#names meaning divine
namesetc · 2 years
Divination theme
names that mean or relate to divination, fortune and "devine", tarot, names of famous fortune tellers and so on.
ann / anne
cosmo / cosimo
divina / davina
diona / dionna
tarot / taro / taroh / tarro
terra / tarra / tara / terah / terrah / tarah / tarrah
reason for some of these here and here
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
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We came to a young world. We came to a world of raw, elemental wonder. Of chaos and exultant passion. Of energy vaster, and more potent than anything we beheld in the cosmos... It doesn’t seem like it’s random or chaos. It just seemed like potential.
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caernua · 5 months
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He's killed Farrier. One of my best agents. And knows where the others are. You know what must be done. Make it clean. Painless, if you can. We were friends, once.
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chompmon · 30 days
I cant decide who would give the better hugs between kim and harry. Im leanin towards harry cuz he s a big hairy man and would be so happy to do it. Minus points for probably smelling like a wet dog, but assuming he showered properly, nice big warm hugs yes.
Kim you d have to convince and he d be kinda awkward about it. Assuming he agrees and you re not like, complete strangers, he'd prolly be very tender though. His jacket would be comfortable to wrap around you also. Yknow what i mean? Putting ur hands inside his jacket, not the pockets, around the back as you hug him.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Is there a tag on ao3 people use for divine twitch chat adjacent things? Or specific tags for Billy's gods/patrons? I tried looking but couldn't really find it
I wrote a little something that I want to post with the right tags but also in general I would like to find fics that include them
I don’t think there’s an official ao3 tag! Most of the tumblr posts I’ve seen have used “twitch chat AU” or some variation thereof, so that would probably be the right tag to use.
As I was typing this, I checked ao3 and couldn’t find any fics with “twitch chat AU” or “twitch streamer AU”, so if anyone knows of any fics featuring/incorporating that concept, link them in the notes so we can find them!
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cheerleaderman · 2 months
*Throws Cards*
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Yuya’s is from the valentines drawing
Cupid’s Helper Background
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earl-of-grey · 4 months
*puts my arms through the straight jacket sleeves* No- you don’t understand! If committing cannibalism symbolizes divine punishment from God *tightening the belts* then Alastor’s acts of cannibalism *dragging me into the van* is his way of enacting divine punishment on others!!! *pushing my head in* and therefore taking back control even from GOD- *slams the van door shut*
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clownjacket · 1 month
If Kipperlilly DOES end up betraying Porter/Jace as part of a secret other scheme she has (whether good or evil) and it has to do with saving Lucy, I just know she’s going to be a bitch about it and pull a ‘sorry, I only save High Five Heroes’ before leaving her other friends to die or some shit. And then she will take her final form: Magic Betty from Adventure Time, betraying her allies and saving her frost gf at the expense of the world. It would also parallel what Ankarna is going through (‘your girlfriend’s out of town, it sucks’, becoming a little imperialist rage machine under the influence of Porter/Sunstone but not being able to fully turn on Lucy despite going against her values and turning into a violent weirdo). This is my wish. My dream. I am manifesting it. Magic Betty Kipperlilly I believe in you.
#I am currently painting clown makeup on my face rn but this is what I’ve been rooting for from the beginning so let me dream#Come on though she HAS to have some other shit going on though right?#She was DEFINITLY in that temple when the Bad Kids said Ankarna’s name#Brennan literally rolled#and we know she was in Porter’s office#so WHY hadn’t she told him Ankarna’s real name yet? We know he genuinely believed Fig found it#Also the BKs couldn’t see who was in the window during the Wanda Childa scene#Which one of the RGs has invisibility?#HMMMM#Wanda saying ‘Kipperlilly? Why are you doing this? Is it because you’re jealous?’ before getting carried off by a fake Porter would let KP#know ‘okay they FULLY saw what happened after I killed Buddy and are onto us’ which would cause her to follow them to the temple#Also…if NONE of the Rat Grinders knew Ankarna’s name then what did Lucy write on her form to change her divinity???#We KNOW it was Ankarna’s name and not the ‘symbol representing her’ because no one could see it BECAUSE the god was dead and no one alive#knew her name#Which means Lucy HAD TO HAVE KNOWN and was keeping it from the others right?#And when she died and didn’t come back they were fucked because they couldn’t even check the form anymore#But#Brennan also said that if Porter WASNT using Devil’s Honey and genuinely believed in Rage And Conquest goddess Ankarna instead of just her#domain then he and his ritual would (maybe) bring her back instead of killing her permenantly so he can take her domain#And idk#A powerful goddess of rage and conquest who despite everything can’t be turned against her sister and ex#who’s resurrection would mean the rune could be broken and Lucy can come back to life#One who has (or had) a personal vendetta against at least one of the bad kids#and a personal vendetta against the people who led to Lucy’s death#that sounds pretty appealing to someone as spiteful and obsessive as Kipperlilly doesn’t it#especially after her best (maybe only real) friend died and didn’t come back#especially if she stayed dead specifically to stop Porter#Again I’m putting my clown makeup on but I don’t want her to be secretly good or anything just unhinged and gay and a parallel to Ankarna#Please world let me have this I’m on my knees#dimension 20
