#adc saint-chamans
murillo-enthusiast · 1 month
Lameth, Saint-C how many likes for y’all to make out ?
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Lameth: Let us give the people what they want!
Saint-Chamans: I wanna be on top!
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rapports-de-combat · 17 days
Something Old, Something New
@your-dandy-king || @le-fils
The Prince and the Hunter (1, 2, 3, 4) Something Old, Something New (1, 2, 3)
This Bessières also looked askance at the stained glass windows. He wonders how much control Murat has over this place; some worlds that he rode through were like the kingdom to a Fisher King, while others were more like prisons to those they hosted. He would think that Murat would know better than to usurp those windows for himself, even if those windows were... truly resplendent. More resplendent, even, than that world of "kaleidoscopes" that he travelled through. ... He also did wonder just how at fault Murat was, regarding the fate of his house. At the bottom of the stairs, with Eugène in front of him and Monsieur Bessières and his daughter behind, Bessières finds himself admitting that the collection that Murat has amassed is truly magnificent. This sentiment is shared by the adventurous aides-de-camp before him.
Saint-Chamans: We used to hit looters and pillagers with the flat part of the sabre for doing this, remember??
Brun: Marshal Murat literally has an open invitation for people to check this place out. I think. Or maybe I hallucinated that.
Bory: It does seem that strange and interesting things are attracted to Marshal Murat's realm - such as flesh eating plants and large armoured lizards!
Lameth: And us!
Yes, Bory is here too. There's a lot of bananas for this narrator to keep a track of, okay.
Coco Lefebvre: Come on where's the drugs and booze?!
Petiet: I found some..!
Saint-Chamans: Oh give that here-
A short woman with extremely curly and messy dark hair and feet of remarkable smallness turns around. As her gaze lands on Eugène and one Bessières, she freezes.
Saint-Chamans: Cousin- wait uh I mean Monsieur de Beauharnais?! What are you doing here?!
Coco Lefebvre: Oh merde it's the fuzz! Run!
Petiet: Buuuut I just found the good stuff..!
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cadmusfly · 2 months
decided to get a start on dodgy machine translating saint-chamans' memoir becuase im in the mood for banana boys
I took up the pen, not with the intention of writing a book, but just to recount to my kin the things I have seen and the role I played in them; I will tell them the truth, nothing but the truth, I will try to present myself to them morally naked; they will not read me until I am gone, so I have no interest in disguising anything: one does not blush in the tomb; moreover, not wanting to be read by others, I put no vanity into what I write, and if the occasion presents itself, I will openly air my dirty laundry in the family.
morally naked
excuse me
Let me make a comparison that may seem a bit ignoble, but seems apt to me: a merchant adulterates his wine, either to give it the appearance of a quality it does not possess, or to increase its quantity, always with the intention of selling it better; I, who am not selling my drug, want to deliver it to my nephews as it is, and make them swallow pure Saint-Chamans; I care little for their grimace if they do not find the vintage good.
excuse me
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le-brave-des-braves · 2 months
Saint-Chamans, ADC to @murillo-enthusiast , bored of waiting around for his boss, is riding around on a horse. As he passes through Ney’s afterlife, he sees a young hussar he doesn’t recognise. Saint-Chamans is an adventurous mid-20s man who was badly influenced by the swaggering and duelling ways of the dragoons he was once a part of, even if he would claim that he didn’t actually like smoking or duelling in his memoirs. Saint-Chamans is going to do something stupid.
Saint-Chamans: Hey, hussar, you call that a moustache?!
A bit rude, aren’t you, Sunshine? *he jumped and while his wings are hardly capable of a long flight, he is certainly capable of getting airborne for a little while. Certainly long enough to slap Saint-Chamans*
Are you as good at duels as you are at offensive words, asshole?
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jbonapartes · 25 days
A bunch of soldiers in bright yellow uniforms suddenly appear! These are the ADCs of @murillo-enthusiast , here to have a good time!
Saint-Chamans: Someone told us there was cake in here?!
Petiet: I want cake..!
Bory: Ah, a fine young man with the appreciation for… finer things in life! Let me tell you, debtor’s prison is actually quite a nice place to live - they let you climb the roofs to see your friend’s giraffes!
Lameth: False alarm, gentlemen and gentleladies~ There does not appear to be cake in here. But we can still have a good time~
Brun: Don’t trash the place.
Coco Lefebvre: PARTYYYYYY
He just so happened to be moving his stuff so he could get to his boat. He wasn't going to be able to get there on time with these clowns slowing him down.
You know who I am? Who's house you just broke into? I'm a Bonaparte! You have no right being in here. There's no damn party! I SWEAR WHAT HAPPENED TO BONJOUR??
He still had his servants move his luggage to the carriage, trying to push past them
Excuse me gentlemen.
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josefavomjaaga · 5 months
When writing Soult I’d like to mention and write his aides as well, but I don’t think I have a very good grasp on their personalities rather than treating them as a collective excitable drunk blob - if you had to describe each of them in a few words/traits, what would that be?
