#night fury headcanons
acourtofwhatthefuck · 11 months
Hello, I'm so sorry that you're having a mopey day today :(( But honestly I'm having one today too... I would love to read some fluffy fic, maybe some teenage!Rhys×reader where they are acting like stupid teenagers in love. Or maybe something with Az where reader is a shadowsinger too and they are fooling around and using their shadows to prank the IC. I don't know, these are just some ideas that popped randomly in my head so don't feel pressured to write anything. Anyway wish you best and I hope you will feel better soon 💗
Thanks, lovie! 💕Hope this is okay and cheers you up a little! I feel like I’m not very good at fluff but I did my best 🤣 thank you for sending it in! Enjoy 💕
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Forget Me Not — (Rhysand x Reader)
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"You'll be High Lord someday."
"I will."
Rhysand rested his chin on your leg, violet eyes peering up at you. In the balmy evening light, he looked resplendent, the sun offsetting the golden hue of his skin. You found your fingers absentmindedly tracing the shape of his lips, the brush of his lashes.
"Things will change when you're High Lord." You brushed his floppy hair from his eyes. "We will change. Our relationship."
At just nineteen, it was hard enough to navigate such a serious, intense relationship. You hadn't expected to fall so madly in love a year earlier, when your court — the Summer Court — had received the High Lord of the Night Court and his son as guests; a plan, you'd learned, to strengthen the relations between the Solar Courts and Seasonal Courts. The High Lord's son, Rhysand, had been nothing but charming and chivalrous. But you hadn't expected him to so much as notice you, as a mere a servant to the High Lord of Summer. When you'd served Rhysand a drink, and those violet eyes had met yours like they were staring into your soul, you knew immediately — you would never want anybody as fiercely as you wanted him.
Too bad that he was a future High Lord, and you a nobody.
It had been unexpected, to say the least, that he'd sought you out. Asked you to show him around the court whilst his father and your High Lord engaged in dull meetings. He'd made you laugh and seemed genuinely interested in knowing you. And when he'd returned to the Night Court, he'd promised to come back and see you again.
Which he had. And thus had begun a year of secret meetings and the thrilling adventure of falling in love. You knew Rhysand's father would never approve. You knew Rhys would one day be in a charge of his court, and not have the luxury of sneaking off to see you for a few hours, sometimes an entire night.
There was a time limit on your relationship, and that thought had begun to plague you more and more recently.
Rhys reached out, pressing your hand against his cheek. "Change doesn't always have to be bad."
"It will be the worst kind of change if we can't see each other anymore."
Rhys sighed softly, rolling onto his back. You knew he didn't want to spend your precious time together talking about such things; neither did you. You wished you could stay like this forever, sprawled out in the sweet-smelling meadow that had become your place to meet him. The thought of this place being empty of your love, your laughter, your conversation, made you teary.
"Please don't cry, my love." Rhys scooted closer. He tugged you until you were slotting between his legs, his front pressed to your back. "Why are you letting this bother you now?
Tears dropped onto your lap as you glanced down. "This past year is the happiest I've ever been."
A kiss was pressed to your shoulder. "Me, too."
"But you will be a High Lord. And of a court I don't even live in. You will be the most important member of your court, and I'm nothing but a servant. I feel like soon enough, you're just going to forget me. That you ever loved me."
You felt the way his body went rigid against you. After a pause, his warm arms slid around your waist, his face burying into the crook of your neck. He seemed to inhale your scent slowly. Desperately.
"Do you truly think I could ever forget you?" He murmured. "I remember the first second I caught a glimpse of you. You were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. Still are."
You gave a watery laugh. "So beautiful in my old, ratty clothes."
"Your hair was in a loose braid, and when you leaned down to serve me my drink, a strand came free of the plait. I felt so compelled to reach out and tuck it behind your ear. And I thought your eyes could give this court's sunrise a run for its money. So bright and brilliant. Your cheeks were flushed, and you smiled at every single person, despite most of them straight up ignoring you. You were the most exquisite person in that room, and I couldn't look away from you."
You turned slightly in his arms, just enough to meet his gaze. "You noticed all of those things?"
