#named durge
somethingyoirelated · 1 month
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Two big softies having a sleepover. 🌙💤 This is the result of @bara-izu's Tav Halion ☀ and my Durge Lunaris having the same taste in "sleepwear". :D
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bhaaldursgays · 2 months
had a few thoughts about Gortash courting Clira but he's not courting her he's furthering their plans
he makes sure she always has a place to hide in his home and his workshops, just because it's convenient you understand. Sure, she says she'll do fine with a hammock in a corner and a waterbasin but he makes sure she has a soft bed, crisp linen and a bath with a heater.
And they should have dinner, once or twice a week. No alliance lasts when weakened, it's only good habit, no he doesn't do it with his other allies why do you ask?
And of course, inviting her as his plus one is just to make it easier for her to get used to the life they'll lead once they're rulers, it's called thinking ahead.
And of course, when he sees a piece of jewelry that will look good on her he makes a big deal about buying it at the jewelers, to fuel the gossip of course. Lord Enver Gortash? Buying romantic gifts? The various patriars vying for his attention will smell blood in the water and be ready to throw anything at his feet to become the new favourite, it's called manipulation my dearest bhaalspawn now sit still so I can put the damn necklace on you
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thedragonagelesbian · 21 days
New Growth
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Pairing: Halsin/M!Custom Durge
Rating: T
Length: 4,388 words
Summary: "When is a monster not a monster? // Oh, when you love it." Even as the shadow curse begins to lift, a new horror awakens outside Moonrise Towers. Halsin finds it and helps it return to himself.
He takes a step back, but those eyes go wide, and Cyrus lashes out. Perhaps he only intends to grab Halsin’s arm, but the claws snag against his skin. Only for a second—no sooner does the blood well up than Cyrus recoils—yet the keratin cuts deep and wicked, slicing through soft tissue down to the bone with just a stray swipe. Grunting, Halsin cradles his arm to his chest and summons up a quick spell. Not enough to heal it, or even ease the pain, but it staunches the bleeding.
“Well…” Somehow he manages a dry laugh, even as his stomach churns with that same primal unease he felt in his bear form. He racks his mind for anything he’s encountered in his studies about monstrosities like this, but all he can muster up is that ancient sense of dread. Of predation. “I guess you don’t want me to leave, then?” Cyrus makes a chittering noise like a sob and presses himself as close to the tree as he can. “It’s alright. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me.”
He also knows that Cyrus won’t accept this comfort yet. The specifics of what happened after Last Light fell are still a mystery to him, but he knows that Cyrus spent a week avoiding Wyll, that his guilt eats him down to his marrow, that there is no simple cure for an infection that deep. 
But Halsin is patient.
Read on Ao3
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mahiiimahiiii · 2 months
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@lucien-lachance made a really banger durgetash fic so I couldn't resist doodling. I dunno if Tumblr will tiff with femme presenting nipple so we took precautions. Plus the yassified version! Please check out their fic it's below da cut!
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Inwas tagged for bg3weddingseason by @gale-force-storm
This is an Astarion x named Durge ramble. 💉💉💉
Astarion x Vienna
1: Weddings or something else?- What do the characters think about weddings or marriages? If not a wedding, would they acknowledge their relationship in a different kind of ceremony?
Vienna and Astarion were both discouraged from thinking about marriage, or really anything domestic. Astarion being a spawn under Cazador didn’t leave any room for anything but borderline delusional fantasy. Thoughts of being rescued and romanced were snuffed out within his first few decades of slavery.  At the same time Vienna being a Bhaal spawn meant that any marriage would be purely a power play, and even that wouldn’t be a necessary step in her life. Her fantasies were kept drenched in violence and gore, romance was hardly interesting to her.  
However, after the two of them are freed from their former masters, as well as their tadpoles these once ridiculous ideas don’t seem so ridiculous anymore. 
