#napoleonic fandom
armagnac-army · 23 days
If you have other optiones justify your answer in the replies!!!
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emilykent · 1 year
The Tumblr's own Napoleon movie
Okay, I don't usually post but at this point I'm so disappointed about Ridley Scott's Napoleon that I certainly think, the napoleonic fandom on Tumblr could make a historically more accurate film about the era. Who knows more about our beloved&hated historical figures or who is a bigger chaotic genius than the people of Tumblr? We should make our own movie as a protest. I mean, this was meant as a joke but seriously we should do it one day. Whether it's a historical drama, a comedy or even a musical - I think, even online, separately we could make a bigger blockbuster than that merde-dans-un-bas-de-soie. If there was a Napoleon 2002 (not the best one either), there should be a Napoleon 2023, too. I mean, a second one.
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murillo-enthusiast · 15 days
Brun: Bory. This is too far.
Bory: This is for science!
Lameth: You are playing with fire, my friend~
Saint-Chamans: I'm clearly the most popular! My memoirs are actually available on the internet!
Petiet: Mine is more exclusive..!
Pierre Soult: Not sure how I feel about being included here. And what about Anthoine and Franceschi?
Bory: They don't appear on this Web Log so much, so they are not options! And neither is our good friend C͞i̗̱̻̳̟̲͢ͅt̮͢o̳͓̣͉̥̘ye̱n O͞m̢̖̯̪̙̬b̛r̰͓͙̬̭̖è, for he is not as, ahem, historical as us~
Lameth: Anthoine is too innocent to be exposed to the internet! We keep him away from such things~
Brun: And Franceschi has better things to do with his time. This is stupid, however. Obviously I'm the best. I'm the one who actually went to Napoleon and convinced him of Soult's good intentions during that awful Roi Nicolas stuff.
Lameth: But I died tragically and young, and that gives me a certain charm, non?
Bory: My plan is working! Unfortunately, Coco has passed out drunk again and cannot defend himself, but ah well. Anyway, as the completely impartial poll host, I simply must point out that I am a very famous naturalist renowned for my scientific discoveries, and a certain Monsieur Darwin carried my book with him on his voyages. So, ah, do keep that in mind!
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cadmusfly · 5 months
There’s some old posts from deactivated blogs from years ago in the 26 eight year old men/Marshalate fandom talking about how the most popular marshals are the Lannes/Ney/Murat Trio and it’s rare to see the others
I’d say that Soult, Bessieres and Davout are getting in on the action these days - I do mentally rotate Soult a lot, and these six pretty much line up with my main favourites (though I am open to being convinced to love more - Victor has some very nice drama going on, Owl Man is a hoot, I need more Masséna and Augereau the dnd characters)
But also if we think of Lannes/Ney/Murat as the feckless reckless brave idiot trio
Soult/Bessieres/Davout are like. The Seemingly calmer and measured trio
but they can hold a lot of Drama too
also if we post three more lannap fanfics we can temporarily overtake the napoleon/Alexander shippers on ao3 /im kidding i appreciate all the fanfics and don’t actually mean any ship war seriousness
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chevlvrs · 1 month
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Unfortunately i will always love the poster boys
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piploopsy · 7 months
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w2h art dump ,, theze r all from like , maybe march? very old but i have no new onez to share..😿😿
ill go back to sp postz after thiz i just need to get the w2h out of my system sometimez hehehehehehe
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
Roleswap anyone??
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Tell me Fernando wouldn't make a fantastic general/emperor, and that Napoleon wouldn't make a fanastic driver/tp!!
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gusarskaya · 10 days
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how do i hit them
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If twitter existed in the Napoleonic Era
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id0lpareo · 2 months
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i think u guys can tell which one i had the most fun with (spoiler alert its murat)
ignore how i forgot my signature blush on murat
bonus under cut (i feel like its too cringe to put alongside the rest GSHGDSHG)
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ignore the little gelatin and fries and tb doodle underneath....
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partner-mine · 4 months
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I might start posting some occasional uncle art here ;) They really do haunt my every thought. You can regularly find me on instagram @/artaudmatic
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kririawhahha · 3 months
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Gotta love napjuno fr (bro is not becoming a marhsal)🔥🔥 + real footage of alexander after austerlitz
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The ULTIMATE twink off
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Tops it off wirh napalex art :3
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justabigoldnerd · 7 months
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I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST THIS HERE I commissioned plasticlamb on Instagram for this piece and it is SO FUCKING STUNNING I will just sit and stare at it CONSTANTLY 🤩🤩🤩🤩
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same for Antoinette, I have no regrets. And I can’t draw middle aged men😭😭😭
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Barbara Childe:
“Heroine of An Infamous Army. Appears and is instantly described as having "hair like my best copper coal scuttle" Accidentally has an emotional affair with a guy. When it is pointed out to her his wife is mad as hell, decides to do it on purpose because his wife was rude when she was trying to scotch scandal.”
Jérôme Bonaparte
“Napoleon’s little bro. He was very handsome. His grandson created the FBI, so that’s a thing. The painting of him by Antoine-Jean Gros is awesome. He employed the Grimm brothers (Jacob Grimm was his librarian). Ruled part of Germany (Westphalia). One of Napoleon’s councilors of state, Louis-Philippe de Trémont, described Jérôme as a “half-educated, frivolous, prodigal and effeminate young satrap and sybarite” and if that isn’t just the darnedest description, I don’t what it is.”
The Gros Portrait in question:
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