#nessies sketchies
crj-200 · 1 year
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excuse the shadows but i needed to share this WIP doodle 😭
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pathesis · 2 months
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An extremely quick sketchy attempt to draw out a RP moment between Nessie & Johnny the night before the party will encounter the devil chasing him.
I love them & I live in fear of my new bf being taken away literally next sess LMAO
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panlight · 2 years
Random thought that led to a question (soz if this has been answered already): What if after all that time, when Bella has become a vampire, Edward realizes that she isn't "his" Bella ~ the fragile little human he fell in love with, from her chocolate brown eyes that he could lose his thoughts in them to her sweet flowery blood scent he used to hate/love? After all, vampires remain permanently to that changed emotional state they would experience aka falling for her after a century of existing, that this change was contradicting with the reality of vampire Bella? Does that make sense? I mean she is a new version of Bella, both externally on how she looks to internally on how she feels about herself and how she acts which is quite opposite to the vulnerable, softly sensitive human she used to be which is new for her to explore as well. What if Bella herself realizes after a couple of years or decades that that's not a life she wants (as we see she keeps living the life she lived except the bloodlust and vampire traits) and she wants to explore that new life ahead of her (as Nessie is all grown up now and has her own life as an adult etc)? I think "their little but perfect forever" won't continue as it's left at the ending of breaking dawn with the fairytale and all but on a more "realistic" terms where perfect Edward becomes a tad tedious idk (?) and there are other things in life that Bella wants to live out of that wife-mother-daughter box no matter how mature for her age, Stephenie wants to portray her, she stills is an 18yo who has barely lived her life.
I think in the hands of another author, all of this is plausible, even likely. It could easily see a scenario where Bella ends up feeling trapped in this warped domestic ‘bliss’ and want to go out and do other things and Edward is just like “but our life is perfect?” and it being a source of tension. 
As written, though, this the Truest of True Loves and so SM won’t go that route. It’s happiness, it’s bliss, it’s perfect forever (until the Volturi come back and then they will be defeated somehow then BACK to bliss). Which is . . . frankly kind of boring and why romance stories and fairy tales usually end with the wedding. The reality of every day life (even for vampires) just kind of gets tedious. Especially if you were frozen forever at 18/19 and never really got to live an adult life and are suddenly a married mom for all eternity. 
And yeah, to me, the Bella of BD felt very different from the Bella of the previous books. It would be one thing if she grew into it, but it felt like a switch was flipped once she was a vampire and it’s all sexy clothes and throwing money around and using her sex appeal to get fake papers out of a sketchy lawyer. She didn’t really feel like Bella anymore and I wouldn’t blame Edward if he felt that way, too (but again . . .SM wouldn’t write that). I get that once you become a vampire your human life fades but I had assumed that happened over the courses of years, decades, centuries. That the break from humanity was gradual rather than instant. But Bella seemed to just become a new person instantly. 
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Drawing the Cryptids Digitally
When digitalising the cryptid sketches I tried using the color palettes of levels from the mobile app "I love Hue too". The app was brought to my attention during a "Thinking through color" workshop I attended in 2nd year. Since then I have been playing the Hue puzzle games on and off, unlocking a great number of levels full of wonderful color combinations.
More on the experimentation I did with color in a later post.
The Nessi piece came along nicely and sort of set the guide lines for the rest of the pieces, regarding what digital brushes I use (60s background, Flat Watercolour, Cross-hatching and Add Paper Texture; in Adobe Photoshop) for all other cryptid pieces as well. By working on Nessi, I worked out how I would combine colors in the background/surrounding area of the creatures, too. Overall, Nessi was my favorite piece for a long time and even after I changed the illustration style of the cryptids specifically, I still thought she is one of the strongest pieces of the 8.
The next cryptid I was trying to finish the Wendigo, thinking it would go as smoothly as with Nessi. Oh, how I was mistaking! The Wendigo gave me one of the biggest headaches because none of the colors seemed to work. First I tried a color palette of purple and yellow but it seemed too soft and comforting to the type of creature the Wendigo is. It wasn't until after a consultation with tutor Leigh, that I managed to get a grip and finish the piece.