Astarion would be the first one to really consider a wedding. His pet names for Vienna are often in a possessive: My dear, my sweet, my love. To be completely honest there's a bit of selfishness in his mind. He wants Vienna all to himself, and he wants everyone else to know that. Being able to say “That's my wife.” is extremely appealing.
Of course Astarion has sweetness as well, he genuinely wants to see Vienna dressed so prettily. She's so beautiful already she would be a picture really, unreal; an ethereal hellion. She would deserve to experience a wedding, something that they were both denied as an option for both of their entire lives. 
Vienna doesn’t let herself consider it. She’s content with how things are. Her druidic philosophies tell her that most creatures don’t wed, and what is she but an exceptionally odd creature? Is someone like her even really deserving of something so domestic? Surely not. 
It's only when Astarion starts planting the idea that she begins to really give it thought. They pass by dress shops with wedding gowns in the windows. “Ah, don’t bother looking at that one my dear, it's tailored so poorly. Honestly, it must be someones sorry first attempt.” and “You would be such a treasure in that one don’t you think?” It’s anything but subtle, and all she can do is nervously nod or shug her shoulders.
It would take her a while for her to really feel comfortable with Astarions occasional pushes of imagination. Given enough time though, she gets excited to play these little games of his. “Which one of these do you think would look best with blood dripping down my neck?” As she motions towards the puncture wounds that have since become permanent scars from the constant use. Marriage is finally something she can envision. 
23: Honeymoon - Does the couple take a honeymoon anywhere?
The two of them are both from Baldur's Gate and despite both of their hardships they still love it there.
They do a lot of nightlife activities. Go to music shows, clubs, bars, fancy places to eat for Vienna (Astarion used to get jealous watching her eat, but he really enjoys it now.), Astarion cheats at gambling which they both find to be incredibly hilarious. The two of them aren’t able to leave the underdark very often so they make sure to stock up on luxury’s they both miss. Clothes shopping, specialty  soaps, lotions, food and tea items that are difficult to get. They also spend a lot of time at the beach or on a cliff side. Wherever they go, shenanigans follow. 
During the day the two of them rest, canoodle and generally laze about. Perhaps they get visits from their old companions. They definitely get too much room service to the annoyance of the employees. They don’t tip, and honestly the two of them look a little uncanny, wide eyed in the dark with curtains and blankets nailed over the windows. They give the staff the creeps, and the crew definitely draw straws to decide who needs to cater to the couple. 
Astarion unquestionably leaves the Underdark responsibilities to someone else for the next few weeks to the dismay of everyone. He gives them a sending stone and tells them to contact him if things get out of hand, but he immediately stuffs it in a drawer at the inn they’re staying at. If the stone gets too loud Vienna chucks it out the window and Astarion applauds her for it. “Ah, bravo my love, you certainly know how to respond to a cry for help.”
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The Urge
Just having made it to Rivington, Zar’riia faces her Urge again. Thankfully she doesn’t face it alone.
Tags: durgexastarion, named durge, hurt comfort.
Zar’riia tossed in her sleep, the Urge calling to her, beckoning her to kill. She needed to figure out how to get away from camp. She couldn’t bear the thought of hurting one of her companions, especially after the sleepless night she had been tied up after almost killing Astarion. She couldn’t do that to him again, and her stomach churned at the thought of killing any of the people she had come to love so dearly. She rolled quietly, untangling herself from the trancing embrace of Astarion, and stood to leave the tent. She had to clear her head; she had to control the Urge.
“Zar’riia?” Her lover’s voice was raspy. She stopped and turned to look at the pale elf, his curls a mess, his eyes bright and alert.
“Sh, love. Rest. I just need to clear my head,” she whispered, not daring to kneel or get close in case the Urge took control of her body.
“It's the Urge, isn’t it? It came back,” he said, standing up and looking her over. Her eyes were glassy, and her hands trembled violently.
“Yes. I need to walk. I need to get away from camp before it takes over,” she replied, her words soft but hurried.