A lopsided smile tugged at his lips. "Why do you think I tried so hard to get a message to you that I wanted to meet with you? I couldn't let you walk away. At least not without learning your name first. I certainly didn't think I'd ever be lucky enough to have you love me back."
You studied his remarkable face, noting every emotion, every thought, that he wore freely. For nobody other than you. You'd memorised that face as much as you possibly could so that when he wasn't around, you could close your eyes and picture him. His brilliant smile. The way his eyes roved happily over you. Sometimes, you could lay in bed and hear his laugh.
"Just...just promise me." You pressed your forehead against his. "Promise me that one day, when you're High Lord...even if you can't be with me anymore, you won't forget me. I couldn't bear you forgetting me."
Rhys's strong hand moved up to cup your jaw. There was no chance to read the look in his eyes before he was leaning in and pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss started out gentle. Soft. The kind of tentative kisses you first shared in the early days of your relationship. Rhys's thumb brushed the line of your cheekbone, his mouth caressing yours.
But then his tongue was parting the seam of your lips and sliding into your mouth to intertwine with yours. Your mingling tastes had you sighing softly in satisfaction and angling yourself towards him further, one of your hands naturally reaching up to twine within the strands of his hair.
Somehow, you ended up in his lap, his lips working feverishly against yours in a hungry kiss. It was just the two of you in that meadow — the two of you and your love, that nobody — not even the High Lord of the Night Court — could take away from you. You would love him forever and always, no matter the distance, the social standing, the outside opinions.
Only when you were both panting for breath did Rhys tear his mouth from yours. You breathed heavily against each other's lips, your foreheads pressed together.
"Here." Rhys murmured deeply, quietly. "This is for you."
You pulled back just enough to glance down at the hand he held between you. You frowned down at the two tiny, blue flowers he pinched between his fingers. When he'd picked them, you weren't sure.
"A flower?" You were still battling to catch your breaths. "For me?"
"One for you and one for me." Rhys said. "They're Forget-Me-Nots. I'll spell them to forever stay fresh. And as long as we both have these, we know we'll never forget one another."
You blinked away tears as he tucked the flower into the strands of your hair, before leaning in to kiss you again.
"Always and forever, my heart." He whispered.
You nodded vigorously, cupping his cheek. "Always and forever."
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saturnniidae · 2 months
Headcanon: As well as the abundance of scales dragons shed, many species also lose and regrow their teeth periodically (like sharks) and it's always been tradition amongst vikings to display parts taken from dragons they killed as trophies, but now Berkians celebrate and use things dragons lose naturally. For weaponry (like how the dragon riders used shed scales for their armor) for jewelry, accessories and decoration.
Dragons have always been an integral part of Berk's culture but over the years the reasoning behind it has shifted, now they wear teeth or scales of their dragon's in pride of their beauty and the bonds they share, or for remembrance of the deceased. They put up tapestries and include them in their architecture no longer as displays of their dragon killing prowess, but in celebration of them, their nature and the peace they've made.
They're proud of their dragons, they love them and want the world to see it.
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fictionalnormalcy · 10 months
In ‘Gone Gustav Gone’, Hiccup is checking different combinations in the Dragon Eye. He said he was going to try finding the Night Fury section; says to use the Monstrous Nightmare gem, the Night Fury switch, and obviously having been activated by Toothless’ flame. 
We all remember this moment, the Dragon Eye goes dark afterward. 
It wasn’t that there wasn’t anything to find. I want to believe it’s because they only had a single lense. There hadn’t been the lycanwing debacle, and they found another lense at the end of that very episode. 
Maybe, Hiccup needed more lenses to have seen the section, maybe another dragon fire from one of the Strike Class. But I’m going to fucking bring it up again. The section Viggo opened the Dragon Eye too at the end of Maces & Talons pt 2. WHICH HAS THE LITERAL IMAGE OF A NIGHT FURY. 
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Yes I really am just stating the obvious. I outline because we were purposely deprived of this information, just because they wanted to keep the Night Fury mystery “resolvement” for The Hidden World. Yet they still fucking left us hanging and with unanswered questions.
But yes, and I KNOW I said it in another post (or who knows could be one in my drafts, my memory’s lacking): 
(pardon me while I cry) However we will never know this information because Hiccup’s story has come to an end. 