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crocodilenjoyer · 2 months
one piece is good because the god of hope and joy and freedom is real and his protection feels like the first rays of sunshine after a storm and his anger blazes and burns and he is also nineteen and wears old flip flops and an older hat and his reindoctor (reindeer doctor) is currently giving him the heimlich because someone said that it’s impossible to eat that much without chewing and he said nuh uh watch this
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I think my true white whale is the existence of reality in the sense that due to the bias of the human brain nobody is really interpreting the world the way it actually is and The World could very well be some incomprehensible eldritchian nightmare place that the human brain turns semi-pleasant to placate the soul and stop our minds from shattering. Like maybe im just a classic nutcase but our only concept and touchstone for "reality" is the consensus of the population and the consensus of the population might be totally wrong but we'd never know because we cannot perceive the world outside of our own eyes. We have no idea who is seeing the world the most accurately like we really have no idea what life truly is/feels like and we assign everything labels and structure based on something that could very well be an illusion. And i dont know if i would think this way or think about this at all if i didnt have psychosis but knowing that my reality doesn't exist to other people has kind of opened my mind in regards to the perceived realness of the world but most of all it has opened my mind to the idea that fully and truly all we have is each other... all realities that are experienced exist in some form but we have to hold onto each other to stop from getting swept out into that big dark endless ocean of maybes and what ifs.... humans keep humans sane as much as we drive each other crazy and that's literally the point of it all. Hell is other people (world seen through a solitary perspective, isolation, "at" mentality vs "with") but heaven is each other (world seen through group perspective, togetherness, "with" mentality). Does that make sense. Is this thing on
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vertexline · 2 months
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I got the DnD Dating Simulator 2023, and my brain has already latched onto my character
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Divine Intervention AU #6
Warnings: none
His heart leaped into his throat. Elliot whirled around. The man behind him was as tall as Master, head and shoulders above him. He had dark hair and luminous blue eyes. 
Elliot scrambled back, but the pond stopped him from getting far. His eyes darted back and forth, and there was no way he could make it around the stranger without getting grabbed. He thought about calling out for Master Ambrose, but would he be angry at being interrupted?
The stranger stepped forward, frowning. Too late.
“Wait, wait please, I belong to someone already, please,” he begged.
The man put up his hands. “I’m not going to touch you- Wait, belong?” the man furrowed his brow, “What are you talking about? Has someone hurt you?”
Elliot trembled, shaking his head as tears welled up.
The man inched forward, and Elliot fought the urge to jump in the pond, even though he couldn’t swim anyway.
The man sat near him, offering out a hand, palm up, as if Elliot was a kitten to be coaxed.
“I’m Cato.”
“...Elliot.” He started at the hand, unsure what to do. Eventually Cato took it back and something in Elliot’s gut unwound a bit.
“Who brought you here? Mortals can’t exactly wander in.”
“Ambrose, sir.”
“How interesting.”
Elliot really wanted that collar right now. But to his relief, he saw Ambrose come over from the corner of his eye.
“Cato, are you bothering Elliot?” said Master, his tone light hearted. But as he came closer, his face fell. 
“What happened?”
“Unfortunately, I’ve scared him quite thoroughly,” said Cato. He turned towards Elliot. “I apologize.”
“It’s fine, sir,” Elliot squeaked.
“I didn’t realize you were interested in mortals, Ambrose. Why didn’t you introduce us?”
“It’s not like that, Cato.” Ambrose rubbed the back of his neck.
Cato cocked his head. “I don’t understand. Are you two not romantically involved?”
Elliot flinched. 
“No. It’s a long story, and not really your business.”
“Fair enough,” said Cato. He didn’t seem bothered at all that Ambrose basically called him nosy, and Elliot wondered if they were friends. 
“Would you have dinner with me tonight?” asked Cato, a smile on his face. Maybe they were more than friends?
“Not tonight,” said Master, glancing at Elliot. Elliot looked away, focusing on the glittery fish. Master couldn’t have dinner with Cato because of him. Guilt swirled in his gut. He’d promised himself he’d be perfect for Ambrose, and already he was failing. 
“Ah, well. There’s always Emry. I owe him a date, anyway.”
Cato got to his feet. “It was nice to meet you, Elliot,” he called as he wandered off, presumably to ask this Emry person to dinner.
“Goodbye, sir.”
“I’m sorry. I should have introduced you to the others instead of throwing you to the wolves.” What? Masters didn’t apologize to slaves. Then again, maybe Elliot really was a pet. Plenty of people apologized to their dogs when they stepped on their tails. It must be similar, at least to Ambrose.