About the meeting with Leigh:
I had not spoken to Leigh before, but he is a tutor well versed in all matters concerning print making. Because of his expertise in this field, my own love for print and the fact that I had not printed digitally before, I thought talking to Leigh would be a good fit. It was a surprise when Leigh ended up liking the most basic digital sketches I did of bigfoot at the beginning of the project better than the more developed sketches or even my Nessi outcome. He liked the sketchy-ness of it, saying that it tells a story while leaving room for interpretation. The Nessi piece he said looks too finished, he said he could tell I was stressing out and that the piece looks too polished, which makes it look flat and less interesting. Since I loved the Nessi piece so much already, Leigh's critique hit me like a low blow. He said I wouldn't have to take his critique serious if I don't want to but I told him that that isn't the point of constructive criticism though. I want to take it to heart, ponder on it and then act. Despite my initial irritation, I did just that and on the same day I redrew the Mothman sketch digitally in a more sketchy style, like Leigh gave me feedback for.
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Similar to the cross hatching I had done for previous work, I used lines to add texture to the piece. I ended up really liking this as well, added it to the Wendigo and changed Nessi around to match as well.
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wvsteria · 1 year
@tragcdysewn: [SKULK] - sender is loitering around the receiver’s home or place of work, looking incredibly sketchy (kiara and nessie)
kie took a look out her peep hole to see the other around her apartment floor. "what the..." kie opened the door and peaked her head out. "are you good?"
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fun little action prompts!!
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dead-fox-art · 1 year
Sketchy lil nessie plush
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nessadoodlin · 4 years
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Sooooo yeah, y’all knew I would be makin a Pokemon AU for Promare LMAO
This was supposed to be just a sketch that I was gonna post alongside Galo and his Pokemon, but I got carried away and attempted an actual background for once, surprise! You just get Lio and his Hydreigon for now.
Hydreigon’s moves:
Dark Pulse
Dragon Rush
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sosia-csulb · 6 years
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This lovely inktober sketch is from @nessies_sketchies! Show her some support by giving her a follow ;D
SOSIA wants to promote your art! If you are a CSULB art student and or a SOSIA member DM us an inktober submission you are comfortable with sharing as well as the name/account you want to be credited as and we will share your art! Good luck and Happy inktober!
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devil-latte · 3 years
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Hyper-vigilant (and unofficial) Masquerade-enforcer Elric hates it when vampires wear ironic merch.
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messedupessy · 6 years
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Instead of making anything new for talk like a pirate day which was yesterday which I completely missed, why not finally scan in these two ladies who I made a couple of days ago or like over a week or something, as after finally reading @ut-stuff‘s story “For some reason, you were expecting skeletons” and @nighttimepixels  “Skeleton Sisters and the Architect”, go read them because I am gay for all of them ladies, also inspired to draw these two thanks to jtks who I don’t want to disturb with a tag but still want to mention because their genderbent girls are cute af, because after I read them and saw jtks art I got such a sudden need to try out drawing my Seaswap boys as girls and here we are :D
So let me present to you Bonnie aka Bon or even Bon Bon and Nessie!
Ok a little about Bon, she is not as uh feminine as Boney is she is not much for skirts and jewellery, she still wears a nose ring though with a chain which goes up to a chain which is around her head underneath her bandana, because I like those, she also got a couple of rings but not as many or fancy and ofc the medallion, she also does not mind getting her outfit ruined or dirty unlike Boney who will complain about getting his skirts ruined, she is a bit more aggressive than Boney and prefers to fights with her fists than fancy swords, also prefers smoking cigars rather than a fancy pipe, also she is gay af lesbian to the max
Nessie, named after the Loch Ness monster ofc, is not that different to Pass, she still got a big ass love for explosions though her explosion inducing ways are a tiny bit more controlled, just a bit, she is a little bit less messy as well but still messy, instead of a scarf around her neck she got a braided leather bands which a leather pouch are tied to instead, she is ofc still shirtless because she is a skeleton she got nothing to cover 
I really like how they turned out, especially Bon I am really fucking gay for her like srs she is flipping gorgeous and she can bench press me anytime, Nessie turned out hella cute, and I think I will prolly end up colouring both of them sometime when I feel like it because I really want to show them off properly especially Bon as she got like this long ass broderie vest jacket thing because she be cool af <:     
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wickedlyqueer · 4 years
Holy Poly
Ever since @gliyerabaa became obsessed with the Glinda/Fiyero/Elphaba ship it suddenly reminded me I wrote a poly fic years ago where essentially the Charmed Circle lived together and most of them were dating each other.