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useless-moss · 3 months
Back with the dragon headcanons.
This episode: The Night Fury
Buckle up, this is a long one.
Color variations! Their whole body is usually a dark color. Shades of black/dark grey, dark blue, dark purple are the most common. However, they also have lighter colored patterns on the underside of their wings. Blurred together scales and marks that resemble the northern lights and/or a galaxy type design. It started as a mutation meant for better camouflage, but eventually turned into a mating thing like with peacocks. A night fury has really pretty patterns/designs on the underside of their wings? They have a better chance of getting a mate.
Patterns. They have darker markings and patterns. Think of a black jaguar or a tabby cat for reference. Also, accompanying the previously mentioned designs on the underside of their wings, white speckles that look like stars and can even extend to their underbelly.
Toothless has melanism, hense his more solidly black design, and is actually considered even more rare because of his coloration alone.
They have the widest eye color variation among dragons. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, even shades that look purple are possible.
They usually live in large packs led by a female alpha/queen. If you find one Night Fury, there's usually at least ten more nearby.
Night Fury's in a pack are able to fight the control of dragons like the Red Death and Bewilderbeast more easily since, well, they already have an alpha they're following. Solo Night Furys are still strong willed and can break out with enough trying, but it's significantly harder.
Night Furys are one of if not the most intelligent dragon species. They're able to adapt to different environments, learn from observation to mimic other animal, dragon, and even human behavior, can recognize human weapons, and are smart enough to strategize hunting plans.
Building onto that last point, they don't hunt anywhere near where they nest. They'll fly miles away to hunt for, usually, fish. At least half of the pack will leave at a time while the other half stays back to guard the hatchling, eggs, and nesting area in general. This behavior was learned and adopted after being hunted to near extinction.
Their favorite nesting places are areas that humans can't easily get to. Large cliffs with rocky/rushing water below and in areas prone to storms. Again, a learned behavior from being hunted.
More nesting info, they use a combination of their plasma blasts and claws to dig/carve out caves into said cliffs, which is where they'll nest. Cliff side in an area you can't get too close to on boat with a bunch of holes in the side? Congrats! You probably just found a Night Fury nesting ground and should turn back quickly.
Night Furys aren't inherently aggressive or hostile at all, really. They're wary of humans for obvious reasons, and will defend themselves and their pack/territory, but otherwise they're pretty laid back. Big cats, essentially. Don't be a threat, give them space, and you get to live. This is partly due to them being smart enough to recognize via body language, tone, and even supplies if someone or something is a threat or not.
You want to tame a Night Fury? No weapons, bring food, and again give space. Let them come to you, because they will eventually. Will begin to realize you're not a threat, then realize you bring snacks, then accept that you're pretty alright and begin allowing more physical contact/affection and eventually be okay riding/flying with you. It's a slow process built entirely on trust and mutual respect. If you start getting pushy with a Night Fury, especially too soon in the process, they'll push you away and you have to start from scratch.
Night Fury's are very, very, very protective and loyal. Arguably one of the best dragons to tame purely off of the fact they'll stick with you until the very end and do everything possible to keep you safe.
Once you've tamed or generally befriended a Night Fury you're considered part of the pack. Dynamic from there depends on the type of Night Fury you're dealing with. An adult/older male or female with a history of hatchlings? They'll likely consider you as one of their own babies. A juvenile/younger male or female? They'll likely see you more as a sibling. A hatchling? Hope you're ready to be a parent cause that's what they'll likely see you as.
Cuddle piles. They'll usually sleep cuddled up with littlermates and parents in a pile of sort for warmth and security. This is a behavior that persists into adulthood, since it's a source of comfort and stability as well as a bonding experience.
You know the smaller nubs on a Night Fury's head? Hatchlings tend to suckle on those for comfort. There's literally no other reason. It's like a baby with a pacifier, essentially.
My personal favorite now, SCRUFF! Hatchlings have looser yet tougher skin on the back of their neck that acts as a scruff, allowing adults to pick them up and carry them around easily. As they age it stretches and thins and, eventually, that pressure point we saw in httyd 2 becomes 'exposed.' At that point a parent or other adult Night Fury will nudge the spot with their snout or claws to activate it. This whole process usually occurs around early juvenile/teen stages, since that's when a night fury will begin actively joining hunting parties and need to fly with more speed and agility.