“Darling, you have to tell me when this happens. We are a team, you and me. You can’t keep waiting until things get murderously bad—not just for my sake, for the others and yourself,” he said, his gaze softening at his dagger-happy lover.
“This isn't your burden, Astarion. It’s mine. I don’t want to hurt or scare you. The Urge is something I must carry the weight of alone,” her hands trembled as she anxiously fidgeted with the hem of her sleeve.
“Riia, you are not alone in this. I told you that before. You have helped me so much, shown me so much light; let me do the same for you,” he stared into her silvery-blue eyes as he talked. He could see she was still in control, but he did not know how long he had until the Urge overtook his sensitive, sweet, sometimes terrifying partner. He needed to do something soon, and letting his homicidal maniac walk around Rivington did not seem like a good idea.
“Fine,” she conceded. “I’m scared. This isn’t me. Please help.” Tears began welling in her eyes, and she blinked them away quickly.
“You’re right. This isn’t you. You can do this, darling. You can beat this. Come here; I kept some rope in our tent in case this happened again. The others do not have to see your shame if they wake up. We will ride this out together.”
She climbed back into his tent, and they had both begun to share since making their relationship official. Tears silently slipped down her pale purple cheeks. She had never cried in front of Astarion before, but everything felt so overwhelming. She was scared of herself, what her party was up against, and of losing everything she had built for herself.
Why was he being so nice to her? Didn’t he see she was a monster? Whoever she was before, the nautiloid scared her. She did not deserve the companionship and love those around her gave so freely. She tried so hard the past month to be good to change; after her murder of Alfira, she had vowed to overcome this. She promised to atone for her sins. But tonight, the burden of the Urge felt too heavy, too intense.
“Little love, what’s going on? Are you hurt?” Astarion asked, rushing to her side, oncoming homicidal tendencies be damned. Tears fell from her eyes, cascading down her cheeks like waterfalls. His heart crumbled watching his partner cry; he had never seen this side of Zar’riia. She looked terrified and more vulnerable than he had ever seen her.
“I am so scared. What if I ruin everything? I don’t even know who I was before the nautiloid. I know I was a horrible person to be cursed with this killing perversion. I am so scared of my past, and I feel like we are about to confront it head-on in the city. The Urge has been stronger since we left Reithwin,” she sobbed, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Zar’riia, you know I am the last person to judge you for anything you may have done in your past. I have done some…horrible things because Cazador used me to do his bidding. You have shown me it is possible to change and find the world's light. You have shown that you are capable of change. And whatever is waiting for you in the city, we will face it together. We are a team,” he said, wrapping her in a hug, as she had done after he met that vile drow blood merchant when he confessed his feelings and revealed more of his past. Urge be damned.
She cautiously wrapped her arms around him, sobbing into his shoulder. He held her until the sobs stopped racking her body, and she pulled away. Her eyes glazed over, her hands twitching, and her lips curled into a cruel sneer. The Urge had taken over his darling’s body.
Zar’riia’s mind filled with yellow bile, and her vision was blurred. Every fiber of her being screamed, ‘Kill. Kill. Kill. And kill again.’ Astarion grabbed the rope and quickly bound her hands and ankles together, lowering her to the ground as she snapped at him and spasmed, trying to break free of her bindings.
“You will get through this, Riia. You are stronger than this. Dawn will be here before you know it.” He whispered as he watched his mad love writhe and twitch on the floor.
Zar’riia tried to show she understood and was going to make it through, but she was spasming too violently, her teeth gnashing together, her mouth filling with blood as she accidentally bit her tongue. Her Urge spit the blood at him; she swore she would see his blood bloom over his white curls as she twitched.
He watched, not daring to get too close to her. He knew this was not her, but he was terrified that the sweet half-drow, who had just been sobbing in his embrace, so quickly turned into this bloodthirsty killer.
