#my writing is ass i hope its ok
mychemicalbrromance · 28 days
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BIRTHDAY POST FOR MITHRUN Ik it was yesterday, i made it posting it last minute on my instagram but not here bc i had 2 go to bed. Enjoy My Silly/Cringe Ass Comic Thing Boy. YAY !
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boxwinebaddie · 24 days
Miss Ninaaaa!!!!
You mentioned having a cat! May we see?
Hope you feel less stressed soon!🫶🏻
AAAAAAAA!!! my favorite conversation topic!!!! yes, absolutely!!! <3 so i actually have an ask i answered over here about her ( smh, i had to send it To My Self because i lost it? fml. but yes, i didn't want to re-type it, it's kind of long, but included lots of cat pictures. <3 )
-uncle nina, cat mom
#oh my god lily is my favorite conversation topic#she is legit my best friend like she is The Homie#she is the fly girl of the ncu she's my problematic fave because she wakes me up at 5am eating plastic#she also likes to step on my laptop and delete everything i write like ik shes reading my soft core smut and is judging me#she fr is reading my shit and is like bestie i'm doing u a favor#but yes everyone say thank you lily yes she is beautiful i am gobsmacked often by her beauty#i can't believe i got her for fifty dollars from a crazed woman in a motel when she acts up i'm like lily chill out ur for the streets#shes she is very spoiled by me she is my baby and my angel#she is also literally A DOG she chases her tail CONSTANTLY its very big and fluffy and i have a big rubber band#and she plays fetch with me all the time but sometimes she cant find it when its 2 ft in front of her...shes not the brightest#she is my princess tho its ok baby shes a sensitive queen#speaking of being sensitive smh everyone say rose we miss you she was perfect and i miss her every fucking day#like literally my first born literally like my first born daughter and i never got closure and never will it sucks#but i'm thankful for the time i had with her she was evil and so smart and very pretty and little w big ass eyes#i write to her every day in my yersey ptsd stan diary#but yes! lily and rose! but no lily is my little lady she is so annoying and shes my super best friend i love her so bad#i hope u also love her she is lovely i promise my sweet girl
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fantasticalleigh · 1 year
seeing so many videos on YT lately that are like “I read this dark romance book and i’m calling the police” or some condescending put-down derivative
babe if it’s not for you then put it down and find something new to read nobody wants an hour-long video of you yucking someone’s yum
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More SG! thoughts
Personally, for me, the most important part of an entertaining and interesting Shattered Glass narrative is that it’s not a direct reversal of canon- just an alternate path. By reducing it down to “good guys bad and bad guys good” you take all the nuance out of the actual conflict. and that's BORING. 
So, what I think you need to do is take the canon beginning, and then, from that, set up forks in the narrative where your characters make decisions that are still plausible choices for their original personalities, BUT lead them to completely different places. Like, instead of “HE'S EVIL NOW”, it’s “our canon character has inherent flaws and strengths in their personality. and while in this universe, those traits lead them to THIS side, it’s also those traits that in another universe, would have led them to the other side instead.” 
And obviously, where they end up at the end of their character arcs should be completely different from canon- otherwise it wouldn’t be shattered glass! But what’s important is that where they start from is exactly the same. 
Because, I think the whole point of a shattered glass AU shouldn’t just be a “what if” scenario. That’s wasted potential! What it should be is a reminder- that yes, these people are heros. But they are only on the good side because they CHOSE to be. Morality isn’t an inherent or hereditary trait- it's a disipline that you have to commit to every day. And our so-called “heros” could just have easily become villains if they wanted. It’s to remind us that anyone can be a good person- but just as easily, anyone can become a monster. 
(this was my biggest problem with the idw shattered glass series (the one that focused on starscream) the villians really just felt too one note. and that's kinda what inspired this rant. but anyways.) 
I think the best example of this would be Megatron and Optimus falling out.
In original canon, Optimus is fundamentally opposed to the Decepticon cause because he can’t support their methods. He believes that while their anti-functionalist ideology is correct, the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their worldview ultimately does more harm than good. 
However, that pisses Megatron off because he views it as Optimus choosing to support the autocratic dogma that is oppressing the people- choosing order over freedom (ironically). I think the core ideology of his (earlier) beliefs is that to achieve true equality, their society must be completely torn down and built anew. (Which I mean- fair.) So anyone who defends the good parts of their society is also allowing the bad parts to continue. 
For the Shattered Glass canon, this interpretation is what I would really focus on. The autobots being cold, and emotionless. They value rules over people. (lawful evil anyone?) I’m not sure if I would maintain functionalism underneath them- but I would definitely keep severe classism. In an autobot society, everything is buried under layers and layers of bureaucracy, in a way that keeps the poor poor, and the autobots in power. 
I think I’d also want to play into the matrix being a corrupting force, rather than a holy one. Religious indoctrination would be a big part of the autobot regime for sure- and that’s where I would see Optimus coming into complete control. Normally I don’t love evil artifacts (because I feel like they’re a copout for meaningful character development) but I think it’s the most plausible way Optimus could go from where he is at the start of canon to a full on dictator warlord. 
Meanwhile, Megatron continues his campaign of anti-functionalism. However, instead of turning to a more Machiavellian way of achieving victory, he believes that the only way to overcome oppression would be to protect the ones most affected by it. I think that “people don’t deserve what they can’t take by force” is a big part of canon Megatron’s ideology (rather, because the labor classes are physically more powerful than the upper class nobles, they deserve to be in control). However, in SG!, I think because Megatron knows what it’s like to be at the bottom of society, he would refuse to allow anyone else to be treated the same way (Tying into the “protect the weak” dogma of the canon autobots)
So. In summary. Seeing your favorite little guys all switched up is super fun. But LITERARY ANALYSIS is even MORE fun.
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solomonssock · 1 year
Made my mc and I as sheep!! Ty @gracedcoup for this awesome picrew. If you want to make one, you can here!!