Master had moved closer to him, and Elliot couldn’t help but lean against him. It had felt so nice, aside from the terror, when Ambrose petted his hair in the temple. To his delight, Ambrose began to scritch at his scalp. He sighed into it, and Ambrose chuckled a little.
“Do you want to feed the fish?”
“Hm? I mean, yes please, Master.”
Ambrose sat down next to him. He summoned a small sac of dried peas, and handed them to Elliot. They sat together, watching the fish and casting handfuls of peas into the pond.
taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain @secretwhumplair @paintedpigeon1 @whump-blog @whump-em @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @starfields08000 @littlespacecastle @mylovelyme
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aeternalight · 10 months
The witchcraft community is literally so mean to people with OCD. I will not elaborate but I will say, there is no right way to be into witchcraft. You can do literally whatever practice with no consequence. And the people that act like others will be smited by some all-knowing god is fucking ludicrous.
I'm literally sick and tired of people acting like witchcraft and beliefs exist in a perfect bubble/vacuum, no you dumb bitch, you're affected by other beliefs, especially the world that you grew up with. There will be no such thing as a pure belief or thoughts on spirituality. Everything becomes affected by one another.
I'm also fucking tired of people assuming that we have to dredge up things or evaluate things to be a perfect little witch. Why don't you stop putting people up to insane standards and mind your damn business. How other people's practices go is no concern of yours, its not your place to judge it.
And as far as misinformation goes, just don't get yourself hurt. If its bad for you, don't do it. But most things are on the table. Just don't do something illegal.
The witch community has a severe purity problem and most are influenced by christian beliefs without realizing it. Maybe you need to evaluate your own beliefs before you judge others.
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misclogarts · 5 months
probably inaccurate d4 pokemon assignments
(disclaimer: i literally know nothing about pokemon i'm going off of vibes only)
Rinku: would probably have an aipom on her team (that steals her food. constantly.). also a heracross. I feel like she would have a few bug types on her team
Muni: has a buneary. Maybe a bulbasaur also (just because the shape reminds me of nyochio lol)
Esora: fire type trainer? would probably have a tepig or delphox
Noa: has a sylveon. used to be an eevee, but she loved it so much it evolved
Towa: water type trainer. has an azumarill, mantyke, and spheal
Rika: has a gyarados. i like to think she just came home one day with a magikarp and they became buddies from then on
Dalia: probably???? blaziken, sawk, and a machamp (who is equally afraid of ghosts as she is)
Hiiro: psychic type trainer. no specific pokemon comes to mind with her lol (probably has an audino..?)
Nagisa: has electric type pokemon. joltik maybe? or jolteon (they remind me of her hair)
Miyu: for some reason i thought she would have an audino or a clefairy?? so there's that
Haruna: gallade. she has a gallade.
Kurumi: any little bastard pokemon
Miiko: she would probably pick up scary-looking pokemon (cofagrigus), mischievous ones (gengar), the sad little paper towel (mimikyu), or anything with a creepy backstory (driftloon). so ghost/dark/psychic
Michiru: teddiursa? just because of the bear on her head lol
Lumina: would it be legal to give her legendary pokemons. jirachi.
Weronika: has an ursaring and a primeape which matches her shitty temper lol
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dylanoteforever · 7 months
when Repo 3 comes out they should cast me as the Pavi because I’m cool and not because I look like him or anything like that
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aromanticasterisms · 7 months
"the distance between sitting in the hands of the anemo archon statue in mondstadt and standing on the head of the statue of the omnipresent god in inazuma is exactly 6666m" how the fuck did you guys figure that out
#personal stuff#delete later#was looking into smth regarding the omnipresent god statue. weird she looks a bit like egeria huh#could just be a consequence of similar haircut and bangs + all divine beings in this game wear hoods as symbols of their divinity#but considering she was created directly by the shade of life. i imagine there might be a bit of resemblance there#which might be a hint towards the statue's identity?#like i know we all think it's istaroth but i'm pretty sure that's because she's literally the only divine god we know the name of#and bc she's wearing an eye of the storm AND the exact distance from venti's statue#considering they were. if not besties then they were at least both worshiped in mondstadt for a while#but yall thought nicole was istaroth too like come on#like it might make sense if ei's og plan was to collect visions and use the statue to stop time or smth?#but. we all know how that went. grimaces. thank god we don't have three-act archon quests anymore right#but her sticking visions into a celestial statue does make me curious about the responsibilities of the four shades#and if one of them either had something to do with the vision system or with the quote-unquote ascension system#like what the fuck did that line in neuvillette's ''vision'' story mean#about the gods receiving gifts after a vision holder completes their duty. HUH#just auuugh. ripping and tearing#hope we get to see a full design of egeria when furina's second story quest comes out in. 4.6 i think
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