I never finished or published it, because I’m first and foremost a gelphie ho. to a point it felt wrong to be calling it a poly fic, bc I just wanted to focus on the gelphie dynamic.
Anyway, because I promised Rae (and I’m sure they’d love to see some gliyeraba content they didn’t write themself) this was the intro chapter of the modern AU, fresh out of college, poly chapter I wrote like 3 years ago.
Save the trees!
Perhaps every accidental cluster of people had a short period of grace. Although gracious was probably not the best word to describe the weirdly formed, yet close-knit circle. Exuberant. Loud. Queer. Those were better words. A loving found family that could not been torn apart even if fate wanted it to.
Neither was their time together short-lived. At least, not if it was up to Glinda. After most of them had graduated last summer, the crushing college debt and the terrifying world that was job hunting in a broken economic system made the decision on cohabitation all the easier.
On the outskirts of Shiz they had found their home: a small house with just enough room for the six of them to not suffocate. It was nothing fancy, but none of them would want it any other way. 
“Elphie’s not here?”
Glinda had entered the living room where the boys were spread lazily across their two mismatched couches bought at a garage sale.
“Nope, left quite a while ago,” Boq replied.
“Aren’t they at their usual train station spot harassing people?” 
“Language, Crope,” from the kitchen came Fiyero’s rich voice. “Spreading awareness about global warming isn’t the same as harassing.”
“Fine. It’s annoying people then.”
“Not everyone finds that awareness crap annoying,” Tibbett said, throwing a casual glance at Glinda. “I believe someone went weak at the knees for that.”
She felt a blush creeping up; not for the comment he made, but for the comment that was about to come. It had turned into an inside joke in their circle, and she had learned from experience that the less she objected the more humiliation she was spared.
“Is it?” Crope wiggled his eyebrows. “The way I heard, she complimented Elphie on their dedication to the cause for painting their entire visage green.”
The trio threw a fist in the air and shouted in unison, “Save the trees!” without their attention leaving the screen. 
“I hate every single one of you.” 
“You can’t deny that’s how it went, Glin,” Fiyero commented. “Have you tried texting by the way?”
“I think their phone died,” she checked one more time for any messages, but still no response from Elphaba. “Remind me to ambush them again for getting a decent phone.”
“At least they lost that brick phone.”
Crope snorted. “Yeah, right. Lost.”
Tibbett gave him a wicked smile. “No fun in being a tattletale, babe.”
Whatever they were grinning about it was Crope and Tibbett, and Glinda prefered to stay ignorant on the subject. She headed towards the kitchen where Fiyero was cooking dinner. A towel hanging over his shoulder and his beautiful long black hair stuffed in a loose bun so no strains could spoil the food.
“Smells good, Yero.” She wrapped her arms around his belly, and stretched out completely on her tiptoes and almost managed to put her chin on his shoulder. “If only I could see if it looks as equally good.”
Fiyero laughed heartily and sank through his knees so Glinda could see better. “How about now?”
She smiled. “So far this meal is Glinda-approved.”
“That’s all I need.”
A cheer came from Boq from the living room having beaten the other two at the game. 
“I think I’m going to check the train station,” Glinda said as she let go off Fiyero; the pose was growing uncomfortable for the both of them. Their height difference was ridiculous. How she had ended up with two partners so much taller than her was beyond her.
“Oh, you know what you should do? Call Nessa. Maybe she can contact Elphie through their sibling telepathy.”
“I think that only works when they have something to bicker about,” Glinda said, but dialed the number anyway. “Goes straight to voicemail.”
“Why do those two even have phones?” Fiyero muttered. 
“Okay, so train station and then I’ll drop by Nessa’s dorm to check on her too. Any other places Elphie might be?”
Four voices spoke as one. “The library.”
“Should’ve figured that one out myself.”
“Glin, you do know Elphie’s like a cat, right? They always find their way back home eventually.”
“I know, but I feel like going outside for a bit. I’ll see you tonight.”
“Sure thing. Oh, and Glinda?”
She turned around. “Hm?”
He took her hand and planted a chaste kiss on her fingertips. “Can I just say you look absolutely wonderful today?”
She beamed. “You’re too charming for your own good Fiyero.” 
“It’s why he has so many partners,” Crope called from the couch, apparently eavesdropping on the conversation. There was zero privacy in this house. “Too handsome too. Who could say no to that gorgeous face?”
“Not us,” added Tibbett. “And don’t forget that he’s a flirt without realizing it. It just comes natural to him and it’s adorable.”
