not preclude diagnoses of developmental disorders whats getting on ur nerves rn: right at this second, the fact that my room is very small favourite tv shows: dollhouse, su, btvs, got a big soft spot for bones  first best friend: cora in 1st grade, we became fast friends because she stayed at my house every day in the summer while her mom worked listening to rn: my roommate and her friend reading shitposts out loud 
3 fears: abandonment, 3D movies, insects
4 turn ons: soft hair, nibbling my ear, being the big spoon, i think i took this question too literally 4 turn offs: disrespectfulness, stalkerish behavior, lack of willingness to learn from mistakes, policing my food choices sexual orientation: hell if i know, into girls and maybe into guys but idk if that’s real or a comp het thing senior year quote in my year book: “how lucky i am to have something that makes leaving so hard” -aa milne (also lmao i was so glad to be getting out of that hellhole this quote is absolutely a lie in that context) first thing i notice in a person: entirely dependent on the context in which i encounter them shoe size: us womens 9ish eye colour: bluey greeney  hair colour: i’m not sure how to describe it but i failed at doing box dye job of blue (while drunk) about six weeks ago so bits of it are bleached, bits are green, bits are greyish, bits are my natural dirty blonde, it’s a mess favourite item of clothing: my new gay baseball space shirt from the regina spektor concert what colour of underwear i’m wearing rn: ugly cream color with flowers ultimate bias: whats a kpop ultimate bias group: what is the difference between this and the other question favourite season: the days in winter that are both sunny and snowy how much time i spent on designing my blog: i spent a few weeks finding a theme and then like 30 mins customizing it the reason i joined tumblr: the gf pestered me about it do i ever get “good morning” or “goodnight” texts: every night from both my mom and gf, rarely morning though i like to send them when did i last hold hands: about 3 hours ago how long does it take me to get ready in the morning: depending on my executive function level between five minutes and two hours to do the same exact things brain why u do this have i shaved my legs in the past 3 days: try five years where am i rn: in bed do i like music loud or at a reasonable level: reasonable but if it’s actual speakers i like to stand next to them and vibrate 3 things i love: my gf, dogs, video games how i feel rn: sleepy something i rlly, rlly want: a job 3 things that upset me: when people say one thing and do another, subtext, the breaking of promises what i find attractive in other ppl: good taste in video games, passion and knowledge, respect of my interests, cuddliness, being strong “in the real way” (okay i’m literally just describing abi) 3 habits i have: dermatillomania, snoozing my alarm for hours, not doing laundry something i fantasize abt: i have a very specific fantasy about visiting abi in europe next year, it is a several day itinerary i think about something im talented at: emotional labor the blog i give the most notes to: spacewifespock last person re-blogged sth from me: @single-ready-for-pringles do  i smoke/drink: no/yes my favourite food: peanut butter my favourite dessert: a three layer brownie bar my grandma made but now i can make it what i did yesterday: spent the day searching for a lost cat number of kids i want: dude idk i almost got suspended from college last quarter this is something i don’t need to be thinking about number of siblings i have: 1 human, 1 dog something thats constantly on my mind: abi :)
last person i messaged on tumblr: my tumblr sister oshindijo can i drive: theoretically, i’m not insured though which given the absurd number of car accidents my family has been in that are other people’s faults, gives me pause even when i’m in tn and have access to a car what state or part of the world do i live in: chicago, illinois am i in school: i’m on extended student status, which means i’ve finished my graduation requirements but can’t yet graduate for various reasons, so i’m auditing a class this quarter and gettin that degree in june do i get grossed out easily: i get grossed out by very specific things and gore/bodily fluids is not one of them because in high school my interest was the tv show bones somewhere i would like to visit for a week: i wish i had enough money for tokyo disneyland, alternatively, visiting abi next year, going on her old stomping grounds in rennes, taking her to my old ones in paris, making some new ones for ourselves i’ll love u if: you help me through my problems last show i binge-watched: theoretically faking it what words upset me the most: r word what words make me feel best abt myself: when abi gets really drunk and starts telling me that i am exactly how i wish to be perceived in the world, that’s good a wish that i’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: okay so i had one that was on behalf of myself and i knew i was in love when i unconsciously switched to one that was on behalf of abi and i knew that i meant it who i would switch lives with for a day: i was gonna say anita sarkeesian but sara @shinelikeastarlight has got the right idea, switch with some rich fuckboy to show him how the other half lives and also wire a bunch of cash to the real me my favourite ice cream: moose tracks allergies: almonds, mold, ragweed, the usual plants, but none but almonds has ever been a problem in chicago sexiest person to come to mind immediately: abi ;) my childhood career choice: YA writer or editor one of my insecurities: becoming a bad student when i used to not be how many blogs am i following: 892??? i need to be more aggressive with the unfollow when i see something that pisses me off how many tabs/different windows do i have open at this very moment: 17 coke or pepsi: dr pepper tea or coffee: tea, because you can steep one tea bag on multiple occassions movie or book: book a sense i would be willing to lose: controversial opinion: sight quote i live by: my inner voice/things that i remember are uh, not kind enough to me to repeat type of accessory i wear the most: it’s rare that i’m not wearing a hat last awkward situation i found myself in: being unsure if i should get off the bus at my apartment or drop abi off and walk home and the bus was like at my stop when i realized i’d have to make this decision what time is it rn: 1:53am
a song that made me cry: when regina spektor at her concert last friday played a russian lullaby in memory of an old friend and chicago resident who had died since regina had been to the city last, i have no idea what they were saying but it was emotional first song u ever sang at karaoke: my eyes from dr horrible with some dude i didn’t know who was the only one who knew the other part
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