Hours passed as he watched his partner convulse and threaten him with all sorts of very imaginative, violent imagery. He sighed, grateful to have met her, but seeing her turn into a carrion creature broke his heart. It reminded him too much of his worst self. They needed to figure out how to save her, to control her Urge. They would both break their chains in the city. He hoped that he might convince her to stay with him after this brain business. But first, they both had to kill the demons that haunted them day and night.
Dawn finally arrived; pink and oranges painted the sky outside the tent as the sun rose. Astarion looked down at Zar’riia; she had stopped convulsing, and her silver eyes were bright and alert again. She sat stock still and silent as he cut her free. Her wrists and ankles were bloody from where she had struggled against her bindings. She rubbed her wrists and looked up at him, tears welling in her eyes again.
“I am so sorry,” she sobbed, her body aching and tired. Astarion once again wrapped her in an embrace, stroking her soft spider-silk hair and breathing in her scent. She melted into the hug, tears slipping down her cheeks as she held him tightly, scared to let him go. He did not say a word. He didn’t need to. He had her back, through her darkness, through everything, just as she did for him.
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astarionsbeloved · 5 months
a year or so later, after traveling extensively.
Astarion: (hand gently petting over Ny'fein's stomach while spooning, Ny'fein is falling asleep)
Ny'fein: .....
Astarion: You know
Ny'fein: (cutting him off).....no.
Astarion: (pouting, baby talk voice) you don't even know what I was going to say my love!
Ny'fein: (bemused) If staying with Halsin and his scores of children has awakened parental instincts in you, we can adopt one of Halsin's wards. We could adopt _ten_ of Halsin's wards.
Astarion: (pouting harder, whispering to himself mostly) but I stole a potion and everything. (louder, but hiding his face in Ny'fein's shoulder) You know, Withers made sure there's not a trace of bhaal left in you, you're just a normal drow now! It would be perfectly safe! A little dhampir to call our own....
Ny'fein: go to sleep Astarion.
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frickerdoodle · 4 months
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Mild act 2 Durge spoilies
My Dark Urge has been vehemently denying any thoughts of bloodlust to their companions and has hiddentheir evil deeds whenever possible (threw a certain body in the river and played dumb about where they went, for example) so imagine my shock when everyone knew about his deep dark secret after the most harrowing night of his life.
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lazylittledragon · 4 months
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thank you for all your support for gale’s tiny deranged wife
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bloodsuckingfiends · 1 month
Astarion who hugs you close to him, cheek resting on the top of your head, when he’s feeling particularly anxious or dissociative. Holding YOU, rather than the other way around comforts him for the fact that he’s not the one being restricted or held down, which sends his mind back to pre-tadpole times. Holding you to him is grounding, holds him in the present where he is safe, and loved, and cared for beyond his own belief.
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somethingyoirelated · 16 days
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In depth of blue, our love resides.
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namespara · 9 months
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Astarion thought he was the biggest monster at camp.
I believe in dark urge/astarion supremacy. They can make each other better. They can make each other worse. They're assholes. They love so deeply. In this essay i will-
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jalopeura · 9 months
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these might be the most important lines of dialogue in all of video game history actually.
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mahiiimahiiii · 3 months
Trancing 💫
Fem durge (named) x astarion x halsin
A/N: angst and fluff this time. My durge was heartbroken when their sibling kidnapped their boyfriend #2. Silly elf stuff, some angst as durge isn't really an elf, plus she's still considered a young elf. (100-300 yrs old)
Also according to forgotten realms lore, drow like to sleep more than trance. Unfortunately this bhaalspawn isn't getting much sleep.
Your eyes kept watch, scrutinizing every noise in the dark. Taught grip on your great sword, vision blurring in and out.
Your mouth tastes like bile, the pressure behind your eyes red-hot.
You received word from orin that halsin remained unharmed. A quill dipped in a followers blood held scribbles of the poor snoozing bear held in her grasp. You held a certain fondness for her art deep down.
poor sister...always fond of those softer than she.