Fiyero had the advantage that his dark skin hid most of his blush, but knowing him since high school, Glinda knew what a flustered Fiyero looked like. 
“I just got a lot of love to share, I guess,” he smiled shyly. “Let me know when you find Elphaba, okay? Dinner will be ready around seven.” 
Elphaba wasn’t at the library and neither were they at the train station. All Glinda found there were old memories. She could see the young, nervous girl fresh from the Pertha Hills standing on the platform. Fiyero’s steady hand on her shoulder to ease her worries. Had four years really passed so quickly?
She traced her footsteps from the past. Her gaze wandering over the square in front of the train station like it did then. The only thing that was missing, was a green person storming towards her. From that moment on she was captivated by Elphaba, although the first few months she had let her socialite behavior overrule.
“You could’ve disclosed in our online correspondence that you’re green!” 
She had whined once she had found out the Green-Tree-From-Shiz-Station was her roommate. Elphaba had pointed at the five enormous trunks brought into their room by an upperclassman.
“Only if you had disclosed you would bring your entire house with you.”
Glinda had thought the roommate matching system had completely failed her. No way had she the highest match with a snarky, social-reclusive green person! It had taken her some time to realize they were ridiculously similar, just coming from different angles.
Her path down memory lane continued when she entered Shiz campus. It only had been two months ago since she graduated, but it already felt foreign being here. As if she no longer fitted. A group of giggling first year students passed her. Glinda recognized her own innocence in them back at that age. Feeling as if you’re on top of the world only because you have yet to learn what that world entailed.
Unconsciously she had walked to Crage Hall. She admired the building when a busted up blue van pulled over. It was Elphaba’s. They all jokingly referred to it as the Abduction Truck, because that’s how sketchy it looked. 
Elphaba got out and moved over to the back of the truck. The only reason Elphaba had bought that van was to drive Nessa around. Normally they were a very dedicated public transport advocate, and although Elphaba would deny it, Glinda knew they’d bend their own morals to please Nessa.
Glinda walked towards the car and Elphaba looked surprised. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Looking for you actually.”
Elphaba opened the backdoors to reveal a Nessa waiting impatiently to be led out. “You do take your time don’t you, Elphaba? The air conditioner was already turned off and in this heated garbage tin can of yours I could’ve already suffocated. Hello Glinda.”
“Hey Nessa.”
Elphaba lifted the ramp from the truck. “And yet you still live. The Unnamed God must have favorites after all.”
Nessa rolled her eyes. “Just open a window next time, please?”
“Yes, your majesty.” Elphaba vastened the ramp and Nessa rode her wheelchair to the pavement.
Elphaba shoved the ramp back inside and closed the door. Glinda walked towards them and was met with a strong smell. She sniffed Elphaba’s shirt and got worried. “Why do you smell like chlorine? Were you near water?”
Elphaba gestured to Nessa. “Had to drive this kid to Red Sand.”
“Your half year check-up! I completely forgot.” One of the reasons why Elphaba had bought the van was so Nessa could study at Shiz. Every six months they had to drive all the way to Red Sand where Nessa had to do exercises in a swimming pool. That’s what Glinda understood of it at least. “How was it?”
“Still pretty paralyzed,” Nessa supplied dryly.
“Doctor Kazhki said your legs were looking healthy.”
“As healthy as they can be paralyzed, yes.”
Glinda tugged at Elphaba’s hand before the argument could escalate. “Hey, you vanished without a single message.”
Elphaba frowned. “No I didn’t, I sent you a text and—ah,” they had gotten their phone out. “Must’ve died before it was sent.”
“No way!” Glinda feigned surprise. “Tomorrow we’re gonna get you a new phone and I won’t hear any of your usual excuses.”
“Can you do your flirting somewhere that isn’t in front of me?” Nessarose disrupted them. “I’m going inside.”
She wheeled away.
“Thanks for the ride, Fabala. Oh no problem, Nessie.” 
Nessa turned around and stuck out her tongue. “If you can converse with yourself, what do you need me for?” 
“Ungrateful brat.”
It was their way of saying goodbye. Being an only child Glinda still had no idea how sibling relationships worked. Especially those of the Thropps.
“Go kiss your girlfriend.” Nessarose waved without looking behind and went into the building. 
Elphaba turned around and smirked. They wrapped their arms around Glinda’s waist. “Well you heard her.”