That's a harder question than I thought because "collective excitable drunk blob" is precisely how I see them, too, most of the time. 😁
So, looking at them a little more closely:
Saint-Chamans: not exactly the brightest one, stubborn, feeling rather entitled, more adventurer than soldier, childlike to the point of childishness
Petiet: similar sense of entitledness, but whinier and somewhat insecure, often feels like he's left out, the "silent kid" (?), loves getting presents, extremely proud when he feels Soult is pleased with him
Lameth: outspoken, rather clever, ambitious and courageous, great sense of humour, also the least scared of his imposing marshal/dragon, dares to contradict him on occasion
Brun: the "good kid" who feels he needs to clean up after his unruly siblings and occasionally even his marshal/dragon, good education, silent, independent thinker, hard worker
That's the main four during the imperial period, I guess, of the others I do not have a very clear picture myself. Little Anthoine de Saint-Joseph seems to have been the Benjamin of the military family, the little one everybody felt they needed to protect a little (and who probably was very proud when the "big brothers" included him in their shenanigans). You could also include Bory de Saint-Vincent as the guy who is always off doing stuff that has nothing to do with the campaign, like collecting plants or drawing landscapes. Not sure what you would do with Pierre Soult and Coco Lefebvre - in your AU, they would need to be dragons, I guess?
Then there's of course Franceschi who started out as Soult's aide but had moved on to become a cavalry general and aide-de-camp to Joseph Bonaparte. He seems to have been very brave personally, but also a very affable, accomodating character, often trying to mediate (between Soult and Saint-Chamans but also Soult and Joseph). As a painter and close friend of Dragon!Soult, maybe Soult would put him in charge of the painting collection?
(And now I have an image in my head of the ADCs clumsily hanging up Soult's treasured hoard of human artwork in whatever place Soult dozes in, with Soult barking orders because the paintings are not placed correctly, are crooked, Louise trying to calm him down and Franceschi finally taking over and arranging the collection as it should be.)
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askgeraudduroc · 3 months
Salut, Your Excellencies. This is ADC Colonel Saint-Chamans on behalf of @murillo-enthusiast! I was tasked to bring you guys this basket of fresh baked pastries, baked by the marshal himself, and to give you all well wishes, and to, in his words, absolutely not ask anything about what is happening or to tell him anything about what is going on!
On that note, er, is Duroc okay over there?
Oh...! Thanks you, Colonel. I really appreciate it.
Knowing Marshal Soult's baking skills, I'm very sure it will be exquisite, and me and my husband would enjoy it very much.
And, speaking of my husband... well... Something quite... terrifying happened.
It seems that, despite how it might sound, but at this point it shouldn't be that much of surprise... He is being currently possessed by an spirit.
I'm not sure of the intentions of the spirit, and i distrust of any kind of spirit that isn't a ghost of someone i already know or the Holy Spirit.
For now, my husband acts as cheerful as always, but the spirit is making him have strange... cravings for Italian food, He sometimes makes funny noises and... well...
He... Is getting very lazy.
That is what scares me most.
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murillo-enthusiast · 2 months
It's a normal day! Looks like the banana boys ADCs Saint-Chamans, Lameth and Bory are chatting about something or other.
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Lameth: It was quite unnerving, especially when the most frightening sight of them all appeared - Caroline Murat, looking like a valkyrie ready to kill! Saint-Chamans: Just because she didn't like your jokes! Bory: I would be quite interested in venturing in and seeing if I can study those shadow monsters!
But if you turn away, out of the corner of your eye, it might be that the three ADCs don't seem so solid anymore. Perhaps they are fluttering in the wind, thin and ephemeral, one describing himself with what he thinks is dry wit, one detailed with intricate lines tracing leaves and diagrams, and the other… burned and torn and full of holes.
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And then you blink, and they’re normal again. For what counts as normal in this place.
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rapports-de-combat · 12 days
Something Old, Something New, Something on Fire
@your-dandy-king || @le-fils
The Prince and the Hunter (1, 2, 3, 4) Something Old, Something New (1, 2, 3, 4)
As it turns out, it's actually quite hard to burn a hardcover book. Brun, Petiet(.̢͘.?̴̢͟) and Saint-Chamans look a little charred and singed, but for the most part they're alright - Saint-Chamans even took the brunt of the blast for young Hélène. The other three are more at risk. Coco was protected by the pile of items he tried to hide behind. His hair has a few embers that he is too drunk to notice. Bory and Lameth... They're on fire, and they are increasingly looking less and less human as the glamour burns away, revealing a mixture of crumpled paper and strange floating black ink that is also on fire. Bory is panicking, swearing in Gascon, crashing into the wall as outlines of slope contours and drawings of plants and animals coil up and disintegrate. He trips over something and falls over, before the movements start putting the flames out - but the damage is very obviously done. Lameth is eerily calm. There are holes in her. Many, many holes that are becoming bigger.
Lameth: The situation has really heated up! Saint-Chamans: Sacre bleu Lameth you're on fire!!