Those souls not worthy to stand in her light
And how protective she was of you... To an extent.
"the tyrant means to tear us apart, you know I care for you sister." Her voice had echoed in the back of her head
You rubbed your eyes, focusing again on the blaze, ears twitching again. You hadn't noticed the quilt that shrouded your shoulders; or the hair soughing out of the bun you tied it back in.
Maybe just for a second. Perhaps...
Your visioned blurred to that of another.
Clambering out the guts of a sphinx, mouth tangy with the taste of copper. You licked your fingers clean, your belly full. Hair coated with thick chunky gore, skin stained maroon and ruby. Your skin was marred by bites and slightly pockmarked by acid. Delicious... Delicious.
You shook your heads sending the impending trance away. Feeling an exhaustion sink into your bones, you rubbed at your temples again. You jumped at the feeling of cool hands on the side of you shoulders, the warm presence of your lover knelt in front of you.
A look of something quizzical held in his eyes.
Have you slept?
The words shook in your head, his touch in your mind whisper quiet and soft. He withdrew, tracing the dark circles under your eyes. He tucked a strand of silvery hair behind your long ear.
"little knight, one cannot defend those whom they love without a little rest... Let me take care of you."
He had taken to several names, his knight, huntress, assassin, dearest moonshine, sweet spawn, and bhaal babe.
He cradles the cusp of your chin in his warm pale palm, his skin glittered like stars under the light of the moon.
Somewhere in the floor someone snored.
"come" he kissed the bridge of your nose lifting you to your heavy feet with just a word.
You settled in a bed away from gale. The beds near the window were often empty, as aylin and Isobel did their work under the light of the moon. He found yours, the same bear with little fangs and roughed up button eyes, made of soft red corderoy, tucked into your covers.
He pulled the thick quilt off of your shoulders, patting the bed for you to sit down.
"thank you." He hummed, "now let me take care of you..."
His fingers worked nimbly at your boot strings, and pulled them off quickly. He worked at the latches of your corset, you let out a deep sigh, oxygen sinking into your bones. He scurried off leaving you to sit and stare blankly at the wall. Astarion returned with a large night shirt and a brush. He helped you out of the rest of your clothes, kissing your shoulder blades.
He tugged it over your head, kissing at the tips of your ears. You settled at the edge of your bed again, as he uncorked a bottle, dabbing it into his hands and heating the oil between them. He pressed them to your lids, the oil itself smelt minty and flowery. He dragged his thumbs down, rubbing off the leftover khol on your lashes. His hands sparkled with the remnants of rouge and mica, he wiped them off on a face cloth. He dipped the other end in cool water, dabbing them at your cheeks. Your lovers tongue poked in between his lips in focus, wiping away the excess oils. He applied another oil onto his hands, the scent warm and nutty. The spawn rose combing his fingers throughout your silvery hair, applying the conditioner generously. He took the boar's hair brush and untangled the knots, settling his stance in between your legs.
You practically purred at his touch, one that he returned happily. Astarion felt a swell of pride that you would ever consider his presence as a safe or happy one. He tilted your chin tucking the loose strands of hair behind your ear. Finally, he kissed your nose, your cheekbones, and your eyelids, a satisfied sigh falling from the spawns lips.
"wait for me here, little love. I'll go grab some things from my bunk, and be with you in a moment." He slipped away to grab his softer night clothes and set his boots by his bunk.
You crawled back into the stark tight sheets of your made bed, you shivered, it hadn't been warmed for a while. You dragged the pillow to the edge facing the wall, curling up around the bear. Astarion returned, his cotton night shirt discarded as he crawled under the covers. He fluffed up his pillow settling into it with a 'whump'.
He exhaled, lashes lowered. His hands weaved around you, slotting in place like puzzle pieces. He stroked your lower sternum absentmindedly. "I wish I knew what ails you my love..."