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#poll results came in today and were just what i expected#in retaliation to the norm my MC pursues Mo#solomonssock speaks#i am going to dump about my thoughts bc seeing everyones cute MCs made me make my own#i still havent figured out her name but i thought it would be funny if we had the same first name and similar last names so that#when the summons were accepted we both showed up and were like LOL#listen //spoiler for season 1// i am not trying to get choked out by Belphegor but will jump in to try and stop him#she has all magical prowess and i have none but hey my background makes me pretty good for political and diplomatic work#aaa my mc is so cool tho i adore her and she is someone im always handing the aux to#her solomon and i can make an anti anti league to all other leagues#its a support group really#tier list of worst cooks goes solomon me then mammon but she is a great cook#i havent figured out their dynamics with everyone but she definitely has heart eyes for Mo and probably really close with Solomon and Satan#which is funny because then their initials spell out ASS LMAOOOO#im all into doing student council work since i kind of do it rn but she wouldnt love it and would probabky blow it off if she could#but she wouldnt bc theres no way in hell she'll let lucifer nag her she thinks its aggravating#i am sure no one is reading this but if you are i hope you're having a great day and remember to look up at the sky every once in a while#it'll remind you not to be too hard on yourself and not to take it all too seriously#ok back to writing
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crowtechs · 1 year
hjsdfkdsklhggdfjgdfjhfdh explodes
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
i wonder if the deltarune secret bosses will ever be as hard as Jevil again. Bc like, Jevil was hard, he was sooo fucking hard, he made my eye bleed more than once, only one who also managed that was spamton NEO solo, but that wasn't a secret boss it was the final, so Jevil remains to be the hardest secret boss for now.
On top of that, Jevil has the particularity of being a boss you can easily go back to, which is fair! Imagine if, like Spamton, you were locked from the main story after you open up his gay little cell. People have taken MONTHS to beat this goofy motherfucker, now imagine if you got locked forced to do that.
So there really are two possibilities: either future secret bosses aren't as tough as Jevil OR maybe they work just like him, allowing you to fight them whenever you want and later go back to the future. And I really doubt the later because, like, with Jevil that worked bc there was little to no interaction.
Third secret option is Toby decided to be mean and force you to pay for your actions but I think I'd be allowed to cancel him on Twitter if he did that for making my eyeball straight up blow up.
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bubbled-clouds · 2 years
local enby finds out they Aren’t built different, they just fail to see themselves as a human being
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making a podcast its due in an hour and nineteen minutes i havent even started recording let alone editing, but so far the scrcipt is the bomb
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kii2me2ii2 · 2 years
stop drawing trollsona caliborn when you KNOW he had a humansona !!!!!!
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katiemccabeswife · 2 months
Awkward Conversations Outfits
Alexia Putellas x Teen!Reader || Alexia overhears a conversation and assumes the worst, leading to a confusing and awkward conversation.
she wrote something! i apologise for the lack of fics but i don't want to give you guys some half-assed writing that i'm not proud of, and i haven't written anything anywhere near my own standards lately (not that i've been able to finish anything) so i hope you enjoy this and that i can get back into the grove of writing and give yous some more fics x
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"And then once I think I've figured it out, I second guess myself and think it's too ugly and that I'm going to be judged and then when I look around, there's just clothes everywhere and all I wanna do is out on my frumpiest sweats and cry into my pillow! I don't understand how you guys do it!" Alexia was stunned to hear you rant so freely about a subject she had never heard you utter a word about.
She walked through the door halting your conversation, "Hola, chicas!" She announced herself and watched you slump back into your chair while Ingrid and Frido shared a glance.
"Hola, Ale," You grumbled out, disheartened.
Ingrid struck up a new conversation between the four of you as the rest of the team began to trickle into the changing room. Alexia remained silent though, trying to come up with a reason as to why you wouldn't come to her about this sort of thing, why it had to be Ingrid and Frido you chose to confide in. While it would definitely be an awkward conversation, Alexia would be more than happy to have that sort of talk with you. After taking you in at a young age, you had both bonded so well your relationship resembled that of mother and daughter.
You noticed Alexia seemed to be a little distanced and quiet so you made a move to check in on her when the team started to head out to the pitch, "Hola, Ale," You greeted, wrapping your arms around her and pressing your cheek to hers.
Her arms came to hold yours but she moved her cheek away from yours to lay a quick peck to it, "Hola, bebé, everything ok?" She rested her cheek on yours once again, relishing in the closeness and comfort it provided.
Your brows furrowed slightly, "Of course, I actually came to check on you," You giggled.
Alexia sighed as she saw this as you deflecting. She pulled away from you wholey before holding your face between her palms, "Well thank you for thinking of me, I'm fine, thank you," She pecked her lips against your forehead, filling your soul with warmth, "You know you can always talk to me, right? About anything. No judgement, sí?" She was looking deep into your eyes for any sign of sadness or lies.
All she could find was confusion, "Sí, you sure you're feeling alright?" You jokingly placed the back of your hand on her forehead.
Alexia responded by shoving your head in the opposite way, "Enough now," The lightness in her tone assured you that she was only joking.
Training went on, as usual, you were paired with Keira for drills meaning that you never got the chance to speak directly to Alexia until you were heading out to her car. You spent the drive home with a furrow in your brow uncanny to the one that rested on Alexia’s face as the older woman remained quiet and seemed lost in thought.
Once you arrived home Alexia haphazardly threw the keys onto the kitchen counter before turning to you who stood awkwardly between her and your bedroom, “You can go shower, Cari, dinner should be ready in an hour,” The small, tight smile she wore forced you to reciprocate but filled your mind with anxiety and guilt that came from an unknown source.
After showering, unpacking and repacking your training bag you shuffled out to the living room stiffly to find Alexia resting on the couch, watching some trashy reality tv. Her head raised from its slumped position, “Hola, Princesa,” She tapped the seat next to her, signalling you to join her which you did instantly.