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dishywishy · 6 months
BEHOLD, MY HTTYD OPINIONS. if you scroll even further you get to also read my random thoughts about The Hidden World movie.
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My fun little thoughts about the Hidden World movie:
Generally speaking, courtship behaviors are largely instinctual in most animals. So maybe part of the reason Toothless was so confused about how to court the Lightfury because she wasn’t another Nightfury.
The first time I watched HTTYD 3 I was very much under the impression that the Lightfury had been in captive for a pretty decent amount of time. When the Lightfury is brought to Grimmel the general dudes even say “We brought your favorite bait” which implies that Grimmel has used Lightfuries to lure Nightfuries before. Which then led me to the assumption that Grimmel had been using this specific Lightfury for a least a few years.
This also explained to me why the Lightfury kept coming back to find Toothless instead of going back to the Hidden World. She’s been with Grimmel so long she didn’t know what else to do, or alternatively she didn’t want to lead Grimmel to the Hidden World. It also explained why she was almost luring Toothless into Grimmel’s initial trap.
The one thing I never really got was how they ever got a Lightfury. I’ve been under the assumption they’re entirely endemic to the Hidden World, and there wouldn’t be any real reason for them to leave.
Would Toothless be miserable in the Hidden World? He’s built for lots of flying and his main form of attack and presumably hunting is diving from up high. You really can’t do that in a cave, even if the Hidden World is big.
Also I know Toothless has the Berk dragons go to the Hidden World but what about literally all the other dragons?
After this I’m gonna redesign the Nightlights with my head canon stuff in mind. And maybe Thunder. I haven’t watched the Nine Realms but I’ve seen pictures of Thunder and HOLY SHIT HE’S UGLY IM SORRY THUNDER BUT YOU GOT DONE DIRTY
Also I definitely want feedback and opinions on this if you feel like sharing :)
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nightskydragons · 7 months
Fury species headcanons
- the species is functionally extinct in the barbaric archipelago region, however the species still have strongholds from Norway and all the way down to North Africa specifically in the atlas mountains
-nightfury teeth are prized by dragon hunters as unlike other dragons, nightfury do not constantly replace their teeth. Only having two sets much like a person
- nightfury colonies are lead by the eldest mating pair which usually are the parents or grandparents of the rest of flock
- while they can manage fine in the colder weather, it's not uncommon to see nightfury go through torpor, huddling together in their caves until better conditions arrive. However if they have a steady diet like we see in toothless case they do not enter this state and can be active all year
- much like possums, baby nightfury cling on the backs of their parents
- the elusive relative of the nightfury that's rarely seen due to their secretive nature but also their sea fairing lifestyle
- much like an albatross lightfury spend a significant amount of their life out in sea, blending in with the sky to avoid predatory dragons that might attack them from below as well go unseen by their fish prey
- unlike nightfurys, lightfury are solitary. Rarely making contact with members of their species under normal circumstances. Except during the mating season where they all join together in different island chains to find or reunite with their mate. As lightfury still mate for life much like nightfurys
- skrills are the active predators of the lightfury as the two often collide with one another out at sea
-Lightfury usually have around four eggs as it's common that half of a lightfury litter will not make it to adulthood
- before the great homecoming (the dragons being sent the hidden world) nightlights weren't really a common sight because of the conflicting behaviors of the parent species. However due to the unfavorable conditions of the hidden world, nightlight started to become a more common as the two species began to loose options leading to mass amounts of interbreeding. This collision of genetic diversity lead to nightlights having varying tailfins. This became even more apparent as nightlights started to breed with other related fury species
- while genetically nightlights are healthy and capable of creating offspring. The differences in biology eventually did lead to some side affects. While light and nightfurys breath out plasma. The methods in which they are created are different, with nightfury they have a special chemical sac that is later charged by the electricity stored in their bodies. Lightfury lack this organ leading to what see in thunder case where this missing organ resulted in their generation not being capable of producing plasma blast reverting back to a more " primitive" ability (that being electricity)
- nightlights inherited the lightfury instinctual fear of skrills along with the nightfury territorial behavior. Leading to a very dangerous combination of nightlights regularly attacking skrills when they enter their space. With this constant mobing, the two species formed a rivalry over territory that often leads to flock having to always find new homes
- nightlights come in different shapes and colors however the most common variants often are nightfury builds with black scales and white countershading
- nightlight tribes follow a mix of the parent species lifestyle. The flock is lead by the eldest members, with these units being formed by their family's. However unlike nightfurys, these flocks are usually very small with members of these family usually spreading out in the territory only gathering together during specific parts of the year or in case of a fight
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Night Fury Lore
Thought I'd post my headcanons for HTTYD's Night Furies since we never got proper lore about them. This will probably be updated as time goes on and any OCs I post will adhere to these headcanons. Let me know what y'all think!
