#nimona core
troythecatfish · 8 months
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thecanadianweeb · 8 months
i am a chaos demon… i crave chaos!
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nettlesom4clov4r · 10 months
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i have not drawn in months and i am teetering on the edge of insanity . hi tumblr, new account 🥰🫶‼️‼️
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dr-rato · 11 months
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Anyways I'm bacc
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sketchyracoon · 6 months
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The differences between these two versions is so interesting especially since they're both so good.
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forest-wolfie · 11 months
Serious post real quick. I just finished watching Nimona and holy fucking shit. I have never felt so.. seen in any media like that before. Yeah I've had a fair share of nonbinary characters in video games but they never touched on the EXPERIENCE of it like Nimona did. Everything they talked about going through, everything they described, and everyone being against them. All of that I have experienced before as a nonbinary individual. I am so fucking over joyed to finally have a lead character who is nonbinary to show the way it FEELS. That movie hit me so deep in my fucking soul that I sobbed. Over and over. Because it touched on something I have NEVER seen anyone else do. Finally having someone like me up front is just so.. liberating and beautiful. This is WHY representation matters in media.
Edit: thank you for the notes and reblogs, you guys are so fuckin sweet. I’m glad others can agree with what I’ve described.
(And since this is blowing up I’ll add this here too)
Hey! I also do artwork and draw some cool things so if you’d like to, feel free to follow me! I draw lots of things ranging from fandoms to original character content! :)
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+ PLEASE, like, share, comment for more content. Any kind of fanart or gift is highly appreciated! Ty! <3
+ 💔 Do NOT steal the concepts, ideas or stories from me!
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ramblingmerlin · 11 months
i LOVE "monster" themes in media/books
characters realising that others will only ever see them through the eyes of preconceived notions
that everything these characters can do, will, in the eyes of others, only prove that they are a "monster"
characters that have decided to "accept" the role they were forced into vs those who try and prove others wrong
the symbolisms, the allegories, the common themes of oppression and societal imbalances
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
please elaborate on the "look at how quirky our characters are" joke
I'll do my best to explain it!
So, it's basically writing the characters around the joke rather than the joke around the characters. You have your character do whatever is funniest for the bit, or whatever is the "most endearing" character moment for the scene, but at the cost of consistency. It especially becomes an issue for me when this "do it for the bit" writing clashes with previously established character traits and themes.
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girakia · 11 months
Also one thing I haven't seen any talk about is how the soundtrack FUUUCCCCKKKKKKSSSSSSSS HAAAAAAAARRRRRRDDDDDD
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mogai-headcanons · 11 months
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excemelle fluttershy | bigenderflux sollux captor | panfaunagender nimona panridiculum pinkie pie | pancaeleste space sphere | pantechnicum peridot
day 6 of my 5-year anniversary event, bigender | multigender | pangender | etc.!
dni link
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bravestcorwin · 11 months
life changed when i saw someone reply to the age-old “i love this gay character because being gay isn’t his whole personality” take with “why should we care what straight people think about lgbt representation”
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sapsolais · 11 months
i love nimona
#i'm going 2 ramble here in the tags ok. okay? ok#god. look. i went into this movie thinking 'yeah yeah obv trans allegory woohoo' thinkin that's great! but#idk. i thought it would be something that could be brushed aside or sanitized easily maybe. y'know? like passed off as another kids movie#and i thought maybe other trans folks could relate 2 the movie and i was like ok that's cool let's watch it and. it was just#that one scene.#everyone talked abt how they cried and how it really Hit and i didn't get it until then#at the statue#i cried. a lot. and i never do that w media and i don't mean that to be edgy or whatever kssdfkjg but just#oh fuck#they Get It#that part. it reached into my soul and grabbed that core part of me and Tugged.#it Hurt and i felt it. the exhaustion. ready to give up. the cry nimona let out. i cried because i got it. and then i cried harder because#i'd give anything for a ballister in my life#my thoughts are 'they got us in the second half ngl' basically KSDJHFKSJDHFKSD#first half of the movie? great! but second half? oh. oh it punches u in the face over and over and gets better and better#it's so. SO good. god. i don't know when everything clicked 4 me i don't think it was a singular moment but. man. oh man#i need to rewatch that immediately#instantly a favorite. shit#it's so unapologetically nimona. it's so Itself and it's not sorry and i love it and it feels so special and i'm holding it so close#there's 2 much to gush about in these tags there's not enough space but just know. i am Insane about this#sap says#god. fuck
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neverendingford · 11 months
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distractionpie · 11 months
Ballister in the opening scenes is so wound tight and so restrained, he puts up with Todd getting all in his space and is the one to hold Ambrosius back and just radiates control and holding himself up to outside standards. even his affection towards Ambrosius is small touches and Ambrosius coaxing him to open up.
and by the midpoint he's just loosened up so much even in the midst of a fight there's a relaxed confidence about him that he just didn't have before that I think comes partly from Nimona's influence and partly from the fact that he's already lost everything he was trying to hold onto with his control and he's already tried the controlled way of getting it back and that didn't work so he's letting himself go back to his core from being a kid that gatecrashed guard training to fight for what he wanted
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and it just makes me think about Ambrosius, who is such an exuberant dork when it's just the two of them and prods at Ballister for being mopey/thinky, but who also definitely has some degree of understanding public/private face seeing how he is with the other knights and in the market scene but he's overall a lot freer with his actions.
After everything, will Ambroius look at the person Ballister is now and the person he was when they were together as knight-candidates, and have to think about how maybe that was the happiest Ballister could be under those circumstances but if they'd been knighted and got that conventional happily ever after, even when it was just the two of them and Ambrosius could drop the weight of public expectations, Ballister probably never would have been as confidently joyful as he has the potential to be and Ambrosius would never even have known what they were missing because Ballister had been holding himself in for so long that everybody (including probably Ballister himself) just assumed that restrained was part of his personality.
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greentrickster · 11 months
walks up to the microphone and leans in: Gloreth held a wooden sword pointed at Nimona in threat, causing one of her core traumas. So picture Ambrosius, post-movie, offering her the hilt of a wooden sword and asking if she’d like to learn how to use one. The inversion of it.
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