She wrapped her arms around you and ran her hands through your freshly washed hair, “Are you sure you are feeling alright?” She spoke softly but her tone was heavy with concern.
You shrugged your shoulders, admitting defeat, “I feel like you’re upset with me,” You mumbled into her chest, limbs tense and eyes trained on the tv.
You lowered your head as Alexia manoeuvred the two of you so you were facing one another, “Why would you think that?” She lifted your chin with her fingers.
“You just seem…off, and I can’t help but think that I had something to do with it because you seemed fine in training laughing with ‘Tana and stuff.” You unknowingly jutted out your bottom lip, reminding Alexia of your youth.
She shuffled apprehensively in her seat, “It’s just that I accidentally heard your conversation with Ingrid and Frido and felt a little upset you didn’t come to me about it,” She was shy to admit she had basically eavesdropped on your very private conversation.
“Oh,” Alexia was too busy looking everywhere but your eyes to notice the relief in your tone.
“So,” She shrugged now feeling awkward and uncomfortable, “Is there anything you want to ask me?”
“I guess just how you manage to feel sure of yourself and confident with whatever you’re wearing?” Alexia’s eyes bulged out of their sockets and her mind began to run 100 miles per minute.
She turned pink at the question, her reaction throwing you off significantly, “Wearing!? I didn’t think you- I thought-” She was stumbling over her words and by now you were in a state of total confusion. She managed to get herself together and forced out a string of advice, “Well, everyone looks different but everyone is beautiful and there is no one way to look and if you are truly scared your partner is going to judge you, you shouldn’t be with them, let alone trust them with your body,” She had you in the first half but your brain completely melted by the second.
You cut her off instantly, “Ale, what are you talking about? That whole conversation was about how I never know what to wear before games and going out to dinners, stuff like that. I was frustrated with how you, Ingrid, Frido and the whole team to be fair, always look so cool and confident. What are you thinking it was about?”
“¡Oh, gracias a Dios!” She looked to the ceiling as she fell against the back of the couch, “I thought it was a whole other conversation about something way more uncomfortable,” She laughed to herself.
“Oh, Ale! Gross!” You whacked her while joining in on her laughter.
She took a deep breath before continuing, “You just have to own what you’re wearing, you are gorgeous and will look good in anything! Trust me,” She emphasised when she saw you roll your eyes, “How about after dinner, we go look in your closet and pick out some outfits so this weekend you have options for before the game? Sí?” 
You nodded with a smile on your face, “Gracias, Ale,” You moved over to her and she wrapped you in her arms, laying a kiss on your temple. You stilled for a moment before taking a deep breath, “I think dinner is burning,” You said calmly.
Alexia hummed before taking in what you said, “¿Qué?” She yelled and pulled away, running to the kitchen as you doubled over with laughter.
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httpsserene · 7 months
Heyy, i was wondering if you could do an Toto wolff x reader. I was thinking kitchen sex?? Like Toto getting turned on because he found out that reader was trying to make him his beloved pumpernickel bread for breakfast. I’ve been seeing tiktoks of Toto and his love for pumpernickel bread, and was just wondering if you could write abt it, though it’s TOTALLY ok if you don’t. Sorry if this was a little messy, this is my first time rqsting something. ♥️
𝐭𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐰/𝐭. 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐟
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📖𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you make toto his favorite bread. he’s going to thank you for this surprise properly. 📖𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ only. explicit. implied age gap. kitchen sex. rambling about bread. unprotected sex. vaginal sex. morning sex. reader and toto are married. beta-read. 📖𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2.2k words 📖𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: toto wolff x fem!black!reader 📖𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: oneshot. 📖𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸: can't take my eyes off of you (i love you baby) • lauryn hill
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲: can you tell i did way to much research on the types of pumpernickel bread? no, well, i don’t care 🙂 i WAS NOT familiar with toto wolff and pumpernickel bread so a quick youtube search opened my eyes to it and uh what can i say, this was born. ALSO: i feel like i’ve self-diagnosed myself; i am ashamed to admit that my kink might be somebody making me their wife…because why can’t i go one fic without making the reader be referenced to as a wife (m sorry i crave love). i honestly feel like it could be better, but y’know i hope i did your request justice (sorry it took me so long, ktober beat my ass). anon! i hope you see this, and i hope all the toto wolff lovers enjoy !!!
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the yellow dish gloves on your hands protect your brown skin from most of the heat of the scalding tap water. the sound of your hums airily reverberate within the high ceilings of your open-plan kitchen as you clean the expensive dishes you’ve dirtied. you’ve taken off your wedding ring and placed it on top of your phone in the middle of the island to avoid any possibility of it falling down the drain or getting damaged. 
you woke up a little after dawn, quickly shutting off your alarm to avoid waking up your husband; it’s the off season for him, you won’t wake him up at insane hours when he’s not needed to work. sneaking out of bed was a battle of its own—there were several close calls as you struggled to slip out of the tight hold of the austrian man. it took seven minutes for you to escape his warm embrace, but you made it through by thinking of the surprise you were going to cook up for Toto—or bake up for him. it’s no secret to anybody that the mercedes team principal loves pumpernickel bread, and that he’s very particular about how he likes it. of course, there’s no way you would be able to make the traditional german pumpernickel bread before he woke up—it takes fourteen hours to cook and it needs to rest for an entire day to allow it to form properly into its crunchy, cookie-like consistency. so, you decided to make the simplified recipe that only takes roughly an hour and a half to bake and prepare, while the original takes its time cooking. your husband will have to be happy with the more loaf-like treat until his preferred bread is ready. you’ve never been more thankful to have two ovens. 