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Sexual Dimorphism
Male Night Furies are made for hunting. They tend to be lean and swift with large wings that allow them to fly for extended periods of time without tiring. 
Female Night Furies are made to protect their nests and offspring with their bulkier builds, and are quite vicious when threatened. They tend to be more difficult to train than male Furies as they’re often very distrustful of humans. 
Stages of Maturity
Egg - 0 to 6 months Tiny Tooth - 6 months to 4 years Short Wing - 4 to 10 years Broad Wing - 10 to 80 years Titan Wing - 80 to 100 years
Night Furies reach full adulthood at 20 years of age with females maturing slightly faster than males. 
As they age, male Furies will have more nubs along their jawline than female Furies. Males will have a maximum of 5, while females will have 3. 
Spines lengthen, sharpen, and harden with age. 
Night Furies mate for life. 
Females will lay a clutch of 1-3 eggs at a time, which is why Night Furies tend to be rarer than other dragons. 
Excessive hunting by humans has led to the near extinction of Night Furies. The only stable population known to exist is located on the island of Nóttsheim. 
Night Furies inhabit high mountain caves that open directly to the sky for easy takeoff. Such caves also keep them safe from hunters and other dragons. 
Fish Deer Boar
Night Furies are nocturnal so they hunt at night and sleep during the day. 
Similar to birds, newly hatched Furies will imprint on the first thing they see, which is usually their parents.
Night Furies are the most secretive of the dragon species. They have learned to hide away from humanity to protect themselves, finding refuge on islands like Nóttsheim where they can raise their young in peace and grow old without fear of hunters. 
Night Fury flocks function similarly to wolf packs with the eldest mated pair acting as the leaders. Many flocks will also have a titan wing matriarch who ranks above the mated pair. She is greatly respected by the rest of the flock for her age and wisdom. 
Night Furies can heat their spines up to the point that they glow. This ability is used to communicate with others of their species within pitch-black environments, warm their eggs and hatchlings, and for threat and dominance displays. 
Night Furies are sworn enemies of Whispering Deaths and Skrills. The exact reasons for this rivalry are unknown but it’s believed to largely be due to territory disputes. The species have also been known to destroy each other’s eggs and nests. 
Night Vision Echolocation Glowing Spines
Scale Colors
Common - black, gray Uncommon - purple, blue Rare - white
Eye Colors
Common - green, yellow Uncommon - orange, blue Rare - red, purple
Common - stripes, spots Uncommon - rosettes, speckles Rare - swirls, bursts
Leucism  Melanism Heterochromia Longer claws/spines
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ouroborros · 10 months
I want to talk about the Toothless glow from the second movie
It was part of a pretty big scene, but we never get any info on it. I have a theory/head cannon I’d like to share
I think its not just something any dragon can do, I think it’s specifically a nightfury thing. I like to think that they live in flocks, and that glow is a last defense type thing.
I think that when the flock is in danger, a nightfury can do the glow thing as a last resort to protect other members of the flock. I think the glow is the dragon superheating its insides for a more powerful plasma blast.
Obviously, this is bad for the dragon, and it can cause serious problems or even death, so they only use it very sparingly, like a mother protecting her children, or something like that.
As for the reason that Toothless is fine, it’s because he was encased in ice, so they kinda balanced eachother out
Thats all :]
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dangel-demon · 3 months
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I wanted to depict the differences between a male and a female Night Fury, but it turned out to be Toothless's parents.