Saint-Chamans would throw herself at Lameth, except that there is a small child on her leg, but instead she's going to try and hobble over.
As for the hunter... For a few long moments, the hunter is joyfully ecstatic. He has not felt like this in so long! He has enough energy to call upon the glamour that would hide his regrets, why, enough to ride for eons and to lead a cavalry charge against those bleak forces that threaten reality! And then he is brought back to his senses as he sees his friend burning.
Bessières: Eugène- no, Eugène!
He steps forward-
Brun: Monsieur- stay back!
And he does, because he's the one who set everyone on fire.
And in the meantime, something darts into a crack in the wall with a squeak. Too much light.
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murillo-enthusiast · 22 days
Brun: Bory. This is too far.
Bory: This is for science!
Lameth: You are playing with fire, my friend~
Saint-Chamans: I'm clearly the most popular! My memoirs are actually available on the internet!
Petiet: Mine is more exclusive..!
Pierre Soult: Not sure how I feel about being included here. And what about Anthoine and Franceschi?
Bory: They don't appear on this Web Log so much, so they are not options! And neither is our good friend C͞i̗̱̻̳̟̲͢ͅt̮͢o̳͓̣͉̥̘ye̱n O͞m̢̖̯̪̙̬b̛r̰͓͙̬̭̖è, for he is not as, ahem, historical as us~
Lameth: Anthoine is too innocent to be exposed to the internet! We keep him away from such things~
Brun: And Franceschi has better things to do with his time. This is stupid, however. Obviously I'm the best. I'm the one who actually went to Napoleon and convinced him of Soult's good intentions during that awful Roi Nicolas stuff.
Lameth: But I died tragically and young, and that gives me a certain charm, non?
Bory: My plan is working! Unfortunately, Coco has passed out drunk again and cannot defend himself, but ah well. Anyway, as the completely impartial poll host, I simply must point out that I am a very famous naturalist renowned for my scientific discoveries, and a certain Monsieur Darwin carried my book with him on his voyages. So, ah, do keep that in mind!
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murillo-enthusiast · 1 month
Lameth, Saint-Chamans how many likes for y’all to kiss?
Lameth: None~
Saint-Chamans: Aw, come on, make them work for it! We deserve more likes!
Lameth: How about one like?
Saint-Chamans: At least three!
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murillo-enthusiast · 3 months
???: Hey guys, I'm back from my latest expedition!! The plant species in this afterlife are so fascinating, I've discovered about ten new species of Asphodelus and a fascinating new variety of Lycoris radiata that thrives only in-
Saint-Chamans: Shut up about plants, Bory! You missed out on the explosion of a lifetime!
Bory de Saint-Vincent: But the flowers-
Saint-Chamans: Petiet, Lameth and Brun, along with one of Ney's ADCs, serenaded @le-brave-des-braves with drinking songs! And then Ney complained to our Marshal!
Bory: Ney?! Wait, which of Ney's ADCs?
Saint-Chamans: Oh right you were one of his ADCs for a year. It's that Lava guy.
Bory: Oh, Levavasseur! That is truly hilarious!
Saint-Chamans: Yes, that guy! And our Marshal's been yelling at those three for the last hour! Such idiots!
Bory: Why, seems like I've missed out on some excitement! Not as exciting as the Asteraceae I found-
Saint-Chamans: Nobody cares about your stupid plants! They're breaking my lecture record!
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murillo-enthusiast · 26 days
Can't you have Soult's less grumpy brother™ make you a cake ?
Pierre Soult: Uh… My brother only learned how to bake in the afterlife after hearing all the jokes about him baking. He got really annoyed and competitive like he usually does. He did really temporarily want to be a baker before, but he didn’t even get to the point of finishing his oven.
I could try following a recipe?
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murillo-enthusiast · 1 month
Here's a box of champagne to keep the party going. Also a box of balloons and party garlands. This place needs more decoration!!!
Petiet: Thank you so so much, Citoyen Anonyme..! Your gifts are really appreciated!!!
Bory: Why, what a wonderful celebration I have returned to! Such decorations and drinks! And who are these two beauties who have joined us, hmmm?
Saint-Chamans: Bory, don't you recognise us?!
Lameth: Of course he doesn't recognise us, my friend! If he did, he would know that he was about to flirt with his dear colleagues Saint-Chamans and Lameth~!
Bory: Excuse me? You mean to tell me you two underwent protandrous metamorphosis?!! I must examine you two for the advancement of natural philosophy!
Saint-Chamans: Uhh... I'm not sure this is better.
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murillo-enthusiast · 1 month
Any juicy gossip? 👀
Lameth: You did not hear it from me, but ah, some people break promises as easily as they break hearts~
Saint-Chamans: I said I'm sorry for dropping you!
Lameth: Some among us do claim to possess upper body strength!
Saint-Chamans: You wriggled!!
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murillo-enthusiast · 2 months
OK BET🪄 *POOF* soult has turned into a “cute little kitty cat”🐱
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… Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr……..
Saint-Chamans: Ooh, kitty!
A few seconds later-
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