everything went well. both breads are prepped and baking away at their respective temperatures, and you’re carefully attempting to clean up the mess you’ve made in the process. you may not have been quiet enough based on the footsteps you hear heading your way. Toto pauses in the doorway and you smile, not needing to turn around to see the baffled expression on his face. you turn the faucet off and grab the cloth resting on the oven handle to dry your hands, “good morning, bär. slept well?” you teased gently with a small smile in Toto’s direction. you take an appraising glance of his form; he’s only wearing this pair of pajama pants covered in the mercedes logo (George gifted him those when the team did secret santa last year; Toto said he’d never wear them), leaving his toned torso exposed for your viewing pleasure, sleep lines from his pillow are still faint along his left cheek, and his hair is ruffled like he’s been running his hands through it. your husband nods half-heartedly, and blinks in confusion as he takes in the sight of you in the kitchen.
you're wearing one of his white button-up shirts—half of the buttons are fastened, the sleeves are rolled up and cuffed right above your elbow. you aren’t wearing a bra based on the way he can see how your nipples are pebbled through the shirt, and he assumes you’re only wearing underwear based on your bare legs. your feet are warmed by a pair of black, fuzzy house slippers, the bottom of the shirt rests along the middle of your thighs, and the collar is shifted to the side exposing your collarbone. your hair is free, allowed to rest however it wants to on this winter morning. he starts, making to finally enter the space of the kitchen and give you a proper morning greeting, but notices a smudge of flour along your jawline. and then he sees the baking utensils gathered in the sink, and a rich aroma starts to permeate the air. it smells slightly like coffee and slightly like dark chocolate—it’s sweet. then, it dawned on Toto, you’re baking pumpernickel bread. for him. his heart flutters; you usually sleep as late into the morning as possible, but today, you woke up at an insane hour just to make him his favorite bread from scratch. you’ve always teased him for how difficult he acts about his breakfast treat yet you sacrificed hours of sleep to please him. Toto’s mushy mindset is broken, as you cock your head at him, wondering why he hasn’t responded to you, and the collar of his your shirt shifts and falls to expose the top of your chest. mmm, yes, he should thank you properly.
you don’t even have time to register toto crossing the space between you, before your lips are interlocked in a passionate kiss. a shocked squeal is muffled against toto’s lips, as his large hands hold your waist steady, and your own hand flies up to hold his head. your other hand rises to tap at his chest frantically, as you begin to run out of air, and toto pulls away with an amused chuckle. dazedly, your hand on his chest pulls back to touch your lips, like you needed further verification that he just kissed you. 
Toto smirks, “good morning, schatz.”
you nod unsteadily, “yes—g-good morning.”
your husband laughs louder at your stutter, and tugs you into his chest for a proper hug, rubbing at the nape of your neck with a heavy hand. the two of you stand tangled in the middle of the kitchen, uncaring of how many seconds fly by, and your eyes flutter shut at the relaxing motion of Toto’s massaging hands. 
“i’m going to fuck you on the island, now, “ Toto informs you kindly.
you startle, pulling your head back to stare up at him with wide eyes. his gaze is serious, and you can’t help how your cheeks warm under his attention.
“well…” you murmur, “i’m not going to say no.”
from there, it’s all a rushed haze. you go from having two feet firmly planted on the tiled floor to being lifted and placed on the marble island as toto speeds through unbuttoning your collared shirt. you try to shrug it off, but Toto halts your motions firmly telling you to leave it on. you hum absently and pull him into a kiss. Toto moans into your mouth, and the sound has your hips bucking forwarding to grind against the bulge in his pants. his hands reaches for your left hip and assists you in grinding against him, and a sigh of pleasure parts your lips. the austrian eagerly slips his tongue into your mouth, and he tastes a bit of sugar from whatever you snacked on while making his bread. oddly, that causes more of his blood to rush south and he breaks the kiss to lean back and tug your panties off. 
you simultaneously pull his pajama pants down, and squirm happily at the fact that he slept without boxers. Toto gently guides you to lie back on the countertop, and coos softly when you shiver from the cold surface; he’ll warm you up soon. he pulls your panties off from where they were dangling around your right ankle and drops them to the floor, kicking them to the side along with his pants. tugging you forward, your ass rests on the edge of the counter and he leans down to press kisses on your throat.
moaning highly, you crane your neck to expose its full length to his mercy. your right hand tangles in his hair to guide him exactly where you want, your left hand holds at his shoulder for support, with your nails digging into the meat of his muscles. Toto pauses, and pulls back to grab your left hand. a broken whine falls from your lips, and you buck your hips upward searching for friction, the slide of his cock along your folds feels delicious. his knees buckle at the sensation, and he forces your hips back down with his free hand, as he pulls your left hand in front of him to look at it.
“where’s your ring, liebling?” Toto asks, warm eyes focused on your bare ring finger. you laugh disbelievingly, amused and surprised at the fact that he managed to feel the absence of your wedding ring, and pull your hand out of his grasp smoothly. you reach behind you and pluck your ring from its spot on top of your phone, and slide it back on your finger. brandishing your ringed-hand in his eyeline, you impatiently try and buck your hips upward to no avail, his one-handed hold on you is unbreakable. 
“okay! fuck me—now, please,” you demand desperately.