Glinda raised her eyebrows teasingly. “Since when do you take orders from your sister, hm?”
“Wow. You ruined the moment.” But they smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t notify you.”
“All is forgiven. You’re here now.”
It was a beautiful afternoon and without another word between them they had agreed to walk around campus. Glinda curled into Elphaba’s arm. She had done it so many times before it was like second nature. She had loved strolling around campus with Elphaba, back when they were still at Shiz. Near the Suicide Canal they settled down in the grass and soaked up the nice autumn sun while it was still warm.
Glinda leaned into Elphaba and smiled. “This brings back memories.” 
“Curled up in my arms after one of our many picnics at the Suicide Canal? Whatever gave you that idea?” Elphaba teased.
Glinda nudged them playfully. “Sentimentality, I suppose. My entire walk I’ve been seeing myself through a looking glass.”
“Yeah, like at the train station I remembered–” Glinda stopped dead in her tracks. How could she have let that one slip!
Elphaba let out a roaring laugh. “Are you referring to our ‘meet-cute’?”
Her entire face had turned bright red. “It wasn’t cute, I’m still embarrassed by it.” 
“Aw, don’t be. It was actually refreshing from all the usual green freak insults.”
“How? I thought you were going for a metaphor to reflect a greener planet! I didn’t even consider a green person existing. How is that less offensive?”
“True, but then you became so flustered when I looked at you funny. I’ll never forget how you threw a fist in the air and yelled ‘save the trees!’ to show your support.”
Glinda buried her face into her hands. “Oh god.”
Elphaba laughed. “It was cute” and put their face closer. “You’re cute.”
“You’re making it worse,” Glinda’s words sounded muffled through her hands.
They planted a comforting kiss in her hair. “We still ended up like this, so it couldn’t have been all that bad, right?”
“I suppose,” her embarrassment fading, Glinda let herself fall back on Elphaba’s shoulder. “I thought I’d never see you again after that. Big surprise waited ahead of me. God, I thought you were a senior or something. No other freshman I know functioned that entire first week, and there you were, already trying to make the world a better place.” 
She felt Elphaba smile. “I was such a determined little fuck back then. I didn’t even sign up. I got off the train and saw the group of volunteers and basically pestered them until they gave me a jacket and some flyers to hand out.”
“And they haven’t gotten rid of you since.”
“Nope. I’m the best thing that happened to them.”
Glinda paused, weighing her words before saying, “And to me.”
“Damn, you are sentimental today,” Elphaba noted. 
Glinda took Elphaba’s chin and slowly lowered it until their eyes were leveled. Just before their lips touched she whispered, “You’re ruining the moment.”
“Now we’re even,” Elphaba murmured, smiling into the kiss.
A/N: to be clear of all the dynamics (bc they are very entangled and a bit of a mess): - Glinda is asexual and through high school became very dependable on Fiyero (as he was the first person she ever came out too). Dependable to a point they couldn’t imagine their lives separately. So it falls more in a QPR relationship, where their platonic bond is unbreakable. - Elphaba is non-binary, bi and aromantic. Their relationship with Glinda is definitely the most couple-y, and can be classified as a “typical” romantic relationship. They also connected with Fiyero instantly and fell for his charms. - Fiyero is very poly because this boy’s got a lot of love to share! He’s also aro (which might seem contradictory, but it’s something I’ve seen a lot of overlap with, funnily enough!) and so his relationship are very platonic/sexual based. he has that sort of relationship with Elphaba, Crope&Tibbett and one or two other people outside the charmed circle. - Tibbet’s genderfluid and good with any pronouns and will raid Glinda’s closet on any occasion. In an open relationship with Crope and they obviously communicate incredibly well with this. - Crope’s just very gay.  - Boq is a trans guy and aro/ace. He’s the only not in a typical “relationship” and definitely isn’t looking for that either, but he can’t live without his chosen family. Together with Fiyero, they’re basically the “dads” of the group and keeps everyone in check. 
If anyone wants to run with these dynamics; you have my blessing! I won’t be continuing this story but if it inspired you feel free to build on it!
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Edward’s 118th Birthday Party June 20, 2019
Edward, the mind reader of the family, couldn’t understand what was going on. His family was being very secretive lately. He tried to tune them out to give them privacy but since everyone was acting sketchy around him he had his suspicions.