"I'm just worried mostly. What orin did was a huge betrayal.to think I had fondness for her at some point is a bit sickening."
He hummed in acknowledgement "isn't that in bhaals nature?"
"yes" you sigh darkly "I should've known, if I stayed vigilant - if I was faster-if I was smarter I would've-" tears broke the surface of your eyes,the heaves of your sobs shook the small bed.
He squeezed you tight, gently shushing you. He rubbed circles into your back, nose pressed to the flush of your neck. "I'm sorry my love-"
The tears fell silently now as they wet your pillow in puddles.
Astarion pauses turning you over to look at him, he holds your head in your hands. "I think you are so brave. You are so bloody brilliant. I am so lucky... To have you... To hold you... Now until you depart- I am thankful as well, that won't be for a while... God's willing." He grins toothily at that last part. He kissed your tear stained cheeks, the tip of his tongue flitting out to catch the drops. "And he would've thought you were brave too..."
You sigh, pulling him into a tight embrace, "I know-" you whisper "I'm just worried."
"you have a lot on your plate- let's talk about something nice for once. Halsin mentioned something- I'm already too old for this ceremony- but you my love- are a ripe and young 150 years."
You rolled your eyes, "don't remind me- I'm a baby blah blah blah..."
"far from it!" He looks sympathetic, "what I'm saying is, you have the chance I don't have- an adult name"
"what's wrong with, the dark urge"
"everything, my sweet."
You frown at his giggles, before giving into his mirth. "I had another name in mind, it's simple and I like it's meaning."
"let's hear it then!" He props his head up.
He raised his brow "that's it?"
"Lady Wynne of house Myzzirim. Has a ring- no?"
"I keep forgetting you're nobility- you are so... Uncouth."
"hmm... I wonder why, possibly- and hear me out- I could've grown up in a cult for most of my life? With no influence of drow culture? I mean I just found out most of my house is into merchantry."
"that slightly explains your shopping savy. It's amazing though, how drow culture finds a way."
"to be fair to you my love, most men are subservient to women within the bhaal cult. A lot of women are chosen or bhaalspawn."
"that is a fair point." His features were soft and languid. "Have you began... Seeing your memories?"
"little by little... I know their mine, but I'm not willing to accept that... They don't seem, like me. And I see this face- the archduke in a lot of them. And I should feels sick, I should feel horrible! Yet my heart is so light- it flowers under his gaze."
"and your past lives?"
"astarion- I don't think I have any. I am made of bhaals flesh. My memories are his, I am not eternal,I am doomed to damnation."
His eyes creased with concern "don't say that..."
"it's true - my flesh will be rendered and blood returned to his." Your eyes fill with deep despair squeezing them shut to avoid his gaze
"I don't believe that, and will refuse to- you'll return to me- time after time." He cradles your face again kissing your nose "you've bested the odds.. time after time- surely- the gods are willing to forgive your previous life... And we should consider it that! The dark urge died a gruesome death- and Wynne was reborn in their stead."
"will you call me that...?"
You nodded
"Wynne." He confirmed, "wynne-! My gorgeous moonbeam, my savior, my Wynne." Your new name sounded like a prayer on his lips, astarion beamed, cup filled with your love. "Now- as much as I know hope much you enjoy hearing me- especially now- I would love to shout your name from rafter to rooftop. You need your beauty sleep. I'll watch over you, we can come up with some sort of plan in the morning after you eat-"
"I'm craving humanoid meat again" you complain quietly
"that can be arranged then..." He pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "You're allowed to tell me anything - no thoughts too small."
And for once he was right.
Your sleep as you often opted to do, remained deep and dreamless, the shifting of the comings and goings of the early morning risers eminent from the smell of coffee and cream sent by the dumbweighter.
What a joyous feeling being loved is.
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inquissien · 2 months
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a bunch of little guys from baldurs gate
(the first one is my Durge)
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predninja · 1 month
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I was encouraged to draw this for @angiemaniac
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