Toto hushes you, and holds your left hand steady. he stares into your eyes as he presses a kiss on the wedding ring he bestowed you with. your cheeks burn hot, and you roll your eyes as if your heart didn’t liquify at the show of devotion. your husband guides himself to your entrance, and pushes in carefully—thankful he fucked you open last night. you whimper softly, tender and sore, but you nod frantically to encourage Toto to push further in. he groans throatily as he bottoms out, throwing his head back in pleasure, and your moan harmonizes at the feeling of fullness. the stretch burns slightly, but you’re more focused on achieving an orgasm than the space he caves out in your walls. 
you squeeze your knees around his waist, and grind up on him to encourage him to move. Toto grabs your left leg, bringing it to rest over his shoulder, while your right leg remains resting on his waist, both fuzzy slippers falling from your feet at the movement. it has him sliding slightly deeper inside you, and a spark of pleasure races up your spine. Toto begins to thrust, setting a quick pace from the get go. he fucked you open eight hours ago and the tightness of your cunt has him considering that he didn’t fuck you well enough. the bruises in the shape of his hands on your hips suggest differently. it’s ridiculous, how lost the two you get in each other’s bodies. your moans are punched out of you with every thrust, his cock dragging against your most pleasurable spot every time he sinks in you. Toto should be embarrassed at how quickly this is ending, but your sounds are too erotic for there to be any other outcome. 
he lays his hand on your navel, gently adding pressure over where he’s reaching inside of you, while his thumb circles rapidly over your clit. your back arches sharply as you screech from the unexpected flare of pleasure, raking your nails down his back in thin red lines as you cum at the added stimulation. it’s a multitude of sensations and emotions that had you hurtling over the edge quicker than you thought possible, and Toto has no choice but to follow you into the abyss, unable to hold back his orgasm at the unbearably hot and wet grasp of your cunt. your husband rocks into you through the afterglow, pausing only when you start to whimper in too much, and not feeling good. staring up at toto with a blissed-out smile and half-lidded eyes, you sigh sweetly as he slips out and leans down to kiss you again. the press of his lips is syrupy sweet and you find yourself getting lost under the feeling of him pouring his love and devotion into you—even though you don’t need the reminder—and the timer you’ve set on your phone blares jarringly causing you and toto to jump apart, startled. 
“what the fuck,” Toto deadpans as you scramble around to turn off the alarm. 
you sigh in relief once the aggravating sound is silenced, and nudge at Toto’s hip with your foot, “well—don’t just stand there! get the bread out before it burns!”
the austrian huffs exaggeratedly, like it’s such a chore, and pulls on the oven mitts to take out the pumpernickel bread adaptation after you direct him to the proper oven, not wanting him to disturb the traditional bread baking. the sight of the known headphone-smashing, hothead mercedes team principal completely naked spare for a pair of oven mitts is amusing, enough that you can’t quiet your snort, uncaring of how Toto glares at you. he places the baking tin on the cooling rack you set to the side, and hums happily at the aroma—even though it’s a far cry from the usual bread he prefers. like the oaf he is, Toto reaches to pull a piece of the fresh pumpernickel to eat, but with lightning quick speed you reach over and slap his hand away before he defiles the bread. 
“aht aht! what do you think you're doing? it needs at least forty-five minutes to cool before you can take a slice,” you scold the grown man.
Toto pouts (astounding, honestly), and then he brightens considerably, a sleazy smirk spreading across his lips, “ah? we have time for a second round then, maybe three…” you laugh hysterically, ignoring the way your stomach flips pleasingly at the suggestion, and slide off the counter, buttoning up your collared shirt, and you bend down to pick up the discarded pieces of clothing lying on the floor, “there’s no way you manage to get hard twice in forty-five minutes, old man–” Toto balks at your words–he’s really not old, or at least not that old, “–however, it’s enough time to finish washing the dishes you distracted me from doing.”
taglist: @saintslewi@cherry2stems@lorarri@inloveallthetime@mindless-rock@biancathecool@barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz
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© httpsserene2023
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cgnab · 4 months
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pairings: hyung.line x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw(mdni!!) , filming , fingering , daddy kink , mommy kink , sub!binnie , dom!minho , begging .
author: two posts in one day ˙Ⱉ˙ ?!! also don’t ask why chan’s feels longer '◡' .
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“ look how wet you are—have you been playing with yourself ? “
he says as he’s sliding his dick into your entrance . He suggested filming both of you while you’re fucking so he could watch them when he’s away .
he inserts the tip inside you making you whine , wanting to have him fully inside .
“ channie—daddy want you inside me please!! “
“ there there , baby . I’ll fuck you as much as you want— “
he then slides his whole dick inside you slowly as to not make you feel any pain .
“ ah , ah you’re so tight baby , so good for me— “
he starts fucking you faster making you moan more into the mattress .
“Da—daddy!! So big , so big!! Ah— “
“ am I making you feel good baby? Want me to fuck you deeper huh? “
He starts fucking you faster , making you feel like cumming hard . But he suddenly stops just before you cum .
“ daddy—daddy , I was gonna c-cum . “
“I know baby , but don’t you wanna put a show for the camera huh? I’ll make you cum as much as you want baby . “
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“Yah , stop squirming around— “
he slaps your ass , so hard . he displayed the camera on an angle so it shows how good his cock with disappear into your cunt .
“ looks like my bunny want to get it hard huh? “
you were trying not to get out a moan instead of answering him .
he then slaps your ass hard , “ are you that cockdrunk that you can’t answer? “
“ m-min—move please!! “
“ oh I’m not going to baby , looks like you need to beg more . “
He then starts thrusting slowly , teasing you .
“ min!! Pleasepleasepleaseplease— “
he starts thrusting faster than before fucking you deeper , his tip hitting your cervix .
“ do you wanna cum—ah , do you? my little bunny . gonna cum inside you and fill ya up—fuck . “
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“ Bunny you’re riding me so good—ah! “
he tried to reach for your hips , but all he earned was a slap on his hand .
“ No no , no touching until I say baby . “
he really wants to touch you , he just wants to flip you onto the mattress and fuck you like a rabbit in heat .
“ ma-mommy!! g-gonna cum—gonna inside you mama!! “
then all of a sudden you stop riding him .
“ no bunny you won’t cum until I do , alright buns?? “
“ b-but ma— “
“ ah uh , no talking back to mama , let me cum first ok? “
you then take the camera to make him hold it , he’d probably forget to hold it still and focus on you riding him faster .
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“ fuck baby , clenching on me so hard—ah “
“ j-jinnie , wanna cum—wanna cum on your cock jinnie!! “
he holds your hips harder , then starts to fuck onto you harder .