Alice Cullen had planned a huge surprise birthday party for her big brother, with the help of Bella and the rest of the Cullen’s. Edward was turning 118, which was a hundred years more than Bella was when her 18th birthday party ended in disaster. Alice felt terribly guilty for all the pain she caused her brother and sister so she decided what better way to make it up then throwing another party!
Bella loved the idea and since it wasn’t her party, agreed to help scheme. Alice would be in charge of everything except presents and getting Edward out of the house. That would be Bella and Renesmee’s job.
Renesmee was now eleven and needed new clothes. It was the perfect excuse. For most of the day, Bella, Nessie and Edward went from clothing store to clothing store finding clothes, shoes and accessories in Seattle. After hours of much groaning, mostly from Nessie when her father prohibited her wearing certain items, the three of them went back home after a very successful outing.
When they arrived at the house, Edward heard the minds of all the guests waiting for him. Bella quickly opened the door and dragged her husband and daughter inside. The Cullen’s, Charlie and the Clearwater’s, Jacob, and the Denali’s all shouted “Surprise!” and “Happy Birthday Edward!” to the birthday boy. Edward was ecstatic. This was his very first surprise birthday party.
“I’ve been feeling bad since the, uh, birthday incident. So I enlisted everyone to throw this party!” Alice smiled.
Edward wrapped her in a hug. “Thank you little sister.” He took a step back. “And thank you everyone for coming and throwing this party for me! I can’t believe you all hid this from me!” Edward laughed.
“It wasn’t easy.” Alice rolled her eyes. “Emmett almost slipped up a few times.”
“Yeah, uh, that’s my bad.” Emmett looked down and everyone laughed.  
“Can we have some cake now?” Seth whined.
Edward and Bella walked around talking to their extended families. The pack devoured the cake before anyone could sing ‘Happy Birthday’ so they moved on to the gifts portion of the evening.
Charlie gave Edward a nice little card. He had no idea what else to get his son-in-law. Jacob, Sue, and Leah signed their names on the card as well, not knowing what to get him either. Seth bought Edward a #1 Dad hat to wear with the #1 Dad t-shirt he bought him for Christmas. The Cullen’s bought him a Koenigsegg Agera RS, keeping the tradition of fast cars as presents alive. Renesmee played the song she wrote for her father on the piano after giving him a leather band she made for his watch. Jacob had taught her how to make them. Bella wrote her favorite memories of time spent together with her husband and daughter. She did the best she could with her human memories even though they were foggy.
After everyone went home, the smaller Cullen family retired to their little cottage in the woods.  
“Thank you, love. Today was perfect.” Edward kissed his wife’s forehead as they cuddled on their couch.
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wings-arts · 5 years
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Sorry for the one turned picture. I'm doing this from mobile.
Well, I'm back from my trip!
Some of you may have heard on my personal, but one day included a guided tour around Inverness, and on that tour were two little Danish girls and their mom. The girls were not English speaking, but their mom assured us that they understood most of what was said around them (although they had trouble with our Scottish tour guide and his heavy accent), so we should try to talk to them to help them get more comfortable with English. That's relevant, but not the important part.
Near the beginning of the tour, they had some little notebooks out, and were drawing some of the things they saw or we talked about (like Nessie). You have to understand: my art mentor has engrained in me this desire to do art for kids. I left my sketchbook and pencils back at the hotel. But I didn't want to ask to borrow theirs.
Eventually Mom got tired of watching me want to ask and asked them herself. At first the girls weren't too sure, but the younger gave me her notebook and pen. I drew the Nessie picture above, and for the rest of the tour they kept asking for drawings. Especially the younger one. It was great.
I probably did eight or nine drawings total, but I took some pictures of the first few. So we've got Nessie, then a Cocker Spaniel we met (for the younger), and then the older wanted a puppy of any sort. So I copied from a picture of a Pomeranian because floof. She named him Theo.
Other subjects included Highland Cattle (one each, since we saw them on the tour), a dragon, and unicorn, a bird, and a cat. I feel like there was one more but I'm spacing.
But anyways I made two little girls very happy and that makes me proud. My tour guide also showered praise onto me for the whole thing.
For the drawings...it was tough going straight to pen and not being able to erase, but (as you can probably see) I worked very light a n.v d sketchy and them built up. It was a fun challenge.
So I'm back now, and I'm going to finish my shawl today (it works be done by now but I made a mistake in the last scale row and had to frog a bunch), and then some other art projects. So expect posts!
