Automatic Toothpaste Dispenser
A incident that changed my view for TOOTHPASTE!
 Horrific morning! I thought of freshening up and all i could see was toothpaste all over. Waking up early morning, half in sleep you enter your bathroom and this is what happens with you! No one would love it! So here’s what happened:
 I was damn sleepy after coming from party late at night. All i could see is my bed and that is what everyone loves too see after a fun and tiring Sunday. I didn't remember if i set an alarm to go to work next day, that resulted in me waking up late. With sleepy eyes, i entered my bathroom and the next thing happened i never imagined in my scariest dream!
 I pressed the toothpaste tube and toothpaste was all over my basin, mirror and bathroom floor. Poor me! i was getting late and had to clean every bit of the toothpaste that was there in my bathroom because my mom wouldn’t have let me live with peace if she ever found this! And, not to forget, that i had to get a new toothpaste tube before she could realize that the tube she recently bought was empty.
 Agreed, that it was my fault that i should have been more careful while dealing with delicate toothpaste tube. But, come on, i was sleepy and frustrated that i had to go to office on Monday morning. Every person who is working would know my pain very well and i hope your sympathizing me on this!
 From the incident of toothpaste explosion, i realized one thing that i should be careful with everything and have to find out a way to simply my work. And, my survival was internet, i started browsing  for product that could help me in such situation.
 For instance, i thought there won’t be a solution to this but voila! there it was, Automatic Toothpaste Dispenser. A simple and easy solution to my problem. This product has gained a special place in my bathroom and its never losing its place ever again. Its existence made it clear that i am not the only one who have faced such situation and it was a relief to know that!
 Thank god! it was a easy installation process or else it would never be my cup of tea. The best thing what i liked about this dispenser is that it comes with toothbrush holder. So, now you can say my bathroom looks more organized than before!
I even gifted it to my sister who have small kids because she goes through such mess all the time. I am glad i could help her out this way.
 I must say, new technology has made our life easier, and just with some investment, we can make our life better in many ways. Go through www.makequickshopping.com and i guarantee you will get something that will change your life, give a Try!
-Blog By
Tamanna Sippy
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