ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“Si narra che il fiume correndo verso il mare racconti a se stesso delle fiabe per farsi compagnia e per avere meno paura di quell'attimo in cui diventerà immenso.”
— Chandra Livia Candiani - da 'Sogni del fiume'
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alberodelpensiero · 1 year
POV - Il punto di vista
Il punto di vista è fondamentale perché dalla sua tipologia, dalla sua scelta, dipende la resa, lo sviluppo e il contenuto della vostra storia. Per questo motivo è necessario avere le idee molto chiare circa il POV (Point Of View) nella narrazione. Esistono, da un punto di vista generale, tre tipologie di punto di vista: la prima persona, la terza persona e il narratore onnisciente. Nel video…
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copihueart · 1 year
A Pablo Neruda
adesso che il fiume sembra una fiaba piccola isola Araucana all’estinguersi dei falò nel ventre di conchiglie bianche di Temuco il cuore di Pablo improvvisa una danza cerca nei volti tutte le parti del suo corpo ci chiama dalla distanza saliva dei boschi e del mare che ci parla piano in questi giorni corti in cui il Chile si abbandona nella morbidezza bisogno di un sorso del tempo nelle sue mani andate e sottili fuori dalla linea rigida del sole al suono della campana d’Isla Negra da verde a verde senza alcun grido quasi distendendosi adesso che la camelia ha attecchito dove la voce del poeta cresce e si diffonde mi metto in tasca le perle della sua poesia quasi che l’anima s’involasse e cerco la sua fotografia tra le tante perché sto ascoltando la sua musica così che non possa dimenticare.
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lockoutkey · 7 months
roier is the federations “special little guy 🥺” while phil is the federations “special little guy 😈”
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luescris · 1 year
If you have not seen the Lego Monkie kid documentary, I highly suggest watching it. Like Right. Now.
Rant (/POS VERY BIG /POS) about it under the cut
you guys you guys you guys you guys
The amount. Of FUCKING effort. Lego put into this show. Is so much more than I've ever fucking seen from anything else ever.
I can not believe how involved the team got to make sure they were 100% accurate to the legend. And it took this video to make it actually hit that Journey to the West is an actual freaking legend.
Sun Wukong is more than a fictional character for the Chinese. Everyone in China knows who he is straight up. There's a whole ass fucking statue of Tang Sanzang who was apparently a freaking REAL, ACTUAL PERSON.
This is not meant to sound ignorant, I always knew that the legend was more than just a story. This documentary.. it just opened my eyes so much wider with how important it truly is. And the fact that Lego went above and beyond to do all this, to make China happy, that is a true company right there.
They were concerned for the kids. They made sure the designs of the characters weren't looked as racist. That the designs of the mechs put every ounce of respect for the culture as possible. There were so many firsts that came with this show and holy shit it makes my heart melt.
I don't know if it's allowed, but one of these days I will make it a top priority to go down to the Tang Sanzang statue and pay my respects. This legend has done so much for me, and from here on out I will show Sun Wukong and JTTW more respect than before. This was such an amazing thing to watch I even cried.
Watching grown adults talking about the "power of friendship" and playing with toys and having fun at their jobs and going out to explore.... God that is the life and passion that should be for everything. It's not an immature, childish dream. It can be real.
Lego made it real.
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byrdtrolls · 26 days
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this is what happens when you visit your internet friends. its true
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I'm alive (jazz hands) and able to draw briefly before exams slaughter me, so here's a shitpost I spent way too long on :P
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oseike · 6 months
In celebration of the Dark Castle arc in the webtoon I'd like to comment dreamily that the fate Kim Dokja suffers is not just in the Dark Castle, it is his fate as a whole. He dies due to the story (and the person) he loves the most both literally, with his sword in his chest, and sacrificially, as he slowly fragments himself as the Oldest Dream and loses himself to both doom and save that one he loves. Oh and also at the end of that road, Yoo Joonghyuk cut apart those last fragments, staining his sword with a black smudge, so it's also a literal death again at the last, though one could argue it would have happened even without that.
As Mass Producer says, true fate is not so shallow a thing that a temporary death like what he suffers in the Dark Castle could be enough to resolve it
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jcs is so special because jesus (and judas) is so aware of The Narrative (see God (see The Author)) in a way that few other characters are ever allowed to be and it's so good actually
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starsphaeart · 8 months
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I haven’t finished drawing the whole page yet, but I decided that just this part was worth sharing for now
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tea-with--honey · 11 months
Schmigadoon enthusiasts, please reblog this post with whether you preferred s1 or s2 and why 🙏 I've seen really mixed reactions and would love to know why the opinions seem to differ so greatly
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C'è un carro che gira / Storie all'improvvisa
<<Venite venite gente il posto ancor ci sta, il carro che gira è arrivato in città, vi racconteremo storie di esseri strani come il signore in spiaggia con l'ombrellone volante, il drago del castello che non bisogna svegliare e i personaggi del piccolo mondo cantando le loro vicende>>
<<Come faceva Gianni Rodari noi racconteremo le storie ma le cambieremo un po'
Cappuccetto rosso International:
Cappuccetto rosso è francese
Lupo è americano
Nonna è tedesca
Cacciatore è spagnolo
Mamma di Cappuccetto rosso è italiana>>
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roastedsoup · 5 months
i fully expected spn s6 to start to decline in quality but WGAT THE FUCK ?!!!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!?!?!!!?????
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sangvinario · 25 days
👁️ + @janepcrter
onde: feira de ciências
Muito do que via e ouvia ainda soava como outra língua para si, apesar de compreender perfeitamente as palavras que eram proferidas. Este seria apenas outro dos obstáculos colocados para impedir que escapassem daquela realidade. Jeremiah ainda não sabia quem era o responsável pelo que estava acontecendo, mas só podia atribuir a uma das criaturas mágicas que habitavam aquele estranho mundo, não importava o que Merlin dissesse. Talvez vigiar de perto as pessoas mais influentes daquele lugar fosse o mais sensato a se fazer, no entanto, ainda estava esquadrinhando e decidindo quem era digno de atenção. A morena que observava a curta distância parecia inteligente e acessível, devendo ser este o motivo para que tantos a procurassem. Pessoas que muito sabiam, não importava o quão simpáticas aparentassem, sempre desempenhavam papéis importantes em enredos como o que estavam inseridos. Era mais do que provável que soubesse alguma coisa. O Dawson pouco se interessava por ciências, mas isso não o impediu de transitar pela feira como um pupilo interessado, até que parasse diante de Jane Porter. “ Isso parece... complexo ”  indicou com a cabeça para o que ela tinha em mãos. “ Uma pena que nem todos se interessem ”
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