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illbeintheattic · 5 years
unpopular twilight opinion : 
Imprinting.  I’ve seen a lot about this going around lately.
To think that the wolf gets to decide what kind of relationship they have with their imprint is absurd. It clearly states with imprinting that the wolf loses all control and becomes whatever the imprint needs whether it be a lover, brother, mentor, friend, etc.. Also, the wolf can’t even get mad at their imprint. You smash something that means a lot to them? Who cares. You rip up the only picture they have of their deceased parents and then burn it? Oh, well. 
Imprinting is kind of like soul mates but also not. And even if it is soul mates, not all soul mates have to be romantic. Imprinting is like an unbreakable bond that connects two people so closely and intimately. You could say it’s almost as weird as a twins bond and those can be incredibly strong.
Most examples we’re given with imprinting all do end in relationships, but we need to remember that they’re all around the same age, an age which is pretty common for them to end up together. An age where exploring romantic relationships is common.
Then we have the two examples that don’t align with that. ClairexQuil and RenesmeexJacob. 
Renesmee and Jacob -  These are the two that will likely end up together. Not because imprinting will lead to this, because ultimately that’s up to Nessie what she decides she wants. But because that’s what she’s grown up with. That’s what people expect from her. You can almost say that Renesmee is being groomed to be with Jacob. 
She already has a weird start at life where she ages incredibly fast, and she’s in a family of vampires, so nothing for her will seem out of the ordinary. And because of her fast aging, she’s not going to have the same experiences that Claire will, nor will she have that “brotherly” or “friend” relationship for as long.  So chances are, she may not see anything wrong with it and because everyone is already expecting this of her, she may very well end up with Jacob. 
Claire and Quil -  These two are an odd one. Because if we’re going off of examples given, and what sm intends for RxJ, then you could say these two will end up together. 
Otherwise, and this is what I like about the fandom, we completely ignore canon and go with whatever we headcanon. 
Claire ages like a normal human. She’s going to have normal human experiences. Not to mention she’s growing up in this era, and if we’re all saying hooking up with a kid is bad, she’ll probably be the one seeing this and going “yeh fam. u rite”.
Even if Quil doesn’t “age” until Claire catches up to him, for most of her life already she’s known him as a big brother. And that’s a role that’s hard to break out of.
Claire and Quil are going to be the two that prove that the wolf will be whatever the imprint needs. They’ll prove that it doesn’t always end in a relationship. Because Claire likely, will not want that. Claire will likely want to explore her options, and Quil will be okay with that. 
And unless the tribe, push her towards it, or show that they expect it to end in a relationship, then it likely won’t. If they tell her she has the choice, and raise her to keep him as a friend and let her decide, then there is a hella lot less chance these two will end up together. 
Btw, my fav headcanon I saw of Claire is that she stays friends with Quil but ends up a lesbian, and when/if her and her partner are looking to have children, they ask Quil to be the donor. (This one was something about apeasing the fact that something about imprints happen to keep the wolf line going??) 
Now I’m not gonna get into the whole how lonely it is for the wolf, or how little power the wolf has in the imprint relationship, etc.. This one’s more of a “I honestly would like to believe Claire and Quil aren’t going to end up in a relationship because it literally doesn’t have to happen nor does it say it does”. 
But yeah. The way it’s all written is super sketchy and kinda shitty and sm could have definitely gone about it differently. But at the end of the day, the only reason these two imprints will end up together is because others openly push it on them and expect it from them. Which says less about these 4 characters and more about the others.  I’m also glad we get to talk about it. This also isn’t an agreeance with imprinting or anything but more a viewpoint. 
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panlight · 7 years
So I have a question with all the imprinting stuff because it still kind of confuses me? So If like the imprint dies you said the wolf would likely kill themselves, but do you think the wolf pack would let whoever it is do that? I feel like they'd wouldn't allow them to just die.
SM seems to take the “I can’t live without you” stuff really, really literally. She said that her inspiration for imprinting came from ducklings and dragons:
Imprinting was inspired by two different sources: ducklings and dragons. Imprinting actually exists in nature, but usually between parents and their offspring. I saw a nature documentary about ducklings imprinting on their moms and it always stuck with me. The other inspiration is Anne McCaffrey’s dragon books (which, if you haven’t read them, do so now! Start with Dragonflight). In her mythology, humans and dragons bond so tightly that if one of them dies, the other either suicides or goes mad. They love each other with an absolute and unreasoning love that never falters or changes. I was always captivated by this concept, and I wanted to explore that kind of life-changing and compulsory relationship.