“ you feel so good—shit!! I might cum a-anytime . “
you could feel yourself dripping from how much he has been fucking onto you , your things stained by your cum .
“h-hyun—daddy!! Daddy gonna cum on your cock please please!! “
He could feel himself cum right now .
“ W-whatcha say baby—I’m your daddy?? Yea—fucking into you good fuck— “
After a few thrusts you feel yourself cum on him so hard . “ f—fuck baby , cummin-cumming omg— “
after a few sloppy thrusts of his you could feel him cumming inside you , filling you good .
“ oh shit-looks like we got the camera dirty baby , looks like we should do it again— “
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(≧σ≦)₊˚✩Hello!! its Nana!! Hope you liked this fic hehe :3 if you’re planning on following me , please don’t be a minor!! Bc my blog is mainly 18+ , check my other posts if you’d like !! Sending a dms or a request in my inbox motivates me to write more!!
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© CGNAB , 2024 ★
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
also guess who’s back can i ask for a athena!daugter reader where it’s kinda like Annabeth trying to tell the reader that “hey clarisse is bad she tried to fucking kill percy she’s evil” and the reader us kinda tries to convince her that Clarisse really isn’t that bad😔
(i love your work girl and your end memes please do more 🔥‼️)
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She’s the only one I got
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x daughter of Athena reader
An- fun-fact clarisse loves Dr Pepper It’s cannon Go read the sea of monsters. She’s literally perfect I can’t
An pt 2 - I Hope this is ok i wasn’t really sure what to write but it’s ok bc I’m just a girl
Pt 1 — Pt 2
Palestine aid link
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“Are you serious?!” Annabeth yelled, a few of your other siblings backing her up.
You however were standing infront of the full length mirror inside your cabin fixing your outfit which was a pair of bellebottoms and a camp sweater. “Look Annie i get your our counselor and your the smartest out of us all but your not the smartest when it comes to relationships”
“And now she’s starting to sound like an Aphrodite kid” Malcom your brother rolled his eyes before returning to his book. You shot him a hateful look. “All right fine Your right I don’t get relationships like you but I do know clarisse”
“Really?” You sarcastically spoke just wanting the argument to be over. Grabbing some hoops you were deciding between the two different pairs. “Yeah, Clarisse is a hateful arrogant and rude person. She makes fun of our cabin with her siblings and didn’t she use to make fun of you to”
Deciding on the star shape hoop you put the earring in. “Fine! Fine ok I get it but I promise you clarisse is not like that ok she’s sweet, she loves me Annie why don’t you get that” you sighed facing your sister.
The shorter girl crossed her arms, leaning against a desk inside the studious cabin. “Because she’s a bitch”
“I’m 12 why are you giving me shit for cussing you cuss”
“Because I’m 16 you’ve still got two years before you morally can curse now stop.. damn about to make me get Luke” you sighed shaking your head. Facing back to the mirror you analyzed your look.
Annabeth rolled her eyes looking away for some time before facing you once again. “I still don’t trust you being alone with her..”
After finally having enough you turned towards the wiser girl. “Know what fine you can spy on us during our date today, then you’ll see she’s not such a terrible person and you’ll finally get off my ass… deal” you crossed your arms looking down at annabeth.
Your younger sister looked around for a moment feeling somewhat threatened by you before nodding in defeat. “Great” you sighed stepping back, grabbing a small drawstring bag and a book on the stars, you threw on your shoes before leaving.
You were sitting in a clearing in the woods, a blanket set out with some strawberries and a pack of Dr Pepper you bought from the Hermes cabin. Annabeth was positioned behind a tree with her cap of invisibility on.
Eventually clarisse showed up. “Five minutes late” you jokingly chastised her.
“Shut up I’m on time” she scoffed sitting down beside you on the blanket. Pulling you into her some she kissed you softly. Her hands finding themselves on your waist
Bringing yourself back you leaned over grabbing a soda, handing it over to the curly haired girl. “Mmhm so how was running around like a fool for the entire morning?”
Clarisse rolled her eyes taking the drink In a harsh joking manner. “First of all its called training and secondly it was actually alot of fun, how was staying up all night to just watch some stupid dots in the sky”
Scrunching your nose at the girl you gave her a sarcastic look. “Yeah you think your so funny huh”
“Yeah I do”
“Mmhm” you knew clarisse was looking at your lips— she wasn’t subtle about it. Tired of her just imagining it you leaned in kissing her again. The playful banter between you two faded away while clarisse deepened the kiss
As much as you wanted to makeout with your girlfriend you weren’t doing it infront of your sister. Pulling back you placed a hand on clarisses arm while darting your eyes to some trees around you with a smile.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows but made a signal to her head almost mimicking a hat. Nodding you knew clarisse understood annabeth was spying on you two.
“Whatever this is stupid” clarisse gave you a teasing look. “What being on a date with your girlfriend? Yeah it’s so stupid” you responded in the same tone.
Clarisse rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not. What I meant” shaking her head you watched as clarisse reached over to her spear grabbing a plastic bag.
Handing it over to you you looked inside. “No way clarisse did you”
“Yeah I did. Your not gonna embarrass me about it if I own up to it” she continued to mess with you. Opening the bag you smiled as your girlfriend made you chocolate chip cookies with the nymphs in the kitchen. “Your the sweetest you know” you becoming flustered while you looked at the treats.
She just rolled her eyes with a smile, laying down clarisse moved around to lay her head in your lap. “Woah careful clarisse you might admit you actually like me a boring Athena kid remember”
“Mmhm Same can be said about you what was that about me being a bitchy ares kid?” She bit back. Flicking her forehead lightly just to get back at her.
You smiled while playing with one of the girls curls. You loved clarisse, wanting to proudly say it but worried you’d scare the girl off so for now you’d settle on just this.. cute dates with her, sneaking into her cabin to spend the night with her and just enjoying the silence with her.
