mychemicalbrromance · 22 days
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BIRTHDAY POST FOR MITHRUN Ik it was yesterday, i made it posting it last minute on my instagram but not here bc i had 2 go to bed. Enjoy My Silly/Cringe Ass Comic Thing Boy. YAY !
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pieflavoredartz · 1 year
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the jojo when he lands, dawg🐰
og unda the cut
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writeouswriter · 2 months
*banging fists on table* more mentally ill characters in stories that aren't just about them being mentally ill! More mentally ill characters in sci-fi, in fantasy, in romance and fun and high stakes situations and everything in between, as the heroes, as complex individuals, multifaceted and treated with respect, not having their needs and differences ignored or skirted around but, again, not having them be their only trait or plot point/entire premise! Please, I'm begging, on my hands and knees, there's a place for these topics and characters in realistic, reflective and literary fiction, yeah, but there's also a place in those magical, mystical, action packed, mysterious and alien worlds, give them to ME
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peppziii · 1 year
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some of my most recent jojo art
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tlcartist · 1 year
I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate JJBA's willingness to explore morally grey characters, especially as the series progresses. At the end of the day, this facet of a character is what keeps me engaged, because you have an (often) deeply flawed person doing their best to achieve their goals, protect the people they care about, and to survive. I genuinely don't think it'd have the same effect if this series was full of Perfect Heroes.
JoJo protagonists (with the exception of Jonathan but I'll discuss that in another post), are messy. Yes they're strong and brave and have a sense of justice but they're also rude, con artists, manipulative, and hurt/kill people as they see fit. And honestly? I love it. I wouldn't have them any other way. It humanizes them. It transforms characters who essentially have superhuman or even godlike abilities and makes them relatable. They struggle with guilt, regret, shame, and anger just like anyone else. They have damaging coping mechanisms. They sometimes take their frustrations out on people who don't deserve it. They're fucked up just like a regular person.
The whole point of this is creating a world where there are no true Good Guys. Everyone's hands are dirty. AND YET, in spite of all of this they still have good hearts. This series could have very easily taken a turn in the other direction and gone the nihilistic route but it doesn't. JoJo could have become a series full of nothing but characters who are only motivated for selfish reasons but it isn't. Not to be cliche, but, at it it's core JoJo is a series about love and friendship and protecting it at any cost. It understands that the connections we have with each other are stronger than any stand. That no matter how fucked up a protagonist or supporting character is they still have the potential to do good. This is a story where, at the end of the day, love will always prevail and I think that's pretty damn wonderful.
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Me and some friends were joking about jojo parodies of Welcome Home and... this happened! xDDD
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frownyalfred · 2 months
What if Bruce got pregnacy cravings, but because he is carrying half Kryptonians, it's something weird? Like, all of the sudden, those family gems that have been passed down through generations suddenly look delicious? Or finds himself gnawing on pencils or pens when he's never had that habit before (and starts looking at an antique chair leg like he wants to do the same thing)? 🤔
Alfred starts putting that edible gold leaf in Bruce's smoothies to combat this. Jason teases him about his literal expensive tastes. Clark is already thinking of where he can go to find more precious gems and metals to give/feed to his mate. Lex is helping him by telling Clark where his company found gem/mineral deposits when he was mining for krytonite :)
Oh my goodness. His poor TEETH. Maybe he can just chew ice and chill out?
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bthump · 27 days
Is Griffith like supposed to be way older in the anime/movies? Berserk fandom is now calling Charlotte/Griff p*dophilia when I’m 99.9% sure that they only have a 1 year age gap (17 & 18 at the end of Golden Age) between them in the manga. I’ve also seen people say it’s wrong to ship him with Guts because of the age gap???. I’m like what age gap??? Doesn’t Guts say they’re about the same age? They’re listed as being the same age in the official guidebook.
My understanding is that (I think) the companion art book for the ovas says that Griffith is three years older than Guts, for some reason, and people searching for reasons to hate Griffith seize on that to call him a pedophile lol.
But you're absolutely right that the only thing we ever hear about Griffith's age in canon is that he's about as old as Guts, ie fifteen at the start of the Golden Age and eighteen when he sleeps with Charlotte. The official guidebook is correct in this instance. I mean he could easily be slightly younger than Guts, for all we know.
But also lol @ the idea that it's wrong to ship characters with a three year age gap, or that an age gap is what makes griffguts ~*~*~problematic~*~*~
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dilfiesz · 1 year
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and shoots an arrow through my ♡.
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knightofleo · 1 year
“When I be complaining about food prices, and y’all muthafuckas be like, ‘Ain’t you rich? Why you complaining about lettuce? Why you complaining about this?’ that goes to show me when you become successful, when you have money, you’re gonna go broke soon,” she said. “Because y’all not budgeting. I get a summary of the money that’s being spent in my home every week. So, when I’m starting to see that groceries is tripling up, it’s like, ‘Ay yo, what the fuck is going on?'”
According to Cardi, when she went to the supermarket to find out where her money was going, she saw the “tripled up” grocery prices for herself. “Lettuce was like $2 a couple of months ago, now it’s like fucking [$]7. Of course, I’ma say something,” she said. “‘Cause if I think that shit is crazy, I can only imagine what middle class people or people in the hood is motherfucking thinking. So, yes, I’m going to say something. The fuck! And I have a big platform, so I do want anybody that’s responsible [for] these fucking prices to put that shit the fuck down.”
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gavran-vrani · 1 year
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it's the birthday boy
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 6 months
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pieflavoredartz · 3 months
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late kiraboss the twelveth pieces n.. moriohpyscho❓❓ invasive species pfft GET IT NOW‼️‼️
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zeebreezin · 1 month
I totally get why I bounced off Fallen London the first time I tried to get into it after now redoing some of the earliest stuff. It just kinda Is
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thatone-artsytkid · 2 months
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