Because that’s her inspiration, I think she really means that the wolf would try to kill himself if his imprint died.  I think it says in the guide that after accidentally hurting Emily, Sam wanted to kill himself. So it’s intense. And again, I think it’s a little irresponsible to be romanticizing suicide this way, and to be saying that true love/romance has to have this desperate, I can’t go on without you element. It doesn’t. Some of the most beautiful love stories are when the surviving partner carries on the work and memory of the one who was lost. It’s not a sign that love is weak if a person can carry on, but that the heart is strong to survive such a loss. Whether the rest of the pack would try to stop them or not. . . I don’t know. I think in SM’s mind the imprinting bond is so sacred and so intense--and because through the pack mind, they’d all be experiencing the grieving wolf’s pain--they might have ‘no choice’ but to step aside and let the wolf end it. Just like they go along with Quil/Claire and Jacob/Nessie despite how sketchy it looks from the outside because they know the innocence and purity of the imprint bond or whatever. That’s what I’d imagine SM would go for, anyway.I’m with you, though, that I’d hope the pack would step up and try to somehow shake their grieving comrade out of it. Just like I don’t like the idea that a mated vampire has “no choice” but to seek revenge or suicide (or end up like Marcus) if their mate dies, I don’t like the idea that an imprinted wolf has “no choice” here, either. I like to think that personality and circumstance could change things. If, for example, the wolf and their imprint already had children and the imprint dies, what the imprint would want/need most would be for their partner to stay alive and care for their children. In that case, staying alive would be what the imprint wanted/needed of them, and would also address the biological theories of imprinting in that killing themselves and leaving their children orphans works against insuring a new generation of wolves. 
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mintgator · 5 years
Supernatural S1E3 Review
EPISODE 3 – Dead in the Water– RATING: 5/10
Oh, I think I remember this episode. Pretty sure the pacing is also gonna be bad in this one. Ugh.
“Guys don’t like buff girls” WHO GIVES A SHIT
What kind of awful camera did they film that with?
Dean flirting again. *rolls eyes*
I do still really appreciate the rock music in the bg.
Whoa wtf is that actress from? (Amy Acker. She’s been in a lot of things apparently! But I think I remember her most from Angel, I think.)
Dean flirting again. Low of him to use a child as a pick up line. Nm that backfired. Nice!
Oh and now the kid’s tragic backstory and Dean being empathetic? That’s good.
OH there’s some continuity with Dean liking army men toys as a child. Isn’t there one stuck in the Impala somewhere?
Why is this kid just drawing on a park bench? They don’t have tables? It’s not better to just let him do that at home? She had to haul all that stuff there so he could draw?
Damn, kid drew that house FAST.
Nasty rage-water.
The chain/plug is at one point on the table next to the sink, then it’s back in the sink. Oops. Also, you know it’s not clogged or plugged in. Water started coming UP through the drain dude. WHY WOULD YOU STICK YOUR ARM IN THERE?!
That bucket just spinning on the floor randomly? Also this dude just drowned in a sink lol.
(mentions) Nessie, water wraith, demon
I haaaate Sam’s sideburns so much.
I would not have been able to pick that house out with that drawing. The colors were not even the same.
Wow that’s some ugly wallpaper.
Talking to this kid is like talking to a wall, but Dean’s just rolling with it.
“It’s worse than dying.” Is this line a theme within this episode? It’s kind of a weird one. Like…how would they know?
Damn son. That boat flew out of the water.
This cop is sketchy af.
God the pacing of this episode is slow too.
Why is this kid wearing such baggy clothes? I mean there’s fashionably baggy and clothes that just don’t fit.
Seriously, they held him under the water TOO LONG and he drowned? That’s really effed up.
Ok, so if they’re gonna open up the dam soon, WHY is everyone still even in this town?
I don’t know how the duo expects this to work. You can’t find shit in dark water.
At least they got the kid, I guess. Still a sloooooow episode.
God that car has to be terrible on gas.
Monster Index: Another Ghost/Vengeful Spirit:  Seems this is sticking to the old salt and burn rule for a ghost, but wouldn’t destroying the bike have worked? I mean it’d be difficult af, but it’s possible. Instead they just placate it with the one dude sacrificing himself. Ooookay then.
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