After some time you knew annabeth had left after all she had gotten all the proof she needed. Clarisse knew it to.
“I love you” it finally left your lips. You noticed clarisses body tense making you regret the decision immediately. Clarisse however grabbed your hand kissing your knuckles. “I guess I love you to”
“Shut up”
“Why You Said you loved me”
Annabeth - Fine she’s not a bitch
Clarisse - *having a Stare off with annabeth*
Clarisse - do we have a Problem
Y/n - dude..
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worldlxvlys · 5 months
the reader doesn't respond because of some reason (you can make it up) and he starts panicking and saying cute things to the reader(in "I don't want to lose you" mode..)and when he arrives at the reader's house after a few hours without the reader responding, she is not there and you can invent the rest because I have no idea for the rest but I love you sm I love your stories and how you write and marry me i love you sm
texts w/ dealer w benefits! chris (part 19)
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: just cursing
a/n: thank you so much, i’m so glad you like my writing :) also 💍 when’s the wedding ???
hope you like <333
dwb! chris masterlist
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(thoughts are bolded + italicized)
i knocked on the door repeatedly, but there was no answer.
i dug into my pocket, searching for the spare key she gave me.
once i felt it, i pulled it out and opened her door.
“baby, are you here?” i yelled out.
i searched through every room in her house, starting to get even more worried.
when i got to her room, i saw her wallet on the ground, but not her.
where would she have gone without her wallet ?
why isn’t she answering her phone ?
is she safe ?
no! we’re not going there, she is fine.
she has to be.
i opened the Find My Friends app, deciding to check her location.
yeah, dumbass, maybe you should’ve done that first.
when i clicked on her iphone’s location, my heart dropped to my ass.
fuck . fuck. fuck.
why is her location off.
what do i do?
suddenly, i heard a loud bang from the front of the house.
heheheehe cliffhanger 😈
(i thought about it tho)
ok continue reading 🤗
my head snapped towards the noise, my heart racing.
what the fuck was that.
before i knew it, there she was, standing right in front of me.
chris stood in front of me, looking worried.
damn, that noise must’ve scared him.
“sorry, baby, i literally just walked straight into my front door, didn’t mean to scare you” i chuckled.
suddenly, he came rushing towards me, giving me a big hug.
surprised, i hugged him back.
“you ok, chris?” i asked.
“fuck, ma, you scared me. why didn’t you answer your phone?”
i looked at him, confused. then, a realization hit me like a ton of bricks.
“oh my gosh, i completely forgot to tell you! it wouldn’t turn on so i took it to get fixed. it’s still there, i just forgot my wallet so i came back real quick”
“i’m so sorry if i worried you, baby. i should’ve-“ he cut me off with a hard kiss to the lips.
he kissed me with so much love and passion, as if he thought it was going to be our last. it was an emotional kiss and it made me realize
i really scared him.
when we pulled away, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“no need to apologize, baby. i’m just so fucking glad that you’re ok, i was starting to go insane”
he gave me a peck to my nose, then another to my lips.
“does this mean when my phone is fixed it’s gonna be filled with spam texts from you?”
his eyes widened a bit, “yeahh, there’s no need to even read those” he said, his voice getting a tad bit higher in pitch.
i tilted my head, now amused. “oh? now i’m definitely reading them” i said, laughing at him.
he laughed with me, shaking his head.
“and by the way? i’m not going anywhere anytime soon” i told him “your ass is stuck with me”
“wouldn’t have it any other way” he smiled at me “even though you annoy the absolute shit out of me”
i rolled my eyes at him, “you were literally quivering when i walked in” i teased him.
his face scrunched up “that is not true”
i grabbed my wallet, starting to walk away.
“hey” he said as he started to follow me out “that’s not true, don’t start telling people that!” he said.
i love this goofy ass kid.
heheheehe 😇
hope you liked <333
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @chanelsturn @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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argreion · 4 months
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Cuts and Band-aids
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Val Here — So, uh, stupid self-indulgent fluff? I really badly just want to have a domestic life with Leon, you don't understand. I need to be stupid and laugh at his shitty dad jokes. Then play with his hair and fall asleep with cuddles. I am a simple woman, am sorry guys… Also going off Google with this.
(Also Tumblr decided to hide this for an hour so uh... Yeah, that happened. 😭 Am I making a big deal out of it? Yes. That shit literally scared me.)
Warnings — None, just fluff. And slightly OOC Leon, cause I like goofy Leon. Ok, maybe pretty OOC Leon but I think Domestic Leon and Mission Leon are pretty different ngl… Also, shit writing too, dialogue isn't my strong suit. 😭
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All this started with was cuddling in bed one night, being curious about one simple thing…
“Could I possibly shave your stubble, Leon?” An innocent question, as a gesture of affection towards him; something small and sweet.
Surprising him, as he proceeded to check his phone. Looking over his shoulder with shocked eyes, nodding in response.
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“Am I doing this right?” You asked as you applied shaving cream to the lower half of his face. Sitting up on the bathroom counter, with Leon leaning into you slightly. Watching him appear like a cat, scratched under the chin with a shit-eating grin.
“Mhm, I hope you know the basics of shaving. Do you need some private lessons on this, hm? Do I have to be Mr. Kennedy? Private shaving tutoring with Mr. Kennedy?” Leon purred, allowing you to maneuver his face in whatever way you wished. Feels like a model with a brush on his face, beauty at its finest.
“Uh, I know the thing about the grain. Against the grain?” Ok, maybe you didn't exactly know how to shave. It seemed harder to shave a face, rather than arm hair or leg hair. You didn't even have facial hair, so you had no room to talk in such a department. “How do you do against the grain?”
Aw, you poor, poor thing…
Leon sighed, explaining as you continued to cover his face in shaving cream; with the brush he provided ever so courteously, “'Ight, so, it ain't like shaving an arm. At least in my opinion, 'cause my opinion is absolutely amazing, and you shouldn't put cereal before milk.”