We kindly ask you not to steal my art and not to put them on other sites without my knowledge. Do not use them as dummies, do not assign them to yourself.
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dragonnnfly · 2 years
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You know how there’s always been speculation that Drago’s cloak was made of night fury scales, and well, it is indeed possible
During the third film it was revealed that Drago was one of many war lords that had simply put him in charge of creating their joint dragon army. The war lords that we know of are Khan, Griselda, Ragnar, and then of course Drago, and they have more than once sought help from the notorious dragon hunter, Grimmel, who is known to have killed every last night fury.
So hear me out, Toothless is 20, which means that 20 years before that there were other night furies, which means Grimmel was still in the process of hunting them all, and 20 years ago Drago was already up to no good, so I think we can assume that there might have already been an alliance between Grimmel and the war lords way back then, which makes it very possible that Grimmel gifted Drago with the hide of one of his night fury preys.
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fictionalnormalcy · 9 months
So, I'd very much like people's headcanons of this. Because I can never quite come to a solid solution.
But I'm still on about this: did other people in the Archipelago or at least those we meet in the HTTYD-verse know what a Night Fury looked like?
There's so little canon-proof. All we pretty much hear is the same. It's a Night Fury, thought they were all gone. Then there was HTTYD 1 with "No one's ever seen one and lived to tell the tale." So that provides us a Berk perspective. But for the Archipelago and the Great Beyond, we don't know how well someone else knew a Night Fury.
And with what we saw from Hiccup and Toothless' interaction, the Night Fury is practically invisible in the darkness of a night sky. The black-scaled species is of the fastest flyers. You can't take a Night Fury by surprise, they know you're there before you're revealed.
The movies, provided us a tell-tale sign of a Night Fury. When Toothless saves Hiccup in the arena, Gobber cries NIGHT FURY. Because of the shriek his wings make in a stark descent. HTTYD 2 also had the same when they swooped in to rescue Stormfly. Eret recognized the shriek, which alerted him to the arrival of a Night Fury, yet not as much evidence as to him ever having seen one before.
Dagur however, knew a Night Fury from the moment Toothless swooped into the arena. Viggo, at the very least knew that Toothless was of a rare species. And the closest we get is Grimmel, saying he saw one, and killed it where it slept. Then entered his life-long goal of hunting every single one down. (Which admittedly is still fragile to me)
I guess where I wish there was more, is someone else describing, oh I had never seen one before, or just one from a distance, or even something where it was a Night Fury that caused a traumatizing event.
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a-silver-dragoness · 8 months
Updated personal headcanons/opinions/interpretations for Light/Night Furies:
Light Fury:
• Referred to as "The Unicorn of Dragons", for their beauty and grace
• Male and Female Light Furies are identical (no sexual dimorphism)
• Light Furies are diurnal and have excellent vision, but lack tapetum lucidum
• Light Furies skin and scales are soft (like some changewings are), therefore they are more likely to flee from a battle
• Light Furies like to nest together in groups, oftentimes the nesting females will combine nests and raise their young together
• Each Light Fury has a unique pattern of stripes, that intensifies during the mating season
• Incapable of echolocation (hence smaller, fewer nubs)
• Light Furies mate for life
• Same sex couples are not very common
• Interspecies couples are very rare
• They have intense maternal/paternal instincts, so much so that they are known to adopt and raise hatchlings that aren't their own
• Light Furies live exclusively in the Hidden World, but they have been known to fly far from the Caldera in search of food
• They are capable of flying long distances, and make shallow dives to catch aquatic prey (similar to the Wandering Albatross)
• Cloaking without a plasma blast is silent, but slower (it takes time to heat up its reflective scales with internal body heat)
• Cloaking with a plasma blast is noisier, but faster, and is primarily used when the animal is attempting a quick getaway
• Light Furies are hypercarnivores, have a main diet of fish, shark, and shellfish, but have been known to hunt terrestrial animals such as deer, sheep, and cattle
• Hybrid offspring (Night Lights) are infertile
Night Fury:
• Male and Female Night Furies are identical (no sexual dimorphism)
• Night Furies are nocturnal, and therefore possess incredible night vision (tapetum lucidum)
• Night Furies are semi-colorblind (like a dog)