Ok, smart ass, maybe you'll be a lunatic and do milk before cereal… Sike.
“That opinion is shit, and you know it.” You laughed, putting the shaving brush away on the bathroom counter. Watching as Leon proceeded to ready the razor, like a jeweler appraising a diamond. Leon often looked this way when he cleaned his gun.
“Maybe you're the one with a shit opinion, ion know.” He chuckled, sliding the razor into your hand. “There, now it's time for Mr. Kennedy to work his charm and school you on shaving.”
Leon coughed, his face taking on a 'dignified' look as he raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips. Taking your hand in his, and giving you a hands-on approach toward his shaving.
Gently guiding your hand in a way that went against the way his facial hair grew. A slight sound came from it, and bits of hair following the trail.
“So, miss, what do you notice?” This 'teacher' asked, letting you do the second swipe yourself. Arms crossed over his chest, seemingly pleased with his shit attempt at teaching you.
“That you look very stupid? Or the fact that you missed a spot?” You answered, taking his jaw in your hands to move his face in an appropriate direction. He did, in fact, miss a spot. Poor man's ego probably took a hit.
“Damn it.” Leon sighed, his expression falling as he let his face rest. Letting out a faint hum as he watched your face focus; such care in doing something so simple.
“Seeing you focus is adorable, y'know?” He now said, was he attempting to woo you further? As if cheesy jokes, blanket hogging, and a breakfast lover weren't already enough. Focusing was his new target?
“I'm charmed, but I have a man at home.”
Shaving his face was a little over halfway done, having to do underneath his jaw and possibly his mustache. Seeing Leon raise an eyebrow at you as you began to do underneath his jaw. Oh really, a man at home? Oh my, what could ever be his name?
“I bet I could be better than that man.” Of course, you could be, dumbass. It's literally you.
“I dunno, he's definitely charming, but he's a bit of a... What's the best word? Clod? Dolt? Dumbass?” There were multiple words to describe Leon at points. The way he would burn his mouth when eating, knock things over, clearly need glasses, and proceed to not wear a damned motorcycle helmet. How many times did you yell at him? Then he would proceed to give a sheepish smile, runoff, and come back saying, “So, uh, honey! My motorcycle crashed on the freeway!” Absolute dumbass, but it was sweet. He was sweet.
He was sweeter than honey, almost too sweet. Seeing as he always kissed your knuckles or palms. An aged cat that just wanted to be loved, and love back.
“I bet he's delighted you call him such wonderful names. I'll call you... Amore mio bellissimo.” Leon purred, looking up to catch himself in the mirror. A smile graced his face, alongside a cut. The sudden movement of him moving his face caused the blade of the razor to cut him. Seeing a now thin, bright red mark on his jaw.
Oof, you did a little fuck-up. “Err... Band-aid?” You suggested, face a little uncertain as he brushed a finger over it. “Kind of moved your face, should've learned this now.”
“I know.” It was all he responded with, letting himself stare into his soul. A little creepy, but he often dazed off into his own world. Doing paperwork, before bed, coming from a mission, and when you showered together, too.
“Stop looking gloomy, gumdrop.” Gum drop? That just randomly popped out of your mouth. Ew, you're starting to sound like Leon when he's drunk. Clinging to you like a child, crying that you're so good to him. Delighted and honored, he held you in such a high regard.
“Gumdrop? I've rubbed off on you, honeybun.” He teased, that signature Kennedy toothy smile appearing. Cute little dimples on his face. Damn you.
Why did your face feel warm? A groan came from your lips as he had successfully wooed you in the stupidest ways. Reaching behind you into the band-aid box, feeling around for at least one normal-sized band-aid. Leon, why'd you always buy the big ass ones?
While you did that, Leon finished the rest of his face, splashing water all over his face as he finished. Rubbing underneath his eyes, muttering to himself that he needed to do something with his eye bags. Good, he's distracted...
Maybe you did like to fuck around and find out. Being able to fish out a Hello Kitty band-aid. Heh, you can play the small stupid game of pranks as well. Well, this wasn't exactly a prank. But it usually got a rise out of him in small ways. Pulling the back off and sticking it quickly on his face.
Was he appalled? Possibly, seeing as he stood there for a second. Maybe multiple seconds? Why did a small cold sweat break down your neck as he glanced towards you? Lips pursed as he judged the 'fashion choice' of such a band-aid.
“What's this dog again?” Leon asked, squinting as he turned his face to get a better look. That's right, he didn't even know what Hello Kitty was, did he? It was basically something for girls, and judging by the way he would watch raunchy cartoons. Yeah, he wouldn't know it's Pompompurin. It was too out of his league.
“That, my friend, is Pompompurin. Big name, I know. I botched it, so many times, till a little teenager screamed at me for it.” You laughed, recalling the small memory of it. Pausing as Leon gave a kiss to your cheek. More red blooming on your cheeks. Quick and sly, always the way he was.
“Well, guess I get to have a pee-colored band-aid on my face now, huh? Multiple kinds of hydrated, too.” Duly noted, never introduce you to a dog or Sanrio ever again. Only took ten seconds in, and you had to say something flavorful. No, something you want to slap him respectfully for.
“You always ruin cute things, God damn.” Never got old, you respectfully ruined the other. He got pee-colored band-aids, and you got a drive-by ass-wise. The equal playing field in this relationship.
“You just can't appreciate my art, can you?” He questioned, giving another kiss on your cheek before proceeding with his normal morning routine.
“You can't appreciate the art of me learning to shave your stubble? Not even a thank you?” Reusing his words in a way against him, watching him roll his eyes and meet your gaze.
“Thank you, babe.” Was all he said to make a small smile appear on your face. Earning a kiss on his lips.
“Love you.”
“Love you too, maybe pee colored band-aids are go—”
“Oh, shut the actual fuck up.”
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