• Wild Night Furies like to nest far away from other dragons, but domesticated/tamed Night Furies are drastically more tolerant of other dragons near their nests
• Each Night Fury has a unique pattern of spots, which fade as they reach adulthood
• Capable of Echolocation (hence larger, more nubs)
• Night Furies mate for life
• Same sex couples are not very common
• Interspecies couples are very rare
• They have intense maternal/paternal instincts, so much so that they are known to adopt and raise hatchlings that aren't their own
• Preferred habitat is the Hidden World, but Night Furies can also be found in deep, dark caves
• Night Furies lack the ability to cloak, but their tough, scaly hide (similar in appearance to leather) makes them no walk in the park to take down
• Night Furies are hypercarnivores, have a main diet of deer, sheep, yak, and fish
• The species began to decline in numbers on the surface due to human encroachment, disease, and habitat loss
• By the time Grimmel started his genocidal hunt, the species numbered about 20 individuals, which finally pushed the species to (presumed) extinction
• Hybrid offspring (Night Lights) are infertile
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10blue10 · 5 months
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I’ve been getting into the headcanon that Night Furies can come in more colours than just black. Partly because Toothless’ design was based on a black panther, so I like the idea that he’s melanistic, and partly because… well, one of the arguments for not having him fall for another Night Fury is that ‘people wouldn’t be able to tell the difference’. Well, they could have, if the other NF wasn’t all black.
Which isn’t to say Toothless should be the only black “OMG so unique and special” NF, because that’s just as stupid. Even if the black coloration is due to melanism, in NFs it makes sense to be a dominant trait. But more colourful dragons is always fun. So here’s some blue colour shades, along with the sRGB codes in case you get inspired and want to plug these colours into your own designs.
If you dim the brightness of your device way down it’ll give an idea of how these colours look in low light. Personally my headcanon is that the various shades are a trade off between being camouflaged and attracting mates. Perhaps the darker coloured individuals are better at hiding/hunting at night, but a brighter colour is also attractive because they show the NF is strong and has survived in spite of it.
Credit for the bases goes to @arourallisreborn
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skyland2703 · 8 months
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So we’re stranded, but we’re safe?
Amelia Jones & Javi Garcia | Power Rangers Cosmic Fury
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tmntforeverinmyheart · 7 months
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If you don’t like lgbtq dragons, please go away :)
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shallyne · 1 year
2022 ACOTAR favorites
The end of 2022 is nearing and I thought it's time to put the negative things to the side and talk about my favorite things around ACOTAR and the fandom this year! 💕
Favorite account(s): @cursebreakerswolf @colorlesschristmastree @brieslibrary @reverie-tales
Favorite headcanon: Nyx glows like Feyre when happy
Favorite character(s): Feyre and Bryaxis
Favorite fanfiction: Darling, Let's Run by @the-lonelybarricade and Howling Moon by @writtenonreceipts (first fic I ready probably got me obsessed with Bryaxis and Witch Feyre) and Of the Archer and the Dark by @thesistersarcheron
Favorite fanart: This is so hard because there are SO MANY good artists and fanarts out there, my head is spinning just thinking about it. But if I had to choose its gonna be this fanart by @/heyovivi that was commissioned by @highqueenmorrigan
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Feyre in an overall just does things to me and all the little Crescent City details are so CUTE
Favorite book: my fav from the series is a court of mist and fury and a court of frost and starlight! It's so hard to choose
Favorite ship: Feysand! Who would have thought?
Favorite artist: That's also a hard one because there are so many good ones out there, artist I didn't even have to blessing to find yet but I guess it's gonna be jessdraw.s
Favorite appreciation week/month: That's honestly an easy one: @feysand-month! Honorable mention to @unofficialfeysandmonth2022 for putting all the Feysand Month posts together bc the official account seems to be inactive on here. A close second is @feyreweek tho because I love to celebrate my babies!
I am tagging some people to spread their own positivity on here: @reverie-tales @terrasenshighlady @ultadverb @thesistersarcheron + everyone I tagged through the course of this post and everyone else who wants to do this ❤️
If you don't want to answer some of these, that's okay! Delete them, add some of your own if you want 🥰
I wish y'all a nice day, happy rest holidays and a wonderful new year!
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